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I was delighted to be asked by BlogHer to share this episode of Weelicious Lunch Crunch sponsored by Odwalla Fruit Smoothies For Kids with my readers. Enjoy!

Jennifer wood - oops…that comment was supposed to be on your “pretty” post…I’ll put it there.

Jennifer wood - My boys are ages 11, 7, and 4, so I kind of feel like I have recently stepped out of a fog of diapers, potty training, etc. Because of that (and because I’ve been intentional about creating time for it), I’ve been creating more for our home…making something out of nothing, making fun things out of ordinary things. My oldest son recently said, “I love how you decorate our house with things most people give away to the Food and Clothing Bank (our town’s “goodwill”)” This was such a compliment to me! haha!! 😉 LOVE your blog…it inspires me.

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