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my weekend.

this weekend we hosted a retreat at the craft house!
a group of women from a church in colorado came all together in a motor home!
they meet together as a small group to study God's word and to get creative.
these women loved each other, enjoyed being together and were such an encouragement to me.
we had an absolutely AWESOME time. 

we got the house all ready…smelling good…sparkling clean…candles lit…music on…just beautiful!

since this weekend was different from a regular Craft Weekend there were no sponsors or swag.

they were A M A Z I N G and they brought their own swag!!!

they each brought a gift for everyone and they put it all together in one bag.
it was SO much fun to watch them open each item and hear the special reason they made or gave it.
it was like christmas!
and they even brought swag for kimberlee and i!!
we were surprised and grateful.

there was a birthday and they toasted their friend!



they wanted to go out to our favorite antiques store and the barn.
which meant kimberlee and i got to ride in the motor home!
oh my goodness it was the coolest thing ever.
i want one now!!




this was such a fun group of ladies!

this is what i came home with this week from the shop.
there is ALWAYS something to find.  ;)


these were confident, happy crafters that truly enjoyed being together and creating.



thank you colorado girls for making my weekend so wonderful.
i thought it would be great and it was so much more than that!
i feel so blessed to have met all of you.
can't wait till next year! 



recruitment business - This looks really happy.

Kelly - how much do you charge to rent out the craft house for a weekend retreat like this? Just wondering. It’s so wonderful! I should have hitched a ride with those Colorado girls! Kelly

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Girl, every time you show photos of quilts at the barn my heart swoons. One of them will come home with me next weekend, whether I like it or not. But i’m pretty sure i’ll love it 😉 See you soon!

Tiffany - Isn’t that so cool how you bless them, and they bless you right back?! Incredible thing you have going there at the Craft House. 🙂

Kristin S - Oh, Meg, what a gift! The Lord has used your home in mighty ways. What a great way to steward this gift!
I know those women were blessed.

Tracy Fisher - does it get any better than that??? how fun. love the pillows. isn’t it fun to meet people along the way in life? what a gift. -tracy

Lisa M. - Wow, what a great idea! Looks like they had a lot of fun!

Jocelyn Pascall - Looks like a great weekend! As always, I love the colorful photos 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - Oh, wow. Like a million times wow. Craft Weekend is *wonderful*… WONDERFUL! But, as much as I would love to come to a CW, how much more would I love to travel with a group of friends, spend time in the Word and praying together, and hanging out, celebrating friendship and giving thanks together?! In the Craft House??!! That sounds just about perfect.
What a blessing to be able to use your gifts that way this weekend 🙂

Sheila P. - Do I spy Miss Sally in one of the pictures? Love her!

bonnie - all the pictures are gorgeous! so much fun and what a sweet group of ladies.
what i wanna know is where did the birthday girl get that awesome tan sweater?? looks soooo cozy and cute!!

denise@victory rd. - now that is my kind of woman’s retreat! imagine how much fun the motor home trip would have been!? and then add crafting together with you and kimberlee. seriously. they made some great memories. so glad for them and you!

Linda - Every time I catch a glimpse of the craft house it just makes me want to move it. It is so beautiful and happy! Wish I could capture that same essence in my own home. Thanks again for your constant inspiration!

ira lee - i love this! how fun that they rolled up in a rv! what?!!?!?! lol

Lilly - I found it! It was indeed Katie Daisy, somehow I missed it. Thanks 🙂

Lilly - Hi Meg – the first picture has a lovely print in it (above the bed “tell me…”) . Is that from Katie Daisy? I looked on her site but didn’t see it. Would love to get one for my little home, too! Thanks 🙂

Katie Jones - Oh my gosh! That is amazing!! I host a womens bible study at my home every Tuesday night! We have been meeting for a year on November 1st. This would be amazing!!!!!! How much do you charge for a group to come? Or are you even up for that kind of thing???? My ladies would go crazy for a weekend like this. We live in MO about 4 hours away!!!!

Jen - I’m feeling like you are living in quiltville where all the pretty quilts abide and in living in the land of no quilts. I NEED some!! Whenever I see them in our antique shops they are always so expensive. Or maybe I’m just cheap ha! Either way so jealous!

Sara Torbett - So much fun! The motor home experience really looks like a unique time! 🙂 Someday I must visit your antique shop/barn. 🙂 And maybe someday when I don’t have nursing babies-come to a Craft Weekend!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos at always. Looks like such fun crafts!

Kate - What a fun weekend! You guys are amazing. Hugs!

roganne - what adorable ladies! it looks like you had so much fun! what are those squares you made? pillow shams?

Mary Beth - Megan…I do not have a group of friends like this, so I love seeing positive images of women encouraging one another. Keep it up. You are a beacon to women who might need just a little handholding….. 🙂

Lisa - What a cool thing! Love that you opened your home for them. What a blessing for all of you!

Angela Atkins - How wonderful! Now I want to do one of those too, and I know a whole group who would come with me.

april @ The Gingerbread Blog - Dang you guys pimped your ride this time with the motor home! Looks like another awesome weekend! I never get tired of seeing craft weekend pics! Keep em comin! xoxo

Karen Gerstenberger - What a great group for the craft house! God is surely blessing you as you are blessing others.

elma - You are having a tad to much fun!!! How fun!!!!

sharla - Looks like loads of fun!

Linda - WOW that looks like an amazing weekend!

joyce - Looks like a great weekend. Is that at your place? Its beautiful

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