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so…. i had a birthday.
i turned 40 on september 30.
i made lots of jokes to my family the night before to not be scared when i turned into a creepy old lady in the night… i kept picturing the witch in Brave.
i know – what’s wrong with me?
but thankfully that didn’t happen and i made it through my big day without tears or a breakdown.
i thought all year about what to do on my day but as it got closer i was just too tired to plan something.
i booked a massage and facial at my favorite place… took my book and sat there in my robe for several hours.
then i hit tjmaxx because that’s what i do.
craig made me steak & added my favorite restaurants sides for dinner.
friends and family gifted me wonderful things.
there was homemade coconut cake!
my mom sent me a pretty coat!
all my social media outlets wished me happy birthday… my phone was on fire all day.
lots to be grateful for.
apparently i am even being whisked away with friends for a girls weekend soon but i have no details other than “pack a bag and be ready”  I guess i can handle that kind of surprise.  🙂
i really can’t believe i am actually forty!
i guess i thought 40 would be different (not overnight but getting here in general)
i thought i’d feel old but i don’t.
i feel like I’m at the top of my game!
not to say that in a braggy kind of way… just meaning… i know who i am MUCH more than i did 10 years ago… or even five years ago.
i know the things i want in my life to take my time and what i don’t.
i am able to say no and know why i am saying it.
i can see things in people that i admire that i couldn’t recognize before.
i am not afraid of so much that i used to be.
i have confidence in who i am… and in how God made me.
i mean… i am not perfect or “done” or have life figured out BUT i am a lot farther than i used to be.
and that’s what 40 is supposed to be right?
getting better every year.  🙂
or at least trying.

so here i am at 40.
mother of five big kids.
wife of 21 years.
bring it FORTY.

and in unrelated news but totally related news…
i have heard lots of things about Nester’s 31 Day challenge over the years.
i know myself and until now could never commit to that – especially with writing.
i am too all over the board for that.
i love it for others but not with my brain.
but since it was october 1 and i had a moment to think i decided to do my own 31 day challenge.
not writing.
YOU should write if that is your thing.
or Paint.
or Read.
or Run.
but i am going to do Yoga everyday for 31 days.
and i’ll see where that leads…. maybe i will hate it… maybe love it… but i figured it was not too hard to commit to since it can pretty much be done anywhere and it can be as easy or hard as you make it to be.

so… that is my first two days of being in a new decade… Yoga committed.


Lucy - Happy late Birthday!! I will be 30 tomorrow and totally relate to this post! I am so different than 10 years ago too! You are awesome! I love your blog!

susan@avintagefarmwife - Happy birthday! And enjoy your yoga-I predict you will love it. Is there Holy Yoga in your area? If so, I want to encourage you to check it out. It’s wonderful!

Carol S. - Happy and healthy birthday wishes to you dear friend! Great hair and makeup and fitness at 40. Sweet blog post. Nice that you appeal to many generations including this 52 year old. Fifties are pretty good too! I’ve been using the mantra “there’s joy at every stage” and am hoping that remains true for me and you.

Shellie - You look great! And, I totally get you. I’m 47, what, what? It’s crazy to even wrap my head around that, but it happened. I finally know who I am though, and it’s awesome! God has really shaken me up the past 5 years and I’m so, so thankful.
I hope you love yoga. I tried it for the first time about a year ago and I’m hooked.
Love, love, love it!!!

Patty - Happy fortieth, Meg! As long as we continue to learn and grow, each year we get better. Wishing you health and happiness for the coming year!

PS The photo above is perfectly beautiful! Will you share your secret as to how you get such nice volume on top?

Courtney L - Happy Birthday Meg! 40 is Fabulous (so I hear, I’m just a couple years away myself)

I saw your coconut cake on IG and I had to run out and make one myself. By far the most decadent thing I’ve ever made, I LOVED it!

Thanks for being you, here’s to 40+ more fabulous years!

Dena - Happy Birthday!! I’ll be hitting that “milestone”, hack, cough, in May. Hard to believe how fast time flies. May God continue to bless you on your life’s journey!

Mary - Happy birthday!!!! Enjoy the celebration. And I’ve got ask, what color lipstick is that? It’s fantastic on you.

sharon / - tjmaxx on your birthday (i have done that too) is so great because you let yourself buy that thing you’d normally put down and say ‘i shouldn’t’ every other day of the year.
i have visited Whatever for a long time ~ thanks for being you. all 40 years of you!!
also, your s-m-i-l-e matches your eyes 🙂 what could be better at your age?

Molly - Happy Birthday Meg!

Wait till you hit 50!!

But really I loved my 40’s, as you said I really feel that I hit my stride in my 40’s and I really enjoyed them. I felt like I knew who I was and where I was going so much better than in my 30’s. I hope your 40’s are all you imagine them to be. 🙂

Kelly - Happy birthday, Meg!!!! Thanks for sharing your colorful life with us here!

Katie - Glad you had a great day!

Amy - I’m a long term reader & fan of your wonderful blog. Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday! You look amazing! With love Amy x

Cindy - Happy Birthday Meg! have a wonderful time with the girls. I’ll be turning 40 in a few months and I love your honest thoughts on it all! absolutely love your blog and the inspiration!

Kathleen W. - Happy 40th Meg !! I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I feel as though we are on the same page about many things, it feels like I am catching up with an old friend when I check in to see what you and your family have been up to!. I will be turning 40 in January and everyone keeps asking what I want to do and a spa day is exactly what I want as well. You will rock 40 just as I plan too !!! Best wishes 🙂

val - You have a lovely heart Meg Duerksen, bless you. Happy birthday xx

Tasha - Happy birthday. I, too, am finding that the older I get the more comfortable I am in my own skin, even though that skin is developing a few wrinkles. I’d still prefer wrinkles to the insecurity and uncertainty of my youth :). Hope 40 is your best year yet.

Nicole - Happy 40! This 30 day series might help you with your challenge. It’s free and Adrienne is a great instructor!

Amy K. - Happy birthday!! My grandma wrote “My 40s were the happiest time of my life” in my birthday card when I turned 40, and I think I agree with her… I can’t wait to see what the next half of my life brings!

Katie - Happy Birthday! I have been reading your blog since before Annie went to school. My oldest is the same age. You have the best blog! The only one I check consistently. Have a great year!!!

Deb Meyers - You are GORGEOUS Meg, and strong. bring it 40!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday! Forty looks good on you!

You have heard of The Pixar Theory, right? Boo from Monsters, Inc. is actually the witch in Brave? 😉 Look it up. YouTube has a great video.

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i’m alive…

that could be my longest blog break to date.
totally accidental.
i was working my booty off on that 3rd floor room at The Craft House and then straight into camp and had no words left in me.
but i think i have some now again… thanks to several mornings of sleeping late.
i found this sunflower field several weeks ago and thought i would be able to go back for more photos.
because we all know how much i LOVE to photograph sunflowers!
but when i went back it was D E A D.
totally done.
so sad.
all i have is these phone pictures which will have to hold me over for another year.

Camp Create was crazy amazing.
i can’t wait to share about all the goodness.
but i am still trying to form my thoughts about it yet.
can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?!
especially the older they get and it’s tricky.
oy veh.
so many decisions.
so many ways we can mess up… or be awesome… or wish for a do-over… or step back and smile.
it’s so good and so hard all at once.
i love it everyday.
but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand.
IMG_3812these sunflowers were bigger than my face!

the morning after camp was over i went back off of sugar again.
because it was time.
i had gotten so lazy/stressed that i was eating it ALL.
all the sugars.
so it’s over now.
and it’s hard!!!
but i like things like my pants fitting… not wearing spanx… not looking pregnant… etc.
so the sugar had to go.

i would love to say its permanent.
but i like cake so much…. i don’t know if i could do it.
or if i would want to.
i think it’s a moderation thing.
and because my birthday is coming soon!!!

so i’ve taken three days to recover from the last two weeks of work and i’ve decided that’s enough.
thursday – i’m comin’ for ya!


Lisa - Thanks for being real about parenting older kids. We are in the teen years with our oldest and it’s so fun on one hand but the mistakes she’s already made? Oy is right! 😜 Thankful she gets to learn about forgiveness and second chances with us cheering her on.

Jenny B. - My 40th is coming soon too. Are you having a hard time with leaving your 30’s? I am. I have never been bothered by age before, and I actually sort-of thought people who were bothered by it were superficial or just silly. I never understood why people always say life is short, but I’m starting to feel it. It’s not that I wish I could go back and live life differently, but I am not exactly looking forward to the future anymore. Getting older and fatter and grayer and more tired just doesn’t sound very exciting, you know? Anyway… Sorry to be Debbie Downer! I need to follow your lead and exercise and go outside and find something pretty to photograph. Oh, and not eat pie every night. 😉

Traci - Hi Meg, Awhile back you talked about some high wasted leggings you just loved. Could you send me the link on those so I can find them? Thanks!!

Jan - Will you share how you cook the chicken for your taco night? Looks yummy!

jamie - oh sugar. i just don’t have the willpower to stop eating it. but i would love to. so maybe someday. raising kids. just four hours ago my almost 20-year-old came home at 3:30am. i got up to go to the bathroom and knocked on her door and peeked in and said {are you just getting home? are you okay?}. she looked at me like i was an idiot. and lastly, there is a gigantic neverending field of sunflowers on the road i take into the nearby town where we do everything. i’ve been driving by it for seven years. people stop all along the road to take photos. this year the owners of the fields put up these obnoxious huge cardboard permanent marker signs {STAY OUT OF SUNFLOWERS} and {NO TRESPASSING}. i’ve never stopped or photographed them {it’s a busy country highway}. i know the field is owned by people. it’s their property. i get it. it was just sad to see such a thing after all these years. the joy those fields bring to people. it’s not like folks were cutting down half an acre and taking them home for vases. they would stand on the edge of the field and take a photo. i know. privately owned fields. but it still makes me sad.

Jen - You are so right about the sugars and you might have inspired me to do the same. Are you off just white sugar? Or fruit too? Giving up fruit always seems unhealthy to me, but I might do it if it makes my jeans a bit looser!

Stephanie - Definitely. Raising humans = huge deal.
Beautiful sunflowers!

Kathi - Raising humans is a BIG deal! I have 3 boys, 26,24,20. They are great guys, oldest is married. Many times I wished for a do over. I love the sunflower pictures, all we have here in Illinois is corn. Corn just doesn’t have a photogenic face 😉

Kristen K. - Ok, Birthday girl…when is the special day? Because I totally want to eat cake in your honor…wouldn’t want to miss it…you know, for you. I’d eat cake just for you. 🙂

tiffany day - omg totally agree about raising kids! and feeling like you mess it up everyday, wanting a do over ALL of it!! So stressful! In the throws of that right now! With you Meg! But you can do this! I am so thankful for grace!! And wine 😉


Tracy - Raising humans? Yes, so challenging! A nearby margarita and supportive husband/dad (who also loves to drinks margs with me!) are very helpful!

I have 4 teens, ages 16,16, 17 and 19! Quite an adventure even though they’re really great, well-behaved kids! Good luck to us both, Meg!

Love the sunflowers! I live in Leawood (burb of KC) and missed a beautiful field west of us, too!! 🙁

Lee Ann - I’ve missed you! But I knew you were busy.

I’m off sugar – again – too. No amount of exercise seems to keep me in my jeans if the sugar thing is out of control. And I wish I could “just do a little”, but lately I just can’t. Seems to be all or nothing. Maybe it has to do with being 40? 🙂

Lorri - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sunflowers! And parenting? Oh gosh … pour me a margarita, too!

Beth Ann - “but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand” YES! PLEASE! My oldest in only 9 and in 4th grade, but I am already struggling! She keeps asking friend advice and dealing with drama – I feel entirely ill-equipped to provide advice because I am probably the worst at friendships – I have the whole “f-it, I don’t have time for this and don’t need it” mentality and just walk away. I just KNOW i would provide better advice if I walked around in life with a margarita in my hand!

Tiffany - Can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?! YES!

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i want them all.


i want all of these shirts.   🙂
and there a ton more to choose from over at Thug Life Shirts.

AND this isn’t an ad.
i just think they are hysterical.

they would make awesome gifts too!


Danielle - “just eat your salad and be sad” love it.

jen - My friend got me one for my birthday that says, “I love Jesus but I cuss a little”.

Lisa - The diet one at the end! Literally laughed out loud! Hahaha!

Charly - Yes to all of them! Would it be weird to wear a gray shirt with black wording every day for a month? Nah…

Jenn - i agree
i want them all too
they are awesome

sharon / - i always tell my sons, “yeah, i don’t have a 6-pack . . . i have a 2-liter.”

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Hilar! I’ll take one of each.

stephanie - LOL!! those are so cute. I love the salad one, and I am a big salad eater! And I neeeeed to get my husband the “sorry I’m Late” one. He is an introvert’s introvert and NEVER wants to be around people that do not share his DNA (or at least a first degree relative of mine).

Emily - These are awesome, but golly… $27.95 for a T-shirt?!

amy jupin - i’ll take eleven twenty thousand of them.
sorry not sorry.

Michele - “Just eat your salad and be sad”!!! Hilarious and sometimes too true!!

jamie - i am currently screenshoting my favorites from the website and texting them to my girls. my eyes are watering. laughing so hard!

KWolff - Those are fantastic! The “Sorry I’m Late” one made me laugh out loud. I wonder if I could really pull that off in certain social situations! 🙂

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what i have read, will read & reading now

these are what i have read this summer:

IMG_2339Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

i don’t know why i didn’t start this book forever.
i have had it for a long time but i finally opened one afternoon this summer and couldn’t put it down.
and then i got about 3 chapters to the end and closed it because i didn’t want it to be over!
i just finished it this week.
it was really good.  i always have A LOT to think about when i read her books.
i LOVED Cold Tangerines last summer and this was equally good!



Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)

I don’t know how it took me so long to get this book?!!
i LOVED her!  I am a pop culture dork and thoroughly enjoyed all her references to show business and hearing how she got her start!
Mindy is way cooler than i already that she was!
and in the book she listed her top ten funniest scenes ever and she mentioned Kaitlin.
NO ONE has EVER mentioned Kaitlin!!!
Kaitlin was one of my most favorites of all the years.
watching those crazy skits i told craig “THIS is what i was like when i was 10! Kaitlin is ME”

when mindy mentioned that she loved Kaitlin, i knew that mindy & i would mostly likely be real life BFFs.

i tried to insert a video but it’s not working… but here is a link to it… KAITLIN.
(it’s totally dumb i know! but picture me at 10 years old & what life was like for adults around me)



IMG_0820Counting by 7s
i very rarely read fiction.
and honestly i didn’t know this was fiction when i got it.
🙂  so i accidentally picked a fiction book.
My friend Shannan said it was good & i was getting ready to go on my trip so i just ordered it no questions asked.
it was a heartwarming story for sure.
i really really liked it.
it made me want to read more fiction!



FullSizeRender-23Called for Life: How Loving Our Neighbor Led Us into the Heart of the Ebola Epidemic

oh man.
this book was personal.
i was physically there… next door to Dr. Brantly when he was first sick.
i was in my friend’s living room when they found out their next door neighbor & best friend had contracted ebola.
we all cried and freaked out and worried together.
i have been through the hospital he talks about.
i saw the ebola unit he set up.
i felt like i was reliving that week last summer.
i stayed up late in the night reading this and was totally into it.
i knew the ending but i loved hearing all of what happened from Kent & Amber’s perspective.

This is what i am going to be reading:


For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards

i can’t wait to hear more from Jen Hatmaker!!



Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset
Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World

Emily seems to have a way of noticing things that i don’t in the everyday so i am looking forward to hearing her take on this too.




Yes Please

it’s Kaitlin herself.  🙂
why would i read tina fey and mindy kaling’s book but not Amy’s?
i am definitely reading this one.
i can’t believe i have taken this long… have you watched parks and rec?
we finally are binge watching on amazon.
SO FUNNY – in a totally DRY kind of way.



and this is what i am starting today:

Bread and Wine Cover

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes

since the last two were so good i figured it’s time to start on this right away.
maybe it will inspire me to host a dinner party.
or at the very least… cook dinner for my family?
because honestly that has been a hard thing even this summer.
if it wasn’t tacos, burgers or spaghetti… we ate out.



so now…. let’s hear from you!
what are you reading?  what is something i HAVE to read?
i promise to consider all of your suggestions.
even if they are fiction.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - The Circle of Seasons: Meeting God in the Church Year
So, so good.
Here is the synopsis so you don’t have to look it up 🙂 The church year is a uniquely Christian way of marking time. When Kimberlee Conway Ireton began to understand this, even the most ordinary incidents of her life began to resonate with the stories of Scripture. In this book, Kimberlee follows the structure of the liturgical year–from Advent to the second cycle of Ordinary Time–describing the origin of each observance and its ongoing relevance for our lives. In a word, The Circle of Seasons offers you structure–a simple and traditional way of building your life around your faith, rather than the other way around.

Lisa - I recommend “My Antonia”. I think it took place in Kansas. I recommend listening to the audio, if you can. It’s worth buying, it will probably be family favorite.

Alicia - Kaitlin!!! That is a fav of mine as well! And the fav of one of my best friend’s who I don’t live near anymore. Posted this to her FB page and enjoyed a wonderful laugh.

Lauren - Bread & Wine is my all time favorite! I buy it for gifts all the time!

Sharilee Ensz - Did I ever tell you my mom cleans for Kim. Both her office and her house!! And I believe my mom and cousin Heidi cleaned the Craft House 😀 Anyway my mom really love a book called Kisses From Katie. It’s very impressive. It’s about a girl named Katie. She was a normal teenager living here in America and she just left her boyfriend and her job and school and family to go to Uganda and idk what it ALLL led to but she ended up adopting nearly 15 children and making a lot of people happy. I KNOW you would LOVVVE it because I’m only thirteen and don’t like books like that and it’s my favorite book!! She also has a blog called Just on a side note, me and my whole group of friends idolizes you. One of them, Arica Litwiller, shes your biggest ‘fan!!!’ has a blog “” You’re the one who inspired that blog!!!! Ok and tell Annie that she is ABSOLUTELY DARLINNGGGGG and tell Talby that shes beautiful but don’t let her get a big head. Haha. But please please read Kisses From Katie!!

Suzanne - This post could not have come at a more perfect time. My birthday is tomorrow (8/8) and my husband asked 2 days ago what I wanted. Bless his heart, this is not his love language, he is so good at so many other things. Anyway, I was having a hard time coming up with things on the spot and then I read this post. I gave him 2 books suggestions from your readings. Thanks so much and I am sure he would say a huge thank you!!!!!

Ranee - I love anything by Shauna Niequist or Jan Hatmaker, so good choices there! I just read two good fiction books, both by Marisa de los Santos…Love Walked In and Belong to Me–actually saw them recommended by Jen Hatmaker, so decided to check them out and was glad I did-just make sure you read Love Walked In first because though Belong to Me isn’t technically a sequel, some characters carry over and Love Walked In is first! 🙂

Mindy - I just re-read To Kill a Mockingbird in preparation for the sequel which apparent was written first. I have also started A Million Little Ways and have Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh on the table beside the couch and it is calling my name. I love, love, love reading outdoors in the summer months.

Mickie - Well as much as I loved all of the book recommendations (and I have read Yes, Please and loved it) the main issue is this. How had I NOT see Kaitlin before? The timing was perfect because there are moments when I am with my son (now, 11) who at times is the male version of Kaitlin and I think “what’s going to happen when he is an adult…?” “Is this going to get better?” etc. And, because you are pretty sure you were Kaitlin, I am going to tell myself what I try to most days and that is Yes! We and he will find his way and fulfill God’s plan for him even if that involves playing our couch as drums while listening to both of his iPads at once (and maybe a little guitar too) which is what was happening this morning.

Sasha - If you want awesome but kind of heartbreaking realistic-fiction, Rainbow Rowell is the best. Eleanor and Park and Fangirl…

Stephanie Wilson - I am just starting Yes Please and I AM SO EXCITED. And now that you mentioned Mindy’s book I am going to have to read that too….

kimberly oyler - meg!! kaitlin is my favorite!! i know almost all the words. i knew i liked you.

beth larson - Ihave read all three of the Shauna Niequist books y’all mentioned and they are 3 of my all time favorites, (also LOVE her new devotion book and if you liked the others you should get SAVOR).
Another book I loved is a compelling memoir called Blackbird, and one more lighthearted summer read, Hit by a Farm(nonfiction).
I enjoyed your suggestions.

Angie - I read Yes Please and loved it!

Sarah Lahrman - I am so glad to hear how much you loved Bittersweet. I haven’t read any of her books, but this has been on my list to read and I will have to move it to the top! Right now I am reading “Brain on Fire” by Susannah Cahalan. This is actually a memoir about a 24 year-old and her life-saving diagnosis of a very rare auto-immune disease of the brain. This is totally NOT fiction! I am about half way through the book and it is incredible.

Tracy - Don’t forget to put Mindy Kaling’s new book on your list! Comes out in September!

susan - May I suggest listening to Yes please instead of reading it. Amy reads it but also has Carol Burnett on the audio book, her real parents read on it, Seth Myers reads parts on it. I loved it and I think it was extra special to listen to.

sharon / - Oh my gosh? How have I not read Mindy’s book?! And I was going to mention Amy’s to you . . but you got to it too 🙂 I loved her book! Humor And pearls of wisdom dispersed.

April R - I needed some new suggestions. thank you 🙂
And for mine…non fiction I am rereading Elisabeth Elliot. I was so sad to hear she died recently. She lived a long inspiring life. Her writing has meant so much to me. My favorite is Keep a Quiet Heart. There are also the letters to her daughter – both are easy to read because they are a collection of writings. Her book Passion and Purity is equally wonderful.
For fiction I like to tell others about Francine Rivers Lineage of Grace. It’s five short stories based on real people from the Bible that really brings them to life. So maybe it’s not totally fiction.

csl - I have devoured all of Shauna’s books, but my very favorite essay of hers is “Thin Places” in Bittersweet. Lots to ponder! I also LOVED Tina’s and Mindy’s books and was NOT impressed with Amy’s. I reeeeeally wanted to enjoy it but it just didn’t click with me, for some reason. Happy reading!

Brittney - I’ve read all three books (Tina, Amy & Mindy) and Amy’s was by far my favorite! I listened to the audio book and laughed so hard I cried!

Julie W. - I thought I was a huge Amy Poehler but I’ve never seen Kaitlin. How have I never seen Kaitlin??????? I’m crying into my coffee laughing so hard. Thanks for the introduction!

Sandra K - Yes, Please by Amy Poehler was fantastic – one of my favorite books that I’ve read recently – enjoy! 🙂

Rhiannon - Thanks for all the book recommendations. I love hearing what others are reading/have read. You will love Yes, Please! I loved it and I felt as though I could hear Amy saying the words. She’s so funny and such an interesting journey she’s had. I never knew how close she was to Seth Meyers until I read that.

Kerri - Well, just today I read a list of high school football receivers to watch for in the upcoming season – and noticed a Duerksen kid from Hesston is on the list… 🙂

Lori Sammartino - Meg, I never read fiction either till I was at a tough transition point in life a few years back and a friend gifted me this book by Jan Karon.At Home in Mitford. It’s one in a long series, and it definitely made me a convert! I feel like it was food for the soul and have begun to form my own collection of books in the series, to treasure and revisit! You must check them out!

Kristin S - Fantastic list!

Lee Ann - My library actually had “counting by 7” in the electronic version so I’m going to start it tonight!

Lee Ann - I LOVE fiction. I only read non-fiction when I have to (book groups) 🙂 Bread and Wine is her BEST book! I started with that one and was slightly disappointed from there. I did it in a book group setting and every time we met we would bring the food from the book. So good!

For some fiction fun – read “Big Little Lies” by Liane Moriarty.

Cant wait to read all the suggestions you get. I need a good book.

Kari - I love that you remember Kaitlin! My husband and I would tape SNL so we could watch the skits later, she was so funny! I heard Yes, Please is great as an audio book because Amy Poehler reads it.

Jenn - I read Called for Life the moment I saw it on your Instagram feed. Oh wow! Amazing story and so well written. I kept thinking, “you were there!” What happens to me when I read such a great story, fiction or nonfiction…I want more. So, I’m wanting to read two books about Liberia. Another America and The House on Sugar Beach. I had no idea how Liberia was founded so I’m quite fascinated about learning more.

Corinne - If you want to read a fiction book you should read “Annie Freeman Fabulous Travelling Funeral” by Kris Radish. It was the first of hers I read and I have been telling everyone to read it since. All her books are great I powering female type books but this is still my fav

Stephanie - I always recommend to anyone to read Nourishing Traditions. It’s part cookbook, part history book–THE most interesting book! I’m not one for fiction either. I’m getting ready to start Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well, The Marketing of Evil, and Brain Maker.

Jen - I don’t listen to a lot of audio books but Amy Poehler’s is fantastic! I recommend listening to it because not only is it written well, but when she’s reafing from it, it is incredible.

Shelby Brooks - Some of my favorites/ones I read this summer!

A Holy Ambition by John Piper — about the importance of world missions

Radical by David Platt – crazy awesome good about living radically for Christ

Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sarah Hagerty – about her struggle with infertility, seriously such an sweet and inspiring read

Dorothy Must Die and The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige – twist on the original Wizard of Oz story and what happens after Dorothy leaves. So good!!! One of those where you just can’t put it down!

Alicia @ Investing Love - Oh my worrrrrrrrd!!!! Kaitlin!! I loved her!!!

When I know I”m annoying Jarrod by asking too many questions, I’ll just be like, “Rick Rick Rick Rick!!” We die. Loved that skit.

Talia - @ Colleen – I loved, “Everything I Never Told You.” A great story. Also loved reading, “The Gravity of Birds.”

Lizzy - I love love loved Mindy’s book & Amy’s was beyond words. I’ve never laughed and cried so much while reading a book – though, may I suggest listening to the audiobook for Yes Please, Amy (as well as some other glorious folks) read it, and there is just something about listening to Amy read her words so sincerely that made it that much more enjoyable. Although, I did listen to the audiobook after reading it as well.

Heather S. - Counting by 7’s is on my daughter’s list for literature this year. Looks like I’ll be reading that one, too. 🙂

Colleen - Everything I never told you by Celeste Ng… Be warned it’s fiction but reads like non-fiction (from another reader ambivalent about spending time learning about anything that didin’t “really” happen!)

Katie Skiff - I almost picked up Called for Life, but I got stand Strong by Nick Vujicic and need to start it. I just don’t sit and read as much in the summer. Too many things to spray paint!! 🙂 All look good, so I’ll save this post for the future!!

Kallie B - You will not regret starting Bread and Wine! I’ve read it 3 times. I can’t stop highlighting – it’s the greatest. Love all your choices to read this summer!

Rachelle - Our book club met last night so I was super excited to read this post this morning. While we read mostly fiction I am looking forward now to ordering the Jen Hatmaker book For the Love. Check out the Nightingale by Kristen Hannah and Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. Last night we had a Skype session with Violet Howe who is writing the Tales Behind the Veil series – Diary of a Single Wedding Planner… It is a very sweet story even your girls could read!

All were hits with our small group.

Enjoy and Happy Reading!

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i’m loving…

well… i’m home.
another trip and lots of driving and packing/unpacking/more laundry.
i love to be taking trips and adventuring but i also LOVE being home!

we hit the beach in michigan for 5 nights (everything was booked otherwise we would’ve stayed longer!)
and i didn’t wash my hair the entire trip!
i can do more with my hair when it’s not freshly washed – it’s not so heavy and slick.
my friend shared her favorite dry shampoo and i couldn’t believe it.
i was buying the dumb $18 can because as far as i knew it was the only option.
they were all around $16 – $20.
i loathe paying big money for beauty products.
i always have.
that is why i still use noxema and generic oil of olay on my face.
so when amy said “i just use the dove brand dry shampoo” i was giddy!

it’s $4 at target and walmart.


ok… the song that i am loving right now is “Dearly Departed” by Shaky Graves.
craig and i have been listening to this band non-stop because of this song.

that video above is the acoustic version… after his interview.
i love the radio version too.
but don’t love the music video because i don’t care for ghost/zombies…
so you should listen to both.  🙂

you’re welcome.


and what else am i loving?

jenny made excellent mojitos on vacation and i want one right this second.
click that photo for the link.

ok… i have a ton of laundry to do!
happy saturday to you!

Carol S. - Super fun idea with all the trimmings. Wow! Your flower pots are booming, really love the colorful punches all around. We had a yummy casserole for dinner then all watched a movie on Netflix. Just being together makes for a great night!!

Heather - Suave has a great smelling dry shampoo too. I’ve found it at Target. I have a couple of pricey ones too but usually pull out that one bc it’s quick.

Nichole - If you like Shakey Graves you might also like Channing and Quinn. My favorites are “Fall” and “Slow Burn” on their Temporary Things album. You can find it on Amazon under digital music.

Lyn - I’m seeing Shakey Graves in Jackson,WY in A few weeks while on vacation with my family! I can’t wait! I also use that dove dry shampoo. It’s my fave drigstore brand!

Lindsay F. - I LOVE that Dove dry shampoo!! Like big puffy heart love! I’ve used several in different price ranges and it’s definitely my fave! I have fine, straight hair and I use it daily for some texture and oomph!

Angela - I’ve only recently gotten up the gumption to try dry shampoo. I wasn’t convince it would work on my hair. Anyway, I’ve really come to love the Not Your Mother’s brand of dry shampoo. It’s also super cheap at Target, so if you’re looking for options, I’d recommend it.

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this week

i will say it again… i don’t like when shows end.
i don’t mind if it’s like “Full House” or something but when it’s MY show that i go to every week for down time… UGH!
and i keep getting told “all good things come to an end”
umm… NO.  No they don’t.  they don’t HAVE to.
so it’s over.
and I’m sad about it.
i loved every single episode.
in the beginning, i tried really hard to not like this show but i just could not!
it’s too well done!
you can’t NOT like Madmen if you start from episode one and watch… it’s impossible.

and i could never pick a favorite character because i love how they all work together.
i will miss this show.


and then ON THE SAME WEEK David Letterman retires.
i mean really.
he has been in my life forever.
since before i knew what late night tv was!
and he has ALWAYS reminded me of my dad… the way they speak… deliver a joke.
there wasn’t a single show where i didn’t think “sounds like my dad” and i almost always said it to craig.
we didn’t watch much anymore… but i liked knowing it was there.
and then this week with all its farewells i loved Tina Fey’s honest and hilarious and brave goodbye.
i loved seeing REALITY of what it takes to wear those dresses…. she’s a riot.

and let’s see….what else could end this week?
oh yeah, SCHOOL!

my Annie ended her elementary school career!!!
she is now a middle schooler!
like as in… i don’t have ANY children who go to the elementary school anymore?!
bittersweet in every way.
the whole school & the parents line the halls of the school and clap for the fourth graders as they leave on their last day.  it’s a fun way to celebrate them.  Annie thought it was embarrassing.  ha ha haannie



and Sean is now ending his middle school years and is moving onto high school in the fall!
our school does a promotion ceremony for eighth graders that is casual and fun.
since it’s my third i managed to make it through without crying…. knowing it’s just another step in the journey.

i didn’t cry because i know he is going to do great!
he was SO HAPPY to be there with his friends and having such a fun day.
he’s really looking forward to football in the fall.
i will have a senior and a freshman in the high school and an 8th grader and a 5th grader in the middle school.
kinda funny.

AND one of my BFFs moved away this week too!!!!
my exercise buddy.
my thought processor.
my organized genius.
my calming presence.
it’s only two hours away but it will never be the same.
i am going to miss her so much.
she is truly the kindest person i have ever met.

so… yeah.
don draper, david letterman and my children’s youth AND my bestie left me – ALL in one week?!!

i earned my margarita last night.
all three of them.


tracy fisher - i’m just getting back to reading blogs… took some time off. oh boy do I miss reading yours. have the best summer ever!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Grumpy frog suddenly makes sense.

Wendy - We are going to watch the entire series of MadMen for the third time. I LOVE this show so much and really can’t get over that it is over. I thought the end was pretty good but I was just so sad that it was over. I really liked what they did with Peggy. That was my favorite.

I love the stairs so much and I am so glad you shared. I have an odd stairwell that I seriously am considering doing this to. Right now it is pine treads with unfinished fronts because I haven’t touched it since we removed the ugly carpet. i have painted the walls but that is all. You always inspire me! I love your blog and really how you share. You are still my first blog to check on. Long time reader! You have such courage, faith, and honesty. Thanks!


Debi Meyers - i love ya Meg. I hope we meet someday. Best photo of Dave. I love his little caramel-colored glasses.

At a crossroads, I chose The Walking Dead over MadMen. Can’t say I’m sorry. But you make it look worth my time.

deb meyers

Carrie - I have also never heard of middle school starting in 5th grade. In our area most middle schools start in 6th grade. A few districts start it in 7th grade and some have 6th grade centers.

Eugenia from Southern California - Woweeee. Middle school doesn’t start until 7th grade here. I have two boys in their twenties and another two traveling the journey.
A boy starting middle school and a girl starting 3rd grade in the fall. School doesn’t get out until the middle of June and starts again at the end of August. My kids are counting the days until they get to swim nearly every day.

I love the time without homework and longer fun days.

You are a brave brave woman. xxooo

Jen - I feel the same way about Mad Men. I loved every minute of it, and I thought the finale was absolutely brilliant. And I have a senior who graduates on 6/1 and heads off to college (four hours away) in August. I think I’ll go have a bottle of Moscato! 🙂

Debbie H - I meant 5 to 8. I’m in shock and can’t type, apparently.

Debbie H - HOW is that possible!??? Annie JUST began kindergarten! Have I been honestly reading your blog THAT LONG? You MOURNED the day she left for school (kinder) hahaha. And Kansas does middle school from 4 to 8? California is really out of it, I guess. I learn a lot here. . . I might need a marg. wow.

Lisa - That IS a lot to happen in one week! The friend moving? The hardest I would think. Good friends are the biggest blessings in life. And I have never heard of 5th grade being in middle school? Is that the norm in Kansas?

Lpro - What a week! I think you should have 3 more this weekend 🙂

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hope spoken weekend

well i am home from a really good weekend at Hope Spoken in Dallas.
i have been trying to write this post for three days but life is busy!
appointments and carpool and dinner and groceries and puppies and chickens and everything!
take me back to Dallas!!!

kimberlee and i drove down together and talked our heads off every. single. minute.


when we got to dallas we ate at Lyfe Kitchen for lunch.
hummus on a salad? quinoa and cucumbers? avocado AND hot sauce?!
and i tried my first radish!
this salad was not only photo worthy but memorable.
i wish i could eat it every week!
over this meal kimberlee said “i always forget how good it feels to get away and do something out of the norm”
YAY for leaving the routine behind and having fun outside our everyday lives!



the first place i went for the conference was the Speaker Dinner.
the other Hope Spoken speakers were there and i met them for the first time.
We met at Neighbor’s Table with Sarah hosting us in her back yard.
(go read about her Love Mission!)IMG_3572


the table setting was beautiful and made us each feel so special.
i loved hearing Sarah’s heart in what she does… how she serves.
she made me want to be more intentional about sharing and gathering!
it was a relaxing way to start the weekend.

not hope spoken related but still weekend related:
we ate lunch on friday at the Rusty Taco.
the #2 Roasted Pork Taco with cotija cheese and pickled red onions was something i can’t stop craving!
we tried to go back twice but it was closed on the weekends!

Hope Spoken opened on friday night with Jen Hatmaker.
now… i knew she would be good.
but she blew me away.
i have read her books but i’ve never heard her speak… it was the best thing i have heard in possibly years!
she’s the real deal.
this is a terrible picture of her… but i wanted you to see the stage and the set up… SO lovely.
i don’t think it was recorded but if it was you have got to hear it!  i will keep you posted.

these were my roommates.
i mean, they were ok i guess…
ha ha ha.
ashley, shannan and kimberlee are so nice to room with me.
they make me so happy.
i wish we all lived in the same state… in the same town…. on same block… with adjoining backyards where we can hang out every night!  🙂


this is my small group i got to be in.
i always feel anxious when joining a group of women… (will this feeling last forever?)
and as usual… the group was totally lovely full of sweet women with stories that matter & big hearts.
Crystal was our leader and i have been wanting to meet her in person for a long time.
our group even had a smiley baby mascot.


i spoke on saturday morning.
i was a sweaty mess but i made it through!
and i did cry… but not out of control.
they did not record the break outs so literally “i guess you had to be there”

(thanks for picture kimberlee)
i felt like i needed a nap when i was done!
but i am so glad i did it!!!
at 10:55 i tried to get the other break out speakers to go out for coffee with me.
(we spoke at 11:00)
ha ha ha
i shared about how Jesus wants us right where we are, no matter what we have done in our past.
there is no one “qualified” to be used by Him… none of us are and He uses us anyway!
i shared that it’s O K  and even good to DREAM with God & the setbacks we encounter when we do.
about how it’s really hard to see ourselves the way God does – we focus on our sins but God sees us clean.
and about how all the stories & events in our past are about God changing us for His good.

i also told them i was super worried that my spanx were showing since i was on the stage instead of the floor.

Stephanie (Honey) Holden spoke on sunday as our closer.
it just couldn’t have been better.
i had never met stephanie but i think she & i should have been friends forever.
she has the best accent!
i loved her stories, the way she read the bible and how she walked us through the verses.
and yes… i had been the crying just before this picture.
it’s not like i just walk around and burst into tears but when someone says something that touches my heart or hugs me when i need it or tells me good news (or sad news too)… the tears come.   it’s just me.  it started in seventh grade and i don’t think its stopping anytime soon.

jeanne and i have been friends for a LONG time.  🙂
she’s super cool.  i always enjoy my time talking and laughing so much with her.
you should take her online art classes!
at the very least you should take part int the Becoming Class – it’s free and awesome!

we ate across the street by default at the Rodeo Goat.
it looks like a 4H building and i was very skeptical.
but like with most fun places… it looked weird but it was really GREAT!
i was wrong.
once i saw this wall… it was my new favorite place in the whole world.

isn’t this a funny picture?!  we all had such a good time together!
i got to meet Paige for the first time after ‘knowing” each other online forever!
blogging rocks.
so many online friends are every where!  it’s so fun to meet in real life!
paige i loved our meals together.  🙂

i follow Ruth on Instagram but we had never met until thursday.
she was F U N!  i loved her from the second we met!
(partly because she walked up and said “oh my gosh you are so beautiful!” or something like that)
if you don’t follow her you are missing out!  her shop is RAD too.
she has 6 boys! (with a body like that) (inside joke)


just now i went to the #hopespoken on IG and stole all these pictures!
i wish i had thought to take each of them… and about 100 more.


the speakers each were given “gift bags” which was kinda dreamy.
better life bagskatygirl designspersimmon printsintentional homelovishly25:40 Loveeclectic joy the lovely words

i felt spoiled! thanks to all the sponsors and to the Hope Spoken crew!

Danielle, Casey & Emily – THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!


so dear readers… you should go to hope spoken next year.
be brave!
meet new people!
get away from the everyday routine!
have FUN!
worship together.. grow… hear… experience!

i had heard how good it was and i was still skeptical… and it was SO GOOD!!!
i am so glad i went!
tickets go on sale May 1 for Hope Spoken 2016.

natalie - I hate to ask this here, but didn’t find the info on the hope spoken website. Does anyone know what the cost will be for 2016? Thanks!

Mindy - What a beautiful group of ladies. Good things happen when God gathers His people and open hearts are filled (and I am with you as far as the tears go…) to overflowing. Thanks for sharing! And what a lovely backdrop you all had – so sweet.

Lasso the Moon - I was so happy to meet you, Meg! I’ve been a reader for such a long time. You did great, and your talk was so inspiring. When you are in Dallas again, look me up! Let’s be friends!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - This makes me miss living in Dallas. Now we live in the burbs and it is jut too far to drive for all that yummy food!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - OMJosh. Hahaha
I’m on a mission to recreate that pickled onion taco… Fyi

Rebekah - I’m the same with the tears. There’s a Jewel song that that I think about sometimes that says, “I’m sensitive, and I’d like to stay that way.” That’s me. 🙂 Not in a bad way, just tender-hearted.

Tere - I so love you. Thanks for being you and always filling my heart with your amazing words….xoxo tere

Jen Dahl - i was looking at those tacos thinking, yeah, that looks pretty great. so I clicked on the locations, and wouldn’t you know there is one near me. guess what I’m having tomorrow night for dinner? YUM.

jessica - Thank you so much for mentioning us in this post! It seems like such a lovely time! We are working on going next year! Hope you enjoy your shirt!

Jenny - Sounds amazing! Can you share links to the shops for the swag you got? That shirt!

Lorraine - One of these years I’m going to get there!! It looks like such an incredible time of fun, fellowship and love!!

Karen - Can you still attend if you aren’t a blogger? 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Your black dress – wow! You looked stunning. I so wish I could have been there to hear you. I know it was amazing!

Eugenia from Southern California - Oh my goodness, you are all so beautiful. My job sucks so much out of me, it’s nice to be reminded that there is purpose. I pray and my co-workers pray to remove the darkness from our workplace. Sometimes, its the one claiming to love Christ that cause so much havoc and suffering. Reading your witness really helps and encourages me to press on. Thank you for reminding the rest of us to answer His call. To have Hope and to feel worthy.

xxxooo e

Jenny B. - So glad it went well! I knew you would do great. 🙂

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