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my friend Jeanne is starting a new e*course on Oct 22 and it looks amazing!
it is called Creatively Made Home.
she has several awesome designer/bloggers that are teaching alongside her.
Jeanne will be talking about ways to create a home the reflects your heart….everyday!


i am all signed up….i hope you join and we can take it together!

CLICK HERE to read all about it and sign up.

maybe i will get some inspiration for the farm house!  :) 






my friend amy has an etsy shop and i went by yesterday and said out loud "HOW IS THIS STILL HERE?!!"

her shop has some really cute stuff for great prices.

i want this chalkboard but i have no where for it….but i KNOW that you do!  
it is so darn sweet.

i got a peace sign like this in pink for my girl's room…

and this pillow?
i looove.

and this HOME? wood grain and turquoise…it's totally rad.

a green scale that is the perfect mix of paint and rust…. be still my vintage heart.

i just love her shop.
i love that she used her creativity while she waits to bring home her boy Davis.
i think she is brave and wonderful with a huge heart. 
and i think you need these goodies at your house.


i really wish parenthood was on last night instead of the debate.
i walked in the room while it was on and i wasn't even there one minute and my heart started to race.
i can't handle that tension!! 

i just wanted my braverman fix.

i think i will go watch last weeks episode again….

who is your favorite character on that show?
let's hear it.

you already know mine….




Melissa Mae - That whale chalkboard! My website is called “The Cheeky Whale”, so I pretty much need to get it.

Christine - I love to watch the debates. In my opinion, this is the most important election of my lifetime. At least up to this point. The two candidates have two very different visions for America, and I want to be informed.

Jeanie - I went to college with him! (Pete K.) He was in plays there and super, super talented.
As for the show, I have never seen it, but he has the talent for whatever role he is playing, I’m sure.
This might be my first time commenting..(??)..too bad I couldn’t come up with something witty. I have enjoyed your blog for years.

Ann Grayson - Oh, lord. Everyone has a responsibility to educate themselves and vote. Your husband tells you how to vote?? Are you kidding me? Look all, Parenthood is a great show and a lot of fun, but picking the next president of the United States is important. Pay attention already.

Agnieszka - Love me some Parenthood, too. I’m surprised so many people like Kristina. I find her annoying. The same goes for Hattie. I don’t even know why. I like Sarah and Amber way more. They’re both fun, smart and witty. Also I think Camille is great. I think she’s and ideal mom of adult children. I don’t think I have a favorite man character. And definitely no crushes 😉 But I like them all.

Leslie - Parenthood is THE best show on! I love watching the dynamics of a big family and I just bawled last week when Hattie showed up and they broke the news to the whole family. I love a good cry 🙂

sara m. - I’ve always rather enjoyed watching Joel since the very first episode of Parenthood ;o)

Mary - that shop is chock full of goodness!
super cute stuff!
i’ve never seen that show but i did watch the debate, and for a moment thought i might need a brown paper bag to breathe in, or some blood pressure pills or something like that.

Victoria - Ooooh I love that “HOME” sign! Alas, I just checked and it is gone. Thanks for sharing her shop though. There are so many Etsy stores and sometimes it’s hard to sift through them all.
Just.can’ I try to, but I just can’t do it.

Caco - Hello !
I post a coment for the first time today, I read your blog since a long time and I love it. I love your colors, your photos, your creations, and “spirit” of love in your life and your home !(Yes i’m a big fan, and my english is so bad I know:D)
Thanks to share this beautiful moments.
Have a nice time 🙂
PS : Oh, and <3 <3 <3 Peter Krause of course 🙂

Amanda - I missed it the other night too. Couldn’t they have picked another night for the debate? :)Anyhoo, I don’t know if I can just pick one Braverman…I love them all. Okay Adam and Christina are probably my faves…but really I love the whole dang family. I’m proud to say I have watched every episode from the start-it’s my favorite! 🙂

Amy - Pick one character??? I agree Max is a phenomenal actor but Sarah is my fave:) can’t wit til next week!

Mel - I love Parenthood and missed it last night too. Sooo tired of the debates and the bickering. Let’s just all get along people! All love all the characters on Parenthood but I am partial to Max because I have two sons with autism. They do a great job of portraying asperger’s syndrome. I do want to marry Adam or Joel…
Love your blog and your style!

Marla - Ohmygosh…because of YOU and a few FB friends I started watching Parenthood Season 1 on Netflix (plan to zoom right through until now)…I think I’ve cried every episode…I totally love it.

Chris - Crosby!!!!

Melissa - My hubs stayed up an hour and a half later than usual because he wanted to watch it and we saw that the debate was on and our hearts sank.
We had a rough couple of days and really wanted to relax and watch the show.
Kristina is my favorite, I think. I love her. I also love Amber. And Drew. And Mark. And Adam.

Beth - LOVE Parenthood! Every week my husband and I ask ourselves why it doesn’t win any awards? He says because it is too close to real life. 🙂 I love Max, purely because he is an AMAZING actor. I also cry every.single.week. Looking forward to Tuesday!

Charla - Parenthood is the best! Crosby is my favorite because even when he screws up he readily admits it and tries to make things better. He’s a diamond in the rough that gains more sparkle every episode. And he’s easy on the eyes.

Kimberly C - I’m a huge Parenthood fan too! I love Adam, but he is followed closely by Joel.

Angela - I just love Kristina… probably because we’re similar in personality. 🙂 I love Adam, but he reminds me too much of my Sunday School teacher to think he’s hot… That would be crossing a very weird line for me. 🙂

happygirl - Wow, such cute STUFF. 🙂

Anna Marie - Adam is way cool but Monica Potter is doing such a FABULOUS job this season. I am in tears EVERY. TIME.

lisa currie-gurney - Love the Bravermans. They rock! I so look forward to watching every week, and am like you, disappointed when it’s not on.
I don’t think I have a favorite. I just love them as a whole. I love how real they seem.
Watching that show helps me to remember just how “normal” our family is.
Hugs From My Heart

sara @ it's good to be queen - okay yes. yes to all that vintage beauty. yes to bravermans. seriously cannot handle the debates either. honestly i don’t have it in me to be political. my husband tells me how to vote. yes, i’m serious. i should have lived a century ago. i’d fit right in. plus i could get breakfast in bed so that’d be swell. okay parenthood…i LOVE julia and joel’s relationship. so good and real and sweet. joel is def my fave character. i loved whatever season that was that he looked at julia and said, “i will never cheat on you.” aaaahhhh…perfection. okay, also i loved the episode last season where kristina made everyone get out of the car and walk home. ha! now that’s real life right there. how many times have i wanted to do that?? one bazillion.
happy day, Meg!!

amanda - totally love Adam… HUGE crush. but curiously fond of bad boy brother Crosby. 🙂
great show. we love it.

Lisa M. - I have been looking for a “HOME” sign for months and when I saw this one on your post I immediately went to her shop and cannot find it. I must’ve been too late. 🙁 Her shop has some really cool things, tho.
The e-course looks amazing! Ii think I may take it!

rachel - I just bought that whale of a chalkboard! I’m super stoked! Oddly enough, my bf and I’s relationship started with whaley finny flirting. 🙂

Jan - My favorites on the show are Julia and Joel. I would much rather be married to the Joel character than the Adam one. I find Christina a bit too much at times but I really like her daughter Hattie.

Jen - YES

Jen - I’m so glad you were brave enough to say what I was afraid to–I would rather watch Parenthood than most things, ESPECIALLY the debates. I care about my country but I can’t stand the tension either!
I love Crosby and Joel.

Colleen - I agree, I missed Parenthood too! The debates just make me anxious. Everyone (and I mean everyone) is so mean-spirited and sarcastic. We don’t need that. I love that picture of Adam. He and the guy that plays Joel(Julia’s husband) are tied in my book. Also, I really like Ray Romano on the show. I hope his character sticks around. He has good chemistry with Lauren Graham (Sarah).

Penny - I love Parenthood and was so bummed when I realized it wasn’t on. Hated the debate and went to bed! I wish we could see more of Camille. I just feel like there is so much more to her. I am very happy about the introduction of Ray Ramano’s character. Love him! I can’t really say I have a favorite. I love Sarah. It bothers me sometimes how Adam and Christina’s house gets so noisey when they all talk at once. That is the only complaint I have about the show. Love Love Love Parenthood!

Halley - I love Christina and Adam! I guess it’s because I relate more to them than the others. I have cried the for every episode this year! Somehow this show just connects with the heart of the family. Also find Sarah’s boyfriend slightly annoying and very “little boyish”- dump him and move on. Ray Ramono has a surprisingly soft side. 🙂

mollie d - I love Sarah, but I seriously need her to dump Mark- over it. I don’t think they’ll get married. Did you cry when Kristina told the fam about the cancer- I totally cried and I am NOT a cryer

Elizabeth - Even with that pic, I just cannot think Adam is cute. I like Joel and Julia!!

Sarah - Parenthood is one of the two shows I like that my husband does as well. I felt the same way on Tuesday when I turned the television on at the end of a long day and saw the debate, not my show. Sigh. I scoured Craigslist for some treasures instead. Headed over to Amy’s shop now. I love the HOME sign you have pictured and think it’s perfect for our new home that was a truly emotional long drawn-out process to purchase. Yes, we’re finally home. 🙂

Jen - I LOVE all the people on Parenthood! But that is one HOT picture of Adam!! I love Julia too. Probably because I am very much like her.

Andrea - I don’t know if I have a favorite on Parenthood because in some ways I can identify with every family. That’s what makes the show so amazing! When my kids are grown, I hope I’m Camille. She’s mellow, yet supportive, and fun.

Tiffany - How u feel about the debate, I feel about the Olympics, especially the kids. EEEK! I can’t stand to watch, too much tension – I can hardly breathe, and so I don’t. It’s easy too, just turn the dang channel. Amy’s shop is the cutest, love your pillow. Howeva, craft budget is exhausted for October, but Amy, I’ll see you in November. Holla.

Jennifer Davis Wood - I love Gilmore Girls! When I watch it It feels like Home:)

Jennifer Davis Wood - Oh that’s so funny! I came in late from teaching yoga and I watched the end of the debate, then I went in to the bedroom and got cozy turned on my tv and dvr and was like the home alone kid screaming and shocked, Noooooooooooo! I was in denial and decided to watch last weeks episode too :D. Hmmmmm, who is my fav. I tend to have favorite couples. Right now I’m liking Ray and Sarah, That’s a hard question.

Kori - p.s. did you watch him in six feet under? SUPER cute!

Kori - hubba hubba! i love me some adam braverman!!! 🙂

Tasha - I have such a crush on Adam Braverman. Love that he is such a family man. So sexy. Did you know he and Lauren Graham are together in real life? I love her character and Ray Ramano together.

lindsay - seeing that picture is definitely the first time i ever thought of adam as hot! he is just so uptight sometimes. maybe they’ll let him look like that on the show eventually! 🙂 hmm i think my favorite is crosby. i always favor the younger brothers, like justin on brothers and sisters

Kari C. - My husband and I love watching Parenthood! We both agree that it’s one of the best shows EVER! My favorite character is Joel, Julia’s husband. He’s on my “Hot Dad/Hubby” Crush list!!!!

tiffany kraght - oh well, i’ve never seen adam look quite so handsome….he sure looks different from they way he’s styled on the show!! this is much better!

Collette Ezzell - I just started watching it and am catching up on the other seasons, but my fave is Lauren Graham – Sarah. She was a single mom in another show I loved, Lorelai Gilmore on “Gilmore Girls, and she and I have been on similiar life paths (don’t know if that’s good or bad, although I’m not with my younger boyfriend any longer),so I always identified with her from the first show I saw her on

Jessie - The debate made my heart race too and come away saying America is better than this!

stephany - I signed up for the class.
I will be interested to learn what they have to share.
I LOVE Parenthood.
I am the queen of “wholesome goodness” shows, as my husband calls it. It all started with Ed the Bowling Alley Lawyer, Gilmore Girls, and many others. While the rest of the family was skeptical, I pushed for Parenthood…I have definitely won my husband over.
It reaches all of us.
I completely relate to Kristina…and now with breast cancer…I haven’t had it myself, but my mom is a nine year survivor (this month).
I LOVE all the characters and the chemistry. It is ALMOST real life. ALMOST.
Can’t wait to “see” you in class!

Wendy - I am so in Parenthood withdrawl. I CRY every single show. Every one! Love the whole show. I love Adam Braverman! Cute things!

Keri - I was totally bummed that Parenthood wasn’t on too! I really love Christina and Adam!

Shannon - I was sad it wasn’t on last night too. I just started watching it this season and it has quickly become one of my very favorite shows! Amy’s etsy shop is adorable and like you said her prices are so reasonable. Hope you have a great night 🙂

Mique - I super missed Parenthood last night. Love that picture above of Mr. Braverman. I honestly think the cast is fabulous in general. I relate most with Christina (for pretty obvious reasons) and maybe think I’m just like her….shhh don’t tell. Counting down til next week….xo

Mary Beth - I’m signed up for the class too! You are right. The Debate WAS tense. I was YELLING at the TV for many reasons.

Lori H - My favorite is Josh (Julia’s husband) and Christina. This is going to be an intense season! Love love the show. I cry every episode!

Janelle - Amber is my favorite 😉 Zeke is probably my second favorite.

Megan - Ooooh, I love it all… her shop is SO CUTE!
And Parenthood is my fav! I personally like Zeke. 🙂

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