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proverbs 31 woman

i have been thinking about this for over a week.

i am not usually so wordy…

i don't want to give a sermon…just some encouragement.

the study book Women of the Bible that our group finished in may…

but i just finished now (i skipped some lessons) had an entire chapter on prov.31.

it has been helpful to my struggles.


Proverbs 31:10-30 (New International Version)

10  A wife of noble character who can find? 
       She is worth far more than rubies.

 11 Her husband has full confidence in her 
       and lacks nothing of value.

 12 She brings him good, not harm, 
       all the days of her life.

 13 She selects wool and flax 
       and works with eager hands.

 14 She is like the merchant ships, 
       bringing her food from afar.

 15 She gets up while it is still dark; 
       she provides food for her family 
       and portions for her servant girls.

 16 She considers a field and buys it; 
       out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

 17 She sets about her work vigorously; 
       her arms are strong for her tasks.

 18 She sees that her trading is profitable, 
       and her lamp does not go out at night.

 19 In her hand she holds the distaff 
       and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

 20 She opens her arms to the poor 
       and extends her hands to the needy.

 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; 
       for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

 22 She makes coverings for her bed; 
       she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, 
       where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, 
       and supplies the merchants with sashes.

 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; 
       she can laugh at the days to come.

 26 She speaks with wisdom, 
       and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

 27 She watches over the affairs of her household 
       and does not eat the bread of idleness.

 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; 
       her husband also, and he praises her:

 29 "Many women do noble things, 
       but you surpass them all."

 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; 
       but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.


(the words in color are directly from the book….)

how did you feel when you were first introduced to this Prov. 31 woman…


angry that God expected all of this from you?


determined to become her?

if you are beaten down by this 'perfect' woman, take heart.

i have good news for you.  

She is the IDEAL woman God wants to develop all women to be as they follow Him.

did you catch that?

GOD is the one working the transformation. 

'He who began a good work in you, will be perfecting it until the day of Christ Jesus…Phil 1:6'.

Seeing what you can become(by His grace and work) should be a catalyst, not a condemnation.

if you are a perfectionist, an understanding of the truth will set you free from trying to be 

or do for Him, so that you will allow Him to make you the woman He wants you to be.

the foundation of all horizontal relationships is the vertical relationship – our relationship 

with God gives us the security to be real and vulnerable.  

it is walking in God's grace that makes us agents of grace to others.

Even our abilities to grant forgiveness & ask forgiveness is tied to our relationship with God.  

we cannot make ourselves into a virtuous woman.

but if we walk with God day after day, yielding our lives to His control, 

He will keep making us more like Jesus.

The virtuous woman of proverbs 31 is not a standard or yardstick to measure up to, 

but the goal toward which women should be moving.  

she is the woman God is developing women to be today as they follow Him.

The first step we can change is not gritting our teeth & trying harder to be the perfect woman.

it is surrender. 

the most imp
ortant word in the christian community is not commitment, but

we can be committed in the flesh, but surrender is admitting what we cannot do in our strength.  


it was just what i needed to hear.

and maybe you did too?

i highly recommend the study book Women of the bible.

it's a lot of homework but i have learned so much…i really enjoyed it and i am ready for book 2 this fall.

Kay - This is an overwhelming chapter, every morning I strive to accomplish one verse, with the Lords help I will

Michelle - Thank you for this post. I have been reading your blog for months and months. This morning. . . I was so humbled by the Lord as I looked around the mess in my house. Later on this afternoon. . . I remembered this post and that I had loved how the book you quoted broke down this often difficult to swallow piece of scripture. Thank you for being honest and open with your life. . . even months later. . . God is using your post to remind me that HE is in control of my life and only HE can make me the ideal woman.

Ann Marie - OK, sure, I get that–it’s cool, God helps us with his big ol’ expectations. But my big problem with that book is that it’s written by men. MEN telling us how to be spiritual women??? Color me confused. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

Christa - I think this Bible verse is entirely about how proud the husband is of his wife. In my opinion this passage is not about what we need to be to our husbands, but the respect a husband should show his wife.

katherine - I just recently started reading your blog, and I love it! Thanks for this great post, I love that chapter. Thanks for your inspiring, encouraging and fun blog….how delightful it was to go back and read your archives and check out your house pics….amazing!!! What a beautiful, fun mom you are! God Bless….kathy

adrienne - as women, it is so important for us to encourage each other. so very, very important πŸ™‚ thanks!

melissa mae - I love that scripture(s). One of my favorite that is in the Book of Mormon is: ” Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.”
and from one of our apostles: “I humbly thank our Father in Heaven for His daughters, you who were willing to come to earth to live under such uncertain circumstances. Most men could not handle the uncertainties you are asked to live with. Social customs require that you wait to be asked for marriage. You are expected to go with your husband wherever his employment or call takes him. Your environment and neighborhood are determined by his ability to provide, meager or not. You place your life in the Lord’s hands each time you bear a child. He makes no such sacrifice. The blessing of nurturing children and caring for a husband often is intermingled with many routine tasks. But you do all of these things willingly because you are a woman. Generally you have no idea of how truly wonderful and capable you are, how very much appreciated and loved, or how desperately needed, for most men don’t tell you as completely and as often as needed.”

jill j - Re: Janine: I believe you have an issue with surrender. πŸ™‚ As Christians, we are called to “surrender” because we are inadequate. There is a gap between us and God, that only Jesus can fill. We are not able to reach God with by our own means. This is where the notion of surrender comes in. When people talk of surrender, they are not implying what you mean, exactly. We know as Christians that we have to give ourselves fully to Jesus to truly find God. For Him to change us and mold us into the women (and men) that He wants us to be. Surrender is not a bad thing. In fact, it is freeing. God will change us into strong, confident, caring, loving (and everything that you say we can do without surrendering) women IF we can surrender to Him completely.

Mandy - Thank you for posting this. It’s a great reminder. I hope you don’t mind but I linked this post to my blog, I just wanted to pass it along… I think it’s something most of us can use to inspire us of God’s true desire for us.
Thanks Again!

Sarah - We are the axis of our families, aren’t we? Heavy responsiblity but SO true.

Trina McNeilly - I love Pr 31 and I always love to read it in different versions of the Bible. My favorite is vs. 25….she laughs at the future. Or other versions say smiles at the future.. she is never afraid. She has done her preparation but still we can never do enough or be enough and God makes up for that. He ensures our future and everything in it. xx

Trina McNeilly - I love Pr 31 and I always love to read it in different versions of the Bible. My favorite is vs. 25….she laughs at the future. Or other versions say smiles at the future.. she is never afraid. She has done her preparation but still we can never do enough or be enough and God makes up for that. He ensures our future and everything in it. xx

My First Kitchen - My husband actually read this to me the night he proposed. Not to set up me for what he expected thankfully. πŸ™‚ I’m sure this will encourage many. On a different note, I’ve really missed reading your blog! I’ve pretty much fallen off the face of the blog earth with my first pregnancy, and I’m taking a few extra minutes this morning to try and catch up. Whew. But it’s great to be back. I always love stopping by.

Lisa - Hi Meg,
I posted about an attic on July 17th. It just totally reminded me of your attic delema. Maybe take a look and get some inspiration for a great family space. Just a thought.
Take care,

Janine - I recently found your blog and I enjoy it. I have to comment on this one because I think whoever analyzed that scripture in your book got it all wrong.
I don’t think this has anything to do with “surrender”. I think it is just a reminder to all about how strong we women really are. We may not accomplish all of that in one day or even one year, but we will over a lifetime. That is what a woman/mother/sister/aunt/friend does. We nurture, we provide, we work, we love, we teach, we understand. It has nothing to do with surrendering your self to god, or striving toward the described woman’s perfection. It just has to do with being a woman, and what that means for our lives, and someone recognizing that. I think also that at times our roles as women can be very tough and it is your faith that can help you through those hard times. Women NEVER surrender, we never give up, we never fail. By using the term “surrender” you lose yourself, you lose your identity, you lose period. It weakens your role as a woman, and it cheapens all of the hard work you do. There is nothing wrong with letting the lord guide you, and comfort you and teach you,and give you strength but to surrender? You are giving up because things got too hard and letting the lord take over. That is not fair. Not to you, to your family, or to Him. It’s time to stop waving the white flag and get down to business. Keep on being strong women, and give up this terrible, weakening notion of surrender.
Thank you for letting me share and really giving me something to think about tonight. I hope my perspective/intrepretation will give you something to think about as well.

cre8ivegirl - Love this post. What gret encouragement for women. Just what I needed to hear on a day when I feel less than perfect.

Julie - Thank you for this – thank you, thank you.

casey - I’ve always used that passage of scripture to encourage my hard working gal friends. Thanks for sharing your heart and I know it will bless a lot of people πŸ™‚

Jessica - Thank you for posting this. The ladies from my church did a Bible Study on this last Fall with the book, “Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be” by Donna Partow. Honestly, it was a difficult book to get through, because it made me feel like I wasn’t “all that I could be” in God’s eyes. But I think you worded it perfectly above in saying that surrender is one of the most important words in the christian community. Thank you for your insight πŸ™‚

Janelle - Sounds interesting. For some really deep reading, and eye-opening too, I would recommend godless by Dan Barker.

Talia - This is great. Thanks for posting it- it is definitely a great encouragement!

Amber - I am really far off from being a Proverbs 31 woman but I know my Lord loves me just the same if I’m not. He is so good to me. Thanks for this post. :o)

JerriR - Thanks so much! Just what I, “the perfectionist” who seems to never measure up, needed to hear today! I simply love your blog and your willingness to share and inspire!

Roxie's Mom - This is what we read as my mother’s eulogy at her funeral mass last October. We couldn’t come up with anything more fitting for a wife of 68 years, mother of 4, grandmother of 4, and greatgrandmother of 3. I miss her very much.

karen - Thank you for sharing that! God bless you and your family.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - WOW. thanks.

Sandy Toes - What a wonderful reminder…I have not read that in a while!!!
sandy toe

danyele - love love love it!!!! i try so hard to be that woman…and i fail in so many ways. but i’m getting better every day…and learning more and more. great stuff. thanks for the reminder!

Laura Phelps - (The only thing I own that is linen is green, not purple. See? A failure.)
Fantastic of you to not just post this, but to EXPLAIN this.
Many people I know would rip this to shreds…sad, but true
But only because they would miss the meaning behind it
Yes, I for one really needed this…
but you knew that already, didn’t you?

Victoria~ - Perfection is something I always strive for …and fall short everytime. I must confess, that I took proverbs 31 as a check list. No wonder i failed miserably. lol.. I am anxious to read this book. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Kara Hebert - BTW- Doing the bible study by Sharon Jaynes right now called {Power of a Woman’s Words}. It’s AWESOME. I think you will love. You can read the book too w/o doing the study.

Kara Hebert - I’ve just recently started reading your blog and I love it, esp. for posts like this one. This whole blogging world is pretty crazy and I think it can get a little out of hand. Meaning it’s easy to get carried away with wanting things you don’t have etc. So I made a vow to myself to only read the ones that truly enhance my life and make me a better, wiser person. Blogs that minister as well as deal with the beauty in every day REAL life are the best ones. Thank you for sharing that.
In Him,

misty - i REALLY needed that. thank you.

Amber - Megan…
I have been reading the devotional book “Beautiful In God’s Eyes” by Elizabeth George. I’m not done with it yet…but it has been so amazing for me. Though I still struggle with the ‘finding joy in housework’ for she surely didn’t complain about her daily duties, I find this chapter to be so uplifting. It is truly something to strive for and changes that I cannot make on my own. Thank you for adding a new word to this process…SURRENDERING to Christ and letting him mold me into what I need to be!

Jill J - I just love it when you post about the Bible! Your blog has gotten so big, but you remain the same and share your beliefs.
I gotta say, I felt a sense of freedom the first time I read this passage (in college, 13 years ago, yikes!) I was just starting to understand what it was to be a Christian and thought that meant that I, as a woman, would have to be “submissive” and “quiet.” When I read this and saw the important role that I could play in my family and how the house really revolves around the mom, I was so excited! I didn’t want to just blend into the background and shrink away. I wanted to be involved! I wanted to work and make decisions! And this not only gave me permission, it told me it was expected! How encouraging to read this again today! Thanks

juliann brenner - You are a great mom, Megan. Too bad I didn’t get to know you better before you moved to KS.

Michele - What a great reminder for all of us Moms out there! So many times we try to do all this stuff called life alone…that wasn’t the way it was intended by God! Thanks for the great post.

Erin - I have been thinking about this so much lately. Your post is just what I needed to get into my head. Thank you!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Great post Meg. I would like to take that study in the future. Sounds wonderful…I like the concept of surrender. That is so much better than fighting against our will…letting go!

Debra Leslie - Thanks for the reminder to keep surrendering…it was nice to read some incouraging words today!

Jackie - I’ve always thought of this passage in the present tense. This is who I need to be NOW and why am I not this person NOW {smiles}. I love the commentary on surrender and it being part of our journey. Thank you! ~Jackie

Amy - Proverbs 31 I cannot do or become.
But surrender – now that’s something I can do.
I will happily surrender to Him and let Him transform me.
Thanks for the post!

Angela Conklin - If you only had six weeks to do this study and you needed to choose six of these women, which six would you choose??
Great post! Thanks.

Casey - Thank you! I needed to hear that today.

Anna Marie - I remember feeling overwhelmed and “weighted” when I first read that chapter. It took a while for me to look at it in a different light. But now my heart smiles and I am overjoyed to think that each day that I spend getting closer to HIM, He is molding me into her…that noble woman. I long to be that woman for my husband for my children and for my God! When I want to complain about the laundry, the dishes, the chores, the cooking and the “not getting enough help from my husband” I just need to think about her. “She” doesn’t complain or worry about doing too much or about not getting enough rest. She just does it, because that is what the Lord has called her to do. Thank you for posting this…I haven’t read it in a while and I needed to read that. I am going to have to check that book out.

Lauren - Thank you so much for this post- I really needed it today!

A pocket full of posies... - Oh Meg!! JUST what I needed to be reminded of today!!!…I must admitt the first time I read Proverbs 31, I felt totally overwhelmed…but, funny- when I completely surrender to Him…that overwhelmed feeling goes away and is replaced with peace and joy! He is SO good!
Thanks for the lovely post! a true Blessing today!

Jocelyn Stott - Great post. Gave me a lot to think about for the day while humbling me at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to share.

Mary Beth - Thank you, Meg, for such a nice post. They read that at my Grandmother’s funeral and i just kept nodding my head…yes, she was that….yes, she did that…..this verse does not scare me. It helps me see what I should be DOING!
A woman Prepares. For everything.
Now if you could talk about that Mary and Margaret thing next…..!

purejoy - i’ll admit. at first i was like, “oh great. more stuff to do. now i have to go buy some land and plant a vineyard, too!!” but you are right. it is God who is doing this in us when we are walking close to Him.
i fall short about every minute of every day. waaaaay short. but i’m glad he doesn’t shoo me away like an annoying pest. he just leads the way and says, “like this. do it like this. now walk here. i’ll lead”
thank goodness and thank GOD!!
and thank you for the reminder!

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super amazing.

ok….as of 3:00

the Etsy Cora Playground Project has raised

How great is our God.

Jeanne - What a MIRACLE!!!!

Jill Jones - Beyond words!

Amy Warden - Awesome!!!!!

Laura Phelps - FANTASTIC!!! Praise the Lord!

Karina - Wow, I am impressed! I continue to be so so so moved by this story…What is it about Cora that hits you so hard, causes such a PAIN in the heart?? As another poster said somewhere, there is SOMETHING about that little angelic face…I have no idea, but I am following all this and crying over it daily…And tried to do a little bit of good by buying some pinafores for my own daughter on etsy. I look forward to hearing how it went when the donation was given to Joel and Jess…I know they can’t possibly be feeling joyful, but I do hope there is some way that they can feel a bit less PAIN from this…My oh my but that baby of theirs was, and IS, loved!!!!

Anna - Awesome! I wasn’t able to make a purchase, but this project has been in my prayers. God is so good!

Denise - Amazing!!!

Jen N - YIPPEE! God is an awesome God!

Rach - And it will be an amazing playground not just because it has the funding behind it, but because it will be built with love. Great job!!!

Shari - Yes, indeed, how awesome is God. Wouldn’t it be awesome if people could always work together to accomplish something? It’s sad that someone has to die before some people open their hearts and wallets when there is a need. There are many people in this world that need metaphoric playgrounds to be built. Let’s build them before the child dies that would have liked to play on that playground. I know, I know, that does sound socialist.

patti - that is just amazing! i’m glad i had a chance to be a part of all this, and got some adorable handmade stuff to boot!

Kelly - YEA! Thank you for sharing the total! I’m all goosebumpy and teary!

Lori - WOW!!!

traci - WOW!!! that is amazing, awesome, wonderful, a true blessing!

amy bell - what a miracle…when i read your post before this one…i just could not stop reading it over and over….answers to prayer…our God is great…..praising Him today.

Kate - that’s amazing. good good good.
i love good things.

Kelly - awesome! Kelly

bobbie - oh my.. amazing

Mandy - I kept praying today that the amount would be evidence of the Lord working in and through the life and death of precious little Cora. To HIM be the glory!

Kim - Such an awesome praise!!

Tenille - So Amazing, Praise God!

Ashley Ann - I’ve been waiting to hear that total. How exciting! How exciting to know that it will continue to grow to. Thanks for sharing the total…

dawn - I have goosebumps — and tears in my eyes! That’s fabulous. They lost so much — but hopefully they can see too, what an impact that lovely little girl made… πŸ™‚

Amber - Praise God!


Regina (QueenieBee) - He’s greater than we can even BEGIN to imagine!!!!!
Thanks so much for the update!0

Michele Ball - He is good. Oh is He good. Bless you all for your time and talent in such a beautiful work!

Kelly - wow!!

danyele - awesome!!!! i am so in awe…god has definitely revealed himself in all of this. amazing!

Ginny - That is amazing. I think you should add how great are the people that helped raise that money though!

Jill - It is so amazing! And to think there’s still tons of sellers left to report!

Jess - Whoohoo! Praise the Good Lord!!!!!!!!

Aby - A W E S O M E!!!!! Ya’ll all ROCK!!!

Jill - That is so GREAT!!! Our God is AMAZING!!! I can’t wait to see the playground. What a great way to honor beautiful, sweet Cora!!

Wendy - That is fantastic news!!! I hope that the money will go a long way toward the wonderful playground.

Ruth - AMEN!!
So exciting!
What an inspirational movement.
Good work Meg… Praise God!

Sara Ito - That is incredible!!!

Lanny Stanard - WOW God is so so good! I’m so happy! Thank You!
Lanny πŸ™‚

Kristen - Our GOD IS GREAT! Hooray!

christy - That is JUST AWESOME! How amazing & wonderful.

jennifer - Praise the Lord!
What a big, big God we serve!

Kim - That is AWESOME!

Sarah Carroll - Praise God! Can’t wait to see the playground come to life to honor this sweet angel!

Brooke - i have no words….just praise. amazing truly….

kasey - wonderful.
aren’t people good.

Christina - Tears! What a wonderful thing. Thank you for keeping us in the know. πŸ™‚

S. Riggle - Oh. My. Goodness. I am soooo excited!!

Sara - I knew it would be a big sum, but THAT is AMAZING!! You should all feel proud of what you were able to do. Imagine how loved Jess & Joel will feel…awesome.
I’ve never commented before, but have read you blog the past year, & it is how I found out about Cora. I was overwhelmed with her story & continue to be. Thank you for leading me to her.
Sara in Reno, Nevada

adrienneK - wow!!praise the Lord !!!
how awesome!!!

amie - ohmygoodness, that made me burst into tears! congratulations, you all must be so proud! πŸ™‚

Shana - PreTTy GREAT!!

Staci - There are no words…amazing…just amazing πŸ™‚

carissa... brown eyed fox - how wonderful is THAT! beautiful!!!!!!
thank you so much for keeping us posted!

Alyssa - that is AMAZING!! go Cora!!

Cyrena - All I know is he had plans when he brought little Cora home and obviously he has other big plans in store!! God is so good!

jamie - Congratulations! How Great are all of you! Such Inspiration..

christine - absolutely beautiful & amazing!!! This past weekend, our pastor preached on God’s ability to take our meager offerings (in terms of service in the Body) and transform it for His purpose and multiply those efforts – – as with the fishes and the loaves where he fed thousands with a boy’s meager meal. All each of us had was a humble desire to take part in something to bless this precious family – God has moved and is continuing to work. Blessed be His Holy Name!


Kelly - Absolutely incredible! I am so happy I could be a part of it! You seem to be an amazing group of people that have inspired so many of us.

Katy - Awesome!!!

gina - Oh my! I read your previous post and headed over to the site today to make a straight up birthday donation in her memory and I wondered what the total was. How WONDERFUL that it has all added up so quickly. God is great.

Ali - My heart just skipped a beat. This is amazing.
Love IS a movement!

Sue - WOW that’s amazing. So glad I could be a part of it. Looking forward to getting the hoodie for my daughter.
Much love from NJ,

Sharla - Congratulations! What an inspiring story in memory of a precious angel.

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it came to me in my sleep.

monday night i could not sleep.

my mind was swirling…thinking…making lists as i laid in the dark.
ideas of projects to make…planning the weeks events….
all while craig snored next to me.

thursday is the day the etsy shops are going to give our donations.
all 194 shops on the same day so the account will show one big jump from etsy.

that is so exciting.

exciting because i can't wait to see the number.
exciting because it will show jess and joel's more love.
exciting because it's humbling to be a part of seeing God's hand in action in many ways each day!
to God be the Glory.

God knew when he whispered to julie "make something for her" what was to come.

God KNEW when heather and molly stepped in to organize.

God knew that over 50 of us would want to make something too.

God KneW that we were planning to end the fundraiser last friday…
so He had the etsy article run on that day…adding over 144 more sellers to the cause!

God knew that Cora's first birthday would have been on thursday and THAT was the day we should give.

God knew that joel & jess would be meeting with the playground builders that day.
And our gift would be there to welcome them.


(do you have goosbumps?)

so…back to the idea that came in the dark.

i have one day left.
everything i made has sold and shipped out (yay!)
i have nothing more made and ready to sell.


so i am filling the shop with possible orders.


fabrics that will be made in to pillows.


t-shirts and hoodies that will be all cute after YOU decide what i should put on them just for you.

there is one more day.
order a birthday gift….for next month or this summer.
order something for your best friend or your sister.
order a christmas gift!

it may not work….and that's okay.
i will be alright if you don't like this idea.
but it was worth a shot to raise the bar one last time.

and i will faithfully keep sewing till every order is filled. 

contact me through etsy with your questions.
(click contact cdduekrsen a bit under annie's glasses picture)

If you already have a custom order…you are good.
if you need to change any of it…that is fine too.
i am going to attempt to send invoices for those orders…when i figure out how to do that.

thank you for being so patient with me.
i feel like i have all these cheerleaders behind me cheering 
"SEW SEW SEW! Come on megan you can do it!!"
thank you so much.

now….hit the shop!

Kyleigh - I am SO happy for you! You, and all the other Etsy peeps are amazing! And today I found this: – might be perfect for invoicing? Might not, but hey, thought I’d share.

kat - I ordered a pillow today! Yay! I am glad it will be counted towards the total. I also bought an 8×10 Silhouette Print a few weeks ago, also for Cora. I can’t even begin to imagine how much money has been raised. Goosebumps indeed! Bless you for all your hard work and creativity!

Julia - You’re a SUPERSTAR!

Christina - I, too, had goosebumps just before you asked,”Do you have goosebumps?”. What a wonderful thing to read, all the “behind-the-scenes” stuff. Thank you for taking the time to put it down like that. I made a purchase last week, but I have been praying for this sweet family every day for over a month. What an amazing community of friends they have! God bless you!

Jeanne - The Lord is AWESOME…and you were obedient to HIS voice.

Cyrena - right before I read (do you have goosebumps) I was covered in them! This made me smile. Thank you! I have spread the work everywhere I know for the last day of buying stuff for Cora. I feel so honored that I got to be a part of this…can’t wait to see that number tomorrow!

Lori - Thanks for doing this! I ordered two pillows this morning, hope it wasn’t too late to be added to the total? The check to the playground fund is what I call a REAL stimulus plan! Look at all the love and business it stimulated! Can’t wait to see what the total is.

katherine - Just ordered a pillow. Hope it was in time to make the donation cut off! You’re amazing…

Shannan - Covered in goose bumps!
I got my crazy flower headband from Joy’s Hope yesterday and it arrived with the most beautiful picture of Cora -taken by you, I think. I love it. I’m off to place my custom order from you….now, get back in that gorgeous craft room and SEW!!!!!

Whitni - OH and SEW! SEW! SEW! You can do it! πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day!

Whitni - I feel like crying I’ve had such a tough time with school this semester and I’ve got two more months of it before I get a break but God KNOWS and he knows how to handle it even if I don’t thank you for uplifting me and refreshing my mind its like I hit that little button on my mind browser haha I think I’m good for another two months now, thank you so much!

ang - Wow!!! You are all simply amazing!!! And…I finally got the pillow I was waiting for!!! Can’t wait to see it and hear about the amount for Cora’s Playground!

alyssa - you’re awesome.

Sara - Goosebumps for sure. Amazing. I ordered a, sew, sew! πŸ™‚

kasey - i will swing by.

Brooke - goodness…He knew that i was on the fence about buying something for kailyn too…and now i will….and when i blogged this a.m. about the super cute shirt i had already got for meg…i had no idea it was the last day, but He did and so hopefully now that will encourage my friends and family over to the etsy shops and give on this last day as well!!! thank you meg for your blog, your etsy, and your devotion to Him!

danyele - meg…you are totally rocking my stinking face off! yeah for god and all he is doing in honor of cora…
goosebumps are not even close enough to what i’ve got going on…it’s crazy. love it! love it! love it! and i’m gonna go get more etsy cora stuff today…


Suzanne - you are SEW awesome!! this entire project is amazing!!
so, the 3 shirts for my kiddos made the cut to be in on the big give??? i’ll do whatever i can, so we can be part of it:)
i’m sorry if it got confusing with the 3 letters…we will love ANYTHING you make meg!!

Kate - I am too late, I missed this yesterday! I started a conversation with you on Etsy. I would love to order something – even though I am one day late. : (

leslie - Goosbumpin’ all the way here in TX!

christine - I do have goosebumps πŸ™‚ I’m so excited to see what God is continuing to do here! I can hardly wait to find out how much money has been raised! Thank you for being such a sweet friend to them. It gives us unknown and far-away “friends” such comfort to know that Jess and Joel have so many great people in their community supporting them πŸ™‚

traci - perfect meg. i just ordered a pillow that is going to look great on my chair in the studio. i am so excited. God also Knew to place you in joel and jess’ life!!!!

carly - i have goosebumps…you are an inspiration! i am placing my order right now!

tasha roe - i had to get a hoodie for my little one. more importatly i had to help Cora’s memory live on.

Mindy - Hi Meg,
I read your post and went into your shop and got a rainbow tees for one of my girls. Addison loves rainbows. I’m a SAHM mom of 4 little ones and normally I only spend about $3 on a piece of clothing (sales, clearance, thrift, garage sales, etc) but you were the one who told me of Cora and I was following along. So a $20 splurge to help Cora’s playground all on her 1st birthday. Now everytime Addison wears the shirt it will remind me of sweet little Cora and to appreciate all my children all the more.
P.S. I made that frosting (with cool whip)you had on your blog a couple weeks ago for my bday cupcake and it was so good. My hubby said it was the best frosting he ever had!
I’m a new reader but I love your blog!

kristine - you DO have cheerleaders! they’re cora’s angels! God bless you for all you’re doing and for glorifying Him in all of this! Keep up the great work! You make amazing crafts!

sandy toe - Hello there…I have been waiting for the red pillow with the red soft dots and the damask type look..will you be selling that???
sandy toe


Heather Mattos - Thank you.

Jessica - Thank you for letting me know that the money will be posted to the account tomorrow. I placed my order tonight so that it could get in on time.

Abby - Just sent you a convo!

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danyele said she'll donate $1 

for every comment left on her blog today up to $250
toward Neuroblastoma Research.

Neuroblastoma is what took Cora McClenahan and Danyele's friend Tuesday all too soon.

go leave her a comment!  :)
way to go danyele!

Sara - You have been busy my friend! It’s incredible to see the outpouring of support, love, and creativity that this heartbreaking event inspired in so many people!!! Its so amazing…

Lindsay - Amazing!

Kim - This is a great idea! Thanks for pointing us in this direction!!

Rachel Reeves - DONE!

Juliann Beidler - With all the gloom and doom on the news and in the papers, it is a blessing to see and hear that peole are interested in each other, and that they are willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved! God is good…

sarah - What an amazing way to support the research and honor their lives. I’m in!
So sad to hear these stories. Makes my heart ache.

kasey - fabulous.

tasha roe - This is heartbreaking news! I would love to help support Neuroblastoma Research!! Count me in! Such a fantastic way to honor their lives.

Heather Mattos - Awesome! Tuesday’s mom actually purchased an apron from me for the Cora benefit, and told me her story. She passed away the same week as Cora. What a great way to honor her!

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the cora playground

did you hear julie's great idea?  (click)

julie has a tender heart for mommies who have lost their babies much too soon.
she has never even met jess and joel.
but she took action…followed her heart.

after selling MANY of her messy flower headbands for cora paige
realizing how much we all want to give 
she decided to ask us for help.

she came up with a super duper plan.

there are lots of crafty ladies are out here in blogland.
many have Etsy shops already…
we can do our own cora paige items and each give to the playground.

what do you think?

i am ready!
i want to craft my heart out for cora, jess and joel.
i want to open an etsy shop for cora, jess and joel.

sooooooo……what should i make?
what do YOU want to see in my brand new etsy shop?!
i need your help.
speak up blog readers.

(can you tell i am excited?!)

if you'd like to hear cora's service you can find it on our church's website. (click)
it was such a beautiful and emotional service.
everyone loved cora so much…and those chubby cheeks.

the entire family is such a gentle example of faith.

Patty - I too admire all you’re doing. Your designs that everyone loves so much on t-shirts and pillows: how about flat and framed with a painted frame? Aqua or hot pink frame on the cupcake design?
And if you put together a book of photo tips (maybe your photos with the settings posted and some general tips)- I’m sure people would buy like crazy. And once you put it together, it would be easy to make more if the demand was high.
I wish you luck- and lots of stamina!!

Kate Eschbach - Anything, anything you make will be so beautiful.
I am in. I am going to go brainstorm for my CORE page… for etsy.

Juliann - I would love to see you make some cute t-shirts, like the ones you made at christmastime. Maybe some with playground equipment sewn on; like a swing, or teeter-totter….

sarah - I think anything you would decide to make would be wonderful, and would most likely sell it within hours!
I tried to listen to Cora’s service, but was already losing it about a minute in. I’m still in constant prayer and I remember them daily. (it’s hard not to remember them when I look at my little family)
I wanted to just let you know that i may send a card to you to deliver to Joel and Jessica. I had been struggling with what kind of ‘gift’ to send. And was so happy to see what Julie is doing. i got one of her adorable flower pins in memory of Cora, and hope to find some supplies to make some jewelry to see for Cora’s playground.
I look forward to see what you add. And thank you for your updates, and all the love I’m sure you have given to Cora’s parents.

katie - I am excited to see what you make!! I am already selling things on my etsy to help baby Cora!! I am so excited to see people really care & are purchasing things!!

Alyssa - I love the idea….i think you should make whatever you like the most…..I love your playroom so go look around there for ideas…
I love it all.
I like the “Whatever Bundle” where you make a collection of items and we buy it all.
As far as the t-shirt….I personally would like to see the t shirt in LARGER sizes….it is so difficult to find cute t-shirts for girls past the age of 6….I like to dress my 8 yr cute still but she tall like me and it almost impossible.
I also would buy your decorating services, you could be like the NESTER and charge us for your decorting help….She does it through photos and such.

Aubrey - Sheesh, apparently I’m a little slow to add my two cents.
I’m with everybody else–I like your personalized t-shirts with cupcakes and letters and numbers and your aprons are so cute and the bottle caps are dang cute and the crayon letters are awesome and I bet people would like the felt houses. Seriously, why haven’t you opened an etsy shop before? Oh yeah, I guess some of this stuff you got the ideas from other people’s shops so I guess that’s like plagiarizing, but WHATEVER–this is for Cora, right?

Patti - i think anything you make will sell out very quickly – so i recommend you make something that is easy for mass production. i like the bottle caps – seems like you might be able to get an assembly line going.
what about artwork from your kids? they are very talented as well and it would be great to get them involved in the cause as well. if their drawings on paper look anything close to the stuff on the bathroom walls, i’d totally buy it! πŸ™‚
it warms my heart to see the blogging community come together like this!

carly - I vote for the girls initial shirts that your girls have worn, also, the cupcake one too! as well as the bottle caps…
meg…you are such a nice friend to do all of this and in turn your “fans” (us readers of your blog) get to help out in ways that we wouldnt be able to…if i lived closer to you (i am in OHIO), i would love to help out with your laundry (as i know you hate it), while you are making up all of these goodies!
my prayers are with cora’s family! thanks meg!

Regina (QueenieBee) - BIG QUESTION: Once we make the money, where would Jess & Joel request that we send it? Directly to the church at the address already given? (I think I saw that on their blog somewhere?)

Regina (QueenieBee) - I think you need to auction off a week-long stay at your house! πŸ˜‰ We’d all LOVE to come hang out with you and your fun crew and be able to LIVE your blog! πŸ™‚
Seriously though…I’d love to see some pillows or sewn items coming to your new shop!
I think I’ll open a shop myself. I’ve thought about it for a while now, and this is the perfect time (and reason!) to get my fanny in gear.
Thanks so much for giving me the nudge. We need a way of honoring the life of this precious little girl and her family…parents, grandparents, everybody!
To GOd be the glory!

Susan - I was seriously thinking just a couple of days ago… I wonder if meg would make a super cute t-shirt that I could buy for a birthday gift.
Great idea Julie!
Great heart Meg!

Alyssa - just thought of another. your polka dot camera strap!!! i would definitely buy one.

kasey - i’m in.
I would even be willing to have a piece of Jewlery made and put in in my shop and name it “remember Cora” and have the proceeds go directly to the playground.

Brooke - Oh my goodness…you are truly great! I would love to see anything…the skirts you make for your girls..I would love to buy for my ladies..the shirts..the bottlecap magnets..anything! I can’t wait to shop!

Staci - OH YAY!!! I want some of those little shirts you made for Annie and Talby…but the male gender kind!!!! Oh I’m doin’ a little dance right now…at home, by myself because Meg is opening an Etsy shop AND I get to help Joel and Jess πŸ™‚ Oh heck Meg, I’d buy anything you made πŸ™‚

Christine - Things that I’m always looking for on Etsy are cute older kids clothes (size 4-8), maybe i’m not looking in the right areas but they are hard for me to find.
So I think it would be wonderful if you could make cute/simple t-shirts for girls and boys,
or even things like aprons, sundresses…I really like your style and your fabric choices for your home and kids. I’d buy your stuff.
Along the sewing line, I’d also buy curtains (I desperately need cafe’ ones but don’t like the store bought ones), I LOVE the red ones you made for your mud room/entrance.Beautiful.
Side note: (Is it evident that I can’t sew?? So far I’ve been o.k. b/c I grew up in a small mennonite town in Manitoba and there were SO many “grandmas” willing to help me out!!)
I also noticed that you use Letters for decorating(eat, read,girls room), i do that too-so maybe even selling painted letters in different colors and sizes? That wouldn’t be too time consuming for you,plus you’d probably have a lot of interest?!
I lost a baby too early as well and have recently been supporting and praying for a dear
friend whose beautiful chubby boy Jay was born silently.I have a special heart for this project…
I’m grieving for the parents of little Cora and how even though I never met them, I
feel a connection through God’s family (isn’t that bizzare and great at the same time/?)
Geesh-I always talk too much. sorry!
God bless you Megan as you pour your heart into this, I’ll be praying for you and your fam.

lisa - The super craft shirts you make for the girls!!

4JJM - You are doing God’s work here Meg…I would love to see anything made from fabric from you…maybe little pillows, girly t-shirts. I also love:
and these

Wendy - I love your crayons and bottle cap magnets too!
But I would also buy some sort of tutorial on photography. It could be an email full of your tips and tricks or a phone conversation or something in writing, a pamphlet perhaps. Or maybe your top photo tricks on a series of videos. The pictures you took of Cora are gorgeous. I love your pictures and would love to know how you do it. And I don’t have time to take a class and have been unable to find such a thing anywhere close here, so I’m looking for a quick tutorial. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Think about it…

Cindy - What if you picked a few things to put in your shop, like the pillows, bottle caps and crayons, but took orders to make them personalized? That way you wouldn’t have to invest too much in something that doesn’t end up selling well. I have a friend who makes stitch markers, she has a couple of samples in her shop but will custom make whatever you want (within reason, of course.)

Christy - Meg, Anything you come up with would be awesome, seriously. I love all of the ideas folks have already suggested, the crayons, tees, magents & the cute notebooks! Love them all. Oh & your photography (as someone sugegsted) is amazing, I bet some stills of things you shoot would totally sell!

patricia - Just a few ideas of what you might sell-
1. Bottle yourself up and sell “whatever” – I would buy it.
2. Your photos are glorious.
3. A book of ideas –
4. Your bathroom wallpaper – on a roll.
5. Pieces of your life, in a book.
6. whatever….

adrienneK - the neat shirts with sewn on fabrics(cupcakes,flowers etc)
ps do you have an open id? i would like to add you to my friends list on livejournal:)

Kristin - Any of your prints on colorful objects. They are all beautiful and I’d love to frame some in my house πŸ™‚

Susan - This is such a great idea.
I would love to see the ribbon notebooks.

elisa - Count me in- how can I help?

Brittany - well, after attempting to make your cool letter crayons and failing miserably (they all turned out one yucky color) I would buy those. or your bottle cap magnets! I love them and don’t have the patience to make them!

Sheryl - I would love to have some of the adorable pillows you designed around Christmas time. The ones that look like little houses. I would love to be your neighbor in one of those little houses.

Diana G - Bottle cap magnets – I would buy hundreds of ’em!!! How about bottle cap necklaces – the tweens (and their moms) seem to love them.

Teresa - you can make EVERYTHING. Your work is amazing! maybe scrapbook how-tos, actual scrap books that people can just put pix in. Curtains!! I looooove the red ones you made.
Those yummy cookie/brownies you make, heck I’d buy them. The look delicious! πŸ™‚
You are a wonderful person for helping Cora’s family.

lee ann - I’d purchase just about anything from you! πŸ™‚ But….I would special order two little, short sleeved t’s. Size 3 and 6 please! I keep meaning to give them a try, but would love to support the Cora playground at the same time.

Erin - I vote for the embellished tees. But from what everyone else is posting, it sounds like you could fill a store with all of your crafty-ness!

Laura Moffat - Thank you Megan for all you have been willing to do for Jess & Joel. I’m Jessica’s friend from Colorado…I spoke with you the other day about the pics for the slideshow that we made for the service. Your pictures are beautiful and sooo treasured by the family. I think whatever you make it should be bright green and pink since those were Jess’ favorite colors on Cora πŸ™‚ ….I’m thinking cute bags or purses?? Nothing too hard or time consuming but something we could carry each day. Lot of great ideas on here! God bless you.
Laura Moffat

Kate - oh gosh, great idea!
hm, well, you basically can make anything out of anything, sooo…
i’d suggest:
curtains (maybe?)
lamp shades
those great crayons
t-shirts (like the ones you made for your girls for their b-days)
maybe scrap books that are pre-formatted? like that have the decorations and everything so all the person has to do is write in the allotted spots and put the pictures where they want to? i’ve seen these at wal-mart, and you’d surely do a better job than them. this is for the ridiculous procrastinators, obviously.
maybe some mini-mosaic-mirrors like the one in your bathroom?
and basically anything that your imaginative brain can whip up.
if you make it, i’m highly likely to buy it.

Leah - I think others have mentioned it…but I really like you bottle cap magnets!

Abby - The abc crayons – maybe in Cora’s initials and favorite colors? I am going to start making some doll quilts tomorrow to sell in my etsy shop (need to start an etsy shop too πŸ™‚

Anna - I would definitely like to see some of those bottle cap magnets. Pillows…like everyone is saying. Your hand towels are a must. Oh and anything else you might have up your sleeve.
I just opened an Etsy shop a couple of weeks ago.
I will touch base with Julie!
Thank you for spreading the word! God bless!

Alyssa - pillows! like the ones in your playroom. anything you make out of all of that beautiful material would be great! i would also take 5 of your christmas stockings!!!!

pam - lamp shades. πŸ™‚
and a chore chart like the one in your kitchen (and can you assign the chores too so I don’t take the heat?)
and i want one of those verse posters in your kitchen too.
you’re going to be very busy. πŸ˜‰

Alyssa - pillows! like the ones in your playroom. anything you make out of all of that beautiful material would be great! i would also take 5 of your christmas stockings!!!!

maribeth - what a great idea! i have been wanting to start an etsy shop. i have a six week old, but if i can get my act together, i would love to contribute. as for you, i definitely think you could sell anything you sew and the magnets that you had so much fun making at christmas. i can’t wait to see what you come up with!

traci - This idea excites me and Im thrilled you are doing it!!!!! Im miss this baby and I dont even know her…I just KNOW I would have loved her and her family looks precous. You are very talented…whatever you make will be a HIT and ALL FOR CORA!!!!

Shannan - Definitely the t-shirts! And hand towels! What about some note cards of your photographs?
And at the very top of my list: A batch of crayon “M”s and “S”s. The sooner the better. Thanks a million. πŸ™‚

jennifer - Definitely pillows and magnets! What a great idea, Meg.
Thank you for choosing that day to share with all of us what was going on with Cora, and Jess and Joel. It has truly been humbling to read their posts, how they have handled this with such grace. All glory to God!

ang - Megan,
I don’t know you, Jess, Joel and unfortunately never met baby Cora. But, I have been reading updates on Jess’ blog for a few weeks and have also read yours. I love your style-in fact, I’m sure I would buy most anything you could whip up. I’d be glad to pass the info along to others in Nebraska!!!

Molly - I have been considering opening an etsy shop for some time now. I have never met Jess or Joel but was so moved by their story like so many! I would love to make a few special dresses in honor of precious Cora’s life! I believe I have some pics somewhere on my blog of my designs!

traci - what a great idea!!! i loved those bottlecap magnets you made. and the cute little tshirts you made for your girls. heck meg, everything you create is awesome!!!

Allikayes Mama - Oh boy…I have wanted you to create an Etsy shop for awhile! And now for little Cora…perfect! There are so many things you have made – your etsy could just be a bunch of different things…pillows…bottlecap things…lots of fun stuff!

courtney - I would love to have some of your fun and bright pillow cases!! Anything with fun and funky fabric for my home, I will purchase!

Carrie - I loved your tshirts and hand towels (that you showed off at Christmas). I think my FAVE are the bottle cap magnets though. I would purchase any (or all) of those.

amie - i would love to help support cora’s playground! i’m a big fan of your pillows so i request those! and aprons! i love the idea of a playground in her memory, what an awesome way to honor such a strong little spirit that touched so many people who never even met her or her family…

Sara - I think the t-shirts you made were adorable, but I also think your duvets, curtains and pillows, etc. are adorable! You could maybe even customize and offer various fabric choices?
OK, now I’m offering up my own etsy fantasy, but since I can’t sew, thought I’d throw it out there… πŸ™‚
BTW, thanks for sharing the link the Cora’s story. I can’t get Cora and her parents out of my mind, so I would surely love to purchase something to help!!

Carly - oooh, those adorable notebooks with the fabric fringe. i can’t stop thinking about those and would buy one for sure! or two or ten.

Kelli Linkis - The t-shirts! YES! Do you do girls hair bows? They are hard to find that are super cute!

callie grayson - i love being crafty but I am in the middle of moving, so when you all get more your items posted on etsy, please make postings on your blog so I can SHOP!!! I am always looking for homemade gifts to buy.
I liked yo ABC crayons too! I am with Darby on those and your aprons were pretty awesome to

Chrissie Grace - I would love to donate some pieces from my shop:
or proceeds?…

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - I’d love a chance to buy one of the cute aprons you made last year at Christmas- and I’m sure others would, too!

Lauren - I’d buy anything to help Cora, and also anything you make (you’re so crafty) – so this is a GREAT IDEA!!!!

robyn Beckley Vining - sounds smart.
are they in need of making up costs for medical care?
i can’t imagine what they’ve accrued.
We’re non-profit workers slashing staff and budgets, but I could help with spreading the word about fundraising…

robyn Beckley Vining - sounds smart.
are they in need of making up costs for medical care?
i can’t imagine what they’ve accrued.
We’re non-profit workers slashing staff and budgets, but I could help with spreading the word about fundraising…

amy - Hi Meg!
Please make t-shirts like you made for your girls! And pillows…lots and lots of pillows! In your favorite funky colors and trims! I can’t sew very well, but I would love to contribute fabric and supplies to your stash! For real! Just say the word!

Tamra - you have made so many cute things. but I would love to see some of your photos (prints) up for sale. you take such vibrant beautiful photos.

pam - Oh and I’d love to see your adorable bottle cap magnets in YOUR etsy shop!!! they are too cute! xo

pam - I posted on my blog earlier today…I’ve come up with a Cora Paige tee! xoxox

danyele - great idea!!! btw, there will be an honorary gift bag donation of 100 goody bags to Sam Ministries (Homeless Shelter)
on Thursday, February 19, 2009 in honor of baby Cora…in addition to the donations yet to come at my local NICU and children’s hospital. awesome! just awesome.

Darby - Am I really the first to comment? Wow… I think should you sell your ABC crayons… they’re so fun and since it doesn’t require a sewing maching you could even get the kids in on it!!

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baby cora

she is struggling.


will you continue to prayfor cora and for her family?

their hearts are heavy.
it must be so discouraging day after day of this.

how Great is our God.
sing with me…how Great is our God
and ALL will see how Great…how Great is our God.

i cried all the way home today.
seeing jess's mother makes it all so real again…real pain and sorrow.
in your face.
my heart just aches for joel and jessica and their family.

Name above all Names.
Worthy of Our Praise.
My heart will sing How great is our God.

they are hurting so much.
they are sad and scared and just want to bring their baby home.

when the darkness closes in Lord…
still i will say Blessed be the name of the lord.
Blessed be your Glorious Name.

My heart will choose to say
Lord Blessed Be Your Name.

(the red words were two of the songs i was listening to today…singing through tears.)
jess and joel –
the women at Mom to Mom last night want you to know that


IMG_3329 IMG_3332





all of us.

we are thinking of you.  
praying for you.
missing you.

Dawn Sullivan - Having a child who struggles daily, I am so sorry to hear about this precious little one. I will pray for her and her family.
“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear, then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer, you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I.” Isa. 58: 8,9

Kate Eschbach - That song. The Holy Spirit is moving. That song has been stuck in my head all week. It has been my anthem for the last two weeks (as I pray for a husbands job) and tonight, I join you in singing this song for Cora. How great is our God? When all we can do is obey and praise.

carissa - keeping precious Cora lifted in constant prayer… and jess & joel… their entire family!
we serve a mighty God… he IS so great…!
prayer warriors all about!
hugs to you too Meg!

Christy - Still thinking about baby Cora. I hope she is well & home soon.

Lee Ann - I’m praying Meg! It just sucks doesn’t it! I just lost a friend (24) to CA. Then yesterday evening at work I took a little baby off life support to die in his parents’ arms. Then I came home and read your blog. Too much! Just balled in my husbands arms. It just doesn’t seem right. I sing those words all the time. How Great is our God! We must not forget that.

deb meyers - I am praying, too. Thank you for the song lyrics.
deb meyers

Amy - I posted a little blog about sweet Cora…figured the more people praying the better.
I just keep reminding myself that the (our) Lord shall endure forever and ever and ever and ever……and that is a guarantee of a lifetime. - me too. prayers coming….

jody campbell - Prayers–big big big prayers from knoxville. God is good. He is faithful and He is mighty.
When two or more are gathered in His Name!
Dear sweet Cora–your smile is so bright.
And all of these people are praying for you and your family.

Erin - prayers from Spain. Meg, i hope you don’t mind – i took your photo of Cora and posted it on my blog.
i made a ‘reminder’ image for myself that i printed out and put in a place i will see every day. i hope others do the same. our God is a God of miracles.

Jennifer P. - Praying. And like everyone else—waiting for a time when all these “why’s” finally get answered.
Love to you and your friends.

katy - Meg, I just posted about Cora on my blog. I want as many people as we can get to pray for her. Let me know if I can do anything to help with her family. Sincerely, Katy

katy - I will pray, I hate hearing this. I will ask my readers to pray for her and her family as well.

Shannon - Meg, I have been reading your blog for awhile now (which I LOVE). I am not one to comment, but have been so touched by the story of Cora and wanted to thank you for sharing it. I passed along Cora’s story to my Bible Study here in McPherson…this group of mommas are praying and feeling right along with you. We also had some friends that had a 5 month old son diagnosed with Neuroblastoma several years ago. He had a tough battle, highs and lows just like Cora, but he is now a happy, healthy 5 year old. There is SO much power in prayer. His Mom is also a Kansas teacher, so I passed along Cora’s info to her…she then contacted Cora’s parents through their blog letting them know she was available for any questions they might have.

traci - I know we dont have to beg but I have found myself begging with God for this precious child. I dont understand. I continue to pray. I cant even fathom…I really cant!!

traci - i have been and will continue to pray for sweet little cora. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family too meg.

Kim - I have been praying for little Cora and her family since you first posted. It just breaks my heart. “We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony” I’ve been playing this song over and over crying out for healing for Cora. It’s called Overcome by Desperation Band.

Erin - ‘I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you’.” 2 Kings 20:5…
I am on my knees in prayer for this beautiful baby girl. Lord Jesus, show us your glory.
Erin in Indiana

Pattie - I have been checking their updates so many times a day since you first posted. Is there anything more that those of us who don’t know them personally can do? Are they still taking donations? I would love to send money to you to provide food or something. She is just a precious little thing. Thanks for your update, I know it must be so hard on all of you who are their friends.

Beth - I don’t even know this family and this really is making me hurt so much inside for them…I had a button made for her and since you have a big amount of bloggers please pass this on…I actually have done tow post since hearing about this baby…She just makes me smile everytime I see her beautiful face. Please send my love and prayers to this family since you know them. I have been praying so hard for her little body to be healed. God is Good! I know he is with her.

Darby - Meg, I’m praying and commenting on their blog… please, Lord Jesus, have mercy on and heal this little child.

Jesse Peak - My friend and I were just wondering about baby Cora. We are both praying for her and her family! What wonderful friends she has.

Dana - i found out about sweet little Cara via Angie’s twiter from Bring the Rain. My heart is breaking as I read about her struggles. I just wanted to let you know I am also keeping Cara and family in my prayers.

Bethany - I too have been following the story of sweet, beautiful Cora. My heart is breaking right along side of everyone else’s. Thanks for sharing Meg.

alyssa - Still hard to believe that that sweet baby girl is lying as sick as can be in a hospital bed…

Chrissie Grace - My heart aches for Cora and her parents. I will include them in my prayers…

Rachel Reeves - GOD IS SO GOOD.
GOD IS SO GOOD….He is good to me.
Still praying…..

kristen - Prayers from NC. Amen.

sarah - I’m praying for them continuously.
Every single time i look at my little girl, I think of them and say a little prayer.

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pray for cora

this sweet precious girl is fighting for her life.



i wasn't going to blog about this.
i thought it was just too sad….too much for me…not my place.
but then i visited her and her mother and grandmother yesterday.
it's just the worst place you want to be as a mother.
it was almost more than my heart can take this week.

i decided to blog it because she needs our prayers more than i can worry about making you sad.


will you pray for her?
and for all of her family.
she is so tiny.  
so fragile.  
please Pray.

pve - Cora is one strong little gal. I am praying for her and her family.

beth - Yes I found her blog last week and just cried over this little baby…Today I asked one of my blogging friends to make a button for her and she did so if you would like this button and feel free to pass this along to others…please do so. Beth

Holly Nickel - Megan,
We’d like to send some cheerful books to Cora from the kids at Pages. Do you know how we could get them to her in a non-intrusive way?
-Holly (Ben’s Mom)

Amber - I said a prayer for sweet little Cora and her family last night after reading this and will continue to keep them in my prayers. It just makes my heart ache. I realize how much I have to be grateful for. - o.k.,
she is so in our prayers tonight!!!!!!!

Ashlie - Of course I will pray!! How can I not lift that sweet face up to our Lord?! Thank you for blogging about this so we all have the oppurtunity to pray for her.

Trish - my heart breaks for little Cora and her family.
I will be praying.
Thanks for sharing her with us.

Cherry Tree Lane - I’m not sure if I already commented, but I posted this on my blog so that even more people can pray! Praying the Lord heals this little life.

susanne - this is so sad. i hope she stays strong and fights. please keep us posted.
keep saying prayers. i will too.

traci - meg, i am so sorry. thank you for sharing this. the power of prayer is bigger than us. so all of us praying for her has got to help. {{{HUGS}}}

Lauren - Hi Meg! I just want you to know that I will be praying for baby Cora. The power of prayer is an amazing phenomenon!
Also, I want to encourage everyone to read a small book called Angel Unaware. I’m not sure of the author, but is about a little child with a disability and altough she can’t communicate with her family, she communicates with God as she is an angel. It will change your outlook on children. I truly believe, especially as babies, that children are angels and maybe Cora was sent to teach us all something. You can hold on to the fact that somehow, some way, God will be glorified through all of this.

Jamie - I went to your friend’s blog & it made me cry. She’s such a cutie. You sure do hug your kids a little harder after you read a story like that. Thanks for sharing. They are in my prayers.

heather lea - poor sweet little girl…i keep coming back to your blog to look at her sweet face. i am praying for her and her family, and your sanity. take care πŸ™‚

Tenille - I was just introduced to your blog, love it.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I (and alot of other people) are lifting her up often!
God Bless you and your family!

meleea - thank you for sharing this! we will be praying and following the blog.

Gini - Oh, Meg. I could not even read their blog. I will lose control….I could barely look at the pictures. But whatever has come to that family, I will surely pray…I am so sorry for what they are dealing with…so so sorry…

Alice - She is so adorable. I can’t believe that is happen to her. She and her family are in my prayers.

Jen R - I’ll pray! She’s beautiful!

Kelly O. - I’ve just cried and cried. My shirt is wet from tears. As a mother this hits all too real and painful. This little girl is so precious. I will pray. Hard.

Queen Bee - We are praying, we are praying, we are praying. You’ve had waaaaay too much sadness in your life lately. We’ll be praying for you and everyone surrounding this beautiful child as well.

Ashley - … and it all happened so recently! It’s just terrible. No child should have to suffer the way that sweet baby is suffering. I will most definitely pray for her!

Ashley - … and it all happened so recently! It’s just terrible. No child should have to suffer the way that sweet baby is suffering. I will most definitely pray for her!

FiveCamels - Thank you for giving us a way to help AND a list of prayers. She’ll be in my prayers.

Shannan - This brings back all kinds of memories – we went through a very similar situation 2 years ago with our 22 month old son. God is sovereign and he gave Cora to her mommy and daddy for a reason. He is mighty to save, and I will be praying. Those prayers pulled us through.

jennifer - Oh Meg, thanks for sharing. I remember when you posted those adorable pictures that you took of her. We’ll be praying…

Daisy Cottage - Prayers going up for this beautiful, beautiful baby girl.

pam - God. Yes. I’ll pray for this darling child and her parents. God bless them. xo

Lori - Thanks for giving us the opportunity to pray for this beautiful baby and those who love her. It is an honor. I agree with you – cancer sucks.

meredith - Thanks for sharing about this Meg – if this is not the best use of your blogging friends who care for you and yours, I don’t know what is. I’ve been to her parents blog and have taken note of their prayer points. Me and my family are on to it. Let’s rally.

Tracy - Thanks for letting us know, Meg – I have added sweet baby Cora and her family to my prayer list. Big Hugs, Trac~

Amanda Rettke - That is one beautiful child…

Ann - Hi Meg,
I have already begun praying for this sweet little girl and her family. Thank you for sharing about her – prayer is so powerful. Just remember God is always in control during the rough storms in life. Seeing your blog today reminded me once again how precious life is and not to take a single day for granted. I will continue to pray for her and her family.

Melissa - Oh, my word! Praying, praying, and praying some more.

MGF - I am so glad that you shared her with us. Her and her fmaily have lingered in my thoughts.
About lost last night- I missed JACK and Kate.

carissa - oh Meg…
thank you for telling us about this precious child!

colleen - Thanks for posting this. When you go through this with your child, the power of mass prayer is what is needed. The words in their guestbook will bring them peace and comfort. It helped tremendously when we were in the thick of it all with Ellie. Cancer is so wrong and to see your child go through all the treatment and then having to worry about the cancer coming back is all just horrible. But when you have God on your side, you can get through it. Ellie’s journey has been the worst time in our lives and the best time. We get life now and see things so much clearer then we ever have. Ellie is so amazing and we are enjoying each and every day and giving all the worry over to God.
You did the right thing to post this.

Kelly - praying for sure!

Dana@BoysMyJoys - Praying for Cora!

Kate - wow. really really sad story. she’s such a doll. i’ll never understand such horrible illnesses being inflicted on children.
i’ll keep her in my prayers.

Christy - I don’t even know what to say. I just couldn’t imagine.
Prayers they have got. I hope beautiful & precious baby Cora will be okay.

Jennifer - Oh she is so precious. Yes, we will pray for her and her family.

chris - I can not believe that , so many go through so much heart ache , children are such a gift , I have recently learned that the hard way , not that I didn’t know . I am so hopeful that she will be in good hands and do well in this journey .
They are in my thoughts , thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Lazy Mom Leslie - Praying here! It’s not a bad thing to feel sad, it’s good to be thankful for what you have and to pray for others! Praying!

Amy De La Garza - Thank you for sharing this with us. You were absolutely right to ask us to pray. I am praying for her now, and for her parents, doctors, nurses and everyone else involved. I am praying that the Holy Spirit fill and sustain them all, and that Cora is healed completely of this disease. Please keep us posted.

Jill Adkins - I am so glad you shared- I will storm the heavens with prayer for this sweet child and her family!
Many Blessings!

katy - I will absolutely pray for that precious child!!!!!!!!!! I will go over to her parents blog. That’s terrible, NO ONE should lose a child….my heart hurts for them. What a sweet sweet little girl. The power of prayer!
Thank you for posting about her and letting us know.

traci - checking out her blog and absolutely yes…I will pray for her….and I am now!! Thank you for sharing, we NEED to pray for each others burdens and there is power in prayer and the number who pray and believe!!!! God is Good!!

Deb - Prayer is so powerful! You did the right thing.
I have many prayer warriors in my life so I am going to ask everyone to pray for Cora. God Bless.

Wendy - She is adorable. Prayer is such a powerful thing. It can work miracles. Our 10 year old son went through 3 open heart surgeries, pneumonia, and RSV in his first three years. It was prayer, hope, and faith that got us through. All involved in his health care (including us) admit that he is truly a miracle.
I will pray for a miracle for Cora.

Staci - Oh Meg…so terribly sad. I cannot even imagine what they are going through?? I am adding little baby Cora to my prayer list. Please keep us updated…and I will be looking forward to another post with lots of color πŸ™‚ The sadness is too much sometimes isn’t it?! God is good though…it doesn’t mean I still don’t wonder why?

Shelly H. (in Overland Park, KS) - Hello Meg,
Thank you for sharing to let us know about Cora.
I also went to their family’s blog, and posted a note to let them know that they will be in my prayers.

Pattie - Hey, Meg,
I hope it’s OK that I sent out a prayer request for the family on my blog. I should have asked you first and didn’t think about it until I had already posted.

Darby - My prayers are with them.

PamperingBeki - I felt strange blogging about it too, but I really felt like I had to try and help.
The only things I’m decent at are blogging and making jewelry, so I did blog about it.
It’s incredible to see people all over the world praying for Cora and the family.

Marla Taviano - I’ve been praying for Cora since yesterday when I heard. Oh my goodness, she’s gorgeous!!

danyele - praying for that precious little pea…

Rachel - Bless this child and her family…I will keep them in my thoughts.

Amanda Jo - What a sweet angel! I will certainly lift them up in prayer today and every time the Lord brings them to mind.
Thank you for sharing these sweet people with us.

Lanny Stanard - Oh Megan, I’m so sad what’s going on over there! I’m asking why and I know I shouldn’t… I will pray a whole bunch that’s for sure, I’m thinking I’ll feature you next week to much going on to much sadness! I’m so sorry πŸ™
much love, Lanny

Karen - OK – I am going to read about this on her parents blog but I just know I will end up in tears. Thanks for sharing though, it makes us all feel thankful when we have healthy children.

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