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i’ve been at the beach.

with some of my favorite people….
my family
chicago jenny and dave and their kids
and even more old friends came for the first day with their kids!

i love lake michigan.
a lot.

the beach was full of smooth rocks at the shore line this year.
so beautiful.

we dug and built castles….
and buried each other…


Erica is a photographer too!  it was fun to watch her shoot….
this was her shot…..


i love this picture.
it just screams simple summer fun.


very fun to have more girls to play with….



there was lots of football and tackling….
and screaming….

and hugging.




so jen and i thought we'd like a picture of us IN the water.
we got out there not too far and turned our back on the water.
we were POUNDED by a wave that we never saw coming.
it took us both out.
we were laughing so hard and the waves just kept coming.
i don't even like to get in the water…..let alone go under completely….i was soaked from head to toe.
it was hysterical.
kind of.



and then we were redeemed!
a lovely photo taken by erica of me and my jenny….who i am already missing like CAAAA-RAZY.
boo hoo.
10 kids and 6 adults for dinner….very fun and silly…that's the good stuff.

there was a wiffle ball game with the dads and kids while the moms cleaned up dinner and chatted.

then a camp fire with s'mores in the yard.
campfire songs in 2011….on the iPad.

the yard backs up to a bluff (which is a nice word for cliff) 
and down 223 steps is the beach. (ouch my calves still ache)
it's a pretty amazing place….the house itself is nothing special but the LOCATION is fabulous!

the moms….also known as the S'more Makers.
i hope you can handle lots of posts with LOTS of pictures.
cause i took like….a thousand pictures.
and this was only day one.  

we are home now.
we survived the 13.5 car ride back….barely.
at the end i thought about making a run for it at one of the gas station stops.
but then i remembered how slow i run.
NO ONE likes to be in the car for 13.5 hours….especially tired cranky kids…..and their mom who took dramamine so she floated in and out of consciousness all day long.

how was your week?
what have you been up to?
can you believe it's august??????

it's nuts.

happy monday people! 

Darius Cartmell - I bet you spelled summer as F-U-N that time! All of you had smiles on your faces. You took great photos as well. But I especially like the photos of smooth stones. It’s great that you had good photographers with you that time to preserve every happy moment. How are you all doing now? I hope you’ll have more exciting summers to share. Take care!

Donna Parsley - 13.5 hours? Ha ha, well, that’s not too fun! But that trip to the beach seems worth the time spent on driving! There’s nothing like a beach trip with family and friends. It can be pretty hectic, but the time spent having fun is so fantastic!


Kasey - Geez, now that looks like some ultimate fun. Totally jealous right now 🙂

Brittany - So fun to see the fun you all had! We too just returned from a Michigan vacation and did many of the same things: beach, family, & s’mores! I found your blog this summer and have loved getting to know you and your family. Thanks for sharing!

kauai kasey - Love me some lake michigan….but i don’t miss that heat and humidity right about now;-)
Hope all is well with you…..i have been mia via blog reading as well…but i always check in with yours.

Molly - oh meg it looks like an amazing trip! we want to go to michigan next summer….where were you? it looked wonderful!!!

michelle - LOVE your beach pics. so fun!!! you really captured all the elements. oh, and there is a slight chance i might actually get to meet you in person at Blog Sugar!!! 🙂 i’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that life isn’t too hectic around that time.

Staci - What fun!!!!!! Bring on those 1,000 pics!!! And yes, can’t believe it’s already August…kids go back to school in17 days..but who’s counting???? 🙂

JJ - Looks like the perfect summer day! Love that straw hat on you!

Kimberly Dial - I love posts with lots of pics. The hubs & I have been in Norfolk, VA at the Naval base visiting with our sailor son … didn’t spend much time on the beach but I did make it a point to put my feet in the Atlantic before heading back home. Looks like you & the fam had lots of fun … summer fun, isn’t it the best? YES! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - I love posts with lots of pics. The hubs & I have been in Norfolk, VA at the Naval base visiting with our sailor son … didn’t spend much time on the beach but I did make it a point to put my feet in the Atlantic before heading back home. Looks like you & the fam had lots of fun … summer fun, isn’t it the best? YES! Thanks for sharing!

Kristy - looks like loads of fun! great pictures and what an amazing location. can’t believe it’s august, crazy! school starts for us the end of the month, so i am going to suck every minute of summer left.

Kat - Love it all!
Ah you make me wistful for summer, as we are still in winter here in Australia. (always cooler here in Tasmania too.)
I LOVE the pics of you and Jen. Beautiful, the one in the water and the glamour shot, lol.
I think we need to get together with other family friends and make summer memories,although we have a tradition of going camping/shack with family and all the cousins (9 of them) have a ball for a couple of weeks by the beach.
Ah you are making beautiful memories for your kids and capturing them so well with your pics.

Sharla - Looks like so much fun. Love the “simple summer” pic and the “redeemed” one of you and Jenny. Can’t wait to see more!

Tiffany - Great picture of you and your Jenny. Bring on the pics Momma!!!

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Looks like so much fun! What a great time of year to enjoy it too! Your hat is adorable and that pic of you and Jen is fabulous! We have a beach getaway planned for October on North Captiva Island, FL…we can’t wait! Happy August!

beth - Great pic of you and your friend Jen. Oh, and the one of all the kids sitting down and eating while surrounded by 5 standing adults cracked me up. Isn’t that the way it is? Glad you’re home, looks like it was a blast. Makes me want to plan a beach vacation too. 🙂

nicki - So glad you had fun up here in the Mitten! I think I love that big lake more each year 🙂

ann - Great pictures! Love your hat. Sure looks like you have a great time! I’m back from 2 weeks in Lake Geneva, WI. It’s fun to be away but it’s nice to come home again!

julia - Fab pic of you and your bestie.

Nicole Q. - It all looks dreamy! The pic of you and your friend Jenny is perfect!! Glad you had a good time. See ya next weekend.

tara - love all of your pictures…so much fun!!!
Happy Monday~
We’re busy packing boxes cause we’re MOVING!
back to Georgia…near family.
yay for moving!

Julie - Oh my gosh…love the campfire songs on the iPad! That’s hilarious!! So very 2011! Great pictures, sounds like a great vacation minus the car ride. Love the picture of you with your sunhat on with Jenny.
Love your blog!

happygirl - Looks like a lot of fun. Warren Dune, MI was where I spent a lot of Saturdays. North Avenue beach was my FAVORITE beach when I ditched school or work. 🙂

Mindy Harris - chicago jen’s little guy is so buff! adorable. looks like a blast. glad you got to go!

Tracy - I’m jealous – please adopt me! LOL Great pictures and I can’t wait to see more! 🙂

Michele - Our family just got back from our annual trip to Lake Michigan and it was a blast. The area we stay in is near Montague, MI and it’s right on the water — not several flights of stairs away from the beach — just 8 steps down which we all really appreciate. Great friends and family, great weather, great memories of fun in the sun and sand.

Seriouslysassymama - I am so jealous. The weather looks great. It is 108 here in Texas. The lakes are even hot!

tiffany m gardner - I’m so happy your back to your blog! Today my kids started school. Okc school district passed year round school…so today they went. It is always bittersweet for me. I still have my 6 month old at home but I still miss my 7 and 5 year old.

sarahkc - so i am not trying to stalk (really, i’m not) but you showed the picture of your daughter the other day and i thought to myself, hmmm those stairs look a little familiar behind her. didn’t think much of it since michigan has so many “bluffs”. then you showed these pictures and the picture of you all eating and i thought that place looks really familiar… then you said 223 stairs and i knew it was the same place my family and friend stayed over memorial day this year! what a small world considering we are from arizona! just thought that was a random coincidence! love the blog and love all the photo tips too!

Doris - lovely post, great people!
wish I was there for at least 10 minutes 🙂

Barbara - love your pics!! we are headed up to Harbor Country in a couple weeks for our anniversary (Lakeside, Michigan)…. and we can’t WAIT!! my daughter has been talking about “baycation” all week 🙂
though… we only have 1hr 45min drive from Chicago…. 13.5 hours is nuts!! Good for you!!
can’t wait to see more pix 🙂

Cindy - Love the pics…especially the “redeemed” one of you and Jenny! Beautiful! I have a Jenni in Oklahoma whom I miss like CAAAA-RAZY too!!

the domestic fringe - I adore your pictures!
Glad you’re having a fabulous time.

Kim - So fun! Great pics – would love to know what area of Lake Michigan that is…looks gorgeous.

Tanya H - Looks so perfectly fun and summery!
I’ve been doing that all summer- taking more than 100 pics every day! 🙂 I started coming to your blog for your pictures so bring ’em on! 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A la mode - Oh my those are the best vacations EvER!!! Looks like fun. Happy August to you too.

Margaret - How fun! I’m really itching for a family beach vacation!

Ruth H. - I can really relate on the time spent in the car. We drive 25+ hours EACH WAY to visit our families each summer. My husband and I can only take so much time in the car, so we break that up over 2-3 days. Still, that’s 6 vacation days just spent in the car!!! I’m cracking up about the dramamine. My husband and I both have to take the stuff to survive amusement parks. We couldn’t figure out why we were always so mad at each other on the drive home from fun-filled days at amusement parks…..until we learned that a common side effect of dramamine is actually extreme grouchiness. Seriously!

Erica Hang - It was REALLY fun!! Thanks for letting us spend the day with you guys!

Trish - looks like fun… you should have called me and i would have stopped out and said hi 🙂 oh well, i know how vacation goes… lots of relaxing i hope. we are on vacation now… we are in north carolina, so i totally understand the 13 hour car ride 🙁 no fun!

alicia @ la famille - what a fun vacation!! we’ve never done one with other families like that, but such a good idea! oh what fun…bring on the photos 🙂

Jenn Thomas - I am glad you had so much fun! Though of you often this week what you were up to in Michigan. Hmmm always love going to the beach.
Guess what I’ve been doing – taking care of that sweet precious baby of mine. Talk with you later about the trip and when we can do pictures of Kennedy.

Katie - Looks like so much fun! What I wouldn’t give to be at the beach today!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Looks like such a great time! I know what you mean about all the pics. I think I overposted them in my posts about our trip to New England a few weeks back. We saw 5 states in one week, did and saw alot but somehow it was still relaxing.
We’ve spent the last two weekends at local state parks & gorges, hiking them. My calves ache too. But I told hubby if he keeps this up(taking us every weekend) I’ll eventually get my hiney in shape:)

Leadia Jarvis - Where did you go? I live in IL and want to take the kids to a Lake Michigan beach before summer ends….but I don’t want to do it in Chicago. Ick.

Laura Phelps - LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT….
Nick and I have been planning NEXT summer already…how we need to go back to the beach with a GROUP…because lots of kids, and beach, and camp fires with friends is just so fabulous.
This is the good stuff.
This is the part of “the journey” that reminds me to be still and relish the moment…that the destination is NOTHING compared to these glorious hours we spend among family and friends in the warm sunshine.
And Erica has awesome legs.

nancy - What a blast! I have been pounded so many times by waves. You would think I have learned my lesson by now. But, no! Inspired me to take the kiddos to the beach this week. You know you are too busy when you live 10 minutes away and have only been 3 times this summer. What a crime!

Shann - I live in Michigan Meg. I am about 30 minutes from the Lake. Isn’t it an enchanting place? I just love it. The picture of you and Chicago Jen is darling! I moved here a couple years ago and I cherish my time with dear friends from back home. There is never enough time with them, is there? Thanks for sharing your pictures. They are all fantastic! 🙂 Have a good day!!

Terrie G - Love your beach pics!! I’m working on some myself! LovE the beach!!!
Also loved your wave hit & run story….takes me back to living in Cali as a teen & doing the same thing with my brother. Can still taste the salty water! 😉
Bring on the Pics!!
ps…snapshop begins today! Thanks again!

Toni :O) - I live in Michigan and my most favorite lake in the whole world is Lake Michigan. It’s an absolute TREASURE in this state and I feel blessed to live here and enjoy it whenever we can! Glad you had a fun vacation and thanks for your tourist dollars…hah, we need it! Beach vacations are the BEST!!! Woot Woot! :O)

Jen Brandt - How fun! You got some wonderful pictures – as usual. Love the hat pic with you and Chicago Jen. Here? Busy, busy, busy week last week = SO appreciated a weekend with NOTHING planned. I actually washed windows and reorganized and de-cluttered the playroom. Woo hoo!

amanda - great memories, great photos of those memories. where did you buy your sun hat?

Holly - Meg it looks like yall had a blast! I cant believe it is august! My kids are starting school today! Today! They are getting ready right this minute! Its crazy!

Misty - Wow you’re looking mighty fine Meg especially with that tan!

Southern Gal - Looks like so much fun. We celebrated birthdays last week. My hubby turned 50 and I turned…2 years younger than him! We’re ready for our beach vacation. You’ve got me itching to get there NOW!

Bethany @ 3SonsPlus1...and... - Oh, and the wave…hysterical! 🙂

Bethany @ 3SonsPlus1...and... - I just got the best, campfire-high feeling while looking at all your pics! So much fun! The photo of you and your Jenny is beautiful! =)

Sima J - I LOVE posts with lots of pictures. I heart the first one! 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - So much fun! Looking forward to seeing more pics!
Gemma x

Ali - That looks like a lot of fun (well, not the 13.5 hours in the car bit, maybe).

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it was good.

bat girl.

football player (easiest costume ever!)



trick or treating with the neighbors.


half our pumpkins are rotten….gross….but still pretty all lit up.


the weather this year was gorgeous for trick or treating.
i don't know that for sure because i only went around the block…..
but it seemed nice as i opened the door to pass out candy.  

everyone gave me their butterfingers because it is my favorite.

my kids asked me today what we were doing for new year's eve.
not really on my list of thoughts right now kids!

i think my run will need to be extra long today.
but i would rather eat butterfingers and take a nap.


the winner for the Studio Mela Print will be tomorrow….November 2.
leave a  comment in the post below if you haven't already.


Wendy - LOL, my son & his cousin play football and they were also football players for Halloween. Yay for easy!

mel - super cute costumes! And, I will send you ALL our Butterfingers (yuck!) as long as you send me Reeces Peanut Butter Cups! 🙂

jaz - Hey she scored BIG TIME!!!

Renee - Love kids in costumes. So cute! My daughter was Dorothy, too. It was my favorite costume so far for her! Love the jackolanterns. We completely forgot to carve our pumpkins this year. Crazy?!?

lorel - I am probably the only one that would think this, but the pic of Annie and Sean reminds me a little of “The Blind Side.” ha He seems so much bigger than her. Glad you had a good Halloween!

stjerneglass - Ruby slippers! 🙂

Four Flights - ahhh, I had a Dorothy too 🙂 Love Bat Girl!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Butterfingers are not common here. We have Crispy Crunch…do you have those?
Similar but more peanutty-salty and less peanutty-candy-ish.
I love the pics of the kids and I love that they’re carrying the plastic pumpkins…love it!

Mrs. - Mr. has been out of work since February. That poster is practically a necessity here at our house!

Kerri - I love the look of your porch and street – oh to have sidewalks in our town….

Courtney Walsh - I love the picture of the jack-o-lanterns all together…so festive and perfect!! 🙂 FUN!!!

Kellie - Prettiest Dorothy I have ever seen! We also had beautiful weather here in GA. I stole all the kids snickers and threw them in the freezer for my rainy days. hehe!

aimee - eating butterfingers sounds like a plan to me! and i love that demented pumpkin!

Tracy Sharlette - Love the costumes! Esp the ruby slippers!! One of our favorite movies? You could do the whole Wizard of Oz main cast if your kids would agree….lol…I know I’m funny! 🙂

Lyndsey Bowman - My son plays tackle football too and he was a football player for halloween… No money spent= Job well done 🙂
~ Lyndsey

rosemarie - at least you remembered to carve pumpkins this year!!

Tracie - We only had a few trick or treaters, but the majority were teens and ADULTS! It was crazy. We give the Butterfingers to my husband and I eat the snickers! Enjoy the candy.

crystal beutler - Love your pics. Hope your kids had fun trick or treating and brought you home lots of Butterfingers. I go for the dark chocolate candy bars. 🙂

kayem - Love the colors of this print!!

Camelia - Beautiful! They are so cute and seem so nice to each other! So pretty!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We had perfect weather too. Great pics. You captured it all:)

julia - gimme some TWIX!!!

jennifer - Funny… the rot makes the pumpkin look scarier. Perfect!
My kids give my husband all their butterfingers for the same reason. Lucky him!

Sugar Mama - The pumpkin with the bow… perfect!
I also like the one with the eyes looking to the side.

Ann R. - Loved Halloween, glad it was on a Sunday, weather was beatiful, but am sorta glad it is behind us and now omg Nov. 1st!
Great pics!!

sara's art house - Butterfingers are my fave too! Cute, cute pics!

Niki - I thought of you as I dressed my youngest up as her favorite character, Olivia! Your bathroom makes me smile every time I see that picture of her!

kat - So cute! Love the pic of Talby and Sean walking down the street! We had lovely weather too. My little girls walked their little legs off. They were exhausted, but we had a wonderful time. Happy New Year!!! (couldn’t resist, so, have you figured out your plans yet? ;P)

Sandy - Love the halloween pictures and the prints you posted. I especially like the It’ll be OK…my best friend’s answer to everything when I’m feeling down. I love all of them though!! Pick me, Pick me!! 🙂

Rebekah - Thanks for reminding me about New Year’s Eve. We have a party every year and it’s time to get my invitations out before people make other plans! Your kids are cute. And I love that crazy headdress the little pink fairy neighbor girl is wearing. Very Bob Mackey! 🙂

Laura Phelps - Luke just asked me what day the Easter Bunny comes.

Kimberly - I scoured three kids’ baskets for a Butterfinger. Not a one to be found. I love Butterfingers.

Mary - Such sweet faces and forever memories. I do have one Butterfingers leftover from passing out treats if only you were closer.

Sally - Hi Meg,
I absolutely love your blog – have been following it now for a number of years. You are an inspiration as a Christian, Wife and Mom. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I’m a relatively new Christian and really struggled with Halloween this year. Our eight year old love’s T&Ting and we always spend the weekend with very dear friends. However, alot of people in our Church frown upon the event and I struggled between feeling guilty and not wanting to spoil it for my son and friends. How do you handle it?
Thanks Meg, would love to know your thoughts.

amy - We had beautiful weather for trick or treating here in Indiana too. Your kids looked so cute! I noticed that your oldest wasn’t in the Halloween pics. My oldest (15) wasn’t around much this year with the other 6 kiddos and it made me so sad! Would love to win the print! I need those kind of remiders everyday! Thanks for the chance.

Kimberlee J. - Rotten pumpkins are the scariest!

Crystal - Love, love, love that picture of Annie!! The one with the candy. You MUST frame that one!!

Grace - Memories being made—love it! And you’re right—Butterfingers are the best!

Tracy - Looks like a lot of fun, Meg! The kiddos look cute as ever and looks like they “scored” big! Love the neighbors cute kid costumes and Annie’s red shoes with her Dorothy costume – too cute! Enjoy your run and relax today! xoxoxo

Kerry - Oh they all look super sweet!! Love the Dorothy shoes 🙂 Happy Halloween!
Kerry x

Susan - For some reason the dog looked super clean? LOL. Pics as usual where great.Off to bed.Night Night from Nevada.

Gemma - I love their costumes and your pumpkins..they’re great!!
Hope you have a good day!
Gemma x

Ali - I love that picture of the two of them from behind – looks like you guys had a really good time!

Tressa Duerr - Meg,
We also had nice weather here in Ohio – no coats yeah! they just spoil the costumes- the sunset was absolutely amazing. It could not have been a more perfect night. Your kiddos are adorable! But I couldn’t help but notice the older two were missing. Only our baby went this year. It is kind of sad when they feel too old for trick or treating.
My daughter showed me this artist on Etsy and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for sharing your colorful view of your world with the rest of us. Your testimony of faith in Christ has blessed my life in many ways. I will never forget the story and pictures of the African children. I thought of them the other day when we carved our pumpkins that are now rotting on the porch. I thought of how much food we waste just for the fun of it. – dyeing eggs and carving pumpkins Because of your testimony, I was reminded of those children and said a prayer for them. God is using your life, your blog to show His love toward all of us. Thanks for being a willing vessel. Tressa Duerr

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i love fall.

this weekend was full of fall goodness.
the leaves finally changed.
the weather changed.
it was so nice to be outside and enjoy it.

the three youngest carved pumpkins with me while craig and the older two were gone.
we started with hot chocolate and homemade whipped cream.




then we got busy with the dirty work.
pumpkins are stinky.
but i am quick….i cleaned out two for lauren and scott if they want to carve one later too.
then helped annie and tably with theirs.
sean cleaned it himself.




we have them draw the face and then i do the cutting.


i love it….
but i am glad we only have to do it once a year.

and i love seeing them all lit up.

fall is my favorite.

Mary - I have a post coming on Oct 29th showing grown-up children carving pumpkins. Hopefullly, the tradition will live on and on for your little ones as well.

Caitlin - I hate pumpkin guts, but I do love the roasted seeds! This year I found Mr. Potato Head-esque accessories for my pumpkin, so I don’t have to carve it. He’s a pirate. 🙂

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I love that your little one still has a chocolate and cream mustache while she’s cleaning out the pumpkin.

Shelley - i just adore your life !

carissa... brown eyed fox - fall is my fave TOO!
yes indeedy!
and would you believe… we JUST had snow falling from the sky… just a bit ago! :O)

Lisa - Love this time of year too! We are carving this weekend, or maybe I am carving, lol…with only one teen left in the house we’ll see how that turns out 😉

Valerie - Oh such fun to carve pumpkins. Looks like it was very fun!

mel - Fall rules. Best season ever.
October rules. Best month ever.
I can’t wait to carve our pumpkins (Friday night!!)
There is nothing better than homemade whipped cream. YUM!
Looked like you guys had fun 🙂

linda@limein the coconut - Oh I remember those days with my four little ones carving scooping! Now I’m lucky to get one little one from the four!

Rach - I have to agree with you… Fall is my favorite too and not just because I am an October baby. I just think it smells better and it makes me want to be outside and it is orange and beautiful and I am starting to realize that I really need to live somewhere that actually gets a Fall! For now I will enjoy Fall through your posts so keep it coming.

karen - the squirrels got to 2 out of the 3 pumpkins…totally devoured!!
kinda funny!

Crystal - Looks like you all had loads of fun!! Fall is my favorite time of year too. We are going to carve pumpkins tomorrow night! We are so excited. I enjoy your blog so much.

Suzanne - Looks like fun! We usually wait until the weekend of Halloween otherwise, the deer come up to the front porch and eat them. At least I think its deer! Now I’m SCARED!
Happy Halloween!

julia - I LOVE that last picture!
So jealous that you can drink hot chocolate and not have to turn down the a/c (like I’ve been having to do).

Courtney Walsh - I can’t believe I have never carved pumpkins with my kids!! I think this year I need to change that!!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I did a cute pumpkin craft today with my toddlers. Take note they ARE 1 and 3…so it’s not glamorous..BUT they had a lot of fun 🙂 Older kids could probably do some really cool things with the idea.
I love Fall too!

Heather - so fun! i can’t wait to carve ours. we have to wait until the day of though otherwise ours get all nasty from the az heat. have a happy day!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Love seeing the photos of your beautiful family enjoying an autumn tradition together. Your sunflower craft (below) looks awesome, and the chalkboard/chore chart/inspirational quote is so cheerful!

Julie Weaver - We’ve got a pumpkin waiting to be carved with the help of the husband. I love the classic Jack-O-Lantern!
I also love Fall!

Dawn - I love this time of the year too. I can’t wait to carve our pumpkins. Looks like the kids loved it too.

janet - So happy to see you and many others are keeping that tradition going. We are empty-nesters too, but we’ve also still carved pumpkins. Partly for me, but all those little trick or treaters who show up at the door too.
I imagine I will still carve them as long as I am able.
oh we got the cheap pumpkin carving knives, they are kid safe, and mom safe too.

crystal beutler - I LOVE carving pumpkins. We didn’t do it this year which makes me really sad. They die in about 2 days here, which makes me even sadder. I can’t wait to see your kids’ costumes!!

jen smith - a little FYI to make your carving a little easier…we bought the ‘my safe cutter’ knives from pampered chef. they are $3.50 and by far the best knives we have EVER used to carve pumpkins. we take them to our carving gatherings and have to fight everyone to use our own knives! with these knives the kids can carve their own and i don’t have to worry about them hurting themselves. it’s fabulous!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Fall is so beautiful. The colors are amazing, aren’t they?!

Casey - I love Fall too! I just wish here in FL we actually HAD Fall. I still have my air conditioner running. Supposed to be about 85 today!! YUCK!

Gekakel - Fall is my favourite too; I love your post!

Julie - Whipped cream? Legit.
Pumpkin guts? Creepy.
Happy kids? Totally worth it.
But the pumpkin guts. EWWWWWWWWWW.
I am the degutter here too. No likey.

Lisa - Can I come to your house? I want some of that hot chocolate! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I always envy those who celebrate halloween in warmer climates. We have had our first snowfall already, although it has melted, so I’m fairly certain trick or treating will be in winter coats and winter boots… in the dark. Our pumpkins were carved yesterday too, but we did it indoors : )

*LuLu* - Cute Pumpkins!

Jennifer De Los Santos - Looks like fun. When we went to buy a pumpkin to carve, Kate insisted on getting a watermelon instead. She’s so stubborn. We’ll see how watermelon carving goes 🙂

Sugar Mama - I make my husband clean out the guts. I shouldn’t say “make”, but he nicely volunteers to clean out the guts because he doesn’t want to watch me dry heave for half an hour.
We still don’t have our pumpkins, guess I better get to that!

Laura Phelps - we were supposed to carve yesterday
too busy
but with good stuff
Halloween party at my parents
football game
I am loving this Fall stuff…last year in LA we went to the pumpkin patch in 90 degree weather!
This is so much better

Staci - We carved our’s two weeks ago bc I just couldn’t wait any longer….they have rotted completely now ;( I’m just not up for cleaning two more out again 🙁 Sooooo, we are just going to paint and bedazzle two more 🙂 I agree….Fall is the best….football and pumpkins and hot chocolate…DOESN’T get any better than that 😉 Well, except when the Sooners lose to Missouri ;( boooohoooo! But at least I’m not a Longhorn 🙁 Pooooooooooor Texas!

pam - Our nest is empty but this is making me want to carve one….hmmm, something really different…easy but different. Hope your week is grand!

Penny - Great pumpkins. This reminds me of when our girls used to do the pumpkins. My husband was the helper with that tradition. I always took them to the apple orchard with my Mom and we got the pumpkins. Then hubby was the carver while I prepared the seeds for roasting. Miss those days! Guess I will wait for grandchildren!

Holly - This is my favorite time of the year! I just love those funny toothless grins!

Gemma - Love it!! Yummy hot chocolates and carving pumpkins…great stuff!!!
Gemma x - How very cute! I wish we had that tradition

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Mine too.
October is the best month.
Do you guys roast the seeds?
I love that.
This year I saw a recipe for cinnamon & sugar seeds that I’m going to try.
Love Annie’s whipped cream mustache! 🙂

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my demo derby love affair.

many times i have thought about the derby and thought "what is the matter with me?"

"why do i love this stuff?"

it is the opposite of anything i like.

it's loud.
it's dirty.
it's crowded.
it's really hot.

but it's also….
a community.
a group of people that i grew up around….a tradition…of a small town kind.
the town where i grew up.
you know people and they know you. 
knew you when)

at the derby you stand in line to by your tickets and your high school bestie walks up and gives you a hug.
even though you haven't seen her in a few years.
and another one spots you in the crowd and waves and says "there's seats by us if you need some!"

it's like a big (redneck) reunion at the derby. 


at demo derbies you get to experience porta potties and purses falling in the dirt.
or mud flying into your hair.

but there are also funnel cakes.


and you can share them with new friends in the row in front of you….

you can sit behind a class mate you haven't seen in years and meet his son.
and talk about the good ol' days.
and how old you feel now.

the sun goes down.
the heat is gone.

it is a fun place to be.  
do you believe me yet?

at the derby you can climb under the bleachers…not too gracefully…to go buy a demo derby t-shirt.
i really did.

sean and talby were catching grasshoppers and naming them all steve.

and just before the final round there is a big fireworks show.
the music comes through through the crackly speakers  and everyone turns to watch.
i kept saying "really?  there is MORE?!"  
it went on forever.

i love the derby.
i love taking my kids.

it's old fashioned small town fun.

(here is our time a year ago….with video.)

have you ever been to a demolition derby? 

juicy couture bags - They looked so ridiculous with helmet heads walking around Wally World like Mad Max rejects. Another prime example of why there’s a website called People of Walmart =D!
So tell us Mechgogo, is it customary to shop around a store with your motorcycle helmet perched on your head? Or using it as a shopping basket to carry the BBQ sauce?

Valerie - Oh, I have to laugh. Reminds me of the “one-and-a-half winters” I survived living up in Minne-SNOW-tah as newlyweds seven years ago. I’m a Tulsa girl, born and bred, but we lived up there for a job transfer for my husband. That is a story in itself. But while up there we were introduced to demo derbies. Ha! We were so naive. We both were dressed in Ralph Lauren type summer wear, my husband had on LINEN even, haha, and there we were, surrounded by the best redneck folk EVER, and the mud was a-flyin’ into the stands and raining on our heads. And you know what? We LOVED it. And it is one of my alltime FAVORITE memories of our time in Minnesota ever. And now we are safely back in Tulsa. Ha. The End. 😉

Kristy - So bummed we missed the Demo Derby this year–Good times. Who is the classmate you were sitting by? Don’t recognize the head:)!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Nope I haven’t been but would LOVE to one day!! It sounds like quite a night : )
Gemma x

Genn - That does look like tons of fun Meg!!
I’ve never been to anything like that before.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a small town that had cool community events like that.
And now I want a funnel cake. 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - that just looks like a barrel of fun to me. i can almost taste that funnel cake. yum.
by the by, i made your meatballs tonight. holy stinkin cow. they are so good! woo to the hoo for church cook books. and everyone liked it. which is a minor miracle at our table. seriously, i had to make myself stop eating. your recipes are the best. that is all.

Chaos-Jamie - I wondered how you got such a good seat! I saw what time you went in and NO ONE gets a seat over there without camping out for hours.

Vera - No! But now I want to!! Maybe I’ll wait till my one boy is older than six months old, because he might have more fun that way.

Erica - Oh my goodness… I have been in Manhattan all summer and I miss Newton so bad!! Especially this and the bull blowout!!! =( thanks for the great pictures!! I know what you mean about loving the small town things though!! =)

Kelly - i haven’t been to a demo derby but when my husband and I were dating I went with him to a tractor pull in Missouri. Kind of the same I think. We had kettle corn instead of funnel cake but that is oh so yummy too. 🙂 I do think that all the wonderful colors at the demo derby are very “you”. Kelly

debbie - I haven’t been to a demo derby in years. You brought back a fun memory!

Margo - I love the demo derby! I have been going to them as long as I can remember – you described it perfectly!!

Lorie - I LOVE the derby at our county fair. It IS a small town kinda thing…but more than that….I’ve always secretly, even as far back as high school, been tempted to be in one. Just to let out my aggression. You all know what I mean! It would be a blast!

shelby - my dad raced locally (in Southern California)when I was a kid and every month or so at the end of the night when he raced there would be a demolition derby. I always got so excited when they would start wetting down the track with the water truck and my friends and I would bet which car would be the last one running. I loved it!

Juli - Oh yes, indeedy. Another closet redneck, here. I depserately tried to lose my Southern accent in college but it didn’t work.

Aimee - Hahaha, my husband and I name everything Steve. Steve or Jose. Seriously! I had this one burp he named Steve. He had this one rogue hair on his forehead I named Jose. Hahaha!

LibraryGirl62 - i LOVE the Demolition Derby! We go in the winter here cause the mosquitoes are HUGE on the edge of the Everglades in the summer!

Susan - Meg,
This has nothing to do with the demo derby, but I keep getting pop-up ads whenever I come to your blog. My other bookmarked blogs don’t do this. Is this an advertisement thingy that you’ve placed on here on purpose, or is there something wrong with my computer. It’s just starting to bother me, because I can’t always read through an entire post without one getting in the way. 🙁
Sorry to be a debbie downer, but I wasn’t sure if you knew about this or not, or if it was happening to anyone else.

Courtney Walsh - I have been to one ONCE! But I’m much more interested in the funnel cakes. lol
Looks like fun. And I love a small town! 🙂

Cheri - Oh my goodness…i have read your blog almost daily for two years, baked your food, copied your crafts…and never written, but just saw the demo derby photos and saw a Hillsboro sign in a picture….my daughter met a boy from Hillsboro while working at a camp in MO…… they are very much in love and you probably know his family…….hmmmmmmmm…any chance we could visit????

Tami - Wish we had something like this around here. My boys and tom boy girl would love, love, love this. Great family fun.

Taylor-Ann - Happy Monday!
Looks like a fun family outting. Here in So Cal we don’t get much of mud truck racing. I wish they would come a little more often so my inner country self could come out for a while.
Whats up with kids nameing every animal they have the same name. My son had a fish named “fil” when fil died we had “fil 2”. My sister as a kid named every fish she had Carla. I don’t get it. Did you ask why they named them all Steve? :o)

seb - I love the demolition derby too! We took our girls for the first time and they couldn’t stop laughing at the cars smashing into each other! We grew up in a small town with a demo derby and it brought back so many memories! Just wondering if you bought a “derby chick” t-shirt…my husband had to draw the line! 🙂

Janine - Love that the kids were naming Grasshoppers “Steve” I wonder if they know the old joke.
A Grasshopper walks into a bar. He sits in front of the bartender and asks for a drink. The bartender says “do you know they have a drink named after you?” And the grasshopper replies in great wonder “You have a drink called Steve?”
hahaha okay so it’s a lame joke but one I have always liked.
We have a demo derby not too far from me. I should check it out sometime. It looks like fun.

Dina - AHHHHH!!!! I just posted about my very first dd experience last week! EXACTLY! I don’t normally get into stuff like this either but I LOVED it! SO cool! I didn’t crawl under the bleachers for a t-shirt (I SO would have if they sold them) but for my kid’s sippy cup:-) What a blast!

Shannon - Did you grow up in Hillsboro!!?? My parents just bought a house there!

DogsMom - Saw the title and had to come visit. Around here they will demo anything – usually the end of summer is a big school bus demo derby.

melissa - i went to a demolition derby about 5 years ago with my best friend in michigan. it was at a small town fair. i loved it. everything about it. the noise. the people (there’s some good people watchin’ to be had at a small town fair!!). the food. i loved every minute!!!

julia - we don’t have crazy fun stuff like this in south Florida. We did go to a rodeo this year. It was mostly old people, which was a surprise.

Bec - my hometown has one at their 4th of july fair. I never actually watched, but you could sure hear it all over town!

Elise - Never been! But if they have funnel cakes, I’m sold.

Lee Ann - my hubby talked me into a truck/mud race thing at the fair this year. (not a derby, but a lot of destroyed vehichles.) I didn’t think I’d like it, but I ended up loving it. I did think of you several times because I know how much you love your derby!!!

Elissa - We used to do Saturday night at the races (small nascar track) a couple towns over from us. The used to run crazy 8s. and yes, I love it. And yes, the total opposite of most of what I NORMALLY love! Too fun! You’re making me want to take my kids…. I haven’t been in YEARS.

Katie H - Funny you ask….My husband is from a small town in KS also, I on the other hand am from a city. I had never even heard of these things until I met him. We now live in Tulsa, BUT still manage to go to KS every year to attend the County Fair so he can “drive” in the derby. I thought he would out grow it once we had kids, but that hasn’t happened. YET!!

Angela - I love it but then again I do love the small town things that make our town home.
I have a question for you, I’m a ding bat and can’t figure out how to follow your blog. I favorited it but I can’t figure out how to add it to the blogs I follow. HELP!

thewatergirl - The first time I met my (now) husband’s family it was at a demo derby in his home town. I grew up in a suburb of a big city up north and was OVERWHELMED and thinking “what have I gotten myself into with this guy? Where AM I?”

jaz - Fireworks at your demolition derby!?!?! HOW AWESOME!!!
The feeling of community you mentioned sounds like why I love the rodeo! I love that feeling 🙂

Sugar Mama - I haven’t been to a derby, but I grew up going to rodeos. Not the big fancy rodeos, but the small town ones… with funnel cakes! They were dirty, loud, hot, and smelly. But I loved them just the same.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I just posted on this. See…we live parallel lives:) I love the derby…good old fashioned red necked fun!

Amanda Jo - There’s a dirt track about 20 minutes away. I’m not a big fan of the dirt track races but I LOVE going when there’s a demo derby at the end!!!

Krista - Bumper cars for grown-ups! Don’t think I could deal with the mud flying through the air, though. Your kids will have awesome memories of these adventures!

Dana Banana - I’m a lifer. Love the derby of course, but really had fun watching the figure 8 races too. (I guess I am a little biased since my big bro raced and won 3rd) In the fig 8, four little cars lined up and 2 huge tires are placed one on each end of the arena. At the start, they all race in a figure 8, often bumping into eachother in the middle! They have several heats with the winners all competing at the end…..a HOOT to watch!!

Kim Campbell - Love it – that’s my sweet cousin Colby sneaking the funnel cake! 🙂 Great memories!

Anna Marie - I went to my first one last month. My brother-in-law drove a minivan in it…haha! I LOVED it and want to go back next year for sure. This one car, the SAME car, rolled 3 or 4 different times!!! We also had several fires! At the end of the show the guy who kept rolling “donated” his car to be smashed by two giant dozers. So fun!

amy - I love Demo Derby’s! That’s the one and only thing I miss about our County Fair (we’ve moved). Looks like you had a great time!

Laura - so long as your purse doesn’t fall in the porta pottie, it sounds good.
Anywhere where you feel welcome, and loved…where faces are familiar, and smiles are warm…where you feel you a apart of a community…is a fabulous place to be.
Then, throw in a funnel cake, a grasshopper named Steve, and fireworks, and can you go wrong?
Not to mention…GREAT COLORS at the derby! Anything alive and colorful works for me!
glad you had fun
You are a COOL, small town HOT chick!

Sonya - I’ve been to one at our county fair (Michigan) and *loved* it 🙂 And I grew up in a big city in southern California! Demolition Derbies are just plain fun!

brooke - I grew up in southwest Kansas (Liberal) and was a frequent derby-ite. Live in Wichita now, but would love to reconnect with my redneck roots. Need to see if there are any derbys close by.
Thanks for the fun post!!

Jill - I went with some girlfriends in college and we LOVED it! (same for us, you totally wouldn’t expect to have found us there!) We got tickets right near the front and had mud splattered all over us, it was so fun to just be rowdy and not care!

Lori - I have never been to a demo derby but this post makes me want to! I think if Richmond, Va has a demo derby it wouldn’t have the same feel since we are not a small town. Thanks for sharing..its like I was there…without the heat, the dirt and the noise…but also no funnel cakes! 🙁

Julie - Never been, but when we lived in Fayetteville, NC my husband took my son (age 3 or 4?) to a big monster truck rally with friends. They enjoyed it. The guys kinda went on the premiss of ,”when in Rome”…. 🙂
Nothing wrong with “old fashion small town fun”. Rather quaint and does make one feel “connected”!

Tam - I Love this post! It’s just as you describe it! We live in a small town with an annual derby. My husband comes from a “derby family”, they’ve been participating for generations. This year there were four generations on the track (officiating and driving). I love the atmosphere of our county fair, we run into people we’ve not seen in years, eat our annual allowance of “fair food” (funnel cakes, cheese fries with “carnival cheese”, and cotton candy) and cheer on various family members in each heat.

firefly hill - I have never been but totally want to go! I know my kids would love this…

Michelle - Australia - Funnel cake? Never heard of it. Please explain for us very confused Australians. p.s. Yes, we have demo derbies but it is just the funnel cake bit I don’t understand 🙂

Sophie - We don’t have them in England at all! But boy, I wish we did! Looks like so much fun (:

Linda - Can say this is particularly appealing to me but I do like action!! Thinking we may have to take in “The Buck” (at least I think it is a car something) when we get back; we’re looking forward to being back in the good old USA where quirky things are fun! My idea of action is auctions!

edie - I went for the first time a few years ago with my husbands’ family in a town near where he grew up and it was so much fun! And we didn’t even have funnel cakes. Add that to the mix and who could resist? This must be a midwestern thing but it’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t the brain child of a southerner!!
And the fact that you love it—makes me heart you even more.

Tracy - I have never been to a demolition derby but I love the small hometown feel of things so I’m sure I would like it to! I grew up in the country (in Arkansas) and so this is right up our alley – LOL Love the pictures and the fireworks and that funnel cake looks delicious! Have a great day, Meg and thanks for sharing! Big hugs! ;o)

Kat - The annual show at where my fiances parents live has a demo derby every night. We have been the past 2 years and it is so much fun! It is exactly as you mentioned. Corey sees so many people there that he hasn’t seen since school and it is always nice to catch up with them. But demo derby rocks!

Ali - Never been, but I so wasnt to now (my boys would be in car heaven).

Mary Beth - Never been, but I think my old 1977 AMC Spirit car is in one of your pictures!!!!! Love the midwest. No Place Better.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’ve never been… but you make it look amazing! If I ever have the chance, I am in!

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first day.




and 2010….

talby: 3rd grade         sean: 4th grade

scott: 7th grade                                        annie: kindergarten 

lauren: 10th grade

IMG_4540 IMG_4539

the first day went well for the four youngest.
craig stayed for breakfast and drove the sean and talby to school.
scott rode his bike.
lauren starts today.
annie is in the pm kindergarten.

she was dying to get there.
at 9:00 she said "WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG TO BE NOON!?!?'

we rode bikes to school for her.
we were 20 minutes early!
i joked with the school secretary "i've never been early to anything in the past five years have i?"
she did not disagree.
annie just really wanted to get moving.

i stayed with her for a few minutes until she said i could leave.
she was definitely nervous but trying to control it.
i love that.
she squeezed my arm and that was that.

i thought "i will lose it if i make eye contact."
so i bolted.
i went out the side door so no one would see me and get me to start crying.
i put on my headphones and took off running.
it's hot out there!

i ran home the long long way.

and my afternoon was very nice.

i think i am going to be ok.

cheap air jordans - The award ceremony took place in the state capitol building in Helena, about four hours from where we live. We just got home and we’re all a little tired, not only from the drive, but from the crazy week we’ve hadasdf.
To keep it short, Yasmine had surgery Monday, serious and scary at the time, but thankfully looking excellent now. She was just released last night, and insisted we make the trip.

Lisa - Meg,
I just dropped you an email but wanted to say hello again here.
Your bunch is so darling and I can see how ALL the first days are special for each and everyone…including mom.
My daughter just graduated from homeschool highschool and my son just started his sophmore year. He really misses his sissy, would never say so, but I can tell.
Glad you’re going to be ok.
Lisa - We are going on September the 1st. Good luck to your kids, they are beautiful!

Sally H. - You are so lucky to have 1/2 day Kinder. Here in TX we have full day Kinder, 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. I am sending my youngest of 3 to Kinder tomorrow, hope I don’t lose it right there in the hallway! Thanks for sharing your days with all of us, so fun!!

shauna johnston - lovely pictures – my daughter saw your daughter with the rabbit t shirt she begged me to ask you where it is from she so wants one. many thanks. Shauna Johnston

tasha roe - i sobbed my freakin’ eyes out when the boys went to kindergarten. sobbed. like embarrassing sobbing. at least it was in the car.
kudos for going to long way home!

Andrea from O-H-I-O - My “baby” starts full day Kindergarten on Monday. I have NEVER cried when the girls have started or my “baby” starting preschool. Like you, I always looked at those women like they were nuts! But somehow this seems different. I was telling the “girls” in my Friday Bible study that ‘the mom in me will probably cry and cry, but the woman in me will be excited!’. Like your Annie said, now I can sew, paint, work on the house, garden, go to the library, shop,…. But I will still miss my “baby” – my only boy.

Gemma - They all look lovely! I’m sure after a few weeks everything will seem like “normal” again : )
Gemma x

Beth - Cute pics. Love the pic of Lauren with Annie in the window. Pretty girls. Handsome boys. I have a friend who has a little boy named Talbey (spelled differently than your Talby) Really cute name.

katie - i’ve decided i’d like to try to be the first comment on your blog one day. that would be cool. 🙂

Kat - Oh bless, look at those beautiful kids.
My heart just aches for you, as I am terrible at letting go. (am such a sentimentalist.)
Its a new phase and stage for all of you and you WILL be okay.
Make sure you do one nice thing for yourself every day.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, you kids are beautiful. I LOVE the one of Annie peeking out the window at Lauren… you could write a whole story about that! 🙂
Proud of you for running. So proud. Great job!

AshleyAnn - Scott has a really, really great smile. Makes me happy just looking at it.
When I was in 10th grade girls were not that gorgeous.

firefly hill - The kids are gorgeous. Talby is the image of you!
Love your blog…

kelli - tears!! sounds like you are doing your job. that little one is ready to fly!

Janelle - My little girls are 2 and 4 years old – and I have to say, I hope they are not as beautiful as your Lauren when they are in 10th grade!! And yes, I said NOT – my husband will have a heart attack trying to keep the boys away! =)

krystall - Your oldest daughter is beautiful, and I love the backround with Annie watching out the window.
You are very blessed!!

Amanda - How fun to look back over how much they’ve changed from school year to school year…amazing, isn’t it?
My oldest is starting 4th on Monday and the 4 yr old is heading to preK in a few weeks. I’m sure that one will tug at my tears…and I can only imagine how I’ll be once the 2 yr old gets to school…I’ll be a mess! lol.
In the meantime I keep reminding myself of all the time I’ll have to be able to create and have a bit of me time. Hopefully I’ll talk myself into going jogging like you did 😉 (gonna take alot of talking….)

Mindy Harris - Lauren is so beautiful..ok all your babies are! Her owl necklace is fab!

angela - It’s going to be a great year! Your kids are precious…and blessed!

jaz - gawwwwsh I wish I had laurens thick beautiful hair and dark skin. She is so gorgeous and chocolatey isn’t she. What a heart breaker. Absolute stunner.

Jemm - Ok…I feel really feel dumb. I don’t know how it escaped me that you had FIVE kids. FIVE! I’d be crying too if my baby were going to kindergarten. That was so hard. 1st grade was the hardest though for me because it was all day. Your kids are darling. Lauren is so beautiful. You are blessed.

alamama - i didn’t realize that lauren is only a year older then my DD. she looks much older. talby is so beautiful!

Tam - …and their off! I’m glad the first day went well for the 4 youngest, i’m sure Lauren will have a great day too. My kids won’t start school for another 2.5 weeks. For some reason, I’m struggling with the thought that my oldest will be in 4th grade. I didn’t cry when either of them started kindergarten, I’m thinking I might with QB starting 4th grade. What is wrong with me?!?!?

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Your kids are so stinkin’ cute. I love that you document them on the first day every year. I’m gonna be sad this year. My youngest goes all day. What in the world am I going to do with myself??

Kimberlee J. - Trying to resist saying this…”Run Megan, Run!” Ha.

Katie H - It’s hard for me to even imagine your feelings right now, as mine are 2 1/2, 15 months and 1 who is still baking. Hopefully you are able to find the joy in your new chapter and spoil yourself during you new found “ME” time. Also, your oldest is absolutely STUNNING!! God Bless!

Denissa - Great pictures, it was fun to look back since I didn’t start reading your blog until this year.
My youngest started pre-school this week and I was a wreck! When he was gone it was the first time in 9yrs that I had all three of my kids gone at the same time! 🙁

Heather - Good for you mamma!

katie - lauren is gorgeous!!!! have fun shooing the boys away;) i also have a 3rd & 7th grader this year… plus a 1st!!! we go back tues. can’t wait!!

Dawn - My kids are the same grades this year too, except instead of a Lauren, I have a 3yo still at home. I’m so excited for our year to start on Monday.

Ana - I love the picture of the oldest posing outside and the youngest looking from the window!

Courtney Walsh - Oh, Megan. I know. I did the ball-baby thing too. Your kids look absolutely adorable and your photos are perfection! 🙂 I definitely think you’re going to come to LOVE those afternoons to yourself…and love having them all back home in the evenings!! 🙂

Beth - Seriously love that one of Annie looking out the window at Lauren! I can’t wait to work with Annie in art — I think that will be fun!!! And your other kids, of course are so great! Looking forward to seeing them again in art class too 🙂 Glad things went ok taking Annie the first day!

patti - i’ve been ramping up for weeks on how i’m going to feel with my oldest starting kindergarten and my youngest just about to turn 3 and start preschool. i think i’m going to be a mess on september 7th! school starts late in our district…but i’m ok with that…for now 🙂

Tara - such great pics…
lauren looks like she is so over you taking her picture. 🙂

Sara - sounds like you stuck to your plan!!! Lilly started Kindergarden this year too…she is with me at my school but in a different building. I have been trying not to be a stalker. ha ha.

Sandy - I was wondering why Annie was going to school barefoot. (just kidding 🙂
The kids all look great, as always. I especially love the picture of Annie admiring her big sister from the window. Gorgeous!

aimee - can you believe school starts so early this year? we started the 11th. your kids are gorgeous! and yes, you are going to be OK!

Taylor-Ann - That explains Shoeless Annie. Glad to hear the day went well for you.

Janine - Your blog never fails to make me smile. Your kids are beautiful and it brings back memories of many first days of school. Love Annie admiring her big sis going off to high school. School doesn’t start till after labor day here so it seems a bit early (and hot) and hot to be thinking about school just yet for me.

Kristi - Oh, I love how you have four years of photos! It so cool to look at how they change from year to year.

Tracey Garcia - LOL, I wondered why Annie didn’t have shoes on. Gosh the kids are darling and Lauren is gorgeous. I have one going into 5th and one starting kindergarten on Monday. We met the teachers last night. They seem very nice, high hopes for a great new year.

meghan - that picture of annie looking out the window behind lauren made me cry. it just made me think of little girls waiting for big dreams to come true. and big girls making their way in the world…making those dreams reality. it is really touching to think how far our littles come from that first day of kindergarten!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - So happy it all went well!
The younger 4 are such cuties!
And Lauren… she is just stunningly beautiful!
Hope it’s a great school year!

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I didn’t realize how close in age our kids were (I have one going to 3rd grade, two going into 7th grade, one going to be a senior, one a junior and my baby in kindergarten). Our kindergarten is full day. I’m going to have much more time on my hands to feel lonely…I think that’s what’s bothering me the most.
Great pics!

beth - Beautiful family, Meg! Oh goodness Lauren is just gorgeous!
Love all the pics and glad Annie was a great time going to school.

kim - Cute! I didn’t realize I had been following your blog so long, but I totally remember that post from 2 years ago. Time just flying…

Staci - I know you are going to be just fine 😉 And I’m glad your Annie will too 🙂 And of course, cute pics of oh so cute kids 😉 Happy Weekend!!!

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“mother’s day” (and any other semi-special day that is supposed to be a big deal)

ok…i know that if i do it…then many many of you do it too.
i try so hard not to have any expectations on "special days" so as not to be disappointed.
it's been my motto for the last ten years.
"expect nothing…be pleased if any little thing is done to celebrate."

but yesterday i was weak and i let that stupid holiday get to me.

my kids didn't even know it was mother's day.
they told me that several times.

craig took us to lunch and it was very good.
but on the ride there would it kill them to behave in the car?
just for one day could they be nice to each other?

at the restaurant could they
just for once not whine because they cannot get pop
because it raises our already huge $65 lunch tab to $80 if they all got pop.  
for ONE day could they understand that…or pretend to?  
or care about the money being spent?!

could they not run around the table?

is it too much to expect them not to wipe the paint off the window art?
or to take two huge brownies from the buffet and only eat one bite?
what about on the way home?
how hard is it to not hit your brother in the face and yell "stupid idiot!" for just one day?

is it impossible to tell your mom you love her?
or give her a hug?
apparently so.

and how about if i pass the camera…is it so hard to get three good pictures?
as lovely as photos of us checking our teeth for food is…
i would like some pretty ones.

there's an ok one….i guess.

i know i am full of complaints.
i know.
and i know that is lame and whiney….because really it was fine.
i liked eating there.
i am grateful craig took us.
but they acted the way they ALWAYS act…like as if it was a regular day.
and it wasn't.
it mother's day!

i did get to take a nice warm nap….but annie came in 3 times for really important stuff.
"how do you spell ms. kristin? i am making my birthday invitations" (her birthday is in november!)
"where is the tape?"
"mom did you hear my piano practicing?"

thank you for this shot….it's so pretty don't you think?
everyone wants pictures like this on their special day?  (that was a yum-o scone though….caramel!)

this is better….kind of.

a good one!

so here's the deal…i am the mom.
if my kids have little to no compassion…don't even think about another on their special day 
(birthdays or mother's day or whatever)
then guess who taught them that?
i hate that answer.
can't someone else teach them some stuff once in awhile?
why does it always have to be the parents?!

i took a super hot bath after the kids' bedtime last night and my mind was swirling…
(ps…thank you craig for putting the kiddos to bed by yourself…thank you)
i decided that obviously i need to be very clear with them what i want for them and from them.
if not…how will they learn?

not because i want gifts…i can buy myself what i want when i want.
although i really enjoy gifts…
but because i want them to learn HOW to treat people special.
whether it's with words or gifts or notes or acts of service….

even it's just for five minutes.


i am not unhappy.
i am not angry.
i am disappointed that by now….i haven't taught them these things.
and ticked at myself for thinking that it would just come naturally.

did i just ruin your mother's day buzz?
gotta be real here…that is why you like me…i think.
that and the fact that i am hilariously funny.


****hey…i just remembered something.
yesterday was better than the mother's day where i was peed and puked on.
so…that's good.
and better than the one where i gave birth to scott with no drugs.

and one more thing…typepad put a word verification thing on my comments…
i must have too much spam that it's necessary.
they said i can't take it off either….blame it on viagra spam.  it's not my fault!

Shannon - I love this! (Just found you via Marta Writes) I really like the idea of teaching our children how to take care of a mom on Mother’s Day rather than expecting them just to know. It seems so obvious now that you’ve said it!

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Is it warped that I’m reading this and feelin’ it… but at Christmas?! Great post and great comments. Thanks. I feel better after a rough week doing n doing for what feels like the whole world and knowing I’m supposed to stuff my own stocking and buy myself something special. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are awesome n hubby tries… I could never vent on my own blog so thanks for allowing me to highjack this! Feel free to delete. It was just good therapy to get it out!
Merry Christmas! 😉

Lori - I totally agree with you. You do need to teach your chidren to be thoughtful. This was the first year that I insisted that my husband make Mother’s Day special. I wanted the kids to make me cards and yes the cheesy breakfast in bed. It was nice that they recognized me. You’re right we have to teach them these things. Great post:)

Elizabeth McDonald - If you have not watched this is so funny!

Mrs. - I just want to share one thing we do with our kids.
When we eat out…we offer a choice of soda or…$1. The kids love it. They cash in (usually). The times they choose soda, we tell them they have to choose between soda and dessert (too much sugar).
I don’t judge, I’m just throwing it out there for you.

Marie de Paris - Chez nou la fête des mères n’ est pas encore arrivée …
L ebonheur respire profondement sur ce joli blog!

Liz Herron - I read your blog often and totally enjoy it. This Mother’s day was my first. We spent it at my in-laws and celebrating my husband’s grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary. We got flowers and a card for my mother-in-law. Half way through the day my husband folded up a piece of computer paper and “made” me a card. Oh well. I have been telling myself to not expect much in the way of gifts or surprises. I just find it hard to not get a little excited and anticipate that my family will treat me extra special one day out of the year. At the end of the day I know that I am well loved, so I suppose that makes up for it.

kristine - oh my! this is a lot of comments! i read this post earlier but still have been thinking about it b/c i’m the same as you, no expectations and then you’re not let down. but since i’m a planner, i’m already thinking of what to do for father’s day. yet i’m unmotivated since “my” day didn’t amount to much. any ideas? what are you going to do? can you do a post on what others are doing so i can get ideas and do something without having to put much thought into it :)then if it’s anti-climatic it won’t be like IIIII was the one up all night brainstorming…

leslie - i feel like i can soooooo relate. i’m 30 and this july i’ll be 31. after my 27th bday party it was hard not to expect another awesome bash but i moved from nashville to florida and now i’m down to 2 real friends. they’re a married couple with kids…
anyway, my one girlfriend and i both turned 30 last year only she had an awesome party in may….i thought, it’s the big 30 and maybe they’ll think of planning something like that for me even though i don’t really have friends…not very many single people here…
i was alone on my bday. i tried to act like i was having the time of my life alone…i even went to the beach and just enjoyed a day off of work. it was nice but i sooo missed having friends and relatives…loudness.
later that evening my married friends bought me dinner at olive garden. how thoughtful. i’m so selfish i guess. i mean here i was doing my best to fool my friend for her surprise bash…and i get a rushed dinner…bahhh…
sorry i just had to vent. it’s almost july again and i don’t want to expect anything and that sucks.
i think you’re a great mom. i hope if i do ever get the chance to be one, i wanna be one like you. i love your creativity and freedom to learn…
plus you have cute kids.

Karen - I had some of the same feeling on Mother’s Day. Thank you for your honesty.

Talia - I love that you kept your post about Mother’s Day so real. I spent my day with two stepchildren who totally ignored me. While I understand I am not their birth mother, I do cook, clean, shuttle them to/fro and attend all their events.
It made me grateful to my own children who presented me with a card w/comments that made me cry. (they are in college)

michelle vandepol - love this! was tempted to write on my FB status line on mother’s day “everyone, keep your expectations low” 😉
but love the point you made about teaching kids how to treat people specially 🙂

adrienne - my hubby began cooking the bacon for my “breakfast in bed”, then fell asleep on the couch while it was cooking… guess who finished it aND cleaned it up!!

Lauren - You are so honest and straightforward, and you say these things with grace. Thank you.

Karen Gerstenberger - Thank you for posting this. Yes, I do love you for your honesty – and your humor and creativity, too.
I had some of the same thoughts and feelings on Mother’s Day, just so you know you’re not alone. I did something really radical (for me): after we had my parents and Gregg’s parents and my brother and sister-in-law over for brunch (which Gregg helped me make, serve and clean up – and David helped a bit, too), I went to Seattle with friends to hear the James Taylor/Carole King Troubador Reunion concert. A friend invited me, Gregg didn’t want to go, so even though it was Mother’s Day, I jumped at the opportunity. Gregg & David went golfing, so they were happy, too. It was really different, but it worked.

jen smith - i think we would be friends in real life. those were my thoughts too. is it too much to ask for the kids to behave? for one day??? then, like you said, the finger is pointed at me. i’m the one that didn’t teach them to care for others. i’m the one that assumed that by caring for them they would, in turn, learn to care for others automatically. sadly that isn’t the case and i have three kids that call each other idiot and fatty and have had me contemplating more than once getting a fifteen passenger van just so they didn’t have to be near each other in the car. ain’t life grand?

Charity - Thank you so much for this post! I even read it to my hubby, who said, “See, we’re not the only ones!”. :o)

Queen Bee - I enjoy your REAL posts like these.
It’s the occasional reminders that even SuperMoms are human.
It helps to remind us all, that no matter how much we aspire to be Joan Cleaver, no matter how many Martha Stewart cakes we bake, no matter how many hugs and kisses we lavish our children with…. we are still human beings, still our own person, still just a woman who likes to be treated special once in a while.
Kudos to you. You are a fabulous Mom. Now get working on those kids. Maybe next week you take a week’s vacation, arriving back on Mother’s Day, being sure they are all aware of this fact, so they might be more inclined to give you some special treatment. 🙂

Tonia Hobbs - I just sent my girlfriend a text telling her to read this blog post! You are dead-on sister! We were wondering if we were the only ones suffering with Mothers Day Pains!

Sarah - “i am disappointed that by now….i haven’t taught them these things.
and ticked at myself for thinking that it would just come naturally.”
Ugh…knife in my heart. My Mother’s Day was filled with much of the same everyday fighting and whining and bickering. All day I wondered why my 4 year old and 2 year old and my husband were choosing to give me such a crummy day.
You are so right about teaching our kiddos to how to treat people special. I often get so wrapped up in the everyday mundane stuff that I forget I’m actually cultivating character in my children.
Great post, not whiny at all, and an incredible reminder of our responsibilities as mothers. A gentle reminder, not a guilt inducing reminder. Thanks. And Happy Mother’s day.

Toni :O) - Okay, I’ll just say how sorry I am for you..what a’s to better ones in the future. I count my lucky stars…my hubby is great and my kids were only a *little* whiny and annoying but for the most part, it was a great day!

michelle from six in the city - This is why I love your blog so much. You are so honest and say things that we can ALL relate to:-)

Gina Boswell - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Barb - This really hits home for me. At least your kids are little and they probably really didn’t know it was Mother’s Day. Mine is 21 and he barely acknowledged it. In fact, this was what I got: a text from him about something else, and tacked onto the end of it was “btw happy mothers day”. Gee, thanks. This was somewhat better than the year he totally forgot my birthday…until I told him the next day. Ugh.

Mary Beth - If I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done.
And it isn’t fun to be that person.
All The Time.

Christina - Obviously you struck a chord!! Your home is so normal…I know exactly what you mean about what gets taught (or doesn’t). I just realized the other day that we never sent out the thank you notes for my son’s birthday presents. His birthday is in January. Nor did we do Christmas, and we get very nice gifts. Sigh. It is so easy to feel like a failure. I guess if we didn’t have hope (especially in the Lord, and the comfort of being covered by his righteousness) then we would be goners.
Somebody still has to teach the manners, though, right?! haha
And my son told my daughter twice today that he hated her and would for the rest of her life. How is that for excellent parenting? Good anger management. 🙂 Tomorrow is another day (is that a good thing? hee)

julie - I had that Mother’s Day about 6 years ago – but it was mostly my husband’s thoughtlessness. I was heart broken. I waited a week to “cool” then had a “talk” with my husband. I explained that maybe his father didn’t do these things and I wasn’t clear in my expectations – but here is how it works. I expect a gift. Nothing extravagant – but a gift. I explained why mother’s day would be important to me – you know, being a mom and all. And then I explained this also applies to birthdays and anniversaries. (I totally gave a pass for Valentines Day – not important to me) I have never brought it up again and he has been on it ever since. Make sure your family know how you feel. Sometimes these things have to taught – even though we think they should just be known. (case in point – my husband!)

nicole - now* following. 🙂

nicole - oh and just saw that you have charity water on your sidebar! I love you already. 🙂 I’m not following.

nicole - ok this is random coming from a stranger but I have to say you have ADORABLE hair! just had to say it. lovely blog. 🙂

Sophie - you ARE funny!

Elizabeth - I strongly disagree with you!! I have been reading your blog long enough to know that you ARE modeling “love for one another and making people feel special!” You do so many sweet things for your kids and others. . . so do not blame yourself. I think even though your kids aren’t getting it now, you are teaching them and one day it will click.
I found myself yelling at my kids fairly early in the day and was so bummed that they couldn’t “hold it together” and be good for one day! So, I feel your pain!
The only reason my Mother’s Day is ever special, really, is because of teachers! They have the kids do the sweetest projects and I love them for that!!!

Michelle - I’m not a Mom yet, but I love your blog and I loved this post! SO relieved that you didn’t call any of the kids out by name … Some day, they’ll figure it out and the GUILT for this (and other things) will kick in. Sigh.
Though you say you’re not big on reading, I’m sure you’re an Anne Lamott fan — or will become one, especially once you read this:
Good stuff! I agree with so many of the commenters here – next year, celebrate with some fellow Moms 😉

Deputy's Wife - I grew up with an older brother and sister who both were in high school when I was born. They never EVER called me names. I always had so much fun with them when I was growing up. Even now at 40, they are a large part of my life. Our parents have been in a nursing home for several years. My siblings have stepped in and in addition to aunt and uncle, they are also “grandparents” to my three boys. I love them so much. But I digress…
Now, there are my three boys. Sometimes I am completely amazed at how they act towards each other. The names! Stupid, idiot, dummy, and so on! I told my husband that I thought they needed therapy. He said, that is sibling love. I honestly don’t get it.
I feel that I am not teaching them enough compassion for one another. This is my constant worry. Though, when I think about it, people at church and school comment on how well behaved and well liked my boys are. I guess that is something. Now if I could get them to transfer that to each other.
Thanks for your post. I think I connected with it on every level!

Beth - My argument is that the DAD is supposed to teach them how to treat the MOM on Mother’s day. I teach them how to treat dad on Father’s day, how to treat each other on birthdays, etc. etc. so Mother’s day is his job. You’re so right though, that when it upsets me the most, it’s usually something that they should have learned from me and I didn’t do a good job of teaching/communicating. Sigh. We do our best though, and although we should always aim high, sometimes our best is enough.

colleen - Hi Meg- My Mother’s Day was spent on a plane with Ellie (my youngest) heading to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for her 3 month check-up to ensure she remains cancer free. My 13 year old daughter was back at home with her grandparents and my husband was driving the 14 hour trip from Richmond to Memphis so he could be with us while Ellie received her MRI and we awaited the news of whether cancer returned to her brain or if she was still on the path to being cured… (got the news tonight – God continues to heal her…CANCER FREE!!) It wasn’t how I would have liked to spend that day but I couldn’t imagine not being there with Ellie on this journey. So much has changed in our life over the last 2 years and we are just so thankful for all the good. I don’t why I am telling you this much but I know you are thankful for all of it too. You are an amazing mom and I love that you keep it real and tell it like it is. We all live that life – nothing is perfect – it doesn’t exist but only for moments at a time…love each day, try your best, thank God for it all and pray you get to do it all again tomorrow.
Happy Mother’s Day! -Colleen 🙂

Liz - Um, let’s talk about your top/dress/whatever {Ca-ute!}, and your gorgeous hair . . . oh wait, that’s not what this post was about. Sorry.
So, I do the same thing. I try so hard {so very hard} not to expect too much. Then I’m not disappointed, right? *But* I wind up expecting too much every.single.time. Yesterday definitely had some good points {sunshine, yay! And my sweet girls who were so thoughtful to me}, but it was also full of sickies, bickering, and a little bit of being made to feel like “why do we have to celebrate all of these silly holidays?!”
Anyway, all that to say . . . I get ya.

Hannah - Meg, thanks for being so honest. It’s so refreshing.

kelly - It is one of those days that we want to be special, but since we are the only ones in the family that are mothers, well, no one else really gets it.
I’m sure you are teaching them well, I think that you can’t appreciate Mother’s Day until you become one, That is why most men don’t get it either. There, I said it.
But even so, we know they love us!

Sara - Thanks for your sweet comment on one of my recent Derby posts! Happy belated Mother’s Day!!

Meg - well…some of it I think is an age/maturity thing and some of it is a personality thing. and then some of it is what you teach them and what they see. i’m saying this coming off a mother’s day spent with my mom and two teenage sisters (i’m 25 – they are 18 and 16 – yowzers). we do really all love each other. sometimes it’s just harder to tell than others… the older we all get, the better i think (hope?) we all behave. although my mom might argue with that! 🙂
when i say some of it is personality … my middle sister is super self-absorbed (i say this totally with love) and always, always, always wants to get her own way. my youngest sister is always more concerned with what everyone else wants to do and she likes to keep everyone happy. i’m the oldest and i always feel like more of the child rangler – making sure everyone gets along, mediating fights, changing the subject… but it works!
i guess what i’m saying is – don’t worry, meg. don’t be too hard on yourself or your kids. they seem like great kids and they’re still little! and you seem like such a cool, great mom – honestly, if/when i have kids, i hope i can be like you! they’ll figure it out, it just takes some time!

Andrea from Orlando - Thank You!!!!!!!!!

Molly - I think my day was an exact replica of yours 🙂

Beth - Girl, I’m with you. While visiting my parents…my mother was sick and staying in bed all weekend. So we skipped church to go to in-laws….she wasn’t really expecting us…went to lunch at mc donalds, because hadn’t planned on eating out and everywhere was packed and our kids were starving. Cranky all day. 🙁 I will do better next year and try to make stuff more special.
PS. You read all these comments…wow to you!

Seleta - Thank YOU for being real. Yes, that’s why we like you.
You just described my day – except at one point I excused myself to get away from arguing kids. I literally got up from the table from lunch and walked away. Tried reading an old magazine in the living room. Nope, they found me. Later we regrouped and took them to the beach…they bickered there too. Then spilled most of their picnic in the sand and cried because they were cold from playing in the water. After they went to bed I had a pity party for myself…but tried to start all over again today.

Andrea from O-H-I-O - My Mother’s Day:
Husband at firehouse, 5 yr old son sick with hacking cough, 8 yr old wanting to go to church (but can’t have 5 year old son with hacking cough), 10 year old with science fair project due next day (which, of course, is NOT completed).
Day Before Mother’s Day:
Gave instructions to husband: please work on science fair project some and clean some – would make my day! I went and got hair cut (much needed) and to a special place for lunch (north market- columbus, ohio- best tiramisu EVER) and went to a new yarn store and a new fabric store (places you cannot take 5, 8 & 10 year olds) and hunted down two bat bags and new toothbrushes (8 year old been asking EVERY day for a week for a spin brush). Got home around 7:30pm to find: no science fair done, no cleaning done (not even normal Saturday stuff), kids taken to library but books that cannot be renewed were not taken back or looked for… Me UPSET! I usually don’t expect much and therefore am not disappointed and may be surprised but I left specific instructions! Sigh!
As I said above on Mother’s Day – husband at firehouse – CONVENIENT!

Laura Phelps - mothers day doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work because the idea of mom getting to be “off duty” means that everything STOPS.
Sure, dad can step in.
And he usually does.
But it is not the same.
I also believe that children KNOW what we want.
But they are…well..children.
And we do teach.
And they do learn.
And they do behave, and make us proud, and care about others.
Just not on OUR day.
ANd now I will stop writing, because my children are fighting…
my mothers day?
I go out with girlfriends.
No husbands.
No children.
Lots of bloody Marys.

kris reid - meg- i love this- because i get it- i get it daily! that “what is there problem?- why can’t they get it together!”- oh right- they learned that from me– opps
“why can’t you be loving and talk in a soft voice?”
oh yeah- and why can’t i stop yelling about getting your socks on?
but it’s so much easier to say then to do- it’s so much easier to forget that we teach with all senses not just words. thanks for your honesty!

Kellie - Thats funny, I felt the same way. We traveled 2 hrs one way to meet my husbands mother for lunch. My almost 4 yr old decides that he has to pee every 10 min and scope out the place. CRAZY!!! On the way home and absolutely no entertainment for 3 kids that have had Dr. Pepper for lunch I decide to have a Mommy nap. I do deserve this right? NOT! Didn’t happen. I was ill. Got home and new we were having company and the house was wreck. Excuse me if you heard me all the way from GA. Then I cooked my own supper. Taco Night. Shredded cheese, cut lettuce, browned ground beef, heated taco shells, cut tomato’s up, and put all of this in the lazy susan for everyone to to devour before I even got to the table with their drinks. I so wanted to scream. So after supper I told Mother very loudly to stop cleaning, that we had already cooked our mothers day meal and we AIN’T cleaning. I don’t care if it is a word or not. And yes, he got the hint. I ended up getting a chocolate waffle cone from Bruster’s too. How sweet! Whatever??? Ok, now I am done. I couldn’t let you feel like the lone ranger of witchen. Just keppin it real.

elizabeth of course - I had a crappy day, too. for about the same reasons. Stupid holiday 😉
Thanks for making me feel not alone.
If I read one more “oh-this-day-is-wonderful” post in my google reader, I was going to puke.
or break something… LOL

kristen - Sorry for your bad day – your hair looked really cute!

Tara - is this the meg that put together gifts for her kids for each of the days she was away in Africa…or the one who did a week of fun Christmas crafts?? Ummmm…I think you DO show you kids how to make people feel special.
And you know they are just kids. And then one day they will suddenly become Meg Duerkson and you will be SO proud and realize all that you did right.

Musings Of A Gem - Wow you have a lot of long comments! I’m not a mum but I have been with my mum on mothers day when things are very similar. I think all kids are the same!
Gemma X

Suzanne - We mothers are so darn hard on ourselves! Thanks for saying what every Mom is probably thinking to herself…expectations too high?
Expecting to be treated like a queen for a day when we give so much all year?
Ummmm YES!
Love how you keep it real Meg. xoxo

JustMommer - Amen Sister, you’re preaching to the choir. We were supposed to go to Olive Garden for M Day, but when we got there it was too early to hang out for 15 minutes and go have lunch. Soooo, we went to Best Buy (guy store) and by the time we got back to Olive Garden the wait was 1 hour. I knew it would be busy, it’s always busy plus it was M Day. Rather than listen to the wait grumble we went to Red Lobster where we could be seated immediately. I know, still yummy food, but not Olive Garden. Red Lobster = Father’s Day.

Kacey - So sorry your Mother’s Day didn’t turn out so well. I just shamelessly reminded my little ones (and my husband!) all day long that it was Mother’s Day. Hope your next one is tons better!

Heather R. - Laughing with you…not at you! Ugh, the ice cream truck is here right outside my driveway. At dinner time…good times. Have a great day after Mother’s day :)! ~Heather R.

Val - Meg, I can feel your disappointment, but selfish little beings that they are, kids are kids. Eventually they’ll get it right! You just have to remind them for a week or two that Mother’s Day is coming up.
As well, the one to train is your husband! He’s the one to make sure the children make the cards, behave themselves for Mom, etc. I used to lay down the rules before we set into a restaurant – no pop on the day, no running around, no fighting – and if they didn’t comply, no TV!

laura r - Ha! Right there with you 🙂 My kids were the worst behaved at Church they have ever been and my husband’s attempts at quieting them down only made them louder. Friends sitting a few pews away kept looking over, obviously wanting to help, but being afraid their efforts would only add to the din my children were making already. It was mortifying 🙁 I watched the kids while the hubby mowed the lawn, then went out for some alone time which was interrupted 30mins later by hubby asking me to bring home something for dinner. At least we had cake and ice cream for dessert 🙂
I loved the post on crafty crow about doing mother’s day gifts with your kids for yourself. It’s true, you will be teaching them what traditions to carry on for that holiday, so you may as well teach them what you like to get! 🙂
Maybe you can get a redo? 😉

Alisa - Meg,
Don’t forget that it was you who posted that lovely message for your own mom. Did your kids by any chance see that? You are showing them how to treat you as a mom in the way that you treat your mother. Many of us have had similar Mother’s Days. Last year my kids wanted me to have breakfast in bed, so they came into my bed with THEIR breakfast. Chocolate cereal and all. Needless to say I spent the rest of the day washing the sheets and cleaning the bedroom.
You have taught them how to treat someone nice – they just forget because they are kids and children always think of themselves first. If your kids ever write for you what you did for your Mom yesterday, then you know you have accomplished what you set off to do.

The Lady of the House - I just love Annie’s bangs – she’s stinkin’ cute! (that is Annie right?)
Well girl, bummer! Sorry that you didn’t feel like the Queen you are – but hey! Kids will be kids and I think even at 26 my middle sister didn’t even send my mom a mother’s day card but I think she at least called her but wait I don’t even know if she did that actually, I digress…
Atleast your hubby pulled through for you and…
I loved the pics of you checking your teeth – too cute.

Anna Marie - I loved this post. I was just thinkin’ of you and Ashley Ann. I just heard about all of the nasty weather in KS and OK. Hope you are okay. Take care!

Diane - You are way too hard on yourself. Your kids are still kids. You are still ‘mom.’ I would be suspicious if they were too well-behaved. So far, it looks like your kids are genuine and sincere, healthy and energetic, and connected to their family with strong relationships. I love the pictures. They say so much more about who your kids see than a perfect pose might offer. Looks very ‘loved’ to me.
For years, I said a brief prayer over my kids before school. You know, May God go with you . . . Then one morning my sixth grade daughter, instead of rolling her eyes, responded with, “I love you, too, mom.” Wow! She cut right to the heart of it.

Camala - I seriously don’t get how they didn’t know it was mother’s day! Didn’t they make something at school? I am a teacher, so I am flabbergasted as to how they acted like they had no idea??
I have learned that being direct is the only way to go. No one knows what you want (that goes for how you want to be treated, not just gifts) unless you make it clear. Some people need as much explanation as you can give:)
I don’t comment often, but I am so sad that so many of you had a bad day yesterday. Here’s to a year of preparing our families for the next Mother’s Day:)

Jacqui - I’m starting young! they’re 2 and 4 and I told them all day that it was mothers day and what happens on mothers day – no fighting, no whining, no crying and lots of I love you and hugs for mum who is queen for just one day …. i repeated this over and over and over and I think by the time they are ten they will now it by heart and i would hopefully have created a wonderful mothers day for the future!

Dee - ohhhhh i feel so much better…. i reall y think they should do away with these holidays. they are only a set up for a let down…

Susan - “Her children arise up and call her blessed”, Proverbs 31:28. Your children are still in the growing process but one day (I promise this is true) they will recall all the special days that you were their mother.

`Kelly - I totally get this. My Mother’s Day was really great but I get this in an everyday sense. People think I’m crazy to take my kids to the grocery store in the middle of the week when I could go myself if I waited two more days. But if I don’t do it, how will they ever learn how to behave in the store? That’s my job as their mom right? It’s hard sometimes but it’s good to do hard things. The outcome is always better than going the easy way. 🙂 Thanks for keeping it real!

ann - Hi Meg,
I have high expectations of myself, of others…I think too high sometimes so I end up feeling disappointed…I need to change how I think!!! I need to focus on what I did accomplish not what I didn’t accomplish. Likewise, what the kids DID right vs. what they didn’t do. I also think it’s funny that you don’t see how awesome you are! Happy Mother’s Day to one lucky lady. Even if your kids may have bickered in the car etc., you are still doing a GREAT job. Love your hair, too!!! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - OH man! I feel so bad for yoU! seriously, my day started off good, but then the girls got crabby and they “almost” ruined my day by being sassy, but then I had them re-check the attitude (which we left home) and we went out to the forest preserves for a nice walk and out to lunch at Panera. So I know what you are talking about, seriously!
so sorry!!! but yes, you are real & funny and I love that!
and your blog! great pix by the way! tara

Michelle Whitlow - oh how I love seeing posts like this! Not because I want you to feel unloved on Mother’s Day but because all of us moms have felt that way. You know, except for those perfect moms who blog and have a perfect husband and perfect kids and a perfect life and they poop out flowers & butterflies. Oops, did I say that out loud?? I think this year was the first year when I really feel like my kids made me feel like I was important. Oh sure, they still argued and whined. But their presents this year were very special & heartfelt. And my husband, after being a parent for 8 1/2 years, just may be starting to “get it”.
…but talk to me next year, I may have a different story to tell!

Ann - You didn’t ruin my buzz. In fact, you made my day. I cried several times yesterday, mainly because I felt guilty about how sad I was that no one in my family did anything to make it feel like a special day. I’m not looking for anything extreme or expensive, but like you said, how about less screaming or punching, or fewer dishes in the sink. Thank you for being real in your post.

Diane - LOVED the post. So very true for so many of us. I tried to lower my expectations as well. It helped but still the lack of thought is beyond ridiculous.
Anyways, yes, if we don’t teach them this now it only gets worse. My sister has paid the price and now has 2 daughters who don’t do what they should. I tried to help out a few years but what you don’t teach them they won’t know. And yes, it is heartbreaking to teach them them to honor, respect and appreciate you, especially on this day, but they do have to learn it.
Thanks for the pictures of your family – cute kids! I don’t always comment but I LOVE your blog!

krystall - hey at least you got to go to lunch. I got up early with the kids while my hubby slept in and of course my kids forgot. So when my hubs finally made it downstairs he wished me a happy mothers day the kids “oh happy …. mom”. Real special!!!
No muffins, cards or flowers I was supposed to buy myself a gift.
So my day was spent crying and trying to figure out how I let my family get to this point of taking me for granted.
We need to declare a “do over”!!!

Alisa - Thank you so very much for making me not feel alone in my feelings. I hate that my 16 year old can’t manage to say happy birthday or happy mother’s day to anyone in our immediate family. She apparently thinks it isn’t important unless it it’s for her. Ticks me off and I’m pretty sure she didn’t learn that from me because I have done everything to teach her the opposite, but somehow it doesn’t matter.
Thanks again…..great post!

Maggie Rose - I think it will get better when the kids are old enough to realize what a good thing they got! I don’t have kids yet but I do know now what an awesome and amazing mother I have. We took her out to brunch. While we were waiting, a toddler started throwing a tantrum and the mom was fussing over her while the dad stood by. My mom was GLARING at the dad. “It is mother’s day! That dad should be the one taking care of that! Let the woman enjoy herself!” she kept whispering to me. I’ve also learned the importance of nicely wrapped gifts (however small, the wrapping is important!) and a card that actually SAYS something. I’m 25 and happy now to spoil my mom a little bit! But I still think when I have kids I’m going to take Mother’s Day as a girl’s day, hang out with my girlfriends and leave Dad at home to watch the kids.

Karina - You are not alone!
My husband and oldest son drove off in the afternoon of Mother’s Day to find me some flowers. He came home with a sad-looking bouquet that included three dead roses (no un-dead roses in the bunch). He said that was all that was left.
While he was out, my other children were napping. Or so I thought. Imagine my surprise when the doorbell rang and a stranger asked me if I knew my other son was two blocks down at the park by himself in his pajamas?? She thought he looked lost and had him walk her to my door. He had snuck out of the house while I was rumaging in the basement for wrapping paper with which to wrap his birthday present, for his fourth birthday, which is tomorrow.
And I get tons of Viagra spam every day.
So you are not alone at all.
Happy belated Mother’s Day!

Sandy - Love you for keeping it real and for saying what most of us are thinking & feeling.

Christy - My request for the day was breakfast at my favorite diner, my car washed by my 2 guys & a late lunch at the park with my extended family (mom, sis, their families, etc.), easy clean-up. I got breakfast which was very nice, although the rest of the day was hectic & all the “mom’s” ended up preparing all of the food & no picnic, I ended up hosting at home, as usual. 🙂
Sorry your day wasn’t what you expected, hope next year is better. 🙂 As always, I love that you keep it real!

missy - SO GET IT!!!!!!!!!! I was going to post a very similar post, but decided to stay pretty neutral since my hubby reads my blog……..don’t want to seem ungrateful. But yes….have no expectations and no disappointment? NO…have no expectations and still be disappointed. such is life. I like that you said we must “teach them” to treat people special. I make a huge deal out of all occassions/holidays…… think the kids/hubby would get it…… 🙂 You are hilarious and funny…..and real. I get accused of that too………I have never commented on your blog, but do read it often……

Amy - I love this post. I love how real you are. It made me think of what I’m teaching to my children…I think it’s time to do some loving on others and sacrificial gift giving. You are an amazing woman, thank you for sharing your not-so-ideal Mother’s day with us!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Loved the first picture. Who took them for you? Great post. Made me smile. Then it made me hungry.

merlin - Who knew that there are so many of us!!!!
Wow, I have to say thank you again for writing this post. Now, instead of feeling alone, I might persuade myself that this is “normal” since there appears to be enough of us for a club. I still want to work on things being different, that will start with me. I love being a mother nearly 364 days of the year, it’s Mother’s Day that is the most tricky day. I never thought about the issue of expectations, but now I think everybody in the family must be feeling the pressure of expectations and trying to be on their best behaviour…..there must be a better way. Be sure to write about that, when you have it figured out!
You are a huge blessing to me, thank you again.

shelly - Hmmmm…where you a fly on our wall yesterday?!? The boys remembered and made me some pretty nice things, but 2 seconds after I hopped in the shower WW3 broke out…really all I want is a nice shower…is being able to shave Both of my legs too much to ask for?

Dani M - Wow. I could have written this myself. Only not as well and with much more whining. So glad someone wrote about a less than perfect day, makes me feel a little more normal. Apparently I’m not the only one who has some training to do with the children.

Lynette - Thanks for posting a real post. I thought I was the only one who had a day like this. Hubby tried so hard to make the day special for me, but I guess kids have different ideas. They really think life is all about them. I guess I have more training to do.
Your pictures are awesome – it really put a smile on my face today. Thank You!

se7en - You stole the post right out off my finger tips – still got to get my kids to bed!!!! but man… Amen and Amen…. should I say it again… Amen!!!

Kara - I love that you are real, too. 🙂 Sorry that Mother’s Day was rough…I have been there, I think we all have! (Birthdays are normally the worst for me, I always have really high expectations.) For what it’s worth: 1) from what I’ve seen on the blog I think you do a great job teaching your children and 2) you looked super cute yesterday. 🙂

Liz - WOW! This sounds EXACTLY like my Mother’s Day! At one point, when my husband was telling our entirely too cranky almost five year old that “today is mommy’s special day”, her response was “Well, when is MY special day?” I looked at her and lost it: EVERY DAY! EVERY DAY IS YOUR SPECIAL DAY! BECAUSE EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR YOU AND YOUR BROTHER. AND WOULD IT KILL YOU TO BE NICE JUST. THIS. ONCE?
Apparently it would have killed her, since the day did not much improve after that. Well, except for at night. When my husband and I put our kids to bed EXTRA early so that we could have some quiet time.
I’ve been telling myself a lot lately that I need to readjust my expectations,… so that they don’t often lead to disappointment.

Amy - No buzz kill here! Just sentiments exactly as I would write them, if I would take the time, which I won’t because I don’t want to give yesterday any more thought.
I guess I need to be a better mother next year so my family can thank me for it 😉

Tere - First, happy belated mother’s day!
This reminds me of what my mom tells me when I complain of how my kids act, “you created them and made them who they are”. Yeah, I know, thanks mom 🙂
Try this on for next year: There are about 8 “moms” in my close family (sisters, SIL, mom, aunts). We spend the morning with our family, then we go off to do a mom thing together. Yesterday we met at 1pm at my aunts house (no kids, no husbands). We sat on the back porch in the sun. Ate salads with yummy blue cheese, walnuts, chicken, apples (the kind my kids won’t eat), sipped wine, ate good bread, yummy dessert. Laughed a lot. Then came inside and watched “It’s Complicated” with Meryl Streep on the big screen. Laughed some more. Then more wine. Home by 7pm, relaxing.
Then back to the real world. Complaining kids, laundry, preparing for back to school.
It was a great 6 hours though 🙂
You are doing a great job Meg. We are mothers, doing the best we can in any given moment, with what we have. It’s the hardest, most rewarding, important job!

Melissa Gruber - you didn’t kill my buzz…mother’s day is over rated in my books. my girls were driving me nuts and acting crazy! just for one day i would like a little peace and quite, but that is okay.

marci - thank you for putting down what i wanted to but didn’t have the guts to.
you are funny and real…i like those two qualities in a person.

Stina - I’m sorry your Mother’s Day wasn’t all you hoped for either. I have to say that I was very disappointed in how mine turned out. My husband got up at 8am for all of five minutes to ‘feed’ our children breakfast. He gave them rice krispy treats. He went back to bed and I got up to get them a more suitable start to their morning. Then I got upset because some hair clips I made were falling apart. I asked for help in finding the tool bag to get the super glue. When I told him what it was for, he told me it wasn’t a big deal. And it wasn’t in the long run…but for those 10mins it was a big deal to me and I did not appreciate it. The girls and I left for church without Dad (who started to complain of a headache). 30mins into church, he showed up. Things went better. Came home, made waffles and home-made whipped cream with the girls. He didn’t help out a whole lot…just waited until it was time to eat. He stressed out over the girls playing in the backyard and I had to remind him several times that them getting dirty was really not a big deal. Finally it was time for bed. I had to ask him to turn off the TV for our last 30mins up together. Bedtime with the girls was fun. Stories and songs and giggles. Daddy was asleep on the floor for all of it. Then we came downstairs and he started to complain about his life and someone at church and then we talked about how it might be a good idea for him to move out.
I understand wanting just one day where everyone could be a little nicer and wait on you for a change. Virtual hugs to you. 🙂

susie whyte - HELLO!! you went to sugar sisters!! that right there should cancel out everything negative! 🙂

Debra - I so feel your hurt and disappointment. The sad thing is that I did bring up my girls to feel compassion and thoughtfulness, and they are that way, just not to me! I try not to get my hopes up, but every year the same thing happens. Thanks for putting my feelings into words.

Lee Ann - Yesterday was my 7th Mother’s Day. Yesterday was the first Mother’s day that I wasn’t disappointed. My husband brought a new tree in for me on Saturday. (That was good – even though I don’t nomally like early gifts….I guess hiding a tree was hard). We had a nice family drive on Saturday – totally unexpected. And then…..what I planned for Sunday – I invited a family over for a BBQ. A family that could use a little extra love. I’ve found I just do better when I serve others. It’s my gifting, and it really helps me to have no expectations for myself. Here’s to next year!! 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I just had a long conversation with a friend about expectations. She never has any for herself because she doesn’t want to be disappointed. I on the other hand expect to be blessed. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So believing good things are gonna happen is key… I think. Also little hints and reminders along the way helps;) So sorry your day was less than. If it’s any consolation you looked adorable at lunch. Still rockin’ that new ‘do. Thanks for keeping it real.

Amanda Kay - I really didn’t appreciate my parents UNTIL I went to collegE DO YOU NOTICE HOW I’m writing in all caps off and on. That’s my son…Anyways, you are a wonderful mother. I mean, that’s why so many of us follow you. I think I’ve decided mother’s day is going to be my day to retreat into the mountains and not return until everyone is asleep. I think we all get discouraged when we give our heart away but Jesus wouldn’t have it any other way. Love you girl!

Kim - Meg – don’t be so hard on yourself. Kids are selfish by nature. They do learn by example but from what I’ve seem on your blog …. they know all about how to be generous, kind, and willing to help others. They are just being kids, it’s their job … drive you crazy. Be glad you are pretty much past the puked on stage. I was puked on 6 times yesterday. I still smell vomit … I think the scent is stuck in my nostrils. Good times.

ellen - Meg, I struggle with excpectations, too. My daddy always did really special things in really special ways and I often feel sorry for my husband and children because they have to follow in his footsteps. I have taken to giving some general ideas of special things I enjoy. My sweet husband really likes to do special things for me but I think sometimes he gets overwhelmed by all of the options. He prefers that I just outright tell him some things that I want.
This year we had a little bit of miscommunication and I have to say that I was really disappointed. But everyone else was, too. I decided to just let it go and enjoy the rest of the day. It really got better and I think that our time was sweeter once we worked through it.
I think that you are right about guiding our children to value others and express that. Sometimes teaching a big thing like that seems overwhelming. I’m no expert, but I think knowing my children and their gifts will help me set my expectations. Some people just aren’t great at gift-giving or compliment-paying. Knowing them well, I hope, will help me know how to teach them compassion or encouragement. I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m giving advice. I’m just thinking out loud. My kids are 7, 5 and 2 so we’re still in the trenches of first time obedience and all that. I need advice from someone like you more than anything!

Krista - Hi Meg,
I am sooooooo with you, Mother’s Day is tough. We’d like a little nicer treatment than every other day, is that so wrong? For me, I got through the day just appreciating my mom, and tried not be so concerned about how my children acted (I was so annoyed with them that I put them to bed an hour earlier than usual). Thankfully Mother’s Day comes just once a year.

Jennifer - That is upsetting. Somehow my kids have it right, and I’m not sure how; they made me 14 cards between the 2 of them, a banner, chalked the sidewalk…all little things that meant a lot to me. My husband got me a gift too, but really, that wasn’t what meant the most. So I’m not sure why my kids are this way. We’ve always made a big deal out of birthdays for all in the family, not so much $ (well, usually, not always)…not sure why mine get it. EXCEPT that my father made a HUGE deal out of my Mom’s bday and Mother’s Day. He always let us make a cake (from a mix, but still)-one year we made the cake aqua and the icing lavender. Lovely. 🙂 But it was fun, and I’d like to think I had something to do with my girls being this way, but really I’m not sure. I would tell them that it’s the one day for you to feel special and that they kind of hurt your feelings. I don’t think that’s wrong! 🙁
Sorry-you are a fabulous mother and you *are* teaching them to be good people.

Erin - This was my mother’s day too. I also feel guilty complaining but really…I melted down and ended with a little gift at the end of the day! Here’s to hoping next year is better!

merlin - I just got off the phone with my hubby, crying how I feel about Mother’s Day….and that I am the reason it turned out that way. And I feel all alone, and I’m so sorry that your post makes me feel better because I wish we were up today with warmth in our hearts about how perfectly yesterday went and what a fantastic job we’ve done raising our kids.
All I can say is thank you for being so honest and bringing me comfort and giving me another perspective. There were good points to yesterday, it wasn’t all bad. I am mostly disappointed in myself, for getting derailed by stuff that isn’t important, and that I’ve let that happen so often as I’ve mothered over the years. I want to be different.
Maybe, these experiences are what make Granmothers so incredibly special, maybe we are going to be those extraordinary Grandmothers because we are stopping now to think : it could be different, I’m going to work at making it different.
Thank you, thank you for the gift of not feeling alone. I hope you will take a moment to write out 10 things that do make you a good mother….I am sure you could write out 100, but start with 10: You are a good mother, you have done your best, as have I…..we just want better, and that is OK.

Val - I COMPLETELY understand! My first mother’s day I was expecting a parade I think. Now I know it’s just another day (not really, but kinda), and if you get a card or flowers or chocolate it becomes an even better day. If your kids see you go all out for your mama though, they may start to understand what it’s all about. =)

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh Meg… I so feel ya.
Thankfulness. That is going to be a new lesson around our house. We drove to Santa Monica (awesome). I had more rolled eyes (ugh) and tears (double ugh) than we’ve had in a long time. How did I let it slip this far? Ugh on me.

mel - Love this post. So real & honest.
I totally let my “expectations” get in the way of special days & birthdays. And, usually I am let down (my own fault)
Yesterday was a great example of that for me also. Ugh.
Thanks for keeping it real!

jaz - I understand this so much – while yesterday was actually the best mothers day ever for me, and I really REALLY was trying to have absolutely no expectations – I know exactly where you are coming from with your post. You are not alone (unfortunately)
My mothers day card was the best though – all about plucking chin hairs, made me laugh so hard!!!

Blythe - I am in tears. Finally, someone writes what I have been dying to say.

chasity - my mother in law gave me that advice of “never expect anything” years ago. i hated it then and i hate it now.
i will keep expecting something on those days where i’m supposed to be special~
i’m not expecting diamonds….just a construction paper card.
that’s not asking too much, right.

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - Happy (belated) mother’s day. As a reader of your blog, I think I semi-qualify to say you are an amazing mum. The fact that kids are kids, will make them not think about certain things at times.
Think back to yourself as a child…. your mum might have taught you loads of things, but how many of them did you only really learn as an adult?
It looks like you had a nice time!

Sarah B - You are sooo right! Yesterday morning I cried for a full hr because I expected someone, anyone to remember it was Mother’s Day (I am also 8 months pregnant so the hormones are all crazy). And it didn’t get any better from there…definitely not a stellar Mother’s Day BUT you are sooo right. How can I expect something that they don’t understand or are taught. Next year I will straight up tell the family what I expect (and it isn’t cards and gifts…more like thankful attitudes).

Meagan - I too do not have expectations for “Special Days”, though yesterday I did feel a little sorry for myself… Only because, on Thursday of this past week my husband make a big production after some jewelry commercial aired on TV… I said that for Mother’s day I didn’t think husbands should go crazy on gifts since I’m not “His” mother. He responded that Mother’s day is a for him to celebrate me as his wife and mother of his children.
We learn valuable lessons from other people and as I sit here a day overdue with our first child (yep I was due on Mom’s day) pondering over whether my feelings are hurt that my husband didn’t acknowledged that maybe I took what he said to heart… I’m feeling a little bit better knowing that I’m not alone. Like you, I hope that I can find the right way to teach our kid (and the Mister) that other peoples “Special Days” are important too.

Courtney at Vintage Ginger Peaches - Good post! I told my mom I was going to enjoy mother’s day yesterday while my kids still adore me… I acutely remember a brother home from college for Mother’s Day, trying not to take drugs for the day (soon to be checked into rehab) and screaming (obscenities) at my mom from the top of the stairs on the way to church. Even the best moms, and my mom IS THE BEST, have their hard days!
And I had a friend who had a flaming case of mastitis yesterday! Being a mom is 24/7/365!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - same thing over here! kids were awful in the car, wined all day, were angry when we left, got so messy they needed a bath (ugh), fought with one another…. basically drove me batty! cheers to us…. the mommies! better luck next year?

alyssa - it is oh too easy to get sucked in to the ol’ expectations. I HATE that. But it is so hard on days like yesterday. and they almost always fail when you can’t let go of those expectations. Ugh! It’s hard being a mom!

pam - I like keeping it real…but let me say that at least around here and with a few of my friends, “it gets better the older they get”…many were waiting into the 20 somethings of their kids….my Mother’s Day gets sweeter and sweeter each year….our girls are 20 and 24. The husband/children training is often years of plugging away and suddenly you start seeing the fruit. And some personalities just flow with this better. Treat yourself this week! Love yourself…

Nicole Drysdale-Rickman - Yep…I feel ya! My 5 year old was in timeout A LOT of the morning, my 2 year old was a little monkey and my baby was sick and fussy. It felt like more work because my husband wouldn’t let me do anything but then he doesn’t know where certain things are, how to do this or that and so after all was said and done, I ended up having to fix all those things. UGH.
I love that you are real in your posts…it’s one of the HUGE reasons I read your blog!

julie m - yep…i could have written your post as well…i am blaming it all on my husband’s mother though…he’s the one that needs to do some learning.

Pati - Aww Meg! feel for you 🙂 I have been there so many times and over the years I have learned a few things…#1 Remind them it is Mothers Day (a few days before)and hint at what you would like. #2 Your husband sets the tone.It is his job to rally the kids and make them tow the line. Now that my kids are teenagers it is a bit better…but it all boils down to giving you respect on that day, honoring you and what you do day in and day out. Compassion is a hard lesson sometimes to teach children…but you live it with your life and as they get older they will understand.

julia - Hi Meg.
I don’t have the greatest attitude about Mother’s day because I think, well, I think it’s kind of stupid. {Birthdays are really my thing anyway} I know I got this attitude from my mom. She would tell me, it’s no big deal, every day should be Mother’s day. I think it’s because, similar to what you said about treating people special, my mom wanted us to appreciate her all of the time. I know she knows this. She knows I want to be with her, run errands with her, organize closets with her. I don’t need a stupid day to tell her that.
Mother’s Day is like Valentine’s (which I love just because it’s pink). It puts unrealistic expectations on you. I feel bad for women who aren’t moms and want to be moms. I imagine they spend normal days trying to deal with it but if I were them, on Mother’s Day, I’d want to crawl into a hole and not exist.

Mandy - I enjoy your honesty so much! I must have said myself 10 times yesterday…. “just one day” can’t everyone be nice just for one day?! I guess as moms we have to be happy for the few joyous, kind, and sweet moments we do get! Thanks for giving me a good chuckle this morning, and making me feel like I’m not alone in these Mother’s Day thoughts!

purejoy - ohhhh gawwwwwwd, i could have written this post. and i hate complaining because it makes me feel all whiney and it’s all about me.
but mother’s day IS all about me, danggit!!
the hubs kept me in bed till 8:15 (nice neck rub, but it came with strings attached. nuff said) and we had to be at church at 9. no problem, i’ll eat my breakfast in the car. mmmm. steel cut oats (which i fixed) in the 90 sec (no joke) car ride to church. forget coffee and paper. booooooo. bad start to the morning.
oh, i forgot about the part where i saw the steinmart bag on the breakfast counter with a mother’s day card on top. that would be the same bag that we brought home the two cami’s and sleeveless sweater that i bought with the hubs yesterday as we went to shop for golf shirts for the son. oh, was that my gift? nice wrapping. and if i knew i was shopping for my mother’s day gift i would have totally gotten something better.
for the record, he did send me roses which i received friday afternoon. nevermind he got his mom the same thing. but it’s the thought that counts.
the kids gave me my present in the car on the way to the mountains for an extended family get-together. unwrapped. no card. (they’re 19 and 20) it was a beautiful necklace, but seriously? am i not worth wrapping paper?

Whitney - Megan, thank you for your honesty! I think there are more moms with stories like yours than not… That’s why moms are the strongest people in the world. This Mother’s Day, all I wanted from Fiona was to come to church early with me, so I could sing in the choir because we were saying farewell to some friends who are moving away – the wife stands in the choir next to me. Well, of all things, on this ONE DAY, my daughter who usually happily comes to church, begged off, saying her throat hurt. She’s got some kind of allergy-related thing, not strep. No fever. Just tired and didn’t want to bother. It shocked me. I think of her as generally being compassionate — often typically “only child” selfish on a day-to-day basis — but certainly not on MOTHER’S DAY. I had all the same thoughts you did. Where did I go wrong? It really did upset my whole day because it was so hard to accept. Turned out OK, but, not my best Mother’s Day, that’s for sure. I’m glad you can sympathize. 🙂

Wendy - I know exactly how you feel. I try every Mothers Day but it still seems like deep down I’m hoping for some super special surprise. The episode last week of The Middle pretty much said it all, lol.

Ana - When my kids get in that “it’s all about me” mode, I always remind myself that it takes the frontal lobe of the brain 25 years to fully develop… It’s the only thing that keeps me semi-sane.

Courtney Walsh - Meg,
I always think I am not in need of special treatment and I tell them all so…and then when I don’t get special treatment I wallow. What’s up with that? Cleaning up the kitchen on Mother’s Day? There should be a law.
Gotta document the real thing though… 🙂 That IS why I love you! lol

meaghan - i will always leave comment..word verification or not 😉 thanks for checking. i mean, how do you not leave a comment when you go ahead and post pics like that?! yes, that’s why i keep coming back for more.

jennifer - I’m so glad the day is over too. The expectations of a day like that are so high and so easily let down. I was irritated with my one kid who thought we should do special things celebrating him! Even after explaining over and over again that it was Mom’s day, he just couldn’t wrap himself around that concept! Rgh! Glad it’s over! (Don’t get me wrong — very thankful to be a mom — but I don’t want to wait until my first grandchild is born to have my son be thankful for own mother!)

Melanie - Oh Meg, I am sorry! Don’t feel bad for the way you feel. You are right, they should know how to act when you take them out. You have taught them that but sometimes they just don’t follow the rules.
Craig is such a great husband. He sees when you need help and he steps in. He is a keeper:)
You rant all you want to. You can. We have all been there. By the way, where is Lauren? I haven’t seen her in any pictures? Is everything okay?

Tricia - Okay. Can I just say that you have literally let the sun shine in on my post Mother’s Day funk. I was feeling blech! about my Mother’s Day. Nothing was really different than normal. I guess I’ve just been feeling a bit burnt out.
You are a wonderful mom. Kids are kids. That makes them naturally self-centered sometimes.
Thank you for sharing and for being real.
Happy Monday!

Holly - Last yr my daughter went out back and picked MY roses and asked for a vase. She fixed a beautiful arrangement for her Sunday school teacher. No gift for me. No card. Nothing. I was so hurt. So, I get what you are saying. This year they were all great, so I think it is just seasons. Sending big hugs knowing exactly how you are feeling. Don’t feel bad now for speaking it out loud. But, you said it is you who teaches them… Megan, I have seen yor love when you make celebrations for them and you have done that job. Just give them time for it to stick and for it to grow in them. IT WILL!

Cassie - yeah. my mother’s day was less than awesome, too.
i get it.
still down today.
you’re a great mom, meg.
happy belated mother’s day.

Sarah@Clover Lane - First, I love that motto too. I always say LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS…and sometimes that goes all the way down to just no puking. Sometimes maybe even lower?
Second, I love your honesty.
Third, all I asked for was no fighting on Mother’s Day…I got it! For about 10 minutes in the morning! 🙂

april - ok….you have validated the fact that i am not CRAZY!!! lols You arent whining….just being honest…and that IS what I love about your site!!! Life isnt always what you want it to be…and holidays are no exception….I have felt the same thing at times…for Christmas my husband bought me a purple coat and said “purple is your favorite color”…um…pink is my favorite color…ya…i cried…lols…

rhonda - My husband let me sleep late. After that, it was a normal day. I cooked, cleaned, changed diapers, and disciplined all day long. If I don’t do those things, who will? My husband is very helpful, but it still takes two sometimes!
and those pictures of you? all gorgeous.

Maureen - Megan,
We all feel your pain, I wanted to go to the woods as a family to walk the dog. But have a 14, 16 and 18 year old and there was not much enthusiasm on their part. My husband asked if he should make them go (which irritates me beyond belief in its on way…) or would I prefer alone or with just him. I went by myself and for the first half of the walk felt sorry for myself with thoughts similar to yours and then decided I was not going to keep getting sucked into their teenage moods and enjoyed myself very much. Went home with a much better attitude and decided also to stop beating myself up on what I have done or not done right in raising them…it is exhausting. Ended the day with a nice dinner purchased by hubby from take out and getting gifts that the kids actually bought themselves, the plus of having teenage drivers. Keep striving to teach them about others, it is sinking in and maybe you won’t see it for awhile but you will!

Cate O'Malley - I totally hear you. As the kids were bickering last night and my son was telling me he only wanted PB&J for dinner, I was seriously counting down the minutes until bedtime so I could get some peace and quiet. Just another day in our house too.

Michelle - Oh Meg – I could have written your post. It’s not whiny, just real. I have 4 (11+6 year old triplets) and there are days I feel exactly like what you just described in this post. All part of being a Mommy I guess. There is a special place in God’s heart for mothers – and He teaches us so many lessons through our children. Happy belated Mother’s Day to you!!

Susan - I feel your pain…my daughter woke me up at 5:30 a.m. so I could open the card (her dad bought for her to give me). She signed it. It was cute, but noisy. Then while I was getting ready for church my husband came to me and asked me why I posted that I was sad on my facebook. I didn’t. It was 10:00 by then and the time stamp was 5 hours ago. I know who was up at 5:00 a.m. How she managed to do this I don’t know she is nine, has dyslexia and a lot of trouble reading but she is a whiz at the computer. I was getting posts and text messages from friends wanting to know what was wrong. I don’t know how you do it…I only have one child!

Michelle B - I know how you feel..oh so well! I have a three year old that was throwing tantrums all day. I did at least 4 loads of laundry. Cleaned the house – it didn’t feel like a special day. I am even 26 weeks prego! I did take time in the afternoon to stop the chores and scrapbook. Sometimes I think we just have to not expect people to make special moments for us but create our own. You are a great Mom!

Bec - I grew up with a less than ideal sibling situation (my bro had MAJOR adhd) in which I didn’t get a whole lot of attention and it created a weird family dynamic and I can guess my mom felt like you a lot of the time. Because my brother equaled about 4 kids. It will get better! Now we have fun on holidays, we rarely argue, and we all appreciate my mom (an she knows it). Kids just have to learn what it’s like to not have mom there for everything all the time.

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from the archives….

this was posted february 18, 2008.
annie is so little.



when i walked in the kitchen this morning
these two were busy.
within 3 minutes of being awake i had my camera in my hand.
(i put it down for a moment so i could make some coffee.)


annie was in the best mood.
she was talking a mile-a-minute and so happy to be with daddy.
i could tell you she has bed-head…
but this what her hair looks like all the time.


"i want to crack the egg!"


"i got egg on my hand!"


"i want to pour the oil!"





(annie calls it 'souuu-dawh')


"i want to turn it on!"
can you tell she is three?
she is becoming so very independent.

do you make your pancakes in a blender?
this is the way craig has always made them…
probably because his mom did it that way.
i am pretty sure we always did bisquick growing up??
am i wrong mom?
there's nothing wrong with bisquick. i use it when craig isn't here.
maybe i should post his recipe….


this routine of pancakes with dad is special.
it's a 13 year tradition….going strong.
all the kids like to help (or did at one time) 
and of course they like to eat them.
now that we add blueberries i love to eat them too.

it makes a mess but the memories are worth it.

charlene @ lanfranchi family.blogspot - OMG! I started reading this blog 2 years ago and this was one of the first entries I read. Actually it was the first blog I ever started reading. So I remember this well. to me Annie is still this size!

Rachel / cREaTe - so cute! i grew up with my dad being “pancake man”, my grandpa also was a “pancake man” and thank goodness my husband is “pancake man”. 🙂 i agree – such a great tradition. and i can cook or bake almost anything under the sun … but i seem to screw up EVERY batch of pancakes {and i’m talking BISQUICK}.

Staci - Look how little Annie was 🙂 Ahhhhh 🙂

dinny - we do the bisquick ones, never heard of blender pancakes… curious about the recipe:)

Natalie - these pancakes look amazing!! mine are never that pretty 🙂 i’m loving your blog.. i have to be a follower!!

Bailey - Did you ever post the recipe? I’ll have to go through and look, looks like fun!

Elk Lighting - I have a brother who has done this every saturday forever. In fact now his grand kids come over and he does it with them. Special Daddy’s are the best!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Those look so good! What a special time with dad:)

Toddler Girl Clothing - So cute shes up making pancakes with your husband! I love how she wants to just do everything! So cute, yup, deff. 3!

Angela - That is awesome–pancakes in a blender.
I love her hair–mine was the same way as a kid. Hmmm…actually isn’t much better as an adult. 🙂

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