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Category Archives: playtime

feeling good.

a few things i am happy about.

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a little thrift shopping…
the quilt is FULL of holes, but will make some lovely pillows for the shop.  
makes me so happy.
here's what i did with the blue box…

i can now throw out my old lady one from wal-mart i got 10 years ago.

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a little fabric shopping…and a full punch card.

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my flowers from joy (my Illinois mom) are blooming! 
they are so pretty.  
the garden is so good this year…rain is a good thing.

went to hillsboro yesterday afternoon to catch up with some friends from high school at the pool.
ended up seeing many friends…staying hours and hours at the pool…
staying in town for dinner…the three kids had a blast too.
it was such a great day.
i drove home with 3 goofy kids who were hyper and i was laughing at them really hard.
(the boys' were singing the beatles in opera voices)
it just felt good.
(except for my major sunburn today)

and i came across this.
i. can. NOT. wait.
parenthood is one my top 10 movies…and now it will be a tv show!!!!
i love shows like this and i will be hooked from the first minute.

hope you find somethings that make you happy today.

now…i have some dishes to do.
i will try to be happy about them.

Jessica - I just found your blog the other day and saw this post with the Parenthood trailer… I am so excited too! It really looks to be a great show… and with so many good actors! Really hoping it’s a good one!

CrazyPeopleI'veWorkedWith - All your pictures are gorgeous, the colors are so vibrant and just POP!

Timalee - Hi! I’m a new lurker, stumbled on your blog about a week ago and am really enjoying the eyecandy! Just had to say that I would do almost anything for one of those quilt pillows, I actually have an identical matching quilt on my sofa right now that my mamaw made me a few decades ago. It is still in nearly perfect condition so I won’t be cutting it into pillows anytime soon, but I would REALLY love a matching pillow to go with it! 🙂

kristin - not sure where my comment went, so if you find it then you can ignore my rambling.
mostly i am writing to tell you that you’d enjoy knowing we’re on the illinois interstate heading out of chicago…and thanks to my phone as a modem i can catch up on line.
we love the hillsboro pool, i can’t wait for that show, the thrift shop is one of the first things on my list….ahhhh.

kristin - oh, and yes, i LOVE parenthood-type shows too!!!

kristin - oh, we love going to the hillsboro pool….
and thought you might enjoy knowing i am writing you from the illinois interstate…heading home from our trip.
thanks to my phone acting as a modem i have time to catch up!

jolyn - Parenthood is, like, my favorite movie ever. Thank you for sharing the upcoming series: who knows how long it would have taken me to find it otherwise!

Trina McNeilly - Oh yeah!!!! This looks fabulous!!!!!!!!! So many great actors.. I’m so ready for a good tv show. And that movie is classic! Have a great weekend!

Rach - Seriously… I want to go to YOUR fabric store!!! I love the stuff you get!

Christina - The happiness comes AFTER the dishes are done, then you can leave behind that clean sink and go about your fun, I mean, business.

Ashley Ann - Feel free to send one of those pillows to me! Lovin’ your blue box too. Your blog is so much fun!!

liza - Things that make me happy: my husband, our puppy dogs, and lots of cute blog posts everywhere!

wendy - OK, I can totally relate to that show. Especially all that teenager stuff. It’s now on my must see list! Thanks Meg. Is that your quilt or did you find it somewhere? Love it.

Jill - Can I have first dibs on pillows made from that quilt??? I am serious – love the colors! Wow! What a fun project and great use for a old quilt with holes – think of how much time and love went into it originally….

casey - oh my gosh I hadn’t heard of that show and it looks amazing!!!

Christy - The Parenthood trailer looks awesome! Thanks for posting it. I totally heart Peter Krause! Can’t wait!
Love the colors of your pics. I so wish we lived closer so you could capture my 6 yo. You also gave me an great way to use my old metal green tackle box. Hooray!

Amy - omg! omg! omg! omg! i cannot wait to see that movie!

Restless Mama - How fabulous that they’re making a show out of the movie – totally excited about this.
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months and let me just say it’s not only eye candy but such a lifter for my day.
Thank you so much for sharing.

Chiot's Run - I sure did, a lovely cool rainy day. Nothing makes me happier than a latte made my Mr Chiots 🙂

danyele - i really love the preview…and it will be so much fun. maybe i won’t feel like a slacker sometimes too. and i love love love the blue box!!! reminds me of my grandpa’s.

Toni :O) - I hope you were able to use your punch card before it expired on June 30th…..awesome finds. I LOVE thrift stores…so cool!

Trasie - Love love love it!!!!

Lazy Mom Leslie - I’m excited about Parenthood as well. I think it will be great! Have you seen the previews for The Good Wife? I love that both of those shows have ER alumni in them. And Mr. Big is in The Good Wife too. Fall is my favorite time of year. School starts, temperatures drop and the new fall lineup premiers! What more could a girl ask for?
Remember that the offer still stands for you to come live in my guest room and document my life in pictures. Not only will I pay you in margaritas (no salt) I’ll even throw in the chips and salsa! Great, now I’m hungry for Mexican food!

wesleyjeanne - You just made me happy telling me about the new show. I love love love that movie and show it to my LifeSpan Developmental Psychology students. I don’t have TV, but I’m hoping they’ll put episodes of the new show on the Internet to watch. Thanks for telling me about it.

Angela - Okay, I watched the video preview for Parenthood and it looks killer. They had me at “By the Writers of Friday Night Lights.” Do you watch Brothers & Sisters? Sigh… So good.
I will make your rainbow cake one day. When I get brave enough. And buy some of those round cake pans. I am so ill-equipped.

Kathy - Love the thrift store finds!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Having yummy cake in my new cake plate is making me happy today! Actually, I have cake in two cake plates today! I baked your rainbow cake, but didn’t follow your directions about cutting off the top bump of each layer. The top 3 layers ended up on the counter when I walked out of the kitchen for a minute! But, it’s OK! Now I have a red, orange, and yellow cake in one cake plate- and a green, blue, and purple cake in another cake plate! They are making me kitchen counters look very cheery this week! YUM!

A pocket full of posies... - Oh how I have SO many things I am happy about!!! But, one great big happy: My “whatever” shop goodies arrived today!!! I LOOOOVE them! and your too “sweet” to add a little chocolate! 🙂
Oh! and I can’t wait to see the pillows from that quilt! *swoon*!

Dana M. - One of my happy things was getting together yesterday! So glad that it worked out. Let’s not wait so long for the next gathering. Oh and when the kids go back to school let’s go antiquing in Abeline!! I mean it. 🙂

Vera - Saw my baby’s heartbeat for the first time today… can’t get any happier than that!!!!!! Glad you’re happy too – your pictures always make me happy!

Lori - Hi Meg, it has been such a crazy busy week that I admit I have been lurking and not commenting. But I couldn’t not tell you that I connected to your Proverbs 31 post. I did a bible study years ago that cleared up my being intimidated by the P31 woman. It is a yardstick that I use to measure how far I have come, and how far I need to go, with God’s strength and support. I am pretty sure I’ll be in heaven before I attain P31 status!
I hadn’t heard about Parenthood, the series. It looks great. I have two teenagers, and I think I will be nodding my head alot as I watch! Thanks, as usual.

Jill - My husband and I had marked that show as one we definitely wanted to watch this fall. I get all teary during the previews, so I can only imagine I’ll be a wreck during the real thing!

Jenn Thomas - Meg – I need to go thrift shopping with you – you always find such neat things.

Ivy Bettinger Smith - I have my happies on my blog today, too. Parenthood looks awesome! Cant wait to start watching. I love Ron Howard:)

Jess - beautiful things. i’m up to my eyeballs with laundry and a frog just escaped somewhere upsatirs…. this was just the break i needed! can’t wait to see that tv show.

katie - i LOVE the quilt!!!

Laura Phelps - already found something to be happy about.
this post.

Jocelyn Stott - Okay – I don’t know what is wrong with me but that preview for Parenthood just made me tear up and feel really emotional. I am 26 and not even close to having kids, but something about it just got to me. Whew – pull yourself together Jocelyn!
Thanks for the wonderful photos!

Jane Weston - Your pictures made me happy today :o)
The quilt looks amazing and I love how you will give it a new lease on life.

Kirsten - Yay – I love the “roller coaster” analogy at the end of Parenthood. I hadn’t seen this – can’t wait for it! And Monica Potter and Maura Tierney are two faves of mine. That quilt is amazing!!! Is it too snoopy to ask how much you paid for it?

Chasity - i’d be awful happy about that quilt and the old tacklebox as well….
i’m happy for a weekend with nature and family.

Aubrey - So many pretties…
I was sad this spring–I planted zinnia seeds, they were coming up, we had lots and lots and lots of unexpected rain and they all washed away. So I like seeing the pictures of yours. 🙂

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after several hours of all my children within 10 feet of me today

i shouted at my kids  "YOU HAVE CABIN FEVER!"
to which annie asked "we're sick?!"

i kicked them all outside.
i had had enough.
they played for awhile…enough to give me a slight teensy break and then i was ready to make crafts.
i brought out the box of junk we've been saving for a year.

literally junk.
things i would find on the floor and if i remembered…i would stick it in the junk box.

soon the junk sculpture became a city.
talby made a sign and gave it a name.
junkywood…not hollywood.

details…details…what do you see?
this is all talby's creation with me in control of the glue.

sean ditched us and went out on his own.
he wanted his own time with the glue gun really.
do you know how much kids love glue guns?!  they do!
it's low temp and i was trying to guide him.  totally worth the risk i think.

he made his own "world's largest _______" museum. 
largest joke (on the popsicle stick)
largest brain (made from the packaging of a watch and pink pom poms…i love it!)
largest feather (as big as the sky scraper next to it.)
good stuff.

talby filled her bottle with goodies before capping it with a marble.  
Abby Reed…do you recognize those red marbles?  :)

a little free advertising peter.

the bald footless disney princess (thanks waffle) could swing around the strings to the buildings.

such a fun project.
you definitely have the supplies right there at your house.
go for it.
we got the idea from ms. kristin of course.  

business-y things:
thank you for all the goodies you bought from the shop yesterday.
the postman and i are nearly best friends by now.
i love all you bloggy shoppers (and bloggy readers non-shoppers too)

AND my next few weeks have opened up a bit for photos.
if you were thinking of having some pictures taken…how about now?  
we have a lot of fun.
email me for details at cdduerksen @ yahoo . com.

lauren - you are a rockin momma. your kids have definitely been graced with your creativity and imagination! so much fun. looks like a great home to be spending long summer days at.

Kameron - I think you should do prints of some of the amazing photos you take in your etsy shop! I’d buy some for sure!

Laura Phelps - I live in Hollywood, and dare I say…it IS a bit junky!

Holly - that is such a neat idea. love junkywood!

carissa... brown eyed fox - I had to send you a “hiiiiiii… woo hooooo… wave wave” as we drive through Kansas!
smiling big & thinking of you!

seleta - This is both precious + priceless. What a great idea. Love his title “junkywood not holleywood.”
Thank you for sharing + inspiring this mom of four.

Nicole - What an awesome idea!!

The Countess of Nassau County - You are a rockstar

Sara W - I love this idea. I am constantly throwing away ‘treasures’ like these items.
And I LOVE the sunflowers on your header! They make me smile.

Christina - I think you are one of the coolest moms ever.

Abby - Ahh, the red marbles! Glad you found a use for them, so sorry he did that!!
We will have to start a box once we get settled, I can imagine that I will have plenty of broken bits and pieces to add over time. 🙂
Can’t wait to see the pictures, thanks again for the photo shoot – you were right it was way better than “that other place”

Erica - Peter wants to know: what was that?
And thanks for the shoutout! 🙂

wendy - Great idea! So creative and green. I will file it away and start my junk collection ASAP. As always, thanks for the inspiration Meg.

misty - i missed out on the etsy treasures! =0( I am so disappointed!!! do you do custom orders?

Katherine - Hi! I just found your blog (I know, I’m so late)…i love it! Your photos are fun and I love the pillows & shirts you make. Thank you for sharing! Oh and I wish you were local ( I live in Long Island, NY)! you could take photos of my baby!

CherryTreeLane - Love it–great idea!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I wish we lived close I would have you do our pics in a heartbeat!! Love your Junkywood idea. You have so many of those;)

Rachel / cREaTe - i love the “worlds largest ______” museum. soooo creative!!! and i totally noticed the business card & thought “free advertising for someone!” before i even saw what you wrote. 🙂 ha cool cool cool. thanks for sharing.

juliann brenner - Oh how fun! My kids (I should say Luke) love to collect things to make 3-D sculptures out of…. He will love looking at these pics and will, I am sure, be inspired!

Melissa - Hahaha, this made me laugh because it’s just the kind of things my brothers and I did as kids. Love it!!!

Aubrey - That is a really awesome junk city. Your kids are so creative–it will be fun to see how that develops as they grow up (in a really long time of course).
I wish we lived closer or were doing a road trip RIGHT NOW to have you do our pictures. One day, we will take a trip through your town on purpose for a photo shoot.

adrienne - way cool kids! way cool buildings!!!

Jocelyn Stott - GREAT project. There is so much goodness going on here: creativity, recycling and innovation.

Keri ~ ForeverFoldingLaundry - Creativity at its finest – love it!!
Now if only I could find any junk laying around my house…. (ha!)

cally - genius.

Dina - what a great idea!!! thanks for sharing 🙂
love your blog (and shop)!!

danyele - how fab!!! i can’t wait to do all this stuff again soon with b and jk and s. paige use to create all the time…
my fav, by the way, is the feathers with the bottle caps…ingenious!

Courtney - I love this idea! I would totally have to hide it from my husband though, I can just see him coming home and trying to pry something off saying, “I might need this!” 🙂

Chele - You just keep giving me awesome ideas for my kids! And the junk we could use up! 🙂 Thank you for sharing once again!

Karrie - You’ve got CABIN FEVER??? I’ve got it TOOOOO!!!!
(Love this clip!!! Found it on YouTube)

Ashley Ann - Simply great…I totally love this idea and will store it away for a year or so until at least 2 of mine are ready for it. Super fun…

Amber - Love this! I actually have an “imagination bin” that is filled with odds and ends and “junk” as you say. It’s a big rubbermaid bin, and I’ll pull it out every now and then and let the kids go to town. They love it.
You are so inspiring, by the way! I love your blog! I’m so going to try the shaving cream thing with my kids when they get a little older. I’m not brave enough to trust my three-year-old to keep it out of her eyes!
Thanks for sharing!

robyn Beckley Vining - I have a junk box/drawer like that, too!!! We put everything in it and are waiting for our special day that we make such a city! We call it the re-purpose drawer, and one day it will find a new purpose in being our entirely recyclable city one we make it 🙂

robyn Beckley Vining - I have a junk box/drawer like that, too!!! We put everything in it and are waiting for our special day that we make such a city! We call it the re-purpose drawer, and one day it will find a new purpose in being our entirely recyclable city one we make it 🙂

kristin - oh, i love it. i need to do this. my favorite is the bottle filled and capped.

the wild raspberry - that looks like awesome fun….i love the little purple bear in junkywood and of course hello kitty~she is always a hit!
keep this ideas comin…loved this one.
sam bush will be in olathe for a free concert tonight…roadtrip!

pve - so glad you found the time to craft (cause I think your etsy shop got bought out) I wanted to buy the bubblegum shirt, darn, it is already gone.
glad your kids found something to keep them busy too, they do have a lost in space sort of look, I hear that happens in Junkywood, just beware when they start asking for “plastic surgery!”
I think you are the best Mom.
YOu make me feel like the worst Mom!

Penny - Oh this makes me remember all the fun times I had with my girls when they were little. My oldest had a group of friends 3-5 grades and they formed the Sunshine Club. I let them meet at our house on Monday’s after school. They did things like this. We ordered sweatshirts with their names embroidered on them and put everyone’s hand prints on the back. They had so much fun! I would make snacks and we would do a craft. We took field trips and had camping trips. It was much like Girl Scouts but we didn’t have to sell those darn cookies. Those were some wonderful times. Thanks for making me remember that! You have some lucky kids!

Lori - I sooo wish I lived close enough to you that you could take my daughter’s senior pictures. You have spoiled me for the studio ones that look so fake to me, so overdone. So if you ever come near Richmond, VA, I will drive to meet you! I am on the lookout for someone local.
Great junk art. And it kept them busy for a while – bonus!

princesslasertron - love this! we made so much junk art when I was little…it was my favorite because it was SO FREE. None of that stuff is “for” anything like crayons are for coloring and legos are for building…
I want you to take pictures of me at silver bella!!

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it’s HOT.


it was time to cool off.

this was a great way to beat the heat.

the funniest part of these pictures was just as we got our changed into our swimsuits….
another family showed up.
a very large man and his two children.  
his kids would NOT keep their clothes on…
and the MAN was walking through all the sprinklers…IN HIS CLOTHES!  
fully dressed in pants, shirt and even his socks!

so in every photo i had to walk around making sure the big soaking wet man wasn't  in my shot…
or his naked kids.

not quite as pretty now is it?

Chasity - how refreshing….

donna - Hi Meg awhile ago you told me what photo site you used to change your pictures sizes, etc. Since then I had a computer crash and lost everything. Can you remind me of the site you use? thanks

Ashley Ann - I love splash parks! The last one where your son is reaching the bucket makes me a little sad (and excited). It seems like it will be forever before any of my boys would be able to reach one of those buckets, but I know that day will be here before I know it. Your kids seem so fun…

Anne Pearson - So FUN! What neat pictures of water!

misty - do you have an etsy account? I love all of the crafts you make and want to buy everything for my own home- I am crafty at all…
can you email me at

jessica leigh - these are great. we went to the water park just like this the other day, and my boys wouldn’t even get close. they are so silly! love your sunflowers at the top! gorgeous!

carissa... brown eyed fox - woooooo hoooooo… WHAT fun!
the BEST eye candy!
just had the best time scrolling through all i have missed the last few weeks!
big ‘ol smiles here!
have i told you lately… that i love you… oh wait… AND how flipping creative you are!
SERIOUSLY… how many socks will you knock off… :)!
congratulations on Eye Candy AND Country Living! that is SO awesome… not a bit surprised but… so happy for you! so happy!
you have been having quite the summer… FULL… lots of goodness!
big hugs… lots of love… mucho happiness!
btw… your sessions shots are amazing… just amazing! so wish we were in your area!

Kirsten - Well…I’da loved to at least see the man in his clothes…and I flashed back to my visit to Garden City, Kansas…long about 1976???or so…they claimed to have the largest outdoor cement pool, lol. How ironic that here in the Northwest we’re wearing sweatshirts and drinking hot tea.

alyssa - nice visual…thanks! your pictures would have done just fine.

Jill Jones - So, I have an email ready to send you, but for the life of me I can’t find a way to contact you other than leaving a comment. 🙁 It’s funny and everything. What do I doooo?! :0/

Secret Mom Thoughts - Great photos. Too funny about the wet man and the naked kids.

kasey - must be kansas!

CherryTreeLane - Love the pics and I am IN LOVE WITH YOUR NEW HEADER!

macy your niece - cool sunflowers. I’m wondering if any of the kids that were naked were boys?if they were that’s freaky grosssssss!

Angie - Hi Meg,
I have been reading your blog for sometime. I found you on the Mac’s blog. I love your pictures! You are so talented. I was wondering if you could tell me how I could order one of your rainbow t-shirts for my daughter. I was going to try to make one on my own, but fear that I am not so crafty! I have tried to look you up on Etsy, but with no luck.

traci - I kinda wanted to see the man in full clothes all

Holly - We are here in CA. My husband and I just spent the weekend driving from Santa Barbara to Monterey. We went to Solvang, a Danish village that was so cool. Even your wonderful photographs could not capture the beauty of this drive. It is breathtaking! I can look at your photos and see all the places where you were. We are going to go down to Santa Monica tonight. We are staying in Oxnard. Was the cold weather just crazy. jackets in July is not normal for Alabama. But, it sure is nice for a little while.

Courtney - THAT IS SO WEIRD!

Anna Marie - I LOVE the new header! I was so right about your skills and those sunflowers in Kansas!!! They are so happy and refreshing to look at! Good job! 😉

Michele - I bought my son the same floral swim trunks this year…!!! Yea for WM!

Laura - you always have the best shots. Love the floral swim trunks and the polka-dots!
sooo glad the naked man isn’t in the photos… I mean was so afraid that was what you were going to say… EEK! Thanks for sharing… love the sunflowers.

Mary Elizabeth - LOVE THE NEW HEADER!!!!! 🙂 Awesome picture!

Laura Phelps - be thankful the man was not naked. It could always be worse!

Ruth - looks like fun! and i love your sunflowers!

Courtney - Now I’m curious… socks but no shoes?

Jacki - Great pictures! Love the peace sign tattoo on the hand, very cute and cool!
I have to admit when I hand watered my yard today (water restrictions are a pain but necessary where I live) I purposely got a *little* wet and I had my clothes on. 🙂

Brittany - That looks like an AWESOME park!! I can’t believe there weren’t more people there on such a hot day! Maybe the large wet man and his naked kids scared everyone away! My mental picture is not pretty and it would probably deter me from staying 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Penny - Oh, that is so funny. Yes, I would love to see a picture of the man in his clothes. How old were the kids? I hope they were somewhat small. Otherwise that is just weird! Was the man chasing the kids or just cooling off in his clothes? You must show us at least one!

Danielle - I too want to know is this in Newton, Hesston, Halstead….please tell. Looks like so much fun! I’d love to take my kids it would be a fun alternative to the pool. Also are you planning to make more pillows? I found your blog after you closed your etsy shop and am still drooling over the cute things you made.

Cate O'Malley - Awesome pics!
Looking for an email address to contact you, but don’t see one. Can you drop me a line?

KAT - haha…that is fantastic! your pics ARE still pretty though 🙂

Elma Riedstra - What fun pictures!! At least the man kept his clothes on otherwise your kids would have beem ruined for life:)

Courtney - It’s official, I’ve decided I want to live where you do. I love the shots you take of your town, I love that you get to walk to do things (like go get ice cream or anything else for that matter), and I LOVE the small town homeyness of it all! I never thought I would really miss living in a small town, but the more I read your blog and see the awesome pictures you post of where you live, the more I want to move there!

Julia - my daughter has that polka dot suit – wouldn’t it be fun to have pictures of kids in the same clothes from all over the country?

Maria Masurat - Oh My Goodness!
You take such wonderful pictures!
Thanks for sharing!

Lisa K in FL - HAHAHA, oh yeah – post it – we wanna see …. 🙂

Darby - Come on Meg… I know you got ’em in at least one picture… please show us!

Michelle B - It hasn’t been such nice weather around here (cloudy + rain) . But we tried the shaving cream fun today. My boys LOVED it! Thanks for the idea!

Bri - Is this in Hesston?

Aubrey - I bet the poor people living across the street enjoyed THAT show. At least the man kept his clothes ON. 😉

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so much fun.


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2009 BlogLuxe Awards i am pretty sure today is the last day.   thank you for every single vote!


Amber - Oh my gosh!! Our carnival pictures are similar on my latest post. Of course yours aren’t blurry and awkward. But hey that’s me, blurry and awkward. 😉 j/k

Christina - I LOVE the picture of toes!

pve - positively polka dotted with envy over your all american fun!

a thorn among roses - i am totally loving your pics!!! they make me want to go to the carnival!!! and i hate those spinning things. love it.

Tonya - Meg, I loved your summer list. We made our own list this morning and I’ve linked back to you on my blog.
Thanks for the awesome idea!

Sandy - Love the toenails! Looks like tons of fun!!
You deserve every vote you received and more (I know there were some days I failed to vote and I’m sure others did too). YOU are the one that deserves the thanks for letting us live vicariously through your super cool Kansas life!

KT - Do you know how old the boys were that you did the photoshoot of? They are adorable. I love the age difference. We have a two year old and are trying to figure out when we want to start TTC again!!! 🙂

Ashlee Archibald - Looks like so much fun! I love the painted toes 🙂 🙂

Barbara Jacksier - I just found you and I’m so HAPPY!

Sharla - Love the one of your son and his goggles – I imagine that’s what your hubby looked like at that age.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins - Looks like an AMAZING holiday weekend. Hope you can recover from it all! 😉

simply stork - glad to see your mood has shifted :o) Looks like you all had a great time :o) what a blessing to have such fun together :o)
I too LOVE the toes :o)

Julie Q - Just wanted to say, that your blog is lovely. I enjoy your beautiful pictues and family adventures. Summer at your house looks like so much fun, especially as it is bit chilly here in New Zealand.
I’m missing strawberries so much!
Julie Q

Laura Phelps - all pictures, no words. fantastic.

Kathy - Awesome pictures! You are killing me with them, I really missed celebrating the 4th American style and your pictures are exactly my memories. 🙁 Maybe next year we will be home!

se7en - And that was one weekend!!! Gotta love those dotty toes!

anna - the picture of poor talby getting squished on the ride made me laugh! i remember getting squished too! and the one of your son with his googles…gorgeous! he is going to be a heartbreaker!
looks like you had a great time!

Staci - Oh what fun!!!! Alllll the pics are great…but man, I want some of those kabobs 🙂 YUMMY!

Jocelyn Stott - Summer as it should be. Thank you for the beautiful photos!

Joy Cronauer...Joy at Home - one more photo/blogging question…how do you put two pics next to each other? thanks again for all of your help. your blog is so inspiring!

Roeshel - What fun! Looks like a blast! I’m new to your blog. Nice to “meet” you! Love the gorgeous photos! 🙂

Michelle B - looks like a wonderful time! I have those same black sparkle flip-flops!

Anna Marie - YOUR TOES!!! “Why didn’t I think of that?”…Love me my red and white polka dots!
Looks like you had a blast! (pun intended…ha!)

Lanny Stanard - 4 words… WISH I WAS THERE!
Lanny 🙂

Marie - Hello Meg – what fun photos! Seeing the fireworks reminds me of my childhood and enjoying our neighborhood block parties. Since then, fireworks have been outlawed where we live. Love your polka dot toes! Thank you for sharing.

Starnes Fam - An all American 4th of July…..can it get better?! Off to vote again!

Jaime @ [Casa de Ayala] - Lovely… it was a true 4th of July story, told just beautifully in pictures! Who did your toes? Was it done professionally? Super cute!

Jaime @ [Casa de Ayala] - Lovely… it was a true 4th of July story, told just beautifully in pictures! Who did your toes? Was it done professionally? Super cute!

Suzanne - the picture of your son with the yellow goggles is PRICELESS.
you deserve the award you are shamelessly plugging 🙂

Sharon - These are great photos and they capture everything GREAT about summer! Thanks for sharing!

andrea liese - great shots, the toes are my fav

Chasity - we spent the day at worlds of fun…so much fun!
your celebrations look like a blast as well~love the toenails.

Kelly - Yea and Oh YUM! I love the polka dot toenail polish too. Kelly

alice - looks like a lot of fun was had by everyone! great photos – thanks for sharing them with us :O)

cre8ivegirl - Your pictures are so vibrant! Thanks for sharing you stories.

Marcie Bowman - I love how your pictures tell such an amazing story!!

Erin - What fun! Such beautiful pictures! I would love for that pool too!

Linda - I am jealous–can I be you yesterday?

shari - GREAT images!! Definitely captures a FUN day! I LOVE the kabobs… I want an invite next time! 😉

Sheryl - I just love your photography! Looks like everyone had a great time!

Georgia - Looks like so much fun! i love the fireworks in the street. and what i wouldnt do to be in that pool right now… *sigh*

Jess - Looks like a very happy 4th. Love the toenail polish!

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hanging out

we have been spending days upon days just hanging out.

enjoying summer.

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i hope you are doing the same.
relax…slow down…play UNO…catch fireflies…hug your friends…eat ice cream cones….swing…
you'll be so happy you did.

Marla - What a lovely photo of Talby and Clara! Their suits match! Clara had such a great time playing!

Pansy Cottage Girl - I love fireflies….I remember visiting my grandmother as a child in Indiana and collecting them in a jar. I’ve lived in CA my whole life and wish we had them here.

Kelly - oh! this sounds wonderful!
Thank you for your Kansas tips! We were already through Lawrence when I read your e-mail 🙁 but we spent some time in Hays and had a nice lunch, a cherry phosphate with ice cream added 🙂 and enjoyed a big antique mall where I got two round cake pans that the bottoms come out of just like my mom has and got at a garage sale years ago! No more cake sticking in the bottoms of the pan. Thank you! Kelly

adrienneK - yay we caught freflies the other day 🙂

Marie - Very cool pictures! I have never seen a firefly in my life. So neat.

Kimberly Au - Thanks for the simple reminder! I’m a teacher and get to spend all summer with my kids, but sometimes I find myself trying to squeeze a little too much in. Now I’m looking forward to a relaxing Thursday and Friday. Still waiting for the fireflies to show up, though.

Aubrey - That looks so fun. I miss fireflies. My kids don’t even know what they are. Time to take them East, I think.
I saw your porch post at the Inspired Room. How do you get stuff to look so magazine perfect? I really thought she was showing a magazine picture at the top. It looks so awesome. You do a really good job. Grrh. I wish I weren’t pregnant so I could spray paint the wicker bench I found at the thrift store last month. Oh well, I haven’t found an affordable cushion yet anyway. I wish we had a World Market–I hadn’t even heard of it before. Anyway, good job–as ALWAYS. 😉

Mandy - I totally agree! The best kinds of summers are spent slowing down, and just hanging out with those that we love! I really enjoy reading your blog… it’s great!

Meredith - Meg, your photos are just beautiful. I’m sitting here with freezing cold toes and nose on a Sydney winter morning, but feeling a radiating warmth from these photos. It just might be the warmest I feel all day – so thank you! Meredith xo.

amber - Those are the reasons why I love summer. You have the best pictures!

CherryTreeLane - once again–AMAZING pics. Good for you for relaxing. it’s what summer should be.

Penny - It looks like some wonderful summer memories are being made. I am remembering times like these with my girls when they were young. You are a great mom! (Waffle needs a cameo!)

Amber - “relax…slow down…play UNO…catch fireflies…hug your friends…eat ice cream cones….swing…”
:O I have done every one of those things so far this summer!!! :o) I win!!

Brittany - I’m such a fan of your blog! It truly is “eye candy” (I’ve been voting)! You have an amazing gift and I love that you share it with all of us!! Your home is beautiful and I love your color palate! What is the chocolate color you used in the master bedroom?? Thank you for sharing your real life!

rachel - whoa real firefly’s – only seen them in the movies! Where I live all we have is midges and loads of them!!!

Jeanne - I agree. Life is hectic enough…we can all use the excuse of summer to relax!!!

se7en - Oh you guys hang out with such style! Your photographs as usual are totally stunning and bring warmth to our winter…

Shelly DeBoer - I love love love your blog. I am addicted. Life is beautiful and God is good and your blog confirms that. It is my little slice of happiness to check your blog each morning. I have 3 crazy little boys and love to document their life by blogging but I have blog jealousy. How does one go about to design or get a super cool blog like yours? I have used e-blogger which is free but I’m craving something else and would love to do bigger pics. If time allows could you email me @ and give me some tips. I too would love to know if you sell your t-shirts and pillows. Again, you are so inspiring and your family and home are beautiful. God has blessed you with an amazing gift. Keep using it for His glory! Blessings!

Georgia - I been hanging out with my mum today in the UK sun, its the same temp as bahamas here!!!!! its SOOOO hot! i love the fire fly pics, we dont get them here which is a shame, as they are pretty cool!

sassafrasanne - i have NEVER seen a real firefly.
true story.
Adorable pics

Gram - We do not have fireflies in Colorado, but I have wonderful childhood memories of catching them in jars when we would visit cousins in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska.

elizabeth - Beautiful photos, as always. I think you should do a blog post with some bad photos, some rejects –so we won’t feel so jealous!
I miss fireflies — we don’t seem to have them here in Los Angeles.

Rachel / cREaTe - awesome awesome pics. not that that’s something NEW to this blog! 🙂 ha [total eye candy] we live in kansas city now after spending 8 years in florida & south texas. and we’re sooooooooo glad to be back in the land of the lightning bugs [that’s what we call them]. 🙂 by the way – i’m headed to deanna rose this afternoon with my kids! i saw that on your summer list!

Mallory P - What great moments, and I love how you caught them all. I think my favorite is the one of your (I’m guessing) legs up. We all deserve that once in a while!

Rach - Oh THANK YOU so much for pics of fire flies in jars. SIGH. Brings back memories.

Christy - I LOVED, LOVED catching lightening bugs as kids! That was one of my favorite childhood activities at my grandparents farm. We don’t have them out west. 🙁
Looks like a great summer.

Lanny Stanard - loving all these picture’s Megan 🙂 but wheres Waffle… I have been voting everyday 🙂

Mindy Harris - Cool story: my friend who moved here from Hawaii saw a firefly in my backyard for the first time ever.
It was a cool moment.

Jocelyn Stott - This looks like the way summer should be. It makes me wish I were a kid again. And I LOVE the pink sparkly nail polish…I was totally rocking that back in the day as well.

Jess - Hanging out is my favorite part of summer. I sure do miss fireflies or lightning bugs as we called them back in Tennessee. We haven’t seen any here in South Carolina.

cynthia - we’re doing the same thing! it’s much more fun to take it easy…enjoy the moments…summer flies by too quickly!

Jill - Hi Meg,
Check out my blog today – I posted in our family’s chalkboard summer “to do” list – I inserted a link back to you. Thanks for the terrific idea! My kids had a blast doing it.

misty - I don’t know how I found this blog, but I wanted to tell you that its so inspiring & I LOVE IT! I am starting my own blog and can’t wait to share it with all of my friends and family. Can you tell me how you edited your blog to say ‘older fun stuff’? I am not going to copy those words, but I would like to change mine up a bit. Hope your blog wins best eye candy, I have been voting! Also, do you sell the t-shirts and pillows that you make? my email is and my blog is I am new at this and don’t even know if this comment is going to post- thanks! misty

Laura Phelps - I have yet to see a firefly here in L.A. But I keep seeing kids with jars popping up on blogs in Kansas. I swear, I may have to move to Kansas. Are there a lot of Starbucks with in walking distance? Cause I will need that.
Hanging out here as well…enjoying mornings with nowhere to rush to, lots of gliter on the patio from projects, night time running for me, and teaching the kids to cook. Good stuff.

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we were having a lot of rain…

which makes for good puddles (or water in your basement…take your pick).
after a crazy saturday morning storm the girls decided it was time.
time to attack the neighbor's giant puddle.
their driveway always makes one.

i'm sorry…did i say attack?  yeah they went running full speed out there 
and then when they got to it they stopped…touched their feet softly in 
and started acting like girls!  
"it's cold….ewwww…it's dirty!…is that a bug?!!"

who are you?
oh please don't start being prissy…my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls.  PLEASE!!!

we had a visitor.
he wasn't prissy at all.

(no prissy girls were injured during this puddle jumping adventure)

see?  no splashing.
no jumping.

then a tantrum…how nice.
go ahead you girly girl who can't get wet and dirty…go inside and put on a dress…fine!

i'll always have waffle.



2009 BlogLuxe Awards you are awesome…thanks for voting…i would hug you if i could.


Diana - You go, Waffle!! Can’t wait to see what he does for summer 2010! 🙂

Elma Riedstra - Hi there, love the pictures!! What kind of dog do you have??

Mrs Sitcom - Hi, new to your blog, love your photographs! How funny that the girls became girls… 🙂 Love the shot of the dog’s muddy paw!

Jill - My dog and your dog could totally be best friends!

Cindy in WA - I *love* Waffle!!!!! He is so adorable. I LOL everytime I see him doing something goofy. Great puddle pictures!

Aubrey - I want Annie’s swimsuit. It’s so cute and so perfect. But I want one for my daughter and for me–does it come with an underwire, padded, you-know-what? 😉

emily :] - please tell me they make annie’s swimsuit in big girl sizes, because i would buy twelve.

Lisa - we’ve been drowning here in CT as well. Maybe I’ll let loose and let my kids play in the puddles as well. It looks like fun. 🙂

mom - I just read at Blogluxe that if you win you’d go to Chicago. How cool! I’ve voted everyday. Love that picture of Waffle.

Nicole Quiring - I have been out of blog world for the past 2 weeks while trying to make some big decisions for our family. I just got caught up on your blog and almost cried when seeing your Kansas picturs. they are beautiful. We have decided to move to Nebraska for the next year and we’ll be out in the country! Jason’s family is all there. I’m trying to focus on all the positive and your pictures were what I needed. Thanks!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You’re such a cool momma. I would be like NOOO don’t get dirty. You would be so much fun and a camera ready to get the best memories. Love it!

F.Y - how cute, adorable pictures. You deserve the award! 🙂

chasity - at least waffle was havin’ a splashing-good time!
and man your camera is awesome!!
have a great day…

Mindy Harris - what cute, cute girlies. i gotta have me a girl. i think i say that in every comment.

Amy Walker - Cute pictures, especially love the ones of Waffle! Annie’s swim suit is too cute, hope you’re having a good summer:)

Patti - could annie’s bathing suit be any cuter? i submit that it cannot! adorable!

Rachel / cREaTe - OK. i’ve been dropping in here & there the past few months. i don’t ever comment because you always have a gazillion & everyone always says what i would say anyway. but today – 22 so far? i’ll comment. and say i LOVE YOUR BLOG. i love you sense of humor & parenting style. you’re awesome.
these pics & your words CRACKED ME UP. and the pic of waffle [cutest, scruffiest dog EVER] galloping is the BEST.

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute 🙂

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute 🙂

Penny - I just love the last picture of Waffle jumping. He is the coolest dog around!

Kathy - OMG so cute I love the pictures! Your girls are darling even jumping in dirty puddles.

Leigh Ann - Cute post!
Love the boots with the swimsuit!
That Annie makes me smile all the time!
Leigh Ann

Beth - Meg, this comment is totally unrelated to this post, but . . .THIS post made me think of you and your rainbow cake (which really inspired me too — I’m going to try to make it). I’m going to try to copy this cake when I do a unit on Mondrian in school. Isn’t it cool?

Lori - Great photos. My favorite is the beginning of the tantrum. Cute, esp from my vantage point! Just went and voted…is anyone even close to you in votes?? Good luck!

Meaghan S - Hi there!
I came across your blog a couple months ago and since then I have checked it daily, but I have never left a comment! I just wanted to say that I have read all of your posts and this is my very favorite ever! Every time I imagine my life ‘when i grow up’ I want it to be very similar to yours! (my boyfriend think 5 children is a little much, but I think its splendid!) I love your gorgeous house and keepin-it-real attitude. You are one awesome lady!
That’s all for now 🙂 maybe I’ll comment more often now. Oh and I’ve been voting daily 🙂
Meaghan from Oregon

alice - i love reading your blog! you have such a style of humor :). that last shot is my favorite with the reflection of Waffle in the puddle – such fun!

Staci - Oh how I wish we had a little of that rain!!! OK has been super hot this Summer! And did I say MUGGY too???? ICK! I love those girls of yours!!! And of COURSE Waffle too!!!!! I hope you win the contest! Should there really even BEEEEE one when you are nominated 🙂 YOU are the best!!!!!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Love the post!
Love the pictures!
Wishing you would teach me how to use my camera…

A pocket full of posies... - TOO cute!!! that Waffle! almost love him as much as our Odie!!!
p.s. please send the rain here! 🙂

Trasie Bressler - Love Love Love it!
Many Many Blessings!

Ashlee Archibald - I voted for you today! I actually found your blog a couple months back and forgot to throw it into the favorites and I was so sad that I couldn’t find you again, I even “googled” waffle, the dog (does that sound creepy? i dont mean to be creepy) lol anyways, thanks for being so fresh and fun! 🙂

Sandy - Love it! I especially like the swimsuit and rain boots. How great is that?! 🙂

Cate O'Malley - Love the ones with Waffles especially! When my sister got married four years ago, it was a rainy day, but bearable. After the service, where my then-2-1/2-year-old son was ring bearer, we came out of the church, him in his white shorts, and dress shoes, looking all prim and proper and spied a puddle. He started to go towards it, and although my instinct would be to pull him back, I let him have at it. He had been so good during the service, what’s a little mud puddle on white shoes? 😉

Laura Phelps - I would SO LOVE to get our little pouting Annie’s together!!!!
Now, can we talk about WAFFLE please?????????
Love that dog. Love the name even more. But my daughter Belle…the dog obsessed gal she is, wants to know if you could please send a picture of Waffle to our e mail. She has a blog..PUPPY ART…and features an animal every Wednesday…and she LOVES Waffle!!!!!!!!

Jess - still voting…
haven’t been leaving you many comments lately, still reading every post though!
i still want to be your neighbor…
a few years ago when jacob was about 5, we were getting a lot of rain and had a small puddle next to the driveway. jacob warned everyone not to fall into the pond! so cute.

kristin - i really can’t believe it.

Ashley Ann - Everything about this post makes me smile…
“my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls” – I hope can say the same about my girls one day! And I hope they have their girly girl moments too.

purejoy - oh, waffle, how i love you!! i wish you were my dog!!
that’s no puddle, that is a lake!! seriously!!

Kate - Good morning! Vote in and recorded. Best wishes for a beautiful Monday!

Michelle B - how cute! We had a puddle in our driveway – which my boys loved! But the water from the puddle seeped into our basement. So we mudjacked the driveway. No puddle for the boys. Dry basement for us. 🙂 Great pictures!

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8 kids

on the last day of spring break 3 of my kids had a friend over.

so the house had 8 kids.
but i realized something….it was so quiet.
so i went from room to  room with my camera.
everyone was completely occupied and had no need to bother anyone else.

Room #1 – barbie play

Room #2 – NCAA basketball tournaments

Room #3 – playing house

Room #4 – playing basketball
the boys' room is being redone…KU blue…it's very….blue?

Room #5 – important phone conversations

and i was busy unpacking from utah, preparing for jenny's visit and everything else that moms do.

now it's friday again.
i am so glad.
do you think we will have a big snowstorm that will keep us all cuddled up in side this weekend?
highly doubtful.

Rach - OK, ummmmm, my husband wants to move into the blue room!! If we had the room for a basketball net inside our house, he would be all over it! LOVE IT!

Stephanie Howell - Love the photos. And I’m slightly in LOVE with your house. I made my mom come over and look at the photo album of your house. HEE! Hope you had a beautiful weekend!~

Jeanne - When the house is usually that quiet it means something BAD is going down in MY house:-)

Stephanie Crews - I’ve been dying to ask…what color is your foyer??? It says Pea Soup, is that the name? Who is it by? I need that color bad! I’m loving it! Love your blog, too.

Leigh Ann - Looks like everyone had a great day. Meg, please stop by my blog to read a prayer request for a sweet little baby girl with Downs and a whole host of complications from a recent surgery. Her name is Remi, she is 3 weeks old and is fighting for her life. I know how successful you were in helping to get prayer going for Clara and was hoping you could help me spread the word about Little Remi. If you would like more info you can email me @
I would appreciate if you could post a prayer request for Remi on your blog. On a happier note, I stopped to see my great neice today and she had on a tee you made for her with her initials, MK! So cute! I’ll take my camera next time and send you her picture!
Leigh Ann

Kelly O. - Hi there,
didn’t know if this would interest you or your readers but chaletgirl is having a vintage sheet swap. yOu can check it out here
I’m totally pumped for it!
Kelly O.

kasey - so the basketball hoop would SO not hold up on my awesome plaster walls.
wish the boys could have one…..

Sandy - Like Holly, I had noticed Lauren talking on a “retro” phone. I was surprised she wasn’t on a cell phone. As always, love you, your family and your house!

chas at the wild raspberry - what a great time!
rock chock jayhawks…..

Amber - Love your blog and everything within it! Reading about your house bustling with activity (as quiet as it may have been today) makes my life with 2 toddlers seem boring. 😉 Gotta add that you and your husband must be the coolest parents with that gigantic basketball hoop in the bedroom! I think I’m gonna have to replicate that idea some day!


Wendy - Playdates are the best (most of the time). Happy Weekending!

Nicole Quiring - Love the indoor basketball idea.

Shannan - Lauren is Stunning. I can’t get over it. And I love that a previous commenter referred to her being on an “old time” phone. I had to scroll back up to take a look, sure that I would find her on a avocado green rotary wall-mount! I promise, I’m not 95 years old…

Ruth - Your house looks so fun! Oh and that beach car you linked to in your sidebar – love it. Life would be pretty sweet riding around in one of those beauties!

Trina McNeilly - talk about perfect preoccupation! Have a delightful weekend!
xx Trina

Alyssa - See you have as many rooms as you do kids so that work out for you. Love the pictures. My fav is the “playing house” how sweet is that. A goody to pull out when they are in high school.

Laura - your posts are better than reality tv. Why is that? I just totally enjoy the sneak peek into a mothers day to day life. Maybe it is the reassurance that no, I am NOT alone, as much as I do feel that way often. Or is it the fact that you bring to mind MY every day, right in front of, and how fabulous and bright and beautiful each God given moment truly is.
And you capture it so beautifully.
And then you share it.
And now excuse me..I have some every day moments to capture…
have a blessed and lovely weekend!

Jeremie Shaffer - love the indoor basketball goal!!!

Staci - It’s true!!! Sometimes, even though there are more “bodies”…and if they ALLLL get along…it’s almost…dare I say this???? Easier??? I LOVE the KU blue room 🙂 Glad everyone had fun…and you got to get some stuff done 😉

Keri - Yes, playdates are the best! Makes mommy’s life so much easier!

gina - I always say- the more friends invited over- the quieter it is for me.
Nice shots of daily life. 🙂

Holly - Your daughter is on an old tyme phone:)

traci - i loved it when the kids were younger and had friends over. kept them busy and really kept me entertained. i loved seeing what their imaginations would come up with. and hearing all their laughter. priceless. usually they weren’t in the house though. they only came in for lunch. imagine that.

Lazy Mom Leslie - I’m at that point too. I love that the kids can entertain themselves and have fun doing it! Can’t wait to see the boys room all done.

purejoy - sooo scary when all you hear is quiet… so awesome that they were all occupied. and the only thing scarier than UK blue in a room is UT orange. nuff said!

Regina (QueenieBee) - Things also go better around our house when everyone has a friend over. Divide & conquer, divide & conquer…that’s my motto!
The blue room with the basketball hoop looks like waaaaayyy too much fun, and I WILL NOT show my son that photo! 😉

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