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last day of colorado.




more playtime in the streams.









brave explorers.




and after that….WET.  
we got dry clothes on and headed on towards home.





a m a z i n g.

and the very last thing as we headed home…. RAM crossing!

pretty cool.
up higher on the ledge was the rest of its family.  
yay colorado….thanks so much for the memories!!!


OK…. here is where i speak from the heart……………………………………………………………………….

colorado was beautiful and i loved being there together.
even when it's not perfect in my famly…or there is fighting or yelling or things not going as planned.

i can be honest and say that vacations are sometimes overrated.
we put pressure on everything to go just right….fun fun fun…..smiles all around.
and you know what…

it doesn't always go that way.

and that's o-k.

no family is perfect.
and neither are we……not even remotely close.
my kids fight.  
with each other and with me.  
it can get really tiresome.  
it exhausts me greatly.

but i love them deeply.

i say this because it would make me sad if looking through these pictures of our trip someone would say "i wish my family was happy like that" or "they always look like they are having so much fun"
and did not think about the reality.
the reality is that we are normal…sometimes happy, sometimes grumpy, sometimes hyper, sometimes loud, sometimes kind and sometimes mean.
you never know with five kids what will happen in the next minute let alone a 9 hour drive.

i am guessing you can relate to that.

i hope.


Jan Eitzen - Oh, my gosh! Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures of Colorado. We used to go almost every year, but now it’s been way too long. I’m missing it so badly my heart aches. — I always told my kids, “You just wait!” And that phrase has stuck and been a joke for a long time, altho’ I haven’t heard it lately because the waiting is over. Dean and Amy have four beautiful children and I’d forgotten what it was like. When you’re kids start having your grandkids you’ll remember all over again what it was like, but it will be much more funny, cute, and enjoyable the second time ’round. But now, as you can tell from comments here you’re not alone altho’ it feels like it sometimes. Most of the stories in the Old Testament deal with difficult children–even King David was disobedient to God. Another one of my favorite sayings: “This too shall pass.” (I try not to overuse it, but Amy usually knows when it’s coming) 🙂

julia - I meant “bit”

julia - Thanks for that last big Meg – lately I’ve been thinking, why am I looking at this, when I’m on instagram. Everything looks so perfect. I know things aren’t but it’s so easy to pretend when a picture just shows a tiny little bit of life. anyway, I was thinking also when I saw that lake…I bet there aren’t any alligators in there to worry about. Deep thoughts.

Michelle From Australia - Being Australian, we have a 14 hour flight to get to LA. And another 5+ hours AND a layover or two if we want to go to the East Coast of the USA. Which means by the time we get anywhere, good behaviour has just about disappeared 🙁 But fingers crossed come November magic will happen and we will bounce off our flight at LA looking happy. It won’t happen but a girl can dream can’t she??

christine ishmael - My parents took us to Hawaii for a MONTH, a whole month when I was 13 and I was such a jerk the WHOLE time! My older sister likes to remind me of what a jerk I was…I still feel bad for my selfish behavior…we do our best to make things so picture perfect and I’m sorry, kids are moody lil suckers!

karen gerstenberger - We just came home from vacation, and yes, I can relate to that. Bless you for keeping it real.
I have started a new blog, in case you want to visit:
Hugs from Karen (Gberger)

ira lee - you are exactly right about that! and i deeply appreciate your honesty. it is hard to have patience and grace when your kids are fighting about something- again. or. they. just. won’t. listen.!!! i am learning to be more patient, kind, and understanding yet persistant and fair with punishments and -ahem- yelling! lol wish i could keep my cool, but after the hundreth fight and its over sharing the stupid ketchup i can totally loose it!! thanks for reminding us that this is life, and we must always strive to be better mommas!!! and i love the pics, wish i was there right now!!

Prairie Jenn - Colorado is so beautiful! I could live there if I just didn’t love the wide open space here so much:)
Love your honesty! Families aren’t perfect…vacations aren’t perfect, but sometimes the photos make it look that way.
Yay for keeping it real:)

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh yes. . totally can relate. I wrote a blog post called “Are Family Vacations Worth It?” and I read it before every trip we take to remind me, give me perspective. . .if interested, here is the link:
We share similiar heartbeats. . I can relate.
Your pics make me want to take our family to Colorado next. We were there for our honeymoon 20 years ago (backpacked 6 weeks out west) and I so want to take the kids. And that first pic. . are those colors for real? WOW!! Just amazing!!

happygirl - Gorgeous pics and a RAM. I had to climb a mountain to see one of those. You were so blessed. Thanks for the disclaimer on the fam and your normalcy. 🙂 I kinda thought you may be a normal family, but I appreciate the confirmation.

Christy - The pictures are beautiful and it looks like you had a lot of fun. I love the one of Annie that looks like she is in the Karate Kid pose! And the ones of Talby helping Annie. So sweet!

Kat - *Nods* oh yes I can relate!
with four kids there is bound to be someone in a bad/grumpy/sad/difficult mood on any given day.
You just have to roll with it huh?
Thanks for sharing the reality of every day life, even on holidays!
I also find it exhausts me greatly, but like you I love my kids deeply.

jenrobburton - Beautiful pics, and thanks for your honesty! It can be hard to remember that blogs, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are often only showing the good moments and that everyone has bad days, troubled times and things that don’t live up to their expectations.
Great quote I’ve seen floating around … “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”
Glad you had a great, if not perfect, trip!

meaghan - HI! so fun to see you in MY state lol 🙂 glad ya’ll had a good time! it’s so gorgeous huh? sigh. i’ve oddly spent summer with my fam in texas. hmmm… hooottttt

Shannon - Beautiful pictures once again! So nice to hear now and then about the reality of family. I already know quite well how family vacations go and I only have 2 young ones so I could only imagine the chaos with 5 growing kids who all have their own personalities.

Elizabeth - I can totally relate! Thanks for such a honest and authentic post.

Jody - Man, I must admit I am tiring of blogs that show us the constant trips they go on, the cute cute homes they have or their outfits for the day – so it is refreshing to read you reminding your readers it’s not all perfect or smiley as the photos lead us to believe. And that there is more to life than showcasing our happiest selves ALL THE TIME – that does not bring any of us any closer…
Thank you!
(I sound like such a cranky pants in this note, Im sorry meg!!)

Michelle B - I love your vacation pictures. Colorado is awesome! We just got back from the Wisconsin Dells – drove there from Northwest Iowa, so a fairly long haul. With three young kids along (almost 8, 6 and 2). And your last comment on this post reminded me of what I wrote on my blog just the other day about our vacation pictures…”And I might have been tired and cranky myself and lost patience with both boys…yup, we are like a real life family and do things like that.” I guess I was feeling like I was showing to much “perfect”. I too get comments from people thinking we are “perfect”. Actually I worry that if people hung out with us in real life – well they might be let down. I try to keep it real on the blog – but I also don’t like to vent or complain about my husband or my kids on the internet. I always figure I have friends and family to vent too if I really need to. My blog is for happy stuff – however people got to know – we are human and a family it isn’t always pretty. So I appreciate you saying what you did in this post. Because I feel you – all so well 🙂

Shar - Expectations, the curse! We all have them and likely as not there will be a glitch. But, that’s okay, we just keep coming back for more. Love your photos and the fact you do keep it real, as mentioned! So, thanks!!

Clementsclan - Ha ha ha, don’t know if you read these comments Meg, but well done you! I could have cried. We haven’t had a stress free family vacation since the kids were little! It seems so much work, for so little reward. But yet we keep on doing it. So it can’t be that bad. Luckily we have short and selective memories! Love the pics, keep ’em coming. Thanks for keeping it real!

jeri - Glad you enjoyed our fine state! I get that you’re a Kansas-girl and not a mountains-girl, but there’s no place I’d rather be than in some sort of mountains.
I agree that vacations are over-rated. I love to travel but not with kids. There is nothing worse than being on a beautiful God-inspiring mountain and have your kids being mean and hateful towards each other. Almost makes me want to throw them off the mountain…aw, not really. Our recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains was probably the least “painful” trip we have had in a long time.

shiela - just lLllllloooOoovVveEeee the nature n all…gorgeous!

arlene - Loved your post and all of the wonderful pictures. Colorado is beautiful. We have taken many family vacations there through the last 40 plus years…all 1200 mile roadtrips…one way, that is. Would not trade those memories for anything.

jackie grandy - Gorgeous pics Meg. I love the mountains of Colorado. I feel the same way about vacations, especially when you visit family. We’re on vacation now visiting my husband’s family in MN and its great, but trying to coordinate activities that everyone likes is challenging. We have 9 cousins and 4 families to coordinate. It’s almost too much family togetherness. I sometimes feel like my kids are happier at home hanging with their friends and chilling out rather than running around trying to fit everything into a week. To me a vacation is hanging on a beach, sleeping in, being lazy and eating amazing food with family and friends. I want to come home from vacation relaxed and ready for life not get home fatigued and stressed because our trip wore me out. Today I said no to the crazy and packed water park and yes to catching up on my blog posts with an iced tea on the back deck.

Donna R - It’s so easy to look at pictures on a blog and get lost in how perfect someone else’s life is. Thanks for keeping it real! Love that about your posts.

Paula S. - Yes! What is that saying again about don’t compare your blooper reel with other people’s highlight reel? Anywhere there are people there will be problems, but many blessings too!

Lennie - Beautiful pics! So glad u are real and relatable!

Toni :O) - I totally can relate and that’s the reason I love your blog like so many others…your honesty and realness…we all get it. I go through life daily wondering if I’m a good enough mom, a good enough wife and a good enough employee. I look at SO many of my shortcomings but then have to realize I’m doing the best job I can do and I know how to do. When it comes to vacations, man it can totally be exhausting vs. relaxing when taking kids along. I always try to keep in mind I’m creating memories and just go with the flow. Someday though, I look forward to those vacations with just my hubby sitting on the beach somewhere enjoying a good book and listening to the water…that’s it, NO OTHER EXPECTATIONS! Cheers!

Sunny Haynes - Oh vacations! Can you really call them that with kids?! The memories are wonderful and you do things that you don’t do in your normal, everyday life but work, stress and breakdowns seem to increase! We are headed on vacation next month but we are going with 2 kids and 4 adults…maybe the extra set of adults will help with the chaos!

Angela - Girl….if I could record the bickering on vacation, no one would read my blog. The end.

Heather - God, I love you Meg. I am having a bit of a down time right now in my life. Nothing big, just on the down swing rather than the up swing, you know. Bit of strife in the marriage, bit of doubt of whether or not I should have ever become a mom, in a rut with where I’m going. And it can be daunting to read blogs and see how much better others are doing things.
We do need to constantly remind ourselves that what we read on blogs, and Facebook, is a polished version. Nothing wrong with that. Just needs to be remembered or your own life starts to feel like a turd amongst diamonds. 😉

Maureen S. - Love out west so much. Great pics as well. We had our vacation this summer at a cottage in WI and had friends and family up as well. Mid week I was feeling very babyish and put out that no one was helping very much. All i was doing was cooking, cleaning and hanging up wet towels. Thought of our house 3 hours away that was all quiet and clean and thought I would like to drive right home and be by myself, now that would be a vacation. I went out on the screen porch where my husband was reading with a glass of wine, completely oblivious to my martyrish state of mind and vented. Felt much better after he promised that he and the teenagers would help more, and laughed about how I would never have lived it down, if I had left them on vacation in a huff. Most of the time, moms just have to rise above it and adjust our attitudes to have a good time!!

Red - This is so, so true! And this is why I keep coming back to your blog. Thanks for sharing that.
And. Just this thought. Recording the happy moments is part of the reason why I blog! I tend to remember the yelling and the grumpy moments and the negative. When I blog I do package it all a bit more positively (because I don’t like to barf the downer stuff all over the interwebs). And I have noticed that it subtly changes the way I remember our lives for the better! I have more positive, happier memories because of the way I write about my life on my little blog for my friends and family to read. And I think that’s a nice side effect of blogging!

stephany - My parents live near Mt. Evans!
We just returned from a road trip to Idaho with our family.
So true what you say…it’s not always as perfect as the pictures.
It’s all part of being a family.
You’re a good mom…and inspiration.

J.B. - When people marvel about how well my kids get along because they see so many photos of the twins in harmony together – I tell them, “If you have noticed, I do not shoot videos.” tee hee
Thank you for reminding us that the ideal we have in our heads is not real life nor is it developmentally appropriate! I shall embrace the chaos and let my selective memory keep our past vacations serene!

Molly - I really like reading your blog Meg. I discovered it through Crystal’s blog, and her blog through her Etsy shop! I like reading your blog because you do keep it very real. I like that. I am an adoptive mom to one special needs girl with ADHD and her older sister who is ADD. Sometimes you want to see the pictures and see what fun the blog writer is up to, but you also like to know that they have issues, fights,etc. within their family and that sometimes it’s hard, but that you love your children deeply. And you keep it real, but fun. I love your craft ideas (my girls love to craft, I really need to make more time for it, and your Sonic happy hours. 🙂 Glad you had a good vacation. I have been to Durango and Silverton CO once. I loved CO.

jacqui anderson - meg, this is why i love reading your blog because you keep it so real. i would totally have seen those photos and thought wow wish our family vacation was cruisy like that!! thanks again for being honest with us xx

ginger - Thank you for your honesty!!!!! Everytime my family goes on vacay with my husband’s family (cousins, etc.) I always set myself up for disappointment!! We are all flawed people and I only wish our vacations could be as great in real life as in my mind. =P

Lindsey - That is why I love you, Meg! You keep it real for the rest for us!

colleen - love this post…and appreciate the honesty… what a neat vacation as I complain about packing for mine which begins Friday… Thx for this post!

allison - Its true, because I can hardly look at the pictures, because they do make me feel that way. I try not to, but I do. Why are we not that happy, content, etc..It is hard.

sarah - Ugh, I’m missing Colorado so much now. Your pictures are great. I grew up there, but am now firmly planted (yet trying not blow away in all the dust storms) in Arizona.
I miss the green, and the trees and the streams, and the sky. I’m so glad you got to spend time with your family, no matter what moods they are in.

jen smith - it’s so easy to compare our lives to other bloggers. when we go on vacation i always wonder why my kids aren’t perfect like every one else’s and then reality hits and i realize that all families struggle with the same things. every other blogger’s struggles mirror my own. as i look at my own blog and our last extended family vacation no one would know that i wanted to shake my BIL and SIL and tell them to discipline their kids, no one would know that we were frustrated that all of our plans didn’t go as planned, or that that many people trying to make a decision on where to eat could be so complicated. they only see the good and that’s why blogs are so great. they help us to remember the good things and not all the other unimportant details. and as my kids grow up and read this blog sometime down the road that’s what i want them to remember too.

Heather - Yes, vacations can be stressful. The best part about taking pictures is that later on, you can look at them and remember the experience of the place and all the fighting and grumpiness that was going on at the time seems to fade away from memory.

Kirsten J - Can sooo relate to that – it wouldn’t be a trip if I didn’t end up crying in a corner somewhere – I’ve even been known to cry in Downtown Disney and threaten to hop a plane home. Yeah, a little dramatic. But the good outweighs the grumpiness. And we never take pictures of those grumpy times so we mostly remember the happy times 🙂

Taryn - Hey Girl! Just couldn’t help but comment…we loved being with you guys during your time here! We loved seeing your family and love each personality you have “under your wings.” I’m so proud of all your processing and the way you love your family deeply! Can’t wait for the time when we can process together face to face again. Love you!

Dawn Gross - amen

Nicole Q. - Well said.

Amy K. - Some vacation I will take a picture every hour on the hour, no matter who is crabby or fighting, so we will remember it how it *really* was! As a bonus, taking pictures of screaming kids might shock them into NOT screaming. =)

Tiffany - You said, ‘it doesn’t always go that way’ …I’d like to add, it almost never goes that way (for us). But it makes for great pictures and good stories. My cousin once shared that with me, that she explained to her older son, don’t let all your memories with your sister be angry ones (due to fighting). And I thought those were good words to share. Happy Wednesday Mama Duerksen.

EmilyK - Have you read “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin? I’m at work right now and don’t have the text in front of me, but just started to read it last night and one of her points was to make every day count, not just the “special” days. And I think that is something that you actually do! I feel the same way about holidays. I love holidays and think they are important, but so is every other day! (My brother in law gets all upset when things don’t go perfectly on say Thanksgiving…) At any rate, I highly recommend “The Happiness Project.” I’m only into the 2nd chapter and it’s very good!
Thank you for your honesty!

Laine - This is why I love you and your blog. =) Thanks for writing this!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I can relate for sure! My kids are great on long drives – but lets face it – we all get grumpy and tired. My girls (3 teens) and I took a all girls road trip to Northern MN this summer. It took about 22 hours to get to MN from NY – and we all had our moments. The photos however – make it look like we are happy all the time ; )
Your pics of Colorado are truly gorg! A ram? Crazy!! xo

brooke - unbeleivably beautiful pics. oh my. a trip to colorado is one place i hope to visit. your post was so real. thank you!

Lori Austin - More beautiful pics. Thanks for keeping it real.
Our family can barely make a 4 hour drive…ugh!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Meg — Yes, yes, yes!!! Family vacations are what I call business trips because I’m still “working” and “on call” the whole time as their mom – never get a day off from that one and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. It is exhausting, we do get tired and cranky and we do bicker but we also have fun and laugh together too. The fun part of a trip somewhere new is the experience and memories we make — good and bad. It has helped me a lot to change my attitude about trips and road trips lately to view them as adventures and to EXPECT things to go wrong and to expect things to get ugly sometimes, it’s much easier that way when they do and will…much better than when I used to set off on a trip with my family and expect everything to be sunshine and rainbows the whole time. We also throw in plenty of sugar and junk food — it seems to help if I let the rules bend more on vacation and cut myself some slack. xoxo MaryLea

ingrid lapp - I loved the last part of your post. The thing is, when I look back at our vacation pictures, I forget that our 9 year old was a hot mess at supper e.v.e.r.y. night because he spent the entire day in the ocean. I look at those pics and remember how perfect it was to just be a family and be together. Glad you are honest and open, it’s the reason I love your sweet blog so much.

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a favorite of mine…


i love hearing my children practice piano.
they whine and complain.
and at times….throw themselves on the floor dramatically and kick their legs up and down. 

but when they can play and when they do play….

i love to listen.

it's like background music for the family.

the soundtrack of life in our home.

and they do love to play once they have figured out the notes.


she sticks out her tongue quite often when she concentrates.

she gets silly too….

we got this piano for FREE from the classifieds when we lived in illinois.
in the newspaper…before craigslist existed!
the woman giving it away was going to miss it and she said "it has a sweet sound" several times.
it's been well loved for a long time.

(and i think it needs some white paint on it sooner or later.
i can't believe it's still wood color after all these years!)

all the kids have taken lessons at some point in their little lives.
right now it's only talby and annie playing.
i wish they all played.
but i am just not that mom.
it takes so much dedication from THE MOM to have all your kids play and keep at it.
so we are down to two kiddos in lessons immediately after school on mondays.


one awesome thing about their lessons is they are at a college in the music department.
so when we walk in every week there is music everywhere.
trumpets practicing scales….cellos, violins and yesterday a full choir was singing!
i love that extra something the music dept. brings to our mondays. 

photo bomber.
and there is that tongue again!

waffle always has to be right at our feet.

well since i showed a home video yesterday….
why not one more today?!
it makes the pictures come to life right? 

pretty quickly waffle begins barking and continues throughout the entire song.
i am sure it was at something very important like a leaf falling or a person walking by two blocks away…. 

i hope that one day at least ONE of our kids wants to play an instrument for fun.
but it has to be their choice and it's either in you or it's not.
and it's not in me.
at all.
but i sure do love to listen to them play.

what about you?
do you play?
do your kids? 



Aimee - I hated piano lessons…and practicing. But I loved being in band, as bad as I was at it.
My older son wanted no part of any of it. I “strongly encouraged” him to try band, telling him he could quit after one semester if he hated it. (Then I promptly signed him up for private lessons, so he’d be ahead of the class.) He loves it. He kicks butt. He is a trumpet player in the honor band. He is a musician…something I could never really claim.
Son #2 asked for piano lessons and is plugging away at it…but he’ll do band, too. Our kids just aren’t into sports. I’ll never be a soccer mom; I’ll be a band booster. 🙂

Ashley - Hysterical! I played for a while. I can still sight read and peck, but I moved onto singing. There is always some kind of music or made up songs in my house. Frank Sinatra got my eldest calm, and Michael Franti’s “Say Hey” and Sugarland help the youngest. It’s cute.

Cassandra - As soon as the video started I had to smile, because I took lessons for a year & Ode to Joy is “the” song I can still play, haha! Keep it up Annie!!

deb - I JUST started taking lessons at 58!!!! I wish my parents would have made me when I was younger…its HARD to learn now but I will perservere!! I love your blog….I visit all the time and I saw you at Sugar Rush!!! LOVE that doggie!!!! good luck in the new home!!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - I never learned how to play the piano, always wanted to, we had an organ and I self-taught myself some. Also, learned how to play the flute when I was in band in middle school, I’m rusty though. Rarely play.
We don’t have our kids play piano. I would love to get a piano someday, for me to play around on. We have a lot of music instruments they like to fiddle with though. I’m not that mom either. I’m really not that mom, you are more that mom than me with all the sports your kids are in+piano too. My kids enjoy other things. I enjoy not running around in circles. And I’m fine with whatever they want to do as long as they are happy.
I really love how this whole post was in b&w. 🙂

Lisa - I took piano and violin lessons from age 10 all through high school – disliked practicing, but continued playing violin through college. After college, I even bought my own violin (always played school instruments). Sadly, it sits unplayed beneath my bed now. And I don’t have a piano, though I’m saving money to buy one. My 11 year old has taken up the trombone this year – he’s pretty good and I hope he continues to play. I think he might be interested in playing around on the piano, too, once we get one. I love music and miss playing, and am trying to pass on that love of music to my son.

Lori Austin - Always wanted to learn – never did.
Hubby took lessons for 6 years growing up. From what I hear he was good.
My almost 7 year old just started lessons last month. She is liking it but doesn’t want to practice much either. Love the sound filling our house too. 🙂

Ani G W - I play the piano and have since I was five. I took lessons until I was seventeen. I have been without a piano in my house over a decade until this past month…and it has been heaven to have one in the house again. I hated playing for about a year (when I was around 7 or 8 years old), but I had made a contract with my parents to play for five years and if I wanted to at 10 years old, I could give it up. Needless to say, I didn’t. They did the contract because they actually bought my piano and didn’t want to spend all of that money if I was just going to give it up after a few months. I plan on giving my kids lessons at some point and all of my kids will be in band (at least through middle school). My hubby plays trombone and was really good (he played in the U. S. Navy band for several years)…so at least one of our kids should have some kind of musical talent…I’m hoping so anyway!

Jen Sully - I wish I played so I am making my kids play! 😉 Right now my daughter is taking lessons and it is a struggle to get her to practice but I know it will be worth it in the end! She really wants to play the guitar…I told her she can learn that once she can play the piano. LOL! I want my son to play, as well. He will begin lessons in a year or so.

nicoleigh - I took piano lessons for 8 years, and stopped when I went to high school. I never enjoyed the lessons. But now, I sure wish I would have done more! I absolutely love playing the piano, but wish I was much better at it.
I think that by exposing your kids to all types of music/instruments allows them to see what they could potentially be like. And what a great influence it can have on them. 🙂

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - my in-laws gave us a piano. it’s older and and ugly brown color, but it plays beautifully…and it was free 🙂 it was the best gift ever. while i took lessons as a child and love to sit down to play for fun, my oldest son who is 11 and is a natural at the piano. i love that he can hear music and just sit down and pick out the melody and then before i know it he’s added in all these beautiful chords. i love that he sits down and composes his own music that sounds great. thanks to that gift, my son is creating the soundtrack of our daily life.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I want to learn to play piano. It’s on my “To Do” list. I’m either going to learn or just buy myself one of those gorgeous player pianos they sell at Costco sometimes. Have you ever seen those? They are super cool. P.S. I think you should paint your piano turquoise or even red. Now that would be fun! Loved your photos of your little sweetheart and her photo bomber.

Michelle - I have a big old beautiful piano in my living room that I would LOVE to play again! I took lessons when I was little, have since gotten the piano (that desperately needs to be tuned) and would like to take lessons agin now that I’m an adult. Maybe someday, when I have more time. It will wait. My daughter has also shown some interest so maybe together her and I will learn.
I love your blog! Thanks for all of the wonderful things you share!

Tanya - I sure as heck don’t play.
I took lessons as a kid from a lady who’s house always smelled like fish-sticks and she’d whip out a nail clipper and cut your nails if she heard your nails click on the keys. KILL~JOY :S
My kiddos don’t play yet…they’re 3 and 4…but they’re trying really hard to figure out how to whistle 😉

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I played when I was younger and Julia plays now. I know exactly what you mean about having the music in the background. I LOVE hearing Julia play!

lelu - We have a piano that was given to us as well. I play and I have seven piano students. My three oldest children also play. So the evening hours in our house are FULL of music. And I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Danielle - Oh I loved watching that video. I remember throwing fits when my mom made me practice, but as with most things, I am grateful today that she made me stick with it. Watching your daughters fingers lifting so high in concentration on the notes brought back so many memories of struggling to remember where my own fingers should go.

Katie Mathieson - Your first paragraph…
I thought you were describing me…
about 15 years ago…
Wow, the memories.
And now I WISH I could still play.

Jenny B. - So funny that she wanted you to take a picture of her with her DS! 😉 We have a piano. It is in desperate need of a tuning. My husband plays. I used to play when I was young. I want my boys to take lessons, but we haven’t thought about starting yet (oldest is 7). So, we’ll see… maybe next year. 🙂

Jeanetta D. - RIght at this moment of reading this blog post I sit listening to my youngest play on the piano that was mine and an aunt’s before me. He too would rather play around on the piano than practice the songs he is supposed to be practicing (right now I am to the threatening point). We too take lessons right after school at the college and I know what you mean by being surrounded by the music when you walk in the building. Last week we strolled by the orchestra and while setting out side of the practice room I hear a bass violin lesson. I feel very cultured.

tara - my oldest took guitar lessons but has put it down for now.
i agree with you….it has to be their choice. 🙁 I’m gonna strongly suggest that he pick up the $400 guitar soon and begin practicing again, though. $400…seriously, he needs to be PLAYING it. :)))
my favorite part of this post was that she wanted you to video her playing her DS after she finished playing the piano. way to be balanced and make me feel normal. :))

Kim - Ha! I just played the Ode to Joy duet with my 7 year old this morning out of that very same book! All my kids take lessons. My oldest son is 12, and has been taking for 7 years. He is a natural and enjoys it most of the time. Our rule for him is, “no piano, no basketball”. Currently he is working on a duet he is playing with the center on his basketball team! They are quiet a site pounding out their parts on the piano together! My daughter is 10 and has been taking for 5 years, she loves to play. fast. If it were a race, she would win. Our youngest son must be on the same pace as Talby, he loves Ode to Joy!

katey - In our school system in 6th grade they have to take choral or band. My boys chose band and now in high school are still at it and love it. One plays tuba and the other tenor saxophone. I love hearing them practice (now, not so much at first). LOVE them being part of it. Thanks for sharing Annie and Waffle.

Alicia - I took piano lessons for a year when I first started high school, then quit because my teacher was pretty hard core- if I wanted her to teach me, then I had to do competitions and recitals and all that. I just wanted to learn for FUN!
So I quit, and I remember my mum coming back from parent teacher interviews and commenting that my music teacher said he stopped taking lessons at this age too, but then started back up again a bit later, and he wouldn’t be surprised if I picked it back up again in adulthood.
Back then I was like “yeah right”, I mean every day we had music class at school and I just whinged and complained that playing simple chords on the guitar made my fingers hurt!
(How I wish I took more advantage of the music curriculum at my high school!!!)
Anyway… fast forward to the year I turned 20. I was volunteering at my old school whilst working on my teaching degree, and I saw in the newsletter that they were advertising for people wanting to take cello or double bass lessons. I wasn’t interested in either of those, but I had started to really like the idea of playing the violin, so I went to my old music teacher’s office, asked him about it, got a violin from the school, found a tutor, and the rest is history!
I now play in the school’s string ensemble (even though school was a loooong time ago for me haha!) and we’re even performing at a wedding in June! I LOVE the violin! And I wish I had kept up with my piano lessons because piano is to music as ballet is to dancing – it gives you the foundation!

amber - I’m bugging you 2 days in a row:}…
She reminds me so much of my little (26 year old) sister. She had the same “style” & did everything a little extra…loud, hard, fast…so funny. She’s adorable. And I can’t believe how big she seems. Sorry…it’s just so crazy. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, & yes, I play the piano. I can still play in my books from when I was a kid! lol Does that even count??? Probably not really. But, my kids love it, so that makes it count!

Heather S. - I adore music and have NO talent for it. My 9.5 year old daughter has been playing since her 8th birthday. I love listening to her. We all enjoy music and going to the symphony is one of our greatest pleasures! LOVE!

Krissy - I took piano up until high school, and then quit to concentrate on my saxophone lessons. I hated practicing and hating playing the piano but I miss playing both now that I’m in the Navy, and wish i still played!! I loved her “now take a picture of me playing my ds” it totally cracked me up. I also very much enjoyed waffle’s accompaniment to her piano playing. :o)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - ALthough Ive always wanted to play(& took a class in college, getting an A) Ive never been able to pick it up easily. Flute, on the other hand, was a breeze for me, and Ive played since 4th grade. Still do weekly in church in our orchestra.
My oldest(8) has been taking violin for 3 years now and its the best. Shes had some amazing teachers along the way but you’re right…its just as hard on the momma. Its dedication to make them practice and get them to the lessons. Im hoping my youngest(6) will want to play piano someday(Ive always wanted one in the house but Eric tells me we dont need one…no one plays!). Whatever!

Kristi Rediske - I took piano many many years ago-but of course quite and I wish now I wouldn’t have. I can play a little but not very good. My daughter took and quit later, her teachers kept leaving so we gave up-now she wishes she could play-my son always asks-why didn’t I make him take piano or guitar! Do not let your kids quit-they will regret it – they will thank you later! It will be hard on you for years though-but I think you can make it. I love the pictures and video-thanks for posting this.

Renee - i teach piano out of my home & i love that you wrote this! when i was little, we were forced to play through 8th grade. i couldn’t bring myself to tell my sweet teacher that i wanted to quit so i stuck with it through high school, barely ever practicing. my mom said that if i kept going, she’d keep playing. i ended up majoring in music ed, teaching public school music and now i teach piano lessons for fun on the side 🙂 ya never know which kid might end up loving it in the future!

Gerri - My daughter plays the violin. She’s 27 now, but she still loves to play. Listening to Annie play Ode to Joy made me smile inside because when Sarah was learning to play the violin I used to make her play Ode to Joy over, and over, and over..she would get so mad at me. But I loved it so much and I LOVED hearing her play…still do 🙂

tina - I wish I could play an instrument. I tried the violin in second grade and the teacher thought it was best if I stopped. I don’t know what she was talking about I played the best version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star on that thing. So now my 11 year old daughter plays the french horn. Of course she would pick the hardest brass instument to play,lol!! The middle school band teacher told her she’s the best french horn player he’s ever had…. just imagine how good she would be if she would practice like I asked here to!! LOL 🙂

Jody - Keep playin’ Annie!! great job & great concentration!! 🙂 Love it. A dream of mine is to snag a freebie piano off of Craigslist one of these days for our boys – we love to “Rock out” in our house w guitars & drums but Id love a piano!!
Thanks for sharing your love of music!!

Lisa - My daughter is on exactly the same song in the same book! How funny. I agree…it’s sometimes such a fight to get her going but I love it when she’s playing and so does she!

Sarah - I used to play the piano. I was good, too, but when we moved to the U.S. from Canada I didn’t like my new teacher very much (she was a clean freak and made me wash my hands before and after playing her piano…kind of made me feel like she thought I was really dirty or something?) and so I gave it up – oh the regret! Dear Duerksen children, do not give up! It takes practice, but it is SO much easier when you’re little, and you learn so much more when you’re young! I wish I hadn’t stopped, and one day when our house isn’t so titchy, I’ll be getting myself a piano so I can hopefully play again! I hope my little baby girl grows up learning an instrument, but it’ll have to be her choice (although I might make my opinion known…). x

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I have always wanted to play. I took lessons briefly when I was 9, but my mom let me drop out right before the recital – I was very shy and couldn’t handle it.

Jill - My Favorite part of that video was more listening to it while I scrolled up at looked at the pics again. Having the video in the background truly did bring the pics to life! LOVED IT!
I have my mothers old piano, got it when she received my Grandmothers piano after she passed. Mine just sits in my house annoying my husband because literally – it just sits there. 5yrs ago my now 10yr old son took piano lessons for a year. He now plays the French Horn. Since those piano lessons ended tho, no on has played it. I’ve got 3 younger girls and at least one of them would like to try it but other then that it just sits there. It is my dream that some day someone will play it and bring calm to this crazy home. LOL
Shoot, maybe I should be the one to take the lessons – hey – there’s a thought!
I guess for now it will continue to sit there and be the occasional entertainment for my 3yr old as she walks by and tests the keys from time to time.
LOVED hearing Annie on yours! Thank you for sharing!

Southern Gal - My daughter plays piano, my older son plays drums, guitar and piano, and the youngest is studying violin right now. There might be piano in his near future. I would love to play piano, but alas I don’t play anything except a little guitar, very little.

Alice H - My daughter Emilee (almost 13) has played the flute for the last 2 years. I love hearing her play (and practice too!). She can read music and she has played songs by Adele, Taylor Swift, etc on her flute! She is a smartie! She also can play an acoustic guitar.
I would love for my older son Zack (11) to play something…besides football! Haha!
And my 2 year old boy LOVES music. LOVES it. He has all sorts of musical instruments (guitars, drums, that Melissa & Doug box set, a recorder, etc) that he plays with ALL the time.

Lori H - Both my kids took lessons for a while. My reasoning was “what if one of the kids is a musical prodigy? We’ll never know unless they try.” Well, no prodigies in this family! 🙂 I had them take lessons for as long as they showed interest, about 2 years. Growing up, my parents made me take lessons for 7 years! No interest after maybe the first year, and at the end, I still had to count from middle C to read music (haha). Recitals were pure torture. I hear that learning music is good for the math part of your brain. So it’s good for anyone!

Jennifer - I wish my kids played an instrument. I have wanted to get my oldest into piano lessons but there really isn’t much of an opportunity for her to do so. My only option is something like $25 a week and that just seems high. Maybe someday….
I sure would love them to be musicians though.
Have a great day!

Alicia @ La Famille - my oldest boy plays, but when we recently moved our piano wouldn’t fit on the truck 🙁 he’s going to be totally out of practice, but it’s in storage in south dakota and we’ll get all the rest of our stuff one of these days! i want my other two to start soon!

Whitney - ahhh, I love the ending! Too funny! I want to learn so bad! It’s on my bucket list!!!

Kristin - love this post! my granny taught piano so i began taking when i was 3. i know my mom battled me on many occasions about practicing, and eventually i started taking from a teacher in our small town. i kept taking all through high school and i am so glad! when my gran downsized about 4 years ago, i was blessed to get one of her pianos. it’s now in our small home, and takes up good “space” – but i love having it! i am now 34 and i waited a long time to live in a home with a piano again. my favorite thing – playing Christmas carols and kid songs. my 3 year old son just started fiddle class last october and i it’s something he sticks with – but like you mentioned, it’s no good if it’s forced. oh, and there’s my husband… he bought himself a pawn shop guitar in college and taught himself to play. he says it was because it helped attract girls. 🙂 i guess it worked on me!

lisa - Such special pictures. I grew up playing (14 years of lessons) and my parents gave me the piano I used growing up when our first daughter was born. They said, “Every child should have a piano in their home.” She is now four so we haven’t started lessons, but I do hope all three of our girls play. We are building a house right now and were just talking about where to put the piano in our new home and my husband suggested the basement, to free up space in the living room. But I told him it had to be in the main room so I could listen to the girls practice. This post proves my point. 🙂

Leah - I really want to get my daughter started on piano lessons. We have a keyboard and she has really taken to it. I think she’s actually trying to make music too. One day, I will get a nice piano for the house. I love musical instruments. Only wish I could play one myself.

Kimberly Dial - I love that your two little girls are taking piano. Annie’s playing was magnificient! Good job! I take lessons too … I quit when I was in the 7th grade & have always regretted it so here I am at 50 doing it again. I’m with you, I can only imagine a walk thru the Music Dept. is a wonderful thing to hear.

Erin @ The Speckled Palate - I was a violin player as a kid, and today, I am really happy that my parents got me into it. (At first, my sister and I wanted to play because our cousins did, but soon, whining won out. However, I stuck with it and my sister dropped, and then, I loved it again.)
And our dog used to HOWL when we were playing. 😉 Makes Waffle’s barks seem cute, no?

Terrie - Loved both your videos the past two days!!
My kids both took piano lessons…then one moved onto flute, the other trumpet.
He actually played with the KSU Marching Band…I was so proud!!
I’ve always wanted to take piano lessons…my mom wouldn’t let me.
Maybe someday….

Janine - Don’t force them to play if they really hate it. They will run in the opposite direction. I wouldn’t even look at the piano after being forced to play it. It was only after it sat there for years that I went back to it on my own. My husband was also forced to take lessons for a year as a kid and I think he still glares at it as he walks by! Also, I am going to say this in the kindest way possible. DON’T YOU DARE PAINT THAT PIANO!! My heart hurts to think of a lovely aged wooden piano with ugly white paint all over it. An old wooden piano with scratches and dings has character, but the white paint will ruin the charm and just make it look cheap and junky and like it was a free piano.

Kiki Dee - I have been playing the piano since I was 7, and after a 12 year hiatus recently began taking lessons again at 29! I figured I am thisclose to getting my Royal Conservatory of Music degree (only 1 more year to go!), I might as well go for it! I quit lessons when I was in high school (because there were just SO many cooler things I could have been doing with my time, right?) and have regretted it ever since. My daughter is now taking lessons too, and I told her that is the ONE thing that I will not let her quit (if she ever asks to quit, which thankfully, she has not… yet). Yes, I am THAT Mom. Ha. Luckily for me, she really enjoys it. I love to listen to her practice… it’s so wonderful to hear a beautiful song being played and it’s sweet notes resonating through the house! I love it!

Laura D - I took piano lessons for 10 years and I’m so thankful my parents stayed on me about practicing. I also cheered in middle and high school and so many times I asked my parents if I could quit piano lessons to spend more time cheering/taking gymnastics. My mom always told me, “You won’t be able to cheer when you’re 80, but you’ll sure be able to play the piano.” That phrase has always stuck with me and I’m so thankful for sticking with playing the piano.

Mindy W - Dear Annie,
Wow! What enthusiasm you play Ode to Joy with! How exciting that you’ve practiced and gotten yourself this far! Can you think back to when you couldn’t play that piece? When you couldn’t even read the notes on the page?!!! You’re really learning how to play the piano! Be sure to do everything your teacher tells you to do- things like always starting with the right fingers and sitting up nice and tall and lots of other things. Why? Because even though they don’t seem like they are a lot of fun right now, they will help you look and sound even more beautiful than you already do!!! Keep up the hard work!!
P.S. I also like Waffle barking and howling to your music. Did you know Beethoven would go on long walks almost everyday? I’m sure he had lots of dogs barking while he listened to the music forming inside his head.
A mom, piano teacher, and a kid who also used to hate practicing but I kept practicing and practicing and now I’m so glad I never quit!

Kathryn Goertzen - My “kid” was one those choir members you heard singing on Monday!
Friday and Saturday night @ 7:30 p.m. “The Tender Land”

Marianne - I wasn’t always a terribly willing participant in my own piano career… the rule in our house was that we had to take lessons until grade 8 and then could stop if we wanted to. I didn’t stop. 🙂 Now I teach piano though I wish I played more for my own enjoyment.

Heidi Durant - growing up, I always wanted to play the piano. All of my cousins played, but being a military family, we moved a lot, and one of the heaviest things to move is a piano, so we never had one. Last year, a friend of mine inherited a baby grand (life must be rough) I had mentioned to her, that I have always wanted to learn to play. My husband and I celebrated our ten year anniversary in Vegas and when we came home, a piano was in our living room. She gave us her old one! It is beautiful, and I cherish it. My 7-year old daughter, Emmah, and I started taking lessons. I love to plunk out the music just as much as she does. Piano lessons was on my bucket list, and at age 30, I am happy to say, I can cross that off. I love it. It is good to know, that even in my older years, I can still learn a new skill and develop a talent that was hiding!!! Happy Tuesday!

Sarah Wolfe - Love seeing your piano and being able to picture where it is in your house 🙂 We make our boys take piano. Not sure what we’ll do in the future. They don’t always like the practicing, but I think they assume everyone has to do it. I tell them girls love boys who play. Sometimes that helps 🙂

Ellen - “Now take a picture of my playing the DS.” LOVE it!!
Each of my 3 kids have taken various lessons but 2 didn’t stick with it too long. I’m not great at making them practice. My oldest took cornet when she was little… kind of loved it, kind of torture for us all. Then she got trumpetlessons from a laid back, patient jazz musician and still wasn’t much of a practicer, but really started to love it. Now she’s in college to be a music teacher/euphonium player, gets to hang out in the music department every day, practices all the time, and LOVES LOVES LOVES it. The background music when she’s home is sooo awesome.
I think the neighbors might even miss it now that she’s away at school 🙂

Jennifer - I played the piano as did my husband. Neither of my kids want to. My 6th grader just started violin this year and I had ZERO faith in her ability to remain interested. She’s going out for CHAMBER next year (a huge honor if she gets in) and is very good. My little one (soon to be 10) has become obsessed with the recorder. And I laughed at you talking about filling the house with music, because sometimes I have to squelch the need to snap her instrument in half when she gets frustrated and blows it as loud as she can. I’ve told her that if she doesn’t choose an instrument in middle school, she will have to take piano lessons for at least two years. I think that is fair and I won’t feel bad!

Laura Phelps - remember when we tried to get Sean to teach Luke how to play your piano so we could sit outside and drink our margaritas???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I played the piano.
maybe Sean can teach me?

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Such a change to see all your pictures in black and white. It was beautiful. We only have youngest in piano. And It is tough I tell you. Real tough. Lots of tears, but yet she wants to continue. I have to blame the great teacher we have. She doesn’t want to quite because she can’t imagine not going to her every week, yet she hates practicing. I’m not that mom either.

Krista - OMG hysterical– I am guessing you don’t have to fight w/ her to get her to play with the DS! Love the piano playing, love that she clapped for herself, her face showing such relief to be done! We have a piano, no one takes lessons YET…. hoping they will want to learn to play some day…. I cannot read music but can play by ear. I can still hear my clarinet instructor calling me stupid because I couldn’t read the music– but that was in the 70’s, when teachers were allowed to talk that way to their students!!

Jen Brandt - What sweet pictures! Thank you, Meg. No, I don’t play and neither do my children. My grandma wanted me to play SO badly (I know she still wants me to learn), but I just never wanted to. I would encourage my children to play, but neither has shown an interest. I hope that they each take up playing a musical instrument. Note to self: be more encouraging of this. Talk about music more. I hope you’re having a great Tuesday!

bread and jam - My son played the trumpet for 5 years – his choice. I’m still sad he decided to quit – I loved hearing him practice too. One really neat thing that happened was that the elderly lady that lives next door told him he loved it when he had his window open because she could hear him play. From then on, he would open his window when he practiced.

Kelly Ann - I’ve played since a very young age… not by reading music, but by ear. My brother took lessons and would spend hours learning a new piece. I’d watch and listen to him daily and then I’d sit down and figure out how to play it, myself. Drove him NUTS! My youngest, who is 7 years, enjoys playing. He doesn’t take lessons… he just has a book and a really long strip of tape I’ve put on his keyboard so he know’s what key goes with which note. His favoirte is Jingle Bells. We hear it year round!

Lindsey - Love it! My mom made my sisters and I take lessons for years. There was a lot of crying, whining and gnashing of the teeth at practice time. Now we enjoy playing!

asnipofgoodness - Oh my goodness, she is terrific!! I can’t believe you feel bad because only 2 of your children can play!!!!! We have a big ol piano that we have moved 4, count them 4, times and guess how many of us play?????? big ol fat zero, that’s how many! One son can pick out a few, but he has never had lessons. Of course, all that moving kinda sorta explains the lack of lessons. Well, at least that’s my story 🙂 and I’m sticking to it!!

Kirsten J - I wish!!! My mom has our piano – my sister was the one who took lessons – and she offered it to us, but my husband (who is not musically inclined at all…) said we don’t have room, which is true, I guess. But. My daughter decided to take up flute this year, in 6th grade. I figured, “fine, okay, we’ll give it a go”. And I took her for at 30 minute “getting to know your flute” lesson. ummm….the guy came out with her and pulled me aside and told me he’d never, in 15 years of doing this, had a kid pick up the flute and get it like that. I’m kinda scared!

tiffany gardner - love it. my 8 year old son is taking piano right now. he struggles with the practicing part too. i took as a little girl and remember the timer on the oven for my practice time. life in full circle. life is beautiful.

Sarah P - I’ve played since the 2nd grade. I am now 33 and still play for fun and in my church. I absolutely love it. All three of us girls took lessons growing up. I remember all of us going through a phase where we HATED practicing. I think that’s completely normal. My mom always loved hearing us play when she was working around the house or cooking dinner. I plan on teaching my little ones how to play. Then we’ll see if they want to continue. I figure it doesn’t hurt to expose them to it!
By the way, love her little tongue sticking out in concentration! She’s adorable.

Kimberly - BUT, can she play ‘Ode to Joy’ on the DS?

Jacci - “you’re so versatile” 🙂 love it.
I think it’s WONDERFUL they’re taking lessons. I’ve always planned on mine taking… well, maybe planned is the wrong word. Because, we still haven’t bought a piano, ha ha. My oldest is 11. It’s kind of now or never time. I’m hoping maybe Christmas this year.
I saw the piano in some craft weekend pics and thought, “Hey, I didn’t know they have a piano” and wondered if anyone ever played it. Cute, cute, cute. And very fun.

Kelly - My kids don’t play yet. My middle boy has been wanting to take guitar lessons for a long time now. We were just talking about it again last night. We were also just talking about photo bombing last night. Weird.

Kim Elks - Oh thank Goodness! I thought I was the only one dealing with a child who dreads practicing piano!! Its a struggle every week. We love listening to her play and when you said it fills the house…that is sooo true!

Meg's Mom - I want you to know that when we went to Brandon Woods Macy, Talby and Annie played a song or two on the piano in the foyer. They all had a song memorized and played well. It was nice. A couple of people came out of their apartments to listen.

sara @ it's good to be queen - now take a picture of me playing my ds! ha ha ha!!! that’s exactly something one of mine would say. 🙂 i have two in piano right now. one likes it and practices on his own. the other throws himself on the floor and throws an ever lovin fit about it. but i still make him do it…at least for now……we’ll see. it is so much work for the mom!!

Jill - I am with you! I want my children to play and play well but…maybe just learning to read a little music is aspiration enough? Mine all play an instrument…a couple of them rather well..and a couple of them…well…you KNOW.
I took piano as a child… HATED IT THEN…but have said to my mother many times since…THANK YOU!
Love that tongue!! ADORABLE!

sarah - We have been blessed with a free piano too. It was my uncles and he didn’t want to move it. We have yet to be blessed with the money for piano lessons, but that will come soon.
I’ve taught the kids what little I remember. They can play Heart and Soul together wich does melt me just a bit.

Shairee - I love your pictures! Sometimes I just forget to take pictures of the everyday things!! My 13 year old plays the flute & piano. My 11 yr old plays the guitar (classical) & piano, my 9 & 6 year old play the violin and I am learning how to play the cello!!! The coolest thing about being able to do this (bc I totally hear you – it’s THE mom…) is that I found an aaaaamazing lady that plays 22 instruments!!!!! She teaches 7. So it’s a “one stop shop” for us. I love the music in our life and all that we are learning from it!! What an amazing blessing!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - My daughter got a guitar for Christmas from her papa, and I cannot wait to get her lessons. I have fond memories of my dad playing and my sister and I dancing in the kitchen. He still plays, but it is my girls that are dancing in the kitchen now!

Jenny Joy - Annie: “Now, take a picture of me playing my DS.”
You: “You are so versatile.”
You are such a good momma.

Han - I stick my tongue out when I concentrate – I get it from my Grandma who used to do it as well 🙂

Linda - Love your family video’s they are so fun to watch. Yesterday my 2 year old daughter watched your girls sing “baby” like 10 times. Its her favorite song. it so true that the piano is like the family soundtrack. Music is so important in our live. My husband and I both play. And felt that are kids needed to at least try. I think its important that they learn to appreciate it even if its not their thing. So 2 of my 4 kids play with one still to get her opportunity! Thanks again for sharing your life with us readers.

Rebecca - I love how you described the kids playing piano in the background of the other daily activities as a soundtrack of your life. How true that is! Our oldest plays piano and I LOVE to listen to him practice and play. And I love to listen to our 2 youngest bang out a song here and there too.

colleen from Alabama - I do play the piano. My mom was a piano teacher for over 40 years but of course i didn’t take from her:) I took for 10 years and i am so glad i did. I play for the 4 & 5 yr old choir at church and it is my JOY! My kids (9 & 11) are taking and it is painful most days to get them to practice. My girl(11) just started playing the saxophone this year in band and she says the piano has really helped her with a new instrument! She just made cheerleading and is trying out for volleyball so piano may be on the out for her next year:( My boy(9)just wants to play the drums and guitar so we are probably going to quit piano altogether next year. I am thankful that they have that foundation though!

Niki - I wish someone played piano in our house. The soundtrack to our life most of the time is the theme music from Mario Brothers wafting from a Nintendo DS someone was playing and left running after they went on to the next thing!
My daughter is picking up the guitar, so maybe that sound will someday take over as the music of our lives! 😉

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stuff i saw this week…..


this was not my breakfast but i wish it was.
this looks DELISH.


this laundry room makes me happy.
the yellow is perfection.

blowing my mind!!!
in every way. 
i LOVE this shark watermelon.    
i think maybe this would be a rad way to start the summer….carving a shark head.  YES! 


does this make you smile???
it does for me.
i am going to make these too!


i can't believe that this is her real hair…..but i love it.
i wonder what her profession is that allows this hair??
something that is free spirited for sure.
it's pretty amazing…i think it's because of the pink that i love it so much.


i forgot to tell you that as of spring break this year my kids have been doing
all of their own laundry.

i am so happy about this.
they are in charge of it.
if they want clean socks then they need to think about it….
if they need their uniform clean….they had better make sure it's clean.
they also benefit because we don't have to have family folding nights.
if you wash your own clothes then you only have to fold your own clothes!
one of you blog readers were the one who said that you do this and i would love it.

i help annie by putting it in the dryer for her because she is too short.
but otherwise even annie brings it downstairs, washes, folds and puts it away on her own.



annie came into my dark bedroom to my bed and woke me up to ask if she could have oatmeal.
i sleepily said yes.
"mom….i can't remember how to make it."
i said "yes you do….2 of the 1/3 measuring cups of water and microwave for one-five-zero."

"please can you help me mom?"

"ok….i will be right there"

 i am glad i went.

it's not oatmeal.





here are our babies this morning….in one day they grew SO much…and have teeny feathers too.
sadly the day that the third was hatching was the last we've seen of it.
there is no third baby any where to be found. 

i found this sweet short video on youtube of a robin hatching.
you can pretend it's our robin because it looks the same.
it was interesting to see the mama take the shell after they hatch….where?  where does it go? 
i am going to find out these facts.
and we are going to craft about it for sure!



happy friday!

elisa - You have been on pinterest- I marked that shark watermelon too. Love it!

Jennifer Rubeck - I love this shark watermelon!!! My son is a huuuuge sea life/shark fan. He is going to love this. Thanks for posting it.

ashley jensen - First I have to tell you my husband took me to Target to buy a new purse and I picked up this cute yellow bag. When we got home with it I thought it looked familiar and sure enough it is the same one you got from The Pleated Poppy (only without the cute flowers)! Second, my inlaws have a birds nest that had 7 eggs (3 blue and 4 brown) and now there are just 3 babies. No sign of the brown eggs or birds. It makes me wonder if there were 2 different birds going to the same nest.

Jessica Jackson - Are you on Pinterest? I would love to follow you if you are. 🙂 I’ve seen that rainbow braid on there is why I ask. And oh lordy, when my babies are old enough for laundry!

Karen Lehmann - YOU MAKE MY DAYS HAPPY 🙂 that is all. oh..except…. Can a person who is not crafty but wants to learn to be crafty come to the craft weekend? just checking. {insert giggle}

mandi@herbanhomestead - Wow! that video is awesome! The mama taking the egg shells- that explains why I sometimes find robin’s eggs in random places, with no trees about! I think they must just dump them wherever to keep the nest clean.
Oh- and french toast kabobs! Genius! That is going on my birthday breakfast list for my little buddy!

Christie-Childhood 101 - That shark is awesome! My three year old loves watermelon and would love a shark like that 🙂

Erica - So, I clicked on the picture of the french toast, then clicked on the picture again, then clicked on the link in that post, then read the original author’s post, but she never says exactly how she made those french toast kabobs. I assume she just made regular french toast and then cut it up and stuck it on. They must have been cold by the time she served them. The bridal shower she made them for looked awesome, though!
I love seeing what people link to in their blogs. The bloggy world is getting so big; there are so many fun things I would never see otherwise. Thanks for sharing, Meg!

Rachel Newswanger - The laundry room–awesome! The rainbow hair–eww. Tell me how a mother robin can just bop around the nest & poke & prod & her baby thrives, but whenever bb birds were discovered in my childhood we could never keep’em alive, even the best of efforts. Must be God.

Molly - In case you wanted to see more of the rainbow hair, here is her photostream:

x♥x♥, gina - LOVE the laundry idea – the best part would be the no mountains of laundry to fold!!! And I bet it would cut down on number of outfit changes per day – I have four girls -the number is RIDICULOUSLY high!!!

lindsey - Hello Meg,
I just wanted to let you know how much your blog means to my wife, Lindsey. Our entire family, including 4 foster children we love as our own, has been through a lot in this past year. Nobody has bore more of the burden than my wife. She is the glue that holds our entire immediate and extended family together, a true example of a “salt of the earth” woman who exudes love to everyone. We lost a very beloved brother in law to a long, tough battle with cancer. He was 22 and only married to my sister in law for 6 months. My wife is/was the main person taking care of her sister in this very tragic situation. Her sisters situation continues to be a struggle. We then found out our babies (then our 5th foster child) mother was murdered, and after caring for him for nearly a year he went back to an uneasy situation, to put it best. We continue to struggle with that reality. Lindsey’s very beloved grandmother also died amidst this mess. All of this while opening a new business. But God is Love, and God is good, and he continues to be with our family. You just never know how big of an impact your blog, or any other act of random kindness, can have. You have been a friend without knowing it, thank you for that. I have a story for you, from page 262 of The Hole in The Gospel, by Richard Stearns. But it won’t fit here, so i am not going to type it. But it is about the conversion of Billy Graham. Please read it sometime.
Thanks for Everything and May God bless you and yours,

Danielle - I love the french toast kabobs! We did those for my husband on Father’s Day a few years ago and were a big hit:) I saw a lady at the grocery store today that had rainbow hair and it looked totally cute! I think you should still do the pink:)

Stephanie - We did that exact shark watermelon about 2 years ago, I saw it in the newspaper and my husband said he could do it. We made it for a party and had to transport it (that was kinda hard). It sat on my lap the whole drive to the friends house!! Hit of the party though!!

Natasha - Thought you might like to make these for your robin-inspired crafty thing… your nest photos reminded me of them.

Michele - That laundry room could be my happy place, for real. The watermelon shark is rad. I don’t think I’ve used the word rad in 10 yrs. I may just need to bring it back to my vocab. If Annie accidentally ate the onion soup instead of oatmeal she may have never ever wanted oatmeal again. That experience just might ruin a person. Glad you stopped that from happening. Have a great weekend, Meg!

Karmen - In response to Quinn’s post… It is amazing to see (although it’s poop)… they position their little bottoms toward the outside of the nest! Then when mom (or dad) comes to feed – they clean the nest too!! These birds are fantastic!

Quinn - I found your answer… unless someone else already posted it hhahahah.
“The female robin could not have moved the chicks to a different location. However,
adult robins will try to detour predators from their nest site if they can by using
a fake injury behavior as if the females wing was broken, or make a lot of noise
and lead the animal away from the nest. Females will even remove the egg shells
after hatching to a far away location and collect the fecal pouches the young
deposit and drop them far from the nest site. Both of these behaviors are to
avoid detection of the nest site. Yes, the young birds deposit their waste in
little pouches! ”

Amy Petz - I can only go from personal experience with our pet chickens, but I think the mama ate the shell. Our chickens do it all the time, but maybe robins are more sophisticated than that.

Mrs. - I know it’s weird but we have a collection of robin’s eggs in my family. When we are out for a walk or anything, if we see them, we pick them up. I will e-mail you a photo.

Karmen - The mother (and father) clean the nest! Crazy! Not only do they take away the eggs once they’ve hatched… they clean the poo too! I included our story in the link with my name, we just saw our first 2 babies leave the nest successfully!

Cassie - I totally saw that rainbow hair on Pinterest a few days ago and thought of you! 🙂

Jenna - Hello Meg!
I am new to your blog, and I’m lovin’ the oatmeal story! Can’t wait to read more 🙂

becky@oursweetpeas - “did I ever tell you you’re my hero”
kids doing laundry LOVE LOVE LOVE it
mine are 10 months, 4 years and 4 years but they help me as much as I can stand (not the 10 month old) 🙂
seriously meg, that is “wind beneath my wings” stuff, sister!!!!

Dawn - I love the food. So creative and fun. Also I have loved looking at all the bird photos. Thanks for those.

katie - just watched that video (and saw annie doing her OWN laundry) with my 5 year old. we were both very impressed by both. i was explaining to her what “instinct” means…like how the mommy bird knows to take the shell out of the nest. too bad it doesn’t mean that kids automatically know how to do/want to do laundry.

erica - omgoodness! i am so trying to make that shark for the last day of school party!
you’re the bomb for the laundry!
laughing about the oatmeal:)

Holly - My kids are starting their own laundry also. Its good.
That first picture with the fruit and yogurt….yummo!

Su@The Intentional Home - an older mom of 6 told me the secret of each kid keeping their laundry basket in their own room. .and then each doing their own clothes. . .it has transformed my life!!! We used to all just throw our clothes down this laundry shoot and a mountain would grow in the basement. . not anymore. I sometimes will do a load for a kid as a special way to love up on them. . .but even that is way easier cause you do not have to sort and try to figure out whose socks are whose. . .I love this laundry system!!! And yes, our kids will leave the house knowing how to do laundry!! Thanks for your regular posts. . I stop in almost daily. . .love the inspiration and happiness.

julia - So, when are you going to do your hair like that?? It would probably make a hair dresser cry.
What do you think happened to the third baby? Sad and strange.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I don’t think it was me that gave you the idea of having your kids do their own laundry, but mine do too. I used to feel guilty, like I’m a bad mom for making them do their own, but it really is a great thing. Not only do I not have the burden of making sure it gets all done and keeping track of what they need when they need it, i.e. baseball uniforms, etc., it does give them life skills and responsibility. I think we are actually good moms for having them learn to do their own. Yay for you Meg, good mom award! P.S. that is a really fun watermelon monster…might have to try that one!

Terrie - P.S. – Thanks for stopping by! Sorry it made you cry…if it’s any consolation…I cry every time I read it too, and I wrote the darn thing! LOL!! I’ll say it again…you are easy to be kind to! I LOVE your blog…I can’t tell you how many days you have perked me up with your pictures and words. I went back and got ‘caught up’ so to speak. It’s a little sad, your blog was my before bed read. My husband is probably glad though…’cause now I don’t wake him up with my laughing out loud!! Seriously…thanks for your kind words! hugs!

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow, i’m impressed with how independent your kids are. i’m thinking i need to give my kids some more responsibility. thanks!

Tam - HI Meg, I believe Kate S. (above) is right about the egg shells. We have a robin family nesting on my truck tire and I found the egg shells in my melon patch about 50 feet away from the nest.
I love the colored hair, for the last three months I’ve had some of my hair dyed (teal and now purple, next hot pink) it’s fun and unexpected! I love it.
You are an awesome, inspring Mama-I’m going to teach my boys laundry this weekend!
The food looks delicious, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Have a great weekend.

alamama - Meg, I know I don’t comment here much but I read your blog ALL of the time. Anyway, the kids and I just made silhouettes, inspired by you. Here’s the blog post:
Have a great day!

Jenny B. - The laundry. Wow. I am in awe. I have hope for the future! Too funny about the “oatmeal.” I didn’t even notice the words on the package until you said it wasn’t oatmeal. 🙂 Oh, and I’m pinning that laundry room!

Karen - Oh how funny (the onion packet)! And just today I was thinking (while dealing with mounds of laundry), this is silly – one person taking care of 5 people’s laundry. Not silly… INSANE! So I will be training my troops this weekend!!! Yay for me!!! I think I will be making the French toast kabobs this weekend too! Thanks for sharing! Have a happy weekend!

Heather R. - Love the rainbow hair. I let our girls get a couple of strands of colored hair put in for the summer only. They think they are cool. I’m glad you went and checked out the oatmeal situation. LOL. AND I’m so all over the do your own laundry. Great idea. Are you doin’ your summer list this year? Love the shark head, and birdies, too. 🙂

Mandy - Oh how I wish we werent STILL having those family laundry folding nights! I also have five kids, so I know the amount of clothes we’re talking about here. Ahhh, maybe this summer they can begin to learn this task, only two weeks of school left, hooray!

Esther Dee - what a great Friday post!!!! little bits of everything from food to decor to baby birds!!! Happy Friday Meg <3

happygirl - Love the post. Awesome mom teaching of life skills. Laundry on their own. Perfection. And now, all I can think of is mango.

elisa - Great post… sure saw a lot of stuff this week.
Love the video, can’t wait for the kids to get out of school so I can show them.

Kate S. - We have a bird garden and the birds greatly appreciate it. Every year robins nest in the Silver Maple there, above a large stone birdbath. And, every year, I find the cracked robin’s eggs in the birdbath . . . a sweet little sign the chicks have hatched: ) Supposedly, the robins are supposed to carry the eggshells and fecal matter far away from the nest to help deter predators from finding their hatchlings, but ours seem to figure the birdbath below is far enough.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Okay… that video freaks me out a bit.
And now… I MUST paint my laundry room walls yellow.
Hurray for your kids doing their own laundry!!! It’s high time I teach Christen, she’s a senior in HS and will be moving out next summer to attend college. She needs to learn. :o)

Jemm - That hair is amazing! I would love to have the kabob recipe too. Yum! And I think I’m going to make granola and buy some clementines and mangoes to have on my yogurt!! 🙂 Fun random post.

Leah - That’s great about the laundry! My daughter is only 3, but I’ve started getting her involved by having her bring her laundry down and she puts it in the washer. We make it a fun thing to do. Hopefully she’ll still think it’s fun when she gets older!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - What a great post- F.T.Kebabs(gotta try em!), rainbow hair(I flippin LOVE it but would never do it), that laundry room(I have it pinned in Pinterest myself…total LR envy here), the shark watermelon(so fun, esp for a pool party!), Annie doing her own laundry(go Mama Meg!), the birdies( I almost cried when you said the 3rd one is nowhere to be found…sniff sniff) and the onion soup mix/oatmeal story…awesome.
Have a wonderful weekend!

shelly - Ok…if little Annie can do it, my boys sure the heck can…but what happens when they wash a crayon…or toilet paper (don’t ask…I don’t even want to know)
Love the shark watermelon!! Just need an excuse to make one 🙂

sarah - i used to wake my mom up to ask what the weather was going to be like. i know one day my payback will come… hopefully it has a funny ending like your “oatmeal” story

Cindy - The “oatmeal” CRACKED ME UP!!!

Lelia - So, I was hungry when I first started reading this post …. then I watched the hatching video – yikes!!! That was kind of … weird – for lack of a better word! I don’t like birds much though, but I am intrigued – where does the mama take the egg shells??? Happy weekend!

kerry - These pics have all made me smile 😉
Meg you have added happiness to my day ! Thank you so o o much. Happy Friday to you too x

Sarah Wolfe - Wow. Love that shark head too. Maybe for a beach party??!!
Love the laundry idea for my boys as they get older.

Terrie - My nephews are with me this weekend and I was leaning towards chocolate chip pancakes….but man those french toast kabobs look awesome! And what’s up with baby #3? Seriously gone?? Strange and sad…

Christine - When I read there was no third baby, I really was sad. I’m curious too where she takes the shells?
And the watermelon shark is too cool. 🙂 - Ok! I think I’m gonna try it…the laundry thing, not the rainbow hair:). I don’t think I’m a rainbow hair kind of girl.
I have three teenage boys and LOTS of laundry! The oldest does his own sometimes because he hates his clothes being lost in the abyss that is our laundry piles. Once clothes go in they can be lost for weeks! It is the biggest source of my frustration in our home. I think one of my boys may go everywhere in the same outfit…for a while. Or, maybe it will be me with no clothes to wear?! That would awful. And would probably make my guys laugh:).
Thanks for the motivation!

Jen - Hi Meg!
I wondered if you could tell me where you found the “french toast kebob” recipie….my daughter is
graduating from high school next week and we are having some family stay with us. This would be
perfect for breakfast.

Carla G - Thank you for the new birdie picture. And for finding the video! Very thoughtful, Mrs. D.! School children everywhere will appreciate it! 🙂

amy b. - ok,so now I’m craving french toast…and rainbow hair! And we are outta bread!Dang it!

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wednesday for me.

last night was annie's kindergarten recogniton.
pretty cute.

they performed "the very hungry caterpillar" and sang "what a wonderful world"

annie has thrived in mrs. claassen's class this year.
has loved going to school every day.
has made art projects, gifts and cards for her everyday all school year.
that is a good sign of love to me.

ezra is her best buddy in the class.
at bedtime we were talking and she shared that everybody says "why do you always play with boys?!" 
i told her it was ok to play with WHOever she wants.
she said the girls always say "annie…come play princesses with us!"
and i laughed and said "you should say…..DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT TO PLAY PRINCESS WITH YOU?"
talby said "don't say that annie….you'll get in trouble"
we all laughed.

she likes some girly things like babies and house and littlest pet shops
but boys have more energy and action
and they are louder. 
just like annie. 

she has friends that are girls too.

the magnificent chef 
ANNIE will prepare  KAK for your meal

i cannot believe this year is almost over.
it's crazy.
i feel like i am in some weird time warp sucker.
making everything go at super speed.
everyone is growing up and changing so fast.
i want to shout "just stop already!"
for the good moments.
the hard stuff….the tough stuff….it can go away as quick as possible.
move along angry hormones of teenagers….

get going feelings of entitlement and greed or laziness…..
please move faster self centeredness…..
but this good awesome wonderful stuff…like hungry caterpillars & teacher hugs….they can stay forever. 


Lin - It’s not fair that first grade is just a few weeks from over, that my baby is just a few weeks away from turning seven. It’s not fair that it’s already May. I want time to slow down. I want it to stop, just for a little while.

Sarah Wolfe - adorable pictures!

Staci - I hear ya 🙁 My little kindergartener graduates next Friday….seems like I have wished for them both to be in “all day” school” for a long time…and now that it is rapidly approaching…I’m sad! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?????? I guess I’m a little scared of having alllll that time to read blogs and get nothing else done 🙁 EEEEEK!!!!!! Need a hobby….NEED TO LEARN TO SEW!!!!!!! Anyway…congrats to your sweet and precious Annie 😉

gina - I am so glad Annie likes playing with boys because Ezra sure loves playing with her! And I agree, this year flew by. Pretty sure it was just yesterday that we were bringing them into the classroom for their first day of school.

Kelle - I once said something about watching my kids grow is like trying to hold water in my hands. It just trickles through no matter how hard I try to keep it cupped, and it makes me sad. My cousin (who has older kids) said “yes, but the puddle the water makes below is just as beautiful.”
So true.
Catching up and always, always loving your words, your color, your zest. xo

Jen@thecottagenest - I feel the time passing much too quickly too. This year we have so many endings, one girl graduating and one moving on to middle school next year for 5th grade. Lots of tears here, mostly for the little one. I completely understand the need for time to pass a little quicker for the older ones.

emily - You are the best at documenting your life in such a sweet and sentimental way. I am right there with you not wanting the good things to go so quickly.

happygirl - I love Annie’s haircut. So cute. Yep, they grow up fast. But, sometimes, they move out slow.

Jaime - I keep looking at Mrs.Claassen and I think I might have gone to college with her. Do you happen to know if she went to a small Christian college in Oklahoma? If so…she was the sweetest girl around. She wasn’t married then so she had a different name, but she looks so familiar. Anyway, I would love to say “hello” to her if it is her. Haha! I love blogs, such a small world.

Carol S - I hear the grandkids stage is fun too…..SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!

Kait - I’m echoing everyone else who said PLEASE spill on where to get that adorable dress! Annie is always so cute and her clothing is so vibrant. I love it!

Charlotte - annie is precious!
i too love the look of your photos!
i am curious how you tweaked them to make them colored like they are…and also can’t help but wonder if it was a trick to cover up the yellow lighting that always seems to come out in gymnasiums! please…tell us how you did it! 🙂

the.mrs - So cute! LOVE her dress. Need it for me! Spill the beans laday! - I so relate. So many emotions raising kids.

Rach - Oh such a sweet post. I hope my daughter enjoys school as much as Annie seems to have.

Nicole Q. - man i relate . . . twins almost done with kindergarten and I can’t even believe it. C R A Z Y !!!

Janelle - Check this article out…I keep rereading it and remembering the saying….”don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” My youngest of four is starting school in the fall and I am having a difficult time thinking about this change :\

Danyelle - I know EXACTLY what you mean. These days, the ones where our children are little + happy + sweet as can be pass far too quickly. The good news is, summer’s just around the corner and I absolutely adore summers with all my children home.

Jessie - Had to share this kak with you 🙂 LOVE your blog.

elissa - oh my gosh. that little boy with his little open tie. good heavens, i suddenly feel all sappy

Molly - my 6 year old (soon to be 7!) plays with boys alot too! I think it is just fine!

Sarah@this farm family's life - i feel for ya. our oldest will start kindergarten next year. not looking forward to that!

Sarah - LOL, the KAK for for your meal is cracking me up!
I totally understand, I have an 18 month old and I just can’t believe how fast she’s growing up. When I saw that her next Dr. appointment will be her 2yr checkup, I almost broke into tears…no joke! 🙂

Jess - Yeah Annie! Kindergarten is definitely the best. 🙂 Glad she had such a wonderful year.

Shannon - She is so stinkin cute! My older daughter tends to play with boys more as well for the same reasons. She is not much of a girly girl and I’m fine with it but daddy does not like the boys as friends at all! 🙂

sam - I love your blog! Thank you for all that you share. I have 4 boys and feel some kinship with the things you write about. Hope you are having a great day!

julia - I’m currently in the throes of being sad about the last day of pre-school coming up. I can’t even let my mind dwell on kinder for next year.
Pls dish on the dress….must know…

Janine - So adorable. I love that her buddy is a boy. I got teased for having a boy as my friend in 2nd grade. 25 yrs later I married him!

merlin - To me this is the perfect stage/age of life, capable, innocent, sweet, carefree, full of possibility….if only we could all keep that part of us forever in the forefront of life.

Maria - sigh…our kindergarten play/celebration is next Wed…these end of year plays always get me…last year was the worst…the preschool graduation…I am always a mess.
Such cute pics…our littlest has girls for friends too…but they are NOT his girlfriends…lol
Our oldest goes off to Jr High (they are actually touring the school today) next year…so.not.ready.
I am ready for a non-homework, sleeping-in filled summer though…

Southern Gal - Love the profile shot. And I’ll take kak anyday.

Cathy - I’d love Chef Annie to prepare kak for me (or even some cake would be fine)! She’s adorable!

Danielle - Hahaha! What did Annie say Kak meant? She is a little spitfire:)

Alisha - I’m right there with you! My son is graduating from preschool next week and he is the sweetest little guy.
Our 13 year old is EXACTLY how you describe your teens. It’s frustrating and will be wonderful when that stage has passed.
Guess we all have to go through it though. Good with the bad, right?

Kerry - Too sweet Meg 🙂 I had to Laugh… I’m from South-Africa and in Afrikaans, ‘Kak’ means poop 🙂 hee hee – Have a fab day, kerry x

Terrie - Isn’t that the truth?! I was going through a mini album that I made for my son when he was in grade school…some days, I just want to go back in time! To the good parts…only the good parts! Well, no maybe some of the bad parts too…then I can have a do-over! I could use a lot of do-overs! sigh….oh well, I think my kids still love me! 🙂
I saw a commercial about crayola glow-in-the-dark sidewalk chalk…I think you need to put it on your summer ‘to-do’ list! I think I will….maybe when my nephews come in a few weeks! Even if they don’t stay the night…I think I need some for me!
HaPpY WeDnEsDaY Meg!

Cara Kapp - Hi, just like to say I really LOVE reading your blog, have to wait till late afternoon with the time difference!! It’s so funny I’m from South Africa and speak Afrikaans – KAK is a really bad swear word in Afrikaans – it’s a “another” word for pooh.

Katy - that is the cutest little hair cut!

Jessica Johnson - that cut is too, too cute on her! and can mrs. claassen be the cutest name ever for a K teacher? you almost have to teach with that name.

Kristi Barrett - Amen. Very well written!

Jessi - What a sweetie pie.
I’m getting nervous about my babies growing up. My oldest is 3 going on 13.

Cindy - very sweet! i have tears in my eyes now. my firstborn has her preschool promotion celebration next week and then is moving on to kindergarten. and my second starts preschool in the fall. i am just going to be one teary emotional mess 😉 we’re really gonna live it up this summer!!

Georgia - Hahahaha – KAK! im sorry but this is so funny, im cracking up at my desk. I dont ever want her to cook me KAK for dinner..haha

erica - love this post:) and i love that your annie likes to play with the boys…my oldest – doesn’t play with the girls – she loves to be in the action with the boys:) i hope they can all continue to accept her in their little circle (and i haven’t dealt with drama, yet!) she’s going into 2nd grade and it brings tears to my eyes when i think about it. aren’t kids wonderfully awesome?!?

Leslie - I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!!! Great post…thanks for sharing!

Mandy - Meg – I love the color of your pictures in this post. How do you get them this way?!

Holly - oh Meg! We have kindergarten graduation next friday. It makes me sad that my baby is getting so big so fast! I am ready for summer though!

Heather R. - I love teachers who love on the kids. Sweet. The pic of Annie and her Dad are great. Kak is yummy…especially rainbow ones. 😉

tara pollard pakosta - awwwww I am with you on the good stuff can stay,
tween girl (age 11) outbursts of tears lately, can GO!
cute cute cute annie!

Melissa - It all happens so fast, huh!?!?
I got my box of goodies!!! Thank you so much, Meg! You’re a doll!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I know what you mean about time flying waaaay to fast…it doesn’t seem that long ago you were posting about feeling sad that Annie was moving up to Kindergarten!
Gemma x

Routhie - I want Annie’s hair and her dress. For me. She is so cute!

Niki - I feel you! My oldest son’s last day of Kindergarten is tomorrow! I can’t believe how fast it has gone! Just think…we have a summer full of fun to look forward to. At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. It will last one day until the “I’m bored” starts!

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good morning.

this is what i have been working on in my yard….mulch.


i spent several hours yesterday moving it.
it's mindless exercise.
and i barely made a dent in that mountain of mulch.

good thing i have three strong men in this house….


jeanne oliver has her new line of goodies out today in her shop.

she sent me the photos to preview…..gorgeous.
i meant jeanne at silver bella in 2009.  
i liked her from the start!
i love to see her taking herself SERIOUSLY as an artist.
so cool.

on her blog today she is giving away a $500 gift certificate to her shop!!  

that is amazing.

go check out her new shop.

you will find something you love i am sure!


so how did mother's day go?  
be honest. 

this is the project i had my 3 & 4 year old sunday school class do.
i brought them jars, the sticker, ribbon and a big stack of flowers to pick for their mom.
they were so cute when their moms came to get them!

i made myself one too.

so…..i told you i got the weekend off.
and it was great.

but i will also tell you that i also had EXTREME guilt all week before about it.
i changed my mind everyday of what i wanted.

i felt guilty i wasn't going to the basketball games….because a "good mom" wouldn't want to miss even one!

i felt guilty that i wanted to be alone….because a "good mom" would never want that.

there was a lot of guilt on many levels.

but when i really thought about mother's day….
and recalled all the others that i have had over the years…..
and the kind of family we REALLY are….
remembered the stage of life we are in right now….
and i was honest with what i wanted to happen on my "special day" and what is my reality…..

i decided that the quiet time…..the time to think….the time for NO voices or questions or yelling…..

was what i needed to be a good mom.

and i was right.


Robin - My weekend plans include sanding (and hopefully) painting some used cabinets we bought right out of someone’s garage. We put them in my laundry room where I now have LOADS of storage. Even tho I have a bad back and its really bugging me today I simply must try and get these cabinets painted. They are battleship gray in color and oh so depressing. I’m painting them ‘cotton white’ in semi-gloss and the walls will then have to be painted (next weekend). Just got that paint color today and it’s called ‘Moose Mousse’ – a lovely tan that looks like delicious mousse! Gotting stop commenting and get busy!! 🙂

Kat - Good on you for trusting your instincts and going with what YOU wanted for Mother’s Day.
I too suffer from waaay too much Mother guilt. Why do we do it to ourselves?
How on earth do we get past it?!!
My Mother’s Day was okay, but I ended up having “words” with my Hubby and I was not really the happy Mummy I should have been on that day 🙁
My kids (aged 2, 4, 6 and 8) gave me all the lovely little handmade gifts and cards and I truly LOVE that bit.
I also got a sleep in and some time to read in bed ALONE, so that was my wish 🙂

Tracy Fisher - First I have to say, I love your honesty about mother’s day. I asked for a nap and 3 hours to finish a painting. And it was amazing how productive I was… it finally won over guilt. But I hear you on that one! Second, I love love love the Jeanne Oliver stuff. I immediately ordered the blonde girl print that says “I Love My Life” and a BLESSED leather cuff for my daughter. Thanks for encouraging her.
And finally… happy mother’s day. It’s YOUR day everyday!
Tracy Fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m so glad that you had a happy Mother’s Day – and that you used your voice and asked for what you truly wanted. And that they gave it to you! My day was good – you can read about it on my blog. =)

AshleyAnn - That is a crazy amount of mulch. Mulch is the one part of a garden I don’t enjoy – I always end up with splinters. I’m a better mom too if I get time alone.

happygirl - My mom’s day was WONDERFUL. My son remembered to call me (I only had to send 4 texts) And, I LOVE mulch. Your garden will LOVE it.

Gemma @ Musings Of A Gem - Hi Meg!
Cute idea for your sunday school…I love the flowers : )
Don’t feel guilty about your time alone on mothers day. Having a break from it all makes you a happier refeshed mum!
Gemma x

Vonda - Amazing pink fridge!:) My absolute favorite color! My daughter gave me the sweetest handmade card(she’s 11). I also got a beautiful card from my Mom. We’re supposed to spoil her and it always turns out the other way. Brought flowers to the cemetary for my beautiful sister(can’t wait to see you again sweetie). Had lunch and then dessert with both Moms. Busy day! My boys took me out for lunch today. It was special. Being a Mom is very busy…..and very wonderful!

Kait - Mother’s Day was rough. I cried because my little boys are still in Africa, waiting to come home, and I thought these adoptions would be DONE by now. (incidentally, the doll I bought off your website as a fundraiser for your Africa trip is in their room. which just drives home to me how very long we’ve been waiting!) I cried because my baby is sick and I had to spend the whole day on the couch while she shared her fever with me. Then I cried because I realized my little boys don’t even have someone to spend the day holding them if they are sick.
It was rough. It’s better now. But I think it’s amazing you got your quiet weekend with no kids.


Sarah - That is a heck of a lot of mulch! I was wimpy on the mulch this year, and will pay for it all summer long. And I secretly wish Mother’s Day was never invented…too much pressure for EVERYONE…and none of us moms need more pressure, nor do our husbands!

Allison - I am the oldest of four kids (we are 24, 22, 18, and 16), and I remember my mom having some not so great Mother’s Days when we were in the age range your kids are now. This year she did have a nice quiet weekend (my 16-year-old brother, the youngest, was the only one home) and when I called her she said that she was finally getting to a point in life where she actually wanted quality time with her children on Mother’s Day.

Wendy - Love the rock’n pink fridge … and u drink BEER! Woo-hoo!!!

karen - my husband was working. he asked me if it was okay…and i said sure…it was lots of overtime…and we are doing our front yard landscaping this summer. So i had lunch at his parents and went over to my parents in the afternoon. For me.. i still feel like i’m a kid…I feel Mother’s Day is for my mom and hubby’s mom…not for me. I guess because my kids are still very young. The best part of the day was the weather..finally some heat!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are so tootin’ cute and honest. Yes, real mommies like their time off but we love our families the best.

Nina Diane - because you are such a great mom is why you deserved the weekend you had!!! (I would “bold” “because” and “great mom” if I knew how….

heather - i’m so glad you share how you really feel.
i love that about you.
happy mother’s day!

Amy - I saw you working in your yard this weekend! We also worked hard in ours over the weekend!
I LOVE me some pretty yards!

Sarah Wolfe - Love the flower thing you did with Sunday School class. Such a pretty, simple idea. I wanted to be by myself for Mother’s Day too. And I didn’t feel guilty at all 🙂

georgia - Hope you had a happy mothers day. It was in March in the uk, so my mum celebrated a while ago.
Hope you had a lovely weekend to yourself, a little alone time is good for you once in a while. 🙂 xx

Regina - I received my copy of SUMMER today…and I LOOOVE your pages! (just like I knew I would!)Great job!!! <3

Judy @Considering the Options - I love your honesty Meg. I blogged about this very subject Sunday and was hesitant to post it. I read it to all my guys first and by the end I was sobbing. A good cry. My day was not what I would have dreamed of – and yes, I feel a little guilty for dreaming something so different. But I came to the realization that it’s about enjoying the life I have. I love my husband and sons very much and I am blessed by them every day!
As Moms we need to tune out this hyped-up expectation of what the day is supposed to be and enjoy our life as it is – imperfect.
And btw the guys all though it was ok for me to post:).

Emily Zimmerman - My birthday last month was so bad that I had no expectations for Mother’s Day and it was great 🙂 My birthday fell on a busy weekend and week and it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would in my mind. I like to celebrate birthday week and it just didn’t happen. I thought it would be a week of celebrating, spoiling, treating myself, babysitter, it just didn’t happen and I was crushed. So as mother’s day grew closer I kept reminding myself not to have any expectations. Little hugs and kisses from my kiddos would be enough for me. But my hubby did get my a necklace from etsy…ok I have to admit I sent him the link to it…but he actually pulled the trigger and got it for me! I also had the stomach bug, but was able to enjoy some alone time with my little girl while my husband and son went to church. And the day before my husband actually participated in cleaning the house and helping me get rid of some things. Nothing turns me on more than a man cleaning 🙂 So Mother’s Day weekend was great because I just let it be about me being a mother and having these two precious babies in my life.

becky - thank you SO MUCH for your honesty. i have two itty bitties and it always makes me feel bad when i think about shouting when the precious hubby gets home: “i need a break!!!!!!” but you’re right. we need them occasionally. even regularly – to be better mommies. and wives. and daughters & friends! hope you still feel relaxed & refreshed by the end of monday!

Tanya H - I understand completely. I spent most of Sunday with my kiddo’s while my husband made fresh salsa for snacking, a carrot cake from scratch (not my favorite but it was tasty) and a yummy italian dinner. Then they all watched a movie while I went and scrapbooked. That’s what I wanted to do and I am working on the kids’ books but I felt guilty for being away from the people who made me a mother…..! Oh well, I think it ended up a good thing and it WAS a good weekend so no real complaints here!

amy jupin - being completely honest here, that pile of mulch scares the bejesus out of me! 🙂
i am proud of you for listening to yourself and enjoying some alone time.
it does not make you a bad mother, so shush!
and if only someone could stop texting you, you probably could have gotten so much more done! haha!

Christy - I LOVE, love your honesty. 🙂 For me as a mother, I can’t say anyone went our of their way for me. They did what I asked, for the most part, went out for bagels & a quick hike, I received a card, a potted plant (a tree to be planted in the fall – IOU) & the most wonderful coupon book from my 7 yo. It wasn’t so much what I received as what we did for my mom, that will last to the end of time. 🙂 That made my day special.

Julie - oh I WISH we were sitting together in your kitchen and we could get to the bottom of it. the freedom to be honest?… thank you. i have been stewing over who i could share these thoughts with – not husband, it is about him and i don’t want to be petty and “emotional.” not mom, because once i am over it, she is still not. not friends, because i only want to share with them uplifting things about my husband, not drag his name through the mud. could i share with you? i never have high expectations – i have learned that the hard way. i expected nothing from my kids because they are too little to get the spirit of the day. but my husband? should know better. i don’t want gifts. didn’t even need to spend a dime on me. but wasn’t there SOMETHING he could have thought of to make me feel special and appreciated? i can think of 100. i did enjoy and feel blessed to be able to celebrate my mom and mil. but went to bed wondering why i wasn’t valued as the mother of his children and the woman who takes care of everyone else. i was hoping just sharing these feelings would make them less intense and they would go away. but i still feel hurt. even though it felt like any other day, it was still a good “any other day.” i like my life – i just wanted to feel a little special.

julia - I love that “be honest” bit. It feels like we’re sitting at the counter in your kitchen and you just handed me a mug of tea and you’re going to get to the bottom of things.
Your Sunday School project blows me away. You are so creative! I’m sure those mamas were thrilled!

jodi @ back40life - good for you – those moments of quiet, while much needed, are seldom found with 2 kiddos around…can only imagine what adding 3 more does!!
my day was excellent…kiddos gave me their cards & a Lowes GC the night before, great time at church, then time spent with my family and Dh’s…then on to a pleasant date night while the kids spent the night at Gma’s – about as close to perfection as it gets! A day to be treasured for sure!
your flower project was awesome – know those moms loved it!

Kristy - we had a great day.
but i feel for so many women that don’t have kids and are longing for them. my heart goes to them before me. i wish i could make it better for them.
love your flower project. love it!!!
happy you got some quite time 🙂

Holly - So glad you had a lovely Mothers day! I spent mine painting our family room. Hopefully it will be done tonight so I can blog about it tomorrow!!

Jenny Logan - Every good mommy knows she needs a break every once in awhile! It’s what makes us good mommies. Glad you had such a great weekend! :0)

Necole - I think I have worked every Mother’s Day I have been a mother. My girls made me some cute gifts, and I am awaiting my cute necklace from the Vintage Pearl. Thanks by the way for the post about it. I cannot wait to buy more.

Heather R. - We did nothing and it was great. I would love a night in by myself. 🙂

Amy Giffin - I LOVE that you had time to yourself! After I read your post I knew what I was going to ask for next year. 🙂 I have four kids and I also need a break from the noise, constant questions and requests . . .! All I asked for Mother’s Day was a “work day.” It was the first time I really asked for what I truly wanted and not what a “good” mom would ask for. And I LOVED my day! Glad you had a wonderful day too! Here’s to a week starting with happy and rejuvenated moms!

Tam - I”m absolutely jealous of your weekend! Good for you, you deserved it! I had an ok day, I kept my expectations wicked low this year, (I’m not a fan of the day). I worked outside and the weather was beautiful, typical Sunday for me. I asked my kids at breakfast to not argue and be mean to each other for the entire day, it lasted maybe an hour…ugh 🙁

melissa rice - I like the fridge!! Good mother’s day. Got gifts where my family actually thought about me!! 2 bottles of wine yay! and new glasses. and stuff i said I would like. i really think satan has a hay day with the minds of mothers ohhhh the guilt. we need breaks alot alot alot.
posted mothers day feelings on my blog

Ann Griffin - I dread Mother’s Day every year. Every year I get my hopes up (God only knows why) that Mother’s Day will be an amazing day filled with lots of love and laughter. Every year I am mistakingly wrong. Yesterday was horrible. I feel guilty for complaining because I know there are single mom’s out there that have to make the day special themselves. I’ll never understand why my husband can go shopping every year for a gift to give his mother but I end up empty handed. I don’t ask for much. Just something simple, even homemade would be nice, to show me that I’m appreciated for spending 99% of my life chasing after the kids and taking care of his needs.

Jennifer - Good for you! All mothers need time to themselves to recharge their batteries. 🙂 My Mother’s Day was wonderful–enjoyed the day hanging out with my two best fellas…my hubby and son. I must admit though that Mother’s Day for many years was a painful day for me. I dreaded it with a passion. My husband and I have lived with infertility for years. But the greatest blessing of our lives happened in 2006 with the adoption of our son. I learned on that special day that God does hear our prayers, they just are sometimes answered in a different and more meaningful way. He knows what is best for us- it took me a while to fully understand this. Mother’s Day is now a joyful and blessed day for me! 🙂
Oh, and I love Jeanne Oliver…she is so sweet and an amazing artist. I’ve come to this conclusion through following her blog- would love to meet her in real life someday. So glad to see her business taking off!

mel @ the larson lingo - Happy Mother’s Day Meg! I also got the weekend “off”….I was able to sleep in, go on errands without the girls & just be mellow. It was SO nice…and SO needed. I feel so refreshed today!

Lauren - sounds like you made the most of YOUR time & that is good for the whole family 🙂 happy “moms” day!
I’ve been sicker-than-a-dog and found out three days before mothers day why….I’m pregnant. with our 4th. our youngest is 8 1/2 so this was no expected. this year’s day was very different than I had planned but God is good and we will enjoy our little blessing due December 26th 🙂 take care!

Leah - Honestly, I think this is bogus holiday because it sets up this expectation that we – as moms – will have a blissfully pleasant day for us. And as moms, we know that’s probably never going to happen for an entire day. My day had its moments. But I did find myself annoyed with my husband at times and the “celebration” for my mom was less than fun. So all-in-all, the day was fine. The best part of the day was sitting at the dinner table and Sophie saying to me, “Mommy, I forgot to tell you: Happy Mother’s Day.” That made it worthwhile.

Tricia - I’ll be honest: My Mother’s Day started out pretty well, but ended with my almost-six-year-old son telling me that I never play with him. Um. Never mind that he said it because he was cranky and upset at his dad. Never mind that it’s not true and that I spend 99.8% of my life taking care of his every need. It made me feel like the worst mom in the entire world. It made me feel like running away from home. It made me feel guilty, sad, tired, ANGRY… And then I went to bed and was awakened by my kid three times because he wasn’t feeling well. I may not be much fun, but if you need Tylenol in the middle of the night, I’m the one for the job. So that’s my life as a mom. Ups and downs. Guilt and happiness. In sickness and in health. Glamorous, isn’t it? 🙂

T. S. - Last year for mother’s day I went out with a friend in the morning. Later we went to my MIL’s house and my husband told everyone what I had done that morning. Very proud of himself for allowing me to have some “me” time. My MIL was shocked that I didn’t want to spend mother’s day with my children. Hooray.

Linda - My mother’s day was just so so. It’s not a Holiday I love. For some very silly reason it ends up making me feel like not so good of a mom. But I did get to spend it with my mother who is here visiting which was awesome. My kids loved having grandma here too.
My exciting thing for the weekend was I got my Summer with Matthew Meed Magazine! Fabulous. The only thing I didn’t like was that there wasn’t more of you. Really it could just be a Meg Magazine. Your home is just amazing and so inspiring I just love it! Thanks for being so willing to share your beauty and your style with so many people.

Taiya - Yesterday was fantastic as a day, but I gave myself a little pity party about the fact that it wasn’t even remotely mother’s day-ish for me. As a Sunday, though? It was just perfect and amazing!

nicole@deliajude - every year i have a sneaky suspicion that i don’t like mother’s day. turns out that i don’t. next year i want a day to myself, by myself. alone and preferably at a spa. seriously how painful is breakfast in bed when you can hear the chaos in the kitchen, knowing you’ll be the one cleaning it up???
i must add though, i love being a mom and i love my mom…it’s just a faux holiday.

Sarah @ this farm familys life - I am with Michelle in that mine wasn’t the greatest. The hubs and the kids made it wonderful but others made it horrible. In-laws!!! Ugh!

Penny - Yes, you deserved to do something for you! And I am glad that you did. It is always nice to have the special alone time, but I do know some of the guilt!
I had a surprise call from my mother-in-law saying her little place on the lake might not be ready for her to get into. (She spends the summers here in Michigan, winters in Florida.) She informed us that she may have to “bunk” with us for a day or so! Ahhhh panic. The house looked ok, but not for overnight guests!! She is a neatnik and we are a busy family! Ekkk. The girls pitched in and we got things looking much better, quick. Then she called and said, all is fine at her place, won’t need to stay after all! At least things in the house were really clean.
Fun times. I need that pile of mulch. I love beautiful flower beds, just no desire to do the work. Glad you have helpers. My hubby is great, just strapped for time.

jen smith - #1-i love that you have a pink fridge with beer in it. in your craft room. awesome. i hate beer so if i had a fridge it would hold malibu rum and coke :O)
#2-my mother’s day was fairly good. except when my kids were fighting all the way to my moms and i had to yell at them that it was mother’s day and i was so disappointed that they couldn’t get along for one day. sheesh.
#3-as a mother you have to do what you have to do. if it’s alone time them so be it. i have a friend who walked around target for hours…alone…on mother’s day. she was ecstatic. just what she needed and sounds like just what you needed to.

Michelle - Mine was sucksville, but after going to bed early last night and getting a luscious 12 hours of sleep, I’m ok with that. Stupid pregnancy hormones will turn you into a lunatic.

Jacci - It started out a little rough – Hubby is still learning how to handle our emotional older girls (ages 9, 10) who had definite ideas for how they wanted the morning to go. My oldest took too long doing her hair and came down all upset because I had already seen the flowers and the other kids had already given me my card. A few tears before church. Me, too. I’d much rather they had all gathered together and made it “special” (for the kids! they love that), but it was more like, “Look flowers. Here’s a card.” And they all felt a little weird about it, I could tell. Hubby was spreading himself too thin, trying to make breakfast, too, and nothing seemed special, just rushed and feelings got mushed on a little. He’s still learning, just like me.
BUT, then we got Chipotle for lunch, everyone was smiling, then Hubby rounded up al four kidds to clean the house and get it ready for the small group we hosted last night. I made a really big deal out of what a BLESSING and what a BIG GIFT this was for me, and I think the kids wound up feeling like they got to give me more that way. Hubby sent me upstairs to *read* and *rest* and I did. For two hours. And when I got up, small group was in 30 minutes and the house was all ready to go.
Rocky at first, AWESOME overall.

Alicia @ La Famille - we all need a break! and a good mom knows when to take one. i even have a small private fantasy of renting my own apartment so i can go there to be alone sometimes 🙂 how’s that for “good mom”!! Ha!! have a great week!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Meg, mommy guilt plagues all of us. But Im a firm believer that we’re never better moms than when we’ve had a chance to BE refreshed ourselves. We cant give give give all the time unless we’re FILLED from time to time. Otherwise, we run on empty and then everyone suffers(If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy at all”).
Im glad you got time to yourself. And Im sure the kids had a fun weekend with Craig!
Have a wonderful week lady:)

Dana Banana - Saw you yesterday in your front flower garden. You looked great. No really, wish I could have been doing the same in my yard. Went to KC with Jamie last week to see Wendi. We celebrated her birthday…….maybe we can all get togehter sometime this summer. Wendi is sure to be moving to the area soon. 🙂

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yeah man that’s the good stuff……

have you heard that song?
it's old.
and twangy.

and the video was just too corny to put on this post….but i like that song.
i just wish kenny chesney would not look into the camera so much and then look away….and back.
makes me feel uncomfortable.

i like that song because regular life…friday nights….grilling…homemade ice cream…eating outside.
that's the good stuff. 

we've had a good couple of days.
craig had a birthday.

IMG_0946-3 IMG_0948-4
i made him a peanut butter cake with peanut butter frosting.
i wouldn't make the same cake next time (a little dry) but it was still good….seriously.
i am definitely on the hunt now for an awesome peanut butter cake recipe.

this one   or   this one look worth the the time FOR SURE. 

some homemade cards….and wrestling.


this photo says so much….
IMG_0979-9 IMG_0998-1

we got him an old fashioned ice cream maker!
and he was surprised (he says) and really happy.
craig loves ice cream….a lot.
we couldn't wait more than a day to use it.
why would we?

yesterday was a beautiful night so we ate outside…first time this year.
we live next door to a museum so we get to look into their pretty yard when we eat outside.

IMG_0982-10 IMG_0985-11

waffle was really wanting to be with us….so he could sneak some food.
i am so ready for the warm weather.

yeah….the kids were so hyper….fighting and crying.
and loud.
the burgers burnt.
someone got sent to their room after we prayed.
one child never showed.

it was not a perfect night.
but it IS the good stuff.
it is the kind of night that you are grateful…for normal….for noise….for love….for time together

for sticking it out.

that's the good stuff.



Honey - MMM birthday cake! I’m with ya! In fact, if I weren’t so broke I would go buy a cake and eat it in your name. But, pay day isn’t til Thursday and I don’t think Matt would let me buy a whole cake just to eat by myelsf what a pooey. But anyways, know that I am eating a cake with you in theory, just not literally. My ass would not forgive me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Was Craig’s birthday on the 22nd? Because thats when I was celebrating too!:) Actually I spent 3/4 of my day on the couch with a terrible migraine. But my weekend got better. As you say, not perfect. But good stuff.
And that cake looks amazing! I dont even like cake but THAT one I would totally try!

Heather G. - YUM! Now I have to go raid my girl’s Easter candy for a peanut butter cup!

crystal b. - P.S. I love that your door is Lilac. Oh how I wish I could have one of those. Curse the homeowner’s association. 🙂

crystal b. - My friend, it just so happens that I DO have a recipe for peanut butter cake. However, the cake is chocolate, and the frosting and filling are peanut butter. Are you interested. It is awesome.
And, I’m oh so happy to share it with a fellow April-arian. 🙂 Happy Birthday to Craig. 🙂

Short, Sweet Season - Oh my gosh, the comment about Kenny Chesney making you uncomfortable by looking back at the camera cracked me up. I spewed my coffee. Hilarious!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Happy Bday to your hubby! The cake looked super awesome and I’m sure my husband would love it. I’m not a big fan of pb. Ah yum on the homemade ice cream, we need to make that too!!
Can’s wait to eat outside this summer. We had one picnic at a park this spring but it turned into a super windy and chilly picnic. Yesterday though, was probably one of the nicest Easter’s weather wise we’ve had in a long time.

jennie - beautiful post.

natalie (the sweets life) - I’ve made the smitten kitchen cake and it really is as amazing as it looks!! (I skipped the ganache and decorated with reese’s pb cups)

marta - you are a girl after my own heart. that cake looks really amazing. what a cute wife you are. love all the family shots. you truly inspire me. xo.

Jennie brewer - You have to try a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing….yum yum yum!! Hope y’all had a wonderful Easter. He is risen! Hallelujah!!

Amanda - Really good stuff!!! You and your family are so inspiring! Happy Easter.

linda@limein the coconut - Heartwarming and beautiful post. How do you always do that??
And boy do I have a peanut butter cake recipe for ya…
I dare you…

Jen - I’ve never seen such a big tub of PB. Wow!
Can you believe there is not one single PB & chocolate combination on the market down here in Australia? Not one… only imported from you guys.
Even if dry, that cake looks amazing
Happy birthday Mr. Meg. 🙂

mulberrytreehouse - God bless your family, and Happy Easter! What a fantastic cake! I agree – even the best moments in our family aren’t ever completely perfect. But they make us so glad we stuck it out through the worst moments!

Tami - This post brought a big smile to my face! Thanks, I needed that!

hannah - Happy birthday Craig! With a cake like that AND an ice cream maker, I’m sure his birthday was fantastic!! 😀
I see your picture of him and your girls and smile. I feel for you, as it must be hard to see Lauren so distant. She’ll come around, and she’ll realize you’re the smartest person in the world. I’m only 20, and every day I realize more and more how smart my mother is. Life at that age is so confusing and emotional, something you know, you were a teenage girl. I pray for you, and I pray for your heart to remain strong. Your daughter loves you so much, and she, deep down, knows that you and her dad are the greatest people in the world. You’re a great mother, that’s something I can tell, and I know that Lauren thinks the world of you. It’ll just take some time for her to figure that out for herself.
Have a very happy Easter 🙂

the.mrs - Can you say YUM?! 🙂 Oh, and those pictures reminded me of the new reese’s mini pb cups. SO good that I don’t even share them with my kids! ha!!

Stephanie - I make my daughter a chocolate cake (hersheys) with a peanut butter cream cheese frosting and a chocolate ganache every year. Im sure its going to kill us but boy is it good

Laura J - Umm… that cake looks amazing! Pleeeeeease do a tutorial. Mine never turn out that pretty… even remotely. I am also curious to see if your having the layers iced while in the cake pan makes it easier.

Life with Kaishon - I love it.
The cake that was a little too dry.
The cakes that have possibilities.
The smile and the ears of corn.
The birthday love.
Your life.

Melanie - I haven’t stopped by much this year. Been on a little computer break but I just want to say that Talby is looking so much older:) TIme is passing by so quickly. Hope you got to use your hot chocolate machine this winter since it has been a really long one:)

Deputy's Wife - Meg, you make me feel so much better! It is nice to know my kids are not the only ones…
We are sitting here in the family room watching tv and the boys are bickering. Bickering for what seems like forever, but really most of the day. Ugh.
It is early bed tonight so we can have happy faces for Easter service.
I am hoping for the best. Happy Easter!

lauren - did you see that research about how one of the biggest predictors of long life is your attitude and outlook? contentment, positivity, LOW expectations.. 🙂 it’s like money in the bank. 🙂 that night sounds normal.. and fabulous. 🙂

Chaos-Jamie - We drove by last night and saw your party. I hoped I’d get to see what it was all about. One of these days, when it isn’t a blizzard or I don’t have people in my car you don’t know, I’ll probably crash your party.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Love your peanut butter cake, love that you made Craig a picnic outside, love that your family is not perfect just like everybody else, love that you love your family and that there’s nothing better…so true!

Mindy - i meant 6-7 not 607!

Mindy - cute pictures. nothing like seeing a daddy dote on his daughters. we’ve eaten outside probably 607 times. it’s hard to be grouchy about dinner (for some reason i always get stressed about dinner) when you’re eating outside.
that’s the kind of ice cream maker my dad always used. makes splendid ice cream!

Lisa - You captured it all so well in this post. Such a good reminder. 🙂 PS- is your back door lavender? Seriously love that!

Kimberlee Jost - I am making myself a pb cake for my birthday.
I kid you not.
I am.
Happy Birthday to the ice cream King!

Erin Leigh - love remembering the good stuff even when it’s not perfect. it’s messy & real life & i’m gonna make one of those cakes. my husband loves peanut butter.

beckyk - GET THEE to Smitten Kitchen and make that cake NOW for sure! It’s become my (borrowed) signature cake – I’ve made it at least 4 times this last year by request. It’s sooo rich and wonderful. Makes a nice 6 inch four layer too. Enjoy!

Laura Phelps - I love the after prayer fight so much
we usually fight MID prayer..
who gets to lead..that sort of thing
try that, you know, to shake things up…
and I am guessing it wasn’t Annie that didn’t show 🙂
it is awesome
Happy Birthday Craig! We should celebrate together next year…my birthday is tomorrow!
(anything to get back to you and Kansas…:-) )

Sarah@this farm family's life - the food looks yummy, but that cold beer really made my mouth water in that last photo.

lauren - sorry…meant ‘wander.’ you wil ‘wonder’ how you’ll survive, but you will.

lauren - laughed out loud at the picture of dad and his daughters. they are all beautiful and she will come around. of course, when she does, another will wonder off into that teenage netherworld…that, believe it or not, is all part of the good stuff too.

Jes - I am inspired!! And so are my taste buds- I am also going to eat peanut butter straight out of the jar 🙂
I also have gotten some of my inspiration for my new (just posted for the first time) blog from Whatever. I also have gotten a lot of entertainment and laughs
thanks 🙂
oh here’s my ‘hot of the press’ blog(i sort of feel like a new mom hahaa)

Jenn - Sounds perfectly normal to me and very awesome! I love eating outside. Its already getting too hot on some night to do that here (Texas). I love homemade ice cream.

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday to Craig! “The Good Stuff” is my daughter’s favorite song. Any recipe from Smitten Kitchen is going to be delicious. Promise. All the men in my house LOVE peanut butter so I’m seriously going to have to try one for them. Normal everyday good stuff.

Amy @ dwell in the season - How sweet, what a wonderful reminder that even if it isn’t “perfect” it IS the GOOD stuff. And that peanut butter cake… YUM. Do you have any left? 🙂

Beth - you are so real. i love that.

se7en - Oh happy celebrating… love your real live family… the ups and downs are so real and true and perfect!!! Have a great long weekend!!!

Jessi - This post got me all…choked up… 🙂

Hannah - That cake looks incredible! I’ve only ever tried peanut butter & chocolate cookies – never peanut butter cake – I think I might just have to give it a go. Thanks for the links to a couple of recipes – it’s always helpful to be pointed in the right direction : )

Sara - I always love eating outside…makes any meal better. 🙂

erin - smitten kitchen’s chocolate peanut butter cake won’t dissappiont. i made myself one for my own birthday last year, and hate to admit it, but its a tradition i plan to keep going!! so moist that following her tips will make it easier. off to dig into some peanut butter cups to ward off my craving of the cake!

Emily - All. So. Wonderful.
Thanks for keeping it real. Love you, blogger friend.

Taiya - Looks like you all had a fantastic evening! All of your food looks delicious! 🙂
I also made my husband a PB cake for his birthday, but I just put cream cheese frosting on it, but it was pretty dry, so if you find a moist PB cake recipe, please post it! 🙂

Alissa - You are so right! Love this post!

Sara - Is your back door lavender? I just fell in love with your house all over again!!!

Denissa - The cake looks awesome! Sounds exactly how our night would go too! 🙂

Daniele Valois - holy peanut butter cake!!! That is a very impressive looking cake! …I just love that you included that the night was not perfect, but still good! oh life…

april - Awwwww…..poor waffle…..hahahaha
love that picture

Beth - Amen!

Jennifer - The cake looks wonderful, Meg. My husband LOVES Reece’s Peanut Butter cups. I’ll have to try this one out. I love how you share that “it was not a perfect night”–yet it sounds it was good family time together. That is what being a family is all about…the good times, the bad times and yeah–some down right ugly times every once in a while. At least you guys got to pray together before someone was sent to their room! 😉 Love this post…

Terrie - Loved your cake! And with Homemade ice cream! YuM!! We are having homemade ice cream tonight for Easter with my hubba’s side of the family! Can’t wait!! I have a wonderful recipe for pb cake! I should blog about it sometime…it may be awhile. It seems life has kicked into super hyper drive this week…I haven’t even had time to blog about my new craft room! My husband is getting on me about it too! LOL!! So, maybe I should just e-mail the recipe to you! 🙂

happygirl - Family, it’s the stuff dreams are made of. 🙂 I love peanut butter PIE!!!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - GOOD STUFF ALRIGHT!!!

michelle - happy birthday to Craig! oh yes, we have so much to be thankful for… even the hard parts. your post is a good reminder as i start my day. thank you 🙂

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it was finally warm.
and sunny.

i am so happy.

so ready for the heat of the sun on my face.
i need it.

i was beginning to go a bit stir crazy.




i came out to take these pictures not because of the weather and certainly not because it is pretty outside.
because it's not.
everything is still DEAD.
but i came out to take these photos because…..

and laughing.

it's been awhile.

and i really miss it.



i have to grab those moments when i can.
take notice.
cherish it.

because the fighting is a real downer.


i think the fighting (with each other and with me) is something i feel and felt surprised about with parenting.

no matter how well i speak….
no matter how well i care for them….
no matter how many cookies i make….
it doesn't make them nice.

they still fight.


and i have been exhausted by it.  i AM exahsuted by it.  i want it to stop.  i can't take it!!! 

i don't know if it will.

i don't know how to change it.

but i want to if i can.

i think we are normal.    i think their feelings….emotions….reactions are "normal".
i can't be the only one who is feeling like this.

i can't be the only one who feels at a loss for dealing with fighting….unkindness….anger….outbursts.

so….that is it.

i have no answers.   i just feel depleted by it.  

i miss diapers and bottles and cuddly babies that don't call names or throw things or slam doors.

i am trying to notice the great times.
encourage more good times.
reward the GOOD behavior…..the kindness……the LOVE.
to talk kindly myself.
to calmly respond to fits….to insults….to the crazy.

i fail a lot.

but i am trying.

but dang it….it is SO hard!!!!

who knew i would need to be so strong?

i don't really know how to get there….how to become strong(er)?


that's it.

it is all i've got right now.

and really….that is a pretty great thing.

because GOD wants the best for my kids.  for me.   for us.

but working through it…to get there….to get to the good…….AAAAAAAAAAA.



this post was completely unplanned.
it just came pouring out of me.
kind of scary.

Kat Montgomery - I googled “my 17 and 12 year old daughters hate each other” and you came up. Your post says so elequently what I am feeling. I have a four year old daughter too so she is too young to be involved in the fighting. The two eldest are so harsh and hateful and constantly saying terrible things to each other. Makes me feel ill. And makes me cry and wonder what I have done wrong. But then I remember my brothers and sisters and the horrible ways they treated each other. I guess it is normal but it still makes me want to barf. Thanks for the words that make me fell not so alone.

Sandy - This has been encouraging to me, knowing I am not alone in the sibling rivalry. The fighting is so depleting and I agree that at this point, all there is is prayer. Thank you for your honesty.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - Dorothy never had a sister, but if she did, I think she’d have gotten back home a whole lot sooner.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - That pic of the ruby slippers in air… one of the best pics I’ve seen all year, Meg.

Megan - I so understand the place you’re in. The fighting is not fun… It’s difficult to not be consumed by it. Keep the faith! Writing helps… and it helps those of us who read your words. Thank you!

Kara - oh thank you for this. mine are still in the baby phase, but I can totally understand where you’re coming from because with us it’s WHINING. oh my goodness, nothing drives me closer to the edge! I feel like my days are consumed with praying to be rational and patient! I guess it is training me for the days of fighting that will come 🙂 hang in there, meg!

Lemonade Makin Mama - Ummm… were you in my house this week? Cause that’s exactly where I’ve been too! So over this sibling fighting thing… does sad things to a Mama heart!
Nice to know it’s not just mine who struggle to be kind to one another. Just saying.

Donna - I can sooooo relate!! I feel like the answer is always the same though-PRAY! Pray all day long if you have to. I am still learning too. I think we will always be learning to have more Faith 🙂

Andria - I have three boys who do the same thing. Your words echo my feelings exactly. We are trying an experiment where kids say something ugly to each other they have to go to their rooms. Then they have to come up with 5 things they like about the brother they insulted.

Karen - How true that it will still happen. But my mom’s policy, with 5 girls and one boy, was ‘let them fight it out alone’ and believe me, it was a big policy failure. I was determined to not adopt it. As the youngest, I was always the ‘whipping boy’ for stronger, older sisters.
I held my 5 kids accountable for their actions of how they treated each other, and though there were many bumps in the road (most ALL of them comitted by the oldest-so they all learned from his mistakes), they are all close now. We truly enjoy getting together, and they celebrate each others little victories via email, and texting, even though they are very scattered geographically over the last few years. Hooray! (I dread getting together with some of my siblings and their kids.) Don’t get me wrong, I understand my mom did what she thought was right, but, uh, it wasn’t. Keep fighting the good fight, Meg. It pays off in teaching them compassion and empathy.

tricia - I have not read any of the other comments here Meg, but judging by the sheer volume, it’s obvious that we are all saying the same thing. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! My girls have been at it A LOT lately too. Makes me batty! I want it to stop. I try to make it stop. I do everything I can, and it still happens.
Luckily (even though it’s hard to imagine), you’re right. God loves our children even more than we do. I guess it all comes out in the wash, so to speak.
Keep on keepin’ on, girl. Thank you for sharing. I think that the warmer weather and the sunshine are going to do wonders! Stir-crazy does indeed make us crazy!

Andrea R. - My girls fight and fight and fight. The next minute they are lovey dovey…only to fight again in an instant. Sometimes my solution to it all is to separate them because even though they fight constantly, they cannot stand to be separated even more. You are right ~ this is harder than I imagined and I was fully aware that is would not be a piece of cake.

jerusalem - i feel your pain.

kim - I so understand what you are going through! I also miss the little babies that are always sweet and are so innocent. I have four boys and my youngest is 3. He has already started to pick up the “fighting” Thank you for your post. Thank you for your honesty. It truly makes me feel like I’m not alone. It wears you down…But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know one day they will be adults and past the neverending bickering. Glad you enjoy the moment..That is what gets you through 🙂

Kasey G. - My baby is in Afghanistan. What I wouldn’t give to have him home fighting with his older brother again! It is hard to live with when it happens but it is just another phase in their growing up years. Hang in there!

Tami - feeling your pain the last several months!! Prayer!! That is it!! I need to be doing more of it!! Thanks for the reminder!

Diane - So right there with you.
Parenting well is a lot of work.
The days are long but the years are short- I remind myself of that everyday and that tomorrow will be a new day.

Kristin S - Meg, seems you’ve touched a nerve for so many who couldn’t express in words what they were feeling. You did.
I’ve passed this post and comments on to a few mom friends and they’ve also been encouraged.
See? Those unplanned posts….

Cris Marsh - All I can say is that it will eventually get better. Lots of prayer, and plotting to run away will help. I always told my husband if he planned to run away he had best take me with him or I would track him down. 🙂

Tami C. - I am SO glad you wrote this post and SO glad I read it. My girls are 7 & 10 and oy, do they fight. They also pick at me, ugh. I asked my friend who raised 3 great girls for wisdom, she said “dark chocolate”. I asked for me or for them, she said “both”. We’re all is this together!

Megan Duerksen - You definitely are not alone!! I have a 7 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. They have never gotten along well. However, I also have a 7 month old. I know exactly what you mean by missing the “baby years.” When the other two are at it again, I find refuge in her smiles, giggles, and outstretched arms. This post was a good reminder to savor every minute of that because I know what is bound to come!

Katrina - You are totally not the only one. I’ve got two girls who are my world but it breaks my heart and frustrates daily to see them pick on each other. I grew up with 5 (yes 5!) step-sisters and I understand that it is indeed normal. It’ll mellow out more and more as they get older. In the meantime, I think prayer is just what we’ve got to do. I pray for patience and tolerance every single night. Seems to be helping. Most of the time. 😉

Sara - I know…it can really really drag you down, deflate you, make you just want to run away sometimes. At least thats how I feel. So I run, I exercise, I think about happy things or nothing when i run and then I feel more equipped to deal with them when I am finished. I know that when they do get along its magical. We spent spring break at the beach and when they were playing in the (cold) waves and in the sand they were so happy and there was no fighting. Mostly I hate it when I join in on the yelling and then I make everyone end up in tears. Thats when I feel horrible. Hugs!

s - oh thank you for this – this truth, this honesty, this painting of not such a rosy pretty picture because this is my reality too – the constant sniping. the anger, the hurt, and then my boiling over anger when it pushes me over the top – its so draining, so unnecessary. how many times can I actually repeat the same old thing “don’t say anything if you can’t say anything nice” (with a “it will be awfully quiet ’round here muttered under my breath) or “if you don’t let it get to you, she’ll stop – she just likes to get a reaction out of you”. no idea the solution. make them sit together and hold hands? send them to their rooms? I don’t know. I hope the fresh air will lessen the fighting – maybe feeling penned up fuels their fire. I just hope it ends before the youngest gets in on the action!

alyssa - I’m right there with ya. My kids definitely go in spurts. Right now they are fighting and it makes me not look forward to spring break. We are tired around here for the time change, the yucky weather, who knows. But we’re all tired and maybe that has something to do with it. The sunshine can’t hurt! I hear myself in my kids’ responses to each other. Super scary. Moms have to be the strongest all the time and that is exhausting. I feel your pain. We can do this!

Jen - The most encouraging thing I’ve heard on the subject was “parenting expert” Dennis Raney (Family Life Today) saying his kids faught until the day the last one left for college. He has six kids. I think he said they are friends now ;). I think we teach and redirect and teach and redirect but it is “when they are OLD they will not depart from it” (as in train up a child in the way he should go…). It’s not here in the daily process of raising them we see the seeds we planted…though we catch glimpses like you did when you took these pictures.
Blessings from another mom in the trenches! - amen! i have a 7 year old son and a 5 year old daughter and feel the same way. why can’t they just love eachother and play nicely more than not? i also have a 7 week old baby boy who has colic…so not much cuddling here either. mostly he is unhappy and screaming…which is so sad. but through it all i try to remember that god gave these little people to me and they are just that…little people. it is hard enough for me to express my feeling the right way sometimes. as i search the scripture i also see that jesus is close and drawn to the tired, brokenhearted and wounded. so see…jesus it just trying to be close to us mamas. thanks for being so honest and real. sometimes parenting is just messy and hard. i love knowing im not in it alone. thanks also for being my morning cup of coffee…i start everyday with your blog. you always make me smile! xoxo

Beth - Yes. It is so hard. I wonder where they learned to respond like that? I don’t respond like that. Their dad doesn’t respond like that . . with mean words, door slamming, etc. I have been really working on talking calmly, not getting upset/angry myself. It’s hard. And they still respond angrily sometimes. Prayer seems like the only answer! (And by the way, I love Miss Talby’s boots. If they made those in my size, I would have them. Also, those sparkly sneakers that light up. They would be mine.)

Kimberlee J. - Fighting stinks—whether you’re young or old. And it’s exhausting. I’m happy that you blogged about this. I love it when things pour out…everyone reading this surely can relate.

kristin - i can relate. completely. i hate the mom i become so quickly when there is fighting…or complaining…or whining…or backtalking…or ungratitiude…
i’m humbled and ashamed often.
but yes, god has a hope for this all. i want to find it.

elizabeth highsmith - my oldest brother and i grew up driving long hours to see my father’s grandparents and we fought. and it was awful, for him. we made the haul for my grandmothers funeral i was ten and we fought i remember my dad asking if we could just really not fight seeing how he was grieving his mother. i hope we stopped fighting. a good ten years later my brother and i made the drive together as grownups for my grandfathers funeral. we didn’t fight, we talked, we had fun. my dad asked numerous times how we made the trip. he was baffled that somehow as adults we’d ceased the grind. i love my brother to pieces-somehow all that fighting made us stronger as grown up friends.
all of that to say i do not have children, but somewhere those cuties know the fighting irks you to to the core. and one day it’ll cease! prayers.

Shaun - You aren’t alone….we’re in the throes of that right now too!

jeana - i just wrote a post about this yesterday. i understand.

Katie - Thank you for your transparency. It’s encouraging to read! My girls are 5, 2, and 9 months, and I know I have some rough years ahead of me as they grow. The older 2 play together pretty well now, but there are days that things seem to all fall apart, and I worry about if my sanity will stay intact in the coming years!
Lately I’ve been encouraging myself by the reminder that kids just tend to act their age. So my 5 year old will act like a 5 year old, and so on. So when they’re 18, they’ll act like 18 year olds, 30 like 30 year olds, and so on. I don’t know why this encourages me, but it does! I guess maybe because it reminds me that they won’t be stuck at a difficult age forever.
I also am encouraged to think that God will slowly change and mature my girls just as He has gradually changed and matured me. God has used my struggles and mistakes to teach and grow me, and the same will be true of my girls. I love to think of myself as a gentle nurturer into adulthood, because growing up and being an adult can sure be hard. If only I was truly gentle with them all the time! Some days I am a pretty nasty mama. 🙁 Thank God His grace is bigger than my mistakes, for me and on behalf of my children.

Trina McNeilly - the fighting is just beginning at my house, with the older two and I’m feeling the same way. Crazy. I totally remember doing the fighting as a kid. Of course never thought about how it made my mom feel. I just wish it wasn’t so non-stop. And I just wish that I didn’t feel like I have to yell to talk over the fighting. That does no good. It’s hard to know what to do and then when you think you might have an idea, stick to it. I’m with you…. prayer. What else? xo

Julie - For me its the hardest part of being a parent, you are not alone.

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - Oh my, were you just in my living room…….I just had a blow up with my 14 year old and 5 year old about all of the things you just mentioned!!!!!! I’m tired and feel like I am at my wits end most days. There is lots of prayer involved on my end, I will pray for the both of us that God gives us the strength.

Daniele Valois - holy heck the fighting eats me alive! When they get along, I ask them to kiss and be lovey, just for me, but it doesn’t work. I never stop asking though!
These photos are some of my favorites! I have been so into taking the feet shots too. The swing shots are great!!!

Tracey Garcia - This post made me cry. I had the most awful afternoon with my youngest today. He threw a couple of fits and screamed at me a couple of times. Then I threw a fit and lost my temper. And I made him cry and broke his little heart. And I felt horrible and held him and told him how sorry I was for losing my temper and making a bad choice. Mommy-ing is sooo hard. All I want to do is snuggle them and love them. And then real life gets in the way! I’m glad you had a great day to enjoy with the girls! 🙂 I’m hoping tomorrow is just as great for me and my boys. Tracey

Sheridan Eketone - So needed this today Meg! So so agree with everything you said. Have been feeling overwhelmed by it all this week, so glad to know I’m not alone! God is good & he has given us such a beautiful family & I WILL enjoy every moment.. good & bad! 🙂 Your blog makes me smile! Dieng for the shop to open! Hope you ship to NZ 🙂 🙂 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Totally, Totally relate. Nate is going to bed 30 minutes early tonight. We did not have cake on Monday. It’s been an interesting Spring Break.

Katie Sellers - I have the 3 year old who thinks her mom hung the moon and the baby who is cuddly and lovey…I dread the fighting that I know will come. Tell me about the good part of them growing older so I have something to balance it out against. There is always good with the bad, right?

Kris Grover - Weeeel, hate to scare you, but it is going to get worse, most likely. My two girls are 30 & 28 now, and when they were teens…OMG…watch out. They couldn’t pass each other in the hallway without an all out war in the mornings before school! I do NOT miss those days!!! Your girls are beautiful!!! Just tune them out!

katherine - No, you aren’t the only one feeling like this.
Geez, I’ve still got a lot of years of parenting ahead of me.
Thanks for going before me, and sharing about it.
It helps.

Karen Gerstenberger - Look at how many comments there are on this unplanned, honest post! It must be ministering to you AND your readers. Thank you for your courage and love, expressed to your kids and to us here. That’s why we love you and keep coming back.
I felt the same way when our kids fought. Since she passed away, there is only one kid, and he is at college most of the year. When he’s home, he likes to fight with me (not with his dad). What’s with that, I ask you? I think it’s because we are alike.
Love to you, Meg.

Holly Cox - My kids fight a lot too…it is exhausting…unbelievable exhausting. Believe in yourself, Meg….and I’ll believe in myself, too!

Gina - Thanks for reminding that I’m not only parent to agonize over this.
Thanks for reminding that the most important thing I can do is get on my knees and pray. I forget that sometimes, too often actually. I needed this reminder today!

Maureen - Thoughts to share- My mom and her sister were 4 years apart with a brother in between and one after. All the time that I was growing up, my mom and aunt were best of friends and we lived 3 blocks away from each other’s families. I have 5 brothers and no sisters so I always was so intrigued and envious of their relationship, Once I asked, “Were you and Auntie always best friends?” Her answer, “Good Lord, no! We couldnt’ stand each other all thru high school and college years. We fought like cats and dogs growing up. It wasn’t until we started to both have babies and raise families that we got so close.” My aunt and mom have both been widowed for years and really relied on each other. My aunt died 2 weeks ago at 85 and my mom at 81 says, “So hard to think of the world without my big sissie in it, I miss her so…” Your girls will always have each other plus the brothers…

mandy friend - i feel the same. we do it ‘right’ and they are still little heathens…

TonyaElise - There are four kids in my family. Four kids in eight years. Perfect space between each for fighting. And we did. All the time.
But now…my siblings are my best friends. All three of them. And we are experiencing things with each other. Marriage. Babies. First homes.
It is wonderful. I’m so thankful my parents had four. And so glad they endured all the fighting. And so glad they prayed through raising us.
I have the best life because of the family I came from and am a part of. It is all worth it. You are giving your kids a great life.

Denissa - I’m right there with you! NEVER did I imagine all the fighting that would come along w/ siblings..that is completley magnitized when they are sick! Which we have been dealing with too. Sometimes it is just comforting to know that others are there with you too, but most importantly God is..halleluyah for that!! 🙂

BELLE PHELPS - about to write this on my own blog, but I will write it here first….
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” (and while typing this, I told Luke to shut up under my breathe…nice…and he heard me…HAHAHA)
keep doing what you do
bake the cookies
talk nicely when you can (it IS hard)
respond out of faith
they see this
they do
they will imitate it
they will grow up to be beautiful like you
and they cant fight forever…right?? RIGHT? OH PLEASE SAY RIGHT!!!
my kids are fighting as I write this and it is CRACKING ME UP!!!
love you
I pray it ALL DAY LONG
I will pray it for you too 🙂

Robin - You might enjoy the info at All about personality types and how we interact as a family unit! And it’s COLORFUL!!! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - I totally get it.
my girls get along 90% of the time, but that 10% it can be reallY UGLY: i hate you’s, your this, your that, blah blah. sickening when it happens. yup prayer is the ONLY thing that can save your sanity!
how about having them pray for each other? I find that really helps!!!

sharon - my kids are in their late teens and early twenties now. my advice, talk quietly, it makes them listen AND remind them that “after mommy and daddy are old and gone, they will only have each other to count on” haha, rather drastic but i remember it would get their attention. good luck!

Leanne Mackenzie - Hi Meg,
I have been following for a while, and just had to say, these words could be mine right now.
My eldest son is 8 and I am exhausted by his outbursts and tantrums which are relatively new for him. Not to mention the fighting that goes on between 4 children anyway!
Thank you for this post, it has made me feel less alone in this struggle. I was meant to read this today 🙂
Leanne xo

Ry (AKA: LUCY) - Cool! It was warm here too. Today we played tennis and walked. It was really fun!

chasity - we’ve been going through the same thing at our house…
having two girls that are two years apart.
i think that the hormones are already playing a part for girls at 7 and 9!!
and while fighting may be the “norm”…it is not going to be acceptable with me.
i have read MANY books…most of them not so helpful. but the latest book i read had some really great information and advice.
it was called ‘keep the siblings. lose the rivalry’
i had a very good bible study/heart to heart talk with my girls and we made some new family guidelines.
they still have their moments but things have definitely improved over the past couple of weeks.
watching them get along….laughing…playing…reading together.
that is my greatest and happiest moments as a mom.
you should check out the book from the library.
very insightful.
have a great family night together!

Nancy - I am so with you. Especially being a mother to 2 girls, they can really be hot or cold. BFF or at each other’s throats. I have found like you said, just giving it to the Lord, does help. A chocolate chip cookie or two does too! 🙂 Hang in there. Your family is just beautiful and I appreciate your real-ness.

Canada Gal - Good timing for this post. I just had a big talk last night with a good girlfriend of mine regarding this issue. “Birdie Blue”‘s comment is completely spot-on. That’s the way I started out with my kids (strict, good boundaries) and somewhere along the way in the last couple of years I strayed and it shows. They sass me, and treat eachother poorly on a more regular basis. Not good. Today I was back on the strict ‘take no crap disrespect’ from 4.5YO and almost 3YO (both girls) and already things are way better. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them, they just need to know that mama (and dad) are boss and we’re just trying to help them learn to be the best people they can be, well that and respectable citizens, which sometimes I think has gotten lost in today’s society.
Anyway, love your blog Meg.

Kirsten J - Totally normal. And here’s a theory: I’m 10 years older than my sister, and 3 years older than my brother. My sister and I never fought – I mothered her, and still do. Today? We’re really not the best of friends. My brother and I fought and fought. And today we’re great friends. Vacation together, talk regularly. My mom has an Irish twin and they fought terribly growing up, she has 5 other siblings, but is closest to that sister. I predict you are laying a great foundation for your kids, and they will be the best of friends. Now, if I could only survive my own fights with my daughter. Phew!!!!!


Karen - how is it that so many of have had similar days?? Mine are almost 2 and almost 4 and beat the tar out of each other. It angers me, saddens me, defeats me and makes me feel like I’m failing at modeling Jesus to them. There are days that I feel so overwhelmed with it and tell my hubby that I’m not sure I can handle any more kids though we both would love a big family. I grew up with two brothers – the oldest is 4 years older than I am, the other in between us- we fought hard- all.the.time. I remember my mom’s tears and her pleading with us to be kind, pleading with us to recognize that when we grown up, we will want to be able to lean on each other- for we are the only ones who have all these shared memories together. I remember it sticking with me and somewhere around the time the oldest started college and my other bro and I were in high school- it just clicked with all of us big time. We are all super close now that we are in our 20’s and 30’s. They are the first ones I call when I need a listening ear or someone who really gets me. My mom is reaping the benefits of years of prayer, and years of telling us the same thing over and over again. I imagine it makes her momma heart so overjoyed to see us now choosing to spend time together. You are a great mom- one who is inspiring other moms every day with your unique ability to say it like it is, to encourage us by your realness and by showing us new ways to love on our kids (craft day happens often around here now!).

Raylene - I don’t know why siblings fight…most do and I did with my brother. I still regret it. The last time I remember fighting with him was when my mom say us both down and said “we all live together for such a short period of time..can’t we all just get along?” It made me cry. And not fight with my brother anymore.
I’m sure my mom had to have the same feelings you do. Hang in there!

Trish - fighting is the pits… it really does deplete me and makes me on edge. today was rough.

Leyla - Honey-child; all I can say is that kids have us reeled in as babies, otherwise; we’d return them! We all feel like failures as parents. My belief is that it is the difficult stuff and the stuff that makes us feel like failures that actually challenges us to be better parents. Reading your blog, you are a good mom. Make peace with your girls fighting, know that they love each other, and trust that God is working through them. They will be thick-as-thieves as adults. My sisters (4 of us) used to even get in physical fights and we are very close as adults. We still fight but we make up too.

sue - My eldest boy is 31 now and I can tell you that time flies.It won’t last forever and when its gone you long for it back. Chin Up. !!!

Teresa - I’ve been a stalker on this blog for a while (and I TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!), but being that I have a sister and she and I are 15 mo apart, I felt compelled to comment today…
It sucks, but it is normal. It’s not easy. They will probably spend more time not liking each other than they will liking one another for the next several years. I’m sorry. Two things that I remember my parents doing (which probably means that these worked) were 1. taking the slammed doors off of the hinges and then just not having a door for a week or so. It was LAMESAUCE, but I totally thought twice before slamming the next door! And, 2. making both of us sit on the couch HOLDING HANDS for however long Mom felt it was necessary. It was HORRIBLE!!!
It’s all about surviving. Take lots of deep breaths and have lots of coffee dates, and say lots of prayers! AND, keep making cookies and being an AWESOME Mom because their fighting it isn’t about you, you just get to reap the benefits. Hang in there!

Dianne - whoa…God must have known that I needed to hear that someone else was having this issue today too! I’ve been thinking that all I’ve been doing today is yelling at my kids who are yelling and fighting at each other the whole time. EXHAUSTING. I think that prayers are all that we can do…pray for them to get through this time…and prayers for our own knowledge of how to best deal with these situations. Hang in there…I’m trying to, too 😉

jill - I hate when my kids fight, breaks my heart. I savor the moments when they get along so well.

Rebecca - The fighting can be awful, can’t it? Now that I am a momma myself, I think back to the torture my brothers and I (mostly my brothers, lol) put my parents through. It helps me to remember this on the tough days: childhood prepares for adulthood. All this fighting; with you, with each other, with their friends, is teaching them to be adults. If all they knew was how to be peaceful, how would they ever learn to fight fair? Disagreements are sometimes unavoidable, and I take a little heart in knowing that if they develop their disagreement skills now, they will have better marriages, roomate situations, etc. AND, they will be better able to guide their own kids through the minefield of childhood. You’re doing a great job and setting a brilliant example, so hang in there!

rosemarie - i remember my mom’s friend telling me when her kids fight that was the worse thing… now that i have kids i see how she was right it hurts mothers alot to see her kids being rude to each other.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Uh, hello, you and your family are called, “Normal”. It would be really weird if you all got along all of the time…now that’s a problem. Thank goodness we have prayer on our side.

lucy - put them to work! my girls are 8,10,12 and there are LOTS of jobs they can fact, if they start ‘it’ I tell them go ahead, fight, I have lots of jobs I need done 🙂

Vicki - I think in our experience of parenthood there are phases. When they were infants it was sleepless nights, then there was potty training, then comes the independence phase where their job is to push you, the limits, their family, all while in their safety zone where they know no matter how naughty or terrible they are they will still be loved. The beauty of it is that it won’t last forever. But just try telling that to a new, first time mom of an infant. Those words don’t matter when you are in the trenches. I think just like when we were new moms we need to be surrounded by other moms in the same phase of parenthood who can commiserate with us and we can try on ideas and tips that have helped ease the pain of a particular phase. I have to apologize to my kids all the time. For losing it, not using my nice words, getting upset. I don’t want them to grow up and become mothers and think, “how did she do it, she just always had it together and was calm.” I want them to grow up and know that as a HUMAN you will fail. And when you do you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and say your sorry. I love that tomorrow morning will come, I will pray the same prayer, and little by little my God is going to help me get where he wants me to be.

steph - oh how i love to read this.
not b/c i like to know that you’re in a tough spot right now…
but to know that you and i are the same.
i think that means we’re normal?! i think? ha ha!
i’m hoping so with all these other comments, at least.
the fighting… oh the fighting.
why is it so hard?
i feel like i’m constantly fighting with my own girls, or they are fighting each other.
so much yelling… so much grumpiness… so many expectations (from me and for them).
this mothering thing is dang hard.
i feel like giving up some days…
and all of a sudden you get a nugget… a perfect view of why you’re doing what you’re doing.
and yours came today with your two girls playing like friends in the yard.
how wonderful!
i hope those times come more often for you… and for me… and for all of us struggling.
hugs and prayers to you, my friend!
we can all do this together. right?!
you are awesome!!! xo

Amy - Meg…you’ve already gotten 63 comments….I’m sure they are FULL of ‘you’re normal’ and ‘you’re AWESOME’….which is totally true!
I deal with it daily….I struggle with it and wonder….is it just me?
PARENTHOOD….NO ONE told me it was only to get harder as they get older….it does!
Keep smiling and keep posting the real you…
Meg Duerksen….people like you! (A little SNL parody for you!)

Nicole Q. - Loved this post – so relate – I think I posted some similar thoughts not long ago — i really agree with your statement on it being a “a surprise in parenting”. I think it caught me off guard too. Glad to know I’m normal.

Short, Sweet Season - My little sister is 13 months younger than me. We fought and fought as little girls. I even bit the feet off her Barbies once!! Horrible, I know. We became best friends after college and are so close and encouraging with one another now. These girls make me think so much of us. They will be close one day. The fighting will stop! 🙂

Gina - Funny you posted this today as just last night I was at Bible Study (we’re doing a Precept Upon Precept study of Matthew) God convicted me greatly over “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Because I am weary of being a peacemaker between my children. I don’t want to do it. I often expect them to deal with…which is sinful on my part. They aren’t born knowing how, or WHY for that matter, to be peaceful. They’re born with tiny selfish hearts and every fight, every outburst of anger, every fit, I should view as another opportunity to point them to Christ and their need of the cross. To remind them (and myself!) that we do have hearts of stone and we can’t be kind and loving on our own…BUT because of God’s great love, he’ll take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh.
Do I do this? No. Not often. My oldest is 4 and I’m due with # 4 in a few weeks and rarely do I see all the fights and fits in this light. I grow weary and lose sight of the cross…but God is faithful.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - You’re singin’ my song Meg.
How can it be that I just thought of you (really randomly) this morning and thought…is she just happy all the time…does she just take everything in stride??
I too have been taken off-guard by this side of parenting. My kids are 2 and 4 and they squabble a lot. They also seem to whine a lot.
I have also wondered…where on Earth am I going to get the strength to deal with this or change this or whatever you’re supposed to do with “this”. I’m not a natural at tuning it out or staying emotionally uninvolved. It wares on me, there are days when it defeats me.
Yes prayer! Prayer is not the least we can do in any given situation…it is the MOST we can do.
Chin up…Spring is on the way:)

Candy - Boy do I know how you feel. I am constantly talking to my kids about being kind to one another, saying kind words, having a good attitude. I feel like a broken record, and I know that I fail many many times, I lose it with them when they never seem to get it. That is when I hit my knees and pray, but prayer should come first before the meltdowns! I can tell when we are going to have a good day, its the days that I pray before the day even gets started, it always helps to have my mind right before I jump on the parenting train! Thanks so much for sharing, you are such an encouragement!

Tina I - Oh, you must have been in my car w/ my 5 kids today, or outside, or in the bathroom, or anywhere more than 1 of them are at any given time. If you figure out how to make the fighting stop, will you please let me know? I continually pray for peace. Not for the world, but for our CRAZY household. Good luck.

Michelle - Here is how I look at it. My sister and I hated each other, we would fight, we fought with my mom, we argued about stupid meaningless things. And now we are best friends. We love each other, we love our parents, we turned out ok. I think hormones and the pains of growing make you crazy, but you always come back around.
Sometimes you just need someone to say, you’re doing a good job and raising upstanding citizens. And Meg, you are.

Beth - Normal? Yes. Still frustrating? YES! Oh my, you spoke straight to my heart! The fighting, the non-stop-make-me-yell kind of fighting makes me crazy sometimes. I fail so much, too, but am trying. Prayer. you said it, right now, it’s a mommy’s only hope.

Meredith - word.

Jenny Joy - I have no wisdom. But, I do have understanding. I could have written your post word for word. And all I know is that I’m so exhausted by it all. I just want some peace. And one day, I might very well have it. But, for now, with four loud, chaotic kids hanging around, all the peace I can seem to find is in the bottom of a coffee cup, or behind the lens of a camera, or in mindlessly kneading bread until my wrists hurt. So, I’m going to grab hold of that peace. Refuse to let it go. At least it’s something.

Charlotte - i am so glad i follow your blog…
thank you for sharing..honestly…
beautiful pix. and heartfelt thoughts…
your posts are always a pleasure to read.

birdie blue - mine argue occasionally, but don’t really fight. i have four girls…14, 12, 10 and 3.
maybe, it’s because i don’t allow them to speak disrespectfully to me, or to each other (they’re working on that part). i think kids really like firm boundaries, the clearer you can draw the line between what’s acceptable, and what isn’t, the better.
i’m strict, and you have to get up and follow-through on everything. by that i mean, if you say ‘don’t do something’ and they ‘do it’, you better have a logical consequence to implement. i cannot stand when children ‘talk back’ to their parents, i just won’t have it. never have, never will. not easy, but totally do-able. it’s all about respect really. speaking respectfully to them, and expecting respectful talk in return.

Lindsay - Ahh. I needed this today. Thanks.
I only have 1 kid (pregnant with #2) but today I was sitting at the table listening to her and wondering what the hell I did wrong today.
I hope she wakes up in a better mood. Blah.

Christa - Meg,
I feel like you looked in my windows and wrote this post, right down to being surprised by it. I don’t remember fighting this much with my siblings growing up.
We are on a two week break from school right now which makes it all a little nutty here. Good thing the sun is shining.
It feels as if it doesn’t matter how hard I try…(sigh)

Alisha Gibb - Oh, wow! You summed it up for so many parents! I have a 13 year old step son who considers me his mortal enemy. We share custody so I REALLY have to put forth the extra effort to just get along and let certain things go. I fail miserably a lot. I beat myself up about it a lot! I can see the effects of this strained relationship on my own children. I constantly pray for peace and stability. I have faith that one day it will come. Thank you for your honesty.

Jen Brandt - It’s therapeutic. You needed it. We need it. We’ve all been there or are there. My 3 and 6 year old daughters do it too. It is very trying. We’ll make it. Prayers.

Fiona - Oh, how I feel your pain. I’ve been following your blog for a while and I love your honesty and openness. I have 3 boys, 8 and twin 6 year olds. Some days I just want to run away especially when the fighting starts. And I can’t understand how they can be so mean and vicious one minute and best friends the next. Maybe that’s God’s hand reaching down.
But you explained it so well. The frustration, the lack of patience. I feel like a failure sometimes too and a bad Mom when I shout back. But I come on here and you and so many others have the same frustrations and I think maybe I can get through one more day.
My kids asked the other day what was the best job I ever had. After thinking I realized that even with all the fights and arguments being a Mom is the best. The rewards of kisses and hugs and ‘I love you’ outweigh the bad times.
With that in mind and God beside us I think we can get through the ‘tough’ times.

Meg Carter - No worries Meg. My sister and I did the same thing yelled, slammed doors, threw things at each other. One incident of me pouring ice water all over her. Now we are the best of friends and laugh at all of that. It will pass (unfortunately it is not for a while) Hang in there.

Shannon - errrrr Why do they Grow Up!!!! I know I have hard times ahead with two girls…let’s just hope I can always remember how sweet and cute they were when they were little 🙂

Lari - I know exactly what you mean. My boys fight (what seems like) all the time lately. Especially #2 and #3. It wears on me. I hate it because when they get along it’s so great, they have so much fun together. I don’t have an answer, but you are not alone in feeling this way. I think it’s just part of being siblings. Sigh…would be nice if there was a quick fix!

Shelly - I swear you jumped into my head and wrote EXACLTY what I was feeling! Its nice to know its not only at my house! Not that, that will make you feel any better! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Janelle - Yes. I was just mentioning to my husband the other night…remember when the kids were an infant, 2, 4, and 6? (They are now 4, 6, 8, 10). Everything seems SO much easier back then…but back then it didn’t! Remember bottles, naps, cuddling, having them glued to Little Einsteins. Much, much easier the younger they are. This morning my boys (the 10 and 8 year olds) got into a toothpaste fight. Toothpaste everywhere…it’s like they grow older and grow harder!

Tricia - You are not alone! I have one child, a five year old boy. I love him so very much, but lately he has been driving me completely nuts. He argues and uses such a mean voice and what is even worse is that sometimes I hear myself using that same voice back to him. I have to remind myself that he is (really!) a great kid who is growing and changing and trying to figure out his world. I have to pray for patience (again and again). I have to try not to curse the makers of Legos for making Star War ships that will not stay together, no matter what we try (today’s battle!). I have to remember to thank God for this boy of mine. We just have to keep trying…

Jenni - I’m sitting here bawling because I just sent my four year old to her room – again – for the nasty attitude. It kills me. I take it personally, too. I just don’t get how someone who has never known anything bad, who has been raised in a home filled with all the non-harming, careful language, calm voices, can have developed such a mean streak. I fear that it will never end and ohmygosh she’s only four! I can’t even imagine what she’ll be like in ten years.

Iris Brown - Are we parenting the same children? :)Your reading my mail. Thanks for putting to words and in your blog what I feel & fight with daily. I feel such a failure when I see the Duggar Mom on tv(mom of 17 kids) not yell at all when disciplining her kids!!!!???? I know they probably edited some stuff out, but that’s why real moms like you are so refreshing in keeping things real with your struggles and victories. Thank you.
On another note, can you give gardening tips? I’ve seen pictures of your bouquets and garden in full bloom and would like to do the same with my postage stamp of a back yard. What type of flowers do you have? I recognized some of them. I live in MN and think have similar climates/times to plant. Just when you have a moment in your long “To do” list.

Jennifer Rizzo - Meg, My girls beat the living snot out of each other. I keep asking my husband- are we sure we didn’t have boys. And the mean things that come out of their mouths…. this is all in first and second grade!!!! I feel you pain…..

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Being cooped up all winter was doing the same thing to my girls(5 & 7). Last weekend we moved the little one into her own room(the small guest room). Its done WONDERS for their relationship…and therefore my sanity!:) I know not everyone has that option but its worked very well for us. My girls are normally the best of friends but being shut up indoors for so long day, day in and day out, would do that to anyone!
Have a wonderful day! Today its supposed to get near 60 degrees which is like a miracle for this time of year in NY!

Julianne Brimner - Oh thanks for sharing…I can so identify with this…my sister and I were 10 months apart and I remember us fighting and bringing my mom to tears…but now we love each other immensely. I had two boys three years apart and they fought, still fight at times (getting better though). I have talked to friends who have kids close together, all boys, all girls, etc., etc. and the fighting always seems to be there. So we pray and cry some and pray some more….I know this too will pass but I agree it is one of the surprising parts of parenting. Go get a good sonic drink or cup of joe and breathe deeply.

rhonda - Oh YES! i feel that way too….I once asked my two (now 6 and 8) out of frustration: WHY do you fight so much?
the oldest just cocked her head and looked dumbfounded: ‘Cause we’re sisters!
And that about sums it up perfectly.
Hang in there!

Valerie Page - You are not alone. I have days like that. In our house, we just started this new thing that they have to say 3 positives about their day at dinner and have to give a compliment about each other at bed time. It’s cute. They scream a compliment to each other from their bedrooms right before they fall asleep. Leila (my 9 year old) screamed out to her 12 year old sister, taylor last night….I loved the way you did your hair today.
and of course my 12 year old struggles at times with kind things to say to her “annoying little sister”. But she screamed back….I liked your dress that you wore to your award assembly at school today.
This helps at bed time so there are no arguments. Have to admit it’s working and I go to bed less stressed. It’s good for my 2 year old, Ivy to see them compliment each other too:)

Kari - I soooo know what you mean! We have four kids and they seem to fuss and fight all the time. They are 10, 12, 14, and 17 – parenting tweens/teens is kicking my butt! I, too, was very surprised about all the sibling fighting. My siblings are quite a bit older than me so I never experienced any of that. Everyone says it’s normal but it is hard to take day after day. I also cherish those rare moments where they are talking/laughing/playing together. Thanks for sharing this heartfelt post!

Tracy Fisher - Thank you for talking about siblings “fighting”. I can’t stand it either. Mine decide to wait until I am working at 10pm (shouldn’t they be asleep)… or in the car (in 3rd row where I can’t reach them)… or in front of the grandparents (that’s the worst!… because it makes me feel doubly the worst mom ever). Anyway, thanks for being real. And don’t you just love it when they get along and are loving on each other. Reminder to take lots of photos.
Tracy Fisher

happygirl - Thanks for blogging even when you are tired of fighting kids. Thanks for catching them when they are being sweet. I love your blog.

RebeccaH - fighting is a fact of life for us as well – mostly it is between my daughter and myself, and since she is only five, i’m thinking i have really got to get some answers to this or it will be a long 13 years ahead of us. like you i try. like you i fail. i find that i am 100% better prepaired to address and navigate the tough times when my focus is on God. i find that if I can shift her focus to what is good and what is right then she is much more easily defused. this is part of life. part of shaping and molding and teaching. yes, it is a fact for most of us. no, we do not have to resign to it as a permanent fixture. hang in there. i will be praying for you and your family, as i’m sure you are also praying. thanks for sharing yourself so honestly. you are an amazing woman of God and an inspiration to many.

Hannah - There is a book coming out in May that you REALLY should read. It’s called Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. It’s a very refreshing perspective to be reminded of how to parent our kids in light of the grace we have been shown through Jesus Christ. Check out - The Family Virtues Guide from this project : are VERY helpful with teaching one’s children (and one’s self)to live with less fighting and more good.

Jules - Amen to everything you just said. And yes, prayer is the answer! THANKS for the reminder!!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!
Spring greetings from a kindred spirit! 🙂

Ana M - I feel your words like as they are mine…
So hard to parenting, so exhausting…
Tired and weary…
But somehow, someway we mothers, do stand up again and move forward, don’t we?
And, thinking of that, you still have the strength to go outside and take pictures of some good and rare moments of your girls…
I admire you…

Sabrina L - Thank you, thank you, thank you. My kids aren’t old enough to fight with each other yet, but my 6 year old argues with me ALL THE TIME. About everything. It’s exhausting and I’ve started to feel like I’m failing as a parent. So nice to know that I am not alone. And like the poster above, I also have a cute, cuddly 18 month old baby in diapers who slams, throws and screams all day long. I almost prefer the fighting.

Brook - I could have written this myself!! Our house has been filled with fighting lately. Our kids used to get along so well and all the sudden the oldest ones seem to hate each other. It just hurts my heart. I had 6 siblings and boy did we argue about EVERYTHING! When my kids fight I want to call my mother and apologize for the arguing I did! I love all my siblings now and we get along so well so I have hope for the future! Thanks for this post it made me feel better!

Tamsen Fussell - Just to make you laugh: my youngest(6) informed me the other day concerning her older sister(12)- “Emily is being ridiculous, I’m fed up to here and I’ve had all I can take! I’m going in for a nap!” Who DOES that? Cause I’m pretty sure I’VE never said anything like that before…Gotta laugh or you’ll cry, Sister!

Kim - I have three girls, ages 5, 8, and 10. I can totally relate.

Ali - I can definitely relate to this post! I can’t wait for a time when they play nicely together, or when they are each to wrapped up in their own activities that they don’t have time nor desire to fight with each other. I doubt this time will ever come, but I have hope. They’re still little, and I still have hope. BUT, I remember fighting with my siblings all through life. I am an identical twin, and my sister and I fought tooth and nail. Even our little brother was a major brat and totally a whiney baby. But, now that we’re grown, we are the BEST of friends. I can honestly say that when I look back on my childhood, I don’t even remember the fights…I only remember the fun and the love. Seriously. Hang in there Meg! They will no doubt be best friends one day and will be having playdates with their kids and having special sister outings and they will be so grateful that they have each other! I know it 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I feel ya.
I am actually counting the number of times today that Ruby spontaneously bursts into tears. Just for fun. Just as a diversion to the INCESSANT crying. It’s usually because Calvin sat in the brown chair or beat her to the front door or something equally earth-shattering.
Also, I have a cuddly-ish baby(ish) who wears diapers and slams things, throws things, hits things, screams things. ALL. Day. LONG.
Wanna babysit???

Luckygirlamy - i stumbled upon your blog today following a link from Pinterest…
and am so glad i did!
i read through your post twice, absorbing your words & rejoicing in realizing i could have spoken the same words. as a mom, just the knowledge that someone else is out there, feeling just like you, failing just like you, praying & trusting in God just like you.
Thank you…

Abby B - When my sisters and I were this age we fought like cats and dogs too, but now they are hands down two of my best friends. Your kids will grow out of this and end up realizing that sisters are fantastic, it just takes time to grow up and realize it I suppose.

Adrienne S - You took the words right out of my mouth:)

Kim - Love your honesty Meg. Your pictures really capture the amazing bond of sisters.
The pic of annie jumping on the trampoline in her ruby reds is to die for. Everything about that shows joy!
You are doing a great job. I am not a mom, but I can tell from what you wrote that it is a challenge now – but I’m certain you will reap the fruit in the years to come.

amy - Unplanned posts are some of the best! Praying for you (and secretly not wanting my kids to get older!!)

kathleen - oh me, this is me, every word, every feeling. We have six, and when I pictured our big family (before we had them), the fighting never entered into my mind. I never knew how down it would make me, how much it would try me to the very core some days, and how much sin would flow from me as a mother. I am always wondering what I have done wrong? I am so thankful that I had no idea! I love em’ so much, but man, the hardest job ever. And the part you wrote about missing those baby years, I have thought that so much over the past year. My oldest is 12, so I am just now realizing how everyone is getting older and bigger and I feel older. I have longed so many times to be able to go back and start over, pregnancies and all, to be a young mother again. I miss it. I do have my sweet fella’ still only 18 months, but wow he’s growing faster than any of the others. We’re pretty sure he’s the last little one, and oh that makes me sad. And it’s good to see them grow, and SO GOOD when they are kind to each other. And even better when they say sorry for their wrongs against each other and really mean it.
Well anyway, this post really struck home and I had to finally comment on your dear blog. I love it and thank you for always sharing so faithfully the good and the bad…it’s a comfort and an encouragement to me! Take care girl!!

Bailey - You’re definitely NOT the only one. I’m currently exhausted and depleted by it as well, my oldest, who just turned 5 (only 5, I thought this was something for pre-teens?) is developing an attitude problem as well call it. Some days are fabulous, and thank God for those days because they do help the bad days (in other words, at least they aren’t all bad days).

Courtney Walsh - I have been thinking this same thing lately, wondering if there’s a reason, something I’m doing, that causes them to not be nice, or to be selfish. I think maybe they just haven’t quite learned to ask for what they want and to express their feelings…and my tendency is to get so frustrated by that. I really struggle with it. The fighting makes me nuts!
I’ve also got three strong personalities meshing with my own…and I’m trying to build future leaders. Good lord, it’s a lot of pressure. But I agree with you. It’s normal. We fought when we were kids too. Being able to send them outside is a god-send!!!
Love Annie’s red shoes, btw! 🙂

brooke - Thanks for sharing so vulnerably with us. I have two one year olds and I find myself yearning for them to be more independent, out of diapers, and off their bottles. Thanks for perspective.
I have been memorizing this verse. It’s been an encouragement to this mommy!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for in the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

karen - Oh you said it best.
“no matter how well i speak….
no matter how well i care for them….
no matter how many cookies i make….
it doesn’t make them nice.”
my 3 1/2 year old is just starting to slam the doors! and my 9 month old is still unaware of it all.
I feel like i am doing something wrong.

ashlee - i feel this way all the time. i was an only child so i was totally unprepared for the fighting. my kids are so kind and sweet and loving… to other people! i cant figure out why they aren’t that way to each other!
*sigh* prayer is all i have as well. and i am so thankful for that.

Wendy - I have 3 girls …. and when they fight – I make them hug & tell the other “I love you”! Doesn’t work all the time – but sometimes it’s just corny enough to make them giggle cause they soooo don’t want to do it!

Jodi - My brother and I fought constantly… to the point where hard objects where thrown and other things that could have really hurt us… but now? we’re like best friends. He still gets on my nerves, don’t get me wrong. But it IS normal for them to fuss and fight.. it just is! :o)
God’s got it… you don’t have to worry. :o)

Amy - Oh, preach it, sister. My oldest 2 (both boys) are 6 & 4. And their fighting has resulted in many a gray hair for this Momma. (I refuse to accept it as genetics. I also plan on using it -much like my pregnancy stretch marks – to hold over their heads when they’re about 16-52. Hopefully that works. *wink*) This winter, my most dreaded season, has been brutal for us. The problem w/ their fighting is there is very often no right or wrong person. No clear line in the sand. No winner. Makes it hard to settle matters. I need to be on my knees more…praying for me to demonstrate self-control & patience. I fail so often. I don’t want to be *that* mother… Sigh. Yes, Lord, bring on the warm weather!! This granola girl needs the outdoors!! 😉

Melanie - Hang in there! I am an only child and have an only child so I don’t have all the fighting etc. I have been really lucky and have no attitude from my almost 17 year old.
One day at a time.

Andrea - So glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had fighting kids lately (not that I am glad yours are, but you know – the kinship of it all). The past two nights they have gone out in the backyard and played NICELY together! I felt like if I heard one more of them say something mean or take something or hit someone or… I was going to explode on them. Then I hear God say “Take deep breaths Andrea and walk away til you calm down.” Now, when the kids hear me taking deep breaths, they say “Uh oh Momma is taking deep breaths!”

Tammy Miller - Hi Meg,
I have just started reading your blog recently. I just want to let you know how much you have touched my heart, and my life. You are so honest, open, vulnerable. I am so encouraged by you, your heart for the Lord is amazing. I am so happy to find a woman who is not trying to show the world that she has the perfect family with no problems and all the answers. We are all a mess!!! Thats why we so desperately need Jesus!!! Just want you to know I look forward to reading your blog everyday. We have lots in common. I love being a wife,a mom, crafting and good recipes. God has given you a special gift and you have used it wisely. I struggle everyday to be a good mom, and my kids fight A LOT!!! Be encouraged today because you are loved!!!!

nancy - i hear ya. i think all mothers do. you’ve survived it with one older girl, you will with these 2 as well.
my girls fought until this year. now they’re inseparable. best friends by choice. sisters by chance. i don’t know what will happen come august when the oldest moves off to college. i’m sure there will be tears. it makes me a happy mama to know that my girls like and love each other. hang in there.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I know what you mean!
On days when I feel like I’ve failed terribly, I find myself thinking about my wise grandmothers.
Thinking about how they never seemed to lose their patience with us.
Thinking about how they always seemed to stay so calm.
Thinking about how peaceful and safe their homes always felt.
But, looking back, I think that they got there by years and years of trial by fire.
That’s where we are now!
You’ll get there!
I’ll get there!
And one day, even our kids will get there!
Just keep doing what you’re doing…

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