Masthead header

this is where i live.

all the boys i went to high school with….looked like this.
all the boys around me now…look like this.
i LOVE it.

i am sure i know someone who knows these boys…but i don't personally know them.
they are awesome.

if you wondered what it looks like near me….this is it.

kansas rocks.
and all those farmers….thank you.





amber reece - Thanks for sharing!!! I think I love those boys!: ) Shared on facebook to my farmer friends!

Heidi Jo the Artist - I bet that took some time to make; pretty awesome! Can relate too, but lots of corn and soybeans here in Iowa.

Olga - I’m a city girl but have always had a yearning for country life! This was awesome thanks for sharing!!
My kids love it too!!

Jan - They were invited by Good Morning America last Friday to appear with LMFAO but they declined because they don’t care for the band’s name or most of their lyrics. What awesome boys!

Beth - I’m from Kansas City (Missouri Side), but I would love to live on a kansas farm. 🙂 Envious of you! Maybe one day…

Jenny Joy - These boys are from around Salina (hence the predominance of K-State gear since it’s often considered Wildcat country.) I have family in the area who are acquainted with their families. Isn’t that always the way in Kansas?! Can’t you just hear it now? “You know, Earl’s boy. No, not the oldest one. The second to youngest who dates that cute little Harper girl.” Gotta love country living!

Brooke - This video has exploded the last few days and it makes me proud to call KS home. Those boys are awesome!!

karen gerstenberger - Meg, I loved this video! Please, please send it to the Pioneer Woman – she would love it, living on a cattle ranch!

anna - Love me a farmer! Cutest boys ever! And I love their dirty britches. Hope they got an “A” whatever this was for.

Victoria - Loved the video! My lil’ sis is finishing up her masters degree from University of Ga in Agriculture Education so I had to pass it along to her as well.
Also enjoyed the other videos you linked to recently and the rehearsal dinner you helped with.
I enjoy your blog immensely! Makes me happy to look at all your colorful pictures. 🙂

Lesley - Thought you might be interested to know that this clip made it to a morning show on a major network here in Australia! How funny!!

Stephanie - How awesome! I am a wannabe farmer and would love for my girls to marry someone like one of these boys. And look at the muscles on those boys! So healthy and completely different from this generation’s status quo.

Jennifer - Yep! I went to school with boys like that too 🙂 (in Ohio)

Aimee @ My Pink Life - The first thing I thought of when I watched this video ~ I want my daughters to marry guys like this! LOVE IT! By the way, I don’t think I’ve commented before but I SO enjoy reading your blog. It is so fun to find other women who have similar interests and love artsy-fartsy stuff like I do! 🙂

Amy @ Little for a Little While - This is so hilarious and awesome! Love it!

Suzanne - OMG…Love it!
Caught myself singing “I gotta feed everybody” as I was preparing dinner. Thanks for sharing, as always!

Chelsea - lol Love it! This is basically West Virginia (where I live). It’s either farmers or golfers. Strange combo, but true!
I love your blog! You have a beautiful family!

Jenna - Completely agree! Made me so proud of my home state and the work done there. The beauty of the Kansas land AND the Kansas State apparel only made it better! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - My dad is a good ol farm boy. I love it. He made me appreciate Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson music. He taught us that you can go fishing for a whole day with a box of Wheat Thins, 2 pops and a 6pack of beer (for him). Good times. I can’t wait to see the farm when one day I finally sign myself up for Craft Weekend and get chosen.

dmg314 - super cool video. thanks for sharing.
I still picture Jimmy Fallon when I hear Call Me Maybe!

Meredith - Love it!!!!

Kacy - So funny!!! I love that song!!

ira lee - oh girl! this is great! im in arkansas, and all the boys look like this here too! i love parady songs and this is great! heres to all the farmers and small business owners!!!!!!

kimmie - that was great! fun to show our 12 y/o daughter since our life here in on the west coast beaches of sunny Florida is so different.

caren wise - that was great!

Dena - So awesome!

tina - That’s what it looks like where I live too, only we’re not in Kansas, we’re in PA 🙂

lindsey - This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing! - Ha! They remind me of the boys I rode school bus with when I was a kid in western North Dakota. Thanks for sharing!

happygirl - LOVE this. I’m gonna have to share it with my IL farmer friends. 🙂

Betsey - Awesome! Being a mid-west girl (Ohio) and living in Nor Cal…don’t see anything that resembles these boys around here! Makes me miss home and the simple life…Ah, still praying we head back east soon!!!
Thanks for sharing!

Lori Bowring Michaud - That is priceless, thanks for sharing!

April Brown - I am 36 years old, probably have a daughter their age and all I can think to say is DAAAAAAAAANG!

Kerry Wiebe - Dan said you are welcome!!!!!!!!!!

Jacci in Ohio - awww… the heartland 🙂 this is not too different from where my husband’s grandmother lives a few miles north here in Ohio. i think there are quite a few states that have boys like these guys. i have to say, though, the *never ending* fields… they seem a lot bigger (and flatter) in Kansas.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hahahaha! Thanks for that. So awesome. 🙂 In fact, I like that version much better than the original!

Krissy - That TOTALLY made my day! And made me miss home a little too. So thankful I’m marrying a farmer, even though he’s from Indiana not Kansas. Oh well, beggers cant be choosers! 😉 Thanks for the laugh!!! 😀

Amanda - My friend’s cousin made/is in the video. Now you know someone who knows someone who knows someone in the video! 3 degrees of separation, counts, right? 🙂

Melissa - That was great! I wish I went to high school with boys like that! However if I did, my life would sure be a lot different than it is now. I’ve always had a soft spot for farmers!

jen - amazing!!!!

Suzanne - I love it! I’m a Kansas girl, and that was awesome! I could even get past seeing those crazy KState t-shirts 😉

Kristin S - Meg!!!!!!! That is awesome. I’m so thankful for boys like that too. Dying breed – hard workers.

Tiffany - Oh man that was good. I’m still here smiling.

seriously sassy mama - I love this. Nothing like a good farm boy!

Heather - I had to laugh at WATER!WATER!WATER!WATER!WATER! because that’s what I deal with daily…securing water rights and irrigation equipment.
Go Cats!!

Lori - Love, LOVE, love…that video makes me happy. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

paula - Funny – I just shared this with my friends and family earlier today. It looks like all the boys that I dated and all the young boys in my family too. Love Kansas and love the kansas farm boy.

Genevieveharvey109 - After watching that, I had to share this one with you:
It’s like the eastern Canada version of the one you posted, and when I saw it I was reminded of the boys that I went to high-school with. Rural boys don’t differ all that much from place to place, or so it would appear!

Kimberly - So cute! Loved it … had to share on my FB wall 🙂

Christina - That was great! Thanks for sharing it…looks like they know how to have fun AND work hard. 🙂 Love the robot at the end!!

Suzy Adams - HA…that was awesome, Meg! Thank you Kansas Boys! We love you!

Patti - So funny!! My eight year old son and I were laughing like crazy! 🙂 A few weeks ago we saw another one on youtube (dairy farming related) and loved it because we could just imagine my brothers pulling off something like that. I think if you google “From Sussex and I know it” you should be able to see it…It’s the Canadian version! 🙂

Jenn - That was awesome!!
Loved watching it.
Fun to see something different from where I grew up 🙂

Amber Campbell Hibbs - LOVE it!!!! That is awesome beyond reason. You make me smile every day Meg. 🙂

Katherine Wilkinson - LOL if I didn’t know this was from Kansas I swear I would have thought it was from where I’m from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! hahah Cute

Courtney - Love it! I went to school with a lot of guys that looked just like that too – but not in Kansas. This is awesome!

Kari C. - Love, love, LOVE it!!!! Thanks for sharing!

april - ummm those boys were super funny….and not too bad on the eyes….lol

KLucas - So very cute!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love. this.
i married a kansas farm boy….they’re good stock. 🙂

Joanie - Really enjoyed that, we live in a farming community in NY. Thanks for sharing

April R - That was awesome XD
Thank you!
My ten year old says, “Can I get that on my iPod?”

Lindi - Those Kansas Farm Boys rocked that…I grinned the whole time!! Awesome job!! Thanks for sharing!! 😉

Lisa M. - This is an AWESOME video! I think I had a smile on my face the entire time! Kudos to those boys! Thanks for sharing that!

stephany - My dad was a kansas farm boy!

Regina - CUTE! 🙂

Robyn Farmer - This is cute!

Terrie - Love me some Kansas Farm Boys!!
I know that our whole family misses farming.
It’s always great to go and help our uncle.
‘Cause once farming gets in your blood…
it really never leaves!

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