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Category Archives: me me me

life… it’s good.

(these are all Instagram pics from 2013)

there is no denying that life is good.

2014 is already looking like it’s going to be a pretty awesome year.

do you pick a word for the year?  i haven’t officially done it in the past but this year i feel ready.

i think i know what mine is….

you will probably roll your eyes.

i will tell you tomorrow.

and i want you to share yours.


and hey… thanks for reading this little bloggity blog.
i appreciate it.
and thanks for all the encouraging comments and emails you send to me.
you are awesome.



Sharon Kindall - I love all of the pictures of your family life! Waffle is so adorable and so is your new puppy! Thank you for a fun and inspiring blog. sharon

Deborah - Love the pics! This is totally off subject though…please tell me where you have gotten all the cute scarves with polka dots on them that you are shown wearing (I LOVE them!)

megan - What a beautiful year! And thanks for your constant inspiration for all of us to be colorful, fun, healthy, and focused on God. Your ramblings (I mean that in a good way!) about these do not go unnoticed. Thanks and keep it up!

Mindy - I always enjoy the bit of sunshine your blog provides each time I visit. Looking forward to 2014 and more of the same (although even if it weren’t all sunshine I would have to check up on those cute chickens!). Happy New Year!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. You are the most photogenic person I know.
2. I miss seeing Cory in a tie.
3. And without that chin thing happening right now…
4. Those lockers!!! Dang you, Jeremy! (Was that his name?)

Rachel - I have a print just like this of a ton of my insta pics in our living room from a small company based in San Francisco and I love it. It’s like seeing a snap shot of your whole year in one print and it makes me smile every time I walk passed it.

Janine - I’ve been doing the one word resolution for a few years now and I have to say, I love it. A few years ago the word was “forgiveness” which was probably the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Last year’s word was “Change” and boy did we ever. This year’s word is “Improvement”. Health, body, mind, soul, house, relationships, etc. We’ll see how that goes. I love seeing the other words chosen.

karen - Hi Meg, I love your colorful blog and all the smiles, they make me smile, too. 🙂 My word is “gravity” as it reminds me how Jesus holds everything together, even when the world seems to be falling apart (and I did see the movie, too…) Happy, happy New Year!!

Ashley - I always love seeing your end of year posts…full of so many happy photos. Also…I miss you. Come visit me.

Melissa - My word is seek. I am seeking health, happiness, better relationship with God and anything else I can think of.
Thanks for all the inspiration throughout the year!

Michelle - My word for 2014 is “enough.”

Anne - My word for this year is FOCUS. I’ve never picked a word for the year, so I’m pretty excited to see how it goes. Good luck! Can’t wait to find out what yours is.

Megan - Yes! A word for the year instead of a resolution. This is my first year but my word is:



Appreciative of benefits received.

I’m going to do my best to be grateful for all that I’ve been given. After all, to whom much is given, much is asked. God asks a lot of me because he knows I can handle it.
So, instead of constantly complaining about having to clean my house, I will say a word of thanks that I am lucky enough to have a house in the first place. I can’t promise that I won’t ever complain about these kinds of things, but I can change my attitude about them. Stop complaining that my job is so stressful and pays so little. I have a job for pete’s sake–and many others don’t. And I get to have a job where I actually help people and make my community safer. And it’s in a warm, nice building and I drive there in my warm, nice car.

(And I’m grateful to you, Meg–for sharing everything you do, for expressing your faith in a way that makes sense to me, for letting me have some crafty time 🙂 )

Tracy - Thank you, Meg, for this little bloggity blog! I truly enjoy reading and seeing your beautiful photos!

YOU are awesome 🙂

Kellie - Mine is a phrase as well and it is ‘be intentional’. 🙂

Karina - Excited to hear about your word! I am picking one this year for the first time. I was kind of feeling like I was the last person to pick a word for the year! 😉 But it just feels right this year. I am READY!! Good luck with your word! And HAPPY 2014 to you and your family!

Gale - Thanks for letting us share your lives – one of my highlights for 2013 was getting to go to Craft Weekend – now almost a YEAR ago!! Wow 🙂 Happy 2014!!!!!!

Tiffany - You are cute, and a fun mom, and creative, and have a pretty amazeballs scarf collection. (Like how I used your word there?) 🙂 I’m thankful for your blog, and the smile it always brings to my face. Happy New Year! Cheers to many more amazing memories to document through this blog and instagram! 🙂

KirstenP - Added Jan 2nd New episode of Parenthood tonight!

Allison - YOU are awesome too!! Hope my 2014 is 1/1000 as good as your 2013!! Best Wishes to you and your family for a fantastic year!!

Martha - Today it seems like kids live and dress far beyond their years. You’ve done a wonderful job of allowing your kids to be cool but, still age appropriate. It’s so refreshing to see! Many blessings to you and your family in 2014!

Terrie G - I LOVE picking a word to focus on each year!
I can’t remember if I posted my word last year or not…so this year, I’m going to be an over-achiever. I picked two words! I just blogged about them. I’ve been behind in blogging and reading blogs…it all relates to my #1 word for the year – JOY. I need to find my joy again…things are heading in the right direction. BIG things happening here!! HaPpY NeW YeaR Meg! Thanks for being YOU…and sharing your heart with all of us! Hugs!!

Tanya - The one and only blog I come back to. Happy new year!

Jaimie - “help” is my word.

happy new year!

thanks for sharing all of your wonderful inspiration year round 🙂

Jaime ♥ Raising up Rubies - wow. those legs. get me every time.
happy new year guurrrrl.

Carol Strittmatter - Meg, You inspire me in many ways. I am a log time blog “lurker” (is that a word?) (Too tech ignorant to subscribe-just bookmark and instagram follow!) but so enjoy you and your family. Your love for your family is evident in every post. I also enjoy that you acknowledge that life is not perfect. I wish you much love and happiness in the new year! Keep living in “color” –so awesome!

stephanie C - this is the first year i have heard of this, and it was just a few days ago. so i prayed about it, and have felt the word “relationships” pressed on my heart. we have seven kids whom we homeschool and i feel like I’m always looking ahead at what needs to be done next rather than really being present at any one moment. plus, my kids’ relationships with each other need some work. so in expanded form it would be “relationships over tasks”.
Thanks for sharing your life with us, Meg. I love reading your blog.

Heather S. - Been thinking about my 2014 WORD. Pretty much know the direction I want to go, just not settled 100% on THE WORD.
BTW – you have mentioned Parenthood on here so many times and I came across it on Netflix one afternoon while I had some ME time with no kids at home…I am hooked. Three weeks ago and I’m already halfway through the second season. Seriously good stuff. can barely make it through an episode without laughing (seeing myself in a character) AND crying. Such a great show – so, keep promoting!

Jen - YOU are awesome. Thank you for your blog. I look forward to your posts, your stories, your pictures. You are sunshine on the internet. This world needs more Meg. Thank you and all the best to you and your family in 2014!!! A word for 2014? Huh, never thought of it that way. I need to ponder…

Jenny B. - You are so cute in your glasses! I think that every time I see a picture of you wearing them. 🙂 I picked a word last year, but didn’t really do anything with it. I wasn’t going to pick a word this year, but “peace” keeps coming to mind, so maybe I should pick one after all. I’ve been learning to pray for God to fill me with His peace, and I need lots of reminders. 🙂

Kristen - You seem like the coolest mom with the neatest kids. Happy 2014!

Tammy Alfultis - Thanks for sharing and for being such an inspiration!

julie - Fun pics! Thanks for all the inspiration you gave us in 2013!

iI don’t have a word for the year, but instead a phrase…”Do hard things.” It gives courage and a feeling of accomplishment to do the hard things.

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I love instagram. I was just telling my husband how many pics I take of my kids just because it is on my phone. Here is to a great 2014.

Janelle - My word for 2014 is “enjoy.”

KirstenP - You’re welcome for reading your “little bloggity blog”! Thanks for writing your “little bloggity blog”! And thanks muchly for your 2013 photo album.

Iris - My word for 2014 is eucharisteo

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these are good choices.

are you getting close to the end of your shopping list?
i am down to stocking stuffers.
and then the wrapping of the gifts.
as long as i can put on a christmas movie and wrap all by myself then i don’t mind that job at all.

i made a little list in my head of things i have loved to receive as gifts from people.

so this is not a wish list because i already have them.
but maybe there is something you need to get for someone yet and this list will give you an idea?


any of the beautiful mugs from Anthropologie






Keurig Coffee Maker
nine year olds can make their mother’s coffee all over the world thanks to this baby.




pretty & colorful washi tape   (photo from




Heated Mattress Pad
(best gift ever!!!!)



PicMonkey Collage

new robe… new pajamas… new slippers



IMG_1316martha stewart glitter.



81kp2W02R0L._SL1500_SINGER Heavy Duty Sewing Machine

Craft Weekend has 4 of these machines.  i really like them!




gift cards to Starbucks!




anything from Katie Daisy on Etsy






i received a  KitchenAid Mixer 10 years ago as a christmas gift from mr. duerksen.
it is still one of the best gifts i have been given.
but mine is white.




i always love new lipstick… and i think MAC lipstick smells good too.




           Kisses from Katie                                     Humans of New York                                   Tattoos on the Heart

these are three books that i love.
i sent my dad the Humans of NY and i read the whole thing at thanksgiving.  🙂
it’s such a cool concept to me!




everyone would love a cute infinity scarf!
(these are from Gap, JCPenney & Ann Taylor)



Rainbow Knife Set
i got these for christmas last year and i LOVE them!



and OF COURSE… everyone would love a super fun picture from my shop in their home!
it would such a fun gift to give!
Use the code JINGLEBELLS10 for 10% off anything in my shop now through Dec. 31.


what did i miss on the list?
what would you have put on this list of your favorite things you have been given or love?



Patti Mullican - You are not alone in the decorating department. The tree is up and the mantle is decorated, but that’s about it. All my energy has gone into school since I am a first year teacher. Your last minute gift ideas helped generate some ideas for me and your cow print is actually on personal Christmas wish list. Take good care and enjoy the season!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Those knives!
Specifically, the small green one.

I like your list. Wanna wrap gifts together?

Alice H - I love the Vera Bradley Zip ID cases for $12. I add a gift card to it and present is done! I also like buying the Chick-Fil-A calendar and giving it with a gift card.

Adrienne - I just ordered two prints! One is the close of the gum balls that I love so much. I’ve looked at it so many times. The other is flowers in the wind and i plan to use it this spring 🙂 Excited!

Tracey Garcia - I got a cobalt blue kitchen aid years ago as a gift from my husband. And I love it! But, on black Friday when the Mr. and I were out shopping I saw the turquoise one!! But, given the cost of these babies, it really isn’t feasible to get one in each of the cool colors they now come in. 🙁
Probably one of my favorite gifts, and shows my total nerdiness, is a label maker that my oldest son bought me two years ago for Christmas. I had been wanting one forever and I LOVE it!!!

April R - …I haven’t really started yet. And this is really inspiring…sometimes I think I wander over here to get a spark and splash of color and inspiration no matter what time of year it is!
Happy Christmas all 🙂

Michelle Whitlow - I got a Kitchenaid mixer from my hubby for Christmas, too…about 13 yrs ago. Of course, back then they pretty much only had white. It’s hard to justify buying another one just because you want a new color!! They’re definitely a GREAT gift to get!

Btw, would love to know where you got those great red dishes/mugs that I’ve seen on your site before with the white polka dots! I’d like to add that to my Christmas list 🙂

Kathleen Mahoney - All great ideas! I received your “Back to Work” coffee mug print in the mail last week and can’t wait to find the perfect frame for hanging in my home office! Highly recommend this to anyone still out there shopping….. 🙂

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Mindy - Great list! Those Anthro mugs are so cute. My KitchenAid (black) is one of my most used all time best gifts too. I missed the boat on “Humans” as I haven’t heard of it but will be checking it out. Anyone who gets one of your lovely prints for Christmas is lucky gal!

Laura Oyler - Pretty sure I love everything on this list…..except the coffee maker! I’m gonna have to look into the heated mattress pad thing. I have a heated blanket, but sometimes it just isn’t enough!

DebZorn - You have a very comprehensive list. I’m going to check out “Humans” because of all the positive comments. My favorite gift was, and always will be, the birth of my first child. She came into the world whole, healthy, with pink cheeks and a ton of hair, on Christmas Eve. I’ve had the joy of loving her and calling her my daughter for 39 years! Thanks for sharing – always.

Janelle - Thanks Meg! I immediately went to order Humans of New York for my father for Christmas. Just thought I’d let your readers know…they are sold out at Amazon. I was hopeful that they would get more in stock for Christmas but after checking out the Humans of New York blog he indicated that probably wouldn’t happen but to check out Barnes and Noble. They literally just got a new shipment in today so if your readers want it for Christmas they should check out Barnes and Noble. Thanks for the ideas…I ordered Tattoos on the Heart for my dad as well 😉

Tiffany - I want to gift Humans of New York to the world.

Jen - Love the rainbow knife set. That would look wonderful in our kitchen and we are in need of a new knife holder. Hmmmmm… The only other thing I would add to your list is this Heart Warmer Pillow from Bucky. I gave one to each of my girlfriends for Christmas and they have all said how much they enjoy them. Pop one in the microwave and instant warmth on a cold winter night. I love mine.

Meg - I LOVE Humans of New York! I started following the blog, and I’m getting the book for Christmas! Can’t wait to read it!

Bethany - Love this list! Last year I got a new sewing machine-it’s one of best gifts I’ve ever gotten. This year I’m excited to get some new boots. I already bought them on behalf of my husband, but have left them in the box until Christmas even though I’d love to start wearing them now.

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best boots ever? i think yes.

so i was cruising along facebook today (which is rare) and i saw an ad for boots.
i clicked over and i ended up drooling over all kinds of pretty western boots that i didn’t know existed!

first i fell in love with these completely AWESOME BOOTS.
i seriously think they are the prettiest boots in the world.

then i found these short black embroidered boots.


then i saw they also came in short brown boots.   i LOVE these.
i thought these were cute and different… LEOPARD & BUTTERFLY BOOTS.

i liked these FANCY BOOTS… they seem dressier than the boots at the top.

and then the RED BOOTS!!!   i kinda sorta could marry these boots.

all of these were by Old Gringo on Amazon… and WAY way waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my price range.
i am more of a target or old navy boots kind of girl.

but i was feeling dreamy.
and letting myself go there in my head for a little while.

you know…pretending i was Oprah and could get any shoes i wanted.

do you ever play that kind of game?
it’s not very a very good game i you are working on contentment….

oh… i also play it every time i walk through anthropologie too.  🙂


andrea - I know! These have been on my pinterest wish list & amazon wish list for over a year. And there they shall stay. Every once in a while i just like to drool and imagine my feet in those beautiful boots.

Gina in Louisville - Don’t forget Meg-Oprah, everyone in the studio audience gets a pair too!

Laura - This is what I do Meg…

I go on the Anthro site…and I FILL my cart!!! Thousands of dollars in my cart!
Then I close my laptop and walk away

and I FEEL like I just shopped!!!
I get nothing!!!!
And it turns out…
I didn’t need any of it anyway!
Sometimes it’s just fun to FEEL like you can buy anything you want….

but I do hope someone buys you those boots
it wont be me
I’ll be buying you something at Target….

Lynni - i love looking at boots too, im a red or dead girl myself. hoping desperately that my husband heard me all year long saying how much i need new pretty boots for winter ( i do actually need boots if we are expecting even half the snow they are saying ) and gets me some for Christmas

Amy - My daughter is also 9 and she loves Lego friends. She loves putting them together and playing with them. I am also going to get her some American Girl crafts. Some we have done together and some she assembles herself. Merry Christmas! :0). Happy shopping and good luck!

PS my daughter just bought with her own money the lego friends high school and is enjoying it so much!

Meredith - Old Gringo Women’s Lauren Inlay Western Boot Old Gringo Limited Time today!

CathyC - If I was a cowboy boot wearing girl, I think I would pick the Fancy Boots. Hi Meg!

Kimberlee Jost - I can’t sleep and come over here and you’re pretending you’re Oprah in Old Gringos!
I miss you.

Jill - I give ya about a day and you will have a new blog sponsor! I think you are do a pair just for this post!

Boots are an investment – you will have them FOREVER! Since I became a mom – 15 years ago, I have justified spending a bit more on good jeans and boots – I feel like I spent money on business suits and cocktail dresses that I wore WAY less than the jeans and boots that have become my everyday wardrobe!


Sara Torbett - Boots have been on my wish list for a loooooong time. And this week I won a gift card to country outfitters! BUT, the ones I love are the flowery ones too. The $500 ones. YIKES. But aren’t they pretty?! 🙂
Anthropologie is so, so dreamy. I saved up and bought an owl mug that cheers me up every single morning last time I went.

sandy - I love the discount room in anthropologie!! It was another 20% off after Thanksgiving. Finally hit normal prices!

chrissi - pretending you are Oprah. You are too funny and way more fun.

Linda - ohh i want the red ones!!

Mindy - I mostly have two kinds of footwear in my closet – boots and flip-flops. You found some pretty cute ones. Maybe Santa will drop a pair down your chimney : )

Ami - I was just drooling over that top pair of boots the other day. 🙂

Jenny - You are so funny! I’m always playing game. Trying hard not to! The boots are amazing!

Molly - just admiring the beauty!!

stephany - Oh. My. Gorgeous!

tonya - i love them all too- i was fired up- i thought you were having a giveaway for them!

paige - did you know ann voscamp wears old gringo?
she does
holy moly…she’s a stud AND wears old gringo. like more than one pair.
now surely that does nothing if not make you wanna run right back over to amazon & DO IT!

ps–i’m a lucchese girl and love their boots & the leather they use.
true story, look up corral boots..they have a pair that looks quite simliar to old gringo

Claire - I’m definitely with you about Anthropologie! I just want everything from there, all the time. If only!

Tere - Yes, please. I want Dahlia or Dalia by Ariat. Checkout, sometimes you can get some good steals there. xoxo

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i can’t think of a title.

this sky last week.
it was SO unreal… looked like a painting.
those clouds went on and on and on.
for as far you could see… tiny puffy clouds.
i pulled over on a dirt road to take this shot.

waffle is a big baby.
if i would let him up into my lap he would try it.

kitten squeezes and loves happen every where.
even on the trampoline.
finally get some more running in.
like once a week.
but i am making my way back.
scenes like this make it much easier to be out there running.  🙂
we scheduled a race again in december (4 miles) just to get out there and not be too tempted to give up.
i am looking forward to it. (and the starbucks afterwards)

IMG_9730 IMG_9736IMG_9948
i spent the weekend with these lovely ladies…and twelve more awesome girls too.
we finished out 2013 Craft Weekends.
number twenty.  i never dreamed it would be this much fun.
so crazy wonderful!!!
we had perfect weather… great projects and super creative women to hang out with.
always such a fabulous time.  i will write all about it by next week.
and now…
i get 10 weeks off.

i feel very energized by that statement.
there are so many things i have been wanting to do but just haven’t had the energy for.
my mind has been focused on craft weekends and being a mom and wife.
there wasn’t much more room for anything else that took thinking or planning.
but now i am pumped for the stuff i want to make… lists to check off…. projects i want to start.
i feel ready to get crafty…. for ME and not for work.  projects i want to make that are not test runs for CW.
just M A K E stuff for the fun of it.
artsy people need that ya know?
a time to refresh.
i am sure all kinds of people need that… it just looks different for all of us.

so we started right away on a project…. the third floor.
that junk that is up there has been bugging me forever!
craig went through it all with me and carried loads down the three flights and out to the curb.
he made my day.
i found his college basketball uniform while sorting… and of course i put it on and kept it on the entire time we cleaned.

and now that third floor is cleared of all junk.
ready for some ideas that i can dream up.
ahhhhhh….. feels so good!!!
what will the third floor become?!  i think i know!
wait and see.
talby has a birthday on tuesday… her GOLDEN birthday.
she turns 12 on the 12th.   she turns 12 on 11-12-13.
isn’t that fun?
she is going to have a great day.
i am going to make sure of it.  🙂

she baked and decorated all these  cupcakes to bring to school.
she is really awesome.
and man is she funny!
she is hilarious.

i am so glad we get to have her in our family.


kerry - Toooo much excitement in one post!

those clouds… those cupcakes… that jenny on the spot!

so so lovely. happy birthday talby darling! xx

Kirsten J - Happy birthday Talby! All day today I kept telling people it was a special day….what a cool date for your golden birthday 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - Kinda teasing us hardcore with the third floor thing there….

Also its my dad’s birthday today and I thought 11-12-13 was so cool!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday to your lovely Talby! I’m so glad you mentioned the golden birthday; it’s our David’s golden birthday this month, too – he’ll be 21 on the 21st. My husband said, “Does anyone even think about that anymore?,” and I said, “Yes!” So glad that you do this, too.

Kat - You should frame that pic of the sky and fields, it is amazing.
The sky looks gorgeous and those colours, sigh.
I hope Talby has a good b’day. I saw on facebook where Waffle ate the cupcakes, oops! 🙂

Sara - You look fabulous Meg! I like your hair longer 🙂 Your third floor space looks dreamy….can’t wait to hear what you have in mind. And-I’m so happy for you that you get a break! I love creating to my heart’s content……it is just so satisfying. Enjoy your much deserved break! 🙂 (I use that term loosely…mama’s and wives are always working) 🙂

Jenn - Those leaves! Ah! What a wouldn’t give to have leaves like that. So beautiful! Looks like all good times. Enjoy your break. Can’t wait to see the third floor, maybe in person.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love these kinds of posts. sweet and lovely. 🙂

CathyC - Oh my gosh! When my group was there we were all dying to know what you would do with that third floor space! Can’t wait to see what it will be.

Tracy - What a fun date for a birthday!! Happy Birthday, Talby!!

Is that the 3rd floor of the craft house or the farmhouse? I can’t wait to see what you do 🙂

Have a great week!

kim - that first pic might be my most favorite ever! 🙂
i think you should make it a canvas, too!

mindy - Can’t wait to see what you come up with for that 3rd floor space. You are just so creative! Love all your pictures, as always.

Jaime ♥ Raising up Rubies - the third floor suspense is killing me.

Chris - Happy birthday to your Talby! I agree with Kelly- it’s cool that your kids can take homemade treats. We can only bring prepackaged stuff which is no fun.

I can’t wait to see what you do with the 3rd floor. We checked it out (since you said we could) it has so much potential!!

Marsha Kern - Happy Birthday to Talby! Do you guys still like living in the country? Will you ever move back to town or will it stay the country? Marsha

kelly - So cool that you guys can take home made treats to school.. That is a thing of the past around here…. Her Cupcakes are awesome and so is she…

Samantha - Happy Birthday Talby! I wish we can take homemade cupcakes to school but they have to be store bought to even be allowed on campus 🙁

Tiffany - I love birthdays and cupcakes, Happy 12th Birthday Talby!!!

Christy - Happy Birthday Talby! I hope it is a good one. The last year of being a preteen!! And Meg, I can’t wait to see what you are going to do with the 3rd floor. A blank slate…so exciting!

Betsy - Hey!! My son turns 12 today too 🙂 A special day indeed!!!

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this project looks so cheerful yet simple and easy to do.
i need to print some photos!!!
raise your hand if it’s been more than 2 years since the last time you printed photos….



this is stinkin’ adorable.
i keep looking at it trying to figure out why i love it so much… the glasses?  the lowlights in her hair? the freckles?

i think it is that the shirt is just three stripes.




does this owl project make you want to create?
that is all i can think about when i look at this picture!
i want paper, scissors and glue RIGHT NOW!
i think my kids would like making this.



i pretty much love everything Kal creates.







i bought the new Avett Brothers immediately.
isn’t the “album cover” the best?  i love that.
i really like the violin (cello?) in The Clearness is Gone… i greatly dislike the DRAMA part of Vanity… Apart from Me is lovely… and Good to You… and Bring your love…
basically i love the whole darn thing.



b88a4415199dd4d44da1637b206b9256we got creative after seeing this watercolor painting on pinterest.

there is something about sitting down and painting… it is so calming.
i always have music on quietly.  it is a memory i hope they keep of time we spent together.




as soon as i finish this post i am getting up to make these.
i have a ton of apples that need to get used.



aren’t these super cute?!


and then these make me not want to carve any pumpkins at all – we can just paint!

it is going to take a lot of self motivating talking to myself to get pumpkins carved this year.
“it’s not so bad meg.  you can do it”
“the kids love it.  just do it megan”
“you will be so happy you did it when they are done”
please tell me i am not the only one who feels this way about pumpkins.



have you heard of Lindsay Letters?
she is super rad.
she donated a canvas to danielle’s adoption fundraiser… i bid and won.  🙂
it was a hard decision to choose which canvas!
in the end i picked Come Thou Fount… but i ALMOST chose Ecclesiastes 9:7-9.
i mean… the C O L O R S  part???  it really would be perfect for me…
maybe my next order!
seriously amazing work she does.
ok… gotta make those apple bars.
and cuddle with my kids.
our house is FREEZING so i am happy to let kids warm me up.

did you know it SNOWED here today?!!  Craziness.




Cran - I feel the same way about pumpkins. It rarely works out how I wanted it. Then the mold thing.. errr.
I would never carve them, except I love roasted pumpkin seeds. 🙂

ROBBIE - Where do I buy the gorgeous shopping bags?

Heather S. - the pumpkin carving task goes to my hubs. i’ve never liked it and always made him do it. our girls are over it now, so it looks like it won’t get done this year.
and those sunburst watercolor prints will get on our crafting list asap.
snow – we had the big fat flakes for about an hour friday afternoon around Topeka – did you get the fatties, too? They’re the best!

Mindy - I love the look of watercolors and you have me wanting to get mine out ASAP! Congratulations on your canvas – great choice.

Kerri - Enjoy your posts very much. I am not creative, but you make me think I COULD be :)) “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” is a favorite hymn of mine – good choice! Have to love our Kansas weather; I live in east central KS and no snow here yet.

Renee - this was a fun post! I made these caramel apple cheesecake bars when i had a lot of apples. they were AH-mazing. my mouth waters just thinking about them.

love the ‘come thou fount’ – that was a good choice! and the painting 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m coming over for a blondie and some quiet-music painting. You think I’m joking??

Sara - Apple bars look tasty! And now I’m wanting to paint. Do you buy the cheapo watercolor sets? I never know what craft supplies to splurge on.

I’m sitting next to a warm fire, blogging 🙂

Ruth B - Meg,I want to thank you for finding the best Pinterest has to offer at the moment and sharing it. You are great for enabling my laziness, or busy-ness (honestly haven’t really looked at Pinterest in 6 months!). I hear you with the Pumpins girl, I try to talk our kids out of it some years-that’s an awful confession I know-see laziness!

Susanne - Is it wrong to be a little jealous that it snowed for you already? (I live in the most NW corner of the state of WA – rarely snows and it’s really sad after growing up in Nebraska)(altho it IS truly beautiful here!) Anyway – once on Duck Dynasty, Jase said “I don’t trust meat from the grocery store” I’ll add to that! “I not sure I trust people who don’t like The Avett Brothers!” 😀 My 2¢? Carve the pumpkin!

Tiffany - Olivia loves to paint. She has been begging for it recently. That sunburst project looks like a good one to try. And I need to join her. Often it’s tempting to think, Oh good, kids are occupied with something, time to get something done. But I know we would both love it if I took time to paint with her. It would be good for both of us.

I can’t believe it snowed there! It hasn’t in MN yet! You beat us!

Amy K. - That is *exactly* how I feel about pumpkin carving – dread it, dread it, dread it, hate cleaning them out, then suddenly thrilled that I sucked it up & did it b/c we had a great time & they turned out great!

Leah Faye - I’m so happy that Brittni Rhodes told me about your blog! I am her student teacher and live in your area! I love your blog and can’t wait to follow along! It is so fun to find other bloggers near by!
Leah Faye
a clover and a bee

Katie - I’m not a fan of pumpkin carving… Maybe because I stink at it?! Love all the prints.

Julie - Some great ideas – love your girls paintings. That owl collage is something my daughter would love, and I am thinking that apple slice recipe may have to get tested too.

Is it early for snow – we are just starting to get warmer spring days in New Zealand now, I even got a bit of sunburn on my arms yesterday.

Enjoy your weekend.

colleeen - Snow… are you kidding? How magical is that? I’m sorry but Kansas weather is really, really unusual! I met a friend from Kansas in my grad program and she made cookies for National Kansas Day… who does that? they were very good and I’ve wanted to go to Kansas ever since. Enjoy the early winter visit…. I would if it happened here in Ct ( and yes we too have had october snow storms… if you don’t like the weather in New England just wait a minute ( it will change).. Sounds like Kansas….
Weren’t you swimming a couple weeks ago?

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today is my birthday.


a list of a few things about me right now on my 38th birthday.

* these are my new favorite jeans…. Legging Jean at the GAP
i probably won’t wear them with heels too often…. but occasionally maybe.

* talby wants me to learn how to do hair like this video.  i promised i would try.


* the best book i read this summer was Tattoos on the Heart.
it has a little bit of foul language but i still LOVED this book… SO MUCH. It changed my heart.  i saw some things differently.


* i prefer to eat cake cold out of the refrigerator… frosting that is cold? YES!

* i absolutely LOVE to take a hot bath… in a BIG deep tub.

* coconut is top of the list for smells & taste.  it love coconut dessert!  and the smell… YUM.
the best lotions, shampoos & soaps are coconut.

* i want to see Gravity (clooney… duh) and  i am scared to see Prisoners.  Are you going to see either?

* i think of my dad every time i hear the song Werewolves of London (which is surprisingly often!) because he used to play it for us when i was little.

* i am hooked on the series Homeland


* my most used app on my phone (besides Instagram of course) is Afterlight.  i use it 90% of the time as a photo brightener.


* the top 30 played songs on my iTunes right now




* i am going to the Lumineers with Mr. Duerksen this week!!

* i like this bedding.


but i would probably lean towards this style if i was actually buying new bedding. and i would buy it from target…not Anthro.


* i want to go to a party like this.  someone do this and invite me to it ok?

* this movie is going to be so good.

* after i watched that trailer i got sucked into watching movie trailers 30 minutes!

* these are some pretty sweet running shoes….



* i don’t like to eat breakfast.  i would prefer two cups of coffee and nothing till lunch. i know i am supposed to eat breakfast… and i do.  but i don’t want to.

* i dream about painting.  about being “a painter”.   i do.   but i never ever make time for it.  i should change that.  (someday…)

* my favorite drink at Starbucks in the warm months is a Trenta (XL) ice coffee/4 pumps SF vanilla/extra skim milk/no sweetener

* my favorite drink in the cooler months is a grande skinny peppermint latte (or caramel)

* all of this fabric just came to my door.  (I ordered from Hawthorne Threads.)  they are ALL so beautiful!


* i am going to buy some pumpkins & mums with my little girlies today.

* this list has become too long.



shirin - today is my bruthday!

Shellie - If you love coconut, you’ll love almond too. Everything almond smells yummy!
Prisoners is scary, I didn’t sleep after I saw it and my kids are 20 and 15. It was too real. It was a really good movie though.

Mindy - Happy belated Birthday! What fun favorites in this post – I share many of them and there are a few I need to check out. Hope your special day was great : )

amelia - it’s my birthday today

tracy fisher - i love cake out of the fridge too!!!!!! i can’t wait to meet you one day. 🙂 -tracy

Breeanna - Happy birthday! Mine is coming up too! I’ll be hitting the new decade of 30. I’m really looking forward to my 30’s. Hope you had a great birthday!

Wendy - Happy birthday! I love your list. I am always writing down books from blogs and I now have some of your playlist playing. I promise I am not a stalker. just like to “hang” out with those I want to be like. You rock! happy birthday!


Lemonade Makin' Mama - Happy Birthday sweet thing! I turned 38 earlier this month. GOod month.. better year! 🙂

Love so many of these same things. And coconut? LOVE!!

Hope your day is extra sweet.

Ana - Megan, you are such a blessed person that I admire so much.
God was really inspired when He created you.
I wish someday I really can meet you in person.

Lindsey - Happy Birthday! I love the list!

Sarah - Happy Birthday!!

Katrina - Hope you had a fabulous b’day. I did leave you a message on facebook 🙂
What did you do to celebrate?
Love your list.
Wait till you hit the fab 40’s in a couple of years. It’s a great place to be.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh so much to say here….gravity?? maybe. prisoners? i’m too scared. my worst nightmare actually. (making the sign of the cross)

I love your play list….somebody likes the Avett Bros 🙂

happy birthday!!!

love those shoes.

And those sheets.

jodie - i like you meg.
i think we will be friends in heaven, because unless you come to canada, or i go to kansas, i might not meet you in this life time except through your blog….and blogs aren’t really real exactly true meetings, are they?

Melody - Happy belated birthday! We are the same age but I see how much you’ve accomplished and am amazed at all you do… I know you visit Sonic for their happy hour quite often – I was just in Colorado for a visit and stopped at Sonic to try a ‘Dirty Dr. Pepper’ – something I’d seen on-line and was curious to try – it’s Dr. Pepper with the white coconut syrup added…have you ever tried one? It would be my new drink of choice if I had easier access so I think it’s a good thing they don’t have Sonic where I live! If you love coconut, I bet you’d love a Dirty Dr. Pepper!! 🙂

Marli - love these random bits posts. they are such fun to read. thanks for keeping up such a bright and cheery blog. i enjoy reading it.

Mia - Happy Birthday! May the year ahead be full of all those colorful moments that make our lives full.

tonya - hope your birthday was fantastic, meg!

Laura - well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear sweet friend.
I am older than you.

that book has me intrigued…looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe on the cover, she is dear to my heart……AND foul language??? Perfect!

love you
love that you were born
you are wonderfully made!!!!


Maclaine - My college age son saw Prisoners. He loves suspense and horror movies and is an all-around tough guy. His review: “Mom, it’s disturbing. You should not see it.” And I pass that on to you. If you decide to see it let me know if he was right! lol

Tanya H - Happy birthday! I agree. 🙂 on a lot. And this is a fun idea! 🙂

Rachel S - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a wonder-full day! And if you get invited to that party, I want to come too. 🙂

Charly - Now I can’t wait to see Saving Mr. Banks! Looks so good!
I clicked on your book link because I knew I had heard of it before…this is why…the author is coming to where I work!
Thought you might want to know about that… 🙂
Fr. Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries
(Special Events)
The Gerber Institute, in conjunction with Newman University’s Traditions and Transitions program, is very pleased to welcome Father Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries – the most successful community re-entry program for gang members in the U.S.- to the Newman University campus on Thursday, October 10, at 7:00 p.m.
Father Boyle’s lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Performance Hall of the De Mattias Fine Arts Center at Newman University.

Tracy - Happy Birthday (one day late)!!!!!! Hope you had a great one 🙂

I LOVE coconut too!

Jenn - I cannot wait for Saving Mr. Banks! I get chills. A good movie, no junk, just good stuff. We need good stuff right now. Hope you had the best birthday ever!

Jessica - Happy Happy Birthday!

LeeH - This list is just right!
This is a lovely insight into you, it feels like you’re a friend.
Thanks for sharing.

Kristen - Happy birthday, Meg. a) Lumineers are GREAT live. You will have a blast. b) I went to art school when I was 39. Best thing I ever did. c) I’m going to pick up the Tattoos book. Thanks for the recommendation.

lynette - Happy Birthday!!!

Lisa Q - Happy Birthday Meg! Hope it’s a great one…and that the year to follow is overflowing with God’s mercies! Thanks for all the inspiration!

april r - Happy Birthday 🙂

the list was just right

heidi maggard - Happy Birthday Meg! You are amazing!

Jen - Okay-just read my last comment, which sounded totally whiny, so I wanted to be sure to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was very special. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bedding (but not Anthro prices!). A friend just sent me the link to Homeland so I need to get on that! Not a big fan of cake (give me pie!) or coconut (I prefer cinnamon!) and I don’t do baths AT ALL (don’t enjoy sitting in dirty water! HAHA) but I LOVE those running shoes and all those fabrics too! And fall is my very favorite-with mums and pumpkins and cornstalks! It doesn’t get much better! Happy day after your birthday! 🙂

Jen - Okay-this may be too personal so feel free to ignore me but how in the HECK does anyone buy clothes at GAP anymore? First, their sizes are crazy (once I found the signs that helped a bit!) And, anyone that’s had FOUR (me) (or, in your case, FIVE!) babies isn’t welcome there anymore! I was just there on Saturday and it was DE. PRESS. ING! None of the jeans had zippers longer than 1 inch and they were all so short! Now, granted I’m tall (5.10″) but I’m thin and I’ve had four BIG babies! And some of that tummy ain’t ever going away! Now, I was looking for cords, not jeans, but I was really bummed. Gap used to be my “go to” store and now it’s not cuttin’ the mustard! 🙁

alexis - Prisoners was beyond scary and disturbing for me. BUT I still really liked it…the story, the acting, the twists, the suspense.
Probably the scariest movie i’ve seen ever. But i don’t see many.

I want to see Gravity so badly!!

Michelle from Australia - Oops. I messed up. I meant YESTERDAY was your birthday in Australia. I knew what I meant even if my fingers didn’t type it properly!

Michelle from Australia - Happy Birthday Meg. Today was your birthday in Australia 🙂 But you can have it again in America today. Don’t you love the craziness of time zones like that??

Call Me Maybe? I love, love, love that song. No matter how many times I hear it or how many times I hear a take off of it, I still love it.

And coconut. YES PLEASE. In any shape, way or form. When we were in the USA in 2012, I wasn’t able to eat a piece of coconut cream pie. And Australia doesn’t have coconut cream pie. So I’m hoping for a Stateside trip in 2014 (all on my own – NO FAMILY COMING WITH ME – TAKE ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE FOR THIS MAMMA!!!!!!) ….that will include a pie of coconut cream pie somewhere on my travels.

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Missy!

Melissa Lewis - Happy Birthday Ms. Meg! Love your list, if you get invited to that party I wanna come!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday!

Rach - You will love Lumineers. Just saw them on Saturday. The opening bands are pretty fun too. Enjoy!!

Tamra - Oh. My. Goodness. I commented before I watched the trailer. Had never heard of the movie and wasn’t sure if it would be about mary poppins which was my first thought when I read the title. Watched the trailer and am IN LOVE!! Can’t wait until I can see it! Thanks for sharing..

p.s. Happy Birthday!

Tracey - Happy Birthday to you!!!! Today is my birthday too. I turned 34. I had a less than subpar birthday today (dropped my sweet 3 year old in the tub on accident and spent way too much $ on food that wasn’t even good to name a few…) Do you think all of 34 will be this way? I sure hope not. I’m looking forward to 37. I’ve been reading your blog for the last year and I have to say you’re one of my absolute favorites. I just love you, your family and the way you “do” life – Such an inspiration! Thanks for being awesome! 🙂

Tamra - I’ve tried the hairstyle on my girls. so easy!! You’ll rock it! Love lists like these because I always find new things to buy or try. =)

Paula - Go see Prisoners. I was afraid to see it but something made me go. It is not scary as much as it is INTENSE. I do not like scary movies at all so did not think I would like Prisoners…but I must say it is good and I do recommend it.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Have a great day!

ashley - happy birthday!
i’m looking for your website almost tiwo years.
however i’m writing down first time now.
i always want to say thank to you.
when i read your website you’re inspired me and let me know God’s love.
sometimes life is very hard.
but we still live our lives because God is loving us and with us.
thank you.
and God bless you!

Heather S. - Happy Birthday! I personally adore Bux, but can’t handle the SF syrups. I’m all non-fat milk and no whip….but if I’m having a sweetener, it has sugar. I’ve tried before and blech – give me my money back! My hat is off to all who can order a skinny drink! LOL

Saving Mr. Banks looks great – what’s up with being PG-13? Sure would be nice to have a family film come out about Disney around Christmas. Oh well – that’s Hollywood!

Hope you had an awesome birthday!

Amy - Happy birthday to you!! You and the blog are such an inspiration. Wishing you many more joy filled years!

Magnolia Mom - WOW!! So I was surfing through pinterest and came across someone who pinned your blog. I decided to stop by and was surprised to see your post from today. Happy birthday! It’s my 38th birthday today, too!

Kristin S - Not too long at all.

Happy Birthday!

Those jeans scare me. I have “athletic” calves. I love that new name for those of us with heavy extremities no matter how hard we work out. Sigh.

Carrie - Happy Birthday. My birthday is on Saturday, I will be 37! I guess I need to make a list like that.

The bed has the headboard I have been looking for, for my oldest daughter- except I want it in white!

Carol S. - Enjoy your special day. Enjoyed your fun facts. Thank you for entertaining us all!!!

Kathy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! OK you are one of my fave bloggers and now I know why, I love so many of the SAME THINGS! woohoo …. have an awesome birthday!!!

Caroline - Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday too:) It’s a great day!

Maria - Happy Birthday!!!

Hope you have a great day!

Linda - Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful day!

katey deasy - Happy Birthday. I love your list. Have a great day!!!!!!

Lora - happy*happy birthday.

Go see Prisoners. It’s SO good!!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday, Meg! I can’t wait to see that movie. Movie trailers drag me in, too, especially Thor 2. 😉

Dana - That fabric!! Oh my….does fabric make you happy like it does me?!? Sometimes i just walk through fabric stores when I’m in a bad mood…it always brightens my day! (Weird…I know!) Hope you had an awesome, blessed Birthday!

Patty - Happy Birthday, Meg! Love your list…I can identify with almost every single one.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get to eat coconut birthday cake.

a-m - Happy birthday Meg! I’ve been reading your blog for years and it’s made me so happy, I thought it was about time I gave you a big wave on your big day! Hope you have great fun! a-m x

Amanda - I absolutely love posts like this. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now. Realistically, I’ll probably never meet you. But I feel like I know you from reading your blog. These are such fun little tidbits of Meg information that i’d probably never know if you hadn’t shared it. So fun!

Rachel B. - Birthday Blessings to YOU!

kimmie - My daughter Haleigh and I wish you a most awesome BiRtHdAy EVER!!

Kristin - Not too long, and happy birthday!!

Amanda - A very happy birthday to you! May all of your wishes come true.

Tracy - Happy Birthday!! Today is MY birthday, too!! (except I’m 7 years older than you. boo.)
I adore the scent and smell of coconut, too (coconut lime is a fabulous combination!) LOVE coffee (with real cream and sweetened with xylitol. yum!) and long for a nice hot bath (this house has a crappy tub. Sometimes I think all of my troubles will disappear when I finally have a comfy bathtub again 😉
I’m far too fat to wear those awesome jeans ~ but I am working hard to lose weight, so, maybe on our NEXT birthday? and you can just go on ahead and forward that package of fabric right to my door 🙂

I hope your day is fabulous and filled with color!!


Welcome to the 38 club!!


Jen - Happy birthday!!!

Stacy P. - Happy Birthday! You make 38 look fabulous!

stephanie - Happy birthday to you! Yours and Anna Maria Horner’s are about the only blogs I read. I am glad to see that you seem happy about the day. I turned 38 this year too. It’s almost surreal as I still see myself as a new high school graduate. Now with teenagers of my own, its as if life is repeating itself. Have a happy and blessed day!

Laura H - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with family and friends!
I just checked out season one and two of Homeland from my library. I can’t stop watching it!!!! I am completely HOOKED!
Love that Claire Danes! Love every episode! Staying up very late at night because I need to know what happens next….totally addicted!
Love your blog! Enjoy YOUR day!

Tiffany - Happy Birthday!! Listen to the Stevie Wonder version of that song, it’s fantastic. And I LOVE the GAP, been loving them since I was a teen, they make jeans/pants for Moms like me, not too flashy, not too Mom-like. Regular everyday jeans;) Hope you eNjoY yOuR dAy!!!

Jill - Happy Birthday to a favorite blogger! Make sure to have some wonderful coconut treats for your special day. 🙂
I bet you look awesome in those Gap legging jeans. I’m excited for the Tom Hanks movie too.
Thanks for sharing this fun list!

Colleen - Happy, happy day to you! Hope you get coconut cake! I, too, read Tattoos on My Heart this summer. Great book! I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an inspirational read. Can’t wait to see your mums and pumpkins.

Cindy - Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday today too!
On coconut…have you tried the Chobani greek yogurt Flips? They have a coconut flavored one that you flip dark chocolate and almonds into it…YUM!
Hope you have a great day! Love to read your blog!

Lisa - Happy birthday! OMG. I adore the Lumineers! Enjoy and tell us about it, please. I’m going to see Pink in December with my daughter. Can’t wait.

Random, but the other new Tom Hank’s movie, “Captain Phillips,” is a true story about a ship captain who is highjacked by Somali pirates. The real Captain Phillips lives down the road from us. It looks so scary, but amazing.

Kristin F. - Happy Birthday! I’m going to see the Lumineers in 10 days and I can’t wait. Such a fun birthday surprise :).

Bethany - Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s a wonderful day!

It’s always fun to read random bits about favorite bloggers. I want to go a party like that too! So cute! The Tom Hanks movie looks great-hadn’t heard about it. I love the fabric…now I’m going to head to Hawthorne Threads to “window shop”.

Melissa - Happy Birthday!!!!!

beth ann - happy birthday!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - After seeing this list….I feel like we should be friends.


I have a million things I want to comment on, but mostly, I DID throw that party…and it was inspired by “that” exact photo…It was for Sarah’s wedding shower, back at the farm. Everything was great until Ralph (the cat) jumped on the cake table THEN killed a baby bird. Some girls cried.

I’m terrified of that space movie.

I like those jeans. (Still mad that G discontinued my size…)
And love the bedding. And coconut.

But not coffee. Or baths.

This comment better post. It’s THAT important.

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this summer.

dudes….this summer is crazy.

i don't know what i did other years?

how did we do craft thursday?

how did i get anything done?

who is this person i have become????

that is how i am feeling everyday.  it's getting old.

i miss that lady who made cookies and painted pictures and sewed late at night.

she needs to come back.

i really miss that girl.

this busy, tired, scattered, zoned out person who is living in my head needs to leave. 


these pictures have nothing to do with that little pity party.

these are the cows across the road from our front door.
i love to watch them wander around that field.
this day i was sunbathing while all my kids were gone for ONE WHOLE HOUR and there they were.
just chillin' at the only opening that i can get to for pictures.

i have this little voice in me that says "that is the picture you want… take it"
and for so long in my life i have ignored it.
there are lots of reasons i ignore it.
sometimes there are people with me and i don't want to stand out or have someone think "what is she doing?"
sometimes i don't have the right camera for the good shot.
sometimes i am driving and can't stop.
but about a year ago i promised myself that when i hear that voice i will do whatever i can to get the shot.

not wreck my car or anything but if im not running late than i will pull over and get it.
or i just let people wonder why i am taking a picture of something at Target.
because my mind works like that.

i can see the photo in my mind and it feels so good when i get it.

and i like that.

so…. i was lying there… in my swim suit… one hour alone… reading my book… and there come the cows.
i heard the voice.
i said "BUT…. but… it's my only hour"

i got up and put on a skirt and flip flops and my big camera and into the ditch to see the cows.

i am so glad i did.

i am ALWAYS glad i did.






and a lot of times it's not a super AMAZING photo but it's really just the process of looking through the lens.
finding the focus.
catching the light.


and i guess on these jammed packed days that send me to bed exhausted, i need that little moment.

a reminder that i am creative…created to be creative.
it's in there.
and sometimes i don't get to it as often as i would like but it doesn't go away.







Ria - Just wanted to say that I really love this post. And that I’ve been following you on IG for quite awhile, but tonight I’ve got some rare free time to myself and am spending it reading your blog. Really hoping to get a chance to attend your craft weekend someday!

Amy M. - Love this! Too bad you can’t make some cuter tags for the cows at Craft Weekend. They look like earrings that need a better shape and color. 🙂 My little girl would love to give them some big, glittery, pink hoops. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the rapidly ending summer! So thankful for you and your encouragement, Meg!

Lori Byrne - Sounds weird, but I see those pictures and I can smell them. As a farmer’s daughter, married to another farmer, cows were and are a huge part of my life. So, yes, I know how they smell in the summer’s heat, the sound of them sniffing and the swish of their tails as they swat at the flies. Thank you for getting up, putting on the flipflops and climbing into the ditch for us!! It makes my heart happy!!

betsy - Just last night, I posted the same #trueconfession on Instagram (@betsymck) about feeling embarrassed when I am taking photos of something special that other people *might* think is odd.
I especially feel this way when I’m shooting with my iPhone because to others it may not look like I’m a photographer. I REALLY need to get over this fear. What do I care what other people think of me? That person in that car on the road may think I’m a crazy lady taking pictures of a highway overpass, but I will most likely NEVER see that person again.
I’m headed to NYC for a week in a few days … my personal goal is to let go of the negative thoughts & lose myself in my photography. It is my own version of mediation after all … I deserve to enjoy every moment of it!

beth larson - “I was created to be creative”. LOVE THAT… thanks for putting into words how I feel too!

Rach - It rained today. It never rains in July in LA, so I took that as a sign and sewed two new kid sized bean bags for my kids. We have a total of 5 now. It made me smile. It made them giggle. It reminded me that I am a creative person and when I don’t find an outlet I get depressed and unmotivated. Good for you for shooting the cows! I totally get it.

karen - staring at those cows with tags on their ears makes me sad. a reminder how our culture abuses animal consumption.
“a lesson we learn from literature since the Old Testament — may be the best: although we must satisfy basic needs, a good life is not one devoted to amassing material possessions; what we own comes to own us, keeping us from fulfilling commitments that give meaning to life, such as those to family, friends, and faith. The appreciation of nature also deepens our lives. As we consume more, however, we are more likely to transform the natural world, so that less of it will remain for us to appreciate.”

tinaehb03 - Ive been having a pity party for myself this summer too! This is the first summer i’ve had to work since having my children. I’m not diggin it but trying to make the best of it!

tinaehb03 - Ive been having a pity party for myself this summer too! This is the first summer i’ve had to work since having my children. I’m not diggin it but trying to make the best of it!

Mel - There is a restaurant here in my town, Longmont Colorado, that has this great image on its walls. Makes me want to put up cow wallpaper in my house somewhere. moo indeed!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Geesh, should say OOOPS! Seriously all I have had to drink today is a Diet Coke, good grief! Okay, I am done now and won’t be OCD about my mistakes.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Ooos, should be miss the kids….you’re eyesight won’t be that great in the next season 😉

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Meg, I could be your really older sister and I am here to tell you this is a season that will pass. I am finally able to create more now and I love it. There was a time I missed it so much. Your time will come back and then you will have a pity party about how the house is too quiet and you iss your kids, yada yada, but you will be the creative Meg that sews into the night again. Glad you caught your cow photos and can keep your smaller moments of creativity where you can.

Tiffany - Well stated, the little voice in your head. Hope you find a few minutes to slow it down and enjoy all that there is to Summer. (i read all his books as a kid, here is quick poem about the voice inside your head –

shar y - These are some of the best cow photos, ever!! Love, love! And, I love what you said about the photo in your head. I have felt that way so many times while driving and later am so sad I did not take the time to stop. Thanks to you, next time, I will!!
Have a great vacation!!

Lisa - PS- I agree with the person who said you should share the pics you took with the farmer who owns the cows if you haven’t already. I’m really digging the black and white ones this time!

Lisa - Have a great vacation. Hopefully once all the prep work is done and you’re on your way, you’ll be able to relax! And hopefully when you get home you’ll be able to get creative and feel more like yourself!

Lora - I completely get it! When I don’t listen to my little creative voice and do something about it….I get very grumpy. Lately in my prayers I’ve been thanking God for making me a creative person. Sometimes it’s the only thing that makes me happy. Right now my dining room table is SCATTERED with beads and things. It’s a mess, but I love it!
Those cows are cute 🙂

Kelly - I LOVE cows! Glad you got up to get them. They are beautiful. I think you should make a garland and put it on one of them like a lei. Take pictures, and when the cow gets back to the barn later in the day, the farmer will wonder… well, not for long. He’ll know it was you and will understand you got your mojo back!

Donna - I found your blog today….just when I needed to hear what you said. I just listened to that voice last night and left the house and headed to the coffee shop to work on a song…. the process is always worth it! Cheers to capturing the next great image!!

Lisa - LOVE these. I hope some of them make it to your shop some day! I hear that. About the summer. Super mom who rocks summer with lots of awesome activities and energy and joy – totally elusive this year. I think she got lost somewhere between home repairs and work and two rounds of head lice and adoption fundraising and extended family commitments and I don’t even know what else. We JUST made our summer list on Sunday…and my kids didn’t ask for huge and awesome – they asked for simple and together. Here’s to six more weeks following their lead!

Jane - I love your pictures of the cows. I would love to see photos of buffalo! I bet you would capture some great ones!

Vera - I can sooooo related to every single word you wrote here. Every. Word. Looking back and wondering why I can’t be the same creative energetic person I was a year ago. Feeling scattered and exhausted. Ignoring the “take this picture” voice because of being self-conscious or busy. Cows. Love ’em.

Jenny Lynn - love this. and needed it today. i have not had the opportunity to sew or photograph as much as i like. life is busy. but you’re right. i feel the same way…”i was created to be creative”. and i’m so thankful it doesn’t go away 🙂

deb nordeman - I am totally feeling the same way as you this summer and our kids are roughly the same age as yours. It just seems that there isn’t enough time in a day – but I am trying to just relish some time with my kids even in their business and be thankful and remember – this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad!
PS Love the cow pics!

Mindy - I love that you took the time to get the shot – and I LOVE those cows! I keep telling myself to take the camera when you leave home. And I often don’t. And I often miss something good…I love your take on being creative. You are right, we take a break but it’s still there. Keep enjoying that summer, fall and it’s routine will be here soon.

Corrabelle - Yes, I totally know that voice and always have regret when I ignore it! Thank you for the inspiration.
And I love the cows. So gentle and honest. What you see is what you get!

JennD - Oh my gosh, as I started to read about you feeling zoned out and I was like “yes!”. I think of the things I used to do with them, or for myself and now ….nothing! No hobbies, no festive little parties, just racing from thing to thing.
And then…….your comment about taking picture! YES!!! I always forgo a shot because I don’t want to look stupid or my family will complain and then I feel sad about the great photo I could have taken if I were more brave.
Glad to know I’m not alone in those thoughts. And good for you in chosing to get the shot. 🙂

Lisa - Hi Meg,
Yes, I can relate. This summer is not what I had imagined it to be. I envisioned myself being very productive with lots of relaxing time outdoors. Things have come up to change that, and it’s been very, very rainy in Vermont. So, like you, I just try and take the moments when they present themselves. My husband and I were out for a drive through Stowe the other day, and I told him we HAD to stop at the Ben & Jerry’s factory so I could take a picture of one of their cows. He just went along with it ;), and it made me happy.

Debbie Hargadon - It is the activities that the kids are in — and you end up “doing it with them” when they cannot drive themselves. Lots of driving and sitting. 🙂 or reading. . .It is a tough balance for sure. I grew up on a farm in Iowa. I hope you are sharing your photos with the owner of those cows. If he is a “normal” farmer, he would LOVE to have some. 🙂 They are proud of their cows. 🙂 I always love the peak into your life. Thanks for always making the time to blog and instagram.

Heather E - Cows are so fun to photograph! If you ever get a chance to take pics of Brahma’s, take it! Their wrinkly necks are so cute and create interesting lines!

Bethany - LOVE the crooked cow! also love the black and white of the black cow with the tags. And the one of just the legs, and just the blurred ones. Really love them all. Reminds me of my late grandparents farm. Miss them.

tracy fisher - I wish you could come out to our beach house and relax with me…. oh, that’s right… I have the same crazy life as you!! haha. My cousins wife told me not so long ago that my house would be very quiet in a few years when the kids are on their own. How do we find that balance between crazy and lazy??? Hey, that could be a great song! I wish you an evening of crafting your own things very soon… and I hope the same for me. hugs, tracy

Katherine - Love these pictures! I’m so glad I’m not the only who thinks this way. I just asked my husband other day, “Is it weird I see life in pictures?” His answer was, “yes!”

Katie from MN - I recently looked back at pictures from a couple years ago…I saw a different person there. I had so much energy for my kids, art, baking, going to the park… Now with 5 kids I feel different. But my creativity is still inside! For me it is a season of adjusting and finding a new normal. I appreciate this post! I too hear a picture voice. Thanks for the encouragement to stop and take the picture.

Katie from MN - Hey Sarah, I just wanted to say that I resonate with your comment. We just had our 5th in April and our oldest is 8. We are trying to find our new normal. Also I clicked over to your blog and it looks so great.

Cara Yeh - Love this post! You are amazing in many ways.

liesl - I’m glad you listened to that voice in your head. I’ve been kicking myself for my camera sitting in my closet forever, collecting dust. I feel the same as you but glad you listened to that voice that I’m gonna try and listen to again.

Tracy - Fun photos…love cows! Moooo!
Meg, I wish I had even a teeny tiny % of your creativity!

Becca - I wish I had cows across the road from me! They are so adorable.

Linda - I like your pity party. I feel the same way. And I love that you are listening to that inner voice I need to do that too!

Tere - They came back! Love those cows.

Jeanette in Illinois - Meg,
Thanks for the awesome reminder about being creative! Something to never forget and surely allow ourselves the gift to utilize the blessing at every chance.
The photos are fabulous – love their sweet, soulful face and those eyes!!! I adore the photo where the one cow has her right leg up and bent. Makes you wonder what is she doing?!? Thinking?!?
You are not the only one feeling scatter, you’ve got company. I’m with you!
Sending goodness and blessings,

Megan - “a reminder that i am creative…created to be creative.
it’s in there.
and sometimes i don’t get to it as often as i would like but it doesn’t go away.”
It doesn’t ever go away–you are right. And I’m so thankful for that.
Love this reminder. I need it right now as I’m drowning in (not creative) work.

Mary - love this.
i’m so glad you snapped these beauties.

Val - Oh my gosh, what great photos! I TOTALLY understand what you mean about being so hurried with less time to just BE.

Suzette - I think you made the cows’ day!!! They were all packed into that spot saying, “Ooooooo, I hope she comes to take our picture today! I’m looking particularly beautiful today, Meg, come capture my loveliness!” Do you talk to them? They probably love you!

Sarah Wolfe - I was just telling my husband this very same thing last night… Crazy. We’re running from one thing to the next. Is it because we’re trying to do everything that everyone does with 2 kids but we have 5? We didn’t come to any conclusions, only that we may have to cut some things out so that we can be the family we want to be, but don’t have time to be because we feel so tired. Maybe it’s just the way life is and there is no solution 🙂 Tell me if you come up with any answers!
Love the cow pics!

Rita - Love, love, LOVE the cow pictures….especially the one with the leg up, and the close-up of 28. She looks like she has something to tell you! Your creativity always amazes me – your love of colors and seizing the moment. Thank you for sharing your many talents with us. Have a blessed day!

Kathleen - I see things that I want to photograph…I see the picture in my mind and I don’t stop…thanks for the reminder to do so…..There is a beautiful, old white barn down the road, it has a dutch door that always has the top open and a gorgeous bunch of hydrangeas next to it….I need to stop and get that photo !!

Honeybee Mama - yes! seizing the moment. the little bitty ones. i identify with missing the creativity. i find myself sleepily going after it in the morning while the coffee is brewing and i’m still braless and i step outside to just turn on the sprinkler and find myself weeding the garden for 20 minutes in my pjs, determined to make something lovely. it’s being in the here and now that fuels us living the abundant life promised us. no matter what others think. no matter what WE think!

April R - I’m with you – #28 🙂
And how reassuring and encouraging to know other hear that ‘voice’ and listen <3

Debby Graber - I have those same thoughts! I carry my camera with me a lot! Recently went on a trip to Arkansas and although I did have Al pull over a few times, there were so many cool shots that did not get taken! I don’t have the ability you have, but it is in my head to take these pictures! It would be so cool if we could just push a button on our sunglass/camera and the picture would be instant.

Suzelle - Good for you……..Great photos !!! I see a canvas for sure !!

Janet Ghio - Fabulous photos!

Laura - Are you going to put any of those photos on canvas for your shop?? I am thinking that a few cows would look cute in my kitchen! =)

Lorie - All your pictures are very amazing. Even the simple stuff. Especially the simple stuff. I do the same thing. I pull the car over, stop if no one is around. Of course my kids say, “Mom! what are you doing AGAIN?” Highly embarrassing for them. OH well…. Keep taking your pictures, I look everyday.

Meryl - I think that’s half the battle of photography for me–being brave enough to ask the random (but so interesting!) person on the street if he’ll stop…making my hubby pull over to the side of the road…in short, pulling that camera out of the bag, even when it’s a little awkward to do so.

Katey - So during the stressful times of a busy summer your medium is taking photos of cows instead of sewing at midnight. It’s a blessing you can find creative rewards in many things!! My favorite is the cow with the leg lifted. So funny!!! Awesome shots! You will always remember that hour you had that summer with the cows!!

Jen - Love the cow pics. Love you, Miss Meg! - Hi! You deff have a knack for photography! Listen to that voice! Take that pic and please continue to share with your lucky bloggers! Martha 🙂

Gemma - I love your cow photos. They are such a beautiful animal, so pretty!
Have you done anything from the kids summer list yet?
I really enjoyed watching your Instavid the other day, I’ve never heard bugs make a noise like that before!
Much love,
Gemma from London

christy - Love, love these photos. B&W is my fav.
Your view on things is really awesome.

Terrie - LOVE it!! Glad I stayed up late editing!!
Love the cow photos!
Especially #28!
I love that voice in my head…
I really like it when I listen. 🙂
As much as I like it when you listen!
And your schedule used to be more about home…
with all those kids’ activities…they take you away from there.
But, little by little, in time it will come back to you.
I can’t promise when..but it will.
Enjoy this stage..embrace the change,
because what else is a mom gonna do?!
Take your hour when you can get it!
PS – Got my cow pic & bunting today!!
Love them! Bunting is gonna be so cute for
a bridal shower this weekend!

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