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an hour on pinterest

follow along with me as i click-click-clicked my way through pinterest this morning.
(click on photo for source)

how cute are these?!
they had me at sprinkles…

80c9ee3962b552a4d426cc79833af8fcspeaking of cute AND tiny… 
these mixed drinks in jars are ADORABLE!

this shirt is awesome!

this somehow led me to embroidery.
it’s all so pretty!
i want all the mexican flowers!


LOVED this wall!
the shiplap… the game boards… the crates… it’s so good!
and how sweet is this simple wall treatment?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
swiss crosses forever!

and then this week i saw pam garrison’s backdrop she made for a class she is teaching.
i mean… dang PAM!!!
it is so beautiful!
send it to me when they’re done with it.
ha ha ha!

which led me to alissa burke’s beautiful walls…. sighhhh.

but you know i need some color…
making this wall would be so. much. fun!

what fun place to shower!
it would be hard to feel sad in there.

i would like to sit here and drink my coffee.

colorful tiles are happy!


i love the bright floor against the ALL WHITE bathroom.

but these yellows are like soaking in the SUNSHINE!
i admire people for going of it and making fun rooms like these.

i love the different shades of green but mostly i want to FEEL these walls!
you can tell that it has texture and dimension and that is dreamy to me!

that floor?
it’s too much.
too perfect.
i want to lay down next to this cat and i could die a happy lady!  🙂

rainbow executed in the best way.
simple and fun.

and then i felt hungry and started thinking about dinner…

and of course… dessert.

and then my coffee cup was empty and i had to get up and do something else.

M - That green and white tile floor IS amazing! The embroidery work is fantastic and I would like to eat that squash filled boat for lundh today please : ) Great compilation!

PS: I like your hour time limit – sometimes I go way less but have to admit having went over that mark a few times…oy…

Morgan - I get lost in Pinterest too. I love looking at the decor and food and house ideas. So fun! I love all the colorful bathrooms you found! I am a big fan of color.

jennibell - So. . .if I had an hour I would totally do this too!!! I’m going to come back and pin some myself 🙂
I saw an article today and thought of you (I know, so weird. . .you don’t know me, I don’t know you yet I see something and think of you. . .) and couldn’t find an e-mail on your site so thought I’d post it here. I really think it might speak to you. . .

Have a great week Meg!

Kristin S - Thanks for linking the photos! Off to Pin myself. 🙂 I mean, not literally pin myself…

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i was so amazed it brought me to tears.
that is definitely a gift from god.

beth larson - OMGosh Meg, thank you for sharing this… unbelievable isn’t it? What the human spirit is capable of will always amaze me…. xox

Mindy - So happy your shared this! I saw it through a friend’s post on Facebook and was so moved. A gift from God indeed.

Ginny - Thank you Meg for sharing!! Made my day! Just beautiful!!

Tammy Allen - Thanks so much for sharing!

Kelly - Tears streaming down my face. One of the most touching things I’v ever seen…what a beautiful soul he is. Thank you so much for sharing this, Meg. Have a lovely day.

Lisa - So much amazing talent and beauty in the world. I needed this today. Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn - WOW….when we think we can’t we need to remember this awesome man…..if he can….we can….God is good!!!

Tara - WOW!!! That is so cool!! God is so rad!!!

Michelle Deckert Richmond - Beautiful story…beautiful man. I came across this short video on youtube and thought of you. I hope you like it.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my goodness! That is incredible!

Tiffany - so glad you shared this — now let me wipe my tears and get back to work 😉

wow, just wow!!

Beth Ann - Absolutely amazing! I had to find out more about the artist, Paul Smith, here is another video about him and some more of his works of art –

Jennifer - Wow is right! Simply amazing and to have such faith and to keep it…inspiring!

jo - Thank you for sharing that uplifting and positive video!

Sue - What a wonderful video to share.

laurie magpie ethel - Wow! Paul has really found his voice with that typewriter. Amazing.

Candice - I have seen this before – loved it!

Jenny B. - That is truly amazing! Thank you for sharing!

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on instagram a few days ago i asked for topics to share about here on the blog.
i love hearing from you!

some topics mentioned were:

– parenting tips for survival and sanity with schedules
– parenting teen girls
– dealing with mean girls
– how do we handle kids with phones and social media
– parenting regrets
– parenting big kids and staying close as they grow up
– what are your favorite things
– favorite fashion if money was no object
– Organizing photos/storage/printing
– what is your decorating inspiration
– how’s supper club so far?
– how was the happy hour with jamie ivey
– furniture painting tips
– how did you start craft weekend
– what devotional do you like and tell us about your bible time – how can you focus?
– can you share about your best, most loyal girlfriends?
– food choices, healthy eating and fitness
– dealing with Post Pinterest Inferior Syndrome (that was a cute one!)
– how do you balance life, work, hobbies
– what is your next house project
– what made you want chickens
– favorite family meals
– what blogs & IGs do you follow
– what are you reading

so… i am going to touch on a few here today.
and hit others soon.

most of the comments were asking to see our house.
gosh… you guys are very kind.
right now christmas decor is put away and nothing has taken it’s place.
so i am working on that.
we hung the barn doors up and i am working on how to make it pretty again.
i promise to show it as soon i do.

and the rest of the house.

if you are new-ish here you may not know there is a category in the sidebar for home decorating.
you can see all the post that have ever been tagged in that category.


How do you like living in a more modern house vs the vintage?
well… i don’t want to sound ungrateful in any way here so please don’t think i am.
i love this 14 year old house and i’ll tell you why.
i like having a garage.  i like the big cement driveway.  i like that it was built solid, sturdy and reliable.
i like that there is a tornado shelter! i like that all the windows work.  i like having a sink in the laundry room.  i love our block and location on our block. i like the gas fireplace! i like large open space.  i like dry wall vs. plaster.  i like i like that the plumbing & electrical is not even two decades old.  it’s a really great house! i tell craig how much i like it here all the time.

BUT… if i could have an old white two story farmhouse with land and a view of sunsets and pretty fields with chickens all around the garden and an old porch with a swing…. i’d pick that in a heart beat.
but with old houses comes old plumbing and probably a lagoon.  Also drafty windows and doors and broken steps and paint that needs stripping and re-painting. it would most likely need new bathrooms and/or kitchen.  there would be wallpaper to strip and I’m sure there would be trim that needed to be painted white.  😉  There would be much more work than this new house is.
And i would still choose that over the new.

BUT as 40 year olds with 5 kids, 2 jobs and a non-stop schedule AND another house… the newer, more reliable house is the best option right now.

and maybe ever.  (cause we aren’t getting any younger)


What is your morning routine?
oh girls.
this one made me crack up.
because i am THE WORST about mornings.
and about routines!
i love sleep so much it’s not even funny.
but i hate to go to bed at night… i’m a total night owl.
it’s not falling asleep that i love… it’s the not getting up part.
summer break with big kids is the best thing ever!  sleeping until 10 or 11? every day?! HEAVEN!
but i have kids in school now so i have to get up each morning.
we wake up around 6:30-6:45.
i make sure everyone got up with their alarm and i make coffee.
then i sit there and stare at nothing and drink the coffee while they get ready for school.
i say things like “did you put your homework in your bag yesterday?”  “are you bringing a coat?” “tie your shoes please”
but really i have trained them to be VERY self sufficient.
they don’t actually need me to be awake but obviously i want to see them and help if needed.
then at 7:30 they leave and run down the block to catch the bus.
and just two weeks ago scott started driving so he leaves a little after them and drives himself & sean to school.
after that… if i have nothing going on that morning… i go back to sleep!
then i get up and drink more coffee and wake up real slow.

probably not the inspiring go-getter routine you were hoping to hear… ha ha ha!

BUT i have a routine that i WISH i was great at and that i am attempting to try.
5:30 – workout
6:30 – coffee and quiet time
7:30 – shower
8:30 – have a productive day
hmmm…. it sounds horrible.
truly awful!
wish me luck.
it starts in the morning… i’m trying not to cry already.
i saw this blog post on pinterest and thought it was right on!
i’m going to try some of her tips.

being a grown up is dumb.

and last for today:
How do you maintain your house… no clutter, no piles?

well…. there ARE piles and clutter here.
but not crazy amounts i guess. (the laundry room doesn’t count)
house work is not my strength.
my husband is the clean one and the one who keeps things neat.
i am not a slob but i don’t have a binder with cleaning charts and a schedule either.
i am able to be pretty chill about all of it… clutter and mess do not undo me.
i have no trouble going to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes or unfolded laundry.

i’d say there are 3 things that help keep it under control.
1. the kids clean up their rooms and bathroom on saturdays.
that is their space and their responsibility… i do not get involved.

2. our kids alternate loading and unloading the dishwasher
(meaning i don’t have to do dishes every single day)
we started this as young as kindergarten for unloading.
right now my boys take turns loading the dishwasher and the girls unload.

3. i have a cleaning service.
the woman who cleans for me is absolutely awesome!
i spend several hours picking up the house in the morning on the day she comes so she can deep clean.
having professional help has kept the clutter & chaos down immensely.
she cleans the main floor of the house except for annie’s room and the guest room.
that means the kitchen, dining, living room, hallway, bathroom, my bedroom and bathroom.
i know that it’s not the answer for everyone to have a cleaning service… but i decided about 3 years ago that FOR ME it was absolutely worth the money because the keeping up with the housework had gotten to be too much for me with everything else going on.
i hated it!
i hated thinking about it, worrying about it and of course DOING it.
and i hated that i couldn’t keep up.
so for me – a cleaning service was the answer.
it has made my life easier and it is my favorite!
i am grateful and it’s freed me up to get other things done during that time!
AND she’s so much faster than i ever was.
when my kids were babies and toddlers it didn’t feel like the best use of money because little ones are tornadoes of mess 24/7.
but with bigger kids who are gone all day and many evenings… it is totally worth it!


thanks for all the topic ideas!

and guess what i’m going to do now… yeah.
another basketball game.



Amy aka aphotomama - Thanks for answering!! It is so encouraging to read your answers and just get the sense of you being you and being content with who you are and where God has you. It can be a struggle in today’s Pinterest/competitive world where it seems people are afraid to just be authentic and real. So thanks. Love the part about the country house. I grew up in the country in the house my great grandfather built. Every time it would rain hard, the basement would flood. Thanks for all you do and share! Hugs!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Do you know what a relief it is to know that I am not the only mom in the world who love, love, loves her sleep? That is all.

Kimberlee Jost - I need a tshirt that says “being a grownup is dumb”. 😉

Lis - I think you did a post about this awhile ago but I can’t find it. What do you do for kids’ chores? Ours are 6, 7, 8, 8, and 14. The house is constantly a disaster and chores are essentially non-existent. I make them clear and load their dinner dishes but the rest (my fault) seems to fall on me. What were your expectations and do you pay them?

Jenny B. - Love the Q & A! 🙂 Love the picture/quote about cleaning with kids. So funny and true. I also identified with “cause we aren’t getting any younger.” My husband I will both turn 40 next month, and I am feeling some urgency about big decisions. Are we going to live in this little house for the rest of our lives? If not, then we need to get a move on! It’s like “someday” is upon us and it’s time to act. And, oh my word, are we saving enough for retirement? And, what about the kids’ college tuition? Oy… You’re right. Being a grown up is dumb (and time is still a jerk).

Amanda - 3 broken windows, a handful of others that don’t open, floors that are unlevel, trim not on, that needs painted, snakes in the scary cellar, kitchens and bathrooms waiting for time and money to be redone. I could go on. I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time reading about this!! Just a week or so ago I asked Craig how you guys were liking moving from old to new. So funny reading this now. I’ll admit I almost had to quit and tell myself to breathe…it’s ok…we gave up some amenities for others. But the journey and potential ahead is exciting. And in all of its imperfections, it’s feeling more like home in 6 months than the other did in 10 years. So there’s that. 🙂

Marcia (123 blog) - I love reading your honest morning routine. I’m also not a morning person but sadly, I have to get to work so I wake at 6.45 most days.

Interestingly, I heard on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast a night owl said “I have to exercise first thing while I’m not awake” and I think the exact opposite. I am useless in the morning.

I live in an old house and I love it but Lord, the maintenance….. I sometimes dream of no draughty windows and doors, and things that don’t leak, and so on. Still deciding 10 years on 🙂

Can’t wait for the rest of the Q and A

Momma Ginny - Meg! You are adorable!! You remind me of myself! If that makes sense?! Thanks for sharing!!!

Lisa - Being a grown up IS dumb! Haha! I could not agree more. And I wanted to cry when reading your schedule you’re going to attempt. Waking up and working out at 530am?! I’m not sure i could ever do that! I have a hard time waking up at 730am! Haha! Fun to see a glimpse into someone else’s life!.;)

Kelly - These posts are so much fun! I clicked over to your old blog via a pinterest link the other day and you know what I kind of miss (I really liked it but I only kind of miss it because it was a time suck but oh such a fun time suck!) that little side bar you had of all the fun linkies! 🙂 Kelly

Heather S. - Oh Meg! You and I could not be more different, but I love that I still think you’re fabulous! If we were all the same, well, all but one of us would be redundant!
Going back to bed after coffee???? 🙂 Impressive. I’m far too awake after coffee – that’s when I hit the elliptical!
Love the honesty! Always fun to get a window into someone else’s world.

Tricia - Your morning routine is basically identical to my own, except we start at about 6am, because the school bus comes really early here. lol. I sometimes wish I was a morning person, but I’ve about given up hope.

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ordinary week

my giant barn doors finally came inside this weekend!!
i am in love with how they change the space.
i’ll show it when i have it styled the way i like (which could be a long time but i’ll try not to let it be)
i wanted them to be hung on the wall because i wanted them to go almost to the ceiling.
so we had to figure out HOW to do that.
and it only took two trips to the hardware store.
cuddly brothers.IMG_0782-2
these guys are still here.
they are the world’s most boring pets… FYI.
and they creep me out.
i’m not “afraid” of them but they just gag me.

the bathtub at the craft house is heavenly.
it’s worth driving 15 minutes to take a bath.

talby had a volleyball tournament last weekend… those are crazy.
crazy loud.  crazy crowded.
but love watching her play and smile and be silly with her team & her brothers.

and we had another week full of basketball games.
like… 9 games.
funny guy.

of out ALL our kiddos… i think annie may possibly love basketball the most.
which is fun to know we still have a lot of basketball in our future.
and that is serious.  i am not being sarcastic.
i love to watch them play!
(i also love to stay home and do nothing but we get to do that all summer)
i love this 40’s house but i really do miss the chickens being out like when we at the farmhouse.

last week was busy with scott, sean AND talby getting their driver’s licenses.
scott got his full license and the talby and sean got learner’s permits.
a learner’s permit means you can drive with any licensed driver over 21 in the passenger seat.
then at 16 (or after driver’s ed) they can get a restricted license that allows them to drive to work or school only.
it was a big week!

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i got to help make a meal for Scott & Sean’s basketball team last night.
i like those boys.
all of them.
and i am LOVING watching all their games this year.

i did some art journaling (keeping with my 2016 goal of creating something each week)

i started reading this book… I Quit Sugar
on paper it seems so easy.
and logically it IS.
but it’s so much deeper than that isn’t it?!
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i thought both of these books looked interesting at B&N this weekend.
The Paleo Kitchen and Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind
they both had really great photos and everything looks SOOOO good to eat!

and keeping with pure randomness… these 4 pics cracked me up this week.
1. i don’t answer my phone unless it’s my child.
2. i cut my boys hair and they don’t love it but don’t want to go GET a haircut either.
3. this sign needs to live in my laundry room
4. i would like 7 of these tank tops.  one for every day of the week.  ha ha haaaaa

and lastly…. craig and i went out on a date (that i begged for) on saturday night.
(begged is a strong word) (threatened… ? ha!)
we ran into Barnes & Noble & i was chatting with mr. duerksen, looked up & said “well hey! that’s my friend Jeanne!”
and sent her this grainy pic immediately.
Jeanne has TONS of classes on her site but there is one going on right now called LISTENING.
she asked over 20 men and women to share our thoughts on Listening – Finding the Quiet and hearing the voice of God.
and i am one of those women and i did make a video about my personal struggles and praises.
so come join this free class!!!
it started january 1 but it’s not too late to join at all…you can still see all the videos.
my house is empty today! my husband is off work and the kids are off school but no one is here!
i am making PW Dr. Pepper pork in the crockpot.
my husband has requested Bread Pudding for dessert (see??? deeper than the logical I Quit Sugar)
and i HOPE we get to watch a movie tonight as a family.
(but no doubt there will be a football or basketball game on that can’t possibly be missed…)

did you see The Martian?! we watched that on friday and LOVED it!


Cat Sasser - Please! I MUST know the name/brand of your toe nail polish in the bathtub pic! (It’s perfection!) 🙂

meg duerksen - Michelle- I don’t have that tank top. I saw it on Facebook but I bet if you google it you’d find a source.

Michelle - Where did you get the “Am I skinny yet” tank?

Jenny B. - Love your art journaling piece! My grandmother passed away at the beginning of January, and that was the hymn she had requested we sing at her service. <3

Love the barn door! How did you end up hanging it? French cleat? Have fun styling it! 🙂

meg duerksen - our walls are SeaShell Gray by Valspar.

meg duerksen - Shelly – i was just helping with the meal… but they served baked potatoes with chili and/or shredded pork as a topping. Not chili in bowls. and desserts. 🙂

Lisa - I just spent the weekend at a volleyball tournament with all 5 of my kids. It
IS loud and crazy. But so fun! I also need that laundry sign. Too funny! 😂

Andrea - we just watched the Martian… (it was really good and funny!)

Lisa D - OK – LOVE those doors! I grew up on a farm in SW Minnesota and I have a thing for barn doors!! 🙂
And….what color are you walls….almost a gray/white color??
Thank you for all of your wonderful posts – Lisa

Shelly - OK – what did you feed the team? I’m on my third team meal of the basketball season and I’m OUT.OF.IDEAS!!!!! Please help!! 😉

Kelly S - Read The Martian, then saw The Martian, and LOVED both!!!! (book was better, of course, but movie was fun and great). Excited to see The Revenant. I don’t know what revenant means? 🙂

Melanie - I was just thinking that my coffee habit is keeping me away from my goal weight, and how I would like to quit/reduce my sugar intake. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet, huh? le sigh. I’m with ya sister! Keep the faith, try try try again.

Michelle - My husband and I just watched The Martian last night and thought it was great! 🙂 Hope you have a good night with your family. I’m watching PW while my 3 month old naps….looking forward to the days of family movie night. We are in the throws of nursing and diapers! 🙂

Julie - Looking forward to seeing how you style those doors. We turned mine into my sewing table and another into my cutting and fabric storage table.

I have looked at going sugar free, but have decided that I am going to stick to the everything in moderation theory, besides I cannot afford all the nuts, fresh dates, cacao nibs etc you are meanto use instead in cooking and baking.

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super yummy granola

my friend julianna made me some crazy good granola!
i ate it all right away.
she shared the recipe she had used and i changed it a bit to make it “healthier”.

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i used gluten free rolled oats.
but you don’t have to.
and you could totally use brown sugar or vegetable oil instead of coconut.
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you bake it… then turn it all over and add your nuts in…. then bake it again.
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then you add all the yummy stuff at the end after it’s cooled down.
you could add chocolate chips…. or anything that sounded good to you.
it’s great over yogurt.
it’s delicious on it’s own by the handful.
it’s very crunchy when you first make it and it softens up over time in the container.
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i would say definitely be careful not to over cook it… the coconut sugar seems to bake quickly and burn easily.

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Juliana - I really love the coconut flakes…fantastic changes from the original! ❤️❤️❤️

T-licious - I love her granola!!! Good idea on sharing!!!

Valerie - Mmmm!! Looks so good, I just might try this today! Thanks!! <3

Jennifer - Thank you for sharing! I was just thinking of making my own and needed a recipe!

Beth - This looks yummy! I’m on Whole 30 right now, so can’t do the oats or sweetener, but will try after that. There’s a grain free oatmeal that I think you’d like – here’s the link:

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i honestly FORGET to exercise.
and FORGET to eat well.
i get stuck on auto pilot.
or eat based off my feelings… #allthesugar
and i love to sleep late so very much.

so i made this list today and hung it in my bathroom.
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i put it where i spend time everyday…and hope i will notice it and i’ll say “oh yeah… that is why i should do it!”
i am reeeeeally good at coming up with reasons to not exercise.
so this should be a good competitor with my excuses.
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and then i made this list and hung it in the kitchen.
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and i might make one for my dashboard of my car.
because making the healthy choice is sometimes not even on my radar!

AND… i am doing a new workout dvd!
i know that i switch programs often but let’s face it… doing the same routine for too long gets really dull.
i like to have a variety to choose from.
i enjoy knowing i can mix it up when i get bored.

This new program is called “The Master’s Hammer & Chisel”
(super corny name but a good workout)
the nutrition program in H&C has the same color coded food containers as the 21 Day Fix program.
so the H&C seems to be kind of the Body Builder version of 21 Day Fix?   🙂
jay kay.
it’s just more weights AND cardio.
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i know… that is a lot of skin… makes me cold just looking at them!  it’s like 20 degrees here today!
but Autumn Calabrese DID really bulk up!
and still not wearing much clothing… HA.

i am not looking to be a body builder or a bikini competitor.  (gasp!)
i just want to be healthy(er).
and move my body.
and feel good.

i loved the 21 Day Fix program!
it was challenging but not impossible.
if you are just starting out with fitness… start with that!
it’s a really good place to begin.
both the H&C and the 21 Day uses the food containers for portion control.
it’s almost fool proof.

so….. WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME!?  🙂  🙂  🙂
let’s have our own online fitness accountability and encouragement group!!
come on….. it will be fun!  (as fun as working out can be…)

My friend Marta is a women’s fitness specialist.
she will be our coach to encourage us through 21 days of accountability.
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she’ll share nutritional tips, motivational information and challenge us to become our healthiest selves.
i promise to check in often to share how the workout went for me, share recipes & other fun stuff.

to join the group…

1. click here at to order either the Hammer & Chisel program, the 21 Day Fix program OR 21 Day Extreme
(the other programs don’t use the same nutritional program so these 3 options are what this group is going to use)

2. email Marta at with your order number and she will sign you up for the group

we will start the group on January 25 and continue through February 15.
that gives you time to receive your program & get prepared.

i’m smiling already just thinking how good we are going to feel mid febraury!!!

let’s do this!
accountability is good thing!
ask away!

Kim - I finally heard back from Marta about whether or not the 21-day fitness plan was Gluten Free (it is!!!), so I am thinking it may be just what I need to jump start my weight loss. How many people are there signed up for the challenge? Thanks for offering to host this accountability group!!

Jodi - I also have already purchased the 21 day program last summer, can I still join?

Ashley - Hey there! I’ve never commented but I wanted to recommend trying a barre fitness class. I’m a runner and have done the beach body dvd programs too and in the past 4 months of attending barre classes at a local studio, ive seen amazing results. And it doesn’t feel like working out- it’s hard but super fun. Anyways, just wanted to share 🙂

Marta - Hey all! I’ll try answering some questions….
email me if it’s easier so I don’t miss anyone.

Jenn- if you buy the program, there will be no reoccurring fees or anything like that! I’ll add you to my group for free. just email me your order number so I know you purchased and I can email you back.

michele- did you purchase from me? or do you have another coach you are working with? email me:

megan- yes, you can eat whatever you’d like (except donuts with every meal, obviously! ha) and I will help you with the nutrition part for sure. that is my “thing.” 🙂 and you’ll need some light dumbbells, a mat and a big yoga ball or a bench– either one is great. you can modify the exercises if you don’t have these items. you DO need some light weights though for sure. I use 5 and 10’s mostly.

Michele - I purchased the 21 day fix last summer but never stuck with it. Can I join the group anyway or do I have to purchase a new program?

Kim - I have 30 lbs. to lose, but wow would it be a great kick start to lose those first 15 in 21 days. A couple of questions before I “sign on the dotted line” #1 – I cannot eat gluten, so want to make sure that I will be able to follow the 21-day fix and not eat any. #2 – are we expected to do 30 min. of exercise all 7 days of the week? Ai-yi-yi. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! (I work full time and am 58 years old, but am determined to begin to be a little selfish and think about myself in 2016).

meg duerksen - Megan… That’s a good question! I’ll have Marta leave a comment here for that. And I would think you can adjust the container system for vegetarians. I’ll have Marta answer that too 😀

Lola - I might be stealing some or ALL of your lists!!! JOY is my word for this year-I pick one each year (well I only started last year-that word was brilliant:) BUT I start TUCK on Thursday-it’s workout with some resistance props and yoga and ballet barre. It will make me stronger once I an walk again after a few sessions! I NEED this. I used to be soooo fit and also just naturally did not gain weight and I love the snacks and the sleeping in and winter is ugh BUT I am doing this! It’s this-making my body work for me-and finishing my book! As I write this I am in the airport at St. Maarten where it is beautiful! I am traveling home from spending some time with my son at medical school and with the island. I am going back to awful weather BUT I am going to work out! I will think of you and your inspiration when I don’t want to go!!!!

Megan - Next question: Where are the necessary supplies for Hammer & Chisel listed? I can’t find them anywhere on the website.

Megan - It’s too much of a coincidence that I’m hearing about Hammer & Chisel two days in a row. A sign from the universe that I should do it, perhaps?

Question: Are there vegetarian food options with the little container system? How do you work in feeding your family along with sticking to the program? I’m so tempted to join…

Sarah Lahrman - I’m in!!!

Lori H - Good for you, Meg! Would you consider making your list (s) a printable for us? I would need to change the “40” to a “53” – or I could pretend that I am 40! 🙂

Maribel Q - I’m 5 5 and 140ish. I’m sort of ok with my weigh gain over the last seven years since having my son. I’d much rather be firm and fit and also change my eating habits. Is this the 21 day program for me

Katie Skiff - MArta rocks but I’d probably have a heart attack if I jumped into H&C.. Oiy! I do like the program tho, and have seen REAL RESULTS. So yeah… just my 2 cents! 🙂 I love your signs, and am going to do something similar in the kitchen esp. And on the snack cupboard. And the freezer….

amy jupin - so which one is the hammer and which one is the chisel?

you are gonna rock this challenge!
i just know it!

meg duerksen - Dear T-licious! the accountability part plays out by checking in that did your work out. you can commiserate with other in the group about how challenging it was or you can tell everyone how strong you feel or struggling with temptation or share a healthy snack you just discovered! kind of like a fitness support group! 🙂 Knowing that everyone in the group is using the same nutrition program and exercising hard helps make it not as hard to get going. hopefully! no photos of weigh-ins. unless you are dying to share! then you could. i will not be doing that. and i prefer to wear autumn’s “clothes” as my headband. HA HA HA

meg duerksen - Jean – yes! there is no other charge. the group is free with the purchase of a program. 🙂

T-licious - How does the accountability part work? I don’t have to take pictures of me weighing in do I? Does Autumn’s outfit come with the DVD’s? Cause I’d like to wear that, on one of my calves. But seriously, how do you check in, etc?

Jenn - I have a question….All I do is select the program I want and that’s it? Its just the one time charge? No reoccurring charges? I guess that was three questions 😉

Karin - You should read my food story. I just put it out on Etsy.

Kelly S. - I never thought I NEEDED accountability in life, but I DO, and it works.

One of my 2016 goals is to walk, run or bike 2016 miles this year (comes out to 38 miles a week). A far-reaching goal for me, but I’m on pace. Great job making a plan for your goals.

Jenn - Ok! I’m seriously thinking of doing this. I want and need to loose 10-15 lbs. I’m tired and sluggish. I run on a regular basis, but I need to get my eating under control. And like you, I love sugar…oh sugar you taste so good, but so bad for me.

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ok…. the kids have gone back to school.
i got one day to myself (or technically just a half day).
so with my silent morning…. i wrote out my goals for 2016.
why does it make my stomach hurt?
goals are good…. right?
everyone says they are so it must be true.
even it feels scary.

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unrelated: my sister got me adorable polka dot “sleep” pants for christmas and i’ve worn them for dayzzzzzzz.

i separated my page out into sections – Self Care / Personal / Business / Jesus stuff
very professional.
probably just like Beth Moore would do it.

i will share a few but not all because some are personal & also i don’t want to bore you….

*Self Care
1. get a mammogram (cause i’m 40 now and it’s that time)
2. figure out if i can enjoy and see benefits of the Essential Oils
i want to understand… but i fear i may not be self aware enough… like knowing if my body is responding or not… or if have the stamina to keep it up… idk… we shall see.  i have them.  but feel basically clueless about them.
feel free to share why you love them and why i should as well.

1. create something every week.
because i haven’t for months and i am slowly dying on the inside.
dramatic much?
i feel my best when i am creating… so i need it to be more not less.
2. send happy mail often.
i love to send people happy mail and i want to do much more of that in 2016

1. record and balance accounts early & often
this is pretty much my least favorite thing ever of all things related to business stuff
but now that i’m 40… ha ha ha.
it’s still my least favorite.
that doesn’t mean i can’t do it.
and it would make my husband so happy too.
win – win!
2. new products in my shop.
because duh… it needs to happen.
i just gotta do it.
feel free to share what you’d love to see in the shop!

*Jesus Stuff
i’ve always been really lax about this.
that makes me sad to say.
but it’s the truth.
i want to dig in and spend time in the bible.
i want to know Jesus more.  i need it.
not in a ‘do better’ kind of way but in the ‘i miss closeness with jesus’ kind of way.
2. memorize bible verses.
it doesn’t have to be fancy.
this week’s was from our sermon at church.
Eph.6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so you can stand firm against the devil’s schemes”
3. Africa
someway – somehow – sometime this year.
yep… it’s a jesus thing…. it could be in the personal category too but it’s so big that’s it falls under Jesus Stuff for me.
(i knooooow that in reality EVERYTHING falls in that category.  I do.)


and then i attempted to fill out my 2016 calendar.
that is just dumb.
but i did it.
basically it was 571 basketball games and 3 dr appts.

ok… boring talk is over.


here is something you need to do: listen to Jami Nato’s Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey.

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trust me.
it’s REALLY good.
crazy good.
you’re welcome.


Lacy - I did the armor of God study by Priscilla shrier.. It studied all of Ephesians. It’s a great study and chapter! Great verse to memorize!

Lindsay - I love my oils! I’ve been using them consistently for two years now and the best thing I can recommend is get yourself a reference book, something you can look up your ailments and learn about the oils themselves. You can check any of these links (not affiliate):,,

When choosing a brand, research the company and how they make their oils. Labeling isn’t regulated, but some companies have videos of behind the scenes type stuff. I narrowed it down to two companies and I really wanted to pick one because of their branding/bottling, but I ultimately chose the other company because they’d been around longer and own their own farms/distilleries.

Essential oils work, if you use them. Try a new use everyday. Research some new ways to use them, make a quick calendar, and commit to using them at least once a day everyday for a month!

Do we still get sick? Yes, but it’s not as bad/doesn’t last as long.

I understand you already have some oils, but if you’d like to compare the two, I would be happy to send you some samples!

xo. Lindsay

Dawn Kitley - Hi! Just started reading your blog.
Goals always make me nervous. It’s me making a commitment and I get nervous when I make too many commitments.second, I would love to send more happy mail as well. I love getting mail! And not EMAIL!
Third, I just started an R-260 reading commitment. It’s 260 of the most important readings in the Bible. So, you’re not reading the whole thing. But there’s an app (Replicate) and it tells you what to read and when to read (only 5 days a week) and it doesn’t take long. Maybe 10 minutes a day.
P.S. Sorry if there are any typos, my iPad is not allowing me to see what I’m typing for some reason.
Good luck with your goals!!

Lilly - Hey Meg – have loved your blog for a very long time and you have inspired and encouraged me on countless occasions. And I love the pumpkin cake and cheesecake recipes – so does my fam. But one thing – please please – as someone many people read, respect and admire – when you refer to Africa, say the country. I am Ethiopian-American and have been living back in East Africa (Ethiopia and Kenya) for nine years with my hubby and four kids. When we travel back to the US each year, one of of goals is to inform those we love and spend time with that Africa is not a country – it is has 54 wildly diverse and wonderful countries. Just as I don’t say I am going back to “North America” can I suggest that maybe you just mention which of God’s hilariously awesome African countries is on your heart? Kenya couldn’t be more different than Ethiopia and they are neighbors – so imagine this continent that can house all the land mass of the USA, China, Mexico, most of Europe and India – is so different, so unique that border to border you find thousands of languages, people groups and cultures that could never fit under the one banner of “Africa.” I say this only in love and hope you can receive that way. Bless you and happy new year, Lilly

melissa@joyineveryseason - thanks for posting your goals … I love to see what other people are working on. 2016 will be a great year!

Jenn B - Hi Meg,
I have loved your blog for years! Goals are great but focusing on God’s goals for us is most important. I find that I get really wrapped up in my goals and used to often forget God’s so now I just pray about my vision and goals for the year and he directs my steps. I love the one about getting into your Bible more. You will be blessed.

On the essential oil subject, I have to say we LOVE essential oils. We use doTERRA (and to be upfront my husband and I are Wellness Advocates) but even if we weren’t WA’s we would still sing their praises. We have been using them over two years now and they have literally replaced our medicine cabinet. We use them for cleaners, mood pick-me-ups, and the all around good smells. Our children have benefited from them as well. They are even good to get rid of stinky smelly boy feet! Anyway, it is VERY important for you to learn to use them safely and properly because they are very concentrated. I have a section on my website about them and would love to teach you more if you’re interested. I could picture them at your craft house too! Diffusers in every room adding to the ambiance. Cheers to a God-focused and healthy New Year for you! Blessings, Jennifer

Janna - Oops posted comment too soon meant to add this We’ve been loving the breathe stick around here to use with breathe in diffuser and breathe cough drops when the sniffles start! Always using our on guard on feet and in diffuser with og throat drops when things start feeling wonky😥And every one of us use digest zen and digest zen softgels pretty frequently. I think these might all be my faves if someone asked me:) Well in the winter for sure!😜 Can’t really be without oregano tho if the throat gets sore and the Melaleuca and lemon gargle don’t cut it. Guess i better stop…I think i could go on and on😁Stinking love these oils! So so thankful for them!! So so very rarely have to haul my kids to an appt. And i have 5 kids ages 14,13,11,6 and 11 months. We ALL use them! So does my hubby; ) took him awhile to become a believer… But as soon as the oregano gargle wiped out his sore throat he was a believer! Lol! And he also used lavender on a burn on his hand and couldn’t believe that it quit hurting almost instantaneously. It did take me quite a while to start using them after I got mine. But once I got the book and could look up anything then I really started using them. I really really hope you start using yours and love them too 🙂

Janna - Yep totally agree with Lisa! I LOVE MY OILS and am SO THANKFUL for them!!! TRULY! But I like to say they are the icing on the cake. With all the other healthy choices we make they become the icing on the cake of not having to run to the doctor and just being able to take care of all the little ailments at home. I love love love it!

valerie - Your posts are always inspirational, this one is no exception! Love it, inspiring me to get my calendar all marked in!!

Lisa - PS- My take on oils… They are not a miracle item. I think sometimes people think (and promote them) like they are the thing that will cure anything and everything. I have found them to be a great thing in ADDITION to other stuff. For example-My kids will continue to get sick even while using oils if they are eating lots of treats and sugar. I have used different oils for headaches, tension in my shoulders, when congested and thought they definitely helped and I loved that it was natural. I think oils have a place but they can’t be the miracle worker if nothing else is in place. Hope that makes sense!

Lisa - I probably should sit down and do this. I need some goals for the year. I feel like i’ve been “flying by the seat of my pants” all year and I don’t like it.

Linda - love your post! thanks for sharing your post. I’ve been hoping you’d put the rainbow sweatshirts back in your shop! Also will you post your weekly create? I’d love the inspiration!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I like your list.

Shannon - So now they recommend having a mammogram at 35 years old to establish a baseline. Had my first this year and had to go back for a second. Actually wasn’t as bad as I thought but then I’m not very “blessed” in that area. I use oils just when I find they are beneficially. I’ve completely stopped using chemicals cleansers on my face and switched to oils and items you probably have in your kitchen. It’s made a huge difference. And we have found a few that seem to really help with my husbands horrible seasonal allergies. Other then that I buy and diffuse ones that smell good. I’ve also had several people from different aspects of my life recommend Jamie Ivey lately. I guess God’s trying to tell me something. Yes to Africa! I’ve been twice, just waiting for God to say it’s time to go again.

Heidi - Love the list!! Same here on oils…I bought some in December from one of the “big” name companies and want to be a believer/hard corer because I know so many ladies personally that are, but not sure I can tell if they’re helping/changing. And same with the bible reading/memory…got a journaling one for Christmas and LOVE it (even though I’m not craft or artsy, love it for notes and thoughts).

Kate - I LOVE your goal to create each week! I am on the same mission!! Will you be blogging about your weekly projects? I would love to see what you are doing and of course, give your projects a try!! You always have the coolest ideas! Your blog is one of my favorites and I always love hearing what you have to share! Happy 2016!

Lori - Thanks for sharing your goals and especially thanks for sharing about the podcast. I saw Jamie Ivey when she cohosted the For the Love book club with Jen Hatmaker, but I’d forgotten about her. Loved this episode! I’ll definitely be listening to more. Thanks and happy 2016 to you!

Marge - Great new year post! I envy your alone day!! We use oils…. Mainly lavender /orange for sleep, on guard for cold sick season, and peppermint for headaches and upset stomach. I would love to see your colorful fabric bunting banner in your shop 😊

Happy New years!

jen - Yep. I just put all the volleyball practices and tournaments on the calendar. I feel ya.

Val - Hey Meg, you need to read Edie’s posts on essential oils – she gives you all the information you need to know. Her blog is 😀

Elliottsurf - Hello Meg and Happy New Year, can you tell me who did the art pieces you show in your kitchen next to the window? Looks like you have two pieces, one on each side of the window over the sink. Would love to know who the artist is and if we can purchase some prints. Thank You.

susan mooney - I love your blog. I think we have the same planner or a similar one…i got mine at Target and the only thing i didn’t like is that it was kinda plain inside so thanks for the idea of brightening it up with colorful markers!!! I like how real you are in your posts…and i think a lot of us women have very very similar goals as we strive to be the best version of ourselves…one thing i’d add is that i am doing a 30 day detox and so far so good. It involves yummy plant based protein powder and i’m not miserable AT ALL. Yay me! Feels good to flush out all the junk i consumed over the holidays! (i just re read and it sounds like i;m selling something and i’m totally not haha!) Anyway thanks for doing what you do! God bless your sweet family.

Gina - I always love this time of year…fresh start!! 😀 I love reading others goals. Reading my Bible changed my life!! You will never regret spending time in The Word!! I plan my life around it and try to never miss reading because it has been so beneficial in my life. It is where we meet Jesus. 🙂 And hiding His Word in our hearts is so very important. I hope you share what you are creating. 🙂

Dawn - I always think it’s dull and boring to share my goals but then I always love reading when others post theirs!

HJM - I tried the essential oil thing and sad to say, I never had that “miracle moment” where they worked for me. (And yes, I was using one of the two large companies where you get oils, the higher grade stuff!) We all got sick despite using the immune system oil, I had some skin issues that didn’t go away even though I used the intended oil to help with it, along with other failures. Maybe I was doing it wrong. Interested to hear your take!

Kim - Just had to comment to say thanks for sharing! Goals are personal, but it made my day to read some of yours!

Kelly - I have a great resource for memorizing Bible verses: Slugs and Bugs Sing the Bible. It is word-for-word Bible verses (and whole chunks of Scripture) put to upbeat, fun music making it so easy to memorize. AND Vol.1 heavily includes the African Children’s Choir(!!!) Our WHOLE family loves it! Technically for kids, but my husband and I listen when there are no kids in the car, too…it is THAT good. You will LOVE. Volume 2 comes out in March, but we have it already because we were part of the Kickstarter…you will LOVE it, too! Here is the link to purchase volume 1:

Mandy - Essential oils are wonderful! I’ve always been a “sickly” type person who has a hard time sticking with trying new things to help! With Essential oils it’s easy! They have become part of my family’s daily routine and helped with so many of our medical concerns. They’ve helped so much I can’t help but share them for others to also see the benefits! If you have any health concerns you’d like to try to correct in a natural way you should definitely give them a try! 🙂

Julie - I’m trying to pluck up courage to book my first mammogram – in New Zealand they are free, once you turn 45. Got to be responsible now I have reached this age.
What a lot of basketball games – you are a good mum.
Being creative is so important – one of my favourite sayings that I have pinned is:

“being creative is not a hobby, it is a way of life

Good luck with achieving your goals and all the best to you and your family for 2016.

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