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it’s easter…..come awake.

this was played at our church today.

"He was pierced for our transgressions, 
   he was crushed for our sins; 
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, 
   and by his wounds we are healed. 
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, 
   each of us has turned to our own way; 
and the LORD has laid on him 
   the iniquity of us all. "    
Isaiah 53: 5 & 6

β€œDon’t be alarmed,” he said.

β€œYou are looking for Jesus who was crucified.
He has risen! He is not here." 
Mark 16:6


happy easter. 

Anto - Well the last two years have been a little direffent for Easter. 2011 will be my one and only daughters 3rd Easter. So our tradition is we of course wake up and have a yummy Easter breakfast made by me and then we get ready to attend church. We alternate between my daughter’s aunts church and her grandparents church. Then after Church we come home and I give her what the Easter bunny brought her and we have lunch. She takes a nap. Then we have some play time outside and then a light dinner and then some mom and daughter time and then bath time then a good Easter book that the bunny brought her and then bed time. I couldn’t ask for a better Easter. Actually any all all holidays with her are the best

Heather G. - He is risen, indeed! Happy belated Easter!

Lori - That video was a blessing. Thanks, Meg. Happy Easter to you and your sweet family πŸ™‚

Christy Rose - They played this at our church here in FL yesterday as well!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Neat video. πŸ™‚ Happy Easter, hope you had a blessed and happy day!!

Amanda - It was played at our church too. Love it!

Laura Phelps - Genuine Faith….
hard to come by these days πŸ™‚
I love Easter
I love the empty tomb
I love that in order for Him to fill us, we must empty ourselves
I love and am so humbled in knowing that Jesus would die over and over agin for ME
hard to believe
but I do
Happy Easter, to my friend who inspires..who through kindness, color, and laughter, shows me the hand of God in action
love you

Julie - I love that our two churches, thousands of miles a part both played this powerful video during services this morning.
I love that God created the musicians that wrote the song and the guys who made the video.
I love that the tomb is empty.
It is finished.
We are free from sin.
That we have hope in heaven.
Happy Easter friend.
He is risen.
He is risen indeed.

Angela W. - Thanks for sharing that clip. I didn’t have the opportunity to go to church today. IT was really good to watch that. I found your blog from Lisa Leonard Designs. I’m glad I checked it out! I am purchasing an oval pewter piece to support bringing Sergey home. I don’t know his story, but knowing that he is a world away…alone without a mommy…breaks my heart. I can help contribute with my purchase. Happy Easter!

Carol S - and on that note….Happy Easter and good night. Beautiful way to end a(imperfect but) good day.

Jen - Happy Easter this is my favorite song… I have it on my blog today too… He is Risen Indeed!

Becky - We used that video this morning too and the response was awesome! I love how churches all over were proclaiming the same message for Jesus!

shauna reed - at 2 min 15 sec.
isn’t that like a 20 year old version of mr duerksen????
ps. my computer totally wants your last name to be deerskin…..hmmmm classy.
happy easter mrs. deerskin….xoxo

shauna reed - dude. did you notice the guy that has your husbands smile in the middle of the video?
that was kinda crazy.
i am sure you MUST have noticed it…right?

Christy - Just listening to that exact song, lol. Our community had a Come Awake vigil last night to celebrate Easter. This video was played on the side of a building on our downtown square. Amazing!

Jennifer - We sang that song this morning at church but didn’t watch the video. Thanks for sharing it. SO good. I never really thought of apathy as sin. Hmmm. Definitely something to work on.
Happy Resurrection Day! Hope you’re enjoying the day with your family.

Terrie G - Thanks for sharing! Have a Wonderful Easter!!

Kerry - Meg…. Thank you. After a trying day with my daughter, and a huge amount of stress work wise, I am so glad to have watched this refreshing video. Happy Easter to you all xx

lucy - that is so beautiful!! thanks for sharing!

Ellen J - I love this video. I’m about to watch it a second time to catch anything I missed the first time around.
Hope you don’t mind, but I shared it on my blog as well, and I linked you. Thanks so much for sharing!

HopefulLeigh - We sang that song to close our Easter service! I was so moved by the lyrics that I blogged about it today. Now in watching the video you posted, I feel like I saw it at my old church before I moved. Didn’t realize I’d heard the chorus before!

Maria - Happy Easter!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Easter! We sang this at Vigil last night! LOVE that song!

Lisa - LOVE this song! Was thinking of it all morning and you are the second person online that shared it. Such great words. “Our God is not dead,HE’S ALIVE HE’S ALIVE!!” πŸ™‚

Staci - Happy Easter to The Duerksen Family!!!! Blessings from Oklahoma!!!

Michelle Rotner - This song is written and performed by Matt Maher. Check out his music at
Can’t pass up the opportunity to support and promote a friend and his blessings.

deb - He is truly Risen!

Penny - Beautiful! Thank you for sharing that! Happy Easter to you and your family.

happygirl - I’m awake. Thanks, Meg. Christ is risen, indeed.

karen - Happy Easter to you and yours!

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in christ alone.



one of my favorite hymns.   (not necessarily my favorite singer…but the words are the same either way) 
i had this made by lisa leonard because i wanted a reminder.
i wanted something i could see that would point me back….when i forget….when i lose myself.

no matter what is said about me…
no matter how great or how terrible people think i am…
no matter how badly i mess up… 
no matter how i help or fail at helping…..
no matter what my family does or says or doesn't do…

my hope is in christ alone. 

He died for my sin.  (and yours)
He Rose to save me from it.  (and you from yours)
He is preparing a place for me.   (and for you too if you ask Him)

i hope you haven't forgotten about sergey.
there is still so much money needed to bring him home to his family that is waiting for him.
 $10 is so little.      
have you seen how many prizes there are???  it is amazing.
and that one is an IPAD!!!!
but really the important issue….more than the prizes….is sergey.
the thought of him laying in a crib all alone half a world away without a mother or a family
when a mother wants him in her arms…..
and the only thing stopping it is money…..  
is heart breaking.



lisa leonard is helping out.

today and tomorrow….20% of sales
on the oval hangers like mine
go to bring sergey home.

go to lisa's site and find a gift for mother's day or a birthday or for yourself ……and help sergey.

think of all the neat things it could say for MOM!

you can customize them to say anything you want!
they are so cute.
enter the code: WHATEVER at checkout to make sure she knows to give your donation to sergey.
thank you lisa. 

Heidi Jo the Artist - Oh no, I missed the LL sale!
Thanks for sharing bible verses, love that you do this!! Opposite of you in the fact-I love Owl City, have contemplated seeing them live, but thought it would turn out like the Plain White T’s concert with lots of teenagers singing the songs and us not getting to really enjoy just their voices. Thanks for sharing the video, had surprisingly never heard that song of theirs before.

amy jupin - ok. you just got bumped up to ‘all-time favorite’ blogger status.
you are so great.
i could just kiss you!
maybe next time. πŸ˜‰

Cristi Clothier - Great post! have you heard Natalie Grant’s version of In Christ Alone. It’s one of my fav’s.

adrienne - once again… your happy things list make me, well, just dang happy!! i love, love, love the eggs and the peeps! cool symmetry vimeo! the cow and man eating alot just cracked me up!!

traci in virginia - The great thing about Owl City singing the song is that he has a young audience! My daughter loves him! Thanks for posting…she came right over to listen (and then said, “We sing that at church”!”)
Have a blessed Easter!

Shiloh - Every time I hear or sing this song, I get this huge lump in my throat, big ol’ tears, and I am just overcome with Jesus and his love for me. What an amazing God we serve!

Laura Phelps - don’t you just want to scream this from the roof tops?
I can not even begin to explain my love for Jesus Christ.
That with all of my sin…shame…guilt…pride…everything
He loves me still
so flipping awesome

Tracy Fisher - what a beautiful reminder!

Lisa - One of my favorites too. So powerful. I was thinking this morning about how frazzled and distracted I’ve been leading up to this Easter…so used up and tired. My mind landed on this simple truth: Jesus died and rose again…my life depends on that. Every day. In Him alone. Thanks for the reminder.

Short, Sweet Season - Love this post, the song, the wall hanging. I got it with your words, In Christ Alone, to hang on our door. Thank you for spreading the word.

Kimberlee Jost - Lisa Leonard rocks.
I love her so much right now I can barely contain myself!
Our hope is found in Christ…no doubt.
Love that song.

Darcie L. - Love this song. Hubby and I took a group of students to North Africa a few years ago and attended a church there (one of few in the whole country!) and their congregation was singing this song. So cool to hear people of all nations and languages singing the same song and declaring the same message. Happy Resurrection Weekend!

christi - this is my FAVORITE hymn!!

Amy - If you ever go to a Beth Moore LPL event and Travis Cottrell sings this, it will blow you away. You’ll want to die and go to Heaven right there! At the end, the drums beat super loud in the arena and you can feel the vibration through to your soul, along with all the voices singing at the top of their lungs. It’s incredible! It’s also on his Jesus Saves Live CD, but every time I try to turn my CD up loud enough to emulate the event, it’s never quite the same! Have a wonderful Easter with your family! Celebrate the Risen King!!

Jacci - Man, I’m back again! I realized, though, that your version didn’t have all of the words. Did you know there are more words? I thought maybe you left some out to make them fit in your artwork (?). Anyway, here are the lyrics – I realy hope your churches don’t cut some of these out. They’re all so doctrinally sound and full of truth.,_Keith_Getty/In_Christ_Alone/
Okay. I’m done. Can you tell I love this song, too? πŸ˜‰

Terrie - I’ve been checking in on the progress for Sergey regularly! I’m so new to this…how do I link the blogpost about dream big to my fb…I want to help spread the word!

Jacci - Here’s a link about the In Christ Alone songwriters, Stuart Townsend and Keith Getty πŸ™‚

Jacci - Meg – check out Keith and Kristyn Getty. Chances are they’ve written some of your favorite worship songs πŸ™‚ I was just looking at one of their CD cases the other day and actually thought Kristyn resembled you. “Awaken the Dawn” is my favorite – stronger and more passionate musci wise, but the lyrics are always totally spot on and God-exalting. The Gettys are Irish, and there’s some killer fiddle if you’re into that sort of thing πŸ˜‰

Karen Gerstenberger - What beautiful lyrics. Thank you for posting them.
Your rainbow posting below makes me HAPPY! I love your staircase. Happy Easter to you and yours. xoxo

jen smith - have you heard the travis cottrell version. it’s a must!!!
crank it up girl!

Lisa - Thanks for the reminder and for your heart. Your blog is refreshing!

Shayne - Fabulous, fabulous song! Thanks for the post to Owl City’s recording. I had only heard it by the Newsboys.


Lisa Faeth - Thank you for a truly inspiring post… Happy Easter.

tara pollard pakosta - I so love this….I really want that same reminder, it’s perfect!
what an awesome idea…
and truly I can’t imagine you ever messing up anything!
Thanks for the reminder of God’s love, I need that reminder daily!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This song makes me tear up. What a good idea on the hanger thingy.

danielle - i love this song. i was just listening to the version by brian littrell last night.

Kathleen - Beautiful! Christ said, “If anyone love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words.” John 14:23-24 Today is the day we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist, Christ giving himself, his flesh, his BODY at the last Supper. “Take and eat, this is my body.” Matthew 26:26 In John chapter 6:53-58 “The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us (his) flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!! May we all be one as Jesus is one with the Father!

april's craft nest - love that meg! in Christ alone! oh, and because of your last post about sergey, i made a small donation. it was your writing that “got” me. thanks!

Carolyn - I love that song–gives me chills and tears every time its sung in a larger crowd. =)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow Meg…I love the one you chose. What a simple, yet DEEP message. Have a blessed Easter weekend! Christ is risen!:)

happygirl - Wonderful hymn and you wrote every word. Thank you and God bless you and your family on these holiest of days.

ingrid - Amen! Thank you….

Niki - Thanks for the reminder! Amen and amen.

natalie (the sweets life) - fabulous hymn. we sang this at our wedding! πŸ™‚
off to find something on lisa’s site!

Alicia @ La Famille - this is so great! i love lisa leonard πŸ™‚

Becki G. - This song JUST played on my Pandora station…
and now you.
Love it!

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i was looking at my notes from our Bible Study Fellowship lecture this week & thought "this is good stuff"

i was writing down everything she said this week.
it was not normal for me…i am not usually a very good note taker.
but everything she was saying was just what i needed to hear….God is good at that isn't He?

this is page 3 of my personal notes.
i thought even without hearing the lecture….without even knowing what it's about…..
it makes sense and stands alone.

Scan 110770000

this year i started attending bible study fellowship.
the first time i had heard of this study was when i was just married.
16 years ago.
a friend attended one.
and steadily every year for the past 16 i knew someone who was in it.

i always said "it wasn't for me".

i had convinced myself there was too much homework (not true at all).

and that i wasn't "christian enough" for it.  (there is no such thing…it isn't like that AT ALL)

and slowly slowly slowly God has turned my heart to it……16 years later.
i am a stubborn one.

Bible study fellowship is world wide.
it's all the same studies every week anywhere in the world!
i think that is pretty cool.    (miley cyrus…hee hee heee)

there are classes with childcare….classes for men….night classes….child classes while YOU study.
we meet in small groups and then listen to a 40 minute lecture. 
it is very structured and not a personal time to vent….focused on the study only.

most likely you can find one in your area. 
you can join now if your group has space.
you don't have to wait for the year to start over

i am so glad i joined this year.  (finally….it took long enough)

this year's study is the book of Isaiah.

my group meets every tuesday morning in wichita.
(which means i am guaranteed one starbucks a week and a trip to target….bonus) 

i have learned more than i EVER would have studying it on my own.
(because what are the chances i would study it on my own….slim to none)

i love it.

are you studying a book of the bible right now?  which one?  how's it going?



Karen - I love learning new things about you, Meg. I am a BSFer too. I will never be the same again because of how personal my relationship with Christ has become from this way of studying. It’s a good thing πŸ™‚ What a wonderful thing to share on your blog.

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Yay for BSF! This is my fifth year attending, and my first year as a Children’s Leader. God seriously moves in both women AND the kiddos through BSF! I LOVE it and it just tickled me pink to see that you are doing it too.

Erica Cooper - Oh I am sooo happy for you! Yes, God seeks us out and thankfully He keeps at it, even when it takes 16 years!
I have been in a similar bible study for 7+ years. (Coffee Break Study- also International.) After the first year I was hooked and became a leader. This last year I became Co-Director. What a blessing this study has been to my life. I have learned so much and developed such wonderful relationships. We are currently in Romans, but have studied 2-3 books each year.
Meg, may you be blessed beyond measure with this new closer walk with God. He rejoices in our obedience…Let him stretch you and give you wings. πŸ™‚

Debra - Hi there, I just happened to find you thru Urban Farmgirl. I attended BSF around 10 years ago and went thru all the studies. I know it was a real life changer for me. I learned more in those years than I could have ever imagined. So nice to see you sharing this with blogland. Come by and visit when you can. Besides my regular blog I have a Bible Study Blog,(sort of) that’s linked on my sidebar.
So nice to meet you,

Susan - I was so excited to read about BSF. It was just the push I needed to do some research and I discovered there is a group not TOO far from me. You have inspired me to start in the fall! Thank you!
We are just about to finish Beth Moore’s Esther study. I have really enjoyed it, but my favorite so far has been Jesus, the One and Only. I guess that makes sense….why wouldn’t studying love- in- human- form be the best?

Julia - I’m leading a study on Psalms. Wednesday mornings at my church. We started out with 8 and five weeks into it 4 are coming. Whatever πŸ™‚

Kelly - I am actually doing a really cool thing right now. My mother-in-law asked her two daughters and I if we would like to do a Bible study together. We are spread out between two countries and three time zones and every Wednesday we video chat with each other and do a Bible study. It’s been really neat. We are studying the beatitudes. Kelly

ESTER RODRIQUEZ - THANK YOU for posting this, I needed to read this, you will never know how much this spoke to me TODAY, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Tanya - Those were great notes!
AND they spoke to me!
I just had to stop before I even got to the end of the post and pray for God to show His strenght in an area of my life.
Thanks Meg.

Emily B - Great note-taking! I am in the Weds. morning Wichita BSF, and sad to hear I could’ve been in a group with you, if only Tues. would have worked! Yet, I know I’m in the right place. This morning I was irritated at what seemed like a redundant question, but then I had a lightbulb moment from said question. They know what they’re doing, it’s such a good study, why do I doubt? πŸ™‚
Sorry for the giant comment, but there’s more. πŸ™‚ My mom avoided BSF for the longest time too. A friend had been pestering her to go so long that she finally gave in and went thinking afterward she’d tell that friend that two hours was too long to have her two-year-old in childcare (me). But then I started to sing “Jesus Loves Me” in the car on the way home from what was supposed to be our one visit, and she was hooked! Isn’t it incredible how God can use even a toddler to bring us closer to Him! She ended up participating in BSF for 20-ish years and was involved with leadership too. I started last year with my two-year-old daughter and she is the reason I keep going when I feel too busy and want to put it off for another year. The teachers love and invest so much into the little ones! God is doing some awesome things through BSF.

Darcie L. - Studying Psalms this week with my girls on Tuesday mornings as well! Child care, yay! We’re doing a study where you do one book of the Bible a WEEK. Which means it takes 66 weeks (3 year program) to finish the whole thing. I am loving it! It’s called The Amazing Collection. Don’t know how I’ll finish reading Psalms by tomorrow, but at least they don’t judge when we haven’t done all of our “assignments.”
Love your blog… love your honesty about faith, life, kids, wife-ing, parenting. Love that you’re “real” and you’ll show your dirty laundry (literal and figurative!)

Kristin - I am studying Breaking Free by Beth Moore. It also camps out in Isaiah. I love the way God uses these studies to meet you where you are and teach you something new each time.

Kelley - I am currently reading in the book of Job. yikes!! Lots to learn there! I am learning all about being Steadfast. πŸ˜‰ Also, if you are looking for a new book to read…one that will make you question, laugh, cry and dig deeper… Radical. wow. wow. wow. WOOOWWWW!!!!!! Amazing!!!!

Rebecca - I am doing Community Bible Study and LOVE it. We are studying Peter. I’m a single mom who has lost my job and the Lord is really using it to speak to me. I loved your notes!!!

Joel Rodell - I agree with Mel. It’s awesome to see God using you through your blog. Our church, Westlink Christian, is currently studying Lee Strobel’s “Case for Christ”. Makes me have to think, which is good. Go Meg! Go God!

Mel - I so love that you posted this. It’s so awesome how God uses you and your blog to reach out. That takes courage. Who knows how many people you have encouraged in their study of the Word? Well done! : )
I’m studying 1&2 Peter (Community Bible Study) and John the Baptist (Beth Moore). I’m not all that ambitious. I just need all the help I can get. I have two-almost three- teenagers. Bible Study changes my life.

Jemm - I’ve been doing “The Amazing Collection” the last 2 semesters now. This week we’re on Job. We cover a book per week, each semester is 12 weeks. It’s a 3 year study I’ve been told. And it is Amazing. It’s just great for getting to know the Bible.

happygirl - I’ve done MANY BSF studies. And, I had to drive a LONG WAY to get to them. You are going to LOVE it. I’ve never taken the Isaiah study. I did think there was a lot of homework, but it was probably a prioritizing thing for me. I think I was in BSF for 9 years. I’m glad you are doing this. You will learn SO much about God’s word and how much He loves you.

Fanee - I rarely read comments or leave comments, but I have to share a study I did about a year ago called The Story Formed Life. To say it changed my heart is an understatement… I fell in love with God. I definitely did not feel “Christian enough” going in, but it didn’t matter at all. I can’t recommend it enough πŸ™‚

Tracie - My husband and I are studying Isaiah in our Sunday school class. We are incredibly privileged to have a seminary professor as our teacher. The history he is teaching us has been eye opening for me. I love studying God’s word. I need to be doing that more than just reading books about faith. I am also doing Beth Moore’s Esther study with my mom. That one is awesome too!

Ann - Hi Meg,
I’ve been doing Community Bible Study now for three years and it’s been great. The homework takes some time but it is so worth it. I’ve learned so much! I did BSF International when I was in Cairo. BSF and CBS are very much alike. Good move trying it out!

Melinda Knatterud - Thank you for posting about BSF! I joined this year for the first time, so I’ve been studying Isaiah right along with you! It has been challenging and so amazing. I have never studied the Bible this way, and now I’m totally hooked. It’s great to hear how the same study has impacted others. πŸ™‚

tara - the one year I did BSF was the best year I’ve ever had of personal bible study.
I really, really, really need to do one again…and the fact that Isaiah is set for next year makes my heart skip a beat.
i just might find one in orlando and do it!
thanks for the push, meg.

crystal beutler - Oh Meg, I can’t tell you how much I loved this, especially that you shared your personal notes. Loved it for several reasons.
First, I’m with you. Making time each week to meet with others and study the scriptures is life changing. It really is. I began 3 years ago at a time when life was hard. What I gained by faithfully going every single week helped fill my cup. I received personal revelation from a loving Father In Heaven as we discussed different chapters, and verse. I wrote it down — all those thoughts that come into my head, as we talked as a class. Those answers I received gave me great strength that helped me carry on, and do the things that were required of me. I felt such peace even though I was surrounded by turmoil.
Second, it amazes me how as we study scriptures as a group, each of us individually is inspired in completely different ways. The thoughts that come into our minds is so personal to us, and our circumstances, isn’t it? It teaches me that God and his Son personally know, and love, each of us; and that we are never alone. We have Heavenly help whenever we need it, and all we have to do is ask.
Finally, I know that making time to study each week has made me a better mother, wife, friend, fellow human being. I have drawn closer to Christ, and doing so has helped be become more like him. And even with my many flaws — He makes up the difference. I am thankful for His mercy, and His grace. I know it is real.
Thanks for putting yourself out there, and sharing who you are. You are such an inspiration. Can’t wait to see you next month at Sug.

Krystle - So glad you posted this! I attend CBS, Community Bible Study which sounds just like BSF. Brilliant idea to share and encourage like this on here!

Melissa - Thank you for posting that!
My favorite is the lines “Rise up! You are free!”
I think I’m going to write that somewhere where I’ll see it often. πŸ™‚

Cara - So glad you posted about BSF!! I heard about it from another bible study I’m in, and I’m attending my BSF intro meeting at the beginning of April. I’m a little worried about the time commitment, but so excited about learning more about the books of the Bible!

SoCalLynn - My womens’ bible study group is studying the book of Romans. I have been afraid to join BSF for many of the same reasons you were. I’m really sorry I didn’t get in on the Isaiah study though. No excuses for next year. None.

Valerie - Meg, I’m like you, I’d heard of BSF years ago, know lots of people who have/are taking the class and think I should join one…but like your reasons, I haven’t yet…but maybe I should! Your notes are true and words I need to hear right now.

Amy - Studying Acts in Community Bible Study (CBS) in Virginia. Thanks for sharing Megan. πŸ™‚

Jess - I love BSF. I am learning so much. The message of hope in Isaiah has been an amazing encouragement to me this year. I just love going every week. And the kids program is amazing too. Levi loves it. Wish we were in the same one! πŸ™‚

Michelle - That’s awesome you’re doing BSF this year..I AM TOO (in Houston)! It’s my 1st year as well, and I’m LOVING IT! I love love love the program for the kids too. I love it that all over we’re all studying the same thing! Thanks for sharing.

Tammy - Your notes were awesome. what I needed to hear. Funny how God works that way, huh?

Julie Schmidt - We are doing a 6 week lenten bible study of the Psalms. I, also have never done a bible study. I converted to Catholicism after my 3rd child was born (I have 4 children). We send them to Catholic school so they all come home and discuss bible stories, and rattle of prayers like they are nursery rhyms – I love that! I am always asking them to “tell me that story again”. I figured it was time for me to learn for myself. I have really enjoyed it. I leave the discussion feeling closer to God. We all need that. Happy Sunday.

Happygirl02 - Right now I am reading Stormie Omartian’s book, “The Power of Praying Through the Bible.” It’s a great book. I read the passage she chose for that day, study it, reflect and pray on it, and then I read her portion and prayer. It’s great if you don’t have a lot of time OR if you want to dig in. I’m about to start leading a study by Beth Moore, “Jesus the One and Only”. Can’t wait!! It’s sometimes hard to get into the habit of studying the Word, but it’s SO powerful and I am always so blessed when I do.

Stefanie Arnold - I love your notes. I needed that tonight – thanks for sharing with us.

Ashley B. Chandler - BSF always sounds great. I (like several other commenters) attend CBS- Community Bible Study, which I understand to be pretty similar to BSF. There are tons of CBS classes all over the world, too. So readers, if you can’t find a BSF class in your area check out CBS. Visitors can come see a class in action anytime in April. My class is studying Luke this year and it has been just what I needed. Glad you have plugged into a great study. And thanks for posting this- what an encouragement to others!

Wendy - I love BSF. I am a graduate! But not really, I guess, since I haven’t studied Isaiah yet. I’ll go back again, though. So glad you’re enjoying it. β™₯

Lindsey - I’m studying Isaiah this year too. It’s Beth Moore’s Breaking Free (there is a lot of homework). I love it though! I have always been Christian (but not really) but since my son was born 2 years ago I found a need to know God better. I love the girls in m BS and I love reading blogs of women who love God too!

Cynthia - Hi Meg! πŸ™‚ So glad to know you are enjoying BSF. This is my second year…AND I LOVE IT!!!!!! My 4 year old son went last year, and he loved it and learned so much too. My Mom started going this year for the first time too and says it’s the best Bible Study she has ever been a part of.

Joni - I did BSF for years and was a group leader, it is so good; so much to learn. I should join again, I think I missed the year they taught major and minor prophets! So glad you are going, Meg! Really something to look forward to each week, unless you don’t have your study questions done!

HopefulLeigh - My mom is a BSF leader and loves it. Glad to hear you’re getting so much out of it!

Robin - Currently studying the book of Proverbs and it’s wonderful! So practical and applicable to everyday situations.

Joy - I just finished Hosea and it was so eye opening. I mean God, who is GOD, loves Israel despite the fact that they consistently reject Him. He practically begs them to return to Him. It just made me think in my mind about that teenagery way of obsessing about a boy. God wants us with that same obsessive desire, and He wants to lavish us with His gifts. He just wants us to love Him back. So why the heck are we so STUBBORN?

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - I facilitate a weekly “Women in the Word” Bible Study and we’re focusing on the Book of Genesis and we sponsor a child in Mexico as a missional aspect. It’s a multi-generational group and I know I learn more from them than they ever do from me. πŸ˜‰

tara pollard pakosta - there was a BSF right down the street from my house and I planned to join when my girls were babies, but they didn’t do well in daycare, so I never did join! totally regret it and was going to look for one in our area, but my girls homeschool now, so not sure what I would do with them! plus we may be moving, so still not sure what to do! but eventually I will join! I always hear great things about it. my sil is in it!

cathy - i loved bsf, too πŸ™‚ i just started studying the Psalms of Ascent (beth moore) and love it! thanks for including your page of notes — good stuff!

Molly Abshire - I love BSF and I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Molly from Texas

Julie - My college roommate has attended BSF for years as has my cousin who was my flower girl in my wedding 23 years ago ~ both highly recommend it! It’s great to have your “two thumbs up” as well. The closest one to me right now is Paris (yes, as in France); too far for me to go, but I’ll be in the US in a couple months (YEAH!!!!) and plan on finding one ASAP!!!!! Thanks for sharing your experience with BSF. “Not Christian enough” made me laugh. I think most of us often feel this way. πŸ™‚

Shiloh - My small group is just finishing Acts and our sermon series is on James. I am really enjoying both. Act’s always intimidated me so it’s really refreshing studying it with a small group. James has rocked my world. It was just the right message for me this year.

Carla G - Wow. God is amazing. I needed this, today, so much. Am going through a weird and HARD trial at work . . . the words from your notes spoke right to me – what perfect GODLY timing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Sigh.

Julie - It is a great study. I did it for 3 years, and had my little girls in the program. I went because of the program for my girls….and left with so much more. Last year it didn’t work with 1/2 day kindergarten. I made excuses for myself this year…and I do miss it. I miss being challenged. I miss the lectures. I miss being in the Bible almost every day. I miss the mental stimulation. I don’t miss some of the clique feeling, and the anxiety that provided me each week….but maybe I should think about it again for next year….

Maggie Nunez - OMG{goodness},you hit home. My sis has been going to BSF for the past two years.She always tells me, you should go. I have been wanting to join but i feel the same, not christian enough, i work and don’t have that kind of time…and a bunch of other thoughts that paralyze me…but in my heart i want it, need it, seek it…thanks for sharing your thoughts once more.

colleen - Am currently studying Hebrews in the Bible Study I am in and Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” in my personal time with the Lord. Both have been a tremendous blessing. Love the time with other women each week that are seeking to walk out the truth until Jesus takes us home!

megan - can you believe it…..not ONE in the whole state of Maine. ugh! i really needed this πŸ™

Timalee - I’m participating in something similar this year, Community Bible Study (also worldwide). I had been on the waiting list for 3 years before they had openings for my kids! We are studying the book of Revelation this year and I am loving it, I had never even read it before. My general knowledge of the bible is improving, and the focused study helps so with finding my peace and joy in the Lord! Thx for another great post!

Vicki - I just started attending MOPS this year (Mothers of Preschoolers) and every other week, they have an optional women’s bible study you can attend. And they have the same teachers on all the weeks for the kids, which is nice. We’re studying James and I’m still a stubborn lout – I won’t study – I just show up and try not to talk (aka: LISTEN (which I’m horrible at, generally)). But it’s growing on me. The best part is, my kids are learning Bible verses every week and are learning how to be good friends and helpers and they LOVE it.

Jenny B. - I keep hearing about BSF. I’m starting to think maybe I’m supposed to go also. πŸ™‚

brooke - Our church in Wichita (First Free) use to host ABF a few years ago. Where do you attend?

Kari - Yay for BSF! This is my first official year in it as well and I love it! I know that I’m being stretched by God through BSF and I’m so thankful for it! Thanks for sharing this!

Patty M - My bible study group just started Priscilla Shirers study on the book of Jonah. I can’t imagine my life without my core group of girls, studying God’s word together and living life out loud.

Karen Gerstenberger - When I decided to leave the Christian Science church, a friend invited me to BSF. It was very different from what I had learned growing up, but I LOVED the Bible study and the women there.
That is when my relationship with God took a new shape, and when I “gave myself to Him.” I had always loved God, but this was more like a marriage. I still try to run my own show, and I still forget that I am HIS, but BSF was a wonderful place to be at that time. Because of it, I was baptized with our children, and joined a different church.
There are several amazing connections that happened at BSF – one of which is that I met my friend, Kathleen, whose son Hayden had cancer. Their journey broke my heart open. If I hadn’t met her, I would not have known what to do when Katie was diagnosed. We were swindled by a home builder while I was in BSF, and the ladies in my study group prayed with me – and that helped me through it. I am so thankful for the founder – her life story is fascinating. You can get the book, if you’re interested – I think it’s called “Created for Committment.”
Thanks for bringing this up, Meg.

april's craft nest - my MIL went to BSF years ago and loved it. i have not checked it out yet. i have been in other Bible studies before my son was born, but not this one. so glad you love it!

Janie Fox - I attend a bible study with a group of women that has met for about the last 8 or 9 years,. We have done organized studies ,like Beth Moore series and others. Now we are just doing scripture together. I LOVE it and I love those ladies.

Jessica Johnson - i’ve been dragging my heels about BSF for YEARS because i’m scared of the homework and attendance policy. i need to just go for it. i hear so many wonderful things about it. i’m studying ephesians right now. predestination vs. free will. tough stuff. it really hurts my head. but it’s challenging me. in a good way.

georgia - I don’t believe in religion personally, I tune out when people get all God this, god that. But each to their own etc
I believe in angels, and I believe my great grandads spirit is always with me when I need him. But I dnt believe there is some higher almighty person.
I guess its not something I need in my life, maybe one day I will.
It must be nice to have a lot of friends to meet up and talk and learn with every week though πŸ™‚

Melissa - thanks for sharing! i’ve never done bible study fellowship but i’ve been in quite a few bible studies. i just finished Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. it’s an amazing study! it challenged me and was stretching!

Esther Dee - Great stuff Meg!!!! I used to do BSF and it got way to difficult for me, but I so encourage all of you young brains to do it. I am old and my brain doesn’t work as good. hahaha!!

Kristin S - Meg, this was fun to read. I’ve considered joining a BSF study for years and years. I didn’t in my early 20’s because it seemed the trendy thing to do. I don’t like trendy. Then I was a part of a women’s study at church I LOVED but had to stop due to my work schedule. Now my best friend is a BSF leader and I love hearing what she shares. I just might join in next year… Thanks for the push (you didn’t intend). πŸ™‚

Kris - That sounds very good. I need to attend something like that. I am going to meet you Blog Sugar!!

Patricia - I’m doing Isaiah with you! I’ve done lots of studies through my church and with friends over the years, but never BSF. I joined for the first time this year, too, and I’m so glad I did! It’s so amazing to think of the thousands and thousands of women around the world (and men, too!) that I’m studying Isaiah right alongside.

megan - For the last few months, I have been reading two pages of OT, one psalm, and one page of NT every morning. I’ve never read so much of the Bible before, and it’s has been very interesting! Especially the OT which most Bible studies don’t cover in depth too much. It’s also such a blessing as a way to refocus and start my day with prayer and meditation on His word.

Liana - Yay! So glad you posted this. At first I wondered why I didn’t know you did BSF before now…and then I kept readying. So happy for you that you joined this year. I took the year off (new baby) and really miss it. I did it long ago as a single and then again after having kids. My dad is a leader and my 91 year old grandma is back in a class after a 15+ year break. Love how they put you in a small group with people in your same life stage.
You are motivating me to find a class for next year! I so wish I could have done Isaiah (new this year, I think?).
Anyway, so happy for you. Thanks for sharing!

Catriona - Our sermon series at church is on the Lord’s Prayer – breaking it down line by line, working out what it means – and we have been looking more at that in our Growth Group (what we call our small groups at church). I am reading ‘Praying The Lord’s Prayer’ by J.I. Packer alongside this and can really recommend it. So encouraging that God would give us even the words with which to pray!

pam - AMAZING post with just one picture. I love BSF…haven’t been to one for a few years. Even a Beth Moore study is not too much homework….do what you can….there will always be nuggets even if you listen and never do anything else on your own. We just finished a Joyce Meyer DVD….Battlefield for the Mind….glory she is a cheer leader, reminding us who we belong to and what His Word says….BELIEVE IT! So good to be with others on the journey…hears other views, others heart for God. AND Starbucks…great topper.

Vera - I am doing a course this year that actually IS a lot of homework – it’s a four year course offered through the theology department at the University of the South at Sewanee, and I too have put it off for a few years. Actually, I always wanted to take it, but I never had a full year where I wasn’t having a baby ha! It’s WONDERFUL, but it’s a lot of work… I am in year one, and we are doing The Old Testament. Yeah, the whole thing. But it’s wonderful and has blessed me SO much!

Kelly - This makes me want to jump up & down and shout HOORAY! I love that you posted this. I was talking to my sister recently about how it seems everyone in blogland talks a lot about “stuff”. There are linky parties for everything under the sun – what we’re wearing, what we want to be wearing, what we make, the parties we throw – but nobody (that I have found) has one that says “Hey how’s God working on you right now?” I’m not sure why that is but I love that you shared this, shared how God is working and then asked how He is working in others!
Anyway – 2 Timothy is where my attention is right now. It’s challenging me so much in what I’m doing to make sure I’m instilling TRUTH in my kids. It’s been so good!


Heather R. - I’m not in a bible study group right now. But I love hearing about your faith. Miley Cyrus…pretty cool…and all. πŸ™‚

Lori - Thanks for sharing this, Meg. I have been working on the book of James – yes, it’s really short but that’s my starting point. It is full of good advice!

Juli - There’s also Community Bible Study (CBS) which is the same… in communities everywhere, free, has childcare/classes (kids study the same things you do at their level!)daytime, night-time classes, have homework…
They have a website too. I don’t know if I’m allowed to show a link in the comments so Google it, if there isn’t a BSF in your area.
I too, have been so bad about joining even though I’ve had several friends take part for as long as I’ve known about it. I’ve committed to starting in the Fall (though you can start anytime) We homeschool & that will be our Bible curriculum next year for everyone, including my 3 yr old!

Melissa - We are reading through the books of acts. Good stuff!!!

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live without?

i got an email from Water4Christmas challenging me to Live Without for the next 6 months starting in april.

living without something different each month….a new challenge.

i went through the email and i got nervous. 

and squirmy.

and sweaty. 

i thought "what?  not even coffee at home?!  umm…..NO……i don't want to give up anything."

i almost deleted the email!!!

that is when i knew i HAD to do it.

i have to take part in this challenge because my first reaction was NO WAY.

i want to look the other way.

i want to just send money.

and sending money is fine….but feeling just a slight tiny tinge of what it's like to go without is more real to me.

the money i would have spent on coffee….restaurants….clothing….will go to charity:water

$20 can provide someone with clean water.

twenty dollars!!!

i am so guilty.

i drop twenty bucks on nothing….on crap that i can't even remember!

so in april i will be joining the Live Without Campaign.

what about you?


this was on the Water4Christmas blog and it touched me.

Liberia: soap and healing. from charity: water on Vimeo.



Mary - My son-in-law works for Clear Cambodia, a water filter project. After visiting Cambodia last month it is amazing how many people live without filtered water and what a difference it could make in their lives.

Janine - Thanks for the thoughtful response and for clarifying things. I may have been kind of confused. I thought charity:water which is a big charity – (they raised over 7 million dollars last year) was the ones advocating this. On a small scale it is something that can be meaningful. I do understand the meaning behind the sacrifice – it’s awareness. I think it’s because I am usually aware of the luxuries I have due to past circumstance, that I don’t necessarily see the need for giving them up now that I can have them but I understand that others may need to. And, I don’t indulge all that often mainly out of habit. Plus I am a bit of a locavore if possible. I live in an increasingly more crowded suburb and I support the local businesses, and charities. As big as we are, small townness still survives, if only barely. (I don’t get my coffee from starbucks but from a local mom & pop grocery with a coffee stand, for example) I do get a bit defensive about trying to save that way of life.
I know everywhere in the world there is need, and if Africa is where you want to pitch in that is wonderful. Clean water is definitely a worthy cause. I did watch the video so I can see the good they do. If everyone chooses their own corner of the world to help, the world as a whole will be a much better place. Please know my gripe was never with you.

jeana - absolutely would love to join in! (and that wasn’t an easy yes)

MEG DUERKSEN - janine:
this isn’t a big charity like the red cross.
water4chirstmas is a group of women that i know.
and we donate to charity: water.
we are aware that everyone in our communities will not be doing this.
so that fear of driving people out of business is not there.
i am not afraid of starbucks losing money from a month of going without.
nor a massage therapist.
nor a movie theater.
you can choose to give in any way you’d like.
you could give and still spend on coffee if you wanted to.
it’s more a call to be conscientious about the luxury we have….the money we waste….being good stewards of what we’ve been given.
i am offering others a way to be aware of the world around them.
that there is a place to give that makes a difference in a way that is tangible.
you have the information and you get to choose what you want to do with it.
i believe in chairty: water.
in the video you can see truly how water projects change communities in west africa.
that means something to me.
that is important to me.
it doesn’t have to be to everyone.
i understand that.
i am not upset at all….just wanted to address my thoughts your concerns.
thanks for sharing your opinion.

Janine - I wasn’t going to do it. I was going to bite my tongue and not say anything. But I can’t. I have a problem with this, and it has nothing to do with you, but with the organization. I know all charities play upon our sympathies to get donations but this marketing campaign bothers me. And that is what this is by the way, a marketing strategy to garner donations. It’s the intent behind it all. They don’t care if you give up something, they don’t care if you think it will make you a better person, all they care about is you donate to them at the end of it. They want money, plain and simple. They want you to have something that is a daily reminder of them and maybe have some extra cash at the end of the month that you’ll give to them. The truth is whether they realize it or not, they want you to hurt your own community, by stopping your support of local businesses to help them. What if everyone in your community did this? What do you think would happen if no one showed up at the hair salon for a month? How many people wouldn’t be able to feed their families, pay their mortgages or rent due to lack of income? Or your local restaurant, retailer, etc. for a month? They would go out of business. You are hurting local families and the local economy which in turn helps no one. They are taking advantage of good people and I don’t like that. Maybe donate to a different water charity because although the cause is good I don’t think the way they present themselves is above board. I am stepping off of my soap box now. Thank you for the space to vent.

karen - wow..that’s a big challenge. and you are so cool sharing this with us!

Cha Cha - What a great idea, this will be an amazing time of growth for you I am sure. Good Luck
Cha Cha

Ami - Not that you need any more things to give up, but this is kind of a fun one for a great cause:

Jennifer - I’m going to do it too! I was giving up Dr Pepper for Lent already, so I will be giving Dr Pepper money instead of coffee money, but man, I’m already having a hard time with it and this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa - Love that you are going to do this and that you shared it with us. I’ve totally done the same thing where I try to ignore something that will “cost” me something big. Glad you listened to that voice telling you to obey and do it!

sue - Wish i could!

Lauren - I have not heard of this but I think it’s a really cool idea! Every time I take a bath I think how lucky I am to just turn on the tap and out flows all the clean water I want.

lesley - Way to go!

Tammy - I’m in.

maureen - I love charity: water and am so glad you introduced my family to this great cause. My daughter was so inspired by Scott Harrison’s September campaign video that she decided to give up her 8th birthday and ask friends and family to donate $8 to her charity: water campaign. She’s half way to her $5000 goal. It makes me believe that even, I–coffee addict that I am, could give it up too.

Sugar Mama - I haven’t checked out the link yet… but I’m already feeling a nervous knot in my stomach. I don’t consider myself a “high maintenance” woman, but I KNOW there are things I could give up and focus more on true needs.
Okay, I’m taking a deep breath and going over to click on the link…..

stephanie @ providence handmde - Oh, my. Giving up is on my mind as I gave up sweets for Lent….we’re one day in and I’m about to lose it. I also think fair-trade coffee is a great idea…we’ve tried to switch to that anyway. What could we replace that with? Desserts? Whatever it is, I’m on board. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

Meredith - What a wonderful idea! Live without and help so many.
More than a year ago I would have said I don’t know if I can live without my TV, my specialty face soap, and so many other things that I thought that I needed. My husband was without a job for several months and living without became our new thing. What I thought I couldn’t live without, I now realize I can and do it with a giant smile. You said it in one of your Africa posts, these people have so little but yet are so happy. Our things do not bring us happiness like so many of us think, it is our relationships and serving others! That is why we are here!
I love reading your blog! I love hearing about your faith journey! You have an audience that is listening and you are inspiring so many. You are opening many eyes to many things. I look forward to hearing about your living without journey!

Tracey Husted - I gave up my thrice weekly shopping trips to the thrift store for the month of March just because. I’ll have to think of something else for April.

Jamie - Thanks for posting and making me aware. This is an AWESOME opportunity…totally going to do this.
Love the blog…I tend to smile because of all of the bright colors!!

La - Don’t they mean giving up buying coffee “out” ie: Starbucks?
Why would you have to give up coffee you drink at home? I think buying fairtrade and brewing at home would be a great solution (says the caffeine addict who quickly needs to find a workable option). πŸ˜‰

Carla - Great Idea. I’ve just quite chocolate for Lent. Ouch. Now, its just a suggestion but here’s my tuppence worth. What about not giving up coffee but just making sure your coffee is fairtrade. Coffee production is a really big earner for most African countries and fairtrade ensures the small farmer gets a fair deal. If everyone stopped drinking coffee, it would be a bad day for him. Just throwing it out there πŸ™‚

~Debra - Count me in!

sarah - i love this meg! you’re so brave! i am so excited for you and excited for what God will teach you through this time of discipline and surrender. those things you feel you can’t give up? i think a time will come when you’ll realize how easy it is to live without them…you can do it!

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answers two.

what are your favorite blogs?

here are a few of my faves in NO particular order:

julie     ashley   PW   shauna    kimberlee    nic     michelle    laura   *e*     tara    jasmine  kelle  wendy
sarah      carissa    megan    jess     elizabeth    crystal     melissa     edie    jeanne     elisa   amy
julie   heather    amy     karen     aimee    jenny      kristin    courtney     heather    marylea    emily   

how is that for a list?! 

how long have you lived in that house?

6 years.
we moved here when annie was 2 weeks old.
it was planned for months.
we chose to leave the "city" life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas.
just 25 minutes from where both craig and i grew up.
it was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family.
we haven't regretted it once.  

this house was a real project.
K13 our living room.

K10  the playroom/guest room.

K3 our kitchen.

K12 talby and annie's room.

the yard had no grass.  the walls were all wallpapered.  and it was not pretty.
but craig and i could see the potential and it had GREAT bones. 
and we've been working on it ever since.

who gave you the Meg quilt?


my super fabulous friend PAM who took me all the way to africa.
she was so excited to give it to me shouting "IT"S THE NAME OFF YOUR BLOG!!!"
i loved that by making it she got some time to be creative for HER.  
that made me as happy as the gift itself…to know that she enjoyed her sewing time while making it.
it's so cool.
pam you are an artist!

how did you find time to be creative when your kids were little?
i just did it.
i had scrapbook stuff out everywhere all the time.
i painted a dresser in the middle of my living room.
i sewed on the dining room table.
i just did it.
i couldn't NOT do it….i have to make stuff.
(this was in 2008 with my scrapbooking girls)

go away with friends for a craft weekend…or have one at your house.
that was so good for my creativity and social needs when i had little ones at home.
find a retreat house near you or a rental and GO!

and sometimes…you don't even need to bring crafts. 

when did you get to start sleeping through the night?

we finally got to sleep through the night on a regular basis about 2 years ago.
when annie turned four…everyone else was older and we realized we finally felt rested.
it was a 13 year stretch of rarely sleeping all night.
and we survived.
i think my bed is my favorite spot in my whole house!

i love to sleep….is that bad?
what does that say about me? 

what kind of lens do you use….and camera…auto or manual?

i have a Canon 50D with a 24-105 lens.  
i also have an 85mm lens but it's hard for me to use.  i feel i have to be VERY far away when i use it.
like shouting to the families i am shooting…but it's a good lens. 

i am ready for a new lens….if i can save my money long enough!

i had a 50 mm lens but i sold it to lauren when i sold her my Canon Rebel in April.

i used a canon rebel since i started this blog until this past april….it's a great camera!

i shoot in auto focus but will be switching to manual more this year….when i can….i hope.

can you tell us your birth stories?

here we go… was 1995…..on a dark and stormy night….

just kidding.

check out these lovely photos….
IMG_6764 IMG_6768

newborn lauren in the purple hat.

<— 1998 pregnant with scott.

my birth stories are more funny than anything else.

i had epidurals with all my girls and not with my boys.
i chose to have the epidurals because it hurt more than i could handle.

newborn scott.

sean just born.

2000 – 10 days before sean was born.                                          talby just born.
IMG_6773 IMG_6786

my boys' labors were quick…both 5 hours total.
talby's was long (for me) and lauren and annie were induced….meaning longer HARD contractions.

i had no c-sections or horror stories of 30 hour labors or morning sickness.

i learned how to breath….on my 5th baby.  
i never knew i was holding my breath during contractions.
but i was.
i never took a lamaze class….or had help from a lactation consultant…because i thought i knew it all.
and believe me….i did NOT.
chicago jen's mom was my labor and delivery nurse who taught me how to breath.  i love her.

we barely made it to the hospital with sean….that was crazy.
craig had to lie down….on the delivery room floor.
it was all just too much…happening too fast…he was light headed…and then BOOM…there was SEAN!

craig and talby.

one of my most favorite photos…
talby liked to be held after her naps….this day we were cuddling on the porch swing…..with baby annie crowding in on our space!

2004 – my friends lisa and chicago jen were at annie's birth…..that was AWESOME!

IMG_6803  IMG_6781

talby and annie                                                                                newborn annie.

with scott and with talby i went into the hospital before i was in real labor and came back home.

i wish i would've nursed longer but i had a crazy deep down reaction after a few weeks in with all of them
that i needed some breathing room!  
i just couldn't nurse any longer.  
i felt smothered.  
but it didn't feel that way feeding them a bottle.  
the shortest i lasted nursing was 2 weeks and the longest was 6 weeks.  
i always wished i was one that could have made it a long time….but i wasn't. 

are you going to stay home now that your kids are in school?

i sure hope so.
i have my photography business and this blog and the etsy shop to provide income so YES i will be staying home….if you can even call that staying home….because really….that is a lot of work!

what does craig do for a living?

he is a commercial banker.
and he looks good in a suit.  

do you have any advice on raising teenagers?

stay consistent.
try not to yell or engage in arguments.
find a close friend to share your feelings, frustrations and fears with…don't hold back.
talking about things you are dealing with out loud makes a HUGE difference in how you feel.
with a trusted friend you can share ideas, get advice or let them show you a new angle of parenting.
it's safe.

that is all i have learned so far….. 

was your house in a magazine?

not pictures but linda featured me as a Blogger in Flea Market Style in 2010.
Scan 110090000
and there was a blurb in Country Living in 2009 called My Country Life
Photo 1763

do you have a kindle….do you like to read….what is your favorite book?

we got sean a kindle for christmas but i don't have one.
nor would i want one.
i am not a reader.
i wish i was….
my dad and my sister are crazy about books.
sean, lauren and talby are in love with reading.
i don't have the ability to concentrate that long.  
i did read "A Long Way Gone" last year before going to africa and it was fascinating.


and so sad….and traumatic.
i think it was made so much more real because i went to that exact place the next week.
and met boys who would have been that same age.
it was a life changing book to me.

and of course….Crazy Love.  


why do you workout in an assisted living facility?
i live in a small town.  
i drive to a different really small town to workout because the gym there is nicer….and less expensive.
you can buy a membership there because it's the only place in that community as far as i know.

i like it because i am the youngest…it's REALLY quiet…and it's almost always nearly empty.
the machines have tv sound with headphones and i can watch will & grace on lifetime and no one cares.
or regis and kelly!

(this is not at my gym…this is a stock photo from google images…and these people look way more active than at my gym πŸ™‚

if you want to feel strong and fast and young….workout at a retirement center! 
seriously…it's helpful mentally.

WOW that was a really long post!

Angelo - I honestly can say i hate apple. i gueartne its a bunch of old dudes that just don’t understand.who ever buys this thing is mentally challenged. Its a bigge i touch. THATS IT.a few more gonna say though, congratz on the iphone. but your next 10 products don’t need to be the exact same shit. its old. for fucks sake -.-

ann foster - have you read the blog
she seems like someone you might enjoy. i do.
love yours!!!everytime i read it.

ellen patton - Thanks for sharing some favorite blogs. I already read some of them but am happy to add a few more good ones to my reader.

Stephanie Howell - I just want to say i adore you. And you are fabulous. That is all.

amy d - ahh thanks neighbor…
you could’ve put all you kids baby pictures up with no names and i could still be able to tell which ones are which…they all look so much like their baby pics. i love all the different hair do’s through the years!

Shannon - That pic of Lauren was the same one you sent right after she was born. I can remember thinking she was so beautiful and I couldn’t wait to have my own.

Liz - Aw Meg! I’m so flattered to be listed w/ your favorite blogs. Seriously! What a treat first thing in the morning! And congrats for having your playroom shown on Lettered Cottage, you deserve it! I’m trying really hard to use that pic as a jumping off point for the nursery. πŸ™‚

Linda - Great post! Love the before pictures! I would love to see like an old blueprint of your house. I have always just been in love with old Victorian styled homes. Thanks for the home tour! Awesome!

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you. I am flattered seriously. And I loved seeing your pregnancy pictures. You look so cute.

Lorri - I have a sweet little Annie, too! Loved reading your blog tonight.

rebecca - these are my favorite blog posts that you do!! because everyone’s life is so interesting and different… i hope you don’t ever feel like the posts are too long, boring or self-focused. because i love them!!

Julie - I will never be able to fully appreciate the awesome awfulness that once was totally matching wallpaper and fabric in the guest/playroom. When the curtains were closed… it must have looked like a windowless make believe funhouse. To think that was chosen on purpose. For lots of money. That the owner was excited. Wow. Just wow. The good old days!!!!! Can’t believe how much you guys have done in six years. That is crazytown!!!

Jaime - Love your honesty in all your posts and I got teary eyed looking at all your “baby” pics. Beautiful. What a blessing it is to be a mom, and it goes too quickly.

Emily - thank you for your blog… you inspire me…

Brooke - It is so weird to read about someones life for over two years….everyday….and not know them. But to be honest, meg, if I saw you on the street, I think you would be so concerned. Because I would walk up to you and talk to you about talby and annie and sean and lauren….we would talk about craig and how he reminds me of my hubby (minus the banker), how I hope to stay home with my kids and continue blogging, create an etsy and continue to pursue photography, etc,etc,etc.
SO, here’s hoping to you never seeing me on the streets, since I live in Georgia. I love the dining room. It looks SUPER cute!

Elizabeth - I loved this post and never comment but had to on this one because I enjoyed it so much:) I’m so impressed with the transformations you have made on the house – SO Lovely! You wrote you “chose to leave the “city” life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas” and we are currently seeking to do this same thing! We live in the Philadelphia area and are anxious to relocate near southwestern PA to be close to my husbands family and where he grew up. We’re having a heck of a time getting considered for jobs though since we are out of the area. Any tips on how you made the move happen?!? Would LOVE to hear them! I hope by the time my son starts school (he’s 2 1/2 now) to be near family in a permanent home:)

andrea - Love the q and a!
Do share more house pictures! I love seeing before and after and I get so much inspiration from you!! Love this blog, Meg!

Carol S. - Love the porch picture with Talby, sooooo sweet. Miss those snuggles! Great answers.

No.17 CherryTreeLane - the pictures of you pregnant and of the babies made me tear up. time moves so fast….

Mallory - I love what little I saw of your scrapbooks! Do you think you could post a couple layouts? I am always looking for inspiration. Love your blog!

HEATHER R. - I think I can see where you look like that Dixie Chick near Annie’s birthday. I love the pics of the house. I bet you know the best way to take down wallpaper, huh? πŸ™‚

Sarah - love these answer posts! Fun fun! Great pics! Can we still ask questions??? LOL If so, have you ever posted pics of your chicago house? And, any plans for the awesome upstairs room??? That room is “BEAST”. HA!

amy jupin - meg, your birth stories and pictures are adorable. you look so young (and freckled and sun-kissed) and so in love with each of your babies. i couldn’t stop smiling and giggling, looking at you all preggo and the sweet newborn pics.
and my, oh my, how your home has changed! i never really knew how much work you guys did to change it. the house seemed so dark and chopped up before. now it looks so bright and spacious–what a transformation!
i loved this post. i’m thinking others did too. thank you for taking the time to do this. you have a generous, giving heart. πŸ™‚

shauna reed - i love these answering questions posts….you might think they are dumb, but they aren’t. they are fun. makes me feel like i really know you in real, non internet life.

Kristin S - Loved this answers post too!
I work out at a “wellness center”. Today we are waiting for a snow/ice storm to roll in so I’m working from home. Anticipating closing of the gym early, I decided to head over around 10am to exercise. Totally forgot that cardiac rehab was going on. I was the youngest there by 30 years this morning. Since I normally go after work or late in the evening, this was a whole new world!
But at least it isn’t a meat market.
Love your stories Meg. AND you look younger now than 1995!

princess lasertron - cool answers πŸ™‚ your babies are so adorable.

Shar - Great post. You are so pretty and photogenic. Even in pregnancy! Thanks for sharing…

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I’ve already checked out some of your fav blogs even before reading the post. Thanks a bunch. I think I will also check out my Nana’s retirement home. Your last bit of advice made me smile. I need to start hanging around seniors more for sure.

Heather - Oh,your pregnancy and newborn pictures made me cry! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life πŸ™‚

Kari - wow! sometimes i read your blog and i feel like i’m reading a lot about myself…. i have the same haircut, felt the same way about nursing my kids, just recently we sold our FR furniture and put in a 3-in-1 table and a foos ball table. i just wish i could get my husband to work on our 70s house like your husband works on yours πŸ™‚ he does fix cars though – he can do brakes and everything – just doesn’t like home projects so much. oh well! snow day here in nebraska – enjoy your day!

Ashlyn@pinecone - I really love what you have done with your house. Seeing the before to now is pretty amazing.
Have a fab day,

crystal beutler - Cool post. Man, you worked magic with your house. I would never know by looking that those pictures it was the same house in your blog. You guys must have worked like dogs!!! Dogs!!!! Thanks for the shout out friend. I have to say “right back at you!” You are one of my favorites too. I always end up inspired when a stop here. πŸ™‚
x0 crystal
p.s. I’m counting on your for Spark. I’ll give you a heads up when I hear about registration.

RLG - You look fourteen (in the picture at the hospital with Annie)!
Fun post, Meg. xoxo

Maine Mummy - Wow. “i needed some breathing room! i just couldn’t nurse any longer. i felt smothered.” My baby is 16 months old and I have never been able to appropriately sum up what I felt – maybe for fear of being judged. Thank you. Knowing that someone else felt that is amazingly liberating!

Shana - I knew Pam made that! It was screaming of her.
Forgot how much work the house has been.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard any birthing stories.

Carla G. - Wow! I’ve missed these two days and really enjoyed catching up!! As I sit here in my quiet house, thinking about what I want to do today, it was delightful to get to know you better!! Thanks so much for everything!!

michelle - Your explanation for working out at the assisted living facility is HILARIOUS! Great blog!

Anna - WOW! I’ve never seen such beautiful “I just gave birth” photos EVER. So beautiful. I was bloated and had multiple chins after I gave birth to my babies (and I was never brave enough to post them!)
Congratulations on your beautiful family and beautiful home.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
Wow looking at the transformation on your home is AMAZING! The pictures just look so stressful but your home now looks so welcoming : )
It’s great that you’ve got your own business type thing..inspiring!!
Gemma x

Kori - Thank you for answering our questions…it’s very cool of you. You seem like a fun chick and I feel like getting to ‘know’ you this way is better than not getting to know you at all.
Does that make sense?? Hope so.

Jeanne - You are the sweetest!!! Thank you for including me. One of my friends just told me. I LOVED seeing the photos of you and your babies…YOU looked like a baby too!!!!

Michele - Thank you for sharing! Your advice about raising teenagers was so wonderful and helpful for me to read. Thank you!

Amy - You are a beautiful woman, Meg. You have lovely eyes.
It is really fun reading all your answers. I LOVE your home, before and after. You have/had great vision to get it to where you are today.
LOVE the pregnancy and baby pictures. Makes me wish I were pregnant again. Then again, I’m enjoying having my body to myself for the first time in 6 years. lol.
Can’t wait to read the rest of your answers.

Allison - Thanks for answering all these questions. And wow, you looked fabulous right after having your babies!

Jenny B. - Meg, you are so fun! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to check out all your favorite blogs. And you look amazing in all your hospital pics!

bobbie - I love all the baby pictures, so sweet.
I blogged about why God gave women creativity today and then I read your post and it just confirmed it to me that I need to keep making time to be creative. thanks πŸ˜‰

jessicakiehn - this is great! You guys are totally made for each other to be on the same page and tackle that house together. And look what’s come of it! That’s a beautiful thing.
LOVE your maternity pics from the scrapbooks. You’re like me, you’re belly gets HUGE! None of this “can’t even tell you’re pregnant” going on.
And the picture of you and Talby on the porch swing, pregnant with Annie is literally one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. I deeply love motherhood and pregnancy and this so beautifully captures both.

joni - I’m loving these posts!
I’m a new reader and was wondering is Lauren not your biological daughter?

Libby - Thank you, thank you for your refreshing honesty! Your sense of humor and zest for life make for some fun reading. And what a good reminder – if I want to tackle some projects NOW, even while the kids are little – I just need to do it. Enough already! πŸ™‚

Joyce - wow- you are gorgeously big with your babies! I got belly on my knees big with #3- wondering what this one will be- although Im tiny so far!
Thank for sharing your answers πŸ™‚

Ryanne - I soooo needed this post for several reasons. Especially about sleep, raising young ones and needing time for yourself. I absolutely loved that photo of you and Talby on the porch swing, it made me want to cry. Too sweet. Would you ever come to KC to do photos? How far is Newton from KC?

emily anderson - so, i feel like when i start a comment here, i need to always either begin it, or end it with “whatever”…
so, thanks for putting me on your bloggy list. whatever.
(oh, and i love your prego pics πŸ™‚ )

Risa - Megan,
My mom said she talked to you at Amy’s wedding and that you said I should comment sometime. So here I am. I ADORE your blog . . . I think it’s all the house pictures I love best, so I extra-loved this post with the pre-reno shots =) And I’m loving these “answers” installments!

Jess - Love the old family pictures. “Little Talby” is so cute. That picture of the two of you on the porch swing is just perfect.

hayley - 1. you look absolutely beautiful in the pics right after having those babes.
2.i have been up forever watching HIMYM. it’s 4:30am here in germany. i haven’t slept. hilarious, and addicting.
3. thanks for posting up those blog chicas. i love kelle. i’ll have to creep the others tomorrow.
thanks for always having such great posts πŸ™‚

Holly - I have a stack of photos from when we first bought our house that I need to scan. We have been here for almost 5 years and like yours we saw its potential. It also has good bones!

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan, Thanks so much for sharing! It’s always such a treat to read about your life because of the spirit, energy and goodwill you bring to all you do. I stop by most everyday to experience a little of your world. Your photos tell such a story, you have a gift for capturing all the small moments that constitute the goodness that life can be; and is. I think it is very generous of you to spread the joy; thanks:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I love sleep.
2. I LOVE Courtney. So happy to see her on your list!
3. Those wallpaper stripping photos make me cringe. That has been the story of my residential life.

sara@augustfields - that was a long post! it was GREAT! thanks for the fun read and encouragement πŸ™‚

Colleen - I just listed your blog as one of my favorite blogs on MY blog! Lol!

sarah w. - that picture of you on the swing pregnant with annie, holding talby is beautiful. Perfect. Heart melting.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love sleep, too πŸ™‚ It makes me happy. Bri gave me a one hour nap today AND did some work for me. It was the best thing he could have done ever. I love sleep. Amen.

kendal - had no idea one could work out at a retirement facility. and i read a long way gone recently. loved it. (i’m a reader, so i read numerous books on africa recently when i moved from 8th grade to 7th to teach social studies.) your blog is fun!

Michele - I really liked learning more about you. I like your everyday posts, but I enjoy the Q&A, too. I’ve been wondering about your camera and lenses and now I know. I think it’s too funny that you work out with the geriatrics. So great! Thanks for sharing!

sue - Well Meg ,you have done it again. A great blog to read and I think you answered my question on what camera and lens do you use. Thankyou.

Vera - I’ve been stepping away from my computer a little lately to spend more time with the kids, so that means skimming blogs on Google Reader instead of opening them… BUT I had to come here and tell you that you look SO amazingly beautiful and radiant is every single one of those after-birth pictures!

Sandy - I love what you’ve done to your home and hadn’t realized it’s all been within the past 6 years. You’ve done an amazing job!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh I just love seeing all your pictures of your house when you first bought it. It makes me feel like a less insane person for the last house we owned, you just had to have vision! Your house is so gorgeous, it just needed your magic touch to bring that out.
And your pregnant photos! LOL! I don’t think I’ll be sharing mine any time soon. You are a brave woman, and so darn adorable.
Ok so seriously, if you hadn’t put me in your list of favorite blogs you’d have been in trouble. πŸ˜‰ Thank you Meg.
Happy night!

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merry christmas.



"Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event

that is meant for everybody, worldwide.  A Savior has just been

born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master.

This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket

and lying in a manger."  

At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing

God's praises:  "Glory to God in the heavenly heights.  

Peace to all men and women on earth who please him"

Luke 2:11- 13

Karen Gerstenberger - I love this translation of the Scripture passage – and your card! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

Grace - Merry Christmas, Meg! God’s blessings to you and your family in the new year. πŸ™‚

Sandy - One more thought – do I recognize that picture as the one Annie took of mom & dad???

Sandy - As I was scrolling down the page I thought to myself that you have an extra square for another baby, but then I saw your name and date in that square. I guess you really are done having kids. lol You are a terrific mother & father and your children are as blessed to have you both as you are to have them. Merry Christmas to the Duerksen’s; I hope it was great and can’t wait to hear about it and see pictures.

angela - Love the card!!!! What a great family!


Michele - Merry Christmas!

Tammy - Hope you had a blessed Christmas with your beautiful family!

danielle - merry christmas, you beautiful family, you!!
our hope has come! glory to the newborn King!

jackie chappell - amen !!! from florida

Jenn A. - Merry Christmas to your family, too!

Lisa - Hope you have a white Christmas in Kansas like we do in Illinois

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Hope you are having a great day with the fam Meg. Lots of love:) Merry Christmas!!!

kat - You card is beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Lorilee - Christmas Blessings to you and your family!

Julie - Merry Christmas Meg to you and your family!

Jennifer - Merry Christmas to you Megan! Hope you have a special day with minimal meltdowns!

Melanie - Hope you have a great Christmas! Your pictures are gorgeous!

elma riedstra - Merry CHRISTmas to you and you family and a BLESSED new year!!!

Susan - Merry Christmas Megan!

~Debra - Merii Kurisumasu from Japan!

Nikki - Merry Christmas!

T Galle - MeRrY ChRiStMaS to you Megan! Have a wonderful day with your family!

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don't you love a day when you have big list and you kick butt at it?!

post office

check check check!

it's the little things that make me happy….

like finding $5 dvds that are good at the grocery store.  YES!

like 2 magazines in my mail box on the same day.

like yummy salsa and sour cream with chips for lunch.

like texting with a friend half a country away….ahhhh.

i have more good things to tell you about.
REAL good things.

over one hundred of you asked me for the address to send your crafty goodness to the 
water4christmas etsy shop.  

it will open december 5.
be ready to shop.  
(confession….as of now…i still only have the one shirt and one burp cloth made….)

but it's not about me….it's about YOU crafty ladies!  
you are SO AWESOME!


another cool….REALLY COOL thing…..the
YOU can be a part of it too.

the Adventure Project is this:

read this post.   and this post.  and this is a good one too.

you can help by buying COAL for christmas. 


check it all out at the ADVENTURE PROJECT.
we can't wait for you to join the tribe.

blog it…facebook it….tweet it…join us….BUY COAL!

i know that i spent a lot of money this weekend on stuff for my family.
just stuff…to play with…or wear to feel pretty in…to entertain us.
and i am guessing you did too.

not stuff to keep us healthy, alive and safe.
i spent money on just stuff.
buying coal is so much more important than my STUFF.
i am excited about this opportunity! 


julia - uh..$4 for Elf at Target….

Casey - I need one of these days..

shelley - ok…i know this post is about more than your list, but crazy that this morning as I was opening my blinds and looking around my messy came to my mind. I have never even met you, but I thought “how does Meg get all this done, have such a beautiful family and home…and look so great” geeesh !! Then you go and post this list ugh !! Oh well. Jude is down to nap, guess I need to get offline on onto the chores.

Lisa - Thanks for providing us with the info and organizations where we can give. I think sometimes people want to help but don’t know where or what to give too. By talking about it on your blog you are giving lots of people an opportunity to feel like they are a part of something that is helping others! Hopefully this will spur others to continue doing this all year long! I am trying to never forget that there are so many who need our help. Its easy to forget and live our lives as if they don’t exist. My prayer is that I would never push these issues aside. Thanks for using your blog for these kind of things as well as all the other fun and real things you share!

Trina McNeilly - Ok.. I like how getting you’re groceries done makes you happy. I’m going to keep that in mind tomorrow when I go. I don’t know what it is about the grocery store but it is like my least favorite place.
I had a little something to say about you and christmas decor on my blog today πŸ™‚
Glad you are having a great Monday!!!!!
xo Trina

april - very cool…i will check these charities out!!!

christy - finding 2 good 5$ dvds at the grocery store is awesome. but i think giving coal for christmas is even more awesome!!

Gina - I’d still love to get that address for Water4Christmas too. I’ve e-mailed you and someone else and haven’t gotten it. I’m sure I just got missed in the awesome response. Thanks!!! πŸ™‚

emily - what a cool new organization. We are exchanging donations to our favorite charities in our family this year and I have yet to decide! I’m going to take a look at this one and perhaps someone will give coal on my behalf this christmas!

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