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2014 in photos


what a fun way to remember!

i was going through Instagram and Facebook, seeing so many posts on what they learned this year.
and their word for the year.
i felt blank.
i thought… did i learn ANY thing?
my brain was feeling like mush from the holiday crazy schedule.

then i looked through these photos.
i see love.
and being loved.

this year i found out how to love my kids deeper than i ever have.
this parenthood stuff is HARD and crazy amazing all at once.
it’s no joke.
and i am so proud to be their mom even when things get hard.
I’m happy to walk through life beside them too.

this year i realized i had dreams in my heart i hadn’t validated.
after a little working through what that means… 2015 is the year to make them happen.
i feel like jesus is saying “enough stalling Meg!”

what i reflect on again and again is that through it all God is so good!!
that doesn’t mean everything is perfect.
it’s not.
life is messy.  (sometimes a complete disaster!)
everyone has struggles.
no one is alone in that.
but God’s Grace covers all of it.
He takes our offering of brokenness, weakness and failure and FLIPS it upside down.
He says “i love you. You are mine. You are new.”
we are not our mistakes.
we are not our past.
we are not what people think of us.
we are made new through Him.
God is good.  He gives me HOPE.  He carries me through.

bring on 2015.
i am ready.

(i think… maybe just a quick nap first)


Kellyn - just thank you. Thanks for being you!! that is all 😉
have a blessed craft weekend!

Lori - I never get tired of your beautiful photos!

Courtney - Those photos are soo great! It was the motivation I needed! I have to print mine out and take more in 2015! Time just slips by way too fast. Great documentation of your year! Congrats!

annette - great post – i think taking pictures really helps us remember where we have been… wondering where you got your ‘Jesus loves me’ t-shirt?

Sue Linse - Love the pictures Megan! (does anyone call you ‘Megan’ anymore?…or is it just Meg. Anyway – only comment – love any picture of Stanley – SO cute. And Annie is freaking Adorable – should be modeling for GAP or something. Miss you as always 🙂

jennibell - Wow. What a beautiful, reflective post. You are inspirational to so many Meg!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - So many beautiful smiles! And I can’t wait to watch your dreams unfold!

Melissa - Amen! Here’s to 2015

Carol S. - I like your photos and perspective. You’re one of my favorite bloggers…real…colorful…most important, faithful. My blogging schedule has been reduced to one a year, lol. I don’t know how you do it, but sure am glad you do. Jealous of all your adorable pics with hubby. My husband ducks when camera comes out!

Kimberlee Jost - I loved all of the pictures!

amy jupin - i share so many of these same thoughts and emotions, especially in the message i keep hearing from jesus.
“don’t be afraid. stretch, grow, follow your passions!”
i push it down again and again.
what does it possibly mean?
what if i blow it?
we need to follow his lead and fight for our dreams!
they are important. so, so important!
i am with you, friend.
i am for you too.
happy new year meg!

Tammy - Happy New Year! Thanks for always being such an inspiration Meg!

Amy - Cheers to 2015! I’ve loved following along with you here and on Instagram. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Lisa - Well said! Here’s to 2015!

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