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Mini Campout in the backyard

our family is busy –  i am guessing yours is too!
finding time to be together as a family can be a challenge as they get older.
there are softball games, basketball tournaments, friends, camps and summer jobs.
even with all the demands for everyone’s time… we are constantly trying to carve out family time any way we can because it is important to us.
so… we had a mini campout!
at home.
on a week night! 
making memories doesn’t have to be a big trip… 
or cost a lot of money… 
you don’t even have to leave your house! 
put a tent up in the yard… hang some lights…. bring your pillow & blanket off your bed outside… play some games… turn up the music… 
mixing it up is FUN!


i had never made sliders and my kids LOVED them! 
they are a new favorite for the meal list. 
and they had never seen mini cucumbers. 
it seems like it is always more fun to eat something when it’s “mini”.IMG_2168IMG_2179IMG_2186
even the drinks were mini!

since it was a MINI campout, we went with a “mini theme menu” 
i pulled out the fancy napkins that we usually save for birthdays or guests.   
for something fun and different we ate in the red baskets – aka: mini plates
and every meal deserves the colorful straws!

i finally got around to planting our pots on our deck!
now we want to be out here as much as possible.
we have an outdoor pretty  living space now instead of just a dusty place to sit.
flowers bring me joy… and i planted A LOT of flowers.IMG_0567IMG_2233IMG_2282
talby & sean set up the tent by themselves.
and even strung those lights!
we brought the couch outside to watch a movie… yes… the white couch. 
but you know what?  it’s FUN to just be a little crazy and do something silly like that.
what is going to happen?  the slipcovers are washable.  
talby’s words about bringing the white couch outside for a few hours: “YOLO mom!”

we found our movie projector on craigslist several years ago.
we hook it up to our lap top and to our outdoor speakers.
and by WE,  i mean craig… i have no idea how he does those things but he makes it awesome for us.IMG_2265
the kids played the Bean Bag Toss game that we gave Craig for Father’s Day long ago.
they played basketball.
the boys threw the football.
talby worked on handstands.
and everyone played fetch with the dogs.
being at home made all of those things so easy to do.
i know some people LOVE going camping for long periods and roughing it but… we are not those people.
we are BUSY!
and we like our toilets clean and nearby.  
camping at home is something we can always do and my kids will remember it forever.
we made floats with vanilla ice cream and the Coke minis.
an ice cream float reminds me of being a kid… it brings me back in time.

talby dished the ice cream but everyone wanted to pour their own Coke & add their own whipped cream.

there is some teeny tiny proof inside scott’s selfie that i was indeed AT this family campout.  🙂
can you see me?

i know it’s cliché to say but my kids are growing up so fast!
we only have a few more years to do this kind of stuff together!
i don’t even like thinking about that.
time keeps ticking away… i am so glad we pulled this off to spend more time with each other.IMG_2269IMG_0610 
when it got dark enough, craig turned on the movie and we all snuggled in.
we even started off with Mini Movies first – old home videos about 1 minute clips of all my cuties!
my heart was melting at their little voices and toothy (or toothless) smiles.
they always laugh so hard at the funny things they said.

doing something different makes a regular thursday night into a forever memory!
we plan on doing this much more often.
so if you are coming to visit… be sure to bring your sleeping bag.  🙂
we promise to share the bug spray.
and to make a spot for you on the couch.


Ashlee - OhMyGoodness!!! I love this post the most!! I just came across your blog today and I am addicted! I love the campout. I love your deck. I love your photos. And I SUPER love the Craft House!!

Kimberlee Jost - The pictures are so good! I love it. Makes me thirsty for a Coke! 😉

Louise - That is the most awesome campout ever! I love everything about it. My favorite pic is the one of you all lounged on the couch watching the movie…the twinkle lights and colorful pillows. Oh my! Inspiration for me and my three little boys one day. Thank you!

Rebecca Jacobsen - Diggin your beautiful deck/patio!

Valerie - Love it! These are the things that the kids will remember from their childhoods. You inspire me!

I need to do this with the kids EVERY year! We haven’t gotten around to it yet – it has rained so dang much this summer. Soon!

Deana - you seriously are the coolest mom ever!!! Love what u did with your back porch!

Annette - What awesome memories! Love your backyard… so colorful and fun!

Ashley - We are doing that this week…taking the tent down sat because it’s supposed to storm…it’s our last week before school starts…BTW we have the same tent…we like it so far…

Lisa - Your backyard is amazing! Such a fun idea. Thanks for sharing

Su - This post made me tear up. I am so doing this with my 5 kiddos. Sometimes I count the summers I have left with them. . .I think that is why this post made me tear up. My oldest is 18. This very well could be the last summer with her at home. Love the mini theme too. . that will so make my 14 year old smile.

Lindsey - Wow! That looks like so much fun! Your patio looks so awesome! I love that you took your couch outside. You always have great ideas!

Stephanie - That sunset backflip shot is amazing. As is your backyard!

Bekkah - your family seems so fun! those tiny hotdog rolls looked so good. haha

Kristi - Don’t you have mosquitos ? We can’t hardly be outside without getting attacked!

Lori - I love this! The mini theme is great and your deck/backyard is beautiful!

Patti Mullican - How wonderful! My kind of camping! Your outdoor space is amaze balls! Seriously.

Kristi Rediske - Love these pictures-you have inspired me! I do have a question-I want to order the ikea slip cover for my sofa but the dimensions for the cushions are not on their website-do you think you could measure one top and bottom one for me so I can check and see if it would fit my sofa before I pay $28 shipping from Ikea? I know you are busy but thought it was worth a try-:)

Becky - I love the porch area…I’d want to eat all of my meals out there!

Where did you get that wooden Kansas sign? So cute!

Katie - All. Those. Colors. What an awesome evening with your family. And now I really want a slider.

sharon / - oh my heck yes, are you kidding me? perfection! stay-ca va-ca camp-way.

Rebekah - I agree best mom ever!! Love your colorful, love filled life!

kathi - You are so AWESOME!

Ann Wegman - How fun is that! My kids have been “camping out” in our pop-up camper in the driveway! I love these special days of summer!

Christi {Jealous Hands} - You win for coolest Mom ever – and I thought I was pretty cool. Talby’s right, YOLO. Thanks for sharing. I know what we’re doing for our end-of-summer party now. xoxo

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summer happiness.

you guys… this summer is so good!!
i am loving it.
every day!
we have loads of sports but it keeps us active and not in front of a screen.
i like it even more when i remember my bug spray, my water and my chair.

annie is really enjoying softball this summer… especially after she got her own pair of baseball pants.
she feels much more like an authentic ball player now.

i am eating this salad several times a week this summer.
i can’t get enough of it!IMG_8356IMG_8389
this picture was funny to me…two kids playing separately on the floor… safely apart.
the legos have come out of storage again and are keeping annie busy.
(thank you Lego Movie! #everythingISawesome)
and we’ve been baby sitting our little friend too.
he’s a few weeks away from crawling into the legos so the clock is ticking on the floor lego time.
and he sleeps like a sweet little angel.
thighs rolls are the best!  🙂
when i make bunting for the shop it starts out like this…
and then over and over 25 times.
all before it is sewn together.
4000 squares later… it’s almost ready for the shop.
the girls play softball AND basketball right now.
i appreciate an air conditioned gym in the summer.  🙂

jr. high girls softball is tricky.
they are learning… there are lots of skill levels… they are pitching on their own… and catching…
it’s a lot to learn and perform.
but she LOVES it.
which makes me so happy.
i didn’t make it out to shop for a swimsuit before school got out and it just seemed impossible once every one was home all day.
i thought my suit from last year would work.
i actually had two.
but the strap got eaten by the dryer of one and the other just seemed to have lost it’s elastic over the winter.
so i decided to order a bunch and do what i would do at a store… at home.
Macy’s has free returns so i decided to just go for it.
my credit card company called me assuming it was fraud.
i said “no… it’s just me trying to find a swimsuit.”
i know my body and i know what works for me.
i know i can’t do a tankini because i need FULL support up top.
i know i don’t want anything cutting in on my tummy.
i know i need some spanx-y fabric through the middle.
i know i need a skirt over my hips.
i know these things because i know my body and how to hide and accent.
so i searched a lot and ordered these suits.
i ended up with the chevron… the navy dot… and maybe the magenta.
i enjoyed swim suit shopping at home in my bathroom much more than taking a whole day, driving all around and hoping to find one possible match.

more basketball.
and the day after that was ALL basketball.
i drove back and forth between gyms all day but i had time to myself which was nice.
at one point i sat in the car outside of a starbucks in my car getting wifi and blogging about summer drinks.
and repeat the basketball again on sunday.
this margarita was the perfect ending to all that.
so proud of all these kids!
it’s hard work to play all those games!
i could NEVER do it.
two games in a day? three?  four?  heck no.
but they loooove it!
this dog.
he is so lovable.
and so crazy funny.
holding all the kittens at once is no easy task.
ha ha ha
this picture could just be labeled “SUMMER”
am i right?

i stopped at the craft house and pulled a few weeds (unfortunately there are still a thousand more) while craig mowed the lawn.
i washed the pillow cases for the porch furniture and swept all the cobwebs away.
a clean porch is a good thing.

and right now… three of kids are at camp.
for the rest of the week!
i have one 17 year old at home and that is it!
it’s crazy.
and awesome.
and quiet!
17 year olds sleep a lot.  🙂

isn’t summer just wonderful?
these days are so good.
i am loving it.
all of it.

Shauna Jones - I just have to tell you that your blog makes me so happy. I’ve followed it for years, but have never commented. When I’m feeling blue, or like life is hard, I come read a little of your blog. Thanks for finding the beauty in the every day. I love the bright colors, the kid pictures, the dog pictures, all of it. Thanks for making the world a brighter place!

Tricia - Hello! That salad looks yummy! I want to make sure I have all of the ingredients:

red onion
poppy seed dressing

Anything else?


Gina - Wow!! Busy summer. Brilliant idea about swimsuits too!! I’ve bought my last few from Lands End and really like theirs. I agree you have to know what works best for your body. And I am going to be the one that asks for the salad recipe. 😉 I see baby spinach, strawberries, blueberries, red onion, pecans and grilled chicken. Am I missing anything? Any cheese and what dressing do you use? 🙂 TIA!! 🙂 I get on salad kicks too.

Jen - I love summer too, and I even work 25 hours a week. I wish I had more free time with my girls, but beggers can’t be choosers and I do love my job. I just love no homework, no school schedule, no lunch packing, no “hurry, you need to get to bed”…it’s just more relaxed.

Also, I was with Aaron Dody last night here in Ohio – fam were in town from KS. He loved seeing pictures of his grandparents old house – the Craft House. He explained that the kitchen isn’t where it used to be, told me about the business his dad and grandpa ran out of the top floor (do you know?), this room is next to this room, oh wow! there used to be a wall there, etc. I LOVED listening to him as he saw your old house. I have to admit that after following your blog for 6+ years and loving your home pics, I was a bit geeked out. I STILL cannot believe how I put this puzzle together. Out of all the people in this world, all the houses, awesome. crazy. wonderful. awesome. Have a wonderful weekend!

Maria - it’s amazing what subtracting three kids can do! My three oldest are off at camp this week too…just the youngest at home and it has been way too quiet! About 24 hrs left of that….

Enjoy your summer!


Stephanie - Yay! Love the suits you chose. You’ll look gorgeous in those rich tones.
Your summer sounds so good. So quintesentially summer! I hate summer. But it’s because I live in Florida. It’s so gross here in the summer. I remember summer in KS–so pleasant. Gets hot once in awhile, but mostly great!

Pam - I too love summer, however it will be 115 degrees here today. We hide in our house like it is a hobit hole and play games and drink iced tea and lemonade. When the sun goes down we slink out into the night for a swim in the quiet, heavy air. Such a freshing treat before bedtime. 🙂

Amy Woods - I have an only child. Also 17. He doesn’t sleep much, but he is definitely quiet or out. He will be a senior when school starts. WAHHHHH! My baby!!!

Love the suits your picked! And all your pics are FAB!!

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it’s safe to say we are enjoying the warm weather and spending LOTS of time outside.

this was in my flower bed.
yeah…. I’m a little behind on gardening.

and then i found this snake.
i called sean from out in the yard – he was in the basement.
i said “sean… i found a snake.  come get it.”

i know.  i know… a lot of animals.
but hey #sorrynotsorry


susan - I would buy a canvas of the kittens and chicken in daisies!
Love them all. Fun!

Wendy - Love the animal pics, so pretty!

keri - pretty. so pretty!

Mj - I want the calico kitten! Can you bring it to California please?

Kristin - I should probably know this, but I don’t think I’ve ever read it here…did you study art in college, or are you just a natural? Your photos are so gorgeous. I love your composition, and wish I had your eye!

Andrea - Some of the photos with a single hen in the daisies should be offered in your shop!

Jen Brandt - Thank you for sharing your art of photography. Absolutely beautiful pictures.

Patti Mullican - Those daisies couldn’t be a more perfect backdrop for your chickadees! 😉

heidi e. - All of those animals made my day! The geese freaked me out a little bit. Geese here in Minne are mean! Can’t believe you were so close and didn’t get chased!

Maria - lol…it is a lot of cute animals…you could have named the post…chickens, the frog, the geese, and then the chickens…oh, and the kittens…lol…loved them all…especially those tiny kittens!

Linda - your life is so beautiful!

Jenny B. - love love love! are you using a macro lens for the kittens? those frogs (toads?) are funny. they remind me of my baby — all floppy armed and double chinned. ha! 🙂

Nancy Wms. - The photos of the chickens should be for sale on your site. They are really fun shots! I mean how could you go wrong with daisies and chickens?!

Sheila Pearson - I adore each and every one of these photos, Meg. You have a great eye!

Kimberlee Jost - You need to make a canvas of a chicken in the daisies.
Also, those daisies…are they different than Shasta’s?
Text me.

Katherine - What a gorgeous post! Such amazing photos. It’s like distilled 100% pure summer.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg! These pictures.. so, so, good.

Kathi - LOVE! I want kittens, chickens and even toads now! Do you take these pics with your iPhone or with a digital SLR? They are beautiful.

Brady - Would you stop it with those kittens?!? I’m not a cat person, but your pictures are making me want one! So cute!

jill - Meg you are an amazing photographer!!

sharon / - ha-ha! that weed could have it’s own movie!! (and i mean weed in the regular old-fashioned weed way ~ lol.)

Heather - Fantastic pix! The snake ones cracked me up.

Laura - dear moderator, see my comment above? please remove my last name- thanks

Laura Cornia - If you were to sell the 4th picture in your shop ( brown chicken in the daisies, trees in backround), I would hang it in my kitchen!

Crissy - daisies, chickens, kids, dogs and kittens… does life get any better!?!?!?

Penny - Aww, some of my best memories growing up were when our mama cat had kittens. I had so much fun with them! Your kids are so lucky to have all of those animals in their life. Teaches responsibility and compassion! Love your chicken. I am too lazy to take care of chickens! 🙂

marcie - I am a child of the South and I love it but oh my goodness your neck of the woods is gorgeous!!

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mucho selfies…and other things

lots of phone pics of happy things the past week or so….
those mint green converse were at tjmaxx last week… run go get them for yourself!!!

talby has officially reached my height! IMG_3717
scott is now working at subway and yesterday he told me:
“this job at subway has opened my eyes to a whole world of sandwiches that i never knew existed!”
how adorable is that???
my friend shannan came to speak at a conference locally and i got to host her!
we laid around and talked.  and ate.  the end.  i loved every second.

im so glad i said “stop.  stay there.  one second.  smile.  thank you.” and i have this memory forever.
prom is this weekend!
he is so cute and confused with how this all works and wants to do things right but is a boy in this crazy prom world and so we all know how that goes.  it’s a lot like a wedding… i told him “just show up and look good”  since the planning is all being done for him.
lots of selfies.
lots of animals.
lots of flowers.
lots of smiles.

beth larson - loved this post Meg… especially the selfie of you and the open mouthed dog… the mint green kicks- (need some!) and howwwwww did your hair get to long all of a sudden? It looks amazing!

Chris - Love all your pics. I can’t get enough of that little dog. He’s so cute. But I love all your dogs. I just love dogs!! So thanks for the pics. Of all the dogs. 🙂

Tiffany Clark - You are looking so darling as always! I’m loving the long hair- especially curled! You rock it!

Janelle - PLEASE show us how you do your hair! Its so cute! I thought you maybe had one of those wave perms but then I saw the flat iron…tutorial please! And is the new pup staying?

Lori - Your photos are so bright and fun! I always love them 🙂

Lisa - These pictures are so cheery!

Lisa - Great pictures, all! Especially like all the animal pics, and the photo of Mr D (in Old Town, right?).

Sandra K - What a FABULOUS post! The whole thing just made me happy. 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!

Julie - So this is a random question…How do you groom Waffle? I think you mentioned once that you do it yourself. We have a golden doodle and when I take her to the groomer, they make her look more “doodle”. We would like her to look more “golden”. I can’t remember if Waffle is a golden doodle or labradoodle but he certainly looks less “doodle”. We have clippers…any advice would be greatly appreciated!

shar y - So, just everything!! Love these. Even the animals look happy!

Kathi - I love your blog and photos. You have an awesome family, animals included!

Suzanne - One time you had a shirt on that said something like “your story matters” or something like that. Can you help me outt please? Have a friend who could use one. (And me too!). Thanks!

Lizzie - you have a beautiful life. every picture and post is so inspiring and lovely. i’m raising two boys and hope my husband and i create the same kind of happiness and love that is so apparent in your photos <3 you need to teach a course on parenting!

Dana - Where do I begin? Those shoes! The ducks! The sheets! I love all your pictures so much. I love how you love color!

natalie - Love all the color! Also….hair help! I’m about to cut mine and you have what going for! How do you get the curl? Please!

Julie - My daughter checks her height against me every day now – talk about the perfect motivation for standing tall. She has about 2 inches to go before she has caught up. Love your photos.

angela - Love all these pics! And your hair looks GREAT curled!! Mentioned you today on my blog as one of my favorite bloggers!

Jen - lots of love for the selfies with you and your girls. 🙂

Lori Sammartino - Beautiful pics. It always feels like an escape when I visit your blog. Thanks for the eye candy and whimsy!

karen brown - YES…the hair! So good! Perfect curls.

Amy Woods - What a lovely family you have. Your awesome mommaness shines through in these photos! 🙂

Jen - What’s the deal with the puppy?? Why do you have him? ARe you keeping him??

Tammy - Love the red shoes. Where are they from

Nanette - LOVE your hair! Maybe you could do a tutorial? I could use the help. 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I love all of this. Lots of Joy and Gratitude in these pictures 🙂

Andrea - Lovely spring, happy family! You and the Mr. do a good job Meg!

My oldest worked at Subway in high school – while her uniform always smelled like sandwiches, there are worse things to smell like! And she was great about bringing her mom a cookie now and then – Subway cookies are pretty darn good!

Jenny B. - You are so cute! 🙂 Your glasses make me wish I wore glasses. Well, not really, but you know… they rock! And your family is so cool. 😀

Krys - Such great pics 🙂 I hope prom went well for your kiddo, and that pic of the puppies sleeping in the crate together = adorable!
– Krys

Lynette L. - I just love your posts with lots of pictures. They are so colorful and fun!

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we have been busy…

spring break is over half way done.
my nieces were here since sunday.
we have had a lot of fun so far.
i have a big painting project going on at the Craft House… shipping all the aprons & bunting… THANK YOU everyone for all the orders!

creepy weirdos.

running for the bus on a snowy morning about two weeks ago.
those tulips couldn’t have matched my chairs ANY BETTER!IMG_2479
neighborhood watch.

healthy snack.

antique store swooning.

new tulips in red instead of orange.

scott’s last home game… i hate when basketball season in over.

both the boys team and the girls team won the 3A Sub State Championship!
the boys didn’t move on any farther unfortunately but the girls won State for the 2nd year in a row!
talby had a volleyball tournament last week… i think it’s her last for quite awhile.

this is my running route when i am alone.
kinda… e m p t y.


craft house porch sitting.

she likes to go out right around the time dad gets home from work so he can see that she is practicing.
she’s a smart one!
sneaking over to the Craft House in my pajamas to take a bath last week.
i put my phone out of reach so i could just focus on my book.
have you read this?
Restless: Because You Were Made for More
I am like… crazy for it.
i am thinking you would love it because it seems MOST of us are searching for MORE out of life?
try it and see… i think it’s really good.

closer than necessary.

after school snack.
a big day calls for the power leggings.
it’s possible that they have super hero qualities…
(they are made by Under Armour.  i stalked them all winter and when they went on clearance i snagged them with a coupon on top! BOOM.)

i went in for a covered button kit….
i came out with all these.

piano practice and a poser.

a rare moment with a Rhode Island Red… they are usually so quick!
i caught her though.

annie and my niece love to play restaurant and they have been playing “Sunflower Sisters” for years.
it’s a very fun tradition!
i ordered the yogurt with strawberries and a coffee.


we hit the zoo…IMG_3038IMG_3058
this giraffe was loving all the close up attention.
and so were we!
we stopped at the farm store for a water dish and left with 8 new baby chicks!
and annie reeeeeally wanted a duck.
who wouldn’t?!

this is Fancy.
the one i picked and insisted we get.IMG_3200
this one is Tiny.


Waffle is thinking about having a “Fancy” dinner.

Is it me or does Sundae look like she’s all Beyonce in this picture?
the littler one on the left is Boots.

Sundae and Fancy.
i am hoping for less roosters than hens this round.

Wichita has a new trampoline park… Urban Air.
that was totally worth the money for two hours of FUN! (the website has a coupon!)
then lauren met us for lunch and swimming too!
snack dinner!
i heard “YAY!!! I LOVE snack dinner!” when i called the kids in.
which made me so happy!

this is a block from my house… a calf was just out on the road.
as i was considering how to help it, i spooked it and it took off back to the farm.

for our last night with my nieces we had a late night slumber party at the Craft House.
the little girls were shocked when i agreed to a SECOND movie at 10:30 pm!
i said “well this IS a slumber party!”
i painted while they watched.

they played SORRY while i made gluten free pumpkin muffins.
to which we all agreed that they were a fail… they tasted like eating a plain sweet potato.
not what we wanted from our pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.
at least we had other things to eat!

then we drove them home after our 5 days together…. such a great visit!

i am hoping to work on the paint project tomorrow and all weekend.
Hope Spoken is in a week… not freaking out but yet… totally freaking out.
i am excited about everything!
just nervous about my speaking – and i do not even know what i am going to say yet!
soon… soon… soon.   i can feel it coming together and swirling around in my head.
(thank you jesus!)
but just know that i will cry… if i stood up and gave the weather report i would STILL cry.
it’s just what i do.
i cry.


lastly… there is still ONE apron left in the shop.
i love her so much.
i can’t believe she’s left all  by herself… she’s the life of the party for sure.
maybe she appears too wild in photos?
she is royal blue, spring green and a beautiful bright pink… seriously such a great combo!
the turquoise and the lime green in the floral pattern are perfection!

have a super weekend!
i am DYING to finish my paint project to show the world because you are going to freak!!
it’s completely dreamy and rad.

must go to sleep now… it’s 12:53…yikes!


Flower Patch Farmgirl - Best way to start my day, right here. That bball shot of Talby (?) is so awesome! And I’m going to do snack dinner soon.

Andrea - Meg…I just love seeing peeks into your colorful world…..and your dogs just crack me up! Happy Spring!

Heather - Random thoughts that I can’t post on Facebook because I’m taking a break;

you prompted me to buy tulips yesterday, on the first day of spring

I read 7 last week while on holiday in Cuba and now I’m off FB and a moms board that I’ve been on for 12 years that consistently annoys me. LOL I am now reading A million miles in a thousand years, which you had recommended to me.

s - Totally random but what kind of curling wand is that and does it work as well as it looks like it does???!!

sharon / - i believe tulips go with Everything! (that’s my story and I’m sticking with it:))

Amy Woods - Lovely. All.

Stephanie - I LOVE that apron. It was that one, the Ruby, and a couple others that I picked out as my favorites. So if she looks too wild, I guess that’s my taste! Lol.

Kerry - Have you read “Anything” By Jennie Allen? I have it on hold at the library now.

Lynette L. - I love posts like this! You take the best pictures! Your dogs pose so well – mine is always moving so she is just a blur in the pictures I take.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, when I saw this idea, I knew I had to send it to you. It is SO YOU! I can see you doing this with your girls. 🙂

beth larson - so….did Annie get the duck? So adorbs- and I can’t wait to see your painting project- this was a great post!! xo

ira lee - looks like a ton of fun and if you could just call me before the next week like this, that’d be great!! lol

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i like thursdays because they are close to fridays.
i used to love thursdays because of must see tv… but i don’t really watch much anymore.
Parenthood is over and i am feeling like I’m through with series.
greys will finish up soon.
madmen is almost done… and i think I’m done.
is it my age?  what is it?
is it the new era of dvr and internet where i can pull-up anything whenever i want?
i don’t love anything like i did when i loved my fave shows.
it’s probably just that i miss those too much.
Seinfeld… Friends… ER…. Office… 30 Rock…

everything else is just those same stories over again.

moving on…
annie started piano lessons again.
by choice.
talby starts this week.
i love hearing them practice.
(although if i hear “All of Me” by john legend one more time i may die)

the other night annie was stalling before bed time and i walked in and caught this:IMG_2200IMG_2195
i love her rainbow room so much.
(and she loves stuffed animals a little too much!)
but to be sure i am always “keeping it real” over here she told me recently that she can’t wait to re-do her room in a complete basketball theme because she is going to play in the WNBA and wants her room to look very sporty.
i can remember my first lesson in humility regarding room decor with lauren.
she was probably 8 and we had painted her room just the prettiest way i thought it should be.
yellow floral Martha stewart bedding… matching curtains… i even painted plaid on the wall!
and then… she taped magazine photos of animals all over the walls.
and that did not match.
i tried to tell her how these pictures did not flow with the look i was going for.
ha ha ha
but SHE thought they looked really nice.
she chose her favorite animals and knew why they were here favorites.

i think that’s when i learned that it was going to be ok.
(it probably took many more lessons but i do recall that night)
my home should reflect all of us… not just MOM’s idea of pretty.
everything doesn’t have to look like a magazine.
and no matter their style is… it’s OK!  it’s GOOD to have an idea!
it’s GOOD to know what you like!
if you like animals… GREAT!  if you like basketball… GREAT!
i hope someday annie gets her dream room.
although it’s pretty darn great right now… maybe we should switch bedrooms…. what do you think craig?  want to bunk up in the rainbow room with me?  ha ha ha

wednesday likes to sit in the sun… especially on the hood of my car.

i made Marta’s meat muffins the other night at 8 pm.
(the recipe she shares now is a little different… eggs, zucchini and lots of spices… maybe she will blog it?)
i make them for me… not the whole family.
i COULD feed it to them…. but then i don’t have my stock.
i freeze all but 6 and then eat two at a time for meals during the week.
when my 6 in the refrigerator are gone i pull another container from the freezer.
it’s great protein when i want to eat cookies.  🙂

and then when i was done… i made pumpkin waffles at 10 pm.
i used this recipe by
they are definitely gluten free & dairy free as far as taste but i am trying to eat that way so when everything tastes that way then you get used to it.
i freeze these also except for a few.
i heat one up and spread a little almond butter and strawberry jam on them.
i make strawberry jam by putting strawberries in food processor.
nothing else added.

so those are two things i am eating to help me stay on track with my health.
remember my 2015 word was ACTION.

although… this week i have been sleeping like a bear in hibernation.
im not sure what the deal is but i am so tired.
hopefully it will go away soon.

this was yesterday morning at our house.
i just said “enough!”  (not in a mad way… just exhausted)
i am feeling tired and this does not help.
i mean… this is normal when 6 people share a space.
this is 6 people each leaving one or two or five things out.
and if it doesn’t get picked up… it multiplies.
and this is with the dishes done.
it’s so much worse when the sink is overflowing with dishes.
so i made a new chart.
it was time.
we used to have a whole system when the kids were younger just for sanity
but when we moved to the farm i never made it again.
now it’s back in a newer simplified form.

annie’s charts are her own personal movitation charts.
she gets to choose a treat of her choice when she completes it…not just the .99 ice cream cone.
yesterday was the first day.
i walked in at 9 pm from the garage and the smell of bleach was overpowering.
so i learned that i had to teach HOW to do these jobs.
we went over which cleaners to use… tools to use… what “put stuff away” means…. and how a counter top FEELS when it’s clean.
and this morning it was so happy to walk out to a clean kitchen.
they agreed that it felt nice to have it clean too!

so if you got your kids started on their laundry…. maybe the kitchen is the next place.
your kids are going to hate that “Meg from Whatever”

my kids also load and unload the dishwasher.
scott & sean alternate loading and talby & sean alternate unloading.
(i step in and wash pots and pans… and load or unloadload when kids have been busy and having it done is better than waiting.)
no one likes this job at our house.
but who does?!
this is good for them.
we’ve been doing this for YEARS too.
it used to be lauren & scott loading and talby & sean unloading.
annie was too short.
but when lauren moved out… annie moved up.
it’s working.

chores are good.
they are!
i love being a mom so much.
but i don’t want to wait on them hand and foot.
my kids are able to help and we think they should.
they still have so much time for fun.. this is just life & helping each other out.


misty - I’d LOVE to know your breakdown on teaching kids to do laundry. I have a 6 1/2 year old & she wants to help with everything 🙂 I LOVE that, but how did you start with Annie doing laundry??

Renee - i love seeing the piano ones 🙂 I teach piano lessons VERY part time (like 7 students only part time) just for fun on the side. so so so fun to see glimpses of when kids like it 🙂

Kristi - I love reading your posts! They are so refreshingly real! And can I just say that I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to clean on their own?!! Can.not.wait!! Hope you get your pep back soon. I am being spring will put a bounce in my step. No more jackets weighing me down.

Lisa - Love that your systems aren’t complicated. I need to revamp our chore list and your post was the reminder I needed to just keep it simple. 🙂

Jenni - Meg, you’re awesome in so many ways. And, interestingly enough, my husband is applying for a job in Lawrence, KS. We currently live in California. When I think of life in Kansas, one of my first thoughts is , “how could I become friends with Meg Duerksen? If I have to move to Kansas, hanging out with her would make life easier. ” 🙂

Lisa - Great! I love the chores. I do the same (I’m a mom of 3 soon to be 4). Any way to get them involved is good and worth it in the long run. Laundry & toys need to be put away before they get to watch their show at night. Works for us.

Loved your comment about Lauren changing her room, too! My oldest (almost 8) does the same thing and hangs posters and tiny pieces of paper that are oh so important all over her room and it secretly drives me crazy! I am regularly reminding myself to chill out… House Beautiful is not coming to photograph my home. Perfectly imperfect, right? 🙂

Carrie - My girls are 4 and 7. It is the small toys and my 7 year olds books ( she reads 3 to 4 chapter books a week, guess I should not complain about my voracious reader). That stuff I pile on the stairs and threaten them. I wanted to start my 7 year old doing laundry and she was on board but she still can not reach down into the washer to get her clothes and I need to problem solve it. Quite honestly I need that chart for my husband!!! The girls help to unload the dishwasher, clear the table, clean toilets, and make beds. My 4 year old loves to make her sister’s bed!

sharon / - A clean, beautiful white kitchen makes Everything better, -in every department 🙂

Kathi - Your counter looks similar to mine just add a bunch of tools the hubs didn’t put away and you’ve got mine.

Amy Woods - I agree! It’s great the kiddos help with the chores. Their future roommates and families will so appreciate it. My poor son is an only. He thinks he has too many chores. I say whatever. What does he think, that I took him to raise? Oh. wait.


Alice H - I miss ER!! Oh George Clooney!!

My 5 year old LOVES to help unload the dishwasher. He also likes to do laundry, mainly the towels and washcloths. He has a helping heart for sure. And I am doing a lot better at encouraging him than I did with my 14 and 16 year old back then. Ha! They have to do their own laundry, help clean up after dinner, and they are in charge of the upstairs (their bedrooms, bathroom, and hall). If it isn’t all cleaned up and presentable by Friday, they don’t get to do anything during that weekend. It works!! Love your kitchen chart and I have a chalkboard, may have to do that too!

jennibell - Agreed! On everything. . .except the eating part. Meg, you look GREAT and I know it’s taken you a lot of time and sacrifice and YEA FOR YOU!!! I just *can’t*, no matter what, get on the “eat food I don’t like” wagon. I got a FitBit and when my calories are up, they are up. . .I’m not being picky about how I use them. Exercise is key anyway.
Youngest does the trash every single time it needs to be taken out. Next youngest unloads dishwasher (expectation is that it is to be done by 7 a.m. every day) and 2nd oldest loads. Oldest is in charge of the yard, taking trash to the dump. . .he gets of “easy” in the winter months but works very hard spring/summer. It works for us.
The kids have naturally begun to do their own laundry. Things weren’t getting done as quickly as they liked (ha!) so they will, many times, do their own. I’m glad they know how. And every one of them (ages 11, 12, 14, 16) can make a meal for the family. So. . .parenting is the *greatest* job ( and I am so happy that God blessed me with the challenge!!
Enjoy your weekend 🙂

crissy - i love that you keep it real! it isn’t any less inspiring – but it’s hopegiving 😉

do you make your strawberry jam when you want it or do you make a jar and refrigerate it? i love the idea of making it and am wondering if that is one less thing i can buy from the store – and less sugar. thanks!!

Nanette - Thanks for the motivation! We are struggling right now with chores and responsibility. And I’m going to try those meat cupcake/muffin things.
My boys decorated their shared room the other day by taping over 100 hockey cards to the wall. At first I wanted to make them take it down…but they love it. And they actually did a good job by getting them spaced and straight. I figure someday they will talk about it when they are old…”hey remember when we taped all of our hockey cards to the wall? That was the best!”

Julie - My dishwasher has just died on us, so each morning the sink is filled with hot soapy water, and we all wash our breakfast dishes and leave them in the rack to drain while we are at work and school. Then in the evening my two children have to wash and dry all the dinner dishes. Certainly won’t hurt them, that is what I had to do as a child.

Heather S. - Our girls have quite a few chores and expectations around the house (dishes, mopping, laundry, cat care, etc). They have to – I homeschool them! I can’t be their teacher AND the lunch lady AND the bus driver AND the janitor as well as being mom. They have to pitch in. And they do. Like champs. You are SO right. You have to actually TEACH them how to do these things first, but then it reminds me of potty training. A bunch of hard work up front for a few days, but then sit back a bit and enjoy watching them grow up. I always say I’m not raising children – I am raising future adults. It takes constant training to get there, but every once in a while we get to just admire their growing responsibility and maturity. That’s what being a mom is really about – training them up, not waiting on them hand and foot.

kassondra - The end of this post almost sounded like you were defending your reasons for having your kids do chores. MEG, stop that! Our kids chores are much easier than when we were little and a thousand times easier than generations past. Your not causing damage to your children your teaching them valuable lessons in this chore system. Keep it up!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - My 11 year old does her own laundry. Her job is to also keep the bathroom clean. My younger two have to put away their clothes and keep their room clean. I give them each a list of chores to accomplish every Sat. Otherwise I do everything else. I find it cathartic when I clean my home. That, and I may be a little OCD.

Michelle Deckert Richmond - Welcome to my life…..I hear yah.

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i love friday!

i mean really… who doesn’t love friday?
and for me i really love a Craft Weekend friday.
(it means there are margaritas at the end of the day)
i am all packed and ready to head to the Craft House for the weekend… after i workout & shower.
then i get to buy flowers… i love the excuse of CW to buy flowers!
and today we will finalize the crafty details.
but let’s talk about the last week….
we finally had a chance to take lauren out for her 20th birthday!

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it is weird… weird that my kids are all so big.
so grown.
i love this stage.  i loved them as babies.  i loved the toddler phase.  i miss every stage.  and i am sure i will miss this phase too.
it’s all good.

sean really wanted to get his learner’s permit last week.
he studied a lot and he passed!
and then we went driving… oh what an experience!
i had mentioned on Instagram that it is truly a roller coaster of emotions.
fear and pride and joy and humor and LOVE and more fear all in one.
he is a good driver!
my favorite phrase is “more brake”  or probably more like “more BRAKE!!!”

(a learner’s permit in kansas that means you can drive ONLY with an adult in the car)

this movie was hilarious!
it was great for the whole family!  all my kids thought it was good.
if you need a family night movie… this is it.
it is out on dvd now… we saw it at our second run movie theater.

waffle needs a haircut.

this is what it is like at all times at our house.
this is how everyone (except me) watches tv.
not kidding.
throwing a ball in the air the entire time…. and craig is probably asleep there on the couch.

yesterday i drove my friend Pam back to the airport to go home to Africa.
i selfishly want her here close to me.
i want to eat mexican food with her and hang out.
i don’t want her an ocean away.
they had 22 checked suitcases!  there was much more than in this picture even!
it was quite a site.
and now they are home.
i am already planning my visit back to see her.   🙂
because… africa & pam & babies & love… it’s the best.
i gave her a big long hug three separate times before i felt ready to go.
then i just bolted so i wouldn’t cry and make a scene.

i spent the day yesterday setting up the sewing machines at the Craft House.
and opening the swag from all of our RAD sponsors!
we have never had so much for on weekend.
it was not on purpose – we just had so many people respond this month!
and they knocked it out of the park!
then when i got home late last night there was more yet that had arrived yesterday!
this group of CW guests is the luckiest group ever.   🙂
i can’t wait to share their shop discounts with you soon!
and lastly… you guys are SO AWESOME!
talby’s fundraiser for His Safe Haven is at 88% right now?!!!
she is almost to her goal!  let’s keep going!
she is so excited about it.
we can’t wait to pick winners for the big prize giveaway on monday!
there is (of course) still time to donate and enter to win!
click here for talby’s fundraiser and here for the giveaway post details.


AND thank you for all the love you have been passing out to me from this post.
our comments,emails, texts and even letters (like IN THE MAIL?) have been so good for my heart.
i was feeling weary.
you have given me strength and reminded me of so much goodness.
i like you guys.

Danelle - LOVE your shirt… is indeed a great day. Do share where it is from!

Kirsten J - We like you, too. And. In Washington, the kids get a permit as soon as they turn 15 and they are enrolled in driving school (only kind of offered at high school….basically, you have to pay $700 at a private driving school). And that’s it. You’re right, it’s scary and great at the same time. And I do the quick gasp/brace myself a little too often for my girl, but dude! She comes so close sometimes! Phew!!

kelly - Haha! Love the balls but that drives me craaazy! That and wrestling. Now our two year old has become obsessed with a WWE Scooby Doo and all he wants to do is ‘resso’

Barbara (WA) - You have inspired me to add more color to my life! Have a fabulous craft weekend 🙂

sharon / - It was my birthday this week so boy have my thoughts run the gamut! Including the things u touch upon here: pretty flowers, kids getting older (Hpy Bday Lauren!), good friends, the world). One cute son reminded me while we ate bday cake of the song I once told him I wanted played at my funeral. Yes! Ha-ha, lol, I guess they really do listen to EvRyThInG we say!
Well, it is a beautiful song, so I’m sharing 🙂 Happy Weekend All!

chrissi - so happy for sweet talby. you have taught your family so well. you have such a big heart. please keep us updated on pam and her adventures. she is a hero too♥

Liz R. - So I want to be (like) you when I grow up. I am a mama to two very little littles, but seeing your beautiful family makes me want to have FIVE too! Maybe I’ll start looking for my own craft house. 😉 But seriously I am so inspired and encouraged by you!

KatieV - The picture of you in the passenger seat while Sean drives is PRICELESS. I love it!

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