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i took annie in for her re-check this morning on her cast.

she is not an easy patient.

we both thought this was going to be just an xray and i wasn't thinking they would need to take off the cast for that but they did.  
there was LOTS of screaming and crying…. LOTS!!!
not because of too much actual pain but mostly from sheer panic and terror of the unknown.
i almost started crying too. 


but it is healing really well thankfully.
and she got a new christmas colored cast and can't wait for Santa to sign it!



how are you doing on your christmas shopping?

i have…. hardly anything done.
i think i have 4 gifts done.
and none of those four are my own children. 
i can feel the christmas melt down coming on already….

i am struggling with finding my christmas spirit this year.
i need to find it. 

tell me what to get my kids and that would help.  :)




this past week or i have been using my awesome recipes section of the bloggy big time!

i have made cream puff dessert

crescent chicken…. cheesy potato soup…. spicy tortilla soup…. noodles with ham

spinach artichoke dippancakes... glazed apple bars

and i am making my mom's mint brownies soon!




last night i played Mexican Train with my kids.
does your family play board games together?  do your kids sit quietly while they play?
because mine do NOT.
they squirm and sing and stand up and sit down and stand up and spin and squeal and every other little annoying thing you can thing of while we sit and try to play a game.
oh yeah…and they fight too.

but it's stil better than being a zombie in front of the tv so i'll take it.

here is a visual list of some of our favorite family games here at the Duerksen House….


Mexican Train   
it's a game of dominos but a bunch of people can play it at once.
my kids LOVE this one.


Blokuseven i like to play this game… but i NEVER win! 


 craig loves to play this with the kids… 


oh my goodness my younger kids LOVE this game so much!


Guess Who Extra 
fun fact: we have this game and have never put the batteries in and they don't care!  
they still play it all the time even without sounds and lights!


everyone likes UNO… how could you not?


even though my kids are older i can still challenge them to Memory.
it was the best game we played when they were preschoolers.
i think this game is amazing for their minds!




my older kids like this one
and craig & i play it with chicago dave & jenny EVERYTIME.


Scene It (Disney edition)   
we always agree to this game when we don't have the energy
for the bouncing squirming craziness at the table.



it's a classic game!  
i played and my kids love it too!



Apples to Apples Jr. 

this is probably their FAVORITE game of all of them…
and for the grown ups too.




we don't have this one but they asked for it for this christmas.



Memory Challenge Holiday 
and this one looks like fun…
it's for ages 6+ so it must be harder than the original Memory.  
i think it will go in my amazon cart.


Holiday Scrabble 

and this one will too!  
it looks fun and different and i want to challenge their minds with spelling and math whle we have "fun"

so… maybe that gives you some ideas for gifts at your house?

do you have a favorite family game that isn't listed here?

please share!




i guess i should go out for my run.
sometimes it's such a chore to get out there!
and cold!
i wish i had downloaded new music yesterday with fast internet… it takes 8 minutes to download one song off iTunes out here with our farmy internet!

ok… i will go.
i will.

ready….. set…. GO. 


Andrea - LOVE mint brownies! I have been searching for the recipe forever! Thanks for sharing!

Merlin - If there’s any way for you to reply and let me know that the Phelps family are ok in CT….I enjoyed reading her blog and hearing about her delightful family. I am praying that they are ok today, I think of them often and miss her posts. I know you are friends and hope you can get a message of support to her from a former blog reader.
Thank you.

BullyMama - Too bad for Annie – I went through that last year when my son fractured his thumb skiing – cast on and off 3(+) times. Thankfully he wasn’t upset but it just seemed like such a long drawn out process. He fractured it while going off a jump so everytime we went to the Dr. together I told him that I loved all of this one on one time I was having with him…a sure way to get him to be a little more cautious 🙂 He’s having a tooth pulled tomorrow so it’s another “hot date” for us!!
Thanks for the game ideas – looking for a present for twins that are turning 5 and Zoingo looks perfect for them.
Favorites at our house are Scattergories, Phase10 and Monopoly which I have no patience for. Thinking about Sorry and Clue for Christmas.
A little Christmas shopping done which is good for me, I’m a procrastinator but it is tough to be last minute when you have to mail things across country…that stresses me out!!
Enjoy this holiday time, it will never be as magical as it was when we were kids and as much as we know that we can’t help trying to recreate it – we shall do our best to make it magical for our kids (which I’m pretty sure you do!!)

Rachel - Bananagrams! Monopoly deal…both of them! Yahtzee…scrabble slam!

Amy - Loaded Questions is SO much fun! My family is huge into board games, and that is our favorite! Everyone can play, young and old. The adults love Beyond Balderdash, but you have to have your thinking cap on for that. 🙂

Barbara (WA) - You already know this but you are So Blessed to have kids who “squirm and sing and stand up and sit down and stand up and spin and squeal.” Such fun and love and great memories for them all! Awesome! I’ll be no help on the gift ideas since my sons are now in their 30’s – they have Amazon wish lists that I buy from, online, done (hubby, too!).

Jayne Barbour - I just got these for my three daughters and I think they will love them. I want to play with them myself:)
So sorry to hear Annie (and you!) had a rough appt. So scary:(
Good luck with the Christmas spirit. Maybe some music? the movie Christmas Vacation? How about watching It’s a Wonderful Life. Ahhh.
Good luck:)

Lee Ann - I think I saved myself 20# by not making those brownies until yesterday. How do you resist? I cut them into really tiny, little squares and put them in the freezer. Every time I walk by it’s, “just one bite”. 🙂 So yummy!

Lisa Lichterman - We like Rummikub and Scattergories 🙂

Melanie - You might already have this, but we’re getting our kids a ping pong table! and a chalkboard to keep score.
When my youngest was four, he fell down a spiral staircase outside and landed on his head. Seven staples while he was papoosed in the er. You probably heard him screaming in Kansas!
Merry Christmas!! Breathe Jesus in, garbage out. :0) This time of year can be crazy.

Samantha Adams - Annie and Talby NEED socks from Little Miss Matched if they don’t have them already. I swear, they were MADE for you and your girls! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - you make me feel better. i have one present wrapped. no tree up yet. maybe i’ll hang the stockings tonight. but i do have my one frames piece of art i made in 2004… it says… “The best gift around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.”… That makes me feel good. -tracy

Michelle Whitlow - Poor Annie 🙁 We’ve gone through that. My son had that same cast! Broke his leg the first night of hockey practice when he was 4 1/2…had a full leg cast for 7 1/2 weeks. Santa did sign it with a ‘SC’ 🙂 Thankfully this ‘phase’ will not last forever.

Maegan - We love Settlers of Catan! It has expansion packs and all. However my oldest is six, so it’s still a little much for my kids. But I found out there’s a Catan Junior, so it’s coming to our house for Christmas! Since we’ve never played the junior one I can’t attest to its awesomeness, but if it’s anything like the big version, I know we will like it.

Melissa - Meg: Go check out the Clover Lane Blog – she has loads of great xmas ideas. Also, I LOVE amazon prime – everything ships for free (that is prime) and in record time. WOOHOO>

dont worry about the shopping
I have done NONE
it will happen..
we love the game of Life and someone ALWAYS CRIES
lots of fights
name calling
good family fun

Molly - My daughters love Headbanz. They also asked for Twister Dance and Fibber. My older daughter asked for the barbie with a camera and for Blingles. For the first time I have almost all of my shopping done! Yay!
I am sorry for Annie’s broken arm. Having broken both my arms and collarbone I know how scary it can be. Hope she heals soon. Cool that her cast is red and green and that Santa will sign it.
OH and I love World Market, too. I love their jewelry too.

jen smith - do you have your kids make lists? i never made a list growing up but my husband’s family changed all that. we all make lists so that whoever buys for us knows just what we want. makes the season so much easier.

April R - Heal fast Annie, so sorry you were frightened…
We agree – Cutting a cast off is scary. My son has broken his arm 3 times (all before the age of 7!) so after all that “Danger boy” is no longer scared of having a cast cut off. I still cringe a bit but hopefully we won’t go there again!
Wits and Wagers (we love this one, it ends up being funny) and Rukus (fast, easy card game) and we have a wooden set of tangrams that is pretty cool. Wish we played more 🙂
Merry Christmas and I pray you found your “cheer!”

Mia - Our new favorite is Herd Your Horses board game. There are a few variations to the game so you can make it a bit easier or harder depending on the kids playing.
Let the boardgame chaos begin!

Stacy M. - Well I am going shopping today hoping to get some gifts bought. I am doing the gift of four this year with our kids. One thing you want, one this you need, one thing to wear, and one thing to read. That sound make it easier! I hope. And I will still do stocking stuff.
We like to play pickle. It is fun and the older kids like it. Also did you watch Parenthood last night?! Oh my gosh my eyes are swollen this morning from crying so much. Best show on tv!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Waffle-Wednesday - We are so old-fashioned. We like Chess and Backgammon and Yahtzee!
Those brownies look amazing! Yum!

Kim M - Our family’s favorite game is Ruckus! So fun! crazy, fast ,loud. Our WHOLE family can enjoy it!! And often our 4 year old (our youngest) is the winner! Love your blog!

Angie - Guess Who, Uno and Sorry were regulars here when my now teenager was younger. Of course at 14 she isn’t much into playing games with us anymore. If it doesn’t include texting or an Ipad, she’s not interested. My two youngest are still too little to play so I don’t have any game buddies these days.
Sorry she had such a scary time with the X-ray and cast. Bless her heart. I love the Christmas Colored Cast though. That is pretty cool

Lindsay - Qwirkle – so much fun for the whole family!!!

Mary Vaca - It won’t help you this year, but a few months ago I started taking pictures of things my kids said they wanted with my iPhone, that way when Christmas came around I didn’t have to remember or think. It’s also come in handy as relatives and godparents have asked me what to get… I just text them the picture and tell them the store… voila!

Beth - I don’t have the Christmas spirit yet either. Maybe we can find it together?
Having a cast cut off is SCARY! I don’t blame Annie for being upset (and you, either). Even though you know it’s not going to hurt you, it’s loud and hot and dusty. Just scary.
Have you heard of the game “Things”? It is our family fave right now. It gives you a prompt “things you don’t want to take on vacation” (for example) and everyone gives an answer — could be genuine, funny, totally out of the box. Then the “reader” reads them all and everyone else takes turns trying to guess who said what. VERY fun. We love playing games together!

donna - my kids all 6 of them love catch phrase. we have a lot of fun playing that one.

tinaehb3 - I wish I could have been her x-ray tech. That’s what I’ve done for the last 17 years 🙂 Hope her little arm gets better soon!!

Molly B - Headbandz is awesome. . .you guys will love it! Praying for your Christmas mojo to come back : ) just keep swimming!

Lori Austin - Dang it. That poor sweet girl of yours. This whole cast thing STINKS.
Glad to hear it is healing well though.
I too am really struggling with my spirit this year. We have had TONS of
germs at our house in the past few weeks, hardly any shopping done, finances
are tight, etc, etc. Trying so hard to focus on the REAL reason for the
season and get into the spirit.

tanktop - Buy the family Left Right Center. It comes in a little tube by the board games.
So much fun. My kids like to play with pennies instead of the chips that come in it.

Amschmitz - I have 5 kids also and this year we’re following something I saw on Pinterest. Each kid gets 4 presents…..something you want, something you need, something you wear and something you read. They are actually excited about it and I feel much less stressed! Focusing more this year on doing christmas projects and baking together and focusing less on gifts:)

Lee Ann - Your poor girl! Praying all of the pain (and drama:) are over soon.
So, I’ve read every blog post you’ve written 🙂 And every year I think I should try your mint brownies – except I can’t have gluten. So this afternoon we made them gluten free. Pass the word that subbing gluten free flour worked! And the brownies are to die for! I can’t wait to try them frozen.
oh! And my girls do cart wheels between their turns when we’re playing games. Drives me nuts but I put up with it for a while 🙂

Jamie M. - We LOVE Ticket to Ride, Five Crowns, and Left, Right, Center.

Carrie - zingo, the classic go fish, and I am joping the game HIss will be a hit. I will to also get the game rat a tat cat. I am thinking about apples to apples but I am fearful it is too hard for my 5 year old.

Tanya - The picture of Annie makes me want to cry. Poor sweet girl 🙁
I love the game Sequence! Love it!
I really want my kids to be game players for the exact reason you mentioned ~ attack of the TV zombies. They’re 3 and 5 so we’re getting started now.
This Christmas is Mickey Mouse Yahtzee Jr 😉 - Adam and Jill do not fight; at least not in front of us. Unless they play Farkle. That game is off limits! Seriously! We love to play Sorry with the grandchildren!! Our favorite game is Telestrations. Sooooo fun!

alicia @ la famille - here’s my opinion on getting your christmas shopping done way early: you’re gonna buy way more than you should. there’s just all the time between the early crazy shoppers and christmas…you wanna BUY! it’s just fun. so, you not being done might actually be saving you loads of cash.
how’d you like that for a reverse psychology, huh??
and apples to apples jr?? i looked at that and didn’t know…but i love to buy a game at christmas. this might be the ONE! thanks 🙂

Terrie - I feel for Annie…I kind of freaked out when they cut my cast off 9 years ago.
Seems like they should give a body some warning about what they are going to do don’t ‘cha know!
Love almost all your games! We love family game time!
Have you ever played Phase 10? It’s a fun one.
And my son and his friends got me hooked on Settlers of Catan.
I hate Monopoly ( I know, it’s un-American ) but I love Settlers!
And I must make your mom’s mint brownies! I looked at the recipe the other night
when I was looking for the margarita recipe again!
Yup, got my friend hooked on them now too! 🙂
Happy Shopping…I’m not done either. Maybe I’ll see ya at the stores!

tiffany gardner - Your sweet girl! I’ve been thinking about her as I gear up to do some crafts with my kids over the break… I’ve been wondering how she is able to do all your fun crafts! I’ll keep her in my prayers!! I’ve felt the same way about this season. I’ve always LOVED this time of year but this year.. I’m just exhausted! I’ve had major dental work for the last few months and it’s really getting me down. Trying to chase a baby and keep up with my two older ones… I need to change my attitude and start getting grateful!!! Going to just decide to do that now ! Get grateful! And I have to say… I really am grateful for your blog. You are my friend… even though you don’t know me. I am grateful for the encouragement you give and the real part of life you share too. Thanks.

Morgan - Headbanz in an awesome game. We play it as a family all the time. Be sure to get the kid version. The adult version is really hard! We will play the kid version with all adults even.

Darcie - Have you heard of the Andrew Peterson Behold the Lamb of God album/tour? Buy the album! Best album ever for getting me into the REAL spirit of Christmas. Hands down! I’ll never view Christmas the same – such a good reminder. And who cares about gifts? (I mean, besides the kids…) Hope it smooths out for you and you’re able to enjoy it all, even the shopping!

Kristen - We love Spot It! It travels well too. So sorry about the unexpectedly hard doctors appointment.

s - Love apples to apples!! We like monopoly although I shorten it a lot…like the game ends when I cant take it anymore!! We also like to play black jack – how bad is that for a family game??

Kelley Jones - Another vote for Spot it. We first played at a family reunion with varied age groups. Everyone seemed to like it. My oldest daughter broke her arm 3 times over the years–all in different ways and places. Cast removal was always scary. Hugs to you and Annie.

the.mrs - Kanoodle! We stopped by the toy store and the girls played with the sample game and I could hardly get them out of the store!!!!

Gretchen - I love Farkle, but unfortunately, I’m the only one who does in this family. Not really a one person game. 🙂
As far as the gifts go, I NEED to get some little boy toys. He has ONE gift under the tree and his sisters have at least three each; and trust me, he has noticed! 😉

Becky - you really inspire me to run. when i get too busy that’s the first to go…and you do it OUTSIDE in the COLD!! rock star. all done with our Christmas. we open gifts this sat because the next week we’ll be driving back home. hate the stress…cannot wait until it’s over. shame.

angie - Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one behind on shopping. We find these games cause the least amount of fighting in our house with 4 kids (13,11, 8,8): Ticket to Ride, Quirkle, and Ruckus (card game).

BeckyB - I feel so badly for Annie – it would be scary for me too!
Our fav games are Balderdash, Bezzerwizzer and Five Crowns (card game). A really crazy card game is Fluxx but could be frustrating for little kids because the rules change with every play. Pictionary is always fun for all ages. I’ve ordered ‘Word on the Street’ and ‘Wizard’ card game for this year. Thanks for sharing lots of good ideas…

Heidi of Operation Organization - ‘Clover Lane’ Sarah recently had her daughter guest post ideas for what to give teen girls – maybe that will give you some shopping inspiration? 🙂
this year my 7 yr old is all about remote controlled gadgets and our 4 yr old is getting all sorts of star wars action figures.
thanks for all the game suggestions – we love to add new ones to our collection each year )the grandparents will be giving our boys the delux ‘guess who’ game you recommended!

Georgia - Me and my husband play board games.. Battleships, monopoly, scrabble (although were both rubbish at spelling so it ends up with made up words and swear words.. ooops)
I miss you christmas DIY gift idea’s, thats how i found your blog a couple years ago! x

Tawny - I bought Quelf for my boss and her family. It looks silly and fun!

shar y - Apparently, Headbanz is great, according to my g-kids, and adults like it too. Especially, along with adult bevarages!
I had to have a cast cut off of my wrist earlier this year. It is very scary worring if they will cut too deep! Go Annie!

Diane Hutchings - All those games look so fun! We’re having our first baby in June, and we can’t wait until he/she is oldenough to play games as a family!

Kate - OK, here goes:
Lauren – iTunes gift card and the book Hinds Feet on High Places
Scott – KU gear
Sean – shirt that says ‘my last name is awesome’
Talby – her own baking supplies – her own bowls and measuring spoons
Annie – her own gardening supplies 🙂
Love you. Hang in there

Leadia Jarvis - Oh, poor Annie – and you!
I am right there with you on the Christmas meltdown. I feel super Grinchy this year – like my heart might be about 600 sizes too small, haha!
We are the same with games as well. Lots of distractions and interruptions and insults and fighting, but like you, at least it’s a break from watching their eyes glaze over on the video screens. We like almost all of the games you have listed. The older kids have really started getting into “Scattergories”, although Eliza (who is 10) sometimes needs a little help. If you hit a Goodwill you can usually find Outburst Jr. for $1.99. I don’t know if they still make it (?) but this game is a HUGE hit with all of us. There’s also one called “Beat the Parents” that’s a lot of fun. One of my girlfriends with a lot of kids also recommended a game called “Scavenger Hunt” – it looks super fun so I think I’m going to order it as a family present!

Julianne Brimner - I have 4 gifts bought total. Our big gift is flying our son who is in the Navy home for Christmas. That is all he wants and me too. Fave new game for our family is Spot It. Fun, fast and even our eight year old loves it. I know Target has it.

Alice H - Our favorite card game is PHASE 10. And Headbandz is so fun! Hope you get that for them for Christmas. We also like Catch Phrase!

Alice H - Do the WANT, NEED, WEAR, READ for your kids and throw in a SURPRISE from Santa. That way they only get 5 gifts each. I am doing that this year and I budgeted myself for $150 per kid, I have 3. And I only went over budget just a little bit.

Lori H - We love Bananagrams! Similar to Scrabble but it moves much faster. Now Scrabble bores me to tears. Apples to Apples and Would You Rather are both good. If you can find it, Rat a Tat Cat is an awesome card game and was awarded some Parents Award. One of our favorites!

Tanya H - Our kids’ very favorite game is Loaded Questions Jr. Their second fav is Apples to Apples, if that gives you an idea. We don’t even have most gifts planned, much less purchased. And it doesn’t help that our kids are asking for things there is NO WAY they’re going to get. My daughter did finally ask for a hula hoop and a new jump rope, assuming walmart still has them in the middle of winter. 🙂 Our kids are getting MP3 players tho, and a $15 gift card to Amazon for more of their own music. Was that at all helpful? 🙂
I agree with the trauma Annie was dealing with- I broke my arm when I was a kid and was WAY more scared for them to cut the cast off than anything else in the world! 😛

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