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10 points on a tuesday

1.  i am drinking black coffee because i have no choice… i am out of half & half.

2.  i am watching It’s Complicated.

3.  i am SO cold… i am wearing a coat inside.
and a scarf.


4. how fun is this photo?  i was making waffles in the kitchen and saw that she was reading on the other side of the kitchen window/wall cut-out.  i just reached out and took a shot holding the phone facing down.  She’s reading The Hunger Games in her jammies….stanley is all wrapped up in her knees…. the house is trashed.  SO normal.  so…so normal.

5.  i went to see Monuments Men on saturday night by myself while two of my kids went to a different movie.
(that is one of the awesome things about kids growing up – you don’t always have to spend two hours watching a movie you don’t want to see and you can go to your own theater down the hall) (not every time… but sometimes)
i liked the movie!
i mean… Clooney is in it so… duh.
It was a very “feel good”  movie if a movie about war and nazis can be in that category.
other than the lady giving the world’s most obvious play-by-play behind me…. it was a movie i would see again.

6.  i am loving this devotional book….Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream
it’s gets my heart pumping, mind racing, creativity swirling and reminds me to give all the glory to God.
she also has this same idea but in a book too…You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream
i think for me… this little tiny bit at a time is all i can handle.
i have so many ideas… so many dreams… that when i get going on my dreams it can be too much all at once.
does that make sense?
it sounds backwards when i say it because you are supposed to DREAM BIG right?
but i want the dreams i pursue to be the ones that God wants for me.  Not my own ideas that please me.
So i am loving the way Holley has broken it down into 40 days… a little bit of dreaming at a time… for the BIG dreams God has in my heart.
Taking it slowly helps me discern a bit more.

7.  Annie really wanted me to make Chicken Pot Pie the other night after we ate the CPP soup on our snow day.
The family was talking about how they love pot pie and annie said “I have NEVER had it!”
So… i made it.  Pie crust from scratch… made the whole thing….  TWO pot pies.
And it wasn’t good.
it wasn’t soupy so it was really heavy.
i was SO disappointed.
like… i wanted to cry.   doesn’t it stink to work SO hard on something and have it flop?
cooking is often like this for me.  So much work to most often a less than expected ending.
cereal is so much easier.
oh well… maybe someday Alice will move in with us and take over cooking our meals, pouring the kids kool-aid after school and helping them solve their problems.
8. we got to take lauren out for her 19th birthday last week.
it’s been a long hard road to get here but we did it.  she made us a family way back when i was only 19 myself.
she made me a mommy.
she has taught our family so much.  we have so many amazing memories together.
here’s to MANY more miss laurney.  keep up the great work at school!  You are a smarty pants.

9.  i am getting very excited to start the 21 Day Fix program that i blogged about last week.
but it hasn’t come in the mail??!!!
silly thing.
i saw that a bunch of you joined too!  Woo-hoo!
i know there are a bunch of groups with Marta so we may not be in the same group.
but i am going to talk a lot about it here… i hope… so we can share what we think together in the comments and stuff.

10. THiS.

i have watched it a bunch of times now.
it is so crazy hilarious.  WHO comes up with stuff like this?!!

and are you excited for Jimmy Fallon moving to the Tonight Show?!
i am beyond happy.
my bedtime routine just got so much better.
that guy is just the best.



brooke - ao, i’ll admit it, I’m a bad blog reader. I wrangle these two year old all day and I just haven’t been good about it, so I ‘binge’ several weeks at once. So here I am, bringing. At least it’s not ice cream! How funny, that you are doing 21 day fix with marta, b/c I have been following haus of girls for a whle now on instagram. Crazy how the worlds collide:) Hope you are having a fun craft weekend!! Or I guess it’s over now…so maybe you’re sleeping…but hope it was awesome!! I bet eating well during CW was a little tough. Hope you weren’t crabby 🙂 I would have been. Hope all is well, sorry for this marathon post 😉

Ruth Elder - I have a pretty easy recipe for CCP that I have perfected over the years. Happy to share it, if you are interested.

Lu - Hej,
I love your blog!
And I really liked the Birthday picture: It could have taken place in 1996 and would still look the same 😉
Wishing you a lot of blessings from Germany

Mindy - A dog, a book and some comfy jammies – sigh…what a way to spend a day. I have been wondering about the Monuments Men so glad to hear your take on it. Our daughter loved Full House growing up and I am a Tom Hanks fan so I am off to check out your video : )

regina - Pillsbury roll out crust< can of veg-all, cream of chicken soup, cream of celery soup, salt, pepper and either canned chicken or "real" chicken. easiest recipe ever and its awesome!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mide - Haha, i’m still waiting for my Alice. I love hiow Carol just helps out with dinner, too funny!

Love that Lauren had a special birthday. Glad she is doing well at school.

Loved the Tom Hanks thingy and by the way, I saw the Beach Boys in concert and they stank! I’ve never been to a concert that bad since. It was so obvious they didn’t care to be there. Just a little side note 😉

Happy Wednesday!

Lemonade Makin' Mama - Girl I joined but mine hasn’t come either and I think I’m in a group with Haley not Marta. Still very excited and can’t thank you enough for the prompt!! Man do I need it. 40 is fast approaching and it’s scary. LOL

Kristen K - Meg…if I could do my house/crafts over again, I’d fill this primitive/traditionally-decorated home with vintage treasures & rainbows & polka dots & chickens & pets. Four kids, 2 kittens, and the love of my life is what fills it now (which is awesome!)…and a lot of dreams! But I’ve spent most of my life living to make someone else’s dreams come true, and I’m just plain chicken to ask God what my own dreams might look like. So many have come true in my family alone…but I long to turn my creative gifts and passions into something more, something for Him. When I start to get excited and dream…my brain fills up with doubt, someone gets sick, I forget to defrost the chicken for dinner (I hate cooking…least rewarding mom-job ever in my book!)…and I put off dreaming for another day/month/year. SO…thank you for sharing what’s making your heart sing, with all the speed bumps and blessings along the way. I am encouraged by you and the life you live for God – and I love your blog! Thank you! 🙂

Gail - Meg,
My 21 came yesterday. Ready to get it going. All this KS snow has cramped my running. I hate running on the treadmill. My ADD brain is also going crazy but I think that devotional is what I need. Thanks for sharing.

Kirsten J - What a fun list! I’ve cried over pie crusts before. Don’t cry, though! This is the best :
Only I cook the crumbles separately or they get soggy. And I add extra broth.

Ashley - I like you. And your blog. And your family. And your dreams.

Barbara (WA) - I feel the exact same way about cooking. And I am going to find that book, it’s just what I am thinking about presently. Thank you!

Rebecca - Our favorite chicken pot pie recipe is Paula Deen’s Hurry Up Chicken Pot pie. You can find it on the foodnerwork. Sooooo good!

Tanya - I’m reading the Holley Gerth book version right now and your description doesn’t seem weird. It *is* a lot to take in. I probably would’ve done better with the devotional.
I am just so happy with the living room pic and your opinion that your house is trashed, cause it just makes me feel not alone in the chaos that can be a house full of kids. Thanks for taking that pic and then posting it – for reals.

dona weigand - My 11 year old daughter Loves Full House! Thank you for sharing that clip, we enjoyed it very much. The beach boys episode is one of our favorites, hahaha

Jennifer - Is the book by Holley Gerth suitable for a man to read too? My husband and I feel that this is his year to determine his dream from God and next steps for the future. I am looking for resources to help us walk through this together but I know Holley usually writes for women.

Edee - Here is our favorite chicken pot pie recipe. It tastes exactly how you think pot pie should taste and it is pretty easy. My family says this is one of the best things I make. We’re having it tomorrow!

Laura - When you feel up for trying again, my sister’s recipe for pot pie is fool proof and delicious. and PLEASE buy the crust! Pillsbury (the roll out one) I don’t make it often because: gluten because: carbs because: cellulite, but the kids love it. Recipe in link below.

Kerri - My husband and I are planning to see “The Monuments Men” on Thursday and I’m really looking forward to it. George Clooney – yeah! And I can’t wait to see “Winter’s Tale” that comes out this weekend. Colin Farrell is in it and the actress who played the youngest daughter on “Downton Abbey.” I have a hard time staying up past about 10:45 p.m. but am ready for Jimmy Fallon; he is hilarious.

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