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my demo derby love affair.

many times i have thought about the derby and thought "what is the matter with me?"

"why do i love this stuff?"

it is the opposite of anything i like.

it's loud.
it's dirty.
it's crowded.
it's really hot.

but it's also….
a community.
a group of people that i grew up around….a tradition…of a small town kind.
the town where i grew up.
you know people and they know you. 
knew you when)

at the derby you stand in line to by your tickets and your high school bestie walks up and gives you a hug.
even though you haven't seen her in a few years.
and another one spots you in the crowd and waves and says "there's seats by us if you need some!"

it's like a big (redneck) reunion at the derby. 


at demo derbies you get to experience porta potties and purses falling in the dirt.
or mud flying into your hair.

but there are also funnel cakes.


and you can share them with new friends in the row in front of you….

you can sit behind a class mate you haven't seen in years and meet his son.
and talk about the good ol' days.
and how old you feel now.

the sun goes down.
the heat is gone.

it is a fun place to be.  
do you believe me yet?

at the derby you can climb under the bleachers…not too gracefully…to go buy a demo derby t-shirt.
i really did.

sean and talby were catching grasshoppers and naming them all steve.

and just before the final round there is a big fireworks show.
the music comes through through the crackly speakers  and everyone turns to watch.
i kept saying "really?  there is MORE?!"  
it went on forever.

i love the derby.
i love taking my kids.

it's old fashioned small town fun.

(here is our time a year ago….with video.)

have you ever been to a demolition derby? 

juicy couture bags - They looked so ridiculous with helmet heads walking around Wally World like Mad Max rejects. Another prime example of why there’s a website called People of Walmart =D!
So tell us Mechgogo, is it customary to shop around a store with your motorcycle helmet perched on your head? Or using it as a shopping basket to carry the BBQ sauce?

Valerie - Oh, I have to laugh. Reminds me of the “one-and-a-half winters” I survived living up in Minne-SNOW-tah as newlyweds seven years ago. I’m a Tulsa girl, born and bred, but we lived up there for a job transfer for my husband. That is a story in itself. But while up there we were introduced to demo derbies. Ha! We were so naive. We both were dressed in Ralph Lauren type summer wear, my husband had on LINEN even, haha, and there we were, surrounded by the best redneck folk EVER, and the mud was a-flyin’ into the stands and raining on our heads. And you know what? We LOVED it. And it is one of my alltime FAVORITE memories of our time in Minnesota ever. And now we are safely back in Tulsa. Ha. The End. 😉

Kristy - So bummed we missed the Demo Derby this year–Good times. Who is the classmate you were sitting by? Don’t recognize the head:)!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Nope I haven’t been but would LOVE to one day!! It sounds like quite a night : )
Gemma x

Genn - That does look like tons of fun Meg!!
I’ve never been to anything like that before.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a small town that had cool community events like that.
And now I want a funnel cake. 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - that just looks like a barrel of fun to me. i can almost taste that funnel cake. yum.
by the by, i made your meatballs tonight. holy stinkin cow. they are so good! woo to the hoo for church cook books. and everyone liked it. which is a minor miracle at our table. seriously, i had to make myself stop eating. your recipes are the best. that is all.

Chaos-Jamie - I wondered how you got such a good seat! I saw what time you went in and NO ONE gets a seat over there without camping out for hours.

Vera - No! But now I want to!! Maybe I’ll wait till my one boy is older than six months old, because he might have more fun that way.

Erica - Oh my goodness… I have been in Manhattan all summer and I miss Newton so bad!! Especially this and the bull blowout!!! =( thanks for the great pictures!! I know what you mean about loving the small town things though!! =)

Kelly - i haven’t been to a demo derby but when my husband and I were dating I went with him to a tractor pull in Missouri. Kind of the same I think. We had kettle corn instead of funnel cake but that is oh so yummy too. 🙂 I do think that all the wonderful colors at the demo derby are very “you”. Kelly

debbie - I haven’t been to a demo derby in years. You brought back a fun memory!

Margo - I love the demo derby! I have been going to them as long as I can remember – you described it perfectly!!

Lorie - I LOVE the derby at our county fair. It IS a small town kinda thing…but more than that….I’ve always secretly, even as far back as high school, been tempted to be in one. Just to let out my aggression. You all know what I mean! It would be a blast!

shelby - my dad raced locally (in Southern California)when I was a kid and every month or so at the end of the night when he raced there would be a demolition derby. I always got so excited when they would start wetting down the track with the water truck and my friends and I would bet which car would be the last one running. I loved it!

Juli - Oh yes, indeedy. Another closet redneck, here. I depserately tried to lose my Southern accent in college but it didn’t work.

Aimee - Hahaha, my husband and I name everything Steve. Steve or Jose. Seriously! I had this one burp he named Steve. He had this one rogue hair on his forehead I named Jose. Hahaha!

LibraryGirl62 - i LOVE the Demolition Derby! We go in the winter here cause the mosquitoes are HUGE on the edge of the Everglades in the summer!

Susan - Meg,
This has nothing to do with the demo derby, but I keep getting pop-up ads whenever I come to your blog. My other bookmarked blogs don’t do this. Is this an advertisement thingy that you’ve placed on here on purpose, or is there something wrong with my computer. It’s just starting to bother me, because I can’t always read through an entire post without one getting in the way. 🙁
Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I wasn’t sure if you knew about this or not, or if it was happening to anyone else.

Courtney Walsh - I have been to one ONCE! But I’m much more interested in the funnel cakes. lol
Looks like fun. And I love a small town! 🙂

Cheri - Oh my goodness…i have read your blog almost daily for two years, baked your food, copied your crafts…and never written, but just saw the demo derby photos and saw a Hillsboro sign in a picture….my daughter met a boy from Hillsboro while working at a camp in MO…… they are very much in love and you probably know his family…….hmmmmmmmm…any chance we could visit????

Tami - Wish we had something like this around here. My boys and tom boy girl would love, love, love this. Great family fun.

Taylor-Ann - Happy Monday!
Looks like a fun family outting. Here in So Cal we don’t get much of mud truck racing. I wish they would come a little more often so my inner country self could come out for a while.
Whats up with kids nameing every animal they have the same name. My son had a fish named “fil” when fil died we had “fil 2”. My sister as a kid named every fish she had Carla. I don’t get it. Did you ask why they named them all Steve? :o)

seb - I love the demolition derby too! We took our girls for the first time and they couldn’t stop laughing at the cars smashing into each other! We grew up in a small town with a demo derby and it brought back so many memories! Just wondering if you bought a “derby chick” t-shirt…my husband had to draw the line! 🙂

Janine - Love that the kids were naming Grasshoppers “Steve” I wonder if they know the old joke.
A Grasshopper walks into a bar. He sits in front of the bartender and asks for a drink. The bartender says “do you know they have a drink named after you?” And the grasshopper replies in great wonder “You have a drink called Steve?”
hahaha okay so it’s a lame joke but one I have always liked.
We have a demo derby not too far from me. I should check it out sometime. It looks like fun.

Dina - AHHHHH!!!! I just posted about my very first dd experience last week! EXACTLY! I don’t normally get into stuff like this either but I LOVED it! SO cool! I didn’t crawl under the bleachers for a t-shirt (I SO would have if they sold them) but for my kid’s sippy cup:-) What a blast!

Shannon - Did you grow up in Hillsboro!!?? My parents just bought a house there!

DogsMom - Saw the title and had to come visit. Around here they will demo anything – usually the end of summer is a big school bus demo derby.

melissa - i went to a demolition derby about 5 years ago with my best friend in michigan. it was at a small town fair. i loved it. everything about it. the noise. the people (there’s some good people watchin’ to be had at a small town fair!!). the food. i loved every minute!!!

julia - we don’t have crazy fun stuff like this in south Florida. We did go to a rodeo this year. It was mostly old people, which was a surprise.

Bec - my hometown has one at their 4th of july fair. I never actually watched, but you could sure hear it all over town!

Elise - Never been! But if they have funnel cakes, I’m sold.

Lee Ann - my hubby talked me into a truck/mud race thing at the fair this year. (not a derby, but a lot of destroyed vehichles.) I didn’t think I’d like it, but I ended up loving it. I did think of you several times because I know how much you love your derby!!!

Elissa - We used to do Saturday night at the races (small nascar track) a couple towns over from us. The used to run crazy 8s. and yes, I love it. And yes, the total opposite of most of what I NORMALLY love! Too fun! You’re making me want to take my kids…. I haven’t been in YEARS.

Katie H - Funny you ask….My husband is from a small town in KS also, I on the other hand am from a city. I had never even heard of these things until I met him. We now live in Tulsa, BUT still manage to go to KS every year to attend the County Fair so he can “drive” in the derby. I thought he would out grow it once we had kids, but that hasn’t happened. YET!!

Angela - I love it but then again I do love the small town things that make our town home.
I have a question for you, I’m a ding bat and can’t figure out how to follow your blog. I favorited it but I can’t figure out how to add it to the blogs I follow. HELP!

thewatergirl - The first time I met my (now) husband’s family it was at a demo derby in his home town. I grew up in a suburb of a big city up north and was OVERWHELMED and thinking “what have I gotten myself into with this guy? Where AM I?”

jaz - Fireworks at your demolition derby!?!?! HOW AWESOME!!!
The feeling of community you mentioned sounds like why I love the rodeo! I love that feeling 🙂

Sugar Mama - I haven’t been to a derby, but I grew up going to rodeos. Not the big fancy rodeos, but the small town ones… with funnel cakes! They were dirty, loud, hot, and smelly. But I loved them just the same.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I just posted on this. See…we live parallel lives:) I love the derby…good old fashioned red necked fun!

Amanda Jo - There’s a dirt track about 20 minutes away. I’m not a big fan of the dirt track races but I LOVE going when there’s a demo derby at the end!!!

Krista - Bumper cars for grown-ups! Don’t think I could deal with the mud flying through the air, though. Your kids will have awesome memories of these adventures!

Dana Banana - I’m a lifer. Love the derby of course, but really had fun watching the figure 8 races too. (I guess I am a little biased since my big bro raced and won 3rd) In the fig 8, four little cars lined up and 2 huge tires are placed one on each end of the arena. At the start, they all race in a figure 8, often bumping into eachother in the middle! They have several heats with the winners all competing at the end…..a HOOT to watch!!

Kim Campbell - Love it – that’s my sweet cousin Colby sneaking the funnel cake! 🙂 Great memories!

Anna Marie - I went to my first one last month. My brother-in-law drove a minivan in it…haha! I LOVED it and want to go back next year for sure. This one car, the SAME car, rolled 3 or 4 different times!!! We also had several fires! At the end of the show the guy who kept rolling “donated” his car to be smashed by two giant dozers. So fun!

amy - I love Demo Derby’s! That’s the one and only thing I miss about our County Fair (we’ve moved). Looks like you had a great time!

Laura - so long as your purse doesn’t fall in the porta pottie, it sounds good.
Anywhere where you feel welcome, and loved…where faces are familiar, and smiles are warm…where you feel you a apart of a community…is a fabulous place to be.
Then, throw in a funnel cake, a grasshopper named Steve, and fireworks, and can you go wrong?
Not to mention…GREAT COLORS at the derby! Anything alive and colorful works for me!
glad you had fun
You are a COOL, small town HOT chick!

Sonya - I’ve been to one at our county fair (Michigan) and *loved* it 🙂 And I grew up in a big city in southern California! Demolition Derbies are just plain fun!

brooke - I grew up in southwest Kansas (Liberal) and was a frequent derby-ite. Live in Wichita now, but would love to reconnect with my redneck roots. Need to see if there are any derbys close by.
Thanks for the fun post!!

Jill - I went with some girlfriends in college and we LOVED it! (same for us, you totally wouldn’t expect to have found us there!) We got tickets right near the front and had mud splattered all over us, it was so fun to just be rowdy and not care!

Lori - I have never been to a demo derby but this post makes me want to! I think if Richmond, Va has a demo derby it wouldn’t have the same feel since we are not a small town. Thanks for sharing..its like I was there…without the heat, the dirt and the noise…but also no funnel cakes! 🙁

Julie - Never been, but when we lived in Fayetteville, NC my husband took my son (age 3 or 4?) to a big monster truck rally with friends. They enjoyed it. The guys kinda went on the premiss of ,”when in Rome”…. 🙂
Nothing wrong with “old fashion small town fun”. Rather quaint and does make one feel “connected”!

Tam - I Love this post! It’s just as you describe it! We live in a small town with an annual derby. My husband comes from a “derby family”, they’ve been participating for generations. This year there were four generations on the track (officiating and driving). I love the atmosphere of our county fair, we run into people we’ve not seen in years, eat our annual allowance of “fair food” (funnel cakes, cheese fries with “carnival cheese”, and cotton candy) and cheer on various family members in each heat.

firefly hill - I have never been but totally want to go! I know my kids would love this…

Michelle - Australia - Funnel cake? Never heard of it. Please explain for us very confused Australians. p.s. Yes, we have demo derbies but it is just the funnel cake bit I don’t understand 🙂

Sophie - We don’t have them in England at all! But boy, I wish we did! Looks like so much fun (:

Linda - Can say this is particularly appealing to me but I do like action!! Thinking we may have to take in “The Buck” (at least I think it is a car something) when we get back; we’re looking forward to being back in the good old USA where quirky things are fun! My idea of action is auctions!

edie - I went for the first time a few years ago with my husbands’ family in a town near where he grew up and it was so much fun! And we didn’t even have funnel cakes. Add that to the mix and who could resist? This must be a midwestern thing but it’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t the brain child of a southerner!!
And the fact that you love it—makes me heart you even more.

Tracy - I have never been to a demolition derby but I love the small hometown feel of things so I’m sure I would like it to! I grew up in the country (in Arkansas) and so this is right up our alley – LOL Love the pictures and the fireworks and that funnel cake looks delicious! Have a great day, Meg and thanks for sharing! Big hugs! ;o)

Kat - The annual show at where my fiances parents live has a demo derby every night. We have been the past 2 years and it is so much fun! It is exactly as you mentioned. Corey sees so many people there that he hasn’t seen since school and it is always nice to catch up with them. But demo derby rocks!

Ali - Never been, but I so wasnt to now (my boys would be in car heaven).

Mary Beth - Never been, but I think my old 1977 AMC Spirit car is in one of your pictures!!!!! Love the midwest. No Place Better.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’ve never been… but you make it look amazing! If I ever have the chance, I am in!

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