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new puppy.

so…i kind of have forgotten about the big camera.


not really… but i really haven't had much to take pictures of this past few weeks.
with annie's broken arm we have been laying very low.
and it got cold outside so we've been inside a lot.

this our aunt & uncle's new puppy.
she was the sweetest little thing… so tolerant of annie and the little cousins.

close up.

coming in for her own close-up…




there were five dogs at the house that day.
it was dreamy for annie and talby.
they are big dog lovers.

but after spending a few hours with that sweet puppy…
i am reminded how i am not quite ready for one at our house just yet.

but i would love for waffle to have a friend.

does anyone need a puppy sitter?
i know two girls (and their mom) who would be up for the job.


Dana Banana - We are getting a new corgi puppy in January. I would totally your girls to be our puppy sitter!

Carol S. - Meg, do you stay in touch with Laura Phelps? I believe she is from the town with the school shooting in Conn? Can’t stop thinking of her, have missed her blog very much. Lost my computer email addresses awhile back and hers was among it. Any chance you could let me know if you know anything? I understand if you’re a tad busy and not able to respond. Prayers lifted.

being new to dog ownership, I forgot that when I make plans to be gone ALL DAY LONG…the dog still needs to go out.
get a cat.
I never have to worry about the cat.
I dont even know where the cat is….

BriBedell - It’s only tough in the beginning for a little bit. You know like a newborn 🙂

Carrie Lea - You can always adopt an older dog. Lots of dogs out there that need good homes. Forever homes. Because the humans who got them didn’t realize they were a lifetime commitment.
I need a dog sitter this summer. Want to drive a few hours and stay in SW MO for a week? 🙂

sosimplysusan - Awww, what a sweet diversion! Puppies for a day– the best kind! 🙂
Thought I’d mention they have some cute handmade arm slings on etsy. That might brighten her day to have something a little more stylish and fun. I had shoulder surgery in Sept. and am still doing physical therapy, so I really feel for her!!

alicia @ la famille - uuuuuuhhh, nope. we tried a puppy…two months after we had a baby. can you say DUMB! ya, it didn’t work out so well. this mama almost lost her marbles. then her brother, uncle jesse, inherited a new dog! yay for uncle jesse!!
maybe we’ll try again. but i’m pregnant again. (the norm) so in about 7-9 years, we’ll consider it.

Alyssa - That last pic is the best! I love puppies but I do not like cleaning up after them!

Leah - I want that puppy! I love puppies, although they are so much work. But so darn cute!! My dog is from Kansas, by the way. 🙂

Samantha - We could use a dog sitter in July but we are in Missouri not Kansas 🙂

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