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i honestly FORGET to exercise.
and FORGET to eat well.
i get stuck on auto pilot.
or eat based off my feelings… #allthesugar
and i love to sleep late so very much.

so i made this list today and hung it in my bathroom.
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i put it where i spend time everyday…and hope i will notice it and i’ll say “oh yeah… that is why i should do it!”
i am reeeeeally good at coming up with reasons to not exercise.
so this should be a good competitor with my excuses.
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and then i made this list and hung it in the kitchen.
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and i might make one for my dashboard of my car.
because making the healthy choice is sometimes not even on my radar!

AND… i am doing a new workout dvd!
i know that i switch programs often but let’s face it… doing the same routine for too long gets really dull.
i like to have a variety to choose from.
i enjoy knowing i can mix it up when i get bored.

This new program is called “The Master’s Hammer & Chisel”
(super corny name but a good workout)
the nutrition program in H&C has the same color coded food containers as the 21 Day Fix program.
so the H&C seems to be kind of the Body Builder version of 21 Day Fix?   🙂
jay kay.
it’s just more weights AND cardio.
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i know… that is a lot of skin… makes me cold just looking at them!  it’s like 20 degrees here today!
but Autumn Calabrese DID really bulk up!
and still not wearing much clothing… HA.

i am not looking to be a body builder or a bikini competitor.  (gasp!)
i just want to be healthy(er).
and move my body.
and feel good.

i loved the 21 Day Fix program!
it was challenging but not impossible.
if you are just starting out with fitness… start with that!
it’s a really good place to begin.
both the H&C and the 21 Day uses the food containers for portion control.
it’s almost fool proof.

so….. WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME!?  🙂  🙂  🙂
let’s have our own online fitness accountability and encouragement group!!
come on….. it will be fun!  (as fun as working out can be…)

My friend Marta is a women’s fitness specialist.
she will be our coach to encourage us through 21 days of accountability.
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she’ll share nutritional tips, motivational information and challenge us to become our healthiest selves.
i promise to check in often to share how the workout went for me, share recipes & other fun stuff.

to join the group…

1. click here at to order either the Hammer & Chisel program, the 21 Day Fix program OR 21 Day Extreme
(the other programs don’t use the same nutritional program so these 3 options are what this group is going to use)

2. email Marta at with your order number and she will sign you up for the group

we will start the group on January 25 and continue through February 15.
that gives you time to receive your program & get prepared.

i’m smiling already just thinking how good we are going to feel mid febraury!!!

let’s do this!
accountability is good thing!
ask away!

Kim - I finally heard back from Marta about whether or not the 21-day fitness plan was Gluten Free (it is!!!), so I am thinking it may be just what I need to jump start my weight loss. How many people are there signed up for the challenge? Thanks for offering to host this accountability group!!

Jodi - I also have already purchased the 21 day program last summer, can I still join?

Ashley - Hey there! I’ve never commented but I wanted to recommend trying a barre fitness class. I’m a runner and have done the beach body dvd programs too and in the past 4 months of attending barre classes at a local studio, ive seen amazing results. And it doesn’t feel like working out- it’s hard but super fun. Anyways, just wanted to share 🙂

Marta - Hey all! I’ll try answering some questions….
email me if it’s easier so I don’t miss anyone.

Jenn- if you buy the program, there will be no reoccurring fees or anything like that! I’ll add you to my group for free. just email me your order number so I know you purchased and I can email you back.

michele- did you purchase from me? or do you have another coach you are working with? email me:

megan- yes, you can eat whatever you’d like (except donuts with every meal, obviously! ha) and I will help you with the nutrition part for sure. that is my “thing.” 🙂 and you’ll need some light dumbbells, a mat and a big yoga ball or a bench– either one is great. you can modify the exercises if you don’t have these items. you DO need some light weights though for sure. I use 5 and 10’s mostly.

Michele - I purchased the 21 day fix last summer but never stuck with it. Can I join the group anyway or do I have to purchase a new program?

Kim - I have 30 lbs. to lose, but wow would it be a great kick start to lose those first 15 in 21 days. A couple of questions before I “sign on the dotted line” #1 – I cannot eat gluten, so want to make sure that I will be able to follow the 21-day fix and not eat any. #2 – are we expected to do 30 min. of exercise all 7 days of the week? Ai-yi-yi. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! (I work full time and am 58 years old, but am determined to begin to be a little selfish and think about myself in 2016).

meg duerksen - Megan… That’s a good question! I’ll have Marta leave a comment here for that. And I would think you can adjust the container system for vegetarians. I’ll have Marta answer that too 😀

Lola - I might be stealing some or ALL of your lists!!! JOY is my word for this year-I pick one each year (well I only started last year-that word was brilliant:) BUT I start TUCK on Thursday-it’s workout with some resistance props and yoga and ballet barre. It will make me stronger once I an walk again after a few sessions! I NEED this. I used to be soooo fit and also just naturally did not gain weight and I love the snacks and the sleeping in and winter is ugh BUT I am doing this! It’s this-making my body work for me-and finishing my book! As I write this I am in the airport at St. Maarten where it is beautiful! I am traveling home from spending some time with my son at medical school and with the island. I am going back to awful weather BUT I am going to work out! I will think of you and your inspiration when I don’t want to go!!!!

Megan - Next question: Where are the necessary supplies for Hammer & Chisel listed? I can’t find them anywhere on the website.

Megan - It’s too much of a coincidence that I’m hearing about Hammer & Chisel two days in a row. A sign from the universe that I should do it, perhaps?

Question: Are there vegetarian food options with the little container system? How do you work in feeding your family along with sticking to the program? I’m so tempted to join…

Sarah Lahrman - I’m in!!!

Lori H - Good for you, Meg! Would you consider making your list (s) a printable for us? I would need to change the “40” to a “53” – or I could pretend that I am 40! 🙂

Maribel Q - I’m 5 5 and 140ish. I’m sort of ok with my weigh gain over the last seven years since having my son. I’d much rather be firm and fit and also change my eating habits. Is this the 21 day program for me

Katie Skiff - MArta rocks but I’d probably have a heart attack if I jumped into H&C.. Oiy! I do like the program tho, and have seen REAL RESULTS. So yeah… just my 2 cents! 🙂 I love your signs, and am going to do something similar in the kitchen esp. And on the snack cupboard. And the freezer….

amy jupin - so which one is the hammer and which one is the chisel?

you are gonna rock this challenge!
i just know it!

meg duerksen - Dear T-licious! the accountability part plays out by checking in that did your work out. you can commiserate with other in the group about how challenging it was or you can tell everyone how strong you feel or struggling with temptation or share a healthy snack you just discovered! kind of like a fitness support group! 🙂 Knowing that everyone in the group is using the same nutrition program and exercising hard helps make it not as hard to get going. hopefully! no photos of weigh-ins. unless you are dying to share! then you could. i will not be doing that. and i prefer to wear autumn’s “clothes” as my headband. HA HA HA

meg duerksen - Jean – yes! there is no other charge. the group is free with the purchase of a program. 🙂

T-licious - How does the accountability part work? I don’t have to take pictures of me weighing in do I? Does Autumn’s outfit come with the DVD’s? Cause I’d like to wear that, on one of my calves. But seriously, how do you check in, etc?

Jenn - I have a question….All I do is select the program I want and that’s it? Its just the one time charge? No reoccurring charges? I guess that was three questions 😉

Karin - You should read my food story. I just put it out on Etsy.

Kelly S. - I never thought I NEEDED accountability in life, but I DO, and it works.

One of my 2016 goals is to walk, run or bike 2016 miles this year (comes out to 38 miles a week). A far-reaching goal for me, but I’m on pace. Great job making a plan for your goals.

Jenn - Ok! I’m seriously thinking of doing this. I want and need to loose 10-15 lbs. I’m tired and sluggish. I run on a regular basis, but I need to get my eating under control. And like you, I love sugar…oh sugar you taste so good, but so bad for me.

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