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alright….it’s a new day.

so i got lots of texts yesterday and emails asking "what's going on??!"
i guess i was making people nervous or being dramatic?

or keep it to myself too often that when i explode people get nervous?
i think people were worried.
it's all ok…it's just HARD….and i wish it wasn't so hard most of the time.  

but i got it all out in writing here yesterday and felt so much better almost immediately.
God gave me another day to try again.
thankful for that.

we made chocolate chip cookies.  (best recipe ever)
a double batch.
and it was like yummy therapy.  :)

then i took the four youngest who were off of school to a movie.
and freddys for dinner.

it was good to get out of the house.


still liking this book a lot.
i am about halfway through….it is very interesting writing…i am so curious to see where it leads.

i had a happy box on my porch.
it's about time i got on board with this company.
what has taken me so long….seriously?
i am a convert.
love them and want to get some more already.

good thing we gave waffle that bath…..


watching talby play volleyball this past weekend made me realize how very tall and grown up she is getting!
right before my eyes.
and she was the only one with out knee pads… #parentfail


speaking of growing up… holy cows.
i don't get the hair but i understand the need to make your choices and have a "style" you like.
i am not sure what that is…but he does and so i am not making a big deal.

he looks good in black and red though.

i am a sucker for good marketing that is visually awesome.
and this is.  
old navy you have great designers.
i want every color.          
(except purple…no thank you)


this morning i printed out my pdf files from CLEAN MAMA and i am ready to get organized.
i love that she has the jobs written out already.
that was a huge for me.
i get so overwhelmed with chores and cleaning and keeping up at my house.
so becky has all kinds of ways to help me get organized and doing it such a cute and colorful way!!!
thank you Clean Mama for getting my life together! 

okie dokie….
i am off to get my hair did.
and go to the bank
and the walmart.
and high school volleyball games tonight.

thank you for the hundreds of encouraging "you are not alone" comments and emails and texts.

i felt lifted up in prayer and in friendship.
i felt heard.
i can be open and honest here and not be attacked.
i am so grateful for that.

and my husband teased me about the mama grizzly.  :)

but it's TRUE!!!



Erin - Just finished Donald Miller’s book. Thanks for the recommendation!!

Kelly Henderson - Thanks for the heads up, girlfriend! 🙂 - Meg,
Love you for being you.
You are real
and that’s why
other blogs come and go with me-but you…
you feel like my friend from Kansas.
Aren’t we grateful our children
will remember our faith, when
the time comes they need their Savior?
Because we all do.
Loves, Ruth

Jessica R - If you’re quick and get to the ball you don’t need knee pads! That was my motto in volleyball ;). I want to see what Toms you picked. I’ll definitely be heading to Old Navy soon – super cute!

julie - Rock Star jeans go on sale tomorrow for $19. For reals. Treat yo’self. To a lot of them.
Happy jeans are cheaper than therapy.

mich - I love this blog so hard. I only have two, and their 5 and 3, so I can’t imagine all the craziness that comes with FIVE, the oldest being in high school. Nuts. Cut yourself some slack, girl.
And I notice that you mention wanting babies a lot on here. 🙂 I get it. I think we might be done at two kiddos, but something I’ve been considering down the road is fostering. Who knows? Maybe that would be a good fit for you guys? You seem to have so much love and fun to share, and those tiny ones in foster care could really use it. Just a thought…

christi - so glad you are having a better day!
if you haven’t already … go now and get the rockstar skinnies! they are AWESOME. no, more than awesome. like infinity awesome! some of the best fitting, most flattering and incredibly comfortable pants i’ve bought in a while. at a whopping 35 bucks! score on sale for $30 right now! the dark purple are fantastic … the green delicious … mustard so totally fall … red/orange energizing. size up. size up. size up. i always have to size down in ON but def. size up in these bad boys. they are ROCKSTARS! can you tell i love them?!

Andrea - Some days – and I read your blog every single day – I leave it feeling envious of you – your skill, your home (the way you make it a home), your craft weekends. Then I remind myself “comparison is the thief of happiness.”
I tell you that to tell you this: Even more inspiring than your home and your craft weekends is the way you honestly parent, the way you honestly share, the way you honestly keep working at your relationship with God.
Thank you so much Meg, I just love you.

Leah - I’m in awe at this Clean Mama stuff! I just want to buy all of her stuff. So before I do, which packets of hers did you get? Thinking about the 2013 starter kit. I’m one of those odd organizing freaks, so the more tools I have, the better!

Anne - You are SO not alone in the “parenting struggles” department! While I felt sad for you, and could totally relate to what a crummy day you had had, it was quite refreshing that you just put it all out there. I love your blog! I love your honesty and the fact that you just typed it out! You are the {real} deal, Meg! Totally legit. No faking from you that everything is all hearts and flowers and rainbows all of the time. Parenting is HARD work! What a blessing to be able to communicate, and make new friendships, and touch so many lives via the Internet. You keep typing, and posting your fabulous photos, and I’ll keep reading! Oh yeah, pull my name for Craft Weekend, and I’ll come to that, too! I’d totally die!!!

Tracy Fisher - I just have one thing to say…. I get it, sister!!! Happy Tuesday. -Tracy

Jennifer - Ok, so maybe no knee pads, but definitely Talby has the most awesome shoes!
I didn’t write yesterday b/c I didn’t know what to say….except I have moments like those…monthly. Times where I want to scream at my girls, “YOU BETTER START APPRECIATING EACH OTHER!” We wanted siblings because of all the love and joy they bring to each others’ lives. So start enriching already dammit! And the days when nobody listens? Or storms out of the room? Or stomps up the steps? Hello 10 and 12 year olds with attitude.
Anyway. The bad times pass, but they are not fun when you are in the throes. Most definitely you are not alone, and I’d be willing to be you handle it a lot better than I do.

Kristin S - Oh, and, now I want those cords in kelly green. I worked at The Gap in college and we had colored cords and denim! That was 1991. It all comes back….

Kristin S - Meg, I’ll say it again, your post was so refreshing! I don’t go to your blog because it is all cherries and rainbows (well, rainbows, yes…) but because you are real and normal and honest and love Jesus.
I linked to your post yesterday at the bottom of a difficult post I had just written before seeing yours. Many readers clicked on that link and I know were blessed by your gut-level honesty.
His mercies are new every morning. Praise the Lord!!!

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - Hi sweet Meg, just caught up on your last two posts…please don’t get too overwhelmed with being a mom, although I totally get it. I hope you realize that being a good mom means we get overwhelmed and we get frustrated and we feel like we’re not enough, yada, yada. A good mom does feel like that…alot because you care and you want so desperately to raise kids that love the Lord, and love you and love their family. You want them to succeed in the world and in their life. Check all of that out…that’s alot that we have to do and think about. I’ve said many times that I really don’t know how I would get through raising kids if I didn’t have God to lean on. If I didn’t have prayer and His word I would have to be heavily medicated to do this job. It’s a heavy load to do by yourself. Glad you’re feeling better today. Chocolate chip cookies help 😉 but so does a big God.
P.S. My son went through the wild hair stage at about that age. We let him do his thing and it lasted about a year and after that he’s kept it short ever since. Sometimes I think letting them do their thing (within reason) is the answer.
Sending you a big hug!

Lisa M. - Glad to hear it’s a better day. I sent a little prayer up for ya yesterday 🙂
I thought I made the best ever chocolate chip cookies!! Now I’m going to have to try your recipe. I didn’t see butter listed in the ingredients. Hmm…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Talby is RIPPED!
2. I always experience the same sort of thing when I let the ugly out. It freaks people the heck out. And I’m always like, why? I’m having a bad day. It happens!
3. But I think you’re right, some of us keep it in and then it takes people off guard.
4. Why do those tight cropped cords look so cute on other people but I feel like a dork in ’em?
5. This is quickly turning the corner to Part II of my rambly comment from yesterday…

Becky-Clean Mama - It’s a new day! Thanks for the feature – you are too sweet 🙂

Kimberly Dial - So glad you are feeling better. Chocolate chip cookies & a trip to the beauty shop … two awesome ideas!

Sarah - I completely understand where you’re coming from with the hair. I let our 6 year old get a real mohawk this summer and even painted it for him every morning after I spiked it up. It made him happy, it was what he needed after our big move so I went with it. And I’m so glad you’re feeling better! We really do all have those days.

northern cottage - what a gift that we get to start all over again each day…each sunshiney – fresh – wonderful day. add coffee to make it even better! xo

Corny - Kids, I raised 4 and they can embarrass you sometimes, BUT as long as they don’t steal, and are drug free they are going to be just like there parents. Just fine!

Beth - It’s good to see that you’re feeling better 🙂
I am cringing at that volleyball picture though… #7 has her fingers interlocked. No, no, noooo…. my old volleyball coaches’ voices are playing in my head. haha.
Btw, those cookies look DELICIOUS! We’re going to make some on Thursday to take to our local police and fire stations… we’ve been talking about it for months. Might have to use your recipe!

Brooke - Those jeans…don’t even go there…at least I couldn’t. They are not like the target version. They are made for talby size girls with no hips. Not that I’m bitter… At least they have great marketing! I think you are doing a great job walking through this honestly….and knowing that all parents walk through the journey of not knowing if you are doing things right. You’re doing a great job. Clinging to your husband and the Lord and just hoping (praying) that you are not screwing anyone up and that everyone will choose wise things SOMEDAY….
And thanks a lot…saw your insta chocolate chip cookies and had to make my own. Thanks for making me LESS likely to fit into any colored jeans anytime soon.

happygirl - You are bouncing back. I’m glad. 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - Glad you are having a better day. Hang in there…

angela - So glad His mercies are new every morning.
I’m with you on the color purple.
Love me a cookie.
What a great mom to let him rock his own hairstyle. I failed in that dept.
You is kind. You is smart. You is important.
And I love your heart.

Linda@Restyled Home - Hah! I love that you hate purple, too!
I love that you are real and don’t hide the not so nice bits of life.
We all have them!

seriously sassy mama - I need a pair of Toms. I never wear socks and am always wearing either converse or loafers. The would be a nice addition. Love all the colors to organize with. Reminds me I need to update my planner.

Heather S. - You had a “poo” day and then the next day you made cookies, took the kids to a movie, and then hit Freddy’s? You really know how to bounce back! LOL 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i like you. you’re good people. 🙂
p.s. the new rockstar jeans from old navy are awesome. have you bought a pair? not too low rise…not too high. perfect.

Alisha - So glad you’re having a better day! I’m always amazed at how the promise and arrival of a new days gives a whole new perspective to what seems dark and impossible at times. Bless you for sharing.

Kate - You are LOVED. Not judged. Just loved.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I always feel better after I dump out my brain in my journal and cookies sure do help make it better too!! So glad today’s a better day — hugs!

stephany - isn’t it great that a new day always gives a “do over”!
being a momma is hard work…we do the best we can.
have a great day!

Regina - YAY! Glad you were able to “turn that frown upside down”, lol! 🙂 Here’s to many more great days ahead!

elma - Life is hard and you are awesome!!!

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it’s monday.

how was your weekend?

craft weekend was wonderful.
i am so happy about it.
can i just say….how awesome is the internet?  
i know that it can have really awful stuff but for me it has been AMAZING!
God has blessed me with SO many friends, so many ideas, so much inspiration, so much FUN through the internet the past few years.  I get to connect with and meet women that are so completely awesome that i never would have met otherwise because of the internet!  
i love LOVE LOVE that God is in the details of everything…even the internet.

(these are instagram pics from the past few days.)
michelle allen from close2myart was my blogger/teacher/helper this craft weekend.
i don't even know who found who as far as blogs and how we connected.
we have been emails friends for a few years now and we finally got to meet.
she is a life long friend now i can guarantee.
i loved her.
(and her hair was soooo rad)
she was even better than i imagined and i had made her pretty great in my mind already! 🙂

so yeah….i love the internet and i am not afraid to say it. 

this is my loot from the barn on saturday.
an old RC crate that is really rough (which is why i like it), a old metal box that seems like maybe it was a breadbox, a Super Nutro Hog feed bag, an embroidered runner with horses, a little quilt to make into pillows, a small candy jar and some doilies. 
i love the internet AND i love old junk.


these three books arrived for me this week.
i am starting with A Million Miles in a Thousand Years tonight.
i have basically been told by God in about 10 different ways that i am supposed to read this book.
He couldn't have been more clear.  
so i will let you know how it goes…. 

i read Interuppted and my world has been ROCKED.
so i am equal parts nervous and excited to read this one.
because i knew i was supposed to read Interrupted too. 


was i just too open right there?
i feel a little vulnerable about those two paragraphs. 


here is my front seat on my way to craft weekend.
my backseat looked the same.
happy car!


right now i am sitting at the craft house (because i came to town for paint & the internet is so slow at the farm)
i stopped by the thrift store this morning and picked up a few dishes, some fabric and a globe.
i can't NOT buy a globe when it's at a thrift shop because they are so much cheaper than at an antique shop.
i made mini bunting here last night while my husband attempted to fix the dryer we got on craigslist.
it's a bummer when people are dishonest on craigslist don't ya think?
i guess ANYTIME people are dishonest it is sad but when they take your money….ugh.
(so that would be a down side to the internet…)
i picked up a gallon of Kilz to start a big paint project this week.
and i have now finished off the candy corn we had left from CW….for lunch


i need to get working.
i have stuff to paint.

are you on instagram? i am @megduerksen if you aren't following me yet.
it's so fun.
i am….addicted.

happy monday to you.




Georgia - I love the internet too, as without it i wouldnt have found your blog!!! xx

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hey Meg I saw these rainbow donuts and thought of you. 🙂

Kate - Meg! I have really enjoyed reading your blog after finding it a few months ago. I’ve bought several books because of your recommendations! Don’t ever feel afraid to share where God is leading you!! Can’t wait to hear what you get out of the most recent ones.

Sarah - i just had the same problem. just type her name without the @ symbol and with a space between first and last. that finds her!

Tracie - I just got “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” to read. Did you read “Blue Like Jazz?” That is a beautiful book too. “Radical” was a tough read, but a wonderfully convicting book. And Happy Monday!

Stephanie - Love her kiwi earrings!!!

Shannon Phillips - A million miles in a thousand years is absolutely one of the most life changing books I have ever read!!! It is going to rock your face off!

Marla - Donald Miller is totally awesome I loved Blue Like Jazz…didn’t know he had another book out…I’ll check it out on my nook….The Irresistible Revolution is very interesting…I was upset at times reading it…it’s been a few years but I remember not being sure about the whole thing…be interested to see what you think

Amy - Don Miller is an amazing writer and you’ll love the book. I reread it immediately after finishing it just so I could soak in his words. It’s a great book to hand to a nonbeliever in hopes that they might consider the gospel as they choose a new story. He speaks about a man named Bob Goff and I’m currently reading his book, Love Does. Try it next.

Angela - Vulnerable, sure. But we were made to live in community (…and the internet community totally counts), and vulnerability is just a part of living in community. Too open, never. YOU just might be one of the thousand ways God is leading OTHERS to read a book that will drive them closer to Him. So sure, feel vulnerable, but never ever feel sorry for opening your life and your faith to the world.

Lisa - I started Irresistible Revolution last week. Oh. my. Haven’t read A Million Miles…guess I need to check into that one! Looks like a happy couple of days at your house. 🙂

Heather Crawford - For some reason, I can’t find you in Instagram? Weird…

beth - Hey Meg….
Just wanted to say not to feel vulnerable about the books. I wish to hear more about your faith walk on this blog. ….and picking up tips on good books at the same time is just bonus!

Terrie G - Not too vulnerable…I love how authentic you are!
I <3 instagram too! so much fun!
looking for a washer/dryer for our son...think I'll stay away from craigslist...
sorry you got swindled...makes me frustrated when people are dishonest.
gorgeous flowers and so happy you had a great craft weekend!!

Julie Kittredge - I just finished “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.” It was good! An easy read. 🙂 Plenty of earmarks … in the book that belongs to the library. Maybe I’ll pick up “Inturrupted.” 🙂 Sounds like a winner!

Christy - Irresistible revolution is pretty intense as well! I have radical on my list, but my husband read it first. Irresistible is a tough read, but I feel God used it to change my perspective on a lot of things! Good for you for listening to the still, small voice even when it makes you uncomfortable!

Kara - Curious where you heard about Jen Hatmaker? I was able to meet her and hear her in person this spring at a women’s retreat. (The one Nicole Quiring headed up!) Jen was AMAZING! She has challenged me more than anyone else in how I’m living my life. I have loved reading Seven and Interrupted and am leading the Interrupted book study at church. I am hopeful the church as a whole is turning around and more people are getting on board with her message!

Lisa - Not too vulnerable. I think God is using your blog to tell ME to read Interrupted. I keep hearing about it and you keep mentioning it. I’m addicted to instagram too. Like seriously addicted. 🙂

ko. s - I love that you can put it all out there in your posts! The way you give glory to God, be you, be honest, be vulnerable, it’s why I keep coming back to read! You ROCK my dear! Thanks for being a huge light 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Can flip phones do Instagram? Haha.
Your stack of books pretty much seals the deal: We must debrief. M to the U to the S to the T.

Martha - Finding a globe at the thrift store is a major score! I’m interested in how the book turns out. 🙂

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Not too open at all!
It was HONEST!
That’s why we love you!
And, I love it when God shows me things clearly, sometimes my ADHD-self truly needs Him to be crystal clear!

Katie - Isn’t it crazy when you know that it’s God leading you to do something? The results can be mind-blowing. Happy Monday!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Michelle’s chalkboard art looked so great – wish I had the skills on the chalkboard!
Too bad about the Craigslist dryer – I don’t know why people want to do stuff like that?! Weird 🙁
Happy Monday ; ) xo

April R - <3 instagram
and I'm glad to see you there now too

Siobhan - Your awesome everything about you. Your transperancy makes me love you more. Thankyou for trusting us with your vulnerbility.

Brooke - I love that you said you were a little too open in those two paragraphs. BAH! Let’s get real. Tell them about your cw devotionals. That might be too open. I love when God is CLEAR about what to do. So often, I’m left waiting and asking, so I’ll take clear (slap me in the face) answers any day. I am in a craft fog today, so tired. I didn’t get to nap yesterday! LOVE the internet, love that we got to hang out. You were super fun. If I lived in Newton, KS, I believe I would force myself into your friendship circle. Or just show up at the farm. with chickens. You would be so happy.
My new globe just found a new place in globe city at my house. Snuck the wire baskets in so my hubby wouldn’t complain about the massive amount of things he hauled to storage while I was gone this weekend (while I proceed to haul new stuff in!). Good times. Happy Monday!

Cheryl E. - Just finished reading A Million Miles in a Thousand Years thank to your friend, Kimberlee! I read her blog, too and once she posted about that book, I knew I had to read it.
LOVE the new finds, by the way. Such fun!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Totally weird, random comment but your mums? Love em. I got the biggest one Ive ever seen over the weekend at Sams Club. Its burgundy and I cant wait to put it out on the front porch to welcome fall.
Have a great day! (Boo to dishonest Craigslisters)

Cori - A Million Miles in a Thousand Years may just be my favorite non-fiction book of all time. Radical was amazing, too! Enjoy 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - full fun day indeed! happy monday to you, ms. meg 🙂

Trysha - I’ll have to look up those books! I’m looking forward to Joel Osteen’s “I Declare”.
I was reminded of God’s love this weekend as I photographed a wedding. We didn’t have pens to sign the Marriage Certificate, there was a mad scramble and I sought out a guest who had a purse. She managed to find two pens at the bottom of her purse, matching from a random local church. The Bride looked at her and said “See, The Lord will always provide. Always.” 🙂

Amy - InterRupted….AMAZING!! Radical will be a good follow up….
I may have to go pick up the one you just mentioned! Don’t you just love it when the Spirit leads you….you just HAVE to do it….Enjoy the quiet time on Monday!!

Suzanne - Happy Monday! I hope you enjoy your books, and I hope God rocks your world. I love it when He does that ~ and hate it… but mostly love it! Have a great week!

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blue lily is my fave.


our last day of GoPro we had a session of discussing business plans & ideas, a flash seminar, camera cleaning, personalized critiques (that's a good thing) and two more shoots.

some of our group went up on the gondola and hiked around.
but i could barely walk around the house and up the stairs so i wasn't up for a hike.
i stayed at the house and we practiced on each other and did headshots.  :)



IMG_6258-1 IMG_6324-9

i am thinking my editing looks funny on all of these….hmmm.
it's hard to learn something new!

there was a fox that was all around the house during our stay.
he was wild but seemed to really not care that we were there.
we were all very close and he ignored us.
and cool. 

i promised the girls that if he attacked i would be sure to take lots of pictures of that.
and then of course i would try to help save them. 




we had our group photo very impromptu… with some taxidermy.


Blue Lily Go Pro Reunion-382-1

coolest group photo ever taken….NO OFFENSE.


we went out in the evening to practice some harsh lighting shots.
wendy and tyler had us turn our backs and then when we turned around this is what we saw!

how crazy cute are those masks?!!
so so funny.
these are their kids…not wendy and tyler in the masks.  :)

(ps…their kids are so lovely…i want to squeeze them.)


they said the masks were ordered from amazon.

not as cute on a grown up….

my new friends.  :)

we went on to our last photo shoot of the weekend.
i was so excited.
i was going to be one of the models!!

everyone was helping wendy set up.
it's looking cool already….

well….i don't have many pictures yet since i was IN the shoot….but it ended like this.


that's my kind of modeling job.
we had a big paint war!!!

6 of us threw paint on each other while the other 16 people photographed it.
it was washable craft paint mixed with water to make it fly faster. 


it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

and you can see our photo shoot last year with colored powder here.

i can't say which one i liked better….they were both AWESOME. 

you can read about it here on the Blue Lily blog and see when the next GoPro workshop is.

if you are considering going to a workshop….DO IT.
you will learn so much.
you will be encouraged.
you will meet people who love what you love and have great ideas.
you will be SO glad you took the leap and tried something BIG.

and check their travel schedule….they take pictures ALL OVER THE WORLD.
get signed up for a photo session with them near you! 

you will be so happy you did it.

thank you AGAIN wendy & tyler.  
i loved my time with you.


Jodi - I LOVE this recap! Your photos are awesome and thanks for including photos of me! Oh, and the striped shirt is from Anthropologie! It was my pre-reunion splurge.
I loved meeting you in person, Meg. You have been a long time inspiration of mine and it was nice as you said….to come full circle. The real Meg only strengthened my adoration for your blog, your photography, your words, and all of the inspiration that I feel when I am here at your blog!

Tracy - Loved this post! The foxy fox pics are amazing. Also love the paint pics. O a personal note I am so excited as we’re doing a family shoot with the awesome Wendy & Tyler in October…one of my bucket list things will be done! Now if I could just borrow your amazingly gorgeous hair…

Carol Short - oh, wonderful pictures!
i love the fox stretching out
(sudoku puzzles)

Peggy Lee - Fantastic!Really its very owsome!I like very much this post and i would like to forward this to my friends to visit this page.Thank you lot.
gotowe prace dyplomowe

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - So much awesomeness in this post I don’t even know where to begin! You are gorgeous and your hair is rockin in these pics!

Donna R - Fantastic! Great pics of an awesome weekend. You were a great sport to get pummeled with paint!

Kelley Wenzel - Such an awesome weekend all around. Loved the shot you got of the fox yawning and the cougar over Wendy’s head as it was being carried around. Enjoyed Sunday morning getting to know you better, as well as the drive back to Denver. Thanks for sharing so many of your pics!

Ashley F. - Seriously awesome weekend, I don’t think I fully appreciated it until seeing it all laid out like this! I am SO happy to have met you and discovered your awesome blog. I have pictures to send you. 🙂

Lisa - The paint picture of you is seriously amazing. What an awesome thing to be a part of.

Tiffany - The paint war looks like a blast! And you look adorable all paint splattered! I recently got word that I’m going to Craft Weekend, and I can hardly contain my excitement! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and following you on instagram, and love it even more knowing that I will actually get to meet you soon! Is that so strange, having a total stranger so excited to meet you? I told my husband it’s like I’m getting to meet a celebrity! 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am so stinking fascinated by that striped shirt with the orange lace up top. Yum.
2. You have good hair and look beautiful with paint splatters.

Tiffany - That photo of u after the paint war is full of color! Its a great shot. This post was full of encouragement, go big or go home!

jackie grandy - What an amazing weekend and those photos totally rock! I especially love the ones of the fox (so cool) and the one of you covered in paint is a keeper. Maybe you should get it framed and hang it up. It has tons of color and it’s so modern looking! I’m being serious here!
I need to work on taking more photos of people. I’m taking way too many shots of food and not enough of my family and friends. I have been trying to change that and my kids are like “get that camera away.”
I think I may have to look into a weekend photography course!
Jackie 🙂

Karly Shelton - Reading your blog ALWAYS makes me smile and think of all the good things there are in life! Beautiful pictures and I want to do a paint war soooo bad!

Agnieszka - Just a word of caution about wild animals that are not afraid of humans. Sometimes it means they are infected by rabies. Apparently that’s one of the symptoms. And they may look fine otherwise. Keep it in mind for the future.
Looks like you had sooooo much fun! I’m jealous, especially of that last shoot 🙂

Lisa M. - Oh Meg, it looks like you had such an awesome time! I love the paint war!! Wish I could get some of my friends to participate with me in somehting like that!! 🙂 Blue Lily is coming to a town near me, but it is unfortunately about 2 hours away and we are already so full of obligations that day, but I’m trying to work it out!! I love their work and it would be such a privelage to have them photograph me and my family.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!

Kati - Love the masks and the color paint throwing!! So much fun!

Brooke - I have ALWAYS loved Blue Lily…back before you could “pin”, I had one of their photos bookmarked and I have always thought back on it when I am taking photos of people. I’m saving up for one of their workshops…but honestly…saved up for craft weekend first… 🙂 So glad I’m coming that in just a couple weeks!
I am dreaming of a paint session with friends of mine this fall…I”ll have to get all the deets about how that went down. It looks super fun. I was thinking of having a canvas that the whole family could paint on during the session (as they are throwing paint), so that they have something to hang on their wall afterwards.
in other news…those masks are AWESOME.
Your friend in the blue/white stripe shirt with the orange lace…I WANT TO OWN THAT SHIRT….can you hook me up with her? Her info?

Lori Austin - Had to show my hunter husband the animal pics. He said “that mountain lion
probably cost about $4,000 – sure hope they didn’t drop it!” Ha! 🙂
My little guy LOVED the fox pics.
Fun weekend.

happygirl - Love the pics after a paint war and those masks are adorable. What a wonderful experience this looks to be. Good for you for pursuing your passion.

Jennifer - LAUGHING OUT LOUD! WHAT fun?!! Those masks! HILARIOUS!

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i was working on some projects over at the craft house yesterday.
i love being in my sunny craft room. 


i have been hoarding embroidery hoops.

that is my favorite photo of craig. 
when i make him laugh that is the face i see.  
i love that face.


a rainbow gift from craft weekenders.

you've got mail…again.
because why not?
sometimes its better than music.
thift store birds spray painted yellow.
i need to find a place to hang them up.

i love my glass star from Piggie&Dirt.  i want to buy them all and hang them all over the ceiling!

hello new fabric i ordered from Hawthorne Threads.
please tell me you smiled really big with that combo like i did!

my grandma's flower frogs.



more hoarding.

mr. duerksen….i love your shirt.

this is… by far… the best fabric ever to exist in all of time…past….present….future.
the farm will get curtains with BIG rainbow chevron.  
and if i could i would just wrap up everything around me in the other.
my furniture, my kids, my dog..all wrapped up in rainbow chevron.

it's by riley blake and i ordered it from hawthorne threads also.

a lot of it.  :)





happy maps from elizabeth st.

wire rack from the barn….i love rust.

i need to start decorating my gloves!

and whatever i can't drape with rainbow chevron….i will cover in vintage quilts.

vintage sparkles.
here is the other fabric i ordered…. 


i am determined to create more now that the kids are in school all day.
i NEED to be using my hands.
i need to work my mind that way much more often than i am.
it's calming and helps me think clearly.
so i am making a schedule and at least one day i AM creating.
no matter what.

do you make time for something like that in your life?
what is that important part of you that you don't want to miss out on?







Karen - I know that lamp well and am glad you enjoy it 🙂 love, love, love the chevron fabric….just made the Hello Sunshine from the kit that was a weekend craft and the painted peacocks….love all your ideas…thanks for sharing your gift of crafting…

Natalie - While ths post made me happy it also made me so so jealous 🙂 gorgeous fabric. Where do you find all those fantastic quilts
I swear I have the worst luck in that department, yours are fab.

teresa - I love all your colorful piles….
Happy day! Love the name of your blog ;}

Julie Tiu - Oh my gosh. Just found your blog through Pinterest… so lovely “meeting” crafty, artful people… so much happiness here. Thank you for sharing!

Doris - I don’t know if you read comments you get here, but I wonder if you ever see my blog? Since year and few months ago I’m checking your blog and loving it 🙂
“You’ve got mail” is one of my all time favorites. 🙂
and I can’t live without being creative, it’s always something about pictures, or editing music videos, making stuff for family, making photo albums/scrapbooks… and-making music (I’m a singer-songwriter, engineer.)

Lisa Perry - Love when you post your creative stuff! I am aching to find the time to create, I have been so busy the past couple months, I’ve barely had time and my hands are itching for it too…hoping next weekend I will find the time! My soul needs it!

Lauren - I feel exactly the same. Posted something similar just the other day! The artist in me is sad to see summer go…but I gotta keep creating. LOVE the hankies by the way…and that children’s book. *gulp* What a lovely studio…enjoy it!

lola - hi eg! love your blog so much, your positivity is sometimes just what i need! also, I just wanted to let you know, if you didn’t know already, that I linked to your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, check it out at,

Sarah Russell - This post is the epitome of eye candy. I love your blog so much and look forward to seeing the lastest scoop in my inbox each morning. God bless ya sistah!

Tracy - Where did you find the glass star? Is Piggie&Dirt on Etsy?

Lindsey - I saw the squirrel fabric on Hawthorne also! LOVE IT! Everything in this post is wonderful! Can’t wait to see what you made!!!!

Sharilyn - Your photos make me smile so BIG! I love the happiness that oozes from them. 🙂

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - Love all those photos! This summer I set aside some creative time – an hour a week to sew, an hour a week to scrapbook, and an hour a week to knit. Sometimes I did more but it’s amazing what you can do in one hour. I even scheduled it in my planner. I’m definitely keeping it up during the school year.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh what fun inspiration. I pinned the embroidery hoop art from the Craft Weekend post and now love to see more in this post. . that will be a fun craft for me to do with my girls. I love the Chevron rainbow fabric. . love that they skipped out on purple (my least favorite color). . .all the others make me happy but not purple for some reason. I have all the colors in my house. . but purple. Happy Post. . love it. . .such inspirataion. And yes, one day a week. . I make time to read, blog, create, shop fun stores. . rest and inspire my soul. . but I tell you 9am-2pm goes very quickly.

Allison - Love your blog!
What is the title of the children’s book with the beautiful illustrations?

Bernice - Thank you for this post! I am so jealous of all your fabric purchases!! Man I’d love to be able to sit and make stuff all day. But for now an active toddler occupies my days. Enjoy your time!!

Amy @littleforalittlewhile - Fabric makes me happy. How will I ever choose at craft weekend?!

Mandy Draper - your post made me smile today 🙂 will you be making more pillows for your etsy shop again this year? i missed it last yr, and was super bummed.

Donna R - Love all the happy fabric, but especially the rainbow chevron. B U tiful! Now to come up with a project so I can order some.
Totally relate to needing to make time for creative projects. I have a million projects pinned and don’t nearly take the time I need to have fun with them!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love this post. It is really what I have been feeling lately. I have been in such a rut and I need to create! It is easier for me to create when I am with people I love. That is what makes living far away from home so hard 🙁 One day, I will have lots of time, but my baby will be grown by then. So I am enjoying her now!

Carolyn - That is FABULOUS fabric! And yes- I’ve been thinking that I MUST set aside time to be creative. I love to make things but I’m also a musician and did some acting in high school and I MISS performing. That creative outlet has been pretty dead for me since college. I signed up for an adult tap class for this year and I’m pretty excited about it! Now to find time to play my instruments…:)

Tracey - I need help!! I have been hoarding vintage napkins and hankies with embroidery that I want to make something with but I am struggling with what to make. I was thinking about a valance/curtain for the window above my kitchen sink but I am skeered to do anything to them until I have a plan. What have you made out of your vintage hankies in the past?

Brittany McKenna - Meg- I was at a thrift store in Colorado just yesterday and I saw the EXACT SAME thrift store birds (just one though) and thought about what they would look like spray painted! I had never seen anything like it until yesterday! I didn’t end up getting it, but I love how yours looks! I also love flower frogs! This whole post also made me happy!!

shannon - Your posts are always so bright and happy!
School started for us as well and I was really looking forward to crafting up a storm but instead I’ve been fighting ants daily 🙁
Hoping next week I have more time to craft and create!!!

Ashley E - Firstly, let me tell you what I would GIVE for that pile of doilies….I am so envious! 🙂 I’m on a mission to find all of Tulsa’s doilies for a project. I always try to make time for reading or crafting, which is probably once every two weeks due to being a working mama of two! Whew! LOOOOOVE your craft room and want to have Scotty “Beam me up!” to it!

Angela Atkins - I love your craft room and those stacks of fabric. I’ve been making my own Fall List, now that my big part time job is almost over and I’ll have two whole days to work on stuff while the kids are in school. I make time to do quilts now and will also add in some updating around the house–some furniture painting, new lampshades, that kind of stuff. And just some inspiration trips that I couldn’t do this summer with my kids.

Katie - how cute is tha b/w pic of your kiddos!!!

rachel - i think we could be twinsies….my craft closet very closely resembles your craft room, i adore your yellow owl, i, too, seem to hoard embroidery hoops and i drool over vintage fabrics and quilts. 🙂 if i don’t have a project to work on i get anxious. happy crafting! 🙂

Jodi - Antique shopping, You’ve Got Mail, painted yellow birds, lovely fabric, antique quilts, thread spools, and the hankie collection…..we love so many of the same things! I’ve read your blog for the past 3 years, but never really commented. But today I felt like you were reading my mind. I can just imagine how you feel when you walk into your craft/sewing room…pure happiness.

Jenny B. - I saw those too! I have boys, so they wouldn’t go for it. I briefly considered getting one for myself. 🙂

Jenny B. - Oh, such a happy post! That rainbow chevron makes me giddy! Giddy, I tell you! 🙂 I see ball fringe… are you planning to make more pillows? The one I bought last year is the star of my sofa, and I’m thinking he needs a friend. Hint, hint. 🙂 Also – LOVE the rainbow button lamp shade. I think I might need to do that. So many ideas… so little time… 🙂 Thanks for brightening my day!

Chrissie Grace - Yummy. Makes me want to create

Lisa B - I LOVE that rainbow chevron! I think my son needs that for curtains in his new room when we move.

Jennifer wood - My boys are ages 11, 7, and 4, so I kind of feel like I have recently stepped out of a fog of diapers, potty training, etc. Because of that (and because I’ve been intentional about creating time for it), I’ve been creating more for our home…making something out of nothing, making fun things out of ordinary things. My oldest son recently said, “I love how you decorate our house with things most people give away to the Food and Clothing Bank (our town’s “goodwill”)” This was such a compliment to me! haha!! 😉 LOVE your blog…it inspires me.

melissa lorenz - Completely inspiring post today Meg! BTW – Lands End has rainbow chevron backpacks for kids this year!

Gina - Love all your beautiful photos! Especially the quilts…hope I can score some one day. I love to make things, too, whether it is a paper craft or sewing. Have a great week!

Jacci in Ohio - I just LOVED all these pictures from your craft room. Craft Weekend pics are fun, but I love these even more. More personal, maybe? Happy fun.
Time in the Word. And in prayer. My five kids are home all day, everyday… that time has to be protected like mad. Or it slips away. And it’s not something I can just give up on.

beth - You are absolutely right about creating and I have decided to follow in your footsteps and create while the kids are in school–yea for school! ha!
How do you clean your vintage quilts? I have a beautiful old quilt I just got from my mom that my grandma made and I’m not sure how to go about getting it clean. It’s not stained, but just that old musty smell from being in my parents basement. Any ideas?
Happy school days to you, Meg!

Darcie L. - Kindred spirits. We were doing premarital counseling with some younger friends of ours. Hubby asked the guy, “What are your fiancee’s needs? Like, for my wife, she NEEDS to be creative. She NEEDS to make things.” He was totally right. 🙂

Ami - This happy post is exactly why you are the first blog I check everyday! Love, love, love all that color!

Jen Brandt - I so love your pictures. What an awesome rainbow button lamp shade. So happy! I need time to exercise and thank God I have a husband who understands that. 🙂

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I miss quilting, to be honest. My sewing machine (dumb Brother) finally gave up the ghost and it will be months before I can replace it and months before my life settles down enough to even consider crafting/sewing. We’re going from 4 to 7 children and that’s going to be a bit chaotic around here.

Christy K - This is, by far, THE happiest blog post I have read in, well… EVER. All of the bright, beautiful colours make my heart SO very happy! Thank you for inspiring me today and happy creating!! : )

stephany - Happy photos.
Creating makes me happy, too!
I have tons of cleaning to do before my in-laws get to town and I have been creating, moving furniture, and changing things around in our house instead.
You’ve Got Mail is one of my favorites, too. Really, anything with Meg Ryan.
And, I have a table full of thrifted embroidery hoops and fabric right at this moment.
I think we would get along well. 🙂

becky - i thought you’d appreciate this – we were doing a cross country road trip with the kids (well, to ohio and back) and i had this big binder with all the things we were going to do at every stop. and on the way home we had an over-nighter in salina and my one and only goal was to go out to the barn and shop and i had it all marked and the address in the gps and everything…AND…the one day we were there – was the day they were closed. sigh. and to think i passed up one amazing antique shop after another with the mantra going through my head, “just make it to kansas…just make it to kansas…” hah! that’ll teach me. hopefully next time i’m in your neck of the woods – i will make it to the barn.
thanks for all the wonderful pics today. it’s funny – i see rainbow things all the time and think of you – which is weird, i know…but funny at the same time. oh, this funny blogging world.

Lennie Jackson - My kids are small 1 yr and almost 3 so it is very hard for me to get any craft-mommy-I need it to keep my sanity time, but I try really hard to do that. It is all a juggle and you seem to do so well. Thanks for the pretty post!!! Someday I’ll get to that craft house!!

Juli - So funny! I just ordered the rainbow chevron from Hawthorne after they sent their e-mail! I told my husband I’m just going to wrap the outside of the house with it :)! I haven’t received mine yet. Do you think its heavy enough for a shower curtain? (there would be a plastic liner too). Love your blog so much. Hoping to meet you in sometime at a craft weekend!

Kate - What inspiration this morning! My oldest is just starting preschool this fall, and I am hoping to spend more time in my craft room. I also just signed up on the CW waiting list, so I’m hoping to see your craft room sometime soon, too. 😉 Happy Wednesday!

kelly - I stayed home from work today and was feeling kinda blah… your post lifted my spirits and made me want to create. I have a not so craft room that has been in the making since we built the house 2 years ago–bot as big as yours but I would love for it ot have the same feel of yours… Thanks for the inspiration–I can tell yours has all the things you love…. THanks Meg!!!

Dara - I love the rainbow chevron!

annie - Can I just come and LIVE at the craft house?!?!?!?!!? HOLY COW! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!

Han - You’ve Got Mail is one of my favourites! I adore Nora Ephron films – I watched YGM most recently the day that she passed away – I watched in like memory of her.
I even quoted YGM on my blog today (here)
“Don’t you just love New York in the fall. It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bunch of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand this not knowing has it’s charms”

Sharla - Rainbow chevron! I am in love

Jen - What a fun place Craft House is!! I love the color, the mix of patterns. It’s all so happy and creative. Mission accomplished.

Verna Lantz - This entire post made me happy. What happy colors and patterns. Now, I believe I need my own craft room to fill it with color and happy. Thanks!!

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window shopping

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i had some time to myself last Saturday while Craig took the kids to Worlds of Fun.
i think i am the one who had the fun.
i only spent money at the Gap outlet…everything else i enjoyed with my eyes.

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francesca's and pottery barn.

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sur la table and anthropologie.
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pottery barn had the world's biggest lamp !
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my mom and sister joined me later and we celebrated my mom's birthday with an amazingly yummy dinner outside on a second story patio…it was so nice.
we talked till it was dark.
had birthday desserts and laughed a lot.  
i needed that night….thank you to everyone who made it happen. 🙂

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the next morning we visited my
they are both living in the same assisted living facility.
Sean wore his new hat he won at Worlds of Fun.
it was my favorite.

where is your favorite store to window shop?



winner of the Kaboo Purse….

Lindi said…

Love the yellow Tina! Such a fun, happy colour and perfect styling. 🙂

send me your mailing address Lindi!!!!



Wendy - I agree, love those shoes! where? where? 🙂

Barbara - I am always window shopping love the same stores you went to, Sur La Table is my all time favotite your Grandmas are so adorable.

Lindi - What a perfect day. 🙂 I, too, love those sandals. I hope you bought 2 pairs for when the first ones wear out!
So excited to hear I won the bag. Jumping up and down. lol
I’ve already sent you my snail mail addy.

cindy - I’m patiently waiting for a Craft weekend post 🙂
looks like a PERFECT day!

Lennie Jackson - Looks like fun!!! I live in St. Joseph, we are 50 miles north of Kansas City so we are frequent flyers at Worlds of Fun. Are you going to post on Craft Weekend? I can’t wait to see your new projects and what you and Lisa crafter up!!!

Charlene - Always love browsing your pictures…but more then that I LOVE your hair!! Have a hair appt today and if I was brave enough I would chop my past the shoulders locks and try a style similar to yours. Sorry for the random comment, but I am always admiring your hairstyles 😉

rachel - looks like you had a lovely time! 🙂 isn’t it so awesome when you can go somewhere! 🙂 btw…used to go to worlds of fun when i was younger…good times. 🙂

Kristin S - Ack, those turquoise sandals!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very fun day-summary.

Nickie - You might appreciate this episode of This American Life:
Ira Glass goes to Worlds of Fun 🙂

Erin - Looks like a perfect day to me 🙂
Love those turquoise shoes! Where are they from!

ko. s - I love to window shop! Pottery Barn and a local store called Styers are my two favs! Love the picture of all the coffee mugs! Yes please!

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a few months ago my running buddies and i decided we'd sign up for a 10K to keep us motivated.

it was hard to keep running some mornings but most of the time we made the effort.

this weekend….we did it!



i am sure you know how hard it is to have time with girlfriends.
so instead of just never seeing them….we meet up to run.

and to distract us from the running we talk about what is going on in our lives.


we each ran the whole 6.2 miles….no walking.



these are positive, encouraging, Godly women that i love.  
we support each other.
we lift each other up.
we are happy for each other when good things come.
we pray for each other.
we want to see the best for each other!
they are so special to me. 

i am so proud of all us for sticking with it and working hard.



when we were done…we weren't even exhausted.
we all agreed we could've kept going.


our post race tradition is starbucks and the spa.


this time we could only do starbucks because we had to get back home for our kids' swim meet.
but next time…

we are going to the spa.

and there IS a next time.

10 miles.

in the fall….it's ON!

and there is talk about a half marathon but that scares the heck outta me right now.


some of you have asked me about specifics on my personal running gear….

let me tell you that this sports bra has been A W E S O M E!!!



i used to have to wear two sports bras to run…until i found this.  
it's my fave.  
it's available on amazon even….i got mine at Dicks Sporting Goods.

it's not cheap…but it's about the same as having to wear two before….and it's totally worth it.

i love the C9 running stuff at target.
love these capris…. 


and i actually just got this running skirt!!!     first shorts and now a skirt?!  who am i ??



i love my bright happy shoes.  i have had NO problems with the Nike+ Free Runners.
love them. 

of course you don't NEED any of these things to be a runner….except maybe the bra.  
but happy shoes or a cute skirt makes it a teensy more enjoyable.


so….my main advice for running….what has been the best for me?


running with other women keeps me accountable and movitivated and keeps running fun.

find some friends and start walking or jogging. 


i liked this.

and kinda hate it too.

but mostly it made me smile.

all this talking about running is making me want to get out there and GO!

i guess i will.




josy - Anyone who can run and talk at the same time is a superstar in my book!

Julie - I’ve been doing the double-sports-bra thing for years, and hated it. Based on your recommendation, I swallowed the money guilt and went right out to get that bra. I don’t usually do that, but I figured you wouldn’t steer me wrong. After my “long” run this morning, I can safely say that it is everything you said it would be. I really really appreciate it. Thanks for being a running inspiration to me.

Jennifer - Hey Meg…love this post. Congrats–that is so awesome! I turned 40 this May and have been feeling this sense of urgency that I need to get back into some sort of work out routine. I have for the past few years since my son was born just put it on the back burner. Your enthusiasm has motivated me to get more serious about getting my booty in gear. 🙂

JoLynn - So inspirational! I am overdue right now for baby #4, but running looks fabulous! 🙂 I would love to get into it once I recover. Do you have an iPhone that you listen to music? I am really behind the times when it comes to technology, but would love to buy something good to listen to tunes on for motivation. Thanks and keep up the hard work! 🙂

Christina - That is sooo great! You have been very inspiring to me with all of your running. Congratulations on doing this race!

nicole i - bravo!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I’m sure someone’s already sent this to you, but just in case they haven’t … I’m in love with some of these floors! I thought they’d look terrific at the Craft House. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - you inspire me! and i love your stories about your friends. good friends are such a great thing! tracy

karen - I didn’t even know running skirts existed!! yay! I have pink adidas trainers and I’m certain they give me wings!
On a side note, I just saw the orange You is…throw pillow you make on Pinterest!!! I am inlove!! I am in the middle of making my homeschool room and just painted it SR robins egg blue and that pillow would be the happy in the room!! WOuld you consider making one for our room?? You are so gifted!! And where did you even find cursive writing fabric??? I think I have a crush!

Tiffany - So awesome!!! Congrats on 6.2 miles, I always say running is not for me. Maybe I need the cute skirt? Nah, bur some inspirational friends would certainly do it.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Was it a coincidence that you ran 6.2 miles on 6/2? What a great feat, good for you girl!

Nicole Wight - This is SO, SO inspirational & informative! Woohoo! Keep it up, Meg!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yay Meg…You go girl!

Tanya - Congrats Meg!
I just ran my first 5k race weekend 2 weeks ago. I loved the energy. Pretty great…and addictive. My sister treated me to a LuLu Lemon outfit for race day! WOW 🙂
Yay for running!!!!

shiela - that was quite ssstrange that my previous comment got erased for some reason…? don’t feel like re-typing everything again & if this message gets “erased” as well…then, oh well!

Emily B - That is awesome! You look amazing! Races freak me out. But you’ve been (your 100 mile month), and are continuing to inspire me to keep running! Thanks for that.

Megan - Absolutely amazing! I am just starting on 5k’s and am so thankful for the inspiration you are!

elz - Congratulations. Be careful, I started with 5 and 10ks and now I’m a half marathon runner! You know, you can easily run twice as far as you’ve run before. Meaning, you gals are ready for a 1/2 marathon! Don’t be afraid to walk when you run (walk 1 minute every 10 minutes or so), it’s actually better for your muscles in the long run (ha ha, pun!). It keeps you fresher longer.

Ashley - Congrats! I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to add mileage, once you get past that 10K distance. It is daunting, of course, but seriously once I did seven miles it seemed like oh heck, what’s another mile? Good luck with the 10 miler, and I say go for it. Find half to sign up for! You can do it!

Kimberly Dial - So awesome! Congrats to you & your friends!

steph - way to go meg!!!!
so proud of you girls.
i always find a race gives me a kick in the pants and running is easier when i schedule it in.
so if i’m training, i’m more inclined to get out there.
sometimes i just ‘train’ pretend so that i get lots of mileage in.
i’m so sneaky! ha ha!
i love it though too… and i love running with my BFF.
we call it “coffee time” without the calories. 😉
right now i’m training for my third half marathon.
it’s on father’s day.
i’m sorta freaking out but excited too… in a barfy kinda way.
make sense?
ha ha ha!
i’m encouraging YOU to do a half too!
you will love it!
lots of hard work but such a great feeling afterward.
if you want some training tips ever, feel free to email me.
i have always followed a very easy training plan.
only involves running 4 times a week.
3 shorter runs during the week and 1 long run on the weekend.
doable, for sure!
there’s nothing like the feeling of finishing the half too…
like having a baby without drugs.
super crazy hard… think you can’t do it… then it’s over… and you feel like a million BUCKS!

roganne - you are so inspirational! i totally hate running. if i have to run, it is usually only because i am being chased! great job!

Kristin S - So proud of all of you! I’ve never run with a group because I love the alone time but I like this concept for encouragement.
I got achilles tendonitis in both feet (waaaa) four weeks and two days ago and haven’t run a step since. It is HARD. I miss it. I feel like a crazy, psycho woman missing running. I mean, I miss ice cream, but running?!?!
Thanks for the tips. I’m always on the hunt for a good sports bra. The cross back ones always seem so complicated but yours has a zipper! Brilliant. I get mine from Title Nine.
Run for me!

amy jupin - soooo proud of both you and jana!
this takes time and dedication–to running and to each other!
way to go girls!
p.s. va-va-voom! hotness.

Katie Jones - How did you get started like did you do a program or something?
Also still wondering about your devotional you were reading last week??? Which one is it????

Heidi Jo the Artist - So proud of you! 🙂 I have a ways to go, but I keep chugging along each week. Really hoping to try out that sports bra. I wear two when I run right now, and sometimes I think I need three, so I definitely know what you mean!! What headphones do you like? I remember you said you listen to music most of the times you run by yourself. I’ve got cheapies right now, but want to invest in a nicer pair that will stay in my ears well. I wish I had a lot or even ONE girlfriend that liked to run in my area. My brother runs a lot and between him, you, and another person online I know, you guys really inspire me. 🙂 I’d run with my brother, but man I got the short end of the stick and have super short legs compared to him and even if I was in pristine shape he would leave me in his dust… Trying to get my hubby and my oldest son to run more. My oldest son really wants to get a medal; my brother has gotten several and that is great encouragement for him. I really need to push it up a notch though, did lots of walking over the weekend so that made me feel better than doing nothing. I started doing stretching and some yoga over the past month. Every morning I had bad back pain the day after I would run or walk lots. I can’t believe how much of a difference it makes. Last night I was in a lot of pain from walking so much over the weekend and I just did the stretching even though it was painful, and wow felt pretty good this morning. So that is my advice if anyone ever asks you about backpain. 😉 Have a great week!

Suzanne - Great job, Meg! I am starting the Couch 2 5K program – I really LOATHE running. But I really need to get in shape, and I set a goal of running a 5K, so….

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am so happy for you! That is fantastic!

april - You look sooooo great!!! Congrats on the race! xoxo

April R - Yeah you guys! 🙂 That’s so awesome!
and I can see how those shoes would make running happier 🙂 super cool!

happygirl - You are a ROCK STAR! You look great. Good for you. 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I need to get back into running. I was in a running accident a couple of years ago, and I’ve had a hard time starting up again. Prayers for me? I’ll say some prayers for you that keep getting more awesome!

Christy K - This is awesome Meg… way to go!

Londen - congratulations! I will do any kind of workout but hate running, always have. you are looking quite fit btw!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I so love to run. I just started, and hope to run a 5k in a year. I actually like running by myself. It gives me time to listen to music, think, and talk to God.

Jennifer - Congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment. I’m not a fan of running, but I go to a bootcamp 3 days a week and we do lots of running. What keeps me going…..friends. You are so on the money with that. They motivate and empathize about the pain and being tired. Thanks for the tips on the running gear. I agree the Under Armour bra is the best and have wanted to know which shoes you had…so cute!

Laura Wilder - Wow Meg – Awesome AWESOME job! Just yesterday I was checking back in your posts about running music. I just started back up again after a long hiatus. 🙂 It makes me feel free.

Sandy - Way to go! That is awesome! I want to be a runner but I am no good at it. I’ll keep CrossFitting and working on my running. …

the whyte house - congrats!!
my friend shelly was at the gorun booth there. she also posted’s photos from the race. her hubby is the one blowing the bubble w his gum! haha.

Terrie G - Oh.My.Gosh. I’m almost embarrassed to show my age…I was one of your dear sweet running friends’ youth group leader! LOVE that girl!! She has such a sweet spirit about her! I’m so happy that she has sweet, wonderful, faithful, Godly women like you in her life! Puts a smile on my face!
Congrats on your accomplishment!!

Holly - congrats Meg! That is awesome! We are doing a color run here in Nashville in October. You need to see if there is one close to you because you would LOVE it!

Ashley - I am so proud of you…and in awe of you. That is a LONG run, a REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG run in my book. Great job friend!

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SNAP…a small recap.

i took no photos of people.
it's probably a nervous thing….right?
all the pictures in this post are of things i saw this weekend and have nothing to do with my words because that is the only option here!

well… as almost all nerve wracking, fear of the unknown situations are….everything was fine.
like all of YOU knew it would be.
it was me who was doubting. 

i really don't like being the new girl.
the one that no one knows….or in this case the one who knows no one else.
i was walking into a weird and new experience for me.
but it was GREAT!
everyone was SUPER nice and kind and friendly.

 (side note:  dont you think this couch could not be more perfect for the craft house????)

i had FUN roommates.
we laughed the entire time.
it was such wonderful girl time for me.
lindsey, jeannett and maggie were even better than i hoped.  



the entire conference was done so well.
we were entertained….spoiled….and taught.
i was so impressed with all of it.
i looooved the Queen Bee Market! 
it was my first time to get to see so many of these handmade products that i love online….in person!


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my session was with jeannett and ethan and moderated by amy.
i felt like it was just right.
i spoke from my heart.  
and as always….i cried.
only in the beginning.
it was a relief to be actually speaking the words i had been going over in my head for weeks…months.
to get them OUT and not have to worry about messing up any more.


speaking them out loud brought my passion alive again.
fanned the flame.
getting to share what is deep in my heart felt awesome…like it was stuck inside and then released!


God sent so many women to give me words of encouragement all weekend.
they were all so kind and gushingly sweet.
it was humbling.
they made me feel so good all day long.


i got to meet blogger friends in real life…
mique, kami,  tauwni, jess, andrea, heather, alissa, patty and kim to name a few.

the sponsors were generous!
our swag bags were extreme.
this was about a quarter of the loot…seriously…they rocked it.


so….my thoughts on what i got out of the conference.

1. it was a wonderful break from the everyday of mommyhood.

2. meeting bloggers is awesome.

3. speaking makes me nervous and yet i really LOVE doing it.

4. girlfriends are such good medicine.

5. i was reminded again of what i am in this corner of the internet….and i like it.
    i first realized it first when i was in Atlanta for the coca-cola social media conference surrounded by big
    bloggers filled with business mindsets and big goals and plans for their blogs.
    at the end of the day….i just want to glorify God.
    in my words, in my photos, in my home, in my relationships and definitely on my blog….every day.
    and that is a work in progress.
    it's a journey.
    i still mess up a lot.  
    i still react poorly sometimes often….i am normal.
    but i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.


i loved SNAP.
it was awesome to be asked to be a part of it!
they know how to throw a party!

hey….how about if YOU were at SNAP and you took your picture with me….send it to me!
i have no photos of you or me.
it will make a great post.  :)



Brittany Shea - I am in love with this blog. What exactly is SNAP and I need this couch in my life. Does anyone know where I can get in touch with this vendor???

Tauni - This is a bit late, but I love you…That is all. xoxo

Patty Palmer - Nice meeting you in person, Meg! I saw that sofa as well and knew straight away that I don not have nearly enough color in my house. Great photos of Snap!

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - MEG! You rock. Loved chatting with you at SNAP. Our quick convo put things in perspective and made me feel better about saying no to a sponsored trip to NYC. Thanks girl!
ps: See Sandee Prince up there? My sister! She’s your stalker…in a good way. Love her 😉

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Soo.. I got an email last night saying that I was randomly chosen to come to Craft Weekend.. I had the same feelings that you were having about SNAP. Nervousness, fear of the unknown.. But you know what? I am COMING to Craft Weekend! And I am so excited!! I know I would have kicked myself, had I not accepted the invite.. See you in August!! 🙂

Christine Ishmael - It was great finally meeting you Meg! I wish I could’ve heard you speak because as soon as you were done, my friend (who was there) texted me and said it was so good, she was bawling! Keep up the good work! Christine of This & That Creations!

Brooke - the red/pink tulip picture is BEAUTIFUL! Do you sell your photos? This picture is the perfect jumping off point for my toddlers new big girl room!

Meagan - Oh my goodness, you NEED that sofa and all it’s pillows for the craft house. Absolutely. It’s perfect. I’m so bummed I missed SNAP this year. It would have been great to see you again.

kami @ NoBiggie - I’m so glad I got to meet you! I just sent you a pic of us.
That lace necklace is so pretty! I wish I had a full day all by myself to take in the Queen Bee Market, so many pretties.

Amy - Well said, Meg! Our sole purpose in life is to bring glory to God. It’s amazing when we strip everything else away and simply see life through that purpose. I needed that reminder today. 🙂

ko. s - You made me tear up! I love that you were speaking at Snap this year! What a source of creative strength you are! I may just have to see if we can fly you out for our Women’s retreat!

Suzanne - First, of course you did wonderfully! Second, couch =! Third, thank you for being who God made you to be! Glorify God and be joyful in your life. What an amazing outlet you have to share in!

Lorie - I barely took pictures of people either! Too much going on and too many great people to meet! I never made it into the Emporium to shop, but that couch is amazing!

Jessica Johnson - i knew you would do great! also, i see you on instagram! kim and i need to fly out for a tutorial.

Stephanie - I was not at snap but I feel the same way that you do about blogging. I want to honor and glorify God with my life. With the thoughts that I think, the actions I do and the words I say or blog. I definitely fail but glorifying God through everything, the good and bad, is the most important thing.
And- completely random but I had a dream that I was at one of your craft weekends! I have seen the pics on your blog and it looks like so much fun! I may have to come one of these days! 🙂
I love your blog!

Lea Carter - ” i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.” and that, my dear, is what it is all about! Love your blog and your heart!

happygirl - Your images are beautiful. I love turquoise and brown combination. Why is that such a gorgeous combo? You are so brave to go to things like this. I have no courage for meeting new people.

Lori Austin - Love the tulip picks. Glad all went well. I’m sure you looked super cute in those fantastic outfits 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - Would have loved to have been there to hear you speak… What did you talk about? Sounds like a great weekend… 🙂

Jamielyn@iheartnaptime - What beautiful pictures! That couch is to die for! I’m saving up for one of your craft weekends. How fun would that be?! They sounds AMAZING! I really enjoyed meeting you Friday night. You are so sweet and down to earth. Plus your outfits were fabulous! Wish we could of chatted more. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch! XOXO

tyranid - I’m glad that you had a great time with your room mates. You give your house a new color by doing your crafts and share it with others.

Kerry - so happy to hear it all went well meg!! And that COUCH!!! Good grief – its to die for… 🙂
Knew you’d rock your sesh 🙂 Kerry x

Kate B. - Andrea from knittybitties is the one that made the little walllet I sent you a while back! How fun to meet her in person!

Marie - It was so fun to meet you in person!! Bummer I missed your session, sounds like it was a gooooood one!! And great photos, even if there isn’t any of faces!! I loved that handmade market!

Becky - It was so great to meet you and chat at the queen bee market! Now I wish I had asked to take a picture with you. I was too embarrassed to ask 😉 you are awesome! Someday I will come to craft weekend… where did you find that couch?!
-Becky Blood

Krissy - So glad you had a good time!! And I totally love your blog, you’re the only one I really read because I feel I can really connect with you! Loves and prayers coming your way! <3

Jenna@CallHerHappy - wow wow wow! what cool pictures! if i was at snap, i would be thinking, “man, meg would love this!” glad you got to go 🙂

sandee prince - you know I will have my little sis send the pic of you and her…. the one she sent me that I made her get with you……a little creepy I know 😉 lol She is at the hospital helping her twin push out her baby boy RIGHT NOW!!!
Check LollyJane later today and I am sure there will be a sweet little blessing on there for you to go ga ga over. Can’t wait to meet my newest nephew!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m glad to hear that it went well and was fun (& re-energizing). Blessings to you!

jen - that is so awesome you go to be a part of it. glad you got something out of it.

Tina Jacobsen - That couch is amazing!! Glad you had a great time!! I love your blog and how you use it to glorify God!! I always smile when typing!!

Kristy Call {DavesWife} - Meeting you was DEFINITELY a highlight for me! I LOVE your little corner of the internet, and how you use it to inspire us on a daily basis. ♥ DavesWife

Katie - Just keep posting photos and writing something as always and we will keep coming back! God does show through on your blog

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I wish I could have gone. It would have been fun and probably the encouragement I could use. Your words have encouraged me today. I’m kind of in a blogging slump 🙁 Not really knowing why I’m doing this and then I read your words and I’m feeling better about my little corner of the internet too. You rock Meg! Glad you had a great time. You deserve it!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - People were tweeting quotes from your speech (that seems like the wrong word. whatev.) like mad fools!!!
From what I saw, you nailed it. And I would have cried, too.

Jen Brandt - Beautiful post, Meg. Congratulations! I’m glad it went so well.

Dani - So glad you had a great time.
I saw that couch and immediately started trying to figure out how I could make that and how I could talk my husband into letting me put it in the living room.

Jill - I am so glad you went and had so much fun! It is awesome to be refreshed in the Lord and have our focus renewed isn’t it. You have been a true blessing to me from just reading your blog, in fact, it is one of the few tabs that pop up when I sign online. I don’t expect perfection from you – just honesty and from all that you are – encouragement. Thank You for taking this opportunity for yourself so that you can continue to allow God to use you for folks like me.
Love and prayers!!

Kirsten J - I love how much clarity you have. Your focus is maybe why I adore you and your blog. And, really? You got to spend quality time with that WIWW cutie Lindsey? Happy you got a fresh spark –

Terrie - I heart your heart for God! I’m sure you rocked it!
Glad you had a good weekend!

Heather | Cookie Mondays - I bet you have fabric scraps to start piecing together a slipcover for your couch 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - To God be the Glory great things He has done…and what more will He do?

Jenny Joy - I’m so happy to hear that you got a chance to share your passion with all those amazing people! Sometimes, there is no better medicine in the whole wide world than being surrounded by like minded people who share your vision.
Oh… and we all knew you could do it… the speaking engagement, I mean. Rock on with your bad self!

Jenn - It sounds like you had a great time. I would love to be able to meet other bloggers.
By the way, I love your blog. It’s the first one I check every morning.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Starting a piggy bank in hopes of attending next year — maybe we could be roomies! : )

Wendy - So many cool things! Do you have any info on the couch? It’s fantastic! 🙂

Kristen Duke Photography - I enjoyed SNAP as well, my sentiments are the same–enjoyed meeting and making new friends that understand this bloggy world. I hadn’t heard of your blog before the conference, and I sadly didn’t get to go to your panel, but now I’ll be checking in. Funny you have non people pics, I have WAY too many in my just published post! I wish I took a few flower pics, those tulips were amazing!

ellen keeton - how fun!!! could’nt agree more about the couch fr the craft house!

Megan - I’m so glad it went well and that you loved it.
I love your honest heart and the way you strive to honor God in all you say and do!

Melissa - Oh, how I wish I could’ve been there to meet you and all those other amazing ladies!!

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