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Category Archives: creativity

i like this.

halloween always seems a little crazy don’t ya think?
but at the end of the day it always feels like it was fun…. right?
we painted our pumpkins instead of carving because of time.
and i like doing it 1000 times more that way anyway.

my trick-or-treaters got bunches of candy and were completely exhausted at bedtime.

fall is so beautiful here in kansas.
i never feel like i appreciate it enough.
i try but how can we really grasp it all?  it is GORGEOUS all around us!
and changing literally by the minute.
i was reminded again that fall is my favorite season.

we are headed for a hike in the woods today to soak it up while we can.

happy saturday!

Rach - I cannot wait for a little true Fall next weekend! Yay!

Erin Shannon Thibodeau - As a mom who has lived through this (26 and 22 year old)… Separate the ideas….Pumkins either early October or after dh fact..Haloween

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I like your people.

Amy K. - I was all set to rue the day I ever thought of making my kids’ costumes until my oldest said, “I’m so glad you’re the kind of mom who spends time making exactly the costume we want instead of making us choose something at the store.” Well played, kid, well played!

tara - i love those painted pumkins.

we didn’t paint or carve this year.
but, we did have 4 other families over and we had a big pot of chili with all the fixins’ and then we all walked the neighborhood together for trick or treating…so much fun.

enjoy that hike! fall is my favorite, too! for sure!!!

happy weekend.

Kristin S - I know I might look ridiculous, but I wish they made Annie’s leggings/tights in grown-up size. I love them!

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10 minutes.

God and i were talking this morning and it basically went like this:

i feel like crap.
i want to sleep for days.
why do i have to be awake?
why do i have to work?
why do i have clean up?
i don’t want to.
why do i have to exercise?
it’s cold. ugh it’s raining! on halloween!
oh this is the worst.
i want to eat cookies.  it is so unfair that i can’t eat cookies all day long.

how about you work on your bible study lesson.  you seem like you are grumpy.

well of course i am grumpy!
everyone is so lame and hurts my feelings and makes me mad.
and i am tired.
and hormonal.
and there is so much to do because life is full AND it’s halloween!!!!
we never carved the pumpkins that i bought.  what a waste of money!
how will i possibly not eat all that candy tonight!???
and i didn’t buy the boots that annie wanted for her costume.
and i have to miss scott’s football game.
and talby needs her headband made.

start your lesson.

i am cold.
i need another cup of coffee.
and a blanket.
and my sweater and slippers.

15 minutes later….

why don’t you start on that lesson now?

oh alright!!!!

and of course it was awesome and perfect and a great attitude adjustor.
then as i finished the questions the light changes in the room & the cloudy gross weather is suddenly BRIGHT!
it got SO shiny and bright where i was sitting and i immediately felt the need to capture it.
that feeling i try not to ignore.
the push to create something… or appreciate something in front of me.
and so often now just try to get a quick capture on my phone camera.
that is lazy!  it is easy and helpful but also lazy.
but my phone was on 7% battery this morning (oops i forgot to plug it in last night)
so i got out the big mama camera, threw on talby’s shoes by the door & went out to catch the light.

i felt great… there is something so rad that happens when i use that creativity inside me!
when i plug into that part of me.
the crappy stuff just falls away.
the feelings, the tiredness, the self pity, the schedule, the stress…
for a few moments it is not there.
and then if  it does come back around… it’s more bearable after spending some time creating.
spending time focusing on Jesus helps me to SEE what matters around me.

i came back in the house, 10 minutes and 200 pictures later and sat down in the same spot.
within a minute the clouds came back in and that sun was gone.
dark and cloudy again outside.
what a gift that 10 minutes was to my heart today.
my cloudy gray heart was FULL of that shiny light i had just soaked in.

my problems aren’t fixed but i don’t have to be heavy about it.
i have Jesus.
it’s all good…  everything is in His control.
nothing on my complaint list was a surprise to Him.
(even though i really have nothing to complain about… nor should i be complaining in the first place)
He knows all of it.
i just need to put it all before Him and leave it there.
i am confident that He will change my heart.  heal my wounds.  lift my spirit.  guide my thoughts.

“And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours.”
1 John 5:14-15


what are you hearing today?
do you do that with God too… argue and complain to him?
i hope i am not the only one.

and now… time to exercise and make a headband!

Mindy - Beautiful pictures and beautiful post. Our “theme” at our church this past year has been “What 15 minutes can do” – just like your post, giving God just 15 minutes and our whole world can change. Think of what could happen if we (me…) gave Him more?

ira lee - thank you for sharing!!!!! why are we so stubborn? i don’t want to put any energy into having a positive attitde, i want everything to go right and me not have to work on it! lol but once a day or attitude turns around, it is so much better, right?

tracy fisher - oh boy… are we ever alike! i just had that same conversation with God. happy monday. -tracy

Jaime - AAAAmen.

Liz Hurst - Meg,
Somehow I stumbled onto your blog a few months ago and I love reading it. You are so inspiring and this post is so right on!
Thank you for knowing what I needed to hear today – God is so good!

Jenny B. - Absolutely love it!! What Bible study are you doing? I need a new one.

kensie - How great is our God

Flower Patch Farmgirl - YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!
I’m so glad I read this tonight.
I’m so happy you grabbed those 10 minutes.
I’m so glad I’ve got you!

tara - that whole conversation seems eerily familiar to me. 🙂
grateful for your 10 minutes and 200 pictures.
God is so kind to us…over and over and over.

thanks for keeping it real, Meg.

Lori - I love this! 🙂
Thanks for always honestly sharing with us.
God blessed me with a great night’s sleep last night so that
pile of dishes and laundry this morning feels so much more do-able

Karen Gerstenberger - Thank you, Meg.

Kristin S - Every day and He’s beyond patient with me.

Meredith - Beautiful & Touching. Praise God that we can give it all to him! Love the 10 minutes you got, just for you!

Tiffany - Beautiful words and pictures! Hugs to you!

Tiffany Gardner - This made me cry. I needed this post. Thanks for sharing your heart and touching mine. Jesus does rock!

Kerry - Ahhhhhh yes. Just yes : )

Lisa - All those colors you captured remind me of our God’s creativity. What a beautiful time of year. And yes I totally grumble to God at times. Sometimes I think He must get sick of me. 😉 I have tried to get better at being quiet and trying to just listen to Him. Thanks for sharing this today!

Heather - Which Bible study are you using???

Christy - How did you do that? How did you crawl into my head and hear my conversation with God? I made a conscious decision not too long ago to choose joy. I’m constantly reminding myself of that choice…joy when my hormonal sixth grade daughter bites off the head of whomever is in her path, joy when there is WAY too much on my plate and I don’t know what to do with it all, joy when my car breaks down and I have to wait in the dark for two hours for the wrecker because my husband is out of town (thank goodness for my mama who got the kids and took them to a nearby neighborhood to trick or treat while I waited.)

Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

jen - Needed this today. Thanks for sharing it/you with us.

Kit - Oh Megan! This is a real encouragement!! Thanks for being so real and for letting us in on God’s beauty. I argue and complain all the time. So glad He met you…He is so gracious with His grumpy children, isn’t He?!?

Cassandra - Oh this warmed my heart! Thanks for sharing everything the pictures (gorgeous!), the talk w/ God & the verse. I’ve been in a similar place mentally & emotionally this week so thank you for reminding me where I need to be – in his Word!

Diane - This post was just what I needed today! I often feel this way…until I am reminded of all the GOOD in my life and my grumpiness is gone. I am also doing BSF & sometimes am stressed about getting “homework” done…how selfish of me to think of it as a chore, when I am blessed each and every time I spend time in His word!! Thank you for sharing – I LOVE your photo’s and honesty!!

Linda - Beautiful post and a beautiful, much needed message. Thank you again for inspiring me.

Jen - I love everything about this post. I appreciate your openness and willingness to share. I too have been having pity parties lately and have been feeling left out. Life really is wonderful and I don’t know where my self doubt has come from all of a sudden. Let go. Let God.

Terrie G - WoW! Like…you could be me or I could be You!
I can’t tell you how down I’ve been lately…and mad, frustrated and hurt…
soooo hurt.
I went to the local nature center and shot some fall colors…
best photo therapy!!
I felt so much better having a little God time in nature doing what I love!

Kathy - WOW! This is so right where I’m at lately … and life has been so busy that I’ve put off my quiet time ALL too often lately. Thank you for such a wonderful encouragement today!

jaxcheryl - Would you consider making the 5th one from the bottom – the gorgeous red leaves (swoon) a screen saver or a poster to purchase from your shop? I live in FL, grew up in Michigan, and miss the beautiful fall colors so much!

Kristen - Meg- I just love your heart. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to share your heart, what God’s putting on it, and those amazing pictures. I usually love fall so much…but lately it’s felt more like “pre-Christmas”, full of deadlines and costumes and gifts to make and tooooo many things to put on the calendar. Too many folks to try and make happy. My creative energy often gets used up with ‘making things for stuff’ that feels like a chore, and not an outlet or gift. But, as it often is, PERSPECTIVE and SCRIPTURE and AWESOME SISTERS IN CHRIST are the balm that soothes my whiny soul – and you are the perfect messenger! Thank you for the reminder that God gives us this creative drive, and that we can praise him with our creations. I think I’ll do a little crafting-for-my-soul today…right after I do my devotions! 🙂

CathyC - Yes! I do that too! So glad it worked out perfectly in the end 🙂 Today I am hearing I do need to go to weight class, but afterwards I can sit and read on my comfy couch with my awesome granny square blanket I thrifted. That’s why He let me have those.

Bethany - What a comfort that we can come as we are-whining, complaining, having a pity party-and he’s always ready to listen. And if we’re willing, he’ll change it all up. Not necessarily by changing our circumstances or fixing everything, but by changing our perspective. Thanks for sharing this. It’s a good reminder about the benefits of spending time in God’s word.

Jennifer - I just love this post – in and of itself its creative!!!

You’re fall photos are amazing. Is there any chance that you’d sell the full-sized jpgs files? I live in Perth, Western Australia (I’m American, though) and we see about 1 red leaf a year, we don’t have fall the way I did growing up in WI. The thought of using your amazing photos to make canvases to hang in my home pretty much makes my soul fill with joy. Seriously, name a price!

Sadie - Where can I get these study lessons? Are they online? I’d love to try!

JulianneB - Oh, Meg thanks so much for sharing…so where I have been lately…a raging case of pinkeye, sore throat, sick daughter, sick son, hubs busy taking care of us and ministry…and no we haven’t painted our pumpkins either…and yet I know God is good and He loves me big. He can bear it all and my burdens aren’t really that overwhelming in the big picture.

kate@stillroomtogrow - wow Meg, awesome post. love your honesty and your heart. thanks for making me feel like I am not the only one who wakes up with these feelings too. thanks for sharing and what beautiful pictures.

Heather S. - It never fails. When I fight Him I always discover He is full of abundant love and blessings, just waiting to pour them out to me when I am obedient. Your sunshine moment was a hug from your Daddy, your Abba Father reminding you just how very much you are loved….

Tiffany - Hi Meg. LOVED your post today. What bible study are you working on, I think I need some of that! 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me on a daily basis with 3 teens at home – one of which graduated last year.

HappyGirl - Galatians 2:20-21
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness[a] were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.

This is my verse of conviction this week. If Christ gave all for me. I shall give all for Christ.

Kerrin - Amen Sister! Thank you for the reminder of the power or our great God. Especially when we are fighting it. Thank you for the reminder of the power of slowing down and touching base with God. And as for those un-carved pumpkins….screw it……they are beautiful the way they are. And besides, there are countless blog followers that are copying your lovely pumpkins from Halloweens past..oh yeah I’m talking about the year you all painted a bunch of them. They were RAD and totally inspired me. So you may not have done anything with the pumpkins you have but you sure had a hand in decorating and carving pumpkins throughout blog land!

Marcia - I am so glad that I took 5 minutes to read your post today so that I can focus on all the good in front of me, too.
Thank you for the reminder: God is with us every moment of every day – sunny or cloudy.

Carol Myers - Thank you, Meg, for allowing God to use you to encourage my heart today, AND for making me smile. Your transparency is an encouragement and speaks volumes.

Mari - Your blog is always so uplifting. Thanks for sharing this post. After reading it, I reminded myself “it’s all good… everything is in His control” and instantly my day just got brighter.

Gina - I love this Meg!! You had me at, “i want to eat cookies. it is so unfair that i can’t eat cookies all day long.” 😉 And, YES, I dialog with God like this sometimes too. 🙁

Tanya - It’s 100% chance of rain during the trick-treating hours tonight here, and we can’t hit up the church Glow party instead because my little guy developed pink eye over night 🙁
Lots of ammo for silly complaining here today too…but I’m learning right along with you Meg, that God is a hearing and loving Father who doesn’t grow weary of our human trials but as we talk to Him He also continues to challenge us to see things through the eyes of Heaven. xo

Sarah M - How good is God that he has given you the perfect words this morning. I needed to read this and dwell on that verse from I John. Our life is a mess with a lawsuit and a business on hold but none of it is a surprise to Jesus. Thank for the bright light.

Lora - I love your conversation with God. It kinda sounds like the ones I have. I feel a little far from Himlately. Well, maybe not far, just that I’m not doing anything to Glorify Him. I don’t know WHAT to do to Glorify Him. I thank Him for the good things in my life and ask for His help with the bad things in my life, but I feel like I need to DO something. I guess I’ll just ask Him what I should do and he’ll show me 🙂 … thanks for the post today. I needed it. Have a great rest of the day and Happy Halloween!

Gabby - What a great post! Especially your conversation with God. 🙂

Dena - What a great post! I needed that reminder, thank you. PS. My pumpkins didn’t get carved either…….and I have to learn to be ok with that.

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this summer.

dudes….this summer is crazy.

i don't know what i did other years?

how did we do craft thursday?

how did i get anything done?

who is this person i have become????

that is how i am feeling everyday.  it's getting old.

i miss that lady who made cookies and painted pictures and sewed late at night.

she needs to come back.

i really miss that girl.

this busy, tired, scattered, zoned out person who is living in my head needs to leave. 


these pictures have nothing to do with that little pity party.

these are the cows across the road from our front door.
i love to watch them wander around that field.
this day i was sunbathing while all my kids were gone for ONE WHOLE HOUR and there they were.
just chillin' at the only opening that i can get to for pictures.

i have this little voice in me that says "that is the picture you want… take it"
and for so long in my life i have ignored it.
there are lots of reasons i ignore it.
sometimes there are people with me and i don't want to stand out or have someone think "what is she doing?"
sometimes i don't have the right camera for the good shot.
sometimes i am driving and can't stop.
but about a year ago i promised myself that when i hear that voice i will do whatever i can to get the shot.

not wreck my car or anything but if im not running late than i will pull over and get it.
or i just let people wonder why i am taking a picture of something at Target.
because my mind works like that.

i can see the photo in my mind and it feels so good when i get it.

and i like that.

so…. i was lying there… in my swim suit… one hour alone… reading my book… and there come the cows.
i heard the voice.
i said "BUT…. but… it's my only hour"

i got up and put on a skirt and flip flops and my big camera and into the ditch to see the cows.

i am so glad i did.

i am ALWAYS glad i did.






and a lot of times it's not a super AMAZING photo but it's really just the process of looking through the lens.
finding the focus.
catching the light.


and i guess on these jammed packed days that send me to bed exhausted, i need that little moment.

a reminder that i am creative…created to be creative.
it's in there.
and sometimes i don't get to it as often as i would like but it doesn't go away.







Ria - Just wanted to say that I really love this post. And that I’ve been following you on IG for quite awhile, but tonight I’ve got some rare free time to myself and am spending it reading your blog. Really hoping to get a chance to attend your craft weekend someday!

Amy M. - Love this! Too bad you can’t make some cuter tags for the cows at Craft Weekend. They look like earrings that need a better shape and color. 🙂 My little girl would love to give them some big, glittery, pink hoops. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the rapidly ending summer! So thankful for you and your encouragement, Meg!

Lori Byrne - Sounds weird, but I see those pictures and I can smell them. As a farmer’s daughter, married to another farmer, cows were and are a huge part of my life. So, yes, I know how they smell in the summer’s heat, the sound of them sniffing and the swish of their tails as they swat at the flies. Thank you for getting up, putting on the flipflops and climbing into the ditch for us!! It makes my heart happy!!

betsy - Just last night, I posted the same #trueconfession on Instagram (@betsymck) about feeling embarrassed when I am taking photos of something special that other people *might* think is odd.
I especially feel this way when I’m shooting with my iPhone because to others it may not look like I’m a photographer. I REALLY need to get over this fear. What do I care what other people think of me? That person in that car on the road may think I’m a crazy lady taking pictures of a highway overpass, but I will most likely NEVER see that person again.
I’m headed to NYC for a week in a few days … my personal goal is to let go of the negative thoughts & lose myself in my photography. It is my own version of mediation after all … I deserve to enjoy every moment of it!

beth larson - “I was created to be creative”. LOVE THAT… thanks for putting into words how I feel too!

Rach - It rained today. It never rains in July in LA, so I took that as a sign and sewed two new kid sized bean bags for my kids. We have a total of 5 now. It made me smile. It made them giggle. It reminded me that I am a creative person and when I don’t find an outlet I get depressed and unmotivated. Good for you for shooting the cows! I totally get it.

karen - staring at those cows with tags on their ears makes me sad. a reminder how our culture abuses animal consumption.
“a lesson we learn from literature since the Old Testament — may be the best: although we must satisfy basic needs, a good life is not one devoted to amassing material possessions; what we own comes to own us, keeping us from fulfilling commitments that give meaning to life, such as those to family, friends, and faith. The appreciation of nature also deepens our lives. As we consume more, however, we are more likely to transform the natural world, so that less of it will remain for us to appreciate.”

tinaehb03 - Ive been having a pity party for myself this summer too! This is the first summer i’ve had to work since having my children. I’m not diggin it but trying to make the best of it!

tinaehb03 - Ive been having a pity party for myself this summer too! This is the first summer i’ve had to work since having my children. I’m not diggin it but trying to make the best of it!

Mel - There is a restaurant here in my town, Longmont Colorado, that has this great image on its walls. Makes me want to put up cow wallpaper in my house somewhere. moo indeed!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Geesh, should say OOOPS! Seriously all I have had to drink today is a Diet Coke, good grief! Okay, I am done now and won’t be OCD about my mistakes.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Ooos, should be miss the kids….you’re eyesight won’t be that great in the next season 😉

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Meg, I could be your really older sister and I am here to tell you this is a season that will pass. I am finally able to create more now and I love it. There was a time I missed it so much. Your time will come back and then you will have a pity party about how the house is too quiet and you iss your kids, yada yada, but you will be the creative Meg that sews into the night again. Glad you caught your cow photos and can keep your smaller moments of creativity where you can.

Tiffany - Well stated, the little voice in your head. Hope you find a few minutes to slow it down and enjoy all that there is to Summer. (i read all his books as a kid, here is quick poem about the voice inside your head –

shar y - These are some of the best cow photos, ever!! Love, love! And, I love what you said about the photo in your head. I have felt that way so many times while driving and later am so sad I did not take the time to stop. Thanks to you, next time, I will!!
Have a great vacation!!

Lisa - PS- I agree with the person who said you should share the pics you took with the farmer who owns the cows if you haven’t already. I’m really digging the black and white ones this time!

Lisa - Have a great vacation. Hopefully once all the prep work is done and you’re on your way, you’ll be able to relax! And hopefully when you get home you’ll be able to get creative and feel more like yourself!

Lora - I completely get it! When I don’t listen to my little creative voice and do something about it….I get very grumpy. Lately in my prayers I’ve been thanking God for making me a creative person. Sometimes it’s the only thing that makes me happy. Right now my dining room table is SCATTERED with beads and things. It’s a mess, but I love it!
Those cows are cute 🙂

Kelly - I LOVE cows! Glad you got up to get them. They are beautiful. I think you should make a garland and put it on one of them like a lei. Take pictures, and when the cow gets back to the barn later in the day, the farmer will wonder… well, not for long. He’ll know it was you and will understand you got your mojo back!

Donna - I found your blog today….just when I needed to hear what you said. I just listened to that voice last night and left the house and headed to the coffee shop to work on a song…. the process is always worth it! Cheers to capturing the next great image!!

Lisa - LOVE these. I hope some of them make it to your shop some day! I hear that. About the summer. Super mom who rocks summer with lots of awesome activities and energy and joy – totally elusive this year. I think she got lost somewhere between home repairs and work and two rounds of head lice and adoption fundraising and extended family commitments and I don’t even know what else. We JUST made our summer list on Sunday…and my kids didn’t ask for huge and awesome – they asked for simple and together. Here’s to six more weeks following their lead!

Jane - I love your pictures of the cows. I would love to see photos of buffalo! I bet you would capture some great ones!

Vera - I can sooooo related to every single word you wrote here. Every. Word. Looking back and wondering why I can’t be the same creative energetic person I was a year ago. Feeling scattered and exhausted. Ignoring the “take this picture” voice because of being self-conscious or busy. Cows. Love ’em.

Jenny Lynn - love this. and needed it today. i have not had the opportunity to sew or photograph as much as i like. life is busy. but you’re right. i feel the same way…”i was created to be creative”. and i’m so thankful it doesn’t go away 🙂

deb nordeman - I am totally feeling the same way as you this summer and our kids are roughly the same age as yours. It just seems that there isn’t enough time in a day – but I am trying to just relish some time with my kids even in their business and be thankful and remember – this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad!
PS Love the cow pics!

Mindy - I love that you took the time to get the shot – and I LOVE those cows! I keep telling myself to take the camera when you leave home. And I often don’t. And I often miss something good…I love your take on being creative. You are right, we take a break but it’s still there. Keep enjoying that summer, fall and it’s routine will be here soon.

Corrabelle - Yes, I totally know that voice and always have regret when I ignore it! Thank you for the inspiration.
And I love the cows. So gentle and honest. What you see is what you get!

JennD - Oh my gosh, as I started to read about you feeling zoned out and I was like “yes!”. I think of the things I used to do with them, or for myself and now ….nothing! No hobbies, no festive little parties, just racing from thing to thing.
And then…….your comment about taking picture! YES!!! I always forgo a shot because I don’t want to look stupid or my family will complain and then I feel sad about the great photo I could have taken if I were more brave.
Glad to know I’m not alone in those thoughts. And good for you in chosing to get the shot. 🙂

Lisa - Hi Meg,
Yes, I can relate. This summer is not what I had imagined it to be. I envisioned myself being very productive with lots of relaxing time outdoors. Things have come up to change that, and it’s been very, very rainy in Vermont. So, like you, I just try and take the moments when they present themselves. My husband and I were out for a drive through Stowe the other day, and I told him we HAD to stop at the Ben & Jerry’s factory so I could take a picture of one of their cows. He just went along with it ;), and it made me happy.

Debbie Hargadon - It is the activities that the kids are in — and you end up “doing it with them” when they cannot drive themselves. Lots of driving and sitting. 🙂 or reading. . .It is a tough balance for sure. I grew up on a farm in Iowa. I hope you are sharing your photos with the owner of those cows. If he is a “normal” farmer, he would LOVE to have some. 🙂 They are proud of their cows. 🙂 I always love the peak into your life. Thanks for always making the time to blog and instagram.

Heather E - Cows are so fun to photograph! If you ever get a chance to take pics of Brahma’s, take it! Their wrinkly necks are so cute and create interesting lines!

Bethany - LOVE the crooked cow! also love the black and white of the black cow with the tags. And the one of just the legs, and just the blurred ones. Really love them all. Reminds me of my late grandparents farm. Miss them.

tracy fisher - I wish you could come out to our beach house and relax with me…. oh, that’s right… I have the same crazy life as you!! haha. My cousins wife told me not so long ago that my house would be very quiet in a few years when the kids are on their own. How do we find that balance between crazy and lazy??? Hey, that could be a great song! I wish you an evening of crafting your own things very soon… and I hope the same for me. hugs, tracy

Katherine - Love these pictures! I’m so glad I’m not the only who thinks this way. I just asked my husband other day, “Is it weird I see life in pictures?” His answer was, “yes!”

Katie from MN - I recently looked back at pictures from a couple years ago…I saw a different person there. I had so much energy for my kids, art, baking, going to the park… Now with 5 kids I feel different. But my creativity is still inside! For me it is a season of adjusting and finding a new normal. I appreciate this post! I too hear a picture voice. Thanks for the encouragement to stop and take the picture.

Katie from MN - Hey Sarah, I just wanted to say that I resonate with your comment. We just had our 5th in April and our oldest is 8. We are trying to find our new normal. Also I clicked over to your blog and it looks so great.

Cara Yeh - Love this post! You are amazing in many ways.

liesl - I’m glad you listened to that voice in your head. I’ve been kicking myself for my camera sitting in my closet forever, collecting dust. I feel the same as you but glad you listened to that voice that I’m gonna try and listen to again.

Tracy - Fun photos…love cows! Moooo!
Meg, I wish I had even a teeny tiny % of your creativity!

Becca - I wish I had cows across the road from me! They are so adorable.

Linda - I like your pity party. I feel the same way. And I love that you are listening to that inner voice I need to do that too!

Tere - They came back! Love those cows.

Jeanette in Illinois - Meg,
Thanks for the awesome reminder about being creative! Something to never forget and surely allow ourselves the gift to utilize the blessing at every chance.
The photos are fabulous – love their sweet, soulful face and those eyes!!! I adore the photo where the one cow has her right leg up and bent. Makes you wonder what is she doing?!? Thinking?!?
You are not the only one feeling scatter, you’ve got company. I’m with you!
Sending goodness and blessings,

Megan - “a reminder that i am creative…created to be creative.
it’s in there.
and sometimes i don’t get to it as often as i would like but it doesn’t go away.”
It doesn’t ever go away–you are right. And I’m so thankful for that.
Love this reminder. I need it right now as I’m drowning in (not creative) work.

Mary - love this.
i’m so glad you snapped these beauties.

Val - Oh my gosh, what great photos! I TOTALLY understand what you mean about being so hurried with less time to just BE.

Suzette - I think you made the cows’ day!!! They were all packed into that spot saying, “Ooooooo, I hope she comes to take our picture today! I’m looking particularly beautiful today, Meg, come capture my loveliness!” Do you talk to them? They probably love you!

Sarah Wolfe - I was just telling my husband this very same thing last night… Crazy. We’re running from one thing to the next. Is it because we’re trying to do everything that everyone does with 2 kids but we have 5? We didn’t come to any conclusions, only that we may have to cut some things out so that we can be the family we want to be, but don’t have time to be because we feel so tired. Maybe it’s just the way life is and there is no solution 🙂 Tell me if you come up with any answers!
Love the cow pics!

Rita - Love, love, LOVE the cow pictures….especially the one with the leg up, and the close-up of 28. She looks like she has something to tell you! Your creativity always amazes me – your love of colors and seizing the moment. Thank you for sharing your many talents with us. Have a blessed day!

Kathleen - I see things that I want to photograph…I see the picture in my mind and I don’t stop…thanks for the reminder to do so…..There is a beautiful, old white barn down the road, it has a dutch door that always has the top open and a gorgeous bunch of hydrangeas next to it….I need to stop and get that photo !!

Honeybee Mama - yes! seizing the moment. the little bitty ones. i identify with missing the creativity. i find myself sleepily going after it in the morning while the coffee is brewing and i’m still braless and i step outside to just turn on the sprinkler and find myself weeding the garden for 20 minutes in my pjs, determined to make something lovely. it’s being in the here and now that fuels us living the abundant life promised us. no matter what others think. no matter what WE think!

April R - I’m with you – #28 🙂
And how reassuring and encouraging to know other hear that ‘voice’ and listen <3

Debby Graber - I have those same thoughts! I carry my camera with me a lot! Recently went on a trip to Arkansas and although I did have Al pull over a few times, there were so many cool shots that did not get taken! I don’t have the ability you have, but it is in my head to take these pictures! It would be so cool if we could just push a button on our sunglass/camera and the picture would be instant.

Suzelle - Good for you……..Great photos !!! I see a canvas for sure !!

Janet Ghio - Fabulous photos!

Laura - Are you going to put any of those photos on canvas for your shop?? I am thinking that a few cows would look cute in my kitchen! =)

Lorie - All your pictures are very amazing. Even the simple stuff. Especially the simple stuff. I do the same thing. I pull the car over, stop if no one is around. Of course my kids say, “Mom! what are you doing AGAIN?” Highly embarrassing for them. OH well…. Keep taking your pictures, I look everyday.

Meryl - I think that’s half the battle of photography for me–being brave enough to ask the random (but so interesting!) person on the street if he’ll stop…making my hubby pull over to the side of the road…in short, pulling that camera out of the bag, even when it’s a little awkward to do so.

Katey - So during the stressful times of a busy summer your medium is taking photos of cows instead of sewing at midnight. It’s a blessing you can find creative rewards in many things!! My favorite is the cow with the leg lifted. So funny!!! Awesome shots! You will always remember that hour you had that summer with the cows!!

Jen - Love the cow pics. Love you, Miss Meg! - Hi! You deff have a knack for photography! Listen to that voice! Take that pic and please continue to share with your lucky bloggers! Martha 🙂

Gemma - I love your cow photos. They are such a beautiful animal, so pretty!
Have you done anything from the kids summer list yet?
I really enjoyed watching your Instavid the other day, I’ve never heard bugs make a noise like that before!
Much love,
Gemma from London

christy - Love, love these photos. B&W is my fav.
Your view on things is really awesome.

Terrie - LOVE it!! Glad I stayed up late editing!!
Love the cow photos!
Especially #28!
I love that voice in my head…
I really like it when I listen. 🙂
As much as I like it when you listen!
And your schedule used to be more about home…
with all those kids’ activities…they take you away from there.
But, little by little, in time it will come back to you.
I can’t promise when..but it will.
Enjoy this stage..embrace the change,
because what else is a mom gonna do?!
Take your hour when you can get it!
PS – Got my cow pic & bunting today!!
Love them! Bunting is gonna be so cute for
a bridal shower this weekend!

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craft weekend is my fave.

alrighty… i have made it home from Haiti.
it was a super quick trip to meet some of the stove vendors and see how it all is working IN the field.
my trip was lovely.
i will share my pictures and stories at the end of the week.

i stupidly left my phone in the car of one of the girls living in haiti so i am without a phone for awhile.
feels like i am missing a limb.
somehow though i think will survive…. ha! 

and now…. Craft Weekend January 2013!


a new year begins for Craft Weekend.
it is pretty exciting to me.
we have some pretty big plans for the Craft House and Craft Weekend this year.

we brought in a new piece for supplies….it's from the barn.
it is so COOL!  
it was from a post office but i am sure it is much happier living at the craft house now.
it was a pain to clean but i am loving it!
i  want to paint it…. although i never have time.  

(Katie Daisy art is from Pottery Barn Teen)


lindsey helped me set up my shop on the stairway…. so adorable!
she is so good with displays!
and a new/old map is up in the foyer making me happy every time i walk by.



we were ready a little bit early this time (YAY!!) 

our guests arrived and the party was officialy under way!

after dinner we got busy on our aprons.
i am always so interested in watching how they choose.
some are done right away and some are still deciding an hour later.


ironing, hemming, pinning, sewing…almost done.
i love the sounds of 6 sewing machines going at once!


they were all done earlier than any group has been! 
that doesn't mean it was early, but it was earlier than the previous groups.
and i am fine with getting a little more sleep.  

on saturday we took a COLD field trip out to Marion to our favorite shop, Bearly Makin' It.
it was crazy cold.

tere had a jeanne oliver bag!  
so cute.

i always like to see what people gravitate to at the store… the quilts? the books? glassware?
after a sonic break we made it home to get crafty again.
these girls were fast workers!
most of our projects get quite messy.
if you are going to make a mess it may as well be a pretty one right?

i found another 7up crate at the barn (and then quickly got back in the van before i froze to death)

Lindsey led a project that she has posted about on her blog before.
it was so fun to make!! i LOVED it!!

i want to make a huge one now.  :)
joy led a project that let us use hammer and nails for the first time at Craft Weekend!
its fun to get a little noisy!
(actually it was A LOT noisy…kind of unreal how loud it was!)







my canvas before i started with bright colors. 
we used canvases and paint sponosered by DecoART! 
we love thier products!

my friend wendy of blue lily photography came for friday & saturday to take a ton of photos for us.
i was so happy to have extra time with her!
she squeezed us in before she took off her World Tour with Tyler and her kids.  
i am so grateful!
you NEED to get on their schedule …. they go every where in the world!  
check out their dates by you!


roomie pics…..





seriously adorable aprons!
they added flowers and pom poms and really cute trims.


i don't think i have ever been able to pick a favorite.


we made fabric covered button bracelets….. LOVE these!


these are the signs we built with joy.
everyone came up with neat quotes and colors!

our paintings with lindsey!


everyone's was slightly different in the shades they chose.
but i thought they were all awesome!  


what an awesome group we had!
i felt completely relaxed when it was over….love that…how wonderful to finish your WORK and feel great?!
    krista from kansas                                                       erin from kansas
                                                       mary from kansas                                     angie from dominican republic
   katherine from texas                                                    meredith from texas
                                                           dani from utah                                                   tere from washington
   charly from kansas                                                       sara from kansas
                                                                                                                                           gale from kansas
   joy from california                                                       lindsey from california
here's the whole gang!  
such a lovely group of women…. i miss you girls!



kimberlee and i pretty much have the best jobs ever!  
we love serving all these women and guiding them as they create alongside their new friends.
somehow i have no photos this past month of all the YUM-O food she prepared.
i was too busy shoveling it in my mouth apparently.
her meals are just the best…prepared so thoughtfully…taste so GOOD!
i am so grateful for everything she does at Craft Weekend.

but it's really too fun to be called work for us both!

what is your favorite part of craft weekend when you read about it?
i would LOVE to hear that!
happy monday!

Carolyn - What a special time both crafy and in friendship! I just love all the colorful pictures. What a sweet ministry you have there. I follow you on Instagram but didn’t put it together until now! I feel so inspired to get crafty with some girlfriends. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Sara - LOVE those ruffled aprons! Is there a tutorial somewhere for them??

Christine Ishmael - You know what Meagan? I love seeing the craft weekend pictures and always wish I’d been there but you know what stuck out most this time I viewed…EVERY woman you’ve ever had at the craft house have all been so beautiful…all different and unique but each and every one gorgeous…thanks for sharing – Christine

jennibell - I had an extra canvas laying around. . .one I did a background paint on *years* ago and never got around to finishing the project I had “planned”. . .so. . .we’re spending our Friday night making some art 🙂 Thanks for the great idea!!

Amy M. - Every time there is a new Craft Weekend post, I feel like my heart just smiles. I love hearing how this is a ministry for you with people you love. It seriously just gives me joy to know that there are tons of people that seem to “get” what I love. Sometimes you can feel like you are alone on your on craft island. Thanks for the hope and joy and just fun it is to read your posts and see your photos. Oh…and dream about finding a vintage quilt for less than $20! Sweet! Thanks for all you!

Denise W - I am wondering how the picking for the craft weekend spaces goes? My daughter and I were on one of the very first lists and we would still love to come!!! Do the earlier waiting lists get entered for each draw with all the new ones each time? Thank you!

Stacey - Where did you gt your super cute gray boots? Would love to find a pair before winter ends!
I would love to come to a craft weekend, but honestly don’t think I am her crafty enough. Where do I find details on it, though?
You are such a neat person, love reading your blog!

tara - oh my goodness….my little girl looked at this post with me, and she asked why her room couldn’t be as colorful as your house.
think my next project might be getting some more color in her room.

Melissa Davis - I LOVE all the pictures of the craft house…gorgeous colors!

Anessa - Looks like another lovely craft weekend. Just wondering if you were ever planning to put some prints or pillows back in your shop? I would love a print of those paints or the gum ball machine or maybe that typewriter. Anyways, I love them all and hope you open up the shop again soon. 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - My favorite thing about CW posts is your photos 🙂 It’s fun sometimes to see it all through someone else’s lens… but, really, I always like *your* photos best. And although Instagrams are fun and quick to load… I like your big girl camera photos BEST best.
So, thanks for taking the time to shoot them, edit them, upload them, share them. They make me smile and they inspire me 🙂

Laura - I always wonder how the ladies get their crafts and loot from the barn home? Most of them fly, so I was wondering if they ship the stuff home or pay for the extra suitcase to fly it home?

Monica - Love all of it. Love to hear about the food too! I hope I am still on the waiting list. Monica

Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, since you love globes and maps, do you think it might be fun to put push pins in one of them, with flags showing the name & home of each person who has come to Craft Weekend? xoxo

Janna - IT”S ALL my fav!!! But I mostly love to see all the decor in the craft house;) You have my DREAM job! I want to come someday!

Stephanie Talty - Thank you for sharing the Craft Weekend photos with all of us!
I look forward to seeing them each and every time and they amaze me!
The Craft Weekend house has to be like Disney Land for adults!!
It simply looks like the most magical place on Earth.

Jenn - I love seeing the faces of the lucky ladies that get to attend and where they are from. I’ve got to tell you, last month I had a dream that I was selected to attend and I was so excited that I final was going to get to see the third floor of the craft house. Crazy, huh?!

Amy @ Fig Milkshakes - *Squeal*. I feel it takes quite a bit to make me feel jealous – but… JEAAAAaaaAAlouS! What fun ladies! Thanks for the inspiration, I feel like working on my craft room today…

Angela - I love the aprons every time! I can’t ever choose a favorite either. 🙂 And I love seeing pictures of all the Craft House nooks and crannies… what a special place!

shar y - I love them all, but I do love looking at the house photos and all of the crafts ready to go! I also love looking at Kim’s food so missed those this time. The whole thing looks great and so much fun!

Lisa - My favorite thing about this craft weekend’s post is that AWESOME piece of post office furniture! Don’t paint it! It couldn’t be more beautiful than it is right now. All those little nooks filled with colorful ribbons and things. that picture just melted me. Of course, then I saw the picture of those cute button bracelets. Your life must be so satisfying, sharing all that creativity with others and creating such beautiful art of all kinds. sigh…….

Gretchen - Just when I thought I had an original idea … haha! Can you believe that I posted about my geometric art YESTERDAY?! So funny! Great minds think alike! 😉

Melissa - Your craft weekends always look like so much fun! how often do you host them?

Amber - I don’t know if it’s my favorite or my least favorite part when I see things I NEED to own in the background of pictures from Bearly Makin’ It and have to debate the 90 minute drive to pick up something my husband will give me the side eye over.

Southern Gal - I have some empty canvases, I now know what I’m going to do with them! Beautiful.
I love that supply holding piece of furniture. Wow. My daddy worked with the railroad and had a ticket cabinet that I so with I had kept. I think he ended up selling the thing years ago. Bummer.
And I just told my husband and son yesterday that I want a roll up map to put over the chalkboard in our kitchen where we do school most days. Where did you find it?

Heather Crawford - Wondering what letter stamps those are that you used for the lettered signs…all the crafts you made this time are AWESOME!

Georgia - I tried lindseys tutorial and I just cant get the circles to overlap equally lol ahhh if at first you dont succeed….
Georgia x

Su@TheIntentionalHome - My favorite photos is order are
1. pics of the craft house all decorated and ready for guests
2. crafts ya’ll made
3. what everyone bought at the barn
so are those bunting with pom pom fringe next to the pillows in your shop?

Angie - I love your Craft Weekend posts! It always looks like so much fun. I want to be there and create all those amazing projects. I love all of them this time, not sure which is my favorite. Maybe the aprons, they are darling!!!

beckyk - My husband and I live in Scotland but go to Kansas City a couple of times a year and in December we made a trip out to visit friends in Salina. I couldn’t believe he said yes when I asked if we could drive via Marion on the way and visit Bearly Makin’ It and the Barn! It was so fun! The lady there was super sweet and said you had another trip planned for January. Would have been funny to run into you there!

Lisa - Definitely the photos of the charming, magical playhouse for adults! I savor each one! This is such a fairy tale accomplishment for you and Kimberly. See everyone, dreams do come true 😉

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - I really love the pics of your house. So bright and happy!

Jennifer - seeing the barn and your home so beautifully decorated are my faves. that house looks like the coziest get-away. yes, you guys really have a great job! 🙂

Suzy - I love to hear about it ALL! And I love! I look forward to this post every month! I can’t wait until my name is picked! Every time I see your pics of CRAFT WEEKEND it reminds me of the saying “Do What You Love!”.

Valerie - Oh geesh I just saw that I mispelled rolls…not roles, silly me!!!

Valerie - Wishing that one day I will be able to make one of those gorgeous aprons and eat Kimberlee’s cinammon roles 😉

Lisa M. - i always love seeing all the finished aprons. All that beautiful fabric! And I love looking at the Craft House too 🙂
And I loved seeing the fabric bracelets. So cool! Thanks for sharing.

Momof2 - Love all the pictures!! But my favorites are the crafts that were chosen and what people got at the barn. And then dreaming about what I will get at the Barn when I am chosen to come, ha!! : )

emily - 110% Amazing! So much happiness!

Tiffany - So fun seeing that house again! And all those women you get to bless… lucky them! Glad you and Kimberlee got a nice pic together this time. (Opposed to the SUPER windy one from November.)
I used to love seeing all of the different creative crafts. I still enjoy that, but now I love seeing your smiling faces even more!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m all atwitter.
(LOVE those canvases!!!)

tinaehb3 - looks like another successful weekend 🙂

Jen - Glad you’re home safe.
LOVE your pictures!
FYI…I’ve decided I’m moving into the craft house.

Cindy - It would be a cool idea to have each of your guests mark where they live on your world map! 🙂

Heather Simnitt - Reading about craft weekend makes me wish I was a crafty girl. For real. I love the idea of crafting, but whenever I begin something with my girls I find myself wishing I was just *done.* What’s up with that? So…looking at craft weekend photos makes me feel like I experienced a little crafting and I get to see the end product right away!
Oh – and drooling over all of the bright colors! *LOVE*

dee - I have been following your blog for awhile and you never cease to amaze me.You inspire me to be a better person with all that you do and love- dee x

steph - i love seeing what everyone gets from their antique hunting!
and the aprons are always so awesome to see!
the best part for me though?
definitely that i get to BE THERE in less than 2 weeks doing the same thing!!!!

jenrobburton - I definitely think the color and the happiness shows through in the CW photos. And I’m always jealous of the finds at the antique shops.
I would NEVER paint that post office desk. It has such a lovely patina from years of use. And all your craft supplies just pop against the wood.
Glad you made it home safely.

Charly - This is like my third, maybe fourth time to look at them. I love them all! It was an amazing weekend! Now to send a link of the blog to my family and friends…to show off my five minutes of crafting fame!

happygirl - Welcome home. Talk about getting back into the swing of things without taking a beat. You ROCK!

gale - It was the most fun I’ve had in a LONG time – so glad I got to go – and I would go again in a minute!! 🙂 I loved it all – and thanks for the pictures and post! It’s fun to relive the weekend 🙂

elma - Sigh…… I just LOVE LOVE LOVE those aprons!!!! I so love seeing all the pictures!!!
I would LOVE to come some day!!

Melyssa - I love to see the craft house and The Barn! Also love hearing about how the groups differ. I have my fingers crossed that some day my name will come up and I’ll have enough $$ squirreled away to have the best weekend ever!

Lacy - My favorite part is seeing all the color. Seriously, that much color just can’t help but make a person happy! I also really like the different finds people snag at the barn and the other antique shops. I’m on the list and hope to come someday!
I know you’ve answered many questions before but, I’m curious, how far in advance do you let people know they have been chosen?
Thanks for sharing your “work!”

Kate - You guys are so beautiful! What a very, very happy place – YAY!
Did you know that I didn’t get to go to GoPro 🙁 I broke my elbow – super awesome, huh?
So glad Wendy got to come to the Craft House! I bet she had an awesome time!

Tiffany - My favorite part is the colors & fabrics, and mostly happy (non quarreling) women. Yay! Joy’s project was especially nice to see, the different interpretations from the women. In this “episode”, I really liked the postal desk, every craft piece looks so happy and and the Katie Daisy print – beautiful. You guys do have pretty fun jobs!

Katey Deasy - Welcome home. Glad you made it safely. Can’t wait to read about THAT. I love seeing what everyone bought at the barn! I love seeing the house all set up ready for your guest. One day it will be and my mom you will be waiting on. One day. Thanks for sharing with such enthusiasm.

Tanya - It just feels like a vacay when I get to look at the pics. They’re like my sunny Vitamin D in the dreary winter 😀

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god is awesome.


i hunt for sunflowers.
every summer.
i am a sunflower addict.


i mean really….just try to tell me what is happier than that?!!
it is the best site to see.

every detail amazes me.
LOOK at that!
it's about 8 inches across and hasn't even opened yet….it is  B E A U T I F U L !!!

sean held annie up to see a bug inside that one.
they had a blast running around this old farm.



this brings me joy.


{{{{ sigh }}}}

three of my favorite people in one of my favorite places….it's enough to make me cry.




i didn't see that in my lens….or when it uploaded….i noticed it when put it on the blog.
i absolutely LOVE that picture! 


only about half of the flowers were open when we came by.
which made me giddy just thinking about coming back.


my kids asked if we could build a house right here so we could see the flowers and climb that tree.


talby took this picture of the lady bug!




i am not prejudiced….i love dead sunflowers too!

one of the things i love about sunflowers is that they are solid and study.
they have big leaves….they have layers and layers of seeds and petals.
God creates each one so intricitly.
His creation is so detailed.

she found her twinsie in size.

thank you Lord for reminding me of how detailed You are in the world.
every seed.
every petal.
Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.

and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.

God is awesome.


Mary - LOVE all of these pictures(the grasshopper one totally blows me away), and i love even more the fact that God IS so awesome! how humbling to know that He’s all about the details, in each of our lives.
super awesome, great, wonderful post. 🙂

katey - Your grasshopper picture is totally my favorite. I think you could have that published!!!! Love it!!!

elizabeth highsmith - He sure is! Thank you for passing on a beautiful reminder!

Chrissy - Gorgeous pictures (and children!)!
Thankfully, someone pinned something from your blog and I have found you. 🙂

Natalie - the grasshopper… AWESOME!!! Since you love sunflowers, I knew I had to share… The tornado that drove thru the state of Alabama, “April’s Fury 2011” missed my home by about a mile. It was devastating. At least TEN families in my church lost everything. It was life changing, physically and spiritually for our state. Months after as families still tried to make sense of the disaster and families searched, rebuilt… The coolest thing EVER happened~ all over, in the most random spots, popped up the most beautiful SUNFLOWERS! Apparently seed from different bird feeders were scattered EVERYWHERE! To me, it was this great sign of HOPE, growth! IT was BEAUTIFUL! You would have loved it!! GOD IS AWESOME! 😉
Enjoy your stories!!! Blessing to you and your family!

Sarah H. - God is awesome! You don’t know me from Adam, but we planted sunflowers in our garden this year and every time I look at them I think of you and your love for sunflowers! My sweet 5 year old daughter and I love our’s too. I love, love that grasshopper. That is print worthy for sure!

Lisa - I’m blessed to drive by a sunflower field every morning as I take my son to day care. A big field of big happy sunflowers, basking in the rising sun, every one of them facing the east like lines of sunflower soldiers. So beautiful. Must remember to take my camera one day soon.

ira lee - i love sunflowers too. i meant to plant some with my kids this spring but i forgot. ive heard they are easy to grow!!!

elisa - These are great! Love 🙂

Melissa - Sean seems like such a great big brother!

Robin - Thank you for this post! Your photography is unbelievable – truly magical – especially the grasshopper – the best photo I have seen! I am always so inspired when I read your blog – it is one of three that I MUST visit EVERY day! That grasshopper picture belongs in National Geographic, or the National Gallery of Art!!!! It is truly spectacular!
What kind of lens do you use? Your pictures are always so clear and vibrant.
Thank you for the joy you bring us every day. Yes, God is amazing.

cath w - Good grief.

Jenn B - I Love this post! Sunflowers bring me joy too. We have one growing in our yard that is taller (by almost a foot) that my husband and he is 6’2″! They are huge and truly God’s amazing work. My favorite picture is the grasshopper one. I love that you didn’t even know you got it. Awesome!

the.mrs - indeeeeed! i feel the same giddy feeling looking at bananas. I know, weird, right?! But next time you open a banana look closely, they’re glittery. 🙂 I mean seriously, God loves glitter as much as I do. And they break into 3 right down the middle. Unless you’re lucky and get one that breaks into 2. God’s creation rocks.

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy - wow. Just wow. Amazing photos, amazing praise, and amazing grasshopper. I am pretty sure you found Jimini Cricket.

Becki - Beautiful!

jeannett - sigh…
love it.
all of it.
missing you.
owen said he needs you to cuddle him.

Lisa - Love everything you said

Heather - “Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.
and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.
God is awesome.”
Thank you for a beautiful post and an important reminder. I needed that today. So Much!

Rachel Spin - Love your pictures. Do you have a flickr account? My fave is the grasshopper photo as well as many above. I also love that the sunlight is composed right at the face of the flower. Awesome light and cute little bug.
God’s creation always inspires me and to grab my camera. His glory surrounds us every day.

rachel - lovely captures! 🙂

karen gerstenberger - God is awesome; I agree. Your grasshopper photo reminds me of the books by Eric Carle, especially “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Did your kids have that one? It’s adorable, like you and your family.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That grasshopper pic is the What-What! I fell in love and didn’t notice the grasshopper until I scrolled down. Tricky dude.

Mindy Harris - such a sweet post, megan

nat - what an awesome post. i actually just bought a huge bunch of sunflowers at costco today. they are so happy to me.

roganne - great pictures! God is great and you can see his love shining through your camera 🙂 thank you for today’s post!

kerry - Oh how AWESOME! xx

Lori H - Thanks for sharing these photos. I love sunflowers too, but usually have to find mine in Trader Joe’s 🙂 I love love the photo of the grasshopper…he looks like he is at home in his apartment, looking out!

Angie - Absolutely beautiful photos!
A gentleman down the road used to have a field of sunflowers and I always smiled as I drove by. They are a very cheerful flower!

Suz - great photos! God is a creative GENIUS! And weird to think that we live in a fallen world that is not even perfected yet…really something to look forward to…I can’t even imagine!! xoxo

shannon - Pretty sunflower pics. They are perfect Summer and Fall flowers. Great pic with the three of your cuties standing infront of them.

Kirsten W - I feel the same way as you do about sunflowers! They are really awesome!! And your photos are just fantastic – love, love the one of the grasshopper!

colleen from alabama - I needed that today. I have sunflowers on my table and i need to be reminded that God is in the details… especially the painful ones right now. Thanks for helping me to see things a little differently!

Amanda - I love sunflowers! Your pictures are so beautiful, and you are correct, God is awesome! 🙂

sandee prince - great post meg!

Kristin - just joy!

Carla TV - Amen! Thank you for sharing the beauty. 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love how you notice and appreciate God’s creation as His expression of love for us. what a gift.

Beth K. - Just the reminder I needed today – God is awesome!! I just lost my job today of 15 years with no forewarning – devastating! Trying to stay positive and find something new to help support our family of six. Thanks for providing this wonderful post for me today! Just what I needed! God Bless You Meg!

Jen Brandt - Beautiful flowers. Beautiful children. Beautiful God.

Jodi - The Grashopper picture is SERIOUSLY AWESOME! Love it!

Cathy - So beautiful! God really is so awesome…always!

Laura - Love the hiding Grasshopper!!! Fabulous pic!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Nature makes me feel sorry for all of those who think everything just ‘evolved’ without God. Honestly! This beauty around us just could not ‘appear’ out of no where without our amazing God! Thanks for the reminder!

melodee - I love them, too! your pix are amazing and just ooze summer:) and so true…God IS so awesome!

Robin Canter - Makes me want to bust out singing “I’m walking on sunshine, whoa… and it makes me feel GOOD!”

Dani - Love this post!
This past weekend we were driving home from a conference and I saw a field of sunflowers. Immediately I thought of you! Your pictures are amazing. I felt like I could reach out and touch the flower!

Alisa - With the gift of the little grasshopper peeping out… was kind of like God was saying, “Thank you for enjoying what I have made.” Love.

stephany - Sunflowers are my favorite!
When we got married the florist asked me what I wanted for flowers and I said, “There HAVE to be sunflowers. I don’t care about the rest.”
My husband calls me “Sunny”.

Sarah Syhakhoun - Gorgeous post! Every summer I look forward to your miraculous sunflower photos. They pull at my heart – each and every one of them!
I have to admit that I’m a little creeped out when up close to a sunflower, but they sure are beautiful!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen!
We need to name the grasshopper.
He is adorable!

seriously sassy mama - So what I needed to read today. I love sunflowers. I almost changed my whole wedding after seeing sunflowers in a Martha Stewart Wedding mag. I love how earthy and yellow they are.

Ruth Elder - I would love to be able to get a copy of your 7th. picture blown up through that picture-to-canvas service you post about. Is there a way to do that?

Kelly Henderson - Thank you for such wonderful morning inspiration… I’m heading out on a walk with a happy heart (I’ll look for sunflowers;)

Casey - Wow, simply gorgeous. God is, indeed, awesome 🙂 I love that grasshopper shot – how amazing!

Kristin S - Love, love, love!
Also love Annie’s sweet pose in the threesome pic.
Love a sweet big brother giving sister a boost.
Love taking time to enjoy the little (big) things.
Thank you Meg!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your pics are always awesome, your kiddos adorable & your words inspirational … thank you for sharing! (Sunflowers are pretty wonderful!)

Terrie G - Sunflowers make me weak in the knees!
I hunt for fields of them!
They are one of my favorite things to photograph…
besides the grandson! LOL!!
Well Done!

Niki - Amen and amen!! I am so taken with how deeply God knows His creations…be it flowers or people! I love that He KNOWS me inside and out! I have nothing unknown and He loves me anyway! 🙂

Heather F. - Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I love the surprise grasshopper! That would be a great tree to build a house by. Your kids have a great eye.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - God is awesome and so is that tree! I want to climb it. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
these are just gorgeous!
love them all!

Jen - Amen!! Well said.

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hot hot summer

when we moved out to the country….we did not bring our pool.
and I MISS IT!
a certain someone who sits in an air conditioned office with other grown ups all day and NOT five children and all of their friends decided that we didn't need to put it up this summer.
it was not a unanimous decision.
i am not bitter….but man…. we are hot and bored…. and hot.


so we took it old school ….the sprinkler.


at first my daughter didn't even know what to do in a sprinkler that is not at a splash park.
"do i just stand there?"
"why is this fun mom?"


i brought even more OLD SCHOOL toys….practically vintage even…. bowls and cups.



they got a little excited.
"YAY!!! we can pour it on each other!!!"
"we can fill them up and throw it on Waffle!"


but then it came to be….. "LETS MAKE SOUP!!!"


"I need more leaves!"
"my soup has lots of rocks!"
"i like adding more mud to mine!"



"these leaves make the soup extra spicey!"


it was a successful play time with antique toys and no dogs were harmed.

but we still wish we had that pool…..


we are headed out to the zoo because it's only 90 today!
and i am surprising the kids with a movie afterwards.
and sam's club pizza for dinner. 
AT sam's.
cause we're fancy like that.

i do make them share a drink though.
when your only option is 32 oz….one per kid is quite ridiculous.

have a super day wherever you go!



Leonieke - If i had a garden like yours (and a summer like yours :-(. ) ik would get a sliding mat with water!! Loved it wheni was small, still ove it now, but unfortuntely no grass here. It has everything: fun, water, action,. Enjoy your summer!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love sprinklers! Looks like they had a blast. Sometimes it is the simple pleasures in life, isn’t it!? And now you know why I put a question mark on that last comment. I use it way too often… Awesome photos by the way. Loved the vivid colors of the peacock project too.

Darcie L. - I love the Sam’s date. What? $2-3 for dinner, and kids could share those slices of pizza too… they’re huge! Our pool got a hole in it, then the baby pool got dirty yucky from sitting outside with rain water in it. Next, the slip ‘n’ slide, then I think we’ll have to resort to the sprinkler too!

Dana - I love sam’s club pizza! It’s cheap and the drinks are super cheap too…unfortunately they are all large.

Angie - You and I are in the same boat! We took our pool down last winter with the intentions of cutting some trees during the Spring and having it set back up by Summer time. Apparently Hubby didn’t get the memo so we have had NO POOL all summer and it’s been quite hot, disappointing and boring!!!! We too have been playing in sprinklers and we even made us a Homemade Slip n Slide. Still, it’s not the same 🙁
Enjoy the zoo, movie and pizza!

sarah b. - meg… i love your blog. love love all the fun and your style seriously. awesome. i want to make some flags for my patio like the ones on yours that hang by your lights. how did you do those? hot glue or sew… double sided or single. i tried to email you and it flopped. me 0 computer 1. boo. maybe you could post about it or email me back at thanks!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You make me laugh 🙂

Bev - That is so funny…we didn’t put up our pool…because of Hubby too!!!…and wouldn’t you know it…we have had a week of Hot Hot weather…the hottest since 1964…. The perfect year to have the pool up:))

Heather - haha…duerksen…goertzen…they’re all related anyway, right?!! 🙂

Heather - Oh, Meg. You and I live such similar lives…lots of kids, Mennonite heritage/town, farming, the WT pool, Sam’s pizza AT Sam’s. I seriously feel like I know you. I grew up in NW OK and remember your hubby at the Southern District Youth Conferences we went to in Hillsboro. My maiden name is a great German name like Goertzen. I’m sure ya’ll know the Sheweys (Andy, Stan)…my neighbors growing up. How about Hal Penner or Brenda Sechrist? And here I am playing the Mennonite name game on your blog…always a favorite past-time in OK/KS! 🙂
Anyhoo…I love reading your blog and seeing your JOY in life. Mine has gotten lost through the years due to hard times along the way. Yet…you inspire me to keep fighting for JOY!

Debby - Since you are in the country, you should get a stock tank! Al and his siblings used to swim in that. Sometimes they would get under the water and when the cows came to drink, they would pop up and scare them.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - “why is this fun mom?” So funny!!!!
No pool over here either, but we are off to a beach house in a few days thank goodness – that should keep all of these teenagers over here happy for awhile : )

mollie's mom - It’s 100 in Hot ‘Lanta – I guess you can’t complain when they put it out there in the name! I miss my pool, too. It’s been 2 long, hot summers since I had a backyard pool 🙁 They are the absolute best but I had the best time reading about the old school fun you had with the sprinkler!! I remember those sprinkler days very fondly! It’s gtreat to see good, old fashioned kiddo imagination at work, too!!
Have you seen the giant slip and slide type things on Pinterest that are made from tarps and duxt tape and are filled with water – looks right up your alley!!
Even without the pool I am loving your posts about your new house and neighbors, the cows!!

Tiffany - You are so fun. I look forward to reading your blog each day because you are just so real. Your posts always put a smile on my face.

Tanya - We went to the donkey sanctuary today! The under 5 crew liked it a lot.
Our blow up pool kicked it the first time I blew it up…boooo!
I think it’s hot everywhere 😀

Tracy Fisher - So ironic… we were just at out beach house (the place i want you to visit some day) and my kids kept saying they were bored. REALLY??? They had to make forts, collect shells, swim to the dock and jump off without any water toys, etc etc. I just laughed. I should have brought out the plastic bowls… what was i thinking … haha. looks like fun. although i agree, you need the pool back next summer. ususally when i want my husband to set something up for the kids, i leave for a few days on a girls outing. for some reason they beg him enough until he does it. don’t know how it works. just does. -tracy

Tiffany - You are too funny, I just sit and cheese when I read these posts, you capturing her spirit and remembering (impressive), “these leaves make it spicy”. Crack me up! Have fun at the zoo, what a good suggestion actually. Holla!

Cory - We had a pool just like that, but a few weeks ago it broke, and since then we have all been a hot mess! :/ In about a week or so we are getting another one.

Jamie M. - The Wichita Zoo? It is my favorite!! That and exploration place, my kids say that is what they miss most about Kansas.
Love the “Vintage Sprinkler”!! The greatest was when we put the sprinkler under the trampoline, the kids were shocked we could do that.

tina - we made a great slip and slide out of tarps for the kids this summer. when they realized they could be one four times as big as a slip and slide you buy at the store they were all for it! we haven’t had a day under 90 degrees in over three weeks now! our farmers need rain so badly!!

Erin - We had story time at the library this morning. Each week they hand out a card on one of the planets. My 5 year old son has them all memorized already. He is loving the space theme. When we got home, he was quizzing his 3 year old sister on planet facts. Tonight, the library and the Cosmosphere are putting on a program at our local ball park. Rhett is sooooo excited! They get to eat space ice cream, build a rocket, and look though telescopes. One of the church youth groups has a concession stand so I don’t have to fix supper. Yeah!

Heather - Love it! “why is this fun, mom?” Kids are so funny!

KirstenP - I just clicked on the link to your pool. Your kids were having so much fun! Go get that pool! There’s a good 2-3 months left of summer left. You’ll be so glad you did!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - We eat Sam’s pizza at Sam’s too. What’s the point of bringing home pizza to cook in the oven? There’s still a mess to clean up 😉
We all get our own drinks, but the littles only get to fill it half way. I HATE the sinking feeling you get when one kid gets sick and you realize that you let them share a drink or dessert with all of the other kids just last night.

Cathy - I love a child’s imagination and the things they can come up with so little to do it with. Good job mom!

steph - my girlies always make soup in our backyard too.
sometimes it drives me nuts… but that’d be my type a personality!
but other times i just sit there and smile and say how cute! 🙂
go and get a bigger kiddie pool from target!!!
we have one, it’s rectangular and probably 9×3 feet.
it’s awesome!
enough to get wet and then go and play!
just enough to cool off!

Sandy - Looks like fun. Who is Annie’s new friend?

happygirl - Boo hoo, no pool. Yeah, my kid didn’t know how to play in a sprinkler either. And that was 15 years ago. LOVE the soup. I was so hot last week I jumped into the lake. And I hardly EVER go in the lake. 🙂 stay cool.

sue - I have a question. I never see Lauren anymore. Did she move with you to the country ?

sue - Meg……Go get the pool this weekend. It will be a life saver for you and Waffle. lol

Jacci in Ohio - Totally do ALL of this at least 3 mornings a week. Sprinkler, bowls, etc. Actually, this year I went tractor supply (I *know* you have those around) and got 4 galavanized buckets of various sizes. They’ve been so great for making the mud/weed soups and jus toting water around the backyard. I got one REALLY huge one… it was, like, $35 and it has been *awesome*.
Then, once we hit around 11am we pile in the van for swim lessons. And stay at the pool for hours. It’s 20 minutes away, but so worth it. About 4 days a week.

Jessica Johnson - Your Annie and my Kayla are two peas in a pod. We make soup lots around here. “Why is this fun, mom?” She’s a good one.

seriously sassy mama - We have never had a pool, so this is how my girls play all the time in the back yard. It is a bonus when you have a sprinkler system. SOunds like a fun I like to havem girls except we go to Target for pizza and soda.

lauren - we never had a backyard pool…only really good city pools.
but man do i miss the days of the sprinklers and the $10 slip ‘n slides.
enjoy your littles…they outgrow those sprinklers so dadgum fast.

Stephanie - Soup! It’s a favorite outside activity here, too 🙂 Mud, water, rocks and leaves? Mmmmm, yes please. And I just found a fun sprinkler at Aldi for $6; hoping that will help us survive the pool-less summer!

Leah - What is it about husbands and pools? Mine has banned me from purchasing any more backyard pools for our daughter. Whatever, it’s not like he’s home to see her use it during the day. Your pictures are great! And that Sam’s Club pizza sounds awesome (seriously, I want one).

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fridays are awesome.

first off….i really wanted to go back to bed today.
my running clothes weren't clean.
i was tired.
it was cold.

but i went because my friends were waiting….thank goodness for them.
i would have slept my morning away otherwise.


with only one quick bathroom break at mcdonalds (thank you body that birthed five babies….)
it was hard.
but we did it!!!!!

31.5 out of 100 miles.  

i went back and finished the baby doll quilt.
there was a commenter that said "she won't ask for a doll quilt for much longer….you can always make pillows."
that was the clencher.
it is so precious.
i looooove it.
and so did annie.  :)

i came back to the farm house and there were a bunch of trucks and a huge fire!
i guess today was the perfect day to tear down an old shed that was here at the farm.
it was pretty dangerous the way it was so it's probably good that it's gone.


kind of exciting to get off the bus to a giant fire in your yard!!

yesterday i followed talby over on her second round of feeding the neighbor's chickens. 


what are you doing this weekend?

i think we are doing some swimming,,,,some soccer…some volleyball…some basketball….
that sounds relaxing right?



Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Update: so I DID finish the little one’s doll quilt like I said I would. Check it out here:
Thanks for giving me the kick- in- the- pants(by posting what your commenter said) to get it done. She loves it!

christine ishmael - Guess what my 11 year old’s science project was on? What’s a chicken’s favorite color? We put out a set of trays in all the colors of the rainbow and fed the chickens each day at the same time with the trays in the same place…guess what their favorite color was? It was a great science project!

Alicia D - AWESOME job with your running!! Im up to 5.0 miles now. Training for a 10-miler. It will be the first time I’ve ever run that far in my life. Only been running for about 6 months. Its a love-hate 🙂

Kerry - I love hearing about your running. I’m 37 years old and took up running again a year ago, just 6 weeks after giving birth to my 4th baby via c-section. I hope you’re signed up for a race somewhere! Keep the updates coming .. and great job of six miles!!

northern cottage - ohhhh i LOVE the little doll quilt. know what would be cool – AFTER she’s done with the doll quilt – make THIS into a pillow for her or you (it will ALWAYS hold wonderful memories now!) it’s completely gorgeous with the colors and stitching and LOVE built right in!
keep on chugging rocking running mama!
xo –

Stephanie campbell - Oh I want to raise chickens so badly…..

Helen Wall - Love that you took your banjo to accompanythe chicken feeding! Nice touch!

Lauren - love. that. quilt. sooo yummy! good for you on the run!

Sara Torbett - Six miles is major!
I echo the other ladies-I’m sitting here having a fit over that lovely white chippy paint wood…imagining all kinds of things to do with it. I hope you ran over and salvaged some before it was too late!
Doll quilt-precious. My favorite is the close-up of the square that says “peace always”. 🙂

Dani - Love the quilt! So bright and cheery!

tiffany gardner - Six Miles! I don’t think I could walk six miles! You rock!

Maria - Um, should have proofread first . . .
Instead of “get to the point where you can run for several weeks because of an injury.”
it should read, “. . . where you CAN’T run for several weeks.”
I need coffee! Ha ha. Happy weekend!

Maria - Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I stumbled across it a month or so ago, and I think it’s awesome. I love that you love the Lord, spend time with your kids, make awesome crafts, and you take some really great photos, too!
Just one thing I wanted to say about your running (you’re doing awesome, by the way!) — I’m not sure how long you’ve been running, but be careful about adding too many miles too soon! Trust me on this one, you don’t want to keep adding and adding miles until you get to the point where you can run for several weeks because of an injury. Been there, done that and it’s no fun! Blessings!

Kristin S - Love that quilt too! It is “so Annie” (from how she dresses anyway).
Commenter was right. Hey, maybe you can turn that quilt in to a pillow someday.
Coveting your farm life…

Tracie - I Love that you put the banjo music in the chicken video, so cute. Thanks for the running motivation!! I’m going.

Heather - This post came at just the right time. I settled down with my cuppa and had already decided to blow off this morning’s run (still have a little bit of a sinus infection, the house and my boys are so snuggly this morning, I stayed up too late last night, etc…). And there you are – out there when you don’t want to be. You got me out the door. Thank you!!! (and little boys don’t mind snuggling with a stinky sweaty mommy!)
And ko.s – you’ll get used to frosty east coast runs – you’ll even come to miss them in the heat of August!!

happygirl - We are going out to dinner to celebrate my husbands retirement. It’s going to be SO MUCH FUN, but not as healthy as running sex miles. Btw, getting over a horrible cough. I wasn’t so happy for the weak bladder. Just sayin’.

Carla Grace - Chippy painted wood…..I hope you grabbed some of it!! Aaaaack!!

christy - I love that comment & they were so right! The quilt is fantastic. I bet she will cherish it forever.
Okay, how long before you start raising chickens? 🙂 I have two, in suburbia and they are pretty entertaining & the eggs are GREAT! We have more than we need for our fam of 3 w/the 2 chicks we have. Warning though, THEY.EAT.EVERYTHING! I mean everything! My poor plants. The fact that they eat everything also means they poo everywhere. Ours run amuck so that is part of the prob.

Leah - I want chickens! And a farm. And the ability to run 1/4 of a mile.

Amy @ - Those chikens are sure serious about their bread! And that music you put along to it is the perfect touch. I can always count on your for a good smile 🙂

Susan - This was such a funny post b/c guess what?! I went back to bed after getting the kids off to school…I NEVER DO THAT! EVER!!! And I blew off Masters Swimming which i love soooo much and pay money ahead of time to do!!! But I just couldn’t do it and that’s okay. Spent the rest of the day (after the am nap!) making my son’s 12th birthday special. Tomorrow i’ll swim then spin and it will be ALL GOOD! Careful w/ your running…don’t increase your distance too fast or you’ll set yourself up for an injury…just sharing from my own personal experience…Love your blog.

Kim - Love the quilt and the chickens! This weekend? Hmmm…we just came back from our church group, the kids’ have play dates and a birthday party tomorrow, then off to Grandma’s as hubby and I head to a concert – Chris Tomlin – with fab friends, probably a few things on Sunday and then March break! Hooray for a week at home with the kids. So, so, so looking forward to it!

Heather - I am so lost! You have 2 houses check. One to live in and one to craft in? One you own one you rent one? I am so lost!

Terrie G - Oh the things I’d love to have my hubby make from that old wood!
Such a good mom!! Definitely good idea to choose the quilt!
You can always make pillows from the ‘good’ fabric! lol!!
Loved the quilt
My weekend…taxes, watching basketball and more taxes! Yeah…not!

Maria - Love the quilt! Something I hope to accomplish soon…
Our weekend (which started today with no school)…huge rummage sale for the scouts…soccer…bowling with the tiger cubs…sleepover…scout Sunday…an arrow of light cross over…and reception following that will make a happy end to my leader days…now I can just be a scout mom again…and a nap or two in there…I hope.

Darcie L. - Agree with Lanny Lou. That wood makes me want to come over and grab it! My husband now says, “Are you sure you don’t want to save this for crafting?” about almost everything. Even his passport holder. Sheesh…

shannon - Good thing it wasn’t your home!!!
I think that comment about Annie not asking for doll quilts for much longer would have made my mind up real quick too 🙂
Hope you get some time to yourself this weekend.

Robyn Farmer - Talby looks like such a big girl with those jeans 🙁

Marie - That doll quilt is precious. I should make one for my girls before they stop wanting one too. My 10 yr old has been asking for a doll bed for her AG doll. You are totally motivating me to run. It’s been 2 weeks since my last run cause I got sick and now I don’t want to anymore because it’ll be like starting all over again. UGH!!

ko. s - You have completely inspired me to get back into my running routine! We recently moved from San Diego to the East Coast and with that move I lost all motivation to run. The weather is just downright miserable! But you’ve motivated me….Thank you!

lorelei eurto - love the chickens. My mother raises chickens, and they are the best to photograph and video. This was nice to watch, thanks for sharing Meg!

Alisa - i am already at my kitchen table with my sewing machine and piles of fabric….i don’t know what will evolve, but i am looking forward to it! maybe everyone will leave me alone if i ignore them….but probably not. enjoy your weekend!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Looks like Talby is enoying her new neighbors 😉 and as far as what I will be doing this weekend? My weekends are changing…I used to have 2 baseball players, 2 basketball players, 1 soccer player, 1 trumpet player, 1 Irish Dancer, 1 ballerina and 2 Girl Scouts so I relate to those busy weekends and now that mine aren’t so crazy I gotta say, I kinda miss it! I know, I know, we always want what we don’t have. I want to take a drive to the beach and get lunch tomorrow and believe me there was a time that a free Saturday wasn’t even on my radar. Happy weekend.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Well you inspired me to finish the doll quilt I mentioned in your last post. I’m doing it this weekend.
Tonight I’m sitting here with my table full of teens. Its youth group night here at the house.
Weekends are always full of laundry and cleaning here since I cant seem to get a handle on it during the work week. And I’m sure we’ll do some relaxing with the girls. We haven’t done much of that since our own fire.
Have a lovely weekend!

Maria - Meg, I think you just came up with the next big thing in your Etsy shop, baby doll quilts! I know a little girl who would love a cople of them…let me know if you’d make and sell me a couple!

Heather S. - I feel ya! I do a boot camp class at 6 am Mon/Wed/Fri and if it weren’t for my friends waiting on me, I’d never make myself get out of bed and endure that torture for an hour. But afterward – I always feel so much stronger! What doesn’t kill ya……right?

Lisa - I love that you have neighbors that are friendly and let your kids come feed their chickens! Good neighbors are a blessing!

seriously sassy mama - Class, work, packing, laundry, and hopefully some time to head to our favorite catfish place for some yummy food!

mim - you can always turn it into a pillow when she is done using it as a blanket!!

Kirsten P - Annie’s doll quilt is beautiful!
I’m going to see Anne of Avonlea, a musical at the high school.
Also heading to the next state for a bridal shower – I bought her some beautiful high quality wooden spoons from
My favorite spoons at the moment are the 13 inch Stir Fry Paddle and the Cookie Dough Paddle-perfect for stirring thick cookie doughs.
Congrats on getting closer to your running goal!

beth davis - Good call on the baby doll quilt. 🙂

Michelle From Australia - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful doll quilt. LOVE it! I hope Annie treasures it.

amy jupin - where is the chicken painting? i want to see how it turned out!
and i loved seeing talby’s ginormous sparkly shoes in the video.
and hearing your voice.
made me miss kansas!

Lanny Lou - okay please tell me your going to do something cool with that barn wood/siding ?

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