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hello… a week later.

remember when i used to blog everyday?

yeah… me too.

everyday i meant to write but just couldn't get to it.

there has just been a lot going on.

last weekend i brought my camera along for another day of basketball.
it started at the last day of the basketball clinic for kindergarten – 3rd grade.


craig runs the clinic with another former college basketball player.
it is pretty cute to watch all those kids bouncing basketballs all over the gym.

jump stop.

bounce pass.

dribble knock out.


annie LOVED the clinic.  
talby and scott were helpers.   
i really enjoy watching craig with the kids…. that guy sure does love basktball.

we left annie's clinic and went straight to scott's afternoon tournament.
what is there not to love about high school basketball?  
especially in a small town.
its one of my favoirte things to do.

then we left that gym and drove to sean's tournament.
we watched two of his three games.
they won and sean played G R E A T!  
it was fun with the crowd too… all the parents were cheering.
it was a long day of basketball but i honestly did enjoy it all.



talby plays too but this was a weekend she did not have games.

i really don't want the season to end.
it's always here too soon.

do your kids play sports?
what do they play?
do you love it or do you wish they like something else?



Kasey - Sounds like you guys were super busy! My 8 year old is playing basketball right now, but in a few weeks he will start baseball and soccer. and our 4 year old will start soccer in a few weeks too. My husband is a basketball coach so it has been crazy town around here! But we love it!

Sherry Stone - Hi Meg! Love your blog and can’t wait for my name to be called for Craft Weekend.
My oldest son plays freshman basketball and so does my 8 yr. old daughter. I’m always impressed with your GYM photos- not the easiest to capture. My son has always loved basketball. I agree, high school basketball is the best! Just last week he said
“mom, I don’t know what I’m gonna do now that the basketball season is over”….I replied, baseball starts next week so you will have that.
“baseball is just not the same. I would rather be on the court playing basketball getting yelled at by coach, than being on the baseball field being praised”………..
Sherry Stone
Crestwood, KY

Cris Marsh - We have 4 children and all played sports (every sport imaginable). I coached soccer, basketball,and softball so I could be there for every single minute of fun. Now we have grandkids and we are loving watching them play sports too!

Erin - My 7 year old is a swimmer year round. Basketballer in the winter. Baseballer in the Spring.
My 5 year old is a tae Kwandoer.
My 16 month old is a tag-a-longer. 🙂
Love kid sports!!!

Tracy Fisher - that’s how i feel watching my kids play baseball and lacrosse. i know they are only young for a short amount of time. i wish someone had told me that years ago… oh, they probably did…haha. but now it is so important to see all of these moments. you are a good mom meg duerksen! 🙂 -tracy

Lisa - I was going to say that seeing Craig doing the clinic reminded me of JAM basketball!!

Robyn B - I have one son who plays year-round basketball (11yrs) and another who plays year-round select soccer (14 yrs). The older is in middle school, so he also plays whatever school sport in in season – currently basketball. It makes for very hectic weekends, but I LOVE watching them play and wouldn’t want it any other way. I think my favorite sport to watch is basketball, followed closely by soccer (I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s indoors, so no freezing, sweating, or being rained on 🙂 )
On another note, I’m “training” for my first 5K ever – I know it’s not that big of deal to most folks, but I’ve never been a runner. My older son is running with me – of course, he’s looking to win the “men’s” division, I’m just looking to finish and not die.

Ali - My kids are 5, 2, and 11 months and I pray everyday that each of them play sports.

Jessica K - I was on Craig’s JAM basketball team back in the day! 🙂 I loved growing up playing and being around basketball but my kids have yet to fall in love! Maybe one day!

Alice H - My daughter does cheer for football and basketball. My son plays football. And my baby (turning 3 this weekend) will be playing t-ball this spring. I love sports! Yes, life gets really busy with practices, games, etc, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. This is just a season.

Kara - We’re a huge basketball family – all the kids play (or have played) and my husband coaches. I love watching the games – good thing, right? I’m sad that my oldest is in college now and the days of watching him play are over…Enjoy it while you can!

Jen - Love the pictures, Meg. Thank you! My 8-year-old daughter plays softball and I help coach. I love that she loves to play. Both of our girls have tried soccer, but neither really enjoyed it. Our 5-year-old daughter really wants to try karate or gymnastics, and I think she’d be AWESOME at these, but I’m a fish out of water with these two. Need to do some research…Have a great day!

nora - The first few pictures, I thought we were looking at Talby … nope – it was Annie! Where has the time gone?!?! Anywho, love this post – I love basketball! The smell of the gym, the squeaks of the sneakers, and the fact that it’s INDOORS!

Becky P. - My kids are now 27 & 25 and I still miss Saturday’s in our small town at the YMCA watching them grow up playing basketball. Our youngest continued to play basketball until graduating from High School. That fall/winter after she graduated felt so different not having any sports to go to that we sought out friends and family that had kids or grandkids playing!

Carol S. - Nice to hear from you! I try to blog weekly and it’s too much for me, ha ha. It certainly is a job. If I could just write, I’d do it more, but pulling in the pictures is slow for me.
Looooove basketball and my son plays 8th grade. We just lost in disappointing first round of state playoffs, but experience was great. High school gets very competitive and he is working hard to be a player. We start AAU next for spring and summer, and that is lots of weekend tournaments which I love. Win or lose, we have fun escaping everyday responsibilities and focusing on the moment of the game. Had a varsity boys volleyball player who now plays Big 10 college club volleyball, can’t wait to see one of those games. Enjoy your week.

Sarah Wolfe - Our boys play baseball. But some of them are close enough in age to be on the same team, so usually we can get them on 3 teams. I love being at the ballpark. The little kids run around outside and play. We eat popcorn and chat as the boys play. My husband coaches and I love seeing him out there too 🙂 I’d love to do basketball, but we are not the tallest of families 🙂

Tami - Our family is a football family. Also music. So we get he best of both worlds. We love it all.

Roganne - I can not wait to have kids in organized sports! My two-year old is in mommy and me swimming lessons right now and we love it!

Alicia @ La Famille - i do love basketball. none of my kids play yet though. i remember those clinics and games like yesterday. so fun! such fun memories.

christy - Looks like a lot of fun! The little ones are so cute! How neat that Craig runs the clinic too.
My son plays soccer & I love it! Not a sport I ever tried, so I am learning more & more each season. He has played baseball, basketball & soccer & seems to like soccer the best.

Tiffany - Hey there! Don’t worry about not blogging every day. It’s fun to hear from you whenever it may be! Not sure what sports my kids will be into… Olivia has tried dance, gymnastics, and t-ball so far. T-ball is her fav, but she is only 5! It will be fun to see how they grow and develop in their interests and skills!

Stacey - All 3 of my kids play water polo and I had never seen a game before they started. I LOVE watching it now and I’m so proud of how far they’ve come in the sport. We live in Canada and we’re at the pool 5 nights a week with the different teams and I’m just happy that it’s in a warm pool and not a hockey arena!

Debbie S - Four kids = 3 soccer teams, 3 baseball teams, 4 on swim team, 1 gymnastics, 2 basketball teams and my husband coaches highschool baseball and 8th grade boys and girls middle school basketball. And through all of this, in the last three years I started running and have finished 1 half-marathon and 14 other races. So what I’m saying is, if I can find time to run, anyone can 🙂

Heather E - My son plays soccer and we love going to games and watching him grow in his athletic abilities. He and his dad play basketball in the driveway all the time so I am sure basketball will be in our future! 😉 And there is nothing better than watching fathers share and teach their kids about something they love.

Julie - I live in New Zealand, and my 9 year old son is in a school basketball team. They have games on a Friday afternoon after school is out throughout the year. I love it – the games are only 30 minutes long, inside so I don’t get wet and cold like I did when he played cricket and soccer on Saturday mornings. I still don’t get a Saturday sleep in – cos now he’s got guitar lessons at 8.30 am.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - One of our girls(7 yrs) has found her niche in gymnastics. She just had her first competition and was nervous the morning of. She asked me to pray with her to calm her nerves. We did and she ended up loving every minute of the competition.
Its such a blessing to watch your kids try new things and figure out life, isn’t it?

Seriously Sassy Mama - My 9 year old plays basketball and I love it. I played ball in high school, and I LOVE teacher her skills. My 7 year old is in gymnastics. I like it now, but I hope she chooses something different as she gets older. It is very expensive, and I do not have the discipline to have a gymnast. I do not want to be up at the gym every day. I your husband played or KU, I probably saw him play. I went to Texas Tech, and watched all the men’s games the 4 years I was there.

heidi c - Your weekends look just like mine! 🙂 except we only have one that plays basketball on saturdays, since our high schooler only play during the week. But, baseball lessons just started for the littlest one and my other son is taking about football. Yikes. But I love basketball the most. 🙂

Juli - I grew up outside Wichita, Kansas. One of my fondest memories was going to my big brother’s basketball games for Derby High School. My family always sat high up in the bleachers, where the little clerestory windows would fog up from the warm, sweaty air inside and the snow falling outside. To this day, the smell of sweat and the squeak of tennis shoes on hardwood takes me right back there, 50 years ago.

Nikki Gamon - My daughter was a 3 sport athlete from 5th grade through high school and ran track in college. I loved every minute but I don’t miss all the driving and I really don’t miss sitting on the bleachers!

Krista - Gosh your kids are getting big. I was looking at the clinic pictures thinking it was Talby and then realized it was ANNIE!! How did that happen??? Bless you for your patience and being such a good mom going from game to game to game!!!

Becky - My son played “Biddy Basketball” for the first time this year. We’ve always been a “wrestling family” – but I LOVED that he wanted to try something new this year with basketball. It was actually less of a time committment for our family – and he REALLY enjoyed it and improved every week! It was all very fun to watch. 🙂

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