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operation christmas child

this is a project our family loves to take part in.

i used to bring my kids with me to shop for the gifts that go in the boxes
but i don't do that anymore….it was too crazy.
and they want to buy EVERY thing.

now i buy things throughout the year when they go on sale… supplies especially. 
but i also buy a bunch the last month alongside my groceries.
and store it until i am ready to fill our boxes.


IMG_4110 IMG_4114

we watch the video on  (the same one that is posted above)
and i cry.   every.  single.  time.

my kids say "are you crying?!!!"  
of course i am.
it's heartbreaking.

then my kids fill the boxes.

each of them made a card for their box.
IMG_4121 IMG_4132

we add a family photo and our address if they would like to or are able to write back.

this year we will donate online so we can see exactly where our boxes go.

our church collects them and then drives them to a collection center.
you can look HERE to see where the nearest collection center is to you.

i wish i had posted this earlier to give you more time to get supplies.
this week is the collection week.
it's not too late!
you could do it all in one shopping trip…today!  
or any time this week.
you can do it.

go to for any information.
it's ALL there.

Mary - I know this comment is late…late… I had a very long thanksgiving. 🙂 But I wanted to say “thanks” for packing boxes. I got to see kids recieve boxes and it’s awesome. I worked at a childrens home in thailand for a few years and we got Operation Christms Child – SO FUN! (thanks on behalf of the kids!!) Have a Merry Christmas! Love -Mary

Tara M. - I cried. We packed three. We sent them. Love this!

Jen D. - The MOPS group that I attend participates in OCC every year. Today our table put together one for a little boy. It was so much fun to bring in what we could and see what we could cram into the shoe box. Every year we play the DVD from Samaritan’s Purse and I cry every year. We have so much here and I often struggle to focus on the blessings. Thanks for the inspiration and you fabulous blog. Warmly, Jen D.

Holly - I love this! I am going to check it out. Breaks my heart that kids are excited to get toothpaste! =( Toothpaste should just be a necessity! Makes my heart break!

jennibell - Thanks for the link Megan! I shared this video with my kids before we filled our boxes. They each wanted to include a note and picture like your family does 🙂 I’m a substitute teacher and the 6th grade class I was with today are collecting items for class boxes so I shared this video with them too. (Not sure all the Christianity was appropriate but it is the group of people that deliver these boxes. . .) I think it really inspired the class to go home tonight and find items for their boxes! I hope so. Thanks for posting.

Courtney Walsh - Our new church does this too and I can’t wait to do it. We’ve done it before, but we missed last year. I think it’s going to be so so awesome. 🙂

Leigha - What a great project…and one we will adopt this year as well. Thank you for the generous inspiration!

Kristin F. - This is one of our favorite things to do each holiday season. We packed our boxes last night! I posted about OCC today and included a link to your post :).
Thanks for being fabulous – you are a daily must-read!

Keri ~ forever folding laundry - I *love* this.
We’re doing it.
God in action = amazing!

jaz - We did something very similar a few christmas’ in a row down under – my mom and I LOVED doing this. It is so wonderful , so lovely to give, so satisfying. Such a good tradition to rekindle now that I’m settled here in america.
You are awesome meg. So loving, so thoughtful, so giving, and you are passing on a legacy of love to your children. They will grow up wonderful beings because of you.
The world is certainly a better place because you are in it.

Cari - We turned in our shoeboxes last night! And I’m so excited to track them this year!! GREAT idea to gather things throughout the year. I’m totally going to do that (instead of scrambling at the last minute & frustrated the budget didn’t allow for more).

Jodi - We participate in this too. Two years ago, I was able to go help (along w/ others from my Church) at the Atlanta distribution center. We are going again this year and I’m SO excited!!

The Fairy's Apprentice - Thank you for this post. Great suggestion, I will do it with my kids this year. Is not too late.

Jessica - We packed our box tonight! So glad they have EZ Give Tracking now.

donna - the best part of christmas is giving to those in need. last year, i organized an adopt a needy family with our high school hockey team. we all took part in this wonderful program through focus hope in Detroit. both our jv and varsity (i had a son on each team) adopted four (large) needy families in detroit. we bought each member of the family clothing, toys, or whatever they needed. We also supplied food for their christmas dinner. of course, the best part was delivering the packages and seeing the joy on the families faces when we loaded their homes with presents and food – the excitment on the childrens faces and the hugs i got was all i needed for christmas. i took 12 hockey playing boys in my group – it was the most rewarding experience for all involved. although, my boys no longer play hockey, we have decided with a group of friends to once again adopt some needy families, i am so excited to take part in the program this year!!! if you are interested in this program in your city, contact focus hope or your church.

linda lou - my church has done this is the past and i hope we do it again this yr…i will check on! meg your a great example of God’s love (: blessings,

amber - My 3 year old daughter & 11 month son just shopped for OCC this past Friday:). My daughter had a lot of fun…but it was a little hairy. Especially when it came to buying the toys for someone other than HER. It’s a hard lesson, but I’m so glad she gets to learn it by giving to others. We’re donating online too! Sooo awesome…

crystal beutler - We did this with our youth group last year. It was one of the best gift giving service projects we’ve ever done. I plan to do it this year as part of of our 24 days of Christmas project at home. Wish me luck. 🙂

steph - i also cry EVERY SINGLE time i watch one of those videos. they always play them at church during a service a few weeks before collection time and i swear, there isn’t a dry eye in the sanctuary. so amazing… what precious little children. THEY bless US! seriously! we just bought a whole wackload of stuff yesterday and dropped the boxes off at our church this morning. such a great thing to do with kids. so fun and so important, especially in our crazed materialistic world. thanks for blogging about this… hopefully others can now be encouraged to take part! 🙂

jackie chappell - yikes .. thank you for reminding me ..
my shoe box was sitting here waiting to be filled for tommarrow morning at church .. they are collecting them down front on our alter and then praying over all of them .. mine will be there with them brimming full .. thanks again !!!
jackie from florida ..

shiela - that’s very impacting!

Sharla - I just looked at the KCParent magazine and ripped out the information for this – wow, we must start doing it this year. Thanks for the extra motivation – I can’t wait to share with my boys.

Nicole Q. - We are thinking alike girl . . . we did ours today with the kids. We’ve never watched the video though – just added it to my list for this week!! We’ve never been apart of a church that did this just did it on our own. I’d love to see more people do it. I also love your “shop all year” for stuff. I also noticed you took stuff out of the packages – like panties and stuff. What a clever idea- you can fit so much more in that way I’m sure – I’m assuming it’s ok right? You have so many readers that I’m sure you just impacted this ministry so much. Love how God works!! Have a good weekend.

Rach - What a great idea. Found a drop off location not too far from us. Think we’re gonna have to participate in this one. Thanks for the info.

Kate B. - We show those videos every year – our church is a collection site. I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME. My kids love this!

Sugar Mama - After typing that last comment I went to the website and realized I can TOTALLY make this happen by the 22nd. I told my kids we were doing it… we are doing it.
Thanks for the motivation!

Sugar Mama - THIS week?! Dang! I had every intention of doing this with my kids. And it’s such a great idea to buy stuff throughout the year.
I love that you used the plastic container vs an actual box. Is that what more people are doing now? Makes sense. My kids and I adopt a local family every year and it DOES get crazy… they want to buy everything on the list. (I really wish we could do that).

Jessie Hurst - Our Mops group does this every year and I love it! We had a playgroup on Friday and the kids filled boxes while we were there. They took so much pride in filling in the boxes and it was so sweet to see kids ranging in age 1 to 6 working hard to fill their boxes.

laurenjean - Our MOPS group got together and did this !! Its one of my favorite Christmas traditions 🙂

Nikki - We do a similar thing here in Australia. I don’t think we can track our boxes though.

*LuLu* - So Awesome! I Love Doing Operation Christmas So Much!

Jenn N - We are just packing up our boxes this weekend. The kids are so in to it and feel great about helping others, and what a fun way to do it! This video chokes me up every time I watch it.

sara @ it's good to be queen - we do this every year too…for the ages/gender my kids are. this year i took them shopping with me. i usually don’t do that, but i had procrastinated so i had to. i like your idea of saving up stuff throughout the year. *hopefully* i will remember to do that next year. 🙂

Georgia - Such a lovely idea, i said it last year and ill say it again, i still cant find anuything like this in the UK argh, not least near where i live…. love the photos, there very colourful 🙂 x

Leslie P. - So awesome!! I blogged about Samaritans Purse today too! Love that you guys are doing the boxes. We went for the gift catalog idea this year. My kids loved looking through it to see the needs around the world.

Gina - You can donate online? How cool! We’ve done this before, but now we sponsor a little gal in Africa so we send here a big package in September and pray it gets there in time for Christmas! My kids love to choose out her presents.

Lesley - Hi Meg, followed your blog for years, but never commented before, love you and your family. what a great idea, never knew about this and just found out it operates in Australia too but I’ve missed the deadline, definitely will bookmark it for next year. I was thinking though how do you explain to your kids why santa doesn’t bring all children a gift? I’m not sure of your traditions but Santa still exists in our house (I have 7 year old twins) and I always find the santa story hard to explain when so many children around the world don’t get a gift at christmas time? Love to hear your view. Lesley

Heather - I did this with my four nieces and nephew this week. I do it by myself, but it is SO much more fun with kids. I gave them each an empty rubbermaid box the size of a shoe box and we went to the store with them and they filled them there. They knew our budget and had to do some mental math. I told them about it last week so that they could think about what they were going to get all week. When we were done we watched the video so they could “see” what they were doing and how it affected the kids the boxes were going to. An awesome project. Really.

Lesley - I stumbled onto your blog a while ago, and what an inspiration you are! I am always looking for new ways to teach my boys about living outside themselves and having compassion. I enjoy your projects and photos and am also encouraged to know that I am not the only one who weeps at the simple things in life 🙂 Blessings to you.

Nichole - I didn’t realize that they did this near here, but apparently they do! I’ve only done Angel Tree before, but for where I’m at poverty is pretty bad, so any charity helps.

Stephanie - My sons third grade class decided to make boxes this year instead of exchanging gifts at their Christmas party. They were able to gather enough donations for three boxes of supplies and shipping. It’s a wonderful program and a great way to encourage kids to think about other during the holiday season.

danielle - thanks so much for sharing. i look forward to giving!

Heather - My girls and I went yesterday afternoon to shop for the items. This evening we will watch the video, wrap our box, and pack it. The girls are very excited!

Tessa - We are filling our shoe boxes today. Love the idea of showing the kids the video before they fill the boxes … we see it during our church service … but they don’t. It will make it so much more meaningful to them!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Such a great thing to do…we love it too. The hands and feet of Jesus!

Ashley - Hey! I just found your blog last night and have been reading as far back as I could since early this morning!! I am a 21 year old majoring in Accounting, striving to become a CPA, but desperately wanting to be a housewife and Mom just like you. I have known since I was little that that was my purpose in life, but have had to find other things to strive for until the time comes….. I have always said that I would have 5 children, but ultimately know that its up to God as to the definite details 🙂 Thanks for being an inspiration to me! Your post about Liza turning 100 really hit me when you were talking to the lady who was the oldest of 5 children, and you started crying because you said she just understood!! I cried when I read that because so many people find out what I really want to do with my life and think I am crazy for wanting to raise a large family and stay at home! Sorry for rambling, just wanted to say thanks for being so real! -Ashley

Denise - Oh Gosh! Good thing I read this today (after work and before cleaning) our boxes need to be at church with us in the morning and I totally forgot about them! Thanks Meg…and your ideas of things to send are great!

april - This is a great thing…

Becca - I saw your post about Operation Christmas child last year and you’ve inspired our family to start doing it this year 🙂 Thank you!

Lisa - Thanks for posting this. I love this ministry. Our family does this every year also. I didn’t know you could donate online and find out where the boxes go. SO COOL.

elizabeth highsmith - i’m so excited for the online giving and getting to see where they go!! i love this project too!

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - We love participating in OCC too! I am the P.O.C. this year at our church and its great seeing so many boxes come in. I *almost* took my kids with me to shop then thought better of it, so they will just get to fill the boxes. It is a great ministry!

Four Flights - Our church participates in the same exact program. It is wonderful and you’re right, heartbreaking.

Jen - We just filled our boxes.

teresa - We had the coolest thing happen one year…we sent a box off and later got a response from an Indian family who served in a ministry to street kids and orphans. Their son rec’d our box, and his name was “Benson,” which is my hubby’s mom’s maiden name. It was just a fun, heart-warming God-incidence.

Danielle H. - We are going to an Operation Christmas Child party today. I love those flashlights you got with the batteries included in the package. Wish I knew where to get those…today!!! Thanks for the inspiration again!

Lindsay - Some co-workers and I just bought our supplies for the boxes. I absolutely love OCC and I too cry at all the videos. I love that your kids are involved. I can’t wait to do this with my kids someday when I have some!

kat - I am totally crying after watching that video. This is such a important mission. I think my girls would love to be involved!

Kim - Thanks for posting Meg. I got a brochure from my daughter’s preschool, they are participating in it. It’s actually the first time I’ve ever heard of it. I’m very excited for my kids to be a part of this. I couldn’t figure out if I should take them shopping with me. Your post helped me see that letting the kids put the box together (along with the video) will work out great. Thanks again!

Mary - What a wonderful gift to give your children – to participate in such a wonderful Christmas tradition.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - We do that each year! I posted about working at the Operation Christmas Child processing center last year, here:
I think we’ll try the online thing, too.

Katie - Thanks for the pics of what you guys are giving. Very helpful as we head out today to get our supplies. We can bring our boxes to our church tomorrow and then we are going to pray over them! Our kids are at such tender ages 6 and 4 and they were affected by the video! Praise God…thanks so much!

aimee - my kids’ preschool does this! They are only three, so it was the first time I’d gotten to talk with them about other children in the world who don’t have as much as they do. We had a great time filling (and decorating!) our box. My twins’ teacher told us that if we wanted to add our address in the box (we put ours on the back of a photo) that the child might write us back!
SUCH a beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Crystal @ Ordinary Days - Thanks for sharing this today. The video got me too. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to find a collection location so I used your link and discovered that my Mother-in-law’s church is a dropoff location! I will share the video with my girls and take them shopping. I want them to have a good eye opener and see how it feels and what it means to help others. Thank you and I thank God you showed it to us. 🙂

Casey - Love, Operation Christmas Child! Our church has done this for as long as I can remember and of couple years ago when I was interning at The Tennessee Babptist Children’s Home I was able to be a part of the collection process. Such a neat thing to see!

Meredith - Oh, and by the way… when we watched the video, I cried too!! Can’t help it! Makes my heart happy and sad all at once! God is GREAT!!!!!

Meredith - What a great idea to work on getting items all through the year as they go on sale! I will remember that for next year! This is the first year that my daughters, 8 and 3, are participating and we are so excited to see where our box goes! Thanks for sharing!

Holly - What a wonderful idea! I’m going to check it out. Thanks!

angela - I had no idea you could track your box, My three year old granddaughter wanted to know WHO got the things in the box. This is great! Thank you for sharing. I will go donate now!!

Erin Leigh - Such a good idea to buy stuff at back to school time & throughout the year. It always sneaks up on me, thanks for the reminder. erin

Chaos-Jamie - I actually got to see my box in one of the mags one year. Made it SO real for us!

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it was good.

bat girl.

football player (easiest costume ever!)



trick or treating with the neighbors.


half our pumpkins are rotten….gross….but still pretty all lit up.


the weather this year was gorgeous for trick or treating.
i don't know that for sure because i only went around the block…..
but it seemed nice as i opened the door to pass out candy.  

everyone gave me their butterfingers because it is my favorite.

my kids asked me today what we were doing for new year's eve.
not really on my list of thoughts right now kids!

i think my run will need to be extra long today.
but i would rather eat butterfingers and take a nap.


the winner for the Studio Mela Print will be tomorrow….November 2.
leave a  comment in the post below if you haven't already.


Wendy - LOL, my son & his cousin play football and they were also football players for Halloween. Yay for easy!

mel - super cute costumes! And, I will send you ALL our Butterfingers (yuck!) as long as you send me Reeces Peanut Butter Cups! 🙂

jaz - Hey she scored BIG TIME!!!

Renee - Love kids in costumes. So cute! My daughter was Dorothy, too. It was my favorite costume so far for her! Love the jackolanterns. We completely forgot to carve our pumpkins this year. Crazy?!?

lorel - I am probably the only one that would think this, but the pic of Annie and Sean reminds me a little of “The Blind Side.” ha He seems so much bigger than her. Glad you had a good Halloween!

stjerneglass - Ruby slippers! 🙂

Four Flights - ahhh, I had a Dorothy too 🙂 Love Bat Girl!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Butterfingers are not common here. We have Crispy Crunch…do you have those?
Similar but more peanutty-salty and less peanutty-candy-ish.
I love the pics of the kids and I love that they’re carrying the plastic pumpkins…love it!

Mrs. - Mr. has been out of work since February. That poster is practically a necessity here at our house!

Kerri - I love the look of your porch and street – oh to have sidewalks in our town….

Courtney Walsh - I love the picture of the jack-o-lanterns all together…so festive and perfect!! 🙂 FUN!!!

Kellie - Prettiest Dorothy I have ever seen! We also had beautiful weather here in GA. I stole all the kids snickers and threw them in the freezer for my rainy days. hehe!

aimee - eating butterfingers sounds like a plan to me! and i love that demented pumpkin!

Tracy Sharlette - Love the costumes! Esp the ruby slippers!! One of our favorite movies? You could do the whole Wizard of Oz main cast if your kids would agree….lol…I know I’m funny! 🙂

Lyndsey Bowman - My son plays tackle football too and he was a football player for halloween… No money spent= Job well done 🙂
~ Lyndsey

rosemarie - at least you remembered to carve pumpkins this year!!

Tracie - We only had a few trick or treaters, but the majority were teens and ADULTS! It was crazy. We give the Butterfingers to my husband and I eat the snickers! Enjoy the candy.

crystal beutler - Love your pics. Hope your kids had fun trick or treating and brought you home lots of Butterfingers. I go for the dark chocolate candy bars. 🙂

kayem - Love the colors of this print!!

Camelia - Beautiful! They are so cute and seem so nice to each other! So pretty!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We had perfect weather too. Great pics. You captured it all:)

julia - gimme some TWIX!!!

jennifer - Funny… the rot makes the pumpkin look scarier. Perfect!
My kids give my husband all their butterfingers for the same reason. Lucky him!

Sugar Mama - The pumpkin with the bow… perfect!
I also like the one with the eyes looking to the side.

Ann R. - Loved Halloween, glad it was on a Sunday, weather was beatiful, but am sorta glad it is behind us and now omg Nov. 1st!
Great pics!!

sara's art house - Butterfingers are my fave too! Cute, cute pics!

Niki - I thought of you as I dressed my youngest up as her favorite character, Olivia! Your bathroom makes me smile every time I see that picture of her!

kat - So cute! Love the pic of Talby and Sean walking down the street! We had lovely weather too. My little girls walked their little legs off. They were exhausted, but we had a wonderful time. Happy New Year!!! (couldn’t resist, so, have you figured out your plans yet? ;P)

Sandy - Love the halloween pictures and the prints you posted. I especially like the It’ll be OK…my best friend’s answer to everything when I’m feeling down. I love all of them though!! Pick me, Pick me!! 🙂

Rebekah - Thanks for reminding me about New Year’s Eve. We have a party every year and it’s time to get my invitations out before people make other plans! Your kids are cute. And I love that crazy headdress the little pink fairy neighbor girl is wearing. Very Bob Mackey! 🙂

Laura Phelps - Luke just asked me what day the Easter Bunny comes.

Kimberly - I scoured three kids’ baskets for a Butterfinger. Not a one to be found. I love Butterfingers.

Mary - Such sweet faces and forever memories. I do have one Butterfingers leftover from passing out treats if only you were closer.

Sally - Hi Meg,
I absolutely love your blog – have been following it now for a number of years. You are an inspiration as a Christian, Wife and Mom. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I’m a relatively new Christian and really struggled with Halloween this year. Our eight year old love’s T&Ting and we always spend the weekend with very dear friends. However, alot of people in our Church frown upon the event and I struggled between feeling guilty and not wanting to spoil it for my son and friends. How do you handle it?
Thanks Meg, would love to know your thoughts.

amy - We had beautiful weather for trick or treating here in Indiana too. Your kids looked so cute! I noticed that your oldest wasn’t in the Halloween pics. My oldest (15) wasn’t around much this year with the other 6 kiddos and it made me so sad! Would love to win the print! I need those kind of remiders everyday! Thanks for the chance.

Kimberlee J. - Rotten pumpkins are the scariest!

Crystal - Love, love, love that picture of Annie!! The one with the candy. You MUST frame that one!!

Grace - Memories being made—love it! And you’re right—Butterfingers are the best!

Tracy - Looks like a lot of fun, Meg! The kiddos look cute as ever and looks like they “scored” big! Love the neighbors cute kid costumes and Annie’s red shoes with her Dorothy costume – too cute! Enjoy your run and relax today! xoxoxo

Kerry - Oh they all look super sweet!! Love the Dorothy shoes 🙂 Happy Halloween!
Kerry x

Susan - For some reason the dog looked super clean? LOL. Pics as usual where great.Off to bed.Night Night from Nevada.

Gemma - I love their costumes and your pumpkins..they’re great!!
Hope you have a good day!
Gemma x

Ali - I love that picture of the two of them from behind – looks like you guys had a really good time!

Tressa Duerr - Meg,
We also had nice weather here in Ohio – no coats yeah! they just spoil the costumes- the sunset was absolutely amazing. It could not have been a more perfect night. Your kiddos are adorable! But I couldn’t help but notice the older two were missing. Only our baby went this year. It is kind of sad when they feel too old for trick or treating.
My daughter showed me this artist on Etsy and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for sharing your colorful view of your world with the rest of us. Your testimony of faith in Christ has blessed my life in many ways. I will never forget the story and pictures of the African children. I thought of them the other day when we carved our pumpkins that are now rotting on the porch. I thought of how much food we waste just for the fun of it. – dyeing eggs and carving pumpkins Because of your testimony, I was reminded of those children and said a prayer for them. God is using your life, your blog to show His love toward all of us. Thanks for being a willing vessel. Tressa Duerr

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i love fall.

this weekend was full of fall goodness.
the leaves finally changed.
the weather changed.
it was so nice to be outside and enjoy it.

the three youngest carved pumpkins with me while craig and the older two were gone.
we started with hot chocolate and homemade whipped cream.




then we got busy with the dirty work.
pumpkins are stinky.
but i am quick….i cleaned out two for lauren and scott if they want to carve one later too.
then helped annie and tably with theirs.
sean cleaned it himself.




we have them draw the face and then i do the cutting.


i love it….
but i am glad we only have to do it once a year.

and i love seeing them all lit up.

fall is my favorite.

Mary - I have a post coming on Oct 29th showing grown-up children carving pumpkins. Hopefullly, the tradition will live on and on for your little ones as well.

Caitlin - I hate pumpkin guts, but I do love the roasted seeds! This year I found Mr. Potato Head-esque accessories for my pumpkin, so I don’t have to carve it. He’s a pirate. 🙂

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I love that your little one still has a chocolate and cream mustache while she’s cleaning out the pumpkin.

Shelley - i just adore your life !

carissa... brown eyed fox - fall is my fave TOO!
yes indeedy!
and would you believe… we JUST had snow falling from the sky… just a bit ago! :O)

Lisa - Love this time of year too! We are carving this weekend, or maybe I am carving, lol…with only one teen left in the house we’ll see how that turns out 😉

Valerie - Oh such fun to carve pumpkins. Looks like it was very fun!

mel - Fall rules. Best season ever.
October rules. Best month ever.
I can’t wait to carve our pumpkins (Friday night!!)
There is nothing better than homemade whipped cream. YUM!
Looked like you guys had fun 🙂

linda@limein the coconut - Oh I remember those days with my four little ones carving scooping! Now I’m lucky to get one little one from the four!

Rach - I have to agree with you… Fall is my favorite too and not just because I am an October baby. I just think it smells better and it makes me want to be outside and it is orange and beautiful and I am starting to realize that I really need to live somewhere that actually gets a Fall! For now I will enjoy Fall through your posts so keep it coming.

karen - the squirrels got to 2 out of the 3 pumpkins…totally devoured!!
kinda funny!

Crystal - Looks like you all had loads of fun!! Fall is my favorite time of year too. We are going to carve pumpkins tomorrow night! We are so excited. I enjoy your blog so much.

Suzanne - Looks like fun! We usually wait until the weekend of Halloween otherwise, the deer come up to the front porch and eat them. At least I think its deer! Now I’m SCARED!
Happy Halloween!

julia - I LOVE that last picture!
So jealous that you can drink hot chocolate and not have to turn down the a/c (like I’ve been having to do).

Courtney Walsh - I can’t believe I have never carved pumpkins with my kids!! I think this year I need to change that!!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I did a cute pumpkin craft today with my toddlers. Take note they ARE 1 and 3…so it’s not glamorous..BUT they had a lot of fun 🙂 Older kids could probably do some really cool things with the idea.
I love Fall too!

Heather - so fun! i can’t wait to carve ours. we have to wait until the day of though otherwise ours get all nasty from the az heat. have a happy day!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Love seeing the photos of your beautiful family enjoying an autumn tradition together. Your sunflower craft (below) looks awesome, and the chalkboard/chore chart/inspirational quote is so cheerful!

Julie Weaver - We’ve got a pumpkin waiting to be carved with the help of the husband. I love the classic Jack-O-Lantern!
I also love Fall!

Dawn - I love this time of the year too. I can’t wait to carve our pumpkins. Looks like the kids loved it too.

janet - So happy to see you and many others are keeping that tradition going. We are empty-nesters too, but we’ve also still carved pumpkins. Partly for me, but all those little trick or treaters who show up at the door too.
I imagine I will still carve them as long as I am able.
oh we got the cheap pumpkin carving knives, they are kid safe, and mom safe too.

crystal beutler - I LOVE carving pumpkins. We didn’t do it this year which makes me really sad. They die in about 2 days here, which makes me even sadder. I can’t wait to see your kids’ costumes!!

jen smith - a little FYI to make your carving a little easier…we bought the ‘my safe cutter’ knives from pampered chef. they are $3.50 and by far the best knives we have EVER used to carve pumpkins. we take them to our carving gatherings and have to fight everyone to use our own knives! with these knives the kids can carve their own and i don’t have to worry about them hurting themselves. it’s fabulous!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Fall is so beautiful. The colors are amazing, aren’t they?!

Casey - I love Fall too! I just wish here in FL we actually HAD Fall. I still have my air conditioner running. Supposed to be about 85 today!! YUCK!

Gekakel - Fall is my favourite too; I love your post!

Julie - Whipped cream? Legit.
Pumpkin guts? Creepy.
Happy kids? Totally worth it.
But the pumpkin guts. EWWWWWWWWWW.
I am the degutter here too. No likey.

Lisa - Can I come to your house? I want some of that hot chocolate! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I always envy those who celebrate halloween in warmer climates. We have had our first snowfall already, although it has melted, so I’m fairly certain trick or treating will be in winter coats and winter boots… in the dark. Our pumpkins were carved yesterday too, but we did it indoors : )

*LuLu* - Cute Pumpkins!

Jennifer De Los Santos - Looks like fun. When we went to buy a pumpkin to carve, Kate insisted on getting a watermelon instead. She’s so stubborn. We’ll see how watermelon carving goes 🙂

Sugar Mama - I make my husband clean out the guts. I shouldn’t say “make”, but he nicely volunteers to clean out the guts because he doesn’t want to watch me dry heave for half an hour.
We still don’t have our pumpkins, guess I better get to that!

Laura Phelps - we were supposed to carve yesterday
too busy
but with good stuff
Halloween party at my parents
football game
I am loving this Fall stuff…last year in LA we went to the pumpkin patch in 90 degree weather!
This is so much better

Staci - We carved our’s two weeks ago bc I just couldn’t wait any longer….they have rotted completely now ;( I’m just not up for cleaning two more out again 🙁 Sooooo, we are just going to paint and bedazzle two more 🙂 I agree….Fall is the best….football and pumpkins and hot chocolate…DOESN’T get any better than that 😉 Well, except when the Sooners lose to Missouri ;( boooohoooo! But at least I’m not a Longhorn 🙁 Pooooooooooor Texas!

pam - Our nest is empty but this is making me want to carve one….hmmm, something really different…easy but different. Hope your week is grand!

Penny - Great pumpkins. This reminds me of when our girls used to do the pumpkins. My husband was the helper with that tradition. I always took them to the apple orchard with my Mom and we got the pumpkins. Then hubby was the carver while I prepared the seeds for roasting. Miss those days! Guess I will wait for grandchildren!

Holly - This is my favorite time of the year! I just love those funny toothless grins!

Gemma - Love it!! Yummy hot chocolates and carving pumpkins…great stuff!!!
Gemma x - How very cute! I wish we had that tradition

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Mine too.
October is the best month.
Do you guys roast the seeds?
I love that.
This year I saw a recipe for cinnamon & sugar seeds that I’m going to try.
Love Annie’s whipped cream mustache! 🙂

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rain…football….australia…chili…cream puff…whoonu?

both my boys got to play tackle football in the pouring rain yesterday.
and they loved it.
they even included "thank you for letting us be able to play football in the rain" in their bedtime prayers.

but their mother?  she was far less excited about the rain.
my grandmother and my cousin Nell, whom i have not seen in 6 years because she lives in australia were
coming to my house to watch the football game and eat dinner.
and then it began to pour.
and pour.

we did not go to the game and sit in the rain.
we waited for the rain to stop and saw the last 41 seconds of scott's game from the car windshield.

then headed back to the house for chili and cream puff dessert.
it was the best kind of night for chili.

the girls convinced Nell to stay for a game of Whoonu.
and grandma played too.
she chose to sit on the floor….even with all the chairs my 92 year old grandmother CHOSE to sit on the floor.
she is amazing.


annie can't read yet so the person sitting next to her has to tell her what the cards say.
she pretty much still picks randomly with out thinking what the card says but still she is trying.


playing games is always a bit…..chaotic.

we love this game.
you need to put it on your christmas list if you don't have it….easy and silly…and QUICK.



these were the cards chosen for me.
how to chose what i like best to least from these?!  
i think i picked monkeys for the #1 choice.

it was nice to have them….even in the rain.
safe travels Nell.
can't wait to hear of all your adventures to come. 

***edited for kathryn
my table.
it was our dining room table in our apartment days. it was from sam's club on clearance.
i think i paid $90 for it.
i used my birthday money to buy it…i remember it being a big purchase.

it was oak.
i kept it like that for years.
then i painted it white….distressed it with a sander and then polyurethaned it. 
that was 8 or 9 years ago now.
our family was now 7 and we only had room for 6.

then we moved here and got a BIG dining room table that seats 12 and the first table seemed so small.
i had the legs cut down and we made it a BIG coffee table in the kitchen seating area.
and i can bleach it over and over and it cleans up when i need it to….
and the kids can paint and use markers and glue and glitter and it's ALL GOOD.
no worries about the old table.

Refrigerator repair Arlington va - I agree Really Nice Family and Nice photos

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - I agree… Great Family

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - You have a wonderful family.

Windshield Repair Phoenix - You have a great grandmom…actually I dont know about that game but I will include that on my shopping list. Nice family bonding now I missed my family too.

Auto Glass Mesa - Nice family bonding. Your mom, it reminds me of my grandmother she is so adorable.

Auto Glass Phoenix - I dont have an idea about whoonu games, but it looks like interesting games,and by the way your mother is so amazing she is 92 but she is strong, hope that I could also reached that age too.

mesa windshield repair - I wander who will replace him, hope it would be a good governance next time.

Wendy - We love Whoonu too! I had actually forgotten about that game – we had a house fire in April and have slowly been replacing the things we lost. I’m thankful for you post – now I’m adding Whoonu back on my “replacement shopping” list.

Pam - We LOVE WhooNu!! We can all 8yr old all the way up to the 15 yr old..All the Cranium games are great.. - Love the game night! I’ll have to try Whoonu! Thanks for sharing.

Tempest Ahoy - Another Aussie reader here 🙂

Michelle - Australia - How excited was I to see a post of yours with Australia in the title! Let us know when you are coming to visit and all your MEG fans will have to club together to provide you with accommodation across the length and breadth of our great country!!

edie - your grandmother is beautiful. and i would pick dictionary first—because i’m nerdy like that.
i’ve been thinking of you this week meg and i just wanted to say that it’s a privilege to get to peak into your life. i am thankful.
lots of love,

Kat - Love your Grandmother, the table, fun with the family and Australia! (Aussie, Aussie.)
Meg, you look like you have lost weight with all your running 🙂

Denissa - How fun, your grandmother is adorable 🙂 we love whoonu!

julia - You have the coolest grandmother! For most 92 year olds being on the floor is a very bad thing.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Thanks for the info about the table…you did a great job. Never even heard of that game before. Reminds me we need to start game night again.

Ingrid Blanchette - so fun! will have to try out that game.
i spy with my little eye a ‘orange county’ starbucks mug on your table :). hope you had a great time visiting here…
vitamins should have already arrived in CO!

Kacey - Never heard of Whoonu! Sounds like fun.
Your coffee table reminds me of ours – painted white and distressed by us, then further distressed by the kids over time, and always where games are played and messes are made!

Rach - I love that you still have a Grandmother and that she will sit on the floor to play a card game. How awesome is that!

Julie - I love Who Nu!!! It is the best way for us to get to know the teenagers in our youth group when they are new and scared of us. Food, swimming and Who Nu. Three necessities in youth ministry. Apples to Apples is fun too with big groups. Love it.

Staci - Your grandmother is completely awesome!!! I love her and don’t even know her 🙂 We don’t have Whoonu…but you can bet I’m getting it today 🙂 Thanks!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - I hope to be able to sit on the floor when I’m 92, how great is that!
We have that game and it’s probably our family’s favorite. 🙂 It’s so fun, yet so simple. We also like to reverse it and have everyone pick the person’s least favorite. ( I hope that doesn’t make us sound like a negative bunch!) I’m so grateful that my husband and kids all love to play board games together.

Kathryn - I want to know about that table. Did you buy it that way or did you paint and distress it yourself?? I want to do a project like that and need advice.

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where troubles melt like lemon drops….

the wizard of oz had it's 71st anniversary.
that is cause for a celebration.
at least a little one.
i celebrated at target first…..



rainbow is everywhere when you look for it.
when i was a little girl i remember going our neighbors home to watch it
the night it was on tv because he had a COLOR tv.
i thought his house was a mansion.
it was on the corner and his driveway circled from one side, around the back and out to the other side.
heaven for roller skates and bike riding.
and that neighbor used to always say "how are you boys doing?" when he'd see me and my friend.
we'd say "WE'RE NOT BOYS!"  
he was funny.

my dad made a cassette tape by putting the tape recorder to the tv (i think?)
and recorded the whole movie.
i listened to it so many times.
still to this day i know all the words….every song…even the background noises like the pigs in the beginning.
i know the EXACT moment when it was time to turn the tape over.
dorothy had just escaped, she screams and the wicked witch busts in and says "GOING SO SOON?"
and you had to quickly turn over the tape.

i have always loved this movie.

i forgot that my kids hadn't seen it.
not the youngest three at least.

i made some rainbow treats….to set the mood.
colored ice cubes and sprite.
this tasted like nothing but they thought it was really cool.
and my kids didn't care that their drinks turned brown.
it was a fun drink….for kids.  
adults would be a little grossed out.

fruit arranged in a rainbow.
this is so easy to do!

dessert was rice krispy treats….made with fruity pebbles.

we ate on rainbow paper plates.

simple small things that made our evening special.

after dinner we all moved to the couch and watched the dvd.
and i couldn't believe it….

NO ONE left.

all 5 kids watched the whole movie!

it shocked me.

the littler ones had LOTS of questions.
and as soon as the tornado started annie ran to my lap…scared.
she stayed there the rest of the movie.
even waffle liked it!

this morning annie announced at breakfast "i liked that movie last night!"


tell me….what is your favorite wizard of oz memory?

Santa Claus - It’s very exiting to find this blog. I’m so surprised by your way of thinking and writing. Have you thought about writing a book?

jennyonthespot - Oh my golly, I love you.

Natalie Anthony - Hearing my mom sing “Over the Rainbow” at the last concert she gave before she died of cancer back when I was 15. We have the recording. I can’t wait to share this movie with my children, we did buy the Veggie Tales “Wizard of Ha’s” version, and my 2 year old was scared of that, so I think we need to wait a bit…

Liz - The Wizard of Oz is awesome…and so are all of these rainbows! I have 2 daughters so we are pretty much surrounded by rainbows 24/7. I love this post & I’m now your newest follower 🙂 p.s. I’m making those rainbow ice cubes asap!

Talysa - I think the fact that I “had” to wait all year for that one special moment to arrive is what made this movie so memorable to me…no DVR’ing it…no running to Blockbuster to rent it…or even finding it on cable…just pure anticipation. Love the rainbow ice cubes. 🙂

Mike S. - when i was a kid, it would play on a local station sometime in March. One year, there was a storm front and while watching the movie, we actually had to run to the cellar because of a tornado warning! I seem to recall thinking this movie must have some powerful mojo.
I love, love, love the photos in this post! Nice job!

Lorie - I love everything in this entire post!!!
Rainbows make me HAPPY!!
I can’t tell you how many times I have had to stop myself from buying those bowls because I do not have room for them!
But that didn’t stop be from buying the colored knives at Target that I know aren’t any good, but are PRETTY!!!!

crystal b - Ok, I am just shocked at that last comment — Ellen!!!! I can’t believe you haven’t seen the entire movie!!! That’s just … just … un-American!!!
Hey Meg, I noticed on your “35 things” button you want to learn how to cook pork. Email me, at I have some awesome pork recipes for you.

Ellen - I am sad (and a little embarrassed) to say that I’ve never actually seen the whole movie in its entirety. When I was younger, just like Annie, I was unsure of the scary parts, so I never made it to the end. I guess that memory stayed with me because I’ve still never seen it! I should watch it just to say that I have.
However, I was Dorothy for Halloween one year in college. That was fun!

Kari - You are such an awesome mom – seriously fun! You are truly inspiring and oh how I wish you lived near WI … I would love a photo session. 🙂
I’ve loved The Wizard of Oz as long as I can remember (I’m 28). It still makes me smile every time I watch it. Favorite memory you ask … I am a big dork, how about this?
*I too can recite every line with inflection as you said (my husband thinks I’m a nut).
*I commandeered my brother’s bedroom when he moved out and turned it into a Wizard of Oz shrine to accommodate my ridiculous collection … plates, Barbies, snow globes, music boxes, statues, ornaments, etc. All things OZ!
*I’ve met several of the munchkins and have autographs from attending “Wizard of Oz Fest” in Indiana two years in a row when I was in high school. My dad was such a trooper…
*I would totally dominate in a round of Wizard of Oz trivia 🙂 *We adopted a Cairn terrier from the humane society when I was 14, and of course, named him Toto (RIP buddy).
*My cousin and I spent hours learning the “we’re off to see the wizard” skip-dance. I told you … dork.
*I have the ruby slippers tattooed on my left ankle – love it! *Epic fail though … if you can believe it I’ve NEVER been Dorothy for Halloween.
We have two daughters (7 weeks & 23 months). Based on some of the other comments, it might be time to introduce the movie to Mallory! I can only hope she’ll love it HALF as much as I do!
Anyway, love your blog and I visit daily. 🙂

Lisa - I’m crazy for rainbows and Wizard of Oz too….hard to think of just one good memory, I have so many from watching it over the years…my daughter picked out the Target rainbow comforter set for her dorm room, we both fell in love w/ it. - What an awesome way to celebrate the Wizard of Oz anniversary! You’re such a cool mom. I’m glad the little ones loved it too. It’s nice to know that the classics are still classics!

Andrea from O-H-I-O - You made it so fun. Will have to do this for a different movie. Am glad to see that I was not the only one scared of the flying monkeys. I would try to watch the movie and never make it through because of the monkeys. Soooooo, I have never seen the whole movie! And my kids have never watched it at all! It is kind of crazy what we pass on to our kids.

Lori - My parents always made me go to bed before it was over–because they were strict with bedtime. But if I laid just right at the bottom of my bed I could peak into the livingroom and watch it until the end. If I heard my mom or dad coming I would hurry up and flip back to the other end of the bed and fake sleeping. AH memories!!!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - I don’t think I have a memory as great as the one you just gave your kids! 🙂 how fun and now I’m thinking about how I can turn our movie nights into more special times.

chrsiti - you are one of the most creative ladies out there. thanks for the constant inspiration.

Emily - I saw Wizard of Oz for the first time when I was four years old (1985). My parents rented it from the local library: reel-to-reel film in big plastic cases. Waiting for them to set up the projector was excrutiating. We hung a sheet over the picture window in our living room and had our own theater. I remember the opening credits: black and white Kansas prairie land, and asking my Mom “where’s the lion?!” It’s a family classic for sure. Love your rainbow photos. Love love love.

TrishNotChris - My youngest was scared to death of the monkeys so we hadn’t watched the movie. In the meantime, my oldest read the book at school. As you probably know, the book is VERY different than the movie…more violent and well, more detailed. Last year, we finally watched the movie and my oldest kept saying “Where are the….what about the….they left out…” and in the end, he said “I’m glad I read the book first…it’s more exciting.” Having read the book, I have to agree, but the annual t.v. showing was such an event and a wonderful childhood memory.

Joanne Kozlowski - There really is no place like home.

Trina McNeilly - you always bring the best rainbowy goodness! sigh!
xo T

robin - I want to thank you for the yummy fruity pepples rice krispie idea! Last night I had between 5pm and 6pm (picking up my 2 kids) to prepapre a dessert to take to see a friend’s new baby. Obviously I didn’t have time to bake or refridgerate, so when I saw the fruity pepples idea I knew I had a winner. Not only did all of the kids love them, but it turns out the new mom’s favorite cereal is fruity pepples. WIN! So, thanks….perfect timing. 🙂

Sandy - Wow, I feel like I missed out on so much (and again I say YOU are the COOLEST mom ever!). Year after year I laid down in front of the tv to watch it and fell asleep (I still do that today). I never watched the whole movie until I was well into my 30s. My family likes to make fun of me for not knowing it was in color since I ALWAYS fell asleep during the black and white part.

Sugar Mama - I don’t know if it played on local channels everywhere else for Halloween, but in Oklahoma growing up we watched in every Halloween. And I loved it. But the scene that especially creeped me out was in the Wicked Witch’s castle. I just knew I never wanted to be in a place like that. EVER.

Elissa - their drinks turned brown. that’s just awesome. we did the WoO about a year ago and they all sat through the whole deal too, my youngest at only 2. Something about that movie.
and rice krispie treats are WAY better with fruity pebbles.

Courtney - I love reading your blog but this is the first time I have commented. I just absolutely had to show you this clip from a live remake of The Wizard Of Oz that has been touring Australia. It is not ‘traditional’ but when I saw it, it was definitely awesome!

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - My sister and I used to wear our Halloween witch hats and watch when it would come on tv. SUCH a big deal to us!

Melissa Mae - It was my favorite movie as a kid too! I was Dorothy for Halloween twice in a row. My mom is an amazing seamstress and she made the coolest costume ever, complete with a little dog popping his head out of a basket and custom glitter shoes. (now you see them everywhere, but those were unheard of back then 🙂

Chicago Jen - I feel the need to respond- I watched it every year on CBS and was scared and left the room when the witch arrived. I probably never saw it through until my teens. Recently, I loved watching it with the kids, they were much braver then I was. We got it from the library and they watched it every day we had it.
Awsome job- your so creative.
Chicago Dave

Aljolynn - What a sweet night. My favorite part of the movie was when they got their makeovers. They look so happy afterwards, getting ready to meet the Wizard.

Nancy - Even though I have watched this TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT, last time I noticed a quote that I never paid attention to before: Scarecrow to Dorothy: “some people without brains do an awful lot of talking… don’t they?” LOVE IT! And, ooh soo true! 🙂

Dorothy Walker - How neat the kids watched the entire thing! People forget what a fabulous movie The Wizard of Oz truly is. I love what you did with the rainbow colors, you are hecka fun!
Oz has brought much happiness into my life. Because of friends I’ve made through an on-line club (Everything Oz Club) I made the trip from CA to attend the 2007 (Chesterton) Indiana WOZ Festival where I met many of them. I also met a few of the Munchkins who were actually in the movie, as well as other Oz celebrities such as author John Fricke, a voice heard in many Oz commentaries. I attended the Hollywood, CA, ceremony and other happenings where the 7 of the Munchkins were presented their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a trip my husband and I will never forget.
I collect anything Oz and have tons of it, but the memories made each year sitting in front of the TV and then watching it at the Graum’s Chinese Theatre sitting behind the Great-grandson of L.Frank Baum is better than any collectible I could ever add to my collection!

Lora - You are the coolest mom ever! That colorful drink looked de-lish! I love all the bright rainbow colors! I didn’t get to watch the WHOLE movie until I think I was an adult. Every time they showed it on tv it was always on a Sunday night and we were ALWAYS at church. I wanted to be sick so bad just ONCE so I could stay home from church and watch the entire movie!

tasha roe - LOVE IT!
my mom grew up in Wichita so we were inindated with the Wizard of Oz from a very young age. My fondest memory has to be of being at my mimi & papa’s house (mom’s parents in KS) sitting on the green shag carpet watching the Wizzard of Oz eating Spumoni out of our sundae dishes. ca 1982. 🙂

crystal b - Meg! How funny is that, we both referenced the Wizard on the same day!!!! Even funnier . . . my best friend and I made a cassette recording of the Wizard of Oz when we were in middle school! We tried to memorize the whole movie — it didn’t work but we got close. But, boy could we sing all the songs. We used to do a skit in high school singing like munchkins.
I had no idea it was celebrating it’s 71st anniversary until you left a comment on my blog! The Wizard must have been sending me messages in my sleep.
Awesome photos! Love all the colors. I’m jealous you live in Kansas.

Debby Graber - Megan, I remember the first time I saw it. I was married and we were at KU. They showed it on campus. They never showed this film in Japan where I grew up. Did you know there is an actual scene where there is a guy who commited suicide and he is hanging from the rafters in the background?? It wasn’t erased out.

Kirsten J - Omigosh, what a cute memory you made for your kids. Me? I so remember being dreadfully fascinated by those monkeys. And loving seeing it once a year 🙂

debbie - My memory is the same as yours. We would go to my gramps and grandnana’s house to watch when it came on TV, as they were the only people we knew who had a color TV. Like Annie, I was petrified of the tornado AND the flying monkeys. 🙂
My parents took a trip out west a few years ago, and stopped in Kansas on their way back, and visited the Frank Baum museum. They bought me a beautiful hard cover edition of Oz. I think this is one of the rare cases where I thought the movie was better than the book.

Suzanne D - Every year on January 29 (Kansas’ birthday), our entire grade school would have a school assembly to eat a Kansas-shaped sheet cake and watch “The Wizard of Oz.” Now that I am older, I am surprised that kids weren’t scared…but I guess that is what happens when you watch it every year. My girls have never seen the movie, and I this was great inspiration to have a rainbow night!

Vera - You are so cool.

Tanya H - I love the music. Especially Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
I seriously love your creativity and how fun you are! I am so making those fruity pebble krispy treats for my kids next week when my daughter starts Kindergarten! THANKS!

Jennifer - Who rang that bell! 🙂

Tracy - How Cute, Meg! Such a great idea! I wish when my kids were small like yours that I would have thought about these kinds of ideas. This is so cute and so neat! I love all of the pictures of the rainbow and love the movie the Wizard of Oz. However, I can’t remember which part is my favorite as I liked it all – maybe it was Dorothy’s Red shoes! HA! xoxoxo

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You are soooo cool. I love your rainbow themed party:) Those ice cubes would have been a hit in our house. Can I tell ya somethin’?? The Wizard of OZ scares the crap out of me. Those flying monkeys and the mean wicked witch….oh the nightmares I used to have. Seriously you’re brave to love that movie!

Kat - I love the Wizard of Oz! That and Grease are my top 2 favourite movies! When I was in primary school my sister and I sat and watched it and wrote down every song so we could memorise them. We had to stop and rwind a million times. In Australia we don’t really do Halloween but my friend had a Halloween party last year and I went as Dorothy.

Carrie - Loved the rainbow pics – made me smile!

shelby - my favorite wizard of oz memory is watching it with my 3 year old daughter 🙂

Jennifer - When I was in kindergarten, I saw it for the first time. It was 1978 and I remember my aunt asking me the next morning something about the witch’s green face. I was confused. We had B&W TV! I was terrified of the flying monkeys and the scene with the hour glass when the tinman is chopping the door down to get to Dorothy would always play in my head when I had a fever. Weird. I was pretty afraid of the movie—> WUSS????

Julie - My boys just watched this not too long ago when it was on tv. They too watched the whole thing. Shocking! I’m not sure what my favorite part is, but the first scene I think of is when the witch gets squashed. I can see her legs poking out right now.
So… those paper plates!! I commented probably two months ago that I saw plates at Target that made me think of you. Those are them. You probably didn’t read my comment or even think to look for them if you did, but I still feel happy that you found them! 🙂 So silly, I know!

Brandy-Rena - I got a “There’s no place like home…” and The Ruby Slippers tattoo when I moved out of my parents house. It makes me happy when I see it.

Nina @ Mama Roux - What a fun and colorful blog post this was, I loved it! You are so creative. When I was younger I could never stay awake for the whole movie, it seemed so long and I thought the flying monkeys were so scary!

Deputy's Wife - I love the little people. “We represent the Lolipop Guild, the Lolipop Guild.” I can even do the voices. heh.

Tracey Garcia - I remember when I was little (pre-cable) it came on every year on CBS in the spring–usually right around Easter. My Granny and I would always watch it together.
My kids both love it too. I was shocked last year when only one of the kids in my class knew what the movie was and/or had seen it! My kids love it so much, I couldnt’ imagine other kids not having seen it too!

Renae - This is less a “favorite” memory and more of a “memorable” memory but my dad would always pull my teeth by trying to distract me by watching something on TV (shows, an eclips on the news, etc.). Yes of course the Wizard of Oz was one of my favorite movies growing up and I was always so excited when it would be on. So my dad pulled one of my teeth while I was watching it. The worst part was that his big arm got in the way and I remember being mad that I missed the movie (wow, I was a drama queen back then). Nevermind that my mouth was gushing blood, I was ticked about missing 10 seconds of the movie! 🙂 Good times!

Cathy - Thank you for such amazing ideas! We plan on watching the Wizard this weekend…because we saw “Wicked” (so incredibly great!) and realized we should have plunked the kids down BEFORE to watch the Wizard of Oz.

se7en - That is so totally fun!!! Love it!!!

Elizabeth - In fourth grade, I tried out and won the part of Dorothy in the school play. I’ll never forget it, actually — and still haven’t forgotten all the words to all the songs I sang…

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - One of the most memorable times I watched it was when in college.
Someone had heard that you should watch the movie muted while listening to Pink Floyds “Dark Side of the Moon” – (starting the cd on the lions 3rd roar if I remember correctly)
So, one night when we had nothing in-particular to do and one of us had the movie, and another had the CD – we decided to test the theory.
It’s un-canny and a bit eerie how the different scenes in the movie seemed to go with whatever track was playing!!
Love the target shots – I was just there recently looking for some new hand towels and I just couldn’t help but smile with all those bright cheery rainbow colors!

Kelly - seeing one of my students as Dorothy in a stage production!
I have those washcloths! The food is all really fun. Good idea on the ice cubes. Kelly

ashley - I remember always being so scared of the flying monkeys. I would hide and get poked fun of by my best friend, but then we tried to make our own costumes and it was all good. I still want a pair of those ruby slippers!

katy - I just thought that place was so magical, except the monkeys were quite terrifying (and the wicked witch).

tara pollard pakosta - P.s. I LOVE what you did for your kids with this celebratioN! how memorable!

tara pollard pakosta - I remember watching it on my parents bed with my sister and we would run out when the monkeys came, we would be screaming cause we were scared of the monkeys!
later on when I was a nanny for a little boy, named pete, who was an artist. he would draw over and over the chandelier falling down on the witch–I don’t remember that part in the movie ( I am sure you do) but he would draw that over and over . Was it when she melted? I just know he drew over and over the parts that scared him! OH and when Peter met my parents he was about 8 or 9 and I took him with me to MI to meet them and when they asked him “how are you?” he said, “not doing very well with this hole in my back, thank you very much” AND my parents were like “WHAT?” cause he was repeating the scarecrows words, I believe. He was a very peculiar child!
And most recently, seeing my neighbors daughter in the play was so fuN!

Tonya - Meg, have you been to the Wizard of Oz museum in Wamego? It’s a fun little stop, certainly no too big or grand, but cool nonetheless!
There’s so much I love about this movie….the munchkins, Glenda the good witch, the freaky monkey’s, those fabulous ruby slippers! But the thing I love the most are the songs! It just takes hearing a few words to any of the songs and I’m singing it all day! - This was also my favorite movie! I remember my dad recording it for me on our old Beta (not VHS!) machine back in the days when the remote control was hooked to the tv/tape player by a cord that was not quite long enough to reach the couch or recliner. He clicked pause during the commercials so that they’d be edited out for when I watched the movie later. Had to make a new take every year because I’d watch it so often!

Emmylou Hart - One time we were visting my grandpa in Manhattan, KS. For some reason all the hotels were full so we found a room in Wamego where the Wizard of Oz museum is. It happened to be the OZtoberfest & some of the munchkins from the movie were staying in our hotel. We met a few at breakfast. My boys were to afraid to say “hi”. They loved the parade & the museum though. Wamego is a very cute Kansas town!

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - That is my favorite movie!
My tenth birthday was wizard of oz themed. My mom put so much time and effort into it, but it snowed, so only one girl came. She even made a rainbow cake!

Courtney - I didn’t read all your comments, so I’m sure this has been mentioned, but anyone who loves the Wizard of Oz this much will LOVE LOVE LOVE the musical WICKED. It is so beautiful, the music will melt you! A good thing to do while the kids are all at school. Then, buy “The Grimmerie” that documents the making of the musical, it’s visually the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. BUT don’t read the book– not at ALL like the musical– very dirty and depressing. The musical is happy 🙂

Jeanelle - Hiding behind the faux fur chaise lounge in our living room when the monkeys came on. Oh how they scared me! But the movie? Pure bliss. So glad the family loved it!

Andrea - I have so many memories of watching the Wizard of Oz! I’d have to say my favorite is my earliest memory of it. My family always watched it together when it came on TV. I was about 2 or 3, and I remember my sister and I had our sleeping bags on the livingroom floor while my parents snuggled on the couch. It was late, but we had bowls of popcorn. I fell asleep pretty early in the movie, but I still remember it so fondly.
We now have a new family tradition that we watch the Wizard of Oz as a family the night before thanksgiving!

Elise - I think I tried to be Dorothy for Halloween 7 years in a row. And to this day, I still feel awesome when I’m wearing red shoes. (Especially sparkly ones).
Have you ever watched it with the sound off and with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon playing? You have to start the CD right when you see the lion roar before the movie. It’s eerie how well the two match up. And, since you can quote the whole movie, I think you’d enjoy it even more!

beth - I love that show and so does my kids….you would never believe this but one of the munchkins lives in our town.

rachel p - speaking of rainbows (not a wizard of oz memory, but) …
I wanted to *THANK YOU!!!* for the rainbow cake recipe! I made it for my son’s 2-year birthday party (decorated the top with baseball, football, and soccer bouncy balls), and all the kids AND grown ups were so excited when i cut into it and really loved it! I gladly gave you all the credit, so I think you have a few new readers from my family 🙂
And most importantly, my son LOVED his birthday cake 🙂 YUM!!
THANK YOU for the inspiration!!!

Christa aka BabbyMama - My fave WoO memory is probably watching it every year when they’d show it on TV as a special… do they still do that? We never had such an awesome spread, though. Maybe I’ll do this when my daughter gets a bit older!

CK - My older sister would turn off my bedroom light and cackle, “I’ll get you my pretty… and your little dog too! Aaah ha ha ha!” Even though I knew every time that it was my sister, it still scared me:)
My best friend and I would watch it together every year when it came on TV. We don’t have movies like that anymore. The kind that you only get to see once year and that bring your whole family together.

Sarah - I could never ever get over the monkeys. They scared the crap out of me and still do.

Cris - This post brings back so many good memories. It was a big deal, we watched it as a family and had popcorn and homemade grape juice. I was glad to have my siblings to snuggle with when the flying monkey’s made their appearance. The wicked witch was super scary too (both of them). You should see the musical “Wicked” ((awesome)).

Nicole Q. - Those colors make me want to RUN to Target. . . . and the drink idea is a great fun idea! You are so creative! Glad you enjoyed a good family night.

Amy Harle - Excellent idea!!! My favorite Wizard of Oz memory is watching it at my grandparent’s house. It felt like it was hours long…I guess because there was always so much to take in at a young age. Now I love that my kids LOVE the movie, too, and are just as exciting as I am to watch it. PS. We’ve been making your mom’s margarita recipe A LOT this summer. They come out perfect every time and I always get asked for the recipe…I give her credit each time 🙂

lori lucas - I wrote about the Wizard of Oz today too, and my own five children!!
Your post is much more colorful than mine tho.
If you look at my post, THAT is my favorite memory!
Loved your post. Lori L

Dee Stephens - what a GREAT idea! I’ll have to bookmark this post for when I have kids 🙂

Mary Osborne - My mom always made us watch when we were little and it was on TV that one time a year.
I would be so excited but soooo scared, those flying monkeys were scary!!!! I thought Dorothy was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
My two girls loved it when we watched it together and we just saw Wicked for the 1st time this summer. The references to TWoO in that crack me up.
Thanks for bringing back some great memories.

Kathi - Sorry, have to go against the flow. I hated this movie as a kid, scared me to death! I had nightmares for months after seeing it. I couldn’t go into the bathroom when it was dark out without closing the blind on the window, because I thought I could see flying monkeys! My oldest son just saw the movie last year, he’s 22! LOL.
On the flip side, Megan I love your ideas and your blog! I read it everyday. You are so creative and talented, I wish I could get some of it to rub off on me!

Bec - I have so many memories of watching this movie with my mom. It got to the point that everyone knew we loved it so we’d get several phone calls from family members to tell us it was on and what channel. It was almost ALWAYS on when we’d be decorating the Christmas tree. Neither of us love the flying monkeys. My high school performed this a couple of years ago and my mom and I were right on the aisle and they had the monkeys come in from the back and they were right by us and we both turned to each other and were freaked out. I’ve seen Wicked a few times and it is a great addition to the story!!! Your girls would LOVE it if they like the original. Don’t read the book though…it’s weird.

Trasie - I grew up in Southwest Kansas in a small town called Moscow and we use to drive to Liberal a 35 minute drive for us to Dorthy’s House all the time. We loved skipping on the yellow brick road and we felt like we were part of the movie. Every year Liberal celebrated Oztober and they have a Dorthy sing a like contest and when I was a freshman in high school I won the contest and got to eat breakfast with some of the original munchkins and they autographed my winning certificate. I have always loved the Wizard of Oz. I have a movie themed basement and one of the movie posters is of course the Wizard of Oz.

Amanda - When I was little I always loved the part where the house lands on the witch and her feet curled up-thought that was a cool special effect-LOL.

Amy - My girls LOVE Wizard of Oz. They watch it at least once a day.
My favorite memory is a recording actually. It is of my oldest singing “somewhere over the rainbow”. It’s the ringer whenever my husband calls.

LC - I love the Wizard of Oz!
It was a favorite when I was a kid. One of the only movies my Brother and I wouldn’t fight over wanting to watch. We both loved it!
Then when I had my Daughter, around the age of 3 SHE fell in love with it. We watched it every single day for more than 2 years.
Good times.

`Kelly - 71 years and still a family favorite! I love that movie & the memories of watching it every year!
My favorite Wizard of Oz memory is Halloween 2 years ago.
(’ve done a “theme” for Halloween for several years but this one was my favorite by far! I still have the picture at the bottom of this post framed in my living room. I love it!

Laura - Oh, it was such a treat to watch it once a year, and when the black and white turned to color, it was magical. There’s so much more sophistication today that I fear kids won’t understand how special that movie is and was…it was groundbreaking for its time. What a fun party you had. Love it.

deb meyers - and … the Lion’s song: “King of the Forest” when he is preparing to go see the Great and Powerful Oz.
now i’m stopping.

deb meyers - We used to wait for Wizard, annually, too.
But the one that I literally lived and breathed for (1964)? was Rodger and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” with Leslie Ann Warren; and Walter Pidgeon as the king. I actually found it on Ebay (vhs). Such an unsophisticated version … actors did not have capped teeth, sets so plain. But the music…oh, the music!

mandy friend - I was going to try and talk my 4 kids into the Wizard of Oz costumes this year for Halloween! I have 1 girl and 3 boys-perfect! HAve you ever watched the Return to Oz??? Creepy but I loved it! If you haven’t you should, total departure from the original but worth seeing…but I don’t suggest letting Annie watch it!

Angie C - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite memories is from high school when my friends from chorus and I dressed like the tin man, lion, scarecrow, and Dorothy for Halloween. I am now a Wicked fan as well. Maybe the wicked witch isn’t actually wicked…

deb meyers - Favorite parts of the movie:
When Dorothy looks out the window inside the Twister, and sees the mean neighbor pedaling who turns into the witch (still creepy)
And the end, when she wakes up, and points to the ‘farmhands’ and says “And YOU were there! And, oh YOU were there! And YOU, TOO!” and of course … then … “There’s NO PLACE like home”.
deb meyers

Chris - It was one of the few nights my dad gave up rights to the big console TV in the living room and let the kids watch what we wanted. Every year we got dibs on the TV for the Wizard of Oz, The Macy’s Thanksgiving day Parade and the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, the rest of the time the TV blared HeeHaw and The Dukes of Hazard.
And upon reading your post, I realized my youngest kids haven’t seen it either. What kind of parent am I,lol?
Love the rainbows, love your post!

Lisa K - This post made me cry. A cross between your nostalgic happy memories, rainbows, your good mommy efforts to make a simply special night, and the thought of your kids having this memory for their lifetime. You are spectacular, Megan. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. xo

Stephanie - I LOVE The Wizard of Oz. I remember before VCR’s and DVD players I would be so excited when it was going to be on TV. I loved when it changed from Black and White to Color.

MommaH - You are such a cool mom. I think my kids were kind of deprived, since I never thought of those very neat things to do. One summer I did take them all around our area to see all the historical stuff, the Mennonite Museum in Goessel, Cowtown in Wichita, the Bethel Museum in No. Newton, I think we even went to Council Grove. It was a neat summer.

Amanda - Oh my goodness, this movie has always been a part of my childhood. I really don’t even remember it being not a part of my childhood in fact. I was absolutely terrified of the flying monkeys when I was little, so much so that I wouldn’t go anywhere near monkey exibits at zoos until I was like 9 because I was always afraid they’d start flying at try to snatch me.
Love your rainbow celebration! I think we’ll be adopting a few of those ideas in our house to celebrate the Wizards anniversary as well 🙂

Heather R. - My Mom was in Ringling Brothers circus…she knew some of the actual munchkins. I always thought that was so cool. I love when she melts the wicked witch. The flying monkeys still freak me out a little. We saw it last year at the Crown Center outside movie. Our girls 9 and 10 loved it :)! We live in Kansas and I have a pair of ruby slippers with plants in them by our front door. 🙂

Christy - So cute!! I love anything rainbow. My favorite part is the lollipop kids and the song they sing. We represent the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids…. now I’ll be singing that all day long..

Natalie - I just made rainbow cake! And I love me some Dorothy. 🙂

Lori H - Like commenter Stephanie, I waited all year for the one showing of the movie, and I had to be really good as the time came so that I would be allowed to stay up and watch it. The same way with the Grinch every year. So much more special than just watching it on DVD whenever they want to! Glad your kids liked the movie. My two kids were probably Talby’s age when I introduced them to it…they made fun of the “lame special effects” and the slow pace. Oh well, I still love it!

mary - finally realizing, after all these years, that glinda was right
i’ve always had the power.
it’s hands down one of the best movies ever.

Jaime - Love all the rainbow stuff! 😀
The Wizard of Oz is a favorite of mine a well. We haven’t seen it in a while; I should prolly put it on our movie night list!

Stephanie - I remember when I was a kid the movie only came on once per year (I think around Easter time). It was always on the same TV channel and we would be so excited when we saw the commercials announcing the date. We would mark the calendar and count down the days. When the big night came we would get into our PJ’s and pop popcorn and the whole family would sit together and watch. We also did the same for The Sound of Music which also was shown once per year.
Our kids are so spoiled now with DVD’s, videos, cable TV, etc. They don’t get to have that anticipation and excitement for those “once a year” events. Sad:(

Courtney Walsh - The moment where it turns from Black and white to color… and seeing the witch’s feet shrivel up and retreat underneath the house. Those are my favorites! lol
My kids found our DVD and watched it not too long ago. I was really surprised they liked it so much (not sure why) and really worried about the monkeys and the witch because they are a little freaky!
What a FUN party you had!! Love it. 🙂

krystall - when I grow up I want to come live at your house, you have the best ideas!! I’m going to “steal” the ice cube thing and rice treats. My kids are gonna love you and your blog:)

Shannon - I love that you celebrated the anniversary of the Wizard of Oz!! We might have to have a “belated” celebration at our house! 😉 I have several fun memories of the Wizard of Oz. 1) For my oldest child’s first Halloween, we dressed her up as Toto (it was the first costume I had ever made)…my husband was the Scarecrow and I was Dorothy. We lived in MN at the time and thought it would be fun since we were still “Kansans” at heart!
2) This year my daughter tried out for her first community theatre production…The Wizard of Oz!!! She got the parts of a munchkin and flying monkey. She was so excited, but then said, “What is a flying monkey?” I then realized she had never watched the movie!! HA!! Needless to say, all 3 of my kids can now recite every line and sing every song! Here’s a post I did about the local production,
Rumor has it that the show next Summer will be Beauty and the Beast!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, I love how you make family events special. Thank you so much for reminding me that just the little touches add up to make an amazing memory!

Jeanne C - Did you know the author(Frank Baum) of Wizard of Oz was a newspaper editor in South Dakota in the 1800’s? He advocated and pressed for the annihilation of all native Americans. He actually called for the extermination. My dad is a Native American and I cannot fathom watching the Wizard of Oz, or promoting it in any way.

laura - how sweet!!!!

shannon - So adorable, you come up with some of the best ideas!

Maria in CT - Back when I was a kid – it was only on once a year. We would find out when it would be on and we all (four of us kids at the time) would sit and watch it, no matter what day it was on or what time, we wouldn’t move from the couch! My favorite part…the music when the Wicked witch (AKA the neighbor) is riding her bike…duntaduntadunta, duntaduntadunta (I know I’m not doing the music right, but you know what I mean)…..

dori - not an old memory…a brand new one. my dad recently introduced the movie to my daughter (who is only 22 months) and she LOVED it. the puppy, the lion, the (flying) monkeys, the colors…the wicked witch didnt phase her one bit.

Deanna - What a lovely party! I wish I could show the movie to my kids, but all 4 are pretty sensitive and would be scared. To be honest, even as a grown up the monkeys still creep me out. 🙂

Danielle H. - I absolutely LOVED this movie growing up and watched it every year. I was so fasinated with the black and white at the beginning and then the brilliant color! I need to show my daughter this movie – I guess I haven’t yet because she’s 4 and I don’t want the wicked witch to scar her! Have you seen Wicked the Musical? You MUST. It is wonderful and I love how it gives history between Glinda and the Wicked Witch (Elphaba) before they ended up in Oz.

Michelle - tree: “are you hinting my apples are not what the ought to be”
scarecrow: “no, it’s jut that she doesn’t like little green woooormss”
that’s my fav quote of all time!!!

Juli - What clever ideas you have! When I was a child in Kansas in the ’60s, only one family in the neighborhood had a color TV. In those days, “The Wizard of Oz” was shown only once a year. The family invited all the kids from the neighborhood to watch it on their set. When the movie goes to color, a crowded roomful of children all chorused, “Oooooh!”

Jodi - My favorite memory is watching it once a year when it came on TV in the family room of the house I grew up in.

Jami - My best memory of Wizard of oz has to be when at Halloween our principal in elemantary wanted to borrow our dog chip (who we rescued from a golf coarse and was oh so mangy) to be her Toto (she of course was Dorothy) I love this cause Chip had to have felt famous. 🙂 He loved all the attention 🙂 I do really also love the WHOLE movie especially when the little munchkin rolls out the scroll and starts singing “As coroner I must advert…….” For some reason it always makes me laugh……
PS I am a nanny and a mom and I adore your blog. We do a lot of your crafts. I did a craft day where I blogged about it too 🙂

mom - The fact that your dad made us watch it every year after that. You were always scared of that tornado!
Poppies! Beautiful poppies!

Trish - loved that it used to be on tv every year… wish they still did that!

Fat Cowboy - Meg, Didn’t you have a dog back when you first watched the movie? What was his name?

annalea @ our hartbeat - oh and this is such a fun and simple family night. great job!

annalea @ our hartbeat - we watched it early this summer with our kiddos. my daughte (3yo) still runs around the house saying “i’ll get you my pretty” and “there’s no place like home.” she also wants a rainbow birthday party this winter because, “the rainbow made eberything so boo-tiful for dorfy.” 🙂

Michelle - When I was a kid. . .7 or 8 . . . my parents told us we were moving to Kansas. The only time I had ever heard of Kansas was in the Wizard of Oz and I was still little enough to be terrified of the tornado and in turn Kansas. We moved in March and I spent that whole spring and summer on the lookout.

Amanda - I, like you, have loved Wizard of Oz my entire life. I don’t even remember the first time I saw it…I just feel like it’s always been there, ya know?
But, my absolute favorite Wizard of Oz memory, is showing it to my kids for the first time. It was on TV one night when my son was 5 and we watched it together. He loved it so much that he asked to sleep on the couch so he could watch it again (it was showing back to back). The first time my daughter watched it, she was about to turn 3. She quickly became obsessed with all things Wizard of Oz and had a Wizard of Oz 3rd birthday party, has been Dorothy for halloween for the past 2 years, and owns 3 pairs of ruby slippers!

FeFe - Well, I don’t love the movie but it does bring me good memories. It used to come on TV once a year and my dad insisted that we watch it. I would snuggle with my dad on the couch. I remember every year that dumb witch would come on and scare me to death. I would bury my head into my daddy’s chest…every single year. Hate the movie but love the memory! 🙂

Amanda Fuentes - I remember only getting to see it once a year too and the year it came out IN COLOR!
My favorite scene is the baby munchkins hatching from their eggs. I wanted to reach through the screen and keep them!
I just bought those rainbow washcloths at Target!

Staci - I’m soooo duplicating everything you did this weekend!!!! We rented the movie a while back and it was scratched….big bummer ;( Soooo, perfect reason to just buy it right 🙂 Hmmmm, I have so many favorites in this movie…but I do love it when Dorothy clicks her heels in those gorgeous slippers and gets to go home….and I do LOVE it when the house falls on the witch and her striped legs roll up under the house 🙂 And of course when the witch melts 🙂 Oh man! Now I can’t wait for my boys to watch this!!!! My puppy dog likes to watch tv too 🙂 I bet Waffle liked Toto 🙂 Thanks Megan!!! you are a rockstar!

Irene - The munchkins. Always. I went to Wicked last year in London and it was amazing!
Please adopt me Meg?! You are the best mum!

Vicki - I just have to say you are too cute!! 🙂 LOVE all the stuff you did!!
I don’t have any specific memories of watching the movie, but my favorite memory OF the movie is when the Lion says “I’ll fight ya with one hand behind my back….Grrrrufff…” 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I think I love the songs the most, though I can remember my mom getting us out of the pool at a hotel on vacation so that we could come in and watch it the night it was on tv!
It was such a big deal that it was on!
Love, love, love ‘Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead’.
“The house began to pitch, the kitchen took a slitch…”
It always made me think of ‘Very Merry Un-Birthday’ from Alice in Wonderland.
I guess it was the High School Musical of our generation.

Sophie - Well, in England, The Wizard Of Oz gets played at least once on TV every holiday season. My family and I used to watch it whenever we could. The first time I can remember watching it, I was really small, probably about 3 or 4. I can remember getting scared at the tornado part and running to my dad on the couch to protect me. I also always got scared at the part when they first see the ‘Wizard’.
And when I went to see ‘Wicked’ in London’s West End, it brought back all those memories of Christmases when I was tiny (:
I’m so glad that your kids like it. I think this movie is one of those that is timeless. My parents loved it as children, and so did I. I daresay that one day my children will love it too!

Kimberlee J. - Confession: I have never seen the Wizard of Oz all the way through.

Kimberly - This post made me happy 🙂
We watch The Wizard of Oz a lot – it really is the best movie!

katie - i can’t believe your kids had never seen it!!! mine love it!! so do i, still a favorite of mine!!

Anna Marie - I LOVE the munchkin scene! I often break out into song “We represent the Lullaby League, the Lullaby League…”

heather - I love this!! Especially the colored ice (did it get super gross brown though?)! How can you not love that movie, but especially with that awesome lead in!!

Katie M. - I went to San Francisco about 5 or 6 years ago and we went to a movie theater that had a special sing-a-long production of the wizard of oz! All of the words to the songs were on the screen. Also, when Glenda would come into the scene, everyone in the audience would blow bubbles! It was amazing!!!! This would actually be fun to re-create for a gathering!

Annie - I absolutely love that you made such a celebration out of such a simple thing… And everything looked so fun! And, kid or not, I want colored ice cubes in my drink!
We all need a little more celebration in our lives, don’t we?

Laura - just as you said…the excitement of it coming on..because it only came on once a year. It was special.
DVDs have ruined that for me…everything today is your finger tips..see anything anytime…no more waiting…takes the special out of
I wish I were more like you (in so many ways!)…I love that you held this one back for your kids
and that you created the “special” for them
( I too have seen this movie countless times…have you noticed how Dorothy’s braids go from short to long back to short while the scarecrow sings??? check it out…)

sarah - Used to watch this ALL the time.
What a great little celebration you had!!
I wish I could have been a kid at your house yesterday 🙂

Niki - My favorite memory was being in the Manhattan (KS) City Theater production of The Wizard of Oz when I was 7ish. It was performed outside in the city park! I was a munchkin! Sooo fun!
I always wanted a pair of red ruby slippers. Maybe that is why I have a slight obsession with sassy red shoes!

julia - you rock.

lorel - she’s not really melting, she’s just going into the floor. 🙂

amy - I didn’t even realize it was the anniversary. We borrowed the VHS from our babysitter and laid in our bed and watched it last night with some pop corn. How crazy that it’s the anniversary. My daughter LOVES it (she’s 4). She kept telling me everything that was going to happen. Looks like you had a good time!

Holly - I remember growing up and waiting for that one time a year that it would come on tv! I need to make my kids watch it again….not sure my little one has seen it!

Sandra K - Last summer I took my kids to see a wonderful live production at a local theatre and they loved it. Much to my delight, my daughter was DOROTHY for Halloween last year…oh, it will be hard to ever top that costume….LOVED it.

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my demo derby love affair.

many times i have thought about the derby and thought "what is the matter with me?"

"why do i love this stuff?"

it is the opposite of anything i like.

it's loud.
it's dirty.
it's crowded.
it's really hot.

but it's also….
a community.
a group of people that i grew up around….a tradition…of a small town kind.
the town where i grew up.
you know people and they know you. 
knew you when)

at the derby you stand in line to by your tickets and your high school bestie walks up and gives you a hug.
even though you haven't seen her in a few years.
and another one spots you in the crowd and waves and says "there's seats by us if you need some!"

it's like a big (redneck) reunion at the derby. 


at demo derbies you get to experience porta potties and purses falling in the dirt.
or mud flying into your hair.

but there are also funnel cakes.


and you can share them with new friends in the row in front of you….

you can sit behind a class mate you haven't seen in years and meet his son.
and talk about the good ol' days.
and how old you feel now.

the sun goes down.
the heat is gone.

it is a fun place to be.  
do you believe me yet?

at the derby you can climb under the bleachers…not too gracefully…to go buy a demo derby t-shirt.
i really did.

sean and talby were catching grasshoppers and naming them all steve.

and just before the final round there is a big fireworks show.
the music comes through through the crackly speakers  and everyone turns to watch.
i kept saying "really?  there is MORE?!"  
it went on forever.

i love the derby.
i love taking my kids.

it's old fashioned small town fun.

(here is our time a year ago….with video.)

have you ever been to a demolition derby? 

juicy couture bags - They looked so ridiculous with helmet heads walking around Wally World like Mad Max rejects. Another prime example of why there’s a website called People of Walmart =D!
So tell us Mechgogo, is it customary to shop around a store with your motorcycle helmet perched on your head? Or using it as a shopping basket to carry the BBQ sauce?

Valerie - Oh, I have to laugh. Reminds me of the “one-and-a-half winters” I survived living up in Minne-SNOW-tah as newlyweds seven years ago. I’m a Tulsa girl, born and bred, but we lived up there for a job transfer for my husband. That is a story in itself. But while up there we were introduced to demo derbies. Ha! We were so naive. We both were dressed in Ralph Lauren type summer wear, my husband had on LINEN even, haha, and there we were, surrounded by the best redneck folk EVER, and the mud was a-flyin’ into the stands and raining on our heads. And you know what? We LOVED it. And it is one of my alltime FAVORITE memories of our time in Minnesota ever. And now we are safely back in Tulsa. Ha. The End. 😉

Kristy - So bummed we missed the Demo Derby this year–Good times. Who is the classmate you were sitting by? Don’t recognize the head:)!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Nope I haven’t been but would LOVE to one day!! It sounds like quite a night : )
Gemma x

Genn - That does look like tons of fun Meg!!
I’ve never been to anything like that before.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a small town that had cool community events like that.
And now I want a funnel cake. 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - that just looks like a barrel of fun to me. i can almost taste that funnel cake. yum.
by the by, i made your meatballs tonight. holy stinkin cow. they are so good! woo to the hoo for church cook books. and everyone liked it. which is a minor miracle at our table. seriously, i had to make myself stop eating. your recipes are the best. that is all.

Chaos-Jamie - I wondered how you got such a good seat! I saw what time you went in and NO ONE gets a seat over there without camping out for hours.

Vera - No! But now I want to!! Maybe I’ll wait till my one boy is older than six months old, because he might have more fun that way.

Erica - Oh my goodness… I have been in Manhattan all summer and I miss Newton so bad!! Especially this and the bull blowout!!! =( thanks for the great pictures!! I know what you mean about loving the small town things though!! =)

Kelly - i haven’t been to a demo derby but when my husband and I were dating I went with him to a tractor pull in Missouri. Kind of the same I think. We had kettle corn instead of funnel cake but that is oh so yummy too. 🙂 I do think that all the wonderful colors at the demo derby are very “you”. Kelly

debbie - I haven’t been to a demo derby in years. You brought back a fun memory!

Margo - I love the demo derby! I have been going to them as long as I can remember – you described it perfectly!!

Lorie - I LOVE the derby at our county fair. It IS a small town kinda thing…but more than that….I’ve always secretly, even as far back as high school, been tempted to be in one. Just to let out my aggression. You all know what I mean! It would be a blast!

shelby - my dad raced locally (in Southern California)when I was a kid and every month or so at the end of the night when he raced there would be a demolition derby. I always got so excited when they would start wetting down the track with the water truck and my friends and I would bet which car would be the last one running. I loved it!

Juli - Oh yes, indeedy. Another closet redneck, here. I depserately tried to lose my Southern accent in college but it didn’t work.

Aimee - Hahaha, my husband and I name everything Steve. Steve or Jose. Seriously! I had this one burp he named Steve. He had this one rogue hair on his forehead I named Jose. Hahaha!

LibraryGirl62 - i LOVE the Demolition Derby! We go in the winter here cause the mosquitoes are HUGE on the edge of the Everglades in the summer!

Susan - Meg,
This has nothing to do with the demo derby, but I keep getting pop-up ads whenever I come to your blog. My other bookmarked blogs don’t do this. Is this an advertisement thingy that you’ve placed on here on purpose, or is there something wrong with my computer. It’s just starting to bother me, because I can’t always read through an entire post without one getting in the way. 🙁
Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I wasn’t sure if you knew about this or not, or if it was happening to anyone else.

Courtney Walsh - I have been to one ONCE! But I’m much more interested in the funnel cakes. lol
Looks like fun. And I love a small town! 🙂

Cheri - Oh my goodness…i have read your blog almost daily for two years, baked your food, copied your crafts…and never written, but just saw the demo derby photos and saw a Hillsboro sign in a picture….my daughter met a boy from Hillsboro while working at a camp in MO…… they are very much in love and you probably know his family…….hmmmmmmmm…any chance we could visit????

Tami - Wish we had something like this around here. My boys and tom boy girl would love, love, love this. Great family fun.

Taylor-Ann - Happy Monday!
Looks like a fun family outting. Here in So Cal we don’t get much of mud truck racing. I wish they would come a little more often so my inner country self could come out for a while.
Whats up with kids nameing every animal they have the same name. My son had a fish named “fil” when fil died we had “fil 2”. My sister as a kid named every fish she had Carla. I don’t get it. Did you ask why they named them all Steve? :o)

seb - I love the demolition derby too! We took our girls for the first time and they couldn’t stop laughing at the cars smashing into each other! We grew up in a small town with a demo derby and it brought back so many memories! Just wondering if you bought a “derby chick” t-shirt…my husband had to draw the line! 🙂

Janine - Love that the kids were naming Grasshoppers “Steve” I wonder if they know the old joke.
A Grasshopper walks into a bar. He sits in front of the bartender and asks for a drink. The bartender says “do you know they have a drink named after you?” And the grasshopper replies in great wonder “You have a drink called Steve?”
hahaha okay so it’s a lame joke but one I have always liked.
We have a demo derby not too far from me. I should check it out sometime. It looks like fun.

Dina - AHHHHH!!!! I just posted about my very first dd experience last week! EXACTLY! I don’t normally get into stuff like this either but I LOVED it! SO cool! I didn’t crawl under the bleachers for a t-shirt (I SO would have if they sold them) but for my kid’s sippy cup:-) What a blast!

Shannon - Did you grow up in Hillsboro!!?? My parents just bought a house there!

DogsMom - Saw the title and had to come visit. Around here they will demo anything – usually the end of summer is a big school bus demo derby.

melissa - i went to a demolition derby about 5 years ago with my best friend in michigan. it was at a small town fair. i loved it. everything about it. the noise. the people (there’s some good people watchin’ to be had at a small town fair!!). the food. i loved every minute!!!

julia - we don’t have crazy fun stuff like this in south Florida. We did go to a rodeo this year. It was mostly old people, which was a surprise.

Bec - my hometown has one at their 4th of july fair. I never actually watched, but you could sure hear it all over town!

Elise - Never been! But if they have funnel cakes, I’m sold.

Lee Ann - my hubby talked me into a truck/mud race thing at the fair this year. (not a derby, but a lot of destroyed vehichles.) I didn’t think I’d like it, but I ended up loving it. I did think of you several times because I know how much you love your derby!!!

Elissa - We used to do Saturday night at the races (small nascar track) a couple towns over from us. The used to run crazy 8s. and yes, I love it. And yes, the total opposite of most of what I NORMALLY love! Too fun! You’re making me want to take my kids…. I haven’t been in YEARS.

Katie H - Funny you ask….My husband is from a small town in KS also, I on the other hand am from a city. I had never even heard of these things until I met him. We now live in Tulsa, BUT still manage to go to KS every year to attend the County Fair so he can “drive” in the derby. I thought he would out grow it once we had kids, but that hasn’t happened. YET!!

Angela - I love it but then again I do love the small town things that make our town home.
I have a question for you, I’m a ding bat and can’t figure out how to follow your blog. I favorited it but I can’t figure out how to add it to the blogs I follow. HELP!

thewatergirl - The first time I met my (now) husband’s family it was at a demo derby in his home town. I grew up in a suburb of a big city up north and was OVERWHELMED and thinking “what have I gotten myself into with this guy? Where AM I?”

jaz - Fireworks at your demolition derby!?!?! HOW AWESOME!!!
The feeling of community you mentioned sounds like why I love the rodeo! I love that feeling 🙂

Sugar Mama - I haven’t been to a derby, but I grew up going to rodeos. Not the big fancy rodeos, but the small town ones… with funnel cakes! They were dirty, loud, hot, and smelly. But I loved them just the same.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I just posted on this. See…we live parallel lives:) I love the derby…good old fashioned red necked fun!

Amanda Jo - There’s a dirt track about 20 minutes away. I’m not a big fan of the dirt track races but I LOVE going when there’s a demo derby at the end!!!

Krista - Bumper cars for grown-ups! Don’t think I could deal with the mud flying through the air, though. Your kids will have awesome memories of these adventures!

Dana Banana - I’m a lifer. Love the derby of course, but really had fun watching the figure 8 races too. (I guess I am a little biased since my big bro raced and won 3rd) In the fig 8, four little cars lined up and 2 huge tires are placed one on each end of the arena. At the start, they all race in a figure 8, often bumping into eachother in the middle! They have several heats with the winners all competing at the end…..a HOOT to watch!!

Kim Campbell - Love it – that’s my sweet cousin Colby sneaking the funnel cake! 🙂 Great memories!

Anna Marie - I went to my first one last month. My brother-in-law drove a minivan in it…haha! I LOVED it and want to go back next year for sure. This one car, the SAME car, rolled 3 or 4 different times!!! We also had several fires! At the end of the show the guy who kept rolling “donated” his car to be smashed by two giant dozers. So fun!

amy - I love Demo Derby’s! That’s the one and only thing I miss about our County Fair (we’ve moved). Looks like you had a great time!

Laura - so long as your purse doesn’t fall in the porta pottie, it sounds good.
Anywhere where you feel welcome, and loved…where faces are familiar, and smiles are warm…where you feel you a apart of a community…is a fabulous place to be.
Then, throw in a funnel cake, a grasshopper named Steve, and fireworks, and can you go wrong?
Not to mention…GREAT COLORS at the derby! Anything alive and colorful works for me!
glad you had fun
You are a COOL, small town HOT chick!

Sonya - I’ve been to one at our county fair (Michigan) and *loved* it 🙂 And I grew up in a big city in southern California! Demolition Derbies are just plain fun!

brooke - I grew up in southwest Kansas (Liberal) and was a frequent derby-ite. Live in Wichita now, but would love to reconnect with my redneck roots. Need to see if there are any derbys close by.
Thanks for the fun post!!

Jill - I went with some girlfriends in college and we LOVED it! (same for us, you totally wouldn’t expect to have found us there!) We got tickets right near the front and had mud splattered all over us, it was so fun to just be rowdy and not care!

Lori - I have never been to a demo derby but this post makes me want to! I think if Richmond, Va has a demo derby it wouldn’t have the same feel since we are not a small town. Thanks for sharing..its like I was there…without the heat, the dirt and the noise…but also no funnel cakes! 🙁

Julie - Never been, but when we lived in Fayetteville, NC my husband took my son (age 3 or 4?) to a big monster truck rally with friends. They enjoyed it. The guys kinda went on the premiss of ,”when in Rome”…. 🙂
Nothing wrong with “old fashion small town fun”. Rather quaint and does make one feel “connected”!

Tam - I Love this post! It’s just as you describe it! We live in a small town with an annual derby. My husband comes from a “derby family”, they’ve been participating for generations. This year there were four generations on the track (officiating and driving). I love the atmosphere of our county fair, we run into people we’ve not seen in years, eat our annual allowance of “fair food” (funnel cakes, cheese fries with “carnival cheese”, and cotton candy) and cheer on various family members in each heat.

firefly hill - I have never been but totally want to go! I know my kids would love this…

Michelle - Australia - Funnel cake? Never heard of it. Please explain for us very confused Australians. p.s. Yes, we have demo derbies but it is just the funnel cake bit I don’t understand 🙂

Sophie - We don’t have them in England at all! But boy, I wish we did! Looks like so much fun (:

Linda - Can say this is particularly appealing to me but I do like action!! Thinking we may have to take in “The Buck” (at least I think it is a car something) when we get back; we’re looking forward to being back in the good old USA where quirky things are fun! My idea of action is auctions!

edie - I went for the first time a few years ago with my husbands’ family in a town near where he grew up and it was so much fun! And we didn’t even have funnel cakes. Add that to the mix and who could resist? This must be a midwestern thing but it’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t the brain child of a southerner!!
And the fact that you love it—makes me heart you even more.

Tracy - I have never been to a demolition derby but I love the small hometown feel of things so I’m sure I would like it to! I grew up in the country (in Arkansas) and so this is right up our alley – LOL Love the pictures and the fireworks and that funnel cake looks delicious! Have a great day, Meg and thanks for sharing! Big hugs! ;o)

Kat - The annual show at where my fiances parents live has a demo derby every night. We have been the past 2 years and it is so much fun! It is exactly as you mentioned. Corey sees so many people there that he hasn’t seen since school and it is always nice to catch up with them. But demo derby rocks!

Ali - Never been, but I so wasnt to now (my boys would be in car heaven).

Mary Beth - Never been, but I think my old 1977 AMC Spirit car is in one of your pictures!!!!! Love the midwest. No Place Better.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’ve never been… but you make it look amazing! If I ever have the chance, I am in!

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summer’s over

we invited some families over to celebrate back to school.
they brought the ice cream and we provided all the toppings.
my kids were so excited.
they helped prepare everything and clean up the yard and house.
earlier in the day annie shouted out to the gas station attendant "WE'RE HAVING AN ICE CREAM PARTY!"
he smiled and said "well….that sounds like fun"

one kid (not shown) decided to just have a bowl of candy with whipped cream….no ice cream.  :)

it was loud with kid craziness.
we had every age…1 month up to teenager.
chaos at it's best.
good old fashioned summer fun.

everyone ate their ice cream, talked and played and the sun began to set.

as soon as it got dark we watched a movie outside.         
we watched UP.
i really love that movie…i tear up every time.
even at my party in the dark on my lawn.
we laid blankets and pillows and kids piled everywhere…..pure lovely to see.

(after i took this shot i went inside and closed my blinds and dimmed the lights…fyi.)

our first try at an outside movie was a success.
i can't wait to try it again.
in the fall without mosquitos will be fun too.
school starts tomorrow.
will i be able to do it without crying?  we shall see.

and by the way…the crying at school would be a huge first for me.
i see those moms every year & have always thought "what is your problem? you've got some free time – move it!"
but this year with my baby going and leaving my arms empty….alone to figure out who i am.

i want her to go and i want her to grow and learn and love it.
but i am still on the fence about this whole Mother of Children role i have now.
instead of Mother of Babies role that i told myself i had.

yeah….i am aware i haven't had a baby for five years.
don't rub it in.
it just hadn't really set in so hard until this year.

we have a permanent solution to not producing babies in my womb… wishing for babies isn't going to help.
i may cry at kindergarten drop off.
and i may not.
i know that i am going running as soon as she goes in the door….maybe i should be crying about that.
i haven't run since june 24.
except once….but it was pathetic.

i have teased annie "how can you grow up and leave me her all alone?!"
and then i fake cry.
she said "oh mom….YOU CAN SEW!" 
true true true.

Nicole M. - Random question since I’ve been looking at both of these – what kind of screen and projector do you have? Thanks.

Iris Brown - HI Meg!
I keep referring back to this post to get more details on your outdoor movie. I would like to this outdoor party for my kids to welcome summer and trying to save up for the setup equipment. Will you please do a post or contact me directly when you have a moment? I know your busy, but I would be so grateful. You give such great ideas and an inspiration to other moms.

Lisa - What a wonderful idea to have a party to celebrate going back to school!! Looks like it was so fun…I’m wondering how you did the outdoor movie, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now…please share if you have time.
I would be seriously worrying about Lauren, (not really 🙂 but she is a knockout, I think boys will be lining up at your house very soon if they havn’t already!!!

Andrea - Hi Meg,
I’m coming out of ‘lurking’ to say that I feel your heart ache. Except I only have one … and this year he left me ALL DAY for 1st grade. I too am trying to figure out my new role and what to do … a quiet house is very different.
And guess what I did the first day of school?
Went running! I ran 5.8miles to be exact … I figured if I ran my heart out it wouldn’t hurt so bad.
We’ve both been surviving pretty good … we’ve already got 7 days under our belts :).
Happy Day … Best wishes on this new adventure!

Kacey - What a perfect back to school celebration!
I’m with you on the last baby thing. Well, sort of. I’m already preparing myself for next year when my oldest goes to kindergarten and my youngest (I just have two!) goes to preschool. I know that will be hard, but it will be even harder when my youngest starts kindergarten. I imagine every mom cries, inside or outside. 🙂
Good luck and run HARD!

jodi sunderland - I would love to know how you did the outdoor movie! Please, PLEASE let us in on the details!
I can always find a creative idea on your blog!

Cori - I am 45 and have 4 kids. I am sending my baby to school in 2 weeks. I feel like I will cry. Then I may dance. Then I will probably cry some more. Then I will do wash. Enjoy it all Meg!

shiela - you are just too hillarious!

Janie - I remember the pre school comment my oldest made while reading your blog today. He said, Mom I can go up to the door all by myself without you and Jamie. You went with me to meet the teacher yesterday. His younger brother and I sat and watched him go up and open the door and go in. I will always remember that day as long as I live. The independence of it all. They grew up and now they have babies of their own.

Julie - I love it!! I always wonder about the moms crying too…but when I drop off my last to kindergarten…I just might too! Enjoy your school kick off!!

Rach - I’m crying for you. 🙂 My daughter is only 17 months old and I am projecting the very same day in my mind and while I will be excited for the free time, I will be as sad as you are right now. Big hugs. I hope it goes well and that the run is cathartic. Good luck!!

amy jupin - i hope the first day of school was great for all of you!
hoping annie had a blast and that you didn’t shed a tear–at least not in front of her! 🙂
thinking of you tonight, friend.

Dawn Eshnaur - I sooo feel your pain about school starting. My “baby” is going to be a SENIOR tomorrow! It is my last “first day of school”. I love being a mother so much and I am having a hard time. This time next year, I will have no one at home. All three boys will be gone and I am very sad about it. People say it is exciting and a new chapter, but I don’t feel that way. Where did the time go? I teach Kindergarten and I know people will be crying at school in the morning. I just hope I’m not one of them……

LibraryGirl62 - Oh, my friend, wait until you prepare to send the oldest off to college~I cry daily and it is a year away 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oooh…I’m a huge fan of the fake cry. I pull that one out with frequency. I’m thinking you are allowed two tears tomorrow, but just two. OK fine, you are allowed five, but just five. One for each baby/child. And then – you run!

candace - ice cream and an outside movie – i’d be so excited i’d tell the gas station clerk too!
as a kindergarten teacher, i loved reading this. it is good to see the emotions/reasoning behind parents who have a hard time.

Elizabeth - Pour yourself a cup of coffee and pull out “The Gift of an Ordinary Day” and she can help you make that transition!

Taylor-Ann - Looks like a great way to end the summer.

Deputy's Wife - This was me and my husband last year. Our baby started kindergarten and we couldn’t believe it was possible. It was a little easier for me, since I work at his school. A little more difficult for my husband. Our youngest stayed with him three days a week since the hubby works odd hours. It took him awhile to adjust. You too will find a good place.

Anna Schaufler - I want to live at your house. I really do. Interested in adopting a married 26-year-old? I’m a nanny and I clean and cook. Just a thought.

Jessie - OMG! I am so starting a savings fund for a PROJECTOR!! I LOVE it. My kids will think I’m awesome. Thanks!!

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - that party looks straight out of a martha stewart living article. the outdoor movie is too adorable for words. i can not wait to do these types of things someday when all of the babies in our family are older. 🙂 good luck at kindergarten drop-off…. 🙂

Amy - Can you please explain more about your outdoor movie night? I am SO wanting to do this for my daughter’s 5th birthday in September. What kind of projector did you use? Did you rent it? Thanks so much!! PS: LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, Thanks again for inviting us it was awesome! In fact Natalia wants to do the same thing next May after 8th grade graduation! See, you are cool or at least my teenager thinks you are!!! I love the pic of Kenton I was wondering if I could get a copy sometime if you get a chance. I just wanted to tell you that if you need a baby fix just give me a call and I’ve got one I can share. Talk to you soon Love Ya!

Vera - FUN party!!! I was one of “those moms” at Kindergarten drop off yesterday – except it was my oldest, not my youngest. I didnt’ think I would cry, but it just hit me how crazy fast these five years went by, and how our lives would never the same now that we’ve entered School World. I’m excited, but it was a little bit traumatic. Good luck with Annie!!

nicole pope - We’ve been dying to do the outside movie. Did you rent the screen and projector???

Courtney Walsh - I’ve never cried at drop off. Not once. Not with baby #1. Not with baby #2. But yesterday, dropping my nine year old off at her new school in a new state where she knew no one, I balled like a baby. I was able to hold it together until I got to the car, but then I lost it. It was not pretty. 🙁
I hope you have more success than I did.

Christy - I didn’t cry at K drop off, but it was very emotional. I think I cried after orientation. For some reason, 2nd grade (this yr) was relly hard on me.
The party looked like a blast! Right down to the outdoor movie. So much fun!

Annette - Your party rocked!!! I still cry and go through withdrawals when school starts, and I have a 5th grader and 1st grader. - Great party, I wish we had our house and not an apartment on the 11 floor…

Viktoria Slutsky - This really hard for me too, my youngest is going to the 1st grade this September and I know I will be crying lol…

Viktoria Slutsky - This really hard for me too, my youngest is going to the 1st grade this September and I know I will be crying lol…

kathy b - Wait….you have gas station attendants in Kansas?
We have to punp our own gas in California.
Time marches on but we all need to cry occasionally as we miss what we had, as kids grow.
Kathy b

Kimberly - I wanna come to your party!!!

Molly Pearce - Now you have made me crave ice cream with all those toppings! They looked so scrumptious!! I am the one who gets the weird looks when at school functions for my younger siblings. I cried at my brothers 8th grade graduation this summer and cried at my sisters 5th grade graduation. But what people don’t know is that I helped my mom raise them and that I do have a motherly love for them, just because I didn’t birth them or my names not on the adoption form does not mean I don’t have that kind of love for them. And yes I cried when I took my brother driving last Friday and realized he is getting older and that 14 years can turn into a blink of an eye and them he had to console me, hahaha. I love children, all children! Hopefully I’ll be able to have a house full, God willing!
~Molly P

Sandy - I have friends that live in a neighborhood where on the LAST day of school the parents are waiting at the bus stop with super soaker squirt guns and soak the kids as they get off the bus.
Your back to school party and movie night sound amazing! I wish I was your neighbor.
Dropping Annie off might be difficult, but you will learn to enjoy your quiet time alone – I have no doubt about that! 🙂

Susan - Details! Details! Did you rent a projector and screen? Where? Was it expensive? I love that you are a DOER. I have all these IDEAS. I think, and think about something, but generally don’t DO it. You say you are going to do something, and you do it. Love it. Good luck with the first day of school. I know it is going to be hard, but you will be okay.

angela - What fun! I want to show a movie outside this fall when the nights are just a little cooler!!!! Hope the first day of K went great today and that you got your run in AND went to the laundromat!

j - that will be me next year. with all of that free time I’m planning on having a nervous break down (and crying lots).

Staci - I agree…I’ve never cried…I have another year until my Jake is full time…we only have 1/2 day Kindergarten here. So I have another year to find myself 🙂 And I soooo wish I knew how to sew…it’s my goal…so maybe next year, when I’m dropping him off allll day….I’ll be able to sew something by then 🙂 Have a great day Megan!!!!! And WHAT FUN that party looked like 🙂 I want to do an outside movie so badly!

denise - I am a crier, and I am hormonal cause I am pregnant!!! So I cried at this post!!!! My 3 year old is starting Pre-K and the teacher just called and asked if she could do 3 days instead of 2!!! Like I said I am a crier, so I did what I do best, and gave myself a headache!!
PS your party looked so fun!!! We are having a pool party tonight! Hope it is as a big success as yours 🙂

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I will be in the same boat with you. My baby is going to kindergarten too 🙁 I’m also struggling with what my identity is now that I don’t have any kids at home any more. And I know I will cry…I just know it!
Love your party, looks like a lot of fun! I’m planning one of my own here too. It’s the little things in life that are worth celebrating.

Sheryl - I am not a crier at school either. But this year I have my girl starting middle school and my son (baby) starting Kindergarten. I thought I was fine, I work at his school after all….but I just saw him in the school doing the tour on the first day and the sweet look on his face — “there’s my mama” — that made me cry!

Kelly - At my school we had a “boohoo/yahoo breakfast” every year for the parents after they dropped their kiddos off. Finding our identity as moms is truly a challenge I feel. My sweet mother-in-law treated me to a massage with a great massage therapist the other day and as I lay there I tried to think of what my identity is now and how to even see myself. Thanks for writing about your thoughts and feelings. Kelly

Jennifer - What an awesome idea for a back to school party! Love it…and good thoughts and wishes coming your way. Change is always difficult in the beginning, but then we adjust and things begin to feel normal AND comfortable again in our lives. I love the advice Annie gave you…just sew! Too cute! 🙂

Jessica Kujawa - What a great way to start the school year! I may have to “borrow” this idea! ha! My daughter starts full day 1st grade this year and I feel the same way you do about your daughter…it will be nice to have time to myself, but it’s official…the babies are no longer babies…sigh
enjoy your run!

Kathi - So, when may move to your neighborhood? Such fun you all have!
My only daughter starts her senior year on Monday and I’m certain she wants to celebrate that. What she doesn’t want to celebrate is the end of the summer! She’s already called it her last free summer. I think an ice cream social is definitely in order for Sunday evening…

gina - I’ll probably be at school crying too. And I don’t have the excuse of Ezra being my baby. But I really thought he would be, so that’s what I’m attributing all the tears to. (Yes, I’ve already cried) Maybe he and Annie will be in the same class. I think those two would have so much fun together. See you in the morning!

Patty - WOuld you please share how you did your outside movie night? I have it on our summer list and have no idea how to make it happen! Did you rent a projector? Wonder wonder wonder – keep staring at the summer list and the outside movie night is mocking me!!
Thank you!

Keshet Shenkar - LOVE the outdoor movie idea. And you’ll figure out who you are, I’m sure:)

sandy toe - Can I come and live at your house???
sandy toe

Krista - I wish you were my neighbors! Looks like it was a perfect summer evening. Hope all goes well with the big Kindergarten sendoff, I am sure Annie is thrilled at what lies ahead for her!

Amanda - My baby went off to kindergarten this morning leaving me to figure out who I am. Reading your post makes me feel a bit better knowing I’m not the only one feeling this way. Again, love your blog 🙂

`Kelly - Gosh darn it I want to do an outside movie so badly! I’ve been scheming up a way to do it since last summer but so far my husband isn’t on board. Your party looks like fun though. 🙂
Oh I hope the big drop goes well for you today. Ours was a week ago and I cried like a baby. I HATE the first day of school! Free time or not, I miss my kiddos when they’re at school!

AshleyAnn - I love how Annie knows you well…she knew what to say that in her mind would comfort you. She’s really cute.

Laura - Just think of the joy you will feel going grocery shopping without that ever present question, “Mom can we have this sugar laced high fructose based fake food that should be banned by the FDA which will make us go crazy on a sugar high for hours? PLEEEEEEEESSSE?????” We went to Walmart yesterday and I think my ears were bleeding at the end. Side not though, I won’t be crying next week. I already have lunch plans:D

tasha roe - always love reading about your block parties! so much fun! what a fun ‘last hurrah” for the kiddos too!
hope the first day was a good one. ours was yesterday and everyone did really well. My 3rd grader is in a new building with his older brother, but with all the BIG kids. he is timid to begin with so he was really feeling nervous yesterday. All in all they did well, I did well….. Let’s wait and see how it goes when my baby girl goes to school in 3 years. I tear up now thinking about it!

Karen H. - Your party looks so fun. My 5 year old – my last baby- is going to Kindergarten too. I felt a lump in my throat when I typed that! We start school in September so we have a little more time. I asked her the same question “What will I do all day without you?” and she said “Mom, you can go shopping!”. Too funny. I’ll be finding myself as well. Wear water proof mascara tomorrow just in case! 🙁

Amy Lynne - What a great idea! I love the outdoor movie. I hope all of the kids enjoy their first day back and you enjoy your sewing time!

Holly - What a fun party idea! I have seen a couple of outdoor movies lately. hmmm…wonder if Hannah would like an outdoor movie party?….BTW Meg, my boy went to kindergarten this yr and he asked when I was leaving!

Heather R. - Cool outdoor movie/ice cream party. Our girls would L.O.V.E. that! Did you rent a screen/player? First day of school here, too. I hope it is a good school year for your kiddos and for you. :)!

Tracy - What a great back to school treat and it looks like everyone had a great time. I am one of those moms…the ones that cry, and my 2 are going into 3rd & 5th. I did cry the hardest when my youngest went into Kindergarten though…it does get easier and you find things to occupy your time. I hear you about the babies vs children…but they will always be your babies no matter what age and you adapt. Good luck, hang in there and pack a baggie of tissues just in case. : )

Kimberlee J. - Happy back to school day!
Love you!

citymouse - This is such a nice idea. Mt kids go back next Wednesday. They’re half-way through high school, so I am not sure they’d be jazzed about an ice cream social.

Tracy - Looks like a whole lot of fun, Meg! Hard to believe school is starting for everyone but us already. We don’t go back until September 2nd and they don’t get out until the 3rd week in June. YUCK! Love the idea of the outside theater – I have yet to see the movie UP and we are huge movie buffs – what is wrong with us?! LOL I can’t wait to see the first day of school photos as always. My 2 babies will be in 10th and 11th grade this year. Talk about a scary thought! Yikes! I had to LOL at Annie’s comment that you can sew – too cute! I hope you have a wonderfully peaceful and enjoyable day today. Big hugs! :o)

Carla - I read your blog everyday, sometimes things you say make me think all day. I am 35 this year too but just at the start of this parenting lark, with a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old (and hoping to produce a few more between now and the big 40 :-)) Anyway, the said 2.5 year old is hollering, having become stuck in the 5 month old’s swing so I’ll make it brief. An icecream party with an outdoor movie. I wish you were my mom. Have a big cry after your baby starts school then after your run, lie on your beautiful sofa in your beautiful family room and enjoy the silence. She’ll always be your baby, no matter what she stage she is at but I can imagine this is a hard change. Don’t fight it, acknowledge the melancoly, mourn the end of a phase and then turn and face the new one with excitement and joy (all that said, I get the heebiejeebies when I even think of my LO starting preschool 😉 )
Absolutely adore your blog, you’re a very inspirational lady. Indeed, one of the things on my “must do before I die” list is go to Kansas and have you photograph my family :-)I live in Ireland so that might take a while 🙂

Nikki - What a wonderful way to celebrate the start of the school year. We’re having rainbow themed ice cream party for Ezra’s Birthday…. I can’t wait.
It’s funny how you start your school year in August…. in Australia our school year runs from Jan – end of Nov… we have our big summer break in Dec and Jan.
Hope you hold up ok after the school drop off. My youngest started prep this year. After the school drop off, I sat on the couch and enjoyed the peace of an empty house after our very busy summer 🙂

Gekakel - Wat a great way to celebrate back to school!!!

Gemma - Your party sounds AMAZING! Great fun : )
Gemma x

Henita Riesen - I know just how you feel…I dropped up my 3rd child off at school for her first day yesterday, a I still have a 3 year old at home, but I just kind of walked around in circles not knowing what to do…although my ambitious to-do list is a mile long. I didn’t cry…I did that when the first went to school, and will probably do the same when the last goes, but my heart was tearing! And yes I could sew too…if the inspiration would come back!

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