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the lake

lots of fun today out at the lake i used to go to when i was a teenager.
it has to have been 20 years since i’d been there.
it almost made me want to think about camping….

we were invited to go on the boat with the family.
i tend to get sick in anything moving crazily (bad traffic, bumpy boats, roller coasters) but i did ok today!
the kids all tried out the tube and LOVED IT.

there was not room for all of us on the boat at once so there was down time to skip rocks, talk and find disgusting dead fish.

our youngest girls are back from their camps they went to last week.
they were at different camps but happened to be on the same week.
this was a really fun way to celebrate them coming back.
i hadn’t thought about the lake in a really long time.
i had all kinds of memories coming up… the smell of the boat… the water… the waves…the engine… whipping the boat around to pick up the person who wiped up…
it was so good to remember that stuff!
i miss it.
i used to water ski!!!
i could cross the wake!  more than once!

i was an excellent Zip Sledder!  check me out!  i would guess this is 1980.

so long ago.
but it all smells and sounds the same.



Julie Schmidt - OMG, I grew up in Michigan. We had a Zip Sled too. My brother and I spent many hours being dragged around on that thing on Lake Charlevoix. My dad would drive in circle to make a “soup” of giant waves. Then he would pull us straight put of the soup and we would fly in the air over the giant waves. Some of my best childhood memories!

Sami - We bought a boat because we want something that our family will always be able to do together. We want our kids when they are teenagers to actually want to be with us. 🙂

Carrie - You’re in a rainbow bathing suit?! Ha! Awesome!

I love your blog, pics, “voice,” etc. Thank you!

PS LOVE lakes. Awesome lakes in New England where I am!

Laura H - So fun! My Grandparents taught me how to water ski on Barbie lake. I believe it was in Indiana…one of my sisters would never let go of the rope when she fell, and we would all be yelling from the boat-“let GO of the rope!”
Ha! We still tease her to this day! Have fun making memories!

Tiffany - Look at you cutie pie!! And that white swim suit cover-up is darling! I love when events stir up old memories! I had that this weekend too and it’s just the best being reminded of those times!

se7en - That sunshine looks glorious from a cold wintry Cape Town… and were you not the cutest little gal ever!!!

Sarah{Handbags*and*Pigtails} - My parents have owned a small cottage on a small lake since before I was born. I’ll never forget the year my dad taught me how to water ski. I was about 9. I kept wanting to quit but he wouldn’t let me. Before the day was out I was skiing successfully.
The lake is still one of our favorite places in the world. Theres just nothing like it.

Kirsten J - That looks like so much fun! I used to water ski too….

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