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lovely fall.

this is in front of my house.  :)




















and all of these trees are in my yard.
today is a beautiful fall day.
i am really irritated that i didn't go for a run this morning.
it was windy then.
but perfect now…too bad there are a bunch of kids here…six total.
and so noisy.
i could use a run right now.
or an escape of any kind….anyone need me to go to the dentist for them….the obgyn… clean your bathrooms.
i will be there.
it's been a long week.
i am thankful it's friday.
big time.
what are you doing tonight?
give me some ideas….so i don't go crazy (since i didn't run and my nerves are shot.)

Sarah - Thank you so much for posting this. This is indeed a lovely pictures. I do love Fall it is actually my favorite time to have my teeth clean at the dentists ottawa in time for the holiday season. Thanks again for posting this!

Jessica - I love seeing all of your lovely fall photos. It’s my favorite season and you capture Kansas fall perfectly. I was born and raised in Ottawa, KS, but moved away a few years ago when I married a Marine. Thank you for posting the beauty of Kansas that I miss so much!

mary beth - I am with you …I can’t get enough of the fall color! each one I see is more beautiful than the last! hope you got a chance to recharge over the weekend, windy Monday is here!

Sarah - The view down the road in front of your house is so peaceful. Love it. I should have read your blog yesterday when I was feeling the same way you were, then I would have known I wasn’t alone.

April R - Jack Johnson 🙂

Ana - Seriously. You always inspire me to go take pictures of so much natural beauty outside. So, I went in my backyard with my Nikon. Sadly, I couldn’t find a single change in leaf color. =) Great pictures!

jennyonthespot - I love Fall. My favorite time of year… Wouldn’t it be fun to go for a run together? I soooo know what you mean about needing to go for a run… I hear that… <3

Jennifer - Well, I straightened up the kitchen kissed my kids and husband goodbye, Scooped up Dear Daughter off of the bus and headed out to teach my 5:45 healing yoga class:) Came home and my husband had dogs on the grill and a beautiful cucumber tomato avo salad on the side:) I gave him a big kiss and relaxed vegging out in front of fb and tv. Next time leave the kids with one of the older kiddo’s in charge and go for a run or take in a relaxing yoga class 😉

tinaehb3 - lol…love the the appt. offer 🙂

Grace - Ohhh! Thank you … 🙂
I left definitively Boston 2 months ago for France (my country), and I was so sad to miss the autumn foliage… Very sad. I usually love going out just to take pictures around.
So, once again, thank you very much. You made my day very happy.

Leah - Just watched “About a Boy” and was reading blogs and getting crafty ideas.

Kate - Watching Sabrina and flipping back and forth between that and Sleepless in Seattle

Mary - awww man!
today was nuts.
our leaves are LOOOOONG gone, but they sure were great when they lasted.
hope you get some ALONE time this weekend.
i had a fit today because my plans for the weekend were foiled do to impromptu babysitting for my dear friends. i got over it, because life isn’t all about me, but i sure hope to get a FEW quiet moments to myself…and i sure hope they involve coffee! 🙂

beth - home made pizza and movies here too. that’s how you’ll find us spending our friday nights, unless something else comes up. usually works out well, since hockey, soccer and dance are on the other weeknights and the rest of the weekend. i find it’s the perfect way to unwind with the peep’s after a long week. while the crust was rising we took a family walk on the train tracks that run along side the lake where we live. it was a nice crisp fall day here on vancouver island, no rain, lot’s of fall colour on the trees, and a pretty sunset on the lake. your ahead in time than me, so hopefully your house has quieted down by now : )

Maria - A nice, quiet night at home for us tonight…homecooked dinner, followed by cider and donuts and a new tradition (ala Nienie) of watching the legend of sleepy hollow with the boys…a perfect October night!

Routhie - Not going to lie: A little tipsy from some beers and full from decent bbq (I’m a Texan living up north, so it’s slim pickins), kids are playing with neighbors, I just talked to my mom for 30 mins about one of my brothers, making lists about what needs to be done instead of just getting things done, brainstorming about a bday present for party on Sunday, and burning incense because there is a funky smell in my bathroom because, according to the plumber, a vent on top of our house is clogged. Oh, and I am sad about Big Tex.

KirstenP - Here’s something completely different: go to and sign up for
a free 2 week trial and then start doing a genealogy search of grandparents. You’ll probably find some info in census records. Have a happy fall weekend with lots of color!

happygirl - All these pics are about light. Ever since you said photography was all about light I can see it in the images. Now if I could find the light in my lens.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - You are so funny! Scrambled eggs for dinner and we are going to watch Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer!? Hmmm not quite sure I’m going to like that. Just a wild and crazy night here in my house.

tiffany kraght - assuming you watch the x factor, you could just re-watch the two episodes that were on last week over again because they were soooo good. especially the two 13 year old girls at the end. amazing. i’ve watched both episodes twice!!! are you watching??? you totally should. my kids think i’m going crazy with how much i love those girls. i’m just super jealous i wasn’t blessed with a good singing voice!!

Molly - we are eating homemade pizza and watching movies. these plans were made entirely by my hubby. reason #509 why i love him:)

shauna - stop with the leaves you brat

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love fall and all the photos of the oak leaves. My favorite tree lately. We are going to watch a movie shortly, just the kids and I until hubby gets home from work. We try to do that a couple of times a month, and will probably do that each week this winter. Where mom (me!), actually watches the whole thing without doing anything else during the movie, a tough feet for this busy hands.
I’d say pop in a movie, or do something crafty with the kiddos and then when your hubby gets home, go for that run or even a walk? I almost didn’t run last night and so glad I did even though it wasn’t my best run.

Amanda - Driving 4 girls and meeting 11 more to dinner, Cotillion, then back again. Can Totally relate to wanting to do something else, ha! I woke up this morning and my hubby asked me why I kept turning off the alarm. “I have to do boring things today. I do not want to get up.” Us mamas are tired on Fridays and frequently, it’s a busy night!
Your photos are really great, thanks for posting those!

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I feel your pain today. Friday’s are supposed to by my days off to play. I usually hike or have lunch with a girlfriend, but I had so much catch up work to do today (house chores) that I ended up doing chores like vacuuming the beds, washing and changing sheets and endless piles of laundry. BORING! I use to be able to take a day off from laundry, but as my kids get older there’s just more laundry to do.
I also cooked up a bunch of stuff to get ready for our crazy weekend, so I’m taking the night off from cooking and we’re headed out to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. I’m going to have me a tall glass of wine! Now, I just have to go and pick up my kids from school!

Tiffany - Wine, get some, it’s relaxing. Sewing too.

Amy Huff - Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s then snuggling in bed with hubby after baby goes to bed and watching Revolution and Grimm on the dvr.

Donna - Dave Matthews Band!

shannon - We are having a movie night, Winnie the Pooh 😉 I’m sure that movie might not work for your kids though. It’s always an easy way to transition into the weekend around here.

Donna - hi meg. i feel your pain – i have 6 girls in my house right now – i think if i closed my eyes i would think i was at a justin bieber concert right now. i too would take a pelvic exam in exchange……….well maybe NOT. My husband and I were going to get a bite to eat tonight, but now I think I am stuck home with Little Caesars pizza, screaming girls and justin bieber!!!! I think I will lock myself away in my bedroom and organize my jewelry – my inspiration comes from Paige:

Jen - P.S. Also just downloaded my first EVER iTunes. Yep, helllllo 2012! Blues Traveler Run Around was my first song. Looking for tunes to play in the background when my girlfriends come over for dinner. Suggestions?

Jen - Beautiful pictures, Meg! Thank you!
Here in Ohio, it’s chilly and raining. My girls and I just crafted some Halloween cards a la Pinterest. Now I need to get off my rear and make chili and cornbread. After dinner, girls, hubby, and me are going to snuggle up and watch Madagaskar 3. TGIF!

Alicia @ La Famille - beautiful pictures! wouldn’t it be sad to live where there was only one season? hope you have a good weekend and get some quiet for a few 🙂

Lachalle - hired a baby sitter for my kidlets and heading out to supper with hubby and before we head home maybe just a walk together . Then home and hopefully she gets everyone in bed before we get home . Wishful thinking there I am sure.

Lori Tacchino - Lovely photos, Meg! Great job capturing the light. We are still waiting for fall to arrive in Cali. Can’t wait-its supposed to be here next week

keri - forever folding laundry - I’m hosting a sleepover for 10 boys (+ Avery) tomorrow.
Still wanna trade?

Leadia Jarvis - the colors are so gorgeous that it makes me laugh on those (many) days when I feel so “gray” on the inside! Trying to motivate myself to get to the 6:00 Crossfit class or I will be Mt. Vesuvius by 8:00. Last night we had a floor picnic/family movie night. We turned off all the lights, I gave them treats…90 minutes of relative peace. I download Kindle books onto my iPhone so I can snuck in some reading during the movie. That, and Words with Friends. (Do you play that or Draw Something? Both are mindless distractions!)

JennD - Waiting to head home from work and hibernate! The kids have a day off of school and we are having a huge snow storm.
(I am very jealous of youe beautiful fall pictures, looks like winter is here aleady for us…)

Sara Torbett - Watching Project Runway, bath or long shower, crafting. Plus lighting a fall candle and leisurely drinking some decaf coffee. 🙂 I’m a mama to a busy 16-month old and 8 months pregnant. Friday nights are the one night for me! 🙂

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