Masthead header


i was working on some projects over at the craft house yesterday.
i love being in my sunny craft room. 


i have been hoarding embroidery hoops.

that is my favorite photo of craig. 
when i make him laugh that is the face i see.  
i love that face.


a rainbow gift from craft weekenders.

you've got mail…again.
because why not?
sometimes its better than music.
thift store birds spray painted yellow.
i need to find a place to hang them up.

i love my glass star from Piggie&Dirt.  i want to buy them all and hang them all over the ceiling!

hello new fabric i ordered from Hawthorne Threads.
please tell me you smiled really big with that combo like i did!

my grandma's flower frogs.



more hoarding.

mr. duerksen….i love your shirt.

this is… by far… the best fabric ever to exist in all of time…past….present….future.
the farm will get curtains with BIG rainbow chevron.  
and if i could i would just wrap up everything around me in the other.
my furniture, my kids, my dog..all wrapped up in rainbow chevron.

it's by riley blake and i ordered it from hawthorne threads also.

a lot of it.  :)





happy maps from elizabeth st.

wire rack from the barn….i love rust.

i need to start decorating my gloves!

and whatever i can't drape with rainbow chevron….i will cover in vintage quilts.

vintage sparkles.
here is the other fabric i ordered…. 


i am determined to create more now that the kids are in school all day.
i NEED to be using my hands.
i need to work my mind that way much more often than i am.
it's calming and helps me think clearly.
so i am making a schedule and at least one day i AM creating.
no matter what.

do you make time for something like that in your life?
what is that important part of you that you don't want to miss out on?







Karen - I know that lamp well and am glad you enjoy it 🙂 love, love, love the chevron fabric….just made the Hello Sunshine from the kit that was a weekend craft and the painted peacocks….love all your ideas…thanks for sharing your gift of crafting…

Natalie - While ths post made me happy it also made me so so jealous 🙂 gorgeous fabric. Where do you find all those fantastic quilts
I swear I have the worst luck in that department, yours are fab.

teresa - I love all your colorful piles….
Happy day! Love the name of your blog ;}

Julie Tiu - Oh my gosh. Just found your blog through Pinterest… so lovely “meeting” crafty, artful people… so much happiness here. Thank you for sharing!

Doris - I don’t know if you read comments you get here, but I wonder if you ever see my blog? Since year and few months ago I’m checking your blog and loving it 🙂
“You’ve got mail” is one of my all time favorites. 🙂
and I can’t live without being creative, it’s always something about pictures, or editing music videos, making stuff for family, making photo albums/scrapbooks… and-making music (I’m a singer-songwriter, engineer.)

Lisa Perry - Love when you post your creative stuff! I am aching to find the time to create, I have been so busy the past couple months, I’ve barely had time and my hands are itching for it too…hoping next weekend I will find the time! My soul needs it!

Lauren - I feel exactly the same. Posted something similar just the other day! The artist in me is sad to see summer go…but I gotta keep creating. LOVE the hankies by the way…and that children’s book. *gulp* What a lovely studio…enjoy it!

lola - hi eg! love your blog so much, your positivity is sometimes just what i need! also, I just wanted to let you know, if you didn’t know already, that I linked to your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, check it out at,

Sarah Russell - This post is the epitome of eye candy. I love your blog so much and look forward to seeing the lastest scoop in my inbox each morning. God bless ya sistah!

Tracy - Where did you find the glass star? Is Piggie&Dirt on Etsy?

Lindsey - I saw the squirrel fabric on Hawthorne also! LOVE IT! Everything in this post is wonderful! Can’t wait to see what you made!!!!

Sharilyn - Your photos make me smile so BIG! I love the happiness that oozes from them. 🙂

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - Love all those photos! This summer I set aside some creative time – an hour a week to sew, an hour a week to scrapbook, and an hour a week to knit. Sometimes I did more but it’s amazing what you can do in one hour. I even scheduled it in my planner. I’m definitely keeping it up during the school year.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh what fun inspiration. I pinned the embroidery hoop art from the Craft Weekend post and now love to see more in this post. . that will be a fun craft for me to do with my girls. I love the Chevron rainbow fabric. . love that they skipped out on purple (my least favorite color). . .all the others make me happy but not purple for some reason. I have all the colors in my house. . but purple. Happy Post. . love it. . .such inspirataion. And yes, one day a week. . I make time to read, blog, create, shop fun stores. . rest and inspire my soul. . but I tell you 9am-2pm goes very quickly.

Allison - Love your blog!
What is the title of the children’s book with the beautiful illustrations?

Bernice - Thank you for this post! I am so jealous of all your fabric purchases!! Man I’d love to be able to sit and make stuff all day. But for now an active toddler occupies my days. Enjoy your time!!

Amy @littleforalittlewhile - Fabric makes me happy. How will I ever choose at craft weekend?!

Mandy Draper - your post made me smile today 🙂 will you be making more pillows for your etsy shop again this year? i missed it last yr, and was super bummed.

Donna R - Love all the happy fabric, but especially the rainbow chevron. B U tiful! Now to come up with a project so I can order some.
Totally relate to needing to make time for creative projects. I have a million projects pinned and don’t nearly take the time I need to have fun with them!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love this post. It is really what I have been feeling lately. I have been in such a rut and I need to create! It is easier for me to create when I am with people I love. That is what makes living far away from home so hard 🙁 One day, I will have lots of time, but my baby will be grown by then. So I am enjoying her now!

Carolyn - That is FABULOUS fabric! And yes- I’ve been thinking that I MUST set aside time to be creative. I love to make things but I’m also a musician and did some acting in high school and I MISS performing. That creative outlet has been pretty dead for me since college. I signed up for an adult tap class for this year and I’m pretty excited about it! Now to find time to play my instruments…:)

Tracey - I need help!! I have been hoarding vintage napkins and hankies with embroidery that I want to make something with but I am struggling with what to make. I was thinking about a valance/curtain for the window above my kitchen sink but I am skeered to do anything to them until I have a plan. What have you made out of your vintage hankies in the past?

Brittany McKenna - Meg- I was at a thrift store in Colorado just yesterday and I saw the EXACT SAME thrift store birds (just one though) and thought about what they would look like spray painted! I had never seen anything like it until yesterday! I didn’t end up getting it, but I love how yours looks! I also love flower frogs! This whole post also made me happy!!

shannon - Your posts are always so bright and happy!
School started for us as well and I was really looking forward to crafting up a storm but instead I’ve been fighting ants daily 🙁
Hoping next week I have more time to craft and create!!!

Ashley E - Firstly, let me tell you what I would GIVE for that pile of doilies….I am so envious! 🙂 I’m on a mission to find all of Tulsa’s doilies for a project. I always try to make time for reading or crafting, which is probably once every two weeks due to being a working mama of two! Whew! LOOOOOVE your craft room and want to have Scotty “Beam me up!” to it!

Angela Atkins - I love your craft room and those stacks of fabric. I’ve been making my own Fall List, now that my big part time job is almost over and I’ll have two whole days to work on stuff while the kids are in school. I make time to do quilts now and will also add in some updating around the house–some furniture painting, new lampshades, that kind of stuff. And just some inspiration trips that I couldn’t do this summer with my kids.

Katie - how cute is tha b/w pic of your kiddos!!!

rachel - i think we could be twinsies….my craft closet very closely resembles your craft room, i adore your yellow owl, i, too, seem to hoard embroidery hoops and i drool over vintage fabrics and quilts. 🙂 if i don’t have a project to work on i get anxious. happy crafting! 🙂

Jodi - Antique shopping, You’ve Got Mail, painted yellow birds, lovely fabric, antique quilts, thread spools, and the hankie collection…..we love so many of the same things! I’ve read your blog for the past 3 years, but never really commented. But today I felt like you were reading my mind. I can just imagine how you feel when you walk into your craft/sewing room…pure happiness.

Jenny B. - I saw those too! I have boys, so they wouldn’t go for it. I briefly considered getting one for myself. 🙂

Jenny B. - Oh, such a happy post! That rainbow chevron makes me giddy! Giddy, I tell you! 🙂 I see ball fringe… are you planning to make more pillows? The one I bought last year is the star of my sofa, and I’m thinking he needs a friend. Hint, hint. 🙂 Also – LOVE the rainbow button lamp shade. I think I might need to do that. So many ideas… so little time… 🙂 Thanks for brightening my day!

Chrissie Grace - Yummy. Makes me want to create

Lisa B - I LOVE that rainbow chevron! I think my son needs that for curtains in his new room when we move.

Jennifer wood - My boys are ages 11, 7, and 4, so I kind of feel like I have recently stepped out of a fog of diapers, potty training, etc. Because of that (and because I’ve been intentional about creating time for it), I’ve been creating more for our home…making something out of nothing, making fun things out of ordinary things. My oldest son recently said, “I love how you decorate our house with things most people give away to the Food and Clothing Bank (our town’s “goodwill”)” This was such a compliment to me! haha!! 😉 LOVE your blog…it inspires me.

melissa lorenz - Completely inspiring post today Meg! BTW – Lands End has rainbow chevron backpacks for kids this year!

Gina - Love all your beautiful photos! Especially the quilts…hope I can score some one day. I love to make things, too, whether it is a paper craft or sewing. Have a great week!

Jacci in Ohio - I just LOVED all these pictures from your craft room. Craft Weekend pics are fun, but I love these even more. More personal, maybe? Happy fun.
Time in the Word. And in prayer. My five kids are home all day, everyday… that time has to be protected like mad. Or it slips away. And it’s not something I can just give up on.

beth - You are absolutely right about creating and I have decided to follow in your footsteps and create while the kids are in school–yea for school! ha!
How do you clean your vintage quilts? I have a beautiful old quilt I just got from my mom that my grandma made and I’m not sure how to go about getting it clean. It’s not stained, but just that old musty smell from being in my parents basement. Any ideas?
Happy school days to you, Meg!

Darcie L. - Kindred spirits. We were doing premarital counseling with some younger friends of ours. Hubby asked the guy, “What are your fiancee’s needs? Like, for my wife, she NEEDS to be creative. She NEEDS to make things.” He was totally right. 🙂

Ami - This happy post is exactly why you are the first blog I check everyday! Love, love, love all that color!

Jen Brandt - I so love your pictures. What an awesome rainbow button lamp shade. So happy! I need time to exercise and thank God I have a husband who understands that. 🙂

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I miss quilting, to be honest. My sewing machine (dumb Brother) finally gave up the ghost and it will be months before I can replace it and months before my life settles down enough to even consider crafting/sewing. We’re going from 4 to 7 children and that’s going to be a bit chaotic around here.

Christy K - This is, by far, THE happiest blog post I have read in, well… EVER. All of the bright, beautiful colours make my heart SO very happy! Thank you for inspiring me today and happy creating!! : )

stephany - Happy photos.
Creating makes me happy, too!
I have tons of cleaning to do before my in-laws get to town and I have been creating, moving furniture, and changing things around in our house instead.
You’ve Got Mail is one of my favorites, too. Really, anything with Meg Ryan.
And, I have a table full of thrifted embroidery hoops and fabric right at this moment.
I think we would get along well. 🙂

becky - i thought you’d appreciate this – we were doing a cross country road trip with the kids (well, to ohio and back) and i had this big binder with all the things we were going to do at every stop. and on the way home we had an over-nighter in salina and my one and only goal was to go out to the barn and shop and i had it all marked and the address in the gps and everything…AND…the one day we were there – was the day they were closed. sigh. and to think i passed up one amazing antique shop after another with the mantra going through my head, “just make it to kansas…just make it to kansas…” hah! that’ll teach me. hopefully next time i’m in your neck of the woods – i will make it to the barn.
thanks for all the wonderful pics today. it’s funny – i see rainbow things all the time and think of you – which is weird, i know…but funny at the same time. oh, this funny blogging world.

Lennie Jackson - My kids are small 1 yr and almost 3 so it is very hard for me to get any craft-mommy-I need it to keep my sanity time, but I try really hard to do that. It is all a juggle and you seem to do so well. Thanks for the pretty post!!! Someday I’ll get to that craft house!!

Juli - So funny! I just ordered the rainbow chevron from Hawthorne after they sent their e-mail! I told my husband I’m just going to wrap the outside of the house with it :)! I haven’t received mine yet. Do you think its heavy enough for a shower curtain? (there would be a plastic liner too). Love your blog so much. Hoping to meet you in sometime at a craft weekend!

Kate - What inspiration this morning! My oldest is just starting preschool this fall, and I am hoping to spend more time in my craft room. I also just signed up on the CW waiting list, so I’m hoping to see your craft room sometime soon, too. 😉 Happy Wednesday!

kelly - I stayed home from work today and was feeling kinda blah… your post lifted my spirits and made me want to create. I have a not so craft room that has been in the making since we built the house 2 years ago–bot as big as yours but I would love for it ot have the same feel of yours… Thanks for the inspiration–I can tell yours has all the things you love…. THanks Meg!!!

Dara - I love the rainbow chevron!

annie - Can I just come and LIVE at the craft house?!?!?!?!!? HOLY COW! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!

Han - You’ve Got Mail is one of my favourites! I adore Nora Ephron films – I watched YGM most recently the day that she passed away – I watched in like memory of her.
I even quoted YGM on my blog today (here)
“Don’t you just love New York in the fall. It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bunch of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand this not knowing has it’s charms”

Sharla - Rainbow chevron! I am in love

Jen - What a fun place Craft House is!! I love the color, the mix of patterns. It’s all so happy and creative. Mission accomplished.

Verna Lantz - This entire post made me happy. What happy colors and patterns. Now, I believe I need my own craft room to fill it with color and happy. Thanks!!

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