Masthead header


one year ago…..i wish it was that day today.
i could use a little rock today. 


we painted our toes orange.


um….yeah….i like patterns.


did you know that mean and negative people are such a drag to be around.
don't be mean and negative, ok?


we had two campfires this weekend.
it almost makes me want to go camping…..almost.


annie was talking to me about the days of the week.
she said "what comes after saturday? another saturday?"
i said "no…each day only happens one time each week"
and she said 
"but the song i gotta feelin' says…friday, saturday, saturday and sunday"

the black eyed peas are messing with her mind! 



i love pam's cheesecake more than any other dessert.
it is my absolute favorite.
i could drink the batter from a glass.
like a cheesecake smoothie.




it's not that funny but i think of it every time i have said "cool" since saturday.


Courtney Walsh - I’ve been under a crazy deadline.
I missed your blog. 🙂

Trina McNeilly - I love you’re blog for posts like this…. all that pattern… yummy food, funny bits, etc. etc. hope you hare having a great wed. xoxoxo

Tracy Fisher - Funny you should mention “rock”… IF you have time, go to my website and look at the “reasons for rocks” entry @ I wish you could be at my party this Friday! I would love to paint you a rainbow rock someday. But maybe you’d rather have a good luck rock… or a rock of faith… or something that is just your own. Or maybe you could use this idea for one of your craft days with your own kids. My kids love to paint rocks! Happy Wednesday… may all of your wishes come true!! Tracy

Lisa - I love that your daughter knows that song!! My kids love to dance and listen to it! Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheesecake!

Mary - I’ve been thinking about that cheesecake since the day you posted the recipe. I decided I would indulge myself and make it when I graduated from Graduate school. Well, I graduated in August and didn’t make it until today because I forgot! So, I’m glad you reminded me! And let me say…OH.MY.WORD. that was absolutely delicious! 😀
Thanks for the reminder and tell Pam thanks for the recipe!!!!

Lin - Don’t let the mean and negative people drag you down. I love your blog. Your photos make me feel better when the mean and negative people drag me down. Thanks Meg.

Lisa - Pretty cool post! Want, no…NEED that cheesecake. Yummy!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Your toes are cute…
DON’t go camping…EVER…
I love all the patterns and the cuppa beside you…
Is that whipped cream on top of that cheesecake..for shiz?? I want it…NOW!

Amber Pamper - Such a cute pic of your bible studying!!! <3

jennifer - Well, the way I see it, you cancelled out the meanie with this cute and positive post. That cheesecake looks divine!!! Love the orange polish.

Nicolle W. - I love your blog. You ALWAYS put a smile on my face. Keep doing what you are doing. You inspire me and so do your photos.
Mean people are just useless. Go away!

Rach - The picture on the couch looks so comfy. Makes me just want to curl up with a good book and a nice hot chocolate and do nothing.

Kelly - I *want* that cheesecake! My toenails are orange too and it’s making me really happy. 🙂 Kelly

Lucylu ~ - Hello Meg,
Hey this is so the same on Saturday – Sunday we celebrated Jakes 14th birthday and we had cheesecake made by my mom and since i saw pumpkin in your blog post i would like to tell you we had pumpkin pie too.

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - I want some of that cheesecake!!! OOHHH MMMYYY!!!!!

alyssa - “the black-eyed peas are messing with her mind”
got a good chuckle out of that one.

Sara - Hi Meg, hope you are doing ok!!! Sometimes mean people just need a big hug. 🙂 It always throws them for a loop. ha ha. And it helps them snap out of it…

Lindsey - Cheesecake, yum.
Coffee, yum.
Nail color, awesome (do you know the brand/color name?)
All those colors and patterns, fun.

Brooke - WOw, I guess I didn’t realize that I had been reading your blog faithfully for so long….U2 seems so recent. In fact, whenever I think of a concert I want to go to, I think of U2…we were in Rome and they play at this beautiful place here. WE missed it by days….and I was so bummed!!
Hope all is well with you. I had a mean, not positive person experience today too..>BOO!

Kori - cheesecake smoothie? lemmee think, um….yes, please!! 😀

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, love that you have campfires at home. I totally get what you mean about “almost” makes you want to go camping. I think about camping too and I “almost” want to go until I remember what camping is all about 😉

Courtney - Oh first off your blog makes me HAPPY! I was laughing out loud when I saw that you write in your bible as well. ha My grandmother always shakes her head when I open my bible with scribbles in it. I think it is the generation thing, right!?
Oh and the cheesecake you could send it to me I am not that far away!
*On another note I tried finding information regarding 31 bits and hosting a party, I couldn’t find anything. Will you email me please. Thanks!

Lisa - I’m with Annie…two Saturdays sounds just right to me!

Sarah@Clover Lane - If someone said something mean or negative to you, I will come and beat them up. (Except I probably will not be very good at that since I don’t workout regularly, or even sporadically. But it’s the thought that counts right?)
And you know how I feel about meanies and grouchies and jerkies.
And that pumpkin pie looks so good and that Annie is SO cute. The Black-eyes Peas mess with my mind too, because I swear every week we have two Saturdays around here.

traci in virginia - So glad you posted the SNL skit. I am home alone for a few minutes and it made me laugh out loud! Pretty Cool actually!!!
I made homemade cupcakes last night with homemade chocolate buttercream icing…I did eat the batter out of the bowl!!! So cheers to dessert batter out of a glass! 🙂
(Despite the fact that I am supposed to be counting points for Weight Watchers…oops)
Thanks for adding some happy to my day! No mean and negative here!!!

Kasey - Amen on the mean and negative people. They seem to be everywhere on Facebook lately. What a drag… But nothing that a large piece of cheesecake can’t fix, right? 🙂

Staci - Oh man you are sooo right about negative people!!! STAY AWAY DOWNERS!!!!!!!!! And um, YUM about the cheesecake….you KNOW I have to make that 🙂 My Mom’s birthday is this weekend…I’m thinking it’s perfect timing 🙂 And that Annie, once again….LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Mean & negative people are exhausting! 🙁

Trish - that cheesecake looks divine (i like to say divine it makes me feel sophisticated :)) Love your patterns… I am a pattern girl myself!
Just blast some U2 on your iPod and dance barefoot with your orange toes!

Lora - I, too, am sick of negativity! I will be positive, I will be positive, I will look on the bright side! and be thankful for this life we’re living! 🙂

elma riedstra - Yummmy cheesecake!! Negative people ugghh you for sure don’t need them in your life:) Have a wonderful day!!!

Laura Phelps - I LOVE ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I just got the girls polka dotted bedding and thought of you 🙂
and I finally mailed your birthday card yesterday

Cari - You could use a little rock today, huh? I live in Little Rock. LR would welcome you. Ha! That cheesecake. Oh, that cheesecake. Must. Make. It. Now…. 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i love pattern too…we’re cool like that. now why in the world did you have to show that cheesecake?? unbelievable!

Heather R. - Fudge stripe cookie crust…hurt me! I’m going to have to try that one! I’d be confused about the days of the week, too. Ha!

Kimberly - I love your pattern pic 🙂 AND, I love that you took your kids to U2. Will you adopt me and my gaggle? Pretty please?

Kylie - I just wanted to let you know that Target has polka dot cardigans! One is black with white polka dots, and the other a mauve color with white polka dots. I was there on Sunday, and they were on sale for $15. They are the Merona brand.

Melanie - Gotta love Annie!

Tracy - mmmmm that cheesecake makes me want to blow the diet that I just decided to start like a 1/2 hour ago….I could always start after the cheesecake…right?
Mean people stink…I am on a mission to rid my life of mean people…or at least not let them affect me so much.
Hope you have a happy day…eat some cheesecake ; )

julia - Aw, come on, who’s being mean and negative???
I like your socks.

Amber Ferrier - That cheesecake seriously just did something to me…I have to have it now!

Holly - Wow, that post was “Pretty Cool”. I could sure eat me some cheescake

linda@limein the coconut - Pretty cool…

Kat - Oh my kids just love that black eyed peas song atm, so I had to smile at what Annie said.
Mm, cheesecake!!!!!
Hope you find more positive and happy people to surround you than negative and mean ones for the rest of the week.

Peta - Oh how i heart your cake stand. And I could drink up some that batter too. Might just have to make one this week … Have a good day!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
I love your random posts and seeing what you’ve been up to..they’re my favourite!
Yummy Cheese Cake…lovely nails. Seeing that bonfire makes me want to do one this weekend…with s’mores : )
Gemma x

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I could dive right into that cheesecake right now. Seriously.
{That’s how I know I’ve stayed up too late – I start getting hungry again.} And I’d take that cup of coffee, too.
Love the orange. My toes are Halloween purple. 🙂

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