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cleaning our kitchen

summer has been a whirlwind already.
my kiddos are all signed up for sports of every kind.
it’s been a revolving door of kids coming and going at all times of the morning and night.
but the sleeping in has been AWESOME!

we have been staying up late…
the kids have a tan already…
the grill is in use almost every day…
flips flops are everywhere…
swimsuits draped on every chair…


the cleaning the kitchen schedule has relaxed a bit.
because we are gone so often with ball games every night.
i even set an alarm on my phone so that we can remember to get the kitchen clean before bed.
i am that forgetful.
i know some of you are thinking “how can she forget to clean her kitchen?”
ummm…. i just don’t see the mess.
i have become blind to it.

but then on mornings when i wake up and see THIS KITCHEN i can remember more often.

IMG_7593it is SO GOOD to wake up to a clean kitchen.
and i feel quite strongly that the kids should be a part of keeping it clean.
they make most of the messes anyway.

the thing that is the best… the cordless vacuum.

Eureka Quick Up 2-in-1 Cordless with Battery Pack on Amazon.

you can also order it: Eureka Quick-up Cordless Vacuum without the extra battery for a little bit less money.

it’s one of my favorite gadgets.
i have even given them as gifts for friends that have wood floors!
it’s mainly for wood floors but you can use on carpet too… but i would think if you have carpet that you would already have a bigger vacuum that you are using for that.  🙂

i dislike sweeping with a broom.
it feels like you never quite get it all… and the sweeping the dirt into the dustpan is messy.

AND this is GREAT for cleaning up all the dog hair on our wood floors!!

this is really light and takes up very little space.
it has a battery that recharges after you use it.
and an extra battery if you want to do more than a small area.
we can usually get our kitchen, living room and dining room done with the charge of one battery.
and that’s what this is for…. quick jobs.
times when you would have normally gotten out a broom and swept.
this is much quicker.
and my kids don’t mind doing this job!
it’s a miracle!
even Annie (my 10 year old) can easily vacuum the wood floors.
as far as the other jobs… they aren’t quite as “fun”.

but none of them are difficult either.
and when we miss a night… they get to team up the next night.
so if annie missed her night on monday then talby gets help with her job on tuesday.
and sunday is usually a catch up day anyway and we all pitch in if we are even home.


Stephanie - What do you use to mop your wood floors? They always look so clean! We have three boys and a golden too! So I am very curious. 🙂

Ali - I love your kitchen ! What type / color / style of counter tops are in your kitchen?

Thank you!!

– Ali

jennibell - My sister swears by her cordless vac. I love your kitchen-cleaning idea and *will* be instituting it in the fall (when we are back on schedule and – hopefully – in our new home). Thank you for all the great ideas I come across on your blog. . .I shared your laundry post the other day with another blogger who is struggling with her laundry situation 🙂
You are “my kind” of summer mama!!! Wish we lived closer together to enjoy these more independent years together. . .

Joy Cronauer - I love your kitchen! It looks beautiful and comfortable at the same time!

Maria - We have wood floors and a Labrador. Cordless stick vac saves my sanity (almost) daily!

Alicia - can we discuss that calendar for a second? I’ve been looking for something like that to freehand our calendar. I love that it’s made to flip like a calendar. Can you point me in the direction of where to find it? Btw, your kitchen is amazing, as is your entire house!

Kathi - I love your kitchen!

Mindy - Your kitchen is beautiful : )

Melanie - Do you have hardwood or laminate flooring? I am ripping up my yucky carpet this summer and installing laminate wood flooring throughout the house, including the kitchen, but still torn on what shade/color to go with. I am also putting in a white IKEA kitchen (YAY) and I thought your kitchen here looked so, so nice. Thanks for the tip on the vacuum!

Sabrina - I have three boys, 4, 2.5, 10 months. I am blind to the kitchen mess every single night. I just want\need my quiet alone time at the end of the day, so I let my kitchen go. Someday it will be clean. I hope! 🙂

katie skiff - I need one of those handy vacs. I’ve been using my shop vac. lol We have similar rules for chores too – but I should add vacuuming!!

Marsha Kern - We love our cordless stick vacuum, with 2 dogs, 1 cat and wood floors it is the best!

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this week

i will say it again… i don’t like when shows end.
i don’t mind if it’s like “Full House” or something but when it’s MY show that i go to every week for down time… UGH!
and i keep getting told “all good things come to an end”
umm… NO.  No they don’t.  they don’t HAVE to.
so it’s over.
and I’m sad about it.
i loved every single episode.
in the beginning, i tried really hard to not like this show but i just could not!
it’s too well done!
you can’t NOT like Madmen if you start from episode one and watch… it’s impossible.

and i could never pick a favorite character because i love how they all work together.
i will miss this show.


and then ON THE SAME WEEK David Letterman retires.
i mean really.
he has been in my life forever.
since before i knew what late night tv was!
and he has ALWAYS reminded me of my dad… the way they speak… deliver a joke.
there wasn’t a single show where i didn’t think “sounds like my dad” and i almost always said it to craig.
we didn’t watch much anymore… but i liked knowing it was there.
and then this week with all its farewells i loved Tina Fey’s honest and hilarious and brave goodbye.
i loved seeing REALITY of what it takes to wear those dresses…. she’s a riot.

and let’s see….what else could end this week?
oh yeah, SCHOOL!

my Annie ended her elementary school career!!!
she is now a middle schooler!
like as in… i don’t have ANY children who go to the elementary school anymore?!
bittersweet in every way.
the whole school & the parents line the halls of the school and clap for the fourth graders as they leave on their last day.  it’s a fun way to celebrate them.  Annie thought it was embarrassing.  ha ha haannie



and Sean is now ending his middle school years and is moving onto high school in the fall!
our school does a promotion ceremony for eighth graders that is casual and fun.
since it’s my third i managed to make it through without crying…. knowing it’s just another step in the journey.

i didn’t cry because i know he is going to do great!
he was SO HAPPY to be there with his friends and having such a fun day.
he’s really looking forward to football in the fall.
i will have a senior and a freshman in the high school and an 8th grader and a 5th grader in the middle school.
kinda funny.

AND one of my BFFs moved away this week too!!!!
my exercise buddy.
my thought processor.
my organized genius.
my calming presence.
it’s only two hours away but it will never be the same.
i am going to miss her so much.
she is truly the kindest person i have ever met.

so… yeah.
don draper, david letterman and my children’s youth AND my bestie left me – ALL in one week?!!

i earned my margarita last night.
all three of them.


tracy fisher - i’m just getting back to reading blogs… took some time off. oh boy do I miss reading yours. have the best summer ever!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Grumpy frog suddenly makes sense.

Wendy - We are going to watch the entire series of MadMen for the third time. I LOVE this show so much and really can’t get over that it is over. I thought the end was pretty good but I was just so sad that it was over. I really liked what they did with Peggy. That was my favorite.

I love the stairs so much and I am so glad you shared. I have an odd stairwell that I seriously am considering doing this to. Right now it is pine treads with unfinished fronts because I haven’t touched it since we removed the ugly carpet. i have painted the walls but that is all. You always inspire me! I love your blog and really how you share. You are still my first blog to check on. Long time reader! You have such courage, faith, and honesty. Thanks!


Debi Meyers - i love ya Meg. I hope we meet someday. Best photo of Dave. I love his little caramel-colored glasses.

At a crossroads, I chose The Walking Dead over MadMen. Can’t say I’m sorry. But you make it look worth my time.

deb meyers

Carrie - I have also never heard of middle school starting in 5th grade. In our area most middle schools start in 6th grade. A few districts start it in 7th grade and some have 6th grade centers.

Eugenia from Southern California - Woweeee. Middle school doesn’t start until 7th grade here. I have two boys in their twenties and another two traveling the journey.
A boy starting middle school and a girl starting 3rd grade in the fall. School doesn’t get out until the middle of June and starts again at the end of August. My kids are counting the days until they get to swim nearly every day.

I love the time without homework and longer fun days.

You are a brave brave woman. xxooo

Jen - I feel the same way about Mad Men. I loved every minute of it, and I thought the finale was absolutely brilliant. And I have a senior who graduates on 6/1 and heads off to college (four hours away) in August. I think I’ll go have a bottle of Moscato! 🙂

Debbie H - I meant 5 to 8. I’m in shock and can’t type, apparently.

Debbie H - HOW is that possible!??? Annie JUST began kindergarten! Have I been honestly reading your blog THAT LONG? You MOURNED the day she left for school (kinder) hahaha. And Kansas does middle school from 4 to 8? California is really out of it, I guess. I learn a lot here. . . I might need a marg. wow.

Lisa - That IS a lot to happen in one week! The friend moving? The hardest I would think. Good friends are the biggest blessings in life. And I have never heard of 5th grade being in middle school? Is that the norm in Kansas?

Lpro - What a week! I think you should have 3 more this weekend 🙂

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four things.

1. prom

2. invisible fences

3. birthday cake

4. His Safe Haven

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scott went to prom last weekend!

it was cute to see him get dressed up and be nervous and then know that he a great time.
prom is such a fun night for all of them… they feel so grown up.

this is not scott’s car… but it was fun to sit in and take pictures.
there was a huge thunderstorm during what was supposed to be the outdoor “Promenade”
so the car part was kind of a bust… because it was POURING.

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i have had some questions about our Invisible Fencing system we put in here at this house.


we bought the Innotek Basic In-Ground Pet Fencing System, SD-2000


and since we have more than one dog we ordered the Extra Collar For Smart Dog


our yard is bigger than the amount of wire that comes in the kit so we ordered additional wire to go around the whole yard.
PetSafe 500-foot Spool of 20-Gauge Boundary Wire




my sons and craig put it in in a weekend and it was not difficult.
the dvd that comes with it shows easy instructions to do it yourself.
you put flags up all around the perimeter of the yard to alert the dogs to the boundary.
then you train them for a few weeks in several ways that are all taught on the dvd.
our dogs caught on really quickly.
the collar beeps when they get close to the border so they know to stop.
it also beeps when the battery is dying so you know to change it.
eventually they don’t even go near the edge to make it beep.

the only times our dogs have gotten out of the yard is when the battery has died in their collar.
even dogs blink when they get their photos taken.

i HIGHLY recommend this fence.
invisible fencing has changed my days!
walking a big dog was never pleasant for me… and with two or three dogs… forget about it!
and bathing them when they ran away to find every pond and puddle they could was not my favorite.
and worry about if they were going to come back.

this fence made my life easier and kept my dogs safer.
and i like that!

it doesn’t keep other dogs from coming into your yard but it keeps your own dogs from running away.
our dogs are friendly so if a dog happens to come in our yard it’s like they just met their new best friend!

now if only it would work on chickens…


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i made craig a birthday cake.
it was yummy and i wish i’d only made a half of a cake…. because it’s just sitting there… looking at me!
it’s calling to me from the kitchen!!!
i can see it right now!

i used this recipe from Javacaupcake for the cake.… yum.

(i could not find espresso powder so i left it out)

for the frosting i used:

1/2 cup room temperature butter
1 cup peanut butter
4 cups powdered sugar
3- 6 T milk

Cream together the butter and peanut butter.  Then add in powdered sugar slowly and add milk a little at a time until frosting is the consistency that you prefer.

i added chopped Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups to the top.
i like the minis because they come already unwrapped!
the trick… throw the bag of reese’s in the freezer and then when you are ready to chop them up it doesn’t get all messy and mushy.  🙂  🙂  🙂  trust me… i do my research on reeses!  i’m no dummy.


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and saving the best for last…

These are some of the foster moms who care for the children of His Safe Haven.
do you remember a few months ago Talby raised money to give to HSH for their housing?
and SO MANY of you gave generously!!
she was able to raise enough for an entire year of housing for His Safe Haven!
THEN Christina sent this picture to Talby and said that with that money they were able to move all the moms to one location to live together!!   How cool is that?  Now they are a community of foster moms that can support each other!  Can you imagine the joy it must bring to have women right next door to help you out… who understand the special needs of these kids?  WOW!
God is doing great things with His Safe Haven!
thank you again for helping my Talby raise money for them!
i hope Talby gets to meet all these women someday.   🙂

Leslie - I can’t stop laughing at your chicken picture – they crack me up! I think that should go in your shop 🙂

amy jupin - a couple of notes:
1. scott’s prom date is super cute! they make such a handsome couple!
2. i think your puppers are the cutest. but the chickens scare me!
3. that cake looks divine. i’m drooling. happy bday craig!
and 4. the last pic is just awesome! awesome!

Shannon R - That cake looks so delish. My hubby is allergic to peanuts so I can’t enjoy treats like that frequently. He is out of town for the next four days. I wish you could box it up and mail it to Alabama. My kids and I would gladly eat it.

Andrea - Meg…how in the world did your son grow up so quickly. What a handsome young man….he sure does resemble your husband! I just love to see pictures of your dogs….they are all so cute, but that waffle is adorable! and wowza….your chicken looks a little testy!

Terrie G - 1. Oh, to be young again!! Part of me wants to go back…part of me would dread it! 🙂

2. Those dogs! And Chickens! I Die! Oh. My. Cuteness!

3. That cake…my Dad would love it! Maybe even my son-in-law…and he doesn’t like cake! What?! I know! Who doesn’t like cake? But he Loves cheesecake…ok, he’s back in good graces! 🙂

4. And your daughter! (well, they are all awesome in their own right!!) But So proud of Talby!! I too pray that she gets to meet those ladies someday! How amazing would that be?!

5. Look at that! A bonus comment!! Your stairs! You are killing me with all your color! Will you Please come do my house? I’ll cook for you…and I’d even help! And that chalkboard wall! Fab-U-Lous! Your IG = happy part of my day!


Allison - Oh that cake! I’ll have to keep that in mind for my hubby’s birthday. Yum!!

Rebekah - I am secretly glad that one of my children is allergic to peanuts, such that the presence of that cake in my house would be an actual threat to life. Because if it weren’t… oh, Lordy. Also, my husband, who adores Reece’s cups is on a low-carb diet. All the world conspires against me!

Lyndi - @Kristin S. – I’m one of the #500 too!! I love finding people who love all the same things as me – Meg’s blog, Jen’s book #FortheLove Fixer Upper…so fun!

Tanya H - So, I live very near a “highway” that is also the main road and very busy and packed and 55mph speed limit. I drive it to get my son to and from school and I pass a bunch of chickens that are free to roam who NEVER go into the highway. I finally asked my husband how on earth those people ‘taught’ their chickens to not cross the road and he thought it was the invisible fences people use for dogs. We’re both allergic to everything and not pet people so we don’t know a lot about it but….maybe there IS a way?? LOL!

sharon / - Cried happy tears when I saw the pb Reese chocolate cake . . Then REALLY cried happy tears when I saw the feedback on Safe Haven.
Thanks for the weekend kickstart!

Suz - Love the pics and am so going to try that cake for my husband’s birthday. He loves,loves Reese’s Cups and oh how divine it looks! As for the foster moms at His Safe Haven, I would love to meet them all but…..especially that one in the middle. She looks like she has some spunk to her – that face is pure joy (and mischief!!).

Tere - 1. Eeek. I see Scott and think of you and Mr. D in your dance picture from high school ….wasn’t it just yesterday?
2. How did I miss you got a 3rd dog?
3. That’s the problem with baking sometimes, I can down a cake 10x faster than my kids. I’ve got years of experience on them.
4. Talby rocks.

xoxo Tere.

Stephanie - I am so in love with the news about His Safe Haven!! Tears spring to my eyes for those women and also for Talby! Great news!!

Ellen B. - Your blog and instagram pictures are a breath of fresh air during my busy, chaotic days! Thanks so much for reminding us of how everyday life, while sometimes hard, is truly a gift to be enjoyed and celebrated.

Elizabeth gleason - Woo hoo we’ve been on the “fence” on what we should get for our yellow lab. The yard has thawed and we’ve been trying to pick what to get. Going to check it out

Ann - I enjoy your blog so much! You are a great mom & wife – we can see how much you love and support your family. Love your thoughts and posts. Love your creative ideas. I want you to come decorate my house! Hurray for Talby and His Safe Haven! What an amazing act of service she has done. I too hope that she has a chance to meet those women. How awesome would that be?

Jenny B. - YAY for His Safe Haven! Way to go, Talby! Also, I am picturing all the chickens wearing the invisible fence collars. Haha! 🙂

Lisa - Dear Meg, I will come and eat the cake with/for you and I would also like to hug and squeeze the pups, especially Waffle as he seems like such a sweet boy. Your faithful blog reader, Lisa 🙂 PS – Way to go, Talby!!!

Kim - You must be famous..someone at my office showed up with this cake today…I’m guessing they saw it on your blog or instagram. I should go find out who it was so we can be real life friends bound by reading a common blog! 🙂 Also, I want a goldendoodle sooo badly! I call every one I see anywhere “Waffle”. Even my husband knows what I’m talking about. k, hope this comment made you smile.

Debby - Great prom pics! So elegant! 35 yrs. ago for mine! Ack!! Of course, I was pretty trendy in my light blue HOOP GOWN lol.

I also love the pics of your sweet pups and those gorgeously attired foster moms! Those bright colors! So cheerful & so happy.

Did not love the picture of that sinful cake!! Made my mouth water & now I want a Reeses!!

Debby, also in KS

Routhie - That is so great for Talby and those women!

tiffany day - hi meg! I have been telling myself for months that i need/should email you and “introduce” myself! I feel a tad stalkerish! i have been reading your blog for – awhile now – i like it – i like you! i want to come to craft weekend as a helper! i follow you on instragram – i think you are funny, smart, easy going, down to earth, a girl after my own heart and someone I wish i could have coffee with! i live on the west coast! I try and blog but find it hard to find a groove. Instragram is good but it definately does not replace blogging – sometimes you need to write and share more, so I am trying!

I am here finally commenting after your instragram of the yummy piece of cake! Hope you have a great rest of the day!


kelly - totally teary about His Safe Haven…what a gift to those women to have each other for community! thank you for sharing with us here.

Kristin - I thought I’d better comment, since you asked us to on Instagram! I LOVE the chicken photo! Scott & his date look fabulous! The dogs are adorable. I would be eating the cake all day long! And whoo hoo to Talby!

Heidi Durant - Love!the cake looks amazing, your son and his date were so beautiful, and your puppies? Oh so cute. I love the rainbow stairs!I showed my husband and we both agreed our next house will have stairs! Happy Thursday.

chrissi - you had me at that cake with 4 birthdays quickly approaching, but then then the photo of his safe house…..the very best thing i will see today. thanks for sharing it♥

Makila - I’m still reading every post! Keep blogging!!!!!!

Kelly S - We use the same exact fencing for our 3-acre property, and have NEVER had a problem. It works so well on our lab, Dakota, that even when the battery is dead in his collar, he is afraid of going out of the yard 🙂 He has only gotten shocked once at the start of us showing him the ropes with the fencing, and he went too close and got shocked (as hard as it was, it was needed, because he will never forget, and it works on saving his life, to keep him in his yard). It’s so awesome. Like your family, we bought extra since our yard is big (3 acres) and my husband and son put it in and it was super easy. And it was EASY to train our dog, from the DVD that came with it. I also highly suggest it. It works so well on our dog, that he won’t even chase a ball (his favorite thing on planet earth) if it goes out of his boundary. He stops cold in his tracks and barks since he can’t reach his ball. 🙂

Christi {Jealous Hands} - I so second Kelly – rainbows always make me think of Meg! That cake – fantastic! And I’m totally gonna cheat & make one tonight – but using a devil’s food cake mix. I know I’m probably missing some of the fantastic, but hey, we have baseball practice & the icing sounds so amazing I think it’ll make up for it. Loved hearing the update on HSH – that is awesome!

It does not appear that comment on blogs is a thing anymore – but I sure wish it was! xo

Robin - Complying with your IG request for comments. Cake looks very delicious – my family would have devoured it in three seconds flat! Going to look into invisible fencing – this winter with our four feet of snow made going to put the dog out on his lead AWFUL! Keep up the good work 🙂

Kelly - okay, you asked for it… 🙂

1) thank you and thank you for sharing the Hatmaker Podcast
2) I do not thank you for sharing the cake… jk (I’m printing that for my sons bday cake in October)
3) On a serious note, I never got the chance to tell you and Kimberly at HS, but I wanted you to know that finding your blog a few years back was awesome and I so enjoy it, but once IG became a deal– the snippets that you two shared of Jesus calling and the Message bible changed so many things for me and opened my eyes to Jesus and reading and trying to figure things out. I have always felt like an outsider when it comes to church and the bible and all that, but meeting you guys and being able to connect thru IG has been such an awesome thing in my life..

4) Every time I see a rainbow, I think…. Meg!!

Have a great day girl…

Brittany - Visiting from Instagram and leaving a comment like the old days 😉 So glad to hear about your invisible fence!! We have a golden doodle who likes to go tromping through everything that he shouldn’t!! I am thinking maybe this fence will do the trick. I wouldn’t mind sharing a slice of cake :). Thanks for always sharing your happiness. I recently found you on Instagram and you sure have a happy feed.

Diane - I’m going to have to try that recipe for my husbands birthday in June!

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just stuff.

we’ve been watching Fixer Upper.
like… all of them.
we recorded them on demand so we’ve been binge watching.
annie.  talby.  me.  craig.
we love it.
#frenchdoors #yall  #reclaimed  #chip #JoJo #wevegotaproblem  #shiplap #goats

upperfixer BLOGstripRNBW1000

i googled “jen Hatmaker podcasts” and i found an awesome one.
you guys need to listen to this one!! CLICK HERE: JEN’S PODCAST
i just. can’t. even.
sister can preach it!
i loved this whole thing and i am guessing you will too.
it’s totally WORTH the time.
i was listening and thought “HOW am i 39 years old and i have never learned this?!”
she taught my mind and my heart and made me LOL and cry all in the same hour!

(in case i botched the link, it was a podcast called Disciples Disciple at Next Level Church on iTunes)




i heard this song on pandora.
have you heard it?

i couldn’t find any better video… and it’s long but i thought it was lovely.

the lyrics were what caught my attention.
i was making beds at the craft house and my heart was heavy thinking about several friends who are going through some REALLy hard stuff.
i immediately texted a friend the lyrics.  🙂
but i thought i should share her here too… maybe you’re waiting on the Lord?



the other day i walked in and the kitchen was so clean i HAD to take a picture.
i love the bright white in here.
i keep waiting to find the perfect thing to put above the windows… or beside.
it may not ever happen.
i like it this way too.  🙂
have you guys used the app on your phone called Chatbooks?
i am a newbie but i ordered one a week or so ago… LOVE IT!!
it didn’t take long at all…. i chose the custom book because i didn’t want to order 42 volumes at once.
and i wanted a bigger book than the 60 pictures.

it was so fun to have my IG pics in print!
since i am a frequent Instagrammer (understatement…) i am going to use Chatbooks a lot!
honestly my favorite part was how EASY and quick it was.
that is what has kept me from making big digital albums through MyPublisher or Blurb… time and difficulty.
chatbooks was a cinch.
so when i checked out they gave me this code for my friends!
(and you will probably get a code when you check out too)
Your first book is FREE!!!
Use this code when you order: A9YYFYR3

i get $1 credit when any of you subscribe to chatbooks so it’s a WIN-WIN!)



Melia - My favorite blogger blogging about two of my absolute favs! Love chip, Jo, and Jen. Fun post!,

amy jupin - joanna and chip. obsessed.
jen hatmaker. listening to this tomorrow on my walk. can you even?
you kitchen looks cray. i LOVE all the green! when did that become your color? because it SO is!
i miss you. i can’t wait to see you. soon. can’t wait. i’m packing all the bracelets because craft weekend. duh.

Kimberlee Jost - Your kitchen is beautiful.
I think I’ve said it before.
But in case I haven’t.

Heather - Boo! I built a book and the code won’t work.

Tracy - I looooove Fixer Upper and love Chip & JoJo 🙂 Favorite show right now!

Just ordered my first Chatbook! Thanks for the tip. Can’t wait to get it and make more!

btw it wouldn’t accept your code 🙁

Amber - Your random posts are some of my very favorite things. Just thought I’d tell you. 🙂

jennibell - THANK YOU for linking to Jen Hatmaker’s podcast — excellent x3!!! I re-listened to it with my daughter because she came in halfway through it. . .
I always appreciate the links that my favorite bloggers share 🙂

Ruth Umney - Meg, that was the perfect preach for me right now…I’ve felt under such a heavy yolk the last few weeks, with leading in my church, and Jesus has been speaking and guiding me so much, showing me that I need him, I need to let go of all of the lies and thoughts I had about what I needed to do…
Thanks for posting it, God really spoke to me about what I need to do next, and where I can go from here!!!
Keep going with your blog, it reaches so many and encourages so many!!!
Thanks, Ruth

Lisa Perry - TOTALLY with you on Fixer Upper, I became obsessed several months ago when I first found it and watched all the episodes that had aired prior. I love those two so much, and I want to visit their new Store/Market when it’s all done. I also love Rehab Addict w/ Nicole Curtis, if you haven’t seen that one yet it’s awesome too. Those are practically the only two shows I watch now that Parenthood is gone 🙁

Love your kitchen too…thinking you should do a big chalkboard like in the Craft House…..

Stephanie - We just started watching Fixer Upper OnDemand too! We love Chip & Joanna! My nine year old son has been watching it with me & always says, “watch, I bet she’s going to say ‘lets blow this wall out right here’…” He’s usually right!

Also, Chatbooks…LOVE!! They are the best!

Lisa - I met a lady who went to high school with Chip. I got a little over excited. Haha! I love that show!

Stephanie Wilson - I LOVE Chip and Jojo! I’m sad that the season is over. They are so much cuter than the Property Brothers. Thanks for the tip on Chatbooks. Your IG account is one of my favs 🙂

Kelly Sites - Thanks a MILLION for telling about the Jen Hatmaker podcast….I listened today while on the treadmill. FANTASTIC in every way. Man, that will keep me thinking for a long time. Not only was it hilarious, but it was SO INFORMATIVE. Never ever will I think of the Mary/Martha story in the same way. Never knew that about the levels of training-education for children. Super awesome. And LOVED the part about looking like the Rabi you were following….wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tara L - I have an antique stained glass window suspended in my kitchen window. It’s gorgeous when the sun shines through and doesn’t distract from the mountain views from my kitchen. We have so many windows and absolutely no window treatments in our home, there’s so much natural light we rarely turn any lights on at all. Just an idea! I love your blog, by the way.

sharon / - coughed up a giggle thrill, seeing chip and jojo! love them (wish i had a little more jojo in me, and hubby an little more chip . . but than again, let’s not compare, right??! lol)
also, have the same kitchen window dilemma you do. it may just stay plain forever. Error on the side of letting the sun in, i always say! 🙂
thanks as always M!

Kathi - I’ve been watching Fixer Upper from the beginning, I love Joanna’s style. Both decorating and wardrobe. Your kitchen is lovely and your instagram pics are inspirational!

Alice H - Since you do a lot of vintage/antique shopping, I think it would be really cute if you used old pictures of recipes/cookbooks, kitchen utensils, anything kitchen-y to decorate around that window. That’s just my idea.

Love that song. While I get ready in the morning I listen to Praise & Worship on Spotify. Helps me to start the day on the right foot.

Heather - LOVE Joanna and Chip and their show!! I want to move to Texas just to have them “fix up” a home for me! As for the window treatment, I think this would look fabulous in your kitchen! I did this exact thing, but put a curtain (with pom pom fringe on the bottom) behind it to help diffuse some of the light if needed.

kerri - in love with fixer upper at our house too! ship lap is my newest addiction. and for the kitchen… old shutters on each side of the window with a “grocery” sign above 🙂

Bethany - I just watched Fixer Upper for the first time last month and was hooked. I’ve been binge watching it too. My six-year-old son loves it too. He wants us to buy an old house now and fix it up. I wish.

Su - LOVE Fixer Upper!! Have you seen Joanna’s The Gathering testimony video. Here is the link. Worth watching. It is short.

And my friend makes these colorful “Thankful” signs. They remind me that a thankful heart is the key to a joyful heart. May be the perfect piece for above your kitchen window. Here is the link to the sign in her etsy shop:

Happy Day!!

Jenny B. - Fun stuff! We have fallen in love with Fixer Upper lately too. My boys love to watch it with me, and actually ask me to record the new episodes! My husband will even sit down and watch it with us. They all think Chip is hilarious… especially that episode where he eats the cockroach. Crazy. 🙂

Deb Graber - Do you have to have instagram for those books? I really would like my pictures in a book, but I only blog or have Picasa too and Google plus. Just wondering… I have thought about doing a blog book but it seems overwhelming!

Stephanie - My mom and I LOVE love love Fixer Upper and the Gaines’. They love so well! And she can decorate my house any ol’ time.
I just signed up for Chatbooks AND Instagram. I hate social media. Truly. But I realize this is the only way my seven kids will have photo books to look through because I am 5 years behind and horrible at making them. :/

Bri - I LOVE reno shows.. Pretty much all Australian tv is people crying over cooking or renovating. So I’m all over it!

I’m sad though, because chatbooks doesn’t ship to Australia 🙁 so i’ll have to wait.

Kristin S - I don’t know how I was able to be but I’m on the launch team for Jen’s new book. With 499 other amazing people. You will LOVE her upcoming book. Love it. Put it on your “must order from Amazon” list. Like, now.

Chip and Joanna? I just keep hoping he has a single brother hiding in the wings. Being 44 and single is rough when none of your friends have single friends! Know anyone? I’ll move to Kansas. I digress.

Lisa Adams - We love fixer upper too and have binge watched. Love how Jojo and Chip love and respect each other. Current fav show.

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mucho selfies…and other things

lots of phone pics of happy things the past week or so….
those mint green converse were at tjmaxx last week… run go get them for yourself!!!

talby has officially reached my height! IMG_3717
scott is now working at subway and yesterday he told me:
“this job at subway has opened my eyes to a whole world of sandwiches that i never knew existed!”
how adorable is that???
my friend shannan came to speak at a conference locally and i got to host her!
we laid around and talked.  and ate.  the end.  i loved every second.

im so glad i said “stop.  stay there.  one second.  smile.  thank you.” and i have this memory forever.
prom is this weekend!
he is so cute and confused with how this all works and wants to do things right but is a boy in this crazy prom world and so we all know how that goes.  it’s a lot like a wedding… i told him “just show up and look good”  since the planning is all being done for him.
lots of selfies.
lots of animals.
lots of flowers.
lots of smiles.

beth larson - loved this post Meg… especially the selfie of you and the open mouthed dog… the mint green kicks- (need some!) and howwwwww did your hair get to long all of a sudden? It looks amazing!

Chris - Love all your pics. I can’t get enough of that little dog. He’s so cute. But I love all your dogs. I just love dogs!! So thanks for the pics. Of all the dogs. 🙂

Tiffany Clark - You are looking so darling as always! I’m loving the long hair- especially curled! You rock it!

Janelle - PLEASE show us how you do your hair! Its so cute! I thought you maybe had one of those wave perms but then I saw the flat iron…tutorial please! And is the new pup staying?

Lori - Your photos are so bright and fun! I always love them 🙂

Lisa - These pictures are so cheery!

Lisa - Great pictures, all! Especially like all the animal pics, and the photo of Mr D (in Old Town, right?).

Sandra K - What a FABULOUS post! The whole thing just made me happy. 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!

Julie - So this is a random question…How do you groom Waffle? I think you mentioned once that you do it yourself. We have a golden doodle and when I take her to the groomer, they make her look more “doodle”. We would like her to look more “golden”. I can’t remember if Waffle is a golden doodle or labradoodle but he certainly looks less “doodle”. We have clippers…any advice would be greatly appreciated!

shar y - So, just everything!! Love these. Even the animals look happy!

Kathi - I love your blog and photos. You have an awesome family, animals included!

Suzanne - One time you had a shirt on that said something like “your story matters” or something like that. Can you help me outt please? Have a friend who could use one. (And me too!). Thanks!

Lizzie - you have a beautiful life. every picture and post is so inspiring and lovely. i’m raising two boys and hope my husband and i create the same kind of happiness and love that is so apparent in your photos <3 you need to teach a course on parenting!

Dana - Where do I begin? Those shoes! The ducks! The sheets! I love all your pictures so much. I love how you love color!

natalie - Love all the color! Also….hair help! I’m about to cut mine and you have what going for! How do you get the curl? Please!

Julie - My daughter checks her height against me every day now – talk about the perfect motivation for standing tall. She has about 2 inches to go before she has caught up. Love your photos.

angela - Love all these pics! And your hair looks GREAT curled!! Mentioned you today on my blog as one of my favorite bloggers!

Jen - lots of love for the selfies with you and your girls. 🙂

Lori Sammartino - Beautiful pics. It always feels like an escape when I visit your blog. Thanks for the eye candy and whimsy!

karen brown - YES…the hair! So good! Perfect curls.

Amy Woods - What a lovely family you have. Your awesome mommaness shines through in these photos! 🙂

Jen - What’s the deal with the puppy?? Why do you have him? ARe you keeping him??

Tammy - Love the red shoes. Where are they from

Nanette - LOVE your hair! Maybe you could do a tutorial? I could use the help. 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I love all of this. Lots of Joy and Gratitude in these pictures 🙂

Andrea - Lovely spring, happy family! You and the Mr. do a good job Meg!

My oldest worked at Subway in high school – while her uniform always smelled like sandwiches, there are worse things to smell like! And she was great about bringing her mom a cookie now and then – Subway cookies are pretty darn good!

Jenny B. - You are so cute! 🙂 Your glasses make me wish I wore glasses. Well, not really, but you know… they rock! And your family is so cool. 😀

Krys - Such great pics 🙂 I hope prom went well for your kiddo, and that pic of the puppies sleeping in the crate together = adorable!
– Krys

Lynette L. - I just love your posts with lots of pictures. They are so colorful and fun!

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monday goodness.

mad-men-header929b038a-6373-8d48-531a-7b863025428f_Mad Men_Staircase_Grou.jpg224164-mad-men-mad-men

did you watch it?
i am kind of agonizing about it starting again because i know it’s almost over again!
i am tired of everyone quitting on me.
i read this and then announced i wanted to start over and watch every episode from the beginning.
this show has some crazy stuff but i love the clothes and the time it’s set in for women.
and don.


i saw ashley’s blog post from like a year ago and taught myself how to do this to my hair!
other than it takes longer than putting my hair into a messy bun… i love it.
ALL hairdos (when it’s long-ish) require time.
kind of the bummer about long hair.


i saw this in Better Homes and Gardens a month or so ago.
my boys would’ve loooooved this! and me too!
i think it’s so creative.  She even sells them on her site now… cause she’s smart!


i’m craving summer salads with girly drinks while dining outside.
(click on the pictures for the link to the recipes)
they each look delicious!
and i am dreaming about making the backyard nice, decorating it and the deck too.
but my energy level hasn’t caught up to my dreaming level quite yet….








our puppy sitting is still going on.
probably more like a foster care program…
FullSizeRender-21 copy 3IMG_3655FullSizeRender-21FullSizeRender
he’s very bitey but he’s fitting in just fine.
he mostly sleeps all the time which is the opposite of stanley at this age.
so what is one more animal… right?
oy veh.

ok…gotta go and watch One Shining Moment.
i may not have watched any of the basketball tournament so far… but i love One Shining Moment.


Allison - I just made that sriracha lime chicken salad for dinner and it was awesome! I need to get caught up on Mad Men, I’m way behind the trends on that one

elisa - Please tell me you are keeping that puppy….

Jennibell - “My energy level hasn’t caught up to my dreaming level” – love it! I can certainly relate….love, love, love the lampshade 🙂

Lisa - Those puppy faces…I can’t stand all the cuteness at once! Love Stanley and puppy cuddling. 🙂

angela - One shining moment is my favorite….especially when my team wins!! Go Duke!

sharon / - puppy envy puppy envy puppy envy (and screen salad licking).

that is all.

Kathryn Goertzen - Ha! We must be sisters from some way back generation or something! I slept during the game (had been up super early for a yoga class AND don’t particularly like BB that much if nobody I know is playing) I set an alarm for about the time I thought the game would take. I woke up and 3 minutes were left. Perfect! Watched the ending, ONE SHINING MOMENT, and went back to bed!! Love that One Shining Moment.

Abby - YES!! One Shining Moment is my FAVORITE part of the entire tournament. I may or may not have DVR’d the game last night to watch it.

Wendy - We did go back and watch the whole thing again and it was wonderful! I love MadMen! My fav. I will probably do it again sometime. -Wendy

Megan - “but my energy level hasn’t caught up to my dreaming level quite yet….”

Um, are you in my brain? This describes my whole life right now. sigh. Stop dreaming and start doing stuff (I”m yelling at myself now…)

Michelle Deckert Richmond - I agree with you about The Walking Dead. I would never have thought I would enjoy a show about zombies….but I am hooked. Can’t get enough.

Jen - I am SOOO sad about Mad Men. I love it so much! If you want a fun read about the show, go to the blog “basket of kisses”. It’s fascinating. And if you need something else to watch, try Breaking Bad or House of Cards or The Walking Dead (don’t knock if til you’ve tried it! I learned the hard way on this one!:-)) If you enjoy English TV, try Doc Martin. All so good! And you know what they say about “all good things…….” 🙁

Happy puppy sitting!

melissa stover - i love mad men so much! I don’t know many other fans so it thrills me that you love it too. it is one of the only shows I’ve been able to watch over and over again without tiring of it (besides friends). it’s so layered and the dialogue is so rich. there will never be anything like it.

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winners and pins

Talby’s fundraiser went above and beyond what we were hoping for!
because of your awesomeness… she raised 117% of her goal for His Safe Haven!
she raised $6300.  what??
that is so cool.
it’s just SO COOL!!!
the housing is taken care of for His Safe Haven for A WHOLE YEAR!
my heart is full.
i am proud of talby!
i am thrilled that you helped!
i love those kids in Liberia!

so the winners of the two big prizes are….



ladies… email me with your address.
my email is under my profile pic in the right sidebar.  🙂


craft weekend was super.
they were late nighters and that’s totally great.
i just slept it off today.
squeezed in a workout at 5:00 and fed my family left overs for dinner.
i watched the oscars last night too.
it’s been awhile since i have remembered to watch!
i love to see all the dresses & winners but really i just want to wear a fancy glittery dress like they do.
i really do.
but that kind of stuff just doesn’t happen around here?!

and since i always like to share my fave finds…. enjoy these!

i want to make these... or at least eat them.


i wish that was me in that chair….


i want to make this!


i think i need more washi tape….

i want to eat this.  like… right now!


winners… send me your addresses.
thanks again to all 149 people who donated to His Safe Haven.
you rock!

Sharilee Ensz - i love you!!!!! my mom cleans for kimberlee jost. and i love her!

Amy - Hi Meg!
Thank you for blogging. Today is a day where I really was needing a lift and you and your words and pics did it! Oh, and I hope you received the Christmas card that I sent you of our family. I am the Amy Collett from Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada with the husband and 4 boys plus pets in the pic. Take care! A prayer of thankfulness for you and your blog will be lifted up to our sweet Saviour today.

Michelle from Australia - The bathing boxes in the photo are on Brighton Beach in Melbourne (Australia). They are well known as Aussie (Australian) icons. I took a photo of them when I was in Melbourne last year. But I wasn’t organised enough to have a model recline on a sun lounge for me! And as someone who lives in the tropics, I look at that picture and think ‘Gee that looks hot in that sun. Why aren’t they in the shade?’ 🙂

sharon / - oh dear. hEaLtHy chocolate bars!! where have they been all my life??! i want to eat those while walking a red carpet in a glittery dress.

KirstenP - You picked your green color for your hutch before Better Homes and Garden picked it as part of their Color Palette of 2015!!

chrissi - so proud of talby♥

Flower Patch Farmgirl - WHAT????!!! I just came here to donate (keep forgetting!) and read this. Yay Talby!! So proud of your obedience and your Jesus heart!

Jenny B. - Oh, that blueberry whatever it is! I have been seeing something similar popping up on Pinterest, and I WANT IT! My husband is the baker, and he made something new that LOOKED really similar this weekend. But, when I took a bite of it, it was all I could do not to choke and spit it out. It was called soda bread, and it had raisins and caraway seeds in it. It tasted like rye bread. I think it might have been good if I had been expecting the flavor, but when you think you’re about to taste buttery blueberry sweetness, it really is a shock. 🙂 ANYway… Your desire to wear an Oscars-worthy dress reminded me of a Bunco party my friends had. We play Bunco once a month, and the hostess usually tries to come up with some sort of theme. Well, one time, they had an Oscars night, and everyone wore glittery formals! Well, some people didn’t dress up (I would have been one of them), so the hostess had press badges for those girls. It was great! You should totally do something like that. 🙂

Lori - Love that beach picture and the washi tape, too!

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