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Category Archives: q&a

answers two.

what are your favorite blogs?

here are a few of my faves in NO particular order:

julie     ashley   PW   shauna    kimberlee    nic     michelle    laura   *e*     tara    jasmine  kelle  wendy
sarah      carissa    megan    jess     elizabeth    crystal     melissa     edie    jeanne     elisa   amy
julie   heather    amy     karen     aimee    jenny      kristin    courtney     heather    marylea    emily   

how is that for a list?! 

how long have you lived in that house?

6 years.
we moved here when annie was 2 weeks old.
it was planned for months.
we chose to leave the "city" life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas.
just 25 minutes from where both craig and i grew up.
it was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family.
we haven't regretted it once.  

this house was a real project.
K13 our living room.

K10  the playroom/guest room.

K3 our kitchen.

K12 talby and annie's room.

the yard had no grass.  the walls were all wallpapered.  and it was not pretty.
but craig and i could see the potential and it had GREAT bones. 
and we've been working on it ever since.

who gave you the Meg quilt?


my super fabulous friend PAM who took me all the way to africa.
she was so excited to give it to me shouting "IT"S THE NAME OFF YOUR BLOG!!!"
i loved that by making it she got some time to be creative for HER.  
that made me as happy as the gift itself…to know that she enjoyed her sewing time while making it.
it's so cool.
pam you are an artist!

how did you find time to be creative when your kids were little?
i just did it.
i had scrapbook stuff out everywhere all the time.
i painted a dresser in the middle of my living room.
i sewed on the dining room table.
i just did it.
i couldn't NOT do it….i have to make stuff.
(this was in 2008 with my scrapbooking girls)

go away with friends for a craft weekend…or have one at your house.
that was so good for my creativity and social needs when i had little ones at home.
find a retreat house near you or a rental and GO!

and sometimes…you don't even need to bring crafts. 

when did you get to start sleeping through the night?

we finally got to sleep through the night on a regular basis about 2 years ago.
when annie turned four…everyone else was older and we realized we finally felt rested.
it was a 13 year stretch of rarely sleeping all night.
and we survived.
i think my bed is my favorite spot in my whole house!

i love to sleep….is that bad?
what does that say about me? 

what kind of lens do you use….and camera…auto or manual?

i have a Canon 50D with a 24-105 lens.  
i also have an 85mm lens but it's hard for me to use.  i feel i have to be VERY far away when i use it.
like shouting to the families i am shooting…but it's a good lens. 

i am ready for a new lens….if i can save my money long enough!

i had a 50 mm lens but i sold it to lauren when i sold her my Canon Rebel in April.

i used a canon rebel since i started this blog until this past april….it's a great camera!

i shoot in auto focus but will be switching to manual more this year….when i can….i hope.

can you tell us your birth stories?

here we go… was 1995…..on a dark and stormy night….

just kidding.

check out these lovely photos….
IMG_6764 IMG_6768

newborn lauren in the purple hat.

<— 1998 pregnant with scott.

my birth stories are more funny than anything else.

i had epidurals with all my girls and not with my boys.
i chose to have the epidurals because it hurt more than i could handle.

newborn scott.

sean just born.

2000 – 10 days before sean was born.                                          talby just born.
IMG_6773 IMG_6786

my boys' labors were quick…both 5 hours total.
talby's was long (for me) and lauren and annie were induced….meaning longer HARD contractions.

i had no c-sections or horror stories of 30 hour labors or morning sickness.

i learned how to breath….on my 5th baby.  
i never knew i was holding my breath during contractions.
but i was.
i never took a lamaze class….or had help from a lactation consultant…because i thought i knew it all.
and believe me….i did NOT.
chicago jen's mom was my labor and delivery nurse who taught me how to breath.  i love her.

we barely made it to the hospital with sean….that was crazy.
craig had to lie down….on the delivery room floor.
it was all just too much…happening too fast…he was light headed…and then BOOM…there was SEAN!

craig and talby.

one of my most favorite photos…
talby liked to be held after her naps….this day we were cuddling on the porch swing…..with baby annie crowding in on our space!

2004 – my friends lisa and chicago jen were at annie's birth…..that was AWESOME!

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talby and annie                                                                                newborn annie.

with scott and with talby i went into the hospital before i was in real labor and came back home.

i wish i would've nursed longer but i had a crazy deep down reaction after a few weeks in with all of them
that i needed some breathing room!  
i just couldn't nurse any longer.  
i felt smothered.  
but it didn't feel that way feeding them a bottle.  
the shortest i lasted nursing was 2 weeks and the longest was 6 weeks.  
i always wished i was one that could have made it a long time….but i wasn't. 

are you going to stay home now that your kids are in school?

i sure hope so.
i have my photography business and this blog and the etsy shop to provide income so YES i will be staying home….if you can even call that staying home….because really….that is a lot of work!

what does craig do for a living?

he is a commercial banker.
and he looks good in a suit.  

do you have any advice on raising teenagers?

stay consistent.
try not to yell or engage in arguments.
find a close friend to share your feelings, frustrations and fears with…don't hold back.
talking about things you are dealing with out loud makes a HUGE difference in how you feel.
with a trusted friend you can share ideas, get advice or let them show you a new angle of parenting.
it's safe.

that is all i have learned so far….. 

was your house in a magazine?

not pictures but linda featured me as a Blogger in Flea Market Style in 2010.
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and there was a blurb in Country Living in 2009 called My Country Life
Photo 1763

do you have a kindle….do you like to read….what is your favorite book?

we got sean a kindle for christmas but i don't have one.
nor would i want one.
i am not a reader.
i wish i was….
my dad and my sister are crazy about books.
sean, lauren and talby are in love with reading.
i don't have the ability to concentrate that long.  
i did read "A Long Way Gone" last year before going to africa and it was fascinating.


and so sad….and traumatic.
i think it was made so much more real because i went to that exact place the next week.
and met boys who would have been that same age.
it was a life changing book to me.

and of course….Crazy Love.  


why do you workout in an assisted living facility?
i live in a small town.  
i drive to a different really small town to workout because the gym there is nicer….and less expensive.
you can buy a membership there because it's the only place in that community as far as i know.

i like it because i am the youngest…it's REALLY quiet…and it's almost always nearly empty.
the machines have tv sound with headphones and i can watch will & grace on lifetime and no one cares.
or regis and kelly!

(this is not at my gym…this is a stock photo from google images…and these people look way more active than at my gym πŸ™‚

if you want to feel strong and fast and young….workout at a retirement center! 
seriously…it's helpful mentally.

WOW that was a really long post!

Angelo - I honestly can say i hate apple. i gueartne its a bunch of old dudes that just don’t understand.who ever buys this thing is mentally challenged. Its a bigge i touch. THATS IT.a few more gonna say though, congratz on the iphone. but your next 10 products don’t need to be the exact same shit. its old. for fucks sake -.-

ann foster - have you read the blog
she seems like someone you might enjoy. i do.
love yours!!!everytime i read it.

ellen patton - Thanks for sharing some favorite blogs. I already read some of them but am happy to add a few more good ones to my reader.

Stephanie Howell - I just want to say i adore you. And you are fabulous. That is all.

amy d - ahh thanks neighbor…
you could’ve put all you kids baby pictures up with no names and i could still be able to tell which ones are which…they all look so much like their baby pics. i love all the different hair do’s through the years!

Shannon - That pic of Lauren was the same one you sent right after she was born. I can remember thinking she was so beautiful and I couldn’t wait to have my own.

Liz - Aw Meg! I’m so flattered to be listed w/ your favorite blogs. Seriously! What a treat first thing in the morning! And congrats for having your playroom shown on Lettered Cottage, you deserve it! I’m trying really hard to use that pic as a jumping off point for the nursery. πŸ™‚

Linda - Great post! Love the before pictures! I would love to see like an old blueprint of your house. I have always just been in love with old Victorian styled homes. Thanks for the home tour! Awesome!

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you. I am flattered seriously. And I loved seeing your pregnancy pictures. You look so cute.

Lorri - I have a sweet little Annie, too! Loved reading your blog tonight.

rebecca - these are my favorite blog posts that you do!! because everyone’s life is so interesting and different… i hope you don’t ever feel like the posts are too long, boring or self-focused. because i love them!!

Julie - I will never be able to fully appreciate the awesome awfulness that once was totally matching wallpaper and fabric in the guest/playroom. When the curtains were closed… it must have looked like a windowless make believe funhouse. To think that was chosen on purpose. For lots of money. That the owner was excited. Wow. Just wow. The good old days!!!!! Can’t believe how much you guys have done in six years. That is crazytown!!!

Jaime - Love your honesty in all your posts and I got teary eyed looking at all your “baby” pics. Beautiful. What a blessing it is to be a mom, and it goes too quickly.

Emily - thank you for your blog… you inspire me…

Brooke - It is so weird to read about someones life for over two years….everyday….and not know them. But to be honest, meg, if I saw you on the street, I think you would be so concerned. Because I would walk up to you and talk to you about talby and annie and sean and lauren….we would talk about craig and how he reminds me of my hubby (minus the banker), how I hope to stay home with my kids and continue blogging, create an etsy and continue to pursue photography, etc,etc,etc.
SO, here’s hoping to you never seeing me on the streets, since I live in Georgia. I love the dining room. It looks SUPER cute!

Elizabeth - I loved this post and never comment but had to on this one because I enjoyed it so much:) I’m so impressed with the transformations you have made on the house – SO Lovely! You wrote you “chose to leave the “city” life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas” and we are currently seeking to do this same thing! We live in the Philadelphia area and are anxious to relocate near southwestern PA to be close to my husbands family and where he grew up. We’re having a heck of a time getting considered for jobs though since we are out of the area. Any tips on how you made the move happen?!? Would LOVE to hear them! I hope by the time my son starts school (he’s 2 1/2 now) to be near family in a permanent home:)

andrea - Love the q and a!
Do share more house pictures! I love seeing before and after and I get so much inspiration from you!! Love this blog, Meg!

Carol S. - Love the porch picture with Talby, sooooo sweet. Miss those snuggles! Great answers.

No.17 CherryTreeLane - the pictures of you pregnant and of the babies made me tear up. time moves so fast….

Mallory - I love what little I saw of your scrapbooks! Do you think you could post a couple layouts? I am always looking for inspiration. Love your blog!

HEATHER R. - I think I can see where you look like that Dixie Chick near Annie’s birthday. I love the pics of the house. I bet you know the best way to take down wallpaper, huh? πŸ™‚

Sarah - love these answer posts! Fun fun! Great pics! Can we still ask questions??? LOL If so, have you ever posted pics of your chicago house? And, any plans for the awesome upstairs room??? That room is “BEAST”. HA!

amy jupin - meg, your birth stories and pictures are adorable. you look so young (and freckled and sun-kissed) and so in love with each of your babies. i couldn’t stop smiling and giggling, looking at you all preggo and the sweet newborn pics.
and my, oh my, how your home has changed! i never really knew how much work you guys did to change it. the house seemed so dark and chopped up before. now it looks so bright and spacious–what a transformation!
i loved this post. i’m thinking others did too. thank you for taking the time to do this. you have a generous, giving heart. πŸ™‚

shauna reed - i love these answering questions posts….you might think they are dumb, but they aren’t. they are fun. makes me feel like i really know you in real, non internet life.

Kristin S - Loved this answers post too!
I work out at a “wellness center”. Today we are waiting for a snow/ice storm to roll in so I’m working from home. Anticipating closing of the gym early, I decided to head over around 10am to exercise. Totally forgot that cardiac rehab was going on. I was the youngest there by 30 years this morning. Since I normally go after work or late in the evening, this was a whole new world!
But at least it isn’t a meat market.
Love your stories Meg. AND you look younger now than 1995!

princess lasertron - cool answers πŸ™‚ your babies are so adorable.

Shar - Great post. You are so pretty and photogenic. Even in pregnancy! Thanks for sharing…

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I’ve already checked out some of your fav blogs even before reading the post. Thanks a bunch. I think I will also check out my Nana’s retirement home. Your last bit of advice made me smile. I need to start hanging around seniors more for sure.

Heather - Oh,your pregnancy and newborn pictures made me cry! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life πŸ™‚

Kari - wow! sometimes i read your blog and i feel like i’m reading a lot about myself…. i have the same haircut, felt the same way about nursing my kids, just recently we sold our FR furniture and put in a 3-in-1 table and a foos ball table. i just wish i could get my husband to work on our 70s house like your husband works on yours πŸ™‚ he does fix cars though – he can do brakes and everything – just doesn’t like home projects so much. oh well! snow day here in nebraska – enjoy your day!

Ashlyn@pinecone - I really love what you have done with your house. Seeing the before to now is pretty amazing.
Have a fab day,

crystal beutler - Cool post. Man, you worked magic with your house. I would never know by looking that those pictures it was the same house in your blog. You guys must have worked like dogs!!! Dogs!!!! Thanks for the shout out friend. I have to say “right back at you!” You are one of my favorites too. I always end up inspired when a stop here. πŸ™‚
x0 crystal
p.s. I’m counting on your for Spark. I’ll give you a heads up when I hear about registration.

RLG - You look fourteen (in the picture at the hospital with Annie)!
Fun post, Meg. xoxo

Maine Mummy - Wow. “i needed some breathing room! i just couldn’t nurse any longer. i felt smothered.” My baby is 16 months old and I have never been able to appropriately sum up what I felt – maybe for fear of being judged. Thank you. Knowing that someone else felt that is amazingly liberating!

Shana - I knew Pam made that! It was screaming of her.
Forgot how much work the house has been.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard any birthing stories.

Carla G. - Wow! I’ve missed these two days and really enjoyed catching up!! As I sit here in my quiet house, thinking about what I want to do today, it was delightful to get to know you better!! Thanks so much for everything!!

michelle - Your explanation for working out at the assisted living facility is HILARIOUS! Great blog!

Anna - WOW! I’ve never seen such beautiful “I just gave birth” photos EVER. So beautiful. I was bloated and had multiple chins after I gave birth to my babies (and I was never brave enough to post them!)
Congratulations on your beautiful family and beautiful home.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
Wow looking at the transformation on your home is AMAZING! The pictures just look so stressful but your home now looks so welcoming : )
It’s great that you’ve got your own business type thing..inspiring!!
Gemma x

Kori - Thank you for answering our questions…it’s very cool of you. You seem like a fun chick and I feel like getting to ‘know’ you this way is better than not getting to know you at all.
Does that make sense?? Hope so.

Jeanne - You are the sweetest!!! Thank you for including me. One of my friends just told me. I LOVED seeing the photos of you and your babies…YOU looked like a baby too!!!!

Michele - Thank you for sharing! Your advice about raising teenagers was so wonderful and helpful for me to read. Thank you!

Amy - You are a beautiful woman, Meg. You have lovely eyes.
It is really fun reading all your answers. I LOVE your home, before and after. You have/had great vision to get it to where you are today.
LOVE the pregnancy and baby pictures. Makes me wish I were pregnant again. Then again, I’m enjoying having my body to myself for the first time in 6 years. lol.
Can’t wait to read the rest of your answers.

Allison - Thanks for answering all these questions. And wow, you looked fabulous right after having your babies!

Jenny B. - Meg, you are so fun! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to check out all your favorite blogs. And you look amazing in all your hospital pics!

bobbie - I love all the baby pictures, so sweet.
I blogged about why God gave women creativity today and then I read your post and it just confirmed it to me that I need to keep making time to be creative. thanks πŸ˜‰

jessicakiehn - this is great! You guys are totally made for each other to be on the same page and tackle that house together. And look what’s come of it! That’s a beautiful thing.
LOVE your maternity pics from the scrapbooks. You’re like me, you’re belly gets HUGE! None of this “can’t even tell you’re pregnant” going on.
And the picture of you and Talby on the porch swing, pregnant with Annie is literally one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. I deeply love motherhood and pregnancy and this so beautifully captures both.

joni - I’m loving these posts!
I’m a new reader and was wondering is Lauren not your biological daughter?

Libby - Thank you, thank you for your refreshing honesty! Your sense of humor and zest for life make for some fun reading. And what a good reminder – if I want to tackle some projects NOW, even while the kids are little – I just need to do it. Enough already! πŸ™‚

Joyce - wow- you are gorgeously big with your babies! I got belly on my knees big with #3- wondering what this one will be- although Im tiny so far!
Thank for sharing your answers πŸ™‚

Ryanne - I soooo needed this post for several reasons. Especially about sleep, raising young ones and needing time for yourself. I absolutely loved that photo of you and Talby on the porch swing, it made me want to cry. Too sweet. Would you ever come to KC to do photos? How far is Newton from KC?

emily anderson - so, i feel like when i start a comment here, i need to always either begin it, or end it with “whatever”…
so, thanks for putting me on your bloggy list. whatever.
(oh, and i love your prego pics πŸ™‚ )

Risa - Megan,
My mom said she talked to you at Amy’s wedding and that you said I should comment sometime. So here I am. I ADORE your blog . . . I think it’s all the house pictures I love best, so I extra-loved this post with the pre-reno shots =) And I’m loving these “answers” installments!

Jess - Love the old family pictures. “Little Talby” is so cute. That picture of the two of you on the porch swing is just perfect.

hayley - 1. you look absolutely beautiful in the pics right after having those babes.
2.i have been up forever watching HIMYM. it’s 4:30am here in germany. i haven’t slept. hilarious, and addicting.
3. thanks for posting up those blog chicas. i love kelle. i’ll have to creep the others tomorrow.
thanks for always having such great posts πŸ™‚

Holly - I have a stack of photos from when we first bought our house that I need to scan. We have been here for almost 5 years and like yours we saw its potential. It also has good bones!

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan, Thanks so much for sharing! It’s always such a treat to read about your life because of the spirit, energy and goodwill you bring to all you do. I stop by most everyday to experience a little of your world. Your photos tell such a story, you have a gift for capturing all the small moments that constitute the goodness that life can be; and is. I think it is very generous of you to spread the joy; thanks:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I love sleep.
2. I LOVE Courtney. So happy to see her on your list!
3. Those wallpaper stripping photos make me cringe. That has been the story of my residential life.

sara@augustfields - that was a long post! it was GREAT! thanks for the fun read and encouragement πŸ™‚

Colleen - I just listed your blog as one of my favorite blogs on MY blog! Lol!

sarah w. - that picture of you on the swing pregnant with annie, holding talby is beautiful. Perfect. Heart melting.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love sleep, too πŸ™‚ It makes me happy. Bri gave me a one hour nap today AND did some work for me. It was the best thing he could have done ever. I love sleep. Amen.

kendal - had no idea one could work out at a retirement facility. and i read a long way gone recently. loved it. (i’m a reader, so i read numerous books on africa recently when i moved from 8th grade to 7th to teach social studies.) your blog is fun!

Michele - I really liked learning more about you. I like your everyday posts, but I enjoy the Q&A, too. I’ve been wondering about your camera and lenses and now I know. I think it’s too funny that you work out with the geriatrics. So great! Thanks for sharing!

sue - Well Meg ,you have done it again. A great blog to read and I think you answered my question on what camera and lens do you use. Thankyou.

Vera - I’ve been stepping away from my computer a little lately to spend more time with the kids, so that means skimming blogs on Google Reader instead of opening them… BUT I had to come here and tell you that you look SO amazingly beautiful and radiant is every single one of those after-birth pictures!

Sandy - I love what you’ve done to your home and hadn’t realized it’s all been within the past 6 years. You’ve done an amazing job!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh I just love seeing all your pictures of your house when you first bought it. It makes me feel like a less insane person for the last house we owned, you just had to have vision! Your house is so gorgeous, it just needed your magic touch to bring that out.
And your pregnant photos! LOL! I don’t think I’ll be sharing mine any time soon. You are a brave woman, and so darn adorable.
Ok so seriously, if you hadn’t put me in your list of favorite blogs you’d have been in trouble. πŸ˜‰ Thank you Meg.
Happy night!

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first thing…..

apparently the awesome quote came from the show How I Met Your Mother.
i have only seen that show twice so i googled it.
here it is.

i want to say that i know OF COURSE it's not easy to just overcome being sad.
and i wasn't sad.
just feeling BLAH.

it's january.
that is what i do.

but i do really like the idea of BEING AWESOME.
i mean just say it out loud  "today i will be awesome"
you will feel it.
it's helpful.
i dare you to try it.

great questions girls…i love to answer questions.

question one:
what is your favorite NON-disney movie?

i have a bunch.   
i will share by category:
suspense – Signs 
                The Fugitive 

drama –  i can't think of any!!! i am blank.

chick flick – Julie & Julia.

i love so much about this movie.
i love the blogging.
i love the acting….meryl streep is just….amazing.
what i love the most….the love between paul and julia.  it's beautiful.
"it was julia.  it was julia all along"
makes me tear up.

i also love...You've Got Mail 
                  Sleepless in Seattle 

romance –  The Holiday
                 The Family Man
                 anything where i get to look at Mr. Clooney 

comedy –  Parenthood is a CLASSIC.
               The Money Pit also a CLASSIC. 
               and to me….anything with Vince Vaughn or Will Ferrell…

action – Bourne Identity…Bourne Supremecy….Bourne Ultimatum
             Mr and Mrs. smith….they are both just so easy on the EYES!!!

question two:
what's going on in the dining room?!! 

well whenever i take pictures i don't like them much….so i have been waiting.
but i am just going to show you.
the light is funky until like 20 minutes before sunset and then i'm making dinner.
so these are from this morning. 


print is from the wheat field….matte is micheal miller fabric.


print from studio mela….matte is an old map.

all my frames are from the thrift shop or antique store….i have been collecting for years.
the yellow lamps were silver from a garage sale 10 years ago.

now the red box is across the room and i asked sean to display his lego space shuttle in that space.  :)
it's perfect size and pretty safe from being knocked over and it's in view instead of in a box.

pool table….from a friend's garage.  foos ball table…from a friend.  and now a ping pong (dining room) table for $10.

dining room twice a year….game room the other 363 days.

that caricature is of lauren when she was little made at Six Flags.  i found it again…i love it.
also her octopus art made in first grade.

the chandelier is from the kane county flea market in may of 2010.

bird canvas is from Pier One….in a antique store frame.
craig's chairs are from craigslist.  
now his friends can sit down inbetween turns playing pool.  :)


my sister painted this for me for my birthday.  
i told you i love cow paintings…..and this…..i LOVE.
also in an identical frame from the antique store. 

the paint color on the walls is antique white.
the trim is done in Kilz primer first then Ultra Bright Behr semi-gloss paint. 

question three:

does your hairstyle have a name for me to tell my stylist?

i am pretty sure it's called a wedge haircut….amy please speak up if i am wrong.
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question four:
where in the world would you like to visit?

i think anywhere tropical is where i would want to spend time with craig…all alone for a long time.
this was in google images….don't you just feel GOOD when you look at it?
i can practically smell the ocean.
mr. duerksen…..are you looking?  can you feel it???

but i also really want to see more of Africa.
all over Africa.
i want to see it…experience it….meet people….open my eyes…help where i can….love who i can….

i want to have africa in my heart forever.

question five:
when did you decide to start charging for photography?
when people started asking me to take their family pictures.
they encouraged me and built up my confidence with compliments and telling their friends about me.
i charged a small amount at first so i could get experience and decide if i even enjoyed it as work.
when i realized i did then i just went for it.
it was scary.  and vulnerable.
but worth it.

question six:
what do you do all day with the kids in school?
enjoy a quiet house.
i spend a lot of time on the computer….blogging, answering email and reading blogs.
i do laundry, i pick up the house (a little), i go to the grocery store (UGH…this is so old to me….i am over it).
i workout a few times a week.
i edit photos from may – november and then hopefully sew from january – april for my etsy shop.
i read my bible study stuff or a book to help me cope for that given day
(Crazy Love….Praying the Sriptures for your Children…Love and Logic…5 Love Languages….)
i make dinner.  
if i am tired i take a nap.
this next few weeks i will be purging all the closets and rooms of all the JUNK.
bags and bags i am sure.
i am not a schedule kind of girl.
i am the opposite.  
so i just do what i need to for that day…and what i feel like doing….schedules make me crazy.
and i like to go to lunch if my friend asks or run to target in wichita on a whim.

question seven:
where do you find inspriation?
blogs are so cool.
anything you could want….it's there!  

occasionally i go to B&N and get a BIG pile of books and magazines i want to look at…a coffee…and i sit.

but knowing i will sound like an old lady….
it's usually too loud in there.
the music is ok but someone is ALWAYS blabbing away on their cell phone.
i cannot stand that.
and with my ADD brain i can't focus on anything but that person on the phone…driving me crazy.
i bring my iPod now and try my very best to tune them out.

question eight:
how do you take indoor pictures with out a flash?

i usually shoot in P because years ago Karen Russell said that is what she shoots in (or did at the time).
and i change my ISO to a higher number because you need more light in when you're inside.
i also change my White Balance to whichever setting we are using….Sun symbol if it's lit well from the windows…
or AWB it's just overheard lighting.
i honestly do not like my inside photos…but if you do….that is how i get them.
i feel i need to learn a LOT about my camera still….every day.
indoor pictures are hard for everyone….i think. 

our house has lots of big windows so in the day we have good light but i think you were asking about at night?
this is at night.
all the lights are on…chandliers and recessed lighting…brightly lit…my ISO was probably 1600…on AWB.
did i answer your question?

question nine:
what do you use to edit your pictures?

every photo that has been on this blog has been edited in iPhoto or Picnik.
i did buy Photoshop but STILL haven't loaded it.
who has time for this?!!
i need to do it but i just feel overwhelmed and don't want to fail.

question ten:

what kind of make-up do you use?
in june 2010 my friend Kimberlee took me for a MAC-over. 

it was fabulous.
i was hooked.
i love using grown up make-up….i feel pretty (oh so pretty…i feel pretty and witty and…ok i will stop now).
i want to do a whole post about it sometime….with video.  :)    
would you like that?
but my mascara that was asked about specifically….Maybeline Great Lash.
cheapy in the green and pink package.
love it.
use it everyday. 

ok…more questions to be answered tomorrow.
THANKS for asking.  
now i will return to my cleaning binge.

Cliff Spears - Watching “How I Met Your Mother” makes me laugh a lot, due to their approach on making people laugh, especially whenever Barney’s there to entertain. Even his words of wisdom apply in the real world, just like taking negativity away, and being awesome instead. I dunno if this is just me, but every time I suit up and pick between purple ties or my red tie, I always remember him doing his pose, like it was etched in my brain.

Michelle - I have a question and a suggestion:
Question- What was it like for you being a young mom? I had my first child when I was 20 and my biggest challenge was probably connecting to the other moms of kids in his class because they were all at least 15 years older than me. He’s almost 16 and sometimes I still feel a little out of the loop with his friends’ parents. I’ve found everything to be easier this time around (my second child is 6).
Suggestion- You are already obviously a talented photographer, but to take it to the next level, I would really look into the workshops over at . I was able to start shooting solely in manual mode (and trust me, that was a miracle!) and they also have Photoshop classes. Their classes run for a month and they have weekly assignments and tons of feedback from the instructor. They’re not cheap, but worth every penny. I’m not affiliated with them at all, but I just could not believe how much I learned from their “Rock Your Camera” class.
Love your blog! We made your snowman ornaments over Christmas vacation and I will treasure those messy little handprints forever.

A - CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME Where your family picture canvas is from, the one on your mantle?

Emily - This is a little off subject but I know Africa has a place in your heart. it is a blog of a woman who is in her early 20 who moved to africa a adopted 14 girls who were abandoned and uncared for. Her jurney speaks of Gods will and it a true testiment to what he can do in times of need. Whenever I need hope I turn to her blog.

dotsie (aka podso) - You know, there is a saying that says something like this, “Once you have drunk from the rivers of Africa you must return to drink again.”

jennibell - My MIL had the pool table in her dining room for YEARS and hated it. . .but we all loved not having to go into the basement to play pool and “be away” from everyone else. It’s since been moved back down and it’s too bad. . .I know the kids don’t play nearly as much now.
I’m always inspired by your house and style. And honesty. I would have a hard time listing the things you do each day when the kids are at school and not feeling guilty about it. I always feel I should be “doing” something — although, yes, I know laundry and grocery shopping and making dinner are important – ha! Maybe I’ll just keep coming to you for counseling πŸ™‚
We don’t have television service and rely on videos for our entertainment — How I Met Your Mother is one of the few series we DO watch — you should take Mel up on her offer to borrow them. . .and thanks, too, for all the movie suggestions from you and other readers — I’m making a list!!! We watched Shrek Ever After yesterday and I was surprised how much I liked it — great family message!!

Mary - Thanks for the insight into your “hectic” and “adventurous” life!

Tara M. - My living room USED to have a pool table, life sized Chewbacha cutout, and a huge American flag on the wall. I like your dining room so much more! I loved Julie and Julia. I need to watch it again!

emily - You are fun. Thanks for being honest and just yourself. You are delightful.

asibtroy - reset my camera and am trying out with the ISO and AWB! THX!
My husband challenged me to do the picture a day thing on my blog this year and I find I’m taking most of the photos in the dark…

Meredith - I’d love to see a list of what blogs you read regularly too! Love this post πŸ™‚

Kari - Fun post! ‘How I Met Your Mother’ is one of my very favorite shows. I love your Dining/Game Room, especially the vintage maps. Very cool thanks for sharing!

Holly - The haircut is called an inverted bob….atleast that’s what my stylist (and bff) calls it. I had that cut for years! I’m growing it out now!

Crystal Paine - Have you ever posted a list of all the blogs you read? I know on some blogs it will show who they are following, but I haven’t been able to find that on yours, maybe because it’s in typepad? Anyway, I’d love to see what blogs you read cause I’m sure I’d love them! This was a great post, would love to see the MAC video, I wear MAC too, my friend & I had the Mac-over done in November, although I’d already been wearing it for a few years, but it was fun! I love your house, and the pictures that you post. You take great pictures & I’d love to see photography tips. I made the snowman handprint ornaments with my kids, those were fun & turned out super cute! My daughter got a purse for Christmas from her grandparents, it says Whatever on it & has little rainbows & other lil’ pics. I thought of you when I saw it! I’ll try to send you a pic of it someday! Do you watch Big Bang Theory? My husband & I love it, it’s my favorite “funny” show!

DaisyDuke - Question 3, Inverted Bob or Pob (Posh Bob)

DevremΓΌlk - Nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you…

Julie - Awesome post Meg! πŸ™‚
Speaking of awesome, have you seen this this TED talk? I think you’d like it.
The dining room looks GREAT!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Hey Megan,
I too only use my iPhoto and Picnik, and while that works fine, sometimes I want to be able to do so much more. Just thought I would let you know there is a free mini e-course for photoshop. I haven’t even bought photoshop yet and will just download the free trial for the course, to see if it’s worth it for me. It starts tomorrow and lasts until the 21st~ I think. I found out about it on a blog where the edits are just beautiful. I asked the blogger how she had learned to use photoshop and she sent me to KimKlassenCafe. I’m really excited to see what she has to offer, and since it’s free I figure I have nothing to lose.

Jenna - I don’t know if your question about the makeup was rhetorical or not, but yes, I would love it!

Jaimie - i love when you do these : )

Laura - Wow.. it’s crazy how much we have in common!!! But the thing that stood out the most was the “add brain” inside of bookstores. I am very much the same and can not concentrate with all of the people milling about.
And the Bourne movies…. my family has seen each of them at LEAST 10 times. I want to see a face off between Jason Bourne and Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie’s character in the movie “Salt”)
I adore your house even more now that I know you have your dining/living space as a game room. Awesome.

Gemma - I really enjoy these posts!! Loving the dinning room : )
Gemma x

Jen@thecottagenest - Meg, I absolutely *LOVE* what you have done with your dining room. I love not using a room as it is intended but instead using it in a way that works for your family. Bold and inspiring. That’s what you are.

elisa - Holy crap I love that cow painting!!! Will she sell me one??

mandy falgout - wow, love this post. thanks for being you and being real. i just got a friend to try mac makeup and she loves it. i have heaps of it, but don’t wear anything at the moment since moving to phnom penh, cambodia. i sweat so much here it seems like a waste, so i go au natural all the time. kind of liberating. weird. i seriously think we could be twins from different mommas. you and i have many similar tastes, likes and loves of things.
keep rockin’ it!

Steffie - Would love to know where you got the map art above the buffet and the collection of globes? I’m sure you’ll saying something fun like thrift stores or a flea market…. I wish our little island had the same offerings as the mainland, sigh! Have a great weekend Meg!

Miss Tiff - Hi Meg. I’m new here. I read two posts in the past month that linked here and now I’m stuck on u too.
A few things, you are not afraid to use to color. I’m a wimp. 90% of my closet is solids, but I’m turning it up a notch, yo. The spare room is my inspiration.
Fav Movie. I like a few of your choices, but you have to promise to try and watch WAITRESS. It is my new favorite. It’s definitely a chic flic but u will laugh and maybe cry a tear too. My new fav, I watch it whenever I feel blue.
Last thing, Your blog is an awesome read, it has a tone of wit, reality and luv. Best Reality blog award goes to you. Happy New Year!!

angela - Sitting here this Saturday morning in front of my gas logs reminds me of a cold Saturday a year ago when I found your blog. I never took my pj’s off that day. i read EVERY SINGLE entry of yours….and was hooked! I love that Lauren is a normal teenager with trials and an attitude! I love the name Talby. I love that you have a craft day for your kids. I adore your craft room and your big, old house. I love that you went down the slip and slide and even showed us! I love the rainbow cake and the shots of your mudroom and that you show us mountains of laundry. Yours remains one of my favorite *real* blogs! Thanks for sharing! Happy 2011. This is going to be a great year! God bless you and your family!

LouBoo - Hello…I haven’t stopped by for a while (do you ever get that where you end up following so many blogs that it becomes impossible to look at all of them and then I have guilt about unfollowing people to make life simpler – that is sooo not what blogging is all about!). Anyway – reading this reminded me why I like your blog. Utter honesty! And your movie pics – like me you sound like a girl who has a soft spot for the 80s but doesn’t mind when it’s up to date either! Lots of my faves are on your list. Plus I like the description of your day at home. I do the same…and taking a nap – I do that too although I probably would not admit it to everyone! But honestly – what better thing is there than taking a nap in the daytime? That so reminds me of pre-children life. Anyway – I am glad I popped by and had this ‘chat’!! Lou xx

meghan - the globes and canvas are my favs. love your blog. always will. tgif!

Kendra - You could totally have Africa in your heart forever if you adopted….just sayin πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Megan - I used to use Picnik also and when I finally got around to using PS it went SO MUCH faster when editing pics. You will wish you would have done way sooner! BTW Kimberlee and friends introduced me to MAC as well…I’ll come video for you guys! πŸ™‚

sara@augustfields - you’re a doll. love your candidness….so refreshing πŸ™‚ cute setup on the dresser!

Kristin S - I think these posts are some of my favorite. When I saw you ask for any questions I was exhausted reading through all the questions. Well done responding/answering.
Very, very fun.
I wonder why we are so intrigued by everyone’s normal lives. It is refreshing to know that we all do laundry. Grocery shop. Normal stuff.
Thanks for sharing!

Rachel / cREaTe - i love it when you do this smorgasbord of question answering. πŸ™‚ so fun & i get new ideas … and reminded of things like that i need to rent julie & julia! forgot that was on my “list”. love your theory on why you have a game room instead of just a dining room. that’s our theory on why we’ve never really had a guest room … and instead do an office or craft studio – with a lil’ futon over on the side [sorry guests]. πŸ™‚

shannon - I LOVE this post! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I also LOVE the collection of cameras….where did they all come from? Yes MAC video would be awesome!

Kimberlee J. - The video MAC over is so on.

Sharry Sullivan - What a wonderful blogpost! Thank you…

Elizabeth - What program/how did you nake your 35 before 35 list?

Karla - I too have to ask – Kane County, IL?!?!? The county in which I live? And I missed your coming?? Drat.

elma riedstra - Oh I love your dinning room:) Oh I would love your sister to paint me a cow:) Love this post!!

hannah - Please do a makeup video πŸ˜€ You’re totally awesome!
And I LOVE your house! Seriously, I want it. Have you seen a tumblr blog called this pretty space? Lots of awesome pictures in your kind of style πŸ˜€

Amber - I have really enjoyed reading your blog for a while now and agree with you that blog surfing is fantastic! : ) My husband thinks I am crazy for looking in on people I dont even know, but the blogs I follow, I follow for a reason. I feel that if I actually met any of these people, we would be great friends! Also, just want to say I love the Julia and Julia movie too! Have you listened to My Life In France? It’s a memoir of Julia Childs’ life. Great Book! God Bless you, and keep typing hon, as you are a virtual friend and I love hearing about what you do!

se7en - Ooooh So much to love here… love the window into your life… Come over and visit Cape Town – it’s in Africa after all and we would love to meet you all!!!

Tiffany - Oh.My.Word – that dining room is AWESOME!!! Love it!
I am still reading the archives and perhaps you have covered it – but I would like to know if you are planning on doing a little photography workshop. You take great pics – and I always love to learn new tips and tricks from others.
BTW…in my mind I always hear “whatever” in that “80’s valley girl” style… Do you do that? πŸ˜€

Jenny B. - Fun! I had to chuckle when I read this: “craig’s chairs are from craigslist.” Hee-hee. πŸ™‚
Oh, and if you love cow paintings, you should check out the new shop a couple of my friends just opened: Red Hill Gallery in Fayetteville, AR. If you live in/near Wichita, it would only be about a 4-hr. drive (I think). Weekend getaway? Anywho… here is their new blog:
And their individual etsy shops:
and Cari’s:
I love all your photos. I think my favorite thing about your house is that it looks fresh and modern (well, because vintage is the new modern? maybe? yes?). Anyway, it’s “in style,” yet colorful (not all white and neutrals). πŸ™‚

happygirl - Loved this post. LOVED IT! I’m new to blogging and so happy if I have 1/2 an hour to blog. I don’t take pictures, but I’d love to learn. Love the movie Julie and Julia too. LOVE IT! I can watch the movie Mother with Debbie Reynolds and Albert Brooks over and over (my husband HATES it) And, I think I’d love the beach more if I didn’t look so horrible in a bathing suit.

Katie Adams - I love you. Your blog is so fun to read. Check out my recent cow purchase on my blog. I love her, too. Have you named your cow? I think they need names.

Cari - Fun post! I’m sitting in my living room and it opens up to my kitchen and dining room. And compared to what I just saw of your dining room… it is so BLAH!!! Note to self… never let my girls see your house. They’ll totally give you cool mom of the year award. πŸ˜‰ Oh, and the links for the wheat field and studio mela both route back to studio mela. Just thought you’d like to know! Have a great, blah-free weekend! πŸ™‚

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - i think that cut is also called an angled bob – i’ve sported one on and off since college and am back with it now-a-days, only with a new color:
take a peek, if you like…
your dining room looks great to me!!
and, I’d join you for a movie night anytime – i can’t claim a favorite either – but love all the ones you listed. have you seen ‘the curious case of benjamin button’? that’s one of my favorite dramas.

Julie - I love “Julie & Julia” as well. I love Julia Child. So much so, I threw a dinner party in her honor.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Kane County Flea Market? The one in Illinois, 20 minutes from my door? If so, I LOVE that place. I love spending the morning there with my girlfriends. So many great treasures.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love most all of your movies. The firm is a good drama. Salt and Bourne for action. The Holiday, 50 first dates, You’ve Got Mail for romance. I use MAC too and believe it or not Maybeline Great Lash for mascara. It’s creepy how much we have in common. Cute cow;)

Georgia - Thanks for the indoor w/out flash lighting tip!! i didnt think to do that with my Canon. Im practising now indoors! :o)
I would love to see more videos of your family and you doing general ‘Meg’ stuff.
I Love the way you have put together the dining room, its fab.
Also… one place in Africa i would 100% recommend is Egypt, its totally amazing, seriously i was so over whelmed at the amazing places there i wanted to cry. My boyfriend thought i was crazy… we did a cruise down the Nile and i stayed in the cabin and just watched people from the window, swimming, playing and washing in it… it was a moving experience πŸ™‚

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - I love the posts when you show your house the best! Your dining room looks great! Love all the white, globes, and family photos. Very much my style too!

Beth - love these type post…heck i enjoy all your post
hey i would love to get some tips on makeup and what to do
live in small town with no makeup artist around to share the true aspects of makeup do’s and don’t

crystal beutler - Love all your answers !! We are so kindred spirits. If you come to So. Cal this year, you have to call me!!!!!!!! You do.
Glad to see you got your cow picture. If you haven’t learned photo shop yet I am so impressed that you get such great photographs!!! I rely heavily on photo shop. Go to if you want to learn how to use it. I’ve loved that site. And I’ve loved using the Actions created by the Pioneer Woman. You will understand more about actions when you take the Photo shop tutorials πŸ™‚
I love your house. It’s just way too cool. I need to come shopping in your neck of the woods, and you need to come shopping in mine. We have some junk/antique stores here.
P.S. Let me know when you want to do a giveaway. πŸ™‚

pam - We just discovered How I Met Your Mother….my husband still can’t believe that I love it. We need to start over from the beginning. I’m with you on a tropical location…blue water….someday.

Toni :O) - You are beautiful inside and out…thanks for sharing all the tidbits…your blog is definitely one of my FAVORITES!!! So, here’s my question…what do you love MOST about your hubby? Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Heather - Howdy! Just wanted to pass along a great resource for learning photoshop — because you’re right, who has time?! πŸ™‚ has great video tutorials and in a matter of a few hours, you’ll feel like a pro. You pay a monthly fee but could learn all you really want to in a weekend or two.
love your blog. A regular stop each morning with my coffee:)

Dayna - The haircuts that you featured on this post are usually called an inverted bob. A wedge shares a lot of the same characteristics but if you’re specifically looking for the stacked back and longer sides, you’ll want to ask your stylist for an inverted bob and then have a very specific conversation about lengths and the grade of that stacking because it varies pretty wildly.

sarah - thank you for letting us pick your brain! and YES to the mac video! i loved the video of craft day with the kids…it felt like an insider’s scoop. :]

Kristen @ JLS - How fun to read this post!! Do you ever watch the television show Parenthood, on NBC Tues. It’s great, I recommend tuning in for sure!

shauna reed - you are so generous with yourself meg.
i love the way you displayed your family photo shoot!
i have been trying to figure out how to use a bunch of the ones we had done, this is INSPIRING!
you are awesome!

mel - This was SO fun to read! I love learning about you, we would have fun if we ever met πŸ™‚
How I met your Mother is one of our favorite shows! We own all the seasons on DVD…you can borrow them if you want. Let me know & I can mail them to you πŸ™‚
Have a great weekend, Meg!

Shana - “How I Met Your Mother” just took my top spot for funny TV – beating out The Office & Will and Grace.
I love every character – except Robin, I find her boring.
Barnie is the best – and I’m not talkin’ bout no dinosaur.

Laura - My mom sent me this when I needed a pick me up! I am a mom of 3 little ones all under the age of 3 so I watch this ALOT! Hope you enjoy it! πŸ™‚
I’d like you to meet your new life coach:

Sonia - If you haven’t already, you should watch Date Night!! We are going to watch Dinner For Schmucks tonight! I love Steve Carell!!
Do all the cameras on your shelf work?

Trina McNeilly - Fun post. I love the cow painting you’re sister did…..soo cool. I love the Kane County Flea Market. I was just thinking of how I ned to go soon!
x Trina

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow that was awesome, love these kind of posts. πŸ™‚ and yes, do a mac video.

sandy toe - Great movies…have you seen “while You were Sleeping”…love that movie!
sandy toe

virginia - i love that cow painting!

Ali - Wait! I didn’t get my question in!
I love the name Talby and I wanted to know how you came up with it considering your four other children all have traditional names. (have you answered this question already?)

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much better.

oh how it helps to exercise!!!

it's totally part of the making of the AWESOME-ness in a day.

YAY for treadmills in assisted living facilities that no one is in at noon so i can watch what i want guilt free.


right now i am watching my favorite disney movie with my two little girls.

it is so funny…..david spade….so sarcastic.  
i love this movie.

my favorite.

"cheese me no likey"



SO…i seem to have nothing to tell you about.

do you have any questions you have been dying to ask me?


Amy - I thought of another question:
When you meet someone new and they ask “What do you do for a living?” What is your answer? Stay at home Mom, Photographer, Blogger? Just curious.

Rebecca - Meg, (I sent you an email with this same info…wanted to cover all of my bases to make sure you read this!!!!)LOVE your blog!
When I saw this week’s Walgreen’s ad, I thought of you and your vitamin’s project for Africa. This week, Walgreen’s has kid’s gummy multi-vitamins (Go! brand) on sale. You buy the vitamins for $5 and you get $5 back in Walgreen register rewards…so you’ll get “free” vitamins and you’ll get $5 towards another Walgreen’s purchase. Note that you can buy multiple bottles of vitamins, but you can’t “roll” the coupons to keep on buying “free” vitamins.
Think of all the vitamins you could get for the kids in Africa if you shared this info on your AWESOME blog!!!!!!

Crystal Paine - I take a ton of pictures & my goal this year is to get my photos organized. How do you organize yours? Do you backup everything to an external hard drive? What about ordering prints, do you order prints of all your photos, or just keep them digital?

tara pollard pakosta - 1. when are you coming to chicago again?
and how much do you charge for a shoot?!
and can you please please either post some sites that have valentine crafts or give links to any you may have done?! OR do a weekly post soon about valentine crafts?!
planning a party for valentines and you are so INSPIRING!!!!

Kirsten J - First: love that movie too – our quote “no touchy! noooo touchy!” with the crossed arms.
Second: I’d love to see a makeup video…and I would have totally thought you used some expensive mascara – I’m kind of lame in the make up department….need a makeover.
Third: Questions…do you have a degree? does that knack for home dec stuff run in your family? you know you should write a book, right?

erin j - That’s my favorite Disney movie too! Hilarious!!

Crystal - Okay, I have a question that’s been on my mind recently. How do you and your family handle the television? I have been seriously considering removing cable and maybe just doing netflix but am not sure. I want my kids to be inspired to make their own entertainment like I was as a child. Just curious…:)

Dawn - Emperor’s Groove is one of the best movies ever! Our family has quotes from that we say all the time!

mel - i’m sure you’ve answered this before, but what lens(es) you use on your camera? i’m practicing, practicing, practicing and thinking about buying a new lens. i would love to start taking family pics one of these days. just trying to settle on a new lens to buy. i have my kit lens and the 50mm. any suggestions?

Katie - Did you paint your fireplace white? If so, how? Do you worry you will regret it someday? My brick fireplace takes up almost a whole wall and I dream about painting it but so far have not worked up the nerve to do it!

Lisa from Paint in My Hair - I would love to hear more about the transition to not having kids at home during the day…next year my youngest two will both start kindergarten (full day) and I am DREADING it…I feel like my “mom years” will be over and it went way too quickly…any advice?

Alisha Gibb - Did you ever finish the quilt you started at your friend’s house? Sewing is my new hobby and I love the fabrics you use and colors you put together!

Sarah Mahan - How did you and Craig meet? Would love to read a post on that love story!

Sarah - What is one food you could eat everyday for the rest of your life and never get sick of?
I thought I’d stick with an easy one in case you are still recovering from the toilet debacle. (I had the same thing happen to me the same day!)

Lori - P.S. Youtube-SNL Jimmy Falon-Barry Gibb talk show skit. Makes me laugh everytime.

Haydee - I love your style and admire you so much. Im wondering if you can share some photography tips. I also have a canon but I don’t use it to it’s full potential. Please share some of favorite lens, settings …. Thanks

Karen - Hi Meg! Love your blog because you are so real. Your post from Mother’s Day last year really got me (I was feeling the same way).
Question: Are you a reader? If so, do you have a favorite author? What about magazines (my guilty pleasure)? Any favorites?
One more thing, a previous commenter asked about fun things to do in Lawrence. Lawrence is fun, but I actually live in Olathe KS, where the school her friend works at is located. I would love to share fun things to do around here if she is interested.
Really, this is the last thing; Meg, come do fun things in Olathe with me sometime!

Lori - If you and your husband had an almost 10 year old son and a 7 1/2 year old daughter that were the most wonderful gifts from God (via His adoption plan) and you had the opportunity to add 4 more kiddos ages 1,2,3 & 6…would you? We’re in the waiting process of this journey right now.
I’ve shown your laundry pile with kids jumping on it to my husband and told him “I want that”. But we are still petrified at the real possiblility of it.
I love your blog and you are always a bright spot in my day when I read it. Even when it’s about vomit:)
I don’t know what possessed me to ask a total stranger that question….I’m not whacky in real life, only online…

Amanda - You mentioned before that you moved from Illinois I believe…(I live in central IL) and was curious what town you were in?
Also, you’d said when you did your kitchen reno that you used the same cabinetry I think? I’ve never run across any photos of your previous house and would love to see a post on that out of curiousity πŸ™‚

Darcie L. - My husband and I love to watch this movie post-fight/reconciliation. Kind of silly, but you can’t help but be in a better mood after resolving with your hubby, then watching this movie. πŸ™‚

kat - yes would love to see what other blogs you read and ask readers to respond with blogs they love!

Angela - So glad you asked this…I’ve been wondering did I miss the dining room reveal? You mentioned working on it a while back, and there were glimpses of it in your Christmas posts….
I love, love your blog. Secretly…I get a little disappointed when I click on it and there isn’t a NEW post. Thank you for sharing and wanting questions!

Amy - When you sew, do you use patterns or more just freestyle? Do you make up your own patterns?
What is your family heritage? I am part Italian and you look a lot like my family members.
How often did you and Craig have dates when you had little ones? And how often do you have them now? We go maybe once every 2 months and it sucks. lol.
LOVE your blog. Thanks for letting us ask questions.

lorel - I would love it if you could post a video of Talby and Annie saying “(gasp) My spinach puffs!”

nic - what are your top five must-visit sites daily? (perhaps you have covered this vital info in a previous post…i’m a little on the newish side here, so i have a bounty of archives to enjoy. happy friday to me!)
love that movie.
ps no touchy.
pps or to save on postage, we’ll just poison him with this.
ppps why does she even HAVE that lever?!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Kristen Wiig vs. Amy Poehler.
Who is funnier, and why?

Jennifer VeStrand - How do you exercise at an assistant living facility? Do you pay? I didn’t read other responses so I’m sorry If I’ve missed your answer! But I’ve never thought about that for exercise! πŸ™‚

mary beth - You had no idea we were all so nosy did you? These questions are cracking me up! Sneaking into an assisted living home to use their tread mill is cracking me up even more! I think I will try that and see what happens..oops, nope, better not do that, they might mistake me for a runaway resident! Love reading your blog even when you don’t have anything to say! Keep it up!

Janelle - Yes…how is the Kindle working out for Sean? I was thinking about getting my ten year old one this Christmas as he is a crazy reader but then I wasn’t sure about buying all the books for it, what books are free with it, if he would really like it better than holding a book, etc. Just thinking about Christmas next year!
Also…sorry to be so demanding :}…I would love to see a list of your favorite things…I know you share them all the time but perhaps a list of 10 or so things that you really can’t live without…what makes your life run easier with 5 kiddos?
Thanks Meg πŸ™‚

Angela Miller - Here’s a good one. Tell me what is awesome in Lawrence(KS). A dear friend just took a job as the Student Sustainability Affairs Coordinator @ Johnson Co. Community College and as a transplanted Virginian she needs all the help she can get.

Kimberlee J. - I love reading these questions!

Adrienne S - Why were in an assisted living facitlity using their treadmill?

Jack - Meg, how did you get people to discover and start reading your blog?

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Since I’m still surrounded by my Christmas stuff that I may or may not ever get taken down, I’m still in a Christmas-y mood.
So, I’m curious about your Christmas!
What we’re the big hits with your children this year?
Did you do gifts that were ‘family gifts’ this year?
Was there a favorite gift that you received?

erica - are you going to answer all of these questions?;) i love your blog – first thing i read every morning (at5am!) when the house is quiet – with my first cup of coffee…keep on writing!:D

Kim - I want to know about your granny square afghan. Did you make it? Where did you get it? Do you know what type of yarn it was made out of? I’m thinking about making one. Your afghan is darling!!

Karen - OK – I have been dying to ask if you have a cleaning lady or other help around the house?

bobbie - I love Emperor’s New Groove, watch out for llamas, they spit.
Why were you in an assisted living facility at noon?

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Do you shoot fully in manual or AV mode? What is your current camera?
Can’t wait for the answer post w/ everyone’s questions. πŸ™‚

se7en - Hay movies are good… we are sitting with a pile of library books under the table – its shady!!! And right now in Cape Town it is so hot as to be a little mind blowing!!!

Maggie Nunez - I saw your playroom featured on the Lettered Cottage post on RE-Dos and I absolutely loved it. I especially love the vibrant colors and the storybook picture frames.
Question: I am a beginner blogger(I started my blog on 1.1.11) and wanted to know how you spread the word about your blog?

Lisa - I’m wondering why you work out in an assisted living facility? πŸ™‚

Heather - The transition from young couple to young family is in the not-too-distant future for me, and I would love to hear how that went for you as a woman and as a couple, what you learned, etc. How do you still stay yourself and also a wife and then expand hugely to be a mom? I feel like you have a good balance on that, and I would love to hear how that came about.

Karen - Meg,
I have loved your blog ever since I found it a year or two ago via Apartment Therapy. Two things I have totally copied from you are taking the family (our boys are 15 and 12) on a trip to California, including to Monterey Aquarium and the tide pools at Lover’s Point, and making a rainbow cake. Oh, and I just made your spinach artichoke dip for Christmas Eve and everyone went nuts over it.
Anyway, here are my two questions: 1. I never see you post about any stress over homework or school projects — how does all that work out at your house? 2. Same question about video games — do they cause any problems at your house?
If you ever want to bring your family to NYC (or come by yourself), I would be happy to host you all and take you around. Weird, right? πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - my question…
it will all be OK…right?
that is my question πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I so love your blog and think you are awesome. So glad you’re day was better. If I could ask you a question I think I would ask…if you had one day all to yourself, what would you do?

Lisa - Me too on the dining room! I’d also love to see a tour of your favorite flea markets/antique stores, etc. I thought about “being awesome” all day today. It kept me going!

Becky - I thought you werer fabulous yesterday – just sayin’. :o)
I have a few questions! I, too, wanna know if your day is scheduled out (as in a daily routine) or if you go with the flow. It seems that I have to have a schedule just to survive, but I’m having trouble finding my “groove”. Hehe!
Also, what format do you use for your blog? I wanna start one (or two!) sooooo bad, but am completely ignorant to all things computer programming. Since your layout is my fave, I’d love to hear how it works.
I come over here every. single. day. I love everything about your blog.

Whitney R - I would love to see how your dining room turned out! I too live in an older home built in 1930. (In Kansas may I add,lol)
I have crown moulding I have debated on painting a fresh white-I would love to know the paint color you choose for your trim, it’s beautiful!!
Should I do it??
Thanks so much!
Whitney R.

Kat - Oops I meant glad you are having an awesome DAY not name. Doh!

Kat - What is your daily routine?
Do you walk or jog on the treamill? How far and at what speed?
What else do you do for me time?
Favourite meal, dessert, drink, flower, colour?
That is probably more than enough questions for now πŸ™‚
Glad you are having an awesome name.
Btw I am using my treadmill for 30 mins (walking) each night and trying to lose the extra tummy from 4 little cherubs.

Allison - How did you come up with Talby’s name? I love it and have never heard it before. Plus I love to hear about how people named their children.

jodi - what’s your white balance setting at on your camera again? you had emailed me the specifics of your most used settings several years ago and i lost the email when we moved/switched…

Misty - Ahh I love this move too! So funny. And the scary thing is (without being horrible awful and rude) I know someone who looks very similar to Yzma he he. Ahem…

Mindy Harris - I agree about fitness. Wholeheartedly. It’s been my new year’s resolution (as much as I hate those) to workout regularly. I worked out Mon-Wed this week and I was a whole new woman. I have more energy and patience with my kids, and, I feel prettier. This dimply tush needs a love affair with the treadmill.
How is it you get to work out at an assisted living facility? Is it open to the public? (just curious–I have a heart for old people and interned at a nursing home my last semester at KSU).

Dana@Bungalow'56 - So do you just have to sneak into the assisted living facilities or do you know someone there? Would you believe blogging royalty arrived at my blog house today….and it was really really messy? How do you keep your house tidy? Do the kids do chores and I think they do because I’ve seen a list on the blackboard. I’m more interested in how these are enforced ; ) Do they always get done. Any rewards? Just curious, I need to start creating more routines and I always struggle with how to stay consistent? Any info on this would be hugely helpful.

sarah - do you journal?
what is your favorite book EVER (besides the Bible)?
what did you want to be when you were growing up? do you still have some crazy dream you’d like to fulfill “when you grow up?”

sarah - When did you start blogging? Who influences your style the most? I LOVE your blog!!

KTG - I was wondering if you have a daily routine? I’m in a new stay at home mom job. Would like to find time to craft etc but the chores overwhelm me.I ignored a lot of house stuff when I was working full time.
I admire your style and love of your family.Thanks for being a mentor over the internet πŸ™‚

That’s my favorite part.
We love that movie. Our teenage babysitters love it. Thus the kids get to watch it a lot a lot a lot.

regina - do you have a kindle or a nook or you are one of those people that loves the feel of books?

Sandy - I just finished reading the last (so far) of the comments and want to say that I’m sure Ashley doesn’t mean her comment the way it sounds. WOW, if anyone works its YOU!!! I work 40 hours a week outside the home and I don’t work 1/2 as hard as you do!

Kori - Not quite sure why this feels weird, but here you go:
I googled you one day and something came up about your house being in a magazine. Is this true?
Also, someone asked about you writing about your birth stories, but my curiosity lies with you and Mr. Craig. It seemed like you met young (if I remember correctly you mentioned something about seeing him drive by cheer practice or something when you were 14). As nosy as it seems, I’d love to hear your tale.
‘How we met’ stories are my favorite. πŸ™‚
Anyway, good for you for working out! I need to get off my duff (actually I’m not being lazy per se, just trying to put Christmas away) and get my work-out on!! πŸ˜‰

LibraryGirl62 - My fav Disney Movie ever!

Sandy - Mandy Friend’s comment made me remember what I’ve been forgetting to tell you…
I was at my local thrift store (aka Goodwill) a few weeks back and they had a Kansas Jayhawks hooded sweatshirt for $3.29. You know I couldn’t resist buying it because you and your family make the Jayhawks games look SO amazingly fun! I’ve intended to send you a picture of me wearing it, but you don’t really care to see me but you might like to know that your Kansas-Awesomeness is alive and well in Ohio. πŸ™‚

Mel - Any advice/fun ideas for teenagers? ie., attitudes, hormones, grades,friends, etc.? I have two, almost three of them, and WHOA!!
I love seeing the things you do with your family! : ) Thanks for sharing.

Megan - What’s your middle name? I’m a Megan too and I love to hear other “Megans” full names~

jessicakiehn - what does Craig do for a living?! I’ve always wondered..

Ashley - I want to know if you are going to continue to stay at home since your babies are all grown up, or if you might start working? And if so, what would you want to do?

Mary-Beth - Yes! This it totally personal, but would you ever consider writing about your birth stories? I had my first child 6 months ago and had a c-section after being in labor for 30+ hours. I so want to have more children, but I worry about needing another c-section and having to experience a new baby under the cloud of major surgery. I figure since you have a big family you must have some encouragement to share about labor.

sue - I would like to ask you what is your favorite lens that you use on what camera. Thanks.

Carrie - I know this is taking you way back to your early mom years but I want to know how/when/did you find time to be creative when you had little (under four yrs old)? I have things I want to do but can’t find an hour to do them. Also when do you get to sleep through the night regularly as a mom of five? Haha. I only have three and wonder if I’ll ever sleep again. Keep posting!

mandy friend - no questions, but…i was browsing through The Company Store catalog and saw an owl pillow,colorful and random, made me think of you. which is odd since i’ve never met you, but hey, there ya go:)

Cindy in WA - What did Mr. Waffle get for Christmas? πŸ™‚

Jeannette - Glad your day was AWESOME!!!!!! I am curious who gave you the Christmas gift with your name and looked like your blog? Also, what was it? I can’t figure it out, blanket, something to hang on the wall????? I LOVE it though, someone was very thoughtful.

kat - That movie is one of my all-time favorites too. It is soooooooooo hilarious!!! My question is how long have you lived in that awesome house?

Londen - What are your favorite blogs? I love yours!

katie - Was your blog “fame” overnight or gradual?? I mean, did your number of readers climb slowly or did something trigger an abnormal number of visitors all of a sudden?

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I’d love to know what blogs you read regularly! πŸ™‚
I know just what you mean about the difference working out makes – I just got back from ZUMBA – SO fun – I think you’d love it!

Kerri - Here is my question: way back when you went to Africa and collected and distributed the vitamins, I have been wondering this ever since…
You know they say that if you don’t take vitamins daily with regularity that you might as well throw them in the garbage.
So I was wondering, are the vitamins just like a healthy treat for the kids, or do the doctors over there think they really do the kids some good?
Either was I think it’s a GREAT idea – I was just wondering…

Suzette - What kind of make up do you wear? (for example, in the picture of you wearing the red flower on Dec. 11) I would love to know of a great mascara that doesn’t give me raccoon eyes!

courtney - hi! i’m wondering what program you use to edit your photos. i know you said you want to learn how to use photoshop…so i’m wondering if you have an easier, more user friendly program! i get sooo overwhelmed trying to figure out photoshop!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Maybe it was a subliminal reminder from your blog yesterday…
The kiddos went for naps, and I hopped into bed myself…then as quick as I’d snuggled in…I jumped back out and went to the gym instead!
That’s pretty awesome right?
I did get robbed while there which wasn’t so awesome BUT it’s not the part I’m focusing on πŸ™‚
I don’t think I have any questions…but you’re one of my faves for sure. LOVE THE REAL. Love it!

Kelly - Yea for an awesome day! Kelly

brooke - Yes! Let’s talk about your pictures, from Christmas at your house for example. Clearly you are not using a flash. I think flashes are yucky! What do you have your camera set on, what lens and at that point is every available light source in your house turned on? My no-flash pictures never turn out right. Your pictures are fab-o!!

Christa - So funny, I assume you’re talking about the Wellness Center in H-town? I used to work there! Wonder if we ever ran across each other and didn’t know it? πŸ™‚
Also one of my favorite movies.
Question: Where do you get your inspiration for artistic ideas? For instance, I often get mine from magazines and photos.

Angela - Since all your kids are in school now what do you normally do while they are gone? Do you have a daily routine or just do whatever you feel like doing? Are you enjoying your time alone?
Have you seen Dispicable Me? It’s a super cute movie.
Love your blog, your photos and your style!

Melanie - Maybe some of your mojo will rub off on me:) I need it!

Rae - At what point did you decide to start charging for your photography??
Love your blog!!

Lisa - Where in the world would you like to visit, outside of the states? and why?

AshleyAnn - Treadmills bring back horrible memories from college….if I use one again it is best it be in an assisted living facility…the residents can probably run faster on them than I can.
never seen that movie!

Tania K - Could I get Waffle?
Does your hair do have a specific name? I love, love your hair! Please tell me is thick so I can ask my stylist for a Med-do πŸ™‚
Love your blog πŸ™‚ Love Waffle more!!!!

Tere - I’m dying to see the unveiling of the dining room?
And how about that upstairs attic space.
I love your decorating and David Spade.

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - Glad you were Awesome today! Isn’t it funny how just saying out loud, “I’m going to be awesome today!” makes things a little easier? I do that more often than not. I wake up, hear the monkey’s stirring out my bedroom door, and tell myself almost on a daily basis, “I’m going to smile and have a good day.” Then I force myself to smile, at which time my husband is usually getting out of the shower and comes in to see me laying in bed with a big smile on my face and wonders what in the world. I also think making your husband blush in the morning due to what he thinks is a potentially awkward moment helps in making your day better. Happy Thursday!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - Glad you were Awesome today! Isn’t it funny how just saying out loud, “I’m going to be awesome today!” makes things a little easier? I do that more often than not. I wake up, hear the monkey’s stirring out my bedroom door, and tell myself almost on a daily basis, “I’m going to smile and have a good day.” Then I force myself to smile, at which time my husband is usually getting out of the shower and comes in to see me laying in bed with a big smile on my face and wonders what in the world. I also think making your husband blush in the morning due to what he thinks is a potentially awkward moment helps in making your day better. Happy Thursday!

Russanna - What’s your favorite non-Disney movie? Great job on exercising!

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it was so nice to hear that you all agreed the afters were better than the befores
of our kitchen remodel.
ha ha ha.

you had lots of questions and i have lots of answers.

how long did the remodel take?  

3 months…november – january.

how did you survive?  

we moved the refrigerator into the living room…set up a folding table also with throw away utensils
and the microwave…and that was what we used.  
it was kind of crazy but so much changed in the new kitchen everyday that it was exciting.

how did you decide what you wanted? 

we remodeled our kitchen LAST in our home in illinois and then we moved.
all that work and money and we didn't even get to enjoy it.  so when we bought this house we decided
we would do the kitchen FIRST because it is the most important room to us.
i knew i wanted the exact same cabinets i had in my IL. kitchen.
i had a baby at home so i spent hours and hours sitting and dreaming up what to do.
and i had years of magazines pictures in a file that i used to put it together.

did you design it?

yes.  i designed it all.  i like to draw so i gave my detailed drawings to the cabinet guy brad and our contractor bernie and said " do it like this".  
i wonder where those are now???

can we move in?
that depends…are you good at laundry?  cooking? cleaning?  i may consider it if you are….

is that a real chalkboard or just chalkboard paint?

it is an old school chalkboard…running the other way…from a garage sale.
sarah has the paint on the wall and it looks great too…so if you can't find a huge chalkboard at a  
garage sale…do what she did!)
the kids' dinnertime chores are written way at the top.

what kind of dog is that?

waffle is a golden doodle…half poodle/half golden retreiver.  and he needs a haircut.
they do shed and i don't know if they are hypoallergenic.
but if his hair is short…there is practically no shedding at all.
our friends had one liter of these in 2008.
this entire liter of puppies is the happiest bunch of dogs i have ever seen!
but they aren't having anymore puppies unfortunately…and i don't know anyone else to find one for you.
check your classifieds or google golden doodles in your area.
(those are the most frequent questions i am asked about waffler)

how did you have the patience for a kitchen remodel?

craig and i are a good team.  
he likes my designs (at least he says he does)…he is very flexible and encouraging with my vision/ideas.
i really like how hard of a worker he is.
we both like to get good deals.
and we take our time figuring out what we want.
and he is such a good painter!  he is so detailed.
so much so that he's asked me to stop painting a few times…because i was so messy he wanted me to go.
working with all men (contractors, electricians, plumbers, carpenters) can be a challenge because i don't like confrontation and i really don't like being treated like a dumb girl.
and that happens every once in awhile…but not too much.
i know what i want when it comes to my home down to the last detail.
so that caused some tension for me sometimes…and of course…tears because i am a girl.
but other than that…it doesn't take too much patience when you are so excited.
bernie, our contractor, showed up EVERYDAY and worked all day till the job was finished.
he rocks.
he never made me cry.  :)

and i have a few kids around here to distract me…helping with the patience. 

what made you decide to put in the wall of windows?

that side of the room was previously a porch.
in the 70's or 80's the homeowners enclosed it with 12 skinny tall windows and a door.
none of them worked anymore.  
we decided to use 6 big windows and closing up the space where the door had been…
gaining 3 more feet of counter space in the process.

the wall with wood slats is gone and a steel support beam is in it's place.
the door on the left is now a wall (with the red EAT letters)
the floor was cement on this half and slanted because it was a porch.
it had to be leveled and then the wood floor laid down across both rooms. 

stop looking at my dirty dishes!  


do your wood floors stand up well to high traffic?

i am in love with wood floors.
we have no carpet i our entire house…and only 2 rugs.  one of them came with the house!
they are scratched in a few places but i don't mind.  
and i HATE to vaccuum.

how should i paint my cabinets?

these are all new cabinets painted by the cabinet makers….so i can't help you with that.

where did you get your slipcoverd sofas?

the white ones are from world market.  the blue is an old couch from our IL. days…

what color is the paint on your walls?

you know…in the mess of the remodel we threw out the can.
after we'd used literally every single drop and we don't know what color it is!  
that is BAD.
it is a creamy off white…just different enough from the bright white cabinets to show a difference.
it's not yellow.

where did you get your chandeliers?

chicago jenny gave me one for our IL kitchen.
she had taken it out of her house and it was sitting in her garage!!
she walked into our new kitchen and started laughing and called her husband in to show him
my new light i had bought at the flea market.  identical to hers…that she was getting rid of.
so when we moved to kansas she gave it to me as a going away gift. πŸ™‚

best gift ever.
so i had two chandeliers that were nearly the same.  
yes…i took my light from my IL. house.  we put in a different one though…
some of my friends were here yesterday baking for their friends fundraiser…it was a blast.
but you can see the chandelier.
(and i need some more globes…any one have one they don't want anymore   :)

i find chandeliers at antique stores and flea markets.  
my friend diana gave me one from her dining room and it's in my bathroom.
they were all brass and i spray paint them white.
should i take my cherry cabinets out and put in white?

that quesiton is too big for me.
it's a personal preference.  you want to be happy in your home…so you have to decide that for you.
i like cherry too…they are pretty.

where did you get your roman shades?

a little place called the home depot. 

how do you keep the white cabinets so clean?

ha ha ha.
now that is just funny.
right now i can see spaghetti sauce…footprints…hot cocoa splatters…all kinds of gunk on them.
you just have to wipe them off like everything else.
but you can use clorox clean up at least.  
and annie loves to use cleaning wipes…often the cabinet cleaning job goes to her on saturday mornings.

what kind of appliances do you have?

the dishwasher is a kitchenaid from best buy.  it's great!  it get used every single day 365 days a year.
(except i guess you aren't supposed to put pieces of broken glass or bobby pins in them…who knew?)
the cooktop and double oven are Jenn-Air and we bought them off ebay.
one was a floor model with a scratch and one was an older model…but still looked great to us.
the refridgertor is GE and we got it at sears.
the microwave is GE from home depot.

do you help people with decorating dilemmas?

no one has ever done what i suggest.
so i will say no.  

can we see the rest of your house?'s too messy.
just kidding.  there is a photo album in the left sidebar…if you haven't seen that.
but i do have a few more before and afters to show sometime. 
but the afters are too messy to show you today.

so that is that.
any other questions?

Bethany - Great re-do!
Are the floors oak?
Are they engineered or solid wood installed, sanded and finished onsite?

Liz - Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And even better, it is fun and happy and REAL. I love it.
You’ve answered most of my questions already but I have one more… where is that fun red striped bowl from?

lindsey - love it! thanks so much for all the info. hope you don’t mind, but i’m going to have to steal an idea form you: the globes! my husband and i were looking at the pics of your house and he mentioned how similar our kitchens were (very!). but i have the big space above the cabinets that i never know what to do with. you solved my dilemma! now i’m off to find a bunch of large globes…

cynthia - it’s all so lovely….and with a good dose of humor too. you rock!

Meaghan - I love what you’ve done to your home. I like flipping through your photos for ideas. I have a question if you’re still answering them… How involved was painting the wood trim you redid? Did you have to sand it all down first?
We have dark oak moulding throughout our old house, and I would love to brighten some of it up, but it seems like a HUGE job, esp having our little ones around. Thanks!

Diana - I have a globe that you plug in and can turn on it’s little switch so it lights up… a soft light. It’s pretty old… about 25-30 years. I forgot that I have it. Was rearranging some things in a closet and found it a few weeks ago. If I decide at some point that I don’t want it anymore, you’ll be the first to know. It would match yours. πŸ™‚
LOVE that soft blue sofa. Looks like it would be a nice nap place… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Michelle Whitlow - LOVED seeing all the pics!! One question ~ no kitchen table?? I’m assuming you always eat at the island and opted for no table so you had more room??

Janelle - I want to see bathroom addition pics!

Kirsten - Meg – I love that kitchen! We remodeled our kitchen in our old house, and did the same thing – sold it just a few months later. Dang, she got a nice custom kitchen. But it was too small, and the remodel went South in a bad way and took 8 months. Seriously. Just about drove me insane. That’s when I started my blog.
Question: where are your counter stools from? It seems like all I can find are $29 Target stools, which my husband says are too cheap…and $299 Ballard Designs stools, which I cannot justify πŸ™

Amber - Meg…I love how your home has such an eclectic feel (i hope that’s a word you would use to describe it)! It is so homey and lived in…very practical and inviting! Your “style” is very inspiring to me!!
Thanks for the post!

carissa... brown eyed fox - my dream!
to buy a house… and make it our home.
we have had years of living in homes that do not reflect us.
from the floors… to the doors… and all in between… not us.
i look forward to one day having a home… where the home (the bones of it) reflect us!
aweeeee… i pray one day!
and meg… i am gonna try my darndest to channel your creativity & ingenuity!
what a beautiful design! such a pretty home! every detail… DREAMY!
i really liked seeing the kiddos in the pics… so fun… how they’ve grown!

Shairee bass - What did you color on your pictures with on your bathroom Under the stairs to get the colors so bright?? Thanks.

Anita - Thank you for the honest answer about the white cabinets. I painted mine white in this old house renovation I am in and I am, wonderingif I was CRAZY. I had RED cabinets in my lat house…chocolate smears see to constantly need wiping. Am I the only family member who sees this? I LOVE the kitchen. I had no budget for new cabinets- so I painted them. I am having a giveaway so come visit!

Sophie - Sigh…. I love your new kitchen/lounge. I want to move in.

traci in virginia - Yes, a couple more questions! I love your kitchen and how it is so open, airy, happy and friendly. I have white cabinets and am planning to get wood floors this year and new countertops. What color is your floor stain for your hardwoods and what color granite did you choose? I am going to do the floors first and have a terrible time making decisions. I thought I would do my homework!
Thanks for sharing your before and after….it looks great!

DreamGirlLisa - oops, one more thing I forgot, I LOVE to cook, when can I move in? ha ha πŸ™‚

DreamGirlLisa - Love that you answered all those questions! But, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the notion of a poodle and a golden retriever ( may fav kind of dog) mating!!!!!! lol!

Vera - FYI I decided to cover my pantry door with chalkboard paint after seeing pictures of your kitchen last year… but like all of my projects, it was a whim decision with no real planning, made a Hobby Lobby one afternoon, so instead of going out and buying REAL chalkboard paint, I bought the spray paint kind at Hobby Lobby. Then, because I’m just not very smart, I just taped off the edges of the pantry door, laid down some tarp, and sprayed away. Apparently you’re not supposed to do that inside, and I almost died. I also coated our entire kitchen in a fine layer of chalkboard paint. And the soles of my feet were black for days. It all turned out fine in the end, it looks good and I survived, but if anyone else wants to do this – take the door off the hinges and take the door OUTSIDE.

Deputy's Wife - Thanks for sharing your photos of your kitchen remodel! We start ours Monday. I can’t believe I am actually saying that!!! Wahoo!!! I am so nervous and excited!!! - i just stumbled on your blog and love it! amazing! your kitchen is amazing!

donna - I have commented a lot to you…..but I must tell you ONCE AGAIN how much I love your blog. I click on it everytime I get on the computer to see if you updated……I can’t stand waiting for your next post. Every hour wouldn’t be often enough for me! Anyhow – have you ever considered writing a book? Just about life with lots of pictures…that would be great.

Jessica - My husband says he wants your dog…but I’ll take the kitchen πŸ˜‰

Holly - Well your house looks great! I have had so much fun with ours…well I guess I continue to have fun with it as it wont be done for a while. I love your use of color through out your house! Very lovely! I do love a good rug though,lol

Penny - I have a litter of Goldendoodles due on Feb 4th. They will be ready for homes by Easter. Check out our web-site!

tasha roe - where did you live in IL?


Morgan - I am watching HGTV “Most bang for your buck” and they are doing great rooms (kitchens with living area). Your area kicks the other threes butt πŸ™‚ you could’ve won hands down- πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your photos

s.t. - Love, love, just LLLLOVE your home photos!…esp. your Waffle-super darling! My 4 yr. old would love to have one. But for now, all I could handle is a betta…she named her “Daisy”.

Niki - Meg, I loved this post and your last! Your kitchen is SO bright and cheery! I saw this blog and it made me think of you with its bright and cheery colors and photos! You’ll have to check it out if you haven’t already!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love it all! I’m having my honey check it out…for future reference:)

jeana - I could’ve said what Karina said. We’re still in the process of finding just the right home for us, (a lot based on your home) but loving the one we’re in for now. My hubby said we can go ahead and start on the kitchen in Feb! Your house is amazing and I love love love your blog!

Jennifer Marmen - meg-I love your blog! Your photography is amazing and inspiring! I told my girls today that we need to use our cameras more. I have all these empty frames from Ikea sitting around that I need pictures for. One of my goals this year is to start putting pictures up our stairway wall. I love your bathroom remodel….can you tell me the paint color you used in the master bath…..Thanks

Jill - Thank you for sharing about your kitchen. I am a little bit in love with it. πŸ™‚

Ali - I can’t wait to see what you do with the attic!

jodi ruhl - meg-
how big is the combined spaces (kitchen/sitting area)?
that “before” kitchen looks so small, but the “after” looks so big!

Rachel / cREaTe - toooooooooo funny. love all the questions you got & all the answers you gave. seriously, you are the best kitchen designer around. i’m so impressed with your decisions, reasoning & patience. and the results are out of this world.
oh & i totally have knocked off your jars of treats look. i did that last weekend … after realizing that i never used the jars for the flour, sugar, etc [i just keep getting it from the bag]. so, put me down for decorating client #1. i totally took that idea … how much do i owe you? πŸ™‚

Jacci - Looks great πŸ™‚ And thank for the extra info. We dove right into our kitchen right after moving in, too, for the same reasons you gave. We’re in the kitchen probably a good 50% of our waking hours. It was *very* important to me that it be light, bright, cheerful, and efficient. We’re no where near done (we’re working in stages), but the cabinets are **white** now and that’s more than half the battle for our space. A wall of windows would be perfect, but I’ll have to settle for one big one (within the year).
It’s crazy to live in a space while you’re working on it, but you’re right, all the progress is SO encouraging! πŸ™‚
~Jacci in Ohio

Brittney - wow I just looked through all the photos of your gorgeous home, and I have to say in all the blogs and magazines I peruse, never have I found anything that is so my style – rustic, bright, happy, vintage, strategically cluttered. I think your guest room is my favorite. And I’m with you on the rugs! Everyone is always asking me why I have so few, and I just say “because I don’t want to cover up my gorgeous floors!” Anyway I’m hooked on your site girl, and that remodel…you must have the patience of a saint. One question for you: what did you use for your under-the cabinet lighting? I would love to have some. Thanks!

Kimberlee J. - Loved this post. I always love the ones with all the questions. πŸ™‚
Where did you get your bar stools? I’m going to be in need of some about that height soon, I hope.

denise spillman - I love your blog!!! It is awesome that you took the time to answer all those questions!! When I am having a bad day I can always look forward to you putting a smile on my face! Thank you

Megan - Love it. All of it.
Even the dirty dishes… which I didn’t even “see”…. πŸ™‚

Mother Runner - nice legs.

misty - i love this- I just redid my cabinets- i wanted the antique white cabinets for our kitchen but that was out of the budget to replace them- so i went to home depot and asked if I could refinish my current ones to look like those & he said yes!! so here’s what I did-
1st primer- then I picked the paint color with the help from the home depot employee- after it dried I applies minwax gel stain to the grooves and wiped it off until it looked just how I wanted it to- then there is a glaze Home Depot sells that you put over the top of the cabinet- we also added crown molding to the top of the cabinets & I LOVE IT- it was very time consuming and I practiced on the BACK of one of the cabinet doors 1st, but in the end it saved us about $8,000.
I LOVE your kitchen and would LOVE to have the space you have!! It’s fabulous! I also LOVE LOVE the window you have- I am hoping my husband agrees to cut a hole in a wall and let me put in a pretty window!

Jess - Thanks for all the answers. You answered ones I was afraid to ask. I am currently working on getting my kitchen to be more “me”. The statement “you want to be happy in your home…” is what I am trying to figure out right now. I’ve spent waaaaay too much time worrying about what other people would like. I’ll be hitting up the thrift stores this weekend!

amy d - ok, i must object to your decorating advice answer…if it weren’t for you i would of never, ever had the ummm…GUTS to paint our woodwork white in the bedroom, nor would my craig had ever gone for it unless he had seen first hand how much brighter it could make a room. to be honest neighbor i thought you were CRAZY for painting over all that beautiful woodwork in your house, but i get it now…when i look at magazines i am always drawn to the rooms with white trim, so much brighter…so i guess what i am trying to say is… I TOOK YOUR ADVICE!!! :)lol!

Jessi - First of all, I love your before & afters, especially the afters πŸ™‚
Second, I just wanted to tell you that I get so excited to see when you have a new post up. Your blog, your posts, just everything about you and your family and your life puts me in such a great mood.

Foy (Garden Cook Write Repeat) - ha! excellent answers.
I’ve always thought “I’ll do my ktichen remodel before I move into my house.” This assumes both that I will buy a house and beable to afford an apartment for the three months the remodel takes. Bloody unlikely. I will probably rent an RV and travel while someone else masterfully remodels my kitchen… ah pipe dreams.

Karina - Laura Phelps beat me to it – I was going to say I actually enjoy doing laundry and I’d be there tomorrow if it weren’t for my husband and three children who might object. Unless I can bring them with me…?
I have been scouring our real estate listings ever since I first stumbled across your blog (almost a year ago now), looking for just the right mansion for us to move in and renovate. So far nothing under a million (with renos), which, last time I looked, wasn’t sitting in our bank account. Bummer.
So all in all, I must continue to live vicariously through you. Please post all the before and afters you can think of – no detail would be too insignificant for me. I absolutely love your style and looking at gorgeous home decor, especially older character houses, but anything will do (I love inspiration for decoration dot com, I’m sure you’ve been there).

Michelle - I would give you globes if I had any πŸ™‚ . . .was at Legacy Antiques in Wichita yesterday though and several booths had some. . . not bad prices either!

Cassie - why do i feel like i missed out on a fun party yesterday?!? πŸ™‚ i guess i was baking away, too…just in a much uglier kitchen!

Dana Banana - questions, comments, ideas……gossip?
Oh yeah, we aren’t in high school anymore.

Laura Phelps - Well, alright then, I can move in by Saturday, because I not only clean, cook and do laundry, but I am a great baker, birthday party thrower,babysitter, and just fun to have around for comic relief.
I have so obviously won.
See ya on Saturday.

Dianne Avery - Thanks for taking the time to answer questions!! I’m in the process of moving now and will likely do a kitchen remodel in our next house. Now I know who to ask if I need help. πŸ™‚

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answered (longest post ever made in the history of the world…)

cindy asked "where do you live in Kansas?"

well cindy…that feels strange to just blurt it out to the world…so i will say 
in the very middle of the state.
the good part.

and she asked "what tips do you have for starting a photography business?"

i decided to just give it a try…said yes when people asked me…even though it made me feel sick to my stomach the first 10 times at least.
but i put no pressure on myself.
meaning i said "if this doesn't work, if i am away from my family too much, if i am not good enough, if i am not happy then i will say at least i tried it."  and that would be that.
i have not put any money into marketing the business yet.
it has all been word of mouth…
so my biggest tip is get out there and try.

misty asked me "how do you edit your photos?"

i use the software with iPhoto for all my personal pictures.
i use that and Picnik for my work photos.  i want to learn photoshop but i am big fat chicken.
but it's on my 35 things list so sometime this year i will do it.

she also asked "how do you get so many people to follow your blog?"  

misty…you meant that in a nice way right?
i am sure you did.
i think people come here because….it's colorful…bright…cheerful….focuses on the good…
lots of fun places to click that aren't ads..
or maybe it's to laugh at how cooky i am to have five kids and drag them all over the country for photos?
my first big break was today's creative blog.  and the inspired room after that.  
those were when my stats jumped big time for the first time.
but i am certain they don't come for long wordy post like this one that focus on ME ME ME.
and she asked "can you give tutorial on tye dye?"

maybe someday…but it was so stressful this summer that i couldn't focus.  
i just use the box they sell at walmart in the craft dept. and followed the instructions…you can do that!

AND SHE ASKED…"how did i learn to sew?"

i took home ec in high school and made a lovely maroon and yellow Trojans sweatshirt that was never worn because i made it way too small for me on accident.
but then when i quit selling Creative Memories (fun fact right there)
i had a small amount of money to spend…
i bought a wicker loveseat (that my husband threw away when we moved to ks…w/out asking me!!!)
a chenille bedspread (that is now been made into pillows all over etsy)
and a $99 sewing machine from sears with my mother.
she taught me how to thread it, sew a straight stitch and even make a button hole…that was awesome.
thanks mom.

sara asked "what is your favorite room in your house?"

i guess it's the kitchen.  i spend 98% of the day in there so…
the kitchen.

and she asked "what is your favorite restaurant?"

in wichita?  Red Rock Canyon…i love it for dinners with craig on a date.  
it's dark..i have a thing for lighting in restaurants…i don't like to see other people.
and it's good food..a real treat.  
but i will never order the Moo, Cluck and Oink because it's just WRONG.
on a date you should never have to say those words.  
so i order the steak and glazed carrots and smashed potatoes and i am one happy woman.

and my MIL makes cinnamon rolls so i don't think i have had the breadbasket's. 
but i do love their coconut cream merrengae pie.

mindy asked for some "tips on organizing"
ha ha ha.
good one mindy!  you have my family crying with laughter.

i apologize profusely if i have given the illusion that i am organized…
i am not.
we have a few routines but i usually mess those up too.
the chore chart is probably as organized as i get.
and the two middle kids switch off unloading the dishwasher and the two oldest switch off loading it. 

i also do things like forget to pick my kids up from events…
miss programs or promotions…
lock my babies in the car with the keys accidently which resulted in mall security rescuing us…
burn food almost every meal…
and my house is a mess!

abby and sara asked "how did you choose your children's names?"

lauren is named after my sister Lorel.
scott is named after craig's brother that was still born…sweet baby scott.
sean is a name we both liked.
talby is a name i heard (friend of craig's whom i have never met) when sean was a baby and i saved in my head for the next baby.  i love it.  it's so perfect for her.  (it's pronounced like talbot's but it's tal-bee)
and miss annie…we decided when we looked at her.  ann is a family name too.

cassie asked me "have you learned how to cook pork yet?"

it's only been two weeks!!! the answer is no.
but craig made some kind of pork in the crockpot on sunday and it was goooooood.

Heather asked me
"why don't my pictures with my new SLR look any better than with my point & shoot?"

you have to mess with your settings…read photography blogs and do what they say…read books… 
ashleyannkaren russell…they give great tips and i have learned a lot from them.
but just using your auto green square setting won't get you better pictures.
i change my settings almost every time i pick up my camera…because your light is different each time.

and she asked (and many people have asked me this) "how do you get your picture so big on your blog?"

i don't know anything about blogspot.

AND she as
ked "will you sell your prints on etsy?"

maybe someday i will heather…when i have some time to focus on the shop…this winter?  hopefully.

meaghen wanted to know "how are your indoor shots so bright."

i shoot in bright rooms.  our kitchen has two walls that are all windows…so it's bright.
i don't shoot in the dark rooms.

 and she asked "what does craig do for a living"

he's a latex salesman.
he's an architect.
he works for the yankees.

another heather wants to know "how can i see chippendales in kansas with you?"

oh heather…i tried to take you…but you insisted on going on a week long trip to hawaii with your husband instead.  ha ha ha ha ha

Kelly asked "can i move in with you" 

i might consider this kelly if you agree to take the morning carpool run.
i really dislike getting up at 6:30 and driving all around our town in the near dark listening to 
fighting kids and radio disney.
and you'd have to take over the laundry too…my enemy.

erica asked
"did you always want a big family?"

yes erica, i did.  
craig says five is enough.  
and i respect him because he is my wonderful husband.  
so i only bring up how i long for more babies once a week or so.

but i will agree with him very much that it is not easy having such differing ages in the house.
a high schooler and a baby would be hard for me.
i could do it…but it would be exhausting.  

jennifer asked "can i set up a photo session with you?"

yes.  but in the spring.
i took my last photo session of 2009 today!  
i will use november to finish editing every shoot i have left
and then i will spend december with my family.
then i will sew and fill my etsy shop all winter.
then i will start back up with photo sessions in the spring.
i only take pictures outside (except newborns…they are done in my kitchen all year round) so 
with this weather…i am done till spring.  
jennifer…i will put your email address on my spring schedule list…thanks!

 who else would like to be on that list?  email me.  

diana asked "are we related?"

you have duerksen spelled differently in your comment…so probably not.
but if that was a typo then probably yes.
you know these communities…we are all related pretty much…it's that mennonite blood.
not mine but craig's.

keri asked "what bible study are you doing right now?"

i was going to write a post on that this week!  thanks for asking.
we are studying Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.
i really really like it…and i don't get anxious.

and she asked "are you dressing up for halloween?"

no.  craig even suggested we skip it this year all together…but the kids wont' agree to that!
we quit buying new costumes a few years ago.
they have to use what we have or come up with something on their own.
no one is ready in the least…it's one day away for school parade, etc.

AND she asked "what is your dream job?"

ok…this is corny…i know…
i have my dream job keri.
i am serious.  
i love being a mom and a wife…and now a little bit of a photographer/artist thrown in.
i don't think anything else could satisfy me.

but if you want me to DREAM…let's see…
george clooney's assistant?
i wouldn't get anything done though because i would just be staring into his eyes all day long!

and the last question was from erin… "what did you decide to do with the 3rd floor?"

boring answer for the last question…nothing.
we have many projects in our heads but nothing that we are ready to start on soon.
but i liked the idea of filling it with beds like a dorm…think Facts of Life.

ok…my fingers hurt.
and my eyes are burning from staring at this computer screen.
that was the longest blog post i have ever seen.
go get some visine so you can carry on with your day…i am so sorry.

thanks for asking.
if you like this…let me know in the comments and maybe we'll do it more often.

MaryBeth - yes! ESP for the newbies. i have no idea how i got to you– maybe trina? anyway…i of course needed some back story since you’ve become a daily comfort food for me πŸ™‚
and thanks SOOOO much for saying you are not makes you more lovable and inspiring..

eds - These q&as are my favorite! I do hope you do more.
Since you shared with us, here’s a confession from me: My parents graduated from your alma mater, so even though we didn’t live there, sometimes we would go to your basketball games. When I was a little girl, I thought your husband was a superstar (and I guess he was!)!

danyele @ a thorn among roses - love that you are real…and forget to pick up your kids too! love it! and well, you are just fun!

Melissa - Your husband is mennonite? Isn’t that like Amish? So, did he leave? I guess so. I would love to hear more! We just moved to KY and there are lots of Amish and Mennonites around here.

Logan - You didn’t seem to enjoy the q & a so much. If you don’t like it, you shouldn’t do it. Those of you who blog are probably accustomed to all the questions. It would make me nervous!
I think you did a great job with your answers, though, and I certainly do enjoy your blog and get nosy myself sometime, but I won’t ask the nosy questions. Promise!

Julie - Love it!!! I’d write more, but my 5 year old keeps getting out of bed. He’s not excited about Halloween or anything. Nope, not him!

Simies - Yes, i liked it! Thank you πŸ™‚

Tiffany - Love it!!

mel - This was so fun to read. I am a newer reader to your blog (LOVE it!!) We have “friends” in common (Heather & Julie) It was fun learning more about you. I loved the advice on the photography business. I recently started doing photography on the side (occasionally) because people asked me if I would take pics for them. It has been scary, but so fun! Glad to know you were scared at first also!
And, photoshop will change your life!!! It is an amazing program. If you come to cali for julie’s bday I can teach you πŸ™‚

Sara - This was great! I liked the Q&A, it didn’t get boring. πŸ˜€ Great blog!

Beth - I really like your blog. I know that it will make me happy when I read it. Thank you for that. Also, I have a friend who has a little boy named Talbey (spelled different than your daughter’s name, but pronouced the same) and it’s such a cute name.

traci - great post meg. i love questions and answers. thanks for the link to ashleyann’s site. i have never been there before. beautiful.

Danielle Townsend - You’re my very favorite blog to read! πŸ™‚

Joni Lloyd - okay, i’ve been mulling it over for a while and i just decided that i have to share the easiest, most delicious pork meal that i have for you. It literally has 4 ingredients. Pork Chops, Butter, Cracked Black Pepper, and Balsamic Vinegar. I hope you adore it as much as my family and I do. It’s called “Balsamic Pork Chops.”
Get breakfast pork chops (not to thick…delish if they still have the bone in them)
Saute’ them in butter (about 1/4 of a stick) until they brown up.
Reduce the heat a bit and add cracked black pepper to flavor, be generous… and approx 1/4 c. balsamic vinegar. (you want it to cover the bottom of your pan)
It’s going to steam up really quickly so at this point cover them and let them cook until the pink is out of the middle.
Make sure the balsamic has soaked into the pork chops as they have cooked, if not, don’t be afraid to add some more balsamic.
Once the pork is cooked, remove from the pan, but DO NOT dump the balsamic/pepper drippings.
Now you are going to add the rest of the butter (approx 3/4 of the stick), turn up the heat and add lots of balsamic to make the gravy. Bring it to a boil so it has the consistency of gravy. Remove from heat.
We serve it with mashed potatoes, peas, and a small side salad. The “gravy” gets poured over the pork chops and the mashed potatoes. My daughter adds the peas to her potatoes. It’s one dish that my entire family raves over and I make it a lot for guests because it’s fast, pretty healthy, and is SUPER easy. Even my 16 mo. old loves it. I hope you will try it and let me know if you liked it.
Happy Cooking!

Cris - I want to George’s assistant too…isn’t he dreamy??

Stacie - thanks for sharing yourself! i loved it. i didn’t get to ask anything this time. maybe next time. you are amazing! keep up all the great work.

Amy Bryant - You rock! I read only three blogs daily and yours is where I come for my happy, normal, feel-good fix. Thank you for that. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. You may not be perfect, but you are perfectly special. I will likely never meet you, but reading your blog daily feels like a little visit with a friend.

Melanie - That was a fun post. I like to learn different things about my blog friends.
I come to your blog because you are fun, real, and colorful!

Lori - I liked it. Definitely do it again sometime!

Wendy - Have you ever been told you look like the actress Cheryl Hines???? Everytime I watch “Curb your Enthusiasm”, I think of you. πŸ™‚

Sandy - I missed the post asking for questions, but loved reading the answers! As for the one asking why you have so many followers…I can only answer for myself, but it’s because you’re REAL. All the time. Dirty laundry, hide & seek teen, everything we can relate to. My sister has a blog that I can’t even read anymore because it’s so sugar coated it makes me sick to my stomach. Lets just say I’m close enough to her to know life isn’t always as great as she wants to make it appear.
Love that you received recognition for your cake!!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - clever rephrasing of my ACTUAL QUESTION!
i’m still kicking myself for choosing boring old kauai.

Jessica F - Loved the Q and A!! I’m sorry I missed it. I was wondering what fabric the brown and floral pillow in your shop was made out of (with the vintage chenille and pom poms). I really hoped to buy one, but I was to late! And are you going to open your shop again????

Ruth - love it! never too long πŸ™‚ i always wondered about talby’s name, it’s so cute!

Jenny - Okay, I just found your blog…so many “likes”! I can’t even list them all. Just want you to know that I am enjoying it and following along! Also, it’s always fun to find another blogger who loves the Lord.
If you have the time, come by the Southern Institute for Domestice Arts and Crafts at! Follow along if you’d like!

Diana - This was truly fun and interesting! I’m sure everyone could come up with more questions for you to skirt around *wink*
Yep, that was a typo for the name in my post… BUT! I have several spelling variations in the genealogy of most all the surnames, and yeah, they’re all Mennonite. Would be cool to know the family link maybe someday.
Thank you for always sharing your life with us… and showing us that there IS so much happiness in the world if people will just take hold of it!

Jen - This was great, but you forgot that your husband is also a marine biologist. πŸ˜‰

Melody - I’m new here, how do I find your etsy store?

Marie - Fun! I have an awesome pork crockpot recipe for you if like mexican food…it’s so good I’m dreaming about it right now!

TRACI - LOVED IT and I have also been wondering what your husband does for a living. I know houses are less expensive in Ks but even with that you do live a grand life for a family as large as yours πŸ™‚ THANKS FOR SHARING MEG and please do it again!!!!!

Jilly - Love this and I don’t think it is too long at all. I KNOW there are more questions too (only because I am just catching up from the week so I didn’t get to ask all of my intriguing questions!). I love that you love your life, you are inspirational on so many levels!

Sara @ Queen of the House - Yes I love it! very entertaining. πŸ™‚

Gina - I liked it! You should keep answering questions! πŸ™‚

your cool friend Cheryl - I loved it!
Your husband has some interesting occupations…does he also have a house in the Hamptons?

dawn - You should do this again sometime. πŸ™‚ I love your blog. Its one I actually check on a regular basis (in fact, if you can tell if people click on your page — you might think I’m a stalker — but I’m not, I promise.) I like that you share a lot — without sharing too much. Oh — and I have the rainbow cake on my list of “things I need to do this year”. And the mint brownies. And that breakfast dish…I think it was French toast in a pan… Thank you!

Lisa - Fantastic post. You really are an inspiration to new moms like me. I agree that a dream job would be stay at home mom and wife with a little me time for craftiness. I love how fun filled and exciting your life seems, even when you are doing the everyday normal stuff. Thanks for a great read today – yes I read the whole thing πŸ™‚
Take care,

Gratsia - What a great blog Thanks for sharing with us. Its lovely to see πŸ™‚ Have a good weekend!!

Amber - Meg….i loved this post. esp your answer on already having your dream job. i certainly have my moments…but i’m right there with ya!

BriBedell - Seriously that was not long by any means. I read some other blogs where moms go on and on and on and on and well you get the picture πŸ™‚ I think you are a fun, real, cool person! Thanks for sharing!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Here is a crazy-good tutorial on how to make your photos larger in Blogger and other blog hosts. It’s not mine! But I have used her advice with success on my own blog-
She has a pretty neat blog, too!
Meg- Loved the q&a! Can’t wait for the next one! And congrats on the Urban Outfitters post! That is so cool!

purejoy - i loved it. i feel like i live next door to you. (kinda wish i did. i could borrow your little ones for a mommy/girly fix)

Janelle - Thanks for posting – I just love your blog. And you’re right, one of the reasons I continue to come back is because I think you must be insane to have FIVE kids! I totally admire you for it – I have two that drive me batty, can’t image three more on top of that! I think it’s wonderful though and I really enjoy looking at your photos and your beautiful home. I grew up in an old Victorian, really wish I could do the same for my own children sometimes. One Q I would have asked though (and I’m sure I would find the A to if I really went through your blog a bit closer) but how old are all the kiddos?

misty - one of my favorite posts & YES I MEANT MY QUESTION IN A GOOD WAY! =) I found your blog when i was on HGTV’s rate my space and mysweetsavannah’s home is wonderful & she said to check out her blog~ then I read the blogs that she follows & you are one of them~ now it’s my favorite one to read and the only one I read daily. I am so glad you answered the photography questions. I am wanting to buy a good camera to take pics of my daughter & was CLUELESS. thanks for answering my questions!! =)

pve - Dang, I usually check here daily and did not the day of the Q & A —
What do you eat for breakfast? Are you human? Do you sleep?
I love your photos and your blog and your love for life!

Renee - Would you consider coming to Washington DC to take pictures of my brood??? xoxo

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Very fun…thanks for answering. πŸ™‚

Jamie - MORE MORE MORE. please.

Kacey - Oh, I loved it! It was fun to learn more about you. You seem to have such an amazing life – it was nice to see more about how you make it all happen.

Heather - I liked it. πŸ™‚

Heather - I come here for all of the reasons you listed and because I agree with Susie- because it is HONEST! I have been reading blogs and have my own for over a year now. Most of the blogs I go to are sunshine and daisies all of the time. I started feeling inferior about myself as a mother and wife- Why can’t I keep my house spotless, keep the laundry put away, bake amazing gourmet meals, cupcakes and still have time to do fun art projects with my kids??? I stumbled on your post where you showed your laundry piled everywhere and I was hooked at that moment. To me- that made you more of a superwoman than the ones who claim to have it all together. Thank You!!
LOVED the Q&A!!!

Patti - thanks so much for making me smile this morning! ok, the coffee sitting in front of me helped a little, but you have a way with words that keeps me wanting to come back for more! thanks for making our world a little bit lighter and brighter each day!!

Rachel - Meg, Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself…I enjoyed it…have a wonderful day!!!

Michelle Richmond - Yes, I did enjoy this post. It’s a little way of getting to know you a bit more. Thanks for sharing….Michelle.

Kelly - Love the Q&A feature-keep it up! Your blog is my favorite-I especially like your Happy Things on the right side.

Lori Danelle - fun fun!! Looks like we’ll be making a quick trip home at Christmas. Would love to get together. . .maybe show you a little bit of Photoshop. . .Grab coffee. . .something. πŸ™‚ Oh, and I think you had mentioned something about business cards. I know someone who could help you get those. . .Me!! The expensive piece of paper on my wall says I’m qualified. πŸ™‚

susie whyte - oh, megan you made me laugh so hard! especially the ‘craig’s job’, ‘where do you live’ and ‘can you take my family photos’ questions. the first two because of our ‘stalker’ish’ conversation and the fact that i know the answers and then the photos one because THAT’S MY BESTEST FRIEND ASKING IT!!! ha ha!
i’ve heard with typepad since it’s a marketing type of page, that the pics can be larger than on a blogspot(which is why i want one..even though i have nothing to market!).
i THINK about stepping out and taking people’s photos when i get my dslr and i get the twisty tummy. i don’t like it.
the reason for so many hits on your page is due to the type of blog you have:
there are so few anymore that it’s such a delight and inspiration to people when they find them, that they refuse to let it go. even when they start to feel “stalker’ish” reading them. πŸ™‚ thanks for the laugh this morning! i look forward to more q&a’s in the future.

Nancy - Love the George Costanza reference. I used to love “Ya’Ya’s” in Wichita. Is it still there on Rock Road? I haven’t been back there since we moved in 2000. Good times!

Liz - And so we get to know more about you. Love it!

meaghan - that post was awesome!!! great idea, and not at all too long! i’m assuming your answer to “what does craig do” was multiple choice πŸ˜‰ you just seem so cute and fun and like the friend everyone wants to have πŸ˜‰

Sarah - Great way to get to know you!
I’ve been reading your blog off and one and love it. I started reading when your header was the colored licorice. I found you from the inspired room.
I’m in Kansas too.

Amy - Yeah for Q & A’s! Thanks for sharing!
I am still kicking myself for spotting you in good ol’ Overland Park a while back and not saying something. I can’t believe I missed my chance! Next time I see you in my area, I promise to run up and smile…
πŸ™‚ amy

Kimberly - I love it, thank you for sharing!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Loved it. Thanks for spilling the beans, so to speak:)

Jill - Thank you so much for this post! I have been following your blog since I stopped working to stay home with my boys this August. It was hard adjusting to my new “job” during those first weeks, but your blog has always been able to calm MY anxious heart. When it gets trying, I come to your blog, look at the pictures and happy moments, and remember why I am here with my own children. It feels good to know there are other people out there who put their families and values first.

Kelly - What fun! Thanks! πŸ™‚
And I do love mornings and I already do carpool stuff here so it looks like I get to move in. And since the 3rd floor is still empty I can bring all my kids with me. I forgot to mention that little part didn’t I? πŸ™‚
Seriously though, I do love your blog. It’s a must-read for me! Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better. πŸ™‚

kristi rediske - wow-I really liked this-it wasn’t to long at all. I have actually wondered some of these things too so it was fun reading your comments. You are an inspiration-I think you have motivated me to step out of my comfort zone and try some new things-Thanks. I have written you before because I am from the same town you live in-don’t live there anymore but do visit my mom so I like hearing about things from there.

Sally Mangham - I discovered your blog through Cookie Monday’s and I love your house and all that you have shared. I love photography too, but I am scared to step out there…so many thanks for sharing your journey! You are inspiring! The Q&A was great too!!

Kyleigh - Loved it! but I missed it! DOH! I think I was asleep… the time difference between Kansas and the south of England being what it is.
Deffo do it again!

Meredith - Thanks for the q & a, Meg. I’d been wondering about that third floor….Love, love, love Linda Dillow’s book Calm My Anxious Heart. I keep on buying it and giving it away to friends who ask about it…it’s that sort of book, right? It’s on my “to do” list to buy another one this month. Like you, I’m not generally anxious, but I just simply adore her perspective and “real-ness” – so encouraging. Hope you’re having a great week. Meredith xo.
p.s. radio Disney? Talk about taking one for the team.

Anna Marie - Oh yes I love it. Lets do it again sometime πŸ˜‰

sandy toe - How fun! I loved reading your answers!
sandy toe

donna - I loved your q & a post………..I love being a mom too – I have one more than you, it’s exhausting and sometimes very difficult(like just a minute ago when my son and I had a verbal war), but it is rewarding!!!
I don’t know how I missed your post to ask you a question – I am a daily follower – oh well next time!!
Do you have any crafts for the upcoming holidays that you can blog about????
Have a great day!

Jess - I can’t even remember when I first came across your blog, but you are right. I became hooked on your colorful, bright, cheerful, and focusing on the good blog. It’s my happy place!

Kara - Oh, I love your blog! I liked the Q & A. Is your husband also an importer/exporter? πŸ™‚

Kathy - I love it, thanks for sharing a little bit of your life!

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7 things.

1.  i have been listening to Pandora all week with the station i typed in of the Jackson 5.

       it is making our morning chaos a little fun…..we're groovin'.

2.  this was on the radio this morning on the way to school. 


     i was belting it out and dancing too….oh oh oh ohohoh!

     it was 20 years ago that i went to their concert in Kansas City with steffany.

     they wore rainbow colored sequined blazers.  

3. i bet you didn't know i am really good at naming movies from another room…by sound not sight.

    i will be doing something in the kitchen and craig calls to me "name that movie"

    it's just like name that tune….

    i am a name-that-movie expert.  (self appointed expert of a game that i made up)

4.  my 15th anniversary was last week…..and i forgot!    but craig didn't.

5.  i made coffee on sunday about 2 minutes after i got out of bed.

     i forgot to put the pot in the machine.

     the whole pot of coffee ended up on the counter and floor.


6.  i have a attack plan for cleaning my house over the next 8 days that i will be home.

     2 rooms a day…deep cleaning….UGH.

     but it must be done.

     i started with the craft room so i would feel like i could breathe.

     and today is the boys' room.  MAJOR mess.  

     they "clean" it on saturdays but i am going to CLEAN it.

     with The New Kids on in the background.  

7.   wild sunflowers are everywhere….


Liz - I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been cotleemlpy delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am cotleemlpy healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed!

Sabine - I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been comtlepely delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am comtlepely healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed!

Zeynep - Sensitization , Bewilderment and Fear. This person is treppad in the anxiety state due to extreme sensitization, both physical and mental ( you can see his nerves are edge all the time). This sensitization is kept alive by belwiderment ( he does not know why he feels like this and wants to be his old self agian if only he knew how) and the most powerful emotion FEAR. Unknowinlgy he adds FEAR to FEAR. He needs to PASS THROUGH the fear the right way and not avoid or quiten it. DR Weekes

Kristine Robb - talby’s shirt is awesome!

Trina McNeilly - Love this post.. always love knowing random things about people especially when they are things like making coffee without the pot… i do things like that too.
ps- if you get a chance stop by my blog.. i’m having a fun giveaway….i think you will like!
Have a great rest of your week!
xx Trina

Val Russell - I have done the same thing with the coffee TONS of times… but at a restaurant that I work at! The coffee pots are right behind the counter where people sit, so they always notice and laugh.
And one of my talents is naming a movie that a certain song is on… Like in the car hearing a song and knowing what movie(s) it is on. Don’t know why I’m good at that. But it’s fun.

tami - Love the new look too cute!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That is a great plan of attack. My house needs a thorough cleaning, but all at once seems overwhelming. Two rooms at a time may be doable. Thanks.
Love that you screw up too. I’ve been running around with my head cut off lately. That just lends it’s self to screw ups.

Heather Richter - I have done the coffee thing, danced to NKOB, but I can’t name people or movies to save my life. I need the “mom translator” from Saturday Night Live. Thanks for the flashback. :)~Heather Richter

Courtney - I started playing the video and my two year old got up and started dancing all around! So cute to see my kid jam out the music of “my day”. lol!

Angela - LOVE IT!!!
I am such a NKOTB fan. I went to a concert 19 1/2 years ago. LOL
I actually had tickets to a concert this past summer. I was going to go w/my husband. But then he had to go out of town. So my mom was going to go with me. But then they MOVED the concert ahead a week, and SHE was out of town (as was my husband still). So I sold them. It was a two-hour drive and I didn’t want to go alone. I’m still bitter.
I have recently discovered Pandora and LOVE it! I’m sure you know this, but you are aware, of course, that you can combine artists for a station, right? I have a New Kids/Debbie Gibson station that rocks my socks off! πŸ™‚

se7en - Oh good grief – I have never even thought of your coffee project, what a nightmare… but I never remember our anniversary or the poor man’s birthday!!! The luck of the draw I guess… I could remember his birthday and forget his lunch!!!

DreamGirlLisa - Love the picture! And I like your idea for the cleaning. Made the rainbow cake this weekend for my daughter’s 18th bday, it turned out great, she loved it!

ashley - i love pandora…it also makes my daily activities a little bit more groovin’.

Jennifer - I LOVED Jordan. I practiced writing Mrs. Jordan Knight on my notebooks! My mom took me and my cousin to see them in Wichita. We had a NKOTB wall with all of the magazine pictures of Jordan and her favorite Joey. When I hear their songs, I can’t help but smile and sing along!
Last week, I told my husband to throw the pancake griddle away beacause it wouldn’t heat up. Turns out, I forgot to plug it in!

Betsy - I was also at the New Kids concert in KC. I didn’t realize it was 20 years ago. It was my first concert. I still talk about the fact that I went to it … AND … Young MC was the opener. Wouldn’t it be funny if all of us were sitting near each other?
Happy cleaning! I wish I had the same plan to clean my condo this week. Maybe you’ll inspire me a bit! πŸ™‚

Dana - I totally play the ‘name that movie’ game with my husband, he tries to stump me all the time and gets mad when I get it. I can even name movies I’ve never seen, as long a I have seen the trailer at some point. Great list, I love your blog.

Jaime - I too love your blog…and the coffee pot one cracks me up. That is so something I would (and probably will) do. πŸ™‚

Kate - I was a Jordan gal πŸ™‚ LOL – awesome song – it is cracking me up! 7th grade I think? πŸ™‚

Lauren - I love your blog!!! It’s one of the first things I read in the morning and it always makes me smile πŸ™‚

amy - let’s see here…
-love pandora. i like to type in dixie chicks or led zeppelin or sometimes both. fun stuff!
-NKOTB…yep. went with my seventh grade boyfriend and he was mad at me the whole time because i wanted to attack jordan.
-my anniversary is coming up…my husband reminded me yesterday!
-hate it when coffee pots can’t fix their own malfunctions!
-can you say cleaning frenzy?? come on over.
-talby is too cute.
oh, and one more thing, thank you for your sweet comment about my ben boy. it made me smile. {hugs}

carissa... brown eyed fox - meg… you are happiness!

Meg - i too was at the nkotb concert in kc 20 years ago. although i’d rather not put the number of how many years ago that was. wow!! still love them to this day.

Jenny Wenzel - Hey Meg…love your new kids video…I never got to go to their concert “back in the day”, but my friends and I went when the came to KC last November…it was a BLAST! A bunch of 30-something women screaming for these guys!!! What a memory!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You are rainbow-rific.
And I wasn’t allowed to listen to NKOTB. I revolted a couple years later by memorizing most of the Metallica Black album. Showed them.

sarah w - I have the same cleaning plan this week. A room at a time, deep cleaning.
I HATE cleaning. But I HATE living amongst a mess.

Christina - I LOVE THIS POST!!
I was such a New Kids fan…I went to a concert and peed in my pants a little I screamed so hard. How embarrassing is that?! My mom was so sweet, she took me and a bunch of friends to a concert at the Richmond Col. and then she wouldn’t let us have the binoculars. It was also about 20 years ago. Crazy. And that song has been stuck in my head for several days for some reason-weird. I thought it was such a riot to see it here!
And I have done a couple of similar things like your coffee pot story the last couple of weeks. I also had to share them with the world. Funny stuff.
And you are majorly inspiring with your deep clean…I was about to tear into our living room and our schoolroom, oh, and our computer room. Blech. But seriously needs to be done, just like you said. Wouldn’t it be fun to get together with a group of your friends and clean together? Just go from one house to the other! It makes me miss my mom. Or my sister-in-law. It’s so much easier and fun when someone is with you. Since I’m all alone, I guess I need to be Hangin’ Tough. πŸ™‚
Have a great day, and hope you get lots done.

fanee - I totally play “name-that-movie” too! The smallest little snippet is all I need- Glad there’s someone out there who shares my “gift” πŸ™‚

Jill @ Barnes Yard - Oh I could really get some deep cleaning done with NKOTB in the background!

amy d - man, if you can deep clean your whole house in 8 days, then i must really have a lot of stuff….i gave myself until halloween! bonjour!

Summer - I was pretty into Jon…I liked the shy guys.

Erin Drennon - Love Love Love New Kids, I too went to their concert in Kansas City (that is where I live) what a blast from the past. They were on the The Today show a few years ago and I was singing the songs in front of my girls and they thought I was so weird. I tried explaining that I loved New Kids like they love Jonas Bros.

Molly Pearce - Oh gees girl you just brought back memories with that song. That was me and my sisters first concert and we screamed so hard that we had sore throats the next day. My mom got us the bedding, sleepng bags and dolls. Me and my sister would play Barbies for hours and pretend that they got married to Jordan and Donnie. HAHAHA, fun times!! Love reading your blog everyday chicky!!!
~Molly P

adrienneK - my husband loooves pandora radio it’s pretty neat!!

Kelly - GREAT photo of Talby! Fun list! Kelly

Keri ~ ForeverFoldingLaundry - I have done that coffee trick as well. It’s such a mess. My condolences.
Have fun with the cleaning. Funny that my boys’ room is my least favorite room of the house to CLEAN as well!

purejoy - i know i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but a little new kids along for the ride never hurt. i love that idea!!

Nicoleigh - I like the sunflowers! That is one thing I don’t see a log of in Iowa.
But a comment on Pandora…you get only 40 hours of free music a month. Last month I used it up the first week…since I had it playing every day at work. But I still love it!

Kathy - OMG great list, I can’t believe you forgot your anniversary!!
Deep cleaning good luck with that, I think I have ADD when cleaning! Love your sunflower picture, so cute.

misty - new kids!! yay! i am glad someone else likes them and remembers them from when they 1st started! sometimes i feel so old! love the sunflowers! wish we had them growing like that here in Tulsa!

Laura Phelps - #5 is HEART BREAKING. I actually cried a bit for you.

Sarah - Love the 2 rooms a day!…think that might motivate me!

Erin - I had NKOTB everything – even pillowcases – pathetic. Never went to a concert though – just to Boyz II Men πŸ™‚
And we were just singing The Right Stuff at a party last night – so funny!

Lori Danelle - the coffee. . .I have totally done that!! Luckily, now I have a coffee maker that holds the coffee until the pot is in place. Or at least in theory it does. I think that feature is working a little less well than it did originally.
Now, I just find the milk in odd places. Like the cupboard with the sippy cups.

Michelle - Joey WAS the hottest. Ahhhh memories of my mom driving 2 hours in a snowstorm to take my sister, me, and several friends to the concert. She must have REALLY loved us.
Thanks for this post this morning Meg, it really made me smile.

Miranda - NKOTB. Yes. I also adore ‘name that movie.’ I think in high school I quoted so many movies that I rarely spoke original thoughts.

Starnes Fam - I cried at their concert. Seriously. I did. Not sure why. I think it’s what I thought I should do.

Jess - happy belated anniversary. i am in “organization” mode right now, ’cause i procrastinated getting it done before school started. i like to do a deep cleaning in the fall more so than the spring. i luuuuv fall!
delightful pic. love it.

Julia - We went rollerskating this weekend and in a very “uncool” move I participated in a race. I got put with the other mommas. Apparently this embarrasses one’s children.
I won by the way.

Sarah V. - Donnie was and still is my favorite! Only I didn’t get to go to their concert until this year and man was it fun!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - NKOTB was the best! πŸ™‚ It was Jordan for me! πŸ™‚
Deep cleaning, huh? Yeah, I had a 4 day weekend and was supposed to do the same. I managed to get just about nothing done. =(

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - NKOTB was the best! πŸ™‚ It was Jordan for me! πŸ™‚
Deep cleaning, huh? Yeah, I had a 4 day weekend and was supposed to do the same. I managed to get just about nothing done. =(

cori barney - NKOTB FOREVER!!! Donnie still makes me light headed!

Sara - Oh, I was so in love with Joey. Now I feel old.

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q & a

well let's get to a few of these 300+ questions.

 i tried to break them apart into some catagories like 
spiritual, creativity, funny, random, family, scrapbooking…
today i will answer some fun and random ones.

do you have a favorite pair of pajamas?


yes.  these are my current favorites.  
nick & nora jammies from target with united states snowglobes all over.
(just to mention….these are not craig's favorite jammies of mine…too much fabric…wink)
can i ask the name 
of the green paint 
in your foyer?

it's Behr paint 
called Salted Ash.
it looks like pea soup…

p.s. our hamster thing ATE the bottom of my green curtains. 

totally ruined them!

where did you get that ornate molding holding the photos in your foyer?

at a craft fair…7 or 8 years ago.  it's made from tin molding and wood.  
it used to hang above our bed in IL.  
one night we came into our room and it was on the bed and all the things on the shelf were there too…broken.
we were VERY thankful it didn't fall on us in our sleep!
it's heavy.
do pick out your girls' outfits?


not very often.  
i try to make sure what they have in their drawers fits and is cute
and after that they can choose what they want.
i think it helps their self esteem…making choices.
they are cute in anything.
and color is happy to see for everyone.

where do you get your kids' clothes?
walmart, target, garage sales and the thrift shop.
and occasionally the sale rack at children's place.
lauren does not agree with this…i understand that…she's 13.
when i was 13 all i could think about was GUESS and Express and The Limited.
all day long.

are you an american idol fan?
NO.  i despise that show.  i really dislike watching people sing on tv.
and fighting/bickering on tv.
but the office?  30 Rock?  Lost?  Brothers & Sisters?  Grey's?  ER?
yes….big fan.


what is your favorite family photo?

do you mean besides the 
Olan Mills 1988 portrait?

here are a couple of favorites of mine.

2005 church directory portrait.

love lauren's braids
(and innocenct smile)

this IS sean.
all the time…
and i love that he has a bit of a mo-hawk.

sweet little talbers.
baby annie.

this is a dorky posed picture 
but sweet at the same time.

Michigan kids
this is my favorite of just the kids.
lauren has a real frog on her knee…annie is looking up to her with that belly sticking out.
the boys' hair.
the suntan…the michigan beach.  
talby's polka dot swimsuit.
i love this photo. (and that trip)

and this one too.
with our IL. friends dave, jenny, jake and abby.
love these.

would you like to have a reality show about your life?     
i don't think it would be very interesting to be honest.
adventures in walmart….folding laundry….sitting at the computer…cleaning up dog poop…
changing wet beds…taking away iPods, PSP's and Nintendo DS…making mac and cheese.
oh yeah…i'd watch that!  exciting.

craig and i thought we'd be good on amazing race.
unless i had to eat raw baby ducks or climb something really high or bungee jump.
or run…or have endurance….
then we'd lose.

do you find david duchovny sexy?
not really.  
i am more of mcdreamy or george kind of gal.

i mean…..COME ON!


i am also a craig kind of girl.


"i like you a lot"

and last question for the day….

have you ever been in a home magazine?
do you know someone?  
send me in.  
spread the word…i would LOVE to be in a magazine…a Home magazine…just to be clear. 
(even though they all seem to be going out of business!)

now…must watch LOST with that hottie up there.  

Michelle - The pic of the kids on the beach is breathtaking! I can see why it is your f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e. I loved the Q&A, it was a fun read!

katy - I was the pajama questioner, I LOVE pj’s…I have a couple of favorites. I love the ones you’re wearing, I love flannel. Very interesting, I liked seeing what people asked and your answers. Neat

Sara - I have those jammies! Love ’em.

tausha - You know I come here-every single day. I love the way you write, how you make me feel like I am not alone in the whole mom world thing. I love all of your pictures and ideas.
Hope I am not scaring you too much. I promise, I am not a stalker.
Love the pics of the kids on the beach. You seem to catch everyone’s naturalness (is that a word) Love it all! Keep up the great work!

gina - I love the photo shelves on the green paint. And your kids at the beach is one of the cutest kids shots i’ve seen. I love your blog – always fun and inspiring. You asked the sexy men -agree on all-but about D.D. – used to kind of like him but since his recent weird stuff which came at the cost of losing the beautiful TeΓ₯ – I think he’s a little nuts and not quite so attractive. Sad how it works that way.

Alyssa - Wow! I just discovered your blog & what a great one! This was a great post for “getting to know you” I loved your description of what your reality show would be like! Mine would be the same exact show! Wal-Mart, laundry, & make your own mac & cheese. HA!

sara's art house - I shop exactly like you! Target, Wal-Mart, Thrift, garage sales and sometimes Children’s place sales. You are so smart πŸ™‚ Great post!

Rachel - The beach picture would be my fave; this one should be a 10 x 13 hanging in your home if it’s not already…LOVE IT!
Thanks for allowing us to get to know you; I agree with allowing kids to pick out their own clothes…sometimes I intervene and give other options but other than that…she picks!

Chaos-Jamie - HOW did you get over your personal pride when you first started letting kids dress themselves? Eight years into it and I still want to carry a sign that says “they dressed themselves!”
The “perfect” moms around here with the kids in gymboree make me crazy.
I guess that’s my own failing. Get over yourself, Jamie.

traci - love all the family photos. they are great. you are right on in your hot guy picks. george clooney makes me knees week. he is my alltime favorite. well maybe behind paul newman. and mcdreamy is good too. i wish i knew someone at a magazine, because i would send then your info!!

Chrissie - This has been my fave posting to date on your blog. It was great to learn a little more about you. Hope you have a great day. This posting made mine. πŸ™‚

carissa - i loved Lost last night… seemed like a bit more was “told” than in preview night! i am a freak over that Lost… love it! we dvr it and then watch all the episodes together… at once… before the new season starts… like a little refresher! πŸ™‚
your home FOR SURE should be in a magazine… it WILL… just a matter of time!
i love this question thing… very neat! great idea… and we get to know more about YOU!
BIG hugs… hAppY Thursday!

Queen Bee - What a fun read to start my day! Thanks for sharing your life so openly with us. I love that paint color, and I SUPER LOVE those family photos. There’s no better souvenir from a vacation than a good photo!
Have a great day. I’m doing laundry right along with you….and trying to find somewhere to put all the food/stuff I bought at Costco yesterday.

Keri - I think I love this blog more now that I know you are a LOST fan!!

Carla - Hilarious. Very entertaining. Thank you!

Marie - great post…great pictures-thanks for sharing!

luisa - Ciao Meg!
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog, every day I come to read the news that affect you and your wonderful family.
Last weekend I was sick in bed, and I read all your posts from first to last, I am almost jealous of your family and your home πŸ˜‰
Love to all of you a special kiss for the wonderful waffle.
luisa – italy –
my thoughts are with your neighbors
p.s.I hope I have not made too many errors.

jennifer - So fun Meg! Thanks for sharing. I love the pic of the kids on the beach. Looks like a wonderful trip.

Serendipitous Girl - Love those cute jammies! And I think you should have your own decorating show on HGTV, I LOVE your style! If you don’t mind me asking–what color is that deep brown on the walls in the master bedroom photos? I’ve been looking for a rich chocolate color like that but they’re all either too dark or too meh. Thanks so much!

Kelly in Memphis - Just letting you know that I love your blog!! The way it’s layed out, your photography, what you write about-just love it! Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I really look forward to each post!

alyssa - That was funny. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it after reading another blog update.

Tiffany - You are a crack up!! So fun to hear your answers. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing your life with us! πŸ™‚

Amber - Lots of fun tidbits and pictures. I love that jammie picture with Annie peeking in the corner.

Aubrey - I also LOVE that picture of your kids at the beach–Lauren looks so pretty with her hair long and wavy from swimming and the background almost doesn’t look real. I wish I had good pictures of my kids. I’m getting better but the shutter just isn’t fast enough and we can’t even begin to afford one like yours, even then our pictures wouldn’t look as good as yours–where’d you learn to be so good? Just practise?
Annie as a baby is so so so cute I want to eat her. Alright I sound gushier than I really am in real life–and that was redundant.
Off to do something useful, like clean out the non-cte clothes from my kids drawers so I can trust whatever they put on.

Shannan - What a great ending to my endless-day-with-husband-out-of-town-all-week-and-two-toddler-and-snow-up-to-my-boobs. πŸ™‚

Kate - oh, and i agree 1000000000% about American Idol.

Kate - those are probably the most fantastic pair of jammies i have set my eyes on. i mean, not only are they snow globes, but their state snow globes.
pretty much the best ever. and i think you also have sock monkey jammies, or did i see that somewhere else? i’m fairly certain it was on here.
but yeah, you rock. you’re the jammie queen.

Wendy - Love the family pictures. Candids are the best, aren’t they? And I love that you shop for deals. I was in the thrift store the other day to find some costume accessories for a skit I HAD to do, and I actually found some great things for myself. But I’m also a big fan of Target.
Thanks for sharing.

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