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Category Archives: creativity

so silly


annie changes her clothes at least once in the day.

she wears something to school and by mid-afternoon….she's in another outfit.
usually something lovely like this one.
complete with headband!
and she has no problem changing later after that.
things match if they are her favorites…that's WHY they match.
i love that thought.
honestly though…i don't care how she dresses at all.
it just makes me smile when i come into a room and see what she's come up with.
she is in a drawing phase…with markers.
in less than a month she has gone through an entire pack of computer paper.
500 sheets!
i think 400 of them are houses.
she is working on the perfect house….
where does she get that?

Gini - Oh, my. I am nervous now – my 11 year old middle schooler is purposefully dressing mis-matched. Not sure why….shouldn’t she have stopped this a long time ago????
Your daughter is too cute for words.

Jennifer P. - I have always loved seeing Annie’s outfits too. I’ve been reading and watching a year now and am glad she hasn’t lost her ‘style’ yet 🙂

Jaime Melcher - Precious! I LOVE that she changes clothes more than once a day… my 4 yr. old does the same thing! 🙂 Be sure to post a picture of her house drawing -perfected! 🙂

traci - i absolutely love annies sense of style. she will be a designer of some sort in her lifetime – clothes or houses. she’s a doll.

Kirsten - Ahhh! she reminds me of my daughter’s little friend…always in sequins and over-accessorized. I say I’d love to see her at 80, walking a poodle, with a feather boa…

Sheryl @ My Joyful Home - I love it! I teach preschool and I love when children come to school in their own creations. Some of the parents apologize and I tell them I think it’s great. A definite sign of independence! I’ve had some children come to school with their pants on backwards or even wearing two different shoes!

Starnes Fam - Precious.
I tried your french toast bake this morning with family in town. A bit hit! Thanks for the recipe.

julie - That is so my life. Every bit of it, except they usually look way crazier.
Someone told me to chill out when they pick their own clothes because no mother in the world would think that I purposefully chose the things they were wearing.
It changed everything.
Now it is sort of charming in a Punky Brewster way, complete with Lulu’s mullet and Halley’s dreadlocks.
She has the best matching philosophy as well!

Mary Beth - I used to feel so SORRY for children who had mis-matched clothes. Where Were Their Mothers!
The LUCKY children are the ones dressed like this!!!
Megan usually wore duck boots and several tutuus.

chas at the wild raspberry - oh the wardrobe changes…this is my 5 year old to a “T”!
her armoire is in a constant state of chaos!!!!
glad i’m not the only one
have a great easter

Vera - I wanted to add that I LOVE what you said about things matching because she loves them…that’s my decorating philosophy. Nothing in my house “matches” except that it’s all stuff I love, so somehow it all goes together because it’s all stuff I love.

melissa - …the OCD in me gets really irritated when they “waste” paper…I need to ease up and let my boys create!!! Thank you for showing me this!

elisa - so so sweet. Love all the clothes, hate all the laundry.

Stephanie Howell - She’s creative and inventive!! those will be great characteristics for her to have as an adult!
She is just tooooo cute!

CherryTreeLane - I am obsessed with her outfit. She is a DIVA!

Jill Adkins - LOVE IT!!! We have ALWAYS let them come up with their “outfits”- they are ALWAYS fun AND colorful!!!

kristine - darling! and i totally get that “match because they’re her favorites.” love it. good for her! and good for YOU to not make that a battle!

Trina McNeilly - She is too cute.. we have that tank.. and now I’m thinking a funky headband like that might be necessary 🙂

Alyssa - meg, i bought 2 of those headbands & they have been my saving grace. when halle looks a mess, i just throw the headband on!! fixed!! she wore it this morning dying easter eggs in pjs. totally made the pictures 🙂

Shannan - Calvin has been in a similar phase for over a year now! It cracks me up. He will only wear something that is sports-themed and reluctantly allows me to help him find something a little nicer for church on Sunday. He looks ridiculously cute nearly every day, and I love it, too!

kristin - yes, yes, yes.
i have two kids like this and one who DOES not care what he wears, just as long as he doesn’t have to stop to get them.

adrienneK - so cute!! my zoe (3 years old) is really into picking her own clothes now,lots of very uh…ahem “neat” combos 😉

Darby - We call that stuff “printer paper” and next time I buy it I’m getting two reams bc my girls go through it soooooo fast too! I love to see them create… what a treasure!

Sophie - She is so sweet!
And despite me being A LOT older than her, her fashion sense is far better than mine!

Wendy - She’s so fashion forward! But only two outfits a day? I don’t think she’s living up to her full potential there… ;o)

sarah - cute cute cute

Staci - Ohhh, Precious Annie 🙂

Vera - Both the wardrobe changes and marker obsession remind me SO much of my daughter right now! I posted the first pictures of my room re-do on my blog earlier, which was inspired by your awesome READ room… you’ll notice some familiar Target sheets in there 🙂

traci - You are good….I have one who loves to change a lot but the laundry overload was making me NUTS!!! I finally said no more changing.
You are just soooooo easy going. She can change all she wants, use markers by the cream couch and all…lol
She is precious though…the older she gets the more adorable!!!!! I LOVE watching kids draw and watching them draw houses and people is my fav.

Christy - How adorable! I think the headband is my fav. 🙂 She is so cute. My son will also change after school, for no reason, just because. He has his favorite pieces too.

maribeth - don’t you just love how children see beauty?? and, what a great momma to let her express it her way!

sandy toe - Okay..what totally amazed me about this picture…is that she has markers next to the cream couch…you are a brace momma and she is just so cute!
sandy toe

Mod Girl - I love preschoolers! Such a fun age.

Adrienne Anderson - Hi,
I’ve never commented before, but I wanted to let you know that I referenced you on my blog. I am a friend of Erica Hang’s, who led me on to your blog site. I love checking in on the things you and your family come up with and I just wanted to say hello! I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your sewing ideas, but I’m assuming if you’re posting them, you know they’re probably inspiring others! 🙂

Dawn - Don’t you just love that age. They are so much fun. If you just didn’t have to wash all those clothes they wear in a day. Oh! who am I kidding they still change a couple times a day at 12 and 18 years old. I guess I am just having a different kind of fun these days. Annie is a cutie!!

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i am messy.

it's true.

as crazy as messes can make you feel (after awhile) they can also be so pretty too.
the craft room is a major huge mess.
and it feels good and happy.


pillows stacked over my head.
fabric piled everywhere.
scraps all over the place.
i am sure these pictures will make some of you cringe from all the mess…but it's just me.


my friend susan dropped off these boxes of ribbon just to be nice.
she thought i could use them on a cora project.
they are so happy just to look at and i can't wait for the perfect project.

i have stacks of shirts and hoodies to keep me busy yet.
i have been through many big boxes of stuffing.
my scrapbook supplies are buried back there somewhere…i will get back to that someday.

as i sew and cut i just let it fall on the floor.
i have only slipped on it once….
we've have been able to have the windows open even….so refreshing and sunny.

just after the funerals….i decided to paint the craft room.
it was something i could control.
nothing sad would come of me painting a wall.
i did the whole wall in chalkboard paint.
the little girls have been busy while i sew so it's win/win.

and are you wondering where the craft room is?
remember the new bathroom?
you have to go through my bedroom, through the new bathroom to get to it….
like a secret room just for me.


if i had a computer up there….i may never come out!

ok…..time for some shop talk.

i have lots more items to list.
my neighbor made a bunch of things for me to list.
i made many more pillows and shirts.
my PLAN is to list it all today.
then ship everything that sold last week tomorrow and friday.
and then start making things again.

but that was my plan yesterday too.  
i screwed up my pictures…i was very crabby…so were my kids….and i had a headache.
in effort to be proactive, today i MADE myself go for a walk for sunshine and exercise and health.
and i feel much better.

check tonight for the new stuff in the shop.

just so you know…i am LOVING the shop.
LOVING that you like it.
LOVING that the playground project is going so well.


it is beautiful.
she's beautiful….oh those cheeks and blue blue eyes!


Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista - Those pillows are delicious! I love your fabric! And oddly, admidst the mess, I took in some organizational ideas from you! 🙂

Trina - I like your mess!
Are you selling any of those fabulous pillows on your etsy site????? LOVE them!

jennifer Ramos - Hello Meg,
Thanks for visiting my blog, I also LOVE yours! Your home is soo cute…and I see your frame! You should go on an make one, it’s quite simple actually. I am in the process of getting a new camera, same as yours…or newer version. Canon Rebel….because I really love all the shots on your site, makes a HUGE difference no?? Are you happy with it?? : )
Jen Ramos
‘Cards & Prints You’ll Love…’

Amanda - I have to confess that I am obsessed with your blog! You are SOOOOOO inspiring! I dream of having a craft room like this one day!

Gini - This is the only place I can come and look at a mess that actually makes me happy. For one thing – it is a colorful, happy mess. and secondly – it’s not mine and that makes it fantastic. WOW!

Amber - I love all the color! I was wondering where I could find that awesome red and white damask fabric? Thank you soo much!

susanne p. - the pic above the chalkboard picture just screams happiness to me. i love it!!

Kathy Travis - I love it love it love it! Mine is even messier, but not nearly as colorful, so it just looks like a junk room. And I’m in the basement with not a lot of light. I envy your window! The chalkboard wall is awesome. I may have to just do that…

Chiot's Run - At least it’s a colorful mess! That makes it more bearable. I like messy colorful things in my gardens, no neatness here. No little round bushes with mulch at their feet, nope a big exuberant mess of blooms and weeds.
Love the pillows with the little ball fringe.

chas at the wild raspberry - oh, man. i would love to rummage through your craft room. i must admit, i would probably be folding things as i went but i would love it!!! beatiful fabrics and ribbons…a crafter’s heaven.
so nice to visit…{it’s my first time here and i liked it a lot}

Julia - holy cannoli

Alyssa - hey there! i’m not sure if i should request a custom order here or on your shop, but my daughter’s bday is march 16. i would really like to have her an outfit like you did for annie. i already have the tutu. halle will be 5. mostly just pinks, white & black. would love for the 5 to be black & white polka dot.. but whatever you come up with will be great. in a size 5. and would you like for me to prepay???

Liz - Meg… I wish we lived in the same town. I would so be your friend. 🙂

Debbie - Makes me feel right at home! You should see mine. Nice to see I’m not the only one. I tend to take over the whole house. Here a project, there a project! It’s all good though. Keeps me happy : )……..

jen - Wow. I am going to be lost in your blog for a while. It is refreshing and fun. Thank you!

Wendy - Love the chalkboard wall. I have one over my stove. I think everyone needs a little chalkboard paint somewhere in their home. As always, beautiful colors.

meleea - what a great craft room – you are a lucky girl!! continuing to follow cora’s blog and praying every day!


Christine - hi Meg,
would you consider shipping to canada if you increased shipping/handling?

Kathleen - LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!! It’s so happy! Where did you get the large letter M in your craft/sewing room? I’m searching for a large letter

Tammi - HI Meg, great mess!! Do you think you might could make some of your super cool and funky bottle-cap magnet thingies for your Etsy store??…love those things!! Um, possibly some with pics of cupcakes in them?? You are SO creative…

jerusalem G - Can’t wait to see what is new in the shop. That room is so happy and fun! It reminds me of my mom’s sewing room which is always a beautiful mess too!

Alyssa - PS. I told my hubby we need a new room and I need a craft room….LOL, I am not sure if I will get a new house just so I can have a craft room.

Alyssa - Love the “mess” I would welcome that creative mess anytime at my house. I just adore your stuff. LOVE IT. I ordered something.

katy - I think your mess is beautiful and colorfully happy! I love the chalkboard wall and am very jealous of your craft room. I want one! 🙂

sara's art house - Love the pillows and the chalkboard wall!!! I have chalkboard walls in my kitchen and LOVE it.

elisa - Oh Meg it is all so perfect. And your mess looks very familiar!

crystal - man how i wish i had your craft room and your talent. i’ve always wanted to sew but have a fear of it.

amy - yipee! i see a few of my pillows in those piles. so superdedooper excited to get them!
meg, please consider moving to alabama and being my bff! you are just too cool for school!
(why do i keep talking like an eighth grader??!!)

Kate Eschbach - I love the mess. I’m glad it’s not just me. Thank you for being beautiful.

Tami Reed - I loove all the colors some of your fabrics looks like Lily Pulitzer my favorite!

Kim - I love the craft room! I love the color in the pictures! and I love the mess!!!! My craft room is neglected and it is messy too!

Lazy Mom Leslie - I love that you are creating! I wish I had it in me to do that right now!

kristin - i want to move in there. you could rent it like a retreat.
thank you for my surprise. it is so wonderful, wonderful in so many ways.

Courtney - I don’t think you can be creative without a bit of a mess 🙂

Ashley Ann - That looks like crazy fun…and majorly theraputic (I know I spelled that wrong!). I have my eye on ones of those pillows…off to your shop to see if I can score it!

danyele - i look about 25 times a day at the etsy–cora stuff. there were like 625 items still for sale…i’m so happy! and your stuff is uber fab!

ang - Love your messes, love your craftiness! Have got to get some of those pillows!!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

Patti - that’s the most beautiful mess i’ve ever seen!

traci - what a wonderful, creative mess it is. i think creative messes are the only good kind of messes. you are on a roll. good for you. they are so lucky to have you on their team. cora’s playground is going to be the best ever. i am headed to the shop now. keep up the good work.

meredith - Umm, any comment would be superfluous, but…. well done on balancing beauty, mayhem and joy so deliciously!

jesse Peak - All of the colors and patterns, the things that make us girls happy! I love looking at it!

sandy toe - There are so many fun things in that room…It’s a good mess..a fun mess!
~Sandy Toe

Amanda B - I love it all Megan! Those pictures bring some brightness to these days. Do you think it’s okay if I just go broke buying all this cute stuff…oh wait, NO! That is the one thing Jess’s mom said…”now you girls don’t go broke!” You inspire me to be crafty….haha, that makes me laugh. If only I could get my sewing machine out of the box and set up! I AM getting Mason’s shirt for his bday done, hooray for me…but I think I’ll be running to gma’s to borrow the machine!

Rachel Reeves - I think it’s pretty 🙂

Carmen - What a wonderful mess! You are so talented and you have inspired me to get my sewing machine out and create something.

Blanca - What a beautiful mess!

Leah - My messes never look that colorful and bright! Mine are more like husbands dirty socks and lots of cereal bowls. Maybe I should invest in some colorful dishes 😉

Sarah - I would love to have enough stuff and space to have a mess like that! I love your site, your house and pictures. You are an inspiration to me. I don’t know how you find time to do ALL that you do! Keep up the good work.

katherine - I want your craft room… mess and all!

Trish - Ha, your room is a MESS, but so DIVINE 🙂
I love all that color against the white! I have also been wanting to do a chalkboard wall, i might just have to splurge. now i just have to pick a wall 🙂
thanks for bringing some of your sunshine into my dreary day!

katie - craft room envy! love it. i work best like that!

carissa... brown eyed fox - i think i could pee with glee over all that good stuff!
what an amazing blessing you are!
that is the MOST dreamy room any gal could ever dream of!
i must get some of those pillows! 🙂
meg… make sure to take more time for you!

Karli - Now THAT is a beautiful mess. I wish my messes looked like that. And your photography is inspirational.

lee ann - I love your mess!
It would stress me out though. Can you find things? That’s when I quit crafting…throw in the towel, when I can’t fine the pins…..or the velcro. I just get so irritated and mad at myself. In my dreams I could craft in that messy room with you 🙂

Beth Ann - Oh I wish I lived closer – organization is my thing. I’d bee-oop on over and get everything boxed up & out the door, and help get items listed (but would not touch the supplies, it seems like an methodical organized mess).

kathy b - Thank you for being real. You make me smile, daily!
God bless you! Kathy b

Brooke - love all the color splashing out of these photos!!! honestly i would love to have that mess….all of it…oh and that chalkboard paint looks awesome! I have been wanting to do the crayola pink and purple in the playroom…but better save that for a house we’ll get to stay in for more than a year or two.

Sara - I love all of those pillows! Especially the red and white. And I love what is being done to raise money for the playground – what a great way to come together in memory of a sweet baby girl.
OK, question: do you make or take requests for the t-shirts for little boys? I really LOVE them, but it’s all boys in my house (except for me, of course).

Jamie - Messy? It all looks normal to me! I only wish I had as terrific a space to contain my mess! And I LOVE the chalkboard wall!

Brittany - I love that mess! It is beautiful! BTW…yours is my favorite blog EVER.

Katy - Love the chalkboard wall!!! We’ve been wanting to do that to the toy room for a while now…not sure if I should do the bottom half of the wall or all of it. Loving the items in your shop too!! You’re inspiring me to try to make some of those flower shirts! I bought my sewing machine back in October and finally got it out last week and have been practicing.

MGF - You are doing such a wonderful thing.
It awesome to see some one esle’s mess, make us feel normal

beckley - looks like a fun room to me!
as soon as i get my photography studio finished, i’m getting work done to transform my “office” to studio central—from which all the art of life emerges…slowly getting there. then i might never leave! fun to see what you have!

Wendy - What a fun, colorful mess! I’d love to have a messy craft room like that!

chris - Wow lady , you are lucky to have such an escape , maybe my mudroom will be a craft storage utility room, hmmm!
yummy work , you are a machine.

Shelly H. (in Overland Park, KS) - That is so cool!! You have creativity spilling everywhere!! Love it!!
I’m also very excited when I seen my name on the wall 😉
I may have to buy up some of those oh so cute pillows too!!

sarah - I LOVE your mess!!
I wish my messes were that pretty.
I need to fancy up my space.
And open my windows.
I LOVE all of the things you are making.
I really need…ok..I really WANT one of your pillows.

Sara - I am hoping in our next bigger house I will get a craft room!!!! I love all the material you are using!!! Love the colors!!!! Sara

Shannan - Just what I needed to see on this closed-window day! Bring on the pillows! And, ps, your yellow metal table on casters? I have the exact one in green. 🙂

Tami Veer - every single picture makes me so happy!!! i love all the colors, I LOVE the fabric! can’t wait to see what else you put in your shop! i made my mom buy the brown/orange polka dot pillow!!

Michelle - Oh!
The bird w/ the french fry print is one of my favorite things! I have it on my desktop. 🙂 LOVE IT!
Love that you share your life with the rest of us. You’re refreshing.

Carly - i so need that room. and all the wonderful, colorful, perfect mess in it. when you’re finished, please let me have it.

April Meek - Ok first it all looks great to me…crafting is messy! I NEED that patchwork pillow. I have been watching and waiting for you to list one. If you would be so kind to list it just for me as a special order I would like to buy it or I can just buy it from you. I work 3-11p.m tonight for skills, I am a nurse and I don’t want to miss it when you list it! Do I sound crazy or what…I LOVE that pillow!!
April or you can email me!

angela - Love the craft room and everything you are doing for the Cora Paige Project! Just curious where you bought the hex tile in your bathroom? Love it!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Wow, what a great explosion of color! That’s so much fun.
Oh, by the way, I thought I’d mention that your master bath has been a major inspiration to me during my bath update. Mine won’t look exactly like yours by any means, but I love the whole peaceful vibe you have going on in there. So…thanks!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Wow, what a great explosion of color! That’s so much fun.
Oh, by the way, I thought I’d mention that your master bath has been a major inspiration to me during my bath update. Mine won’t look exactly like yours by any means, but I love the whole peaceful vibe you have going on in there. So…thanks!

Kate - but your craft room is so cheerful and whimsical EVEN when it isn’t the tidiest ever! and it’s beautiful, and that’s real life. it’s how it goes.
keep on rockin’.

Aubrey - I wish I had a room like that too–I need a place to be messy that no one sees as soon as they walk in the front door! My messes aren’t pretty though. I sonder what that tells me about my creations. yeesh.

Abby - What a wonderful “mess”! Love your shop, looking forward to tonight’s additions.

Alyssa - i am loving that mess! it’s gorgeous!! and i love that your craft room is in such a cool, hard to get to place! how fun! i haven’t bought anything from the shop yet b/c every time i check it you are cleared out!! but i’m glad it’s going so well!!

Courtney Walsh - Looks like an inspiring mess to me! I’m the same way. They say ‘creatives’ are like this… our brains just don’t organize the way other people’s do. at least, that’s what I tell myself when things get out of control. lol


Sharla - Such a fun place! I love the “give more hugs” sign – who made it?!

Jenn Thomas - I just love it – I wish I had a sewing room to make a mess like that. I am still working on a few more things to add to the shop – Russ is gone this week – soooo we will see what I can get done with London’s help. I have seen you light on in the craft a night when I am on my way up the stairs to bed. buring the midnight oil??

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crafty crafts

IMG_3753 IMG_3751


the craft room is overflowing with creativity.
i need to get back to it.


Amanda - This makes me want to learn to sew desperately!
Hope you are well…
God bless!

Sarah - These pictures are so, so inspiring. My crafty life has been dormant recently, and these photos are just what I needed to get back on track.

Carrie K - crazy cool goodness!!
i hope you rocked all those amazing supplies

Kelly - That all looks luscious! I linked to you today. 🙂 Happy Sunday. Kelly

Heather Mattos - Wish I was there!!!

vicki - Pure love….craft on your Craftiness (a title reserved for only the craftiest of crafty people!)

amy d - holy moses! why did i go to hobby lobby today when i could of just wandered across the street to shop the craft room 🙂

Alice - you go girl.

Brindi - Lanny sent me over from her blog. I am glad she did. I am in love with Waffle.

Staci - YOU my dear are INCREDIBLE!!! I just can’t WAIT to see what emerges from that crafty craftroom 🙂

traci - you always have the most beautiful, colorful photos. i am always so happy when i see them. happy crafting!!

Tommie Jo - Don’t you just love having a place to create?! I’m drooling over the fabric you have~

OK You are my NEW favorite blog.
No prize. Sorry.
But still.
You are fabulous.

Tami Veer - I can’t wait to see what you make for Cora!! I will be first in line to buy it! Your colorful pictures have brightened my day!

katie - how do you keep your head from EXPLODING from all the crafty possibilities???

Laura - don’t know what you’re making, but it must be lovely!

Kelli Linkis - CANNOT wait to see what you make with the black polka dot cross fabric cut out I saw! Ooooh, hoping it goes on youth and adult t-shirts! wink- Is this the creative stuff to help Cora’s Playground? God Bless Ya!
Kelli <><< ps. Still need to know how many crayons to put into each letter shape to make the letter crayons. I bought the silicone molds, have my broken crayons ready to go... thanks! Kelli

Kyleigh - Ohmygoodness… you and your LOVELY depth of field… SUMPTIOUS photos as ever, sending big love over the pond, soooo sorry to hear about Cora, it broke my heart. The crafting idea is amazing! Good luck, here’s to many happy playdays in Cora’s Playground xx

Tami - Nice and colorful lol. Have a great Valentines Day!

pam - can’t wait to see what you make!!! xo

Shannan - I’m swooning over all of that fabric. Crafting is so cathartic.

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Oh my gosh! Look at all that amazing, delicious fabric (I think fabric is delicious). I’m so jealous. I can’t wait to see what you make.

Jenn Thomas - Is there any room left for you?? Next time I need a little something extra, I think I might have to walk down the street and look at your stash.

Lazy Mom Leslie - Can’t wait to see what comes out of there!

jimaiemarie - i ADORE that scrap of Amy Butler fabric in the 8th picture down! I can’t wait to see what you craft, i’m SO excited! 😀

Lanny Stanard - Can I come over and play? wow what fun! come on over and see what’s happening on my blog… Hmmmm, how can I get the Cora botton? please tell me I would love to do my part:)
bIg HuGs!

The Rauths - i am salivating….cannot wait to see more!

adrienneK - gush!!!
cant wait to see the end products!!!

kasey - looks great, and cant wait…

ang - I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!! I’ll be ready to purchase!
Ang from NE

Julia - oh my gosh – my heart is racing after looking at those pictures!!!

Aubrey - Can’t wait to see all the results!
Suddenly feeling the urge to buy massive amounts of red and white pom pom fringe.

Kelly - so fun! Kelly

Kelly Horn - I love all the photos you take! I am becoming interested in photography, and would like to know what kind of camera, lens, use.

Kelly Horn - I love all of the photos you take! Could you tell me what type of camera/lens you use? I am wanting to learn more about photography, and am needing some suggestions.

danyele - i see super fun shirts and fun crafty things happening in there…super fun!

CathyC - I can’t wait to see what you will make. Your craft things look like a candy store! 🙂

Lauren - I want to buy whatever you make! Everything will be beautiful.

sandy toe - Okay..I need to run upstairs..b/c my daughter got a notebook almost exactly like that with all the ribbon…do you sell those? How funny!
-sandy toe

Beth Ann - I am excited to see what you create!!!!
I must tell you that a friend and I both read your blog. At first we referred to you as “Meg that whatever lady” and now we are on a first name basis – I just sent a text to my friend and it read “There are a bunch of people selling stuff on etsy and Meg is making some items to sell as well”. Laughing, because we have never met but are on a first name basis when refering to you!

Lori - Wow! Can’t wait to see what you make. I think I’d buy just about anything you made. I was looking through the pictures of your house yesterday (love it!) and wondered where you get all your bamboo blinds on the windows? Are they custom, or off the shelf? I was out of town when you posted asking for questions about you or I would have asked then.

Allikayes Mama - Sorry about the double comment!

Allikayes Mama - You better post when all that crafty is for sale!! I want to buy!! Yay!!

Allikayes Mama - You better post when you get those crafty things up for sale!!! I am wanting to buy!!! Yay!

Kendra - I love all of your beautiful patterned fabrics and ribbons. Where do you get all of those?
Love your blog!

CherryTreeLane - Good for you. That is what I should be doing….Instead I am going to sit on my toosh and watch a movie in the rain….

Gini - When I was scrolling through the pictures, I saw the second one and my first thought was – OMGOSH, that shopping cart is full of fabric to buy??? Then I realized it must be just a wire basket. You always make me feel like being crafty. I just need to add a couple 2, 3 hours to my day!

Beth - Oh my, all those delightful prints and patterns just make me want to dive in and be crafty too! My creativity is in high gear…I must make time!

Gwyn - I wish I could get my hand on that fabric and ribbon!!!!

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take that pottery barn!

i wanted to buy this wire card holder.

i really wanted it last year.  
then i saw it agin this year and wanted it even more.

but i just couldn't do it.
i love it though.

so i made my own card display.
i showed it a few posts back.


it is nothing more than a roll of grosgrain ribbon, 6 thumbtacks. and 2 packs of mini clothes pins.
(all found at wal-mart or hobby lobby)

it is right inside our kitchen sitting area.
quite a conversation piece…everyone looking to see if they recognize anyone.

so take that pottery barn!

(please don't be mad at me PB….i will always love you…i just can't afford you…call me)

Andreza - LOVE your fall porch! You did a really great job! If I ever went trick or treiatng with my kids or walked by your porch I’d ooh and aaah to my kids about how cute it was. Great job!~Robin

Yungkyung - I get MSL (I think after blueprint got cleaeclnd? or maybe it was something more recent…) and I’m always amazed at her craft ideas. I always tag them but unfortunately never seem to get around to doing any of them….Maybe in my next life?!

Patio Accessories - Love it.

moncler switzerland - If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.

Cheap Ugg Boots - Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.

Orbo - Found this web-site and card display while searching for the pb curly wire card holder. Hard to justify the pb cost but for my college bound daughter I thought it would make a great gift. I am thrilled to have found this alternative! So cute!! I am running to the craft store right now to pick out ribbon and get the mini clothes pins. Thank you so much for this economical and darling alternative.

Traci - Meg, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this comment, but I’ve read through so much of your blog today. I love it. So inspiring! Who needs a magazine when I have this? I love your style of decorating. Thank you 🙂

Al - I love it. For another good alternative try

Brooke - oops….the below comment was for the “just a couple more” post….i do love this card display idea though!

Brooke - I absolutely love your crafts!!! Everything you create…too cute!! Especially all the clothes…I think 2009 will be the year I finally get a sewing machine and I will teach myself to sew if it kills me! <---This site is the closest thing I could find that sells clothes as cute as you make...however it is way too pricey for kids clothes...still fun to get ideas from though!

tracey - darn it, i wish i would have seen this post a few weeks ago! oh well, i am so using this idea next year. thanks for sharing!

inchmark - So beautiful and far better than what I tried this year, just taping them to the coat closet door. Now they are all covered in double stick tape and impossible to save the cards. I don’t know what I was thinking. Next year I’ll know better.

Anna - LOVE IT – I had this scary looking snowman thing someone gave me as a wedding gift, but it only held about 10 cards. I ended up just keeping them in a dish on the coffee table. I’ll try your idea next year!

Jamie Sampson - PB gets me too. All of their adorable little this and thats.

Amber - I’ve done this same thing over my desk to hang pictures and other happy things. I think it looks very cute. That’s a great way to display Christmas cards…who needs Pottery Barn? Love all your crafty items you shared too.

Wendy - I saw that and thought what a great idea you had. I will try and remember it and do a version of it here. Thanks for sharing! You always have adorable creations.

Kelly - It looks really great! I was privileged to be visiting in a home on Christmas Eve full of great style. They strung ribbon or twine or something from the corners of each dining room wall and the cards were hung over it right up by the ceiling. It was like lovely banners around the room. Kelly

MGF - Too funny. I really liked the idea when I saw a couple of post back. Thanks for letting us know how you did it.

Becca - I really love reading your blog. When I sit down and read your blog I feel as if I’m part of the family. (I know that sounds really werid). All the great pictures you share, all the great stories. I usually don’t read it for a whole week, and then sit down and read a bunch of post all at once. IT’s great.
Love your clothes pins idea. I’m going to do it next year. Thanks a bunch!

Aubrey - I like your idea and it I bet it’s so much easier to store than the wire thing. I’ve got to brave wal-mart for clothes pins. This would be a good idea for all the artwork my kids accumulate, though I wish I had fifty white cupboards like you do to display them. 🙂

jesse Peak - Pottery Barn should be jealous! Yours is so cute!

Jennifer P. - Next year Potterybarn will be selling rolls of grosgrain ribbon and packages of mini-clothespins for $69.00. 😉
I think your display is better than PB.

Shann - Hi Meg! I love this card idea…just like all your ideas…they are lovely! Can you refresh my memory? Did you have a post once with little bottle caps that you made with Christmas papers inside them and glitter and embelishments? I would love to make some and I really thought it was your idea…but I can not find that post. Was it you? Take care! Shann

sarah - Love it!
And I love Pottery Barn too, but like you, I just can’t afford most of the wonderful things.

clgarrett - i love me some pottery barn, but yes…they are so dang expensive! your display looks oh so nice! i may have to try that with some daily snap shots!
we are fortunate enough to have a PB outlet about an hour away…it’s pure job to walk in that store!

lee ann - I think that’s the whole purpose of a PB catalog…to steal ideas…..and to look at Target for the cheaper version. Love yours. I didn’t even hang mine this year. So sad. Next year though.

traci - that is so cute. much cuter than the pottery barn one. you are so creative.

Carrie - Meg-
I love it, and in the spirit of full disclosure I will be “stealing” this idea next year! 🙂
I love all of your fun ideas and money saving crafts.
Pottery Barn and I parted ways some time ago due to the high prices as well. It was a mutual thing, but sometimes I really miss PB. HA!

danyele - love when that happens! good on..and now, i will steal it for next year! thanks!

allison - I have the PB one and it sits under a bed in the guest room…lol! It’s a pain in the butt to hang because it scratches my newly painted walls (it moves when you change pics and cards), so I hung it on back of a door and it scratched that too:(
I made my own display too this year. Two pieces of velvet ribbon hanging vertical from a door (use thumb tacs) and then we just cut small slits in the cards and slid them on…yours seems easier with the clothes pins, I will remember that for next year:)

Queen of the Click - The cards look great in your display. If you have your heart on that Pottery Barn card holder, just wait until February. Last year I got it for 7.99 even after it left the site and then returned at a low price.

Leigh Ann - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yours, but I must admit that I got that curly wire photo holder from Pottery Barn on clearance last year. Even though I LOVE my PB one, I’m reconsidering now that I’ve seen yours.

lauren - you are so crafty and creative! i love your personal taste and style and always enjoy coming by your blog to see your pictures and what kind of fun stuff you are up to.
i found your blog through my sister-in-law (hipmomofboyz) blog and have been checking it out for the past few months.
just wanted to say that your family looks like so much fun and your kids are lucky to have such a cool mom! hope yall are enjoying the new year!

Lorilee - Meg,
I love it! I use little clothes pins painted green to pin my cards onto the greenery that I hang over one of our doorways. I also still have most of the Christmas cards we have ever received. I put them into ziplock bags and write the year on it with a sharpie. I keep them with the Christmas decorations. Now that many of the people who sent the cards have passed away, I can’t bear to even cut them up! I have framed a few(I put them into a large frame that I added handles to and use as a tray)

Kelly - love it

Christy - Love it! I noticed it on the other post too, thanks for posting the ingredients! I want to copy for next year. 🙂

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