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there are now 44 days left in 2013, including today.
i lost my fitness mojo back in september with a pinched nerve in my back which killed my summer workout program that i had kicked butt on.
add in a LOT of work this fall and several sports for kids and cold weather hitting and i have come to halt.

until today.
with 44 days left in the year…
i am going to get 32 workouts in the next 44 days.
that is monday – friday for the rest of the year.  (which is only 44 days)
on black friday… i will move my workout to saturday.
on christmas… i will move my workout to the saturday after.

i am going back to writing down what i eat so i can SEE it.
i do not like to write “5 double stuf oreos” on paper.    (when we all know it was really 9)
so i am writing it down and watching calories, protein, carbs and fat and drinking lots of water.

AND i am going to get more sleep.
having a teenager who won’t go to bed every. single. night. makes this difficult.
also… having a brain that won’t shut off makes this tough.
my strategy is going to be setting an alarm and shutting off the internet at 10:30 every night.
that makes the teenager  have no reason to be awake anymore and lets me STOP on pinterest, IG and email.
and then i will go to bed…lights out by 11:15.
it sounds simple enough but i PROMISE you this will be much harder than eating well or working our monday-friday.


i found a blog called Nutrition Stripped that is pretty and full of healthy recipes.
like this green smoothie!

another blog… Undressed Skeleton.     i like her ideas.
i am going to try this one for sure!


have you seen this book It’s All Good?  do you think i should order it?  let me know.gwyneth-paltrow-its-all-good-cookbook

a friend gave me this Kitchen Garden Cookbook and it is G O R G E O U S.
it makes you want to eat beautiful healthy food.
i highly recommend it.  🙂

this book Salad of the Day  seems like a great idea… i mean with 365 options?
surely i could find something in here that i like.
i don’t have it but i think i may need it.
of course… new shoes always help keep me motivated… for awhile at least.
i designed the neon cheetah ones at
i love them but the money… boo.   why so much $$ nike?!!
and the other two i saw at
not in my size… of course.
i will just keep looking for the perfect pair.

do you know of other blogs i should check out for fitness/health inspiration?

do you want to take the 32 in 44 challenge (that i just made up)?

lets do it together so we don’t eat every christmas cookie we see
and get too busy with the holidays to workout!!





alyssa - I have Gwinnie’s cookbook. you can borrow it. I haven’t gotten around to making anything but Kale chips from it yet. But I think it has some good looking recipes. I’ll let you know, if I ever get around to making something!

Melissa - I love this! I have made myself committ to a mile a day right now as I too slacked on fitness due to a super busy election season, so now need to somehow get back. Read about the mile a day deal. Love your sleep deal as I too struggle with going to bed on time.

Becky - I’m joining up… a week late, but better late than never, right?! I will be out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday, so I am going to aim for 28 in 37, which is every Monday-Saturday that I will be home until the new year, minus Christmas day. I started this morning, and I already feel better! Thanks for the inspiration and the kick in the pants, Meg! Oh, and don’t bother with that cookbook. I know a lot of people have told you already, but it’s pretty disappointing.

Lauren - One more… Greate eats for sure!:-)

Lauren - You’ve got this Meg!:-) Two of my most favorite blogs are and Detoxinista has simple straight forward recipes that are clean and delicious. Her dessserts are really good. I made her coconut flour pumpkin bars last night. They are gluten, dairy, and sugar free and to die for! They taste just like pumpkin pie sans crust and all of the junk.They are fantastic! Ohsheglows is a vegan site. While I don’t eat dairy, I am not vegan (I eat @ 80-90% veggie), but I LOVE her recipes. Think vegan “Rolos” made with date caramel and dark chocolate and “Twix”. I made her Italian “bean balls” last week served over spaghetti squash, and they were really good. All of my kids (6, 4, 2) really liked them. While some things may be more labor intensive, I find it well worth the investment of time. And for shoes, check  They have THE best deals on a myriad of items. I look every day to see what’s marked down. I look forward to checking in our your progress. I love your blog. It is a happy place for me. Thanks for sharing ypur heart and life and for being a light in this world!



McKel Hill, MS, RD, LDN | Nutrition Stripped - Thank you so much for sharing! Your blog is amazing 🙂

Julie - Good for you, Meg! Have you ever done a craft afternoon for girls around your daughters’ ages? That is my dream — to finish my basement as a craft class space. My Ella (age 9) would definitely attend one in KS! is my sister’s site, and she is a registered dietitian and sports nutritionist. She has a link on her site for her blog, which is filled with lots of tips and tricks. She also offers a personalized fitness and diet plan, customized for you and sent via email (she calls it the “NAME Plan, and there is a fee for it).

Or come visit us up north (in Omaha!) — I’d love to host!

meredith - It’s All Good, I got it from the library. It has got a lot of good recipes. Fairly simplistic once you’ve preped. Hope you’re doing well with your goal!

Rachel Schindler - YES…buy the book “It’s all Good”. I can’t say I love every recipe, but her muffin recipes, are sooooo good. The sweet potato and five-spice muffins and the banana date muffins. Per my cooking habits, I did not use the gluten free flour or the almond milk. I used regular flour and regular milk and for the five-spice powder, I replaced that with what I had in the cupboard, good ole, cayenne pepper. Yum, Yum…

Tanya - Mind Body Green is a great site for all things health and wellness. Enjoy 😀

Tiffany - I just breezed through the comments and nobody chuckled in on “i do not like to write “5 double stuf oreos” on paper. (when we all know it was really 9)” – CMON THAT WAS GOOD!! My personal vice is Chips Ahoy and I no longer bring them in the house, damn you Nabisco. Good Luck with #32in44…

Dana - I so needed to read this post. I love your blog! I refuse to let the rest of this year pass and have to resolve again on New Years Eve to start eating better and exercising. This challenge will let me start New Year already on right track! Thank You for challenge!

jodie - hey! thanks for the motivation…..i am with you!

jennyonthespot - It’s like we’re twins (I flatter myself)… I need to write down what I eat as well. I don’t like to write down the bad stuff, but also, it’s kinda funny how I don’t realize how much even the little things add up.

I too have lost my workout mojo. I will really, rilly try – I worked out yesterday! Guess I’ll work hard to get something in today. Honestly, it will be hard when around Christmas when we are on the road. Seems we always have to rush to get on the road, and there is never time to get exercise – which is when we need it the most (after sitting for 10 or more hours!)

Elizabeth - My friend Sarah Kopf (I’ve never met her but I love her) started writing a blog about her journey back to health through fitness. Her son has battled leukemia twice and during that terrible time she gained a lot of weight. She is now down dozens of pounds and most of all is happy. She is so funny, smart, and driven and is shear inspiration. I don’t know anyone who could survive all that she has and still be standing with a smile on her face and joy in her heart every day. You can read her blog at Good luck!!! XOXO Elizabeth, Long Beach, CA

Heather - I like the blog peanut butter fingers!

Tami Peters - I am up for your challenge! Lets rock the rest of 2013. 🙂

Have a great day!


Rachel - Good luck! You can totally do this. And when you are done, if you have any extra mojo, you can send it my way.

Carrie - I have always been very athletic. I am a great racewalker but I have always wanted to run a marathon rather then racewalk it. A year ago I sat out to run a 1/2 marathon. Running has always been part of my work out routine, just not that long. I tried and tried and had continuing knee pain. Then I twisted my knee and my knee cap popped out of place (fun) about 6 weeks ago. Then I found out that I have avascular necrosis of my knee, missing cartilege, and a patellar tilt. I am permanently sidelined from running, in a few months I may be able to add in some small runs but never anything more then a 5K. I am in a funk now, I am sad. It is beyond silly, but it was something that I loved. I have PT to focus on and I can still racewalk but I so wanted to run. For the first time in my life I am being lazy and eating junk (I do not even like the stuff). I need to get out of this funk. I will, hopefully soon!

Kerrin - You go girl!! My healthy blog recommendation is for Leanne Vogel of or maybe .ca I can’t remember. If you google Leanne Vogel you will find her. Her chocolate mint shake and apple cinnamon overnight oats are huge favourites here, especially with my eight year old. Leanne is brilliant!!!
Good luck Meg, I know you can do it!

Amy W - Check out for some great recipes and workouts.

Amy K. - PLEASE stop saying “only 44 days left in the year!” It is giving me a panic attack about everything there is to do between now & then, in only 44 days!!!!! 😉 Also, I highly recommend your new internet policy. I’m the only one who needs it around here, but I am getting so. much. more. sleep. since I stopped surfing after the kids are in bed! There just isn’t really a reason to stay up, or if there is, it is getting stuff done rather than wasting time on pinterest. Good luck on 32 in 44!!

Samantha - There is a blog called Peanut Butter Fingers that is absolutely awesome! The blogger, Julie, posts a lot about recipes and workouts! Very motivating!

Routhie - This blog: has been incredibly helpful to me. She has maintained a weight loss of 135 lbs for almost 5 years (I think) now. She’s down to earth and posts recipes, motivation, and for someone so young, a lot of wisdom. This past summer was great as she helped her mom start her own weight loss. Hope you check her out and good luck with your own end of year mission. 🙂

Vicki - I’m up for 25/44. That’s my lofty goal! and you can read a few of the recipes from Gwyneth’s book on amazon… Maybe preview a couple of those and see if you like the vibe? I got her “My Father’s Daughter” book at the library and liked it okay, but didn’t end up buying it. This one looks better to me, somehow. and just so you know, going to tap dance classes TOTALLY is going to count as a work-out for me. Good luck out there!

Angela - My oldest is 22 and I have 2 younger kids, years ago my husband and I started taking cell phones, lap tops, kindles and all that jazz every school night at 10:30, it doesn’t guarantee that the stinkers will go to sleep but at least it’s not because of their gadgets. I have always struggled with turning off my brain at night, no solution for that though. I’ve tried praying my way through it and that works sometimes.

And I would love to join you in the 32 in 44 but I already committed to being chunky the rest of the year. 😉

Renee - ahhh. 32 in 44 sounds hard. does lugging my 10 month old up and down 3 flights of stairs twice a day with the stroller in hand to go for a walk count as a workout!?!?! 🙂

if so, i’m in!

Rachel - p.s. my sleep & energy has greatly improved. I wake up earlier feeling energized and hit the sheets much earlier!

Rachel - Meg,
its easy to fall off the workout wagon especially when life gets busy. I like your pledge! I recently got back into hot yoga and it really was the icing on the cake that I needed. I’ve been an athlete my entire life (collegiate volleyball then cycling and running) I really recommend it if you can find a place. I’m sure Wichita has a studio. I saw change in tone and strength within 3 visits. I am on my third week of 3 times a week and I am shocked at the results. I’ve still been eating sugar and drinking delicious cocktails but I feel so much better! Plus it centers you and is “me” time! Jump on the train you wont regret it! Best of luck!


Mollie - I highly recommend the site

Sher - I’m in with your for the 32 in 44. Have had a great year working out and running but since the beginning of September it’s been a struggle.
As far a sleep. I wish I could stay up late, but at 9pm I start turning into a pumpkin and usually end up in bed by 10-10:30. Of course i’m usually wide awake by 5:30 which is frustrating on a weekend when you’d like to maybe sleep in a little. It’s also tough being a morning person and married to a night owl.

Tracey - I’ve fallen off the fitness wagon a bit too. I’ve been working out 5 days a week since May and lost almost 40 pounds! But in the last month I have had a sinus infection that won’t go away and it is hard to get the interest and energy to workout when my head hurts. But I weighed myself yesterday and gained two pounds. No WAY!! I’ve worked too hard to get this weight off, I’m not going back!!! So today I got up at 6 and got my workout done before I took the kids to school. I’m shooting for 5 days a week for the rest of the year too!

Stephanie - I have the 365 Salads book and L oVe it. Such a beautiful, beautiful book. Salad is my favorite food, so I am always looking for more. Another book I love that is not a diet book but is full of healthy food is Jerusalem: a Cookbook. Sigh. Combines my love of history, anthropology, and awesome, real food.

Lee Ann - You’ve got this Meg! I’ve renewed my strategies as well for the final days of this year. I keep telling myself “every calorie counts”. I’m notorious for one bite here, one bite there. I checked the Paltro book out from our library. Some good stuff, but for me it’s not worth the $ and I wouldn’t buy it. Just my thoughts.

Karina - I’m in!! I lost my summer mojo October 1st when the weather changed. 🙁 I CANNOT wait until spring to get started again. I’m getting too old 😉 for taking extended workout breaks. Time to get moving!!

Tracy - All 4 of my teens go to bed after me! I don’t care…they get tired and go to bed eventually. If they’re tired in the morning, I won’t take any whining! Haha! So mean, I know!

I don’t know if this will help you, Meg, but I get up reallllly early so by night I’m reallllly tired. I want to go to bed. Maybe I’m making to too simple, but it works for me!

Jenna - I’m in!
Getting the workouts in during the holidays will make me feel good.
Don’t order GP’s cookbook…she’s a snob!

Lisa Q - Meg,
I have the Gyneth Paltrow book and it is really good. She attacks her recipes from a getting healthy point of view…not necessarily losing weight. She has recipes grouped around various eating plans (Paleo, gluten free….vegetarian) Lots of great salad dressings and salad ideas. Great recipes if you are cutting out sugar. I think you’d like it…maybe see if your library has it before you spend money on it. Thanks for sharing with us…always inspiring.


tara pollard pakosta - I need to be working out, but I cannot find the time for myself right now. I so want to do this, maybe I ought to just do videos at home? (caring for my sick hubby who can’t be left unattended due to seizures from GBM brain tumor). I think I am going to join in! I have got to get a workout in somehow!

Mia - I can second not to order GP’s cookbook. Loved the first one; her second one is gathering dust on my bookshelf.

For fitness/recipe inspiration, have you tried: Kath Eats Real Food

I also enjoy Healthy Tipping Point.

I hear ya on the exercise front. Was running 6 days/week this summer and then had an ankle issue in Sept. Am bitter that I missed the most glorious running months in New England! Good news is that I’m back in my running shoes. Bad news is that it’s supposed to be 28 degrees here this weekend. AAGH!

Linda - I love this idea! Sleep is my problem too. I feel lucky if I get about 5 and a half hours. Which means I’m basically sleep deprived. My 3 preteen boys won’t go to bed!!!! But I like this idea! Thanks again for the inspiration!

Kimberlee Jost - Get it, girl.
But don’t order GP’s cookbook.

Becky - Well, this is great timing! I got up early to exercise for the first time in a couple of months…I’m with you! I’m going to go for 30 days…giving myself a little grace 🙂

I second the person who recommended Iowa Girl Eats! She’s one of my favorite food bloggers. Her recipes are really delicious and mostly easy. I would cook her stuff a lot more than I already do if my people weren’t so picky…

Jessica - I am on my own fitness/weight loss journey. It is so hard! I am joining you in your just made up challenge. 32 workouts in 44 days is so doable. Hard, but doable.

Kathy - yes! I will do this too! I NEED to do this! Ever since school started and I started a new job I have been so busy and have neglected exercise … but I KNOW there are moments in my day where I could squeeze it in … so yes, I WILL do this!

Maggie - I am so looking for a way to make some changes to my health and lifestyle. I am a stay at home mom to a 4 year old, a 22 month old and an 8 week old. I also work a few evenings a week. I find it nearly impossible to find time to exercise. A gym membership or a treadmill isn’t in the budget and living in Iowa it’s starting to get pretty chilly. I find myself shoveling in bites of whatever is left on my kids’ plates instead of thoughtfully making good food choices. And I’m not sure getting more sleep at this point is a reality for me 🙂 But, I’ve got to do something because my energy level stinks and I’m not happy with the way I look or how my clothes fit. Anyone out there have tips for how to make small changes in this season of life where so much of my focus is on my small children? Thanks!

stephany - I AM IN!
I weight the most I have ever weighed (except for pregnancies) and I don’t like it one bit!
I need accountability!!
Please keep me accountable…I will do the same for you!
(I swear that there is something about turning 38 that added all the weight)
#32in44 yahoo!

April R - I’m in. I want to be healthier so I can bless my family and enjoy them better.
Thanks for the inspiration.
(and I feel you about getting to bed at a decent time w the lights out – much harder than eating better and exercising)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I feel like I should get on board with the sleep thing. Probably.
But 11:15 your time is 10:15 my time….does this mean no more late night texts of monumental importance? Because I just can’t stomach that.

I want to check out that salad cook book. I LOVE SALAD!

(I also love chocolate chip oatmeal bars, which I’m making AS WE SPEAK.)

Go get ’em, Tiger!

jodi @ back40life - yes and yes – we dragged the treadmill up from the basement 3 or so weeks ago and put it beside our recumbent bike and have been trying to exercise together every morning before the day gets started. So far, we’ve been very successful. I have always HATED to run, and have always said I would only do it if a bear was chasing me, but I think I’m just ready for a change. I still don’t *love* the exercise, but I do feel so much better once I’ve done it, and that’s helped me continue. I’m all in for #32in44 – I know as the holidays heat up and our biz cranks up it won’t be easy, but it will be the best. Great encouragement!

Juliana - Love this idea…taking good care if ourselves, instead of a season of excess and regret!

Check out…she has some good treadmill workouts for when it’s really cold outside, but we really love her recipes! Healthy, usually very easy, and fabulous flavors!

Amy M - if you have a kohl’s nearby, they had some super cute nike running shoes the other day…LOTS of neon! :0)

katchen - this morning i am about to walk out the door to the gym. i really needed this! I have not worked out since september. Ugh. But I am up. And going. And now I will be doing your challenge. It is my birthday month & I am going to celebrate by being in charge of my health. (i ate cheesecake last night which is like fifty oreos I bet). Thanks for the encouragement. Here we go!

Kate - I will be joining you for 32 in 44! I mostly do bikram yoga and I love it! I find a lot of motivation from fitness and yoga Instagram pages. I also recently ordered the new blogilates fit journal which is so cute

On December first the blogilates 12 week healthy eating plan starts and I will be recording everything in the journal! I hope to become more toned 🙂
Good luck 🙂

tara - 32 in 44…whoooooo hoot! go girl.
i’m with you…writing it down makes a HUGE difference.
i lost weight when i did it.
need to get on that again. my thighs would thank me.

ktg - I am joining you 32 in 44. My workouts ceased with a fall change of schedule (really since summer vacation overdose on fruit drinks, down hill from there)I did like the interval training, run for bursts then walk fast.I wanted to train for a half marathon ,but the interval training made me feel great after doing not as sore.

Some things helping me lately: herbal tea with no sweetener I’m enjoying! Meal planning, going to bed extremely early which is a huge change for my night owl tendencies but worth how great I feel in the morning. I’m looking for fitness blog inspiration too:)

Heidi Jo the Artist - I surely should be sleeping. I would never win at that one (getting to bed early that is) because I’m definitely a night owl and a bit of an insomniac. I am trying harder at working out and eating healthier though, totally failed at both of those last week, but this is the week to get going again for me too! One person that has inspired me is Shay Carl on the ShayLoss channel on YouTube. So much so, that this fall, I have been getting REAL in front of the video camera as well, which is not my fav., but I feel if I can help someone through working through my own health goals, then it is worth it. Feel free to check out some of my videos here: Also, that salad book looks especially awesome. Maybe check out Gwyneth’s book from the library to see if you like it first?? And new workout shoes are always fun! 32 in 44, Let’s do this!

Gillian - I have a bedtime alarm set so I’m aware it’s bedtime. Otherwise, I’ll happily stay up all night.

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