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i know i haven't blogged about Haiti.
i know i haven't talked about the freezer meals.

i have had a lot on my mind.

and five kids can keep a mama busy…. especially if they like basketball and it's february.

it's craft weekend this week already.
i am super happy about that.
new crafts this weekend again!!


my lady friends and i ran SEVEN miles this morning.
no walking.
seven miles straight…. legit…. please pass the advil.


since i can't seem to make a blog post about something….
please enjoy this blog post about nothing.



i found this blog recently…

Art as Life   

she owns an Etsy shop i love called Inspire Lovely.  :) her blog is beeeautiful…look at her studio!!






letters…. this blog post and this beautiful blog got me all teary.




totally making these donuts!




i want to have this party…. FOR ME.
a big 38 painted on the wall.
a cake with bunting.
watercolored handmade bunting hanging in front of turquoise striped walls.

this party looks like perfection.



i can see myself getting carried away with this project.
i can imagine painting more and more.
like….i would start this with my kids and the next day i am still going making funny outfits and hairdos.



this is an awesome rooster painting.
i adore it.
it's from this blog…. paint a bird a day.   she makes me wish i was a painter.

then i found that you can buy a print of it.… wouldn't it be lovely at the craft house?
even though it is more farmy.

i think i may need it.
and a real chicken too. 




1ae213da380f00be54b32fd6d63616c1 (photo off sold product on ebay)

surely since i am training for a half marathon… 
i will soon be able to wear white spandex and look GOOD.





and this was the best super bowl ad.
i left the party at half time…i know beyonce is gorgeous but i don't like to watch THAT with the men in my life.  
you know what THAT is.
it bugged me.

so since i left….i didn't even see this commercial live.
but it's amaaaashing.

makes me proud to know so many people like that… unbelievable men and women who work so hard.






Krissy - I love love love that commercial!!! My father in law is a farmer, and I have the utmost respect for him and what he does!!

Kari - I loved that commercial, and I don’t even know any farmer… Made me wish I did though.

Linda - I just have to say that the half time thing bugged me too, so much so that I went downstairs and ran on my treadmill.

Eva Ginter - I was going to ask what ‘THAT’ is, but after reading the comments, I think I get it. 😉
Good for you running 7 miles!!
Love these random posts.

Courtney R - I disagree with the Beyonce criticism. First – I’m not sure what is all that “family friendly” about the NFL. It’s violent, there was a murderer playing in the game (and won), drug use, poor sportsmanship, the cheerleaders never wear much – and let’s not even START about the image they project – especially when they are weighed in and kicked off the team for gaining a pound or two.
On a positive note – the Farmer ad was fantastic and I am proud to say I know most of the people who worked on the ad – from the creative team to the photographer to the assistants. They are a talented and fun group and I am honored to have been able to work with them on a different project.

colleen from Alabama - Honestly, i didn’t watch much of the super bowl but when the male members of my family watched it at our house, the beyonce segment was paused and then fast forwarded (is that a word?)so that we didn’t have to watch it. My husband and son navigate the visual minefield every day. I know we (females) don’t get it a lot of times as women but they are both sexually stimulated visually. If my husband is going to see anyone that skimpily dressed, i want it to be me in the privacy of our home. AND I certainly don’t want her image in his mind competing with mine! I know this is a minority opinion. Okay with standing alone.
LOVE your random posts! That’s the way my mind works… randomly! Love the handmade home. Thanks for sharing their party. I would like one like that too!

Ana - I truly love your random posts. They are all so creative and full of interesting stuff. By the way, I’m a Brazilian girl so I do not watch Super Bowl here, however this ad was realy AWESOME !! Thank you for sharing.

dee - i want that bunting so bad.And i am going to make those pebble people-love dee x

Isabelle Kessedjian - thank you very much!

Gina - Hehe…I couldn’t watch that commercial with the men in my life and had to leave too…I missed the commercial paying live but when I did see it I totally thought of you in Kansas….I have 6 kids and totally know how far behind a person can get in February due to basketball. Good thing I love basketball!! Seinfeld was my favorite show about nothing…I guess you are my favorite blog about nothing…although I totally think you are something! Can’t believe another month has flown by since the last Craft Weekend…have fun with those new crafts!! Great job on the 7 miler…I so need to start up running again before I am too creaky. Have a great week Meg!!

Daisy D. - I love your random posts! My whole life is random! LOL! I have been following silently for a long while now…..but I had to speak up and say I loooove Em and Tim from Today’s Letters, truly a fabulous couple and a great blog! They used to live here in Dallas, but they just made the big move to Louisville, so it should be fun! I can’t wait to see them have some gorgeous babies! *squee*

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - I am so happy to hear that was your favorite commercial. We are a farm family and were so excited that Dodge ran that ad knowing that millions of people would see it. A lot of times farmers are misinterpreted, but we care more about the land and our animals than most people realize! Thank you for sharing the video.
Sarah @ This Farm Family’s Life

kaye - The commercials are usually one of my favorite parts of watching the Super Bowl…the commercial you highlighted was the only one I really even remembered.
I loved it too!

H. - Amanda, I agree… I thought it was a great show! I’m a huge Beyonce fan! Never crossed my mind that people would see it negatively. Was it kid friendly? No. But it shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone that it was going to have at least a little bit of suggestive dance moves. The NFL showcases their cheerleaders up close dancing every single week in waaaaay less clothes than Beyonce had on, so I don’t understand why anyone would think NFL broadcasts were family friendly. That being said, perhaps they could have put a warning on the half time segment the way they do for other shows with suggestive material, and it would have given people time to turn the channel if that wasn’t their cup of tea.

stephanie - It’s gotten to where we never even watch the half-time show because it’s just not family friendly. I do not know why these promoters can’t get it in their heads that those watching the Super Bowl might just want an amazing show that their kids can watch too.
And I just have to say–that commercial hits me right in the heart. Go farmers!

Beth - Great commercial. Didn’t watch more than 5 minutes of the Super Bowl, just not my thing. Have a great day!

Alice H - the Super Bowl is supposed to be a family-friendly event. She should have had a stripper pole up there. Yes she looks amazing and she is powerful, but that doesn’t mean she can’t keep it a little more classy (and covered up) and not do so much gyrating (sp?). I also thought there were a few ads that were inappropriate also, like the 2 girls show where they for real had a stripper pole in the previews!

amyjupin - love all of this…even had some of it pinned before too.
we are twinkies.
and we will look awesome in our white spandex.
some day.
probably in heaven.
p.s. the beyonce show made me uncomfortable too.
i kept thinking about her bikini wax and that’s NEVER something i want to think about.
like ever.

Amanda - I thought Beyonce looked amazing and powerful! I didn’t find her to be “overly” sexual at all. For goodness sake, there were men running around in skintight spandex! I think she should be praised for being so awesome, especially after just having a baby! I’m surprised to see so much judgment about her in these comments.

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - OMG! Love that rooster print! I think I just found my mom’s mother’s day present! It would be perfect in her kitchen!

Lisa M. - Oh geez, now I feel bad about leaving a comment asking you to post those meals…no pressure 🙂
I am soooo painting stripes like that in my entry/hallway (different color)
Love that commercial. I too missed it live. Thanks for posting it.
And, by the way, I look JUST like that in white leggings. Kidding 🙂 But let me tell you, makes me want to keep up my running.

Jenn - Cute running outfit, but my 39 year old body would not look so hot in it. I’m impressed that you run so far…Go Meg! If I ran that far I would so be making those donuts. They are so beautiful.
Don’t even get me started on Beyonce, so disappointed in that performance…it was so not necessary.
Yay for randomness!

Linda - I love your random posts they are always my favorite!! And I want that watercolor party for myself too! It’s totally perfect!

Janelle - As I was reading your post I thought I know what commercial Meg picked and I was right!! Yes…Beyonce. I looked around online yesterday because I was wondering if I was the only one who thought her performance was a bit inappropriate (clothing and some dance moves) especially since there were many children watching the SuperBowl…and I was surprised to find very little criticism. She’s a great singer, great dancer, fabulous performer, but I’m not sure that’s an image we need to be promoting to our little girls. Although I would like to look like her and be able to wear white spandex too 😉

Routhie - I am glad you said that about the Beyonce half time show. I cringed listening to my husband watching it with our daughter and the comments they made. She’s a great singer and I give her respect for not hiding that she she isn’t itty bitty, but yeah. I hear you. For the record, I will never wear white spandex. It begs for stains and I would have to actually buy underwear that isn’t colorful and that’s just not fun. 😉

Jenn - Missed the whole Super Bowl, the half-time show, and all the commercials with no regrets.
But I am so glad you shared this one with us!!
Best commercial….ever!
It made me a little teary-eyed.

Sonja - That was a pretty impressive commercial – I didn’t see more than half a commercial live because, well, Small Children. 😉
I did really like this blogger’s take on that commercial:
I am super impressed with the SEVEN MILES! You are amazing!

Melissa - I LOVED that commercial. And I run all the time but sadly must eat too much junk as tight spandex still isn’t my friend. LOL

ginny - I guess I don’t know what “that” is. I just wish someone would tell Beyonce that she can not dance! She sure tries, flailing herself around, doing the seizure dance, but the backup dancers always, always show her up.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love that commercial. Too bad it is only us little people that truly respect what they do. I live in a world where no woman should wear white leggings. I need that rooster print for my kitchen.

Gina - My favorite commercial too!! I “pinned” it right away!! 🙂 Off to look at all the goodness…..

Tiffany - I do really really like that Beyonce can get the party started, she jams! But Lord knows I always always always want her to put some damn clothes on..UGH. Beyonce, UGH. 7 miles, in.the.cold. AWESOME. Cant wait to check out the new blogs you shared. Holla.

Kerry Wiebe - OH yes Megs I LOVED the shout out to the Farmers. Have a great weekend so excited for another fun weekend for you 2!

Southern Gal - My husband had us watch that commercial last night since we missed it during the Super Bowl. I love it. And I love that Ford had to tweet something immediately after it was aired saying they support FFA, also. Ha!

amy - love Paul Harvey. love farms. love that message. fun posting today! lots’o neat things. 🙂

happygirl - Seven miles!!!! You are a ROCK STAR. I know what being too busy to blog is like, but your energy humbles me.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Our society does nothing to help men turn from all the stereotypes that come with “being a man.” Its annoying, and very sad. Just another reason to lift up our sons and husbands in prayer that they’ll be Godly men even in the midst of a sexually-saturated world. And yes, I’m a little surprised at myself for getting on a soapbox there but it bugs me too. Loved the commercial.

Libby - I want that running outfit SO SO bad!!

carrie beth - Loved this fun post! I soooo agree about the halftime show. We have two boys that are only 17 months and then 9 weeks old, but as soon as it came on I said, “nope, not in our house.” I can be a little bossy sometimes 🙂 I dread my boys having to deal with that one day.

Lisa - The LETTERS blog! Oh my! Thank you for sharing that. What a sweet couple they are. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Oh and just to be clear…the white spandex comment was about me. You might just be able to rock it! 😉

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Shoudn’t you be sleeping? It’s late where you are. That was one of my favorite commercials too. That and the Budweiser horse one. They both got me choked up. White spandex? Uh, NO WAY JOSE!!!

beth - oh my goodness, i have the white striped leggings/minty running shirt photo on my pinterest fitness board! something about it just speaks to me! something like “you too, can feel that good!”

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