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Category Archives: summer list

a linky filled post

thinking about all kinds of things today….

is in Kenya for the first time and has posted a few pics on IG.
she posted a link to donate money towards school uniforms.
i love when there are EASY ways to give.




photo-59green is my new favorite.
and that mint green??? i was swooning at Lowes.
i want to paint everything green.
i would love to actually DO some painting this week instead of just talk about it.

my mom and dad were antique-ing today and sent me pictures.
do you like this? what about this? do you need this?
i think i have found my new partners-in-crime.




photo 2
wishing Talby’s new shoes were my new shoes.
such a GREAT color?!!




i LOVE the fancy peonies that came up at the new house.
it was like getting a gift from the family before us!
blue skies.
warm weather coming this week.
school is out this week.
we started the summer list last sunday.
i adore how my kids still want to make this and are choosing it on their own.
we have made them for years!    (they are all linked HERE)




my friend shannan entered to be picked to go to Rwanda with her favorite company, Noonday.
and she needs votes.
so if you have it in your heart… click over and vote.
i am trying hard to remember to to vote everyday until May 28th.

i start the Sugar Detox group in the morning with Marta.
i am trying to be all cool… you know… no-big-deal… it’s just sugar.
but on the inside i am FREAKING OUT.

it’s going to be o-k.

i am going to be so happy i am sugar-free in a few weeks…. right????

she opened up another group!
if you weren’t sure before… now you can join the next group!
let’s be crazy-town together!

and that reminds me… i was going to work out like four hours ago.
i better get to it.




i have something REALLY BIG in the works.
like… God Sized Dream kind of big.
there are lots and lots of little details to work out.
but i will share with you S O O N.

photo 5
it has to do with creativity… and me… and you… and jesus… and stuff like that.

i am not pregnant.

that would be awesome but that is not at all what i am working on here.



tracy fisher - i’m soooo excited to hear. i’m trying to refocus. I pray about it a lot. I wish the best for you. you deserve it girl!

Amber - I joined the Sugar Detox starting on June 1st. I too am freaking out. I don’t feel as though I consume too much sugar on a daily basis because it makes me feel bad, however I am afraid of how much hidden stuff I will be made aware of. Whatever though, we are going to kick sugar’s butt all over town!!!

tara - God has been working a big dream in my heart, too.
can’t wait to hear all about it when you’re ready to share.

ps. i feel sure if my parents bought me anything, it might be something like a family of mauve and country blue geese. your parents did GOOD.

Kristin S - Last comment, hilarious. Always love your genuineness, Meg.

CathyC - Can’t wait for you to share what your new dream is!

Gina - You make me laugh.

Melanie Griesedieck - Hi Meg,thanks to your shout out to Marta last week with her links because I also started the Sugar Detox yesterday. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for the last few months but didn’t know how to go about it alone. Love your blog!

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - I need to hit up Lowe’s to find that mint green. Love it!

I’m doing sugar-free too! Have been since last Monday! We’re not eating sugar of any kind. Even honey. Even all the hidden forms of sugar on ingredient lists. I’ve found bread to be the hardest thing to find. And English muffins. I realllly want a dessert but I’m holding out. 2 1/2 more weeks! 🙂

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - Can’t wait to find out what you’re up to, I bet it’s awesome!!

Paula - I love green too. Check out Mary Carol’s blog this week at
It’s all about using green. Saw it and thought of you.

jenn - so…. I know you are kinda busy…. momming, moving, etc. but I have a question – that is asked wrapped in love and patience, and wonder and hope…

Are you going to post pictures of your new house? Lots of them? I LOVE and am inspired by your color, your extraordinary of the ordinary, and would really REALLY love to see the new house.

Now, I also realize you may have decided to keep it private, and I can respect that too. Family. I get it. but, on the chance that you are willing to share….. well?

If you need a reason – it is my birthday on Friday?! 🙂 Just curious. Thanks! Hope you get to visit your friends in Michigan! 🙂

jennie - can’t wait to see what’s in store!

Gevay - Can’t wait to hear the big news!

jamie - i need a spray paint tutorial. do you have one of those? i tried it once and wasn’t very good at it. i know. how can spray painting be hard? that’s what everyone is thinking. i’m always so excited when you show spray paint cams.

Becky - SUPER excited to hear about your new God-sized dream!! I’m working on one myself, partly through your inspiration. Best wishes from Concordia! 🙂

chrissi - i went sugar free 4 weeks ago. i am really surprised how easy it has been you will do great! little things like dashes of cinnamon make my day. i still bake for my family (like i am sure you will too) and it is okay. you can so do this.
….on a side note…julie’s instagrams from africa. melt my heart. pure joy♥

Alicia @ La Famille - You are so fun. We need to hang out and spray paint things.

Tiffany Gardner - Still… after all this time of reading your blog.. your still my favorite. You inspire me through your love of color and Jesus. Thanks for sharing your life with us and encouraging me to live a better one.

Gemma - Please share your summer list! I know as soon as you share it summer is on it’s way : D

Looking forward to hearing your big news!

Gemma x

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I thought about the sugar detox thing. The thing is,I enjoy having sugar every now and again, and i really do not do it in excess. i figured this out when I went on my little food journey last year. Good luck, I am going to eat a doughnut. Just kidding.

Kari - Oooooooohhhh!!! I can’t wait to hear what your big news is!!!

Tiffany - Your parents shopping for you is cute! I’m so curious about these big God plans! So many big adventures have already taken place in your life over the last few years…. I can’t wait to hear what else God has in store for you!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Your last line CaRacked me up.
You’re so funny.
I miss ye.

Also, thank you.
I mean.
You’re so good to me and all your people.
I was especially surprised to see my giant mug. Ha.

Last thing: Your parents are GOOD!
I am laughing so hard at what my parents would find for me…

Lori H - Meg, when you said that you are working on a God Sized Dream, I wondered if you have read The Circle Maker (by Mark Batterson)? If not, you would love it!!
Good luck with the Sugar Detox! 🙂

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friday alone and the summer list.

i dropped my two middle kids at camp on tuesday.
then annie and i had mama time all day wednesday and thursday morning.
then i dropped her off for a short First Camp.
she was quite nervous. 


she doesn't like to be away from me overnight… and really doesn't like to be away from talby at night.
to help her week go smoothly i slept in her room tuesday and wednesday night.

the nerves were high on thursday but she did SO GOOD.

she wanted to go to this camp so badly.
all her friends were going and i knew she would have a blast if she could get over the nervousness.
and she did!

(and now My Little Girl by tim mcgraw is playing on Pandora and i am crying!!!)

i am excited for her to have an awesome super short two nights at camp.
and everytime i think "what if…" then i recall that there is nothing i can do and she will be fine.


it is hard to be a mama.

i am thrilled to have ONE day alone with no kids.
but my heart is all over the world right now!
three at camp… one at his aunt & uncles and one in Honduras on a missions trip.

i think i will snuggle in with mr. duerksen and let it go.



my kids made our summer list while i was making dinner because i was taking too long getting it done.

i think it will be a good summer….

we have talked about going to africa as a family.
but since my african connection is in the states right now i don't think we will be going this summer.
but who knows… it IS on the list.

and i know you are dying to see what is on that little frame on the shelf…..


this was at my grandma's house i think so it came back home to me 30 years later.
this was my second grade school picture.
my kids think it should be on display apparently.
man…. i loved that dress soooooo much.  i felt very pretty when i wore that.
i liked black & white all the way back then too.  :)


did you make a summer list?

 if you would like to see out past SUMMER LISTS  you can check them here.


                                               this is the 2011 version





writing the list helps us with ideas on slow days.
or something to look forward to in the days to come.
it is OK to not complete it.
but it is really fun to get everything checked off too!


i will pick a winner for TREX OUTDOOR FURNITURE GIVEAWAY when i get home tonight 
from my hot date with my husband.
it's going to be… steamy.
i sure do like that guy.


what are you doing on this first Friday of summer?




Renee - I still remember my first time at camp. One week. Camp awana. The summer after 2nd grade.
Then I went to summer camp every year after that until I graduated high school.
And they wouldn’t let me come anymore.
So I became a counselor.
I have seen sooooo many lives changed and so many kids fall in love with Jesus at summer camp. All my kids will be going. But I’ll probably cry my eyes out.

Mary Elizabeth - so… how did you print those instagram collages?

beth larson - Meg, you have the most beautiful eyes- what a pretty child you were-now a gorgeous young woman. I LOVE how you dig your Big Sweetie!
Happy Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

Mindy - Oh how I remember sending our daughter off to camp for the first time and the big case of the ‘what-if’s” going on in my head! She, like your daughter, had a wonderful experience and in subsequent years made life-long friends at camp. I learned that year to turn my what if she gets scared, what if she…into what if she goes to camp and gets scared but works through it and grows, or what if she does’t get scared and helps someone else who is. God works better when I get out of the way of myself : )

Juanita - I can’t wait til my daughter is older to do a summer list. It seems like such a fun tradition!
I had a question about the photos on top of the list, how do you print them like that? I would love to do something with all of my iPhone photos!

midwestmom - This is the first year we didn’t make a summer list. It’s just too disappointing to me when we barely complete any of them!! And the not so nice comments I got from family (of all people, family!!) about the stuff on our list. So we are just winging it this year!

Jennifer - your pic=talby!!! so cute!
i also love how you love your husband.

Jenny B. - Go Annie! My 8-yr-old has not been to camp yet. Some friends invited us to go to one, but it was WAY expensive, so we said no. Plus, our goal for this summer was learning to swim. A lot of opportunities open up once they can swim, you know?
We DID do a summer list! I did one last year for the first time (after seeing yours), and we love it. My kids don’t want to check things off, though. I think they think if we check it off, that means we’ll never do it again. Ha! 🙂
Hope you enjoyed your date night!

Maria - Recovering from the cub scout day camp for my two littles, at home ‘date night’ with my oldest while the littles go off to the movies with friends, and waiting for the hubby and other one to come back from their boy scout trip tmrw…looking forward to sleeping in a bit tmrw and a recovery Mani/pedi too…

meredith feisel - Took the baby to the pool, for only the second time. Met up with girl friends and their babies to swim. Then met up with my parents at the mall, sat outside, ate, then walked the art fair there… Then went to Patio Night at church. Now we’re home, baby is bed (she was pooped) and gonna watch some Harry Potter and cuddle. What a day. Need to make our Summer List.

Julie - What a fabulous summer list – I have to ask though – what are RIPCORD and SUNFLOWER SISTERS? Enjoy your summer.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Gee I wish I had thought of an summer list when my kids were home all summer and bored. Now they pretty muh do their own things except when I talk them into going to a movie with me or I buy them lunch, or of course the girls will pretty much always go shopping because mom will always buy them something 😉 but no one wants mom to take them to the beach or picnic or to the pool, boo! Summer with younger kids is so fun. Miss those days. Have fun with them, oh and your date tonight woohoo!

Megan - The list looks great! My 4th grader goes out there to camp in a few weeks – he’s counting the days already. We are starting wheat harvest on this first day of summer!

Tanya - Just thinkin’ about sleepover camp makes me want to cry. So little, so brave <3
I think I went for the first time at 7. It seems so young now 🙂

Rosemary Hinz - I can see this beautiful table and chair on the patio of the house that my grandson and his win just bought!!!

Kerri - hi Meg! We had a playate this morning and then we just got back from strawberry picking! I also signed the girls up for Vacation Bible School for a week in August.

Linda - Love that picture of you and Annie! And I always love your summer list! we always make one too. My kids look forward to coming up with the ideas! looks like a great summer

Becky - I used to work at a camp full time and I think the short camp start thing is genius! I’m sure Annie will have an amazing time! I bet you’ll make it, too 😉 - I wish my boys were young again and we could do a summer list! Heck, after reading your I wish I could come to your house this summer! So much fun! Martha….p.s your Annie looks so much like you! Sweet! 🙂

Gina - Haha,I wondered yesterday when you were going to make “the list.” 🙂 Have a fun night with the husband!! 😉

angela - I want to make a list just so I have the color in my house! Love that you do this every year!

monica Redman - You are always so inspiring! Love your posts!

Shannon - You inspired my about three years ago to make a list. We’ve made one every summer since then. It’s wonderful and I’m hoping it a memory my kids will cherish when they grow up.

Tere - Hi Meg! Your baby is getting so big! Way to go Annie! She will be so proud of herself!
Thanks to you, this is our third summer with a “summer list”. As this is the first week out of school, we are a bit behind, but have some time to brainstorm.
And oh, that picture! You have amazingly beautiful eyes…and this picture is proof that Sean and Annie look like their mama.
Happy date night. xoxo

laura @ - We’ve made our sand bucket list for this summer.
I love that we come up with some new things to try as a family. Thanks for being the inspiration to start this tradition a few years back!

Jane - Wow, would love to win. Our backyard needs some freshening up.

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we had some pretty HOT nights with the AC broken upstairs.

finally we had to sleep in the living room.

it was on the summer list but i wanted to make it a fun night not forced and saying “EVERYONE GO TO SLEEP!!!!”

so we will try again with a little more planning.

today is waffle’s birthday….apparently.
his sister bella sent him a message on facebook.  🙂

we may celebrate later.

treat tuesday was OREO Brownie bites from HERE.


they were SO YUMMY.
the batter was awesome.
the Oreo frosting…..for reals….good.

of course in our family they were gone in a couple of hours.


my kids are watching Jurassic Park today.
that is such a good movie.
kinda scary but SO good.
that scene just happened…jeff G yelled “GET THE KIDS!!!” and i choked on tears!
i have seen it no less than 20 times but i still teared up…what would i do if giant dinosaurs were after my kids?!

annie lost her tooth FINALLY while at her grandma’s house.
she gave me this note with her tooth in it.
and MIRACULOUSLY….the tooth fairy came on the first night.
first time for everything.

i spent my morning with sweet baby tanner.

(click on this picture to make it big….it’s adorable)
he never made a peep.
newborns are….the best thing in the whole wide world.
i mean that.
there is NOTHING better.
they are my favorite favorite favorite.
even if they cry and poop and barf on me.
i don’t care.
they are the best part of God’s creation.

i want one so bad.



happy wednesday!


Arabelle McCuen - Such a stunner! Your kids are simply wonderful, especially Annie who reminds me of my niece who just lost her tooth the other day. It’s nice to see how kids love their tooth fairy so much because of their tooth fairy’s generosity in giving rewards! And the baby pic, ooh! Love it sweetie! Everything in here is so stunning! <3

Nantucket Weddings - Hello! Love the baby picture. I would just ask. If I can save it on my computer. I’ll made it my wallpaper. 😀

Lesley S - Your photos are spectacular. I am always inspired when I visit. Glad to know I’m not the only one who chokes up at those little things (mine happens to be from “The Incredibles” when she shouts “There are children aboard!…”- gets me every time- ha!). Blessings to you!

aplaceforthoughts - Love that newborn pic and I’d love one of those brownies! First time visiting your site. Love it.

crystal b. - I am dying over that photo of the baby on the chairs. Sooooo adorable. I wish so much I had a cool photo of my kids when they were babies. Why or why wasn’t the internet invented then???

nora - “what would i do if giant dinosaurs were after my kids?” this is one of the many reasons i read your blog. lol.

Kristin S - Meg, that baby shot is amazing!

leonieke - wow,did you make that picture??
and baby’s,…they are such mysteries… they dissapear and turn into big long teenagers!

Denine - That was beautiful.
I have a son named Tanner, I love that name. Brings back beautiful memories.

Liz - Oh. My. Gosh. That baby portrait is beyond fantastic! I wish I lived there, I would so bring Jane over. Except she would probably yell during the shoot. But still, I have no doubt you could make even an angry baby look good. 🙂
And thank you for all the comments and baby advice over the past couple of months! You were so right about the swing. 🙂 I appreciate you!

Vanilla Bean Crafts - ugh….sorry Meg! We had the same thing last year and ended up going to grandmas house down the street for a few night! WAY too hot upstairs!

tara pollard pakosta - Meg,
every time I come to your blog
it’s like discovering a treasure,
from recipes, to cute kids,
to a product you love,
to an everyday moment,
what a treasure and gift you are in my life.
I love your blog.
I love you!
that is all!

kasey - It was so hot here the last few days i would probably make B take us to a hotel for the ac.
Not it’s raining…and wonderful.

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I’m in total agreement about the newborns. Fresh from Heaven, there is nothing in this world more wonderful. I think it’s because we sense where they have just been — in His presense — gives me goosebumps! Thanks for reminding me how awesome they are! I will be blessed (with a new niece) in August & I plan to soak up her newborn preciousness at every opportunity! Happy birthday dear Waffle — you are so stinkin’ cute! YAY to the tooth fairy showing up on day #1 (love Annie’s note!) YAY to you Meg — your children are blessed that you are their mom (I just know it!:) I love your blog my friend — thank you for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I’m in total agreement about the newborns. Fresh from Heaven, there is nothing in this world more wonderful. I think it’s because we sense where they have just been — in His presense — gives me goosebumps! Thanks for reminding me how awesome they are! I will be blessed (with a new niece) in August & I plan to soak up her newborn preciousness at every opportunity! Happy birthday dear Waffle — you are so stinkin’ cute! YAY to the tooth fairy showing up on day #1 (love Annie’s note!) YAY to you Meg — your children are blessed that you are their mom (I just know it!:) I love your blog my friend — thank you for sharing!

Sarah @ This Farm Family's Life - Love that baby photo and I can’t wait to try those brownie bites.

Debbie - Love those chairs, love the backdrop… but don’t tempt me. I just got my fourth (and last!!??!) past the one-year-old mile marker – TODAY! 🙂 Happy birthday (yesterday) to Waffle, too.
Love Annie’s note. So sweet.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Happy Birthday Waffle man!:) Love the picture of those chairs. Yes, the baby is precious. But the chairs….Im drooling:) Just being honest.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Birthday Waffle! I’m now going to check out that recipe…looks soooo good!
Gemma xXx

Kat - Oooh would so love another baby. Hm, not sure I could manage 5 kids in our small house, 4 seems to fill it up.
Love Annie’s note. You must keep it to look back on.
All that phonic style writing is so gorgeous.

Jeanne - Best baby photo I have seen you take. So cute and love all the colors. I don’t want a I will just keep on looking at the photo:-)

Elizabeth - my bad, didn’t just have a baby sorry! super cute pic of Tanner. by the time i got to this photo i was completely blown away by the previous events and didn’t even read the caption.

Elizabeth - okay serious, not sure where to begin. the tooth fairy came, you made a fab dessert (looks divine, i want the recipe) oh, the powers out AND you just a baby A N D managed to capture all of this on camera AANNDD you blogged about it… you rock mama 🙂

Jenn Thomas - LOVE the baby picture! Just think in about 9 weeks there will be a little one 3 houses down – you can babysit anytime – and get that baby fix 🙂

ashley jensen - I have noticed that you’ve been really original with your post titles
again. I think its nice and to the point!

Darcie L. - Meg – we have a 3 week old new baby boy and I remember you posting about one of your photo shoots and saying that the newborn smelled “delicious” or something to that effect. I can’t agree more and I’m trying to cherish every day of that newborn smell. I wish I could bottle it up and save it for when he’s older. Just wanted you to know your words are ringing true in my mind every day. Soak up the deliciousness… before you wake up and he’s a teenager!

hannah - LOVE the newborn photo. OH THE SWEETNESS!
must try those brownie bites. pronto.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That baby picture is spectacular. And I’m not even a baby person. Hate me.

Jennifer Rubeck - I can’t wait to try those oreo bites! My son would so love to see Jurassic Park and we have had many conversations about the premise of the movie but he is only 4. Good things come to those who wait. Glad your family enjoyed it!

Amy Giffin - I just wanted you to know that you inspire me to be a fun mom. I think I will make a treat with my girls tomorrow. I also LOVE that you too struggle with getting the tooth fairy there on time- I’m running out of excuses for that darn fairy! 🙂 And I hear ya on the baby thing. I have four kids and knew with all my heart that we were done. But lately . . . when I hear a baby crying in Target or church . . . my heart sinks a bit.
I think you’re simply precious. Thanks for being you.

Wendy - Totally agree … newborns ROCK!
BEST feeling ever!

julie - now i’m all teary eyed. i want another baby too and my baby is just 10 months old. i don’t want her to be my last! i love, love, love the newborn stage. i despise advanced maternal age and money and 1200 sq feet of living space.
jurassic park is scary! i can’t believe your kids watch that. i can’t watch that!

happygirl - Happy Wednesday back atcha. Yep, you are right about the newborns, but I don’t want one. Love the sleep in the living room sleep over. haha, Go To Sleep NOW!!. haha. Thanks for this.

Jamie - I know how you feel with your a/c out. We don’t have a second floor and been without a/c for 4 days and finally was able to find a window unit on craigslist, and getting two more tommorrow. So we have all been sleeping in the living room too. I’m so ready to get things back to normal soon, and I hope you do the same. Stay cool!

Anna Marie - Cute newborn photo. Wish I lived closer…I just had my baby girl last Tuesday. 🙂

Rachel B. - Annie could start her own blog…she’s too funny!

Nicole - Those Oreo brownie bites look yummy and the newborn picture is beautiful! I love it and the colorful chairs. Have a great day!

Janelle - I so so so am with you with the newborn baby fever! I just want another one…but my husband says I would always just want another one!!! Here’s my question for you…or your readers…how do you get over that baby lust??? I wish I could find a hospital that would allow baby rocker volunteers 🙂

Amber - Oh my….can I say baby fever struck with one look at that little guy!!!

Kerry - aaaah ! love the way Annie spells ‘disgusting’ – so precious mommy. oreo cupcakes on our summer list too now 🙂 That photograph is gorgeous, my sister is due in 3 weeks, cant wait to play around with her on camera. have an awesome-dawson day,
Kerry xx

Jenny Logan - I wanted to tell you that I made your YUMMY cool whip frosting. It was the best frosting I’ve ever had. Thank you!! =) I am going to use it for my daughter’s rainbow cake(also from you)for her Birthday Party on Saturday!!
Also, Facebook keeps recomending your husband as a friend to add. I don;t know why. I just thougt that was funny. =)

Kristy - Annie’s note gave me the biggest laugh! Your kids are so adorable!
I got the baby urge this morning as a mom in my son’s Kinder class lowered baby for big sister to kiss before leaving. Ugh!!! Just melts my butter. They grow up too darn fast! But I wouldn’t be able to take my kids on an all day outing this Sat. up and down our beautiful So Cal coast with no set plans other than to see where the day takes us! I have to look on the bright side 🙂 LOVE YOUR BLOG and just want to say how deserving you are of all the good things that have come your way from it 🙂

Terrie - Must confess…don’t think I’ve ever seen Jurassic Park all the way through. What?! I know, I know…will add to my summer ‘to do’ list! 🙂
That baby Tanner…too precious! Makes me start counting the days until my grandbaby will be born! I also need to order my new camera so I can practice before he/she arrives! Nikon vs. Canon…I must decide!
HaPpy B-DaY to WafFle! Makes me want another dog!

Mindy W - The baby shot?! AMAZING!!! Love the colors and the chenille blanket! Oh, and the precious baby, too!

Holly - My baby is almost 6 and my big girl is going to high school….no more babies here…boo! Those oreo bites look beast! I am going to make that heart attack creation on your side bar this weekend!

Catriona - …but they don’t stay newborn. Alas.
Just kidding. 95% kidding.

Shannon - LOL at your comment about Giant Dinosaurs attacking 🙂
I want another baby too but I want them to sleep at night, that’s all not too much to ask for right?
Your tuesday treats look yummy, we made Berry Yogurt pops yesterday. It’s the best way to get my girls to eat blueberries and they think they are getting a yummy dessert!

Jenna - Did you take that picture? It rocks!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Babies….where did mine go? Love them to and want one but I am for sure waaaaaaaaaay too old 🙂

erica - that pic of the baby – ahhhhh! my youngest will be 2 next month! how in the world did that happen!?? i wanna have another!

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we signed up for the summer reading program.

we paid our over due fines.

we checked out 7 books and 2 books on tape.

we biked there and back….locking all of our bikes together was quite a challenge.


summer is here.

too bad i don't read books…….

my brain cannot do it.

i try and try but i can't.

good things my kids can.

talby is reading Ralph S. Mouse and Diary of A Wimpy Kid again. 

Sean is reading 39 Clues.

annie was thrilled to find a book called Ode to Toilets…..oh my.


time to make our treat for  Treat Tuesday! 

chocolate REQUIRED.


stop by my other blog to read about gatorade
and enter to win a $100 Dick's gift card!
click HERE.

kimj - try books on tape.. I listen to them going to and from work/grocery store..etc..library has lots…

lindsey - the pleated poppy - you just made me feel so much better! i don’t read either. try as i might, i buy great books, but i crack it open and zzzzzzzzzzzzz. i’m out.

Jeanne - Sooo funny! We ALWAYS have overdue fines…ALWAYS! I swear WE are the reason they can buy so many new books. Thank you for making me feel better. We love the library..except for that whole singlehandedly supporting them thing…..

Courtney Walsh - I have a confession. I’ve never taken my kids to the library. Omygosh. I know. I seriously want to do it this summer though–I will. As soon as we get moved! 🙂 Sophia loves 39 Clues too!

Jami - I just put some of our summer reading books on hold at the library. I have promised myself I am going to read this summer. I miss it! And my kids have just discovered the wonderfulness that is a book on tape. YEAH!

andrea - Just bought 6 Patricia Polacco books off our library’s used bookshelf. She is one of my girls’ favorite writers! We do the summer reading program every summer. Was one of my favorite summer memories – goin’ to the library. It had AC and books! Couldn’t beat it.

virginia - cool bike meg!! i have a blue one, i love it. i find it so hard to read too. your mind just is fast and creative and hyper.

Staci - I’m with you….I sooo wish I was a reader 🙁 I am just lame and read blogs and magazines…and I only get to read magazines when I’m getting my hair done or at the doctor’s office ;( Can’t wait to check out your special chocolate treat!!!!

candace - Patricia Polacco is hands down one of my favorite children’s authors. You and the kids should read “Thundercake” when there is a storm coming and make the recipe at the end of the book – surprisingly good.
Sweet, sweet family stories!

Amy - I can’t focus long enough to finish a whole book either, so I know how you feel.
I love Annie’s outfit. Wish I could wear stripes and polka dots together.

jen - Hey, just read your blog for the 1st time – I live in China and it made me so sad and homesick – we went to the library so much that the librarians took us out for lunch to say goodbye when we moved away! Oh, summer – oh north america – oh long hot days where you just sit around and drink lemonade and watch your kids play…
Living an adventure is great, but sometimes so is good old day to day!
thanks !

sonja - This comment has nothing to do with this post–although it is a great one. We love us some books over here.
No, this is a story of lost and found. I just had to tell you that I lost my favorites this week due to a bad virus. Sob.
Even though I just found you a month ago. You were one of the first blogs I wanted to find. But I couldn’t remember your name!! Noooo! So I thought and thought, and then typed: whatever. Nothing. (Well, a whole lot of stuff that wasn’t you.)
Then I typed these three words: whatever blog rainbow.
BINGO!! The top search result.
Just thought you’d like to know this.
Rainbow cake was the entry that popped up.

Sue - Meg -I love your photo of the Patricia Polacco books. She is right up there on my “favourite children’s authors” list, and she is the illustrator too. No body can draw older people’s faces like she can. Lots of her stories are based on her own childhood, and they are fabulous.
I dare you to read her book CHICKEN SUNDAY to your three youngest, and try to get through it without tearing up. Come on, you can do it…. it is short with lots of pictures!

Sarah@this farm family's life - We started the summer reading program today too.

Jenna - reading blogs counts! it’s just a different type of reading 🙂

Stephanie - Patricia Palacco is amazing! She visited our elementary school and we have many of her books – awesome!
I know – I never have the time to read, I can barely make it through my magazines let alone a whole book, but the kids must read and complete their summer reading books! Very important for them. Have fun with all of your summer plans – sounds great! 🙂

Jen - Whatcha mean you can’t read books??

crystal b. - You are doing the funnest stuff this summer. I want to move to Kansas and hang out in a laid back town. It reminds me of what summer was like when I was a kid. I loved your chalk board summer bucket list. So inspiring. I have one, but it’s scribbled down on the back of a business card. Lame. 🙂 Hope you are having loads of fun, and surviving the challenges of everyone at home 🙂 Bitter sweet for me. 🙂

mary - i know with a busy life…wife, mother and a great blog…it is a challenge to find a few moments in your day to read a book, let alone finish it! but as the mother of an older boy that has reading challenges it is so important that we all sit down as a family every night to read for at least a half hour or so. It has set a great example for him, allowed us to have a few quiet peaceful, moments together, and given us all a new perspective. No judgement…but maybe try it as family time…any time of day. Those moments have been a blessing to all of us.

alicia @ la famille - we signed up for the library program today too. must be the thing to do 🙂 happy tuesday!

Julia - Ah bikes and books – nothing better

amy b. - We love the library here too! We,unfortunately, have yet to pay our fines. Love your bike,by the way-so cute!

Melissa - I’m a children’s librarian in Maryland and we’re doing the same theme (I can tell by the book log Annie is sticking up the back of her skirt)!
I love reading books. To me there’s nothing better than starting a new book and sometimes I cry when I’m finished a good book because I don’t want it to be over.

shelley - I always just love you pictures. Very inspiring and full of love and joy and just normal everyday!

Meg Carter - Meg, I absolutely LOVE Annie’s outfits. They make me smile. She rocks stripes and poke a dots like no one I know! 🙂

Lisa - Glad to know I’m not the only one who can’t seem to read. I blame it on always having a million other things to do. And that I love beautiful things. My brain wants to scramble just staring at words on a page. - I’ve been silently reading and absolutely LOVING this blog for a few months now. You seem to have such a balanced view of life, love, marriage, motherhood, design! I think ‘I wouldn’t mind being like her when I grow up…’-should be rephrased to ‘when I decide to mature a bit’ LOL That said I stumbled upon the following link and thought of you:

merlin - Is there anybody out there who can explain this phenomenon of mothers not being “able” to read? I have this same problem. I love to read but motherhood has made reading a book for myself nearly impossible and I can’t figure that out. Your admission/confession helped me to not feel alone, but at the same time made me question if this is a mother-syndrome….and I want to fix it, I miss reading for myself, getting lost in a great novel, stretching my mind and imagination with a good book…we deserve to read for pleasure too. Don’t we?

Megan - I came across your blog a few months ago. And other than LOVING your name, I LOVE your blog and you! You really brighten my day! I am a new-ish mom, so all of your ideas/crafts etc.. LOVE them! Thanks for being great!

Terrie - has anyone else noticed how grown up Annie is looking lately? I ran the Summer Reading program at our library one year for a dear sweet teacher because she was dying of cancer. It was awesome and so much fun to fire kids up for summer reading! Maybe you could read if you had the right incentives Megan? Like some of your mom’s awesome margaritas? forgot to tell you that we tried those Memorial Day weekend with b-i-l & his gf. We all thought they were awesome!

Jacci - Woo hoo! Yay for books 🙂
I have a little girl that just wrapped up kindergarten, too. Are you familiar with the Little Bear books? They are SO SWEET and the illustrations are very nice – they seem like big kid books to early readers because they have short, separate stories labelled like chapters. Maybe 4-5 “chapters” per book. I bet Annie would love them! here’s a link –

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - how awesome to be able to bike to your library!!

happygirl - Oh, summer reading and bike riding. so much FUN. Have any of your kids read Mrs. Piggle wiggle? I used to LOVE those books.

Jemm - We did our signing up last Wednesday. The kids read like mad until Thursday… Well, my youngest anyway. My oldest is still at but with much less gusto. It’s so dang hot it’s one of the only activities I can muster 🙂 I LOVE to read!

Leah - I love the summer reading program! My daughter did it last year and it’s on our list for this year too. Can’t wait for the full write-up of Treat Tuesday!

Sandy - I can’t read books either, but they sure are a good sleep inducer!
Love the bike ride to the library!!

Holly - I rode one of the kids bikes the other day…..I am so out of shape! I cant wait to see what you have for treat tuesday! We are cutting a watermelon and roasting hot dogs later! Maybe smores too!

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the summer list

                   we did it!!

there is one more line for a couple things we may think of along the way.

(here is a bit of answers…..)

treat tuesdays = baking a dessert together that is yummy and fun and fancy

write letters = once a week everyone writes letters to the same relative or friend
                            but choosing a different one each week

make sprinkler course = like ms. kristins pvc amazingness from last year

build robots = a craft from family fun

get donuts at night = our donut shop opens @ 11:30 pm and is open all night until the next morning
                                       so staying up late and going for hot fresh donuts at night would be a treat.

movie party = outside with a projector and 25 of our friends…like last year but even better.

fancy ice cream = try other flavors in our homemade ice cream machine other than vanilla

here are the links to the summer list 2008.…..2009.….2010.…..we started a fun tradition for so many of you!

and my summer list idea is being featured in Parenting Magazine!
how cool is that?!! 

now go make one at your house.
it makes your summer days much more intentional and you get the fun stuff done you always mean to do! 



i had a conference call with the people at Gatorade and Stephanie Hamm 
and i blogged about it on my other blog.
come on over and read what i learned
and enter to win a $100 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods!!



jrs law dui - Lawyers working in local government earned a mean annual wage.

HEI - These recipes rely on everyday ingredients that can be found at any grocery store and are super-easy to prepare.

Eddy - Any of the Harry Potter books i think they are great. Try the third one the prisoner of azbakan its one of my favourites, a very good read or any of the others. But you should probably read the second one as its best to go in order reallyConstant reader.

Jay - If you can stand the small size of the type, read Across Five Aprils, and if not pick the second Harry Potter.Why I pciekd these . Across Five Aprils tell the story of the Civil War as seen by one Southern Illinois family, the Creighton’s. And the second harry Potter book is opne of the better sequeals to the original Harry Potter IF you do not like the gathering darkness in the other books after the first two.Constant reader.

Annefleur - Are you a boy or a girl b/c that answer will make all the dicfnreefe.Any of the Harry Potter books are good (I figured that was self-explanitory).Island of the Blue Dolphins is a little bit of a harder read, but it was really good to me (it’s about this native girl who is the only survivor of a tribal fight, and she has to survive off the land).Little Women is great! I think every kid should be required to read that one.Treasure Island is good too (it’s a little more boy-oriented though).Constant reader.

Arun - Jessica I cant believe how much stuff one litlte guy can have!! When we go to sac to visit my parents, the entire Tahoe is full, its insane!!!Tiffany Where are you flying? I can not imagine flying with twins, one is crazy enough, I am unsure if this vacation will really be a vacation!!

Kan - ooohhh fun!!! Buy a bunch of cloths. My ginrerifld spoiled us at our shower. She bought a bunch of cloths and clipped them to a rope with cloths pins. She stacked them on top of each other inside a cloths hamper. At the end of the rope was a note that said pull slowly I kept pulling and pulling and pulling. There were so many cute things. Pants, shirts, socks, tights, body suits. Her cloths line was 3 banquet tables long. It was amazing. Everyone clapped at her gift. I know she felt just as good giving it as we did receiving it. It was also a great way to give a good assortment of sizes.If you want to do the diaper bag you could fill it with newborn size diapers. That could be a little personal though. Someone did that for me but I hated the diapers she gave me and I never used them. They weren’t as soft as the diapers we had gotten use to in the hospital. I prefer pampers.

Heather Shealy - I happened upon your blog through pinterest and LOVE this idea. My kids just got out for summer yesterday and making a list was how we started the fun. I am an avid scrapbooker so the picture idea also has me excited. I shared a link to your blog after posting our summer list on Facebook and all my friends kept saying they wanted to steal the idea. Haha! I couldn’t claim something so awesome as my own. So I am sure many of them will be visiting. I am not this creative but I AM a list person. So this was so me!! We can’t wait to complete it. Thanks so much.

Eleanor -
15 fabulous ice cream recipes. 🙂
Can’t wait to make one of these lists for myself!

Katie - such a fun idea! i’m also in love with the 16 image squares you have printed out…are those instagram pics? i’d love to know how you printed them!!! <3

plastic card - Hanging photo cards is looking good. Do you have some designs of Christmas cards?

Soledad - Actually, there is a WAITING LIST to shop on this site. You can not just register and begin ponpsihg. They must not be experiencing the economic hardships that other retail companies are. Guess I’ll just keep spending my money elsewhere and ponpsihg til I drop.

Yoshiyuki - simhamdurapu kondalu uusupnadunu thokkanela kaallu kadaganelasommokadidhi sokokadidhiattasommu alludu danamvinte bharatham vinalithinte garelu thinaliaalu ledu chulu ledu koduku peru somalingamkalisocche kaalaaniki nadichocche koduku puduthadu

heather @ life, gluten free - I love the chalk board in a frame, how did you make it? is it chalkboard paint?

Ahmed - Hey Ho LeuteWar ne fette Aktion gseetrn Abend auf dem Emergenza!Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste Runde mit euch!In diesem Sinne-Rock on und immer schön STRANGE bleiben!K.O.(voc/Git)

Walter Tully - How nice! That’s a very pretty summer bucket list you guys made. It’s great that it has family activities listed down – as there’s so much potential for enjoyable memories to be made there.
Good luck with that!

Affordable Insurance - Can’t wait to see all the pictures you take throughout the summer! My oldest would love to have a fun list like this so I’m off to do that right now. Thanks for the great ideas.

ClassiclyAmber - Our fam is so behind on this, but not again! We are doing a bucket list for this summer – and I am totally inspired by your blog post here! Love it!! 😀

Orderinthekitch - this is SO cute! I love this…I want to do something like this when I have a family 🙂

courtney - oh I love your list, its display, everything. so fun. My son and I made our’s! Definitely next year I will be displaying creatively (inspired by you!). Oh and we are breezing through our’s! Cannot believe its almost July!

Molly - This list is so great! I featured it on my blog

Laine Chambers - Love this! We made ours thanks to your inspiration! =)

DNese - This is super awesome. Totally inspires me for sure. Can you pretty please share how you got your photos in those little squares like that?!
Thank you & enjoy your Summer..

Daily Craft - Great project! I just wanted to let you know that we featured this project on our Facebook page with almost 12,000 fans. We’d love it if you’d use our Featured Blogger button, available at: Our audience loved the project and we look forward to sharing more from you. Please let us know if you have any questions or projects you’d love us to feature! Thanks!

Kelly - Love this idea…my cousin did this last year. Going to make one and turn it into a photobook at the end of the summer to remember it all. FUN! Thanks for getting me started!

Adele Williams - Love your summer list! I am making one of my own for our family. I just posted it on my family blog. Thank you so much! Love the intentional part as well.

Melissa Bailey - Number one, great idea for the summer list! I’m always looking for things to keep us busy, but it never occurred to me to make a real list. Great idea! Number two, I love your giant chalkboard!!!

Loni - Meg you are my hero! I made a list and mentioned you on my blog. I just want to hug you, you are such an inspiration!

Shannon - What a fun idea! Even though I’ve had years of kids on summer breaks, I’m still trying to come up with the best way to make the most of our time. This should help!

Christy - I can’t wait to make our list!

Erica - Fabulous! This is almost enough to change my mind about summer!

Philip Hampton - Dear Meg, please update this board as you tick things off!
Thanks from across the pond in sunny England.

Nellie - I am in love with this list.

jules - LOVE THIS! Thanks for inspiring me to have a more intention-fun summer with my kiddos!
Jules –

Randi - Love, love, love the look of your list. Makes our summer list look too plain. Definitely using your idea next year! 🙂

Jeanie - So, ok. We make a summer-sand-bucket list with the granbebes…but yours is soooooo colorful and cute. Please come and replicate in my house??

flor - oh this is awesome! thanks for the great idea 🙂

Trysha - I just created my list on Looking forward to the summer!

Heather - Love this. Love it!! You are so inspiring. Two need to knows: 1) did you make the chalkboard or buy it? 2) Make chalk paint? Awesome!! Would you share the recipe, purdy please?

alicia @ la famille - aha! you did share it…i’m just catching up…i’ve been gone for a week and i’m reading backwards 🙂 thanks! i’m totally doing this tomorrow!

Kristen - Totally and completely in love with this idea!

Jen - I absolutely love your summer lists!! We’re going to start doing one this year too!

hannah - excellent list and presentation! wow!
our kiddo is only two, i have ideas for this year, but no real list. next summer? we are so gonna be legit summer listers!!

Courtney Hohimer - Thanks for the reminder! I got our list made last night!

Jessica Flores - We just made our summer list this week too, but yours is super duper cuter than ruled paper glued to construction paper and stuck to the fridge. Ah well, I guess it’s all about the fun (and the “ominous green bug” my little one drew in the margins). THanks for the inspiration!

sara's art house - Super cute on the chalkboard. The little chairs are precious. Have a fun summer 🙂 I know you will.

Dawn - I love lists! The list turned out awesome on the chalkboard.

amy jupin - i was going to write ours on our big chalk board too!
now i have to steal yet another one of your ideas!
;< i'm bored. 🙂

Jenny B. - Not only is your list full of super cool fun stuff, it looks BEAUTIFUL!!! Did you just use regular chalk? Love it!

Lisa - We did a summer list last year and my kids loved it. Doing it again this summer! btw I was checking out your past summer lists and am wondering if this is the year your free throw line will get painted? 😉 Haha just noticed it was on the 2008 and 2010 summer list too. I kinda like you don’t accomplish everything or then you’d be too perfect! 🙂

amy - Did you paint the blue chair in the middle? If so what is the name of that fantastic color? 🙂 As always thanks for getting me off my butt and putting forth an effort to get my kids on track for a great summer. A summer list really helps as a family to know we aren’t forgetting to do all the fun stuff.

Courtney Walsh - So fun. I have a friend who does this on those HUGE post-it notes (they seriously are SO expensive.) We’ve been writing stuff down on little scratch pieces of paper but seriously need to get it all in one place! Love the chalkboard, my friend!! 🙂

lauren - great list. great ideas. awesome blog. i was just reading last year’s movie night post and your thoughts about annie starting kindergarten…’mom of children’ rather than ‘mom of babies.’ i was just telling my mom that with my youngest finishing junior high, greeting me yesterday with, ‘mom! i’m a freshman!’ i can no longer call myself a mom of young children. killin’ me.

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - I LOVE this idea! I have got to find somewhere to make a big ole chalkboard for family post’s like this one!!!! So glad you shared this.

Christy - We just finished ours yesterday! My girls were peeking over my shoulder while I checked your blog one afternoon and they spied your list idea. My second grader immediately wanted to do the same….we actually have a lot of the same activities planned for the summer, lol.

Camille - Wow! Your family is so lucky. I’m working on my list right now. It will help to have something written out.

Meg @ Everyday Nostalgia - We don’t have kids yet, but I think we need to do this!!!!
Love the list on the chalkboard!

Kathy T - Love the list. This year we’re doing it! Please please please can you give us the info on the projector? That’s the one thing my family would love the most!

kristin - megan: i think i might downright copy your list.
it looks just like our family.
: )

deborah@applesinwonderland - we’ve made a list every year on the last day of school–since 2000. holy moly. we always leave room for the unexpected…’s summer for goodness sake, right? aw….i love summer. (p.s. target has stripe-y rainbow-y colored picnic supplies right now, and i thought of you:)

allyson - I love the photo collages. I know i saw a post on them, but cant find them. anyone know?

wendy, NJ - I love checking in just to see what new ideas you have on your chalkboard! LOVE the summer ‘to do’s’!!

Verna - Love your list. I’d also love to know where and how you make those fun photo collages. You’re an inspiration.

deedrap - You need to add “get Scott a Frappacino” to your list 🙂 had a good time listening to the boys tonight OMG-LOL!!!!

Shannon - We made our first one this summer. It was fun to see what my 5 and 2 year old wanted to do. Ours includes going to see the last shuttle launch in July, eating at Chick-fil-A, and going camping.

Terrie - Love your list! We made ours last week…sno cones (already gone 3 times!) rules…different flavor each time. Drive-in – can you believe that my husband has NEVER been to one?! Sprinkler course sounds like fun!! Driving to get doughnuts at night is on our list…I’ve never been there! You will have a great summer with your list! Parenting Magazine? …How cool!! Happy Summer Break!

Meredith - Don’t forget demolition derby! Yeeha!

Shari - I missed the info last year about your outdoor movie night. Did you rent the screen and projector? I am sooooo wanting to do this so would LOVE the info! 🙂

kris - Love the list! And the pillows on the last post? So wonderful and colorful and full of love and truth!:)

Kelly - I always love your summer list posts! I have not seen a single snow cone stand in our new city of Colorado Springs. Sure hoping they have them here! Kelly

Emily - We did this too! Ours is on poster board in our kitchen so we can see it everyday. A few on ours is…. play in the mud, farmer’s market, and smores. I’m definitely adding ice cream truck to ours! We hear it come by each night!

karen - won’t the kids walk by and run their fingers across the board??
I’m rolling my eye’s reading my comment…i must be in a bad mood today 🙁
i love your list!!

Margo - Looks like a great list and I agree Drubers donuts at night – the best!!!

Rachael - Just wanted to let you know that this is blowing up on Pinterest, with very good reason! What a great idea.

Debbie - Thank you for this wondeful idea. I made our first one last summer and accomplished every item except one. My goal is to finish this summer’s list this weekend. And I’m totally stealing the living room sleepover. My two year old will LOVE sleeping in her tent.

Amanda - how did you make your picture collage seen in the picture on this post. LOVE it and saw something similar on a show on HGTV. i’d love a new a fun way to display pics like this 🙂

Johanna-Simply Create Kids - this is so great!!! how fun that it will be in the magazine 🙂
You probably saw this already, but here is Ashley C.’s PVC pipe post from last year (i think)–another great one:

lisa - What fun! You are such an awesome mom.

Kristy - shut up. that is the coolest thing ever. we have done it every summer since the first time i seen it on your blog!! but this is to die for. love it!!!!! wonderful. just wonderful.

jill - So glad I’m not the only one that thought it said “make farts”! Guess I’ve been hanging out with my boys too much. 🙂 Love your list and love how you have inspired so many to do their own (us included).

Leslie @topofthepage - the kids and i just brainstormed for ours today! can’t wait. love your ideas too. love the letter writing!! i want to find a great read aloud for us to go through together too. maybe narnia. we have movies in the driveway once a month in summer – they are the BEST. and i also have the best homemade playdoh recipe ever too, if ya need one. but i’m guessing you don’t!

Heather R. - :)! Love the drive-in movies. And we got our Worlds of Fun passes, zoo passes, pool is open…let summer begin.

Cyndi Hamilton - I made my list…thanks for sharing yours. I love your chalk board too! I can never sign into your blog for some reason…always have to use facebook.

stefanie - omg, I love this idea! We have some friends who use a chalkboard in their kitchen. Anyone who walks by {even visitors} can write an idea for something fun for their family to do that month. The only request is that its within driving distance and age appropriate for their kids. Between your idea and their idea, I’m getting some pretty fun ideas for myself!

stephany - Thanks for the inspiration!
We made our summer list yesterday…

RLG - You are so badass, Meg. This list makes me want to give you a hug. I’m not as creative or patient as you, so my kids are going to full-day summer camp! I know, I’m a loser! Can’t take the heat, yadda yadda yadda. This picture makes me happy nonetheless. Cheers, girlie. xoxo

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love lists…I’m one of those list makers. This has got to be the best list ever! Have fun checking off the things on the list.

shauna reed - your best ever!

jennibell - I love this: “it makes your summer days much more intentional”
Thank you for reminding me not to waste the summer away 🙂
And so cool that it was featured…now even MORE people can be intentional this summer!!!

Tiffany - My husband and I don’t even have kids, but we started doing this too. Actually I made a list and when he saw it he said we should really do it together. I thought he would think it was cheesy so I didn’t even ask him at first. The summer is a busy time for our jobs and even as adults it is fun to have things to look forward to. Our list includes picking fresh fruit and making homemade sorbet with it, trying a new restaurant, watching the sunset at the lake, have a picnic, make sangria, try a new vegetable from the farmer’s market. It is a change of pace and romantic.

Casey - I just did our first one ever after seeing yours for the last several years. Thanks for the great idea!

Leslie - That is the coolest. We did something like that for the month of october ( since I love Halloween). I think that our weekend project will be a summer list. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
Have a great weekend

Kat - Love your summer list. So much so that I do a mini one with our family for each holiday. (even the shorter two week break, which we are on for winter here in Tasmania, Australia atm.)
I also add jobs I need/want to get done, as well as the fun stuff.
Some very creative and inspiring ideas on your list.
If you get all that done, you will be in the running for Mum of the year! Lol
Have fun 🙂

amy d - i must have been reading too fast…at first i thought it said draft thursdays instead of craft thursdays! HA! although too many craft thursdays may lead to draft thursdays! 🙂

se7en - Totally awesomely wonderfully cool!!! I think we might go into winter denial and declare it summer over here too…seriously wishing that winter would be gone…

Jenna - This is great and I’m saving it! I just can’t wait until my little bean is old enough to do stuff like this. I guess the list is up to me and hubby this year!

Angella Eisman Design - Literally stumbled upon your blog. Really great idea…I’m inspired to make our own summer list!

Nicole - Meg, I hope that I am as involved with my kids as your are with yours, when I have them. I just graduated from high school, but I’ve been reading your blog for such a long time, and I can just say that you’re a pretty inspiring parent.

AshleyAnn - So pretty. I’ll just send my kids to Kansas for the summer. I’d miss them, but I think they’d have more fun at your place. We need to get our summer list made!
Congrats on the much deserved Parents mag feature…smart people those Parenting guys are.

Beth - P.S. Can I please paint the mural with you? And also, I’m doing a summer “create every day” thing. Check out my blog. I’d love you (and the kids) to do it with me!!

Beth - We took the idea list last year too, and are doing it again this year. I love it, and the family time to make the list is good too. We had gotten away from our weekly family time and while making our summer list, realized we really still need it! Thanks for the great idea, and many others that you share daily!! And how cool being featured in Parents mag!! You’re a rock star 🙂

Georgia - Can i do a summer list being a month away from turning 24 and having no children… hmmmmm
I want to, but something tells me the Fiance wont do it.. 🙁 *sniff*

Emily - This made my day! I’m making the photo my desktop image on my work computer. PLAY TIME!
Great idea.

Tonya - This will be the first summer in 3 years that we won’t be making summer list. 🙁 I’m taking a huge class this summer and my kids are w/a sitter. BUT…I just bought a pool pass, so they’ll still have a blast!

Jennifer Rubeck - So Awesome! Can’t wait to do this with my kids. Thanks for sharing!

Shannon - Oops…I don’t think the link I posted worked. Try

Shannon - We’re working on ours…for the 3rd year in a row. I love, love, love this tradition. Thank you! On a side note, I know how much you love Africa and thought you might find this interesting, A college student from our church is on a bike across America to spread the love and faith that he discovered in Africa. It should be an interesting ride to follow!

Angela B. - Love it! We’ve done a summer list for the past few years and it sure helps us beat the boredom and keep our summer super fun. This year we added craft Thursdays inspired by you and your kids. I hope you all have a lovely summer!

Maria Bryan - LOVE IT! We will take your advice and compile a list this weekend….my kids are still in school…summer break starts on June 17th for us! Thanks!

Joanie - No one works like most normal people

Necole - I just put a huge bulletin board up in the kitchen, and am so making a summer to do list with my girls. Smaller scale of course. I have plans for that bulletin board.

Crissie - Love your post, as usual! Such great ideas! But more importantly…how did you make those beautiful photo collages?????? 😉

Lisa - LOVE this! We did one last summer (after seeing it here) and had so much fun with it. We have “Cookie Tuesdays” at our house year-round but I’ve been thinking lately that I need to change it to “Fresh fruit Tuesdays” to help Mommy out! If there are cookies here…I eat them. Fun stuff. We’ll probably steal some of these ideas!

Sandy - Why is the enter to win a $100 Dick’s gift card marked out? I was hoping to win. 🙁

Holly - great list! we made chalk paint last year. it was fun. My dad was staying with us after his house flooded and let the kids use it on his car……it washes right off!

Kim - i think your summer list is my favorite post you do all year. 🙂 i have so been looking forward to it. 🙂
even though i am usually in a boring office building all day, it really cheers me up to see you and your cute fam doing all of these creative and fun adventures all summer long! looking forward to the posts that will accompany your list. 🙂

Leah - This looks awesome! Here is my somewhat-summer list:

CK - LOVE it! We copied your idea a few years ago and have done it ever since. It is so fun to list EVERYTHING that comes to mind and then see them get checked off as the summer goes. We have kept our past 2 summer lists. This year, ours will include… MOVE TO AFRICA! I am thinking this may be a pretty unforgettable summer;)

happygirl - Congrats on the Parenting issue. You will be in dentist and doctor’s offices EVERYWHERE.

Anna - I misread your list. Near the end it said make forts…I thought it said make FARTS! Lol

amy - wow, such a great list, thanks for sharing! If I wrote this for “all” to see, I would be hearing, “can we go get donuts tonight, what about tonight, how about tonight… now, now, now….. but you said…” I have a list but I keep it super secret and then just bust out with the ideas….. I will surely be stealing some of yours too 🙂 Thanks!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - What a fun list. My favorite is the “get donuts at night.” My hubby would love that!:)
I was thinking about you as I posted pics of my globe collection this morning. You’ve made me think (& decorate) with more color in my home. And I love it!
Hope you’re having a great week:)

jen @ eighteen25 - i’m so in love with your list on that awesome chalkboard!! loving the pictures across the top… and loving your ideas… gonna have to steal a couple! big thanks for starting this tradition!! our family fell in LOVE with it last year… i know it will be around for many more summers!!
jen 🙂

Jen Brandt - We make a summer fun list, too! Although, this year, I will make it much prettier and more fun to look at. Thank you for the inspiration!

shelly - You’re amazing!!! Love it!!!

melanie - where the heck did you score that sweet ginormous chalkboard? I’m in need of one (or two) for a 1. chores list 2. and now a summer fun list! yay for summer.

Debi - I was looking forward to your list! Love it on the chalkboard!

Jody - We made our list and posted it. I’m so glad you introduced us to this idea.

Kathryn - Drubers!! Yummy too. (We usually have to take a little evening nap if we expect to stay awake for that)

Kathryn - when you have waffles – try making the “pudding” or “white sauce” from “Mennonite Women Can Cook” (or I can send a recipe). More work than syrup or fruit and whip cream but . . . yummy!!

G. - Love your list! I may borrow a few ideas. I also really love your chalkboard. so fun!

Christy - We made ours this weekend & it is also on our chalkboard. I totally stole/borrowed the idea from you. My son is so excited & he keeps adding stuff to the list, last night it was homemade ice cream.

Shannon - YAY! I love this list on the chalkboard and everything sounds so fun. Can’t wait to see all the pictures you take throughout the summer! My oldest would love to have a fun list like this so I’m off to do that right now. Thanks for the great ideas, Always 🙂

Courtney - I am totally intrigued by the chase county waterfalls, going to have to look into that!!
let me know what night movie night is, i have cute kids, your kids would love them 🙂
looks like a great list!

Gina - we just made our list too-I love your letter idea. we’d probably have treat tuesdays too, if our house was equipped with ac!

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my demo derby love affair.

many times i have thought about the derby and thought "what is the matter with me?"

"why do i love this stuff?"

it is the opposite of anything i like.

it's loud.
it's dirty.
it's crowded.
it's really hot.

but it's also….
a community.
a group of people that i grew up around….a tradition…of a small town kind.
the town where i grew up.
you know people and they know you. 
knew you when)

at the derby you stand in line to by your tickets and your high school bestie walks up and gives you a hug.
even though you haven't seen her in a few years.
and another one spots you in the crowd and waves and says "there's seats by us if you need some!"

it's like a big (redneck) reunion at the derby. 


at demo derbies you get to experience porta potties and purses falling in the dirt.
or mud flying into your hair.

but there are also funnel cakes.


and you can share them with new friends in the row in front of you….

you can sit behind a class mate you haven't seen in years and meet his son.
and talk about the good ol' days.
and how old you feel now.

the sun goes down.
the heat is gone.

it is a fun place to be.  
do you believe me yet?

at the derby you can climb under the bleachers…not too gracefully…to go buy a demo derby t-shirt.
i really did.

sean and talby were catching grasshoppers and naming them all steve.

and just before the final round there is a big fireworks show.
the music comes through through the crackly speakers  and everyone turns to watch.
i kept saying "really?  there is MORE?!"  
it went on forever.

i love the derby.
i love taking my kids.

it's old fashioned small town fun.

(here is our time a year ago….with video.)

have you ever been to a demolition derby? 

juicy couture bags - They looked so ridiculous with helmet heads walking around Wally World like Mad Max rejects. Another prime example of why there’s a website called People of Walmart =D!
So tell us Mechgogo, is it customary to shop around a store with your motorcycle helmet perched on your head? Or using it as a shopping basket to carry the BBQ sauce?

Valerie - Oh, I have to laugh. Reminds me of the “one-and-a-half winters” I survived living up in Minne-SNOW-tah as newlyweds seven years ago. I’m a Tulsa girl, born and bred, but we lived up there for a job transfer for my husband. That is a story in itself. But while up there we were introduced to demo derbies. Ha! We were so naive. We both were dressed in Ralph Lauren type summer wear, my husband had on LINEN even, haha, and there we were, surrounded by the best redneck folk EVER, and the mud was a-flyin’ into the stands and raining on our heads. And you know what? We LOVED it. And it is one of my alltime FAVORITE memories of our time in Minnesota ever. And now we are safely back in Tulsa. Ha. The End. 😉

Kristy - So bummed we missed the Demo Derby this year–Good times. Who is the classmate you were sitting by? Don’t recognize the head:)!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Nope I haven’t been but would LOVE to one day!! It sounds like quite a night : )
Gemma x

Genn - That does look like tons of fun Meg!!
I’ve never been to anything like that before.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a small town that had cool community events like that.
And now I want a funnel cake. 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - that just looks like a barrel of fun to me. i can almost taste that funnel cake. yum.
by the by, i made your meatballs tonight. holy stinkin cow. they are so good! woo to the hoo for church cook books. and everyone liked it. which is a minor miracle at our table. seriously, i had to make myself stop eating. your recipes are the best. that is all.

Chaos-Jamie - I wondered how you got such a good seat! I saw what time you went in and NO ONE gets a seat over there without camping out for hours.

Vera - No! But now I want to!! Maybe I’ll wait till my one boy is older than six months old, because he might have more fun that way.

Erica - Oh my goodness… I have been in Manhattan all summer and I miss Newton so bad!! Especially this and the bull blowout!!! =( thanks for the great pictures!! I know what you mean about loving the small town things though!! =)

Kelly - i haven’t been to a demo derby but when my husband and I were dating I went with him to a tractor pull in Missouri. Kind of the same I think. We had kettle corn instead of funnel cake but that is oh so yummy too. 🙂 I do think that all the wonderful colors at the demo derby are very “you”. Kelly

debbie - I haven’t been to a demo derby in years. You brought back a fun memory!

Margo - I love the demo derby! I have been going to them as long as I can remember – you described it perfectly!!

Lorie - I LOVE the derby at our county fair. It IS a small town kinda thing…but more than that….I’ve always secretly, even as far back as high school, been tempted to be in one. Just to let out my aggression. You all know what I mean! It would be a blast!

shelby - my dad raced locally (in Southern California)when I was a kid and every month or so at the end of the night when he raced there would be a demolition derby. I always got so excited when they would start wetting down the track with the water truck and my friends and I would bet which car would be the last one running. I loved it!

Juli - Oh yes, indeedy. Another closet redneck, here. I depserately tried to lose my Southern accent in college but it didn’t work.

Aimee - Hahaha, my husband and I name everything Steve. Steve or Jose. Seriously! I had this one burp he named Steve. He had this one rogue hair on his forehead I named Jose. Hahaha!

LibraryGirl62 - i LOVE the Demolition Derby! We go in the winter here cause the mosquitoes are HUGE on the edge of the Everglades in the summer!

Susan - Meg,
This has nothing to do with the demo derby, but I keep getting pop-up ads whenever I come to your blog. My other bookmarked blogs don’t do this. Is this an advertisement thingy that you’ve placed on here on purpose, or is there something wrong with my computer. It’s just starting to bother me, because I can’t always read through an entire post without one getting in the way. 🙁
Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I wasn’t sure if you knew about this or not, or if it was happening to anyone else.

Courtney Walsh - I have been to one ONCE! But I’m much more interested in the funnel cakes. lol
Looks like fun. And I love a small town! 🙂

Cheri - Oh my goodness…i have read your blog almost daily for two years, baked your food, copied your crafts…and never written, but just saw the demo derby photos and saw a Hillsboro sign in a picture….my daughter met a boy from Hillsboro while working at a camp in MO…… they are very much in love and you probably know his family…….hmmmmmmmm…any chance we could visit????

Tami - Wish we had something like this around here. My boys and tom boy girl would love, love, love this. Great family fun.

Taylor-Ann - Happy Monday!
Looks like a fun family outting. Here in So Cal we don’t get much of mud truck racing. I wish they would come a little more often so my inner country self could come out for a while.
Whats up with kids nameing every animal they have the same name. My son had a fish named “fil” when fil died we had “fil 2”. My sister as a kid named every fish she had Carla. I don’t get it. Did you ask why they named them all Steve? :o)

seb - I love the demolition derby too! We took our girls for the first time and they couldn’t stop laughing at the cars smashing into each other! We grew up in a small town with a demo derby and it brought back so many memories! Just wondering if you bought a “derby chick” t-shirt…my husband had to draw the line! 🙂

Janine - Love that the kids were naming Grasshoppers “Steve” I wonder if they know the old joke.
A Grasshopper walks into a bar. He sits in front of the bartender and asks for a drink. The bartender says “do you know they have a drink named after you?” And the grasshopper replies in great wonder “You have a drink called Steve?”
hahaha okay so it’s a lame joke but one I have always liked.
We have a demo derby not too far from me. I should check it out sometime. It looks like fun.

Dina - AHHHHH!!!! I just posted about my very first dd experience last week! EXACTLY! I don’t normally get into stuff like this either but I LOVED it! SO cool! I didn’t crawl under the bleachers for a t-shirt (I SO would have if they sold them) but for my kid’s sippy cup:-) What a blast!

Shannon - Did you grow up in Hillsboro!!?? My parents just bought a house there!

DogsMom - Saw the title and had to come visit. Around here they will demo anything – usually the end of summer is a big school bus demo derby.

melissa - i went to a demolition derby about 5 years ago with my best friend in michigan. it was at a small town fair. i loved it. everything about it. the noise. the people (there’s some good people watchin’ to be had at a small town fair!!). the food. i loved every minute!!!

julia - we don’t have crazy fun stuff like this in south Florida. We did go to a rodeo this year. It was mostly old people, which was a surprise.

Bec - my hometown has one at their 4th of july fair. I never actually watched, but you could sure hear it all over town!

Elise - Never been! But if they have funnel cakes, I’m sold.

Lee Ann - my hubby talked me into a truck/mud race thing at the fair this year. (not a derby, but a lot of destroyed vehichles.) I didn’t think I’d like it, but I ended up loving it. I did think of you several times because I know how much you love your derby!!!

Elissa - We used to do Saturday night at the races (small nascar track) a couple towns over from us. The used to run crazy 8s. and yes, I love it. And yes, the total opposite of most of what I NORMALLY love! Too fun! You’re making me want to take my kids…. I haven’t been in YEARS.

Katie H - Funny you ask….My husband is from a small town in KS also, I on the other hand am from a city. I had never even heard of these things until I met him. We now live in Tulsa, BUT still manage to go to KS every year to attend the County Fair so he can “drive” in the derby. I thought he would out grow it once we had kids, but that hasn’t happened. YET!!

Angela - I love it but then again I do love the small town things that make our town home.
I have a question for you, I’m a ding bat and can’t figure out how to follow your blog. I favorited it but I can’t figure out how to add it to the blogs I follow. HELP!

thewatergirl - The first time I met my (now) husband’s family it was at a demo derby in his home town. I grew up in a suburb of a big city up north and was OVERWHELMED and thinking “what have I gotten myself into with this guy? Where AM I?”

jaz - Fireworks at your demolition derby!?!?! HOW AWESOME!!!
The feeling of community you mentioned sounds like why I love the rodeo! I love that feeling 🙂

Sugar Mama - I haven’t been to a derby, but I grew up going to rodeos. Not the big fancy rodeos, but the small town ones… with funnel cakes! They were dirty, loud, hot, and smelly. But I loved them just the same.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I just posted on this. See…we live parallel lives:) I love the derby…good old fashioned red necked fun!

Amanda Jo - There’s a dirt track about 20 minutes away. I’m not a big fan of the dirt track races but I LOVE going when there’s a demo derby at the end!!!

Krista - Bumper cars for grown-ups! Don’t think I could deal with the mud flying through the air, though. Your kids will have awesome memories of these adventures!

Dana Banana - I’m a lifer. Love the derby of course, but really had fun watching the figure 8 races too. (I guess I am a little biased since my big bro raced and won 3rd) In the fig 8, four little cars lined up and 2 huge tires are placed one on each end of the arena. At the start, they all race in a figure 8, often bumping into eachother in the middle! They have several heats with the winners all competing at the end…..a HOOT to watch!!

Kim Campbell - Love it – that’s my sweet cousin Colby sneaking the funnel cake! 🙂 Great memories!

Anna Marie - I went to my first one last month. My brother-in-law drove a minivan in it…haha! I LOVED it and want to go back next year for sure. This one car, the SAME car, rolled 3 or 4 different times!!! We also had several fires! At the end of the show the guy who kept rolling “donated” his car to be smashed by two giant dozers. So fun!

amy - I love Demo Derby’s! That’s the one and only thing I miss about our County Fair (we’ve moved). Looks like you had a great time!

Laura - so long as your purse doesn’t fall in the porta pottie, it sounds good.
Anywhere where you feel welcome, and loved…where faces are familiar, and smiles are warm…where you feel you a apart of a community…is a fabulous place to be.
Then, throw in a funnel cake, a grasshopper named Steve, and fireworks, and can you go wrong?
Not to mention…GREAT COLORS at the derby! Anything alive and colorful works for me!
glad you had fun
You are a COOL, small town HOT chick!

Sonya - I’ve been to one at our county fair (Michigan) and *loved* it 🙂 And I grew up in a big city in southern California! Demolition Derbies are just plain fun!

brooke - I grew up in southwest Kansas (Liberal) and was a frequent derby-ite. Live in Wichita now, but would love to reconnect with my redneck roots. Need to see if there are any derbys close by.
Thanks for the fun post!!

Jill - I went with some girlfriends in college and we LOVED it! (same for us, you totally wouldn’t expect to have found us there!) We got tickets right near the front and had mud splattered all over us, it was so fun to just be rowdy and not care!

Lori - I have never been to a demo derby but this post makes me want to! I think if Richmond, Va has a demo derby it wouldn’t have the same feel since we are not a small town. Thanks for sharing..its like I was there…without the heat, the dirt and the noise…but also no funnel cakes! 🙁

Julie - Never been, but when we lived in Fayetteville, NC my husband took my son (age 3 or 4?) to a big monster truck rally with friends. They enjoyed it. The guys kinda went on the premiss of ,”when in Rome”…. 🙂
Nothing wrong with “old fashion small town fun”. Rather quaint and does make one feel “connected”!

Tam - I Love this post! It’s just as you describe it! We live in a small town with an annual derby. My husband comes from a “derby family”, they’ve been participating for generations. This year there were four generations on the track (officiating and driving). I love the atmosphere of our county fair, we run into people we’ve not seen in years, eat our annual allowance of “fair food” (funnel cakes, cheese fries with “carnival cheese”, and cotton candy) and cheer on various family members in each heat.

firefly hill - I have never been but totally want to go! I know my kids would love this…

Michelle - Australia - Funnel cake? Never heard of it. Please explain for us very confused Australians. p.s. Yes, we have demo derbies but it is just the funnel cake bit I don’t understand 🙂

Sophie - We don’t have them in England at all! But boy, I wish we did! Looks like so much fun (:

Linda - Can say this is particularly appealing to me but I do like action!! Thinking we may have to take in “The Buck” (at least I think it is a car something) when we get back; we’re looking forward to being back in the good old USA where quirky things are fun! My idea of action is auctions!

edie - I went for the first time a few years ago with my husbands’ family in a town near where he grew up and it was so much fun! And we didn’t even have funnel cakes. Add that to the mix and who could resist? This must be a midwestern thing but it’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t the brain child of a southerner!!
And the fact that you love it—makes me heart you even more.

Tracy - I have never been to a demolition derby but I love the small hometown feel of things so I’m sure I would like it to! I grew up in the country (in Arkansas) and so this is right up our alley – LOL Love the pictures and the fireworks and that funnel cake looks delicious! Have a great day, Meg and thanks for sharing! Big hugs! ;o)

Kat - The annual show at where my fiances parents live has a demo derby every night. We have been the past 2 years and it is so much fun! It is exactly as you mentioned. Corey sees so many people there that he hasn’t seen since school and it is always nice to catch up with them. But demo derby rocks!

Ali - Never been, but I so wasnt to now (my boys would be in car heaven).

Mary Beth - Never been, but I think my old 1977 AMC Spirit car is in one of your pictures!!!!! Love the midwest. No Place Better.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’ve never been… but you make it look amazing! If I ever have the chance, I am in!

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the summer list

here is our 2010 list.

you can see 2009 and 2008 also.
it helps for our summer to be a little more intentional.  
gives us new things to try…
activities to look forward to….
it's fun!

*36 hours of reading is through the public library 
(which means i will have to settle our bill to show my face in there again….ugh)

*Cooking Kids is a night where the kids are in charge of the entire meal for the family…individually.
we put each childs day on the calendar already.  
it should be interesting…i will only supervise or help when asked.

*Craft Thursdays is my promise to be organized enough to have a different craft ready every thursday.
i have a pretty big list of what i want to do.
i will share them all…but you knew that didn't you?

and i was right about monday.
it wasn't good.
highs are so often followed by lows.
i hate that.

who is going to come over here and tell these kids how to behave…because i am tired of doing it.
and they don't listen to me anyway.

i am trying my best to use my quiet inside calm voice.
i am sure i have one…it is just hard to find it. 

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Judy Beal - I’ve had summer lists all of my life…as a kid…as a mom…now as a Grams…but yours is the most colorful and inspiring one I’ve ever seen. Thanks!

ooemnraj - [url=”″]nfl jerseys league[/url]

Shelby - Are you going to do a winter/christmas bucket list on your chalkboard?

Elizabeth - Love this list! I esp love the Craft Thursdays and Cook Kids. And of course the dedication to the library!!! Your kids are lucky; this will be a great summer!

Amy - I am looking forward to making this with my kiddos. I linked to it as part of my Summer Fun Days series 🙂

Jenny @ DIY Newlyweds - This is so cute! You’ve totally inspired me and I’ve made my own list: Thanks for the great idea!

christine - Just wanted to tell you THANKS! for the awesome summer list idea. I made one with my eldest daughter and I am totally loving our list. You never fail to inspire me! Blessings on your day!

Laura - Well maybe I am a little ate but…. I have ust started following you for about a month and I must say I am kind of smitten with you & your blog. I made my own Grandma list today and wrote about it on my blog of course giving you the credit for the idea. Thanks for all of your inspiring words & ideas

Aimee @ In THIS Life - Thank you so, so much for this idea! I read about it at A Soft Place, and my boys and I just had to do one of our own!

Su@The Intentional Home - found your blog from link on Just A Girl. I can’t wait to get some time to look around… love the castle craft idea!! I am so doing that with the kids in the neighborhood!! And looking forward to reading what you have to say about crazy love (just finished reading that book).
Just wanted to let you know that I linked to this summer schedule post. Here is the post I did:
I am longing for a summer rhythm so thanks for the inspiration!!

Stacey - Hi Meg! I found you through Kimba at ASPTL and love this idea for the Summer List. So I put it here on my “Best of…” from around blog world!
You can find it here:

Christen Hopkins - I’ve been doing this for years with my kids too 🙂 It’s great for making summer intentional – something we added this year is playdate Thursdays, where each of my kids gets to invite a friend from school (not a neighborhood friend – cause they’re here every other day!) over in the afternoon. I had to laugh at your library comment – me too!! My record fine is over $20 – Just tryin to support my local library ; )

jeanne - We just finished ours:-)

stacey - Totally hijacking this idea! My girls will love it!

Adventures in Dressmaking - Nice! What a cute list!
On my list is go berry picking at U-pick places. Yummmmmmm!

Semi-Slacker Mom - I LOVE this idea & I’m totally stealing it! This will be a fabulous way to cut down on the “I’m bored”. Thanks for sharing!

dydanas - Thank you for this inspiration! I made one with my family this summer!

Beth - We made a summer list too, thanks for the inspiration. I posted a picture of ours on facebook.

Suzanne Gallagher - What a fantastic idea……My family plans to make our own over the week-end – love your blog!!!!

Courtney - Love, Love, Love this idea! I will have to create a fun list for my family and post it! We are taking our children to the 7 wonders of Kansas this year 🙂

Corinne - Love love love your summer list idea. 🙂 I just may need to make one for my own fam.

Tonya - What a great idea – I need to do that and I don’t even have kids! BTW – it’s technically called Willis Tower now (instead of Sears Tower). I hate it when they rename stuff like that – it will always be Sears Tower to me too.

Jennifer - Love the idea of a summer list! I will have to do this with my kids.

Melanie - I love your summer list. Since Caden is my only child and he is 16 so our list is flying to Atlanta to stay with friends, he’s going to Texas to visit his cousins, and as a family we are going to San Francisco, Yosemite, & Lake Tahoe. No list made but a lot of fun is going to happen:) Enjoy your summer.

Toni :O) - You are an amazing mother who totally inspires me…I needed this lift since I lost my job on Tuesday. School is out for my kids in about two weeks and I want to make this summer as special as I can, especially if I won’t be able to find another job right away. I think your kids are so lucky to have you. I know, you’re lucky to have them but seriously, you have such a gift, thank you for sharing it with all of us. It helped to brighten my spirits when they have literally been really down in the dumps!

tinycandi - We “stole” this idea last year from you and the girls LOVED it. We just did it again the other day for this summer’s list. The girls are so excited…thank you for the awesome idea!

Jaime - I love your summer lists! I think last year I started reading your blog during the summer and didn’t see your cool idea until you guys had checked a lot of things off! This year I am doing this with my 3 kiddos-they aren’t done with school until 6/18 though. 🙁 Love the idea of making it more intentional and also please please please post your craft ideas! I am craft challenged but my kids LOVE them!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - This is SO great! I’m inspired! I’m a new visitor to your sweet spot here. I’ve enjoyed poking around! 🙂

tasha roe - you always have the best ideas!! i cant wait to do this for my kiddos.

Rachel - Oh my gosh we just did this a couple of weeks ago! Ours are still rough drafts stuck to the fridge, but I told my kids it was their “beach pail list” (instead of bucket list, and since we live near the beach….ok, maybe not so clever, but “whatever”)Anyhoo, yours is so cute! I’m definitely hoping it keeps me on task, embracing these fleeting moments with my kids…my kids put on theirs “a penny a page”…which was my summer reading plan one year. Now they read too fast and two kids in particular would have me broke by the end of summer!

CK - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your summer list! We did it last summer, too. Our kiddos loved it. What a great memory and motivator! We are already brainstorming for this summer:) Have a great summer!

Tam - I did a summer list last year (thanks for the fantabulous idea!) We plan to do another one this weekend. Our kids still have one more month of school 🙁

Robyn - im so inspired! going to get my list started! thanks for sharing.
and im relieved to hear im not the only one trying REALLY hard to use my calm voice. really really hard. is it the pre-summer excitement that has the kids acting wild?!?! i hope this passes sooner than later!

Trina McNeilly - I love this idea.. i think i might try a {mini} version since mine are still pretty mini. But we need some intentional planned fun {since i’m not feeling my funnest lately}. And I’m glad I’m not the only one trying to find my inside quiet voice most days. Hope your Wednesday is just right!
xoxo trina

linda@LimeintheCoconut - I wanna be in YOUR family…..{whiiiiiine}

jess - i look forward to seeing your summer list every year!!!! its here!!! my kids are in school till june17th but we will be starting this tradition!!! great list!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Great ideas! I’ll come over. Or you should come to Scottsdale. And drop the kids off. And you and C could go out. Seriously. Anytime!

tami reed - Sounds fun and not that costly

Dianne Avery - Sigh….I could have written those last two sentences too. It’s so tough right now. Sorry, but it makes me feel better that you feel it too. 🙂
I love the idea of the summer list. We might have to make one of our own here.

Ann Marie - I currently live in Denver but most of my family and grandparents live in Chase Co. I was so hapy to see the waterfall on your summer list. My family and I will be there the 4th of June. . . Who knows, maybe we will see you there!

Jenny - exactly the same reason i keep putting off taking my girls to the library…the inevitable fine lingering for 2 years 🙂
i think i am just going to have them get their own cards and start over?

DreamGirlLisa - Megan, you are such an inspiration, I wish I lived close to you and could join you for some of your summer fun!

chasity - great list….
i think i’ll just make it easy on myself and use yours. ha.
i’ll have to google the chase county waterfall though.
i was hoping badly to get to go to chicago for our birthdays~
which are all in june. they have wanted to go to the sears tower since they were 3 and 5. isn’t that funny?!

Jesse @ Good Girl Gone Glad - This is such a great idea! Might just have to borrow it.

Laura Van Buren - Love this idea! I think I will plan to do something like this for our family next week, when my kiddos are out of school!

candace - Just like the reader above, I “found” you through your list post on Melissa’s Inspired Room. It was instant blog love!
Can’t wait to see your wonderful summer!

Charity - Hang in there – those frustrating, discouraging days don’t last! I find it helpful to do something nice for myself – read, take a bath, lock myself away for a bit…
I love your list this year! I “found” you last year, and we made our own list for 2009. The kids have already started planning what we’re going to put on this year’s list!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Bring on the crafts, Crafty Mama! I always get fantastic ideas from you…like this list, for example.

Erin - Glad to see I am not the only one who has to settle a bill at the public library. LOL

Lori - Oh, I forgot to ask…what are peppernuts?

Lori - Your summer list is wonderful as always. It makes me long for summer. My daughter’s high school graduation isn’t for 3 more weeks! And her brother has to go for three days after that! At least we can start summer living vicariously through you. And as usual, thanks for the comments that keep it real. We all go through the rough patches where the ideal summer we had in mind doesn’t resemble what is really happening. Overall though, a bad summer day is better than a bad winter day, right? 🙂

Totally Shrewd - Okay, I so love this. Living intentionally is so important. Your list is awesome; I’m going to make one for our family. My little girl is only 7 months old but there are so many things I want so introduce her to in her First Summer! 🙂

Sarah@Clover Lane - Settled my library debt today! 🙂 Not as bad as I thought.

michelle from 6 in the city - I love, love, love you summer list. What a great thing to create and display!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Great idea. So going to copy this with my girlies. I like the idea of intentional living. Goals are sooo good. Thank you Meg! Hope your day gets higher:)

Courtney Walsh - My friend does this too! I’ve never seen it before, but I’m going to have to try it this year. 🙂 Looks fun!!

christine - Oh, the peppernuts on the list cracks me up – that must be a Kansas thing. (although in our family, peppernuts are strickly a Christmas activity.) I LOVE your summer list idea! As we are about 4 weeks away from summer break here in oregon, i am starting to get anxious about keeping my 4 and 6yo occupied. I think I’m going to do this too! thank you!

Chauncey - Meg,
Your summer list is amazing! It has totally inspired me to make one for our family this summer too. The summer goes by so fast and I’m always left with a sinking feeling that we didn’t get to do everything I wanted to do. But, making a list will really help us to have some ideas and actually do them! I am so excited to display our big list of ideas and show them to my hubby. Thanks for the great ideas and for being real about motherhood. I am always inspired after reading your blog each day.

laura - i started “craft thursdays” as a new year resolution and it has been SO. MUCH. FUN. can’t wait to see your projects. thanks for your blog…..

Georgia - Sounds fun… few questions though. (im from the UK, so dont understand some of them)
what is a block party?
what is a froggie pool?
What is worlds of fun?
Thanks 🙂

stacie jameson - I know my library bill right now is $100.00. 14 books 1 month late.

Sandy - oops, of course I meant when I was still 43…. It’s hard to keep track of how old I am… or was… or will be… whatever!

Sandy - You’re so good with your lists. I’m still working on MAKING my 45 things to do before I’m 45 list. I started the list when I was still 44 and I’m already 3 months into being 44. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get back to that and get serious. You’re an inspiration.
The kids will calm down…all excitement for summer right now. 🙂

amy jupin - we’re doing our list on friday. i just might try adding a cooking kids night or two. that would make for some good blog material! 🙂

Amber - I LOVE your summer lists. This summer I have a 3 year old & love taking time to be intentional with her…so we’re making a list tomorrow. She’ll love it! Can’t wait to try it out:). You’re so cool….hehe

Lora - … think i’ll make a summer list too :O)
Can’t wait to see your summer pics and read your summer thoughts.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I’m not sure if you are able to read all of your comments any more. But I just wanted to tell you that after an extended long weekend away from blog writing and reading, I had a chance today to catch up. I am always touched by who you are and how your words resonate with me, and obviously hundreds if not thousands of others. (the bathing suit comment for instance) There is something about your voice when sharing your days that is special. I have not found it in another blog yet. And I just wanted to thank you for taking the time.

Molly Pearce - Can you adopt me for the summer so I can hang with y’all? Just kidding! This list looks like a blast!!! Have a fun and happy summer!!
~Molly P

Julie Cox - How fun to make peppernuts during the summer and not just at Christmas time!!!

Melissa - I love your summer list! I do some of those same things, or did as a child. Maybe I need an adult summer list!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I made a summer list last year too. My daughter has been asking to make another one. Love Crafty Thursdays. I may try that too.

Sarah - Wow! Love your list, I am determined to make one for this summer! And I have to admit that I am currently on the Most Wanted Library list also! TOO funny!

Nicole Q. - Our lists are looking similar!! I can’t decide if I should display mine yet . . . . i’m worried my youngest ones will think we are going to do 10 things in a day! Exhaustion. Love the Cooking Kids Night and the Craft Thursdays!!!!

Gemma - Love your summmer list!!
Gemma X

Sarah - So, when you find your quiet inside voice, can you point a sister in the right direction? Thanks. 🙂

Lisa - Hope you get that free throw line painted this summer! 🙂

Chris - Your comment about the library made me laugh. I just settled my bill – a whopping $55 fine – and I only have one child at home!! I’m sure the librarians just love me!

Kimberlee J. - We’re making a list of our own!

jen smith - love your list. there are some great ideas that i may have to borrow. i’m with you on the library. it’s been years(yes with an S) since we’ve been back cause i forgot to return a video and we now have a huge fine. what kind of mother am i?

Lindsay Bay - wow, I love this summer list idea. this will be my first summer break and I think aside from the traveling we will do, this will really help fill the time. now, time for me to get planning!

jamie - hahahaha. gafaw. sudden burst of outloud laughter. you so are my best friend. i knew this when you said you had to settle your money owed at the library to show your face. i always say it’s for a good cause. so embarassing, seriously. please please please post how much your grand total is. i will confess, the highest has been $20 for me. i am much better now. $6 is the high now only on occassion.

Jeannette - I love the list, we started one about a week ago and we are still adding to it so by the official first day of summer we will have an official list. This will be my first year staying home with the kids over the summer and I am so excited. I know there are going to be challenges everyday because mine are 4 and 13 and love to get on each others nerves (and mine too) on a daily basis. If you find someone that can work some magic on the behaving and listening could you send them my way too. I am curious, what is a making peppernuts?? Love your blog, thanks for the inspiration…………Have a great summer!!!

Katie - I love the idea of having a list to keep you on track! My little one is only 2, so no need for a list just yet, but I’m definitely bookmarking this idea for the future.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Love your list. My favorite is the Sears Tower. Thank you for not calling it the Willis Tower, ick. Love your blog, thanks for being real!

j - I love your list – it has inspired me to do one too.
Mondays are always bad so I decided years ago that Mondays would be cleaning day. Like, the day couldn’t get any worse, might as well clean.

Laura - Love it! I’ve been waiting to see your list. Now, I need to get myself to DG to buy some posterboard and make one for my family. Thanks for keeping it real. We love you for it!

Amber - My family made a list last year after I saw yours online. We loved it and are gearing up to make our summer list this weekend. Thanks for a great idea!

stodd - Oh, and things are the same in the this house. We are going to try to start the Family Meeting thing similar to what they do on I decided that everything… watching TV, going to Sonic, playing with friends is a privilege and if they want that, they need to meet Dad and I’d expectations… which are our family rules that I copied from Lindsey Cheney. We’ll see if I actually stick with this!

stodd - Oh, thank goodness, there are others who have heavy fines at the library. I cringe to think what would happen if I used my card… major fines on that. So, I used my hubby’s and racked it up too. Hopefully one of my three girls have a card we can use! 😉

Charlene - I ALWAYS owe the library money too….So glad I’m not the only one. Last time I had to pay $15 (hanging head in shame), I’m not even sure how it got to be so high.
My summer to do list includes stuff that I need to take care of, maybe I should try doing one your way. It looks way more fun than mine does!

Queen Bee - You are my “Favorite Mom In The World (Other Than My Own)”. You are so real. I love your honesty. It’s refreshing. I love your goals and ideals you teach your kids.
I’m gonna work on a Summer 2010 list with my own little one (same as Annie…. going to kindergarten in the fall).

Lane - What a great idea! When my son grows up, I’m definitely stealing this idea!

Betsy - I love that you encourage your children to cook and learn how to do so. I wish my mother had done that for me. There is a lot of “Shake and Bake” in my house. I cant wait till my children and I can learn to cook together!

Leigh - Hi Meg! Love your list. I need to do that just for focus. Summer goes so quick. I did not think I was going to survive Monday in my house. 4 teenagers at home. I need to get a plan! Thanks for your inspiration. Leigh

AshleyAnn - We made our Meg inspired summer list yesterday on the chalkboard wall…the boys didn’t quite get that it isn’t stuff we do nearly everyday, but oh well. We marked off half the way in one day – too add more or not? I’m impressed by the weekly craft, I’ll just copy yours the following week then I don’t have to think of any!

shelly - I absolutley adore you! (Is that too stalker-ish?!?…sorry ;)). When I was a young mom of 3 tiny boys, I felt like a total failure…nothing was how I thought it should be. Thank you for being real—you have a beautiful life with amazing kids (its not always sunshine and rainbows and you’re brave enough to show it!–way to go momma!)
I love your summer lists! I’ve got a brand new chalkboard drying just for this purpose! I’m hoping it will give our summer more memories and less fighting 🙂
Our library shoots you an email 2 days before the books are due…LIFESAVER! And we have a book basket—no library books upstairs and when you’re done reading, you put it back in the basket (I hated the infamous “lost” book run 5 min before I planned on leaving for the library!)

Laura Phelps - my Monday ended so badly…that I didn’t even have it in me to blog about it.
poor Nick came home to me cooking dinner crying…
these kids can really break you down…
here is to more of those beautiful Sundays…

kari - I LOVE reading your blog and love your list. My kids aren’t out until June 2 so I have a few more days with just one child at home.
You should come to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo sometime – it’s one of the top in the nation I think! I need help with my kids behaving too – it’s seems like lately all they do is argue and not listen and all I do is yell 🙁

Sally - Love it! My littlest one just turned 2 which means we can do A LOT more this summer than last. Thanks for always sharing your fun creative ideas! Maybe another posting you could have everyone share one of their favorite summer things they did. I love to get new ideas. Thanks.
p.s. i looked at 2008 & 2009 and i love how 2010 is so COLORFUL!!!!!

Candy - LOVE this and have been wanting to copy you since I first saw it summer 08. I already have my poster board ready and am determined to make my kids a fun summer list soon! Hope you do share your craft ideas! 🙂 Thanks!!! 🙂

Heather K. - Oh I love the summer list. I may just have to create one of my own with the family this weekend.

christine - What a great idea! I agree with the above posters- thanks for keeping it REAL! and just the fact that you made a list like this tells me you MUST be an awesome mom!

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - I love your eye-catching (and fun!) summer list. We always make a summertime wish list too. It helps to keep us focused and ready for adventure. It also helps us to not waste valuable time wondering “What are we going to do today?” Can’t wait to sit down and plan/dream…
And I too appreciate that you share the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s refreshing and heartening to know that we’re all muddling through the rough patches while delighting in the joyful moments and memories too. As a wife/mom, some days are awesome while others are just about surviving. Thanks for keeping it real.
Happy Summertime!

Kelley - I LOVE your list for summer and am going to start on our own tonight once the kids are home from school (this is their last week!).
Have you heard of Love & Logic? There are lots of CD’s and books found on Amazon, but Jim Fay’s CD about the Energy Drain has truly been a life saver for me in restoring my voice and sanity with non-listening kids. Truly the best seven bucks I ever spent on a CD.

Tara - this is on my list to do THIS week…I’ll give you a shout out for it!

patti - i’m totally doing the list this year. i feel like my kids are old enough to help make the list and it will help me stay true to my promises with them.
oh, and i’ve been doing this lately “what would michelle duggar do” – when my kids start acting like total banshees and don’t listen to a word i say, i just start talking like her and they totally laugh. it lightens the air.

nora - Maybe change the meaning of “cooking kids?” Would that help them get in line a bit? 🙂
I have a list for the summer but it’s got things like “clear out garage” and “re-caulk bathtub” booooring! You’ve inspired me to make a fun list for activities to enjoy with my baby this summer. Thanks!

Jill - Thank you for sharing ALWAYS. You share the good, you share the bad. It makes the rest of us feel better to know there are other moms in the world that go through the same ups and downs. I am excited to see what you and your family get up to this summer! 🙂

Trish - Love your summer to do list! YOU are my inspiration to be a more intentional mommy! Yes and we all have to find our inside voices every now and again! 🙂

Jessie Miller Sterling - I have to know what your Chase Co. Waterfall is. It sounds super fun, and I see it’s been on there for 3 years, it must be FUN! Oh, and I LOVE your Happy Things list. It’s my favorite.

kristine - great list as always! it will be a fun summer. sorry about yesterday. was it a full moon? i was ready to get back in bed not long after i got up when i could already tell what kind of day it was going to be 🙂 thank God He gave us a new one today!

aimee - oh my gosh, did you take a field trip to my brain? haha… this reflects so many of my days, right down to settling the library bill. FABULOUS list!! the sunflower field is on ours, too – we go to one just north of lawrence to pick sunflowers and take pictures in september!

Jenny - I love your list! I stole your idea last summer, it was fun to check things off all summer! We are planning on making our new list this week. Thanks for the idea!!

Amy - I’m 31 and when I grow up I want to be like you! You are super cool! I love your blog and I agree with a previous comment your blog is one of the only ones that I find to be real ,and don’t put on a front. I love that about you and your blog! I have a 4 year old and last night I lost my inside voice and after he went to bed “a little bit mad at me” I felt so guilty, but after reading your blog, I knew I wasn’t alone and that we all have our rough moments with our kids. In your own words “Thank you for that!” I’m hoping my low last night is followed by a high tonight. I love your blog and you are a inspiration to me!

Cindy - Love your list…we did one last year…but it was no where near as cute and colorful!! Loving your rainbow cake too…but I think we’ll stick with our “ice-cream for dinner on the first/last day of summer” tradition…MUCH less work for me…boy did that sound lazy!!:)
Enjoy the day
By the way…new here and LOVE your blog!

Bec - I’m a substitute teacher. While I don’t have any kids of my own (yet) I know the frustration of having kids not listen to a word you say. Granted I get paid to be sassed and have kids treat me like dirt, but not fun all the same! I have a really easy homeade french fry recipe- you cut a potato (russet or baking) into 8 equal wedges, brush with a little bit of oil and season how you like (we use steak seasoning from penzeys) and cook in the oven at 450 for 45 minutes. Flip about halfway through and you’re done!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh peppernuts…that’s such a kansas thing! my mother in law gave me a peppernut maker for christmas one year. i’ve never used it….it seems like a lot of work for one little tiny cookie. but i bet my kids would love to use that doo-hicky. we’ve done our summer list too…so fun!

Marcie - Can I just say how much I LOVE your blog?! You are inspiring me to be a better mom! There is a summer list and rainbow cake in this family’s future:)

sara's art house - Thank you, thank you, thank you for this list- this is inspiration for me. We are getting to that place of needing to make some summer plans. I have to be careful when I come visit you because I end up wanting to copy every single thing you do 🙂

Vera - Can I come be one of your kids this summer?

Cori - I love your list. I am going to try one for us this year. I want to do the library thing but I have the same issue as you. I am a wanted woman. Plus when we go there they just wants DVD’s to rent and you know they cost the big bucks when they get lost! We have bookcases (with books in them) all through our house so I do try and get them reading. Happy summer. In New York, where I live , the kids don’t get out till June 25th. It is so hard to get them in to do homework on these beautiful days!

Lillian - LOVE:) I copied you last summer and this summer and it’s been so great to have a fun list. Checking things off of a list in by far one of the greatest satisfactions in life:)

sarah - We had a really good weekend followed by rough monday also.
Crazy big tantrums. But I only have one. so I can’t imagine your house on a rough monday.
I LOVE the list.
I hope to start some of our own in the summers to come. 🙂

jody - Megan – thanks for being honest & not coming off as the Mom who always keeps so cool & enjoys every s.i.n.g.l.e. minute with her kids and admits there are rough times…your blog is one of the few I’ve found that is REAL about being a Mama – the good, the divine, & the bad (& ugly!!)
I’m making our summer list tonight with my boys – thanks for the nudge!

angela - Love your lists! Look so forward to seeing them every year. And I love how colorful they are. Plus, I am a check list kind of girl!

Jessica - One Shiny Star - Looks like a summer full of fun!

Kari - I love your lists and the fact that you guys actually follow them! That’s a recipe for a great summer! So sorry to hear about your Monday; I feel like lows are always followed by highs 🙂

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