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Category Archives: me me me


aren't you loving my incredibly unique and thought provoking post titles this week?!


my mind seems a bit blank to come up with anything more.

with craft weekend ending for the year…
and most of my big projects winding down…
i had one more big thing to check off the list.

talby's birthday party.
she invited a bunch of girls to the little hotel here in town that has a pool and a party room.
it worked out perfectly.
annie brought a friend along to keep her busy (didn't work) and sean was not supposed ot be there
but he was and when i asked talby if she wanted me to send him home with Dad
she said "he can stay. i don't mind"  
so he did.
he loved all the attention.
he was the KING of chicken.



they ate pizza, opened presents, ate cake and LOTS of very LOUD time in the pool.
12 girls and 1 boy is VERY loud.

thankful for all of it.

happy birthday sweet girl.


i know there were a lot of ads here this week.
it's just how it goes sometimes. 

but the good news….next week i have several giveaways!!!
i am excited for you.


after a 10 day laziness break….
i went running this morning.
it was hard!
i am so glad i went though.
i have been so cranky and not sleeping well…

i think i am suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome (you have to say that dolly parton in steel magnolias)



i need a new bible study or great book that is biblically grounded.
i was going to Bible Study Fellowship but going to wichita every week just doesn't work with my schedule this year.
so i am studying on my own.
what books or studies do YOU suggest?

spill it!



happy friday to you.

ps…i am currently rocking out to Home by Edward Sharp.
(and singing loudly because i am alone)


kristy - I’m in BSF right now. But I have to say that Beth Moore studies have changed my life. My favorites were James, Living Beyond Yourself, Breaking Free, and To Live Is Christ (life of Paul) is also a good one. - Meg, it’s Tara from wisconsin. Can u please tell me where your bracelet is from? The one that I loved with the bible verse on it? I wanted to ask for that for Christmas from John and te kids.

meg - 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Beautiful and life changing.

ira lee - i want a birthday party like that!!!! who cares if im 33! lol looks like a blast. grown ups should have parties like that too!

Sallie - Meg – Your blog so makes me smile and I love how you share your family with us! So many good Bible studies have been recommended and I can second a few of them; anything Kelly Minter has been great for our small group. Beth Moore’s studies are always thought provoking. Working through her James study right now. Absolutely love Lysa TerKeurst and her studies. Lysa’s ‘Made to Crave’ study changed my life and health habits! Just finished her ‘Unglued’ study and got to see her in Western KY, last weekend! Our group loves Priscilla Shirer as well, God brought her study ‘Life Interrupted’ to our small group @ just the right time last year! Have in line for this year, 7 by Jen Hatmaker, Stuck & Anything by Jennie Allen and Nehemiah by Kelly Minter. and Amazon carry almost all of these DVD studies and books! I always compare to see who has best price! Enjoy and have a blessed Thanksgiving! Looking forward to Craft Weekend’s 2013 hoping to get to ‘meet’ you! :p)

liz - hi meg- pretty faithful reader of your blog, but don’t comment much. sorry:) LOVE your writing & photography!
anyway- i’ve been really wanting to check out this book:
A Woman’s Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything
By Lydia Brownback
it was recommended by Elyse Fitzpatrick. and i’ve really gleaned a lot of wisdom from anything Elyse has written, esp her books Give them Grace and Women Counseling Women.
(i think you might really like Elyse’s books as well!)

Candy - Stuck by Jennie Allen, it is amazing. I have never been so impacted by a bible study. It is life changing. Seriously.

Sue Groff - Our Women’s Bible study just finished Beth Moore’s “James”. WONDERFUL!!!

lisa - She is beautiful. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

amy - Beth Moore’s James is great, I have the disk to the study if you would like to have them. {Love her}
I am almost finished reading Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst, & really like it.
My next one is going to Make Over by Jen Hatmaker, I hear it is really good.
Can’t wait to hear which one you decide to do.

Linda - Priscilla Shirer is awesome. Our Bible study group did that earlier this year. HIGHLY recommended.

Linda - Just finished Breaking Free by Beth Moore, unbelievable!

Ashley - I agree. It’s what I’m reading right now, too.

Kate - It’s not a Bible Study – but I am ready Cold Tangerines and I am in love. so, so good.

Christina - Love about Sean…such a sweet picture of part of their relationship. 🙂
I have started a book twice, and am now going to finish it…Reordered Love, Reordered Lives. It is good…I just get distracted and
Like right now, I forgot where I was going with that sentence. I’m going to finish the book. From what I’ve read, it’s highly recommended.
Two friends have told me to read When Life and Beliefs Collide by Carolyn Custis James, which I did read many years ago. It seems like Someone is hinting to me…so I will likely be reading that one again, too.
I need to get to running too. I haven’t been in months, so…you should feel pretty good about ten days! ha! 🙂

Tiffany - Great Idea For the PARTY!!!
I’m looking for a NEW Bible Study too.
I am leaning towards Beth Moore.
I always get so much out if hers.
I truly enjoyed “Esther”.
Excited about giveaways next week. : D

Carol S. - Fun party!!! Looks fab. And just my two cents, but NO APOLOGIES for ads and recommendations, you wouldn’t promote something you didn’t like and you are an inspiration to many. I started a blog this year just to keep family up to date on our move to TN…and OMG as much as I would love to post more often, it takes time and work. I keep saying if I could blog my thoughts an pictures while carpooling I’d blog way more often. God bless you and your family Meg.

Amy - Closer Than Your Skin, by Susan D. Hill. You feel like you are getting first-hand insight from someone who knows. Comforting and encouraging and thought provoking. you don’t want to put it down.

Danielle Thompson - RADICAL It is currently changing my life!

Angela - I second “Grace for the Good Girl” by Emily Freeman. I’m also a big fan of anything Lysa Terkeurst or Angela Thomas. And on the plane back home from Craft Weekend I finished “Hope for the Weary Mom”. I’m currently reading “A Confident Heart” by Renee Swope.
Looks like the birthday party was a FUN time!

Kayla - I am in the middle of Discerning the Voice Of God, by Priscilla Shirer right now and loving it! Happy Birthday, Talby….I think it is awesome that big brother helped entertain at the party….lots cheaper than a clown!

Julie - I suggest the Book of Mormon. You won’t find a more powerful Christ-centered book. It changed my life for sure.

Erin - Ah, I love reading that you had been doing BSF! But understand the schedule thing.
One that is always in the recommended reading list at the end of the year is Praying the Attributes of God, by Rosemary Jensen. I really have wanted to get that book for a personal study time each summer. I always get in the summer rut between BSF years. But it has caught my attention several times because it is more geared to an individual study time.
Can’t wait to see what you land on!

Weza - Im currently onto my third Beth Moore study for this year. They are life changing, full of wisdom, bible based and meaty. So so good.
The Esther study is very very good. You can get all the videos online and then do your daily study which takes about 30mins. Trust me you will love it!
PS Im happy to show you live kangaroos here in Aussie (post from a while ago) we have this great little park down the road where wild ones hang out with their babies. Its spectacular.

Jenny B. - I don’t have a book to recommend, but I really enjoy the daily devotional magazine, Journey. You can buy copies at Lifeway stores, or order an individual subscription here:

Dori - I’m hosting a women’s small group this semester, and we’re reading Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P Freeman. It is amazing. Emily’s blog is awesome, too!

Karen Gerstenberger - I have loved “Believing God” by Beth Moore.

Lisa M. - “Not a Fan”. My husband’s small group just finished it and loved it.

Erica - Out of your list, I’ve only done the “CrazyLove” study… but oh, what a good one.. not just good… life changing… (for me, anyway)

Ashley - That last photo is the best…she looks so genuinely happy. Good stuff friend. Good stuff!

Tanya - I really liked Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst.
I didn’t think I’d be able to relate but I could and it spoke to me.
Good one.

casey - radical!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR radical together.

casey - yes! we just did the multiply webcast at our church! great!

becky - Looks like she had a ball. I’ve read seven. I’ve started the Donald Miller book. Both were good. Seven was humbling. Convicting. I’m not great at studies. I’ve been working on Beth Moore’s James study. I hate homework. Personally my favorite read is my kid’s Jesus Calling. Simple and speaks right to my heart.

Janna - Anything my Nancy Leigh DeMoss–like “Choosing Gratitude” but she has a lot of great ones. And I just read “The Fruitful Wife” by Hayley DiMarco (sp?) all about the fruits of the spirit–it was awesome!

Tiffany - Looks like a fun time for Miss Talby! Happy Birthday to her!

Sarah H. - I would recommend the Good Morning Girls studies. They are online studies that you can do by yourself or join an online group. I am in a facebook group of girls and we all study and share (or not) what we are learning. There are weekly videos to watch about the study (we just finished the book of Colossians) I loved really getting into the Word. We are getting ready to start a 2 week study preparing for Advent. Check them out!

Jenn - Oh that song… I love that song… Home is wherever I’m with you… Love it. Rock on sister.

blu - “anonymous” by Alicia Britt Chole
“…Jesus appears to have walked unstressed and unhurried. His peaceful pace seems to imply that he measured himself not by where he was going and how fast he could get there but by whom he was following and how closely they walked together.” {page 33}
so. good.

katie - have you ever read “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom? it is my all-time favorite book. it is an auto-biography, but it is beautifully written in a way that will challenge your faith and stir your heart to be thankful in any circumstance.

julia - I love the LifeChanges series by NavPress. I did Romans last year and it was amazing.

Amy K. - THANK YOU for asking the bible studey question of your many readers!! It is awesome to have so many suggestions in one place.
Also, the pictures of Talby’s party make me feel 11 again – that tired, waterlogged, hungry feeling and how GREAT pizza and cake tastes when you feel that way!

Patty - Kelly Minter’s Nehemiah study was great. I downloaded the video through lifeway (they were only 2.99 each week) and thought it was one of the most transforming studies I have done it quite a while. Both the homework and videos were terrific. I loved reading all the suggestions in the comments and making a list for myself, too.

Alison Vaclav - “Hosting the Presence” by Bill Johnson is awesome.

April R - Elisabeth Elliot – anything by her 🙂 although ‘Passion and Purity’ is a favorite.
Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.
Totally sweet bday for Miss 11 and how cool to find a way to swim in November! I have a December baby and she’ll be 11 this year, wonder if she’d like a pool party…

Bethany Faucett - Try reading Spiritual Warfare for Women by Leighann McCoy. It has opened my eyes and is amazing!

cassie o - “this momentary marriage” by john piper

alicia @ la famille - right now i’m doing beth moore’s patriarch study by myself and you can download all the videos at you just have to go buy the book. i love her studies. you can do any of her studies that way now…online. you do have to pay for the video download each week. it’s like 5 bucks.
have a fun weekend!!

Lisa - Talby just seems like a really sweet, down-to -earth girl. Happy Bday Talby!

Karen - “Choosing Gratitude” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss – book has a 30 day gratitude challenge/devotional at the end – fairly quick read but well worth doing – very convicting/challenging! and if you’ve never listened to her podcasts “Revive our Hearts” I would recommend them as well – I often listen to that while I’m running – feel like I excercised body & spirit!

Candice - Check out “Sacrilege” by Hugh Halter. It’s not very long, but very thought provoking. Really makes you want to dig in to Jesus, be like him, and love others like he did/does.

Shiloh - Just finished “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idelman and loved it.

Mandy - David Platt and Francis Chan recently wrote a book together called, “Multiply” about disciple-making. I haven’t read it yet, but I heard them speak about it…AWESOME!

Nicole Franks - Beautiful Outlaw! It isn’t a study, but an amazing book about our beautiful Savior. A fresh perspective, and I was so challenged, and more in love with Jesus after the read!! Highly recommend =)

jen - just finished the lineage of grace. loved it

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - What a fun party! Love that she let brother and sister come along, sweet kids you have Meg. Also, those mismatched ones on the cake made me smile. So awesome.

Holly - My girlfriends and I have done Kelly Minter’s bible study books, each one is about 6 weeks. They are about Ruth, No Other Gods and Nehemiah. Jennifer Rothchilds Me, Myself and Lies is good too. Beth Moore’s are AMAZING, even if you do it without the DVD lessons.
Good luck!
Sometimes we just do the SOAP method of a particular book of the bible when we need a break from a person’s book study.

Juliana Whisman - I agree with Gina…anything Beth Moore! I really loved her Fruits of the Spirit one.
Love seeing how you guys celebrate your kids’ birthdays! Simple but so incredibly fun!!

Jen Boyd - We are currently doing “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman with our Church. Love it! Quite thought provoking.

Lia - Looks like a fun birthday party! I like the balloons – fun colors! I’ve been following along with the She Reads Truth plans for the last few weeks:
Speaking of running…I better get out of this house and go on one. So important for my mental health. Plus, I’m supposed to be training for a 12k on Dec. 1st. Yikes.

Stephanie - As someone who picks out Bible studies all the time, I recommend Stuck by Jennie Allen. It’s good to do with a few friends, it doesn’t cost much, and I had the most positive feedback from the group as a whole when we did it. Seriously, in all of the studies we’ve done at my church, usually I have 50-60% positive feedback at the time; with Stuck, I’ve had about 80% positive feedback, which I continue to get months later (I’ve never had such lingering results).

angela - Happy Birthday to your Talby! Love the pics! She is adorable!
There is a new book (or new to me) called *Not a Fan* that i want to do as a bible study…check it out!

Jennifer - Knowing God by JI Packer is so so good–different from those you have listed though. and i’ve heard feminine appeal by carolyn mahaney is great. let us know what you pick! 🙂

Gina - Happy Birthday Talby!! Anything by Beth Moore is awesome!! I have done a few of her Bible studies with a group of friends so we all pitch in to buy the DVDs and workbooks. My favorite study of hers so far was Daniel. I did it about 5 years ago and would love to do it again. I learned so much!! Have a good weekend!

Lorraine R. - Crazy Love was amazing, 7 was also amazing but in a totally different way than Crazy Love….next on my list are Radical and Interrupted!!!

Amy - Happy Birthday to your girl 🙂 Looks like a great party!
I suggest Romans. GREAT stuff 🙂

shar y - Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. Just finished this study and it is awesome! Teaches how to listen for God’s voice and ways to find His voice that you never think of. You would really like!

Kristina - Although I haven’t gotten into it quite yet, everyone is suggesting “She Reads Truth”. It’s something you can do via Instagram which I looooooooooooooooove.

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i feel like i just make lists and make more lists and i am still forgetting stuff and never catching up.

do you ever feel like that?


i AM excited about trick or treating tonight.
i mean…as excited as i could be…i guess i am happy to get to walk around with craig.
since the kids run ahead and leave us way behind usually.
it makes me happy to not have to worry about answering the door….no one trick or treats in the country. 🙂

i have a bumble bee, a pirate and a banana this year.  
thank you wal-mart.
you helped a mama out!
and btw…my kids were so excited to open the box of costumes that came in the mail.
i was actually even smarter and i ordered 3 for each of them and let them pick from the 3.
they each chose differently than i thought so it was a great way to do it.
and i returned the others because walmart is awesome about returns.


i did go out for a run/walk today.
it is so nice to do this with a friend because you get your exercise and you can talk about everything.
at least that is what my running friends and i do.
we are dealing with big time real life stuff while we are sweatin' it out on the dirt path.
killing two birds with one stone.
three actually….exercise, social face-to-face girl time AND vitamin D sunshine baby!
i love running.
it's true.
i may not always want to go…i usually don't want to but i am ALWAYS happy i went.
never changes.


girls get the best clothes.
i LOVE these shirts at old navy that i got my girls but wished they came in my size.
someone on instagram suggested cutting them up and making it an applique on MY shirt.
i am totally going to do that!!!  (with a new shirt not with their shirts 😉

because grown up moms like rainbows too!


measuring heights on our doorway ruler.  
scott is 5' 9.5" 
so weird to have my children taller than me now.
i am pretty sure i will be the shortest in my family in about 5 years.


i made a fun wreath last week for the Craft House door.
scraps and hot glue.
she is a very low maintenance wreath…i like her. 

not very "fall"ish but it's very MEG-ish and that is what matters.  


after craft weekend i usually sleep on mondays for a LONG time.
i get up and see my kids off on the bus and then crawl IMMEDIATELY back into bed.
it is such a nice way to recover.
i actually spent the whole day at home which i haven't done for a long time!
i rearranged a little…picked up a bit.

it was a nice sleepy cozy day on monday.


last year we rocked out our pumpkins with AWESOME designs and colors.
this year?
we did nothing.

ha ha ha 

i had a canvas made of an older picture of scott.
he sure is a cutie.
i like that it's black and white…and his basketball is all ratty.

(and i like that he looks just like his daddy)


did you know Parenthood wasn't going to be on last night?

i wish you would have warned me.
i got all cozy and ready to watch…waiting long enough in so i could watch it on the dvr without commercials and not catch up to live tv…and then it wasn't on!!! 
i know, i know….get a life meg!
but i was ready to just chill with the bravermans!

we watched the office instead on dvr.   (i thought you were Adam Lambert….)

i really want Mad Men to hurry up and come back on already!!!



i have go get groceries today.
don't you feel like that is all we do as moms?
buy the food.  fix the food.  clean up the food.  repeat.

can't we all just eat cereal??
why is that frowned upon?
what is the big deal?!

we are having this for dinner tonight… take two.
i started making it on monday and was missing chicken broth.
so i will try again tonight. 

alrighty…..i desperately want to go back to bed.
just for a bit.
but i am going to shower (i stink from runnning), get groceries and make one of the crafts for
the November craft weekend…and get one ready for my girls after school.
i am.

i can do it.

i am really sure.



one more cup of coffee first…..



melissa stover - i’m watching reruns to tide me over but oh how i miss don draper.

julie - That soup is my favorite. It is so cozy and comforting. I need that in my life.
How in the CUSS do you run and talk at the same time. Because I run and want to die or murder people and for sure do not want to talk, even to the friendly elderly people walking their dogs that say hi. The thought of using oxygen to blurt out a simple hi back is more than I can take. I need every breath to not fall over dead. So I smile. Zero talking. Just me, near death, sweaty, murdery, and my music.
You would not like to go running with me. I am mean. And super unfriendly.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Well it’s. official, I am the shortest in my family, unless you count the dog standing on her hind legs and then I”m pretty sure she is a smidge shorter. Welcome to the club of short moms!

Julia @the BackLoop - I love how he looks like he is trying to stand up as straight as possible.

Tiffany - I’m so glad you have a Monday recovery day after CW. My Monday after CW in November looks like this: Wake up at 5:30AM, get myself and two kids out the door to daycare and school, teach all day, and have parent-teacher conferences all night. 🙁 I’ll survive. The weekend will be so relaxing I’ll build up all kinds of energy, right?!

Kori - I also waited to watch Parenthood and was soooo sad that it wasn’t on!
“I thought you were Adam Lambert.” was one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a very long time. I laughed my butt off even though I am a kinda sorta fan of Adam’s…at least of one CD, anyway. 😉

Emily - I had been stuck inside for TWO days because of Sandy (no major damage, thank goodness) but had major cabin fever and was waiting all day to watch Parenthood and almost cried when I realized it wasn’t on.

Lisa - I agree! Cereal and toast for dinner every night! (Just kidding….kind of)

Dawn - Be thankful that you don’t have a full-time job outside the home, as well! Focus on the positives….crawling back into bed, shopping during the day, enjoying a leisurely cup of copy, starting dinner before 6:00 pm….lots to be thankful for here 🙂

jacki - You sure have running determination. It really would be strange too, to hit that point where your kids are taller than you! Love all the ‘color of life’ you bring to your blog here.

Terrie - If I had seen that it wasn’t going to be on …I would have let you know.
Didn’t realize until it was time to watch…same as you.
I think we need to make a pact…we should all call each other if we see it isn’t going to be on.
Seriously bummed me out!
I made that soup last week…so yummy!
This week it was cheeseburger soup…hubby’s fav!
I was going to do pumpkins like yours last week…I didn’t even buy any this year.
I’ll vote for cereal!!
I hate the grocery store!
Happy Candy Day!

Lachalle - I have felt the exact same way as you do about the lists. Even if we ever actually finish a list another one or two has already began ….
have a HAPPY Halloween !

sam - I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who was taken aback by the lack of Parenthood. I purposely waited to go to the gym so I would watch it while on the treadmill and was so bummed when I realized it was preempted by coverage of the storm. You are so lucky to have friends to run with, I miss my running partner so much. Hopefully I will find another one when we move again.

Rebekah Mathis - My motto ever since having my third child has been, “All I do is feed my family.”

Louise - I love this, Meg! 🙂 I love the line, “Can’t we all just eat cereal? Why do people frown upon that?” That actually made me laugh out loud. 😉 I found myself thinking the other day, “Do they have to eat EVERY day?” Ha… And…to answer your question…I do feel like sometimes all I do is buy the food, make the food, and clean up the food…and I only have 2 kiddos. I can’t imagine with 5. A Tuesday without Parenthood is always a little sad. I LOVE the Bravermans. Thanks for the smile today…as usual. I have just started running and am motivated by you lots.

Jenn - Love it! I need to watch Mad Men.

Suzette - Shop. Cook. Clean. Repeat. I’m gonna’ put it on my kitchen wall! Would that be so horrible? I guess I should go with {Eat, Drink, Laugh, Love} but inside I’m thinking shop, cook, clean, repeat, shop, cook, clean, repeat…

Maggie - My favorite quote from the Office this week was when Erin said “Buts are for pooping.” I laughed out loud.

Lisa - I like your random posts. 🙂

Charla - I loved the Adam Lambert comment on The Office, too. And yes, no Parenthood = unhappy parent (that would be me!) Not til after the election?!?!? What the what? And yes…my life is spent at the grocery store. Blech! Have fun tonight. I know we will!

Shara - Crawling back into bed. What is that like!?!? I”m gonna have to remember the walmart costume tip for next year. Three out of four have costumes, we’re still working on the last one. Trying to use what we have! Happy grocery shopping! and as my youngest say’s, “happy ween!”

Lisa M. - Love your randomness, Meg! Going for my run later this afternoon. It’s 34 degrees outside!! But, I am entering a 5 mile race (I know, easy peasy for you, but not for me:) and we had “Sandy” on Monday, so I need to get some road time in. Brrrrr……

Vanessa - I totally am with you – all snuggled up and ready for Parenthood . . .after my “WHAT?” was yelled out to absolutely nobody, I decided to make the best of it and prayed for the hurricane victims that were being reported on. I am also completely with you on food and cereal. COMPLETELY!

Tracy - I loved this post! Thanks, Meg!

Jill Franklin - The only thing I did for Halloween this year was buy candy. I know, mom demerit, right!? We’ll make our traditional Goulash tonight though.

Lori H - Usually Parenthood will say if there is going to be a break in programming, but not this time. I didn’t realize it until I tried to DVR it and it wasn’t on the schedule. So nothing until 11/13!

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my brain….

i feel a little out of it.
i think it's all that is going on in my head preparing for Craft Weekend again.
lots of things to get ready.
all good…but just lots of things to remember.

i had six cups of coffee today. 
for real.
that can't be good for me i am guessing. 


he is such a goober.


annie made a birthday card for me…she worked so hard.

i got The Help and a blender as my gifts. 
perfect gifts i think.
not kidding.

 some of you were asking to see the farm house and how i "decorated"  


this is my kitchen.
this is my kitchen when i make cheesecake.
i don't know why there is a lighter in the middle of that mess….

this is the front room…the room you walk into when you come in the house.
it has a big set of windows that faces the yard on the right side of this picture.
(one of my kids "hung" that paper star on the curtain hardware months ago… it's not a decoration) 

this is where i spend 95% of my time when i am home.
it gets the light. 
but there are no screens on the windows or door so it has no air flow whatesoever….it's a bummer. 

that door way in the back…goes to the garage.

the family computer is off to the right.

the coat hooks are to the left…. i showed this picture way back in the summer.

and this is our bathroom.
that we ALL share.
there is another bathroom upstairs but none of the kids like it so they all use this one.
there is a tub behind the door…and the toilet.
it's no wider than the the doorway.  :)

do you see why i miss my bathtub?  my big private bath tub in my private grown ups only bathroom???

this weekend i decided to reorganize my closet.
i took out everything and put it on my bed.
that is my bedroom….i am in my closet taking that photo.
there is nothing decorated in it either…just our furniture we got a long time ago….and some of my grandma's.

and there is my reorganized cleaned out closet….
craig has one 2 feet to the right of mine…but his isn't paneled…i am the lucky one.

this house is a rental.
i like living here but do not feel a desire to decorate.
i may someday….but i feel uninspired at this point.
we are still adjusting to the smaller sized space that is not really "ours".
all of us.

this was on my bed last week after a monsterous tantrum by annie.

she is pretty cute!

we have a no screen rule for the first hour home from school.
if you don't have homework you can read, draw or play.
she made this story….it's awesome.


ok…i am dead tired.
i am going to bed.

goodnight bloggy people.



Allison - Does Meg ever reply to the comments? I remember asking a few questions in the past with no reply. I find it curious too as to why she moved. I’ve been reading her blog for years and then one day (after the fact) she said, oh yea, we moved lol Hopefully one day she’ll fill us in 🙂 I’m guessing they are using craft house as a form of income, kinda like a small business going on… crafting/bed and breakfast. Do what works for you Meg and what makes your family happy!

bathroom lighting fixtures - Nice post! I think your bathroom is a little overworked. I mean I’d change the counter tops into something smaller to conserve space, which I think is really important especially for a bathroom where we don’t have that much to start with.

Kelly - I really enjoy seeing these photos! Your white couches in the family room make it seem so “you”. But it’s not about the stuff it’s about where you live and there have been some really good and nice comments about all that. Kelly

Antonette - I looove your coffee table set up with the kids chairs. I remember you once said the coffee table is actually a dining table, but where did you get the little chairs?! I’m having a hard time finding any that small. Thanks!

Tracy Fisher - We ALL share a bathroom too. In our rambler. I thought it best only one bathroom looks disasterous (15 yr old girl with hair products everywhere and 11 yr old boy who has discovered AXE). The other bathroom is for guests. It stays pretty clean. There’s no great solution when you only have 2 bathrooms! haha. Love the letters you share. I keep mine. Especially the ones where they are apologizing. They are so cute. Have a piece of cheesecake for me! -tracy

elisa - Awww I love that you showed pics of the farmhouse. I know people don’t get it. And I love that you don’t care. 🙂
It’s all good.
Love you girly.

Alisa - This was nicely said Jenn! I think the people who don’t understand Meg’s decision are less questioning the fact that she downsized or went to the country or even got into a rental. Many people choose to or have to do this. I think the hard thing to understand is that the other house is still there and is a craft house. Most people who downsize don’t (or can’t) keep the large house. Anyway beautifully written Jenn.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I really love Annie’s card and how she added on to the grass to make it perfect for mom. 🙂 Cute farmhouse too! I love the turquoise box with the flip flops!

Susan - I don’t understand why your family lives in a rental with one bathroom while your beautiful home is reserved for crafting time and craft weekends? I may have missed the explanation, but it is confusing.

Jenn - If living in a real, undecorated, zero storage, one bathroom farmhouse means your incredible kids, and you, and your husband – have the best chance to become the best versions of yourselves…then throw the throw pillows out the window and put your feet up on the furniture and listen to the cows bellow across the field while you wait in line to use the bathroom and know that we LOVE you for that because that is life and living. Your house is awesome and it’s a privilege to have you share it with us. Family is the CAKE of the home, decorating is the sugary icing. There is no such thing as too much cake, but too much icing can ruin a perfectly good slice. Like you, our family decided to have our cake and eat it, too. We left the 4-bed 3-bath beautiful home with its walk in closets (man, I LOVED those closets), and we moved into a 2 bed, 1 bath, 112-year old farmhouse in the country. Sometimes I worry that a friend will come to visit and see this home and not understand and ask why we left our beautiful house. I hope that she finds her answer in the country lane that sees more foot traffic than cars, in the old barn with its soaring beams that arch over us like a cathedral, in the meadow where the butterflies and birds make the wildflowers dance, in the warmth of my neighbor’s eyes when she comes to leave tomatoes and hen’s eggs on my front porch, in the smell of the sweet country air. She won’t find it in my shoebox-sized closet, in my quirky farmhouse kitchen with its sloping floors and cracked countertops, in the walls which remain unpainted and bare. But come on in anyway, throw your feet on the furniture and your troubles on the floor. No pretense here, just some real living going on. And here – in this raw, undefined, unrefined space – we are becoming our most authentic selves and are finding joy in doing it. Dirty dishes and all. Thank you for sharing with us and trusting us to understand and to not judge. Love you, love your blog, love your house!

Shelly - We live in a rental too. We moved from CA to PA. I think it’s a permanent move but we just can’t quite bring ourselves to sell a CA property that is 2 miles from the beach and we have really nice tenants in it. Our first rental out here was smaller living space rooms and we all shared a bathroom upstairs – that drove me nuts. Then, 8 months later, we had to move again for weird reasons and this place is bigger with more bathrooms and living space but now my girls share a room and all our lights are very “dated.” But more outdoor space – it’ll look beautiful in the snow this winter. 🙂 Our basement floor actually has a shuffleboard game built into the laminate tiles. ha! When something breaks, we make a phone call – which is the best of all. 🙂

betsy - Don’t you just love when dogs curl up and do funny things with their legs for a nappy? It kills me!

denise@victory rd. - Annie is right, it would be funny if a dog could bowl.
Thanks for sharing a peak into your reality.

Kristen - I know you had a good reason for leaving your other house, but oh my goodness, I loved it!! It’s taken me a while to get used to the farmhouse. Actually, I’m still not! At the same time, I love the barn on your property and I imagine what you would do with the house if it were yours, considering what you did with the craft house. I love your blog and you seem like someone I could have coffee with 🙂
And you look amazingly similar to one of my cousins. Weird. - I am guessing you can’t paint anything in this rental? Small is doable, no problem, but it’s not being able to really do what you want with it because it’s a rent. I am guessing you moved there because of the school system? I am new to your blog and love your honesty. I hate it when people act like everything is peachy all the time, like WE can’t say we are having a shitty day or my kids are driving me crazy today…it doesn’t mean we don’t love and appreciate each other…it just means we are human! Thanks for sharing! By the way, I love the area where you hang your bags and take your shoes off!!

Kristin S - Emachin
I used to teach second grade and that just made me really miss phonetic spellers?!?!? I loved trying to decipher their daily homework.
Makes perfect sense to me!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love everything about this post. thanks for taking real pictures of real life…trash in the trash can and all. 🙂 LOVE it. we are going on two years in a rental and it is hard. i *choose* contentment a lot even though my heart longs for a forever home. thanks so much for this post.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m having flashbacks from that pink bathroom tile! Man, we really missed out on the pink bathroom era. I’m glad you and I have been able to experience it.
We have the same after school rule. It grates me when Calvin comes home and starts asking to use the computer. ??? So the new rule is, if you even ask in the first hour, it’s a no-go all day. Mean.

traci - I understand wanting to live in the country and the only reason your comments about you can do without bug me is the fact that you are not really doing without. You are keeping TWO houses going which is expensive. One day, maybe you will decide to chat about why you have decided to keep two houses but for now I am perplexed.

Brianna - How long is your family planning to rent the farmhouse? Thanks for sharing your home with us!

beth - rather than trying to put how i feel into words, when the last commenter (jacci) has spelled it out so eloquently, i’ll just say, i echo her sentiments exactly. thanks for this very real post! : )

Jacci in Ohio - I just want you to know that when I saw that first full picture of the family room, I teared all up and said, under my breath, “Thank you, Megan” 🙂 Because this shows it. *This post* shows that you are you, no matter where you are. And it encourages us to remember that contentment is not found… as you reminded me months ago… in granite countertops. Joy and creativity and family can happen in wood paneling! And dated kitchens can still make yummo cheesecake 😀 Thank you so much for sharing these! You blessed me today.

mama lola - annie’s cursive is lovely! what a little lady!
your rental looks cozy for all of you! and, you’re quite the brave mama for having white furniture– wowza!

julia - I think people who don’t like to bowl are weird too! So funny!!1

Sarah - why did you move to the farm house?

Heather F. - I love the “sorry” note. My kids used to write those with pictures of themselves with big bubble tears coming out of their eyes. Precious.

colleen from alabama - Smiling. I live in a house from the early 1900’s. I love the closet pictures. My husband & I share a closet the size of yours. double hung on both sides, no shelf on top (he is 6’2″ & needs longer hanging space:) 1400 square feet gets tight at times but we always know where our kids are! We only have one shower. My oldest is a girl. 12. drama. one shower is getting stressful. one bathroom with good light is too. Thanks for keeping it real. That is sweet mercy & grace to the rest of the world who doesn’t have it all perfect either. like me. You are my kind of people.

Jennifer Davis Wood - as a Ps. When you guys lived in the big craft house I know it wasn’t perfect but it was lovely. It was also inspiring to me, I was never able to get my home as cute as yours, that’s okay! Seeing the farm house makes me feel like the energy is in the right place. Relaxed family. that’s what I’m all about right now in my life. I’m letting go of the perfectionism and concentrating on my family and traveling lightly through this world. I have a big’ol house and I miss my smaller home and it’s layout. The house I live in now is never fully cleaned and organized. We do our best and that will just have to do.

Emily M. - I love how real you are and I really like the charm of living in a home that’s not picture perfect. I like it because you can let your kids hang paper stars on the wall and it doesn’t mess up your design among other reasons. 🙂 I love your no screen rule… I’m going to have to use that someday when I have babies of my own. Hope your sleep cured your weird mood… i love the way Annie spelled weird. 🙂

Jennifer Davis Wood - OMGoodness! She is Totally Adorbs! Really funny, I can tell:) I have a couple of my own that are that way. It’s the best.

Krista - Don’t you love “kid writing”? Every time my girls ask me how to spell something, I tell them to write it the way they think it sounds. Love her cursive!

Tiffany - I agree with Stephanie, the book is awesome. Most books do…

Tiffany - oh goodness that annie is sweet. can you keep her this age?

Stephanie Talty - You are going to love the book, The Help it is amazing!
Have you seen the movie?
The movie does not compare to the book-enjoy!

amy cornwell - Ellie just started making her “y” just like Annie’s with the loop on the bottom…it’s so cute! Thanks for sharing the farm house with us 🙂 I think I missed something – didn’t realize it was a rental, are you still looking for something else to buy? I’m still envious all the same…someday I’ll live on a farm!

Alisa - I teach third grade! Wish I could have Annie in class. Such a neat kid. Love the writing!

Tracey - Annie’s notes inspire me to encourage the kids to write more to me and me back to them. Just so I can read them and save the awesomeness for later.
Love shaved Waffle. He makes me smile. 🙂
Do you have slipcovers on the front room furniture? If so, from where? I love the smoothness of yours. Mine always look like they are falling off.

Kate - Goodnight bloggy friend.

Jack - I keep all the little notes that my kids leave around for me. The ‘sorry’ ones are the best!

Rebekah Brummel - I lived in a house like that for years. . . . rental living wears on you 🙂

lisa currie-gurney - good night friend.
hugs from my heart

Tania K - The only reason I follow your blog is to see pictures of Waffle. For reals. LOL
How about a Craft weekend just for teachers? Count me in! I teach second grade.
I love how Annie writes.

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i vlogged.

i repeat myself.

and roll my eyes.

but i am aware of it.


by no means do i think of myself as an expert on any of these subjects.
i am just giving my thoughts on questions that some of you asked.  




thank you for watching.

do you think it's weird to hear my voice?

i do.




Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - I watched this while my kids were napping. Immediately after watching it I closed my laptop and took a nap on the couch. I needed it. Badly. Thanks for the reminder!

Heather - Yeah. What she said. Except Toronto instead of California. I think you’d make the most wonderful friend. Thank you for being you, for your blog, for being here, for the eye candy, for always keeping it real.

lisa currie-gurney - love hearing your voice. 🙂
hugs from my heart

Wendy - Meg-
I love your style all around! I love how thoughtful you are. i love your laidbackness! Also, you look great! Thanks for the vlog.
Your blog is still my number 1! I think that is because you are always yourself and I never sense a certain formula. Thanks for always sharing your heart. I still dream of doing what you do.

Sarah - You look so pretty (I love your lipstick) and sound so professional-now I really really feel like I know you in real life! 🙂 And love your answers-all of them.

Lesley - So stinking’ adorable! Just makes me yearn for craft weekend all the more!

Lesley - Absolutely stink in’ lovely! This only makes me yearn for craft weekend even more!

Courtney - Love your blog and love to get to HEAR from you! You are gorgeous. Keep up being you!

Kasey - I have never left a comment here before, but I have visited your blog for a while now. I love to come here and see all the crafty cuteness you are up to, I love your photography, and I think you might be the most inspiring decorator ever (I’m not sure you’ve ever done anything decorative that I’ve not completely wanted for myself- hehe!!) Thank you for your willingness to share and inspire- I think what you have going here is awesome! Oh- and I want to move to Kansas just to be close to your wonderful barn store that you always visit…I think that might have been where Dorothy was wanting to go when she was clicking her heels together and saying “there is no place like home”.

Michael Kors Crossbody Bags - Ho, tiu video estas bona amuza oh

Lisa Q - you are just so stinkin cute! thanks for being so real….I think that’s why you’re so adorable…you’re so relatable!

Katie - Do I spy a teeny tiny globe behind you? 😉

Tiffany - You are seriously the cutest thing ever. This was adorable!

Beth - I like your vlog and hearing your voice. Also, you have great vlog presence — good eye contact, etc. It felt like you were looking right at me. Not in a weird way haha.

Janine - You are adorable! Thanks for the Vlog. It is always nice to put a voice with the face 🙂

mum of all trades - Your voice is not at all like I’d imagined! Really enjoyed this and hope you do them more often.

jennyonthespot - Since we aren’t neighbors, this is the NEXT BEST THING. 😉

Lindsay R. - Love your vlog!

Sarah - You are adorable! Vlogging is so fun, it’s nice to hear your voice. Thank you for being such a great blogger!

Belinda - The Lattimore Acre - Oh Meg…. you are lovely!

Jenn - Love your voice, love your blog and that you are real just like the rest of us. I know that’s why we all gather here almost daily to see what’s up!

shauna - i love your voice.
i love naps.
i want to come over right now.
i also want to take a nap.
i am annoyed that kansas is so far away.
why did God think that was a good idea?
to make california and kansas so far away….
i feel like reedo and craig should have therapeutic talks about dis-organized women with no schedules.
poor babies.

Jenny B. - Fun fun! 🙂 It’s not weird to hear your voice now, but it was a little the first time I watched one of your videos. I had imagined you talking faster in a higher voice. Not sure why… but that’s just what came to mind when I read your posts. Probably because that’s more how I talk. I think we probably imagine people talking like we do for the most part – until we know how they talk, of course. 😉

Michele - You are adorable!! It was like sitting and chatting with an old friend! 😉 I am with ya–naps are so important!! Especially for new moms. When the kids napped, I napped!!

Brooke - oh meg…you are awesome! I agree with you…schedules don’t work for me either. Can I just say, it was cracking me up how you would start by stating a question…then prop up on the chair next to you. Loved it. Felt like I was sitting across from you at the table. I loved knowing where you were. I hope you are having a great week. I am a big fan of your vlog. What a good video editor you are (those fancy words…wow..!) Your hair is so cute too. Makes me want to cut mine again!
Oh, and I wake up crabby from naps. i wish I didn’t…because I want to nap!

Lindsey - Awwww I loved this vlog! Thanks for answering questions!

Lee Ann - I love hearing you! It makes me really want to be your IRL friend! We’re totally opposite – but that’s ok. Just because I have a schedule for EVERYTHING doesn’t mean I can’t be a little flexible 🙂

Michelle - LOVE your blog! I try to “check in” every day and see what Meg in Kansas is up to! Nice job on the vlog! 🙂
I hope to someday make it to Craft Weekend!!!
You are adorable, Meg!!

northern cottage - you are just WAY too cute! thank you!!

mama lola - awesome vlog! yes, strange to hear your voice, as i thought you would have more of an accent… i’m from up north in canada, so i was surprised! regardless, great advice, love the cardigan, love the blog.
p.s. i don’t think you’re an OLD mum, just EXPERIENCED! big difference!

Becky J - You’re precious!
On naps, glorious naps: I’m pregnant with #3 and I still nap every day. My oldest is over the nap but me and #2 are very consistent, reliable nappers. 🙂 I plan on napping every day I can until my kids no longer can handle it! Or until they join me again for nap time. I SO want to get picked for Craft Weekend but my #1 fear is: will I get enough sleep???

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - Yay for no schedules! You are adorable! xoxo

megan - loved your vlog! you did a great job and i feel like i should have had a cup of coffee while i watched you…it was like really sitting and getting to know you. so sweet…keep up the good work and thanks for posting!

Anne - See ya! You’re so cute!! Thanks for the vlog. You rock.

sara @ it's good to be queen - so fun! love it!!

Sophie - Thank you for this nice chat !! How I love your accent ! For me, French girl, living in the North of France, I am much more used to the English sounds ! So it’s a very good exercise trying to grab all the words and meanings !
Love your blog and pictures ! it’s so colourful, bright, alive !! dont stop please ! hugs

susan barnett - So glad to put the voice with the face now.Love your blog!Love your photos of
life in the country, especially the sunflowers.

elma - I just love this!!I love putting a voice to the pretty face!!! Love your blog~!!!Thanks for sharing!

Lisa - This was fun! Thanks for being brave enough to Vlog – that has to be kinda nerve-wracking. I think you’re so blessed to get to have a Craft House – I love the decor and all the color and creativity that flow in that house! Thank you for holding the Craft Weekends – what a gift you are giving others, to share your creativity and your ideas and encouragement – I think the world is a better place for this. And I think you follow your own advice very well – your blog entries always seem very natural, and you blog about what you want to blog about, whatever comes up at the time. I REALLY enjoy reading your blog! Thanks! [And we Kansans don’t have accents . . . do we ? 🙂 ]

Jessie - Love your blog! You are so cute and comfy looking…well put together. Where do you buy most of your clothes??

Liana - Love it– you are too cute. Thanks for sharing!

mollie d - It’s nice hearing your voice, and to see you live, you’re so pretty!

Jill - you are AWESOME, Mrs. Duerksen!! : ) And I love your blog…all the colors, the craftiness, the realness, your coffee mug, Kansas. Keep up your great work! XO

Lisa M. - I loved this! So nice to hear your voice. And you. look. beautiful! So vibrant. Must be all that running 🙂
Thanks for sharing!

Heather R. - Thank you for blogging. 🙂 And vlogging.

Amy M - It was strange to hear your voice, but it made me smile. You’re even cuter than I imagined. 🙂

Kelly - Today is my fourth anniversary! My sweet husband (after changing our two year old’s poopy diaper – I told him that was all the anniversary gift I needed!) 🙂 went to get a nutella latte for me. So yummy! And I enjoyed it while watching your vlog this morning while he went to work. Nice to “have coffee” with you this morning. Kelly
p.s. I’ve bought several new glass Christmas balls at garage sales/estate sales lately and I’m getting close to ready to fill glass jars with them and have been thinking of you.

Ruby - Thanks for your sharing.
Love your blog, love your sharing.
I always can get some interesting crafts, ideas, and the ways to live from your blog.
it’s totally different from eatern life.
I love to visit your blog, and i am so happy you keep it constantly instead of FB.
Love you using pictures and words to share your life with us. you make it lively.
Thanks a lot.
Of course, love this vlog,too.

Heather - I adore you and your blog 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me! I hope that one day I will be able to turn my creative passions into my career. I love teaching, but I’m finding that I’m less and less able to be creative in my work…

Renae - Aww, it was great to hear your voice! Thanks for doing this, it was fun. By the way, you definitely need to do more fashion posts. You’re so stinkin’ adorable!

Lynn - So fun to see you’re every bit as real off the cuff as you are writing your blog, which has become a perfect coffee break for me with being a work-from-home mom. This little “vlog” makes me feel like I just bumped into a friend by the coffee pot and was happy to take a little longer to catch-up. Thanks for sharing – I really enjoy your sunshine-y style 🙂

Julie - Your vlog was darling. You did a great job. Loving the watercolor picture behind you!

Toni :O) - You are awesome and beautiful inside and out and I’m VERY PRO-NAP as well..HOORAY for NAPS!!! WOOT WOOT!! Has anyone ever told you that you should do a toothpaste commercial? Seriously, you have like the best teeth!! I love your blog, you inspire me to be a better mom and I love the colors, your blog just makes me happy, like that photo of the paint on your wall behind you in your vlog, totally cool! Have a blessed day and thanks for being YOU!

jackie grandy - Awesome vlog Meg! I feel the same way about hearing my voice. I tried to do a set-by-step video on how to make my favorite kale salad, and I cringed when I saw myself and heard my voice. I said, “you know” and “like” way too many times. My daughter videotaped me and we had a chuckle watching it. Someday I will get up the confidence to post one of my videos, but for now, they will be family videos.
BTW, you’re a natural in front of the camera and your joyful spirit totally shines through!

mary - Thank you for your answers. I am a “new” mom of three 4 and under, amen to sleep. I also struggle with a schedule. My Sister in law lives breaths schedule and I keep trying to be a little more scheduled, but it never works. I think it has to do with the creative side of who we are.

Lori Austin - Loved “hearing” from you. 🙂
Wore that same cardi yesterday.
A fun post. Oh and your jewelry is awesome!

Christine - You are so cute. And inspiring to young moms (like myself). It’s a breath of fresh air for someone to say its okay to not be able to do it all. Or act like they have it all together. Although, you sure do look cute and put together!

Denise Spillman - You are beautiful inside and out!!!

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - This was great! Loved it! Thanks!

amber - so fun to hear your voice! 🙂

Jen - Cute outfit, great background, honest answers, and…you have great skin! I enjoyed it.

Dani - That was fun! You have an accent, but that comes from someone with an extremely prominent Southern drawl! I want that picture behind you! Love the colorful paint! So vibrant!

Jessica @ MyArdentLife - You are so cute! I haven’t taken the time to watch any of your other videos but I did this one and love it! I always hate when I “hear” someone’s voice in my head and then find out it’s different – but yours was an improvement on the voice in my head! 🙂 can’t wait for the next one!

Denise V. - You are just as cute as can be! Yes, it is weird to hear youf voice but it is better than the one I had in my head for you so WIN! Keep on doing what you do because I really enjoy it!

anita - Just adore you….love your style, personality, makeup and everything. It makes my day when you have posted. Thank you!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - hahaha….just read shannon’s comment about chelsea handler. i totally see it!!! except, i think you’re cleaner AND you don’t make my ears bleed and make me want to go to confession. soooo, good job MEG!!
love it when you vlog! (just typed flog…NOT THE SAME!) anyway, you’re a super cool part of my day…thank YOU!

Kerry - you’re a darling. and I LOVE your voice 🙂 Go Meg! Kerry x

Becky - I liked hearing your voice, after having spent time with you in person 🙂 Reminds me of your lovely self and your lovely house and the wonderful weekend we had.

Kate - It is soooo weird to hear your voice. And fun.

Lesley - Noooo! It’s not weird hearing your voice. Love it a lot and think you should do them more often!

Hannah Lesley - I just think you are really cute. Love the outfit, hair, jewelry…love it all!

Tracy Fisher - Love your voice. Just how I imagined. And love your necklace. I have the same one… Lisa Leonard? Love it. Okay, said Love enough. Keep up the bloggin… it makes me smile. -tracy

Mary - ok.
this was totally great!
loved hearing your voice, and just hangin’ out, even for just 8 minutes!
such adorablenesss here.
i love your laid back, honest, realness.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Your hair. Love.
And I can’t stop thinking: Chelsea Handler. Minus the blond hair. And all the bleeps. And the short guy.
Nappers unite!

Tami - I totally expected yiou to sound southern. even though i know you are from kansas. ( my husband is from iowa so i should have known.). I guess because i am a southern girl I think everyone should have my accent. Lol. Great job.

Tiffany - I totally agree Amy! With everything except the nap part… but I’m not pregnant! 🙂

amanda - i am so glad i’m not the only anti-scheduler. my husband is WAY into schedules and he’s always saying he wants to fold laundry on thursdays, and deep clean the kitchen on mondays and i’m just thinking, “noooooo! what if i want to knit something on thursday or go somewhere on monday?!?!” ha! i just need space to do what i need to do when i need to do it – i hate being tied down to a certain chore at a certain time – yuck!
unfortunately, i’m also a homeschooler and two of my kids thrive on schedules. it nearly kills me, i tell ya what.

Tiffany - I agree. 🙂

amy jupin - heeheee…
vlogging is funny.
just watching made me feel so nervous.
i’m a total dork.
you did a really great job!
but the whole time i kept thinking, i really love your bangs.
mine have been growing out but i’m sick of them.
bangs are good!
(and you thought you had ADD??!?!?!)

Tanya H - you’re adorable! 🙂

Tania - I LOVED it! You are such a cool, relaxed, honest, REAL blogger.
I am classroom teacher. How about a craft weekend just for teachers? I’d love that!
I follow your blog just to look at pictures of Waffle 🙂

Erin - It’s fun to hear your voice. Your “voice” in your writing style comes off the same in real life speaking so that’s fun! But I would agree that it’s weird hearing your own voice, I never sound as good as I do in my head . . . way different!

Meg - Love it! And I’m a pro-nap new mom… Haha, I want a bumper sticker 🙂

Cory - I love your blog. My dad lived in NW Kansas for years, and it was where I spent a lot of my years. Then I lived in Kansas for a couple years and passed through Great Bend, Beloit, Newton, and lastly Emporia. I miss Kansas so much. I will always carry it in my heart. I wish my dad was still with us so that I had a real reason to go back. I have a question about the craft weekend and I have not seen it answered yet, and am not sure anyone else asked… so, do people sign up for craft weekend together? IE:Friends, Sisters, Cousins, what have you… and if they do, if people are chosen at random, and not necessarily in order (maybe I have that wrong??), how do they seem to make it to craft weekend together? 🙂 I mean, I like that they do, I just haven’t seen where that is something that is an option. :)Thanks for answering in advance. 🙂

nicole i - you are so lovely. i am so grateful i stumbled by your little blog world a year or so ago.

Laine - I already adore you, but if it’s possible, watching this made me like you more, lol. =) You made me laugh out loud when you said you had “ADD qualities”…I am SO there with you, haha. These are all great answers and was such fun to watch. I hope you do more! 🙂

Shara - It’s NOT weird to hear your voice! It’s actually kinda nice! Love all the questions and your answers! I love your unique life choices and your confidence in where you are and why. You and your man following the Lord and guiding your family.

Ana - That was fun to hear and see you. I really love your blog! Thanks.

roganne - this is totally awesome 🙂 props to you for doing a vlog because i would never be able to stand listening to my own voice on mine! also – that is not what i pictured your voice sounding like 🙂

Diane - I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!

Diane - I love reading your blog and seeing what you’re creating! Thanks for blogging 🙂

Kathie M. - Love it. Keep up your wonderful blog! I look forward to it all the time!

Kristin S - Oh, cutie patootie you! Great vlog. Certainly worth the 8 mins of my time and muting the debate.
Love your heart.

Julie - You’re so cute Meg!! 🙂

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Well, you are just the cutest thing ever. I think I admire you so much because you are so real. True to yourself and not trying to out-do anybody. Can’t wait to meet you at craft weekend next month, and see the awesome craft house with my own eyes! xo
PS..I nap with my kids almost every day! Do we nap at craft weekend too? lol 🙂

Kristin S - Off to watch… need a debate distraction and this is perfect!

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a few answers.

well…i got up today with a plan in my head.
i would go running, take a nice hot relaxing bath at the craft house
and then make Vlog answering some of your questions.
i did go for my run but then the school called and said Scott was throwing up.
so…i am stuck at home still in my stinky running clothes and i will be writing and not vlogging today. 

you guys ask great questions. 

let's see….

1. Did you ever convert the attic in the craft house?  

we just never had the energy and the money at the same time.  :)
who knows what will happen though….we may still do it.
i have dreams for it.  Maybe a store? Maybe more work space? Maybe more bunk space? Maybe a little apartment? My running buddies suggested making it a full gym so we could workout together all year long. 
and i am LOVING that idea.

2. Are you on Pinterest?

ummm….i am.  
but it's the only place online that i am private….i have a fake name.
i just like having all the ideas i like in one place but not sharing what i love with everyone.
that may seem weird but… it's what i am doing and i like it that way.  

3. which is your favorite camera and lens?

i have a canon 50D and the 24-70 f/2.8 Canon lens.
and that is all.
i own one lens.  :)
it works for my needs…i dream of the 70 – 200 and the 35mm….and a 5D camera body.
but for now and the past two years….just that.
nothing else.
so that is what is in my camera bag.
and by camera bag i mean my purse.  HA!

4.  How do you edit your photos?

i upload my photos into LightRoom and i use their settings to edit.
i usually bump up the exposure…the vibrance….the fill light….sharpen and that's it.

5.  what settings do you use on your camera?

i almost always shoot in AV mode.  i shoot at an ISO of 200 and at 2.8 or 3.5.  does that help?
someome asked about my settings for indoor shots in the evening…well i just try not to shoot indoors in the evening.  because i think those pictures are always bad.  So i have no settings to share for that.
i love wendy&tyler from blue lily and they have helped me immensely with understanding my camera. they have workshops where YOU can learn about your camera too. you should go.
and Ashley from Under the Sycamore has an AWESOME online class that you can learn about photography…her next course is coming up soon.  

i have never felt great at explaining cameras or putting it into words but both of those blogs do it well!

6. Will you come to Washington?  

yes.  :)
i would love to do that sometime…. 

also i was worried it was going to be raining for my run this morning and your quote went through my head Leann "once you're wet, you're wet" and had decided i was going anyway.  thankfully… it stopped before i ran.

7. where are the glasses from in the post with the happy things to look at?  And the afgans?

i found that pic of the glasses on pinterest….and it linked to martha stewart…who else? but the link was not for the pic…but i think it probably came from her site.

and the afgans linked to flikr….just plain old flikr.

that is the downside of pinterest…messed up links and not getting a real source.

8.  does having a GOOD dlsr camera make that much difference?

i think i wouldn't want to go without my dslr.  But getting a dlsr won't make you take good pictures.  there is a lot more that goes into getting good photos than the camera.  instagram is great example of that.  it's figuring out the lighting, composition and your angle.  and that is where having a nice dslr camera comes in…and makes the shot clear and crisp.  where a point and shoot may have a grainier shot? possibly.
if you just want snapshots to keep your memories then a point and shoot is fine.
if you have an interest in photography…any desire to learn more….i think you need a dslr.  

9. Can i get a top ten book list of your favorite books?

this is a funny question mommyjulia.
because i don't know that i have read ten books in the last ten years!
but i will share again what i have read the past few months…

i read 7 and then Interrupted….loved.
Now i am reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years"  and this book is making me think in ways i never have!!! it's challenging me.  it's making me do hard things.  it's so good.

i love the book Crazy Love.
i loved Calm My Anxious Heart….good for a mom.
Long Way Gone was a book to prepare for africa and it was so good.

i don't read very much….i get so distracted and i don't make time for it.

i definitely don't read fiction.
IF i am reading a book it's going to be about something that i want to learn about…change in myself…get a new direction.
and thankfully i got glasses so at least i don't fall asleep as soon as i start reading.

10. can i have your pattern for the apron? can you tell me how make all the stuff you make at craft weekend?  can you do tutorials on all those things that the craft weekenders paid for?  (i am paraphrasing here)

nope…sorry.  :)
that would not be fair to all those Craft Weekend girls at all.
but i will be selling these things in my shop someday.
and i can't wait for you girls to get your hands on them… everything takes time.
i have five kids and i am running a business so things take a long time to get done.
i wish i could snap my fingers and have my shop filled and everything done…but i just cant.

i am grateful you are patient.

11. tell us about Lauren….you never do…she is ignored….why don't you talk about her…WHY?!?

lauren is 17…almost 18.  She requested quite a few years ago for me to not blog about her.
so i don't.
i love her.  she is crazy smart.  she works on the weekends.  she is an awesome volleyball player.  she wants to be a doctor. 

maybe someday i will be able to talk more about what it's been like raising our first teenager but for now she doesn't want me to talk about her here.  

and that is that.

12. Kirsten J asked all these at once:  do you make lists?  yes…very messy lists   Do you ever ask for help?  yes. a lot. YOU HAVE TO or you will drown.  Do you ever future trip?  i don't what that is…dreaming about the future? not much i guess.  Will Lauren go away to college?  yes she will.  we don't where yet but she will.  Did you ever have a penpal? YES! i used to write letters constantly.  when craig got home from one year of college he had TONS of letters from me.  i had two from him.  ha ha haaa.  also my sister got letters from me constantly. My grandpa and i wrote too.  i always signed my letters to him Love,  Megan the GREAT!! i would tell him my grades and about my boyfriends and my dance recitals and he would send me money for good grades and call me out on my bad ones.   my 101 year great aunt and i wrote for my entire marriage until she passed away this year. i love writing letters.  Do you ever just veg out in front of the tv? Reality tv? Or talk shows? NCIS? i do occasionally veg with tv… Parenthood of course, Office, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy and Saturday Night Live.  NO reality tv.  i can't take it.  NO singing shows…or dancing shows…or dating shows. it makes me want to poke my eyes out.  i did like Amazing Race and Survivor…in the beginning…but not anymore. AND i miss Oprah…really really miss her show.  What blogs do you read regularly?  Julie,  Ashley, Kimberlee, Shauna, Jess, Megan, Leslie, amy, shannon, sarah, lisa and michelle just to name a few….i have over 50 more in my reader.  :)


i wish there were some pictures to go along with this post.
how about some george?

yes…i did just take 15 minutes and made a george collage in picmonkey.
don't judge.
just enjoy….it's easy….


there over 100 comments on that post so it will take me awhile to get through them all.

hope you made it through all those answers.

ok…i am going to make all the appointments i have been putting off forever since i am stuck at home.
you know what i mean…. dentist, eye doctor, exterminator, ob/gyn, sewing machine guy, specialist and anything else i can think of.
the part i hate more than making the appointment….GOING to the appointments! 

wish me luck.


Penny Smith - You handed me your camera and asked me if I “back focused” and I froze… then I read this-I too shoot in AV (and do the “focus and shift” (that made me think of “bend and snap” from legally blonde. Ha!)… though I also have the 50mm f1.8 (it’s $100) for those inside shots you speak of! 🙂 I have a Tamron lenses when the reviews had little difference (yet hundreds of dollars less) so that is how I have more than one. (28-75 f2.8, 17-50 f2.8, and 70-300 (but that came with the camera-and isn’t a fixed f). I think I used the 50mm and dialed the AV for my first couple years of my rebel, and even a lot at first with my 50D a couple years back (Karen Russel influenced-but I am still in LOVE with this lens!!)
OK-I’m babbling… I was happy to hear you edit with lightroom… cuz I was thinking that Blue Lily only uses photoshop and would basically expect everyone should too (regarding the workshop), so I would be lost on it from the get go)… good to know…

amber reece - HAHAHAHA! Loved all your responses and the collage of George! FUN! Your blog always brightens my day! Thanks for posting about Jen Hatmaker too, just got finished reading both the interrupted and 7 books and LOVED them! God Bless You and your Sweet Family!!!! xoxoxo

Michael Kors Monogram - Via artikolo estas bone skribita Yeah,

Tere - To think, you answered some of my questions when I didn’t even ask any. And you are coming to Washington? This “Washington” is coming to see you soon!!

shauna - i really love adam too.
but, is my marriage stable?
i’ll have to think about that….

shauna - get out.
you bragger.

shauna - oh gosh! good call on the george collage. that is a real gift.

megan@contentedsparrow - my only comment…..
i die.

Kim Barlow - I love you…thanks for sharing!

cassidynoga - I read “A Million Miles…” a while back. It sticks with you, for always. It was a wonderful book and I have hit many of my friends over the head with it so they would read it. They always do and then we gush about how great it was and how it relates to our lives. I’m a writer so it was twice as rewarding.
I just wanted to share that you won’t forget this book easily! (:

Jeannine - Haha love the George collage. You’re awesome!
Thanks for answering some of our questions! And I think it’s wonderful you’re respecting Lauren’s wishes about her privacy.
If you go to Washington State, I’ll drive down from Vancouver to buy you a cup of coffee and maybe go for a run 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh I never thought of having a fake name on Pinterest. You are brillant!!! I so wanted Pinterest to create a way to have some boards private. . .you know for research I am doing, future blog posts, etc. But now I know how to do that. Oh, thanks for sharing that!!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Me too. . plus I am a faster reader than I am a video watcher 🙂

Karen - For those asking about the flower glasses, they are old sour cream jars found fairly easily in antique stores (I have no idea where your picture is from 🙂 ). I have lots of them. They are really fun! Well, except for the fact that you should really wash by hand and not by dishwasher to preserve the integrity of the flowers!

Amy - Hey Meg, regarding Question #7…the afgans…I totally knew those afgans the second I saw them! I have pinned them, swooned over them and even hooked up a couple of her patterns for my own collection. They are part of a beautiful handcrafted and well loved collection by Lucy of Attic24. She is a sweet bloggy friend from England. If you or any of your readers are “happy hookers” {as in CROCHETERS}! Check out her Attic24 blog! Just wanted to help give credit where credit is due.

Kori - So I had a fake name on Facebook in the beginning and then my friend made fun of me. I TOTALLY wanted a fake on on Pinterest because I also wanted to be private with the things I loved. I went ahead with my real name and it’s still weird to me when my friends start following me there. Not such a big deal with strangers, though. Go figure. Maybe I worry my friends will think me crazy for having as many pins as I do. 😉
I LOVE GEORGE. In fact I’m watching “Out of Sight” right now. 🙂 And I don’t think twice about you spending 15 minutes making a collage. In fact it doesn’t sound like very much time to peruse pics of him.

Leslie @topofthepage - I always think of you now when I watch Parenthood since last year you threw down for Team Adam. As you know, I’m on Team Crosby. Which is maybe why you have a stable marriage and mine, well, keeps me on my toes :). Somehow, I know that’s just where God wants us too…

Jenn - LOVE the fake name! I so am going to do this too! Thanks for the idea!!!

mommyjulia - You answered my question!!! Yay! Thanks, Meg! 6 books is better than 10, anyway 😉 Loved your answer about Lauren- she seems like a pretty awesome young lady. Anywho, I need to go purchase some books and get reading. Thanks again for taking the time to answer me!

Tiffany - Oh Meg, you crack me up. Your “It makes me want to poke my eyes out” comment was so true! Nice little Q&A… It’s fun getting to know you better!

Andrea - Thank you for sharing!! And thanks for the eye candy. I have another question- do you think you will ever stop blogging? I love reading about your life. You’re so real and honest too. Love that. I would be sad if you did, because I am not attached to you and your family! Is that weird? Please dont ever stop!

Kelly - Go you with a fake name on pinterest!! LOVE IT! I like my privacy from time to time too. Is it funny that my pinterest “fake name” is totally tied to my blog and I don’t care about that but I didn’t want to put my real name? hmm . . . have a great one! Oh and do you ever go see what people have pinned from your blog? I’ll bet there is a lot. I know I myself have pinned stuff from your craft room (before it became the whole craft house) as inspiration as I continue to create my craft room and the whole reason I came to your blog right now is to look back at bathroom pics and pin as a bathroom remodel just *might* get to be in the works soon. Trying not to get my hopes up and remember to the upheaval that would come with it. Kelly

Amy - Thanks for the George…what a wonderful way to end Monday!!!

ginny - Thank you for typing it out, and not vlogging it. (even though you maybe seemed a tad annoyed with some of the questions lol). I don’t like to watch videos. I’m usually on the couch with laptop while hubby watches tv. He doesn’t want to listen to what I’m doing. So I would so much rather read that watch videos. 🙂 JMO 🙂

Lisa - Its funny to me that people would think Lauren is ignored or question you not sharing much about her here. Anyone who knows teens would understand that most of them want their privacy and space. From your blog you seem like a great mom. Not perfect but loving, purposeful and invested. 🙂 btw this post was fun to read. And keep your pinterest secret. You deserve that!!

Anne - I love/hate that you’ve got a fake name on Pinterest. Completely respect your privacy, and think its quite clever to have a fake name, but its killing me to know you’ve pinned some amazing ideas that I don’t have access to. Ha! 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - I really loved this post. Great answers and also, the pictures of George made me laugh out loud.

April R - Me too 🙂 Sassy, mysterious, and free
(And I think it’s funny people didn’t guess why you don’t blog about Lauren much)

Kimberlee Jost - Is this a good time for me to mention (again!) that I met George Clooney on my honeymoon? Just checking.
I love you more than I could ever love George.
For real.

Molly - I love reading your blog. You are a great example and inspiration for me. I really appreciate that you listened to Lauren and don’t blog about her. I need to remember that. Also, I totally get that you have a fake name on pinterest! sometimes you just want to keep those ideas to yourself!!!

Terri Christian - Can you get through one episode of Parenthood without crying…..cause I can’t! Terri

lc - Thank you for answering the question about Lauren. I think a lot of parents overshare on their blogs. Thank you for respecting your almost adult daughter. If Lauren wants her business on the internets, she can start her own blog!

Terrie - I will live in your apt. and clean before and after craft weekends…
of course, I may have to take full advantage of a craft house and craft until dawn each day!
So proud of you for respecting your daughter’s privacy.
Reading Crazy Love now…loving it!
I agree with you on the dslr…loving mine!
Dreaming of the 70-200 lens and the 5D…sigh
although…shooting in av confuses me.
Crazy, right?!
I’ve been shooting in manual ever since I took ashley’s course online
two weeks after I got my camera last year. She was fabulous!!
Totally recommend her online course if you are new to dslr cameras.
And you can never go wrong with a little george! Happy Monday!

SammaMichelle - Hey Meg!!! Loved the answers to the questions but I mostly wanted to tell you that the 15 minutes you spent making a George collage WAS NOT WASTED!! ;0) Love it and him and you!!!! Thanks for always reminding me to be happy!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i think you’re great. 🙂

Lisa M. - Thank you for sharing, Meg!
Love your blog!

seriously sassy mama - My sister has a super big crush on George Clooney. Pinterest is my crack. I am on the computer more than the TV. I cannot stand reality TV. I like the store idea for yur attic. I need a big old house!

happygirl - I like looking at George, I don’t like hearing him talk. 🙂 Thanks for doing a post like this. You remind me it’s the talent that cannot be bought. It has to be developed. Love it.

Angela A - Loved this post. And you should just put pictures of George on here everyday.

Alicia @ La Famille - lovely stuff! thanks for the share 🙂

Heather S. - I totally wondered if Lauren wasn’t on b/c of a request made by her! I can see that. Totally. And George, while I’m not really a fan, really does just get better and better with age. 🙂

Tiffany - cracking up. loved your answers. you really are human, nooooo? meg on pinterest: private, eh? –! lauren wants to be private too – good for her! even stevie wonder could figure this one out. teenagers like their privacy, readers. duh. also hooray for her wanting to be a doctor, luv that – girl power!!! reality shows blow, real actors need jobs, not those clowns. ok that may have been harsh, but man some of those shows stink to high heaven. one day, craft weekend, i need/deserve/want it. i was wondering if maybe you would do a craft weekend “guest” giveaway?! just sayin, consider it, they would have to be a helper of course. i would recommend, say….myself? ha! 🙂 Happy Monday!

danielle - Oh my word! I love that you have a fake pinterest name. I would love one, it would make me feel sassy and mysterious!

Kristin S - This post is yet further proof that you are my favorite blogger! I have about 200 in my reader and am cutting more each day. Yours will only leave when you stop blogging.
Thanks for sharing Meg!
And I love that you are honoring Lauren’s request.

Amy - if you come to Washington State I want to buy you dinner!! 🙂 And go for run and I’ll show you the most beautiful mountains!!!

Kerry - Hey Meg, I’ve checked back onto your blog for most of the day – mainly because I was interested to see if you answered the question about Lauren, I’m so glad you did! My 12 year old daughter has also requested I blog ‘only if I really have to’ about her as her friends are so into Social Media and they click through to my blog posts from there – she gets a little embarrassed 🙂 So I’m so glad I’m not alone!
Great blog list too by the way – I already read Kimberlee’s, Joy’s & Lisa’s on your recommendation – I just signed up to the rest too!
Happy Monday Meg xx

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i have not much to say today….but lots of happy things to see. 


it's my birthday week.
so i feel good…happy…ready for a BIG year.
it's going to be.

i am positive.

like everyone else….i am loving the new Mumford & Sons.
so so good.

hey….craig says i never answered the questions you asked last time.
is that true?
i know a lot of you asked me to do a tour of the craft house…but it's hard because we work so hard to get it ready for Craft Weekend and then we run out of time to take a ton of pics or video and then everyone comes for CW and the tour doesn't happen. 
but someday i will do it…i promise.
i will make it worth the wait.  :) 

SO…do you have other questions?  do you have stuff you wish i would blog about but don't?

what would you like to ask…what do you want to know….bring it on.



Jacci in Ohio - Oooh… style evolving over time. Like that idea! 😀 I think we all kind of go through stages… I noticed that your own style kind of blossomed a few years back when you started taking colorful pictures on purpose to fight winter blues. I’d love to hear your thoughts on your style developing.

Jacci in Ohio - ha ha – I *wondered* when I read that! 😀

amber reece - MEEE too! I need those glasses, where are they from?????? - How do we find you on Pinterest? I actually think you invented pinterest or should have. Your links and likes are a big reason as to why I follow your blog but not the only reason;) Did I miss the answer to that question? As for your teenager, my daughter is almost 17 and she would freak if I put her in my blog, lol! She freaks if I post pics of her on my FB. It’s a touchy subject and I totally respect that.
love to you and yours! Jen

Amy - Love the pretty pics– so colorful.
Kind of a personal question here: Through other blog posts, I felt led to believe that your first pregnancy was not 100% planned and occurred prior to marriage. Do you talk to your older kids about this topic? Are you a ‘lay it all out on the table’ or a ‘mums the word’ kinda gal when it comes to the risque topics of growing up. What do you teach your own kiddos about it? How do your religious belief tie in or conflict with this happening in your life? How did your own mom and sister react?

Ani G W - I think it would be fun to know some of your kiddos favorite things!

Tammy - Happy Birthday Meg! I love your blog! Someday I hope to be able to put myself on the CW list!
As for questions… everyone has asked such wonderful ones! Some of the ones I like, are the ones for tutorials for the wire words, aprons and the headbands, and the ones about how Lauren is doing.
However, the biggest question listed that I love is, are you planning on posting a tour of the new country home?

elma - Well when you have many kids the older ones get jobs and go to school so they are never home. I have six left at home but only have the three littles ones home with me everyday.

Chelsea - I’d love to hear more about your craft weekends, how you decide what to make, how much you charge, what things you supply, how many ladies attend, how do you get sponsors? all that fun stuff, it sounds like lots of fun (and lots of work)
Happy Birthday!

megan - I’m not surprised at all! I’m sure so many readers can connect with Meg because of what she shares about her kids and family life… Lauren’s definitely got the least blog time, if she doesn’t mind I’d love to hear just a little more about her just like Annie and Talby, especially since college is coming up (I think?)

megan - marion, ks

Siobhan - Im really suprised at all the Lauren questions. Tht is all.

lauren - Happy Birthday Meg. I am a daily visitor and appreciate you so much. Love your candid observations on life and parenting and faith. I have laughed out loud at your thoughts, been inspired by your ideas and prayed for you like a friend. Have a wonderful year and, trust me, from what I see (and I know it’s limited), your kids will grown into amazing adults…..not because you are a perfect parent but because you are an intentional parent. None of us can be perfect, and it’s not easy, but you are a hard worker and a woman of prayer and great faith. He has you (and your kids) covered.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I’ve said it before, but I love when you post vlogs. 🙂
Also, I would loooove a ruffled apron tutorial!

Michelle - Hi Meg! Happy birthday. Are you regretting asking us to ask you questions yet? Because you’ve got a lot here!! Thank you for inspiring me to add more color to my life and to do more art with my kids. 🙂 I’ll limit myself to one: what the heck is that delicious looking chocolate peanut butter looking concoction in those pretty, pretty pix?

Christina - Happy Birthday, Meg! We share a birthday week. 🙂 Mine was yesterday. I love your happy pictures…they always make me smile. Always!

Shannon - Happy Birthday! Check out this etsy listing. Saw it and thought “I bet Meg with all the rainbow stuff would LOVE this”. Wishing you a beautiful year of happy days.

the whyte house - i just need the inside scoop…did the salvation army by the skating rink move or close permanently? i made a special trip today and it was no more! agh! 🙂
completely not what you were expecting, huh?

Julie - Happy Birthday week!
I recognize so many of those beautiful colorful images from Pinterest! If you had a Pinterest account, it would be awesome!
I’d love to see more of your current home…decorated or not!

Peggy - I want to know two things:
First, do you have a game room in your dining room at the farmhouse?
Second, will you tell me where “the barn” is? Can’t afford to go to CW but I live in Nebraska and it really can not be unreasonable for me to drive there.

misty - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I would LOVE it if you would share a little more about photography. I love every picture you take :) bag…. all that fun stuff 🙂

Meredith - Happy Birthday Meg!!! Hope you have a wonderful year. I have a couple of those daisy jars (they were for sour cream back in the day). I would love to get more. Love the images you posted. I really want those light grey polka dot chucks. Would love to see a tour of the craft house. Wish I had a craft house. Wish I could come to your craft house. Okay I am done, have a great day!!!!

Mindy W - Happy Birthday a million times over!! What an absolute blessing you are to me! You find the good. You search for the sunny-side up. Even when it’s not. You don’t cover up life. L-O-V-E that!!!!
Now, if you could pretty please, from the bottom of your birthday heart just link up all your Happy things to look at. Not during birthday week, of course. Party. Celebrate. Work on Monday. 🙂

Zoryana - First of all, Happy Birthday week! I love your blog and have a couple questions. How do you motivate yourself to work out all the time? Also how do you motivate yourself to be so positive and cheerful? I would love a tour of both homes too! What does a typical day look like for you? Do you go to church every Sunday?

Lachalle - Cannot wait to CW in October . But heres a few questions.
Whats in your purse ?? with photos of course .
What do you carry in your camera bag . Gear? Extras?

Ali - What kind of hair products/make-up do you use? You always look so put together and beautiful!

Sara Torbett - Hi Meg! First, thanks for being you, being real, and such a place of honest inspiration for us gals on the web! I’m wondering how you got from here, to there so to speak with your dreams for Craft Weekend. Like, was it clear which steps to take from Point A to Pont B? God is confirming a few dreams to me over and over lately. I just keep trying to do the next right thing, but not rush His timing!

Heidi - Happy Birthday, Meg! Hope your day or week is as special as you! I love every part of you and your perfectly imperfect beautiful life!
Would love more details of CW weekends and craft tutorials. Of course, keep the George and family post coming.

Amy Petz - *5 posts a week…not a day…I’m not superwoman…

Kathie M. - Do you really have a house dedicated to just Craftweekends?? I would also love to see a tutorial on the headbands you guys make! I love them! 😀

Eva Scott - Happy birthday week! I’d love if you did an Apron tutorial AND a headband tutorial (the one you just did at CW). PLEASE!!!! Oh and please always do CW. I need my kids to be a *bit* older before I can possibly come. 🙂

Elizabeth Malchoff - yes, more about lauren!!!

Marsha P. - I thought of one more. As the Holidays get closer and closer, could you give us stocking stuffer ideas? I have the hardest time coming up with something for my kids, mine are in the teen (boy) and tween (two girls) age groups.

Marsha P. - TV show favorites? Did you watch Downton Abbey? What are your goto beauty products? Do you have a favorite scent for your bath/shower? Are you into candles. Do you have any new favorite clothing stores? What is your favorite Sonic drink?
Does Waffle (love him!) enjoy the country life?
Enjoy your blog, seeing pics of your family, and all of the colorful stuff that you enjoy!

Katie - I would like to hear more about Lauren! And also more about your kid’s daily lives and your family life in general.

Michelle Whitlow - I have a questions – do you have some links to those photos??? Cause I see some yummy treats in there 🙂 Pretty please??!!

Hollie - I’d like to see the bunting on the front of your house. Did you make it out of oilcloth so that it would be weather proof?

Vonda - My question is, up there, in those group of pictures, WHERE was that pile of afghans in the bright colors taken. If you tell me they are all yours, well I am just gonna cry. LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!!

andi k. - i’m wondering how you are in real life? how does that compare to how you are in your blog? just wondering.

Samantha - Just wondering when your oldest child is going to get blog time? She seems like a great kid. She seems to have been forgotten. Just wondering why we never see her on your blog?

roganne - happy birthday! it is my daughter’s 2nd birthday this week too, so september has a special place in my heart. have a great week 🙂

Shara - Happy Birthday Week Meg!!! I feel like I bombarded you with questions during CW, so I don’t have any at the moment! Can’t wait to see all the ones you DO answer!!!

Kerrin - Happy Birthday! My question is this. How did your blog get so popular? I recently started a blog and I would love to reach a larger audience.
Thanks so much for all you do. It makes a difference in my life.

Janelle - Oh dear…thanks for asking…I have too many questions! My first and foremost (because I need some assistance with my four kiddos) is how do you manage all their activities, homework, fun family time, etc. It is SOOO much harder than when they were all little! I’d love to try some more of your recipes..hmmm…How did you become so strong with your faith? I’d love to be but unfortunately at this time am not 🙁

Tinaehb3 - When I saw George Clooney I literally laughed out loud !! Happy birthday:)

Molly - Happy Birthday Meg!
I would like to know how you started taking pics and I am considering a DLSR camera and want to know what is the best type to start out with and what types of lens/ses do you recommend? You might have already coverd this but I missed it.
Also, how do you carve out time for yourself, in the midst of raising 5 kids? I have two and it’s hard sometimes to find time to myself.
Also, can you do a craft post of all the favorite crafts you and your kids have done? (Gearing up for the holiday breaks).
Hope you enjoy your bday week.

Gittygitt1196 - Happy Birthday week to you!
Just wanted to say I LOVE how colorful your posts always are!
I just started a blog… and am still getting the hang of it.
Do you have any advice for a blogging newbie!!?

Molly - I like Linday’s questions……

Jeannine - Happy Birthday Week, Meg! You’re awesome ♥
I was just wondering if you have any advice for new moms? I’m just getting into the whole being-a-mom thing… my daughter is 7 weeks old tomorrow 🙂 and you seem like you’re a fantastic mom! Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated, haha.
Oh, and do you have any tips for taking pictures of your children as they grow? Are there any tricks you’ve picked up for taking baby pictures? Does having a good DSLR camera make a HUGE difference? I’m afraid I’ve fallen into the habit of taking 99% of my pictures of my daughter on my phone because that’s what I have most readily available.
Thanks Meg! Hope you have a wonderful birthday 🙂

mommyjulia - i’d like to know more about Lauren! 🙂 but, i get that she’s probably not super cool with that idea! but, does she have post high-school plans? any volleyball scholarships for her? she certainly seems pro in your pictures!
also, what advice would you give to a young mom in regards to the burden/privilege of raising my young ones to choose & follow after Christ? i’m sometimes completely burdened by the responsibility, yet sometimes count it a blessing to show them the way. what are your thoughts?
oh, & one more thing! can you give a top ten books list? i’ve been wanting to read some of the books you’ve been reading lately but i always forget to take note of the titles. could you hook me up with some literature?

Alice H - you should totally sell tutorials in your etsy shop!!!

Alice H - I like these questions too!!

Alice H - WHERE are those glasses from??? I think I need them.
Happpy birthday week! My oldest son will be 12 on the 4th. Growing up too fast. Ugh!
I’d like to know more about your kids, your parenting style and technique. How you discipline? What kind of chores your kids do? Things like that. Are you and Lauren close? I feel like my daughter and I aren’t as close as I’d like to be. Any tips?
I only have 3 kids. A 13 year old daughter Emilee, an almost 12 year old son Zackary, and a 2.5 year old named Colton.

Lisa M. - Wow. There’s alot of questions already posted here 🙂 Good luck!
First, Happy Birthday week!! I hope you (or someone does) have some fun stuff planned!
I have one question…just a curiosity…Do you miss living in the Craft House (when it wasn’t entirely the Craft House:)?
You are my top blog and I wish I lived closer so I could go to Craft Weekend JUST to make one of those aprons!! I don’t sew, but you always say in your posts you can teach people how to sew. That would be awesome!!!!
Thanks for all you share!

Linda - needed this beautiful bit of cheer on my foggy fall day! Your blog always makes my day. Everything you blog about is amazing! I’d love to see the house you living in. Just to see how you’ve decorated it. I love your style!

Kirsten J - Ok. Reading all of these questions is giving me anxiety. How do you do it?
First. Happy birthday week, mine was last week and when I went to Starbucks the other day and used my happy birthday free drink postcard and the guy said “happy birthday” to me, it made my heart happy. My sister and my mom forgot my birthday -wah!
Second. George. *sigh* I have a picture saved on my computer my sister emailed me from when they were filming Ocean’s titled “proof that God exists” with Brad and George sitting by the pool. Tongue in cheek about the proof of God, but really? I replied to her “if that is proof, I should be sitting between them!”
And. Questions? Picturing us sitting at Starbucks yakking….hmmmm….do you make lists? Do you ever ask for help? Do you ever future trip? Will Lauren go away to college? Did you ever have a penpal? Do you ever just veg out in front of the tv? Reality tv? Or talk shows? NCIS? What blogs do you read regularly?

Laura - Happy Birthday, Meg! I was wondering what size the mat and frame for the Urban Outfitters Butterfly poster is.

Desiree - This is so Happy!! I always love visiting your blog because I know there will always be something colorful and amazing and smile-inspiring! Happy birthday-week!! 😀
-Desi @ Matilda Jane Clothing

Juli - what is the source for the upper right hand picture in the “happy 1” segment? i want to pin it, it’s beautiful! also, i looked for you on pinterest as well???

stephanie - Happy Birthday! I would love to see more pictures of the house you are in now.

Dianne - That picture of George Clooney made me laugh! I think you’re the long lost sister I never had!

Heather - Happy Birthday! Thanks for the beautiful posts every week.

Lindsey - I love all the pictures in this post! Funny that you snuck George in there – tee hee! Happy Birthday! I hope the coming year is an amazing one for you! My questions are the same as many others: how do you do the fabric wrapped letters, are you on Pinterest? You blog is my go-to every. single. day.

Christina - Happy Birthday it is your one day that is meant just for you & only comes once a year. Do something very special & I hope it turns out great. Thank you for your blog & your time.

Jen - HAPPY HAPPY Birthday week! My hubby came home from work one evening with those gray polka dot Chucks for me only my accent color is RED instead of pink! I super LOVE them!

Rachel - How about a ” Day in the life of Megalicious?” :)Or any of your crafty make overs of this that and the other? Or a tour of the farm house? Some new recipes?
Basically we love you no matter what you blog about:)
PS. I hope the “Megalicious” thing isn’t too annoying!

Marla - I used to live in Newton and I love your blog! Now, I live just a little bit south in ICT.:) I am wondering why you and Beki from the Rusted Chain have never mentioned each other or worked together? You are both pretty high profile, nationally known bloggers who seem to live in the same vacinity, and yet, neither of you have ever mentioned the other. I just find it odd that you both love photography and farm life and all things vintage. I don’t know either of you, but it’s something that I’ve been curious about. Enquiring minds…:)

Christina - I would like a more of an about me post. From where you grew up, met your husband where you have lived? Do you plan on staying in Kansas? Did you work prior to having kids. Maybe some more advice on raising teens? I have a 14 & 17 year old. Also my son is thinking about going to Kansas State & I would love to know your favorite things about Kansas

sarah j - merry birthday week!

Krista - Happy Birthday week! Thanks for sneaking a little George eye candy in there for us in all of your colorful loveliness!

Kait - I’m going to echo the request for a tutorial on the fabric wrapped wire words/letters/whatever. I’m not terribly good at craft stuff but I want to give that a go.
I’m also curious about your relationship with Lauren and how she’s doing. I’m assuming she’s not on the blog much because you’re respecting her privacy so if this gets ignored, I totally understand.
And last but not least, how did the idea of Craft Weekend happen and evolve to this level?

Becky J - Meg I would love to hear more about your faith and how it impacts your family and your daily life 🙂 I purchased Jen Hatmaker’s books 7 and Interrupted..WOW..have you finished them and how have you processed all that they are? I think she is spot on- which means I need to do some soul-searching and changing!! Have you read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love? Blessings…

Hollie - Happy Birthday! I would love a tutorial on the fabric wrapped letters. I’ve looked around and yours are the cutest by far! Also, how about a CW apron tutorial? or could you sell a tutorial in your Etsy shop? Would love to start making a few for Christmas 🙂

sara m. - I’d like to know what denomination your family is. I know a lot of craft bloggers are Mormon, but you say a lot of things on your blog that lead me to think that you believe something closer to my own beliefs (I am not Mormon).
Just wondering :o)

Tiffany - Hey there, wishing you a very Happy Birthday – from the East Coast!

Hollie - Happy Birthday! Could you give us a tutorial on your fabric wrapped wire letters? I’ve looked online but none are as cute as yours. How about a CW Apron tutorial? or could you sell your pattern in your Etsy shop?
Thank you for your daily inspiration…you help in ways you don’t even know.

Alisa - I want to know what the country house looks like inside and how you manage both!

Molly - here is my question…..i too am a “cardi-girl”. I love me some cardigans. however i am not quite sure how to keep them clean. ya know how often should i wash them, hand wash vs. machine, line dry or dryer. what are your thoughts….any suggestions 🙂

Kelly - Those polka-dot Converse have been on my wish list for so long! So cute!

Andrea - This is my “go to every day never fail” blog. You are so inspiring as a mom, as a child of God, as a crafter!
I encourage any recipes – I have made many you’ve shared in the past, including the cookies and Pam’s cheesecake (which should be illegal).
My question: are you still crafting for your Etsy shop? I could understand, with the CW business, if you’re not, but if you are I want to be ready to shop/spend when it opens!

Liesl - George Clooney is a very happy thing to look at–love how you had in amongst all the other beauty!
Happy Birthday!!

Katie N. - Happy Birthday Week!!! I love you blog – it always brightly colors my day! May you have a blessed week and year!

robin allen - George just makes my day…as does George STrait, Bon Jovi, Patrick Swayze, Love LOVE your style, color, talent, energy, honesty, Photos, the fact that you love Kansas…SO DO I!!!…my question…do you have a job appl… I want to work at craft weekend…tee hee…

happygirl - Happy Birthday. 🙂

Jo - Hi, Meg. Happy birthday (week)! I would love to know more about your wardrobe. Maybe some outfit posts or where you like to shop. How young will you be this week? 😉

Su@TheIntentionalHome - You are my all time favorite blog (really!!!). . .cause I love your use of color and your pictures. . .it is just pure inspiration. It is like flipping thru a magazine for me. I’d love to see more pictures of the details of your house. .either house. . .your pictures make me smile. Happy. I get excited when your blog posts are in my email box. I also like when you share some of your favorite bloggers, etsy shops, etc. And then I would like to know a typical week schedule for you. . .do you set aside a whole day to craft? Do you do clean on a certain day? Do you grocery shop on a certain day?. . .I guess how you handle crafting, your business/blog, managing the home and 5 kiddos, and taking time to nurture yourself emotionally, physically, mentally, etc. Happy Bday!

CathyC - Happy Happy Birthday Meg!!!!!

donna - thanks for including that picture of George – drool drool.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I want to know that too. . I tried looking for you and could not find you.

Allyson - that was my question too! 🙂
so cheery. so positive. the images and you!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh I agree with that statement. . .parenting teenagers (I have a 15, 13, and 12 yr old) aer harder than when they were into everything toddlers. You are not alone.

W. - Happy birthday week!

Gemma - Did you ever convert the attic in the craft house? Also out of the two houses which do you prefer to live in?
Gemma x

Denise - I would like to know the name of the chicken fabric from Craft Weekend 3. Thanks for letting us see inside your life.

Amy Petz - Hi Meg! I am wondering how you keep yourself motivated. How do you fight the burnout? Also, how do you balance private/public? And finally how do you deal with haters/doubters.
I ask these questions because, I was posting an average of 5 posts a day on my blog for over a year and then I just couldn’t motivate myself to do it at all this September. Someone very close to me said they just don’t “get” why I would want to share so much of my life with strangers and I was stumped for an answer that satisfied him and that lead me to wondering if I was just being narcissistic, which lead to more over processing, which sucked the will right out of me. I hope to start back up again, but it’s hard to stay motivated when there are so many amazing, informative and beautiful blogs already out there.

Lindsay - brace yourself, i have too many questions…
yes i would like to know if we can follow you on pinterest?
and i would like to know more of what you were like when you were a mom to just one or two…were you a typical first time mom (stressed out by little things (like me)) or have you always been laid back?
did you always make time for crafts or have you eased into that?
have you always loved color and been bold with your fun choices or did it take you a long time/a lot of trial and error to figure out your style?
and of course everyone wants to know about the farm house 🙂 both houses are amazing, what a sweet life!

sue - Hi Susan. i was wondering the same thing but if you times the number of people to the amount meg charges for craft weekend once a month I would think thats how she can afford both.

robin - i would love, love, LOVE for you (or Annie…or any of your kids) to sing that birthday song that is sung at one of your kids’ schools…. 🙂 on your birthday the angels sang…or something like that…. 🙂 please share…………. 🙂 record it…post it…i wanna hear it, please 🙂 pretty please…
i also would love to know more about your oldest daughter… i know she’s a teenager and probably doesn’t want to be “featured,” but i would love to know more about her… 🙂 i feel like your other kiddos are featured a lot and you can tell a lot about their personality from your pics… 🙂 Lauren, however, remains to be a lil mystery 🙂

sue - Which is your favorite camera lens and why ?

Jessica - I would love to know about how your marriage has been through the years with kids and also what you do to keep it awesome, particularly in the baby/toddler years. Also, more about your relationship with Lauren. And the move/2 houses like everyone else.

midwestmom - How many are on “the list” that’s a great question. How do you handle your kids grades? Reward good grades? Punishment for bad grades? Today midterms came out and there was a D. (for my freshman) I got too mad and feel guilty now. I threatened taking everything under the sun away. While the D is bad, it’s not world ending. (other grades were As and Bs). I swear parenting 10 & 14 yr olds is harder than when they were babies and crazy toddlers!!!

Susan - I will go ahead and ask what everyone has been wondering…how do you afford 2 houses?

Janine - Happy Birthday! I love your blog 🙂 We share the same birthday and I am not feeling so optimistic about it this year. I am having a tough time with this one. Definitely not feeling it. Please send some of that positive energy my way!

Susan - like many others, I was shocked at the move to the “country house”. I will just ask what everyone else wants to… do you afford to keep two houses? oh, and have you considered posting recipes for the meals served at craft weekend?

beth - i need to know where the glasses with the flowers come from. i need them in my home.

Amanda - Happy, happy birthday week! Can you do a little tutorial of how you made those lovely fabric-covered wire words, pretty please? Thanks so much sharing your world with us, whether it be a sweet little chippy paint treasure from The Barn or a tough mothering moment. You are special!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - I’d love to know that, too, please! Those would be a perfect Christmas gift for my best friend! 🙂

maggie - i, like everyone before, love reading your blog. i love all the color that you infuse in your pictures. it has made me want to use more color in my home. i would love to know more about your move to the farm and your decision to make your amazing home into the Craft home….what was your reasoning??? just curious, i think it is awesome and brave…

Libby Smith - Hi, you are so inspiring! Thank you for all you share. You are a true gift. You once blogged about your manual settings on your camera for indoor, evening photos…can’t find it???? Also, just curious in general about what settings you use for much of your photography in various settings. Thank you and Happy Birthday!

Jen - I would love to know how you decided to move and keep the CW house just for CW?? That’s amazing to me! What a blessing to be able to have a whole house, a TOTALLY COOL house, to use just for CW!!!
I think my kids would revolt if we left such a big house and moved to something smaller. How did your kids react? Although the farm life seems to suit you all just beautifully! 🙂

Andrea - Happy bday week! Judy love reading your blog!!
I’d love for you to share more about being a young mom and how you and mr. d made it through. Statistics show otherwise you seem like you have a strong healthy marriage!! I’m so intrigued with young moms as a teacher of high school kids, many of whom have gotten pregnant.

Gwen - WHERE?!?!? Did you find those flowered glasses at the top, under the photo of the red door? They are wonderful!
I am also very interested in what you to do edit your photos. What software do you use? What is your system for processing through so many photos?
Have a very Happy Birthday!

Chrissie grace - These pictures make me smile:)
Happy birthday friend!

Nicole Gjeldum - Have a great birthday! Mumford & Sons are just divine! Thanks for sharing the great pics of color and happiness!

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - Happy birthday to one of my very favorite bloggers! I love your blog so much and it never disappoints. You rock the blog! I wish you a very happy birthday. Hope it’s happy. I love the smiling quote from Elf…such a funny movie. It always makes me laugh. I would love to have you blog about any decorating you can. Your new home, the craft house or whatever…HA that’s your blog. Sorry, now I’m getting slap happy. I better go now!

mollie's mom - Happy Birthday!!! It’s MY birthday week, too 🙂 Enjoy your day and week!!! Marcie

colleen sullivan - I, for one, I am more interested in pics of the house you live in currently!
Also, i’m sure you’ve heard this before but your “spirit” is truly inspiring! and it feels very real and not faked.. so you are special! Happy Birthday!

KirstenP - Hey, Meg, you mentioned that you have to edit photos after a photo shoot. Could you tell us (or maybe show us in a video) what is involved in editing photos? Thank you.

Jennifer - I’d love to see some how you decorated your old house in Chicago… see how your style has evolved over time…
And, I’d love to know your beauty routine.

Lee Ann - Will you please come to Washington? It’s beautiful here and we can go for a run. Probably in the rain. But we runners have a chant we say before heading out in the rain, “once you’re wet you’re wet.” We repeat it over and over. And it’s true. So will you come? 🙂 Michelle Allen will run with us. I know you love her. Cuz how could you not?

Chavala - Last Craft weekend there was a pic from your trip to the barn and it had an awesome rabbit head on a plaque. Could you tell me how much it was and if its still there. My sister would LOVE it!

jenny - How many are on the “list” for craft weekend???

elma - I would love seeing more pictures of your vintage goodness and your decorating!!!

jen - Meg-are you on Pinterest?????

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monday….you are alright.

well….we packed it in this weekend again.

our saturday was ridiculous becasue of sports but it keeps us together and busy.
and that's alright with me most of the time.

annie had a soccer game first.
she was a wild woman out there!


then after annie's game we went across the street to Talby's soccer game.
it was pretty chilly….we were all wrapped up in blankets.


talby is on the far right….with all the legs.
her field was WAY bigger than annie's so it was hard to get a good picture.
so that's all i have.

then we got in the car, changed from shinguards to knee pads, drove 8 miles to talby's volleyball game.



she did great!
she's been working on her serving and it showed.

then we went home and i vegged out for awhile on pinterest.
because…that's what you do when you are tired and feel like there is a lot going on…. right???
it's what i do.

we headed out to Lauren's volleyball tournament but we were early so we went to the thrift shop real quick.

total price for both cute little quilts that will be perfect for soccer games…$2.50.

thanks mom for spotting them.

i drove through sonic because it was happy hour and….it was HAPPY HOUR. 

we went to Lauren's volleyball tournament.
had already played three games by this time but i was at the other kids' games.
so now we settled in for three more games.

it gets long waiting at games…



she played so well.
they are really fun to watch…so competitive.  

we ate a late dinner outside and it was COLD.
fall has definitely arrived in kansas.
and i love it….jeans and cardis are my favorite to wear so this week is perfect weather.

since it was cold we made a campfire by the barn. 

my mom was visiting.
and waffle is so good when he wants your food.
sits like a gentlemen…waits so nicely.

we called out "bed time!" and headed to the house.
the girls had to do a few tricks on the trampoline quickly (stalling bedtime) 
trampoline jumping at night is awesome with flash photography.  :)

and that was our saturday.

filled to the brim.


i got a great run in this morning…we even had a tagalong CUTE baby in a stroller.
she never made a peep.
it's so fun when all the girls are there.
it's been a month since we have all been together!

so…what about you?
how did your weekend go?

please tell me you at least got to do ONE thing fun that was just for you.



Sarah - I love how that baby is looking at you in that last pic! So cute. You have the same kind of weekends we have here…I am ready for a breather!

Jeannine - I spent as long as I could cuddling my 6 week old daughter.
When my husband wasn’t stealing her for cuddles of his own, that is 🙂

Jen - Love your weekend photos, Meg. Looks like fun! Here in OH we…watched our 5-year-old daughter score her first soccer goal!, flew kites, took our dog for a long walk, sidewalk chalked it up, went to church, and RELAXED. I was exhausted two Sunday nights in a row and I MADE myself slow down this weekend and it worked. I have more energy so far this week. I actually laid down and rested for an hour on Sat. afternoon. Ahhh…
Pinterest – yes. I made a new recipe last night from Pinterest. A yummy pork recipe.

Alice H - We were busy with football games and friends being over at the house. BUT I did sneak out Sunday morning when my baby, ok 2.5 year old, was napping and I went and saw Trouble with the Curve all by myself!! I cried. Great movie. Then Sunday I took all 3 of my kids to Ray Harrell Nature Park so we could be outside in the amazing weather. Then we went to dinner and then to another park to play. It is so funny when my older 2, Emilee 13 and Zackary 11, enjoy playing at the park with Colton, my 2.5 year old.

Jenny wells - Well I learned a VERY hard lesson on my way to work about stray kittens and warm engines….always check your car!! My day turned around despite having to work because I am a NICU RN and got to be in the delivery room and “catch ” a baby during a quad delivery. Pretty exciting and little baby “a” is doing just fine so it sure made
My kitten nightmare on te way there a lot better!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I want to jump inside that farmhouse and stay a while.
Our weekend? We kept a tiny baby overnight on Saturday, then returned her home Sunday and picked up two tiny baby TWINS. Baby Mania.

Lisa - Your oldest has hops! 🙂
That first picture of Annie’s face is
We had our 5 yr olds soccer game
on Saturday… Nothing cuter then
a bunch of 5 yr olds playing soccer!
And our 9 yr old’s first flag football
We have 4 kids and I am just
starting to see how busy we will be
once they all have practices and games.

Michelle From Australia - I finished researching the last of our USA trip accommodation and booked it in. Lake Tahoe, Monterey, Cambria and Santa Monica. All done and dusted. Maybe I can work in Kansas on our next trip?

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - Your busy weekends bring back memories to me. Mine aren’t as filled up as they used to be anymore as my kids are getting to be young adults. There’s good and bad to that. I did get to spend my whole Sunday afternoon and evening watching the red carpet arrivals for the Emmy Awards…that’s my thing. Watching all the glamour and prettiness. Wishing I had a beautiful dress to where somewhere 😉 Have a great week.

Tiffany - I love those quilts! My Grandmas made block quilts like that often, and we still have several of them. Made from fabric from clothing my grandparents had. (In the time of not wanting to waste a thing.) It’s fun to think of the stories those blankets hold. As for one thing for me this weekend… I watched the latest episode of Project Runway after the kids were in bed Friday night. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - i had something removed from the back of my leg… alone…. in a dr’s office… laying on my tummy… waiting patiently for the dr. to come in… i almost fell asleep. haha…i will take alone time wherever i can get it… pathetic?… sure…. but that’s a mom for you :). tracy

sue - My Hubby and i brewed beer all week end. It was fun .

Kristin S - I just re-read my comment and it sounds really snarky and sassy. That isn’t how I intended at all!
I love all your family fun/sports/hang out/real life stuff. Makes me thankful for all my friends growing up and a bit sad I didn’t get a brother until I was 16.

Kristin S - Whew, I’m exhausted from reading that. 🙂 My mom needs to call and thank me for not being involved in sports past 6th grade.
Random: I seriously think you would have to pay me $1million to put on those volleyball shorts.

Tanya - We went to a small town Fall fair and had so much fun 🙂
Then we happened upon a crazy country bargain store where I scored a ton of giant Fall mums and pumpkins for really cheap! So happy!
Sunday night family dinner was at my mom’s and we ordered Chinese food.
Great weekend.

Loni - Busy busy! Glad I’m not alone. I did escape to enjoy a pedi with a fried.

Donna - The night time stuff looks like fun! You made me miss volleyball! I used to play in high school, one sport I was pretty good at! 🙂 It looks like they kicked butt!

Jenny B. - Oh, my goodness! So many games!! I can’t imagine. Talby is playing soccer AND volleyball?? No wonder she has Wonder Woman legs. You go, girl! 🙂
My weekend was quite the opposite of yours. My husband and I went to a B&B in Branson while our boys spent the weekend with grandparents. I hit all the flea markets in the old downtown area while he sat on a bench and read his library book. The weather was perfect, and we agreed it was an ideal afternoon for both of us. I found two globes and a vintage Fisher-Price Little People school house! Yay! FUN.
LOVE your thrift store quilts. I have an old quilt top that I need to figure out how to turn into a quilt. HA. 🙂

Chris - Hi Meg! I’m wondering what kind of lense you use on your camera. Thanks!!

J - We love bonfires at this time of year! Waffle looks like such a fun dog. I’d like to have a goldendoodle. My daughter, little granddaughter and I went to a nearby state park on Saturday. The leaves were gorgeous, we had fun being together and shared lots of laughter.

Julie - Let’s see we had varsity football Friday night where the senior and the freshman played side by side! So proud! And we they played so well and almost beat the #1 team in the state.
Saturday was a lot of waiting around for my husband to get home so I could run to Wichita by myself. Went to Penny’s and got some amazing deals for all the boys, including the husband. Didn’t even look at clothes for myself. Went to Dillon’s to pick up food for 18 yr old’s birthday dinner tomorrow night. I did stop at Sonic on my way home for a cherry lime Coke just for me! Rushed home to make supper.
Sunday was church, lunch out and then a nap while husband and oldest worked ground and drilled wheat.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - holy moly! that is a weekend 🙂 i got a nice looooong nap this weekend while hubs watched the babe. we’ve got another one cooking now, so i need sleep when i can get it!

Rach - Could you please (in your spare time) box up some of your lovely cold weather and the store that prices such beautiful quilts for such reasonable prices. We could use more of both of those out here in LA LA Land.
Thanks. 🙂

Cheryl E. - Ok, I’m so jealous (in a good way) of the $2.50 quilts! That’s just craziness!
Wish my weekend was a little more exciting. Husband was out of town (AGAIN) and all I did was run errands, clean and stop kids from bickering!

Debbie S. - Early? What does that even mean?! I don’t think we’ve ever been early to anything since we’ve had kids…definitely not early enough to have to kill time shopping 🙂 I’m impressed!!!

elisa - My family loves Waffle. It’s such a thrill to watch kids improve their game isn’t it?

Kate - So glad you had a great weekend! Those quilts are a HUGE score!

Momma of 4 - Your weekend sounds miserable! I am sorry if that sounds rude. I am admittedly not a Sports Momma. My son did soccer one year and it felt like we were at practices & games non-stop. He got the trophy & I swore- never again. I joked that I should’ve gotten the trophy for all of the running I did to get him there! HA! 😉 Guess my kids won’t be getting any sports scholarships! I used to be really busy at certain times of the year with my oldest really involved in musicals, the theatre and dance. I miss it sometimes but I’m really glad my husband pointed out what a hamster wheel we were on. This weekend, it was nice here, in the mid 70’s. We went to a drive-in theatre and saw “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”-awesome movie. Saturday morning, I went consignment shopping with my girlies and then we went to visit Grandpa and made him homemade chili. Sunday, we went to church and a Fall Festival. Nothing specifically for myself but lots of family stuff. Ours seemed non-stop, too.

jackie grandy - BTW, the Waffle updates crack me up and always bring a smile to my face.

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I always love reading the weekend recaps. Weekends are crazy in our house as well with back to back soccer games, dance classes, birthday parties, it gets so exhausting. I was so exhausted from the chaos of last week that I actually fell asleep on the couch Friday evening at 7:45. How lame am I? I did do something for myself this weekend. I felt like I needed to get out and connect with nature, so I went on an amazing run in the redwoods, and it was blissful! Happy Monday!

Lisa M. - You are busy…not that you don’t know that, right? 🙂 Unlike summer, our fall weekends seem to not be as busy. It’s our weeknights that are CRAZY!! But truthfully, I’d rather have that and be able to hang out on the weekends. I’ll savor that now, cuz I’m sure it’s just a phase 🙂 Love that you’re still running! I need to get my butt out there. Tonight. I’ve already decided tonight. I just wish I had a running partner like I do a lifting partner. It’s so much better when I’m held accountable.
Great post! I always look forward to reading them. Thanks for sharing!

Lee Ann - That makes me tired just reading it! 🙂 I ran a 10k with friends. Running with friends is so much better than running alone. I have a half marathon coming up – with friends. I keep waiting for you to do a half! You can do it!!!! Seriously! I’ve never come close to running 100 miles in a month! If you can do that you can run a half. Go Meg Go!!!! 🙂

roganne - gracious you are busy!! how do you schedule all of those events and keep everything organized? i can hardly remember what i went to the grocery store for! you are super mom!

Maria - craziness here too…3 soccer games and party planning madness for sunday’s pool party extravaganza…whew…i was ready for monday…but the weekend went by way too fast…boo.
as for time for myself…nada this weekend, but I did get in a nap or two, so I guess that counts right? maybe a manicure later this week will make up for it?

Jennifer - You really scored on those baby quilts from the thrift store…love them! We had a really nice and relaxing weekend. My in-laws traveled down to stay with us–it was so nice to have them in town for a visit. They were excited to meet our new little foster baby boy for the first time.
And, let’s see… I did treat myself to a salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks last week…yippee!
I love Fall weekends…already looking forward to next weekend. 😉

Sarah - love that lauren has her volleyball jersey tucked in- you don’t see a whole lot of modesty in volleyball these days. we spent our saturday relaxing (i didn’t even get dressed til noon!!)

Susan - We had a quiet weekend. A friend slept over Friday night and we hung out most of the day on Saturday. I am so jealous of your cold weather! Right now it’s 94 degrees here in Fort Worth, TX. My daughter would love to do volley ball but she’s 12 years old and 4’6″ and I’m afraid she’s a little short! All the girls who played volley ball when I was young were tall…maybe that’s a myth!

Whitney - This weekend was amazing for me! We got some great family time and that’s the best times! The weather has been absolutly perfect here!

seriously sassy mama - I work every weekend so I can be home with my girls. My time to myself is when I am driving to and from work.

happygirl - You are a busy mama. I can’t even imagine how you do all you do. Welcome to Monday. 🙂

janet @ ordinary mom - Wow! And I feel like two kids is enough when we do back to back jiu jitsu and dance on Mondays. You have a busy bunch.
I have been going through my pinterest pins and making a list of doable ideas for the next while. I want to do 1 thing a week if I can.
Here’s hoping. 🙂
Happy Monday.

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