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piano and blue lilies.


my girls had their piano recital last night.


we curled hair…painted toenails….and had annie's favorite dinner….noodles with red sauce.  :)

we drove the 10 minutes to the church and i thought "wow they are quiet"
as we turned into town annie said quietly "i am really nervous"  and talby said "I know! me too!"
that's why they were quiet.
i reminded them that the other parents were there to watch their child and they were only really playing for me and dad and Nana.  and we certainly didn't care if they messed up on their songs.  we recalled the Arthur episode where he thought he'd messed up his entire song and no one else even noticed.  

they played a duet first of Yankee Doodle.

then annie was next to play solo.  
she couldn't find her page and she seemed about one second from a break down but her teacher hopped up to
help her out.  
you may remember annie's first recital experience.    
As long as there were no tears i was going to feel it was a success.

IMG_0468-4 IMG_0471-5

they each played their own songs.  
they did great!
i know they were SO nervous but they did a really good job.


i know they are glad it's over and they get a month off from practicing now.
Marissa was a wonderful teacher this year!
My girls never complained about piano once….that tells me a lot.


then off to Mcdonalds for recital Mcflurries.  :)

craig took the girls home to get them to bed and i came to the craft house waiting for some friends.
i sewed curtains while i waited.
and at 10:45 they finally rolled into town knocking on my door.


the blue lilies were coming through kansas and i begged them to stay overnight with me.
it was much to short.
but at least i sent them on their way with some Drubers donuts in their tummies.
i could have used at least another day to just talk and hang out.
at least.
it's just too short!

are you on their photo schedule?  
you should be?!!

wendy + tyler and their absolutely wonderful kiddos travel the entire world taking family photos.
and they will most likely come somewhere near you.
i mean come on….i am in NoWhere Kansas and they've been here!!!

they were on their way to a GoPro workshop they are hosting in Washington DC!
i think they may have a spot left if you can make it there!
you should do it.
i have been and i thought it was THE BEST.  
i learned so much and it was a total blast!
i went to GoPro in San Diego and a reunion GoPro in Utah.  and pics here. and pics here too.
AND they took our pictures in chicago and here in kansas! 

how is that for a lot of links?!!!

thank you blue lilies for coming and buying my donut!  :) 


my hair appointment got rescheduled for today.
i bet i can actually make dinner in the the crock pot.
i am planning on doing yard work this afternoon.
and probably a little more spray painting.  


what about you…what are you up to today?


Alicia D - this post takes me back to my own piano recital. the girls are SO cute. congrats to them!

Megan Duerksen - I used to babysit Marissa and her brothers when I was in college – she’s such a great girl! Can’t believe she’s old enough to teach piano lessons!

AJ Klaassen - Drubers Daylight Donuts! Whaaat?!?! I had no idea you lived in/around Newton, KS! (fairly new blog reader, so apologies if this has been covered and I’m just out of it…) Much of my family is from Newton and Whitewater and I have such fond memories of going to Druber’s with Grandma and Grandpa when visiting. Can’t wait to get back soon to see Grandpa, family – and of course, get a peanut butter roll from Drubers 🙂 Thanks for such a fun, colorful, craft-filled blog!

Robin Thengvall - Yay for Wendy and Tyler :)…. we just got to see them in Colorado… Tyler was so awesome with our boys… got them to smile and laugh! Loved him! SO excited to see our pics 🙂 Amazing how fun it was taking family pictures!!

Lauryn - Talby is growing up so fast. She is going to be a heart breaker. She is gorgeous.

Amber P. - Love your blog! And Wendy+Tyler’s. And Ashley Ann. I read you all every morning! Got to meet the BlueLilies last year in Dallas and it’s amazing how, in an hour they had me really understanding how to shoot in manual. Wish list: Craft Weekend and GoPro… Someday!
Have a great day!

April R - I am going to stop putting off calling the piano teacher so my kids can get back into their lessons 🙂

Lori Austin - Good job girls! Enjoy your time off. 🙂

Jill - Sunshine here! Oh my! LOVE IT!
My girls use the same line of piano books and just played Yankee Doodle! How funny! I get nervous when I think “recital” too and I don’t have to play!
Have a wonderful day!

Lisa - Honestly Meg, your little girls are precious, and your relationship with them just warms my heart.

Wendy - Meg- you are simply awesome. We enjoyed our TOO short stay with you and look forward to seeing you again. This time- we will put tyler in some craft settings and take pictures. It will be perfect.
We adore you.

Kim G - I am painting a small desk for my kid’s game room. It is yellow, the same yellow that you used on your craft house chairs. When my kids tell me the desk is going to be yellow, I actually correct them and say it is going to be ‘whatever yellow’. Thanks for all your inspiration. I also made dinner in the crockpot and had roasted broccoli {our best bites recipe} - I love how hard Annie is concentrating!! So cute!!

Kathryn - piano recitals are SO stressfull! (ancient history at our house) So glad it went well for your girls!!

Kathryn - Hey I think I know your girls’ piano teacher . . . a student? . . . I think she dates my son’s look-alike twin Nathan!

stephany - We (me, my 4-1/2 year old, and 2-1/2 year old) hit 5 Goodwills, IKEA for lunch and shopping, and then picked my mother-in-law up at the airport.
We’re finally settling down for bedtime on the west coast.
BTW, found 5 globes at Goodwill today…awesome!
stephany @ home is what you make it

Sara Torbett - Today I shopped for maternity clothes….and for clothes for my 10- month old. We are headed to the beach soon! 🙂 proud of your girls! What a big deal to be so brave!

Emma - I Love Annie’s top! so Pretty.

Gayle Kantor - Meg,
I have been reading your blog for years now, and I love it I check it everyday, and find myself disappointed if you haven’t posted anything. My favorites are pictures of your house. So I was wondering when you are going to post pictures of the inside of the farm house? I love your decorating style and really want to see what you did with the new house. thank you meg
Gayle Kantor ( a faithful reader of your blog)

Jennifer - OK, my months are way off. They were here (Perth) a month ago, not two days ago (is it May already?) Oh well, maybe next time.

Lorie - We have a sweet young girl that teaches my kiddos piano. I love that they enjoy taking lessons!

Jennifer - Oh wow, those photos by Blue Lillies are AMAZING!!! So I looked on the schedule to see if they were coming to my town – Perth, Western Australia. Um, yeah, they are, two days ago!!!!!! I totally missed them. I guess I can take a bit of consolation in the fact that my hubby wasn’t even here the two days they would have been able to take our photos as he’s in Houston this week! Thanks for sharing.

Tracy Fisher - Great blog today. Made me think back to my own recitals. Super nervous. Don’t you wish that sometimes you could show people how afraid you are as adult standing there… trying to give a speech… or show your work… etc. Nope. Suck it up. I’m glad kids get to be nervous.
Anyway, the real reason I am writing is because I have a crockpot recipe for you… my kids favorite potroast. In crockpot, put one chuck roast (yes, the one that is not so lean). Pour one package of dry Lipton Onion Soup mix over top. And then pour 1-2 c. of Coca Cola (no diet. no off brank. must be Coke) on top of all. Cook slow and low for 9 hours. Sooooo delicious! Tracy

Amanda C. - Your children are so beautiful. Love how you explained to them not to be nervous and you don’t care if they make mistakes.
You make me want to get a piano so I can listen to my kids practice…and you make me want more kids. Currently I have 2. Toted them around today and kept them entertained. It has been a wonderful day so far and both are currently sleeping.

tara - i love that you told your girls they were really only playing for you, dad and nana.
i bet it calmed their nerves a little to be reminded of that….
i wish i could remember that most people aren’t as focused on me as i am…. 🙂
it’d make life a whole lot more enjoyable. :))

Karen Gerstenberger - This brought back happy memories of David and Katie’s piano lessons and recitals. David loved playing; Katie spent as much energy trying to make her teacher laugh as she did on her piano practice…and she never learned to read music; she just memorized it. That still surprises me.
You are a real spray-paint guru. Do you have to prep the things you paint with sandpaper, or do you just get in there and spray? I have always hesitated over spray paint because I’m not so big on prep-work. Would you ever post just a tiny little lesson on it?
I’m thrilled that you got to host your photo friends at the craft house. I’ll bet they were delighted to be able to stay in that magical place. It looks like a slice of heaven on earth.
Hugs from here.

Lisa - I hadn’t read about Annie’s first recital so I did. And I cried. You’re such a good mom!

Terrie G - I wish I could have taken piano lessons…your girls are so lucky!
I’d love to muster up the courage to go to a GoPro workshop…not enough confidence in my
picture taking yet. I bet they were great company!
I love living in ‘nowhere Kansas’!!
HaPpY TuEsDaY!!

Kerry - aaah go girls! looks like you did great at your recital, and SO worth the McFlurries afterwards 🙂 xx

Sarah Wolfe - Hmmm. We are doing some school, but slacking off bc we always do in the spring… Then we have a practice. And I have to figure out what to make for dinner. And I ordered a paint sample from Canada today because I’m desperate for a really good yellow front door. That’s the excitement around here 🙂

happygirl - Oh, I wish I had a camera. I’d love to go to GroPro. I live near D.C. Btw, your girls are gorgeous. Seriously beautiful. 🙂

Dani - I need pics of my family before my kids are too old! Wish they were in my area.
I always got so nervous before piano recitals! I’m sure they were the best!

Meg's mom - I am going to Macy’s play tonight and celebrate her birthday!

Tina Jacobsen - I love days that include spray paint!!

Lori H - Your girls are so cute. And hooray for Arthur! I referred to that show’s wisdom often when the kids were younger.

Lindsey - Piano recitals used to give me cold sweats when I was young!
Today I work, run errands, go home and be creative! Have a wonderful day!

Jen Brandt - Taught my Spring Into Fitness boot camp class at the park this morning, came back to the office, just had lunch, checking your blog, then need to get my work done! So glad the recital went well. Annie looks taller.

Laura Phelps - I’ve gone to mass, the grocery store, and TJMAX…lunching with Luke now, then off to the bank, haircut for the boys, Communion rehearsal, batting practice, dinner will somehow get made, and religion class planned.
today is Saint Josephs Day…thats GOOD..because it honors all who labor and work with their hands…and with the mundane list of to do’s I have, I need to focus on doing every task with LOVE and praise for God. (not always easy)
sounds like a better day for you today than yesterday…enjoy!

Boring Blogger - Today I am working on listening to my kids more. And folding laundry.
Love Blue Lilly!

BriBedell - Today I will be
Feeding my 7 week old All day long (he’s very chubby)
Getting my 4 1/2 year old on and off the bus
Trying to get my 2 1/2 year old to take a nap
Hoping my husband will wake up soon so I can start laundry & go grocery shopping! (he works 6 pm – 6 am)
Oh and eating at some point 🙂 lol

Seriously Sassy Mama - I just went through one whole role of packing tape, and I am smiling ear to ear. I cannot wait to move! Oh, and most certainly will be running tonight and watching a Ranger game on the tele with my hunka hunka burnin love. lol

Jacci - Your girls are so adorable 🙂
Me? I got the bug today (for whatever reason) to deeeeeeeep clean my living room. Like, I moved the furniture and mopped. And the slipcovers are in the washing machine. It feels so good. Sometimes I just need to feel like I scrubbed the living daylights out of this place.
Thinking the curtains are probably for Lauren’s old room? Looking forward to seeing what you created 🙂

Linda Keaveney - Lovely photo of your girls…they are really darling…
What am I doing today?? hmmmmmmmmm….
So far….I have been to Fitness…grocery store…greenhouse…emptied the dishwasher…made egg salad…yummy…
Have a wonderful day…
Linda :o)

Rachel J - I bet you are so stinking happy to have them stay with you! 🙂 The girls are getting too big! Tell them to stop! Love that they both played a recital and naturally there was a celebration of ice cream afterwards.
Today, I’m up to work, oil change for the subaru, eating a hot dog and maybe a bonfire later with the hubby! Ha! Pretty spectacular no?
Have a great day Megalicious.
Don’t forget, be on the look out for a package later this week 🙂

Suzanne - The girls look like they had a good time at the recital. No tears in sight!! I should have added “get pics by BlueLily” to my 40 by 40 list! I so so so want some pics by them! Hope we get to see what you are spray painting!!

april - awwww they look so cute!!! Perfect girl time! xoxo

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