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after my pineapple cutting demonstration…i made a smoothie.
i almost always do.
and it’s nothing special.

frozen blueberries (even if they have ice crystals all over them…)
i use frozen because they are cheaper.
i will use fresh this summer…maybe.

orange juice.
blend it.
and that’s it.
no measurements…i just add and pour…if there is a bunch then i share with my kids or craig.
or not.
sometimes i add strawberries…sometimes not.


sabeen - Wonderful!. This looks tasty. I like your idea. Your photo help is really best. This is good work. Thank you so much.

Laura - Would you mind sharing what kind of blender you have? I need a new blender and want one that will blend such things well.

Cortney - Dr.Sears has a great recipe you can google. I know you were just posting what you use not asking for suggestions. Oj has a lot of sugar and you wont miss it if you add a banana. You have to watch yogurt as well if you are watching sugar. Silken tofu is a great source of protein.

Rach - We love smoothies over here. Great way to get miss picky eater to get some good nutrition in her. Now if only I could make a spinach and broccoli shake taste good. 🙂

April~Living The Sweet Life - Hi Meg so happy you found me through Country Living Magazine. This recipe looks wonderful. I am on a smoothie kick right now.

Courtney Walsh - you make it without milk? This is great news because I can’t have dairy! I’m going to try this! 🙂

Molly - Yum! That looks delicious!

Gemma - Yummy! That colour looks amazing. You’ve inspired me to go and buy a pineapple today : )
If any of you get a chance please take a look at my blog…I want to make some new friends!
Gemma X

anne - you win the best freckles award.

Tanya - I need a blender

No.17 CherryTreeLane - I just bought a huge watermelon and have some banana’s and frozen berries. I wonder if that would work.

Melanie - I could drink that right now:)

linda lou - yummie for your tummie (:

Vicki - You know it’s spring/summer time when you can whip out the smoothies…there’s just something about drinking a smoothie in the winter that just isn’t nearly as satisfying as when it warms up outside. Cheers!

Staci - Met some friends just this morning to have a smoothie and chat 🙂 I chose the chai tea one this morning…never had one before and it was super yummy 🙂

tami reed - that looks yummy, my hubby makes the best smoothies too lol

Karina - Yum! I love making those for the kids, smoothies are so versatile, you can throw in bananas or not, yogurt or not, it’s really flexible. I thought everybody liked them until I had a friend and her daughter over; I made smoothies for the whole gang and our guests were the only ones who left their glasses barely touched. I thought, how ODD, and what a WASTE of smoothie!! I’ll save them for us next time; maybe guests could use a taster spoon like they do at an ice cream counter before I commit to pouring them a glass!!

beth - I second that…YUMO!

Maggie Rose - I use frozen stawberries too, and no ice. I usually add something creamy like a little yogurt or soymilk.
Looks so good right now! Our blender broke so no smoothies for me for a while 🙁

Christy - Yumm! Makes me want to make a smoothie right now.
*LOL* @ Jill – I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, but I have those glasses too. They are indestructable!

kristine - i use frozen berries so i don’t have to use ice. then i just eat the fresh fruit when it’s in season 🙂
great self-portrait. isn’t it nice to actually start being in the pictures?!

Staci Danford - YUM… Wow I love smoothies.. I am going to the store today and buying some fruit, getting my blender, and making me one.. LOVED it..

Jill J - Oops, I mean “they’re” not “there”

Jill J - OK… Does everyone on the planet have those drinking glasses? I don’t even go to Target to get replacements anymore, there always at Goodwill. 🙂

The lady of the House - Yummy! Smoothies are delish aren’t they! Have a smashing day! The Lady

Trina McNeilly - Yummy yum yum. I need a blender bad. Can’t believe I’ve gotten by without one for so long..but now I need a smoothie.

Georgia - I like the look and the making of a smoothie, but i just cant drink them.. lol
Looks a lovely purple colour though!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I just have to say, I am still loving the new haircut. I take notice of it every time you share a picture. We put yogurt in our smoothies. The kids think they are drinking a milkshake.

Jodi - This looks like a yummy combo. I usually make a peanut butter banana with soymilk and ground flax in the morning. I want to try this though, it looks lighter for summer. I cracked my plastic blender though and patched it up with duct tape…classy right?

anna - yay! thanks for posting that! looks so good!

tara pollard pakosta - YUMMY! we all LOVE smoothies here!
We usually do strawberry/banana/apple/flax/spinach/juice!
I use frozen berries alot too>
delicious! I love your blog!

Pamela duMont - smoothies are a daily drink here…we add flax oil, protein powder and sprinkle some wheat germ in for good measure! I make mine with yogurt…and BTW..go see the movie BABIES. you’ll love it. I took my daughter on Mothers Day..

Lee Ann - we love smoothies too. Here’s my trick. I chop/freeze the bananas….especially if they’re getting to old to eat. Freeze them on a plate until frozen, then dump in a bag or container. This way you don’t have to use ice. We also love to add spinach…..even my kids!…..oh, and peanut butter for protein.

Amy - just wanted you to know that I went and bought a pineapple after your last post and will not buy canned again! My kids are enjoying a smoothie this morning too! (minus the bananas…ewww, mama doesn’t like them!)
you are too cute and thanks for just making me smile when I read your posts! Makes me feel that life is just as normal as it should be!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - i wish i made smoothies… they always look so yummy… but seem like a pain to make!

Bec - You should throw in a little spinach- can’t taste it but it is good for you! (use the fresh kind, not the can 😉 )

paige - we love those around here too…can get a little expensive making daily smoothies for 5 with fresh fruit, but yum yes!
trying to find some great protein to add to them…

Nancy - my girls are all over the “smoovies” as my youngest calls them. My oldest just whipped it up herself. I find that when she makes it, she eats it. Love that. Pineapple will be in our next one, now. A little bit of Hawaii. If I can’t get to Hawaii, I will pretend!

Dianne - YUM!!!! I have a pineapple at home that may be destined for a smoothie tonight 🙂

Tam - delish! I wish I could make one right now! I need to get groceries 🙁

Emily - I add 1/4 cup of egg whites to make mine a protein smoothie, and it’s tasteless!

Nicole Q. - wish we could sit and chat over a good smoothie today!

jess - yum! i am on a “green” smoothie kick…adding spinach to mine!

megan - thanks for posting that. i wondered if you put yogurt in it when i was reading your “pineapple post”. smoothies are such a great way to crank out your 5-a-day goal!!
have a great day!

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the end of an era….

on friday annie finished her last day of preschool.
which also means that my 12 year run of being a preschool mom is also over.
5 of those years were at new creation preschool with ms. kristin.
i met her just weeks after moving to newton.
i called the school…she answered and told me "i hadn't told anyone yet but we just had an opening"
it was meant to be.
annie was a newborn in her carseat when we took sean in for his first day.
i am so thankful for this school.  for kristin.  for her graceful way of teaching my children.

so i cried it all out on friday…in my car….in the wendy's parking lot.
(and now again while i am typing this)

when i took this picture….it clicked that this was over.
i don't know why.
this picture.
i got all choked up, alone in annie's preschool room while they practiced their program upstairs.
check out kristin's rainbow skirt.

so there it is.
over forever.
annie is my last baby.
she grew up overnight.
and now i am a mom of school age children.
no babies.
that is really hard for me to come to grips with.
i know i have five kids….i know i am tired and worn out by them….i know that what i have is enough.
but i really cannot believe that the baby stage is over.
that i will never have another baby.
it makes me feel too grown up….old.
i don't really want to start dealing with only BIG kid issues…driving, talking back, grades, sex….


and then annie took off riding way down the street without waiting for me.
kind of like she did growing up.
she never even asked me.

i am sure that my new "freedom" will be great.
i will get so much done and that this is a new stage and it will be good.
this baby/preschool stage was my normal for the past 15 years.
now i am done.
it is very surreal.
i hope my kids still need me…
without sippy cups or potty training or floaties or shoe tying.

don't feel sorry for me.
my pity party is at max capacity already. 

np - We have the same exact things going on in our lives! My baby(of 5) is also heading to big boy school, in the fall. I enjoy reading your blog b/c you mother with such purpose and love…. thanks for the inspiration.

katherinemarie - I recognize that CLASSROOM as one of my favorite preschool rooms EVER!!! What an amazing preschool experience for your little Annie. I hope the memories of all that color-wonder-bliss-creativity will ease your mama’s heart as you say goodbye to such a wonderful school experience.

jaz - What a DELICIOUS classroom! Ooooh so gorgeous!! And what a beautiful girl you have there. You captured these memories so beautifully xox

Trina McNeilly - The colors are spectacular… love them… makes me happy …after a whole afternoon of talking back and big kid drama.. coming from a 1st GRADER.. whats up with that? I think baby crying is easier…. i might change my mind at 2am though. But time does go so fast. I’m sure that is a crazy feeling everyone done with pre-school.

Erin Leigh - This blog makes me so happy. The colors + the photos. I teach kinder + it’s good for me to read these comments to have a little empathy for my weepy moms on the first day of school. The ones who ask me what their child ate and hand me sunscreen to chase them around on the playground with. (i know this not you)My little guy is only 2, but i already feel weepy thinking about him growing so fast… my turn will come!

Kelly - such a good post for me to read. I’m just starting with the whole baby thing and right now not getting any sleep and am exhausted. reminds me to cherish. kelly

Maria - loved this post.
We just had our prek graduation last friday too…our last after being there for 8 years ( 4 boys worth).
Not quite sure I will know what to do with myself next school year with no one to tote back and forth to prek for once.
We will go from 4 schools to 2 schools next year (probably the only year that will happen) and that I am really looking forward to.
such sweet photos of your preschool too..hang in there…

krystall - now I’m crying too! I have thought those exact same thoughts and had those exact same feelings. I was crying over my boys getting married one day and leaving me, they were 3 & 2 at the time:)
I have one more little chick with me at home during the day and I think this post made me realize I need to apprecaite what I have instead of fretting about what’s to come,
thanks for the reminder to grasp each moment with them

Andria - Meg,
My youngest is finishing kindergarten. I am right there with you. I have found myself bursting into tears so many times while watching a show with a baby in it. I am a baby-preschool age mom, its my favorite time. My heart aches that I will not have another even though I am busy with my 3 boys. My husband tells me all the time we have enough on our plate but I still yearn for another. So I have been soaking every minute of kindergarten, every minute my youngest puts his hand in mine.

Courtney Walsh - Meg,
I still have a baby at home (well, he’s two) but this post still got me teary. And I don’t tear. I’m not a cry-er. It’s so hard in the midst of the “stop!” and “don’t do that!” to realize that when they are grown, they are grown… and we can’t stop it. I hate it. 🙁 boo. I am going to go hug my hobbit now.
Annie’s preschool looks absolutely amazing.

Kate - Beautiful post. Mine is not in preschool yet, and I am actually dreading that transition…every stage is hard! If it helps at all, I am 39, and I still talk to my Momma every single day…I still need her. Momma’s are always needed!

ashley - Beautifully said. Gorgeous and fun classroom. What was in Annie’s book, if you don’t mind me asking?

Sophie - Such beautiful photos to capture beautiful memories.
And you still have your babies. Sure, they might not need you to help them read or tie their shoes, but I’m the youngest of three, and even though I’m seventeen, I’m still my mother’s baby (:

kristin - for one of the first times since friday that i’m crying. i’ve been in a weird place of grief over this ending…it is so so so so bittersweet. today it seems mostly bitter.
oh, i will miss your family. your support. your enthusiasm.
thank you for the pictures. again.

Brooke Whitis - I LOVED her preschool!! That place was such a blessing…such a creative, awesome teacher and a place that even had a BLOG!! She inspired me as a teacher 🙂 I hope you enter the next stage with as much joy as you have the last! You are a wonderful mom 🙂

Carol S. - Mine are 5th grade and sophomore, and I was just at your stage yesterday. But, I get lifted by friends with older kids (college, married, grandparents) who say there are JOYS in every stage! Truly, it will be there. So briefly mourn the loss of one stage, and then quickly throw yourself into finding the JOYS of the next. (That’s my plan)

Joni Lane - wow, what a beautiful preschool. how wonderful that it has filled you with so many wonderful memories.

jeanne - I cried just reading this. I think I cry a lot reading your posts.

Susan - Oh Meg, I am feeling your pain right now. I am going through similar growing pains – my baby (by nine years) and last child is STARTING preschool this summer (pre-preschool), and I am sooooo sad to say goodbye to the era of having my babies all to myself and home with me all day everyday. I find it so difficult to leave each stage behind, but, as you know, the new stages bring their own triumphs and joys.

DreamGirlLisa - I know how you feel, it’s so sad when they grow up, and THINK they don’t need you…but they always will 🙂 You will love having that time alone once you get used to it, enjoy!

Nancy M - In a few years you can look forward to grandbabies. ♥

Janet - My very wise momma once told me she thinks jr.hi/high school kids need their parents almost more than the younger ones. The tricky part, as you are well aware, is figuring out how to be there w/o “interfering.”
My ‘baby’ turned 21 yrs today.

Stina - Love that school. Love your pictures. So bright and cheerful. I was following both your blog and the preschool’s blog for at least a year before I spotted a picture of Annie there and realized that THAT was where she went. How awesome for your kids. I would LOVE to go to that preschool even now…at almost 30. lol. What a treat. And now on to the next chapter. Of course they will still need you. You still need your Mama, I’m sure. And, of course, we need you and your fun posts. 🙂

candace - YOU should become a preschool teacher!!!!! The you could be around the fun littles all the time.

Kerry Wiebe - Sister don’t be sad!!! You can ALWAYS have things changed if you know what I mean!! I am living proof of that HA! HA!
And if not any time you need a baby fix PLEASE PLEASE Call and I will come a runnin’ 🙂
Love You Girl!!!

elma - Oh I know how you feel I am going thru it this year. Adrian started kindergarten my baby my last one. I cried so hard when he went on his first day all the other mothers thought I was nuts. Our oldest is 24 and Adrian five where did the time go. Eight kids, 24 years gone in the blink of an eye. I to feel sooooo flippin old what do I do next?? It is sad.

Robyn - oh my goodness…. this preschool seems AMAZING! the colors and art and creativity! i wish our preschool, while its great and all, i wish they had this fun stuff! so nice of you to take all those pics too… the teachers must love them!

Karen - I wish you all the best with everything you plan to get done now. It didn’t work out that way for me! My hubby put me to work on the farm even more, and I never had time to breathe. Since then, my babies (all five of them) have grown in the blink of an eye, and I have one grandbaby. It’s not all that bad getting older either. In fact, it’s rather sweet. Enjoy the ride!

Betsy - Love to see the pictures of her classroom. I always wonder what people notice about my classroom.
Did you, by chance, make the triangle fabric “banner” for that classroom? It looks like you and I LOVE it! I’d love to buy one for my classroom ceiling since I have zero clue how to sew!
Etsy idea??? 🙂

Kristin - I want to go to that preschool!

patti - my oldest daughter is 5 and she graduates from preschool at the end of the month. i can’t believe it. i cried when she when to preschool…i’m going to be a mess the first day of kindergarten!

the inadvertent farmer - I was not expecting tears when I read this but alas I sit here with the waterworks streaming…
I thought I was done…I was so sad.
Then when my youngest had just turned 13 along came our only girl…then her baby brother followed…making it 4 boys 1 girl in all total.
Now as I sit across from newly graduated from college 24 year old and my new potty trained 3 year old I just shake my head and wonder at it all!
Good luck with this new phase…Kim

sarah - oh my, this got to me… it’s hard watching our babies grow up.
my oldest starts preschool in august and it seems too early for it.
btw, your photos are really great. they really bring your posts to life.

Sandy - I can’t believe how much that little stinker (said very lovingly!) has grown up just in the two years I’ve been reading your blog.
They will forever need you.

Daisy Cottage - (((Meg))))
I promise you that they will need you even more as they get older. They will need you every single day.

Liz M - I would like to go to that preschool too. Total coolness. Could they have a day for Moms who want to re-connect with their “inner glue and paper collage?” Sounds like bliss.
PS I LOVE Annie’s happy outfits. And that picture of her sailing off down the street just makes me S M I L E.

kristine - i totally have tears in my eyes! i JUST registered natalie (my first baby) in preschool on friday. what different days we had from each other!
i love annie’s school. i hope natalie’s is just as much fun!

Nicole - I was flipping through these photos and thought, “that looks an awful lot like the Preschool Days blog I follow” and sure enough it is! I follow Kristin’s blog simply because she looks like an amazing teacher and her class looks so fun. You are so lucky to have had your children go through her room!!

Audrey - I’ve been feeling the same way…and my youngest is just 18 months old! We have four children and I know that this is our last one. Why does this baby need to be the one that wants to be so independent so early???!!! With every milestone he passes I think that it our last time for crawling, bottles, learning to walk…..! If I’m like this now – what am I going to be like when he goes to school????

Melissa Gruber - oh meg, this is the post i needed to read…thank you! as a mom of twin girls who will be 3 in 3 weeks…i just wish away some of the stages/phases they go through and are in. i need to remember i will never get them back…NEVER!!! so enjoy them…the good, the bad and the ugly and just love them to death.
enjoy your week!

Andrea McKnight - My baby boy “graduates” from preschool Thursday night. Sigh. The end of five wonderful years with Mrs. Storts – which started with my eldest daughter. I too will no longer be a preschooler mother.

citymouse - My guys are older than yours and we’ve passed this milestone already. Like all the milestones with your kids, it takes some getting used to but then you enjoy what comes next. On the complete other end of things, when my oldest turned 21 I felt so old (even though I had kids ranging all the way down to 12 at the time). I kept thinking how on earth could one of my babies be an honest-to-God grown up? But it happened. Now, I enjoy a very new dimension to our relationship that didn’t exist when he was a teenager and it’s nice. (He just turned 23.)

Jaimie - Aw no worries, they will always need you. On another note, you are so LUCKY to have found such a great school. Not all kids get the opportunity to go to a preschool like that, so you are very, very lucky!

Staci - I’m right there with you 🙁 Only our kindergarten is only 1/2 day, so I still get another year to “feel” like he’s little 🙂 You are right, it’s a new chapter…one I am sure you will fill up with new and beautifully creative things 😉

Rach - I have no idea what that feeling is like yet but I am sure I will re-read this post when the time comes and my own tears will flow. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

Angela - So if I don’t ever send my baby to preschool, maybe she won’t ever grow up, right? Wishful thinking I know. My oldest two are 11 and 12 year old boys. I was just fine when they went from preschool to regular school. But for some reason the thought of even sending my baby girl (who’s only 1 1/2) off to preschool sends me running for the Puffs. Hang in there!

alyssa - Now you’re making me sad. I was already secretly freaking out that Ava is done on Wednesday. Each year is getting harder instead of easier!!!

Kacey - Awww…crying with you. Just think of all the good times ahead!

Lori - I absolutely get where you are. My kids are 14 and 18, but I remember bawling after the final program of my youngest’s 5th grade class (end of elem school for us). But I will say that you get used to having the older kids, and a little freedom. And you need that break to prepare for the older kid issues (yse, they will still need you!). But the older kids are way more interesting, if less cute. 🙂

Dianne Avery - Ahhhh, this made me cry. This is my last babies last few weeks too. It’s true that they grow up so fast.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - 15 years is a long time! I’m still smack dab in the middle of the baby stage, but I know i’ll feel exactly the same way when it’s over. i hate change!
but i am a bit jealous of all the free time you’re gonna have come fall. 😉

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

Tanya - Look at all that fun and color

sarah - Makes me cry…
I adore that picture of Annie and 3 of her friends. She looks so grown up.
These pictures are all so special. She’ll love looking at them when she’s older.
And your kids will still need you. Sometimes they won’t admit it, but they’ll need you.
For years and years to come, they’ll come to you for all sorts of things. I know I still need my mom.

Jennifer - I only have two, but my life and identity was so tied into being their mother, that when my first was ending preschool and getting ready for kindergarten, I fell apart. I stopped being able to sleep at night and had so much anxiety that they put me on medication for a while. Now THAT is lame. At some point I was able to pull myself out of it and enjoy all of the new stuff that was starting. I didn’t realize that the teachers would still need and welcome me to help out (even more, hello PTO!), and the unknown was just awful. I did much better when my “baby” started school in 07, mostly because she was SO ready and so mature. Now my oldest has only one year left of elementary school. My goal is to hold it together and just try to enjoy the ride! New fun and exciting things! But yes, saying goodbye to the baby/toddler times is really tough.

Tere - Sniff, sniff. I’m with you. Lilia’s (my #4) ends too. On to kindergarten in the fall. Bittersweet.
Thank you for sharing your pictures. So careful and fun. Take care.

Lisa - AAAAGH! I’m so relieved to read this post and know I’m normal!! This is my daughter’s last week of preschool and I have been SO SAD, crying every time I think about it. I am so not ready to be done with preschool. It is just the perfect stage. They have their away time, social time, some independence, but then come HOME and have the rest of the day with ME. Perfect. I’m not ready to be a “real” school mom either. Crying right along with you! Hang in there!!

Jen M in Texas - I know exactly how you feel because my little man’s last day of Preschool is on the 27th and it makes me so sad to think that I won’t ever go into the fun happy little school.
Here’s to new adventures as mom’s of school kids!!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - no pity, only support. it’s hard for all of us. although we celebrated the various stages in our children’s lives, it’s never easy.

Dineen - I’ve never commented before but this post hit too close to home. I too am ending the preschool years this June. I know I will be a basket case, as I am EVERY June when the kids finish up a grade. I too love our preschool. I hand picked the school for our oldest son who is now 8. Where does the time go? I remember checking out the school when the kids were just 3 and 2 and I was pregnant with #3. Just crazy. I feel your pain. I don’t know how I am going to deal with these years ending either. Hang in there. I know deep down it will be just fine…right?

AshleyAnn - Killing me with this post. It is a good reminder because my sippy cup, diaper stages won’t be over for a while and quite frankly I get sick of diaper changes and sippy cups.
That preschool has to be the greatest anywhere…forget my kids, I want to go there.

Freckled Hen - This is a timely post. I have 5 kids, too. Just yesterday I cried because my youngest is now a boy. A real boy that talks (a lot) and has no more baby pudge, no more diapers. Having teenagers test my patience everyday and younger kids that just want to jump rope and ride bikes I feel less needed. My kids are growing and I suppose I have to as well. It’s so hard!
PS your pictures are very beautiful…I can feel the happy, colorful energy of the classroom.
PPS did I mention my youngest talks a lot? He spoke through this whole comment about a triangle shaped magnet and how his voice echoes in the lobby of Hobby Lobby.

Suzanne - okay being on the other side of things, my children are 32, 30, 28 and 26 and I have 5 grands 10, 10, 9, 8 and 4 months I can say that I remember those preschool days fondly, the teenage years with gratefulness they are OVER and now is the best of all, really. My children are my best friends now and I know everyone hears this all the time but grandkids really are the most amazing of all.
It is hardly over Meg, you have so much to look forward to on the other side 🙂

amy - oh my dear meggie poo, i should not have read this this morning. i have pms like crazy and my hormones are all over the place. and looking at annie with mrs. kristin made me all teary and red-eyed. in august i will be saying goodbye to daycare and ben will be at an elementary school for most of the day. those lovely ladies at our daycare have been my most loyal friends for the past eight years and are already making me cry over saying goodbye in a few months. why is change so hard? when i was younger i remember being excited and thrilled by change. not now. now i’m just a silly ol’ puddle of emotion. let’s have some coffee and butterfinger cake and tell each other it’s going to be ok, ok?

Mary Beth - I LOVE having growed up kids! It is THE BEST.
When Megan finished pre-school, her teacher wouldn’t even LET parents there on the last day because it is too emotional. The teacher cried!
We STILL miss that teacher…..

Vera - Aaaw hugs to you!! This post made me want to get knocked up RIGHT NOW. Ha ha! I have a baby (btw I just posted about his nursery – that you helped me with!) and we decided we’re done having babies, but every time I think about “this is the last time…” I just can’t even stand it! But then I think, if I had 20 children, I would still feel sad when the youngest reached new milestones.
Congrats Annie on finishing preschool!!! <3

Laura Phelps - I have these moments frequently…the “I can’t believe it is OVER” moment..
when I think about finding a man to marry…check!
getting married…check!
having babies…check!
It is done.
But this is what I am believing right now…as we embark as a family with a HUGE NEW CHANGE…
We have no idea what is in store…but God has our plan..a new life…a new day…a new beginning..
and maybe…just maybe…it will be even better than the baby stage…
think of the possibilities….

Megan - What a sweet, sweet post! I love her preschool, it looks amazing! I also love her outfit! She reminds me of my daughter Claire who is in kindergarten. I let her wear whatever she wants and sometimes I’m not sure if I should but I am letting her be creative! I love your blog it is just so real!
I am having my 1st giveaway and would be thrilled if you stopped on over!

Casey - Oh honey… this made me cry. I get that way thinking about my kids too. How my “baby” will be 3 this year and we don’t know if we are having more so I am cherishing every little thing! Good luck with everything! Cheer up, be blessed and know that God is GOOD!

Melanie - I only have one child and he just turned 16 yrs. old. I think I am the only one that doesn’t like the baby stage. I loved from age 3 on up. I have enjoyed all of it since then. I didn’t mourn like you are about the baby thing. I am the odd ball out on this one, I know. Good luck with the new stage that you find yourself in. Hope you feel better:)
The pictures are great by the way!

Holly - Wow Meg! It’s only normal to be experiencing such strong feelings. It’s at the core of you! It’s who you are. You’re a mommy. And as a mommy, we invest so much into our children! I’m sure I’ll feel the same way when all of my boys are through that phase. Bitter sweet.

Elizabeth - Gorgeous photos, and I admit to perhaps never getting over the last days of our beloved preschool. It’s been five years! Those are special times indeed, especially when you love the school and the teachers.
Now, onward!

Sarah@Clover Lane - I’m 3 years away from that, but when it happens will you come and pick me up off the school parking lot where I will be laying face down sobbing my guts out?

kristin - Oh Meg,
Wait until you get here…
I am on the pity party train with ya!

Amanda - I really can’t imagine the place you are right now, and the emotions that go along. I can’t even bare the thought of mine going to preschool – my days at home with them will be ending in the next few years. This was a great post – I teared up thinking about you crying alone in your car. Ending a chapter after 12 years has got to be tough. Enjoy your summer with them!

jen smith - just wait til the first day of kindergarten.
i am not a cryer. never have been. but when my baby had her first day of kindergarten i cried the whole time she was gone. for the first three days. it was awful. but then i slowly started to realize the freedom of having school age children(after having small children at home for twelve years) and i got over it. now i enjoy them when they’re home and party while they’re gone. it’s fabulous!

`Kelly - Can I join your pity party? A couple weeks ago a friend was in town so a bunch of friends I don’t see often gathered at my house to play & catch-up. As they walked in with their carseat carriers and huge diaper bags and asked me if I had an extra bib or any rice cereal I realized I’M THE OLD MOM! My kids are the oldest and I’m done – DONE! – with all that stuff. Granted my youngest is still only 2 but I do have some in school and am gearing up to send another one off this fall. It’s weird to be out of that phase already. It went awfully fast although it didn’t feel like it at the time.
What a great place your kids got to go to preschool! So fun! I definitely saw some things in that room that I now want to replicate in our playroom. 🙂

Tara - my baby is 3….she’s growing up without asking me also.
*long sigh*
praying for you today.

Krista - I love the preschool pictures, it looks like a wonderful school, such color and so many cool activities with the simplest items!! I am sure Annie will be anxious for K in the fall, it’s too bad they can’t be little forever!

Amanda - I had to comment today, and usually I don’t. What a beautiful post. You are such a great Mom. Your blog inspires me, and I look forward to reading it each week. Your children are beautiful, and so blessed to have you. My “baby” will be done with preschool in about three weeks, and I can’t believe the time has gone by so fast.

Nicole Q. - Your kids definetly had the BEST preschool EVER!!! Everytime I’m on Kristen’s site or anytime you posted about the preschool I was jealous for days!!! It’s the best learning environment I’ve ever seen for a preschooler!!! Enjoy the transition into the next stage of life!! I’m sure it will bring a new kind of GREATNESS!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love that you share your feelings. I am sentimental too and think this way about everything. Gorgeous colorful pics. Makes me happy:) Time for a new chapter.

Jen Joy - I have been blessed with 4 incredible free-spirited souls and have these same sorts of thoughts just about every day. You are definitely not alone. I keep trying to remember, though, that they’ll always need me… but in different ways. These days, it’s more about “How do I get a girl to like me?” and “What classes should I take, Mom?” No worries. We’re still needed. 🙂

Nancy - I am right there with you. My youngest is the same age as Annie. We have 4 more weeks of preschool then adios. It is the end of an era that is for sure. a lot of tears too. What a blessing for you to be at such an inspiring school.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - From a mom of three 7 to 14, I have to say the school age family is sooo much fun. Life just seems to get larger and richer, as everyone seems to be able to participate more as a unit. I have to say its been great! Enjoy the next ten years, because before we know the grandkids will be keeping us busy. Oops… maybe that wasn’t the best comment for the whole feeling old bit. Sorry.

Julie - My baby (youngest of five) turned five in March. I’m right there with you Meg! 🙁

Sarah Mahan - Awww! We are just starting the preschool thing next year. I love this stage and also feel for you! Where did you get Annie’s dress??? Did you make it? Love it! Good luck in the years to come with all the big kid stuff;)

Melissa - 🙁 I hear ya. Crying for you too…so many of those moments as a mom.

martina - Wonderful pictures, soooo sweet! I don’t want to pity you – but tell you that good times are ahead! I’ve got 2 sons, now 17 and 20 (OMG!) – and i must say, it’s wonderful to have big kids. So much fun to have more space and freedom for yourself (and your partner) again. To do different things with your kids – like a relaxed trip to town, going shopping or look at an exhibition and have dinner – the kind of things you did b4 you had kids. And part of you get’s to be a teenager again – which is fun too, You’ll see 😉

Amy - I totally understand. I have an 8 yr old daughter and a 15 yr old son. I so miss the preschool age. But they do still need you. Even though my son acts like he’s got it all under control, he still comes to get his hug every night before bed and tells me, love you mom! I hope that he NEVER grows out of that! My daughter seems to be growing up overnight, she doesn’t want me to pick out her clothes anymore. I miss the cutesy stuff!! But I know she needs me too, today she has to read a story she wrote at the “Authors Tea” at school in front of all the parents. She asked if I could be sure and sit in the front row! It takes time to get used to new stages. I go every other week to church to babysit babies for the MOPS group. I love it, I get my fill of babies and can still sleep through the night!!
I turned 40 this year! I definately feel old!! But it’s so weird cuz I don’t quite feel like a grown up yet! Time flies, cherish every moment!

joy - I love reading your blog! I am sad with you! My two are only 1 and 2 yrs old so we are about to enter preschool but I can only imagine how fast it goes and that I will be at the exact same place you are one day!! Thanks for being so honest on your blog with all of your feelings. I especially loved the mother’s day post!! You’re awesome! Blessings! Joy

LouBoo - Hi – you have pretty much captured how I feel about my son growing up. He is 5 and is in ‘big school’now but reading your post brought it all coming back to me. Especially the bit about them growing up without asking! Over time though I have started seeing the good side of being out of the baby phase, afterall, babyhood is just one little bit of motherhood – a drop in the ocean infact if you think of the long haul! Louise x

Taryn - Love that the first comment was made by YOUR mom……comforting and beautiful! Thinking of you today. Love you!

mom - Beautifully said.

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i can’t believe i did it!

guess what i did this morning?!
i ran a 5K.

i really can't believe i wrote that sentence.
but i really did it.

(i was adjusting my headphones)
shana is our coach/motivator/hero because she is a real runner.
she didn't run with us today because tomorrow she is running a half marathon…
that is only a measly 10 miles more than me.

it was jana's goal to run the whole thing in 40 minutes.
i decided to sign up too because i wanted to support her.
(and i wanted to lose weight.)
pam was going to run it too but her husband got stuck with the volcano stuff so she needed to be home.
we missed you pam!
stupid volcano.

jana ran the whole thing!
she ROCKED it!  she was 34 minutes.

at the mile 2 marker i thought it was the mile 3 marker.
so when he said "MILE 2" i let my mind get the best of me and said "UGH…forget it!!"
and i started walking for about a minute.
then i saw jess and amanda and their smiles were all i needed.
i started running again.
i finished at 35 something.
shana grabbed my hand and finished the end with me and of course….i started crying.
because that is what my body does when it's tired. (or happy or excited or nervous or confronted or or or)

i wish i would've run the whole thing.
next time. 

i prayed "God…show me what my body can do" over and over. 
and "thank you for this healthy body"  and "open my lungs and let me breathe!!"
i am proud of myself.
and grateful.

it felt good. 

Christina - What a huge deal! Congratulations! I have been away, but am catching up…I missed a lot! I might have to check out that book. I agree with your winner, Matt Damon is a pretty good choice! 🙂

Art Cant Hurt - run, meg, run!
you earned that awesome feeling of accomplishment! yeah!!!

Corinne - Congratulations! 🙂

Lauren - Wow, your blog is always a source of inspiration to me.

Julie - way to go!!

purejoy - holy COW (not that i actually believe in holy cows) i am so proud of you!! i really want to run a 5k even though running and my name in the same sentence makes me gag just a little (okay, a lot!!)
so proud of you!!
adore your shirt.
have one just like it! 🙂

kristine - CONGRATS!!!!

Trish - on my bucket list… even though i loathe running. i just want to prove to myself that i can do anything through Christ who strengthens me 🙂
good job

Nicole - I check your blog about everyday but I never leave any comments (shy?) when you had the giveaways I thought perfect chance since there will be so many posts! I broke out of my shell and now I am here to say Congratulations! That must feel amazing! I have been thinking about doing a 5k, and with your inspiration maybe I will! Oh! and I found a pillow at Homegoods with “Whatever” on it while I was shopping the other day, it reminded me of you! (I took a picture even… if you ever wanna see! LOL)

miss r - That is awesome! Congrats on completing it. 🙂

Stephanie Carroll - Get it girl! It’s amazing what God can do with us if we let him. My first 5k in December was in 22 degree weather. Glad to see yours was a better experience 🙂

Kristin - So proud of you!

amy jupin - two things: 1) WOOT!!, 2) WOW!
that’s all i got.

Mary - I really want to train up and run a 5K. You’ve given me even more inspiration. And you’re right, God can help; he wants my body to be in good physical shape.

Sarah - Good job, Meg! I’m doing a 5K this weekend and planning on running the Prairie Fire half-marathon on 10-10-10. You should do it. I’m a little anxious about the training for that one but it should be good. Keep running. Keeping our bodies healthy is one of the best things we can do for our families.

Lynn - I read your blog but rarely comment…just wanted to say CONGRATS! I know how that feels! I ran my first ever 5k last October and just did my first half marathon on Saturday!!!! It’s amazing what your body can do! I couldn’t even run a full mile last summer, and I just ran 13.1. Running has shown me that I can do so much more than I ever thought possible. Congrats to you! Well, done!!
P.S. Running really is the best weight loss exercise… keep at it and you’ll definitely see results!

Georgia - Well done meg!!! Looks like it was a hot day too …. 🙂

Pat - Outstanding! Congratulations ~ way to go!

Cate O'Malley - Awesome job, Meg! I did my first 5K last weekend, but, um, I didn’t run. Truly awesome job!

Tara - very proud of you…you’ll be addicted to it in no time.

Dick - Congratulations! I’m so proud of you for trying let alone finishing. Way to go

Dianne Avery - Congratulations!! I’m proud of you! I’m to chicken to even try one. 🙂

Valley + Madigan - You flippin’ ROCK!!! I can’t even imagine!! I was running 5 miles a day hoping to run w/ my brother who’s amazing and does the Marine run….but I got pregnent and all you moms know something happenes to our bodies after babies…my size 4 turned into a whopping 16 and I stink!!
You make me proud Megster!!!

tara pollard pakosta - GREAT!
that is so awesome!
I haven’t ran in an actual race in 12 years!
I really should! I miss it!
The most I have ever done was 4.5 miles!
I want to be able to do 6 miles, that’s my goal!
but first I have to build back up to 1/2 mile!
oh, but before that i have to get my body adjusted
at the chiropracter cause my hip hurts really bad!
that is so awesome you did this! YOU GO GIRL!

jen - awesome!! i hope i can say the same someday 🙂

Jen Christians - Was that Emma Creek? I wanted to do it so bad. All the girlies from my kiddo’s cross country team were there. (one of them who is 11 or 12 took fourth overall! Ran it in 21something.) But Leah had a gymnastics meet in Salina. Bummer. Now I REALLY wish I would have done it. I am so proud of you. An amazing accomplishment. I love your prayers too. I will have to remember that at my next race.

Meaghan - Awesome! You are so inspiring. I need to exercise!!

AshleyAnn - Congrats! I hate running. If I were in track & field I’d be a pole vaulter.

Amy Harris - Congratulations! I ran my first one this spring and I never thought I could do it. It’s such a great feeling to finish. Praise God for strong bodies, minds and hearts. Blessings! 🙂

kbonikowsky - Ugh , I hate running. Way to go!!

Andrea - That’s awesome! I’ve been thinking of signing up for a 5K. I will be walking, though because I’m quite out of shape!

Suzanne Gallagher - Way to go, Meg! I’m getting emotional writing this to you-I hear how proud you are of yourself through your words, sometimes we loose this in ourselves through our everyday life. Great Job!!!!

Courtney Walsh - so proud of you, meg. i have been thinking about doing this too this summer, though I am the farthest thing from a runner (especially with my back issues!) but my body is healthy and strong and there’s no reason i shouldn’t!!
🙂 go you!! you should be so proud!!

Kathi - Great job, you are truly an inspiration. Which seems kind of weird to say because I’ve never met you, but I feel like I have. We have so many of the same interests, I know we would be best of friends if we could.

Amy C. - Sometimes I am struck by how much I have in common with you. I am running my first 5K in two weeks. My husband just ran his first marathon yesterday, so it seems a little wimpy by comparison. I’ve been training for 10 weeks, and this week I have run the entire 5k a couple of times. As a girl who still has 50 lbs to lose, I am truly amazed that I can do this. When I started training I could barely run 1/8th of a mile. Isn’t God good? When I am out running and pushing my body to it’s limits, I always make a point to thank God for giving me the ability to do it. I think running and being a Christian have something in common…they are both quite humbling. Congratulations on your accomplishment!

Niki - WONDERFUL! Meg, great job! You inspire me…I need to get back to it!

Amy Lynne - That is awesome! Congrats on pushing through!

Amy Coose - This is too cool! Congrats!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - LOOK at what your amazing did!! You should be proud…I have a sneaking suspicion that this is just the beginning!

LouBoo - Similar to other comments – I did get abit teary reading this; there is something about this sort of achievement that does that! Well done – I run, but not in races yet, I just like the feel of it, but I think its a great great thing when people take it up. Its the London Marathon today so I am sure I will also shed a tear watching that as it gets sooo emotional when you hear all the stories behind why people run. Lovely. x

Jenn - Great job Meg! I don’t think I could run the whole thing either… you will get it next time! What a great accomplishment 🙂

Laura Phelps - I wish I ran a marathon today. Instead, I turned 40.
good job Meg

Kellie Dugan - I am so proud of you!!! Keep going and never stop.

DreamGirlLisa - That is so awesome, congrats! You should be incredibly proud of yourself 🙂

Julie Weaver - I don’t know you, but I teared up reading this. Way to go.

Sharla - Congrats girl! It is on my list for 2010 as well. You look great!!

Nicole Q. - I’m SOOO proud of you!!! It’s on my goal list too!!! To me it’s like a marathon!! HA! Good job!

Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations! “The journey of a thousand miles…” and all of that good, philosophical stuff to you! I’m so happy for you.

heather - That is so awesome!!! Way to go!!!
btw— your hair is A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E!!!
Proud of you!

michelle - WOW!! you’re awesome Meg! so proud of you. this could be just the beginning 🙂
and yes, i love your new “do” too!

Misty Ray - Congratulations!!!! Loving the new hair, so cute!

Courtney - awesome! i love the *sound* i hear in your words…of doing something you didn’t think you could do before!

Liz - Congratulations, Meg! What an awesome accomplishment! You are such an inspiration.

Amanda - I asked about you at the end- “did anyone see Megan come across?” – not that you wouldn’t actually finish, but I wondered if you had finished it out running after we saw you? It was fun running into you. Dave saw you and said “yep, she came in not long after you and Jess” I was proud of you! I was proud of us too. The longest I had run in practice was 2.25 so I didn’t think there was any way I could run the entire 3.1. But we made it – together! I haven’t run in over 10 years. It’s the first 5k I’ve ever done. I think we may do the River Run on May 8 – 2 miles – wanna do it with us?

Melanie - Good for you!

jody - ongrats!!! i am a runner and triathlete…and mom of 4. i find that for me running is not only a way to stay fit and not have to diet, but it’s spiritual thing. the rhythmic striking of my feet on the pavement, being outside, working hard, reflecting, feeling the endorphins and gratitude! Keep it up! I’ve found that with lots of core work and some strenth training, I’m able to run faster than I did in my twenties. Once you get comfy running 3-4 miles, you’ll be able to work up to an hour of running, and wow, there is nothing better than crossing that threshold.
ok, can you tell i love to run? oh, and i always dedicate the hard miles to someone i love or needs prayers. that keeps me from stopping. xxoo

kristin - oh, this is the first year in several that i didn’t do this run. good for you. good for you!

Ruth H. - Way to go! I really hate running, but I LOVE running in races. There is something so exhilarating about being in a race. And something so rewarding about saying, “When I ran my last 5K….” People get impressed. So, good for you!

Cutzi Jobes - Yay! Great job!
I’m running my first 5k in a couple weeks – so this was good inspiration for me!

Carol S. - Very cool! I just did my first one a month ago (and honestly, haven’t run since!) I’m 47 and a ran the whole thing at a slow jog…pretty slow…and jogged the whole thing in about 42 minutes (one of the slower of my age group, but hey, I did it). Was suprised the couple months did nothing to lose any weight, though I think I was eating more and justifying it. This last month am focused on calorie counting and getting out walking or bike riding and have lost some poundage. Great job and you were really fast in my book!!

Grace - Hey! Great job! I just went off sugar this past week . . . let’s see how long that lasts! I’ve walked a 5k a few times in the past few weeks, but it would be great to run it sometime!
Btw, I love your shirt “water.” …pretty much sums it up. 😀

Elizabeth - Way to go! You’re an inspiration — first sugar and now running a 5K. I’m not sure I can be inspired that much, though…

Katy - Congratulations!!! I ran a 5K today for my daughter’s PTO fundraiser as well. It sure does feel good to be able to accomplish something like that! Way to go!!

Jeannette - That is so awesome!!!! Good for you :o)

Heather - That was absolutely fabulous. Good for you! Really really. And yes, totally inspirational – as you often are to me. Thanks!

Jennifer - That is awesome! I did a 4K 2 years ago, but I walked fast/jogged. You rock!

Alysa - That is a HUGE acccomplishment. SO proud of you, too! way to go. that’s a big deal. love it.

kathy eller - Very very cool! YAY!!!

Lisa - OH MY GOODNESS! I’m so impressed. Way to go. All I’ve done on this Saturday is some garage saling and cleaning. You’re the woman!

Kimberlee J. - CONGRATULATIONS! I am so proud of you!

Laura Lee - I’m tired just thinking about it! congrats!

Marie - Congratulations! That’s awesome and inspiring!

Melissa - WOW! That is AWESOME! Such an inspiration too. The other day I was thinking “maybe I could run a 5k one day”.. which was quickly followed by, “don’t be stupid!” Now, I’m starting to think, “maybe…” again! Thanks!!

Lacy Brauner - go girl. that rocks. you rock!

Lori - Way to go Meg!!! Congrats. And your hair still looked good! The sign of a good cut…

Lisa - Good on you girl! I get that you are annoyed you stopped, but dont let it subtract from the fact that today, you got up and you accomplished something you set your mind to. Running 5k is no small feat. You are amazing! Congrats!!!

mary elizabeth - WOW!!!! I am so impressed! I hope to one day be able to write that sentence myself!!! 🙂 Way to go!!!

Diana - PROUD OF YOU, MEG! Good for you! ♥

Kelly - Great wonderful fantastic job! And seriously, why do you looks so cute after running for 35 minutes?!? I always look a fright!

Jenny Pocknall - That is fantastic. Well done.

julia - Congratulations! I had some crazy idea about running a marathon before I turned 40 (this week). I didn’t do it. It’s like 26.2 miles, you know.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - So inspiring! Love the hair.

jennifer - Congratulations! That is so, so awesome! Love your shirt, too. 🙂

Donna - Whooooo-hooooooooooo! Rock on!

Julie - Congrats! That is soo great!

Megan - Congrats to you, I’m giving you a pat on the back, pat, pat, pat! Awesome!

Heather - fantastic!! i think you rock!! enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Kate - Oh MEG!!! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations!!! Wow!!!

Jaimie - way to go! how inspirational!

Rachel - Congratulations! That is truly a wonderful accomplishment. Now go and enjoy the rest of your weekend as you bask in your success and rejoice in the strength of a healthy body. WAY TO GO, MEG!

amy d - way to go…that’s awesome!

Heather - Congrats!! It feels so good to cross that line, right? I can’t wait to start running again!

Jonelle Ensign - Congratulations!! It feels so good to finish something like that, doesn’t it?! Next weekend I will be doing a 160 mile bike ride to support a friend of mine that has MS. I will be chanting the same prayer you did – “PLEASE show me what my body can do!”

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you asked for it…..

oh my.
the flower girl is craig's cousin amy…she's engaged.
the ring bearer…i just got his college graduation announcement.
and those dresses.
that fabric was from wal-mart!

and we added lace doilies???
nice bow tie craig….loooooove the white.

at least i still love these girls!
jamie blogs…she's got four kids…got married the year after we did.
lynette was our youth pastors wife…i was very very close with her…her son is the ring bearer.
lorel is still my sister.  :)
and i love her.
her wedding was 2 years later and she got us hot pink CUTE short bridesmaids dressses!  
so clearly it's not the year…it was me and what i picked!
i got to spend my vacation with tonya last year….she got married the next year also and has four kids.

nice candles.
i do remember this moment though.  
praying…pleading…begging God to help us make it work.
He answered that prayer.

the happy couple.
so naive.
and the bride with her giant rose clock so she always knows the time.

i do still like my dress.
not the veil…but i like the dress.
we had to have it taken OUT as much as possible by the time the wedding came.
it couldn't get any bigger.  
the photographer's wife said "turn and show us all that pretty waistline!"
and everyone got quite a laugh from that.
poor thing…she didn't know.
i remember my aunt jan said "your boobs look great!"  :)
she is always so funny.

the classic side pose.

this is just….just….awful.
shiny faces?
silver cups?  

blood red finger nails?
posing in front of the speaker?
how was this photo even allowed to take place?  
AND why did we order it?  

OH…and i just thought of something so funny.
and fitting.

craig found our wedding video last year and burned it to DVD.
so we watched it…for the first time.
it was entertaining.
and then….
the party is ending….the screen goes to grain and two second later….Days of Our Lives comes on.

we taped over days of our lives.
oh man.

and for our honeymoon…we went to my uncle's condo in the ozarks.
because they offered it to us for free.
we came home early because we were bored.  
and had NO money.  
and didn't know how to cook for ourselves.

i hope you are laughing because i am laughing.
not crying.

so i think that if i could i would plan my dream wedding in my head.
a do over.
if i could plan it for me now as a wife of 15 years and a mother of five.

i would hire bobbi&mike.
they would make everything look extra dreamy.
this wedding is a favorite of ones i have seen….so i would steal ideas from them.

i would get married in a field.
just as the sun is starting to go down.
with a huge bouquet of wild flowers.
no bridesmaids or groomsmen…just surrounded by those who love us.
and quilts on hay bales as chairs.
lanterns hanging in the trees.
big old farm tables for drinks and lots of comfort food.
we'd have a dance with a band…not a dj.
we would laugh and be happy late into the night with all of our closest friends.
our children would be angelic and smile and look at us thinking how lucky they are to have parents
who love each other so much.
i would wear very cute shoes.
i would have a fabulous simple dress that looks great on me.
and i would be 15 pounds thinner & i won't have to wear spanx underneath it (because this is my dream)
my hair and make-up would look gorgeous and flawless. 
i won't cry.
not even happy tears…in my dream world i could control it.

craig will think he is the luckiest man alive and would willingly help me plan the whole party.
(this is a dream remember)
it would feel special and we would feel loved and supported by everyone.
there would be no embarrassment or guilt involved in the WHOLE day.
it would be the best celebration of my life.

ok…now i'm crying.

Whitney - I love this post. I love your dream wedding. Now that you are at the farm would you ever consider renewing your vows? I know we would all love to see the photos! 🙂 You are a great couple, I am so glad that it worked out and your prayers were answered!

Crystal - So so very funny!! I have been reading through your archives (for days)!! Thank goodness I started at the beginning and have made my way up to April. I have sat in the room next to where my husband is watching tv and I have been laughing out loud as hard as I could while reading this. My husband kept asking me what was funny and I kept telling him nothing he would find funny. I think it’s b/c I am 35 also and have so much embarrassment and guilt and everything else from my “big” day. I didn’t even enjoy it nor do I think I would enjoy re-watching my video. Maybe I should…I might be able to find the humor in it like you did. The red fingernails….cracking me up!!

andrea - it is amazing how so many years later you can remember what you felt and thought…it has been 9 years for us…as our second baby is now 9…and i totally remember all of it. glad the Lord has answered that prayer

susie - ha ha! i used to have throw pillows made with the same rose fabric your dresses were made from…and the fabric came from walmart, too! sweet story, though and my wedding anniversary is today!

Rachel / cREaTe - this is awesome… the most honest thing i’ve read in a long time. and such the perfect mix of laughter & warm fuzzies. LOVED THIS. {and surely there’s a way to photo shop the photo of you & craig kneeling, praying … i know you can find a way to do that moment justice. without all the twinkles.} 🙂

Lou - You look sooooooooo cute!!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - yall looked lke babies!
you ever think that when you see pics from back then?
i just love the story of wedding pictures.
don’t the kids love looking at them?
seeing us we were before them.
so fun. glad you shared!
and really… what a pair. what a team!

mel - Okay, I have LOVED reading about this & the pictures are classic! You guys totally beat the statistics & should be so proud of what you have become, 5 kids & 15 years later! Very inspirational & it is so neat to see how God has wrapped his arms around your family! 🙂

Rachel - WOW!That’s all I can say…those pictures are great! Such an inspiration though to be married 15 years with 5 kids and to still be happy…
I do have to agree with you…I actually have pictures saved on my computer of Amy and Gregs wedding from the Nichols Blog just in case I decide to marry my husband again..I love everything about their wedding…her dress is to die for and those bales of hay with the old quilts… still my beating heart!

Becka @Studio222 - This is awesome! As a wedding photographer this is especially fun for me to see. I was just looking at old family wedding albums and its sooooo crazy to see how much wedding photography has changed in such a short time. 🙂

kelly - That was hysterical, and also very, very sweet…and you made me cry a little, too…

jewels - Ha ha… my mom recorded martha stewart over my wedding video. Nice huh? I loved reading your post!

amy jupin - you brought tears to my eyes with this one, meggie meg. you really did.

Michelle Richmond - OMG your bridesmaid dresses are so similar to mine…only mine were pink and purple and green pastel shades. Isn’t it funny how if we were to do it today when we are older and wiser, we would do it differently. But it’s part of who we were at the time and still a special memory. Thanks for sharing….Michelle from Canada.

Kara - I’m in the middle of planning my wedding! I like looking at other brides’ pictures…thinking someday I’ll make fun of the dresses I chose as well!

tara pollard pakosta - sooooo proud of the two of you for making it work!
AND I truly think you should have a re-do and get the wedding of your dreams! TRULY! You already know what you want, I say GO FOR IT!

Karina - You are hilarious! I loved this post. I wasn’t 18 or preggo and I didn’t marry my high school sweetheart, but I’d still change a lot if I could re-do our wedding (I love your dream wedding with the quilts on hay bales). It’s one of those things that you don’t get quite right the first time, but you of course hope to only do once. Your wedding did have a happy ending (as did mine, I’m glad to say), and that is the main thing. It is just a bonus to have this much entertainment value 15 years later!!

Karen Gerstenberger - What a wonderful story, with everything in it: beauty, drama, lessons, the good, the bad, dreams, illustrations and growth. God IS good; God is LOVE.

Christy - Awh so sweet! You made a beautiful bride.
The bridesmaid dresses crack me up 🙂
I love Bobbi & Mike. They’re an awesome team. I love that wedding the quilts, the flowers,her dress they have great ideas.

Mike and McGee - I am dying over the bridesmaids dresses. Those women really loved you to wear those. Please tell me someone saved one, because it would make a great Halloween costume.
Your wedding in a field sounds lovely. Hold onto that idea, because you should definitely do it as a vow renewal. My parents renewed their wedding vows for their 35th anniversary, and it was so special. Their wedding was very much what my grandmother wanted, and their vow renewal was so very “them.” My dad passed away a year and a half later after a long battle with cancer, and I’m so very thankful they got to have such a lovely ceremony and celebration of their life together.

Heather - Do it! A celebration of life created and a family made!! That’s worth a party and a band and lanterns in the trees 🙂

chasity - yes….to do it all again…
i would change so many things as well.
oh well.
we’ve been happily married for 17 years.
i guess that is all that really matters!

Lora - Loved this post. I like the way you described your dream wedding for now… sounds perfect.

Courtney Walsh - Oh Meg, I still think you should renew your vows, just to live your dream wedding!! I often think about doing that too. I would do lots of things differently, starting with having a small ceremony instead of inviting everyone we had ever met. Oh, and I didn’t like my veil either. Loved my dress. Hated my veil.
Anyway. This is a wonderful trip down memory lane… and shows that you guys have much to be proud of! 🙂

Kelly - Hilarious!!! The fabric, the speaker and especially days of our lives.

Laura - This is the FIRST post of yours I’ve read (love it, btw!) and I laughed SO hard. Hilarious!
Although I’ve gotta say, I’m a little nervous to think about what I’m going to say about my wedding pictures in 20 years. Yeesh.

jennifer wood - now I’m crying! thanks Meg;), Your wedding was like 200 times better than mine! But maybe we can live vicariously through our daughters, I have a 14 year old with a Tude, and a 7 year old tom boy:)and all I can say is I hope when they do decide to get married they pick a wonderful guy with a very creative and organized mom:)

Kim - DO IT!! Have your dream wedding re-do in a field as a celebration of everything God has done for you and your family! My friend celebrated her 10th anniversary this way, with her 6 kids dressed up in wedding clothes. Beautiful memories that include the tangible fruit of your marriage ~ your sweet kids!

princess lasertron - Oh giiiiiiiirl those dresses. I am laughing in my chair!
I love the picture of you two kneeling. I also like your dress–the eyelet or lace business at the bottom is really pretty. And I love dresses with sleeves.
Invite me to the vow renewal you have in the field 🙂

Christa - Oh, those bridesmaids’ dresses…
The start of a marriage isn’t always perfect – mine was way far from perfect thanks to family drama – but luckily that’s not a predictor of how the marriage will turn out. And you know what? You might not have had your dream wedding, but you look so happy in your pictures that I’m jealous since I think I didn’t look as happy in mine.

sarah - the bridesmaids dresses definitely make me laugh.
I didn’t choose the greatest dresses for mine, I don’t remember why we chose the ones we did. But the last two weddings I’ve been in, chose great dresses… one where I even wore the dress again for my anniversary dinner date 🙂
Sometimes decisions during those hectic times of planning just don’t go well for some of us 😉
Your dress was pretty, i heart the long train.
I like your updated dream wedding. Sounds perfect. You should renew your vows and make the dream happen.

Courtney - Love it 🙂 Great post! I wonder if anyone looks back on their wedding without changing things in their mind?

Sara Cameli - So….I’m thinking you should do something like that…and celebrate that you have had this many years of life, love, laughter, tears, kids…friends…you know, like renewing your vows…:) Hugs to you, love the vision.

Gina - I’ve been married almost 25 years. we honeymooned at the Lodge of the 4 Seasons at the Lake of the Ozarks. We had to leave a day early because we couldn’t afford to stay there another day. I did my own hair and make-up on my wedding day and the peach taffata brides maids dresses were homemade. I worked at a fabric store at the time and one of the dresses hung in the store for 6 weeks as a display so I could get it for free!
You had a beautiful wedding. I’m so happy to know that after 15 years you are both so in love.

se7en - Oh the hindsight!!! I wouldn’t change our wedding for the world!!! I loved every moment of it!!! Even dragging my dad down the aisle because But I would love to have a change of guests and gift list!!! I was so worried that our friends (poor starving student types) could afford anything so we put ridiculously small and cheap presents on our list, wooden spoons and such like – What were we thinking?!!!… Now I would invite my parents friends and put sheets and towels and the odd appliance on our gift list!!! Real stuff we could actually use!!! And we also dashed back from our honey moon we were sick of being on holiday and wanted to start living – MADNESS!!! Love your dress and photographs!!! - I was so bummed I had to miss your wedding. I’m glad I finally got to see your dresses! 🙂
We also came home early from our honeymoon. It was on the coast of England, which sounds romantic, but it was January and there was nonstop torrential rain. We were so jet-lagged and never managed to get ourselves up and out before 4pm, by which time it was already dark, so we never even saw the coastline. Plus, we also were in free accommodation…it was in a condo building full of retired people and the whole place smelled like a nursing home! ha!
Love your blog – you’re always so entertaining!

Rebekah - That sounds almost exactly like my dream do-over wedding. 🙂 We have never watched our wedding video, but I’m pretty sure there are no soaps at the end. We didn’t want to have our wedding video-taped at all, but my grandmother insisted, so we have it, if anyone ever wants to see it. Our wedding wasn’t perfect, and there are a lot of things I’d change if I could do it over now, but I want to preserve my brides-eye perspective of that day. Besides, my parents watched it and they said the quality of the recording is pretty horrible. Why would I want watch a horrible video of something that made me so happy in real life?

Laurie, from Maryland - My wedding tape has some TV show at the end also, except it gets even worse. My husband’s second cousin volunteered to videotape the wedding, and we were so grateful at the time. This was 22 years ago – wedding videography was just becoming popular, and we couldn’t afford to get it done professionally. But, the video she took is so frustrating to watch. Her daughters were our flowergirls, and she spent the whole time videotaping them instead of us! I can occasionally catch glimpses of my husband and I in the background, just enough to leave me wanting more. I’d almost rather have no video at all! Just one of many things about my wedding I’d do differently – all but the man. I’d marry him again today! 🙂

Sandy - Must admit I’ve never seen floral bridesmaid (or bride’s maid??) dresses… ha ha 🙂 I got married in the mid 80s so I’m loving the bow on the back of your dress…I had one just like it.
I’m with you on the wedding do-over. Oh how I would love to get married on the beach, at sunset, with only my closet family and friends. None of this “I have to invite them or they’ll be hurt” or because “they are mom’s 2nd cousin” or whatever. We learn a lot over the years, don’t we?!
Thanks for sharing your wedding day with us!

Jennifer - You could always have a party and renew your vows-of course Jon and Kate plus 8 kind of ruined that for me. bleh. My wedding was in 98 and I think everything was ok, I wouldn’t really change anything because mostly I just wanted a big party!
Your bridesmaid dresses were, uh, well, a snapshot of the time. 🙂
YOU, however, looked fabulous!

Janine - I love that you shared your wedding pics with us. Thank you. Yes your dream wedding sounds lovely. You could totally have a vow renewal like that – and pretty inexpensively too. My wedding was amazing but the one thing i would change is to get married outside. I think that would have been simply magical.

Kimberlee J. - I love this post because it proves that God doesn’t meet us where we were and make us stay there!

Sarah@Clover Lane - The Days of Our Lives things…you are killing me.
You look so pretty and I love your dress too. And even though the dresses are outdated NOW, you coordinated everything so well…so give yourself that. The roses match the dress and the nails and the lipstick.
My wedding dress’s puffy sleeves were bigger than my head.
And you know what? In terms of photography, we all got majorly gypped in that department. My niece got married and picked from like 3,000 perfect digitally enhanced photos. We got shadows and garish light and stupid posing. (Actually picking an album weeks later from 3,000 photos sounds miserable to me. It’s just the continuation of me, me, me time when boom, it should just be all over at that wedding.)

Irene - My god – I don’t think I could love this post anymore than I do! I can’t believe you were pregnant at the time – you don’t look it at all! And the best part about the huge dress: you might get wedding dresses for more than one of your girls out of it when you make it up again!!!!! I think the first photo with your heads together is absolutely beautiful – that’s one for the future wedding inspiration board!

Heather R. - Thank you for sharing…great story
~Heather R.

crush. - renew your vows!!!

Jill - Oh.Love.It.
Thanks! 🙂
PS-you’re totally skinny!

Jess @ Just a Blink - Hi Meg,
Long time reader. Not sure I’ve ever commented before. But, this post made me click out of my reader to comment on your site. Not sure why. You have a lot of great content and beautiful “eye candy photos” I could have easily popped over to comment on any or all of your posts.
But, this one is so endearing. So funny and sad all at the same time. Your wedding album is hilariously sweet and so wonderfully terrible!
It was a treat to read about your beginnings.
It would be awesome to keep reading about what happened next…after the honeymoon!
Let’s hear it. Oh, and let’s see it! Bring on the old pics! Your readers need a place to laugh and cry and feel like they aren’t the only ones that have a shoe box full of silly photos with powerful stories.
Jess @

Carol S. - Sweet story and post. Love your blog. Have to say….among many blogs I follow…so many are going commercial and reviewing products and links to corporate websites…I love that yours is real and from the heart. Super cute new do, too.

Sarah Alcantara - Love, Love, Love this post! I love reading your blog! Thanks so much for sharing!

mary elizabeth - WOW – it’s not as bad as you think .. I think we all think it’s bad so many years later .. there is so much I would change as well … my dress was pink!!!!!!
You were cute, BUT I must say that you are way prettier now!!!!!!

Heather - You’re just so damn precious, Meg. Sigh. The world needs a lot more people like you and your family.
My parents got married young, really young, and it was not a happy story. It makes me smile to know yours is a happy story and that not every young marriage will fall apart. I waited until 33, I was so gun shy. Is it bad to say I hope my kids don’t wait that long? LOL

Sarah - Thanks for sharing your story. I see a vow renewal in your future, hay bales, quilts and all. 🙂

Sophie - I love the pictures!
And I agree with everyone else, you two should renew your vows in the ceremony you’ve always dreamed of.
And plus, now you’re have your five wonderful kids to share it with you (:

Ruth - oh please do it, renew your vows and have that party! you are so deserving of it and a real inspiration!

LouBoo - Brilliant, wonderful post. It was just a pleasure to read and having read you previous post where you mentioned it, this is a fantastic follow-up. I laughed and I cried! The best part is that despite the wedding day woes (and dresses), the marriage lasted and is strong as ever. Maybe you should renew your vows now?!
My best friend and I were commenting yesterday that you spend your twenties playing house, you spend your thirties realising how much responsibility there is with really playing house (kids, jobs, marriages, houses, schooling) and we hope that our forties bring this maturity where you have seen it, learned from it and are ‘at one’ with it. I don’t know how old you are – but you seem to have found that ‘at oneness’. x

Jessica - Meg, thanks for sharing! Looking back over years and years, surely we would all change things. I got married TEN (!) years ago in Florida. At the court in Delray Beach (I think) or maybe West Palm Beach. I was 19, and my parents couldn’t make it from Germany (any noone else could). My father-in-law went to work that day. So informal….. I liked it though I surely would change a million things!

Jennifer - And why not? Why not make that dream wedding a reality? You hit the nail on the head in your previous post. God forgives us and He changes us. I think you and Craig should plan that dream wedding – share those vows before your children…to celebrate that God answered your pleas for Him to make it work…to celebrate that He has worked mightily in your lives! God and what He has done in and through you is HUGE cause to celebrate and I think you should. (I have my own embarrassing junk I pulled with my fam too, and I am so happy that I am not that person anymore. I am so thankful that God does change us.) Not to mention that your perseverance in your marriage is an INCREDIBLE, AMAZING gift and legacy to/for your children and their children and their children. Your lives are cause to celebrate!!! You celebrate girl!!!

AshleyAnn - The rose clock comment…that is HILARIOUS!!!! I am so glad you posted these pictures and the stories with it. So glad. How is it you look younger and more beautiful 15 years later?
I’ve had it on my ‘to do’ list forever (well maybe just 4 years) to get my wedding transferred from film to digital…one day…then maybe I’ll post some from my day…I am too lazy to scan or photograph the pics!

Anna Marie - A friend of mine just got married and she did the hay bales with quilts covering them. She had lanterns and large empty picture frames (spray painted mustard yellow and I think turquoise) hanging from trees (perfect for fun photo ops). The bridesmaids all wore black Tom’s shoes. Very unique and hip wedding.
That fabric is killing me. Hahahahah……..

Lisa S. - Hi Megan! I remember being at your wedding and I LOVED your dress! I wanted one like it! I looked at the pictures and still love it. It was fun to see the familiar faces in your pictures. Can’t believe Josh is graduating from college! We’re getting old. Love your blog and have been reading it for a long time now. Just thought I’d say hello!

Julie - Thank you for sharing all of this. Thank you for being so open and willing to share the details. Look how far you have come together!!!
P.S.: I love the Nichols’ wedding, too!

Sixty Fifth Avenue - That was so fun!! Thanks for sharing! you look just like Annie in these pictures.

Alison - DO IT…don’t dream it. You deserve the wedding of your dreams, you already have your man so the hard part is over.

Niki - Meg, you are so real.
We got married when our baby was 1. I was too huge, when i was pregnant!!!!
I was 25 & my husband was 22, can you imagine the scandal.
It was the talk of the STATE.
We are now happily married & have 4 kids. We have made it passed all the “perfect” set ups & weddings of our friends. We are still in love & going strong.
I have a 14 year old son now & can’t believe how tiny & adorable he was in my arms during the wedding.
The image of his father & the hardest job I’ve ever done. Still getting it wrong everyday. Teenagers!!!
How gorgeous to it when you already been together forever.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Best story. Ever.
Isn’t it amazing – how far we’ve come?
As for the fabric? I have no words.
But you were a beautiful bride and you don’t look remotely bratty. And Craig looks 13.
And God is SO smart. I always marvel that I somehow made the best decision for the most important decision of my entire life, when I was only 17 (when we got engaged). That can only be God.

Marie - Hi Meg! I love your blog and can really relate to this post. I also got married to my high school sweetheart when I was 18…and pregnant. We had a ‘classy’ wedding, too;) My bouquet was huge…maybe to camo those first 6 months! We had crepe paper streamers hanging in the church hall! We also had no money, so we never had a honeymoon. Wow, if I could do it over again…
Still, that was 12 years ago. Today, we have 3 amazing children and have grown up ourselves…together. Thanks for this post! I really enjoyed it:)

Juli - There’s a whole lot I’d do over but never my wedding. My wedding was also *interesting* and I couldn’t go through that again! It was completely run by my Mother who insisted on inviting the whole stinkin’ town b/c we’re related to everyone so she didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I put my foot down on the important things- simple self-designed dress, hydrangeas, my best friends as attendants and of course, the hubby they didn’t approve of (but love now!)
I showed up to the wedding in denim cut-offs in my 1973 convertible VW bug with the top down singing “Going to the Chapel & we’re gonna get married…”!
We were also young. In our wedding photos, we have matching zits…HUGE ones on our chins! groan. I was 21 and he was 23. We look about 12 and 15 in our photos.
15 yrs later, I think I’ll keep him! Love him.

Julia - Your dream do over wedding sounds just like my dream do over wedding! And taping over Days of Our Lives…hysterical!!

Mother Runner - it’s not the wedding my friend…
it’s the marriage.

Nicole Q. - I LOVE this post . . . the REAL story and your dream!! I especially loved seeing Lynette in your glamorous bridesmaid dresses!! I just chatted with her for an hour today!! You would have loved Brit Karber’s wedding. She had some of the same ideas from that wedding you linked too. jason did another wedding in Fairview last summer that was outdoor, right on their farm and it was awesome!!
Thanks for all the REALNESS in this post! Love it.

Chaos-Jamie - crack me up! Love that floral dress. And yes it was the year. And the location. I followed with another floral cotton, as did Dana. Wendi, though, had some class. She got married in JoCo. Makes all the difference. 😉

Vera - DO IT! Have your hay bales party – as an anniversary/renewal of vows party!! You deserve it, that’s for sure!
This post was hysterical. Those bridesmaids dresses. Wow. Ha ha ha ha! I love you for sharing this and being so funny about it.

Amy - I had one of those awful weddings (fashion wise) too and when I see pics of weddings like the one you posted of the outdoor wedding I hope I can do better for my daughters.
Do you think when she looks back she’ll say ” I can’t believe I got married in a field and had cupcakes for a wedding cake, and wore boots! “? I hope not.

Kelly - I love your blog and have never commented before. I come to your blog for inspiration because you are so creative. It’s been a long road, and I am in my last semester for graphic design so I thrive on creativity. I have been thinking a lot about weddings lately because my boyfriend of 16 years (high school sweethearts) recently proposed. My dream wedding would just be having my mom there except that is not possible because she passed away almost 3 years ago at the age of 50 after battling non hodgkins tcell lymphoma for four years and I miss her every day. I know how you feel about redoing things and wishing how things could be different. But these events shape us and make us who we are today. And if I lived closer, I would totally ask you photograph my wedding because you are so talented (I live in Atlanta, Ga)! Thanks for sharing your life.

Robyn Farmer - Oh girl now you got me crying! Now I super badly want you to have this dream come true. It could be so beautiful, easy, a reflection of who you are and such an example to your children. So many people still live with shame from their past and this could be so redeeming for your marriage and a testimony of hope, forgiveness and healing to others.

Jen - Okay-I got married in 1984 and we had doilies on the bridesmaids’ dresses then too! And we were the first couple in my home church to face the audience. We only did the because we sang two duets in our wedding but now everyone does it. We were trendsetters I guess! We did, however, skip the unity candle and the candelabras (I thought both were tacky!) so I guess we were rebels too!
I think it was beautiful! And pretty impressive, considering you probably didn’t have that much time to put it together and I imagine the pregnancy added a great deal of stress! God is good!

Julie - Great post! Those dresses could have been mine…except I had a horrible jade green as the main color. I let the girls pick them out, and I hated them. 🙂 LOL. Yes, a wedding on a mountain or a field….with casual clothes, just hanging out would be great!

Laura Phelps - with the exception of the part about Days Of Our Lives, because THAT had me cracking up to no end…I am left in tears.
Lots of them.
For lots and lots and lots of reasons.
SO many reasons. Too many to count. Not enough room to write about them all.
Some that have to do with you, and some that frankly, are all about me.
Because I am selfish like that.
And then I clicked onto the sites you highlighted
and now I am crying even harder.
I may have to go back and read the part about Days Of Our Lives, because I have a dinner to cook and kids to care for, and I can’t do it while I am crying my eyes out.

Melanie - I think your dress is very pretty. I was laughing about the Days of our Lives tape. Oh boy:)
You might not have the best memories of that day BUT look at what you have now. You made it through in one piece, together, and very happy.

Chiot's Run - Too funny – looks just like my sister’s wedding. I’m sure any of us that got married more than a few years ago have a few things we’d do a little differently at our wedding.
Mr Chiots and I go to weddings every weekend because of our business ( and I love it. It’s so great to always go to work on the happiest day of people’s lives. We get to document their wedding forever and it makes us happy.
I see so many expensive lovely weddings and mine was like yours. At church, with cake & punch in the basement (but you know I wouldn’t change it for anything).

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Love this post, too!
And the doilies made the dresses look very Jessica McClintock… quite the style at the time!
So glad you shared these!!!

Tara - i laughed SO hard at this post. i was laughing so hard that my husband came running in to see what was so dang funny. he laughed too.
you are F.U.N.N.Y.
i lost it at the blood red fingernails. my kids saw this post…my husband saw this post …and then i called a friend and told her to see the post.
really really funny. we could soooooooo be friends in real life.

Ann at the Handley Bungalow - Great photos, Meg! I wore a doiley collared bridesmaid dress in ’91 so it must’ve been all the rage! I am glad I am not the only one who got married with poofy hair – younger gals look at my wedding photos and think I was a huge nerd – I tell them I was very hip at the time! I had almost the same veil except my mother-in-law made it for me! I had fake nails, too. Ew! There is a horribly cheesy photo of our hands (with my fake nails)with our rings over my bouquet of flowers. The only wonderful thing was my dad was still alive and I have awesome pics of him plus a video that my godparents made of our wedding. One photo is a group pic and I know when that was taken my dad was pinching my husband’s butt. Memories!

Staci - Oh Meg 🙂 I just love you! Yesterday was a crazy day and didn’t get to leave a comment…but wow 🙂 I do love this post….partly bc it’s so funny and party bc you guys made it work 🙂 I say this bc I got married to my high school sweetheart…graduated in May and married him in July….18 yrs old….EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD!!!!! Holy moly if my boys do that I’ll scream 🙁 We were married for almost 5 years….then we both called it quits 🙁 Lonnnnnng story short…I am married to the man of my dreams now….sooo much I would do over again, and sooo much I wouldn’t. Anyway, I’m so glad you guys made it…and I’m sooo glad you told your story 🙂 And that is WAY too funny about the video tape 😮 Funny stuff!

Lenna - I was at your wedding. I vividly remember how you and Craig faced the congregation during the entire wedding. I loved that about it. Of course, I wasn’t gutsy enough to do it at mine. Congratulations on your many years of happiness. I’ve always thought of you as being pretty cool- and of course Darrel thinks highly of Craig (and you too, of course.)

margi - Hi- Have been reading your blog for awhile, but have not commented till now.. My sister was 18 when she was my maid of honor and thought it would be fab for the bridesmaids to wear matching bows (the size of Buicks) on top of their heads. Can’t believe that no one complained at the time. The dresses were huge with puffed sleeves.. ah, the 80’s. I love your blog and thanks so much for sharing the wedding pics!

Holly S - Your blog is like a ray of sunshine into my day! Thanks so much for the happy tears!

pallie - I HAD that wedding! My husband and I got married on my family’s farm underneath two large oak trees in the pasture across the road from our house. Hay bales served as the seating with overlays of fun fabric. The reception was in our haybarn with wood shavings on the floor, lanterns and lights in the rafters, BBQ for dinner, pies instead of a cake, a band and dancing all night long with our favorite people!
I am so sorry you didn’t have your dream wedding because you absolutely deserve it! It can be done a budget and can be more fun than you ever imagined! Yours would be especially great because of your creativity! Do it! Do it! Do it!

MommaH - I have a perspective of 43 years back to my wedding. I wore my mother’s wedding dress. It was kind of straight – gently gathered embroidried organza over satin – ivory in color. At the time the dress was 26 years old, and by now has been worn 7 or 8 times, and is 71 yo. I still love that dress, although there is no way I could get into it ever again. (Wish I had a scanner) Pictures from back then were not that great quality.

Nancy M - Thanks for sharing. My wedding was in 1995, and I thought it was cute to make home-made invitations with my computer. They were so pixelated and ugly. We all have wedding regrets, I guess. Congrats on keeping it together all these years. Good Job!

susie whyte - as soon as i saw the dresses i laughed so hard…because my mom had a bolt of that fabric and had made me clothes with it. i hated when she made me clothes. i was 13 at that time. ha! 🙂

Georgia - Awwwww Meg, i love this post!!!!
Thanks for writing About it, its really fun to read about.
The thing that made me laugh about the photos is strangely enough you and craig look older then, than you do now.. How does that work out?! haha
The photos are so romantic, specially the church one with the candles …. i hope my marriage is as happy and as loving as yours in 15 years time. 🙂
Goodluck for the Next 15 years!!! wooo

Jessica Reed - Quilts on hay bales! I love it! We just did quilts on the ground, and then rows of chairs for the people who couldn’t sit on the ground.
Thanks for sharing!

Laura - WOW, these are great! Thank you for posting. The kids all have a great combination of the both of you.

Tara - laughing…so…hard…but really you guys look amazing and even more amazing after 15 years. You are a gorgeous couple. We would all change things about our weddings but really its the marriage that counts and you’ve got a good one!

Jenn - Laughing with you not at you for sure! I wore that EXACT same dress in my sister’s wedding lol! And the ones from my own wedding weren’t much better. But hey…15 years will look back at today with a smirk too right 🙂
Sweet sentiment!!!!

Rachel - I was laughing and crying at the same time. Laughing because you have such a great perspective on it all now, and crying because it’s so sweet – the story, the dresses, you and Craig, and your dream wedding.
I’ve been married almost 19 years (I was young too) and if I could do it over I think my dream wedding would be similar to yours – simple and lovely. No frothy white dress, no formal bridesmaids with their fussy dresses, no rows with the MIL.
And I would say more prayers, because it hasn’t been easy!

Carrie - I have been stalking your blog for awhile now. I just love it! Your creativity and color always inspire me. But imagine my surprise today when viewing your wedding photos. Something looked oddly familiar. I wore the EXACT same dress at my wedding 12 1/2 years ago! I still love my dress too. It is so simple and lovely. I just had to share. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

traci - You already know this but most girls who get married at 18 and are pregnant are not madly in love, the guy is not worth it and it never makes it. I’m so glad you guys are the exception and you are truly happy and found a great guy!!!!! I got married 12 yrs. ago and if I could redo our marriage today I would change 90% of it!!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I had to laugh at taping over Days of our Lives! Too funny.
I can see each of your kids in the two of you. They are such good combos of you both.
And you *need* to have that dream wedding. Do it. 🙂

Amy D. - i love your dress

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phase two


Kaitlyn - OH MY GOSH! Your hair is awesome! I love it! Can you take pictures of the back too?? So I can go and get this same cut!?!? You are rockin’ it!

Karen Gerstenberger - Fabulous!

princess lasertron - dude I think you look like 10 years younger. hot mama! watch out picking up those boys at school!

DreamGirlLisa - wow, highlights too…you are looking seriously HIP!

melissa - you make me want my stacked bob back!!!! when i get back to FL for the summer i am so getting it!!!!!

Michelle Whitlow - ooh, very pretty!!

Kacey - Super cute! Fabulous. NOT “mom hair”.

Karina - That is gorgeous. I should say, YOU are gorgeous.
What is the matter with ‘mom’ hair, people?? Are you saying us moms are not hip and stylish? LOL

Jennifer - OK…I’m seriously tempted to send this photo to my hairdresser and tell her I want this cut! Looks amazing on you. xo

Caterina G. - Beautiful

Geli - You look a little bit like Jessica Biel! Great haircut!!

Tera - Wow! Looks great!

lorel - I am disappointed in all you commenters – not ONE of you mentioned tressant supreme. hee hee

Tonya Brown - LOVE it!!!

Tracy - You do NOT have Bump It Hair!! My hair is pretty much like that and I get so many compliments. It’s easy and stylish!! I think you look great in this cut!! Work it girl!! 😉

Elisa - Whoa, LOVE!

Kelly - I LOVE your new hair! Very flattering, but looks like a LOT of work!
I certainly need to something to mine!

christine - THE BEST!! - LOVE IT! Nothing “Mom” about it. What did your boyfriend (husband) say?

Michelle - This is nothing that hasn’t already been said but WOW, absolutely stunning! Can a girl be told too many times that she looks fabulous? I don’t think so!

jeanne - You are the cutest!!!!

jennifer - Oh my gosh Meg – I absolutely LOVE it! That is not mom hair at all! That’s hip and stylish if I ever did see any! Rock on girl! Love it!

pambuller - oh meg, you are so hot. how are we even friends? 🙂
maybe your teenager will claim you now? because you’re the hottest momma in the drop-off line?
you look awesome.

Rach - I love it! I cut mine 2 weeks ago too and when I did, I joked that I finally got my “mom” hair. Ha ha ha. I hated it for the first few days and now I love it and I hope you love yours too because you look fabulous!

Melanie - Love the color and the cut.
Sassy as another commenter said.
Definitely not mom hair:)

Christina - GOR! GEOUS! Your eyes are so lovely!

Jen@thecottagenest - That style looks great on you Meg! You look dead sexy!

amanda fuentes - Very cute! Just don’t be going all “Kate Gosselin” on us now… lol

kristine - good for you! fantastic make-up too!
don’t you feel extra smashing since you have 93 comments so far telling you how hot you look?!

Michele with 1 L - Hot Mama!!! You need a date night!

Rachael B - You’re hair is beautiful!

Rebecca - LOVE!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - o m g
as in the letter o
the letter m
the letter g
you look GREAT!
how FUN is that cut on you!
you look so hip!
and should i say… a hot mama!
you know the very first thing i noticed… in phase 1 too?
it’s like they are singing!
you are making want to go for some chunky highlights!
inspiration central!
will my eyes sing then? :O)
way to go meg!
you’re putting the wow in wowza!

Dawn - Love your new hair cut! It’s totally hot mama hair!!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - very sassy miss meg!


Kae - it really is hot mama hair!! what is your husband saying?! haha

Nina - you look fabulous!!!!

Helen Wall - Love it!

Dianne Avery - You look gorgeous!!

Kat - you are so cute!!

Kate - Oh wow!!!
You look amazing!!!

N. - Wow!! That’s some pick-me-up!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - bea-u-ti-ful

Jen - Oh so chic!! It’s lovely!!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Wow – it really makes your eyes pop. I didn’t realize how gorgeous your eyes are! This hairstyle was made for you!

Kerry Wiebe - Actually Sister I like it blond!!! it makes your green eyes POP!!! And you look super young! Love it!!!

Holly - You look fabulous!!

the inadvertent farmer - Rarely do I want to cut my long hair…today is one of those times! That do…ROCKS! And I must say my eyebrows now feel rather bushy…Kim

Robyn - Love it!!

Ann Marie - As my daughters Alvin & The Chipmunks toy would say . . . “Heellloooo Gorgeous!!”

Suzanne D - gorgeous highlights – not mom hair at all! love it!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - LOVE IT!!!

Ann at the Handley Bungalow - Adorable! Love the highlights. Sexy mama!!

Kasey - That’s the hair I want. lol.
No, I’m not a mom and that is NOT mom hair. I repeat, NOT mom hair. You’re totally rockin’ it and it is totally sassy!
Love it!

AshleyAnn - If I remember correctly you once left a comment on my blog stating you wanted pink highlights. I am a bit disappointed you went with blond…you could totally rock the pink!
The blond looks awesome too!

Mindy Harris - you look like a teenager. 😉

a-m - Stunning! I’ve been in two minds about changing my hair colour, but you’ve convinced me!
I’m not sure you’ll make it to my comment, but if you do, I just wanted you to know I visit your blog quite often, and I love it! I’m one of those silent stalker visitors, which was rather rude, so I thought I’d drop by and say thank you. I’ve posted a thank you gift (don’t get too excited!)on my blog for all those people who have inspired me or visited my blog, please drop by if you have time!
Thank you for making my days a bit brighter!
a-m x

LibraryGirl62 - Dang I wish my hair could look like that~so cute!!!

ashley - That is such a cute haircut! It’s so easy to keep and super hot with cute long earrings.

Kristy - “You better work, cover girl. Work it girl, give a twirl. Do your thing on the runway.” Smokin’ Hot Mama Meg!!!

Kerri - Looks GREAT – love the highlights!

Amanda - I want to know who did your hair. It’s WAY cute by the way. You look fabulous!

Amy - It looks awesome!! Definitely not “mom hair” like the others have said!

linda lou - you look so cute with your new hair style (:

Tara - love the highlights!!!!

Amanda - Are you getting the overall vibe that:
A. You’re super beautiful and
B. You have nothing close to “mom” hair.
Okay good! I personally define “mom” hair as not being able to shower for four+ days.
Love you girl! Keep inspiring and loving life!

chasity - Love your hair cut!!!!!

melissa~afamiliarpath - i love it. it looks great on you.

Jacqui - wow …. thats it …. just wow!

cre8ivegirl - Yeah. It is a little mom hair but the highlights look great! Not quite so mommish now!

Tara @ the cinnamon post - look out its Posh Spice…oh wait its Meg Duerkson…looking oh so fabulous!!

Shar - Love it!!

Shann - Very very cute! 🙂

Elizabeth - The new hair is great and so not “mom” hair. I think you look cool and sexy and young.

H-Mama @ Family Team - so, so cute!! makes me want to cut my hair again… but i must work the long hair a lil’ longer. at some point i will be too old for it. 😉 you look great, girl!

rachel - if thats mum hair its HOT,HOT,HOT gotta get me some mum hair 😀

Dianne - Love it!!!!

Bec - perfect summer hair!!!!

Kelly O. - yeah–not such a mom haircut–hot!

Sara W - Hair & makeup look great!

Mica - love the highlights and the cut really shapes your face nicely…perfect look for you….Mica from the child’s paper

Christy - LOVE it!! Very sassy and un-momlike!!

Amber - love the hair meg! so cute! makes me look forward to my own hair appt next week!

Leah - Oh Meg! I like it! I have a feeling it isnt too much longer before I have to start dyeing my hair. Ive had to pull out a few gray…and Im only 28 🙁

Sandy - You look SO pretty!! I wish I had the nerve to get my hair cut short.

Tracy - LOVE it – it looks SO GREAT on you! :o)

k(is)sing - GREAT Haircut, I LOVE it!

Heather - Looks incredible!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - well look at you sassy pants! love it.

Bailey - Oh, not mom hair – grown up hair! The long hair that I have is more mom friendly because it requires no styling, goes up in a ponytail holder 99.9% of the time. You’re inspiring me….

Shari Barnes - LOVE IT! The cut is just perfect for you! 🙂

Erin - Love it! So gorgeous!

Kim - You are one hot mama! You look fabulous!

Megan - Love it, great highlights! You can certainly rock it!

Susan - I love your new haircut. BTW, enjoy reading your blog daily. Always interesting, bright, lively and thoughtful. Thanks.

Julie - Very pretty!

Suzanne Gallagher - Oooo la la! You look amazing. I thought the cut alone looked fabulous, but my dear, the highlights make the cut look even sexier!
By the way, did you do the highlights yourself? They look great!

Laura Phelps - is this make over all for me and my possible visit?????? me likey! craiggers is lucky…very very lucky…not many woman with FIVE kids and a dog look like that!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - OK, I need totally honesty here. How long does it take to get it looking like that? I’m almost dialing the stylist, but important facts must be considered first.

Queen Bee - Stunning. Makes me want to get the same cut and highlights…. except I know I’m too lazy to do my hair in the mornings, to keep the cut or highlights maintained. *blush*

Staci - Total hottie you are!!!!!! Love it!!! Your face is looking skinny!!! (not that it ever looked fat….I’m just saying that you are looking great!!!) Yikes, this is when you wish you could just talk on the phone and not type out a compliment 🙂

Jaimie - Your hair looks GREAT! Not mom hair at all!
I love love love the show Parenthood as well.. I missed half of it on Tuesday because I forgot to DVR it, so I may have to go on Hulu because I love it that much that I can’t miss half an episode.

Holly - Love it! Really cute and sassy. I know you keep feeling it! I always feel mine when it is freshly cut.

Jeannine - Looks beautiful!

Susan - It looks awesome! Did you do it or have it professionally done?

Lisa - It looks fabulous!

Jemm - Looks fab! I’m jealous, I need a cut SO badly.

paige - dang woman
you are so NOT looking like a momhair girl
work it girl!

Krista - Hotsy totsy you look awesome! Love it, it really shapes your face nicely!

robin bird - you are a beautiful girl inside and out!!

Tam - whoa! that’s awesome! you look beautiful! that is most certainly NOT mom hair 🙂

The Countess of Nassau County - Girl git your bad self to happy hour!

mom - Looks like maybe you got a pink strip or two? Very cute!

Jessie Miller Sterling - WoW! That looks like it was professionally done at JCP! J/K! So cute! Just perfect for your face! Makes me want to actually do my hair today, hope you’re loving it!

Kimberlee J. - Gorg!

Anna Marie - Oh my, that is not “mom” hair. You look so sassy now 😛

Courtney Walsh - loving it. I was considering growing mine out but now I want to cut it.
And dye it.
Oh, the roots. They have a life of their own.

Lindi - Wow!! I super-duper-big-puffy-heart your hair….it looks fab!! 🙂

Christy - Whoa mama!

Cassie - doesnt look like mom hair to me!!!!!!!! 🙂

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quick few things….

this is the last few days for my ads.
please click through those ads and check out all the goodies.
i am so grateful to everyone who purchased an ad to send me africa.
you are so kind.

i am LOVING the show Parenthood.
i knew that i would.
but it's even better than i thought.
the teenage daughter?  DEAD ON.  the way she gets out of the car at school without even saying goodbye!
that is the real deal.   
the other teenage daughter that is hysterical over her "privacy" rights.
so real.
and all the other stuff….marriage and autism and boyfriends….the sets…i LOVE the sets.

check out my hair!
it was time for a change.
Photo on 2010-04-13 at 13.17 #4  
i am loving it.
sean said "mom…you look like you are on a bump-it commercial!"
i have mom hair.
oh well.
i'm choosing to call it hot mama hair instead.
right craig?

it will go with my MOM swimsuit i got from jcpenney!!
(that is not a joke…sadly)
also excited about Nine By Design.
i laid in bed this morning and thought about them….because i am weirdo.
here were my thoughts:
they seem to have no strong views that drive them as a family and couple and i have a feeling…
that it may turn into a train wreck like jon and kate.
there has already been fighting on camera, he told her one thing was doing another on the phone.


the Duggers are not perfect but they seem to have set a lot of boundaries.
and it seems that in reality tv that is very important.
that and some standards.
do you really want to fight on tv?  like so that it can be replayed forever whenever someone wants?
standards and boudaries.
and if you are moving your family every other month for more money,
i wonder what the boundaries are….
BUT i am excited to see the show.

talk about judging a book by it's cover….sorry…i got a little carried away there.
i doubt you really care what i think about a family in new york that i don't know….

next week.
i am having a giveaway everyday.
all things i love that i want to share with five of you.
don't get too excited…it's no pioneer woman kitchenaid mixer or nikon 5000.
just stuff i wanted to share.

i am alone for the next 5 hours.
i am going to sew and photo edit.
and laundry.
and watch shows on my dvr while i do those 3 things. 

alyssa - Oh my. Parenthood is the BEST! I missed lauren graham…and gilmore girls…

Melanie - Your hair is GORGEOUS! Love the cut AND the color. Did you get your eyebrows done, too? Or maybe the new “do” just makes the brows look better, too?

kristine - bump it ha ha. looks darling. love the green too. fave color.
and i have a mom suit too. actually i don’t, but it’s on my things to do.
i hope you got as much done as you hoped in five hours. it sounds like a lot but all of a sudden, where did it go?!

Debi in Oregon - Love the hair!!!

rebecca - just watched the 9 by Design that I DVR’d…WOW….the lying to the wife when he was working and said he was looking for an apartment….yes, they are gypsies…have great taste but scarry they parent 7 kids!

amy Mumaw - I love Parenthood as well!!!
I love the hair -do!!!:)
WHat channel is 9 by Design on? never heard of that !
Amy Mumaw

jill tracy - I completely agree with you about Parenthood! I seriously love that show–simply wonderful!

Kimberlee J. - Is that what Mom hair looks like…I thought mom hair was like Kelly Ripa. 🙂

Karina - I don’t have a TV so I have no idea what you’re talking about, LOL, but I LOVE your hair!!! I have Mom hair too…you’ll never go back.

Jenny Lynn - I LOVE Parenthood too! I cry at the end of almost every episode! It’s so good. And it all seems to end well at the end of every show. Not with all the problems fixed – but beautiful and full of family – which is what matters 🙂

Cate O'Malley - Big fan of Parenthood and am glad that Lauren Graham found a tv vehicle to come back to. I watched the preview of 9 By Design, looks interesting and I’ll definitely be tuning in. Love the hair!

Heather - Very much a fan of Parenthood, it is so real! Love it. Love how their family really sticks together.

Tanya H - ok, I totally have a mom-swimsuit. It was cute til I saw the pics. UGH. And I soo love Parenthood. We just finished watching it on hulu.
love it all.

Michelle - Love the hair! I just cut mine too!! Loving it. It takes 5 minutes in the morning & I was able to donate mine to locks of love.

Heather G. - Your hair looks fabulous!! You look so pretty (you’ve always been pretty, but wowza!) And I can’t wait to watch that show. It’s in my DVR waiting

sherry - Love Parenthood. Love your cute hair. Love the giveaway idea. Just flat out love it all. Thanks for being so great!

Christina - Your hair is totally adorable!
Ah! I forgot about the show Parenthood. I really wanted to watch it. I wonder if it is too late to catch up and continue?!
I hope your time alone was good, whatever you ended up doing. 🙂
I don’t really watch reality TV…I get enough reality at my own house. haha

*Alex* - I think the new haircut looks fantastic! Rock your “hot mama hair”!

DreamGirlLisa - OH wow…can’t believe you are talking about Parenthood today….I just got totally hooked on it over the weekend! I had seen one episode, not even the whole thing, and really liked it, but I don’t watch a lot of TV during the week, and especially anything after 10…I always wind up falling asleep. My daughter was watching the episodes on “on demand” (free), and I wound up catching up on all the episodes I missed…I LOVE that show! I have always loved Lauren Graham because of Gilmore Girls…so I was glad to see her back on a series, and I agree…so very true to life with all the characters and I love the way the siblings interact with each other. I also love that it is set in Berkeley, since I live about 40 minutes away, I hear places mentioned that we know or have been to, so kind of cool! Oh wow, I have totally rambled on! Sorry!! One more thing, I love your new “do” too 🙂

Gina - also LOVE LOVE Parenthood!!!

Jen - LOVE the hair and LOVE Parenthood! I am afraid they are going to cancel it though. I hope not!!

kat - LOVE the show Parenthood too. The cast is fabulous! I love Lauren Graham, Gilmore Girls is my favorite tv series of all time, I own the entire collection. Peter Krause is a snack and a half, I LOVE that guy! So excited to see him in another show. Last but not least, your hair looks amazing, you don’t even need a bumpit! (He probably just meant that you were super stylin’!)

Andrea - I agree totally with your take on Parenthood! I have teens and a preschooler, and I love that show because that really is how it is!
Your hair looks wonderful, great choice!

Melanie - Also wanted to tell you that I met Michele Duggar in Washington DC last June. They were on vacation and we were at the same place. I went up to her and told her that I appreciated them for the witness that they are on tv. I know that some people don’t understand them but the love the Lord and love their family. Would I have 19 kids? NO! But they don’t take money from anyone, they are raising decent human beings, and they are just really good people. Anyway, she is just as sweet in person as she is on tv. She hugged my neck and gave me a card with their photo on it and a scripture on it. Just lovely and sweet.

Melanie - I do love your new do! I just cute off 8 inches and blogged about it too:)
I have the 9 show on my DVR and can’t wait to watch it. I watched the preview show and WOW! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Can’t wait to watch it.
I LOVE Parenthood. So funny. Last week show about faking it was hilarious! I even made my hubby watch it and he laughed.
I am having a giveaway too BUT just like you it is just something I love not a Nikon or Kitchenaid!

Staci - Wish I had the nerve to cut my hair off! It’s so super cute on you! I hope you got a lot done in your 5 hours alone 🙂

mary elizabeth - LOVE THE HAIR!!!!! You have a longer version than me .. I lov e yours .. and YES .. it is hot momma hair!!!!!

kristiina - you look so young and hip! LOVE 🙂

jennifer - I’m loving Parenthood too. I haven’t been sleeping well lately, so I end up on the couch with my lap top watching shows on Hulu, and that’s always my go to.
I think I stumbled across a blog once called 9 by design. Is it the same people? Or just coincidence. I don’t know… I can’t take much reality tv, so I don’t think I’ll be adding it to the tivo list.
LOVE your blog, even though I haven’t commented in forever…


Victoria - Ooooh love the hair! I def think hot mama hair! 🙂

Krissa - I LOVE the show Parenthood…so my new favorite show!!! absolutely love it!!!!
love your new hair do too…super cute!!!!

kari - Your hair is too cute! Mine is very similar but I’m guessing I have about half as much hair as you. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. I came across it through Elisalou – I ordered a purse from her about a year ago.

Sara - It is a mom do, but it is cute! The family reality shows make me cringe. The Duggars are about the only one I am fascinated with and probably because they don’t argue on camera. The screeching kids and arguing parents drive me nuts.
Giveaways are always awesome! Very exciting!!!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Love your new ‘do! I have a hard time watching some of those “family” reality shows…..they seem too fake!

Tessa - I just have to say that I love your blog … and I love Parenthood too! I am always on the lookout for a good show that it worth my time to watch cause I don’t watch a lot of TV – and now I look forward to Parenthood each week. I have been singing its praises since it came on. A good show with some depth and humor that is also real … very cool.

sharon (bliss) - uhhh.
yes, girlfriend.
yes. yes. yes.

RLG - Meg, you should have your own show. Now that I would watch! Thanks for the reminder about “9 by Design.” I Tivo’ed it. I love their book, so I’m so interested to see them in action.
I actually had a baby pang today. Can you believe that? My poor husband said, “You’d have another just to name it.” So true, babe. LOL

Mickie Lara - Oh boy… I already thought you and I seemed to have many of the same views (I only have one son but in my dream life, I would have multiple kids and all of your talents!) but… now I’m sure of it. After last night’s Parenthood episode, I felt the urge to Tweet about it that I LOVE Parenthood and I am going to be devastated if they cancel it. I too am excited about Nine by Design but haven’t seen it yet but scarily feel the same about the Duggars as well. And, I do love me some Real Housewives of anywhere but Atlanta! Ahhh… t.v., (through DVR) is my friend for sure! And, I love the new hair. You will rock your mom swimsuit as well. At least that’s what I tell myself!

Mindy Harris - your hair is adorable…i also love the show parenthood, but not as much as i like your bloggity blog and photography!

lisa - Cute ‘do! I don’t know what I love more.. Parenthood or all the cool songs they play on Parenthood!
I am so bummed I missed 9ByDesign. I was watching MTV’s 16 and pregnant…really need to get DVR.

amy jupin - omg. parenthood is my newest obsession.
john was cracking up at me when i noticed the sofa fabric in one scene was the same as my dining room chairs! i study everything. and the characters, man they are really weaving some great stories, aren’t they?!
love the hair, laughed outloud about the bump it (anna wants one for her birthday, heehee), excited for giveaways. fun stuff. all of it.

Jemm - Your hair is really cute! I need to go get a cut so bad…but I don’t like going. Is that weird?
Man you have so much going on, I don’t know how you keep it all straight. I get overwhelmed so easily.

Patty - Well I like your new hair 🙂

Amy - New hair-do’s are so much fun! You’re rockin yours!! Love it 🙂
I too am loving Parenthood. It’s so real. And the music is awesome. Haha.

Jennifer - Hey Meg…absolutely love your new hairdo! And, speaking of family reality shows…you’ll have to check out my cousin’s website…she and her husband had quintuplets last year and a camera crew has been following them ever since. They live in Austin and TLC has just announced they will be running their show later this year…it is called “Quintuplet Surprise”- beautiful family but I hope they can weather the roller-coaster they are about to be on with a new TV show. Go to to learn more about it.

Christine - I too LOVE Parenthood! I had to laugh when I read “MOM swimsuit” because at first I thought it said “MOM sweatsuit” -which is pretty much what I’m wearing today!
I really like your new hair!

angela - Love your Hot Mama hair! Love it!!
I haven’t seen Parenthood but off to google it now. The Duggars……we should all strive to be like them…except those long skirts.

Kellie Dugan - Love the haircut! SASSY MOMMA!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I need to start watching TV again. I’m all curious. You have inspired me to make that phone call to the stylist. I have been putting it off. Change is good, right? Right? I’m thinking long hair makes me look older. What to do, what to do? Yeesh, I’m having a hair crisis right here in your comments section.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Love your haircut! You look young and hip girly!
I love the Duggars…they sure the heck know what they are doing don’t they?
Nine by Design? What the heck is that? Why do you tempt me with new shows?

Sara W - Great new do!

Christy - loving ur new do!! Enjoy your 5hrs alone! Can’t wait for your giveaways

Christy - Love the new bob Meg! Looks cute & hip mom. Similar to mine, but I have bangs.
I LOVE, LOVE, Parenthood! So real & so good! Love Peter Krause too. Hope this show last longer than his last show, with Ron Howard on board I am hopeful!

tricia - Love your hair, you’re gorgeous!

Toni :O) - Awesome hair chicka…looks fab! Parenthood is my new favorite TV totally rocks and makes me laugh out loud…LOVE it SO much!

Alecia - Your hair is so cute!

Melissa - Love the hair! I too love PArenthood… great new show. Never seen 9bydesign-no cable or time to watch! I guess that’s a good thing!
Enjoy your free time today!

Kathryn Goertzen - O.k. this is a crazy coincedence but when I saw the new haircut (which is cute by-the-way) my immediate thought was “Kate Goslin”.

Donna - I LOVE your “hot mama hair” and I also LOVE Parenthood. It’s on DVR right now so I can watch it today!! You are AWESOME!

kelli - 5 whole hours! tell me what it’s like until my someday comes! 🙂 loving the new do! so cute!

Jessica Reed - I also love watching Parenthood!! And your new hair cut is super cute, regardless of how “Mom” it is. How do you get it so big though? lol.

Amber - Meg: I ♥ your new haircut, super cute.
I also ♥ Parenthood. I hope my daughters don’t act like that, but I can already tell that my 8 year old probably will. 🙁
I was excited to see that 9byDesign. Watching that clip makes me wonder the same things you’re wondering. It kind of looks like a train wreck waiting to happen.
I ♥ the Duggars. They are a family to look up to, for sure.
Happy Wednesday! Have fun watching your shows.
♥ Amber

Lauren - Love love love the hair….and Parenthood too!
Have you seen Modern Family? It’s also one of my new faves this season!

amanda fuentes - Also a fan of Parenthood! I’ve got 9 by Design set for my DVR and have seen the “preview” show so far. I wouldn’t say they are J&K+8 bound though. This family has older children so they have already made it 14-15 years maybe? And this woman seems NICE and Kate never had that going for her, lol.

Alicia - Love Parenthood, love the new mom hair and love giveaways! Happy Day!

La Dolce Vita Gal - I too love the new “do”! I haven’t watched Parenthood yet, but will have to give it a try. 🙂 Enjoy your alone-time today!

Heather - i love your mom hair! so cute!! we’re big fans of parenthood, too. never miss it. enjoy your 5 hours!! they sound glorious.

Julie K. - adorable hair!! cute cute cute – not mommy hair at all.

adrianne - I just came across this and thought you might want to see it. It confirms what my mom always said about sugar (“it’s addictive”).—junk-food
Hello, my name is Adrianne and I’m a sugar addict…
{Cute hair!}

Tara - love the hair. LOVE IT!!!

Bec - I’m excited for Giveaways!!! Especially if they are your favorite things. I’m not too sad about the mixer, though. You can’t top my grass green kitchen aid 🙂

Tara @ the cinnamon post - You look super duper with the new hair. It is not MOM hair. Nope. I’m jealous of your 5 hours…so jealous. Enjoy!!

Laura Phelps - wait…are there children that actually say goodbye when they get out of the car???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
and do you know that I booked a pilot for a tv show??? and do you know what happens when you put a camera in your home?????? it is not pretty……

Morning T - You are too cute Meg and I love your new hair!!

Blanca - Meg, Love the hair. I actually have a hair appointment today at 7:30. Will be cutting off about 8 inches. I don’t like summer and here in Texas the heat is unbearable. I got a trim back in January but that was just not enough. PARENTHOOD ROCKS! Yeah and I too have a daughter who just this morning got off the car without saying a word. Looking forward to your giveaways.

Lori H - Meg, I love the new ‘do! Very hot mama. And I love Parenthood too! My teenage daughter and I watch it together (we love Lauren Graham because of Gilmore Girls). Watching it with my daughter can be awkward, like last week’s show about the big “O”!! We just sat and stared at the TV, praying the “fake it” conversations would end! hee hee.

Anna Marie - I LOVE YOUR HAIR, MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AshleyAnn - My sister and I have an odd love for the Bump It commercials…so that is a plus in my book. However, you need several more inches of height to qualify as a Bump It girl. Love the new cut, it is very flattering on you and not a ‘mom cut’.

sarah - Love the new hair. 🙂
I had the same thoughts about 9 by design. Exactly. But of course, I will also watch. Cause I’m a sucker for silly reality tv.
And Parenthood?! I love it… I laugh and cry every week.
I too think it’s even better than expected.
Super excited about the giveaways. Who doesn’t love a giveaway?

Kait - I love your hair! I think it looks so pretty and fresh.
I’ve seen that Parenthood show once but I really should DVR it. I felt the same way you do – that they must have writers who really are parents because it’s so spot on.
Watching that video you put up, I agree with you. That show looks like a train wreck. Maybe it’s just for ratings but I feel like Jon and Kate did stuff just for ratings too and look where they ended up. Big families are great but they require, I would assume, a lot of dedication to get them to run smoothly. I only have two kids and I can’t imagine the nightmare it would be if we were being filmed.

Krista - Love your hot mama hair!!! Have an awesome rest of the week!

Kirsten - Excellent cute hair!!! I used to wear mine short…and am so tempted to go back. Someday I’ll take the risk that my hubby won’t divorce me and go for it again. Love it…and just might steal a picture of you to show my hair girl 🙂

Sophie - Love your new hair, Meg!
You are, what we call here in London, a yummy mummy (:

`Kelly - Cute hair!
Parenthood is so great! I love,love,LOVE it!
Enjoy your 5 hours alone!

Kyleigh - Loving the hair Megan!
We don’t get Parenthood over here in the UK but your post makes me want to see it (if only to see if the teenager is anything like my 13 year old!) Hope it crosses the pond soooooon…
Also, if you ever have any more ad space in the future I’lll definitely have one (set my Etsy shop up too darn late!)

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love your hair Meg. Very cute…not mom cute, but HOTTIE cute;) I’ll be gone next week…HAWAII here I come. I’ll still have my Blackberry. Hope I can still enter for your give-aways from there. I can’t miss maybe winning something from you:)

Terri - I am not a weirdo because I read your blog, I am a weirdo because I live vicariously through the blogs I read and yours is #1 on my list.

sara - great new hot mom hair! can’t wait for your giveaways!

Terri - Love your hair! I am looking for a new do. I am afraid to go short!
LOVE Parenthood too. At least it is more realistic than other shows. Love all the great actors and actresses in it too.
You are amazing. I look forward to reading your blog every morning. (when I get to work….shhhh!) I am a weirdo too!

annalea @ our hartbeat - quick few thoughts. . .
parenthood: love it. my dad is totally craig t nelson’s character.
hair: so cute. really so cute. i cut mine last year, loved it, then promptly grew it out cause i decided i didn’t have the time to keep it up. maybe when i don’t have babies?
9 by design: interesting thoughts. i have yet to watch it from the dvr.
5 whole hours?: that is pretty much what i do when i get alone time – sew, photos, watch the dvr and laundry – yep. ha!
(and that kelly ripa/snl commercial – hilarious!)

Tonya Riggs - Love your hair! I used to have my hair cut like that I loved it!! I say “fabulous Mom hair”!

Cristen - Found your blog last month on Ohdeedoh! Love it! Love the new hair do and Parenthood is my new favorite show.

Kari - I love your new hair-do! Enjoy your quiet 5 hours! 🙂

Ann Marie - LOVE your new hair style! Looks great on you and it is HOT MAMA HAIR!!

Tam - love the new hair, I was just thinking this morning that I was ready for a change. I need a hair intervention…..
I also LOVE Parenthood. It’s witty and real. I dont watch any reality tv-it drives my batty.
enjoy your 5 hours!

Tanya - Love the hot mom hair! Looks great! Can’t wait to see the swimsuit. I just bought a one piece suit with ruffles at the bottom. My attempt at flattering the body. Cross your fingers that it works!

Julie - Your new “do” is cute!!! From what we’ve seen reality TV is horrible. We live overseas so are exposed to very little of that only Kate is now on regular TV (like the Today show) and on magazine covers so that my kids sort-of know who she is. When one says, “Her again! Who iiiisssss she?” one of the older ones will say, “You know, she’s the woman who yelled at her husband in Toys R US!” In a way, proves your point about not fighting in public to be played and replayed!!

jennifer - Love the hair! LOVE!

Stephanie - I was also watching 9 by Design Meg and thought the same thing! The dad seems so full of himself and kind of immature. I think it’s just a whole different lifestyle in the “big city”! But very interesting designers, I remember reading about them in a magazine a few years ago. Enjoy your productive time!

Lisa K in FL - Adorable hair, Meg! It makes your eyes pop!! 🙂

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the prep.

my head is full.
i have so many things i want to get done and have to get done before i leave.
we leave for Sierra Leone on monday….march 1.
that is in 5 days.  
i am feeling OVERWHELMED…to say the least…but there is nothing to do except get things done.
one at a time.

looks like fun right?

one bag is getting packed with dresses for africa.
ashley got me connected with rachel and rachel sent me TONS of dresses to take.
they have all different sizes made from scrap fabric or pillow cases.
so sweet.
annie really wants to keep them.
i will have to sew for her when i get home.

then another bag will be full of cake mixes and frosting.
the people at Word Made Flesh requested it for the kids in the center to be able to celebrate birthdays.
it was fun to pick out.
the man bagging my groceries asked "are you having a big party?"
i smiled and said "yeah…kind of."
so….that is my day.
and the next five days.

but i am excited.
tomorrow i will tell you more about THE TRIP. 
not just about me.

i thought this picture was funny….that is the look i give when i am saying "really?" very sarcastically.
like seth and amy on SNL.
and i look a little cross eyed.

do you know that i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE  the show LOST?
it is amazing.
i think i could watch 3 hours a day and still LOVE it just as much.
it is SO GOOD!

and one more thing.
i almost hit a baby deer and it's mama this morning with my truck.
6:45 am.
i cringed and braced for it.
but thankfully it was faster.

ok…time to check something off that list! 
and have more coffee.

my red scarf was a gift from julie.  :) she bought it here.
love it love it love it.
thanks again julie.

AND…i shipped every etsy order i had left yesterday.
41 photo envelopes went out.
i have the coolest blog readers.******

candace - I wonder what the children would do if you made and cut into a rainbow cake (if someone were to have a birthday while you are there). Oh, to see their reactions to such fun! Enjoy hugging and loving on all those littles.

Linda (a bushel and a pickle) - Meg,
You go girl! Taking off to a foreign under developed country takes courage and in your case, love. Looking at your lists, noting $100’s, order new ones ahead of time from the bank. Also, make sure the charger is the right one! I am amazed at how many types of plugs there are. We keep several in our travel back pack. Great Britain’s is the hardest find.
Blessings to you and your fellow travelers as you visit these

Niki - I LOVE Lost too! I can’t wait until the series is over (don’t get me wrong, I’ll miss it) because I want to have a Lost marathon this summer where I watch the whole series from start to finish.

Toddler Boy clothing - Such a great person! Bringing dresses and foods over for those kids! Great to know we still have good caring people out there! I’m so jealous you are going to Africa. I would love love love to be apart of something like that!

Nicole Q. - Monday?? I will be praying for you while you are gone…You, the people you encounter, and your family at home!!!!

Courtney - I love list makers and I love LOST. I cry inside every time it’s over for the week. 🙂

Tammy - Can’t wait for my pics either. Have a wonderful time!

Cori - Have a safe and wonderful trip!! All the best to you Meg. I can’t wait to hear your story. I also can’t wait to get my bubblegum pic. I know my girls will love it.

Staci - SOoooo exciting…well, the trip….not the prep and the lists!!!! I am praying for you….that you are able to complete all those things on your list and stay somewhat sane 🙂 You are SUCH an amazing person Meg!!! (And I love the pic….I have that same look…except I am THE QUEEN at rolling my eyes too!!!! So if you can just imagine an eye roll with that look…….)

Jemm - What a great cause and how lucky you are to be able to experience them receiving the items you are taking. Beautiful dresses too. God bless you on your amazing journey. Can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂

Georgia - Meg, good luck in Africa! you are amazing!!!!! well done to you for doing this, i cant wait to see all the photos when you get back. Your going to love it!!!! xxx

Lisa - Excited for your trip! I’ve been on a few missions trips and they are life changing! I’ll be praying….. On a totally unrelated topic I read an article about ‘Why big families are easier’ and I thought you’d enjoy it since you have 5 kids. I have 4 kids and totally related to this article. Plus it just made me laugh! Here’s the link… Enjoy!

Diana - I’ve been sewing dresses just like that for my granddaughters! They are SEW easy to make. 😀
Our favorite show is LOST!! We’ve watched it from the beginning. Daughter-in-law bought all the seasons on DVD for us… but she is doling each set out SLOWLY as gifts for a birthday, next will be on our anniversary, then a couple other things… ARG! LOL!
You haven’t said… or maybe I missed it… will you be able to blog while you’re in Africa? Or are we gonna hafta wait until you get back?
That’s a lot of sugar for you to be packin’… LOL!
March 1st sure came fast, huh! I have you on my prayer list!

Danielle - I saw a cute passport holder at tjmaxx the other day! Have fun on your trip!

Staci Danford - Best of wishes for a time that is unforgettable.. Hope you get it ALL done..

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - ha ha ha! I just laughed out loud at “and i look a little cross eyed.” you’re a hoot!

Cate O'Malley - love annie’s expression!

Carrie - I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you – for peace, safe travel, and fun!

amy jupin - meg-so excited for you! i know you’re probably scared/excited/nervous/freaking out. i’m freaking out too–for you–i’m a nut, i know. can’t wait to learn more about your trip!

Christina - The dresses…wow! What a wonderful thing.
And you have amazing eyes!
And I like your list. 🙂
I’ll also pray for your upcoming trip, as you prepare, and for those you are going to come in contact with. What stories you will have to share!! It’s a good thing you blog. 🙂

Dianne Avery - I’m so happy I read this today!! I’ve was packing up my linen closet today and came across 20 or so pillow cases that I will never use. I was going to give them away but now I’m going to make these. I love this idea! Thanks so much for posting it.

Laura Van Buren - I am so glad that someone else still follows LOST! I agree with you completely and it is one of those shows that really makes me think!! I am so sad that it is coming to an end:(

Erika - Have a wonderful trip!! I’ve been a few places overseas and just can’t imagine that it won’t be very challenging (in a good way) and somewhat life altering. My trips made me feel much smaller, and made God feel much bigger. Puts things in perspective.
And….my husband and I love LOST. We only let ourselves watch two shows, and LOST is one. So, so good!! So many spiritual metaphors. God (Jacob), the smoke (Satan), etc. I am very curious to see how the writers make this all play out, in light of the spiritual meaning behind it.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You’ve got some eyelashes. Well, some eyes – all around, beautiful eyes. Not veiny eyes sans lashes, like some unfortunate souls might have. (Can you tell I know that of which I speak?)
5 days! How exciting. And stressful, I’m sure. Here’s to hoping you have calm in the midst of the chaos that always leads up to a big trip and especially this kind of trip. I’m deciding right now to be praying for you.

Laura Phelps - I looked at your list and thought, “Wow, I did’t know Meg was writing a book!”
I am an idiot. You are READING a book.
Not writing one.
And I am glad to see you at least crossed cleaning the bathroom off of your list.
Way to go…

amy d - have a wonderful trip and stay safe…i will be getting home just as you leave…so go bless those people in africa!

Courtney Walsh - I love your scarf too! And that box of cake goodies will be SO dang fun! I mean, seriously wouldn’t YOU love to open a box full of CAKE goodies? 🙂
I will be praying for you…for peace especially in the next five days. You are going to do amazingly awesome things while you’re gone! Exciting!
And Yay! Can’t wait for my blue typewriter print! 🙂

Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose - I love your to do list! It’s organized yet fun! I’m sure things are crazy for you, but God will let it all come together and it will perfect in His will! Have a most wonderful trip & experience!!! 🙂

Jamie - Oooohhh! It’s getting close! So exciting! And you look pretty darn cute in that picture, btw.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I don’t know why I thought you were leaving in April. No wonder you have had so much to do. March 1ST!!! Sooo excited for you. Sending some prayers that you will have peace and comfort as you finalize everything.

jeanne - Ok cutie…love the hair, how you make lists and that darn cute pillow case dress. My post is coming on Friday…just for you:-)

Bethany S - Hi Meg. I’m sure you don’t need to add “read another blog comment” to your list…but I’ve been reading your blog for a log time and been dying to tell you…that my boss is Sierra Leonian! He has a non-profit ministry (that I am also involved with) to “Rebuild Sierra Leone”. We help support an orphanage there and bring school supplies to local schools in Free Town! I’m SO excited you’re able to go! Our church has sent 3 teams in the last 12 months and is sending 2 more in the next 12 months!
I got your blog link from Jill Utecht…Adam, Jill, and I went to Moody Bible Institute (in Chicago) together. Jill and I were actually roommates on a missions trip our choir took.
Ah hoo…just wanted to let you know that I’M SO EXCITED for you and will be praying for you and your team as you impact Sierra Leone!

Tonya - What an exciting time! I can’t wait to see all the amazing pictures you’re sure to take! I’ll be praying for you as you prepare to go and for your people while you’re going!

Michelle - Eeeek! I am so excited for you! What an amazing thing you’re doing and all of those cakes and sprinkles look so happy. I hope the prep goes quickly for you.

tasha roe - You have amazing eyes!!
and that cowl rocks!! is it from Twirling Yarn at etsy? so much fun!!
have fun on your trip!

Cami - I am so excited for you 🙂 Hope someday I can do what you are doing. What an example!

Julie K. - Oh wow! I can’t wait to hear about this trip! And the pictures and the experience … sounds so totally amazing!!
And you are so pretty!!! 🙂

Meredith - Oh Meg…what an amazing adventure. I will be praying you and your team on your travels. What a great collection of gifts! I would love to hear what you’re going to say at customs… “Anything to declare Ma’am?”. Oh, not much, just 300 pounds of sugar and the cutest little dresses ever!! Hope you make it through your list. Don’t freak out.

Bec - I will put safe travels on my prayer list!!! I hope to be able to go to Rwanda someday to help build houses. I have a friend from there who has the most amazing story ever.

Ellen - blessings and fun om your trip! how exciting! and yea, isn’t it amazing when it gets so hectic before and after a trip….like needing a vacation after the vacation…
and ps, I’m totally loving LOST too….don’t want it to end… 🙂

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Good luck on your trip. Oh, I so, do not envy the packing. Love the little pillow case dresses. I’m sure there must be a tutorial out there. My eldest wants to start sewing and what a great first project for her, for her youngest sister. Love the way you organize. That is my kind of “things to do: list. I should try it, as it looks like it might work for my self diagnosed domestic ADHD.
Take care,

cynthia - i can’t wait for you to go…and come back….and tell us all about it! can’t wait to hear what God has in store!
i have always wanted to go too

meghan - passport holder: zoe by sherpani. i got mine on sale at rei. red.

Alyssa - I want to come with you to Africa!! Maybe next time you go!!

Cassie - can you add “send cassie a copy of my list” to your list?
i need one of those….

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - You hair looks so cute! 🙂

julie - I am praying for strength, peace, rest and health as the next few days fly by. I am so excited to see how mightily God will use you and your team.

jody - oh, nice list. I should make one of those.
and I love how all the things I keep adding to our “to do’s” through the incessant emails are getting added to your pretty list so neatly. Good work. 🙂
So excited!!
And I’m on emotional auto-pilot for the next 2 weeks, but I did get a knot in my throat looking at the sprinkles and cake mixes….

Sharla - Wow, I didn’t realize the trip was coming so quickly!! Love those pillowcase dresses.

susie whyte - wow. that list overwhelms me just looking at it!! maybe you should add “pack multiple boxes of kleenex” to it. i know you will need them!
those dresses and birthday items are sure to bring some smiles. what wonderful things to take and share with everyone!!:) have a safe trip, meg.

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