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green chippy paint

i am in chicago at the Storyline Conference!!!
i really enjoyed today.
we heard donald miller (A Million Miles in a Thousand Years – i LOVED that book) & glennon melton (momastery)

i have been thinking all day about my life… my story… what’s next… what do i want…
big stuff right?
stuff i don’t quite have answers for just yet.
and that’s ok… just thinking and processing.

but what blew me away today was hearing Propaganda speak… poetry i guess you’d say?
i think it was the lyrics of his songs but instead of rapping to music he just spoke it into the mic.
his 10 minutes were my favorite.

bob goff is tomorrow and i CANNOT WAIT!


my parents came to watch scott play football last week and on saturday we went out to the barn.
how cute are they?
my dad found records and a machete that he plans to use for gardening.

side note: scott did awesome… he had two touchdowns… they won 59-2.
his team is undefeated!
he is having a lot of fun with his team.

the girls and craig came out tot he barn too.
there were bugs flying all over the place.
and i made the mistakes of saying “what are they? earwigs?” to which annie asked “why are they called earwigs? do they go in your ear?”
i said yes.
and she lasted about 5 more minutes like this and then went to the car!
but they were not even earwigs which i said right away.

silly girl.

oggie was high school basketball coach so he and craig were talking about all the games way back when.
they were so funny… they both remembered SO MANY DETAILS.
how do they keep the games straight?!!!!

i mean seriously.

this is what we came home with…. GREEN chippy gorgeousness.
it’s going to be a covering the half wall  in the entryway of the kitchen that will have hooks for kids’ backpacks and my purse
i really excited to get this project going!



Tessa - Can’t wait to see your project with the green boards – I have a similar vision for my foyer. I have a bunch of different colored chippy paint boards … I want to put hooks on them and use them for guests to hang their coats/bags when they come. It is one of those many projects that I have been dreaming about … so maybe you will help me get moving and get it finished!

Lorieloo - goodness I’d like to get lost wandering that barn again….someday. <3

Su - trying not to be jealous that you get to hear Bob Goff speak tomorrow… I loved his book Love Does.. so challenging, so motivating. . .a game changer for me really. . .

I have not read anything by Donald Miller so I will check out that book

I want to run/own a barn. . .

May God reveal to you bits and pieces of what you are to do with your story. . what is next. . I will pray for that after I hit post comment. . really. He is good and has one awesome plan for you.

Shannon Reagan - I’ve heard Bob Goff speak several times. He is great. You’ll laugh histerically and be challenged.

Angela - Best line: “…and a machete he plans to use for gardening.” This made my day. Your dad seems like my kind of guy. 😉

Jo - great post. love the story about your kiddo…too cute!

heather m. - How fun!!! Can’t wait to see your finished project. I’m seeing this Bob Goff name everywhere the past 2 days… Guess I should go find out what he’s all about..>!

Michelle Deckert Richmond - You have such vision and flair for decorating…can’t wait to see the end result. Michelle from Canada Instagram..michellerich31

jen - It was so fun running in to you at the Barn that day. Thanks for putting up with me fan-geeking out a bit.
My friend and I had the suburban packed tight coming back to Colorado. So many great things out there! We seriously considered renting a uhaul to tow home so we could get the bedroom set that’s on the trailer behind Craig and Oggie. And I think Dennis got a big kick out me thinking he was serious when I asked where the bathroom was and he told me it was out back.
It’s such a great place. Thanks for sharing your wonderful find with us. We’ll be back for sure!

Angela - Your parents are adorable!!!

The green bead boards are to die for!! Can’t wait to see the after project. Do you ever worry about lead paint?

Annie favors you so much but i bet you hear that all the time.

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