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make and takes

i met Marie, the author of Make and Takes for Kids when i was SNAP.

how cool that she turned her blog into a book?!!

today i get to give one away to one of YOU!

you know that i looooove making crafts with my kids.
love it!
love letting them get messy.
love making crafts right alongside them.
love it all.

Make and Takes Large Cover (2)

Make and Takes for Kids offers 50 projects to make with kids centered around holidays or seasons.

The ideas are unique and simple to produce and thoughtfully constructed and designed. 

Each craft requires little prep, few supplies and almost everything can be readily found at home or the craft store.

Crafting isn’t just playtime; there’s a purpose to all the gluing, cutting, and coloring!

If you’re a parent, teacher, or caregiver looking to enhance the time you spend with young children, Make and Takes for Kids makes it easy to have fun crafting with kids.

doesn't it look like a fun book?!!

it would make a great mother's day gift for some mamas in your life!

you can find it on amazon, walmart, barnes and noble and

tell me your favorite craft supply in the comments to be entered to win Marie's book!

mine is paint.
watercolor paint.
but i bet you already knew that….



Nicole - I may be too late for this but my fav at the moment is a coin toss between felt and Martha Stewart’s Stenciling Line!! :o)

Briana - For kids – construction paper!

Cindy Nguyen - GLITTER! AW YEAH!!! πŸ™‚

Kasey - My favorite is also watercolor paints!

Angie Allen - crayons- we love our crayons around here!

Wendy B., NJ - I absolutely love to do papercrafts with my kids!

Stacey - Felt I think

Dawn - Water colors and sharpies!

Laurie - i love adding food coloring to elmers glue with my kindergarten kids at school. They love adding thick red lava to a volcano! so fun!

Kimberly - Mine is oil pastels πŸ™‚

linda - scrapbook paper! thanks for the chance to win!! that book looks awesome!!
πŸ™‚ linda

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy) - I really using googly eyes with the kids… and personally, I love felt. πŸ™‚

Chantelle - My favorite is mod podge for sure!!! My kids favorite is paint for both of them.

Becky - I buy more scrapbook paper than I know what to do with. They’re all just so pretty, I can’t resist!

Kimberly Dial - I love colored pencils & markers … craft paint too! πŸ™‚

cailan - Construction paper. Just a whole world of possibilities : )

Stacey - Looks like a GREAT book! Fun paper is our favorite supply!

TonyaElise - I love ribbon!

Kim Stachowiak - We love any paints, but mostly watercolors. We just graduated to the 24 color sets! : )

Heidi - double-sided tape. works wonder with kids and moms with low patience levels πŸ™‚

deb - glitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talia - Love me some glitter!

Sara - Glue gun and glitter. The messier the better.

heather - Ribbon…all colors…all textures!

CJ - Cornstarch! I can make just about anything with that stuff!! Edible paint, goop, fizzy stuff!

melissa - toilet paper and paper towel rolls! i’m a sucker for re-purposing. πŸ™‚

Angela - I LOVE new crayons! And beads. And paper. And sequins. And paints. I think I have a problem…

lisa - oh my gosh .. PICK ME PICK ME!!!!! PLEEEASE?!!?!? my favorite craft supply .. right now … is colored pencils. my son just turned 2 so it’s been crayons, stickers, poms, markers. but ooooo pick me!!!!

Melissa Hermon - So hard to choose just one but it would have to be mod podge! I am especially hooked on the glitter modpodge:)

sandi - scrapbook and construction paper

sonya - lilsoak + friends - Probably scissor and paper…..i love cutting shapes out.

Susan - Tape! My girls love tape!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - fabric. most definitely fabric. but i really love oil pastels too

Mandi - Love my hot glue gun–would love to use this book with my first grade class!

Cassandra - Oh man that’s tough, right now it’s crayons & watercolors!

Amy - I love Mod Podge. πŸ™‚

Nikol - Mine is paint and glitter – everything looks better with a bit of glitter.

amy cornwell - My favorite craft supply is ModPodge or my sewing machine (if that counts)

Janelle - buttons!

Jill - With out one thought it is PLAY DOH/CLAY any MOLDING fun, sticky gooey COLORFUL medium! BRING! IT! ON!

Julie - would have to be the glue gun!!

amanda c - Hot glue. πŸ™‚

Sylwia - shaving cream and food coloring:)
I love this book, such great ideas!

Wendy - Construction paper!!

Jennifer W. - My favorite is crayons…we have bowls of them on our table ALL the time. I especially LOVE a new box of crayons. πŸ™‚

Tiffany B. - Construction paper! You can use it in so many ways, just LOVE it!

Kameron - Felt and a glue gun and I can be occupied all day!

Angie - My favorite craft supply is markers, especially when they are new.

Kirsten Dehmlow - Oil pastels – children love the intense colors they make.

Linda - Did you know it takes 2 large sized bottles to glitter the train of Nebuchadnezzar’s royal robes for a play? Could not find any material overseas but the school did have massive bottles of glitter. My love affair was complete! I even poured some in paint I used for the entry way. I love glitter!

Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - My glue gun! Love it. I bought two small ones at Joann’s like your kids have and my girls can actually used them by themselves. This looks like a great book.

MegM - Pipe cleaners! I love making twisty creaters with them!

melissa erin - love to see the kiddies create with watercolors. beauty. πŸ™‚

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh what a generous giveaway. Googly eyes are one of my favorite…they come in all sizes. And even come in colors now. I have a whole bin of them. . .they would be perfect to add to a watercolor fish or seahorse or turtle!!

GretchenP - glitter!! what a mess but so pretty! πŸ™‚ thanks for the giveaway!

Shaun - gotta love model magic/clay!

Becky@sweetbeehollow - Twine- I use that on almost every project.

Pat - Scrapping supplies – can’t resist!

Shannon - LateLy, I would say fabric. And scrapbook paper gets an honorable mention!

Tonya - Scissors. And I buy way too many paint brushes. Pretty much every craft we do calls for scissors and paint brushes, and I would have them sitting next to me even if the craft didn’t officially require the tools, they’re just so necessary.

Gina f. - Paper, every kind all colors, card stock, patterned paper, tissue paper, epherma, junk mail…….looks like a great book!

Amber Brott - I love Modge Podge! My girls love to pick the scrap book paper to modge podge with. : )

merran tatum - fabric. paper. hot glue. markers. oh, there are too many!!!

M. B. - Crayola crayons

Amy @ Little for a Little While - What a fun book! My girl and I could surely put that to good use! Picking just one favorite craft supply is HARD! But if I have to do it, i’d say crayons. We just love to get lost in drawing and coloring πŸ™‚

Stefanie S. - Anything that the school lounge can supply these days…which is paper, crayons, and pencils!

Jenn - My favorite is fonts! I love using fun fonts for all different things!

Dawn - Definitely a Tombow tape runner. I use them for so many projects that I should own stock in this company!!

Lisa - Love crafting with our kids – this book looks amazing!
Thanks for introducting me to it.

karen - SPARKLES!!! It makes any craft FABULOUS!

Christy - My glue gun, without a doubt!

lisa - I love oil pastels…just recently discovered them after almost 8 years of crafting with my kids!!

Julie - Felt. Definitely felt!

Brianna - cardstock! i can make some serious crafts with a sturdy supply of cardstock.

Julie Wearmouth - Fabric….in all colors of the rainbow!

kathy dugan - Glitter! It is the best!! Makes everything look pretty!

robyn - fabric πŸ™‚

Beth Ann - I love hot glue!

Raine - Felt. Even the polyester cheap stuff. Love the colors, texture, and versatility.

Linda J. Etherington - My favorite is paper – plain paper, cardstock, wrapping paper, graph paper, construction paper, butcher paper, tissue paper, all colors of paper (solid or designed), I love paper. I have six precious grandchildren and I love to do crafts with them and paper is always involved!

Christie - hot glue gun…cant live without it

Linda R. - I love watercolors too, but i also love seeing what my girls do with their oil pastels. Would love to have that book for the summer!

Jody - Love the Glue Gun!

Michelle - Markers….I am such a sucker for good, quality markers.

Beth - You know, I love them all. But, if I had to choose one, I think ti would be glitter. Wait, maybe polymer clay. Ok, I can’t choose.

Donna - Gotta love Magic Nuudles πŸ™‚

Leah - What a great book! My favorite craft supply is scrapbook paper and stickers.

Janna - Patterned paper:)

Kathi - What an awesome book! My fave craft supply for kids is pipe cleaners, in rainbow colors of course!

Debbie - Googly eyes of all sizes!

Tonya - glue, any kind of glue and lots of it!

Amy Mak - watercolor paint too. Love it. Thank for the giveaway!

Amber - I love glue.. seriously what could we do without it?

Jayne Barbour - Modge Podge!!!

Caitlin - That’s a tough one.. Does fabric count? If not, I’d say paint!

Melissa H - Ah! what a fun book! I love construction paper and markers. So much can be done with those! πŸ™‚

Sonya - Glue dots! This book looks AMAZING! πŸ™‚

Rachel B. - Love me some Mod Podge!

Mindy - I’m a sucker for gems and sequins. Thank goodness I have two littler girls that agree. The more sparkle…the better

Tina Jacobsen - Love my Martha Stewart Punches!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Erasable markers or colored pencils are my fave!

lindsay - well i would say mine is paint.. but i work with one year olds and it can be super messy. I love using things that make art pop, just give it that something extra. We made handprint sunflowers the other day and we glued sunflower seeds in the middle. totally made the project. the moms loved it. since i do an art project 5 times a week, i would love this book!

the whyte house - mod podge is the most used around here….but secretly i still love markers. πŸ™‚ haha.
okay, so i said hi to jess after her bible study today. i broke the poor girl’s stride while she was carrying her 45 lb carseat…but i said “hi”…and blamed it on you. lol.

Laura - Pom pom trim!

Stacy Hyatt Costner - I love markers. You can even make them look like watercolor!

Donna - Oh my, pick just ONE craft supply? It would have to be a canvas. We love to paint them and make lots of creations!

Nicole - As a teacher, my favorite crafts supply is pretty scrapbook paper. You can make so much with it and it’s cheap!

katherine - i love markers and paint!

april - I would have to say glue////my boys can make anythings cool with glue…lol

Emily - A hot glue gun works magic πŸ™‚

Meredith G - I LOVE chalk and using egg cartons. Not together, but great craft supplies πŸ™‚

Halley - Watercolor paint, glue sticks and glitter…top 3! This book looks wonderful. Fingers crossed!

Katie g - Construction paper!!

Jenny L - That book looks like so much fun! My kids would love it! My favorite craft supply would probably be colored paper, but paint would be a close second. :0)

Kim - Double sided tape. So much less messy than glue πŸ™‚ Our summer needs that book!

Lindsay - I love washi tape! This book looks fabulous!

Mary - Paint!

Ashley S - Definitely Mod Podge.

Dee D - I’m currently loving brads…so tiny & colorful πŸ™‚

Aby Gittings - Mine is YOUR BLOG!! It’s where I get ALL of my kid craft ideas!!

Tracy - Crayola markers rock my world. I wish there was a “Heavy Metal” font to use as I type this. Crayola ROCKS!!!

Megan Duerksen - We love the stick-on jewels at our house! They make everything look pretty!

Momof2 - So many to choose from…..probably are favorite right now is finger painting outside with this great MN weather!!

Melissa - Love my glue gun! Looks like a fun book.

Melinda - Construction paper! As a nanny I use it daily for crafts with the kids I care for. There are so many different things you can use it for!

Jenny - GLITTER! I love sparkly things. πŸ™‚ Buttons & feathers are a close second.

Rhonda Fendt - I am a fool for cool paper and a nice box of crayons! Thank you

michelle - Glue sticks turn anything you have into a project, so I love them. The book looks great!

Donna - pattern paper – endless possibilities!

Vicki - I love fancy pens and a handful of freshly sharpened pencils. They make me feel crafty. Also – paint. and fabric scraps. ooo! glossy magazines for decopage! and the ever-handy glue stick. I love it all.

shara - we share the same favorite. i love nothing more than sitting with my kiddos and watercolor painting. not too messy and so fun!

Angie G. - My favorite craft supply has to be glue, any kind of glue! ThereΒ΄s no craft without glue!!! Love the book….it sure would come in handy with my kiddos!

Heidi Henderson - Crayola Crayons love them and the smell and paper all kinds.

Juliana Whisman - Mod Podge!!

Stephanie - Looks like a lot of fun! My favorite craft supply is fabric, hands down.

Sara W - Hot glue gun – it fixes anything!

Anna Marie - I really like glitter but I also like Mod Podge and pom poms.

ko. s - Felt felt felt!

Melissa - Fabric! Or paint. And tissue paper. :0)

kim york - Paint…though really we LOVE it all..anything we can craft with ;0)
Kim Y

Tracy H - Love the book! Oh man, just one….well when I do crafts with my kids I love to use pipe cleaners….you can use them for just about anything and can do almost anything with them and the amount of colors they come in is so fun!

Amy Parker - Fabric is my favorite craft supply!

Amanda - My favorite craft supply with the kiddos is dot paint. I have a two and four year old and this makes both happy!

Lisa - Fabric! Vintage and lovely. My girls are totally into felt these days. And buttons. Who can choose just one?!

Linda B - I really love crayons!

Karen Martz - New markers fresh out of a box and playdoh.

holly - Felt and googlie eyes…ooh and feathers, buttons and little slices of tree branches oh and rusty washers from grandpa’s shop and some magnets……should go vacuum now but this got me all sidetracked. i wanna make something….

Julianne Brimner - My recycling tub…. My daughter lives to make treasures by reusing recyclables

jaimie Cahill - hot glue gun

Angela - paper. I love collecting pretty paper, and my 8 year old can make anything with paper.

danett - I love hot glue — work magic on most everything!

Jenni Kuhns - Probably fabric. I love Amy Butler & Heather Bailey to name a few:) Love, Jenni K.

Ashley - GLITTER! Definitely my favorite. πŸ™‚

mrs. dunbar - We love stamps. I think its the combination of colors along with the pounding that my boys just have so much fun with.

Trudy - Seems I can never have enough adhesive. I love the Scotch Adhesive Dot Roller for everything. Birthday posters, school projects, albums, and even the Mission project we just completed. Love it!

Aimee - I have too many favorite supplies to pick just one so I will tell you my five year old artist’s favorite supply. Paper! He gets so excited when I get him more paper. Whether it be colored or just plain white drawing paper. He draws on it, paints on it, cuts it up into little pieces and makes tiny drawings on them, glues pieces together and his favorite thing to do with it is make “books”.

Amy G - Hmmm…for kid’s crafts it would probably be toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls. So many possibilites! πŸ™‚ This looks like a great book!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Glitter hands down!

shea B - I love felt! And my glue gun.

Robin Riley - Construction paper or coffee filters! Lots of possibilities.

colleen from alabama - ooooo, thats easy! E6000!

Kim - Definitely paint! It’s so easy to transform and create with paint.

Carolyn Mackie - Paint! It’s my kids favorite activity!!

Gina - That’s a tough one…probably paint, kids love it:)

Morissa - I love glue sticks!

Jen Brandt - Double stick tape. Love the stuff! Her book looks great!

Michelle - My favorite lately is spray paint…so many things you can transform with it!

sara @ it's good to be queen - hot glue. 100% i NEED this book.

Gretchen - Colored construction paper. It’s my go to for crafts with my three kids.

Jill - My favorite craft supply is definitely yarn. I just love how soft it is!

Chantel - Crayons! I love that we can draw and color with them and that pressure or heat makes the pictures so different!

Janelle - Oh too cute…I do need this as I am NOT a crafter but my kids are constantly asking me for a project to do!
Love markers though…

Emilee - My favorite is scrapbook paper!!!! I have an addiction to scrapbook paper!!!! πŸ™‚

happygirl - Mine would be scrapbooking.

kristiina - I love tissue paper…love that with a little mod podge and the kids make the prettiest things.
Thanks πŸ™‚

Maureen Troop - My boys have recently discovered the joys of crafting with duct tape! They are making the most creative wallets, hats, flip flops! Love it

robin scott - Love, love, any kind of glue.

Alison K - oh my favorite is Mod Podge!!

jamie - markers, markers, markers.

Caroline - Definitely googly eyes! My daughter loves them!:)

Kelly - I love decorative, scrapbooking paper! This books looks great! I have been collecting art project ideas to do with the kiddos since summer is right around the corner!

Erin - Glue gun – oh the things that can be done and fixed with the power of a glue gun!!

rachel - Fine Point Sharpies & Scrapbook Paper, oh how i love thee…And of course watercolors πŸ™‚

amber - hot glue gun…makes every project EASIER:)!

shiela - pretty papers, pretty adhesive tapes, pretty scissors, pretty craft everything!

Erin - For kid crafts, any and every type of crayons…I’m partial to Crayola brand! Great for all ages and you can do so much with them! Favorite these days are Crayola Slick Sticks. A must try! Thanks for the chance to win this fun book!

Katie - GLUE! Can’t craft without it! What a neat book.

Jessica - I am a big fan of handprint art so I would have to say paint….fun giveaway!

Jen Randall - My kids & I LOVE to get messy with paint…any kind! Looks like a wonderful book!!

kelly - i love paper – all colors of cardstock! and i love make and takes the blog….would love to have the book too!

karen peachey - I love water color paint as well! the colors are just so pretty!:)

colleen - It is a toss up paper or paint (acrylic and watercolor.
The book looks great!

Caroline - construction paper…looks super fun!!!

Mindy Harris - hot glue. it’s my main source for all i create!

Meredith - For crafting with my kids paint in the craft supply of choice. I think because they are boys and love to get messy it is always paint.
I am going to have to check the book out. I love crafting

Dani - We love craft at my house too! We call it crazy crafty time. My favorite is Mod Podge, but I don’t let the kids use it much. My kids favorite…. EVERYTHING!!

Southern Gal - Paint!
Looks like a fabulous book. Thanks for the chance.

courtney child - I love to use watercolors and crayons…so many possibilities with each. Love your blog.
thanks, Courtney

Andrea - Paint there is no other like it!

Carrie - We are big fans of patterned (scrapbook) paper here…and a little glitter, too!

Nancy - Right now mine is…STICKERS! I love them because both my three year old and my one year old can do them, they don’t try to eat them, and the possibilities are endless for their creativity.
Love your blog too! - Just made an awesome craft using Mod Podge! That book is awesome..I may have to get it since I probably won’t win.

julie - mod podge!!! thanks for sharing! i’m an elementary art teacher! this book would be awesome to own!

Nicole - I love brand new, never been used crayons!

laura b - mine fave is acrylic paint….the color choices are endless. Thanks for sharing!

Kelli - Cute! I love colored pencils!

Nicole - Hmmm I would have to say it’s a tie between glue and paint, but I also love pom poms – ok I can’t pick a favorite.

Liesl - Modge podge all the way!!!!

Iris - My favourite would probably have to be all sorts of different kinds of paper. Sooo much you can do with fun paper.

Janelle Shultz - paper, definitely!

jacqui anderson - markers ….. i could color for hours!!

Jessica - Play-doh. Not so much crafty but great for playtime and the creative possibilities are endless.

Maria Bryan - My Favorite craft…what I always walk out with from the trance inducing Michaels in my town is….PAINT and CANVAS…and you can never have too much Hot Glue! πŸ™‚

Gretchen - Scissors. Even though the same elf that eats the socks from my dryer seems to eat scissors as well. πŸ™‚

Johanna - love beads, love making necklaces with my kiddos:)

Lindsay - Scrapbook paper. Oh the possibilities!

Linda@Restyled Home - Mine is glitter, Yeah, baby!!!

Jen - Mine is paint and. Cardboard – so many possibilities!

Adrienne s - Crayons! Love them. They have to be Crayola. I buy a new pack almost everytime I am at Target. My kids think I am crazy.

Karla - I would have to say my glue gun!

Amy - I have a thing for felt. I have a huge stockpile in every color imaginable.

Lennie - Our favorite craft supply right now are “googly eyes” my two yr old loves them!

Danielle - What a cute book! I’d have to say scrapbook paper is my favorite, I love all the pretty different designs.

Tami - I can’t choose just one. Glue, Glitter, Clay, Paper, Vinyl, Paint, we use it all around here. Looks like a great addition to our summer crafting day. Hope I win.

Lori Myers - Paint!!! I love using all kinds of paint! Looks like a great book!

Maureen - I love sparklies and don’t use them nearly enough. Glitter, glitter pens…More lately I have been getting into sewing and have become a fabric hoarder.

Fallon - My fav supply is glitter, everything needs to sparkle!

Megan - empty water bottles….so fun to cut and use!
I am a teacher and could use it with my classroom and at home with my own kids! πŸ™‚

Alyssa - what a great book! My fav is glitter, hands down πŸ™‚

Shelby A. - fabric…so many options!

amy m. - i love googly eyes!

Amy M - Paper! Scrapbook paper!! I love to look at it and I love to feel it!!

Andrea - Crayons or Markers!

Sierra - That book looks amazing. I have two little boys and they both looove to craft! Our favorite craft supplies would have to be a brand new pack of crayons and googly eyes! They’re fun to stick on everything. πŸ™‚

Ashley - sharpie marker!!!

Crystal Swoverland - There are way too many to choose just one! Scrapbook paper and a glue gun have to be at the tippity top of my list though!

Meg - Markers! A brand new pack… I love to doodle

Jennifer in VA - crayons, i love the simplicity and the boldness of the color of crayons….

Cindy McAllister - I Love paper…any and all kinds! This would be a cool book to give my daughter for mother’s day, she loves doing crafts with her 3 year old daughter.

angela - My tabletop laminator is my favorite! I use it for everything….lay it down, and I laminate it!

Kimmie - Love to have fresh, unused crayons or colored pencils!

beth - I was going to say paint, too! πŸ™‚

Janel Sagert - i’m all about the paint!

Sharla - Those flower cookie pops are adorable! My favorite craft supply is probably fun paper or decorative scissors to make pretty edges with

Julia - Construction paper.

Gretchen - I’m a newly appointed CASA (court appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children now in foster care) and recently completed an art therapy workshop to learn how to use craftiness and art when spending time with the child in my case. I had the BEST time with the conte crayons — I used vivid rainbow colors and smeared and smudged with my fingers — and did it in a Mandala (new term for me).
I can’t wait to use the art and crafty techniques I learned with the young girl I have been appointed to advocate for. A book like this will give me more ideas to do with her so that she and I can bond and she can feel comfortable and safe with me. Hopefully I can impact her life in the best possible way, and have a positive effect on a life that’s already been through so much.
Can’t get better than that, right? Art for the good of a child in real need?
Thanks, Meg!

Courtney - Oooh! RIBBON! Extra love for polka dot/striped ribbon, Swoon!

Kimberly - I’ve been having fun with felt lately!

Molly - scrapbook papers and glitter….oh and a brand new box of crayons. πŸ™‚

Anne-Marie P. - Glitter glue…

Lauryn - Pens, markers, any writing utensil with COLOR!!

Allison - I love colored pencils – that’s what I color with while the girls use crayons or markers!

Mary - Acrylic paint! I love it, can’t get enough of it. Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win Marie’s book!

Jennifer - Oil pastels and watercolors, but I also love some new fabric. πŸ™‚

Danielle - It’s gotta be fabric! Lots and lots of fabric! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Elmer’s glue. My daughter loves to put piles of it on her art work and then, the best part, can sit for quite sometime peeling all the dried glue off her fingers giving me enough time to clean up the mess left behind!

Sarah - Crayons!… or maybe a glue gun.
Looks like a great book!

Alice H - Glue gun!! My 2 year old loves his scissors! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway.

Tori - Paper….. construction, scrap book and tissue. Almost every craft I do with my kids involves at least one of those!

Jane Frederick - My favorite craft supply is glue sticks. Book looks like it is filled with great ideas!

allison - do i have just pick one? πŸ™‚ CRAYONS! Especially a brand new box!

Sarah H. - Mine is a toss up b/t paint and Mod Podge. I do also love pom poms too though.

Jacci in Ohio - Tempera paint πŸ™‚

Naomi Williams - I love construction paper…and felt…and glitter…and craft paint…oh, it’s too much! I love craft supplies πŸ™‚

Tina B - Glitter! It makes everything shiny and pretty (including my floors)

Jessica - I love so many craft supplies, this is HARD! For kids it is construction paper. You can use it to make so many things. For me, personally, I love chalk pastels.

Jane - My grandchildren and I like to make crafts with different type food. Example: one Thanksgiving we made turkeys out of a cracker,hershey kiss, and candy corn.
I would love to win the book!

Michele U - Glue, you can do anything with glue

Kelly O. - my fave craft supply is felt.. lots of it in bright colours!

Lynn Cole - I love freash crayons and markers! I would love book!!

Mollie D - toddler hands! They make everything from turkeys to fish to crabs!

Kathi Mahoney - It’s a toss up between crayons and googly eyes, everything is more fun with googly eyes!

Toni :O) - I have to say colored pencils…my kids use those all.the.time! If I won this book, I would give it to my daughter’s daycare provider…she would put this book to such great use with her little ones and would love the new ideas. She got my daughter started on the right track and I’ll be forever grateful…what a great gift to show my appreciation!

Katie - I love pretty scrapbook paper and glue guns!

Sheila P. - Construction paper.

Nicole Q. - New Markers … I know it’s simple but I love opening a pack of new markers where every color will be vibrant! The book looks great; I’d love to win it to use the ideas at preschool and home.:))

Amanda O'Connell - My favorite craft supply is glitter glue.

Megan - Markers!

Karen - My favorite is colored pencils! I love seeing my kids’ detailed drawings with colored pencils; we recently scored a big bag with glittery and sparkly colors from the thrift store too! And I LOVE Make and Takes! Been reading her blog forever it seems.

Beth - I would love to have this book! So awesome. I love the paints – all kinds.

Sandy - Couldn’t go on without my Sharpies and glue gun!! Would love to give this book to my daughter, a first year teacher who has learned oh so much this year and is oh so ready to end this first year and move on to her second and prayerfully better year!!! Second graders……enough said!!!

Jody - All the fun variety of scrapbook paper or fabric – it’s a toss up!!

tinycandi - For myself…I love painting…especially oil painting.
But with my kids? My favorite craft supply is probably paper! You can do so much with it and it comes in lots of pretty colors and designs. πŸ™‚

Heather S. - My fave craft supply is food! A craft is so much better if you can eat it when you’re done!

Joy - ohhhh….. I love crayons all day long!

Jennifer - Love my glue gun! Also, nothing beats just a brand new box of Crayola Crayons

Allison - Paint! There’s so much you can do with it. The kids love it!

Julie - Watercolors and oil pastels used together = my favorite
The book looks excellent. Thanks for the opportunity.

Jessica Anne - markers!

Robyn B - Probably my trusty glue gun…..seems most crafts/decor/projects I do lately requires one! What did people do before glue guns? πŸ™‚

Kari C. - My favorite craft supply is my glue gun. I feel like it’s not a complete craft until I get to use my hot glue gun!

Jenn - Just one?! I love ribbon, but paper comes in a close second. That is such a cute book. My girls are big crafters….

Marsha - Glue and construction paper!

FeFe - Looks like a fantastic book! My favorite craft supply is crayons.

Lisa - we love tissue paper!!!! wow! what a great book! thanks for the chance! xx

Renae R - My boys will paint anything that sits still but their favorite thing to use (besides the paint itself) is paper plates. The plain, cheap ones are the best. We haven’t crafted much lately…I think maybe we’ll do that this afternoon!! Thanks for the inspiration Meg!

Stacy M. - My favorite is pipe cleaners. Great looking book!

Wendy - COLORED CHALK! Love the book πŸ™‚

Lora - I love glitter. I worked as a Playschool teacher and the janitor hated the stuff. I had to sneak it…and he still always found out! Also love new pads of construction paper. All those colorful pages just full of possibilities!

Amy - My favorite craft supply for my kids is glue sticks. They are 6 and 4 and they can make projects any time without making a big glue mess.

Kristin - glue – just about any kind. makes for easy projects with my preschooler and i like the hot stuff! πŸ™‚

jill - Our favorite is “mama’s paint” (acrylic craft paints). We use it to transform thrift store finds, make paintings on canvas, etc! That book looks fabulous!

alyssa - wooden beads and pipe cleaners.

Kassondra - I am a sucker for crayons!

Amy G - Oh how fun!!
I would have to say tissue paper!

Kate - Construction paper…
That books looks amazing.

Sara Torbett - What a neat book! My favorite craft supply is my glue gun πŸ™‚ . Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Lori Austin - This book looks fantastic!
Fluffy pom poms – in tons of colors. So fun!

Sarah - glue gun….

Penny Dorado - Glitter! It’s a mess but I love the stuff. πŸ˜‰

Carla G - Glue dots! Love ’em!

Lindsey - My favorite craft supply is Kool-Aid playdough…love that stuff! Have to have plenty of flour, salt, and a rainbow of Kool-Aid packets on hand at all times!!

amanda - My favorite craft supply is Mod Podge!!

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