Masthead header

too cute.

the info on this video said they start the song in the driveway and they pull into school as it ends.

my favorite part is the little guy in the car seat!!


D Graff - This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!

maria - So love it! How fun. We should all start our day like this!

denise@victory rd. - that was ss..wweet!!

shauna - amazing.
i love that dad

Suzanne - Oh my gosh, too cute! Thanks for sharing 🙂

LibraryGirl62 - This man is raising his kids right. My kids and I STILL do this and they are 18 and 19!

Kate - my favorite is the girl in the front seat who looks at the camera like ‘really, they are making me do this. and they are crazy” around 1:21.

Jess - LOL! Queen jam sesh first thing in the morning! I love it! Reminds me of my trips to school in the morning with my dad and brother. My brother and I could not go to school with out hearing George Harrison’s “I got my mind set on you”. It was our daily ritual on the way to school.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love how the little guy in the car seat keeps checking his sister for what to do next! Adorable 🙂

Routhie - That is awesome. My girls and I do the same. Inspiration for our afternoon in the car today. Hope it makes them as happy as this made me.

Rosemary - Ha! I love it. Thank you for posting this video. Totally made my day.

christy - Adorable! Love the lil’ one in the car seat, the way big sis gets him queued up. The little girl in front how she watches herself in the camera. Too cute! Thanks for sharing this.

ira lee - hahaha, so cute. days are always better when they start with smiles! not always possible…..

Andrea L. - Thank you for the awesome distraction at work!!

Lisa S - So cute! When I hit play, my littles heard music, so they immediately came over to watch. My 18 month old was mesmerized and started waving her hands up and down just like the kids, lol. We’ve been listening to the wicked soundtrack in our car recently and also the disney soundtrack for the fantasmic firework show and we have our own little choreography for that, I should figure out a way to film it. One of those moments you want to always be able to remember because it is so precious. Maybe we will try this song next 😉

Samma Michelle - I think I want to ride to school with this family!!! Sweet family!!!

Peggy in TN - Fantastic way to start the day! They all go into school with a smile on their face and a light heart. Kudos to the dad making it fun!

happygirl - Adorable kids. Dad? hahaha

flowerpowermomma - Really enjoyed this. Brought make memories of car trips with our kids. Sure shows how this family loves life and each other.

Michelle From Australia - We walk to school. Wonder if we did something like that what the neighbours would think as we sang our way down the footpath?? Loved it. Thank you for sharing.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Any time I see a video I think you’re doing another vlog and I smile. They were so fun! I think you should do another. 🙂
Saw this video the other day.. So cute!!

Christina - Hilarious, and what tickled me is how fair they are and how dark their dad is! Very cute!!
(Tickled? I am now my mother.)

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