Masthead header


for my 40th birthday my girlfriends surprised me with a road trip girls getaway!
i was completely out of the loop!
it was the craziest feeling.
but i love them and they know me so well!
they took to me Tishomingo, Oklahoma to stay at The LadySmith Bed & Breakfast.
Tishomingo is the home town to country singer Miranda Lambert and she owns The Ladysmith.
It was SO COOL!!!
(these next 7 pics are from the their website)
we spent 85% of our time in these chairs right here!
I was in the Lacy Jill room… with a headboard made up of hundreds of leather jean patches?!
how creative is that?IMG_6238IMG_6239IMG_6240
and two of us stayed in the Curtain Call room.
it was very rock star in there!IMG_6242
i loved every detail!
the light fixtures, the textures on every wall, the colors, the patterns!
it was like being in my dream house where you literally get to do ANYTHING you want with decor!
all the wallpaper looked 3D and most of them weren’t!  You would touch it and expect it to have texture and it didn’t!
and the wood walls everywhere with chippy paint?
i die.
now… the only downfall to Tishomingo is that it is a tiny town… like the one i live in.
so when you roll in to town on a sunday afternoon there is literally nothing to do.
at all.
we were told the best place to get pizza was from the Quick Mart.
oh my.
we hit the grocery store and filled in around our QMart pizza with some healthy snacks and some not so healthy.
The Ladysmith is smart and provide a bartender all evening.
we were almost the only people there so it basically our own private bartender!
we talked for hours and then we watched Pitch Perfect 2 because that was the best movie option we had.

the next morning we enjoyed breakfast served to us in the beautiful white dining room.
it was so nice to just be served food with out even having to order!
no thinking required!
next we headed next door to Spa 211.
oh my word… wow!
i was blown away by this wonderful place in such small middle-of-nowhere town.
it was gorgeously decorated, smelled amazing and was so relaxing!
i’m all ready to be pampered.  🙂

the whole place – every room – had that gray faux wood tile!
those floors are tile!!
have you seen the tile that looks like wood up close in real life?
crazy beautiful.
IMG_6279FullSizeRender 2
i had a 90 minute Herbal Body Wrap!
it was bonkers.
they cover your body in sugar scrub and then shower you off – all while you are laying on the table!
then you are wrapped in warm towels that are steamed in fragrances, then your whole body is wrapped into a foil lined blanket and then you basically steep like a cup of tea for 20 minutes.  i dazed in & out of sleep.
then they put shea butter over your whole body too.
talk about dream birthday?!
that was worth turning 40!
what an awesome place to have in Tishomingo!
such a gift for the community as well a wonderful place for visitors!
we talked with the owner quite a bit and i was so impressed.
i can’t say enough how beautiful it was!

The Pink Pistol was a fun store FULL of gifts and “cowgirl” bling.

attempting to get a selfie with the welcome mural…
it looked better with all of us instead.  🙂

i was surprised they even had a movie theater in Tish!
so on monday… several of their shops were open.
i found that wood arrow and brought it home.

this trunk looks like a girls weekend doesn’t it?
but on our way out of town we got side tracked to a pumpkin patch… we couldn’t resist.
ha ha ha!
rear views are over rated anyway…

just like with every girls trip… God used my friends to love on me, fill me up and challenge me.
we get down to the big stuff pretty darn quick.
like even before we left our city limits on the way to Tishomingo!!
they speak truth.  they keep it real.  they go deep.
and we laugh like crazy.
i came home having felt seen and heard.

so here is my advice:
Go to Tishomingo, Oklahoma with your girls
(or your spouse would be fun too… if he likes spas and shopping?)
but go on a Friday – Sunday so you can enjoy the shops and restaurants and other small towns close by.
maybe pack some food/snacks to have just in case.  🙂
and DEFINITELY go to Spa211.
that is an absolute must.

ps: no one in Tish knows me or asked me to write this post.
i just like to share my favorite stuff with you!


April R - just wanted to say a late Happy Birthday and I’m so happy for you – that looks like an amazing way to celebrate you and 40

Flower Patch Farmgirl - HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like so much fun. You had me at “then you steep like a cup of tea”!

Brittney - My grandparents lived in Tishomingo for most of my life! As a child I would stay a few weeks with them during the summer…back when Tishomingo was a ghost town! -the highlight of our day was going to Sonic for happy hour! I learned to drive at the age of 14 in that town -so many memories! Anyway, it really has turned into a darling place…it makes me so happy to see it thrive! I live in a town about 30 miles from Tish called Ada (shout out to all the other locals!) It sounds like you had a wonderful trip with your girlfriends! I’m hoping to make it to your neck of the woods soon! Fingers crossed on the craft weekend lottery!

Deb Meyers - i’M THINKING Tish won’t know what hit it, after this post, Meg!


Melissa - Where did you get your hello shirt?

Melissa - How do you get friends like this!! Most of the time mine drain me mentally and physically!! You are a lucky girl meg!

Katie - Awesome! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Cassie - I am so blessed to call this little jewel of town, home. Thank you so much for all your praise for it.

Tony Reese - Rhonda,I am so happy 😊 you enjoyed your stay in Tishomingo. I am from here, and never , ever thought it would be any vacation destination. A few years ago, it was a ghost town. There was nothing here, but good people. Once Miranda Lambert put her mark on the town, it seemed like everyone else followed. All of those shops, boutiques, Spa 211, and the Indie theatre were nonexistent. Too bad you missed Miranda. She pops in from time to time, and is treated like a normal person. I think that’s why she’s chosen Tishomingo to come for r&r. I’m glad you had a happy birthday 🎂. Thanks for posting.

Rhonda - Tishomingo IS my hometown – so glad you found out what a truly wonderful place it is! Small towns rock, they are full of people who care about one another and work to support others – thanks for sharing the info about Baker’s Acres – they are hometown people who believe in their community!

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so…. i had a birthday.
i turned 40 on september 30.
i made lots of jokes to my family the night before to not be scared when i turned into a creepy old lady in the night… i kept picturing the witch in Brave.
i know – what’s wrong with me?
but thankfully that didn’t happen and i made it through my big day without tears or a breakdown.
i thought all year about what to do on my day but as it got closer i was just too tired to plan something.
i booked a massage and facial at my favorite place… took my book and sat there in my robe for several hours.
then i hit tjmaxx because that’s what i do.
craig made me steak & added my favorite restaurants sides for dinner.
friends and family gifted me wonderful things.
there was homemade coconut cake!
my mom sent me a pretty coat!
all my social media outlets wished me happy birthday… my phone was on fire all day.
lots to be grateful for.
apparently i am even being whisked away with friends for a girls weekend soon but i have no details other than “pack a bag and be ready”  I guess i can handle that kind of surprise.  🙂
i really can’t believe i am actually forty!
i guess i thought 40 would be different (not overnight but getting here in general)
i thought i’d feel old but i don’t.
i feel like I’m at the top of my game!
not to say that in a braggy kind of way… just meaning… i know who i am MUCH more than i did 10 years ago… or even five years ago.
i know the things i want in my life to take my time and what i don’t.
i am able to say no and know why i am saying it.
i can see things in people that i admire that i couldn’t recognize before.
i am not afraid of so much that i used to be.
i have confidence in who i am… and in how God made me.
i mean… i am not perfect or “done” or have life figured out BUT i am a lot farther than i used to be.
and that’s what 40 is supposed to be right?
getting better every year.  🙂
or at least trying.

so here i am at 40.
mother of five big kids.
wife of 21 years.
bring it FORTY.

and in unrelated news but totally related news…
i have heard lots of things about Nester’s 31 Day challenge over the years.
i know myself and until now could never commit to that – especially with writing.
i am too all over the board for that.
i love it for others but not with my brain.
but since it was october 1 and i had a moment to think i decided to do my own 31 day challenge.
not writing.
YOU should write if that is your thing.
or Paint.
or Read.
or Run.
but i am going to do Yoga everyday for 31 days.
and i’ll see where that leads…. maybe i will hate it… maybe love it… but i figured it was not too hard to commit to since it can pretty much be done anywhere and it can be as easy or hard as you make it to be.

so… that is my first two days of being in a new decade… Yoga committed.


Lucy - Happy late Birthday!! I will be 30 tomorrow and totally relate to this post! I am so different than 10 years ago too! You are awesome! I love your blog!

susan@avintagefarmwife - Happy birthday! And enjoy your yoga-I predict you will love it. Is there Holy Yoga in your area? If so, I want to encourage you to check it out. It’s wonderful!

Carol S. - Happy and healthy birthday wishes to you dear friend! Great hair and makeup and fitness at 40. Sweet blog post. Nice that you appeal to many generations including this 52 year old. Fifties are pretty good too! I’ve been using the mantra “there’s joy at every stage” and am hoping that remains true for me and you.

Shellie - You look great! And, I totally get you. I’m 47, what, what? It’s crazy to even wrap my head around that, but it happened. I finally know who I am though, and it’s awesome! God has really shaken me up the past 5 years and I’m so, so thankful.
I hope you love yoga. I tried it for the first time about a year ago and I’m hooked.
Love, love, love it!!!

Patty - Happy fortieth, Meg! As long as we continue to learn and grow, each year we get better. Wishing you health and happiness for the coming year!

PS The photo above is perfectly beautiful! Will you share your secret as to how you get such nice volume on top?

Courtney L - Happy Birthday Meg! 40 is Fabulous (so I hear, I’m just a couple years away myself)

I saw your coconut cake on IG and I had to run out and make one myself. By far the most decadent thing I’ve ever made, I LOVED it!

Thanks for being you, here’s to 40+ more fabulous years!

Dena - Happy Birthday!! I’ll be hitting that “milestone”, hack, cough, in May. Hard to believe how fast time flies. May God continue to bless you on your life’s journey!

Mary - Happy birthday!!!! Enjoy the celebration. And I’ve got ask, what color lipstick is that? It’s fantastic on you.

sharon / - tjmaxx on your birthday (i have done that too) is so great because you let yourself buy that thing you’d normally put down and say ‘i shouldn’t’ every other day of the year.
i have visited Whatever for a long time ~ thanks for being you. all 40 years of you!!
also, your s-m-i-l-e matches your eyes 🙂 what could be better at your age?

Molly - Happy Birthday Meg!

Wait till you hit 50!!

But really I loved my 40’s, as you said I really feel that I hit my stride in my 40’s and I really enjoyed them. I felt like I knew who I was and where I was going so much better than in my 30’s. I hope your 40’s are all you imagine them to be. 🙂

Kelly - Happy birthday, Meg!!!! Thanks for sharing your colorful life with us here!

Katie - Glad you had a great day!

Amy - I’m a long term reader & fan of your wonderful blog. Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday! You look amazing! With love Amy x

Cindy - Happy Birthday Meg! have a wonderful time with the girls. I’ll be turning 40 in a few months and I love your honest thoughts on it all! absolutely love your blog and the inspiration!

Kathleen W. - Happy 40th Meg !! I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I feel as though we are on the same page about many things, it feels like I am catching up with an old friend when I check in to see what you and your family have been up to!. I will be turning 40 in January and everyone keeps asking what I want to do and a spa day is exactly what I want as well. You will rock 40 just as I plan too !!! Best wishes 🙂

val - You have a lovely heart Meg Duerksen, bless you. Happy birthday xx

Tasha - Happy birthday. I, too, am finding that the older I get the more comfortable I am in my own skin, even though that skin is developing a few wrinkles. I’d still prefer wrinkles to the insecurity and uncertainty of my youth :). Hope 40 is your best year yet.

Nicole - Happy 40! This 30 day series might help you with your challenge. It’s free and Adrienne is a great instructor!

Amy K. - Happy birthday!! My grandma wrote “My 40s were the happiest time of my life” in my birthday card when I turned 40, and I think I agree with her… I can’t wait to see what the next half of my life brings!

Katie - Happy Birthday! I have been reading your blog since before Annie went to school. My oldest is the same age. You have the best blog! The only one I check consistently. Have a great year!!!

Deb Meyers - You are GORGEOUS Meg, and strong. bring it 40!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday! Forty looks good on you!

You have heard of The Pixar Theory, right? Boo from Monsters, Inc. is actually the witch in Brave? 😉 Look it up. YouTube has a great video.

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fall is here!

even though kansas is having 80 degree days all week… all things FALL are on my mind.

(link to those RAD boots)

(link to Lindsay Letters print)
jeans – American Eagle / shirt – Old Navy  / boots – Francescas / canvas – Lindsay Letters
lighter boots – Francescas  / both brown boots – Macys / booties – Toms
donut recipe 
scarf – JCPenney / gingham table photo
farm tablescape by Holly Mathis / tights photo
print by Katie Daisy
now… don’t you want to run through the leaves, paint pumpkins, drink a yummy hot drink, eat cookies and donuts while wearing booties and a scarf?!!  i sure do!

shar - omw i LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog. i turned 14 on september 12.

Tasha - I would really like to know the brand and or where to purchase the brown boots in the 6th picture with the tan/neutral theme??

Bekkah - so many yummy things! I especially like that quite at the beginning. :]

Jenn N - Looking at these beautiful pictures, I just found my self saying out loud, “who possibly cannot like Fall?”

Katie P NC - WHERE is the plaid shirt / “diamond” necklace picture from?!?! I must have that shirt! I am made about plaid (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) right now and just became obsessed with that look.

Stephanie - Fall is the best–hands down! I love every picture. Now I want to make sparkly pumpkins.

christy - Now I totally want, NEED orange converse like nobodies business. You always do that to me. 😉

Ranee - Yes! Yes I do..right now! so many cute, yummy and wonderful things!

Amy Woods - Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, YES and YES!!!!!

Katie - I WANT IT ALL!!!! Have been seeing plaid and pumpkins everywhere! Love that the leaves are finally falling. For the past few Thanksgivings I have made pumpkin pie decorated with pie crust leaves…any excuse to eat more pie crust. 🙂

Angela - I’m ready!!!!! Oh and for fall candles! p.s. Do you ever make the pineapple vodka anymore?

Tiffany - Pretty pretty pictures but man do I already miss Summer, sandals and sunshine til 8pm 🙂

Leslie - This post made me smile. Thanks for your blog. It’s one of my favorites.

Karen - Love this post! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.

Michelle from Australia - Meg, you must be thinking of our 80+ degree ‘Spring’ weather here in Brisbane. The afternoon tropical thunder storm is crashing around me whilst I type and we have survived yet another day without hail damage. Oh to be thinking of Fall (Autumn to us Aussies) whilst we are in the opposite season 🙂

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Our Camp sponsors are such great shops!!
they sent our guests the prettiest package of goodies!

Go check out each of them.
Use the discounts to think ahead for shopping for christmas already!

Jennifer Dahl Designs sent each guest a necklace with their initial and a special word.

You can find jewelry for anyone and any occasion in her shop!

Use the code CAMP30 for 30% off your order!

Fancy That Design House is a new Craft Weekend sponsor!
i love the prints in her shop and her tea towels are the best!
Use the code CAMPCREATE for 15% off thru 10/15.

Jenze… all things party & paper sent us her Encouragement Card Set.
these are THE PRETTIEST cards!!
this ring of Encouragement Cards are beautiful and will be a wonderful to remember the Truth when you need it.

Use the code CREATE for 10% off your order!

turquoisesquiggleIMG_4683 Make Wells is a shop of hand painted designs by Megan Wells.
i love seeing her sketchbook on IG over and over!
Her shop has SO MANY beautiful and colorful prints of her paintings!

Use the code CAMPCREATE15 to get Buy 1 Get 1 Free 8″ x 10″ Prints!!
that is a total steal!

i love it!


i adore 31Bits and everything they are.
they sent each of our guests a bracelet!
i wear 31Bits every time i am not wearing pajamas or work out clothes.  🙂
Use the code MEG15 for 15% off your order now through 10/15

Illustrated Faith is also a NEW sponsor!!
Shanna Noel’s company has just exploded this year with products to use in your journaling bible or scrapbooking!
everything they sent was totally sweet! what a great shop!

Use the code WELOVERAINBOWS for 20% off expires 10/15.

Naptime Diaries has a super shop!
they carry all kinds of prints, canvases, and several different devotional books too.
they sent everyone their devotional book called Abide.

Use the code  CAMPCREATE for 15% off anything in the shop!

Dayspring is always such a generous company!
they sent each of our guests this funky fun journal and they dug into it right away.
you can find the best gifts at Dayspring!
they have their christmas line out already too.



House of Belonging sent this AMAZING giant sign for the Craft House!
it is so perfect and i absolutely adore it.
i am looking at several more in their shop for my house too!

Use the code AWAKEN20 for 20% off your order through Monday 9/28!


THANK YOU to all of these shops!
we love how you make events at the Craft House EXTRA special!


Emily - I’m not able to get the 31 Bits promo code to work 🙁

Mickie - I am ordering that sign RIGHT NOW (Merry Christmas to me…!) so thank you for posting it here and the discount. I LOVE it and it is a perfect reminder for me to have near my home office every day.

Katie - Awesome stuff!!

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Camp Create 2015


well in case you weren’t sure… Camp CREATE was soooo good!  🙂
we planned and anticipated for months and it was totally worth it!
it was so cool to see what a perfect group God brought together for a week of fellowship, worship & creating.
kimberlee and i kicked off our 5th year of Craft Weekends and 2nd year of Camps this September.
how can it have been that long already?

i have had many questions asking “what is the difference between Craft Weekend and Camp CREATE?”
#1 Camp is Wednesday – Sunday and CW is Friday – Sunday.
#2 At Camp we have a speaker that shares about God, her faith and a relationship with Jesus.
#3 At CW we make several craft projects and at Camp we have instructors to teach workshops that focus on a creative skill or technique.
#4 Camp has A LOT of down time to help with rest, relaxing and creativity.

Both are wonderful but in different ways.   🙂
Our speaker was Stephanie Holden.
she is known by most online as “Honey” Holden.
let me tell you… she was just what this group needed!
she blessed the entire group with teaching us from the bible and through her own stories.
she was open and honest and safe… all with a thick southern accent.
at the end of her speaking time the first night, she read a letter to us that she’d written to her 16 year old self as part of blog project.
and then told us that she would like all of us to write one while we were at camp…and share them!
what a powerful tool that was look back on the goodness of God & see all the ways He has worked through our lives!
it was a HARD and emotional project!
but also very freeing to release it all and give God the glory in all of it… the good, the bad, and everything in-between.
if you have never done it… today is the day!
go for it!
our guest Carol made those cookies for us?!!
i couldn’t even believe the awesomeness!
they were so perfectly made and tasted amazing!
i had like… 8.
for reals.
our art instructors Stephanie Ackerman taught a workshop on Art Journaling.
and Jenni Horne taught a technique of whimsical painting.
i filled in a gap of time with a fun wood block heart project.
between those three things there was paint, glue, chalk and stickers EVERYWHERE.
the best kind of mess!
everyone enjoyed learning what was shared and having lots of open ended to keep creating as ideas came during the week.
thank you Stephanie and Jenni!
the idea for the hearts came from @heart_by_cc on IG.

we were excited to celebrate TWO birthdays during our time together!
stephanie teaching how she creates her pages in her art journal.
jenni showing us her painting technique.
kimberlee always spoils us with her delicious meals and desserts.
this week was no exception… enchiladas, cinnamon rolls, ginger snaps, cheesecake, chicken pot pie!!
it is such a treat for ME to not have to think about food while we are at the house.
she makes the week complete by blessing women with thoughtfully prepared food!

Dianna (in the blue stripes) was our official “Helper of All The Things” for the week.
she was SO needed and went way over the top in her job.
i love you Di!
thank you for every single thing you did… seen and unseen.
and how great that this time you didn’t even have to fix a toilet?  🙂

we took our campers out for lunch a sweet new lunch spot in Florence called The Flint Hills Market & Bakery.
if you live anywhere near Florence, Kansas be sure to check it out.
and of course we visited my favorite antique store and barn of antiques!
everyone has to experience those if you come to visit me.
these girls came home with the coolest treasures… even concrete lion statues!barnbarn2IMG_4891
the Camp Create Leaders for the week… Jenni, Kimberlee, Honey, Stephanie and me.
there is a lot of love in that picture.
my husband had to hang that HUGE sign from The House of Belonging the night before camp… OY!
but i knew that the women who come through the doors at the Craft House need to hear those words.
it needed to be there as a reminder to them.
and me!
Thanks Tiffani for encouraging every Craft House guest!
i asked Honey before camp for a word or phrase to sum up what her time of sharing would be.
she texted this back to me:
I’m focusing on a different part of our identity… a different word for each session so it was hard to come up with one word that encompasses them all. (“Warrior”is my favorite individual study for the week. Eeep! )  Abundant, or Abundance is a good summary. When you pile up all the the things we are in Christ, it is an abundance of goodness. Like.. Blow your mind kind of stuff. Because of who we are in Him, because of what HE has done… He’s created us to never lack in any area. He’s not only given us grace to be sustained but He wants us to live an abundant life… Thriving as the woman He created us to be.  
I’m just praying we all leave with fresh eyes of all that we ARE and all that we DO have in Christ. It’s easy to let our circumstances at times make us forgetful or even feel forgotten by the Lord when He was passing out His goodness for the day or month or year. Regardless of whatever season we are in or what we are facing, He has SO much for us.

and that is exactly what shared over the course of the week.
i loved every word.
we felt encouraged, inspired, understood and loved by God in each of her sessions.

we had a quiet time each morning to reflect on what our speaker had shared or for devotions or just purely for quiet.
to further the relaxing we brought in massage therapists.
everyone had the opportunity to sign up for an hour massage and everyone took it!
quiet time AND massage… does it get better than that?
PicMonkey Collage

i just love all these happy faces!
the rainbow stairs were a huge hit!  🙂

the whole week was absolutely wonderful!
i sat at the end of the room watching what God has brought together and felt so seen & known by Him.
i felt so loved!
the way He takes our small offerings of what we have and turns it into something so BIG for his glory.
i like to make things, decorate and talk…. He takes those things i have to offer up and has made such a comforting place for women to hear Him, grow in Him, love Him & to be reminded of how much HE LOVES THEM!
and that is such a sweet spot to be in.
i am so grateful for all Christ has done in me…what he has shown me… and for the ways he continues to pursue me in love.
i just love everything about jesus and how He loves me no matter what. (heart eyes! heart eyes! heart eyes!)

i am still on a Camp Create high a week and half later… it was RAD!
(and my pants still don’t fit after all that yummy food!)

Tammy, Mary, Shelly, Gina, Sherry, Katie, Jenni, Carol, Julie, Janie, Kristin, Honey, Jenni, Dianna, Stephanie and Kimberlee… THANK YOU for  camp… for sharing and being open… for being kind to each other… for everything!
I am thanking God for each one of you today.


i will share this week about our fabulous sponsors that sent fun gifts for us.


AND soon i will share about the next Camp CREATE coming in April 2016!!!
I am very excited about it!


Heather Lafter - Anyone know where to get the HAPPY shirt. I need one!!

Lori - Meg- I love the idea of Camp Create and I never get tired of looking at pictures of the craft house! Happy you had an amazing weekend!

Amy Woods - I love everything about this post. And can we just talk about all the tunics in your photos?! You ladies are styling up with the long shirts and I need to find myself some! Ca- UUUUTE!

Gemma - Kimberlee’s food always looks amazing!

Gemma x

Roxann Regenstreif - My sweet friend Shelly Clark just got back from your camp and can’t stop talking about it! I really really want to go this next year! This is such a huge need for women to laugh, pray, create and to connect together in a fun environment. Thank you for making this possible.

Rachel - this is incredible! Totally inspiring, what a blessing you are using your gifts, passion and vision to serve others xx

Jenny B. - Amazing! I actually thought Camp Create was like Craft Weekend, but for kids. How did I get that in my head?? I have no idea. 🙂 So, I’m glad you explained it! It looks absolutely wonderful. I definitely get a sense of what a blessing the time was, and that the whole experience was about glorifying God while digging into your God-given creativity. Love it! <3

Zakary - Oh, that sign in the entryway! *heart eyes*

Debi Meyers - 5 years? FIVE YEARS?!?!

Sheila Atchley - …soIm going old-school, and leaving a comment! 😉 This looks like it was such a soul-restorative time. I think giving women the tools and inspiration to be creative IS equipping them for spiritual battle…because no enemy is going to allow you to win uncontested. And when we, as women, can quiet the white noise in our head, and soak our souls in Truth, and meditate on truth through our fingers and paints and markers and whatever….that is a major tool in the toolkit. You almost can’t overstate its value. I’m so glad I discovered you, Meg!

tiffany day - lovely so very lovely!

would absolutely love to be able to attend sometime – I would be an awesome helper too! 😉


kellyn - looks like you knocked it out of the park again. a sweet spot for sure. you are a blessing to so many. nice work!

Kimberlee Jost - That picture of Mary on the porch during quiet time—that’s what it’s all about right there for me. I get a big lump in my throat and teary just thinking about how much this time means to us all.

Suzanne - Meg,
Love this Camp Create post. One day (oh, one day) I would love to be able to afford to do this. But in this phase of my life, I will just thoroughly enjoy your posts. That will have to suffice for now. QUESTION – totally unrelated, what are the leggings you buy? I cannot remember the brand or quite frankly, anything. HELP! and thanks.

Andrea - Simply amazing!

Kathy - You’ve made the house beautiful, colorful, fun and rejuvenating and it looks like your guests had a fantastic and uplifting time. p.s., I hope you bought that chicken picture – it made me laugh out loud. 🙂

Sara - It looks like an absolutely fabulous week!

Jenna - I need this! Such a lovely experience that I hope one day I get to experience!

Amy - How amazing to come as strangers but leave as sisters in Christ! Looks like an amazing time! I’m thinking my girls should enter those wood hearts as a 4-H project this year. 😄

Jen - Your camp and craft weekends always look so amazing! I wish I could participate, but I also wish there was room for those who are not Christian. Oh well…

Ashlea - Thank you so much for blogging about this. This looks like such a fun time! I can’t wait to hear about the next Camp.

Janie - Meg, thank you thank you thank you! I am so glad God gave you the gifts he did so that you could bless us!!!

Heidi - Swoon. It’s almost unbelievably magical. What a great way to serve others too. You totally rock. Maybe one day I will be creating, uplifting and sitting on the rainbow stairs. Cheers to you Meg. And all the other awesome ladies who make events like this possible.

Jaime A. - Just beautiful, and fun, and peaceful, and colorful!

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i’m alive…

that could be my longest blog break to date.
totally accidental.
i was working my booty off on that 3rd floor room at The Craft House and then straight into camp and had no words left in me.
but i think i have some now again… thanks to several mornings of sleeping late.
i found this sunflower field several weeks ago and thought i would be able to go back for more photos.
because we all know how much i LOVE to photograph sunflowers!
but when i went back it was D E A D.
totally done.
so sad.
all i have is these phone pictures which will have to hold me over for another year.

Camp Create was crazy amazing.
i can’t wait to share about all the goodness.
but i am still trying to form my thoughts about it yet.
can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?!
especially the older they get and it’s tricky.
oy veh.
so many decisions.
so many ways we can mess up… or be awesome… or wish for a do-over… or step back and smile.
it’s so good and so hard all at once.
i love it everyday.
but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand.
IMG_3812these sunflowers were bigger than my face!

the morning after camp was over i went back off of sugar again.
because it was time.
i had gotten so lazy/stressed that i was eating it ALL.
all the sugars.
so it’s over now.
and it’s hard!!!
but i like things like my pants fitting… not wearing spanx… not looking pregnant… etc.
so the sugar had to go.

i would love to say its permanent.
but i like cake so much…. i don’t know if i could do it.
or if i would want to.
i think it’s a moderation thing.
and because my birthday is coming soon!!!

so i’ve taken three days to recover from the last two weeks of work and i’ve decided that’s enough.
thursday – i’m comin’ for ya!


Lisa - Thanks for being real about parenting older kids. We are in the teen years with our oldest and it’s so fun on one hand but the mistakes she’s already made? Oy is right! 😜 Thankful she gets to learn about forgiveness and second chances with us cheering her on.

Jenny B. - My 40th is coming soon too. Are you having a hard time with leaving your 30’s? I am. I have never been bothered by age before, and I actually sort-of thought people who were bothered by it were superficial or just silly. I never understood why people always say life is short, but I’m starting to feel it. It’s not that I wish I could go back and live life differently, but I am not exactly looking forward to the future anymore. Getting older and fatter and grayer and more tired just doesn’t sound very exciting, you know? Anyway… Sorry to be Debbie Downer! I need to follow your lead and exercise and go outside and find something pretty to photograph. Oh, and not eat pie every night. 😉

Traci - Hi Meg, Awhile back you talked about some high wasted leggings you just loved. Could you send me the link on those so I can find them? Thanks!!

Jan - Will you share how you cook the chicken for your taco night? Looks yummy!

jamie - oh sugar. i just don’t have the willpower to stop eating it. but i would love to. so maybe someday. raising kids. just four hours ago my almost 20-year-old came home at 3:30am. i got up to go to the bathroom and knocked on her door and peeked in and said {are you just getting home? are you okay?}. she looked at me like i was an idiot. and lastly, there is a gigantic neverending field of sunflowers on the road i take into the nearby town where we do everything. i’ve been driving by it for seven years. people stop all along the road to take photos. this year the owners of the fields put up these obnoxious huge cardboard permanent marker signs {STAY OUT OF SUNFLOWERS} and {NO TRESPASSING}. i’ve never stopped or photographed them {it’s a busy country highway}. i know the field is owned by people. it’s their property. i get it. it was just sad to see such a thing after all these years. the joy those fields bring to people. it’s not like folks were cutting down half an acre and taking them home for vases. they would stand on the edge of the field and take a photo. i know. privately owned fields. but it still makes me sad.

Jen - You are so right about the sugars and you might have inspired me to do the same. Are you off just white sugar? Or fruit too? Giving up fruit always seems unhealthy to me, but I might do it if it makes my jeans a bit looser!

Stephanie - Definitely. Raising humans = huge deal.
Beautiful sunflowers!

Kathi - Raising humans is a BIG deal! I have 3 boys, 26,24,20. They are great guys, oldest is married. Many times I wished for a do over. I love the sunflower pictures, all we have here in Illinois is corn. Corn just doesn’t have a photogenic face 😉

Kristen K. - Ok, Birthday girl…when is the special day? Because I totally want to eat cake in your honor…wouldn’t want to miss it…you know, for you. I’d eat cake just for you. 🙂

tiffany day - omg totally agree about raising kids! and feeling like you mess it up everyday, wanting a do over ALL of it!! So stressful! In the throws of that right now! With you Meg! But you can do this! I am so thankful for grace!! And wine 😉


Tracy - Raising humans? Yes, so challenging! A nearby margarita and supportive husband/dad (who also loves to drinks margs with me!) are very helpful!

I have 4 teens, ages 16,16, 17 and 19! Quite an adventure even though they’re really great, well-behaved kids! Good luck to us both, Meg!

Love the sunflowers! I live in Leawood (burb of KC) and missed a beautiful field west of us, too!! 🙁

Lee Ann - I’ve missed you! But I knew you were busy.

I’m off sugar – again – too. No amount of exercise seems to keep me in my jeans if the sugar thing is out of control. And I wish I could “just do a little”, but lately I just can’t. Seems to be all or nothing. Maybe it has to do with being 40? 🙂

Lorri - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sunflowers! And parenting? Oh gosh … pour me a margarita, too!

Beth Ann - “but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand” YES! PLEASE! My oldest in only 9 and in 4th grade, but I am already struggling! She keeps asking friend advice and dealing with drama – I feel entirely ill-equipped to provide advice because I am probably the worst at friendships – I have the whole “f-it, I don’t have time for this and don’t need it” mentality and just walk away. I just KNOW i would provide better advice if I walked around in life with a margarita in my hand!

Tiffany - Can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?! YES!

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fun stuff.

have you seen this fun video.
🙂    🙂    🙂    🙂
it makes me so happy.


IMG_2095IMG_1863these running shoes!!!
they are crazy bright yellow.
but i kind of crazy love them… soft and cushy!
they were here at Finish Line.



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the girls learned to play Dutch Blitz at camp this summer.
i’ve heard of it all my life but i have never learned… yet.
they wanted to get the game as soon as they were home.
we couldn’t find it locally at our stores so we ordered it off amazon.
they’ve been playing each other non-stop.
(the UNO cards in the top corner have nothing to do with Dutch Blitz.


i am sure i am WAY behind on what’s cool with nail stuff but i found these and super like them!
they are really easy to use and FAST!
and i could bring them in my carry on for all my trips this summer not having to worry about another liquid.
it’s nice to just have in my purse too.
so you probably already use these but i hadn’t even seen them before!
i don’t know why they are faster than cotton balls and the bottle… but they are!
i found them at walmart and they probably cost 20 times more than for what you would get out of the bottle but it’s still only $2. 89.


she is the funniest girl.
she was SO happy and then got the retainer and was SO mad.
she was all over the place emotionally that day.
but what a knock out smile!!  i love that girl.

annie found out about the show Chopped.
craig and i used to watch it but i am so not into food that i couldn’t keep watching.
i mean… who eatS octopus cooked with gummy bears?
can you just help me make a real dinner for 4 picky kids????
but annie heard about it and came home and put it on the dvr.
what she has been watching (and now we ALL are watching!) was the Chopped Teen Tournament!

it is truly adorable!
they are all teenagers trying for the prize of $25,000 and a scholarship to culinary school.
i cried on every show.
i am a dork.
since she has been watching Chopped… annie has asked “can i make dinner?”
ummm YES!!!
she made one of our favorite meals.
We call it Sicilian but i don’t really know why and i doubt it has much to do with Sicily.
and it definitely has NO nutritional value… oy!
but they looooove it.
it’s a butter, cream & parmesan cheese sauce… with ham.. over pasta.
and she made it all by herself!
IMG_4293IMG_4303i hope this becomes a thing around here!
i would LOVE to share cooking duties with anyone who wants to do it.
yay for The Food Network!
seriously… find that show and watch it with your kids.
it’s the sweetest!!


Flower Patch Farmgirl - Dutch Blitz!!!
Cory’s family is all bonkers for this game.
We’ll have to play it next time we’re together.

And yes, I’m behind on my blog reading. Yes, I miss you right now.

Charlton - My 6 year old loves to watch Cutthroat Kitchen. She’s a super picky eater and would probably never eat what they cook, but she loves to watch the different challenges and sabotages. 🙂

Cassandra - LOVED the video! Thank you for that, just what I needed this morning. Now the only problem is I want to go watch several movies 🙂

Amanda - Life at Cloverhill - I love Dutch Blitz!! I learned at a friends’ cottage years ago and my family has been hooked ever since. It’s our go-to rainy day game.

Jenny B. - Yay for Talby’s braces! and Yay for Annie’s cooking! I haven’t ever been able to get into watching Chopped. I think it’s because the set is so dark and gray. Seriously. 🙂 We’ve been watching Carnival Cravings, and our 6-year-old told us last night that Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives is his favorite food show. 🙂

Sara - I wish my kids would show an interest in cooking instead of always baking! We make a dish similar to Annie’s “sicilian” but we put peas in it, so we think we are healthy! HA!

Jen - Silly question: I see your fruit/veggies in a glass jar. How do they hold up? I feel like they would get mushy or moldy really fast? I LOVE the idea but wondered how they last? Or maybe fruit doesn’t stick around your house long enough to go bad! HAHA

Been playing Dutch Blitz all my life (probably because I’m from PA Dutch country!). It’s the BEST! Glad they’re enjoying it!

Stephanie Wilson - Okay, that video made me cry and laugh the entire time. Anybody else try and name every movie? Love your shoes and that Annie is cooking! Lucky mama 🙂

sharon / tpt - first if all, you have the cutest dang little glasses eye peeking through on that car shot! pretty eyes, girl! . . . and not for not I have the same video posted too. SO engaging I had to trace down every movie, dance, and actors on YouTube. yah, I know, get a live, right? 🙂

Amber - I love those polish removers and Dutch Blitz too.

Krista - My favorite running shoes!! Brooks Glycerin, so squishy and wonderful!

Juli - Congrats on even one of your kids showing interest in cooking! I couldn’t get any of mine to learn much when they were in high school–they always had something else they “needed” to do. Now in their 20s (two gals and a guy), they are all GREAT cooks! So rejoice! One of yours is on her way!

Lindsey Jo - ypu should try cut throat kitchen next! it’s a lot of fun!

Jenn - That video totally made me smile! Who doesn’t love that song and who doesn’t love to dance!!!!

Thanks for the tip on the polish remover. I’m a big polish girl and had not heard of it.

Yay for help with dinner, yay for big happy straight smiles!

Happy Friday!

Lee Ann - We love Dutch Blitz and Chopped! Keep your eyes open for the next Master Chef Jr. I think it should be starting again soon. She will love it! You will all love it! The things those kids can cook is amazing!

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