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Category Archives: faith

so….i am going to africa.

i really am.
i got my passport, the plane tickets have been purchased.
i am going with her and her and her and four other friends i will soon meet in march.
we will be going to sierra leone, west africa to give support to a group called Word Made Flesh.

i can't tell you how excited i am to serve God in this way.

i have never been on a trip like this.

at first after i said yes… i was scared and cried every time i had to think about it.
but God took that fear away.
He put a fire in my heart.
i am
ready to be used by Him…however that may be.

i need to raise money for the remainder of my fees.
i am sewing away to fill my etsy shop.
i am working on some paintings too.
i will be selling prints of my photos.
look for that on february 1st.

but another way i could raise funds is by selling ad space here on the blog.

for the months of february and march i will be offering ad space on the right sidebar.
it will be $30 for one month or $50 for two months.

it could be for your etsy shop….your business…or just a link to your blog? 

you'd be advertising your business
AND helping send me to africa at the same time.
i'm calling it
Ads for Africa.  
email me for details.
let's fill up the whole right side….that would be AWESOME!!

*******i will compile all the emails and be in touch on sunday*********
                                        and i can take paypal.

No.17CherryTreeLane - Um…OF COURSE I’m going to help you.
Send me info about ad space.
I’m there for ya girl. God has big plans.

cre8ivegirl - Wow! You’re braver that me. But what an amazing experience. My God be with you on this trip.

Kyleigh - Woweeeeeee! Well done you! What an opportunity! My friend is there at the moment and yes, you will need to brush up on your Francais…
How long are you going for? I can’t wait to see your photos from Africa. I am a little jealous – do you need an extra pair of hands???
Enjoy! You will come back a different person (in a good way)

Megan - I’m interested in ad space if it is available!
Thanks, Meg!

Holly - I live in IN and read your blog everyday. My husband is a missionary kid from Congo and we spent 9 weeks there in 1995. I graduated from Asbury College in 1993 and the guys that started Word Made Flesh were at Asbury with me. What a small world! Africa is going to change your life for the better!

katie - goosebumps…how awesome!

duchess.of.reel - Meg—I would be happy to sponsor ad space. I will email you. Until then, I recently received this prayer I thought I would pass along to you:
May today be all you need it to be. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered. I pray that faith enters a new height for you; Just as Jabez did, I pray that your territory is enlarged, that the hand of God be on you to keep you from harm and pain. I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and undying love for God.

Elisa - count me in on the ad space- I want to support you!!!
And they better check your suitcase when you leave- I am sure you will try to stuff it full of kiddos!

Georgia - Meg you are amazing! – i would love to do this kind of charity event. I will be sure to check out your Etsy shop and help you raise some money!
Good luck!!!! xx

Marla - How exciting! I spent a semester during college in Ghana and I think it is safe to say your world will never be the same. I’ve always wanted to go back, but you know what the price of a plane ticket is!

Heather Richter - Brush up on your French…you will be helping so many. Godspeed. God Bless. - I am SOOOO looking forward to some of your photos being up for sale!

gina - How exciting- I will be watching your etsy shop!

Jenn Baker - Totally ROCKS- we were in the process of adopting a beautiful 2 yr old orphan when they shut the country down for adoptions. So sad and frustrating. Please blow a kiss in the air for my baby Kaday that we never got a hold/be her parents! If you go again- please post info as I would LOVE to join you!!! I will be praying for you and your trip! -Jenn

Amber - I love how you use your blog for God’s good. You could have easily put ads on your blog pages ago for personal gain. You are inspiring!! God bless.

Heidi Jo the Artist - How exciting! I will be praying for a safe journey for all of you.
May God work through you, so that you may help those in Sierra Leone.

Nicole Q. - I am so excited for you! God will USE you and you will be changed by your experience.
We are His hands and feet!

Diana - Wowwwwwwwwwww, what an awesome opportunity to serve the Lord!!
Send me the email you use for Paypal.
How about posting how much you still need so everyone can keep track.

Katie - Congratulations! That is so fantastic – we’ll be sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl I am so proud of you. That is a hearts desire of mine to some day do a missions trip. You will come back changed forever. I’ll support you however I can. Just need to think about it…do I want to buy something or advertise something:)

Staci - Oh Meg!!! I can hear the excitement in your voice…or rather, in your post 🙂 Such an extraordinary trip for such an extraordinary person!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!

Hillary @ The Other Mama - So proud of you for saying Yes to God. That is often the hardest part (for me, at least). Will definitely be praying for you!! Awesome!

colleen - Congrats on the trip… I’ll place an ad on your site for one month.
Just email me with the details.

katie - How amazing! I just started reading your blog and I love it. I actually went to Sierra Leone for 2 weeks in 06 and then 2 months in 07 working with Children of the Nations: You are going to LOVE it. Talk about a humbling and incredible experience! Your life will forever be changed! SL needs all the help they can get and God will protect you every step of the way! If you have any questions, ask away 🙂

Kate - Oh Meg, I am so happy for you. You are going to be great!

amy jupin - you are my hero. you really are. i’m so proud of you for doing what you believe in, facing your fears and going out of your comfort zone. just awesome.
and you know i’ll be supportin that etsy shop of your’s! 🙂
thanks for the heads up…it will give me some time to save up!

Ashley - How fun! And what a blessing you will be! We have a friend that works for Word Made Flesh in India…such an awesome ministry that we are proud to support!!

Dianna - This will be a completely life changing experience for you. I’ve led teams of American volunteers to do humanitarian work for times. You will see tragedy, but also a people who are so happy. Probably the best lesson I learned from the people is that happiness is not based on circumstances, but it has everything to do with our relationship with God. Best of luck to you!

julia - Wow – my parents have been to Uganda a couple of times to visit the Uganda Baptist Seminary – I’m sure it’ll be an amazing experience.
I think it’s great you’re selling ad space.

Jaimie - meg that is really awesome. you will love it. and you will love the way helping makes you feel i am sure!

Catherine - Hello! i just sent you an email about advertising… Thanks so much, I love supporting this cause!

Chiot's Run - Congrats – you’ll love it. I grew up as a missionary kid in Colombia, South America. I also went to Germany on a mission trip in high school. Mr Chiots and I have organized and led several short term trips to different locations, including some overseas. I can’t wait to hear about your experiences during the trip. Good luck raising funds (that’s always the hardest part).

Holly - How exciting! I have never taken a trip like that before either. You will definately be in my prayers!

deanna janssen - Hi there! Wow! How exciting! What a wonderful lifetime experience that you will never forget! I would LOVE to purchase a month or 2 of ad space for my etsy shop.. I tried e-mailing you, but it wouldn’t go through! Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you! Oh- you can also contact me at 🙂

tess s. - amazing. you are amazing! and you never fail to impress me.

Sara Cameli - All I can say is…WOW!!!! That is huge. I am so proud of you even though you haven’t gone yet!!!!!!

Angie Seaman - Hey Meg. I’d love to place an ad on your sidebar. I’m advertising my photography classes now. Just let me know how I go about placing the ad and how to pay. Thanks girl! This should be lots of fun. Congrats on your trip. I know you’ll do awesome ministering over there. 🙂
Blessings, Angie Seaman

Lori - Wow, I am so excited for you! And looking forward to contributing to your trip fund once your Etsy store opens again. I have enjoyed my “Cora” pair of pillows so much. And the third pillow, which I loved but couldn’t find a place just right for it, I am donating to a child with cancer, in memory of my daughter’s best friend that died from neuroblastoma (what Cora had, I think). It’s the pretty pink and bright green pillow with the tutu material around the edge. I know they will love it! Please keep us updated on this actual and spiritual journey. I will be praying for you.

Pineapple Princess - I am so excited for you!!
I remember you emailed me and told me that God was whispering to you heart to go to Africa. How awesome that you are answering His call.
Too excited for you!! 🙂

Laura Phelps - wow
And I thought my trip to Target this weekend would be exciting
I have never done anything like what you are about to do
I think it is awesome how God speaks to us and calls us in so many ways
this is BIG
I will be praying for you
and am so excited for you
dont forget to pack the camera!

Marie Tere - One more reflection of how blessed you are.
I have nothing to sale via an ad.
I have a boring, novice blog I wouldn’t want to post on an ad.
But I have checks in the checkbook (good ones too!).
Please let me know how I can contribute, other than etsy purchases.

Debra - Good for you, that is so brave and you will be forever changed.

Jackie - Such an amazing thing! I’m so glad for you – I had a friend who went to Africa last spring and had a wonderful experience. Bless you!!

robin - What an amazing journey God is allowing you to go on! I would love to contribute and donate for ad space. I’ll email you soon. Good luck, I’ll be praying for you. 🙂

mel - Amazing!!! I can’t wait to hear about it. I am so proud of you for going even though you are scared. I really want to go to Africa in summer of 2011 to do a mission trip/see the villages that our P320 funded. I am trying not to let fear get in the way.
I would love to support you, sending you an email!

jamie - Congratulations! Been following your Blog and Beautiful Work for a long while. I would Love to purchase Ad Space too. Ill send you a email. What a Wonderful and Exciting time for you. Have a Great Weekend, Jamie - Just emailed you for the ad space. This is a really good thing that you are doing!

Lindsay Thomas - How amazing. When I think about going abroad for missions I get a pit in my stomach. You are very strong and you will grow SO much from this! God bless you on your trip and I can’t wait to shop your etsy shop!!

Jen CD - bless you in this decision. It is so very frightening some times, but a concrete and clear calling, to be sure. take care. I wish I had extra money to send your way, but know I am sending prayers and hope for less fear as the time is closer. Take care.

Crystal - Overseas missions are THE BEST!!! Prepare for your world to be rocked forever!!!! I would love to support you and buy an ad!! Just let me know what you need from me. 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - This is such an awesome opportunity for you!
I want to do an add. I’ll email you shortly!

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i have nothing to say today.

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***bird painting made by the fabulous jeanne oliver at "a bushel and a peck" ********
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ok…i do have one thing to say.
i read this this morning in my book Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.

"God does not demand that you and i have blind faith, 
but abandoned faith, a faith that trusts Him fully.
Through His Word, God willingly reveals much about who He is, what His plans are,
and what He requires of us.  
As we come to see Him and know Him he urges, "Trust Me."  
Hundreds of times in the Bible God implores us to trust Him. 
We tend to make trust a gray area, but with God the issue is black and white. 
We either trust HIm or we don't.  
We're for Him or we're against Him.
We're in the game or we're on the sidelines. 
As i think about true faith, heartfelt throw-yourself-in-with-complete-abandon faith,
two things come to mind:
*faith is rooted in God's character.
*faith is based on God's Word, not on our feelings."

that spoke out to me this morning.

this book is REALLY good…even though i don't like the title or the cheesy painting on the cover.
i am not an anxious person but i love this book.
i do not like my books to look like feminine product ads on the cover but this does.
still a great book.  
i think you should order it.  :)

**************and i am really wishing i could eat a cupcake right. this. minute.**************************

eryn - ps, I’ve been doing no sugar for two weeks. Other than the comfort of eating a big fat cookie or cupcake…i find my cravings are seriously dwindling.
And…4 lb. down!

eryn - I also want a cupcake right now…but I’m choosing “eye cupcakes” on your blog. It’s eye candy to me!
LOVED the quote today. So fitting for where we’re at in our adoption stuff.
How do you get your pics side by side like that?I’m guessing it’s photoshop or somethign…is it an action? LOVE it.

traci - your pictures speak when words don’t! love them.

michelle - you are awesome meg! i’ve been traveling and am just now catching up on your blog and all you’ve been up to! congrats on the “homies” win thing, love, LOVE your kitchen remodel, no sugar!!! ugh. i too am an addict :(. you never cease to inspire me.

lissa - that is soooo good. I’m going to print it and put it in my journal. Thank you!

Shannon - I also love that book. I have two copies so that I can lend it out to friends when they need it.
I cried when I read ‘the prayer’. Do you know what I mean? the one by Betty Scott Stam (is that the right name?). It took me a long time to be able to pray it myself. So glad you like it as well.
Awesome pictures, as always. I covet your ability & your camera and have been trying to save up for my own for a couple years…. someday.

Jessica - So glad you shared that part from the book today! It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear from the Lord! Again, thanks for sharing!

Rachelkidd - Did you know yesterday was delurker day?!
Meg, I read your blog nearly every day and love it, it’s so colourful and fun and your kids are gorgeous.
I’ve written before but come on all you other lurkers, say hi to Meg!
Rachel xx
(Glasgow, Scotland)
P.S. Ordered that book you were talking about – A Long Way Home – off Amazon and it just arrived this morning, yay!

deb meyers - Love that study, too, and with you on the cover.
You’ll like this:
of course I left my thoughts in the comment section there, too : )

jeanne - The book sounds amazing..bad cover and all:-) It has been a tough week around here. My friend and neighbor tried for three years to get pregnant. The babies (yes twins) were making her so sick that they had to be taken at 28 weeks so she would live. She almost died three times after their birth. The girls had been fragile but stable. The littlest (2pounds) died on Wednesday. She was three weeks old and I have had such a hard time because of their sadness and I was so sure…so sure that she would live. It is hard to trust that God does all for our good sometimes. Sorry for the book..I really needed this today.

Tiffany - Just recently found your blog and am loving it – you inspire me to see and use more COLOR in my life. Thanks for sharing that snippet from the book you are reading. For me, living in the gray is an unstable and unfulfilling place to be. God wants more for us – the abundant life. Thx for the reminder 🙂

Trena McNulty - great book…lent mine to my SIL…need to get it back..or order a new one…fav quote…later on in the book…”faithfully following the Shepherd…on step at a time?” And a prayer for every day…”if my Children sin against you Lord…may they get caught!”

Stephanie - And pictures say 1,000 words….so you technically said 14,000 words based on how many photos you posted today.

karen - mmmmmmm..froot loops!

Tracy - I love the pictures and I too have cut out the sugar in my diet as well. I know it is so hard to do but I know it will be so worth it. Thanks for the passage – it was so nice to read! Have a great weekend! Big hugs! xoxoxo

Jess - I am always inspired by your great, colorful photos. Today you have inspired me on a different level. Thanks for sharing.

gina - This post was timely for me to read, I posted today about my ongoing effort to calm my anxious heart. and mind. and the pictures made me smile. as usual. 🙂 which is why i have a post publishing on Sunday about you. thank you.

shelly - Thank you! I really needed to hear that today! I’m not anxious…just the whole reckless abandon really struck my heart!
Doing the no sugar too. Last night, while the boys were being little barbarians, I REALLY wanted an ice cream bar, but I held out and everyone lived to see another day 😉

Julie - are any of these photos a part of your etsy updates? i’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll add to it!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We are on day 6 of the “eat clean” diet. Every meal consists of either egg whites, oatmeal, chicken, ground turkey, brown rice, sweet potato, zone bar or some other veggie or berry. It’s been very challenging. I love bread sooo much and anything sweet. But in this short amount of time I’ve already lost 3 pounds. Just push past the cravings…eat a little fruit. I find that helps me immensely.
Thanks for the encouragement about trust and faith, and the black and white of it. I’ve been living in grey a bit lately and I know that’s not pleasing to the Lord.
Have a great weekend Meg. Beautiful pics as always. Did Jeanne make you that bird collage? Looks just like her:)

Leslie - Thank you for posting this! You have no idea how we needed to read those words today!

Jackie - I think you say a lot with your pictures!! I do love the quote you gave and will have to check out that book (though now I’m scared about the cover).

Kristin - There is nothing I love more than a jar of Crayola markers.


susie whyte - did you get the bird canvas from bushel and a peck? looks like her stuff. 🙂 love the photos and i will have to add the book to the list!

Susan - I am a faithful follower of your blog….you don’t know me and you will probably never know me….but I just had to comment today. Today has been a life changing day in my life as I found out today we will be having our 6th child in 7 years. I am so excited and SHOCKED at the same time and I have to TRUST that God KNOWS what He is doing in my family and our lives. I think I am going to have to get this book! With a husband that is in the middle of loosing his job right now and not getting a regular paycheck, I am a bit anxious in ALL aspects of my life. I can now only trust that God has a plan for us much bigger and better than what I can imagine! Thanks for your wise words and always making me smile. You are an inspiration and I wish I were just bit more like you! You just seem to have it all together! Me…Not so much:)

Nicole M - Thank you for that. My husband and I have no other choice but to trust the Lord right now. I am pregnant with our first, and the doctors saw cysts in her brain. THey could be nothing, which all signs are pointing to that, or they could be fatal. All i can allow myself to dwell on right now, is that I trust the Lord and i have faith in His purposes. Thank you for that little piece from the book. I have read it over and over and will continue to do so. Blessings!

natalie - hi!
ive read your blog for awhile and even posted about your blog once {} but i dont remember if ive ever commented?
anyway we read that book last year in our bible study and so many parts of it did speak to me. {minus the cheese :)}
enjoy it!
and wow i love your photography – so inspiring to this novice

Kate - Meg, That message is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it!

julia - How do Fruit Loops manage to stay in your house???? Those would be gone in a SECOND around here.

Meredith - You crack me up. The cover of that book does look like a feminine product ad now that you mention it. One of my favourite reads, even though I wouldn’t call myself anxious either. Coincidentally, we’re doing the no-sugar thing also. My daughter’s on a special diet for her epilepsy, so we’re doing it as a family. Oh my giddy aunt. It’s tough going, but I’m assured that after two weeks, the cravings will subside. Protein shakes with frozen berries are our saving grace. Hope you have a great weekend. Meredith xo.

Anita - When you have nothing to say, your pictures are awesome. I am a color lover and the white blanket of snow here currently is just making those colors pop right out. Maybe I’ll get out my BIG box of crayons 🙂

amy - funny…about the title and the feminine product ad cover.=) what a great read, though! and is that beautiful bird plaque made by jeanne oliver?=) thanks for sharing!

Casey - Love your thoughts on the cover of the book. You keep me laughing, Meg!

Kelly - That is a great book! Thank you for sharing that today! Happy weekend!

Tracy - hang in there!! No sugar – the rewards will be so good!!
LOVE those happy-colorful pictures…they warmed my heart on this gray-day.
AND – that snippet from that fabulous book. That completely touched my heart. Thank you for that this Friday!

Diana - Meg…. I buy the individual fruit cups, applesauce, those kinds of things for us. And blocks of cheese. And apples. Oranges. Good food like that. When you get a craving, cut a chunk of cheese. Grab an applesauce snack pack. A couple or so carrots from a bag of those little “baby” carrots. Or one of those “cutie” oranges in your jar up there. Those things are small and will curb your craving, get you by until it passes. And won’t hurt your appetite for mealtime later. And are GOOD for your body! All those things are inexpensive — especially compared to the sugar goodies! If you don’t like applesauce, look at those shelves and see what’s there you like. YOU CAN DO IT, MEG!!
I like those red and white stockings!! Very cool! 😀

paige - sounds like a wonderful book
i struggle with fear issues ….maybe i should go buy it now!
love all those cute as heck photos meg

Hattie - Wow I might have to get that book. Loving the socks, supper cute!

Ivy Bettinger Smith - We read this book in my bible study last session…it was life changing for me! I LOVED it. I WAS an anxious person but now I trust that He will always take care of me and I dont need to be anxious or worry. God doesn’t like it when we worry b/c he feels like we aren’t trusting him!!

Rachel - That sounds like a very good book!
You might try a detox. It is supposed to “reset” your cravings.

Courtney Walsh - That is good stuff. I struggle with the trust issue in all aspects of my life…especially the little things, oddly. Why is that? I can hand over bigger things easier but the small things I assume God doesn’t care about those as much.
And I think it’s the little things that matter the most.

Holly - I fought the urge to have a diet coke at lunch today and I am so glad I did now. I really dont know if I could fight off a cupcake! Hope you have a good weekend Meg!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I think Rachel really helped define trust and faith for me…I don’t think I’ll ever view it the same way again. I hope not.
And Oh…I’m the worst at judging a book by its cover. Literally. I can see a shady looking character on the street and see all kinds of intrigue and fun and warmth behind the “unique” facade, but if I see a bad cover on an actual book? Nope.

Lisa - That’s a great book! I have recommended it to so many friends. I think I need to read it again…

alyssa - I hear ya. You helped inspire me to go the no-sugar route. I hate it, but I’ve been meaning to do it for some time now. There is never a good time. So, yesterday, I made myself do it. Literally NO sugar. NO bread. Basically nothing that tastes good. It sucks. How about you? Are you eating NO sugar, or just the obvious stuff. Good luck. You can do it!

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i have been waiting a month to share julie's idea with you.
i have been so excited about it.
i cry everytime i have to talk out loud about it.
i think it an amazing way for the blogging community to Glorify God.

go check out PROJECT 320.





thanks for the ideas yesterday!  
why didn't i just ask you all sooner?  could've saved some stress.
i know where to turn for any other questions i have.  :)
and i can't tell you what we picked because sometimes my kids read the blog.
but we did get a couple of your ideas!  THANK YOU.

mel - thanks for sharing about this Meg!
It is going to be awesome!
And, I agree with Heather…you should fly out to Cali & join us! 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - This is exciting! I’m glad to be part of such a great cause!
I’m back to blogging and thought you might want to check out my most recent post…
Have an awesome day!

No.17CherryTreeLane - I already sent in some stuff to Julie. What a worthy and amazing cause!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - thanks for sharing, megan!!
are you SURE you can’t make the short trip out to cali???

Amy Bryant - I must admit – I have kept your blog to myself since discovering you this past summer. Today I shared you with my friends on FB. I pray that there will be so much interest that this idea will grow and grow and the women of America will eventually be responsible for wells throughout Africa – all through sharing God’s love on the internet!
I also pray that my friends will get as much joy as I do from reading your blog – of course – that prayer is a slam dunk. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all.

Trish - yes. i love julie’s idea! crazy amazing… got to finish up my stuff today and send it out tomorrow 🙂

melissa @ the inspired room - Finally catching up with my favorite blogs…and I will click over to see what Project 320 is all about!!

lissa - Hi Meg! 2 of my dearest friends (jeanne and becky) keep raving about how amazing you are so I finally made it over here to drool over your amazing blog. Of course, being a typical blogger the first thing I did was click on the pictures of your home. It’s so amazing!!!! I LOVE your style!!!! I can’t wait to read your blog more and get to know you better! you come highly recommended! 🙂

Colleen - Just found your blog (where have I been???) and LOVE it!

Aimee - Hey, that second post is from my friend Mel! Funny coincidence.

susie whyte - i saw this on no. 17 cherry tree lane’s blog earlier this week!!
i would hope with 119 comments on that last post that somebody had a good gift idea. 🙂

lora - I checked it out. That is awesome!
Isn’t crying just a blessing and a curse? I was so hormonal last week…and cried about everything! I cried through our whole bible study…they had the tissues ready for me last night, but I didn’t need them!

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first gift


yes….i am talking about water again.
today is the day where bloggers everywhere are joining together in a campaign to
buy water for christmas.

4500 mothers bury their children EVERY DAY due to contaminated water.
the lack of access to clean water is the leading cause of death in underdeveloped nations.
and it doesn't have to be. 

as we get ready to rush through department stores and browse through catalogs searching
for the perfect presents….lets pause for a moment.
let's PAUSE.
today…November 13…lets buy clean water.
clean life saving water.

$10 will provide one person in africa clean water for $10 years.
your money can change and possibly save someone's life.
a real life.

Ethio03 Ethio45

let's do this together.
one day.
let water be the first gift you buy this christmas.

just think….if all the "whatever readers" gave $10 (you are free to give more if you'd like…)
we could raise enough to build a well TODAY.
i know how many of you there are…and we could do it!
a village could be changed because you read a blog that encouraged you to give…and you did. 
that's awesome!
that is 2 starbucks coffees
it's on CD on itunes
it's a pizza
one movie ticket
less than one container of detergent!
$10 can change someone's life.


click the photo below to be directed to the secure donation site of the highly recognized, non-profit
charity: water.
click on the yellow donate button.
All donations are tax deductible.
100% of the profit goes directly to clean water solutions in west africa.
share this on your blog.
link it…copy it…tell everyone.  

the wild raspberry - this is great….we have very good friends that are missionaries in africa….life is very hard there….
what a great cause.

princesslasertron - I just wanna say I love you Meg! I’m so glad I got to meet you and I had fun in the one class I took with you. 🙂 I love the bird you made.
And when I get on Martha, I know who to call for advice and her name is Penelope.

Christina - Oh! I wish I had seen this earlier…in order to blog about it. Not that I have the amount of readers that other blogs have, but…well, I’m glad to know about it, anyway.

Carol S. - follow your blog, saw this a couple days ago, thought hmmmm, I should do this. Didn’t. Went to church today and was reminded “food for the hungry and water for the thirsty” and thought, hmmm, I AM doing this today. Thanks for having this link for this worthy cause. Just did it, so again, thank you.

Jamie - Thanks for your comment on my blog. That would be soooo cool if you got to go to Africa next year! It seems like a great organization. Thanks, again, for making me aware of it!
To answer your question…yes! We are 6 sisters & 2 sis-in-laws & my mom. There are 8 kids in my family. I fall right in the middle. I love it!

No.17CherryTreeLane - this is an amazing chance to do something beyond ourselves and our families. to reach others.
thanks Meg.

Candace - Donated. Then posted to pass along. Can’t wait to put a bug in my principal’s ear on Monday for a schoolwide Christmas project.

misty - here’s an update~ my family (everyone combined: $200) my work put out a jar and employees donated also ($98 just tonight and will leave it out for the weekend) church hasn’t given me an update yet & we just made flyers to hand out at the bubble town car wash tomorrow and a local cafe is selling their water all day sat and sun instead of Free water (its the same price as tea) and donating all of it to. your blog inspired my community. thank you!

Deb - My sweet 8 year old donated her birthday party with her friends to this charity. (Of course we bought her presents) We asked each child to bring 8 dollars. She raised over 200 dollars. Then from facebook friends she make another 200. That brings the grand total to $429.00. That will assist in building a well and will supply 22 people with water for 20 years.
We can learn a lot from an 8 year old.

Nancy M - I sent $10, and posted a link on facebook. I love your blog Meg.

Southern Belle Mama - Thank you so much for posting about such a great cause! This has reminded me about the true meaning and purpose of giving…it should make a difference.

jennifer - Thanks for the reminder. I started my Christmas shopping, added the link to my blog, and now I’m off to facebook it! At least I’m accomplishing something today!

Staci - Gonna go buy some life for someone right now 🙂 Thanks Meg!

Magchunk - I gave too! Thanks for sharing this worthy cause. Tweeting it too.

Lisa - Awesome. I donated and changed my FB status to encourage others to do the same. Love this!

song - Count me in!

J.B. Kinrich - Thank you for posting about this. I donated. And then a moment later, I heard my dog get out of his bed and lap up water from his bowl. *Sigh.* What a strange life, where dogs get all the fresh water they want, and mothers have to watch their babies die from the lack of it.

elizabeth - Thank you for posting this, again. I actually linked it to my blog the other week and purchased the beautiful water drop ornaments.

erin - You inspired me, I am trying to raise enough money to build a well on my blog!
Thanks for the awareness.

Jamie - We can do this! Thanks for the opportunity to help!

emily - i donated . . . i posted on my blog . . . thank you for sharing!!!!!!

julie - Megan,
Thank you so very much for telling me about this simple, yet profound way that I can make a difference in someone’s life.
God is being glorified.
Lives are being saved.
Praise God!

joy - i would love to share this on my blog! my dad founded a non-profit medical organization and all of my life i’ve been taught to GIVE. this is a great lesson to teach to my children too. thank you, megan, for having such a huge heart.

Alyssa - I put this on my Blog….I agree it a great cause…I have close friends who adopted their son from Africa.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Thank you for sharing this. I’m going to share it on my blog as well!

Jaime - Yesterday I was sad over missing out on an offer I put on a house. Today, I’m happy, knowing not only do I have all the fresh water I want, but I am also currently blessed with a wonderful little rental that has sheltered me for 10 years, and will go on doing so. Thank you for gently pointing me in a new direction. I signed up for the one year, monthly installments. I am truly fortunate.

Kate - Thank you so much for bringing awareness about this. I will put it on my blog right away.

Gina - Thank you. Thank you for making me aware of this. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to give and serve.
My husband and I have three small children and from the beginning we’ve struggled with how to teach them the REAL meaning of Christmas and to not simply give them more things they don’t need. This year they’re getting a globe, shirts from Water4Christmas and glasses of dirty water so they can realize how their Christmas presents served children in another country. Thank you for giving me this chance to teach my children to have servant’s hearts.

pve - thanks for sharing this. wonderful.

Lauren - I gave! My hubby and I have been passionate about the water situation in Africa for a few years now and it feels so good to know that my little bit of money is making an everlasting impact.

jennifer - Donated. Wrote about it on facebook. Moved to tears over how much I take for granted. Water. How much I waste. How much they need. Thank you for being involved in this.

misty - my husband and I both did this & then posted links to your blog on our facebook status updates and I have passed this along to my pastor at church and our youth is working on this as well. I have told everyone I can about this over the last few weeks. I have been so inspired and so moved & feel like I am actually helping a real person. thank you for sharing this with me.

Regina (QueenBeezHive) - I gave! 🙂 I love the fact that 100% of my money “goes straight to the fields” and not to operational costs. Thanks for sharing this. Have a great time at Silver Bella! I’m so jealous, so now I shall go pray for forgiveness. 😉

Sarah M - If it wasn’t for your blog I wouldn’t have know about this. It wasn’t the first present, but it was definitely an important one.

Stephanie - Thank you for encouraging me to donate…
It will be the best Christmas present I will give this holiday season.

Maria in CT - It wasn’t my first gift, but it was the first one that I felt really, really good about. Thank you for this public service announcement…it is perfect timing before the start of the holiday season.

Jamie - It wasn’t the first gift I bought this year, but today I bought water. It is such a simple process, the site is wonderful and the outcome can be SO meaningful. Thank you for encouraging myself, and others to give!

carrie - Donated & Blogged about it. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful information and allowing us to help.

Annette - I come to your blog regularly for a bit of brightness and reality…your gift with color always adds a spark to my (ususally) early morning and you make me laugh with your perspective on your life and your family. I appreciate color and the unique “kid-ness” of my kids in different ways after looking through your “frame”.
One of my duaghters came to us through adoption…I cried as I donated this morning…so many people…so many children…thank you for giving me a way to make a difference to those who need it the most.

Don - Well done! Thanks! This is something that most take for granted, but I thank God for. Such a simple thing, and a nice way to teach our children about giving this season!

Kara Hebert - THANK YOU! for giving me the opportunity to donate. GOD is awesome and He is glorified through this.
I love your blog, Meg. I’m not blogging anymore right now (been having a really hard time with my dad’s death) but I still read yours.
Have a wonderful, blessed day.
Your friend in FL,

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thinking on this today…

it's a hard message.
makes me feel uncomfortable…and want to cry…
but mostly it makes me want to stand up on the balance beam…

i saw this on jody's blog a week or so ago.
she is returning from africa.
she got to see water4christmas' results with her own eyes…face to face.
she is standing on the balance beam.

Mother Runner - Thanks Meg. I needed that again. I love hugging the beam. Time to stand up and at least try walking on it.

Melissa - boy, that’s eye opening! so many of us think “letting our light shine” is enough….his message was what i needed to push me out of my comfort zone. i need to go out and share Christ with others…my family knows Him already! (that’s not to say i’ll stop sharing with my family)
thanks for sharing!

Natalie - Wow! This is so powerful. I’ve sent to all of my friends. Thank you for sharing.

Pineapple Princess - Francis and Lisa Chan are good friends of ours. I can say without a doubt that he lives what he preaches.
God has truly gifted him as a teacher. The Holy Spirit rips through each of Francis’ messages. Awesome.
Thanks for posting this! 🙂

Candace - I love, love, love the boldness with which Francis Chan lives and speaks. Crazy Love changed my life.
My brother-in-law’s response when discussing Crazy Love….
me: Man, that book will step on your toes.
BIL: That book ran all over my body.
Good God stuff all around. I love being put in my place in this world and all of eternity! Thanks for sharing!

emily - thank you . . . just what i needed to hear!

Meg - Oh man, do I so I.D. with that!!! I want to LIVE OUT LOUD FOR GOD!

Amanda - Amen!

jen - awesome.

Carolyn Dewey - Thanks Megan for this post! Francis Chan is a DYNAMIC pastor-teacher. Two of our sons and family have been or are currently attending his church. Not only is he a dynamic speaker but he is a HOLY man of God who lives his life as we all should. Not on a pedestal, mind you, but real, out and out for the Lord. His teachings on Sunday morning are just like in this video. Amazing! It’s a real treat to hear him when I visit CA!

Tanya Munoz - What a powerful message. Thank you for reminding me to stand up.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Wow, that was really hard to hear. You know, I’m in college right now and that was exactly how I was picturing my life… “I’m going to either home school my kids or send them to a private school which I will be teaching at so I can keep an eye on them.” – I say things like this a lot. Thank you, Meg, for sharing this with us, because I think we all need to hear this from time to time. It’s so true. I need to do some thinking. 🙂

La Tempête - Thanks 🙂 That was really powerful. I shared it with a friend.

Jennifer Dawn - One word…WOW!

Janelle - Thanks for sharing this with us! 🙂 Francis Chan has to be one of my favorites… he spoke at Hume Lake Christian Camp in Hume, CA my Senior year of high school… was great then, is still great now!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh Meg I’ve seen this before, but it still makes me tear up…because I’m that person holding on for dear life…afraid of falling. Thanks for that reminder to let God use me to the fullest! I know I want that with all my heart.

Amy - Great post! Helps you put things in perspective!

Joseph S. - I’m LDS, more commonly known as a Mormon, and this is why I absolutely love my church. We live our lives standing on the balance beam all of the time. Our church is completely run by pure volunteerism, none of our clergy is paid, we just do it for our love of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. If you are living life just grasping onto the beam, stand up, it’s great!

The Countess of Nassau County - I am completely in love with this post.
I have a lot going on in my life right now and I catch myself hanging onto that balance beam all the time. It’s so easy to confuse avoiding disaster achieving success.

carissa... brown eyed fox - oh boy! i love that.
hard to watch… yes.
made me cry… yes.
true… yes.
living wild at heart… fearlessly…
is really where HE wants us.
thanks for sharing gf!

Audrey - This is great. I really needed this today. Thank you! I might repost this on my blog later.

jennifer - Good Stuff! Thanks so much for sharing that Megan! Have you read Crazy Love? That’s even more good stuff! The truth really does hurt a lot of the time, but it’s so important that we keep listening. Praise the Lord we have a mighty, trustworthy God, and with Him on our side, we have nothing to fear!

Kelly - this is really great!

susie whyte - megan do you have a link to all the etsy stuff on your home page?? i’ve been trying to send people over to it.

Laura Phelps - thank God I am a gymnast.

julie - The week after I was in Kansas I went to Francis Chan’s church and had my entire foundation rocked. I am still processing it. I want God to make me uncomfortable. I want to be scared. Want to get really messed up? Want God to break your heart? I dare you to watch this: Brew a pot of coffee and get a cozy chair and some tissues…

Chicago Jen - Juliann had an information table for Honduras on Sunday. Is this your year?

Patti - i really needed that today. thank you so much for sharing.

lora - Wow. I’ll be thinking on that today too…..thanks for posting it.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Wow. Powerful and so very relevant.

april w - thank you for sharing. God has really been challenging me with how i’m going to choose to live my life moving forward & this just gave me a huge nudge.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Fantastic. I want to LIVE!

Dana Banana - Thank you.

Jen CD - thank you for this. I needed to hear it, bc it is not much fun on the balance beam.

Julie - Thanks for posting this. It’s a great challenge for me in my every day life.

Leah in FL - Great message and great work with Water4Christmas. Another great ministry is Samaritan’s Purse. One can donate money and request that it go toward freshwater wells, water filters and many other items. They are open with their financials, so you don’t have to be concerned about where the money is going.
I enjoy your website and blog, Meg. I, too, have five children, but three are grown and out of the house now. It’s hard to believe, but the house can be too quiet. I so cherish the times when we are all together. Blessings to you and your family.
Leah in FL :o)

Stephanie Carroll - Love that video so much
and! I just got my coffee cozy from Water4Christmas and I love it…I put it on my blog, hopefully to help get the word out 🙂
Happy Monday, Meg

amy j. - Saw this on her blog, too. Love it. What an amazing example she is.

Emily@remodelingthislife - I cried. Thanks for sharing.

misty - this really goes with the sermon we had yesterday. it seems like everywhere i look, even on your blog, God is telling me just what to do… I just need to stop being scared. I just need to say, OK GOD, I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. Your post today just made up my mind on something very important. thank-you.

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cora’s playground dedication


the music and message were beautiful.
the 341 balloons…marking one for each day Cora was here with joel & jess…were so pretty it hurt.
they just kept going farther and farther away….
and i thought again "i just can't believe this happened."
i still feel complete disbelief when i think of all jess and joel have gone through this year.

through the tears…
there was worship and fellowship.
there were smiles and hugs…cupcakes and popsicles…many children playing on Cora's Playground.

it's not the way we would've chosen but trusting in Christ…
knowing fully that He is good and unchanging.
He will restore.
He will bring peace and healing.

continue to pray for the Macs.

Jennifer - I’m so sorry…and praying for them.

Diana aka "knzus" - ♥ Amen! ♥

Christina - That is a beautiful picture of them…you captured a powerful moment there.

Ruth - thank you for sharing these pictures. the love and faith of you guys over there is such an inspiration…

Renee - I often think of Cora and her beautiful little face. It’s a reminder of how blessed we are. I’m praying for happier days ahead for Joel and Jess.
OT: Meg, I may have posted something about you today. LOL If you’re offended, let me know. xoxo

Sarah - Thanks for sharing this with us. It’s still so fresh in my mind when I heard about Cora’s story. My heart is still aching for The Macs, but I hope the playground dedication helped heal their hearts just a little more, if that is even possible after such a loss.

Laura Phelps - the prayers have never stopped…

purejoy - how is it that i’ve seen several pictures from the dedication and still it brings tears to my eyes to see those balloons. such a beautiful picture. and i’m certain that cora was smiling.
continuing to pray and so thankful that you were able to be there. what a treasure this blog-world is!

Staci - My heart still breaks for them….but God is triumphant through it all….still, just makes me so sad for them 🙁 They are so blessed to have a friend in you to capture this day for them. God Bless!

angela - How blessed they are that you captured this day for them. The blessing of a friendship is priceless. I cannot imagine their pain, but I know it must be made a little easier with the surrounding of friends.

Angela - Beautiful, and oh, so sad.

Joanna @ The Casa - Sometimes it’s just so hard to trust that God has a plan.

pve - Somehow, all those balloons made me feel better.
For me it is all about the triple F, Faith, Family and Friends.

Jerri - Thanks for sharing! They are truly an awesome witness!

Lindsey - I can’t even imagine. I have an 8 month old son. They are an amazing family and what good that sweet girl did in her short life.

Liz M - This breaks my heart. I wish I could absorb some of the pain, somehow cushion the blow.
From experience, time takes away the rawness.
I have come to know all of you through the blogs– far away yet close in prayer in thought.

Anna Marie - I can’t imagine going through something so heartbreaking. I think of them often. My prayers are with them. Thank you for sharing this. God bless you!
~Anna Marie

Rachel - Amen!

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cora’s playground

annie and i stopped by the church last week to work on some sunday school stuff.

she asked me if she could play on the cora playground.

i said i wasn't sure….we asked the office and we were told "go for it!"

so she did.

i ran into kendall and she asked "oh are you here to take pictures?"

i said "no….but i have my camera…soooo yeah."

here are some pics of the almost complete cora playground.


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can you believe how great this is?

it is bigger and better than i had imagined.

i looked at it and thought "this is perfect.  it IS jess's personality…colorful and bright…so perfect"

this playground will be loved by our church so deeply.

love you jess.

Kaitlyn - That is great! I Love it and glad I could be a part of the etsy contributions. What a great family.

Tammy - This has to be the best playground ever!

melanie - How beautiful!! It turned out wonderful. Your photos are perfect!

cynthia - this is awesome!
it was such a blessing to participate and see the love that OVERFLOWED from EVERYWHERE for Cora and her sweet family…
i’m so glad to see the photos!

Karina - The one with the heart made me weep. The only relief is that Cora has no more pain, but her parents…ohhh! It stabs my own heart every time I read about them. You take glorious pictures.

Hannah - Oh, that’s just adorable. What a blessing!

melissa - what a playground!!!
i don’t know this family personally but, i gather they are “good people”!!!
jess and family, you are in my thought almost daily!

Chloe - You are unbelievable… I love seeing thru your lens! Great playground!

Candice at Wolfs on Safari - Gorgeous pics. Awesome playground.

Christina - I’m waffling between crying my eyeballs out and grinning ear to ear. How wonderful to see this project coming to its end, but really its beginning! Wonderful capturing of the playground. Annie’s feet in the pics are great! So cute.

Jennifer - A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! I absolutely love it. What an honor to Cora!

Julie - That is SO COOL! I love this. Thank you for the update!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - cannot wait to be there.

meaghan - wow! that is a super cute playground!! it’s so fun to see it materialize. thanks for posting some pics

julie - Crying. Buckets of tears. I cannot stinking wait. Amazing. Praise God for the testimony of Cora’s life.

Kae - Yay! So bright and happy! My heart also goes out to Cora’s family!

Marla Taviano - Hooray for Cora’s playground!! It fits her perfectly!!

jenn - THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!! Wow!

Amanda - Hey! This got me to thinking… I am having a contest on my blog where you can win $100… if you win, I can certainly donate that to the charity of your choice as well.
Just a thought.

se7en - Wow! That looks so fun, love those little feet!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - cora’s playground is simply perfect!
such happiness… oh the smiles it will bring!
thank you Lord…

Marjorie - So wonderful!

adrienneK - wow!! that is amazing so much love went into that her little spirit is surely there each day <3
adrienne K

Staci - Oh WOW!!! What a GREAT tribute to such a special little girl 🙂 Still, can’t help but feel sad that they even have a playground in her honor 🙁 Praise be!

Wendy - Great to see such a wonderful place. 🙂 I think I want a pair of red high tops and monkey socks.

Jaime - It looks like the coolest playground I have ever seen! Such a sweet tribute to a precious girl. Thanks for sharing those pictures.

Sarah - It’s perfect. And your pictures of it are beautiful.

sarah - That is amazing!

Christy - I didn’t know the family, except through your blog & I just well up in tears thinking about that sweet baby & her beautiful family, their story has reached so many. What an absolutely beautiful, fun & whimsical playground!

purejoy - awwww, i didn’t know you and jess are friends!! the pictures are fabulous and i can hear cora’s precious laugh sprinkling down from heaven. together (photos + playground) y’all are an amazing team.

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - BEAUTIFUL!

Toni :O) - So incredibly fantastic! Great pics! Cora will be laughing in heaven when she hears all those children giggling at the fun they are having at HER playground. Love, Love, LOVE the fact that I helped to build this amazing place for children to have fun. SO cool!

Angela - Amazing. What a great way to honor sweet Cora.

kat - That playground is heaven on Earth. I have tears in my eyes just looking at it.

Diane - That is so bright and beautiful! My little girl saw it and said—–oooooohhhhh can we go there!?

Katie - i love your pictures it looks great!

Kelly - I get goosebumps every single time I see or hear about this wonderful place we all built together. It’s such a beautiful reminder of, not only a sweet precious girl, but the wonderful body of Christ! Thanks for sharing these!

Lori Danelle - I still cry when anyone talks about Cora. . .
However, I can’t wait to have the chance to bring my own girls home and let them play on Cora’s Playground. I’ll probably cry then too. But it really does look wonderful.

Tricia - I have so enjoyed watching the playground come together on Jess’s blog. Your photos of the playground are wonderful! I’m sure Cora is very proud of her mama and daddy.
What a gift for your community to celebrate such a wonderful family.

Jaclyn - Wow, that looks like an awesome playground!

Michelle/sumshay - love the colors! awesome.

Trina McNeilly - That is seriously one cool playground… how awesome.. so exciting!!!!!

Anna Marie - Wow! I have never seen a playground come close to how awesome that one is! Thanks for sharing! 😉

Kathy - beautiful bright colors….lots of fun to be had!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Fantastic. Just think of how many happy smiles it will bring!

Lanny Stanard - Oh how I love it ! God is so good.

Sharla - It looks amazing.

Elisa - Wow, what a great playground 🙂

TRACI - It is a STUNNING playground!!!!!!! My heart goes out to that sweet family ♥

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