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Category Archives: me me me

my super fabulous weekend & a giveaway.

i spent the weekend talking my head off with Shannan.
i sure do like that girl.
she is the real dealio.
(if you haven’t watched this video on her blog you need to do it right now!)

we were trying to get a selfie on her first smart phone… it was pretty hilarious.
i wish we had video of that!

we tried to thrift shop.
stupid Siri screwed it all up for us.
she took us to closed down businesses THREE times in a row.
we felt defeated.
and i got car sick.
so we settled for TJMaxx, Homegoods & Marshalls.

photo-55photo-56check out these huge baskets?!  i was trying to show how big they are.
the left is from HG and the two right are TJM.
and the galvanized one was too fun to leave there.
i plan on using them for blankets and pillows… because my kids love to sit down on the couch and throw the pillows on the floor.
and when they stand up they just drop the blanket on the floor.
maybe it will help if there is a PLACE for these things?
i know, i know… get real right?!  at least they will be pretty when they are being properly used…by me.
i also got that running skirt. (TJM)

the whale bag is going to be the pool bag this summer. (TJM)
i could NOT believe that swimsuit fit me… i was thrilled.  and shocked.
swimsuit shopping is almost always an all day affair.
but you know how you KNOW your own body?  i saw that suit and thought… that is my kind of suit.
and it was.  (TJM)
and that rug?!! thank you for finding it for me shannan.   (HG)
AND Justin’s pb for super cheap.   i very much like that.    (HG)
photo 1during our time together we talked and talked and talked.
we ate at the same restaurant both nights because “why re-invent the wheel?”
and i even got the exact same meal.
i needed a brief get away from my little world.
and it was absolutely wonderful.

on my way home i listened to an audio book.
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
YOU GUYS… i love love LOVED it. 3i loved the book  A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
i was told Bob Goff is a character that is one of my FAVORITE parts of Donald Miller’s book.
at that point i was officially ALL IN.
i listened and smiled and teared up (happy tears) all the way home.
i enjoyed the way he describes the Jesus he knows.
and how we can find him too.
it’s not a churchy book.
it’s a Jesus book.

i am slow to catch on but each chapter starts with the phrase “i used to think _______ but now i know ______”
i think i finally noticed on chapter 18.
some of my favorites were:

“i used to think words spoken about us describe who we are, but now i know they shape who we are”

“i used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now i know you simply need to say yes”

“i used to think i could shape the circumstances around me, but now i know Jesus uses circumstances to shape me”

“i used to think God was good some of the time, now i know He’s good all of the time”

this book really made me think about how do i love people  (pretty poorly sometimes)
about what kind of life do i want to live?   (adventure over boring? yes please!)
what kind of story am i living?
what does Jesus wants me to be DO-ing?
and remember again how much HE loves me.

Bob Goff… i love you.

afterlight-5this was my view the last hour of my drive.
no words needed.

guess what?!
i bought the book intending to read it… but then realized i could listen to it on my drive so i bought it again on
so…. i have a copy of the book and i want to GIVE IT AWAY to one of you.

in the comments tell me something you used to think but now you know differently.
it can be about God… life… parenting… ndship
maybe a little challenging but i can’t wait to read your responses!

Dreamers - […] *Meg’s giving away a copy of Love Does! You should try to win it. SO GOOD. […]

debbie - I used to think people my age were OLD, but now I know that I may be older, but I am more young-at-heart than I was back then!!

Laura R. - I used to think that good parenting could solve any behavioral issue, now I know that trauma can cause pain that only time, love and the Lord can heal.

Sandy - I used to think I wasn’t smart enough to do hard things.
I now know it is smart to face hard things head on!!

Dana Heaton - I used to think homeschooling families were crazy! But I now homeschool and love it!…. I also used to think that I only wanted one child I now have four and want more! God is good! His plan is best!

Ashley - I used to think that I knew how parents should handle their children until I had my own!! 😉

The lovely one - I used to think I knew what love was, now I know what true love is when I look into the eyes of my babies.

Amber - I used to think not all my gifts could be used for God, but now I know all my gifts were put in me to glorify Him… even the crafty ones!

Southern Gal - I borrowed this book from the library and read it last fall. I loved it, too.

I used to think I had to have it all together all the time, but now I know God loves me no matter what.

Whitney R - I used to think I had to be a better person for God to
use me. But now I think he uses us just as we are, broken, hurt etc.

Abby - I used to think that nonbelievers just didn’t know God. Period. I’ve found that they may know lots about Him, but are just so broken that they can’t cling to anything as TRUTH anymore. But God is bigger, amen?

Kim Z. - I used to think I was too busy and never had any time, but now I know (after having kids) how busy and hectic life really is! A good busy!

Wow! That was so fun to think about what to put in that phrase…I’ve even thought of more! 🙂

Lisa - I used to think God was always angry with me but now I know how deeply he loves me despite all my junk. Glad you had a wknd away. I’m leaving next week to spend 2 days with my sister at a Beth Moore conference. Coming at the perfect time!

Gill - I love this blog and as an atheist I usually just gloss over all the Jesus/god/faith references and I concentrate on the beautiful photos but this post and more so the comments have left me completely alienated. More than that the unified voice of the commenters and the fundamentalist tone makes me anxious and kind of angry. I’m out.

Jennifer - I used to think that it was so important to have my house perfectly clean all the time. Now, I think it’s more important to have a house where we and our guests are comfortable!

Becky Kindel - I used to think that work came first…now I know that family does.

Hannah P - I used to think I could never impact someone’s idea of religion, because I only know “the basics.” So in theological discussions, I keep quiet. Turns out, I was relying on my own knowledge, thinking I was incapable of making a difference, when in reality, I just had to trust that God would give me the right words (which he did!)

Ellen - I used to think I had to be in control of so many things… then I realized that if I release control to God amazing things happen, especially with my kids <3

Valerie Minnich - I used to think that I needed to have grand ambitions & aspirations in order to be “successful”, now I know that what I need to do is my best in each moment as God grants it to me in the place I am now. <3

nancy - I used to think I didn’t matter, that I was not an important person to anyone. Now I know I matter to alot of people, my whole family makes me feel like I matter and that I am important to them.

Ali - I use to think moving sounded exciting but, now I KNOW its a lot of hardwork and exhausting (but, worth it) !!!

robin - I used to think there was really nothing my x-husband could do to make amends for the past, however I was wrong. He has done acts of kindness for me recently and God gave me this word “recompense”. Praise God for healing hearts.

Nancy H - I used to think I was weak and incapable, but after having my husband just walk out and leave our little family to be with another woman, I know that I am so strong.

Vicki - I used to think idle talk (aka, gossip) had its moments of fun. Now I know it hurts everyone, both the gossiper and the gossiped-about.

beth - I used to think I had to try to be perfect, now I know (still learning sometimes) it’s OK to not be and perfection is only Jesus!

grace - i used to think brussel sprouts were gross, but now i can’t have enough of them!! (i eat some every day these days…)

Tanya - I used to think hard roads meant that I was doing something wrong. Now I know that the hard is for the shaping and the growing and the story that will bring glory to the author of it all.

*P.S. I don’t want the book because I have it already and have already passed it on because IT’S THAT GOOD.*

Amber - As a teacher, I used to “know” what it was like to be them. Then, one of “them” stayed with us and told me his family dried off with the shirts they wore and blankets they slept with.

I’ll never “know.”

P.S. Came over from FPFG because she said I needed to add this book to my waiting Amazon cart!

Rita - I used to think that bad things only happened to other people. I now know that anything can happen to anyone, and it’s how much I lean on The Lord during those tough times that’s going to get me through. I’m leaning pretty hard right now.

Mandy - I used to think that raising kids would be simple. All it would take is snuggling, discipline and reading 1400 parenting books so that I would know it all. Now I realize (almost 5 years and 3 boys in) that all it takes is Jesus. Every minute of every day. Thankful for Lamentations 3:22-24

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.

Melissa - I used to think I knew the RIGHT way to parent, but know I know that great parenting looks different every day.

Sarah - I used to think…but now I don’t.

Jen Smith - i used to think i’d be young forever but now i know that growing old isn’t so bad and it certainly beats the alternative.

Beth Davis - I used to think I understood death but after losing my dad. I know that I don’t need to because God”s got it his.

tara - I used to think I had to be good enough to be loved.
I’m learning that I can be loved the way that I am.

pam - I used to think it might be easier to not love someone than to love them and walk through suffering, messiness and hurt. But now I realize the blessing of loving far outweighs the suffering and loss.

I loved that book. I read it on the plane home from South Africa last year.

Lelia - I used to think I knew a lot, now I know that I have a lot to learn!

Laura - I used to think that it was about how good I could be or feel or act or speak. Now I know it is all about Him – all He does shows His character and how He feels about me. We are loved.

Jeannine Spivak - I used to think I chose Christ…now I know He chose me, in spite of me! I’m still trying to get my head around such Grace.

K - I used to think God answered prayers in direct ways…clear ways. Now I know that we sometimes have to LOOK for the answers and we will always find them. 🙂 Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Jennifer C. - I used to think that my husband being called into the ministry as a preacher was the worst possible fate I could have been handed, now I know that it was actually God’s calling on my life to be a preacher’s wife.

PAM WINN - I used to think I was teaching children, but now I know I am loving them.

So much has changed in the 19 years I have been teaching. I have changed- married, had children, divorced, remarried, had another child….. I have grown. I have felt hurt and I have known being scared about life and I have loved and I have lost. All of these things made me a better, more informed teacher. Because of the struggles I have had I am more aware of the struggles of my students. Additionally my students have changed over the past 19 years. I know many of them have great lives, but more and more of them do not. They come from homes where parents cannot help or do not want to help them with their schoolwork. Families lose their jobs. Families are poor. Families are homeless. Families are scared and sometimes the last thing on their mind is school or their child. Please remember what I am describing is not all children and families, but I see more and more families like this each year. I will never know all the burdens in the lives of my young students but I pray every day that them knowing I love them and I care for them and I worry about them- I pray that will lift their burdens just a little.

I used to think I was teaching children, but now I know I am loving them.

kas - Hi!
Please don’t add me to the drawing but I wanted to say BOB GOFF is totally AWESOME!! We saw him speak last year at the Global Leadership Summit and completely fell in love with him. His ideas about the do-ing of Jesus’ work has opened so many paths for us in the past year and we’ve been so happy to support Restore International since becoming acquainted with him. Go Bob Go!!

Jenn - I used to think I was pretty selfless and put others first…then I got married and realized I am way more selfish than I realized. I realized I need Gods grace and my husbands forgiveness daily!

Vicki - I used to think that I had to have my life all in order to be used by God, HA!!! If that was the case none of us would ever be ready!

Andrea - I used to think I had to do everything exactly right to raise “good kids,” now I know I just need to love the stuffing out of them, do my best, and God is in charge. (He’s doing really well!)

Nicole Stone - I used to think that I would never have a healthy, loving relationship with my mom, and now I know that God makes all things new and can redeem even the most broken of relationships.

Debra @ MsMoozys Open House - I used to think I was not good enough to help God in his works but now I know that I am and now I just need to make sure I LISTEN when He is talking.

This would be awesome to win and thank you for sharing with us today. 🙂

Sara - you know? I used to think two funny things: one was that God never listened to me and one day I just forget Him. And the other was that my family was broken for a loooooong time because my biological father left us when I was 3… Then my “real” father appeared and I loved him a lot but he died a few years after so I kept thinking our family wasn’t a family… But now I know that we are a family because we love each other like crazy! 🙂 It’s not a normal family (just my mom, my sister and I) but which one is? And I’ve learned God is always hearing us, loving us and keeping us safe in his arms. Me, my family and all the people I love, because I pray for them.

Just wanted to tell you that I’ve been following your lovely blog for quite a long time now and I’ve learned lots and lots of things and not meaning just craft stuff 🙂

Ramey H - I used to think that having kids wouldn’t change our life very much–HA!!

Terri Upton - I used to think everything had to be perfect but now I know it is better to stop and smell the roses and to enjoy the journey.

Becca - Oh I could write a book (except apparently someone already did ha) of all the things I used to think but now I know differently. Mostly, I used to think I had a lot of the answers, and now I’m realizing I’m only just beginning to learn the questions.

jennifer - I used to think there was one, standard, acceptable way to do things. (My dad’s way.) And since I’ve been married for 10 years, my husband, who is exceedingly smart yet gracious, has shown me that there can be multiple ways to do anything. And all of them could be correct and effective.

Trish - I used to think that my mistakes defined me, now I know that God is a God of second chances and wants to use my mistakes for his purpose.

Crazy thing is you are the third person in two days that has been talking about that book…..

Heather - FFG looks like she has a bob cut in the selfie picture. Shannon get a bob!! You look super chic and down right hip!!!

Tobi - I used to think I could keep everything under control. Now I know that’s not my job!

Tami Sickels - I used to think I had to have the perfect, clean house and total organization for me to be able to minister and serve others in my home now I know God uses even the most unorganized and messiest of houses to show people His love. (It’s a good thing I know this because now I have 5 kids.)

Jane - I used to think that the old testament was about people who lived many many years ago, but last night at bible study I learnt that it teaches us that we all fail in the same way, we worship created things and blessings in our lives rather than the creator and source of all blessing. Gosh God has such abundant patience with me!! I would love to read this book, sounds as though it would be good in continuing this process of shifting my mindset in a number of different ways!

PS I don’t even know you but WOW your legs are fabulous!

Carla - I used to think a Jesus-lover looked a certain way. Now I know there is so much beauty in all of us looking so wonderfully different.

Shannon - I used to think that I knew what was best for my life. Now I know God knows best

Lisa - I used to think I could earn God’s favor, but now I know it’s ALL grace! Good news, for sure!

Janna - I used to think that ignorance was bliss…..not I know it’s just that you are uneducated. Believe me – I wish I could go back to blissful ignorance with my eating and health – but when you get knocked on your butt by health problems you don’t get that choice anymore. I wish ppl without health problems would get educated BEFORE they HAD to so they could save their health!!! Whole foods and no grains baby;) Thanks for the chance to win! And wow you do have nice legs! No, I’m not bein creepy:) You have worked hard for them!

Sara - I used to think my children would never have snotty noses, would always be cutely dressed and would never throw tantrums in public, but now I know better and I love them still. And, even though I am not perfect, I know that God still loves me too!

Megan - I used to think that life was a competition against others that I needed to win, now I think that life is a cooperative journey, each of us doing the best we can.

Amy Woods - I used to think I couldn’t do this or that, or be this or that because of the “hand life had dealt me.” Now I’m learning through God I can live above my circumstances. 🙂

elizabeth H - I used to think “i always fell short. the Father was displeased with something i was doing…i could never do ____ good enough.
I can’t be enough.”
Daily, i look at Him & hear that He says “You are righteous. You don’t have to do ____. I’ve redeemed you. I call you MINE. nothing you can do can make me love you more ~ nothing you DON’T do will cause me to love you less.”


Heidi Henderson - I use to think that my kids would all grow up and live long, I now know that life takes over and we are not promised that and something can happen to your child to shorten there life and you can do nothing.

debi - I used to think taking care of yourself as a mom was selfish but I know now that you need to for yourself as well as your family. Whatever that feeds your soul whether it be reading, crafting, paddle boarding, alone time, girlfriend time etc.

C - I used to think I had the ability to “just be patient,” and other things when parenting… duh, I NEED the Lord’s help BIG time!

Nicole - I used to think that questioning my faith stemmed from spiritual immaturity, but now I know that my inability to understand every facet of Christianity, yet loving Jesus regardless of my comprehension of dogma, is just how my faith looks…imperfect, just like me.

Linda R. - I used to think parenting was fairly simple and easy. Then I had three kids and now I have no idea what I’m doing. 🙂

Jenn - that there isn’t just one way to parent.

Sue - I used to think “things will slow down tomorrow and I will be able to spend quality time with the Lord then”. Now I know that is a lie. God isn’t wanting the perfect Quiet Time but a relationship, and a conversation that goes on all day, throughout the mess and busyness. He doesn’t want perfection, he just wants me.

Wendy C - I used to believe that I was doing my family a disservice by not being there all the time for them, but now I know that I am a better wife, mom, person when I spend some quality alone time (or getaway weekends with a friend) to recharge. Good for you – love all your purchases. You inspired me to hit my Marshall’s this week. I found so many fun finds and felt recharged after a quiet hour to myself!

Shannon - I used to think taking a Sabbath was something outdated. As my kids are growing older and as a working mom I’m learning everyday that taking a Sabbath is needed not just for me but for our family.

becky j - WOW..this book sounds like a MUST read…I used to think certain things didn’t happen to Jesus girls…like miscarriages, root canals and broken dreams…NOW I know the rain falls on us all..BUT Jesus holds our hands through it and weaves it into something gorgeous at the end!! Thanks Meg..xo

staci torgerson - I used to think I was just a plain, unimportant daughter to my earthly parents. Now I know I’m a daughter of the King and He delights in me.

Maryellen - I used to think having many friends was my goal, but now I know one or two great friends is ideal. Would love to read this book!

Tracy L - I used to think I was too weak, and too scared honestly, to get out there and run, now I know I was so very wrong, I can do it annnnd love it at the same time! Bonus– I’ve never felt better!

Laura Williams - I used to think I knew how to pray. There is no wrong way, right? It wasn’t until my Dad was dying that I figured out I was asking for the wrong things. I changed my way of thinking and my prayers were answered. Deep stuff 🙂

Tiffany Gardner - I used to think homeschooling families were CRAZY. Honestly… I kinda still think that…and this August… We will be a homeschooling family. Seriously… in college, I did my applied speech over the top 10 reasons not to homeschool. So funny of God to lead me to do what I said I would never do. It wasn’t that I wasn’t familiar with the idea.. my husband and his siblings were homeschooled. Honestly… I just didn’t understand it. I felt the Lord leading us to do this when my 10 year old went to pre-k. Every year as my kids have gone on to another grade .. I think.. I know, I know… next year, Lord, next year I will do it. Finally… something sparked in me this year to be brave. Listen… I am SCARED to death. I will have a 5th grade boy, a 3rd grade girl and a 3 year old. SCARY. But … I finally told God.. ok. I am ready to try this. I am so grateful the Lord has been patient with me. I just didn’t want to be at my son’s high school graduation and be thinking I wish I would have tried. I wonder what we missed??? So in August… I will be brave. I will be crazy. I will homeschool my kids.

Shar Y - I used to think if I didn’t say bad things like criticism or slander out loud that it was ok. You know, okay, just to think it but don’t say it. But, guess what? God hears me anyway, thinking those bad thoughts or criticizing or cursing, etc. And, I was literally shocked to the core when I realized how often I do that. So, I take it one day at a time and try to redirect my thoughts to nicer things. And, remember, God is listening…

Shawna - I used to think God was good some of the time and now I know God is good all the time.

Meredith W. - I used to think vegetables were gross. Now I know they’re the yummiest food to eat. 🙂

Kim - I used to think my kids had to be perfect (do things), but now I know they are perfect just the way God made them.

Marjie - I used to think God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle…..Now I know he will give me more than I can handle to ensure I rely on him!

Teri - I used to think I had to be all for everyone, now I know better.

Robin Canter - I used to be very judgmental and I know the Bible says I will be judged by the same measure I judge others. Ouch. I’m a work in progress.

Martha - I use to think life was hard, God made it easier

karen - I use to think I needed to fit into a certain mold – act a certain way, look a certain way, be the busiest – work the longest hours. Then I had a health scare that set me on a different course about 6 months ago. Now I find time for me, make time for friends, have date night with my hubby more – and I am so much happier.

Margie Rowles - I use to think that I knew everything…but now I realize that I learn something new almost every day!

Tina - I used to think that I wasn’t for God if I supported my sister’s gay life style. Loving on my sister makes me for God!!

Christine - I used to think God tolerated me, but now I know God is crazy about me.

Rhonda F - I used to think I was too old or not smart enough to get into nursing school. But now I know neither are true! I am an honor student starting nursing school in January! God is Good!

katie p - I used to think that the Lord kept a list of my wrongs, but I know now that he loves me no matter what I do or don’t do and that there’s no list!

Heather - I used to think I had learned to accept myself in my 20s and become comfortable in my skin….until I became a mom at 38…and the battle of insecurity rolled again…

Jenny - I used to think no one should ever let their children wear costumes out shopping, then I became a mommy and quite regularly we are a mix of pirates, superheros, princesses and cowboys complete with capes, masks, feather boas and tutu’s 🙂

Rebekah - I used to think parenting couldn’t be that hard at all….now, well, all of us moms know the truth. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Jenny B. - Mine is totally not spiritual, or even thought-provoking. It’s just what popped into my head… I used to think I wanted to live in Alaska (I blame the TV show “Northern Exposure”), but now I know I really don’t like cold weather. Nope. I don’t. 🙂

Lisa - I used to think I could keep my world tidy and in control. Now I know there is beauty and hilarity in the chaos and messiness of my life!

april R - Wow! these comments are so inspiring – I love Dara and Gretchen’s.
I used to think that I had all the time in the world…that I would accomplish those dreams “someday”…but now I see that there’s today and I shouldn’t put things off for “someday”
(thanks Meg, really, thanks)

Christy - I used to think my girls would remember every wrong thing I’ve done while parenting themt, now I know/continue to hope that they will see that the decisions I’ve made (no matter how they turned out) were rooted in a fierce love for them.

Sarah Moske - I used to think that I wasnt strong….but now I know I am 🙂

Christy S - I used to think parenting was somewhat easy and then I had kids.

s - I used to think you had to travel and do big,cool things to have a wonderful, meaningful, worthwhile life..and now I know that a life worth living can be one lived right here at home as long as it is filled with love, kindness, giving, hard work and lots and lots of laughter.

Melissa - I used to think I wanted the kids to grow and now I just want time to stop.

Laura - I used to think that people who are really close to God did not make terrible mistakes, now I know that (like David) we are still human.

Jamie - I used to think that guacamole was this weird green stuff but now I know it’s actually awesomely yummy! I have heard great things about this book and it’s on my ‘to read’ list. 🙂

Erin - I used to think I was never going to get the chance to be a mother, now I know God was just waiting for the perfect baby to be placed with me.

Jaime - I used to think guacamole was this weird green stuff but now I know it’s awesomely yummy and my new favorite food! 🙂 I have heard great things about this book! Now, I need to read it.

Mary Elizabeth Brown - I use to THINK that God’s grace was conditional, but now I KNOW God’s grace is given in all conditions.

Tonya Upton - I used to think that God (and others) loved me because of all the things I do for them, now I know they love me in spite of the things I do to them.

Rae - I used to think life would be easy when my kids reached xx age. Now I know it’s just different.

Julie - i used to think that good parenting produced good children. now i know that’s not how it works. humans are sinful, humans make choices, humans reject right teaching, our hearts are bent on doing evil. sad thoughts, but it is truth. also takes a *tiny* bit of pressure off as a parent.

Marla - I used to think I should be in control….now I believe its best that God’s in control

Jill Helman - I used to think my worth came from what others thought of me or what I was doing but now I know that I am worthy because God loves me and created me.

Brenna - I used to think that my past defined me, but now I know that God doesn’t even have a record of those mistakes. What a life-giving blessing.

jennibell - I used to think I could “do it all” (wife, mom, teacher, daughter, sister, aunt, coach, etc.) but now know that it’s impossible and I have to look to Him for His direction in my life. And then DO it well (instead of *everything*).

Amy - I used to think I’d NEVER let my kids watch tv. Then I had kids…and needed to get one or two things DONE in my day. A half hour or hour of Elmo isn’t going to kill them.

Momma Bug - I used to think that wanting to do “big” things for God was a noble aspiration. Now I know that faithfully doing the small insignificant things over and over just because I love Jesus and He wants my friendship every day… is what it’s all about.

Meg, I have so enjoyed your blog over the years and loved your vibrant use of color, your lovely photos, your sincere heart…
Thank you.


Jan - I used to think my house needed to be perfect before inviting people in; now I know that hospitality is really an attitude that is more about the people than the place.

Barbara (WA) - I used to think that my emotions needed to be smooshed and never shared, never. Stiff upper lip stuff. I have found great freedom embracing all my emotions – none of them are wrong. They are human!

Heather F - I used to think that I had to keep changing things about myself to live a better life, but now I believe that I am fine just the way I am. Why change when I’m already so awesome! 🙂

Heather S. - I used to think I had to have all the answers before God could use me. Now I know that all I have to do is make myself available and God will give me the answers I need when I need them.

Seamingly Sarah - I used to think my children wouldn’t see my bad habits (temper) but now I know they are true unrelenting reflections of me and I need to shape up and start reflecting a more patient and loving heart.

Tracey Garcia - What nice legs you have!

Heidi Durant - Thinking differently: talking to s trangers. You know that old rule we were taught as children? ! While yes, I still tell my children NOT to talk to strangers, I myself do talk. I have really gone out of my comfort zone to do so. I don’t consider myself shy, once you get to know me. But now, I jump into conversations with strangers ALL the time. It is so fun. New friends. Awkward looks. And laughs had by all.

tonya - i used to think i’d never allow myself to slack off on my end of my relationship with Jesus, but now i know slacking off has pushed me further away from the most important thing, Jesus…and he’s still there just waiting for me to get my crap together.

btw…you’re totally rockin’ that running skirt, sister!

Jennifer R. - I use to think that the saying was “nip it in the butt”. My BFF (when we met just 7 yrs ago) corrected me. I now know it’s “nip it in the bud”. I am, however, still trying to figure out “buck naked” or “butt naked”! Anyone?

Jenn - I used to think that the days with my babies were long, but now I know that the years were too short. Savor the time with your wee ones!!

Chelsea - I used to think that my kids were the only ones who threw the couch pillows on the floor and left their blankets strewn all over when they were done with them. I’ve just had a light bulb moment…. I’m going to arrange all the pillows beautifully on the floor and see if they notice, maybe they will even pick them up and put them back on the couch. Parenting is just one experiment after another 🙂

Katie - One more thing- could you share the source for your kitchen island pendant lights? They are great! Better yet- please come style my home!

Amy S. - I used to think I had to go to another country to do mission work but I know I can do it here in the states too!

Katie - Love the bathing suit! Just bought the same one at TJ a few weeks ago. I used to think you needed the perfect way to tell people about Jesus and how his loves changes us. Now know it can come out of you in so many ways and you don’t need the perfect words or story. You just need to be yourself and ask God to work though you.

Amber - I used to think God cared for me from lofty heights above, now I know that He cares deeply for me right here. : )

Leslie Leon - I use to think I had to do everything, say yes, and be involved in everything to be a good parent/wife/friend now I know I need to spend time being more intentional and connecting with friends and family.

momoftwo - I used to think I had to do it all myself but now I know that I can lean on God and others.

Shannon - I used to think that how I reacted to life wasn’t my choice, but now that I choose positive attitudes I am so much happier with the life God has given me!

Joy - I used to think that I had to have “it” altogether, but now I know that my imperfections are quirky and beautiful and sharing mine give others freedom to be okay with theirs.

Sheila - I used to think eveyone was looking at me, now I know they don’t even see me.

Sandy - I used to thing going to church on Sunday was the norm now I know that Sabbath, like the 4th Commandment, is on Saturday!

Sara Torbett - I used to think I was weird or out of place for loving art and photography so much. Now I know it’s exactly who God made me to be and I’m proud of that.

Katie Merrill - I used to think life just happened to me, but now I know that I can make life happen.

Laura Oyler - I used to think that Jesus loves other people more than He loves me, now I know that He loves me just as much as everybody else!

Amanda - I used to consume myself with having “good kids”. I read this quote this week: “Don’t let yourself be so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one”
After reading that I knew it was such a true statement. 🙂
I’ve heard great stories about this book!

Wendy - I used to think if I put a BIG hamper in the bathroom it would matter, but now I know it’s useless.

Kathi - I used to think monsters lived under my bed, but now I know it’s just bunnies 🙂

debbie - I used to think I was a bad person (or wife, or mother), if I had a bad (aka..grumpy) day. Now I know I am human, and God does not love me any less when I have those days.

Ruth Umney - I used to think that I was not good enough, now I know that God has an amazing purpose just for me, and He is working it ALL out in His timing, not mine!!!
I do so love your blog!!! xxx

chrissi - i used to think things would change but now i know that i had to change. made all the difference.

stephanie - I used to think I had all the answers, but now I know only God does.

Cassie Spencer - Money makes you happy. Not true! After my hubby lost his job a few years ago a well paying one and our life was turned upside down. Almost losing our house and having to downsize everything. He is now back to making more than he was before. Going through the tight times made me much more thankful for all we do have and my little family. And to focus on moments and people not things.

Erin - I used to think that my identity is something I had to create. Now I know my identity is found in Christ!

kelly s - I already have the book and LOVED IT beyond words. I laughed OUT LOUD, loud, many many times. I just loved it. And it backs up with I already know to be true. LOVE DOES. It is a VERB. An action word, and I want to love verbally (I made up that word)….I LOVED this book. I want more just like this.

Laura - I used to think I needed to follow all of God’s rules, but now I know he loves me and others regardless and he desires a relationship.

layla bb solms - I used to think that “things and stuff” would make me happy, but now I know (and remind myself daily) that only Jesus’ love and grace can do that.

just for fun …

I used to think I liked sweetened, syrupy, lattes, but now I know that the best drink of all is the Café (con) Miel from The Abbey Coffee.

Janice H - I used to think loving on people, volunteering and helping others benefited the people receiving. After a month long mission trip to a kids camp in Albania, now I know that it is far more beneficial for me. What you learn from people who are living totally different from yourself is astonishing and totally enlightening. 🙂

Sarah - I used to think my mom knew everything about being a mother, now (being a mama) I know that she was just really good at hiding her uncertainty!

Jessy - For me, I used to think being a mother wasn’t enough for the kingdom. How was I supposed to be used by God if I’m home all day everyday with my children. I now know without a shadow of doubt that my children are my calling. My four year old and I have many discussions about who Christ is and what he asks of us.

Sabrina - Before I had children, I had all the answers on how to raise them the “right” way. And then I had children… Everything is turned upside down from what I thought was the right way. Each child is so different and there is no one right way for raising them.

Maegan C - I used to think I always needed a plan for life to be successful, now I know I just need faith and a good attitude!

Kelli - I used to think that I was alone and not part of a community until the last 3-4 months that I found a new church which is now my family. I have friends and family as well as a living God who love me beyond words.

Sarah{Handbags*and*Pigtails} - I was raised to believe(“used to think”) that hospitality meant that every square inch of your home HAD TO look magazine perfect before anyone could be invited in. Growing up with that kind of “stress” makes you realize you dont want to be like that when you have your own home. So Ive had to “re-learn” that hospitality is no such thing-its about the other person/people…inviting them in(no matter what the house looks like) and being real with them…and in turn allowing them to be real with you…in your authentic space. I just realized Id really changed my mentality about all this a few weeks ago- we were expecting guests from Virginia(we’re in NY) for a week and they’d emailed a certain time they would arrive. I hadn’t showered or changed(or even put my bra on) all morning bc I was doing last minute things. Well, long story short, they showed up EARLY and there I was in my bathrobe, no bra…and the only thing I could say to them was “well, at least I brushed my teeth! Come on in!” What a humbling moment! If I told my mother that story she’d probably die. But Ive learned to say “oh well! Come on in!”

Stephanie C - I used to think I wasn’t good at ANYTHING. Now I know God is working to show me the gifts he gave me.

mandy - I used to think I’d be a sweet, patient mom, with sweet, obedient kids…then I became a mom 😉

Jennifer P - Sounds like a perfect weekend!

I used to think I had to meet other people’s (and my own, yikes!) expectations, but now I know that God says I am already enough

🙂 I learned this recently and it has CHANGED my LIFE!

Michelle Whitlow - I used to think I couldn’t control how people treat me but now I know it’s my actions & choices in life have a big impact on how I allow others to treat me.

Btw, LOVE that swimsuit!!! I’ve been looking for one like that. I hate swimsuit shopping. Just bought one at Target and it’s going back 🙁

Jennifer B. - Love the baskets and the cute swimsuit! Isn’t it nice to get away AND have a retail therapy trip? I did that with a friend last week, and I felt SOOO great afterward! I loved the “Million Miles” book. This one sounds interesting too. “I used to think life would get easier as you got older but now I know that you’re thrown challenges no matter what age you are!”

martha - I used to think that I was to old (50+) to “start over” but with Jesus in my life I know it’s never too late to change! He’s right here with me…I couldn’t do it without Him!

Lee Johnson - Hmmmmm, that book looks and sounds familiar! Yep! it is in my pile of books to read . . . . I had the privilege of hearing him speak and had to have his book. It will go on the top of the pile. I used to think that Grandmothers were OLD but now that I am one, they aren’t! My necklace that I got at the Craft Weekend says, “Act old later.”

Kristin S - Look at your gorgeous legs!!!!

Love that swimsuit too. Totally adorable yet age-appropriate.

Cathy - I used to think of my self as less, now I think of my self less

Sarah M - I used to think I had to have all my crap together and be supermom in order to have value, I now know having Jesus be my focus makes those other things moot.

Mickie - I loved everything about this post including the baskets and swimsuit! And, the idea of taking a little break from our regular life. I could use one of those too… And I love books like this so here goes: I used to think I would be in control and teach everything to my son. I now know that God is in control and being Jackson’s mom is teaching me way more about myself than I ever thought possible. Sometimes those lessons are hard and as I say “it’s not for sissies” but I now know this is part of God’s way bigger plan for me than I could have ever imagined for myself.

Rachel S - This book sounds great and I’m glad you had so much fun with a friend. I used to think that I would be in those diaper-changing, busy toddler days forever. Now I know that in a blink of an eye, those little toddlers grow up and the first one is soon to graduate. I’m so thankful that God blessed me to be able to stay home with my kids those early years and I’m so thankful for the wonderful grown-up kids they have turned out to be. God bless!

Julie A - God has been telling me lately that He has it all figured out. That I can lean on Him, and trust His timing, even though it’s soooo hard. He’s provided those little bits of encouragement, just when I need them! BTW, I love your running skirt, too. 🙂

Molly B - I used to think my life was hard but now i think with Jesus I can do anything.

Jessica - I used to think that God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle. I even used to say this to people who were facing a trial :/. Now I know that He doesn’t give me more than he can see me through. I totally CAN’T handle it. HE can.

Gina - I used to think the word “s*#t” displeased God, now I know it doesn’t. How silly, right? I don’t know why I thought of that first. Guess it was the funny story my son told me. 😛

Sandra K - This is a funny one:
I used to think that if I ever had a daughter, her hair would always be perfectly styled, neat and tidy and she’d look like she walked out of GapKids everyday…
but now I know that days get busy, hair gets messy and sometimes she wants to express her style and own creativity through her clothes. 🙂

GB Jost - I used to think God waited in heaven watching and waiting for me to screw up. Now I understand he loves me and just wants me to be willing–not perfect.

Amber Treat - I used to think that if something was hard, it meant I shouldn’t do it. Now I know that sometimes doing a hard thing brings out the best in me.

Candice - I used to think that if my life was problem-free I was in God’s favor, if it was problem-ful I was out of God’s favor; now I know that he uses it all for good and my life circumstances will never change how he loves me.

Melissa - Where did you get that suit? LOve it have a similar one from last year but that color is soooo pretty! I also love your running skirt and super cute Shannon

Marlie B - I used to think I was nobody but now I know I am somebody because I am a child of God!

Leslie - I used to think that once my kids were past the baby stage I wouldn’t worry so much, but now I see that the older they get the more things there are you just can’t control. But with Jesus I’m trying to replace worry with prayers and faith. I’m sure this book would be an awesome read.

Alexis K - I used to think it was about making the most money, now I know it’s instead about His gifts that don’t cost a thing. Just love, faith and obedience.

Julie W - I used to think I couldn’t do scary things by myself; like drive over 400 miles to a place I’ve never been, to spend a weekend with a bunch of ladies I’ve never met. But now I know, even though I was nervous, scared to death, and my hands were ice cold and sweaty at the same time, I can…and did…and had the time of my life…with you, Meg, and Kimberlee, and Ashley Ann, and Megan, and a whole bunch of other amazing ladies! I’d do it again in a heartbeat!

Tricia - I used to think I was a pretty good role model for my children, but now I know they behave the way they do because I do the same behaviors…now that I’ve looked in the mirror. I need to do a 180 if I want to see some changes. I need to asap…

Michelle - I used to think being a good parent meant raising perfect children. Now I know that being a good parent means celebrating the perfectly imperfect children that you raise.

Molly - I used to think i had the perfect plan for my life, now i know that god’s plan is way better.

Marcia - I have been looking for baskets JUST LIKE those for our “Florida Room” … as a busy full-time working mama I am wondering if you can tell me where you got them – TJ Maxx or Home Goods … I would love to hit ONE place not both. Thanks so much! 🙂

Tracy - I used to think i could “train” my kids to put their stuff away…and put the pillows back on the couch….and fold the blankets….haha!!

Jenn - All good stuff! I wish we had a Homegoods….one day!

Not that long ago I use to think I had to do everything for my kids, home (keeping it clean) and school (volunteering too much), now I’m not saying I still don’t think that I should from time to time, but I now know that I don’t have to. They will not remember that I volunteered to do the yearbook, or the decorations at the carnival. They will remember that I was there and that doesn’t mean I have to kill myself volunteering for everything. They won’t remember the house wasn’t spotless, they will remember going to the park or getting snow-cones. Its hard and there are many more things that I’m sure I can think of if given the time. But that’s what’s great about getting older and experiencing life. You learn not to think so much and to just know its going to be ok. And I’m ok with that.

Gretchen N. - I used to think that loving & following God meant I had to give up things, but now I know it’s really about everything I gain!

Maureen S - I used to think that 40 was old…now I know when you’re 40 you feel like you’re 30. Age is only a state of mind. I do like that time has given me the advantage of knowing myself better. I dont mind telling people my age…I’ve earned it:)

Toni :O) - I used to think I lived in a safe area but now I know that is untrue since having my home broken into a few months ago. It’s very unsettling, I hope to get that settled feeling back someday.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I used to think it was possible to eat too many red beet salads. Now I know there is NO LIMIT!

ps- I meant to tell you that I’ve always thought you had the best legs. But that seemed…creepy. But it’s true and your picture reminded me. Bye.

Dara Miller - I used to think that I was not good enough.. now I KNOW that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. Praise GOD!

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it was a big week

oh my goodness we are tired.
but we are IN the new house!!!
my sons helped craig move every single thing.
this was a practice round a few days before the actual move… putting the fridge in the garage so there was room for the countertop guys to work.IMG_5874IMG_5879
they did a really nice job… and they were very talkative.  🙂
we choose quartz countertops.  These are LG brand and the color is Cirrus.
it was the least busy of whites with gray that i liked.
and the least green hues in the gray.

IMG_5882photo 1photo 3
the backsplash is sheets of 2×4 inch subway tile from home depot.
they had the same thing at lowes and menards but HD was the lowest price.
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craig worked so hard this last month.
it makes me tired just thinking about how much he has physically done.
he is a hard worker at everything he does.
i think i could be the luckiest girl in the world.
(and it’s his birthday today!)
and then it was time to move!
we had no school on friday and so we moved that day.
the girls and i stayed at the old house all day packing up anything that was in each room.
the boys and craig loaded and unloaded.

we were treated to lunch and dinner by friends and family.
it was so nice to not have to think about that in the day at all.
that was awesome.IMG_5948
these muscles got worked out big time all day friday AND saturday.
i am just SO PROUD of these guys.
those boys of mine are strong!

the chickens will be moving later this week… everyone has been asking.
but moving a chicken coop and chickens is not the easiest thing to do.  IMG_5966
last family picture at the farm house.
we really will miss it.    we loved it out here.
waffle and stanley were totally in the way and being total spazs.
they were just so excited and confused.

this was what i started with….as long as this area was set up then i was all good.
the tile was grouted in white on friday morning as we moved in.
also the doors and drawers were installed as we moved in.

pizza hut for dinner on saturday after another full day of work.
first time ever we did not have left overs.
they were hungry!  ha ha ha

we slept in the new house on friday night.
the four kids slept on mattresses in the basement… all together by choice.
they were talking and laughing till midnight.
it was such a fun day for them too.

sunday we met up with craig’s side of the family for Easter brunch after church.
it was so nice to take a break from moving and organizing and WORK to sit and worship at church.
i kept sighing during the service.
in  a good way.
loved by jesus.  saved by jesus.  thankful for jesus.  in love with jesus.
happy to be there.  happy to be done with the move.  happy that my family was all together.
just happy.
and we were all able to find clothes to leave the house!
i wore the same thing i wore last sunday because i knew where it was and i didn’t have to think.

and now this week is all the clean up.
clean up the old house…. clean up the new house… continue to unpack… find places for everything.


rebecca - I just reread this…I LOVE a front-facing kitchen!

Andrea - So glad to see that the move has gone well!!!! I love unpacking….finding a spot for everything! Have fun putting this new house together! Can’t wait to see more pictures and hear how the chickens move goes!

Katie - Your house looks wonderful! Could you share the source for the pendant lights over the island? They are great!

Karina - I am loving your new house decor choices and will eagerly check back for more detailed info when you have time to update us…I am also curious about the 21 Day Fix and will look into it. Congratulations on the move and Happy Birthday to your husband!

Sara - Meg, I have followed your blog for years and years. I am so happy for your family as you start in this new house! What a fresh start! I look up to you and Craig as you parent your children well. And you look fabulous!! XO

Julie - Hi Meg! Your new place is great ~ love the coffee station. 🙂 I can’t believe it has been a year since Kristen and I were privileged to attend CW. We went to a “Be Crafty” event in Tempe, AZ last month and were FAMOUS at our table because we’d been to CW ~ so fun! 🙂 Hope you are well.

Meredith - Congratulations on so many levels!
Beautiful home;
Strong, healthy, grateful kids;
Awesome husband {happy b’day Craig};
Sustaining faith and
Wow, do you look trim, taut & terrific:)
Looking forward to following your adventures in your new nest. M xo

cyndiloohoo - congratulations on the move and new home. from the pics I can really tell you have lost weight.

Ryan - Oh my…..your family pic at the farm house gave me goose bumps and brought tears to my eyes! Weird, I know, right! 🙂 And YOU my lady look awesome in those little spandex pants. I thought it was one of your older girls at first!! Good job on the 21 day/running thing!!

Rach - All I can think of is how much I loathe painting ceilings. Good job Craig! Cheers to you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh I so love that new house. Love the way you are decorating it. I know moving was hard but it sure looks like there was some great memory making.

Erin - The new kitchen looks amazing!!! We have the exact same tile in our kitchen, great choice 🙂

Sara - It’s been amazing to see how quickly you guys have renovated the kitchen, painted, removed a wall, and moved!! Whirlwind! And a Craft Weekend thrown in there too! I admire your capacity to work so hard and make so much happen. The Duerksen family gathers no moss! It’s funny to not know you at all yet so enjoy following along with your family. You’re the kind of family that makes the world a better, happier place. Thank you for blogging! Looking forward to the continuing adventures in your new home. 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations, and welcome HOME!

Lisa - Good luck with all the final cleaning and organizing!

Jenny B. - P.S. For later… when you get a chance to post more about the kitchen… Cabinet paint color? Wall color? Is that marble trim at the top of the backsplash, or something made from the same material as the countertop? Again… no rush… as I’m sure you’ll be back with the details LATER. 🙂

april r - congratulations and just very happy for you all! and thanks again for sharing
(i especially appreciated that picture of the big wide open sky <3)

Jenny B. - Oh, I am just so happy for you!!! I am literally sitting here grinning and trying not to tear up because I am just overjoyed for you and your family!!! I’m amazed at your ability to tell your stories so succinctly. You don’t use a whole lot of words, but you really pull me in, and make me feel like I was there. You have a gift! (Well, I think you have lots of gifts, and that’s just one of them!). 🙂 Your blog is always a bright spot in my day/week/month/year. Thank you for taking the time to share!

Brenna - Been praying for your move and am so interested in seeing how you will manage the chicken coop move – I am renting now and will eventually have to move my coop too. Oh and Talby got braces!!! Congratulations on a successful move.

Elissa - Congratulations!

CathyC - Fantastic! so happy for you all! Love that the coffee station was set up so fast, made me laugh.

Jenni - So, I saw your last family pic at the farm house on Instagram. I TOTALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE LAUREN! Now that I’m seeing it on a bigger screen…IT’S YOU! You look amaze balls.

Patti Mullican - It’s silly I guess since I only know you through your blog, but I’ve been thinking about you all as you move into your new home. May it be filled with new blessings and more wonderful memories. Enjoy!

Brittany - Your kitchen looks beautiful!! I love all your choices! Can’t wait to see the rest 🙂 Also, side note…you look amazing! Trim and lean! I can tell you have been working hard.

patti - Love your kitchen and how your whole family works together!!! Are your cabinets HD as well??

Mel - Love your beautiful family pictures! I can’t wait to see how wonderful the new house looks once you are all settled.

Kate - This is off topic – but you look so slim and fit! You go girl!

Rach - Congratulations on your new home, I’m sure it will be a very happy one and it looks fantastic already! 😀

Lisa - I’m impressed! Everything looks great! You guys work fast. 🙂

jill - Your family picture at the end really touched me. I thought of all of the hard work you all did and then how you all paused to gather and worship. I love that. Thank you for sharing!

Alicia @ La Famille - I am so tired just reading this. Moving is such hard work!! But it looks like everything went great! LOVE your new kitchen! Can’t wait to see everything else!

Angela - Annie is SASSY! What a doll!
Congrats on your new home and Happy Birthday to your man! I have a hard-working husband myself, and I know what a blessing it is. Awesome that he is training your boys to be the same.

Stephanie - The kitchen looks fantastic! Did you ever mention what gray paint color you decided on? I have about 50 shades on my kitchen wall right now and still can’t make a decision.

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so much to talk about!

there is a lot going on over here.
so much that i am feeling a strong desire to climb into bed and sleep for dayssssssss.
but i don’t have time to do that.  ha ha ha

1. Scott’s basketball team won Sub-State so they go on to play for the State 3A Championships!!!

the first game is tonight!
i am trying to be calm about it… but on the inside i am all a mess.
my stomach hurts.
i hope he gets to keep playing all week… that they win and win and WIN.
State Tournament is SO MUCH FUN.
we are playing in the same gym where Craig played his State tournament and i was a cheerleader.
great memories are made there.

2. talby’s team won their tournament last weekend!  first place!!!

those tournament days get long but it is really fun to see them get better and better.
and i LOVE watching talby working towards something she really enjoys.
volleyball is a fun sport to watch.
i can almost picture her as a tall high schooler jumping up and slamming the ball down with scary speed.
she watched lauren play for years and wants to go to State like she did.

3.  ummm….. we bought a house on monday.

it was time to not be renting any longer.
this house came up and we jumped on it… 9 months ago.  🙂
we have known a long time that we were headed here but we are living in a very small town and i didn’t think any more information needed to be said until the deal was done.  it is just the respectful thing to do.
but now the papers are signed and this is where we will be moving in a month or so.

it is a new-ish home and has been beautifully maintained.  this house was very loved and cared for.
as much as we both would have LOVED an old farmhouse to fix up… that is just not something that is for sale around here.
we looked and looked.
and to be totally honest… we would probably have died from all the work while still maintaining the craft house and raising our kids.

i actually feel a little sorry for this pretty house itself because once our brood moves in… it won’t know what hit it.
we have owned it a little over 24 hours and there has already been dr. pepper spilled and a cardboard shot put thrown… flying through three rooms.  (i didn’t handle that very gracefully)  this poor house!  it’s probably crying out of fear of what is to come.

it is not in the country but it does have a field behind it and it is on the last road of town so it “feels” like the country…. almost.

now… only 1008 more decisions and projects and jobs to do over the next 4 weeks.
i am feeling about full to the brim with overwhelmed emotions.
this is a wonderful home that we are thrilled about.
this is nothing to get overwhelmed about.
i know this.
but moving and painting and answering my kids 50,000 questions while still doing the regular everyday stuff for life and work is…. a lot.

i guess that means i need some more time with jesus and exercise.
jesus will restore and calm me.
and the exercise will get all the anxiety out… so i don’t bury my face in a party size bag of pb m&ms with a margarita in both hands.

we plan on making changes to make it more Duerksen-y.
rainbows every where!!  right???  ha ha ha

we are very excited about moving into town and starting our new adventure.
i mentioned to craig that we have had a house each decade of our marriage.  Our Illinois first home was our 20’s house.  then we moved to Kansas and bought the craft house when craig was 31 and i turned 30 shortly after.  Now this is the house for our 40s.  he has a 40th bday coming up in one month.

we already love our 40s house.

Jenny B. - Congratulations! I bet you’ll have lots of fun making it more “Duerksen-y!” 🙂

Jenn - Congratulations on the new house…that’s always so exciting!! Many blessings to you and your sweet family as you start a new journey in your beautiful home.

Mindy - Wow – congratulations on all the sporting team victories AND on the new house!! I will be anxiously following along to see all your decorating lovliness that will be happening as you settle in. Jesus and exercise will definitely help you through : )

Deb Meyers - I predict you will move beyond rainbows in your 40s house (you’ve probably gone there already in your head) and soon everyone will be copying your new direction. Can’t wait to see what you do, Meg.

Congratulations and God bless each Duerksen,


rachel hood - ok, doesn’t it look like the guy in the background of picture of you and scott at the basketball game (to the far right) is getting his bum pinched! also, love your blog-congrats on your new house! can’t wait to see the decorated version!

Rach - Congrats on the new house. Your brain must be buzzing with fun things to do to it.

lauren - oh the pages that turn…hesitation sometimes…then full on sprinting with smiles so wide we catch bugs in our teeth! you’ll hit your stride in this home too. i’m so excited for your kiddos! adventures = memories and memories are forever. take care duerksen family!

CathyC - Congratulations Meg! I am so happy for you. Can’t wait to see how you put your stamp on the new house!

Lisa - Yes – what about the chickens and dogs and kitties and won’t you miss your cows across the way??? 😉

ira lee - yeah!!! that house is beautiful! can’t wait to see what you do with it! and i know life is crazy- cray-zy!!! but you will get there. i hope (and i can totally see it happeing) the main living area goes from outdated beige to beautiful bright white! =)

beth - soooo happy for you….but worried about the chickens?

Kerri - My goodness – I thought I had a lot going on right now! Saw that Hesston won last night; state tournament time is so exciting and it’s awesome to play at the Sports Arena. Good luck the rest of the week!

Colleen - Doesn’t matter where you are, but who you are… and the who of you is very good…all will be well and keep up the exercise now matter how crazy the house gets… its the only way to survive motherhood! love the new digs..

Jennifer - Meg,
Your blog has been one of my happy places for a very long time. Thank you so much! Are you going to paint the kitchen cabinets? I’m dying to know. :).

Andrea - Congratulations!!!! It looks like a lovely home and I can’t wait to see you make it your own…… day at a time!!!!

Christy - Congrats on the house and everything else! I can’t wait to see all the changes you make.

So….has anyone else noticed the butt pinch in the bottom right hand corner of the second photo? I wonder if they read your blog. Too funny:)

gina - moving is no fun, but it will be nice to not rent any more. Guess looking at the big picture helps us all survive a move. yay for all of your kids and i hope Scott’s team continues to play well. Have fun!!!

April R - congratulations and best wishes!
you’re right on about the Jesus time and exercise 🙂

and I’d like to say a big huge awesome “way to go”
for the extra couple of inches on Talby’s volleyball shorts.
Volleyball is a fun game to play and watch – except for the
booty shorts! just a couple of inches more fabric plz people
so we’re all watching the game! 🙂

kristen - So exciting! I too look forward to seeing what you do. I love it when peoples’ homes reflect them and their family and not the next decorating trend.

amanda - please tell me the chickens will be making the move too???

Whitney - I saw your Facebook pic of the house yesterday and could not wait to hear more! What a great house! Can’t wait to see what you do to it! 🙂

chrissi - what a whirlwind week for your family.
congratz on the big games and the new house.
she is a charmer.

Laura - Actually, you CAN RENT FOREVER. Sadly, I am proof! HA

congrats dear friend! now get out the paint and pom poms…can’t wait to see your talents take over that place!!!! xo

Adrienne - Oooh! We have just kind of decided maybe it is time to stop renting and buy a house. Glad you beat me to it so I can see your transformation!

And rainbows? Yes please!

Michelle Whitlow - Such a cute house!! Can’t wait to see how you rainbow-fy it! hehe

KirstenP - I love love love the kitchen!! Lots of cupboards and counters and a place for the kids and hubs to sit and keep you company while you create.

Tiffany - Congrats on a new home to love. And one suggestion, prayer and then a list. Maybe it will help so you don’t feel like a juggler with 1,000 balls in the air.

Jen - Very happy and excited for you and your family. So many wonderful, happy thing happening. Good for you! Yes, exercise and talk to Jesus! Best wishes. Your new home looks wonderful.

Jerusalem - I cannot wait how you put your lovely stamp on this home! My first question is – about those cabinets? Are you painting?? They are screaming aqua to me. What are they screaming to you? Whatever it is I am sure it will be pefect! Prayers for tranquility in the midst of the wonderful busy!

Andria - I can’t wait to see all your blog posts on how you will transform the house in your great decorating style… Exciting! Congrats!

Heather S. - So happy for you – but I WILL miss seeing all the cool parties and and fun you had at the farmhouse. C’est la vie! Another adventure for you and fun for us all to watch as you make it your own. Enjoy!

Gina - Yea, yea, and YEA!! So excited for your family!! Can’t wait to see you put your stamp of the house!! 🙂

Alisa - Congrats on everything – but as a long time blog reader I am most excited to watch the house become truly *yours*. I am seeing white cabinets in that kitchen with turquoise bar chairs and globes on top of the cabinets…Am I right?

beki - I can’t wait to see how you make your house YOU!! I can already see the colorful pots and blooms on those front steps 😉 Congratulations!!

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random much???

ok… it’s Craft Weekend.  Carissa (The Brown Eyed Fox) and Jess (the Macs) and Kimberlee are here and everyone is buzzing around me working hard.
Kimberlee is cooking… Carissa and Jess are making beds.
i did my pilates workout upstairs in the master bathroom this morning.  ha ha ha
Stanley is even here with us tearing up any box he can find.
Avett Brothers on Pandora.
it’s a good good day.

i have a question for you?

what do you know about Proactiv?
i am curious for my teenage and tween children if it’s worth the cost… if it works… what are your thoughts?
is it different (better or worse) than the Acne Free line of products at the grocery store?

Also i feel like telling you that this week i ordered 10 different sports bras on amazon because i am SO SICK of wasting my precious alone time at a s sports store gross tiny fitting room trying on a bunch of bras!
you know what i mean?  where you can hear dudes walking around outside the fitting room talking to each other and it feels like they are in the room with you?!!!!
so i just typed in my size and ordered 10 different ones that MAY possibly work.
then i emailed my husband and said Don’t Freak Out.  I only need one and it’s free returns.
I just can’t waste another minute of my life trying on bras.
blahhh….  am i the only crazy one?

Another random thing.
have you ever heard of the Clarisonic Mia Sonic Skin Cleansing System?  I had seen them when i have had facials (after running the half marathon and on our post race spa days) I debated for over a year… then i decided to just see if makes a difference on my skin (that is now 38.5 years old).
and let me tell you… i have had one break out in the three months i have used it. ONE!
i know right???
i use it every single night and it has been such a difference in my skin!
so i figured it was time to tell you!

ok…it’s time for me to get to work!

Craft Weekend is going to ROCK!


Erin - Hi Meg! I used Proactive and was so hopeful it would work I stuck with it for 2 years. It made my skin worse! On top of that, they put you on an auto refill program. It was a big hassle to try and discontinue you “subscription”–I would say don’t do it!

The lovely one - My brother used pro-activ years ago and like it. I used Cetaphil and that’s always worked for me (but my acne was not as bad as his). I would start with the cheaper brands you can get in the store and then work your way up to the more expensive stuff if you need to.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Proactive was a waste of money at our house! Maybe I’m too late for an opinion but saw this. Our dermatologist. told us not to believe those commercials. Good luck cuz pimples suck 😉

Christina - Victoria’s Secret sells sports bras now my daughter uses the ones that say maximum support. She plays soccer year round & loves them. They give her definition & not just one flat boob like most sports bars do. Also generally not a lot of men in the store & not in the dressing rooms for sure! Good luck

AnnMarie Denis - Proactive will stain your towels. It has bleach in it or something b/c whenever I used it and tried drying my face it left giant bleach stains on it.

Margie C - Be careful if you try Proactive. I bought it for my 15 year old and she tried it a week before her school dance. It made her eyes swell and caused major redness. We called the company and were told she must be having an allergic reaction to it and offered to refund our money. When I started researching I found out many people are allergic to it. Just FYI it took a week for her to look better.

Cory - Have used proactive for years and LOVE it! My skin is super dry and the lotion is very gentle.

brandi - just wanted to share about my proactive experience: i had been to dermatologist as a teen and nothing they gave me worked. LOVED proactive. didn’t dry my face out like so many others. the last lotion i put on did bleach my pillow a time or two, so i just stuck with light colored pillow cases. 😉

Valerie - I bought this last year ( Wacoal Women’s Sport Bra #855170) at Amazon and it’s the first sports bra that I’ve ever liked. I’ve always wished I could wear the cute kind, but alas.

I want to buy the Clairisonic. I’ve been thinking about it, but the price makes me choke a little. I should do it.

Beth - I agree w/others that Proactive stops working after awhile and is super harsh/drying to the skin so you have blemishes plus flakey skin – so not a good thing!!! I have true every over the counter and high end acne regime, but nothing really worked till I tried the products and regime at The price is reasonable and I’ve used the stuff for 4 years now w/hardly any breakouts.
Also, Title Nine has the best sports bras – worth every penny!!

Linda - I highly, highly recommend Mary Kay products. When my daughter was in those great teenage years she used the acne treatment gel and other skin care and even though we had gone to a dermatologist and could have paid megabucks for his recommendations, the Mary Kay provided her with much success and at a very reasonable cost – plus no ruined washcloths or towels. 🙂 And she has “graduated” into their other skin care products as a young mother. Feel free to email me at if you’d like to know more.

Lee Ann - My favorite bra is by moving comfort. I have to have a padded one that has back clasps. Sometimes my arms are so sore and I’m so sweaty after a work out that I can hardly get the others over my head. One day I thought I was seriously stuck. Now that’s a funny picture 🙂

Deb Meyers - Don’t know about Proactiv, but wow, Adam Levine had serious acne? That’s encouraging for anybody, right?

How about sharing the Clarisonic with them?

Reducing sugar and wheat makes a big difference with any skin issues in our family. But that’s hard to do if the teen isn’t on board. So maybe introducing green smoothies (Start with Naked brand) would help.

d meyers

Kathy - Both my children have used Proactive. For my son it works great, he is still using it but he only has mild problems. For the people who complained about it bleaching things out, Target now has a line of towels that are supposedly not affected by it. Nothing worked for my daughter (we tried many different kinds) who ended up having to go to a dermatologist and is still having problems but we are getting there.

Rachael - I have used proactiv. It was not a life changer for me. About two years ago I started using a RX facial cream at night called Clindamycin and it changed everything. It’s very gentle feeling, no strong smell and it WORKS. My face is completely cleared up and both my teen daughters use it and have clear skin as well. 🙂

Lorie Yoder - I have used Proactiv for YEARS with great success. However, I had my teenage daughter use it, and it was almost too harsh for her, and never worked.

Since I have LOVED reading your blog for years, and LOVE watching you post craft weekend stuff…I am wondering…I have an etsy shop myself and would love to provide some swag for your guests for a weekend. How can I get it to you? address?

To check me out: (I’m not a creeper, just a mom and crafter)

website:, link to my shop on my site.

Maria - Hi Meg, re: Proactive…it does work, when nothing else seemed to work for my young teen. Then real downside is you will end up with boxes of step 2 & 3 under the sink, and they only ever run out of step 1. But you cannot order individually without paying way too much. I hate that! She has now been using Xout (also sold on TV) which is sold individually, and seems to work as good.

Mendi - My son uses the new X-Out by Proactive. He used to use a very long 3 step process (it might have even been 4 steps) that cost about $100 for a month supply and he hated doing so many steps. When I saw the new 1 step plan for only $19.99 I jumped at the chance to try it. He uses it much more faithfully than the other proactive and seems to have better results (maybe cuz he actually uses it).

Shelley - Ok, I suffered for years and years with acne (it started when I was 12, I’m 38 now)and about 2 years I finally cleared my skin up, but it wasn’t with proactive. It’s an amazingly cheap all natural product called sea buckthorn oil. There is soap and oil and serums etc, but highly recommend the bar soap and oil for spot treatment. BP is so hard on skin and through my own experience, a temporary fix. All I use on my skin now are all natural products, I am done with chemicals…Good luck, I can sympathize with anyone (especially kids) who have acne…

Seamingly Sarah - I would go see a GOOD esthetician first and have them tell you what is going on with your skin. The tips that have worked for me is to treat your face like a rose petal. If you wouldn’t do it to a rose petal, don’t do it to your skin – scrubbing. And don’t use things to dry up the oil. The oil is not the problem. Once you dry it up your skin Over produces oil, then the extra oil is a problem. Don’t use products that say oil free. And honestly, for a woman in her 30’s I finally have clear skin because I don’t wear make up and have to clean my face with anything other than water and use olive oil to hydrate it. That’s too much for a teen that is still producing plenty of oil for their skin, but it’s a fine balance.

Jennifer - I used Proactiv a million years ago, at least 15. While it didn’t do miracles for my skin, I did want to warn you about the issue I had-it has benzoyl peroxide and you have to be really careful with it. It ruined my towels, my sheets and the front of some of my clothing. I obviously wasn’t careful enough with it, but I ruined a lot of stuff. I found out my breakouts were related to diet coke believe it or not. I love that stuff in spite of all the scary warnings-but as soon as I quit it, my face cleared up.

Susan - I am 38 and have the drugstore version of the clarisonic that is made by olay and i REALLY like it. i keep it in the shower and it’s part of my daily routine. i don’t know how much better the clarisonic would be, but the olay one has been great for my skin, so i would def. recommend it for when the cost of the clarisonic is prohibitive. it might be good for a teen’s acne too.

Michele - I used Proactiv in my early 20’s and it worked…at first. Then it just stopped working. It made bleach stains on my pillows, sheets, shirt/jacket collars, etc! 🙁 I now use Purpose soap and Purpose lotion and my skin is very clear. I think a good diet is key. Try having your kids drink plain lemon water (with a straw to protect their teeth). It’s made a big difference for me. During football season, my son uses Coalface by Lush and it keeps his face clear. It’s just too drying in the winter–right now he uses the Purpose face wipes. Not fun for a teen, but laying off the fries, soda, chips, sugar, etc helps. When my son eats like crap, you can see it on his face!

Cindy - For my daughter, proactive was too strong. We had better luck for her with the Clinique line of acne products. Also, we had a prescription for the doctor…can’t remember what it was, just a topical cream….the most mild form…with all of them, you really have to give it a few weeks to give it to work, which stinks because the kids want their faces clear right now…and then if it doesn’t work, switching and trying new products for a few weeks to see if they work…we also tried neutrogena and clean and clear with not much luck…Clinique worked best for us.

Julie - When I was 13, my mom took me to the Clinique counter at the mall and bought the basic care system for me (the bar of soap, the toner and the lotion). The rule was I had to take care of my face before I could start wearing makeup, and it was impressed upon me that these products were expensive but would only work if I used them diligently. The other rule was, no hands on faces! I was fortunate to not be predisposed to serious acne, but I never had more than an occasional pimple.

I buy bras from Bare Necessities online — and I, too, overbuy, knowing I will send at least a couple back! BN has a good returns policy. I hate searching for bras in the store!

Jenny B. - For a second there, I thought this post was going to be a commercial for Proactiv. HAHA! 🙂

I tried it several years ago, and I didn’t think it was all that. I think it might have helped a little bit, but I quit using it after a few months because it totally bleached out my sheets where they touched my face at night. So… if you do decide to get it for your kids, invest in a bunch of cheap white sheets beforehand.

For the sports bras, I just got a new catalog in the mail… title nine. Have you heard of it? It’s new to me, but they have stores. There’s even one in KS. Anyway, they have some (for us busty girls) that I’m thinking about trying.

Michelle - My son used Proactiv when he was around 15 and it really didn’t work that well. You have to be so thorough with the whole system and he was not good about that. We started ordering from Melaleuca shortly after and their similar product worked much better. Don’t know if you’d heard of this company out of Idaho. They have natural cleaning products, etc. The most significant difference came one lent season and he gave up all beverages and only drank water. He lost 10 pounds and his acne cleared dramatically. I really blame dairy like milk and cheese for most of the problems. My husband, who is 54, even had breakouts and since giving up dairy he no longer does. Happy Craft Weekend!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I was just wondering about that Clairsonic thing. Everyone raves. But so pricey! So the question becomes: Fun new purse, or Clairsonic? And I’m sure you’ll say Clairsonic b/c blah blah blah, but I’m weirdly leaning purse.


Lisa - I use tea tree soap from Goat Milk Stuff. I love supporting the family owned company and it works amazingly!! I would suggest at least trying it before you spend proactive kind of money! It’s all natural so I like that too, proactive was too harsh on my skin and didn’t do much.

ingrid - Proactive. It’s great for mild to moderate acne. My daughter had severe acne and it simply aggravated it. It dried out her skin which just added to the problem. We tried everything from over the counter to prescription meds. The ONLY thing that worked (and the only thing I had trouble saying yes to) was birth control, which ended up being like a miracle cure for her.

Karey - Proactive is the only thing that works for my skin. It didn’t work for me to get the shipments in the mail because I was receiving more than I was using. There is a proactive vending machine in the Wichita towne east mall outside of Dillard’s. I always buy from there and can get the specific product I need when I need it. They do have little trial boxes. You could get one for your kids and let them try it out. Oh, and I love your blog by the way. I live in the same town as you and have run into u sometimes in the north grocery store. I always want to say hi but then feel silly 🙂

Gina - I used to use Proactiv when I was in college and it totally changed my skin! If they actually use it consistently, it will make a huge difference. I think it’s worth the money!

Lori H - Meg, my kids used ProActive for a while and it did seem to work. I consulted our dermotologist and she said that it works because the kids see it as a “program” and therefore use it per instructions. But when used faithfully, most acne products would work as well. One downside to ProActive, my kids are in college and I STILL get regular emails from them asking me to “come back” – even after asking them to stop 🙂

Annette - Love Proactiv…We tried every (EVERY) product/system we could find at Target/grocery/drug store. My tween’s skin was getting worse and worse and she was getting more and more self-conscious. We were on the verge of taking her to a dermatologist when we tried Proactiv as our ‘one last thing’. It worked!!! She is extremely conscientious about using it properly (it’s pricey) and while we saw a noticeable improvement right away, after 4 months of use, her skin is consistently clearer. Occasional breakouts happen, but it is more like a pimple appearing than the eruptions we were used to.

Martha - My son used Proactive and it worked great….at first. It stopped working after a few months. An elderly Hispanic woman that he worked with told him to use honey. We googled it and found a recipe using honey, lemon juice and baking soda. It’s easy, natural and it works! The only draw back is it’s a bit messy but, hey I think it’s worth a try!

Martha - Sport bra- I am a 34f and then only sport bra that I have ever been happy with is the panache. It is the best I am a runner and have been very happy. Worth every penny.

laura oyler - 2 more things I forgot to mention-1. Obagi doesn’t bleach anything like Proactiv apparently does. 2. It is a multiple step system that is supposed to be done 2x a day, but I only do it at night and it still works great for me!

laura oyler - I don’t know much about Proactiv, but I have tried a lot of acne products. I am 19 so I still have teenage acne. My very favorite is the Clenziderm system from Obagi. I use the normal to oily system, but I actually have dry skin so I add in the moisturizer from the dry to normal system. Since I started using it I get way less pimples! I think I have been using it for 1-2 years now. I get it from my esthetician, but you can buy it on amazon too. I believe it is more expensive than proactiv, but I really do love it and it is worth it to me. My mom and 2 of my sisters also use Obagi products. I have lots of tips on how to use it! Microdermabrasion at my esthetician’s office also really helps me get rid of acne and also helps with scarring, but it is a little expensive.

Michelle - When I met my husband, he had extremely bad, cystic acne and had been using Proactive for about 3 months. He was very disciplined about using it, too – he used all the products and followed the directions EXACTLY. Just between you and me, it never did any good.

Changing his diet helped (as a single guy, he was eating a lot of take out, greasy stuff, etc.).

Now we both use just sunflower oil mixed with castor oil (I use the same combination to remove my makeup). We also use Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner. I wash my face at night and use the toner in the morning after I shower. He washes his face at night and immediately uses the toner. In the shower, we both just rub our faces gently with a washcloth.

I had a Clarisonic, but my sister is a microbiologist and she was totally skeeved out at what kind of bacteria could be hanging around in the brush heads. So, I’m back to using washcloths. (I bought 40 white washcloths and 40 white hand towels at IKEA that are ONLY FOR FACES.) I love my husband and childrens to bits, but I don’t want to wash my face with the same cloths they wash their feet with – even if I launder it in between.

Susan - I have used Proactiv for several years and it definitely works. In fact, it worked so well, I thought I didn’t break out anymore. But the minute I stopped using it, I started to break out again. I use the Extra Strength products. I only use the cleanser and the lotion, I skip the toner. Also, I have had no problem with bleaching of my clothing, etc. I even wipe the excess from my hands onto my colored towels, and haven’t had any problem.

Amy - I love the MyChelle teen line for my 12 year old daughter. It has a cleanser, clarifying pads, balancing cream, and a spot treatment.

Love my Mia 2! 🙂

Heather S. - Oh Meg – I used to make fun of people that bought lots of things and then returned them. Then I had children and began teaching and running ministries and I found this year that I am now the woman who orders lots of things FULLY KNOWING I will be returning them. Free shipping, easy returns, etc….I look for it all because I know I’m not keeping it all. Crazy. But, I hear ya on the sports bra thing. You made a good call.

tracy fisher - hi meg. I had to respond regarding teen zits!! haha. my daughter has to keep her skin as clean as possible due to some modeling she’s working on… we LOVE the Mary Kay little trial kit for zit zapping. I can’t remember what it’s called. If you need the info, email me at brooke loves it and I am happy that she loves it. and it is really affordable (that’s really why I like it..haha). teen skin is so fickle. I’ve been away creating a new blog and trying to figure out life in general. i’m back. looking forward to catching up on a month or two of your posts this weekend. tracy fisher

denise @ victory rd. - I went out on a limb and purchased Proactive for my teenage daughter. We’re VERY happy with it. VERY!

Have a blast at Craft Weekend!

Chelsea - Skincare is such a tricky thing. What works for some doesn’t always work for others. I personally couldn’t handle Proactive, it burned my skin like crazy. It also hasn’t done anything for my teens acne, but I know it works for some people. My recommendation would be to see your dermatologist, sometimes taking an antibiotic or getting on accutane is more successful than using an intense line of cleansers. Especially with teenagers who most likely won’t follow all the steps that some of the skincare lines require. Good Luck and I’d love to know what you end up doing…..

Alicia @ La Famille - My brother and sister used ProActiv in their teen years and it really worked for them. They tried everything! Also I want one of those scrubby things.

Michelle Skalet - I used Proactiv for awhile and it seemed to work really well. I had to be careful though because I have sensitive skin and if I’d use it too much… my skin would start to look like leather… especially below my eyes. I later switched to the walmart equate version of Proactiv and I thought it worked exactly the same. It’s less than 1/2 the cost of Proactiv too!

Tracey - Proactiv wasn’t the cure all it claimed for my son and the results definitely did not warrant the cost. Acne free is a bit better. Right now we are trying tea tree and lavender essential oils. These have been the best at helping the cystic looking spots but his face is still pretty broken out. I think we are going to end up going to the dermatologist for a prescription

Bec - Proactiv was really awful for me. It basically burned off the top layer of my skin and left my face raw and dry. Target brand cream cleanser and their blackhead scrub plus a light moisturizer have been my winners. I use the Norwex face cloth as well, but probably not a requirement for kids. Change their pillow cases often 🙂 and push water drinking. Much cheaper than proactiv!

Liz - I’ve used proactive for 2-3 years and it works great. I tried the store brand and didn’t like it. I have sensitive skin and when I started I could only use proactive every other day. I know use it every morning. Love love love it.
I’ve got nothing on the bras. I bought an expensive Athleta one, with an underwire, the underwire popped out. So annoying. I’d love to hear what you find!

Kristin S - Randoms are my fave.

Sports bras. I’m a 34DDDD and hate to bounce. Moving Comfort Fiona is my all time favorite. I don’t like ones I have to maneuver over my head when it’s all wet and sweaty. I sweat. A lot. It has to have a back clasp. They carry them lots of places but I try to hunt for them on sale.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Tessa - We bought Proactiv for our 13, almost 14 year old son and the biggest problem is getting him to use it. It is a 3 step process and it is recommended that it be done 2x a day. If your kids are not highly motivated in the self-care department, it is not a good fit. I wish we would have just stuck with something much simpler like a quick face wash. As far as its effectiveness? Hard to tell when he is using it so inconsistently! 🙂

Angela - Check out this guide. While you’re there, read the measuring advice as well. So many women wear the wrong size!

Libby - I can’t wait to hear about craftweekend!! I LOVE the entries on Crafting, and what God is doing in your life!!! You are so creative and lovely.

Lori - My 14 yo daughter has used Acne Free (for sensitive skin) for a year and it has worked well for her…try it out it out since it’s easy to pick up locally! Also, if Acne Free doesn’t work for your kids, Clarisonic has a teen kit…more pricey but you already know how awesome it is so it might be worth it!

cheryl - I’ve never used proactiv but my husband has sworn by it for 10+ yrs. He was on accutane as a teenager for acne…and tried every over the counter product under the sun since…and he’s had great results with proactiv. He doesn’t do the whole “3 step system” though…we just get a shipment of 3 bottles of cleanser each time.

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I had acute cystic acne in my early 20’s, and proactive did not work for me. It is probably good for basic teenager acne. I use a glycolic scrub from dermae.

Tanya - My sister has worked in the skin care industry for almost a decade. She said the difference between Pro Activ and grocery store brands is the alcohol content. She said the most comparable thing to Pro Activ you could buy at a grocery store is a bottle of rubbing alcohol. (yikes!) She said it also depends on where the breakouts are happening. If it’s on the forehead it can be because of bangs or hair products or food related digestion issues. Cheeks can be from not washing makeup off. Chin can be hormonal. If it’s for teens – she recommended Clear Start by Dermalogica. You can buy it online or at a spa that carries Dermalogica.

Wendy - I love my Clarisonic!! I use it with Neutrogena Naturals face wash. I’ve never used Proactive for my children but my sister has used it for her daughter with severe acne but with no improvement (and this young lady followed the instructions religiously).

Hailey - First time comment, just found your blog and I love it! But I used proactive for probably 8 months and I found it dried my skin out completely and the bleaching agent in it destroys towels. I still get flack for ruining one of my Gramma’s towels even though I dried my face off on a rag first. It bleaches the colour right out of fabric and it made me wonder what was happening to my face! Just my 2 cents 🙂

Verena - Love the MIA!!! Have mine for almost two years! Use it every day , still going strong. Def.worth it’s money!

Colleen Sullivan - Purpose soap for initial oilness, neutrogeona oil free acne wash as breakouts begin or another product with a salicylate, then add a benzoil peroxide preparation in a tube are the order for non prescription acne meds. Sounds like proactive has a medication close to prescription strength in it as the dermatologist warned us of the same thing re bleaching effect on towels and pillowcases. I use all white anyway so dont notice it! See if your insurance covers the prescriptions as it might be cheaper and potentially more effective if you can find a good dermatologist in your area

Jess Noble - Proactive totally works. I still use it!

Dana - Although I have never used it, I hear Proactiv is great. What about the ten one I am always seeing on the commercials, (X Out) I think that is a proactiv brand too. But U have heard about the bleaching of everything.

Midwest - Has anyone tried the Olay ProX cleansing brush? I’m wondering if it works as well. Even if you had to replace it after a year, it’s SO much cheaper. I’ve been wondering about proactive for my 15 yr old too. So thanks for asking!

Southern Gal - My son suffered from acne. We tried Proactiv, but it wouldn’t touch his. He ended up on Accutane which cleared him up fabulously. It probably works fine for minor acne blemishes.

Marla - I have used ProActiv for about 10 yrs now and I love it. I use the 3-step system(cleanser, toner, lotion) and none of the misc. products that go with it. It has never stopped working for me and I won’t stop using it, even though I’m mid 30’s now. Yes, be sure to use an old towel(or white!) to dry your face afterwards and an old tshirt b/c it will bleach. I say give it a try! And the bottles do last longer than what they say…the 30 days or 60 days, I can usually get to last me an extra month.

stephany - I used proactiv years ago…in my late 20’s early 30’s. It seemed to work. Seems like a lifetime ago, though.

Confession. I have a big crush on Adam.

Have a wonder filled weekend…those women are in for a lot of fun!!!

Jenni - I would recommend Rodan and Fields. It is sold by independent consultants ( I don’t sell it), people have great success with all sorts of skin issues. Here’s my friends info who does sell it:

Kerrin - Hi Meg,
I used Proactive for years and it is worth every single penny. My only warning about it would be this. If you don’t rinse your face well enough you will stain your pillow cases and towels. As in bleach style stain. I recommend white towel, face cloth and pillowcase. Other then that you (If it is for you, please take another look in the mirror cause girlfriend, your skin is amazing!) will love the results you get.
Have a great craft weekend!

Jennifer - I used ProActiv years ago before my wedding, and it worked well for me. It is pretty pricey though. I think I only used it for maybe 6 months.

I have also tried the AcneFree kind, and it worked OK. I felt like ProActiv didn’t dry my skin out as badly, but I didn’t have teenager skin/acne either.

The key to any of it is USING it. Once it became a habit, it wasn’t so bad, but you have to force yourself to do all three steps nightly. I’ve never been very good about keeping up with habits like this, and I know I wouldn’t have done it when I was a teen.

If you’re on the fence about a teenager using it, maybe you could try the store brand and give them 2 months. If they use it consistently for that long and it’s not working (or is too harsh), you could spring for the ProActiv.

I will say the ProActive refining mask is the best thing I’ve ever used. You could put a dab on a zit and sleep with it on, and the zit was gone the next day. Awesome for those times when you break out right before a big event.

Amber Hatcher - If you don’t find a bra that works for you I highly suggest trying Title Nine. It’s a “for women, by women” type of company. If you call them you will get a FEMALE person. Not a computer. They have tons of different bras for varying degrees of support needed. I’ve called them before and when she wasn’t sure she actually went a got the product to look at it while I was on the phone. They’re an awesome company and I’ve always been pleased with them and their product. Good luck!

Margaret - 1) I have to agree with everyone else about ProActiv. It worked for about a year before it seemed to stop and I switched to something else. A few years later my acne was bad enough that I tried it again and it stopped working after about 6 months that time. I bought new towels and realized it bleached them after 1 or 2 uses. So I called it quits with ProActiv for good.
2) I want a Clarisonic so badly. Everyone I know who uses it loves them. I may have to splurge for that soon.

Lauren - I used Proactiv in my awful, ugly teenage years.
Pros: It really does work if you use it religiously. I seriously looked amazing after having used it a couple weeks.
Cons: It tends to stain everything orange (besides white fabric) that touches the face. I ruined sheets and towels and clothes because of it.

Siew - I LOVE my Clarisonic Mia. Its silly, when I rave on about it I get people to touch my cheek, which they think is kind of weird until they see how smooth it is. Like a baby’s bottom. Its the best.

Sara - Oh dear, I’m afraid I’m terribly unhelpful in all things fancy skin-care related. I use a plain bar of soap, that’s it.

BUT, I’m so happy to hear Craft Weekend is happening again!! You ladies have so much fun! I can’t wait to see IG pics 🙂

Vanessa - OK about ProActiv – It works! For a while – and then it’s sort of like antibiotics; if you use it too long then it isn’t as effective. The bad part – the acne gets worse in the first couple of weeks (but then it works!), it turns every washcloth/towel you own bleached so you have to use white for EVERYTHING – including pillow cases. That was the kicker for me! I hated everything being stained and I liked my colored towels/pillow cases! It even stained collars on shirts, but it DOES work!

Ashlea - Go to and watch the video for their “regimen”. It doesn’t require a specific brand, its just the way you do things! I’ve tried a lot of different products without success, but once I started washing my face and doing what the video says, my skin has been so clear! 🙂 Good luck!

Jenn - I order multiples of things and return all but one all the time. You are not alone.

Good to know about the Clarisonic. I’ve been wanting to get one.

Happy Craft Weekend! One day I’ll be there.

Molly - i had very good luck with proactiv. i had issues from 18 on until i started using proactiv. after a year or so i switched to acne free or the equate brand from walmart. those work too. i would maybe start with those and see if they work if not give proactiv a try. i think it is a little better. i will use these with my daughters when the time comes…even if they aren’t struggling that badly. i think they are just a good system for that time in life.

kimberly oyler - any person on the whole planet that i know who has used proactiv said it quit working after a year.

Beth Ann - I have no need for Proactiv, but Adam MAY have just sold me…….

Do tell which sports bra you end up liking. I have not had much luck. I have considered purchasing luluemon, but ouch on the price and I’d have to order online and have heard bad things about their return policy.

Emily - Love it.
Three things.
1. I use Acne Free every summer (breakout season) and love it. Was about to try Proactive and my friend suggested Acne Free. Takes care of all my issues.
2. Lululemon bras are worth the price.
3. I guess I need a Clairisonic! 🙂
Have a GREAT Craft Weekend! Tell Jess hi!

Jessica Jackson - Bless you for doing the sports bra research! I’ve sent back so many in the last month and still can’t find a perfect one for my D cup (nursing) boobs. Please report back with your favorite!

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10 points on a tuesday

1.  i am drinking black coffee because i have no choice… i am out of half & half.

2.  i am watching It’s Complicated.

3.  i am SO cold… i am wearing a coat inside.
and a scarf.


4. how fun is this photo?  i was making waffles in the kitchen and saw that she was reading on the other side of the kitchen window/wall cut-out.  i just reached out and took a shot holding the phone facing down.  She’s reading The Hunger Games in her jammies….stanley is all wrapped up in her knees…. the house is trashed.  SO normal.  so…so normal.

5.  i went to see Monuments Men on saturday night by myself while two of my kids went to a different movie.
(that is one of the awesome things about kids growing up – you don’t always have to spend two hours watching a movie you don’t want to see and you can go to your own theater down the hall) (not every time… but sometimes)
i liked the movie!
i mean… Clooney is in it so… duh.
It was a very “feel good”  movie if a movie about war and nazis can be in that category.
other than the lady giving the world’s most obvious play-by-play behind me…. it was a movie i would see again.

6.  i am loving this devotional book….Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream
it’s gets my heart pumping, mind racing, creativity swirling and reminds me to give all the glory to God.
she also has this same idea but in a book too…You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream
i think for me… this little tiny bit at a time is all i can handle.
i have so many ideas… so many dreams… that when i get going on my dreams it can be too much all at once.
does that make sense?
it sounds backwards when i say it because you are supposed to DREAM BIG right?
but i want the dreams i pursue to be the ones that God wants for me.  Not my own ideas that please me.
So i am loving the way Holley has broken it down into 40 days… a little bit of dreaming at a time… for the BIG dreams God has in my heart.
Taking it slowly helps me discern a bit more.

7.  Annie really wanted me to make Chicken Pot Pie the other night after we ate the CPP soup on our snow day.
The family was talking about how they love pot pie and annie said “I have NEVER had it!”
So… i made it.  Pie crust from scratch… made the whole thing….  TWO pot pies.
And it wasn’t good.
it wasn’t soupy so it was really heavy.
i was SO disappointed.
like… i wanted to cry.   doesn’t it stink to work SO hard on something and have it flop?
cooking is often like this for me.  So much work to most often a less than expected ending.
cereal is so much easier.
oh well… maybe someday Alice will move in with us and take over cooking our meals, pouring the kids kool-aid after school and helping them solve their problems.
8. we got to take lauren out for her 19th birthday last week.
it’s been a long hard road to get here but we did it.  she made us a family way back when i was only 19 myself.
she made me a mommy.
she has taught our family so much.  we have so many amazing memories together.
here’s to MANY more miss laurney.  keep up the great work at school!  You are a smarty pants.

9.  i am getting very excited to start the 21 Day Fix program that i blogged about last week.
but it hasn’t come in the mail??!!!
silly thing.
i saw that a bunch of you joined too!  Woo-hoo!
i know there are a bunch of groups with Marta so we may not be in the same group.
but i am going to talk a lot about it here… i hope… so we can share what we think together in the comments and stuff.

10. THiS.

i have watched it a bunch of times now.
it is so crazy hilarious.  WHO comes up with stuff like this?!!

and are you excited for Jimmy Fallon moving to the Tonight Show?!
i am beyond happy.
my bedtime routine just got so much better.
that guy is just the best.



brooke - ao, i’ll admit it, I’m a bad blog reader. I wrangle these two year old all day and I just haven’t been good about it, so I ‘binge’ several weeks at once. So here I am, bringing. At least it’s not ice cream! How funny, that you are doing 21 day fix with marta, b/c I have been following haus of girls for a whle now on instagram. Crazy how the worlds collide:) Hope you are having a fun craft weekend!! Or I guess it’s over now…so maybe you’re sleeping…but hope it was awesome!! I bet eating well during CW was a little tough. Hope you weren’t crabby 🙂 I would have been. Hope all is well, sorry for this marathon post 😉

Ruth Elder - I have a pretty easy recipe for CCP that I have perfected over the years. Happy to share it, if you are interested.

Lu - Hej,
I love your blog!
And I really liked the Birthday picture: It could have taken place in 1996 and would still look the same 😉
Wishing you a lot of blessings from Germany

Mindy - A dog, a book and some comfy jammies – sigh…what a way to spend a day. I have been wondering about the Monuments Men so glad to hear your take on it. Our daughter loved Full House growing up and I am a Tom Hanks fan so I am off to check out your video : )

regina - Pillsbury roll out crust< can of veg-all, cream of chicken soup, cream of celery soup, salt, pepper and either canned chicken or "real" chicken. easiest recipe ever and its awesome!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mide - Haha, i’m still waiting for my Alice. I love hiow Carol just helps out with dinner, too funny!

Love that Lauren had a special birthday. Glad she is doing well at school.

Loved the Tom Hanks thingy and by the way, I saw the Beach Boys in concert and they stank! I’ve never been to a concert that bad since. It was so obvious they didn’t care to be there. Just a little side note 😉

Happy Wednesday!

Lemonade Makin' Mama - Girl I joined but mine hasn’t come either and I think I’m in a group with Haley not Marta. Still very excited and can’t thank you enough for the prompt!! Man do I need it. 40 is fast approaching and it’s scary. LOL

Kristen K - Meg…if I could do my house/crafts over again, I’d fill this primitive/traditionally-decorated home with vintage treasures & rainbows & polka dots & chickens & pets. Four kids, 2 kittens, and the love of my life is what fills it now (which is awesome!)…and a lot of dreams! But I’ve spent most of my life living to make someone else’s dreams come true, and I’m just plain chicken to ask God what my own dreams might look like. So many have come true in my family alone…but I long to turn my creative gifts and passions into something more, something for Him. When I start to get excited and dream…my brain fills up with doubt, someone gets sick, I forget to defrost the chicken for dinner (I hate cooking…least rewarding mom-job ever in my book!)…and I put off dreaming for another day/month/year. SO…thank you for sharing what’s making your heart sing, with all the speed bumps and blessings along the way. I am encouraged by you and the life you live for God – and I love your blog! Thank you! 🙂

Gail - Meg,
My 21 came yesterday. Ready to get it going. All this KS snow has cramped my running. I hate running on the treadmill. My ADD brain is also going crazy but I think that devotional is what I need. Thanks for sharing.

Kirsten J - What a fun list! I’ve cried over pie crusts before. Don’t cry, though! This is the best :
Only I cook the crumbles separately or they get soggy. And I add extra broth.

Ashley - I like you. And your blog. And your family. And your dreams.

Barbara (WA) - I feel the exact same way about cooking. And I am going to find that book, it’s just what I am thinking about presently. Thank you!

Rebecca - Our favorite chicken pot pie recipe is Paula Deen’s Hurry Up Chicken Pot pie. You can find it on the foodnerwork. Sooooo good!

Tanya - I’m reading the Holley Gerth book version right now and your description doesn’t seem weird. It *is* a lot to take in. I probably would’ve done better with the devotional.
I am just so happy with the living room pic and your opinion that your house is trashed, cause it just makes me feel not alone in the chaos that can be a house full of kids. Thanks for taking that pic and then posting it – for reals.

dona weigand - My 11 year old daughter Loves Full House! Thank you for sharing that clip, we enjoyed it very much. The beach boys episode is one of our favorites, hahaha

Jennifer - Is the book by Holley Gerth suitable for a man to read too? My husband and I feel that this is his year to determine his dream from God and next steps for the future. I am looking for resources to help us walk through this together but I know Holley usually writes for women.

Edee - Here is our favorite chicken pot pie recipe. It tastes exactly how you think pot pie should taste and it is pretty easy. My family says this is one of the best things I make. We’re having it tomorrow!

Laura - When you feel up for trying again, my sister’s recipe for pot pie is fool proof and delicious. and PLEASE buy the crust! Pillsbury (the roll out one) I don’t make it often because: gluten because: carbs because: cellulite, but the kids love it. Recipe in link below.

Kerri - My husband and I are planning to see “The Monuments Men” on Thursday and I’m really looking forward to it. George Clooney – yeah! And I can’t wait to see “Winter’s Tale” that comes out this weekend. Colin Farrell is in it and the actress who played the youngest daughter on “Downton Abbey.” I have a hard time staying up past about 10:45 p.m. but am ready for Jimmy Fallon; he is hilarious.

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i like old stuff.

i had to get out of the house today. so between loads of Craft House laundry i stopped in at some of my favorite antique shops in town. i did a little shopping but mostly just took pictures of things i liked.first10i need to get these letters if i ever sneak over and load up that giant chippy painted marquee sign in the middle of the night.1112this mirror was tempting… i mean i do love flamingos… but i did not bring it home.  😉13this record player may have come home with me if it didn’t have a redonkulous price on it. when you are shopping do you ever announce prices out loud when you are shocked? even if you are alone? or is that just me? i caught myself doing it several times today…. oops. i am a dork.IMG_2238darn.15the sweater picture was the first one i took today. it wasn’t big enough for me or i might have snagged it. it is quirky. you know that would be like $125 at Urban Outfitters right now. but it is HANDMADE at the thrift shop. think how warm & cozy it would be?!  1617IMG_2245the door worked! if i lived alone i would buy these glasses. but if i brought them to my home… they would get broken.   the end.eighthdon’t you wish that our cleaning products still came in cool tins with neat fonts like this Floor Mop wax? and also… when was the last time you thought about the store Mongomery Ward?fifth“Learn One Thing Every Day”fourthremember my huge red & white brand foods sign?  i had never seen anything with that label until today! pretty cool!IMG_2271Dad…. i came so close to buying this for you. it is an ashtray but i thought you could use it for change or something. it just seemed like something you would appreciate. and then i remembered how much stuff you have from both the grandmas… so i left it there.  🙂ninthsecondthis big craftsman toolbox was “mint condish” except for 1974 DENNY scratched in under the handle which i think made it 1000 times cooler than before.seventhcheck out the turquoise, orange and purple table cloth? looks like it should be at Anthropologie!sixthhonestly can’t believe i left the spoon rest?! i will most likely go back for it. it is just so perfectly kansas.thirdi love vintage illustrations…  and chippy turquoise paint.IMG_2294so after all those pretty things… i came home with these. a dot chenille bedspread, some vintage sheets, a few pretty tea towels, a crossed stitched tablecloth, a metal cooler and another globe. (it could be possible that i have enough globes by now but when it is $4??? how can i not add to the collection?!) 14what did you do today? and what are you making for dinner? we are having soft tacos. and i just make a big salad with the toppings and no tortilla.

Leslie - $4 globe?! What a steal! I’ve been looking for one and all the thrift stores around here are selling them for $25 or more. I could get a new one (although not as cool as an old one) for that price. Way to go!

Deb Meyers - ooooo….i need Nevada!

Amber - I have that same flamingo mirror! It was a gift from my husbands grandma. It had been hanging in her house for many years! I haven’t found the perfect place for it, right now it is stored on top of my kitchen cabinets!

Christie - I was one of the lucky girls that stayed at The Craft House last weekend and we ventured out to some of the shops in town…I literally picked up nearly every item you have pictured! And…yes…I also blurt out the exasperated…”$xxx” when I’m shocked at the price.
We had such an awesome time at the house! I was so inspired to hang bunting with abandon!
I hope we get to do it again soon!
Christie Cady

Carrie - Hi Meg. I love looking at these pictures. We have no place around here that has cool old stuff like that. I love your style and colors! But no matter how much I love it and want it, I aways seem to pick beige. Help me! I’m trapped in a beige box! Maybe I’ll start by painting something.

Mindy - Love the bedspread! Thanks for sharing all the fun pictures. I almost feel like I went on the trip – except I didn’t come home with anything. My husband thanks you that I didn’t spend any money : )

Ashley Pera - Every time I read the title to this post I read it in tune with the “Big Butts” song.
“IIIII like Old Stuff and I can not lie, them other brothers can’t deny…”

tonya - you should have bought the red and white can- so cool!
i need a day like that = with no kids and just shopping or looking- super tonight- taco soup and grilled cheese with bacon-

Barbara (WA) - I must tell you about an acquaintance who’s family owned a Red and White grocery. I had never heard of the brand until she told me about it and apparently has a large collection of items carrying that label, like kitchen items, spice containers, advertising signs, etc. Hmmm, I might have to google this history of those stores. . .

Meg - Go back and get that sweater and I’ll buy it from you! 🙂

Sara - Hi Meg! I loved looking at all of your fun finds. We were blessed to be invited over to dinner at my twin sister’s house tonight. The cousins played and it was nice to get out of the house! (We’ve been snowed/iced in for days)

You would be fun to go antiquing with 🙂

Andrea @ This Pug Life - I love those embroidered tea towels so dang hard I can’t even appropriately express it.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - HOW did you not get that tablecloth? Was it $80 dollars???

Ps – Another benefit of driving to SL…

amy jupin - i miss kansas.
i miss the good deals and the cute old junk.
i miss the railroad tracks in the middle of newton.
i miss you.
and i kinda miss sonic’s chili dogs but that’s not related to this comment one bit.

Michelle Whitlow - oh my gosh, that made me laugh when you mentioned announcing prices out loud when you’re shocked!!! haha Yep, done that!!!

ellen patton - antique heaven! i thought i lived in a cool place for antiquing (new england) but i want to visit you!

Amber Campbell Hibbs - HA! It was REDONKULOUS! I saw it while we were shopping during our craft house stay. And no, you are not the only one who may have said the price out loud in shock. 🙂

Gabby - I absolutley love your posts and beautiful photos, Meg! I just had to comment on the box of Shiny Brite ornaments; I had never heard of them, but I recently finished reading a novel in which the main character collected those specific ornaments. Happy Thursday to you!

Gabby - I absolutley love your posts and beautiful photos, Meg! I just had to comment on the box of Shiny Brite ornaments; I recently finished reading a novel in which the main character collected those specific ornaments. Happy Thursday to you!

Erin Erdman - Can you tell me the city/ names of these FANTABULOUS stores??!! I’ve recently relocated from Portland, OR back to Kansas City and I’d love to do a Winter trip out to these stores for some colorful trinket cheer!!!

Linda - such beautiful things! Loved this post! Made me want to go shopping!

Kathi - I LOVE old stuff too. I would love to shop in Kansas, the prices seem so much more resonable than here in Illinois. I’ve been holding myself back from going to my favorite haunts until we move. I keep telling myself that I will be able to get things that will “fit” the new house.

Ashley - Oh what my little (Lexington Livin’) heart would give for that Kentucky plate. Proud to have it end up in Kansas! I wouldn’t be upset if you wanted me to pay you for it 😉

Emily Ruth - So fun! When you take pictures do you ask first or just click away? I’m about half & half & when I’m feeling really chicken I hold my phone inconspicuously (so I think) & sneak a few shots….

Katherine @ Grass Stains - You’re not seriously saying that you didn’t take those chickens home. MEGAN.

Terrie G - I seriously want that mirror…
What did I do today?
The same thing that I’ve been doing and will be doing for a few weeks….
sorting through every nook & cranny of the house…
preparing it to sell.
Sounds like fun right?!
I’d much rather have been out taking pics of cute stuff!
Stuff…that I refuse to bring into my house right now…
I have enough of my own ‘stuff’ to pack up! LOL!!
Thanks for the diversion from my task at hand…
Back to sorting and packing!

Kyra - I’ve been looking for a reasonably priced globe in decent shape since Craft Weekend last May. Still on the hunt. I have two but I use them for school with the kids. Whenever I see a globe, it reminds me of Stephany and her lights she makes out of them.

Crock pot roast beef, potatos and baby carrots for supper last night. Comfort food for those cold Minnesota days.

Stephanie B - You’ve inspired me to take a day off to go antiquing! I couldn’t be more excited. Tonight’s dinner is meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies.

Bethany - Thanks for taking us along. I haven’t found very many antique shops near me, especially not with such cool stuff or reasonable prices. I love the Schmidt’s tin-that’s my maiden name. I am feeling the need to do some antiques “window shopping”. May hit up a local antique market this weekend.

For supper here we had turkey meatball gyros. They’re relatively healthy and the whole family likes them-score!

Jenny - I think of Montgomery Ward often. Their family’s old Summer home on Lac LaBelle in Oconomowoc, WI is on the way to my grandparent’s house. It’s absolutely amazing and was just on the market!

Kat - Looks like a great day.
Sometimes you just have to get out of the house I find.
This year I will have all four at fulltime school for the first time and I am actually not looking forward to coming home to an empty house. I will probably hit the gym most mornings and then come home.
Today I did a boxing class at the gym.So much fun and such good exercise. Then went for a hot chocolate, got my greys covered up and home to do packing for our summer beach holiday. (It’s summer school holidays here in Australia)
We had lamb chops, salad and jacket potatoes for dinner.
Mm, I love taco’s, but must have gucamole’ with them 🙂

Jenny B. - A $4 globe??? They’re often like $40 around here (well, that’s at flea markets. I’ve never ever seen one at a thrift store). Good thing you snagged it! 🙂

Jenny - Kansas has some amazing prices! Every last bit of what you found is awesome! Kansas is officially on my bucket list. 😉

mandy - can I just say how jealous I am of your Kansas thrifting?! you can NOT find a globe in Oregon for less than about $30- seriously. whenever I’v found one for less in the last 6 yrs I’ve bought it. I have 3…I think the least I’ve spent on them was $25!

Julie - You will have to go back and get the ANIE letters – just make a big funkily decorated N to go in the middle of them.
Dinner sounds good – I have chicken out – just have to decide what to do with it, and there will be a salad from my garden too.

Sara @ it's good to be queen - 1974 Denny. Love. It. Kansas thrifting is the best!!

elma - Oh my word you got some awesome finds!! Love the globe to!! I want the red tool box please send it to me!!!
My kids were home again today so we cleaned the storage room and have some stuff for goodwill. I love to organize the storage rooms and it feels so good when it is all done. It was subway tonight:) LOVE subway!!

Beth - Oh, how I want to come thrift in your neck of the woods!! The dot chenelle bedspread is the BEST! We had the exact same dinner tonight and I did the exact same thing w/my portion. I love tacos do much better as a salad! Yum!

Kelly - Awesome finds… I would love to find a doll house like that one… Had that same one growing up….. Glad you had a good day thrifting…

Molly Byrd - I just love you to pieces, Meg! Love all the vintage stuff

Crystal beutler - I did what you did today! Drove out to Ramona to sniff the orange groves, and hunt for treasures. I scored 3 globes, a gum machine, a cool old metal vanity bench, a typewriter, an old window frame, and some old salt shakers. I’m certain that I paid waaaaay more than I would have shopping in Kansas. I need to get back there!

Tanya - I worked from home all day today and accomplished TONS and it was so very satisfying. It was the first day my kids went back to school since the beginning of Christmas break. The silence was golden. I had chicken noodle soup for supper. Yum.
Learn One Thing Everyday book from 1917 ~ my grandma was born in 1917 🙂

marcie - Such a fun photo tour… and you can never have too many globes and I would die if I found one for $4.00 I grab them when I can find them but globes are rare and expensive in Atlanta. i need to come to Kansas!!!

Stacy P. - I moved into my new calendar…complete with all my kids’ activities in different colors. (yeah, that will last till about, ummm, February.)
Then I watched Modern Family. Then my kids and I ate dinner with my mom and dad….she made lasagna. Then I read your blog and started to be jealous that you have such an awesome antique store near you. And I covet the metal cooler. 🙂

Beth in the City - I think of Montgomery Ward pretty often because I live close to this building: Today I took my remaining Christmas money to the thrift store – a favorite hobby of mine. I found a great wooden desk chair on wheels that I love, for my daughter’s desk. My son said it is the ugliest chair, looks like it’s from the 60’s. This made me laugh. But she loves it. And it has to sit in MY dining room……

Kris - I would have bought the red letters…mix others in!
Love the peek into Kansas thrifting!

robin allen - You have an amazing ‘eye’ for the really ‘goodmakethatGREAT’ stuff…you should tell us what town these amazing shops are in so the rest of us can go window shopping and declare prices out loud and travel down memory lane and just be inspired….I too LOVE GLORIOUS JUNKE!!!

Jenna - My mom has that flamingo mirror and I used to hate it, but now, I have dibs on it for whenever she decided to part with it! And yes! I always say the ridiculous prices out loud!

P.S. I want all of the pretty little things you listed above! That globe – $4 – woah amazing! 🙂

Kristi REDISKE - That is all so cool, I see several things I would love to have- wish I was there to go get them, may have to make a trip, it is my old hometown and I miss it!

Anne Galindo - That dollhouse is exactly, EXACTLY like the one I had as a kid. I’ve been wanting to find one for when my niece is older.

Rychelle - please, please, PLEASE go back and get those chickens, and then send them to me. PLEASE!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - Today I spent an hour on the treadmill. 30 minutes doing intervals, and 30 minutes walking. It felt glorious. I am doing a 7 day cleanse so keeping it aerobic this week. For dinner is sweet and sour chicken!

Lisa - All the antique/thrift store finds you share makes me want to plan a trip to Kansas just for that! So many fun things! Got to have a brunch date with my man. Always love that! I’m extra tired today. Already looking forward to bedtime and it’s only 3:30pm. 😉

stephany - Looks like a good day.
I did yoga this morning…then came home to do laundry.
I am also designing a website for my dad for his 65th birthday…he just retired and wants to start a guiding (hunting) business, so I am setting up a website/blog for him.
His birthday is on Monday, and I will be in Colorado next weekend to work on getting the content into it with him.
I’m taking the kids out to dinner tonight at our health club and then they are coming to the Art Literacy meeting at school with me because Ryan is out of town.
Fun, fun!

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my word.

so i asked you on the first if you had picked a word for the year.
i believe Ali Edwards started this whole idea a long time ago… but that could be incorrect.

i have always peeked in on what people wrote down.
i thought it was a neat idea but couldn’t imagine even thinking of a word.
i have no idea.

this year it was just… natural.
i never thought not to.


my word i picked for 2014 is healthy.


i said “you will probably roll your eyes”  because i am guessing you may be sick of me talking about health & exercise.

i have come a long way yet i feel so far from where i could be.
i know there is so much more that  i desire to bring into my life.
i am not talking about the typical january resolution of empty promises to go to the gym & lose 20 pounds.

i AM talking about getting rid of things in my diet that are just plain wrong.
and figuring out how to do it and what to replace it with.
i am talking about not eating to cope.
i am talking about disconnecting sugar with feelings… i can give that to God.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7

i want to BE healthy.
not for a month…  forever.
i want a strong body.
i want energy.
i want endurance.
i want a clear mind… with no influence from chemicals or weirdo processed ingredients.

so that is that.

it will be a great year of new foods mixed with the good old fashioned ones from before.

new workouts while still getting in the running with my girls.

“Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-26

this means weekly meal plans… even though the thought of doing it makes me want to crawl into bed and pull the shades.

“‘Everything is permissible for me’ – but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’ – but I will not be mastered by anything… Therefore, Honor God with your body” 1 Corinthians 6:12, 20

and HOPEFULLY i can figure out a way to bring the kids along with me.
craig will eat what i eat willingly and is up for anything healthy but the kids are just… not.
if i served a salad… you would think that they were being tortured.
all ages.
all of them!!!
and there would almost definitely be some fake puking and possibly real puking.
i am well aware that we produced this behavior (please don’t scold me in the comments)
the UNmaking it is so hard.

i know that everyone at my house would benefit from removing processed foods in our diet.
but honestly that is like changing almost every single thing.
so we will start S L O W for them.
maybe one vegetable a week or something.  🙂

God gave me ONE body.  (i think the same for you too…  ha ha ha)
and i am guilty of taking it for granted.

“Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


healthy from the inside out… 2014….  boom.


what is YOUR word?  how are you going to make it work?



Renee - your health journey is inspiring. i’m in the throws of having babies so my body is all over the place, but healthy is a lifestyle. while i’m going for ‘healthy,’ my word this year is “still.” or maybe “settled.” our lives are very up-in-the-air and UNsettled. but my heart and mind and spirit and emotions can be settled by the grace of God. I can be still and know that He is God even when circumstances are a whirlwind. Thanks for prompting me to think about this. cheers to 2014.

Amy - Healthy is a good word for the year. I have a tip for you to get your kiddos to eat salad….put fresh strawberries on romaine & add some toasted pecans & poppy seed dressing. My son hates lettuce but he’ll eat a salad with fruit. Another good one is mandarin oranges (canned) & toasted almonds & dried cranberries. Good luck with getting them to eat healthier.

Linda - it’s the 10th and yesterday I finally found my words… never was good at editing.

Leaning In. Leaning into what I love doing, friendship, the Word and God. The list colud go on. I tend to pull back and hold back a lot! No, this year I am going to have a posture change and lean in. Healthy is a grest word. Hope you get your kids to come along!

Sarah{Handbags*and*Pigtails} - Hey Meg, Have you read the book “Made to Crave?” Its so along the lines of what you’re saying in this post. And I know what you mean about trying to get everyone on board. Soups? Salads? Vegetables? Change is hard…even harder for the little ones when we’ve not always done it that way. But persevere! Their bodies will thank them:)

Alisha - Good for you! I made this same decision almost 2 years ago. It took me almost a year to lose the weight I wanted and I have NEVER felt so good!

I’ll admit that the holidays were AWFUL this year. We’re talking 8 lbs horrible, but I’m back on track and working to get that corrected. I know your frustration with meal planning and trying to get your family on track. I came to the conclusion that while I wanted to certainly feed my family a healthier meal, they didn’t need to be on the same low calorie, low carb, low sugar diet I was on. Soooo… that meant that most all nights while my family’s meal was cooking I was making something ELSE for myself. Many, many, many nights it was a HUGE salad loaded with all sorts of fresh goodness, but when it wasn’t I tried to keep it in the same category as my family’s meal. If they had spaghetti with meat sauce, I’d make peas and pasta with shrimp or chicken. If they had tacos, I’d have a mock taco salad with grilled chicken or shrimp, black beans, Greek yogurt instead of sour cream and a lot of salsa.

I actually have YOU to thank for introducing me to because it is TRULY my secret to my success!!! Sooooo… THANK YOU!!!! It’s been an AWESOME journey and one that I will walk for the rest of my life.

I wish you the best in YOUR journey. 🙂

Courtney - hi! i’m not sure i’ve ever commented…but i’ve always read 🙂 i just have to encourage you that you CAN do this…and your kids CAN do this!! i was so the same as you 18 months or so ago. and now? i’ve been “paleo” (only because it’s the only way my stomach issues have cleared up) and my kids LIKE salad and NEVER eat cereal for breakfast and are FINE with that. we did small, small steps at a time with the kids. i think this post describes it best: and now my kids are so much more aware of “sugar” and if things are healthy or not. the biggest thing for me has been to TEACH as we go…we look up foods and write them down – what is in them (vitamins, etc) and what they do for you (boost immune system, etc). they love that! i want to raise 6 kids that will become 6 healthy adults!

tara - RELY.
more reliance on God…less on myself.
tired of managing, planning, analyzing, strategizing.
wrote a post on it..felt good to admit that i’m just too independent in my heart…

Emily - Meg you are awesome for your honesty. In this struggle you are clearly not alone. Reading your post was like reading my own mind. Thanks girl.

Alison - That’s awesome! I too am on a similar journey.. it can be so overwhelming on where to start and how to totally make over the way we eat. You may already know about the blog “100 days of Real Food” It really helped me alot! She has a place to start for new people to read and has lots of great ideas,recipes,videos..ect. some of her recipes are BLECK! but it gave me a sense of direction. One thing we started with was healthy smoothies in the morning and adding one veggie with our meal every day.. a small step but for us it was helpful. I know for me I would get online and look up these blogs and be like..what?where do I even overwhelming. Good luck to you and yours! Here’s to a healthy mind and body in 2014~

Katey deasy - My word is Home. I’m about to write all my feelings about it. I’ve been praying on it. Home. It’s going to be a great year.

Megan - I told you the other day that my word is GRATEFUL!
I love reading everyone else’s choices and intentions for the new year too. I am a dedicated meal planner–one week at a time,I do dinners only, and you’ve just inspired me to post the plan every week. Feel free to borrow anytime. I’m a vegetarian (but I make meat dishes for the family), I have a super picky eater, one who will eat dog cookies if I let him, and a very little guy that I’m balancing over at my house.
Going to post this week’s plan right now! Good luck 🙂

Tammy EL - I read your blog everyday! I’m on this journey with you…so you have company.

I found this blog helpful about nutrition and healthy eating, I use it when I teach classes about nutrition for children. I promise you it will challenge what everyone tells you about how to approach food with children. She will not condemn you…but offer insights about how we teach our children to take care of themselves.

I hope you find her blog helpful.

elizabeth - It makes me sad to think that ANYONE would think to scold you in any way for trying to improve and make your family more healthy, wether or not their habits are “of your own making”. Hooray for you! How awesome that yo’ve got a goal and a direction. My word(s) for the year will be “meek and mild”. I need to work on being more patient with my family. period. Heaven help me.

Susan C. - Healthy 2014 – great word. Check out The Daniel Plan. Our church has been doing it and our pastor, Rick Warren with Drs. Daniel Amen & Mark Hyman just came out with the book, The Daniel Plan. The five healthy habits for your life are faith, food, focus, fitness, & friends. Clean eating for 2014 – I’m right there with you!

Helen - I did not actually think about choosing a word, but I did choose to make changes in my lifestyle, much the same as you. My kids are grown and gone and we were really pretty good about eating right and being active while they were at home, but it just got so easy not to when they were gone. I am starting slow. I decided to make one change a week. I started last week with drinking more water. This week we are only eating items cooked at home – no fast food. Good luck!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I preach all the time that this is the only body that God gave you. You should respect him by respecting it. I started my journey last August, but still have so far to go. Fruits and veggies have never been a problem for my kids. I just by better snacks now. There are still frozen waffles, and chips in my house. We are human after all, and sometimes you just need some sour cream and onion! Good Luck!

Jen - I really like this post, Megan. Thank you for your honesty. Moving away from processed foods is a challenge for me too, but over the past few years, I have made strides and want to continue to do so. We can do this! I love to exercise. It’s the whole nutrition piece of the puzzle that I need to work on. 2014 is going to be great!

Gail - My word is GOAL as in fitness, financial, creative, spiritual goals. To finally reach my goal weight, workout consistently, spend time in prayer with God, manage debt, and create the life I want to live. Hope to see you at some races in the future in Wichita.

Becky - My word of the year is HAPPY ! I choose to be happy and stop worrying about stuff, stop letting other people’s behaviour bring me down – just choose to be happy. Anyways – on the diet thing, Paleo is really a great way to go. I have been eating Paleo for about 3 months now – not including December, which was a disaster !!! However, now I am bringing the family along with me – they don’t mind, I have to say my boys are pretty good about eating veggies and to be honest they have surprised me with what they are prepared to eat. Last night I made a chicken and basil meatloaf and roasted cauliflower and I fully expected them to refuse to eat it but they wolfed it down and asked for more. Maybe you could just try stuff prepared in a different way, it takes time and can feel soul destroying when they don’t eat it, but when they do, it feels great. Good luck on your journey.

sharee - meg, I loVVVVVVVVVe your blog. You are so real and i just love you for it:) You have to check out this woman’s blog about being ketoadapted and other info….it has been life changing for me and now I’m trying to get my kids and hubby aboard:)

Andrea @ This Pug Life - That’s a good one, and one I strive to do often. I have been into smoothies and I got a fancy new blender for Christmas, so I have no excuse not to get lots of nutrients in my body!

I don’t care about losing weight or getting into a certain size dress. I just want to care for my body better. I already have multiple health issues and I’m not doing myself any favors. I hope I can make some good changes and get into better habits now while I’m still young!

mary - My word seems sort of simple and lame, but it’s “Go.” I have a tendency to hesitate and wait-to-see and research and gimme-a-minute and save-it-for-later. 2013 was my worst year for this so far. I didn’t choose a word last year, but it sort of seemed like it was “Sit.” So, in 2014, at every pause, I picture myself shouting into my own face, “GO!”

Michelle Whitlow - It’s funny, I’ve seen this ‘one word’ thing for a few years now & never really gave it a second thought. Like you, I could never even think of a word that would ‘fit’ for me. This year as I saw people’s blogs and their one word, the word ‘healthy’ also came to mind for me. I’m going to be starting a new ‘diet’ (for lack of a better word). We eat somewhat healthy already. I’ve been working on cutting out a LOT of processed stuff, GMO’s, eating organic, not junk etc etc etc. My kids have been pretty good about it…esp when I SHOW them videos/examples of what the crap is that’s in the food that their friends take to school. Trust me, it will gross them out! But I want focus even more on getting healthier. Having Crohn’s makes me just want to curl up in my bed & not think about it but I want to be more active in cutting out the extra sugar & other stuff that creeps in to my diet (and my waistline!) Good luck!!!

Jennifer - I loved this post, Meg. My husband and I just had this discussion about a week ago and we are starting out SLOW here, too. I’m not sure what my word for this year will be…I need to ponder that some more!

diane - Great word. I especially love the scripture to support your word. 1 corth. 6:19-20 Powerful

april R - just wanted to add an ‘atta girl’
and all these tips from other readers are super

Tracey Garcia - My oldest was always super picky and refused to eat veggies. But then a couple of years ago he got really interested in watching cooking shows and “Bizarre Foods”. These shows exposed him to a wide variety of foods and he became more interested and willing to try new things. Soon after he became interested in cooking and that helped a bunch too! Now there are very few things that he won’t at least try. My youngest is coming along, but we still have a ways to go. 🙂 The home garden does help too. My husband plants a large garden every year and the little one loves to help his dad in the garden. I’ve noticed he is more willing to taste a veggie that he has helped to water and harvest.
We are going sugar free tomorrow. I know that my children are going to be less than thrilled about this but after the sugar-fest of the holidays I think it will be a good change for all of us.

Jackie - My word for 2014 is SAVOR. After a surprise diagnosis of ovarian cancer, the latter part of 2013 has taught me much about trusting God, being grateful, and living life with gusto. I intend to make the most of each day and savor every moment!
And I love your word choice–I’m right there with you on continuing to refine what we eat in our home and being active. Here’s to a great year!!

Gretchen - I love your word and your post! I am trying similar ideas with my family this year as well…baby steps is all I can say! The word I picked for myself this year is “dwell”. I would like this to encompass every aspect of my life…from my physical home (cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering, decorating) to eating (meal planning, trying new recipes) to parenting (practicing grace, scripture memorization, bible reading time) to marriage (encouraging and supporting my husband) to myself (exercise, devotions, a possible part-time at-home job). I know some of these things are things I have already tried (and failed…some more than once) and some may sound very basic but I feel as though I left 2013 frustrated and worn out and I need to give these things my all this year. I really need to put my focus into these areas. I lost my purpose last year and I am bound and determined to regain it this year…all by the grace of God!

Annette Kuusinen - My word for the year is Brave. Time to take some chance and make some changes.

Have you ever heard of this website?
It’s full of great information about cutting out processed food. I thought it might be a good resource for you.

Lisa - This is the first year I decided to choose a word too! I’ve never done resolutions really. My word is intentional. I haven’t liked who I’ve been the last 4-6 months. I decided that I need to be intentional with my time this year. I’m trying to undo some unhealthy eating for my kids too. So hard once they start getting picky. Praying your word is life changing!

Bethany - Good for you! When I started staying home with my oldest fie years ago, I started to eliminate processed food from our diets to save money and be healthier. I just did a little at a time and tried things out. Not to say we never have processed foods, but most of what we eat it homemade. It’s healthy, yummy, and cheap. Though my kids have grown up with it, they still are not always the biggest fans of some of the healthy meals we make, but it’s good for all of us so I still make the healthy stuff.

I haven’t thought about my word a lot, but if I were to pick it might be “intentional”. Like everyone, there are lots of things I’d like to do and I feel like if I am more intentional about how I spend my time and energy, in my interactions with others I will get done the things I really want to do.

cass - I had not thought of choosing a 1st of the year word and I like that better than new year’s resolution. It didn’t take long to decide on one: DAILY. It is so easy for me to put things off ’til “tomorrow.” But my word is not just about procrastination, but about focusing on today; focusing on being more accountable for the daily things in my life: reading my Bible, healthy meals 🙂 diabetic husband and now I’m pre-diabetic, so the healthy influence has been an ongoing thing. Now, exercise…..that needs to be added to the ‘more often’ list, if not the DAILY list. I used to journal daily and may try a little journaling to help my accountability….review my day and my daily accomplishments. Thanks! Have a great year.

Emily - “vulnerable” would be a word for me.
That choice has been inspired by Brene Brown’s books, I guess… You and your blogging inspire me to be more vulnerable, too, so thank you. Please keep it up.
I hope that in the same way my blogging might inspire families to be healthy. 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - My word for the year is actually 2 words:
Crack Broccoli


But if I actually DO pick a word, will you watercolor it with gradient greens and polka dots for me? Because that is just rad.

Kris - I already commented but had to come back and recommend Robin Sue’s blog big Red Kitchen. She is amazing with a mason jar. She has some great posts about prepping for all those times we just fall back on subway or other fast food! Check it out! Also it is easier to bring the kids on board slowly… Don’t buy anymore of the bad stuff… Let the pantry slowly become empty of the processed and boxed food… Pinterest lots of recipes and have the kids make their snacks. Oatmeal cookies etc…
It’s not easy but it’s worth it!

Tammy R - Hi Meg-

I want to first say “thank you” for your blog! I love to follow you and all of your adventures. You are inspirational and “real”!

I just started the new year with almost the same resolution. We are cutting out processed foods in our house. I don’t have kids, so that does make it easier for me. We are five days in and I can’t tell you how good we feel! No sugar, either!

I am reading In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan, and also following for guidelines. I read 7 by Jen Hatmaker and that’s how I got started on this.

Good luck!
Tammy R

Kat - Great word Meg and I applaud you for getting not only yourself but your family eating healthy.
Bit by bit you will get there.
Please can you share more of your meals/snacks and workouts, as I have been doing the same this past year.
I joined a gym, lost some weight, toned up and am working on getting stronger.
I want to get my head around running (even 5 km) and push myself to do it. I think the mental toughness is the hardest part for me.
My baby of four kids goes to fulltime school this year, so my word is *Direction.*
What is my new direction for me, for my exercise, for my family and for my career.
I need time to work out what I want to do career wise after 11 years at home with four children.
I think it will be a huge adjustment for me and an emotional one seeing my baby go to fulltime school.
Keep sharing your efforts this year with getting healthy and goodluck!

Heather G - My word for 2014 is GROW. I really wanted to pick a verb! I want to grow stronger physically and spiritually. I want to grow mentally, both in intelligence and in imagination. And, my husband and I have dreams of growing our family this year. To accomplish any of this I will need to not only accept, but instigate, changes in my life. This is my first year choosing a word and I am excited about it!!

Also, would you please share some of the meals you’ll be planning and the meal-planning techniques/system you’re using? I think that many of us would love to hear more about it!

Laura J - Peace.

I allowed myself to be surrounded by way too much negativity, drama, and chaos last year. I became an angry, nasty person from the frustration of it all. I seek to have peace, quiet, joy, and love return to my life this year. That means cutting the cord on toxic friendships, but good riddance! Some people find pleasure is sowing misery wherever they go, but that doesn’t mean I have to stand in their path.

SammaMichelle - I literally had just finished up my blog post on my word and then started going through my reader catching up on blogs when I ran across your post. Perfect timing!! My word this year is CHOOSE. Being healthier is something I’m going to choose to do this year and keep talking about your journey to being more healthy. We’re all in this together and glad you love us enough to share your life with us!!!

amy jupin - i hear you, i feel you, i can so relate, and i wish it were so much easier than it is.
your post makes me think about my own struggles.
oh how i wish i didn’t struggle with food.
it is so so so hard for me.
all of my feelings revolve around food.
and everything we celebrate revolves around food.
how did this happen?
how can i undo it?
i will be checking in regularly to keep up with your journey.
you are inspiring all of us.
and i am rooting for you all the way.
love ya!

Kristin S - My friends laugh that I eat a salad with every meal. Growing up, my mom made a salad with every dinner. She doesn’t love vegetables but does love salad. So, it’s just in me to have a salad with or for dinner. In college my friends made fun of me for my salad-self so, in the midst of gaining 20 lbs from eating a double Reese’s PB cup package every day with an Otis Spunkmeyer muffin, I added all kinds of other veggies to my world!
So, I’m a carnivore for sure but I can’t survive without my veggies – cold and hot. Hey, they have to eat so maybe at some point they’ll just eat it out of desperation?

Meg, you are an inspiration!

Tyler - Healthy is always a great word to choose.
I acctually have two words. Healthy and faith.
I am focusing on my health after a long hiatus. Reteaching myself and my family good eating habits and doing something physically active every day.
as for “faith” I want to continue to grow and learn in my faith.
This is my first comment, however I am a long time reader.

Leslie - Meg-my sister became “healthy” about 3 years ago, check out her blog She is located in Missouri and loves helping people start their journey! 🙂

Jaimee @ Craft, Interrupted - Love this post! This is only my second year doing One Little Word. I chose “Listen”. Blogged about it today, too! I’m going to be sharing quotes, words, reminders, etc. in my instagram feed about Listening (and the little things we all need to HEAR) throughout the year. I’m looking forward to it!

pam - Ha! When I read your post on the first I was sure you were going to say AFRICA. 🙂


We just made sunflower seed cookies at 10 pm. But we ate Cassava leaf (which is ground leaves…healthy, right?) and rice earlier.

Brittney - Oh! And as for the kiddos, I’ll say that as a child, my poor mother tried so hard to help me be healthy – it won’t happen till they decide they want it for themselves. Be a good example and don’t stress over it – one day it will click 🙂

Charlton - I’m with you on the healthy thing. It took my 4 month old’s milk and soy allergy to make me eat better so that I can continue to nurse her. I never really cared whether I ate processed foods or not, but now my whole attitude has changed. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2014! Oh and my word is EMBRACE!

Brittney - Way to go! Last year I decided to strart eating clean and healthy and can’t believe it took me so long! Totally worth it! Soo much energy. I do the 80/20 rule – plan my “cheats” and savor them! Also really enjoyed “Food for Thought” on Netflix. Yay for 2014!

Meghan - Getting the kids to eat better is a process. We have Lways eaten lots of veggies and for my youngest he always struggled with salads and certain veggies. It took him literally several years to stop complaining and just eat what’s on his plate. The biggest advice I have is not to give up. You really have to try something 20 or 30 times to either like it or not. Most parent’s don’t want to do that. Now with my 7 year old I know that when we have dinner he doesn’t need to eat the mushrooms, peppers or onions because he really does not like them. He eat Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, all squashes etc. I’m so proud of him and hopes he keeps it up. Good luck.

heather e. - Love your word Meg! Our little family has decided to be more aware of the things we fuel our body with this year. Thankfully I don’t have a problem with my kids eating veggies or fruits, but they definitely like junk food. So it is still going to be a challenge. My word for this year is “Grace”. Being more aware of how I show grace to others and how God bestows his grace upon us daily. I want to be more aware and thankful. 🙂 Happy New Year!

Gina - I know lots of people are going you links but, I got an email from with a 21 day picky eater transformation challenge. It looked like there were some great tips. Their website also has a lot of great kid friendly recipes. Baby steps…you will do it! I love your word for the year. I have a phrase: LIVE TO LOVE (God and others) 🙂

Charlene - This was me last year. It definitely is a process, but it’s worth it. I got a bit off track the last few months, due to stress and a lot of other issues, but I made a promise to myself (and to my family) to get back on track.

A really awesome book to read is Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.

mal - My word for 2014 is: Simplicity. I suppose it’s a version of “healthy” too. I’m getting rid of the junk and just living with what I need. I want to live simply so that others may simply live. Period. Good luck this year! You rock!

Laura - I didn’t roll my eyes…so now YOU can’t roll your eyes at me..

my word is JESUS

because (as i wrote in a blog post) i am convinced that ALL our resolutions would be successful if we ordered our life the way it was meant to be lived…with JESUS as the center of everything.

happy new year sweet friend…here is to true peace, real joy, and a healthy body and soul!
love you

teresa - I’m working on a group of words =)
and your word is one of them….love how you pictured it…so colorful.
Happy Day

Lisa M. - Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing your word for the year and for showing us some verses. These are great reminders of how God wants us to be living. I hope you will post a bit about your new healthy journey.

Tracie - Get your kids involved in a garden. Give them a row and let them plant stuff. Ours always were willing to eat whatever they had planted and tended. And we keep junk food out of the house as much as possible. So if they are hungry for a snack, there is always fruit or veggies as a possibility. I ate like CRAP as a kid and am much better now. It will be tough, but you can do it!

marcie - You can do it!! Love your word. I spent about 5 hours in the car yesteday -alone- thinking about my word. Love yours.
We had to go gluten free last fall and that in turn precipitated other good choices and it has made a world of difference. Weight loss, energy, etc. I’m not fanatical about food or exercise and have plenty of times we ‘cheat” but it can be done and eventually you do not miss foods you thought you couldn’t live without-LOL Kids too. I started a couple of years ago substituting turkey and chicken for other meats in recipes and hiding it – no one really noticed if the seasonings and flavors were good 🙂 Then we ent to gluten free and we actually love it. We make mac and cheese with Mueller’s Gluten Free pasta – right from the grocery store- and cheeses of our choice and a little olive oil. If you want add in some eggs and milk. I take it everywhere and people ask for the recipe for my “homemade” mac and cheese!! Maybe you could start with that change and win the kiddos over!! Good luck!!

Tere - AWESOME! Healthy is a perfect word. My word is Nurture. My focus in 2014 is to nurture and “take care of” areas in my life — physical, mental, spiritual. Still working on my intentions through Ali’s class, which will make it more clear as to how I will make my word “work” in 2014. But in general, my decisions will be made around my word, “will eating or doing X nurture me?”

And I hear you on kids. My mom will tell me, “you created them”. Yes, I know. The switch from boxed mac and cheese to Trader Joe’s whole wheat fiber filled pasta has caused an uproar in the kitchen. We are all adjusting, it’s a slow, life long process. One day at a time mama. xoxo

Christine - I hope you never stop blogging….you are such an encouragement and positive light!!! Healthy 2014! You’ve got this!!

Juli - Good for you! For my salad haters, I swapped leafy greens for a plate of crudités and a little low-fat dip. Offer carrot strips, celery sticks, sliced red bell peppers, jicama sticks, zucchini strips, green beans or cauliflower florets or broccoli florets that have been lightly steamed then “shocked” in ice water. Kids seem to love to dip food in sauces. Good luck!

Kris - Start by making what you usually get from a box, for example, Mac n cheese…from scratch…. And have the good stuff easy to grab from the fridge!

Lisa - My word is “Substance”–and I am especially applying it to what I eat and drink. I’m making a greater effort to prepare food that is not only healthy (which is already my habit), but that is very satisfying, too. I found myself just eating food that was good for me, but that did not register as a substantial meal that was satisfying. I’m interested in following you and your word this year.

Jenn - I love it! Healthy, its the only way to be! My word is Simplify. Plan and simple. Don’t overthink, don’t overdo, keep it simple and everyone will be happy.

stephany - I could pick that word, too!
However, my word is order.
Order in my life, my house, my days, my body, my mind.
Just getting everything in order…instead of chaos, cluttered, crazy!
Happy New Word!

Kelsey - Good luck! Also, there are LOTS of people (myself included) that have provided healthy, whole choices to their kids from day one and have made NO progress in getting their kids to enjoy salad. My kids have had something green in front of them every day for their almost 3- and 5-year-long lives, and they still hate salad. Don’t be hard on yourself. 🙂

My word is “Avanti.” I took four semesters of Italian in college and this word is one of the few that have stuck in my brain. “Andiamo avanti” means “we go forward.” And “avanti!” means “come on!” And “Tiriamo avanti” means “we get by.” 2013 in many ways has been simultaneously sad and hopeful for us, and this word is my reminder that from here, we simply move FORWARD. Farewell 2013! Andiamo avanti!

Beth in the City - Oh, I can relate! I’ve been on the healthy journey big time this past year and still have a way to go. It was so liberating to give up sugar! Which I need to do again now that Christmas is over. I eat the Trim, Healthy Mama way (book sold at Amazon and many other places) and it works for me. I’m actually looking forward to cleaning up my diet again post-Christmas. Can you even imagine looking forward to it? I mean, what a difference from the ME of a year ago! Blessings on your journey.

Kate - You should check out Her recipes are really good and no processed foods. Her pizza dough and sauce are awesome. Also the chick fila chicken sandwich is definitely one of my favorites. My child is very picky and she has eaten everything we have tried so far.

Heather - You would be surprised at what you can get kids to eat. Yes, at first they will complain, but just keep doing it. Their palates will change. My kids like different vegetables, but they will begrudgingly eat whatever I serve them, usually. I also cater to their likes. A lot of my dishes are “put together”, for instance quinoa with veggies is a typical side dish. I don’t mix the veggies in, I just put them on top. That way, I can put chopped bell pepper, celery, carrots, and spinach on one kids plate and bell pepper, broccoli, and onions on the other kids plate. Then my husband and I get all the veggies plus a bit of feta, because we aren’t as picky.

Lindy - My food life was changed forever when I read the book Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. I HIGHLY suggest it (in double big caps). I seriously thank God for this book, which sounds weird, but it took away so many of my struggles with food – things that had plagued me my whole life, including emotional eating. So, maybe it will do good things for you too?

Heather S. - Great word – great goal. We began the trek to healthy last spring. We’ve managed to make some serious changes in our lives and they are becoming very natural. It’s hard at first, and honestly, I felt easier to do in the spring than the winter (because I just want to eat cookies and drink cocoa in January and February), but it is second-nature now. The kids WILL be the hardest part. Introduce more veggies and fruits a bit at a time. Find the ones they like and have those often. Best wishes to you on your journey!
My word: Flow. As in, relax and go with the flow. I’m a very planned person, but my plans are not always God’s plans. I need to flow more with what He gives me each day. Seek Him and follow his lead, but more fluid…..less like a soldier marching. Natural.

Beth Ann - salads & kids -> we do a ‘salad bar’, with the lettuces, toppings <meats, cheese, croutons, wontons, walnuts, cheese, fruit, etc) and dressings and let the kids make their own salads. the make-their-own salads seem to go over better.

i love your word. some friends and i are doing a 'healthy recipe club' to start our new year. our rules are basic –
1.) you have to be committed.
2.) you have to try and share ONE recipe a week that is healthy and quick/easy (it can't take 2 hours and lots of prep, we all have young kids & work outside the home) (you can do more than 1, but you have to share 1). it can be a snack, side, main course. your recipe you share can be good or bad, so lets say you try one that you have seen all over pinterest and it stinks, you can share that one and say it stinks, hopefully most will rock.
3.) every week you must try one at least ONE recipe that was shared from last week in addition to one other healthy recipe that you are going to share.

our hope is that we can help each other with healthy meal planning/recipes. the recipe you share could be as simple as a marinade for chicken that you grill, or the old' can of black bean brownies. if you are interested in joining us, let me know! we are going to do it over email (back to busy life & kids).

Becky - Great word, Meg!

I’m starting The Whole 30 on Wednesday, and I’m actually looking forward to it! My husband and daughters won’t be on that bandwagon with me, but I’m going to do my best to just make ONE meal for each meal and not be a short order cook…we’ll see how that goes!

My husband read these articles about some big name NBA players adopting a pretty paleo diet and having excellent success with it…Steve Nash, Dwight Howard, Blake Griffin, and even LeBron eats pretty clean. Maybe Scott and Sean would be more open to eating more healthfully if they read/heard about some high performance athletes doing the same thing with awesome results. This is the page with all of the links to the 3 part series.

While I’m doing The Whole 30, I might try to do The Food Network’s Picky Eater Project with my girls (7, 5, and 3) and maybe my husband, too. We’ll see!

I hope this all goes great for you!

Southern Gal - Oh, I so get this. The kids fought us tooth and nail over every vegetable we put before them. They ate a few, but not much variety. Now my daughter is grown and married with two daughters of her own. And they eat every vegetable under the sun and LOVE it! My 11yo son is the only one still home and I’ve not done him any favors with the eating habits. So we’re posting a food pyramid on the kitchen wall and we’ll choose from those in the amounts recommended and see where it leads us. I wish you a healthy new year!

Erika - Awesome, love this. please continue to share about exercising and what you are eating. I love good ideas and recipes.

Carrie - Good luck Meg!
I have a long way to go on this too. It seems like the processed unhealthy stuff is just easier to do.
It will definitely be an adjustment but slowly I think everyone will get there in your family.
My parents always made 2 “healthy” sides. And by that I mean two different kinds of canned veggies or 1 veggie and 1 fruit. Anyhow, we had to pick one to eat. Not a ton of if, but at least a couple bites. Overtime we learned to like new things. Granted my parents were dealing with 2 picky eaters not 5 so it was probably much easier.
Just a thought.
Its great that you are setting an amazing example for them.
Good luck

Kathy - Amen! Great word! My word is intentional. I am so excited to follow along with your journey as we are trying to make similar changes around here …. would you be willing to post some menu ideas, recipes and workouts you’ve tried?? I am always in need of new ideas! Especially the part about getting the kids on board! I think it’s super hard to figure out snacks and things that they take to school – much harder to make those from scratch than just buying the packaged ones. Many blessings to you, it’s going to be a GREAT year!

Kirsten J - That’s a great word – I just got inspired by Cathy Zielske to try harder to cut out “sneaky sugar” – did you know a serving of chips is like 6 teaspoons of sugar?!?!
Anyway, my word is “think”. I seem to remember trying “focus” last year….hmmm…there’s a pattern. I’ve toyed with taking Ali’s One Little Word class, but never have. But maybe it would help me keep that word at the forefront.

Lia - I think it is awesome that your “word” is healthy. I have never picked a word before but if I did for 2014 it may be “strong”. I desire to be much stronger physically as well as mentally. The last year I have learned to love working out (it started with training for a 1/2 marathon, then a second) and I am consistently going to this boot camp style work out class and doing crazy things like 30 pound kettle bell swings. If you had told me 2 years ago I’d be lifting weights, doing jump squats and sprinting 4 times a week I would have laughed at you. I want to continue this in 2014 and focus on my core and back strength in preparation for hopefully starting a family in 2015. I also want to be strong in mind and spirit and not let the little stuff get me down. I am in a place right now where I need to work a lot while my husband is getting his masters and I need to stop complaining about it! I should feel blessed that I have a motivated husband who wants to get himself to a position where he can support our family and I can hopefully stay home with lots of kiddos. Thanks for this inspiring post, I love all of the scripture and might post some of them around the house.

Heather - You should take a peek at Jessica Seinfeld’s first book “Do it Delicious” (I think). She uses veggie purees in “normal” food that kids like! For example there’s cauliflower puree in her mac n’ cheese, she makes brownies with beet puree or something like that. It’s healthy but hidden! Written for her own picky pants non-veggie eatin’ kiddos. 🙂 Good luck!

Amy M - I think that’s great, Meg. I’m actually having some of the same issues you are, so it’s not tiring at all to hear about it – makes me feel less alone. Several years ago, I started doing a word or a theme or a mantra for the year. This year has been dubbed Fearless 2014 – not letting my fears or preconceived notions get in the way. Crossing things off of my “I’ve always wanted to” list. Being brave. Here’s to 2014 – the best year yet!

angie - hi meg… healthy is a great word for the new year… the word i chose is “enough”… i’m reading it a couple of different ways… but healthier in this new year would be a plus for me also… it’s so easy to snack… and not really be accountable… i’d like to work on that too! and i hear ya… there are many nights that my husband and i eat the same thing and each of my girls requests something different from us and from each other… totally my fault for caving but like you said… the unmaking of those habits = hard… best of luck on your healthy journey this year!

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