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back to school ’16

another school year has begun.
annie in 6th grade… talby is a freshman… sean a sophomore… scott started college!
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how fun are those overalls?!
between that and the birks i thought it 1994 again.
and annie’s shirt – i wish it came in my size!
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one thing that is different about this school year is that sean has his driver’s license!
he is LOVING the freedom that brings.

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starting school is a great reason for donuts (if anyone needs a reason).
scotty started his freshman year at Tabor College.
i cried.
but i’m excited for him… he’s going to do GREAT!
i mean he’s got 36 Ramens – what else would he need?
i made his bed one last time.
and hit my head three times!
we have dropped a child off at college once already but it didn’t get easier.
it’s HARD to walk away and leave your kid!
but our pastor reminded me this morning that getting the years with our kids that we do is a gift!
we get time with them in our homes and in our every day and then they have to move on.
we raise them to leave.
it’s good.
it hurts but it’s a good hurt… it’s growth!

what a privilege to be all these kids’ mom!!

🙂  Scotty i miss you!
do your best and try hard in all your classes!
i am so glad i get to be your mom!   🙂
and then… craig and i took off for a weekend away with NO kids!
we realized it was the only weekend before sports and all the STUFF for the next two months so we got outta town!
it was such a great way to ease into the new transition.
we slept!
we went to movies both nights!
we ate really good mexican food!
and talked lots and lots about everything.
it was a great weekend!

and just for fun….
funny how my oldest child isn’t in ANY of the group back to school photos….

and all of her elementary school first day pictures aren’t digital.
oh well.
she DID go to school even if she didn’t get in the photos.


Sharon / tpt - I agree with you. I agree with your Pastor, and I agree with your getaway!♡

Kasey - These pictures made me cry too. The tears started when you said you made his bed one last time. I want to freeze time with my 8 and 5 year old boys.

Tina - I just love your posts! I just see so many similarities between your 5 and my 5. Love it!

Ps-Talby’s shirt does come in your size. I’m wearing it today. Got it at Target. Going back to by the other colors it comes in. Don’t forget your cartwheel app too….it’s 20% off.

Jenny B. - I ditto Kimberlee! They have grown so much, and it’s crazy how time moves so much faster as we get older. Sigh… I needed to read this today. My oldest (6th grade) has been driving me nuts lately. I need to remember that my time with him is a gift. <3

Ruth Elder - Seeing the old photos just reminds me of how long I have been following your blog! lol And also that I need to plant more flowers next year.

Kimberlee Jost - Were they really that young when you lived at the farm? But it wasn’t that long ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy - We took our second oldest to Ku last week.You’re right! It wasn’t any easier than the first! Thanks for sharing what your pastor said…I love that and will try to keep that in mind!

Kelly Munger - The picture of Scott standing in his room, the one after you on the bed, made me cry! Why??? My oldest is just a freshman in high school so I still have a few years until that’s my boy standing in his dorm room but I’m already feeling the hurt of his growing up. How is he almost done here?! (this is seriously too much for a Monday!)

Patti - I only hae one….he is 28 now but when we dropped him off at college I think I sobbed for two weeks….I was nothing short of a hot mess lol… when he comes home at 28 i’m like ok…it’s time for you to go home and leave a mess of dishes in your own sink! lol

Tiffany - The throwbacks tho, priceless.

Beth - Well that was all fun and games until you posted the throwback pictures…and I cried! And I don’t even know you personally. Oh, it’s all too much! My girls are the age of your throw back pictures and it got me. Gosh, this mom stuff is so good…and so hard!

beth larson - Meg…what a great post, I especially loved all the old first day of school photos you took the time to post. All just so darling. The other fave? The case of Ramen noodles…haha

Kristi Rediske - I love how waffle is looking out your door in the going back to school pics-I think he is wondering why he doesn’t get to be in any pictures-the black dog does-HA! I love seeing the pictures through the years you posted, time goes so quickly-I am so glad someone invented cameras so we can have those precious memories to look back on.

Iris Brown - I cried while reading your entire post. So true. I then chuckled in the end.

Lori - Love the back to school pictures, and I can’t believe Scott is starting college! Glad you got a grown-up weekend to yourselves before all the crazy sets in 🙂

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