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this could be my favorite.

i brought two sewing machines home from the craft house.
i knew i needed to make curtains but i also knew annie wanted to sew.
so i brought two.
and i brought the scraps left over from all the craft projects we make at Craft Weekend.
i cut the scraps into rectangles.
annie started sewing strips of rectangles together.
then talby joined in too!
all on her own… no begging required.  she just said “can i make one too?”
i helped get the machine working properly… reminded her how to do what… and then sat back and felt like my heart was going to explode.
they were just sewing.
for fun.
it was awesome.

annie asked me what i liked best about sewing.
i said “i guess… mixing colors and pattern together is my favorite”
she said “me too!  and also it’s calming.  it relaxes me to sew”
that was my first thought but i didn’t think she wouldn’t understand that so i said “colors and patterns”
how cool is that?!
she gets it.

after we went through the scraps and were getting bored of those…
i let her pick from the apron fabric at the Craft House!
she said “SERIOUSLY?!”
so fun to make their day with simple things like that.

while talby was at camp i had time with just annie.
we hit an antique store (she loaded up on cheap beanie babies), we had bbq for lunch & went to walmart.
i also took her to our local quilt shop and let her choose some fat quarters that SHE liked.
(the unicorns? i couldn’t agree more!)

then while annie was at camp i had time with just talby.
we went swimsuit shopping, fro-yo at orange leaf & cruised around target.
and apparently i had never taken talby into hobby lobby?
mom fail.
she was quite impressed.
and picked cute fabrics for her quilt too!

i had some people ask about good ages to start and any advice i had.
i think if they are interested… START!
any age is good to learn to sew!
join a class together if you don’t know how either… it would be cool to learn together!
if YOU are doing the teaching… my main piece of advice: BE CALM.
the more relaxed you are about sewing the more enjoyable it will be for everyone involved.
when we are working together i try to use a soft voice, relax and say things “oh we can fix that” or “that happens all the time” or “its not ruined.. don’t worry”
sometimes i will rip it out for them & have them move onto to a new strip.
i don’t want them to lose momentum or feel defeated.

we usually have music on too to set the mood a bit.
making it feel more fun and light instead of a big project that takes a loooooong time.
isn’t it just THE best?  so many colors!
so many patterns!
and it looks so GREAT together!
annie has lots of short strip and talby is making her strips as wide a twin size blanket.
we will figure out HOW to sew them all together when we have enough strips.
we are go-with-the-flow when it comes to creativity around here.IMG_7964
i have four of the SINGER Heavy Duty Sewing Machines and i love them!
i think they are great machines to learn on!
for yourself or for your kids!  i highly recommend them.
fancy-smancy machines are wonderful but so many people are scared of sewing and a fancy digital machine doesn’t help with that.
sewing is not scary.
it is FUN!!
this machine helps take the fear out of sewing… in my opinion.

i honestly CANNOT wait to see how amazing these quilts turn out.
it’s worth every penny to me.
they are building a life long skill right now!
it is so rad.

i am pretty proud…. can you tell?

do you sew?  do your kids sew yet?  what is your favorite thing you’ve made?  do you want to learn?

Juli - My daughter (13 yrs old) and I love to sew. We’ve taken classes together but neither of us have the patience to sew “for real” as in, with a pattern, like you’re supposed to. It just sucks the joy right out for us! We sew doll clothes for her Jess Brown doll and they look awesome and her doll could care less if the seams are even or serged! 😉 That doll as a better wardrobe than I do!

KWolff - Thank you for the encouragement on doing something like this. Unfortunately I am one of those mom’s who gets stressed out about something like this. I want it to be perfect for them and I end up taking all the fun out of it. Fortunately I realize I struggle with this and am making every effort to knock it off! It’s about the process and the memories.
Now I want to take my daughter to Hobby Lobby and let her start working on something simple like this!
Your daughter’s have done a great job mixing and matching the patterns. The end result is going to be so fun!
Again, thank you so much!

Amanda K - Did a quick tiny pillow project with my 6 year old son earlier this month. He was so excited to sew!

Torey - My mom sewed all her life and made us so many wonderful things. Sadly I didn’t have the interest to learn when I was younger and by the time I wanted to learn, she was dying of cancer. It has been a huge regret that I never learned to sew from her. Thank you for the recommendation for a beginner machine. I had no idea where to look and some people said super cheap were okay and others were telling us to get a used Bernina for $300. It’s a relief to find a reasonably priced machine that is good for kids/beginners!

Jane - I learned to sew in junior high but haven’t sewn for years, I am wondering if you know/remember where the fabric that has the colorful alphabet on the lines is from. I love that! It would be perfect for something in my daughter’s classroom!

Stacey - Love this!!!! Just love it!!!

katie jones - I want to sew “SO” bad. I”m so scared though. Why I guess because I’ve never been taught so I just clam up and give up………….

Kayla - I sort of sew, but I have been good about making sewing a fearless activity for my girls….so they are much better and much more adventurous that I am. They even made their own swimsuits this year! The biggest thing I have ever made was some rectangle curtains!

Kathy - You have inspired me to get back into sewing! My 10 year old grand daughter learned to sew from her other grandma and I wish it was me who had taught her 🙁 It is on my wish list to come to one of your craft weekends. Do I need to bring a group or can I just come solo and join in with others? (I live in Seattle)Thanks!

Kirsten J - I do sew. I work as a bookkeeper at a sewing machine store and teach quilting classes. And you’re so lucky to have the girls sew, too! I love anything crafty. It’s good for my soul.

Sami - How can you not want to sew all those fun happy colors? Those quilts are going to be gorgeous!

Jenna - I love sewing too! I used to be soooo intimidated of it, but have gradually learned to love it! I’m working my way up to making a quilt someday! And can I say, the big ol pile of vintage sheets – holy moly swoon! 🙂

Angi - This is great. My grandma taught me to sew as soon as I was old enought to join 4-H, and I did for 11 years, but sadly haven’t touched a sewing machine since then. This makes me want to start again.

Dawn Gross - So much fun! I want to sew. But it intimidates me. I haven’t seen a thing since craft weekend. In February. 2013. WHAT?!? I need to just dig in! Awesome that the girls are enjoying it!


Kristin S - OH, I see these quilts going to college with each of them.

Jeri - Yep! Ages 7 and 12, both love to sew. They took a sewing summer class last year and are hooked. But my 12 yo doesn’t like to follow the rules of sewing, she just goes with the flow…

Kelly - Yes I sew and yes my kids sew…even my boys! They love to make new pajama bottoms. When they were tiny, I would sit behind them and show them exactly what to do (I still have to do this with the youngest) but now they don’t really need me too much. So fun! Love your girls’ quilts! What a great summer project!

Kelly - Yes I sew and yes my kids sew…even my boys! They love to make new pajama bottoms. When they were tiny, I would sit behind them and show them exactly what to do (I still have to do this with the youngest) but now they don’t really need me too much. So fun! Love your girls’ quilts! What a great summer project!

Karina - Yes, I sew! I was initially self-taught. Then I took a few quilting and weaving courses (it was usually me plus a bunch of retired ladies). Then I did a degree in Textile Art. So now I also know how to weave and dye the fabric. I do remember some early attempts by my mother to teach me…we did not manage to stay calm and soon gave that up…lol…My daughter is interested now (she is six) and we have started slowly…a few attempts at stitching a straight line by hand…not very successful – but she is so proud, even when it is a wonky mess! We will work on a sock puppet next. 🙂

Jenny B. - This is wonderful! I would totally buy a pillow cover or quilt made by Annie and/or Talby. 🙂 I have a sewing machine. I asked for it for Christmas at least 3 years ago. It is still in the box. I am too intimidated to even open it! I have only sewed a handful of things in my life. It is so scary to me! I think the hardest thing is threading the machine. Something always seems to go wrong with the bobbin (or I forget about it completely). That, and cutting fabric in straight lines. Anyway… I really need to take a class or something so I can get over my sewing anxiety! Ha.

Mandi@herbanhomestead - Yes! I sew! My kids sew too. I started them hand sewing very young. Probably age 3. My 10 year old uses the machine without assistance and sees pretty regularly (she makes toys and clothes for the animals, ie tiny hamster clothes!). My 7 year old sees less frequently, but sometimes he is struck with creativity and makes a new robot or dinosaur, or doll for the baby. And the baby (who’s 2, but is still called the baby) sits on my lap while I sew. She also has a little wooden toy machine I found on etsy that she loves to pretend sew on. I think all children should at least know the basics when it comes to sewing. As I child my grandmother made sure we all knew how to sew a button on.

Tonya - One of my favorite posts ever! On many levels! You kindly teaching your girls to sew. Remembering the year my mom taught my brother and I to sew a straight stitch because we wanted to make Christmas presents for each other. I love the colors you have and that you just go with the flow. I do “messy sewing” and I always wonder if people look down on me for my lack of precision. (I guess as long as I don’t enter anything in the state fair, I will be okay!) I also wonder if the trends will change and my style will be left behind…maybe that’s when I will take a class! And mainly i like your post because it reminds me to just CREATE and stop worrying about other people!

Kari Shadrick - I want to learn to sew so bad! I just don’t really have anyone around that can teach me, nor do I have the money to get a machine right now. Hopefully soon…

Momma Bug - I bought that sewing machine on your last recommendation so I could have a simple, durable machine for my girls to learn on. I love it. They love it. My nine year old daughter threads the bobbins and feels free to experiment because she has permission to use it whenever inspiration strikes.
Thanks for the heads-up! I LOVE Amazon prime 🙂 Having a sewing machine delivered to my door? Awesome.

Tiffany - This makes we want to get out my sewing machine and finish my daughter’s quilt I started for her birthday last year! Plus finish the curtains for my boy’s bedroom. The sheet just isn’t working anymore! Thanks for inspiration and your daughters are doing a wonderful job.

Katie Skiff - That is an awesome way to start easy. Good idea!! My dd is 7 and we sew too. I agree, if they are interested, sew. Cute photos.

Cassandra - Way to go Mom!!! I started sewing at an early age, first clothes for 4-H projects & then my grandma taught me how to quilt when I was 13. She started me on a 9 patch block & I haven’t slowed down since!! What a wonderful gift to teach your girls 🙂

Karen - My mom taught me and about 6 of my friends to sew when we were 10. We worked on a girl scout sewing badge and we each made a wrap around skirt. I learned enough of the basics to be able to tackle most anything today. My regret, I didn’t teach my daughter. I will teach my granddaughter!

Tracy - Oh I loved sewing with my mom when I was their age!!

Please show us the completed quilts!!!!!!

laurie magpie ethel - My mom sews and passed that along to me. I am not a master with the machine, but can get by with simple projects. My daughter is 20 and I REGRET not teaching her more. She expressed an interest occasionally and I should have jumped at it. It is such a good life skill to have. High five to your daughters for their interest and the darling projects they are making!

Stephanie - My mom sewed all my life and she learned from her mom, an expert, Austrian sewist. She taught me to sew when I was young, and then again as a teenager, but I had ZERO patience for it. Labour seven years ago I picked it back up and really enjoyed the gorgeous fabrics out there. I still hate sewing machines. I mean, there are times I want to toss mine out in the yard. I’m not mechanical or technical at all and they just frustrate me with their diva attitude (so do lawn mowers. Lol). BUT–fabric is addicting! I love the finished results. My second daughter sews. She enjoys it. I’m glad.
Thanks for hearing your girl time!

heather - All of my life I watched my mom sew and always wanted to learn how. She wasn’t as patient and I became frustrated quickly. BUT a few weeks ago, I asked her to sit down and teach me, so now, at almost 32 years of age I can finally sew. 🙂 I have only accomplished a pair of shorts for my son and a pillow, but it IS so relaxing and fun. And now my 9 year old son wants to learn to sew, is case he wants to make a costume for his bearded dragon he says. Ha! Can’t wait to see how your girls’ quilts turn out. They look beautiful so far! And way to go on teaching them a valuable skill at a young age!

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