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i feel like i just make lists and make more lists and i am still forgetting stuff and never catching up.

do you ever feel like that?


i AM excited about trick or treating tonight.
i mean…as excited as i could be…i guess i am happy to get to walk around with craig.
since the kids run ahead and leave us way behind usually.
it makes me happy to not have to worry about answering the door….no one trick or treats in the country. 🙂

i have a bumble bee, a pirate and a banana this year.  
thank you wal-mart.
you helped a mama out!
and btw…my kids were so excited to open the box of costumes that came in the mail.
i was actually even smarter and i ordered 3 for each of them and let them pick from the 3.
they each chose differently than i thought so it was a great way to do it.
and i returned the others because walmart is awesome about returns.


i did go out for a run/walk today.
it is so nice to do this with a friend because you get your exercise and you can talk about everything.
at least that is what my running friends and i do.
we are dealing with big time real life stuff while we are sweatin' it out on the dirt path.
killing two birds with one stone.
three actually….exercise, social face-to-face girl time AND vitamin D sunshine baby!
i love running.
it's true.
i may not always want to go…i usually don't want to but i am ALWAYS happy i went.
never changes.


girls get the best clothes.
i LOVE these shirts at old navy that i got my girls but wished they came in my size.
someone on instagram suggested cutting them up and making it an applique on MY shirt.
i am totally going to do that!!!  (with a new shirt not with their shirts 😉

because grown up moms like rainbows too!


measuring heights on our doorway ruler.  
scott is 5' 9.5" 
so weird to have my children taller than me now.
i am pretty sure i will be the shortest in my family in about 5 years.


i made a fun wreath last week for the Craft House door.
scraps and hot glue.
she is a very low maintenance wreath…i like her. 

not very "fall"ish but it's very MEG-ish and that is what matters.  


after craft weekend i usually sleep on mondays for a LONG time.
i get up and see my kids off on the bus and then crawl IMMEDIATELY back into bed.
it is such a nice way to recover.
i actually spent the whole day at home which i haven't done for a long time!
i rearranged a little…picked up a bit.

it was a nice sleepy cozy day on monday.


last year we rocked out our pumpkins with AWESOME designs and colors.
this year?
we did nothing.

ha ha ha 

i had a canvas made of an older picture of scott.
he sure is a cutie.
i like that it's black and white…and his basketball is all ratty.

(and i like that he looks just like his daddy)


did you know Parenthood wasn't going to be on last night?

i wish you would have warned me.
i got all cozy and ready to watch…waiting long enough in so i could watch it on the dvr without commercials and not catch up to live tv…and then it wasn't on!!! 
i know, i know….get a life meg!
but i was ready to just chill with the bravermans!

we watched the office instead on dvr.   (i thought you were Adam Lambert….)

i really want Mad Men to hurry up and come back on already!!!



i have go get groceries today.
don't you feel like that is all we do as moms?
buy the food.  fix the food.  clean up the food.  repeat.

can't we all just eat cereal??
why is that frowned upon?
what is the big deal?!

we are having this for dinner tonight… take two.
i started making it on monday and was missing chicken broth.
so i will try again tonight. 

alrighty…..i desperately want to go back to bed.
just for a bit.
but i am going to shower (i stink from runnning), get groceries and make one of the crafts for
the November craft weekend…and get one ready for my girls after school.
i am.

i can do it.

i am really sure.



one more cup of coffee first…..



melissa stover - i’m watching reruns to tide me over but oh how i miss don draper.

julie - That soup is my favorite. It is so cozy and comforting. I need that in my life.
How in the CUSS do you run and talk at the same time. Because I run and want to die or murder people and for sure do not want to talk, even to the friendly elderly people walking their dogs that say hi. The thought of using oxygen to blurt out a simple hi back is more than I can take. I need every breath to not fall over dead. So I smile. Zero talking. Just me, near death, sweaty, murdery, and my music.
You would not like to go running with me. I am mean. And super unfriendly.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Well it’s. official, I am the shortest in my family, unless you count the dog standing on her hind legs and then I”m pretty sure she is a smidge shorter. Welcome to the club of short moms!

Julia @the BackLoop - I love how he looks like he is trying to stand up as straight as possible.

Tiffany - I’m so glad you have a Monday recovery day after CW. My Monday after CW in November looks like this: Wake up at 5:30AM, get myself and two kids out the door to daycare and school, teach all day, and have parent-teacher conferences all night. 🙁 I’ll survive. The weekend will be so relaxing I’ll build up all kinds of energy, right?!

Kori - I also waited to watch Parenthood and was soooo sad that it wasn’t on!
“I thought you were Adam Lambert.” was one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a very long time. I laughed my butt off even though I am a kinda sorta fan of Adam’s…at least of one CD, anyway. 😉

Emily - I had been stuck inside for TWO days because of Sandy (no major damage, thank goodness) but had major cabin fever and was waiting all day to watch Parenthood and almost cried when I realized it wasn’t on.

Lisa - I agree! Cereal and toast for dinner every night! (Just kidding….kind of)

Dawn - Be thankful that you don’t have a full-time job outside the home, as well! Focus on the positives….crawling back into bed, shopping during the day, enjoying a leisurely cup of copy, starting dinner before 6:00 pm….lots to be thankful for here 🙂

jacki - You sure have running determination. It really would be strange too, to hit that point where your kids are taller than you! Love all the ‘color of life’ you bring to your blog here.

Terrie - If I had seen that it wasn’t going to be on …I would have let you know.
Didn’t realize until it was time to watch…same as you.
I think we need to make a pact…we should all call each other if we see it isn’t going to be on.
Seriously bummed me out!
I made that soup last week…so yummy!
This week it was cheeseburger soup…hubby’s fav!
I was going to do pumpkins like yours last week…I didn’t even buy any this year.
I’ll vote for cereal!!
I hate the grocery store!
Happy Candy Day!

Lachalle - I have felt the exact same way as you do about the lists. Even if we ever actually finish a list another one or two has already began ….
have a HAPPY Halloween !

sam - I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who was taken aback by the lack of Parenthood. I purposely waited to go to the gym so I would watch it while on the treadmill and was so bummed when I realized it was preempted by coverage of the storm. You are so lucky to have friends to run with, I miss my running partner so much. Hopefully I will find another one when we move again.

Rebekah Mathis - My motto ever since having my third child has been, “All I do is feed my family.”

Louise - I love this, Meg! 🙂 I love the line, “Can’t we all just eat cereal? Why do people frown upon that?” That actually made me laugh out loud. 😉 I found myself thinking the other day, “Do they have to eat EVERY day?” Ha… And…to answer your question…I do feel like sometimes all I do is buy the food, make the food, and clean up the food…and I only have 2 kiddos. I can’t imagine with 5. A Tuesday without Parenthood is always a little sad. I LOVE the Bravermans. Thanks for the smile today…as usual. I have just started running and am motivated by you lots.

Jenn - Love it! I need to watch Mad Men.

Suzette - Shop. Cook. Clean. Repeat. I’m gonna’ put it on my kitchen wall! Would that be so horrible? I guess I should go with {Eat, Drink, Laugh, Love} but inside I’m thinking shop, cook, clean, repeat, shop, cook, clean, repeat…

Maggie - My favorite quote from the Office this week was when Erin said “Buts are for pooping.” I laughed out loud.

Lisa - I like your random posts. 🙂

Charla - I loved the Adam Lambert comment on The Office, too. And yes, no Parenthood = unhappy parent (that would be me!) Not til after the election?!?!? What the what? And yes…my life is spent at the grocery store. Blech! Have fun tonight. I know we will!

Shara - Crawling back into bed. What is that like!?!? I”m gonna have to remember the walmart costume tip for next year. Three out of four have costumes, we’re still working on the last one. Trying to use what we have! Happy grocery shopping! and as my youngest say’s, “happy ween!”

Lisa M. - Love your randomness, Meg! Going for my run later this afternoon. It’s 34 degrees outside!! But, I am entering a 5 mile race (I know, easy peasy for you, but not for me:) and we had “Sandy” on Monday, so I need to get some road time in. Brrrrr……

Vanessa - I totally am with you – all snuggled up and ready for Parenthood . . .after my “WHAT?” was yelled out to absolutely nobody, I decided to make the best of it and prayed for the hurricane victims that were being reported on. I am also completely with you on food and cereal. COMPLETELY!

Tracy - I loved this post! Thanks, Meg!

Jill Franklin - The only thing I did for Halloween this year was buy candy. I know, mom demerit, right!? We’ll make our traditional Goulash tonight though.

Lori H - Usually Parenthood will say if there is going to be a break in programming, but not this time. I didn’t realize it until I tried to DVR it and it wasn’t on the schedule. So nothing until 11/13!

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