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im in love! I’m in love!

my computer is dying a slow painful death.
i am currently using the desktop and it’s hard to remember how everything works.
and i don’t want to spend money on a laptop right now!!!
i have flowers to buy for the yard/graduation party.
not laptops!

so i am going to blog quick (and hopefully) more often.
wish me luck.
last week Mr. Duerksen had a birthday.
he got tickets for Mumford & Sons only 3 hours away on a monday night.
so we figured out all the details and went.
and here’s the deal…. it is WORK to make time to get away.
it is never easy!
it was only for one overnight and honestly i kept thinking “why are we doing this? it’s not even worth it for just one night.”

but i was so wrong!
one night is SOOOOO worth it!
we had the best time!!!

the food was good… the concert was wonderful of course… the hotel was fine…
(and we even got to enjoy their fire alarms going off twice in the middle of the night!)
but what was so important was the time away from the normal roles of mom& dad
and just getting to be craig & meg.

craig & meg are so much more fun than “mom & dad”!
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we needed it.

i know i tell you every few months after i am reminded myself so here i go again – getting away with your husband is so good!
if you think it’s too much work – i disagree.
do what you need to do to make it happen.
hire a sitter… ask your family to help… swap babysitting with a friend…
even if it’s only one night!

it’s so good for you & your husband… and for your kids to see that you are in love!




stefanie Shultz - Can you please tell me where you hot your Mrs. Duerksen bracelet? i love it!

Danielle - I would like even an hour away 🙂 Not at that point we can yet but one day! We went backpacking together before and it was so great!

Paula - Yummm. Where was dinner?

Becky - I love that your names rhyme! I’ve been reading your blog for years and just realized it now when you typed them together 🙂

Jennifer - You are so right!

ginny - Please please tell us your graduation party plans. I’m so overwhelmed. We want to have a backyard party but I have no idea where to start. What to buy, how to get yard and porch and patio ready. How to invite everyone. Send invites along with graduation announcements or a separate invite. It’s 3 wks away and I’m so unprepared. I need a To Do List STAT!! Help this clueless mama out please.

Jennifer W. - truth

genie from california - So true. For us, sometimes, its just a few stolen hours.
We call it Boyfriend and Girlfriend time. Just a little date to remind ourselves: we are best friends, lovers, and spouses.

Oh yeah, parents, too.

Congratulations on carving out some time.

Kimberlee Jost - I knew the movie as soon as I read the post title!

Heather S. - Amen to that! My husband and I ran away for one night last week and it was SO worth the effort to make it happen! Like you said, there is something so wonderful about just being us, not mom & dad, even if it’s just one night. The great thing is – it changes the way we treat each other (in a good way) when we slip back into those roles. Totally important for the kids to see how much we love and value our relationship!

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