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Category Archives: traditions

first post of the year!

we enjoyed january 1, 2010 by sharing a candle lit dinner with our kids.
we even ate in the actual dining room.
with the christmas plates and glasses.
sean set the table with a tablecloth and got to light the candles…by himself!
(that is pretty exciting stuff if you are 9)

talby made place cards and made the seating arrangement. 
everyone was in charge of making one dish each…whatever they wanted.
(craig and i helped them)
the good kind.
velveeta brand…nothing but the best for a fancy dinner.

we made these on new years eve so made another batch last night too.
ALL fancy dinners have hot wings. (pioneer woman recipe)

since she was in charge there was no cheese on top…because she doesn't like melted cheese.
she likes cheese…but not when it melts…except on pizza…that melted cheese is ok. 

i had to push the fruit. 
our kids would eat starch and sugar 24 -7
 if we let them.
(and so would i)

everyone was cooking at once.
annie chose PANCAKES as her dish.
craig helped her make 6 chocolate chip pancakes….mmmm.  

the kind from the store…in the milk section.

fancy dinners also have napkins bibs…and tiaras.

and you know what?
there were no spills.
no fights.
no mean words.
and no crying.

it was a LOVELY meal.
i am sure this is a tradition we keep.  

(ps: lauren wanted NOTHING to do with us.  she took a plate of food & ate alone in her room by choice)


i finally made some blog post categories!
i have gone through all of 2009 posts and assigned them categories.
and i will go back through rest soon.
now when you need a waffle fix you can click on "WAFFLE the wonder dog" & see all the pics of him!
at least all the pics of him in 2009.
so if you are new here…go have fun clicking through the categories.

Rachel / cREaTe - that is HYSTERICAL. 1st photo & text, i thought this was indeed a big fancy, formal event. then as the menu played out my smile just got bigger. hilarious. your kids will remember that forever. 🙂 so fun to let kids be kids and run the show once in awhile.

Diana - I would have helped Talby with those mashed taters! They look scrumptious! {I don’t like cheese melted on anything but pizza either… well, maybe on cheeseburgers, too.}
LOVELY family, LOVELY meal… such LOVE!
Happy New Year to all of you!

the inadvertent farmer - Raising my glass of chocolate rice milk in your direction…cheers! Have a happy, healthy, and blessed new year, Kim

Logan - You are a fun mom. I know it isn’t perfection all the time, but you are creating wonderful memories for your kids and I love reading about your adventures and seeing the pictures. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Laura Phelps - we got a hamster and a case of beer on New Years Day.
I am feeling like I have fallen a little short here…

Amanda Garrett - Your family is too cute. I always enjoy reading your blog. Happy New Year!

Amy - What a great idea! So cute! 🙂

Vicki - How wonderful to live in a house where the hum in the background is filled with laughter, happy busy chatter (okay, maybe a fight or two now and then, and memory making. You gotta feel the love, just gots too. Even if your not sitting at the table but up in your room, you still feel it. That’s the stuff that you take with you when you leave home and go out into the world on your own. When you start a family of your own and some how automatically know what it means to be a family. It’s cause your mom did stuff like this.
I think we started a tradition at our house too this year. We have little ones so we did a brunch for New Years day with family and friends. It was so much better than staying up late with little kiddos and having them be grumpy all day. Think we’ll do it next year. Happy New Year!

Jenn Grigoryev - i can’t wait till my three boys are big enough to try this idea out. what a fun mom you are.

amy jupin - this looks fun!
too bad lauren didn’t want to join y’all…one day that too will change! 🙂
happy happy new year, my friend!

jessica - Oops! Typo. You make my day with “your posts”…..not no posts. You are the best! Thanks for inspiration and smiles!!
Jessica, Alabama

jessica - Can’t stand it anymore. Had to comment! I have been a long-time blog stalker. I just love it!!! You made my day with no posts and always make me smile. After reading this post I had to tell you… are seriously the best mommy on the planet. I cannot believe you balance five kiddos so well, and you are just a spring chicken yourself. Kuddos to you, your beautiful family, and all of your fabulous ideas. Cheers and Happy New Year!!!
-Jessica, Alabama

WizzyTheStick - I tried family dinner on my birthday. The results was sad or hilarious, depends on if you are a cup half full or half empty kinda person. From reading this post I’m guessing you fall into the former category. Great share. Loved this peek into your family life.

aubrey - You have such a lot of really good ideas and I really like this one. When my kid are big enough to do their own cooking, I think I’ll try this one. Maybe by then we’ll have a dining room too. 😉
Oh, and I feel like a jerk that I didn’t buy chocolate milk for any meals over the holidays–I’ll have to remember to do that next year. It’s so nice when the little ones are so easily satisfied. 😉
I have to say (even though I haven’t had teenagers yet, but stil remember being one)–it’s kind of cool that you let Lauren have her space and exercise her independence (within reason it looks like). My parents didn’t let me and I resented it sometimes, but I came around anyway. I think you’re doing a really really good job as a mom.

Liesl - How fun! Meg, what are your christmas dishes. They look so fun!! I am looking for holiday/winter tableware . . .
Thanks – I enjoy your posts and your creativity. Happy New year!!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - That fruit salad looks SO good…the other stuff looks good because for once a mother knows it will ALL be eaten! Everyone’s happy, yeah!!!!

Julie - now, THIS is why i love your blog. Incredible family. incredible inspiration. happy new year!

DreamGirlLisa - Love it! Carbs rule!!!!
Lauren will come back to you, teenage years are a challenge, but fun too.

gina - Looks like a great tradition to start! My 15 yo calls most things we do, that she joins “Triple F”. >sigh<

Dena Rooney-Berg (sugarshop) - What a seriously fun dinner!!! Thanks for linking to my Pineapple Vodka post! Not only did it lead me to your site (LOVE it) but it’s been fun to meet some of your readers as well! Can’t wait to see how your Pineapple Vodka turned out and to see if it was a hit. XOXO

julia - in a few years Lauren will say “why aren’t I in any of the pictures???”

Christina - This is so great! I LOVE your fancy dinner. What a fantastic idea…everyone looks like they had such a good time.
When you said the kids would eat sugar/starch 24/7, but so would you I chuckled…the apples never fall far from the tree. It’s true here, too. My youngest has a new play kitchen from Christmas, and she has been cooking these last few days. I think she’s made chicken once (which she doesn’t really eat), and the rest of her creations have been chocolate. 🙂

Dianne Avery - Looks like a perfect evening! Fun pics as usual. 🙂

Kelly - Such fun! I love y’all’s definition of a fancy dinner! I am excited to have fancy dinners with my kids one day! Right now I can tell the baby likes to eat because he/she usually kicks during dinner. 🙂 Kelly

Karen - What a great Mom you are! My two cents says ‘make’ her participate. We had the same troubles w/ our oldest. At one point I mustered everything I had not to push him out of the car on a vacation, but to hear him tell it now, it was THE BEST vacation! Unreal! (Was he on the same vacation with us??? He made it MISERABLE from beginning to end!) Kids. Go figure.

renee cauley - What a great night… Don’t worry bout Lauren, kids do the funniest things…. Mine are all grown now and they want to hang out with us and go on vacations with us… strange… its all good. I just love your blog…Have a happpy 2010

Mrs. - Sorry about Lauren. My oldest is 12 and I am really, REALLY having a hard time LIKING her. I can’t believe that we shared the same food, air and blood for 9 months. She seems so disconnected from me. I imagine soon she will want to eat alone like Lauren as well. *sigh!*

Lorilee - How fun to cook together. I usually cook alone! Sometimes my sweety will help, but the boys run and hide! I’m not sure where I went wrong!

Erin V. - What a great idea! I love the fun stuff you come up with to do with your kids!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Aw man…I wondered about Lauren. Thought for sure her dish would be something really cool – like sushi or something olivey.
Sounds like good ol’ messy fun! And the menu is to die for.

Christian@Modobject at Home - “…there was no cheese on top…because she doesn’t like melted cheese.
she likes cheese…but not when it melts…except on pizza…that melted cheese is ok.”
My seven year old son’s sentiments EXACTLY.

Lori - Great family time idea. And aren’t teenagers just the best?! If it’s any consolation, our teen daughter was exactly the same. But as she turned 18 and nears the time to go to college, she seems to enjoy some of our family times more than she used to.
Thanks for all of your real, sometimes funny and sometimes touching posts. The present you opened from your parents made me cry too.

Rach - What a fun tradition! Great to get everyone working together.

Vera - This is SO much better than black eyed peas and ham hocks and greens ha! Sounds like a great, fun, and yummy tradition!!

Sue K. - HaPpY NeW yEaR!1! Wow. What a great tradition! I love it…gonna copy this one for sure! So Im wondering, who helped with the cleanup?? That is the worst part by far for me 😛
Blessings to you and your family in 2010.

Shari Barnes - Is that a Jenn Air gas cooktop in the island? We have one and it looks very similiar – LOVE it! 🙂 Looks like a geat meal!!!

jeanne - I love all the sweet things that your family does together!!! I truly believe that someday your “children will rise up and call you blessed”.

Melanie - You are a great mom, Meg! You are the fun mom and your kids will remember these things that you do for them. Sorry about Lauren:( I just don’t know what to say about that. I have a 15 yr. old son and I haven’t had the ‘teen’ thing happen. I know that I am lucky and I wish that for you.

Heather Giustino - How fun!!! Everything you guys made sounds so yummy (especially the Velveeta mac ‘n cheese – my “yucky” treat!) We had a fancy dinner too, and even drank sparkling cider out of champagne glasses : )
Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!

Kate - That all looks lovely!
Eeek, teenagers are vile creatures! heh heh

Tanya - Adorable! Great first post of the year!

Naomi - I don’t comment often, but read ALWAYS. What a FUN tradition. Can we borrow and copy it?
Still making that rainbow cake you posted about eons ago!

immyyas - This was really sweet. What a fun idea & a great way to include each kiddo. I might have to steal this idea… : )

H-Mama - you’re such a fun mom. 😉

Mindy - This is so much fun! I am stealing it for our fam! My kids are little though so it might be hard for them to help a lot but at least they could each choose. Don’t worry about Lauren, I was the same way when I was her age and I turned out okay … just takes a while sometimes. You are a great mom!

stef - the chocolate milk part made me LOL. My kids would love fancy dinners at your place 🙂
Happy New Year!

mary - awesome!
and don’t worry a bit about lauren
i remember how i was at that age
and my sister, my cousins, my friends, etc
chocolate milk rocks…and annie is a good pancake chooser(tell her i said that she will giggle)

sandy toe - Sounds perfect.
sandy toe

se7en - Lovely tradition – Oh keep it up!!!

Tiffany Morris - How fun is this! You guys do some really cool things… thanks for sharing ideas with all of us!
Hugs – Tiffany

Keri R. - I am just like Talby! I love cheese but not when its melted! Unless of course on Pizza!!! Happy New Year!

Pineapple Princess - I love how you celebrate! So fun! 🙂
Happy New Year to you and your awesome family!!

Kimberly - What a wonderful idea!!! Happy New Year!

Kelly - What fun! And too bad Lauren missed out! It looks like a great time! I love traditions like this! We have a similar one on New Year’s Eve 🙂
And I agree on the chocolate milk from the store. My boys go crazy when we have that stuff in the house! I actually almost got it for our New Year’s Eve bash but opted for orange pop in bottles which was a big hit too. 🙂 Happy New Year!

Courtney Walsh - Seriously agree about the chocolate milk from the store in the fridge section. What is it about that stuff? It’s like dessert. Yum.
I love your fancy dinner. 🙂 Good stuff, Meg!

Jacci - Great fun 🙂 Sorry Lauren was a stinker.
Categories are also great fun! Thanks!!! And Happy New Year 🙂
~Jacci in Ohio

Georgia - Happy new year!
I LOVE the fancy dinner idea, its brilliant!!!
Im the same as Talby, melted cheese is Yukky except on pizza, or Pasta is ok. 🙂 🙂

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Happy New Year, Meg!!! What a beautiful meal with your beautiful family! Thanks for the categories. I’m not new, but I like to go back from time to time to find things, so that will be very helpful!

sarah - So fun!! I love that everyone made a dish, and the chocolate milk in pretty christmas glasses.
I love that Annie made pancakes… since that’s what they chose to eat, when we had enchiladas, when I was her age… or maybe just a few years ago, I probably would have chosen pancakes too!

Dina - What a great New Year tradition! My kids are 5, 3, and 1 and always WANT to help cook … but really I must draw the line:-) … I guess I need to step back and just enjoy the fact that they WANT to take part in meal preparation:-)
Happy New Year!!!!

Nicole Q. - love the idea of the kids each making a dish. good idea . i also bawled at your xmas gift from your dad . . . what a neat gift and so much meaning!!! Happy New Year!

diane - I love this idea!
I totally get Talby and her cheese preferences.
I don’t like cheese but I love queso. My husband likes to point out that what I am really saying is, I don’t like cheese, but I love cheese.
At almost 31, I am starting to branch out though. Maybe in this next decade I can simply say, I like cheese.
Happy New Year!

Holly - That sounds like fun! We actually started off 2010 by having cresent chicken and the kids LOVED it!
Happy New Year to you and your family!

carissa... brown eyed fox - i love it! we have got to get on the kids making a dish thing… seen yall do that before too… i just love that!
raising my coffee mug right now… wait… hold on… okay…
here’s to an awesome year!
and meg… i have to say…
thanks for being such a big inspiration in my life in 09.
you make me laugh… hard.
you make me cry… just yesterday.
you make me want to dance… even if i look like a fool.
thanks girl! big hugs… buckets of blessings!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - LOVE IT! What a wonderful way to bring in the New Year. I love everyone in the kitchen making their favorite dish. Great pics of all of you. Just warms my heart:)
Oh and your daughter being a teenager…that just kills me. I swear when my kids get to that stage I’m gonna need a pill or something to help me get through it:0

michelle - so fun Meg! what a great idea and a wonderful memory created. we might have to try it. i think it would be interesting just to see what it would be that my kids would chose as their dish. hmmmm? too bad about Lauren. sadly, i would have probably been just like her. always bucking the system i was. she’ll come around.
happy new year my dear friend!

Staci - What a FUN night!!!!!!! I am soooo glad there was no fighting!!! I wish your dear sweet family the Happiest of New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!

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our kids get a new ornament every year.
we store their special ones in boxes with their name on them.
(you can read about it here from 2008)
then when the grow up & move out (gasp! i can't even imagine nor do i want to!) they take their box.

sometimes i take them to pick them out…sometimes i don't.
this year i did not.
sometimes they have special meanings…sometimes they don't.  
can you tell i have a really great system going on here?!

these are the specials for 2009.

annie….because she's 5 and loves cookies.                 
talby….she bought her own iPod this year.
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sean…he likes snow globes
AND his name was spelled correctly!                          scott…i used a toy bike and just added a hook.
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lauren….a capital L all covered in bling.  
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and the orange star is just one i got at target a few years ago…look how easy that is?! 
i could make that.  and so could you.
you could put any words you wanted….peace, joy, love, jesus, noel…ANYthing you wanted.

are you feeling peaceful?

tami reed - happy holidays to you and your family

gina - ? Um, yes. that should be a C. Christmas. 🙂

gina - Today I feel peaceful and looking forward to the next 36 hours filled with family , friends, and fun!! Merry Vhristmas to you an yours!

mel - my mother in law did this for my husband when he was growing up. When we got married, he had a box of ornaments for our tree. It was so cute! We are doing this for our girls also, but since they are only 15 months & almost 3 years old, they don’t have that many in their little boxes!

Courtney Walsh - My birthday is December 18 so my mom always got me a Cmas ornament for my birthday…every year…and she still does. That’s 34 ornaments and counting, and I remember a lot of them (the fave is the strawberry shortcake one I got in kindergarten…it used to smell.) 🙂
Love your pics!

tara pollard pakosta - next year, I am putting my tree by the fireplace! LOVE IT! great picture! I do the same thing with my girls for ornaments, they each have their own box. and some years there is meaning, some years, we just buy whatever they pick out. it’s so much fuN! I will be one sad mama on the day mine move out and take those ornament boxes. we try to buy ourselves one new one each year also so that we will have some left. I may just have to do this with my grandchildren one day to fill our tree….dont’ even want to think about it! My oldest turns 10 on christmas eve, feeling sentimental over here!
these are just LOVELY! tara

Alicia - Sometimes things are just easier done alone…totally understand.
My mom started this same ornament tradition when I was a kid and it is really great now as an adult to open that box! I should have done that with my kiddos…maybe it’s never too late, right?

Rachel / cREaTe - i love your honesty with “sometimes i do … sometimes i don’t”. that made me laugh. 🙂 the lesson being it doesn’t matter HOW it’s done, just that you’re doing it. thanks for sharing, meg!

A pocket full of posies... - LOVE the ornament idea!!! might just have to be our craft today! and feeling peaceful?? ummmm, getting there! 🙂

Lisa - I love the ornament idea! Over the weekend I made your mint chocolate brownies and can I just say how much I LOVE them!! 🙂

paige - such a great tradition & you scored some super cuties too
merry christmas 🙂

Lorilee - Your tree looks lovely. We have given our boys ornaments for several years. We also exchanged ornaments with their cousings. Each boy has his own tub. I love the idea too!

the wild raspberry - seeing your lit tree and stockings hung with care makes me feel peaceful. what a pretty sight.
happy holidays~

patricia - peace out!!

Cate O'Malley - Love it! We do the same thing, although I like the idea of getting their ornaments together. This year, it was a soccer ball for my son and a cow for my daughter. Do you know how hard it is to find a non-comical cow? Our family ornament was a cruise ship – love cruises!

sara - what a beautiful tree!

Maria - I love the idea of keeping everyone’s ornaments separate…I so need to do that. I have just been buying a family ornament lately and the miniature ornaments for our advent calendar (which is now full)…the tree looks great!

jennifer - We do the same ornament thing here at our house. And I’ve got the same kind of system going, so I completely understand yours! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the picture of your Christmas tree and stockings hanging on the mantel. I’m experiencing decorated homes vicariously through all my blogging friends this year and your picture gave me a bit of much needed peace.

Christina - Such a beautiful spot there in your home…although I know your whole house is lovely! I need to figure out the stocking thing.
We also do the ornaments for our kids. They love it!

Dina - I do the same ornament thing with my kids. My mom did it for me and nothing made me happier than the day she handed over my box. I still have them all and they go on our tree along with all my kids’ ornaments. My oldest is only 5 and our tree is so full. I hate to think of that 1st box of 18 (or so) not being on our tree.

Rach - It’s just like it’s right out of a magazine! Beautiful! I love it!

Melanie - Your tree looks beautiful. No tree at our house this year because of the move but I am enjoying all the trees in blogland though.

Allison - I could find peace at your beautiful house. Mine has a half-dead Christmas tree in the living room. Barely any gifts wrapped yet. A falling-down shanty of a gingerbread house we tried to make tonight (it was a pre-made kit, and still i ruined it). I love your blog. It makes me happy every time I read it 🙂

julia - I love your Christmas tree and fireplace pic – I need to find some PEACE stocking holders (ever since #3 I’ve been doubling up).

Anne - Love it. Just like our family. I always remember being little and being so amazed at how MANY ornaments my parents had in their box. Now my daughter comments on how many I have… I love the ornaments that remind of you of something special the moment you pull them out.
Merry Christmas to you all!

Brooke - My parents did the same thing for my brothers & I growing up. It was so nice when my hubby and I got a tree of our own and I could decorate it with my ornaments that had a lot of meaning to them! Your kids will love it too 🙂
Love the pics. Your tree looks beautiful.

Staci - Not EVEN close….yet 🙂 But it will come…I’m just sure of it 🙂

Kelly - We do that for our boys too. This year it turned into a whole fiasco because I got them in Disneyland a couple months ago and one broke! How do you replace that?!? (PTL for Ebay! :)) However I also get us a family ornament because my sister & I both got married in one year and my parents’ tree was NAKED and it made me sad and I never want that to happen to me! 🙂
I did the same thing to a Star Wars toy last year that you did with the bike. My son still has no idea it’s really a toy. 🙂

your cool friend Cheryl - Your tree is beautiful!

~KS - My parents did this same thing for us when I was growing up. I moved out years ago, and I took my box of ornaments with me. And I love putting my own tree up every year because each ornament has such a wonderful memory to go along with it. And the toy bike with a hook was such a creative idea!

Sara Cameli - So pretty Meg….very peaceful picture…

Kate - What wonderful support we have in blogland! I feel peaceful too! I am at the airport, waiting to fly to Dallas with the in-laws… hubby trying to find me a starbucks just for fun… kids hainvg a blast rooting for their favorite team on the big screen (based soley on their uniform)… and I am getting to catch up on my fav blogs?! Peace!

adrienneK - so pretty!!! and yes i could make that ornament…..hmmm…. ok i call a craft day with meg!!!!! 😉

immyyas - I do that for my girls as well. It is such a fun tradition. I too don’t have any real system going on either… makes it less stressful that way : ) LOVE the picture of your tree… it looks like a postcard or like it is right out of a magazine. Another fun thing I did right out of high school & in college was ornament exchanges with my girlfriends… when your young & don’t have a lot to cover your tree (and your broke & can’t afford to buy all your friends real gifts) this is a GREAT way to accumulate them!

erica - i have a sean and we got him that same ornament this year (from kohls??). beautiful tree!

Diana - I made felt ornaments several years ago for my oldest son when he moved out after high school… and for a few years after that I added to the collection. I should do more of that. Especially since there are grandkids growing oh-so-fast. And start some for my other son. He might get married… someday. LOL!
Peaceful? Hmmmm. Not sure about that… to much medical stuff going on.
Thankful, yes. Thankful for my sweet hubby and the rest of my family. And for God in my life!

TRACI - Love it and your tree is just GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!

No.17CherryTreeLane - I really am. There is so much chaos happening around me, and yet I feel a calm spirit about me. The Lord is allowing me to enjoy these moments, rather than stress about them.
He is good.

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we went to my parents' house for this thanksgiving.
we arrived and everything was cooking and bubbling and boiling and steaming….busy kitchen.
i got right to my job of mashed potatoes.
there was some chaos of cooking the turkey upside down…and then dropping it…but it all worked out.
like we knew it would.
we knew it mom….you always do a great job.

i brought my mom a gift.  
you can go HERE to see pictures of it but i just got a picture of it on our car roof.
it was getting LOTS of attention on the drive.
everyone was smiling and pointing at our turkey.

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her table was set so fancy….it was a lovely site.
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we ate and talked and listened and ate some more.

my dad's side of the family is….quiet.
i used to think this was weird.  it's nothing like a family on tv…tv families are always loud.
there is always something going on and things get loud.
but my family is not. (except for my own children of course) (oh yeah…and ME).
i am grateful for it now.  
i am thankful for a quiet intellectual family who likes discuss
from politics or history to art and music.
half the time i have no idea what they are talking about.
but i love to listen to my grandmother tell stories about having five children…or being a dr's daughter.

i am thankful.

i am going to sleep now and in 6.5 hours i will be shopping.
with messy bed head and no makeup and a starbucks in my hand.
can't wait!

i really hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.

did you go black friday shopping?  what did you get?  :)  

tami reed - Great pics looks like great times!

Melanie - I did not go shopping because I can’t stand the crowds. I don’t even go on the weekends. That is one of the joys of being a stay at home mom….you can go during the week. What great things did you get?

luci - I am thankful for your blog. You bring a smile to my face.

seleta - By accident, I cooked my turkey upside down too. Glad to know I wasn’t the only one!!! Didn’t shop yesterday. Never have I shopped on Black Friday. I think it’s because I wouldn’t know where to start and worry that it would be so crowded that it wouldn’t be any fun.

aimee - looks like you had a wonderful day and it’s so great to be appreciative of what you have in the moment… i love that… and i LOVE that you have seen the LOVE door! 🙂 xo, aimee

jenjen - It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Did you get any great deals. I didn’t get up for the sales this year, although I really wanted one of those Cricut machines…

linda@LimeintheCoconut - Ya know…I never have gone…and wanted to try it. So woke at 4am called my mom at 6am and went back to bed at 6:30 am. Is that how it goes?
Did get out at 11:00am (much more civil…say I). IKEA. Fun.
Back at dark.

Ashlee Archibald - We didn’t to black friday. Trying to focus on being a family, having each other, and the birth of christ rather than all the “stuff” that seems to detour away from that.
Um, so I had a dream last night I was at your house!! It was fun and you were really nice and so were your kids.. 🙂 lol random. Do you think I blog too much?? LOL

Nina - I hope ya’ll had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And yes, I got up at 4:00 am and hit the stores. It was def worth it…great deals.

Ashley Ann - No shopping…the idea of being surrounded by that many people and all the chaos makes me sweat just thinking of it…not for me, but I did go for breakfast and coffee with my sister & mom.

Becca Parker - Thanksgiving segued into Black Friday, why go to sleep for just 3 hours? We had fun, best part is we got the J C Penney snow globes for my Mom who was unable to get out for the first time. By 6:30 we were giddy and giggling over everything. Sweet memories with my 19 year old daughter Hannah. Happy Christmas!

Jacci - No shopping today, except for some OxyClean, salad stuff, and lotion 🙂 I’m planning on a big IKEA run next weekend, though. Fun, fun!

Karina - I am 42 and never heard of Black Friday until last year, thanks to my US pals in cyberspace. I live in Canada, we don’t have it. It sounds a lot like our Boxing Day, except my family has a family tradition to visit on that day, so I have never been. Like another commenter said, I am happy with the Internet. But I can’t wait to hear about YOUR Black Friday experience and what loot you got!!

Kelly - Shopping the day after is as much a thanksgiving tradition as is turkey & mashed potatoes. My mom & my sisters, and whomever else wants to come along, plan our route after dinner on Thanksgivng and have so much fun! It doesn’t hurt that my birthday is always right around Thanksgiving too so I always have a little extra cash to spend on lil’ ol’ me. 🙂 We got some fun deals today!

Michelle - I was Black Friday working. . . but it was fun! Black Friday is a great day 🙂 People are happy because they like getting deals (AND it probably doesn’t hurt that they just spent the day before thinking about how they are thankful. . hard to be grumpy after that!)

amy d - my awesome hubby stood outside in the cold at 3am and got me a new front load washer & dryer pair!!! gotta love that!!!

DreamGirlLisa - I think I might enjoy a little quiet in my family once in a while! I went Black Shopping with my two daughters, we planned the whole thing out, determined to get a new TV (it’s been at least 15 years since I purchased one after all) so we decided on a family gift this year. We literally got the last TV, what a steal it was and how much fun! We were done with our purchase by 5:20am, and then went out for a big breakfast. I think we’ll remember this day for a very long time. Now we’re gonna veg out all day watching movies:)

Deputy's Wife - I did go Black Shopping Friday! Only I cheated a bit, I didn’t go until after 9. There was only one thing I had to get, a 9 foot Christmas tree that was half off!!! And I got it! Wahoo!!!

Bec - I had the wonderful pleasure of actually WORKING at midnight at Bath and Bodyworks- it was an experience! But I did stick around and buy some of the good deals myself once I was off at 4am. 😉

Staci - I love your mom’s polka dot coffee mugs 😉 Looks like a very beautiful day 🙂
Yup, we were up (WITH a 7 and 4 yr old) at 3:30….to go get our Mickey Mouse snow globes at JC Penneys!!! My hubby has taken the boys every year for the past 5 years….by himself…this year, instead of sleeping in…I went….and now, I’m going to bed 🙂 I did get some cute stuff though…still not sure it was worth getting up at 3:30 for…I’ll tell you on Christmas Day!!!!!!!

Julia - My family is quiet at dinner too – the first time my sister-in-law was on holiday with us I waited until she was started to say something and I yelled “We don’t talk at the dinner table!” I thought it was hilarious.

Pammy - no shopping for me – unless it is online! I just found your blog (thru Clover Lane) and immediately added it to my blog roll – lovely family & adorable children!(and pup!) I love your Phil. scripture too, and try to live by it every day…..bless you.

Candace - Left at 4:30am. Nine out of 10 neices and nephews shopped for – toys, flashlights, books, slippers all under $10 each. Several gifts for church donation drives. We also bought a set of luggage for ourselves. We always get money from hubby’s parents and bring what we bought to family Christmas so they can see what they gave us.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You are blessed. Thanksgiving with family…sigh. We are going home for Christmas, so that will be something to look forward too. But I was a little mopey yesterday:( Happy Shopping!

Ann Marie - Yay Black Friday! The husband and I left the house at 3am, got new cookware, new bedding & pillows, toys for our 13 month old, grabbed some stuff for my in-laws on their list and made it back home for a break. We’re heading out for more shopping soon!

Amy - I’m a wimp and just don’t go….I’m sure if I took the time to look around and plan what I need, then it would be worth it! 🙂
Happy Shopping!

Beth - No shopping for me except maybe some local shopping. I just can’t do the crowds or the early morning. No interest. Homemade (by me or kids), local or internet shopping is my favorite 🙂 We’re going to Texas for Christmas, leaving the weekend school lets out, so if I need to shop, I’ll do it then! Hope you got some good deals, though. Starbucks sounds nice (I have a $50 giftcard I got for my 50th birthday that I haven’t touched yet!!! Gotta go to Starbucks, wish we had one locally . . .want to open one up with me?).

Mother Runner - Can’t do it. Never have. Maybe next year.
This internet thingy is good enough for me.

lora - Why do we not have Black Friday in Canada? This concerns me. I gotta move to the States!

Scrappy Girl - Hope you have fun shopping…I chickened out this year…

Sara @ Queen of the House - I went with all the other lunatics to Target at 5am! I got what I went for so I’m happy. Now I’m home with my warm cup of coffee. yay.

Anna Marie - I did not go shopping this year. Last year was enough for two years. I waited outside Best Buy for about 2 1/2 hours and got a great deal on a laptop. Then I went to Kohls and got a sewing machine (that is still in the box…I know…bad me) and toys, towels, clothes, etc. I am happy to be staying home today 😀

Katy Frame (Kate Creates) - I was out from 2 AM until now (7 AM). Got myself a Cricut, GPS for the fiance, Clothes for our girls, and new bedding for them as well. I love Black Friday! Hope you got some good deals! 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Shopping at Ikea later this morning! Yes, I’m in Chicago for the weekend…

LibraryGirl62 - $5 fleece at Old Navy and $250 netbook at Radio Shack..and a great time with my teenage daughter :>

Amy - No black Friday shopping for me. My hubby is going. I am staying in to read and drink coffee. I also wanted to let you know that i love the amy butler fabrics. I was just reading a Columbus, Ohio magazine and found out that Amy Butler lives 20 minutes away from me!
Happy Holiday!!!! Amy

Cathy - I’m going in a few hours! 🙂 Actually, leaving here in about an hour and a half (it’s currently 1:10am)

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like there is so much to do and no time.  :)

we started thanksgiving on sunday at craig's mom's.
yummy stuff.
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also at thanksgiving we take part in Operation Christmas Child.
we fill a shoebox with gifts for needy children and then the boxes are sent all of the world to children
who would not receive any gifts at all.
our family has been doing it 8 years now.  
the kids love to help with it.
this year i had them watch a video about it so they could put some faces to their project.



but this year i did the shopping alone while they were in school.
taking all of them to shop for four different boxes just was too crazy to do again.
i went with an art theme.
i trust God that HE will pick the exact children somewhere in the world that have a passion to create 
and they will get our special boxes.
we filled them with markers, crayons, paint, paper, pipe cleaners, colored pencils, glue, and glitter.
we filled two for boys so they got matchbox cars.
and two for girls and they got a baby doll.
then i had the kids make a card for their box and we included a family photo.

it's fun to do together…the kids take real pride in making their box special.
check it out here.  it's not too late!


i spent yesterday morning at school with talby helping them make a feast.
i don't know how teachers do it.
i was completely overstimulated when i left.
i'm like the grinch "oh the noise noise NOISE noise!"

it surprised me that kids were actually eating this stew.
if i had made this for talby at home….she would have cried and refused to even try it.
but there…she ate it!
she admitted it wasn't very good but she still ate it.
funny kids.

we sat with these two goofballs…they were very entertaining. 

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i let them hold my camera to take some pictures!
and now…back to my junk.
i took the kids for donuts…put away a bunch of laundry..changed my sheets…cleaned the kids' disgusting bathroom
 (it was beyond gross)…christmas shopped online…unpacked my suitcase from SB.

now i need a big cup of hot coffee and it's back to my pictures.

to my families from yesterday: i am behind already.
i blame a migraine and a feast with the second grade.  

ps:  annie is screaming in her room like a complete maniac about losing a barbie blanket.  
could be a long day.

Brenda England - I had been doing shoeboxes with my son from the very beginning then had the opportunity to sit on the local promotion committee and go into the community to talk about Operation Christmas Child. I then went with a group to deliver them in Mexico. What a life changing event to see the children’s faces of anticipation (even after waiting in the heat sitting on the side of a rocky hill for an hour) and the squeals of delight as they opened the little boxes. Not only did we deliver the boxes, we also had a doctor, dentist and nurse with us to do a medical clinic. I taught people how to brush their teeth, gave them a toothbrush and toothpaste. We also hooked up water filteration systems. This program effects the whole community not just the children. Keep giving through the gifts in a shoebox. Your use of the plastic container is good as this can be used for food storage or as a water container. Tissue paper or wrapping paper can cover a drafty spot on a wall or add colour to a plain wall. Be creative and add fun.
Brenda from Canada

Marla - OH! Some sweet familiar faces here! Clara has really been “Kansas sick” especially coming down from the holiday spent at grandma and grandpa’s house. Will you be around during the Christmas holiday? We will be in Ks and Clara would LOVE to see Talby!

diane reeves - This was our first year to fill a shoebox. I don’t think my daughters understood exactly what we were doing until I showed them the videos.
It is so cool that you can track the package to find out what country they were sent too.

Holly M - I LOVED the mashed potato shot! Made me smile 🙂 You’re always so creative with your camera work and so fun to read! Thanks for being so honest and for making us laugh!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - we love OCC too 🙂 love the art theme!!

christi - daniel and i do these too! i just sent mine off.

pve - wow!

Candace - (Longest Comment in History)
Thank you for the link to Samaritan’s Purse. We watched the Matthew West/Amy Grant “Give Christmas AwaY” video at church last week and those boxes have been on my mind ever since. And to think you are praying that your boxes bless the children they are going to in so many more ways than just a Christmas present! Those art supplies could change a kids’ life. Head and heart and soul all in a shoebox.
Question: How do you get your boxes to one of the drop off locations? We want to participate, but do not live anywhere close to those locations.
As a teacher, you just kind of get used to the noise or drown it out. Probably like you are able to drown out Barbie blanket “noise”. Or you just turn off the lights in the classroom and magically they stop to ward off a visit from Viola Swamp!
I wouldn’t have eaten that stew either. Or the jello. Cornbread and brownies for this pilgrim. 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!

Georgia - Meg that video really got me choked. My work did something similar last year which was good. I love the idea of giving the children with nothing, something amazing! We dont celebrate thanks giving here in the UK, so just waiting for christmas which is reeeeaaallly exciting!! Love your photos as always!!!

Heather - Thankful for your blog…always puts a smile on my face. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

TidyMom - ok, I had to laugh Meg, what does your family think when you fill your plate at the Thanksgiving Table and then you say “Wait! I need a picture of my plate!” LOL!! I do it infront of my immediate family, but I don’t think my extended family would understand! LOL sure looks yummy!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful, full day!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lisa - Wow! that’s a lot for one lady to do. You must be supermom. Where do you hide your cape? I love the “Operation Christmas Child” I think it is a wonderful tradition and it gives the kids a chance to give back. I will definitely be keeping this link for future reference.
Take Care,

Melanie - You crack me up! I wouldn’t want any noise after going to the school either:)
Coffee is in order.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl I hear ya. Every time I go to the school and eat lunch with my daughter I usually go home and take a nap or pop some Ibuprofen. How do teachers do it?? They are amazing.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Meg. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed following you and your family on your daily journey. Your blog is my favorite…and that’s saying something… I follow ALOT of different ones. Just thought you’d like to know that:)

kristin - i. hear. you.
take care, friend.

Maria - Love the shoeboxes! What a great thing to do…putting it in my calendar for next year and going to try and send at least one off for this year! Thanks for sharing!

amy - just wanted to wish my dear bloggy friend a happy thanksgiving.
happy thanksgiving! 🙂

jennifer - That’s such a great idea to do the CC shoeboxes as a Thanksgiving activity!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Megan!

carissa... brown eyed fox - have i told you already?
don’t recall.
your HAIR… SO cute!
BIG hugs to you… and a hAppY Thanksgiving!

Anne Marie - Your dinner and presents look terrific. I have to say though that I’m disappointed schools are still doing the “dress like a stereotype of a Native American” thing when it’s so inaccurate and stereotyping of Native Americans. I thought that went out over the last decade or so.

se7en - Oh you guys have such fun!!! You are really good at turning the “Whatevers” in life into “specials”… We also do shoeboxes, Fun!!!

lora - Thanks for the video about the shoeboxes. I’ll show it to my kids. They had fun shopping (I only have 2…and is much easier than 5!) Your boxes look great. The kids who receive them will be so happy. I saw a picture this morning in the Focus on the Family magazine of kids running with their boxes after receiving them. It made me cry.

Joni - I’ve done those shoeboxes for years, but never thought to go with a theme! What a smart idea, themes are so much fun and they can work up enthusiasm! Good job on that…and I loved all your photos that summed up your week since Sunday. Dinner looked wonderful!

Beth - Great post 🙂 I hear you about the noise, really I do!! And I also hear you about the screaming in room and a long day! I have been forcing my kids to clean today. Company coming. They argue it’s only Aunt Debbie. House is still a mess, but much better than it was. I’m starting a new art teacher blog at Only one post so far. Hope it’s a good day!

Jacci - Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 Looks like you all had a wonderful celebration already. I’m making the stuffing this year – the smell of the celery and onion we just sauteed along with that top pic made me really hungry! Hope you all have a great weekend.
Jacci in Ohio

Amy - Haha! THE NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!!! That cracked me up! We did Operation Christmas child as well…I had MY Annie and Noah watch that video too…thanks for passing it along! Great post…neat pictures!
PS-how do you get CLEAR pictures INSIDE with NO FLASH? 🙂

margaret - We have been doing shoeboxes since last year. The Sunday school class I teach does them.
This time of year is alwasy so busy.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Amanda - We do shoe boxes every year too. It’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I love watching my kids experiencing the joy of giving, and listening to them as they pray over each box…it warms my heart.
I love the arts and crafts theme you did, I think we might steal your idea for our boxes next year!

misty - I read this blog and then headed to our neighborhood watch coordinators house to drop off the turkey my husband received from his work. Last week I asked her if she knew a needy family that would need a turkey~ she called me last night and said she had just the family~ 2 little girls 8 & 2~ just moved here with their mother who is running from a severely abusive relationship & they have nothing & missed the deadlines for the angel tree and holiday baskets. When I heard they missed the deadline for the angel tree I told her to find out what they needed & wanted so she did. The 8 year old wants art supplies. The 2 year old wants dishes lol So, Hobby Lobby here I come~ are supplies it is! and I wrote down everything you put in this box for some ideas… Then I will hunt down some play dishes. =) It was crazy to me to read this, drive a mile down the road and hear her say~ she just wants art supplies. =)

Staci - I was JUST thinking that same thing….about the stew 🙂 My kiddo wouldn’t TOUCH it if I had made it home…..GOOD FOR TALBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Bloggy Friend!!! 🙂

Tanya - You are such an inspiration. I’m very thankful you share your family, love and joy with the world. Happy Thanksgiving!

Casey - Operation Christmas Child is my favorite charity to do with children. I love how it relates to them…..and how they encourage prayer after the boxes are sent. We started last year and will continue……glad to know so many participate!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for this crazy blogging world and to “know” you because of it!

Sharla B. - Sophie really wants to go to school right now. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

Art Cant Hurt - i thought i was the only one who screamed over lost barbie blankets! 🙂
have a wonderful thanksgiving filled with the grace and blessings given to you by Him!
take care!

Crystal - We have already had a long day here too…Moses was awake from 3-5:30!!! oy! I’m sending you a box today…just somethings you could maybe use or your girls can put to use. 🙂 xo

dawn - We love the shoeboxes too. AND — I know those days — the ones that start with a screaming child… My screaming child is at school today — but now I have two dogs that follow me like the pied piper. I think we all need a walk! Have a great weekend. 🙂

Trish - 🙂

Debra - Oh dear lots going on! We do the shoeboxes too here in Canada. I love knowing where they’re going. Don’t work too hard and have a good Thanksgiving!

Donje - happy thanksgiving megan!

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where did october go?

we finally got to carving our pumpkins at 5:00 on halloween.
better late then never.

craig was cleaning the gutters….
halloween costumes were figured out last minute again this year…like always.
annie was the classic lion (circa 1999).                    talby scored a costume from the thrift shop.
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sean repeated his skeleton from last year.  
he wants to be scary & i keep saying no..this is as scary as i can handle – a skeleton tee & face paint.

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we hit the streets to trick or treat.
the neighbors were just coming out…so much fun to watch the kids see each other all dressed up.

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our block had 3 witches, a cowboy, yoda, tinkerbell, a lion, a giraffe and the skeleton dude.

seven pumpkins…so messy…but so worth it when you see them all lit up together….love it!

where did october go?  
how is halloween already over? 
our house is now bursting with candy like everyone else.
just before bed annie said "mom…i'm gonna save this and eat it ALL tomorrow after church"
oh my.

Christina - I love the crooked smile pumpkin. 🙂
My kids wanted to carve pumpkins this year so badly, but I just never carved out the time to do it. Maybe next year…
It seems like a weird phenomenon in which all people everywhere are wondering where October went! I have heard this so many times in the last two days.

pam - i especially like craig’s costume. the leaf blower guy was in a horror movie or something, right? what was YOUR costume? 😉 the kids look so happy and fun!

jimaie.marie - i LOVE the picture of all the pumpkins together!!! Your family makes me smile Meg <3

linda@LimeintheCoconut - All I know is that I have had a full compliment of stolen dots and almond Joy and red licorice…so now November feels about right!
LOVE that gaggle of pumpkins!
And that teensy giraffe…be still my heart! - Adorable pumpkins! Next year I am going to carve more than one… you’re right, they are just so perfect all together like that!


Gratsia - Hope halloween was fun …awwww what a cute little giraffe

jerilyn - wow – you really go all out – love the Halloween picts!

Rach - Ooo, I can’t wait for Halloween next year when we can go trick or treating with out little one ! Looks like you guys had a blast. Great costumes on the kids too.

Patti - i must confess…our pumpkins are still sitting on the porch – unscathed. i can’t believe i forgot about carving them. i’m a bad mom…bad i tell ya! very cute costumes, by the way! happy november!

Sarah@Clover Lane - So cute…love the costumes!

Beth - I know. Can’t believe Oct. is gone. We put off pumpkins until Sat. PM too and then had a crisis finding pumpkins locally!!! Newton was OUT OF PUMPKINS. Imagine that. We got some in Hesston, though! Last minute costumes are the best . . . I put together a pilgrim hat at 7:15 on Friday morning 🙂

Renee - A week from today I will turn 39. Where did October go??? I still can’t believe I’m married with a house and three kids! Does anyone else ever feel this way? Awesome pictures as usual, Meg. xoxo

Tracy - LOVE it – the pumpkins and the costumes! Everyone looked SO CUTE! :O)

elizabeth - why does it get so difficult, year after year, to think up and execute the costumes? maybe it’s our (at least mine) ever-increasing age. your costumes and pumpkins looked perfectly sweet and a tiny bit scary! thanks for the wonderful post, as always.

Jen@thecottagenest - I feel the same way about October! I think mine passed in a frenzy of Silver Bella prep! I look forward to seeing you there!

sarah - I woke up today and thought the same thing… How is it already the 2nd of November?! Where did October go. So Crazy!
We didn’t even get to carve pumpkins or go to a pumpkin patch this year. I’m very sad about that. And this year Kenzie would have really enjoyed it. Oh well. Hawaii was what got in the way, so I guess we’ll live 😉
Your kids costumes were so cute. I love that you found one at a thrift store. I wish that was possible here, maybe it is and i just don’t know where to look….

Laura Phelps - ya know what MY Annie said?
After the FIRST door we trick or treated at, she looked up at me and asked, “So, mom? Next is Christmas, right???”
love that. should go and post that one on my own blog, really.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Hey, that’s when we carved pumpkins too! What a cute little lion. Based on our visit and the popsicles, Annie’s church sugar challenges scare me! Did she do it?!

Sharri - Here’s a tip: Cut the pumpkin hole at the bottom of the pumpkin not the top. It is easier to lift the pumpkin up by the stem and place it over a candle vs sticking your hand inside the pumpkin.
I agree where did October go?
Love your blog.

misty - I agree~ October went by in a FLASH! Thanks to your post last year about being creative with the costumes, I made my daughters lady bug costume and grabbed a lion costume for a $1 at a garage sale in case it was freezing halloween night~ It was so fun making her costume, I am going to do it every year! thanks for being an inspiration! and I LOVE all of the cute things annie says =)

Sara - I had to laugh at your hubby cleaning the gutters. Mine does the same thing. He blows off the driveway too. It is my opinion that it calms him. Every time it gets crazy around here, he dissapears and you will hear the blower. LOL

susie whyte - craig is so funny. i guess you’d have to get up there with the leaf blower. you probably get a load of leaves in your gutters and on the roof. 🙂
october is gone, sista!! i got the a-ok to get out some christmas stuff from the hubby. i think he was too busy sulking about turning 30 to care. ha ha. 🙂
glad you guys had fun!

Sarah - Great documentation of the day!

pve - Last year my son was carving the pumpkin and nearly cut his finger off. After the trip to the ER, I said, next year we will light up the house with torches and black lights and that is what we did….we went to get a pumpkin and they were sold out. I took it as a sign, an omen of sorts.
love your tricksters…..what a treat!

se7en - Your day looks so fun and the pumpkins turned out brilliantly – love them!!!

Erin Johnson - I ADORE those orange and black tights. So cute!

Cate O'Malley - Love Halloween pics! We had a soccer playing vampire here, along with Raggedy Ann. Raggedy Ann has mastered the art of finding trick-or-treat stash that I have hidden, along with unwrapping lollipops. The fun begins!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh those are so good. I am anti-mess, anti carved pumpkins…but when I see yours all lit up I feel like reconsidering for next year:)

Ashley - Annie’s costume was SO cute! And Talby’s was the best witch costume. The thrift store is awesome. Sean’s face makeup looked good and creepy 🙂 And gosh, I love jack-o-lanterns… who did which? Did you save any of the seeds to bake? Baked pumpkin seeds are excellent.
And I just noticed… 14 popcicles? Really? Sounds like me when I was little… 🙂

adrienneK - so fun!!october flew by for me! we had so many pumpkin, halloween ,related things going on it made my head spin ha! im ready for christmas!!

Amanda - and after 14 popsicles one day, I totally believe that she WOULD eat it ALL after church. Good luck with that!

Scrappy Girl - I can’t believe October is gone either…we are in New Orleans for the first weekend in Nov. and that is going to make November fly too.

Darby - Meg, What fun! I love all the festive pictures! Especially those creative jack-o-lanterns! Glad you all had a wonderful weekend!!

Nancy - Baby Yoda… perfect. I think babies naturally look like yoda sometimes. My husband is IN LOVE with his leaf blower. He would jump at the chance to get on the roof for a new adventure. Happy November!

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pumpkin patch











i loved this small local pumpkin patch…no signs…no cheesy decor…
pumpkins still on the vine…REASONABLE prices.
it's quaint.

but sadly on the day we stopped by "Justin's 'Maters & More" he wasn't there.
we roamed around his small field of pumpkin fun for 20 minutes hoping he'd show up.
then it started to rain.
we left with only pumpkins.

i had the kids tell me what they liked and i tried to find the same thing at another small local place…
it's called wal-mart.
maybe you've heard of them…


Courtney Walsh - Meg, do you use actions on your photos? Would love to know which one this is! I’ve been looking for something like this! 🙂

AJ - Great pictures! Funny enough, all of those types of pumpkins (that weird one is so strange, isn’t it?) were available at the pumpkin patch we visited here in Western New York (Buffalo/Niagara Falls).
I first saw the white pumpkins by someone’s door when out for a walk. I thought they had been spray painted!
Our farmer has a donation box too for the weekdays.
This morning our pumpkins had a light dusting of snow on them. By this afternoon the snow had melted.

Kelsey - Wow so pretty…our local pumpkin patch is cute, but definetly not as pretty and green!

kasey - we’ve decided to hit the pumpkin patch to JUST TAKE PICS…and then buy them at the market on the way home.

kathy b - My favorite apple farm had a big sign on it that said FOR SALE, retiring. So I thought you were going to say that Justin’s patch was for sale or abandoned.
Your photos and captions are so fun!
Kathy in California, (the chenille lady)

Amber - Oh so cool! I really want to take my son to a real pumpkin patch this year 🙂

Christina - Oh no!! That’s what I said when I got to the end! Those pictures are…I’m not sure the right word. Moving. They’re lovely, fallishly poignant.
It looks like you had a wonderful time even though you left empty handed.

Abigail - Beautiful pictures!!

Tiffany Morris - That stinks, but you got some great photos anyway!

susie whyte - THAT is why i want to move out of wichita!! i had to explain to my 3 year old last night on the way home from canton, ks why it was so dark…”we’re in the country! they don’t have lights out here”. 🙂
your poor kids must’ve been so bummed out!

Lori - I love a pumpkin patch 🙂 Love the pics, too.

Kath - I grew two pumpkins this summer, they have not turned orange yet, but I’m hoping they’ll turn for Halloween. I love the colour on your photos ..

Alison - I can’t believe how expensive pumpkins have gotten over the years. I remember when my 10 year old was little we would pick out the biggest pumpkin and pay $5.00 for it! Now you get a tiny little one not fit to cut open for $5.00 and spend $25.00 for a big one to carve. We just go to our local patch to browse, take pictures, eat pumpkin ice cream and then we head to Wal-mart to buy the big ones. How sad is that?!

leah - love your site – have been reading for a year and a half now 🙂 had to comment on these pics – they look so cool, 70’s-esque retro. great filter/cloudy day/awesomeness!

alice - pumpkin patch shots are always fun! yours look great but that’s not really what i came to comment on….. i love your new topper! the watercolor paints sets bring back good memories here :O)

adrienne - around here, we have an honor system… pick your pumpkin and leave money in the can. can you believe it???

se7en - So Stunning, we don’t really celebrate Halloween in our part of the world but your photo’s make me wish we did!!! Have a fun weekend together!

BriBedell - Well our pumpkin patch this year was my Aunt and Uncle’s House! LOL they just “threw out some seeds” to see what they would get…well lets just say we got 40 free pumpkins! That the kind I like 🙂

Renee - Well the pumpkins will come and go, but the pictures you took are incredible (and lasting). It’s been raining here for too many days, and I’m still waiting to get the kids to the apple orchard. Hope I didn’t miss my opportunity. Is fall gone already??? xoxo

carissa... brown eyed fox - fantastic shots and WHAT a great place!
good ‘ol fashion pumpkin hunting! LOVE it!
so sad… we have no patches here… climate too harsh for ANY kind of growing! boo!
big disappointment!
menards was our pumpkin place! 🙂

adrienneK - such pretty pictures!too bad he wasnt there! we have a “pumpkin patch” here you can leave a donation in the donation box!! maybe you could have left some money lol

Aljolynn - I’m so jealous that you get to have fun in a REAL pumpkin patch. We don’t have those here in Hawaii. I think it’s time to move back to Boston. Or maybe the midwest? ;o) Love the photos.

jody - looks glorious. too bad wal mart won out.
we are off to go pumpkin hunting this weekend.
keep those beautiful pictures coming…loving the eye candy!

Suzette Mahoney - Great photos! We got our pumpkins at that quaint little Walmart too!!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Great photos. I love pumpkin patches.

Beth Ann - I have thought about bringing my kids to the Walmart or Grocery store, pose them in front of the sign that says “Hy Vee’s Pumkpin Patch” (Hy Vee is the grocery store) on top of the boxes of pumpkins and calling it ‘Our 2009 Trip to the Pumpkin Patch”. Between the weather and other fall activities we haven’t been able to carve out 2 hours to drive and explore one. Hopefully Sunday, no rain in the forecast….. otherwise it is HyVee this year.

Stephanie - I would have taken the pumpkins and brought the cash back later when he was around. Oh wait, is that considered stealing?

Melanie - At least you have the memories:) When you get your pumpkins and get them decorated, the kids won’t remember that they came from Walmart. LOL

Amber - beautiful!!! I love love love fall. 🙂

Summer - Your pictures are all that I love about fall. Well that and apple pie of course.

Starnes Fam - I’m having a hard time finding a FREE pumpkin patch in KC. I have, oh, about 30 pumpkins already in my house, so don’t need more….just a photo op and somewhere for the kids to roam. Would love to have a market there for other goodies to buy. So far, every one seems to have an entry fee of $35, which includes a pumpkin per person, that we do not need!

Kate - I love pumpkin time! The colors are so pretty. They are always some of my favorite kiddo pics!

Sharla - That’s sad that you didn’t get to pick them up from there. Looks like the kids had fun anyway!

elizabeth - I had NO idea pumpkins grew on a vine! Imagine a field of them and not a parking lot with faux straw. Oh, the glories of the country as opposed to urban life. Thanks for the beautiful photos! (And I am just kidding — I knew pumpkins grew on a vine — I just can’t remember ever actually seeing it!)

Ashlee Archibald - I loove pumpkin patches! those are all REALLY great pumpkins too!

Jen - So cute! I must know what font you’re using for your captions!!

Stephanie Carroll - Oh how I wish we had cooler weather so it would feel like fall in Houston 🙁
And I wish we had a pumpkin patch
Darn the city.

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