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my new grown up life.

at our school they start kindergarten half days for the first 9 weeks.
then they go full day the rest of the year.
i guess it's to ease into it….easier adjustment for everyone.
i love it.

annie has had me walk her to her classroom everyday.
none of my other kids wanted that.
so of course i did that today too.
i think i would've been sad if she didn't want me there today.

soon she'll go in with her brother and sister but for a while i will still walk her in.
it gives me motivation to get out of my pajamas now before we leave for school.

this picture sums it up.
double hand grasp on mommy.
she said all morning "my stomach hurts" and she wanted lots of extra help getting dressed.
she was so nervous for her day. 

THIS is annie's look that means she is nervous.
i LOVE that i captured it.

and then she was ready for me to go.
thank goodness.
i couldn't have handled any crying….without crying myself.
so glad she was brave.


very strange feeling to be all alone so early in the day.
i am fine with time alone.

it's not that i MISS my kids when they are at school….i don't. 
i know that they are safe and happy and that they will be home again soon.
what i am feeling is that annie is my last baby and now she is a big kid at school.
and i am 35.
so i am old and alone.

just kidding.
i mean….i AM old and alone….but it's not a bad thing.

a new chapter of my grown up life begins.
i can only go to MOPS meetings as a mentor mom from now on.
(i haven't been to MOPS for 6 years but i remember thinking with five kids i could be in MOPS forever) 
i have no excuse for a messy house anymore.
(except for those five kids again)
i have no excuse not to exercise.
i have no excuse for dinner not being ready.
i have no excuse to have a MOUNTAIN of laundry like i do right now.

i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.

those are my areas to focus on in this new grown up life i have been given starting today.
whether i asked for it or not.

with that….i am out the door for a long run.
i am going to blast my music and cry if i want to.
but i don't think i will. 
i think this grown up life is going to be pretty good. 

ps….i went dancing this weekend.
it was one of the best nights i have had all year. 

Trina McNeilly - Change is always different, exciting and scary but it will be good….so very good.

Rebecca - yes, i have no excuse either (although my kindergartener is only in school every-other day)… i really need to get back into my routine. especially reading my Bible. thanks for the reminder… i really need to be accountable for this. good luck with your new-found quiet freedom. enjoy it.

kristin - this made my heart skip. i know that face too. my protective-preschool-teacher feelings just came up. i know she is fine too.
and i have felt like i am on vacation every day. : )

Sue - My son’s are grown and in their 30’s but today reading your blog I almost cried remembering the fist day of kindergarten and then again the first day of Jr. High. That was the hardest for me. I remember both of my son’s did NOT want me at the school and made me go back to the car and leave because they could see I was going to cry. They were men to me that day and really it was harder letting them go to Jr. High than Kindergarten. I only had two but you have 5 what a blessing that is.
Now that you have time, my advice as an old woman, is relish that time with God and everything else will fall into place. Blessings, Sue

shauna - i love her nervous face…good job momma.
there is just something about that little sweetheart!
on her last day of preschool, i had only read your blog once or twice and i fell in LOVE with her!(i think cause she reminds me of my ella)I wrote you a LONG comment, and then it somehow got erased(grrrrrr) and i got all discouraged about commenting…
i got over it 😉 thanks for sharing with us…

Julie - Grown up life is complicated. Sometimes I really crave it and look forward to it, but then other times it makes me sad. You are a running/ laundry/ cooking/ cleaning superstar though!!! Bring it! Yay for cute, brave Annie.

Nikki - All my kids are at school this year…my house is still messy, I still have a mountain of washing and I don’t exercise… I think I spend too much time shopping, having coffee out with friends and way too much time on the computer… oh well… and now you’re telling me that next year when I turn 35 I’m considered old… oh well 😉
BTW, I love Annie’s nervous face…. too cute.
I’m off to clean my messy house before the husband and kids come home and realise I’ve been lounging around all day.

Leah - Love your new header!

Sandra K - So please do a post on the night of dancing…!

amy jupin - i don’t know why, exactly, but this post made me tear up meg!
i think it was the pic of annie’s death grip on your hand or maybe seeing her with her hands over her eyes.
so much emotion in those little pictures.
gheez, there i go again.
i think i need some chocolate. (or a martini, or maybe a chocolate martini??)

april@gingerbreadgirl - Im LOving your new blog title pic!!!

crystal beutler - I haven’t had kids at home for years now. I STILL have mountains of laundry, I don’t exercise like I should, dinner is never on time, the house still isn’t clean. I’m doing something wrong. 🙂 That, or I’m busier now that I was before kids went to school all day. Go figure. I’m worried about what’s going to happen when they leave home for good.

The Lady of the House - LOVE the header girl – you’re so creative! & Your baby girl is so darn cute! I just about bawled when I saw that picture of her with her hands over her face… I have 2 boys (so far) 3 and almost 1 – I’m nervous about this step, I’m glad it’s not here yet! 🙂
The Lady of the House

Melissa - So good to get out and dance isn’t it!!!

aimee - if that face in the hands isn’t the cutest picture ever! and you are not in the least bit old!

Kat - I love this post Meg!
Makes me want to smile and cry all at the same time.
I am already struggling with the fact that I am not pregnant and having another baby like I normally am.
Trying to decide whether to stop at 4 kids or stretch myself to the limit and have #5…
Annie is so gorgeous. I love how you captured the moment, esp the hand holding and her nervous face. Bless!
Yay you for your positive attitude, for being sentimental and for going out dancing.
Can you do a post about the dancing? Sounds fun and I need more fun!

Dineen - My grown up life starts next year when my youngest heads off to 1st grade. Thankfully, we only do 1/2 day kindergarten here. I LOVE having her home with me in the mornings! I’m really sad just thinking about next year. But if you can do it…then maybe I can too.

beth - Grown up life…I just joined the grown up life again…my three kids are 12 years apart so I know how you feel…I can say I will not have anymore babies so I am all grown up for good and I haven’t hit 50 yet…soon though..hehehe
Enjoy your time!
Oh yeah I borrowed on of your pumpkin pics as my backdrop on my puter at work…hope that is alright, it brightens my day…all your pics but only nature ones I will use. If not ok please let me know and I will not do it again. I never share any pics of course.

se7en - Oh Isn’t Annie a darling… You are both so brave!!!

Julia - You are not old. 40 is old. So old. And sad. Old and sad. Hopefully you’ll handle it as well as I am.

Julie K. - I’m so jealous! Just being honest here … I feel like a grown-up trapped in a mama’s body. You know I love the little people but I would love to have all day to focus on all that must get done and be fresh for them when they come home!! Enjoy!!! 🙂

karen - awww..that was a touching post.
You are so lucky to have five ‘grown’ up kids and be 35 years YOUNG!!
I am 32 years old with a 3 year old and a 4 month old. They are my heart.

sandy toe - I started that grown up life this year too. But, I didn’t know I couldn’t have a messy house anymore???
sandy toe

Georgia - Hey, just think how many extra photo shoots you can fit in!!! 😉

emily - ook. there are some 35 year olds who are just getting married, or beginning to have babies- you’re not old. stop saying that. you’re just in a new phase of life.

Tamsen Fussell - Just want you to know that I am a mama in Montana with 4 kids all about the same ages as yours. I, too, have the teenage daughter…and the sweet kindergartener- with 2 others thrown in the middle for good measure! I totally can relate to sending your baby off. And to having a whole day to yourself. And to feeling old- ha! Thank you so much for your blog- making me laugh, and cry, and not feel so bad about my own mountain of laundry…:) -Tamsen

jodi - first of all, meg–you are not old. OLD PEOPLE DO NOT GO OUT DANCING! ha good for you.
secondly, we moved back to the northeast last year and i became a mentor at the mops i started 18 years ago.. s u r r e a l
being “old” rocks (and i am much older than you)

Karen Lehmann - i LIKE that “easing” into the school year. Your school system has it right!

Catriona - “i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.” Start with this and the rest will take care of itself – you know it!
Enjoy your week – soon it will be the weekend and everyone will be around. x
PS 35 is NOT old!!!

Deanna - Aww..Annie in full time school! Just remind yourself that summer is only 8 months away and then they will ALL be home! 😉
And come check out my give-away if you get a chance-

Cari - The pictured you captured of her holding your hand brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful. (I guess I am officially no longer a “lurker”.) 😉

Laura - I am going to go with “the best is yet to come”
we are young
have I mentioned I love you?
and I love Annie
that face
so glad I got to see it in person

Karen - Grown up life is good! (just different)

Ashley - I literally teared up looking at the pics of you dropping Annie off. Of her holding your hand so tight. My daughter is only 11 months old, and it will be a while before I have to send her to school, but I teach and leave her every morning….so I feel your pain. 🙁
But I bet it feels great to know that you’ll have some time to focus on other things while the kiddos are at school!:)

Courtney Walsh - I have to be honest and say I love that you were honest in saying you don’t miss your kids when they’re at school. I really don’t either. I love my time with our youngest and I know that once he’s gone, I’ll love my alone time too. I feel kinda rotten saying that, but I think it’s a good thing that I like to be alone sometimes.
🙂 Makes our time together that much sweeter! Hope the run was wonderful, Meg!!

Andi German - I’m so glad you went dancing! Not been dancing for ages … but I did dance today – in the kitchen to an old tape I found that’s 20 years old!!! I had my own little rave. Have been lurking for a while – decided to comment. Love your blog.

purejoy - if i can embrace my empty nest and grownupness, you can embrace yours. what a thrill to be embarking on something oh-so-new!!

Karen Gerstenberger - I think you are right. So why is it, though I didn’t cry when my kids went to school for a full day, that this post makes me want to cry?
God bless you and your family. I have faith that He will lead you every step of the way, as you listen for Him – double-hand-grasp, like Annie’s.

deb meyers - i’ll never forget when the realization dawned on me — after a few weeks of whining “I am home all day, why can’t I get everything done?!” that the time I actually had at home ALONE was only 4 hours. But I had been telling myself it was ‘all day’ (which means, what, 12 hours?) but it wasn’t 12 hours. Does that make sense?
deb meyers

patti - i’m learning to grasp my grown-up life too…but I’m 41 and still have a 3 year old. guess it took me a little longer to grow up. 🙂

Jill J - You are braver than me. When my baby went all day a few weeks ago, I balled my eyes out. I am old and alone and I don’t know if I like it. Maybe I would feel better if I went dancing too?! 🙂

Maria - love it. Enjoy your new life…
and that laundry pile?
still there for me.
but I’ve only been in my new life since mid-August…so, barely getting over my ‘last-child-out-the-door-time-to-go-back-to-bed-nap’
starbucks helps.

Elissa - i wish our kindergarten did this. we are 1/2 days all year and my K boy is totally ready for a full day. he says K is easier than preschool! oh well… it is what it is. enjoy being having a grown up life! i’m looking forward to it 🙂
i haven’t been dancing in a DOG’s age.

Megan - Yea you! My youngest started K last year and it was quite an adjustment for me. I felt like I had to do that ‘no excuses’ list you wrote about perfectly everyday. This year I am trying not to take it so seriously. Like this morning…I drank my coffee and watched a movie on the couch – just because. {And I’m not going to feel guilty about it.} Here’s to a great new start for you and hoping you get some mornings on the couch! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I love this stage. My youngest is seven. Wonderful snots. Used to love dancing…. so where do “Old” moms go to dance? Just curious.

Tiffany Ruda - I reeeeaally can’t even begin to wrap my head around that stage of mommy-hood, but it’s awesome to hear about your new season. I hope you enjoy every moment! PS, love your blog.

Routhie - Your bravery is her bravery. I never tire of watching my girls change and grow. Have fun with your new grown up life! xx

Krista - Love the double-hand grasp, that Annie is such a sweetie. I think you’ll both be loving this new life! Kindergarten is such a blast!

Cassie - oh my goodness. that nervous look is exactly like ayla’s nervous look!
enjoy your long run! (is that possible??)

melissa - I am starting to get a little taste of grown up life with the girls in preschool 2 days a week and I am loving it so far!
Enjoy, it sounds good to me!

Melanie - I like my grown up life too:) I think that you will do just fine. You will see though that the time goes by so fast! Enjoy your day.

Heather - Yikes! Grown up life – yikes!

Lora - Love this post. I’ve seen that nervous pose before too. My baby is 10 and I still miss him being home with me everyday… sometimes, but most of the time I love my home alone time.

Gemma - Like I said before…soon this will become your ‘norm’ and you’ll rarely look back! Until then just keep on keeping on : )
Gemma x

Trish - It’s your party and you can cry if you want to! or not 🙂

Judy - Grown-up life is great. Hugs.

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first day.




and 2010….

talby: 3rd grade         sean: 4th grade

scott: 7th grade                                        annie: kindergarten 

lauren: 10th grade

IMG_4540 IMG_4539

the first day went well for the four youngest.
craig stayed for breakfast and drove the sean and talby to school.
scott rode his bike.
lauren starts today.
annie is in the pm kindergarten.

she was dying to get there.
at 9:00 she said "WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG TO BE NOON!?!?'

we rode bikes to school for her.
we were 20 minutes early!
i joked with the school secretary "i've never been early to anything in the past five years have i?"
she did not disagree.
annie just really wanted to get moving.

i stayed with her for a few minutes until she said i could leave.
she was definitely nervous but trying to control it.
i love that.
she squeezed my arm and that was that.

i thought "i will lose it if i make eye contact."
so i bolted.
i went out the side door so no one would see me and get me to start crying.
i put on my headphones and took off running.
it's hot out there!

i ran home the long long way.

and my afternoon was very nice.

i think i am going to be ok.

cheap air jordans - The award ceremony took place in the state capitol building in Helena, about four hours from where we live. We just got home and we’re all a little tired, not only from the drive, but from the crazy week we’ve hadasdf.
To keep it short, Yasmine had surgery Monday, serious and scary at the time, but thankfully looking excellent now. She was just released last night, and insisted we make the trip.

Lisa - Meg,
I just dropped you an email but wanted to say hello again here.
Your bunch is so darling and I can see how ALL the first days are special for each and everyone…including mom.
My daughter just graduated from homeschool highschool and my son just started his sophmore year. He really misses his sissy, would never say so, but I can tell.
Glad you’re going to be ok.
Lisa - We are going on September the 1st. Good luck to your kids, they are beautiful!

Sally H. - You are so lucky to have 1/2 day Kinder. Here in TX we have full day Kinder, 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. I am sending my youngest of 3 to Kinder tomorrow, hope I don’t lose it right there in the hallway! Thanks for sharing your days with all of us, so fun!!

shauna johnston - lovely pictures – my daughter saw your daughter with the rabbit t shirt she begged me to ask you where it is from she so wants one. many thanks. Shauna Johnston

tasha roe - i sobbed my freakin’ eyes out when the boys went to kindergarten. sobbed. like embarrassing sobbing. at least it was in the car.
kudos for going to long way home!

Andrea from O-H-I-O - My “baby” starts full day Kindergarten on Monday. I have NEVER cried when the girls have started or my “baby” starting preschool. Like you, I always looked at those women like they were nuts! But somehow this seems different. I was telling the “girls” in my Friday Bible study that ‘the mom in me will probably cry and cry, but the woman in me will be excited!’. Like your Annie said, now I can sew, paint, work on the house, garden, go to the library, shop,…. But I will still miss my “baby” – my only boy.

Gemma - They all look lovely! I’m sure after a few weeks everything will seem like “normal” again : )
Gemma x

Beth - Cute pics. Love the pic of Lauren with Annie in the window. Pretty girls. Handsome boys. I have a friend who has a little boy named Talbey (spelled differently than your Talby) Really cute name.

katie - i’ve decided i’d like to try to be the first comment on your blog one day. that would be cool. 🙂

Kat - Oh bless, look at those beautiful kids.
My heart just aches for you, as I am terrible at letting go. (am such a sentimentalist.)
Its a new phase and stage for all of you and you WILL be okay.
Make sure you do one nice thing for yourself every day.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, you kids are beautiful. I LOVE the one of Annie peeking out the window at Lauren… you could write a whole story about that! 🙂
Proud of you for running. So proud. Great job!

AshleyAnn - Scott has a really, really great smile. Makes me happy just looking at it.
When I was in 10th grade girls were not that gorgeous.

firefly hill - The kids are gorgeous. Talby is the image of you!
Love your blog…

kelli - tears!! sounds like you are doing your job. that little one is ready to fly!

Janelle - My little girls are 2 and 4 years old – and I have to say, I hope they are not as beautiful as your Lauren when they are in 10th grade!! And yes, I said NOT – my husband will have a heart attack trying to keep the boys away! =)

krystall - Your oldest daughter is beautiful, and I love the backround with Annie watching out the window.
You are very blessed!!

Amanda - How fun to look back over how much they’ve changed from school year to school year…amazing, isn’t it?
My oldest is starting 4th on Monday and the 4 yr old is heading to preK in a few weeks. I’m sure that one will tug at my tears…and I can only imagine how I’ll be once the 2 yr old gets to school…I’ll be a mess! lol.
In the meantime I keep reminding myself of all the time I’ll have to be able to create and have a bit of me time. Hopefully I’ll talk myself into going jogging like you did 😉 (gonna take alot of talking….)

Mindy Harris - Lauren is so beautiful..ok all your babies are! Her owl necklace is fab!

angela - It’s going to be a great year! Your kids are precious…and blessed!

jaz - gawwwwsh I wish I had laurens thick beautiful hair and dark skin. She is so gorgeous and chocolatey isn’t she. What a heart breaker. Absolute stunner.

Jemm - Ok…I feel really feel dumb. I don’t know how it escaped me that you had FIVE kids. FIVE! I’d be crying too if my baby were going to kindergarten. That was so hard. 1st grade was the hardest though for me because it was all day. Your kids are darling. Lauren is so beautiful. You are blessed.

alamama - i didn’t realize that lauren is only a year older then my DD. she looks much older. talby is so beautiful!

Tam - …and their off! I’m glad the first day went well for the 4 youngest, i’m sure Lauren will have a great day too. My kids won’t start school for another 2.5 weeks. For some reason, I’m struggling with the thought that my oldest will be in 4th grade. I didn’t cry when either of them started kindergarten, I’m thinking I might with QB starting 4th grade. What is wrong with me?!?!?

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Your kids are so stinkin’ cute. I love that you document them on the first day every year. I’m gonna be sad this year. My youngest goes all day. What in the world am I going to do with myself??

Kimberlee J. - Trying to resist saying this…”Run Megan, Run!” Ha.

Katie H - It’s hard for me to even imagine your feelings right now, as mine are 2 1/2, 15 months and 1 who is still baking. Hopefully you are able to find the joy in your new chapter and spoil yourself during you new found “ME” time. Also, your oldest is absolutely STUNNING!! God Bless!

Denissa - Great pictures, it was fun to look back since I didn’t start reading your blog until this year.
My youngest started pre-school this week and I was a wreck! When he was gone it was the first time in 9yrs that I had all three of my kids gone at the same time! 🙁

Heather - Good for you mamma!

katie - lauren is gorgeous!!!! have fun shooing the boys away;) i also have a 3rd & 7th grader this year… plus a 1st!!! we go back tues. can’t wait!!

Dawn - My kids are the same grades this year too, except instead of a Lauren, I have a 3yo still at home. I’m so excited for our year to start on Monday.

Ana - I love the picture of the oldest posing outside and the youngest looking from the window!

Courtney Walsh - Oh, Megan. I know. I did the ball-baby thing too. Your kids look absolutely adorable and your photos are perfection! 🙂 I definitely think you’re going to come to LOVE those afternoons to yourself…and love having them all back home in the evenings!! 🙂

Beth - Seriously love that one of Annie looking out the window at Lauren! I can’t wait to work with Annie in art — I think that will be fun!!! And your other kids, of course are so great! Looking forward to seeing them again in art class too 🙂 Glad things went ok taking Annie the first day!

patti - i’ve been ramping up for weeks on how i’m going to feel with my oldest starting kindergarten and my youngest just about to turn 3 and start preschool. i think i’m going to be a mess on september 7th! school starts late in our district…but i’m ok with that…for now 🙂

Tara - such great pics…
lauren looks like she is so over you taking her picture. 🙂

Sara - sounds like you stuck to your plan!!! Lilly started Kindergarden this year too…she is with me at my school but in a different building. I have been trying not to be a stalker. ha ha.

Sandy - I was wondering why Annie was going to school barefoot. (just kidding 🙂
The kids all look great, as always. I especially love the picture of Annie admiring her big sister from the window. Gorgeous!

aimee - can you believe school starts so early this year? we started the 11th. your kids are gorgeous! and yes, you are going to be OK!

Taylor-Ann - That explains Shoeless Annie. Glad to hear the day went well for you.

Janine - Your blog never fails to make me smile. Your kids are beautiful and it brings back memories of many first days of school. Love Annie admiring her big sis going off to high school. School doesn’t start till after labor day here so it seems a bit early (and hot) and hot to be thinking about school just yet for me.

Kristi - Oh, I love how you have four years of photos! It so cool to look at how they change from year to year.

Tracey Garcia - LOL, I wondered why Annie didn’t have shoes on. Gosh the kids are darling and Lauren is gorgeous. I have one going into 5th and one starting kindergarten on Monday. We met the teachers last night. They seem very nice, high hopes for a great new year.

meghan - that picture of annie looking out the window behind lauren made me cry. it just made me think of little girls waiting for big dreams to come true. and big girls making their way in the world…making those dreams reality. it is really touching to think how far our littles come from that first day of kindergarten!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - So happy it all went well!
The younger 4 are such cuties!
And Lauren… she is just stunningly beautiful!
Hope it’s a great school year!

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I didn’t realize how close in age our kids were (I have one going to 3rd grade, two going into 7th grade, one going to be a senior, one a junior and my baby in kindergarten). Our kindergarten is full day. I’m going to have much more time on my hands to feel lonely…I think that’s what’s bothering me the most.
Great pics!

beth - Beautiful family, Meg! Oh goodness Lauren is just gorgeous!
Love all the pics and glad Annie was a great time going to school.

kim - Cute! I didn’t realize I had been following your blog so long, but I totally remember that post from 2 years ago. Time just flying…

Staci - I know you are going to be just fine 😉 And I’m glad your Annie will too 🙂 And of course, cute pics of oh so cute kids 😉 Happy Weekend!!!

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the end of an era….

on friday annie finished her last day of preschool.
which also means that my 12 year run of being a preschool mom is also over.
5 of those years were at new creation preschool with ms. kristin.
i met her just weeks after moving to newton.
i called the school…she answered and told me "i hadn't told anyone yet but we just had an opening"
it was meant to be.
annie was a newborn in her carseat when we took sean in for his first day.
i am so thankful for this school.  for kristin.  for her graceful way of teaching my children.

so i cried it all out on friday…in my car….in the wendy's parking lot.
(and now again while i am typing this)

when i took this picture….it clicked that this was over.
i don't know why.
this picture.
i got all choked up, alone in annie's preschool room while they practiced their program upstairs.
check out kristin's rainbow skirt.

so there it is.
over forever.
annie is my last baby.
she grew up overnight.
and now i am a mom of school age children.
no babies.
that is really hard for me to come to grips with.
i know i have five kids….i know i am tired and worn out by them….i know that what i have is enough.
but i really cannot believe that the baby stage is over.
that i will never have another baby.
it makes me feel too grown up….old.
i don't really want to start dealing with only BIG kid issues…driving, talking back, grades, sex….


and then annie took off riding way down the street without waiting for me.
kind of like she did growing up.
she never even asked me.

i am sure that my new "freedom" will be great.
i will get so much done and that this is a new stage and it will be good.
this baby/preschool stage was my normal for the past 15 years.
now i am done.
it is very surreal.
i hope my kids still need me…
without sippy cups or potty training or floaties or shoe tying.

don't feel sorry for me.
my pity party is at max capacity already. 

np - We have the same exact things going on in our lives! My baby(of 5) is also heading to big boy school, in the fall. I enjoy reading your blog b/c you mother with such purpose and love…. thanks for the inspiration.

katherinemarie - I recognize that CLASSROOM as one of my favorite preschool rooms EVER!!! What an amazing preschool experience for your little Annie. I hope the memories of all that color-wonder-bliss-creativity will ease your mama’s heart as you say goodbye to such a wonderful school experience.

jaz - What a DELICIOUS classroom! Ooooh so gorgeous!! And what a beautiful girl you have there. You captured these memories so beautifully xox

Trina McNeilly - The colors are spectacular… love them… makes me happy …after a whole afternoon of talking back and big kid drama.. coming from a 1st GRADER.. whats up with that? I think baby crying is easier…. i might change my mind at 2am though. But time does go so fast. I’m sure that is a crazy feeling everyone done with pre-school.

Erin Leigh - This blog makes me so happy. The colors + the photos. I teach kinder + it’s good for me to read these comments to have a little empathy for my weepy moms on the first day of school. The ones who ask me what their child ate and hand me sunscreen to chase them around on the playground with. (i know this not you)My little guy is only 2, but i already feel weepy thinking about him growing so fast… my turn will come!

Kelly - such a good post for me to read. I’m just starting with the whole baby thing and right now not getting any sleep and am exhausted. reminds me to cherish. kelly

Maria - loved this post.
We just had our prek graduation last friday too…our last after being there for 8 years ( 4 boys worth).
Not quite sure I will know what to do with myself next school year with no one to tote back and forth to prek for once.
We will go from 4 schools to 2 schools next year (probably the only year that will happen) and that I am really looking forward to.
such sweet photos of your preschool too..hang in there…

krystall - now I’m crying too! I have thought those exact same thoughts and had those exact same feelings. I was crying over my boys getting married one day and leaving me, they were 3 & 2 at the time:)
I have one more little chick with me at home during the day and I think this post made me realize I need to apprecaite what I have instead of fretting about what’s to come,
thanks for the reminder to grasp each moment with them

Andria - Meg,
My youngest is finishing kindergarten. I am right there with you. I have found myself bursting into tears so many times while watching a show with a baby in it. I am a baby-preschool age mom, its my favorite time. My heart aches that I will not have another even though I am busy with my 3 boys. My husband tells me all the time we have enough on our plate but I still yearn for another. So I have been soaking every minute of kindergarten, every minute my youngest puts his hand in mine.

Courtney Walsh - Meg,
I still have a baby at home (well, he’s two) but this post still got me teary. And I don’t tear. I’m not a cry-er. It’s so hard in the midst of the “stop!” and “don’t do that!” to realize that when they are grown, they are grown… and we can’t stop it. I hate it. 🙁 boo. I am going to go hug my hobbit now.
Annie’s preschool looks absolutely amazing.

Kate - Beautiful post. Mine is not in preschool yet, and I am actually dreading that transition…every stage is hard! If it helps at all, I am 39, and I still talk to my Momma every single day…I still need her. Momma’s are always needed!

ashley - Beautifully said. Gorgeous and fun classroom. What was in Annie’s book, if you don’t mind me asking?

Sophie - Such beautiful photos to capture beautiful memories.
And you still have your babies. Sure, they might not need you to help them read or tie their shoes, but I’m the youngest of three, and even though I’m seventeen, I’m still my mother’s baby (:

kristin - for one of the first times since friday that i’m crying. i’ve been in a weird place of grief over this ending…it is so so so so bittersweet. today it seems mostly bitter.
oh, i will miss your family. your support. your enthusiasm.
thank you for the pictures. again.

Brooke Whitis - I LOVED her preschool!! That place was such a blessing…such a creative, awesome teacher and a place that even had a BLOG!! She inspired me as a teacher 🙂 I hope you enter the next stage with as much joy as you have the last! You are a wonderful mom 🙂

Carol S. - Mine are 5th grade and sophomore, and I was just at your stage yesterday. But, I get lifted by friends with older kids (college, married, grandparents) who say there are JOYS in every stage! Truly, it will be there. So briefly mourn the loss of one stage, and then quickly throw yourself into finding the JOYS of the next. (That’s my plan)

Joni Lane - wow, what a beautiful preschool. how wonderful that it has filled you with so many wonderful memories.

jeanne - I cried just reading this. I think I cry a lot reading your posts.

Susan - Oh Meg, I am feeling your pain right now. I am going through similar growing pains – my baby (by nine years) and last child is STARTING preschool this summer (pre-preschool), and I am sooooo sad to say goodbye to the era of having my babies all to myself and home with me all day everyday. I find it so difficult to leave each stage behind, but, as you know, the new stages bring their own triumphs and joys.

DreamGirlLisa - I know how you feel, it’s so sad when they grow up, and THINK they don’t need you…but they always will 🙂 You will love having that time alone once you get used to it, enjoy!

Nancy M - In a few years you can look forward to grandbabies. ♥

Janet - My very wise momma once told me she thinks jr.hi/high school kids need their parents almost more than the younger ones. The tricky part, as you are well aware, is figuring out how to be there w/o “interfering.”
My ‘baby’ turned 21 yrs today.

Stina - Love that school. Love your pictures. So bright and cheerful. I was following both your blog and the preschool’s blog for at least a year before I spotted a picture of Annie there and realized that THAT was where she went. How awesome for your kids. I would LOVE to go to that preschool even now…at almost 30. lol. What a treat. And now on to the next chapter. Of course they will still need you. You still need your Mama, I’m sure. And, of course, we need you and your fun posts. 🙂

candace - YOU should become a preschool teacher!!!!! The you could be around the fun littles all the time.

Kerry Wiebe - Sister don’t be sad!!! You can ALWAYS have things changed if you know what I mean!! I am living proof of that HA! HA!
And if not any time you need a baby fix PLEASE PLEASE Call and I will come a runnin’ 🙂
Love You Girl!!!

elma - Oh I know how you feel I am going thru it this year. Adrian started kindergarten my baby my last one. I cried so hard when he went on his first day all the other mothers thought I was nuts. Our oldest is 24 and Adrian five where did the time go. Eight kids, 24 years gone in the blink of an eye. I to feel sooooo flippin old what do I do next?? It is sad.

Robyn - oh my goodness…. this preschool seems AMAZING! the colors and art and creativity! i wish our preschool, while its great and all, i wish they had this fun stuff! so nice of you to take all those pics too… the teachers must love them!

Karen - I wish you all the best with everything you plan to get done now. It didn’t work out that way for me! My hubby put me to work on the farm even more, and I never had time to breathe. Since then, my babies (all five of them) have grown in the blink of an eye, and I have one grandbaby. It’s not all that bad getting older either. In fact, it’s rather sweet. Enjoy the ride!

Betsy - Love to see the pictures of her classroom. I always wonder what people notice about my classroom.
Did you, by chance, make the triangle fabric “banner” for that classroom? It looks like you and I LOVE it! I’d love to buy one for my classroom ceiling since I have zero clue how to sew!
Etsy idea??? 🙂

Kristin - I want to go to that preschool!

patti - my oldest daughter is 5 and she graduates from preschool at the end of the month. i can’t believe it. i cried when she when to preschool…i’m going to be a mess the first day of kindergarten!

the inadvertent farmer - I was not expecting tears when I read this but alas I sit here with the waterworks streaming…
I thought I was done…I was so sad.
Then when my youngest had just turned 13 along came our only girl…then her baby brother followed…making it 4 boys 1 girl in all total.
Now as I sit across from newly graduated from college 24 year old and my new potty trained 3 year old I just shake my head and wonder at it all!
Good luck with this new phase…Kim

sarah - oh my, this got to me… it’s hard watching our babies grow up.
my oldest starts preschool in august and it seems too early for it.
btw, your photos are really great. they really bring your posts to life.

Sandy - I can’t believe how much that little stinker (said very lovingly!) has grown up just in the two years I’ve been reading your blog.
They will forever need you.

Daisy Cottage - (((Meg))))
I promise you that they will need you even more as they get older. They will need you every single day.

Liz M - I would like to go to that preschool too. Total coolness. Could they have a day for Moms who want to re-connect with their “inner glue and paper collage?” Sounds like bliss.
PS I LOVE Annie’s happy outfits. And that picture of her sailing off down the street just makes me S M I L E.

kristine - i totally have tears in my eyes! i JUST registered natalie (my first baby) in preschool on friday. what different days we had from each other!
i love annie’s school. i hope natalie’s is just as much fun!

Nicole - I was flipping through these photos and thought, “that looks an awful lot like the Preschool Days blog I follow” and sure enough it is! I follow Kristin’s blog simply because she looks like an amazing teacher and her class looks so fun. You are so lucky to have had your children go through her room!!

Audrey - I’ve been feeling the same way…and my youngest is just 18 months old! We have four children and I know that this is our last one. Why does this baby need to be the one that wants to be so independent so early???!!! With every milestone he passes I think that it our last time for crawling, bottles, learning to walk…..! If I’m like this now – what am I going to be like when he goes to school????

Melissa Gruber - oh meg, this is the post i needed to read…thank you! as a mom of twin girls who will be 3 in 3 weeks…i just wish away some of the stages/phases they go through and are in. i need to remember i will never get them back…NEVER!!! so enjoy them…the good, the bad and the ugly and just love them to death.
enjoy your week!

Andrea McKnight - My baby boy “graduates” from preschool Thursday night. Sigh. The end of five wonderful years with Mrs. Storts – which started with my eldest daughter. I too will no longer be a preschooler mother.

citymouse - My guys are older than yours and we’ve passed this milestone already. Like all the milestones with your kids, it takes some getting used to but then you enjoy what comes next. On the complete other end of things, when my oldest turned 21 I felt so old (even though I had kids ranging all the way down to 12 at the time). I kept thinking how on earth could one of my babies be an honest-to-God grown up? But it happened. Now, I enjoy a very new dimension to our relationship that didn’t exist when he was a teenager and it’s nice. (He just turned 23.)

Jaimie - Aw no worries, they will always need you. On another note, you are so LUCKY to have found such a great school. Not all kids get the opportunity to go to a preschool like that, so you are very, very lucky!

Staci - I’m right there with you 🙁 Only our kindergarten is only 1/2 day, so I still get another year to “feel” like he’s little 🙂 You are right, it’s a new chapter…one I am sure you will fill up with new and beautifully creative things 😉

Rach - I have no idea what that feeling is like yet but I am sure I will re-read this post when the time comes and my own tears will flow. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

Angela - So if I don’t ever send my baby to preschool, maybe she won’t ever grow up, right? Wishful thinking I know. My oldest two are 11 and 12 year old boys. I was just fine when they went from preschool to regular school. But for some reason the thought of even sending my baby girl (who’s only 1 1/2) off to preschool sends me running for the Puffs. Hang in there!

alyssa - Now you’re making me sad. I was already secretly freaking out that Ava is done on Wednesday. Each year is getting harder instead of easier!!!

Kacey - Awww…crying with you. Just think of all the good times ahead!

Lori - I absolutely get where you are. My kids are 14 and 18, but I remember bawling after the final program of my youngest’s 5th grade class (end of elem school for us). But I will say that you get used to having the older kids, and a little freedom. And you need that break to prepare for the older kid issues (yse, they will still need you!). But the older kids are way more interesting, if less cute. 🙂

Dianne Avery - Ahhhh, this made me cry. This is my last babies last few weeks too. It’s true that they grow up so fast.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - 15 years is a long time! I’m still smack dab in the middle of the baby stage, but I know i’ll feel exactly the same way when it’s over. i hate change!
but i am a bit jealous of all the free time you’re gonna have come fall. 😉

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

Tanya - Look at all that fun and color

sarah - Makes me cry…
I adore that picture of Annie and 3 of her friends. She looks so grown up.
These pictures are all so special. She’ll love looking at them when she’s older.
And your kids will still need you. Sometimes they won’t admit it, but they’ll need you.
For years and years to come, they’ll come to you for all sorts of things. I know I still need my mom.

Jennifer - I only have two, but my life and identity was so tied into being their mother, that when my first was ending preschool and getting ready for kindergarten, I fell apart. I stopped being able to sleep at night and had so much anxiety that they put me on medication for a while. Now THAT is lame. At some point I was able to pull myself out of it and enjoy all of the new stuff that was starting. I didn’t realize that the teachers would still need and welcome me to help out (even more, hello PTO!), and the unknown was just awful. I did much better when my “baby” started school in 07, mostly because she was SO ready and so mature. Now my oldest has only one year left of elementary school. My goal is to hold it together and just try to enjoy the ride! New fun and exciting things! But yes, saying goodbye to the baby/toddler times is really tough.

Tere - Sniff, sniff. I’m with you. Lilia’s (my #4) ends too. On to kindergarten in the fall. Bittersweet.
Thank you for sharing your pictures. So careful and fun. Take care.

Lisa - AAAAGH! I’m so relieved to read this post and know I’m normal!! This is my daughter’s last week of preschool and I have been SO SAD, crying every time I think about it. I am so not ready to be done with preschool. It is just the perfect stage. They have their away time, social time, some independence, but then come HOME and have the rest of the day with ME. Perfect. I’m not ready to be a “real” school mom either. Crying right along with you! Hang in there!!

Jen M in Texas - I know exactly how you feel because my little man’s last day of Preschool is on the 27th and it makes me so sad to think that I won’t ever go into the fun happy little school.
Here’s to new adventures as mom’s of school kids!!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - no pity, only support. it’s hard for all of us. although we celebrated the various stages in our children’s lives, it’s never easy.

Dineen - I’ve never commented before but this post hit too close to home. I too am ending the preschool years this June. I know I will be a basket case, as I am EVERY June when the kids finish up a grade. I too love our preschool. I hand picked the school for our oldest son who is now 8. Where does the time go? I remember checking out the school when the kids were just 3 and 2 and I was pregnant with #3. Just crazy. I feel your pain. I don’t know how I am going to deal with these years ending either. Hang in there. I know deep down it will be just fine…right?

AshleyAnn - Killing me with this post. It is a good reminder because my sippy cup, diaper stages won’t be over for a while and quite frankly I get sick of diaper changes and sippy cups.
That preschool has to be the greatest anywhere…forget my kids, I want to go there.

Freckled Hen - This is a timely post. I have 5 kids, too. Just yesterday I cried because my youngest is now a boy. A real boy that talks (a lot) and has no more baby pudge, no more diapers. Having teenagers test my patience everyday and younger kids that just want to jump rope and ride bikes I feel less needed. My kids are growing and I suppose I have to as well. It’s so hard!
PS your pictures are very beautiful…I can feel the happy, colorful energy of the classroom.
PPS did I mention my youngest talks a lot? He spoke through this whole comment about a triangle shaped magnet and how his voice echoes in the lobby of Hobby Lobby.

Suzanne - okay being on the other side of things, my children are 32, 30, 28 and 26 and I have 5 grands 10, 10, 9, 8 and 4 months I can say that I remember those preschool days fondly, the teenage years with gratefulness they are OVER and now is the best of all, really. My children are my best friends now and I know everyone hears this all the time but grandkids really are the most amazing of all.
It is hardly over Meg, you have so much to look forward to on the other side 🙂

amy - oh my dear meggie poo, i should not have read this this morning. i have pms like crazy and my hormones are all over the place. and looking at annie with mrs. kristin made me all teary and red-eyed. in august i will be saying goodbye to daycare and ben will be at an elementary school for most of the day. those lovely ladies at our daycare have been my most loyal friends for the past eight years and are already making me cry over saying goodbye in a few months. why is change so hard? when i was younger i remember being excited and thrilled by change. not now. now i’m just a silly ol’ puddle of emotion. let’s have some coffee and butterfinger cake and tell each other it’s going to be ok, ok?

Mary Beth - I LOVE having growed up kids! It is THE BEST.
When Megan finished pre-school, her teacher wouldn’t even LET parents there on the last day because it is too emotional. The teacher cried!
We STILL miss that teacher…..

Vera - Aaaw hugs to you!! This post made me want to get knocked up RIGHT NOW. Ha ha! I have a baby (btw I just posted about his nursery – that you helped me with!) and we decided we’re done having babies, but every time I think about “this is the last time…” I just can’t even stand it! But then I think, if I had 20 children, I would still feel sad when the youngest reached new milestones.
Congrats Annie on finishing preschool!!! <3

Laura Phelps - I have these moments frequently…the “I can’t believe it is OVER” moment..
when I think about finding a man to marry…check!
getting married…check!
having babies…check!
It is done.
But this is what I am believing right now…as we embark as a family with a HUGE NEW CHANGE…
We have no idea what is in store…but God has our plan..a new life…a new day…a new beginning..
and maybe…just maybe…it will be even better than the baby stage…
think of the possibilities….

Megan - What a sweet, sweet post! I love her preschool, it looks amazing! I also love her outfit! She reminds me of my daughter Claire who is in kindergarten. I let her wear whatever she wants and sometimes I’m not sure if I should but I am letting her be creative! I love your blog it is just so real!
I am having my 1st giveaway and would be thrilled if you stopped on over!

Casey - Oh honey… this made me cry. I get that way thinking about my kids too. How my “baby” will be 3 this year and we don’t know if we are having more so I am cherishing every little thing! Good luck with everything! Cheer up, be blessed and know that God is GOOD!

Melanie - I only have one child and he just turned 16 yrs. old. I think I am the only one that doesn’t like the baby stage. I loved from age 3 on up. I have enjoyed all of it since then. I didn’t mourn like you are about the baby thing. I am the odd ball out on this one, I know. Good luck with the new stage that you find yourself in. Hope you feel better:)
The pictures are great by the way!

Holly - Wow Meg! It’s only normal to be experiencing such strong feelings. It’s at the core of you! It’s who you are. You’re a mommy. And as a mommy, we invest so much into our children! I’m sure I’ll feel the same way when all of my boys are through that phase. Bitter sweet.

Elizabeth - Gorgeous photos, and I admit to perhaps never getting over the last days of our beloved preschool. It’s been five years! Those are special times indeed, especially when you love the school and the teachers.
Now, onward!

Sarah@Clover Lane - I’m 3 years away from that, but when it happens will you come and pick me up off the school parking lot where I will be laying face down sobbing my guts out?

kristin - Oh Meg,
Wait until you get here…
I am on the pity party train with ya!

Amanda - I really can’t imagine the place you are right now, and the emotions that go along. I can’t even bare the thought of mine going to preschool – my days at home with them will be ending in the next few years. This was a great post – I teared up thinking about you crying alone in your car. Ending a chapter after 12 years has got to be tough. Enjoy your summer with them!

jen smith - just wait til the first day of kindergarten.
i am not a cryer. never have been. but when my baby had her first day of kindergarten i cried the whole time she was gone. for the first three days. it was awful. but then i slowly started to realize the freedom of having school age children(after having small children at home for twelve years) and i got over it. now i enjoy them when they’re home and party while they’re gone. it’s fabulous!

`Kelly - Can I join your pity party? A couple weeks ago a friend was in town so a bunch of friends I don’t see often gathered at my house to play & catch-up. As they walked in with their carseat carriers and huge diaper bags and asked me if I had an extra bib or any rice cereal I realized I’M THE OLD MOM! My kids are the oldest and I’m done – DONE! – with all that stuff. Granted my youngest is still only 2 but I do have some in school and am gearing up to send another one off this fall. It’s weird to be out of that phase already. It went awfully fast although it didn’t feel like it at the time.
What a great place your kids got to go to preschool! So fun! I definitely saw some things in that room that I now want to replicate in our playroom. 🙂

Tara - my baby is 3….she’s growing up without asking me also.
*long sigh*
praying for you today.

Krista - I love the preschool pictures, it looks like a wonderful school, such color and so many cool activities with the simplest items!! I am sure Annie will be anxious for K in the fall, it’s too bad they can’t be little forever!

Amanda - I had to comment today, and usually I don’t. What a beautiful post. You are such a great Mom. Your blog inspires me, and I look forward to reading it each week. Your children are beautiful, and so blessed to have you. My “baby” will be done with preschool in about three weeks, and I can’t believe the time has gone by so fast.

Nicole Q. - Your kids definetly had the BEST preschool EVER!!! Everytime I’m on Kristen’s site or anytime you posted about the preschool I was jealous for days!!! It’s the best learning environment I’ve ever seen for a preschooler!!! Enjoy the transition into the next stage of life!! I’m sure it will bring a new kind of GREATNESS!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love that you share your feelings. I am sentimental too and think this way about everything. Gorgeous colorful pics. Makes me happy:) Time for a new chapter.

Jen Joy - I have been blessed with 4 incredible free-spirited souls and have these same sorts of thoughts just about every day. You are definitely not alone. I keep trying to remember, though, that they’ll always need me… but in different ways. These days, it’s more about “How do I get a girl to like me?” and “What classes should I take, Mom?” No worries. We’re still needed. 🙂

Nancy - I am right there with you. My youngest is the same age as Annie. We have 4 more weeks of preschool then adios. It is the end of an era that is for sure. a lot of tears too. What a blessing for you to be at such an inspiring school.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - From a mom of three 7 to 14, I have to say the school age family is sooo much fun. Life just seems to get larger and richer, as everyone seems to be able to participate more as a unit. I have to say its been great! Enjoy the next ten years, because before we know the grandkids will be keeping us busy. Oops… maybe that wasn’t the best comment for the whole feeling old bit. Sorry.

Julie - My baby (youngest of five) turned five in March. I’m right there with you Meg! 🙁

Sarah Mahan - Awww! We are just starting the preschool thing next year. I love this stage and also feel for you! Where did you get Annie’s dress??? Did you make it? Love it! Good luck in the years to come with all the big kid stuff;)

Melissa - 🙁 I hear ya. Crying for you too…so many of those moments as a mom.

martina - Wonderful pictures, soooo sweet! I don’t want to pity you – but tell you that good times are ahead! I’ve got 2 sons, now 17 and 20 (OMG!) – and i must say, it’s wonderful to have big kids. So much fun to have more space and freedom for yourself (and your partner) again. To do different things with your kids – like a relaxed trip to town, going shopping or look at an exhibition and have dinner – the kind of things you did b4 you had kids. And part of you get’s to be a teenager again – which is fun too, You’ll see 😉

Amy - I totally understand. I have an 8 yr old daughter and a 15 yr old son. I so miss the preschool age. But they do still need you. Even though my son acts like he’s got it all under control, he still comes to get his hug every night before bed and tells me, love you mom! I hope that he NEVER grows out of that! My daughter seems to be growing up overnight, she doesn’t want me to pick out her clothes anymore. I miss the cutesy stuff!! But I know she needs me too, today she has to read a story she wrote at the “Authors Tea” at school in front of all the parents. She asked if I could be sure and sit in the front row! It takes time to get used to new stages. I go every other week to church to babysit babies for the MOPS group. I love it, I get my fill of babies and can still sleep through the night!!
I turned 40 this year! I definately feel old!! But it’s so weird cuz I don’t quite feel like a grown up yet! Time flies, cherish every moment!

joy - I love reading your blog! I am sad with you! My two are only 1 and 2 yrs old so we are about to enter preschool but I can only imagine how fast it goes and that I will be at the exact same place you are one day!! Thanks for being so honest on your blog with all of your feelings. I especially loved the mother’s day post!! You’re awesome! Blessings! Joy

LouBoo - Hi – you have pretty much captured how I feel about my son growing up. He is 5 and is in ‘big school’now but reading your post brought it all coming back to me. Especially the bit about them growing up without asking! Over time though I have started seeing the good side of being out of the baby phase, afterall, babyhood is just one little bit of motherhood – a drop in the ocean infact if you think of the long haul! Louise x

Taryn - Love that the first comment was made by YOUR mom……comforting and beautiful! Thinking of you today. Love you!

mom - Beautifully said.

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christmas recap part 1

on the last day of school before (their incredibly long) break
annie had a sweet little program at her preschool.
when the parents arrived all the kids were "sleeping" in front of the cozy fireplace.
they got to wear their pajamas to school and bring a special blankie. 
when they woke up they each picked out a christmas book and found a grown up to read to them.
annie and i read Little Critter's Christmas.

next was snack time.
the preschoolers served us.  
i heard ms. kristin telling them "if you slip like fancy nancy…that's OK!"
so cute!
i think i drank 4 cups of water…i didn't want to turn any preschooler down.
IMG_9929   IMG_9931

i just kept my camera up to my face trying to pretend my child was not the only one being a total spaz.

IMG_9942   IMG_9945

"if you can see me…do what i do"

"we fish you a harry chris moose"         
IMG_9968  IMG_9934
they are best best friends.

shhhhh…don't tell your grown up what your present is.

i got to open it on christmas morning.
i love it.

Ms.Viliya - oh, sweet pretty colorful Annie! how i miss you and Micah! yes, somethings are never changed, you two are best best friend 🙂
lovely pictures, thanks for sharing, Annie’s mom and Ms.Kristin 🙂

kristin - oh, i love all of these. it’s so fun to see this from a different perspective. i linked over from our preschool blog….thank you.

Mrs. - Probably the holidays have made me feel sentimental, that and the fact that the 12 year old at our house was petulant this year that Santa “forgot” to bring the much-admired cell phone, but I actually teared up reading this post, and wished heartily for a few of those crazy needing-constant-attention pre-schoolers I used to have.

gina - What a fun place that preschool looks like! i love how they draped the ceiling!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - It is all just as cozy as Hot Chocolate with marshmallows…and colorful!!! Oooooh I love all the fun and vibrant color. You know…they say we learn best with color!!
Cute post!

Cori - I love the photo ornament. Those are the ones I treasure most on my tree too.

Vicki - What Christmas love!!! I have one hanging on my tree too, it’s heart shaped with my wiggly worm’s face peeking out…a treasure to be sure!

Melissa - cute, I love the Christmas tree in the classroom.

alice - 🙂

Melanie - I really have a lot of respect for teachers of kids that age. How cute the classroom looked, as did the kids. I love all the handmade gifts that Caden made for me when he was smaller. I know you love the one from Annie.
Hope you have a great week.

Cate O'Malley - Love all the bright colors in preschool – you can’t help but be happy there.

Leah - Meg…just wanted you to know that I really love what your blog has grown to be. I feel like a wierdo typing that…but really I mean it. I’ve been reading for over two years now and I just clicked to your actual site (from Google Reader) and just really was blessed by what it has become. It’s always been great…but I think it just keeps getting better. Hope that makes sense and blesses you!

Dianne Avery - I love the picture with the boys head in her lap. So sweet!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I LOVE it that they are best, best friends. I hope it always stays that way.

Kirsten - Cutest! I have a similar little photo frame…from about 15 years ago…it’s a treasure 🙂

jeanne - So, so cute!!! I love that her best friend has his head on her lap. I am glad that I have my camera lots of time to hide from the things my children are doing.

sara's art house - Oh my word! So cute! Wish I could go to preschool!

Julie - Are those peppernuts I see? I used your rainbow cake for a birthday cake for Jesus this year! Here’s where I blogged about it…

immyyas - How fun was that!!! No worries every mom thinks their kid is the only one that is a spaz…really they all are! 🙂
LOVE your little ones jammie choice – looks like something my 4 year old would put together! LOVE the teachers jammies – I’d like to get me some of those! Ohhh & your “present” was awesome too!

meaghan - this is seriously the cutest preschool ever. my sons was too academic, so i pulled him 😉 he thought xmas break was the end of the year (teehee)!

Ashley Ann - I do believe that is the BEST preschool ever! EVER!

Georgia - Ohhhh i wish i was in preschool again! although mine was never that fun…. Looked very relaxed and fun.
By the way you have inspired me to start a blog, based around my 2 dogs…. (seeing as i dont have children … they are my next best interesting thing to blog about) –

Diana - That was THE best Christmas entertainment in a long time! Aren’t they just so CUTE! LOVE the song interpretation, LOL! Those young’uns are everything ADORABLE!

Priscilla - I LOVE Ms.Kristens pyjamas!!! What a cute programme she had lined up for her students and parents – she is obviously a real treasure.

susie whyte - that is the cutest fireplace set up. so sweet. i had a lot of red-faced parents that would try to play the “who’s kid is that?” game. ha ha. there’s some kid rule that says “i must act as crazy as possible when my parent comes to my class”, cause that’s how it always happens. there’s a zillion parents out there that know what you’re talking about. maybe you should have them hire you as the class photographer. i use to have parents complain about missing out so much on what their child was doing at school and then have their child tell them they just “played” at school. i think there would be some highly thrilled parents.

Sheryl - I just love Ms. Kristen. I read her Preschool Daze blog all the time. As a fellow preschool teacher, the break is much needed so we can start fresh in January.As a mom, I know how you feel, too! 😉

Tegan and Tage - Oh my gosh those little cuties are ADORABLE.

Jennifer - ahahha! If you are a teacher, it’s a very short break. I am absolutely eating up being at home with my children during holiday break. Such a cute Annie ornament!!

Traci - so sweet. i miss those days.

Heather Giustino - What a fun celebration, and I love the ornament!!
{Leila and I have the same pj’s as the teacher!}

Sandy - i love the picture of annie’s best best friend laying on her lap. so sweet.

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like there is so much to do and no time.  :)

we started thanksgiving on sunday at craig's mom's.
yummy stuff.
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also at thanksgiving we take part in Operation Christmas Child.
we fill a shoebox with gifts for needy children and then the boxes are sent all of the world to children
who would not receive any gifts at all.
our family has been doing it 8 years now.  
the kids love to help with it.
this year i had them watch a video about it so they could put some faces to their project.



but this year i did the shopping alone while they were in school.
taking all of them to shop for four different boxes just was too crazy to do again.
i went with an art theme.
i trust God that HE will pick the exact children somewhere in the world that have a passion to create 
and they will get our special boxes.
we filled them with markers, crayons, paint, paper, pipe cleaners, colored pencils, glue, and glitter.
we filled two for boys so they got matchbox cars.
and two for girls and they got a baby doll.
then i had the kids make a card for their box and we included a family photo.

it's fun to do together…the kids take real pride in making their box special.
check it out here.  it's not too late!


i spent yesterday morning at school with talby helping them make a feast.
i don't know how teachers do it.
i was completely overstimulated when i left.
i'm like the grinch "oh the noise noise NOISE noise!"

it surprised me that kids were actually eating this stew.
if i had made this for talby at home….she would have cried and refused to even try it.
but there…she ate it!
she admitted it wasn't very good but she still ate it.
funny kids.

we sat with these two goofballs…they were very entertaining. 

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i let them hold my camera to take some pictures!
and now…back to my junk.
i took the kids for donuts…put away a bunch of laundry..changed my sheets…cleaned the kids' disgusting bathroom
 (it was beyond gross)…christmas shopped online…unpacked my suitcase from SB.

now i need a big cup of hot coffee and it's back to my pictures.

to my families from yesterday: i am behind already.
i blame a migraine and a feast with the second grade.  

ps:  annie is screaming in her room like a complete maniac about losing a barbie blanket.  
could be a long day.

Brenda England - I had been doing shoeboxes with my son from the very beginning then had the opportunity to sit on the local promotion committee and go into the community to talk about Operation Christmas Child. I then went with a group to deliver them in Mexico. What a life changing event to see the children’s faces of anticipation (even after waiting in the heat sitting on the side of a rocky hill for an hour) and the squeals of delight as they opened the little boxes. Not only did we deliver the boxes, we also had a doctor, dentist and nurse with us to do a medical clinic. I taught people how to brush their teeth, gave them a toothbrush and toothpaste. We also hooked up water filteration systems. This program effects the whole community not just the children. Keep giving through the gifts in a shoebox. Your use of the plastic container is good as this can be used for food storage or as a water container. Tissue paper or wrapping paper can cover a drafty spot on a wall or add colour to a plain wall. Be creative and add fun.
Brenda from Canada

Marla - OH! Some sweet familiar faces here! Clara has really been “Kansas sick” especially coming down from the holiday spent at grandma and grandpa’s house. Will you be around during the Christmas holiday? We will be in Ks and Clara would LOVE to see Talby!

diane reeves - This was our first year to fill a shoebox. I don’t think my daughters understood exactly what we were doing until I showed them the videos.
It is so cool that you can track the package to find out what country they were sent too.

Holly M - I LOVED the mashed potato shot! Made me smile 🙂 You’re always so creative with your camera work and so fun to read! Thanks for being so honest and for making us laugh!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - we love OCC too 🙂 love the art theme!!

christi - daniel and i do these too! i just sent mine off.

pve - wow!

Candace - (Longest Comment in History)
Thank you for the link to Samaritan’s Purse. We watched the Matthew West/Amy Grant “Give Christmas AwaY” video at church last week and those boxes have been on my mind ever since. And to think you are praying that your boxes bless the children they are going to in so many more ways than just a Christmas present! Those art supplies could change a kids’ life. Head and heart and soul all in a shoebox.
Question: How do you get your boxes to one of the drop off locations? We want to participate, but do not live anywhere close to those locations.
As a teacher, you just kind of get used to the noise or drown it out. Probably like you are able to drown out Barbie blanket “noise”. Or you just turn off the lights in the classroom and magically they stop to ward off a visit from Viola Swamp!
I wouldn’t have eaten that stew either. Or the jello. Cornbread and brownies for this pilgrim. 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!

Georgia - Meg that video really got me choked. My work did something similar last year which was good. I love the idea of giving the children with nothing, something amazing! We dont celebrate thanks giving here in the UK, so just waiting for christmas which is reeeeaaallly exciting!! Love your photos as always!!!

Heather - Thankful for your blog…always puts a smile on my face. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

TidyMom - ok, I had to laugh Meg, what does your family think when you fill your plate at the Thanksgiving Table and then you say “Wait! I need a picture of my plate!” LOL!! I do it infront of my immediate family, but I don’t think my extended family would understand! LOL sure looks yummy!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful, full day!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lisa - Wow! that’s a lot for one lady to do. You must be supermom. Where do you hide your cape? I love the “Operation Christmas Child” I think it is a wonderful tradition and it gives the kids a chance to give back. I will definitely be keeping this link for future reference.
Take Care,

Melanie - You crack me up! I wouldn’t want any noise after going to the school either:)
Coffee is in order.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl I hear ya. Every time I go to the school and eat lunch with my daughter I usually go home and take a nap or pop some Ibuprofen. How do teachers do it?? They are amazing.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Meg. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed following you and your family on your daily journey. Your blog is my favorite…and that’s saying something… I follow ALOT of different ones. Just thought you’d like to know that:)

kristin - i. hear. you.
take care, friend.

Maria - Love the shoeboxes! What a great thing to do…putting it in my calendar for next year and going to try and send at least one off for this year! Thanks for sharing!

amy - just wanted to wish my dear bloggy friend a happy thanksgiving.
happy thanksgiving! 🙂

jennifer - That’s such a great idea to do the CC shoeboxes as a Thanksgiving activity!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Megan!

carissa... brown eyed fox - have i told you already?
don’t recall.
your HAIR… SO cute!
BIG hugs to you… and a hAppY Thanksgiving!

Anne Marie - Your dinner and presents look terrific. I have to say though that I’m disappointed schools are still doing the “dress like a stereotype of a Native American” thing when it’s so inaccurate and stereotyping of Native Americans. I thought that went out over the last decade or so.

se7en - Oh you guys have such fun!!! You are really good at turning the “Whatevers” in life into “specials”… We also do shoeboxes, Fun!!!

lora - Thanks for the video about the shoeboxes. I’ll show it to my kids. They had fun shopping (I only have 2…and is much easier than 5!) Your boxes look great. The kids who receive them will be so happy. I saw a picture this morning in the Focus on the Family magazine of kids running with their boxes after receiving them. It made me cry.

Joni - I’ve done those shoeboxes for years, but never thought to go with a theme! What a smart idea, themes are so much fun and they can work up enthusiasm! Good job on that…and I loved all your photos that summed up your week since Sunday. Dinner looked wonderful!

Beth - Great post 🙂 I hear you about the noise, really I do!! And I also hear you about the screaming in room and a long day! I have been forcing my kids to clean today. Company coming. They argue it’s only Aunt Debbie. House is still a mess, but much better than it was. I’m starting a new art teacher blog at Only one post so far. Hope it’s a good day!

Jacci - Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 Looks like you all had a wonderful celebration already. I’m making the stuffing this year – the smell of the celery and onion we just sauteed along with that top pic made me really hungry! Hope you all have a great weekend.
Jacci in Ohio

Amy - Haha! THE NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!!! That cracked me up! We did Operation Christmas child as well…I had MY Annie and Noah watch that video too…thanks for passing it along! Great post…neat pictures!
PS-how do you get CLEAR pictures INSIDE with NO FLASH? 🙂

margaret - We have been doing shoeboxes since last year. The Sunday school class I teach does them.
This time of year is alwasy so busy.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Amanda - We do shoe boxes every year too. It’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I love watching my kids experiencing the joy of giving, and listening to them as they pray over each box…it warms my heart.
I love the arts and crafts theme you did, I think we might steal your idea for our boxes next year!

misty - I read this blog and then headed to our neighborhood watch coordinators house to drop off the turkey my husband received from his work. Last week I asked her if she knew a needy family that would need a turkey~ she called me last night and said she had just the family~ 2 little girls 8 & 2~ just moved here with their mother who is running from a severely abusive relationship & they have nothing & missed the deadlines for the angel tree and holiday baskets. When I heard they missed the deadline for the angel tree I told her to find out what they needed & wanted so she did. The 8 year old wants art supplies. The 2 year old wants dishes lol So, Hobby Lobby here I come~ are supplies it is! and I wrote down everything you put in this box for some ideas… Then I will hunt down some play dishes. =) It was crazy to me to read this, drive a mile down the road and hear her say~ she just wants art supplies. =)

Staci - I was JUST thinking that same thing….about the stew 🙂 My kiddo wouldn’t TOUCH it if I had made it home…..GOOD FOR TALBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Bloggy Friend!!! 🙂

Tanya - You are such an inspiration. I’m very thankful you share your family, love and joy with the world. Happy Thanksgiving!

Casey - Operation Christmas Child is my favorite charity to do with children. I love how it relates to them…..and how they encourage prayer after the boxes are sent. We started last year and will continue……glad to know so many participate!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for this crazy blogging world and to “know” you because of it!

Sharla B. - Sophie really wants to go to school right now. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

Art Cant Hurt - i thought i was the only one who screamed over lost barbie blankets! 🙂
have a wonderful thanksgiving filled with the grace and blessings given to you by Him!
take care!

Crystal - We have already had a long day here too…Moses was awake from 3-5:30!!! oy! I’m sending you a box today…just somethings you could maybe use or your girls can put to use. 🙂 xo

dawn - We love the shoeboxes too. AND — I know those days — the ones that start with a screaming child… My screaming child is at school today — but now I have two dogs that follow me like the pied piper. I think we all need a walk! Have a great weekend. 🙂

Trish - 🙂

Debra - Oh dear lots going on! We do the shoeboxes too here in Canada. I love knowing where they’re going. Don’t work too hard and have a good Thanksgiving!

Donje - happy thanksgiving megan!

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it is gloomy and DARK this morning.
i overslept and scott woke me up at 8:00…the time the bell rings at school.
so our morning did not start off well.

annie didn't seem to mind at all.
we got the big kids dropped off…i changed out of my pjs and we walked to her preschool.

can you believe the fall goodness around us?


she had on her brand new Cora dress…and her mac n' cheese for F week (food).
she couldn't wait to get there.

her choice.
what a happy sight to see.

if i got to go to her preschool…i'd be running there everyday too.
there was a Feast set up with doll babies….
and pumpkins everywhere.


such a happy place.

i didn't want to leave today.  i should have just sat down and played too.
oh well.

i am going to go walk in the gloomy weather…and suck in all the fresh air i can.
i need it.

on a different subject…
yesterday i got to photograph my youngest model yet.
gretchen jane came in to the world at 1:28 PM and i was there to see it.
a pure blessing straight from God to my lovely neighbors.
it was a true honor to be there…i can't even describe it.

who could possibly feel gloomy after that? - Oh I so miss teaching preschool. I took a deep breath and immersed myself in the classroom photos and pretended I was back. This time of year is so fun when you work/live with preschool age kiddos.
Thanks for the making my day.
Kathy b

paige - oh to wear cute pink tights & a cora dress
that’d cheer me up any gloomy day

valerie+madigan - Greatest post!!
Where can I find a Cora Dress for my peach?
And those funky tights are a dream paired with the dress….
LOVE it!!

Jerri - Aren’t you glad that even when you oversleep the day doesn’t have to remain gloomy and bad?!?! I like to think that these are the times God allows us to get the rest we needed! 🙂 I love the beauty of Fall and Annie looks adorable in her Cora dress!

Lucy Buller - Cute………………………………………………….. we have such cooooooooool leaves! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

kristin - oh, this makes my heart swell.
i love seeing this place through someone else’s eyes…and heart.
it is a happy place.
thanks for being part of it….what will i do next year? you could get on that…

jennifer - OMGosh… I want a Cora dress! For big grown up me! :o) So cute! As is the little peanut wearing it! And those fall colors.. to die for! We skipped fall here and went straight to snow and winter. The leaves fell green… I’ve never seen that before. So sad! Oh well…

Toni :O) - I LOVED this post and that Cora dress…this post made me SO happy and I smiled, smiled big…now I can go and tackle my huge workload…thank you. You’re awesome and I wish you were my neighbor! Hugs and blessings to you on this Fall day! :O)

Sarah @ Clover Lane - What’s funny Megan is that her preschool classroom reminds me of the photos of your house! All colorful and fun and creative and imaginative and bright and cheery!

Ruth - those are the happiest pictures ever! beautiful cora dress, and adding the striped tights was just perfection… go annie!

Pineapple Princess - I would stay there, too! What a lovely place to learn and grow! 🙂

julie - annie’s preschool is so magical. wow. magic.

Sarah - love all the pink!

Lori - No, I cannot believe the fall goodness! I’m jealous. It’s beautiful! Enjoy it 🙂

Christina - Those pictures are fabulous. What amazing colors. And that dress is precious, as is the girl!
Her class does look great.
Can’t wait to see your baby pics. I felt that way today…kind of blah (our house really gets me down, my life feels out of control, blah, blah, blah) and I was walking through our church (which has a school where my son attends) and the child care person was taking the babies for a stroller ride in one of those really big buggies that seats six little ones. They were all strapped in like a roller coaster ride. The baby girl in front had on those little socks that look like shoes (so cute!) and her feet were sticking straight out and she was twirling them around at the ankles, like only babies can. None of them were crying, most of them were smiling and watched me walk by. I cheered up in a half-second. There was no way around it!

Debra - I love how your little girls wear such bright and cheerful clothes! The preschool looks like a fun place too.

Rachel / cREaTe - i ADORE that shot of annie’s striped legs, red patent leathers, apple dress & the red hedge. BE•A•U•TI•FUL. just gorgeous.

melissa~afamiliarpath - what a fantastic preschool! the colors of the trees there are just gorgeous!

the wild raspberry - love how annie coordinated with autumn so well…adorable.
your list this week inspired me to make one myself. i just got it posted. it was a lot of fun and brain~stretching as well. thanks for your endless sources of inspiration!

Lora - Oh, I mean, seriously, how much fun to paint a big orange pumpkin hanging from the ceiling! Wow! I’d run there too….all the way from here!

Miranda - Those pictures of your daughter by the trees are gorgeous Meg! Just GORGEOUS!

elizabeth - This just looks like a dream — are you sure it isn’t a stage set? So beautiful and happy.

Melanie - I have to say that down here in Florida, we don’t get leaves like that. That red tree was beautiful. I wonder if northern Kentucky has leaves like that? I will know in a couple of weeks.

Meredith - Oh Meg, these photos gave me goosebumps. The leaves, Annie’s stockings and shoes and her Cora dress….your gorgeous pre-school…beautiful, beautiful. Hope you enjoyed your day with a full heart. Meredith xo.

Julia - wow, I love your daughter’s preschool classroom.
I love her style too!

susie whyte - very jealous of the red beautifulness in your area. i just posted my fall pics, but there’s hardly any red. tear.
her classroom is so cute. almost makes me miss teaching pre-k. almost. 🙂 ha ha.

Becky Brown Strahle - Those are amazing. Love the red fall colors and her outfit is just adorable. What a fun classroom she gets to learn in. Great pics Meg!

Logan - I just love your Annie. She reminds me of my “baby” when she was a little girl (same hair, same eyes). My baby is now almost 19. Enjoy the little sweetheart.

Anne - That preschool looks so stinkin’ cute- You’d expect the Wonder Pets to live in there! How fun! I love Arthur’s HUGE cupcake!

Laura Phelps - if this is what YOUR gloomy looks like, so God help me! Colorful, smiles, rainbows, dolls…looks beautiful! MY gloomy??? Well, THAT is another stpry….
love the dress tights and shoes more than anything right now

Stephanie Carroll - I so wish trees turned that color down here in Houston.

Cate O'Malley - Love Annie’s dress, particularly with the tights – so much happy color! My daughter has a few dresses similar to that that I found on Etsy. Love those rainbow flags in the preschool – am currently obsessed with tracking them down – any ideas?

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - So lovely. I don’t blame her for being happy to be at school! Hope you enjoyed your time outside.

Kate - Hi! Thank you so much for the beautiful fall pics… I am really missing fall here in the desert 🙂
Beautiful colors! And beautiful daughter! Have a great day!

Sophie - what gorgeous photos of your little girl – stunning autumn foliage!

jody - beautiful leaves
beautiful dress
beautiful preschool
beautiful baby…
true blessing.

Nancy - who wouldn’t want to start their day at that school with friends? looks like tons of fun.

Jaimie - Nothing better than a new baby!
That preschool looks amazing. I can only pray to find one so full of fun for my son when he is ready. : )
And the dress. Great print! I want one!

Jennifer - Thanks for sharing the fall pictures. We had an early freeze (ahem, snowstorm) the weekend before last, and all of our leaves fell and froze! Without ever turning any colors. 🙁 It was the dreariest saddest fall ever (followed by a weekend of 80 I might add).
Anyway. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous color! I love your daughter’s outfit too.

your cool friend Cheryl - What beautiful colors in your pics! You are so talented!

Christy - love the fall pictures. Amazing colors! And the feast w/the baby dolls cracks me up!

Trina McNeilly - OMG that dress…so cute..and that does look like a fun preschool!!!!

Summer - I love the pictures, and what a great preschool!

Jenn Thomas - Those are the red bushes Russ wants a picture in front of for fall – he has been waiting for them to turn the last month. His facial hair is back – so it is okay 🙂

Courtney - I’m in love with Annie’s preschool too, do they offer adult classes, I’d be there in a heartbeat!
I also love her outfit – as usual – Annie’s sense of style is right up my alley!

Dianne Avery - Wow, beautiful foliage. Great fall pics too! 🙂

Notesfromthegrove - She is DARLING! Love that photo of her with the red leaves and her big, brown eyes.

amy d - funny, i just took pictures of those same bushes yesterday…i didn’t have a super cute model though…just a little squirrel following me around them. those pictures of annie are soooo sweet!!! i love her outfit…very annie!

aubrey - I need some of Annie’s preschool today too. Waking up in the night with a baby and sick kids is getting to me. Maybe I’ll just keep pictures of Annie in her cute tights up all day to keep me slightly more cheerful. 😉

Starnes Fam - A new life…..yes……exactly the recipe for brightened spirits.
Love the tights……after two boys, my love is funky tights…..I can’t seem to buy enough of them.

adrienneK - lol i stayed all day at my daughters school yesterday for her birthday:) it’s a neat place but no where near as awesome as annie’s little school! i keep telling you about my in-laws living in newton i swear one day we will pack up and move there just for the pretty homes,shopping and this cool school lol (and maybe to meet you!!) oh and annie’s outfit is the cutest!! all those colors (be still my heart!!)

mel - Oh, I LOVE the fall colors you have on your street. Gorgeous! We don’t get fall color like that here in California. Can’t wait to see the pictures from the birth you photographed. I photographed a birth last year for my friend & you are right…there are no words to describe it. such an honor!

Amanda - oh wow. so fun and colorful! and i love that annie’s wearing her cora dress, and that she matches in her own little style! where is that preschool? i went to zion, and i don’t remember my classroom looking that colorful.

misty - love these photos today! its gloomy here in oklahoma also~ do you know what kind of trees those are? I love the red!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Annie has such style!! She looks perfect out there with all the reds of fall. Her preschool looks so fun, I wouldn’t want to leave either.

angela - LOVE how colorful the preschool is. You should get a job there.Seriously. You could do art for them. seriously.
Oh, and Gretchen, that’s my daughter’s name. And, I love it!

Anna Marie - Megan please tell me where you got those tights at. My Addie is crazy over pink and I know she would love those. Gorgeous pictures 😉

Tracy - So COOL! Love the preschool and the photos of Annie and all the beautiful colors around are just GORGEOUS! Great job on capturing them all, Meg! :o)

Kristine Robb - her school looks awesome.
aren’t our fall days GORGEOUS?!?!?
i wish i could freeze yesterday with all the fall foliage AND sunshine. today is overcast and windy. but right out my front window is a HUGE orange, red and yellow tree (with a couple green branches too!) beautiful view! enjoy your day!!

Sara @ Queen of the House - I want to go to that preschool too.

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my kids went back to school today!


ahhhhhh…..the house is Q-U-I-E-T.

there is a backyardigans marathon for annie on nick…thank you nick!!!

on schedule for today…

i have to workout…because…i do.

lunch with a friend for me and for annie.

post office.

photo editing.


a nap?!  (oh i really hope so)

it's so good.

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new clothes for the first day.

only talby needed new shoes…thankful for that.


five kids in four schools this year.  


they were all nervous this morning but didn't want to admit it.

they have a rotating schedule for who gets to sit in the middle seat in the car.

this year we are instituting a rotating schedule for who gets to pick the music each morning.

oldest to youngest…monday through friday.

talby chose U2 this morning.

now…i am off to enjoy my big day. 

emily - aw i loved taking first day of school pictures. & oh my lanta, lauren is one gorgeous girl

Ashley - Meg,
we started school here too and as far as the big kids go, I was really happy to have a quiet house too. My littlest one started Kindergarten and I have been so sad and missing her like crazy! Theres something about having the last one out of the house.
We drove through Newton last Sunday and I had no idea that we were driving that route… I was so sad I hadn’t emailed and tried to set up a lunch with you! Maybe next time. You are so right about Kansas, I loved the sunflowers!
I’ll be excited to see what projects you do now that the kids are back in school.
Thanks for your wonderful stories…

jennifer - Congratulations and enjoy your first week back!
I’ve got one week to go…

Rach - YAY for quiet houses. Just you and Annie again eh? Must be bliss after such a busy summer. Enjoy!

Wendy - Enjoy your day! Mine don’t start for another week or so and I’m ready to pull out my hair. New shoes… ugh. Don’t get me started. My eldest (son) going into his senior year is 6’6″ and wears a size 14. Poor guy, it’s so hard to find shoes for him. Your kids are all so beautiful. Great pics!

pam - adorable kiddos on their first day of school, peace and quiet for mom…ahhhhhh. can’t wait until it’s our turn! xo

erin - woo-hoo!!! it’s so liberating!!! i am right there with ya!

traci - well they sure are all smiles. looks like they are excited about school starting. hope they had a good day. lauren is just beautiful!!!! i love her top.

Kathy - Whoo Hoo!! Happy days!! Mine starts on Wednesday!!

misty - love talbys laces. i have the same shoes as lauren in white- they were at aldo for 60 something… target had them in several colors for maybe 15… everyone says, oh did u get those shoes at aldo? lol what a great idea about rotating the seats and music. my best friend has 4 kids (15,10,8, & 5) I will have to tell her about that GREAT idea! Wish I would have known about the backyardigans marathon. we gave up the dvr so we wont watch so much tv and now my daughter always misses it =( happy 1st day of freedom!

elizabeth - Your family is so beautiful. So much joy on their faces. Have a wonderful day — you deserve it!

se7en - Look how cute they all look – all dressed up and ready for school! A far cry from their fabulous summer holiday and yet they all look just as happy!!! I love those laces and will not be showing my kids them AT ALL!!!

Laura Phelps - so.did you get that nap???????
I have been dreading the start of school…
the lunches…
clean uniforms, that are NEVER clean…
but TODAY…
today was non stop
and I caught myself thinking about
and the QUIET
tha NAP??
do ya think? really? can we nap???
If not, I will settle for a latte with Luke…just me and Luke..
that sounds good, too!
beautiful photos of a stunning group of kids!

Janine - Wow, school starts early for you guys. We don’t start till Sept 8. thankfully! Great pics – your kids are gorgeous.

Mindy Harris - your kids are beautiful. i kinda wanna plant a big one on sean’s cheek! 😉

Leah - I want lauren’s shoes!

Kelli - Have you seen the Staples commercial with the dad bouncing for joy at Staples with “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” playing in the background? As a teacher I can say I feel more like the sad pouting kids- why does summer end sooooo quickly! 🙂 Here is the commercial if you haven’t seen it:
It actually is pretty funny!

kristin - in so many ways i wish micah wouldn’t admit his nervousness…it’s heartbreaking when he does!
and you KNOW i love talby’s shoes.
and i love thinking of lauren in jerry’s class. he’ll be nice. : )

Hannah - Fantastic photos as always!

Jocelyn Stott - Ah – the obligatory first day of school pictures – I totally remember my Mom doing that. It seems like August is a really early time to start school! Maybe it is a Kansas thing? Kids here in Oregon start after labor day. Interesting…

Mary - You’re kids are georgous!
And awesome style (and taste in music)
I’m almost looking foreward to at least the oldest starting school

Renee - Wow. I am so jealous! The kids look amazing — so big. I can’t wait until all of mine are school-bound. I just know I’m gonna feel brand new. LOL Cheers! You deserve it. xoxo

Dana M. - Kids went back today too. No tears here!! LOVED having the house to myself all afternoon, took a nap and left all chores undone. Don’t think that will work all year…..

Lorilee - The kids are so cute! I had to go back to school today for teacher inservice! Our students don’t return until Aug. 24! I wasn’t ready, but now that I’ve been there, I guess I feel more ready!

Lisa - Wow, I can’t believe so many of you are starting school already!?! My kids don’t go back until September 3rd!

Starnes Fam - Carter started today, too. I still have 2 little ones at home, but it does seem to help with the chaos. 3rd grade for us……a big step!
Great, fun pictures for their first date. Kudos.

Ruth - Happy quiet day!! Lauren looks way cooler than I ever do! What a gorgeous bunch – are you sure you won’t have any more…?! The world needs good genes!

Shannon - I needed to finish my comment but had to take Morgan to cheer practice. Get this — Morgan’s (natzi) principal stands in the middle of the hallway with a ruler and if they have a shirt top that is less than 3 inches across on the shoulder they have to wear a shirt over or the parent is called to bring a different shirt. AND the worst of it is she’s a middle school cheerleader and they can’t wear their uniforms to school on game day — too short!! What’s this world coming too!!

Kyleigh - Awww, the kids look beautiful, and funky shoes!!
My kids don’t go back until 7th September….eeeeeek! But then over here (UK) they didn’t break up until 18th July or something.
I’m off to the Edinburgh Festival now… keep up the amazing photography Meg, its inspiring as ever…

Gretchen - Congratulations! I hope you did the Risky Business dance around the house in your underwear!

princesslasertron - lauren looks super cool…sweet shoes!
and talby looks exactly like you
love the shoelaces
handsome boys

Maria - Everyone looks ready! We had 3 of ours start last Friday, and the ‘baby’ starts preK this coming Monday (then, I will truly be doing the ‘happy’ dance).
4 kids 4 schools…summer time is so Over.

Beth - Your hubs better start cleaning his shotgun to keep the boys away… Lauren is beautiful. My hubby dreads the day our daughters become young women. He has already carved a “no dating” policy in stone. Boys will only be allowed visit with our daughters at our home… and watch him clean his shotgun and whatnot. 😉

Angela - That is so awesome!! Those days are years ahead of me but I am already looking forward to them!
Oh, and do you HAVE to remind me of your tempting rainbow cake in every post? (shoelaces–LOL!)

Georgia - Lauren is absolutely stunning!!! im so Jelous! 🙂
I love her top its so bright and cheery! she looks super cool, the sort of person i would have loved to have been friends with at school. I hope all your kids had a fab 1st day back, most kids here in the UK, dont do back until around 5th September … seems like yours are going back really early!
Ohhhh i wish i could go back to school….. lol

PaiselyJade - Yay for you – your family it beautiful… 5 kids – wow… and I thought 4 was heaps!

Christy - Ours started Monday & so far so good! Great pictures! Lauren looks so pretty, her top is cute! Talby looks more tween now than “kid”, funny how much kids can change in such a short time. Enjoy your day!

rachel - I hope it was a great first day 🙂
Your gang are getting so big, they look rather sleepy but charming with it 😀

danyele - wow…i have 3 in 3 schools…and one more to go. i love talby’s new shoes!!!

Whitni - Oh my! Lauren has blossomed over the summer! She’s so beautiful, goodness that dark skin and shiny curly hair, I’m so jealous! I hope you have a great day alone and I hope your kids have a good first day back to school.

Shannon - The kids look great and ready for school!! They have grown up a lot since we were there last Christmas. But Seriously … can Lauren wear that top to school??? That would be OUTLAWED here for sure!!

Donje - You are so lucky! Your kids have grown so much since we’ve seen them. My kids start on the 19th. Kristina is going to be in first grade so this is my first year with everyone in school all day! Woo hoo!

sassy girl - mine start next tuesday, my lil’ man will be in kindergarten & I will be all alone {sniff}

cori barney - that Talby sure has good taste in music! (and shoes!)

kat - You are sooooooooooo LUCKY!!! My girls don’t go back until after labor day! (Still in preschool, but I am COUNTING the days!) Enjoy your freedom and your peace and quiet! 🙂

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Hooray for you! Seeing Lauren in her cute new clothes makes me nostalgic for teenagehood again.

Marla - You are so LUCKY!!! Mine don’t go back until the 24th!

Staci - Mine start next Tuesday!!! I was reading around on FB this morning….about all the tears that were shed….thinking WHAT is wrong with me????? Why don’t I cry??? Thanks for making me feel okay about not crying =) (I do hope you get that nap!!!!!!)

Anna Marie - It seems like Lauren has really blossomed over the summer. Hopefully on the “maturity spectrum” as well 😉 I bet you are relieved! They all look great!

Julia - It’s Tuesday for us. Pretty soon I’m going to have to have a schedule for the front seat. I was completely stressing about 3 schools for 3 kids so now I know some do have it worse than me!
Oh, I made a rainbow cake for my Last Party of the Summer.

Forever Folding Laundry - Woo hoo for you!!
Four more days for us. Happy happy, joy joy!

Lee Ann - Wow! School already? We’re still 3 weeks away here 🙂
You’re kids all look so good….and happy. Beautiful pictures of Lauren……and happy 🙂

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