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Category Archives: random

random again.

caught a cold today….really fast….and it's being dumb.
i have not been as sick in years as i have this year.
what gives?!
i have taken nyquil so who knows where this post may go.

i bought four songs today…

Loving wings by dave matthews live at las vegas  (i finally found a DMB song that i adore)
Everything by michael buble    (it's just so catchy!)
Sort of by Ingrid michaelson  (i like the way she says heart in the beginning & the line "my love's too big for you")
and Baby (you've got what it takes) by brook benton & dinah washington

i listened to it 8 times.


i had a nightmare that the SUMMER magazine came in the mail and it was beautiful.
then i got to my article and all the pictures were awful and so dark you couldn't even see what was it them.
not a good night's sleep.



i packaged and taped all the prints to be shipped out.
makes me happy to know that so many homes will have more rainbows.  :)


i watched EAT PRAY LOVE while packaging things this past week.
i remembered my favorite line from the first time around

"ruin is a gift" 

i am dreaming about having a week in my home alone.
or alone with just craig.
nothing that has to be done but just enjoying my home….having some quiet….

it sounds DREAMY.

maybe this summer i can work that out. 


what kind of blogger do you think i am?

do i have a category?

is it obvious and i just don't see it?

who am i? 

ha. just kidding on that last one.

i was asked what i am and couldn't give an answer!
and it's been bugging me.
what do you think?


i have another giveaway for you on my other blog……from french bull & huephoria!

come see.

it's a quick one though….so don't miss it.



SuigNeure - effexor pharmacy coupon pharmacy technician job in dayton ohio

Bernice - With a blog title like “Whatever” do you really need a category? πŸ™‚
I just got the hubby to get Eat, Pray, Love for us to watch together… because I watched it on the plane and keep making references to it and they’re all flying over his head.

crystal beutler - Man – you and are are on the same wavelength! I was just talking about trying to find a an app. that would allow me to translate text, or speak with people while I am in France this summer. And voila, here it is — on your blog! Merci Meg. πŸ™‚
Love the music choices.
You are getting sick a lot because you have a lot going on, and it is probably more stressful that you realize. Every time I have too much going on, I get sick. Every single time. I think it’s the curse of a busy mom.
As far as blog categories go — I put you in every one of these: awesome, inspiring, and funny.

jennifer delossantos - What kind of blogger are you? Inspirational.
What category? Reality.
I love that your blog is filled with a postive outlook, but yet not an everthing is rainbows and sunshine outlook. You just seem real. It come across to me that you post like some days things are rough, being a mom is hard, the house isn’t always spotless,…yet you are thankful and rejoice in all of it.
Love your blog!

Trina McNeilly - Hope you feel better!!!!!
A week at home in quiet and clean does sound kind of dreamy!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your blog runs the gamut! I’m not sure what categories there are but ‘delightful’ & ‘always makes me smile’ come to mind … do those qualify?

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your blog runs the gamut! I’m not sure what categories there are but ‘delightful’ & ‘always makes me smile’ come to mind … do those qualify?

jackie - What kind of blogger are you? A FANTASTIC ONE! REAL, GENUINE, FUN! Just a few things that come to mind.

Karen - Hmmm. I have different folders for hundreds of different blogs (such as Decorating / Recipes / Sewing / Crafts / Holidays)… well you get the idea. Your blog is under “Favorites” πŸ™‚ You are the first thing I read every morning. You are happy, inspirational, fun, creative, full of life, lovely and REAL. You INSPIRE me to more LIFE – does that make sense? And it doesn’t hurt that you take awesome pictures AND you can write!!! love ya, can’t wait for the pillow & print!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You are a wonderful, precious, blogger that is a mommy full of faith, fun and rainbows. That is my take anyways!

Courtney Walsh - I’ve heard my blog categorized as a “lifestyle” blog. No idea if that’s true, but maybe that fits you too? lol

mia - Hope you feel better…
Have a blessed wednesday!

Becca Rojob - Have you heard of Regina Spektor? I think you’d like her music. You can listen for free on Listen to Fidelity or Samson.

Jenny B. - You are MEG. You are a hoMEGrown Momma to Energetic Girls (and boys). You know who the alpha and oMEGa is. You fill up your MEGabytes with style, create MEGaprojects, and maybe cook something with nutMEG (had to throw that one in). That’s what you are, and I think you are MEG-eriffic! But, you know… whatever works. πŸ™‚

karen - Awesome Blogger Meg…that’s the category.

Brooke - Whatever you blog is I love it πŸ™‚ I really enjoy that you are random and blog about what is going on in your life – enjoyable or not so much.
I just watched Eat Pray Love and actually really liked it, I had heard the contrary so I was glad it was better than I thought it would be πŸ™‚
Get better soon.

Tonya - I love your blog. It’s about life and WHATEVER it brings! Thanks for letting us in!

Tracy Fisher - “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – e.e. cummings. That’s what I love about you and your blog. You give me courage. Does that answer your questions?
Keep on keepin on!

Jennifer - I love reading your blog because you are real. I guess that makes you a real blogger. πŸ™‚

Mary - Duh! You’re WHATEVER!!! :)In the best kind of way! I didn’t have time to read everyone else’s comments, but I am sure others told you the same ;O)

hollie - rockin blogger, with a mix of family, crafts, photography, and lots of grace!

elliottsurf - Your blog category would be”inspirational” or “family”. I love your take on things, mostly positive, but realistic. You inspire many of us out here! Where did you get the rainbow tape? Please post your source.

gina f. - i think your blog is an “every girl (or guy?) blog. There’s crafty stuff, kid stuff, home stuff, Meg stuff, inspirational stuff, real life stuff, random stuff that = fun stuff. Every day is different but it is all you and i like it! i have 5 kids and have the same dream as you… a week at home alone to accomplish stuff (besides laundry, cooking, cleaning, chauferring). love the every day (most days) but dreams are good!

rachel / - i don’t know if you would fit into a category either. πŸ™‚ you are “WHATEVER” in every sense of the word, spelled out in rainbowy letters. love the pic of the prints & your cute tape. πŸ™‚ get well!

Julia - You ARE….someone who has never visited my blog πŸ™

jennibell - I agree, you’re in the “real life inspirational” category. If there is one πŸ™‚ I would love, love, love a week home alone!!! I *think* we’re going to get one this summer. . .think. It’s on the calendar at least. I can’t wait. I had the morning home alone today and it’s been an awesome treat. I love my four kiddies. . .love, love, love them. . .but this has been refreshing too. Can’t wait to check out your songs. . .I definitely need some new tunes. Hope you’re over your cold soon — I have one too and it’s tough being the mommy and being sick. Not too sick that you can’t get out of bed, but run-down for sure. Have a better week!

can you imagine if BELLE wrote that???????

BELLE PHELPS - I have no idea who I am, let you alone YOU!
I hate those questions
had to answer in a sentence for project mom who I am and what my blog is about
UMMMMMMMM…..I dont know???
sounds convincing, doesn’t it?
but if I HAD to answer on YOU….hmmmmm
“WHATEVER is where I go when I am so focused on the perfect, that I miss out on the ordinary.”
I love you
my day sucks
can I just start talking a bout ME here?
I need therapy
all for now
Luke has kindergarten evaluation now…my baby is leaving…:-(
(ps…do you like SUGARLAND? My new favorite!)

Jenn - I am so excited for my print!!!!!!! I think your blog is a great mix of family life and creative crafting. I think all your readers enjoy seeing how you work your style into your home and how you pass along your creativity to your kids – gives us all lots of ideas too! - What type of blogger are you? A GOOD ONE!

deborah@applesinwonderland - dave matthews IS the background music in my house. loving “die trying” and “you and me” right now. and my new answer to people wanting me to categorize myself? i am trying to live without labels. pop out of the box, baby!!!! hope you feel better soon. nyquil makes me nuts.

Sarah Wolfe - You have something for everyone. I’m not crafty, but I like to see your crafts… and some day I just might do one. Love your home ideas. Love your creative photography. But mostly, I think people read blogs to feel connected and inspired. You’ve got both, connection to your audience. And inspiration. Best of both worlds πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - get better!
does that mean you are taking a break
from the shred?!
I lasted 2 days, needed 2 days to recover.
now I have to get back on….
in good news since feb 14th I have lost 14lbs!
I would say you are the crafty, honest, down to earth, faith filled, mom blog!!!

Beth {Embracing Twentysomething} - You are a beautiful mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter, and inspiration to all. Not just any mom blogger, but a true example of what it means to be living openly, honestly, and in faith. I love the raw truth you share – straight from your heart.
Thank you, thank you. πŸ™‚ {oh, and feel better!!}

Jenny - Some of the most amazing things cannot be categorized! They cannot be explained, but they make you feel good inside. They make you happy. I would say that you cannot be described to fit into one category and that makes you AWESOME! And, that AWESOMENESS spills over into the parts of the world you reach. Thank you for being you!

Jessica Johnson - i’m sick, too. boo. i say blame jillian. i can’t. but you can. and i would go with lifestyle, too. or maybe “larger than lifestyle?” because you are so much more. <3

Sugar Mama - You just defined why so many of us love your blog…. because you are “you” and don’t try to conform to one specific category. I love that I can come here for craft ideas, parenting stories, pictures of your half shaven dog, or read about the love you have for your husband. It’s fabulous.
But if you MUST tell them something, I’d say “lifestyle” blog fits you best. Or “fabulous” blog if that category is available. ;o)

Jacci - Lifestyle blog πŸ™‚ We’re expecting our 5th baby in September, and I’d say your blog is about married life with five kids – your lifestyle. Other lifestyle blogs may feature fancy pants restuarants – you feature SONIC! Other blogs may feature great night spots like clubs or bars – you feature romantic getaways in the BATHTUB (which get interrupted by puke. Other lifestyle blogs may feature gourmet recipes – you feature rainbow Jello-O. Interior design inspiration? You’re all over it with pom pom trim that never ends and doodly “Summer To Do” lists. Definitely lifestyle – Meg and Craig style, mom of 5 style, Waffle lovin’ style, Christ-honoring style lifestyle. That’s why we read you!!! πŸ™‚ You’re our own lives in a lovely blog page.

Jen - I don’t think it’s going to help much but I have your blog bookmarked under “Home.” All my favorite blogs are under that tab.

Tonya - I don’t know what category, but whatever you love, I end up loving. So maybe you’re “Influential”…I bought myself a polka-dot nalgene…can’t say polka-dots were ever on my radar before. and I just danced to Baby (you’ve got what it takes) and memorized Phil 4:8 and have it on my wall. I have all boys, but I’m wondering how I can incorporate rainbows, actual rainbows, in their room. πŸ™‚

Carla - I’d say the category is ‘craft, pray, love’ πŸ™‚

Claire Wood - I consider you an honest, Christ-following (faith-in-action), creative, hilarious-funny, REAL woman who encourages others through her mothering, crafting, traveling, photographing, and living.

Astrid - I just gotta know- where ever did you find that Rainbow Tape?

Susanna - oops! scene NOT seen! HA HA

Susanna - You are my favorite blogger! You make me laugh, so that’s the best category to be in!
I have had 3 of my 4 kids sick this week + my husband. YUCK! I feel your pain about a quiet and alone house.
I loved Eat Pray Love too…read it and saw/own the movie. I love the bathtub seen in Italy with the old woman. HOOT.
BTW as far as DMB–try the Grand Canyon(IMAX film) album.
It’s fabulous…made the whole family a fan and we listen to a lot of the same music y’all do.

Meg Carter - Meg! you are in a category of your own… the “whatever” category could not fit any better. I read many blogs, but always have a slight excitement when I see whatever in bold on my reader. I think what draws me to your blog most is that I never know what to expect it is always all over the place and I mean that in a good way. It is kind of like a grab bag and who doesn’t like a grab bag surprise. Some days it will be a mommy blog some days it will be a craft blog and so on, but it is always fun to read. BTW I literally laughed out loud at the pictures of waffle.
Thanks so much for your inspiration and entertainment! πŸ™‚
-another Meg

Terrie G - You are a real life blogger! That is what I LOVE about it! We could call you the Rainbow Blogger! Love that too!! Can’t wait for my print to hang in my new craft room! Moving furniture in today!!

Necole - I love sitting down with my morning coffee and reading your posts. It is like calling a friend in the morning and having a chat.

Heather R. - You ARE “Whatever”…and I love it. I fell in love with your hallway a LONG time ago(red polka dot rain boots)and have been reading ever since. You are family life, decorating, crafting, and laughing. Love Buble. ~Heather R.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I would put you in β€œcreative moms” category. πŸ™‚ Was it me or was Eat Pray Love a long movie? I think it was an interesting movie though. I love watching movies while I work, and have more recently became a big fan of listening to audio books. I’m currently listing to which is pretty good if you haven’t read it.
Ok, I’m kind of curious where you got your rainbow tape, but a little afraid to ask since most tape is made in other countries… I’ve become a bit of a made in usa freak and am having a hard time with all the crap made in China. No Wal-Mart shopper here.
Hope you feel better soooon! I take vitamin D to avoid getting sick, it definitely helps. πŸ˜‰

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I recently said the same thing about the sick bugs this season.
2. That’s one heck of a stack of prints.
3. You are the first person to tell me that they love Eat, Pray, Love. I am inclined to believe you.
4. I dream ALL THE TIME about alone/Cory time in my own home. I would stay up until 2 a.m. and sleep until 10. I would eat an entire meal of just bruschetta. I might go to the 10 pm showing of a movie. I would crank up my music. I would not wipe bottoms.

Su@The Intentional Home - me personally come here for creative inspiration so would that make you a “crafty blog”. . .oh so much more that that though.
and oh I so dream of having the house to myself for a week to. . to create and putter and spruce and nest. A few years ago, I sent hubby and kids to his parents’ lake house for a weekend and I had a girlfriend over and we spent the entire weekend creating and scrapping and ordering in Chinese.
I check out your blog everyday. . I enjoy it so much. Thanks for the time and energy you give it.

Maureen - Two summers ago, my husband went on a fishing trip to Canada with our two sons and our daughter went to camp in Colorado the same week. When I actually figured out they would be gone all at once, I took vacation time from work. One friend was horrified that I would use vacation days without my family. But I have to tell you, it was absolutely perfect. Empty clean house all to myself. And then being so excited when they all came home, win win for everyone.
I think of “family” when you ask what kind of blogger you are…

Shauna - Your dream made me laugh out loud…you are funny. You are a happy blogger. Thats how I think of you. When I visit your blog, its radiates happiness. Colorful, warm, honest, inviting…you dont try to pretend you are perfect. Beautiful pictures, crafts, recipes, good stories, the ups and downs of motherhood…Its a good balance. Completely original.

Hannah - i think your blog is about…LIFE! and i love it..and obviously so do LOTS of people! you are REAL and that is what people love!!! loving the rainbow tape! awesome! πŸ™‚

Kezinengland - bwahahahaa – i just saw your pics of Waffle!! hilarious!! i would so do that, except he would prob still be like that in 2 weeks – im such a procrastinator!
I also downloaded the M/Buble song this morning! the very same one πŸ™‚ Great minds think alike huh?!
Hope you feel better soooooooooon Meg,
Kerry x

leonieke - i think your blog is all about creativity, and inspiration.
at least, for me it is. so i think you are a colorfull, creative, original woman. (and i think you’re a real funny mother to have as a kid,.) but who am I/ i don’t think i can judge you from another country, only by reading you’re blog.
one thing i know for shore,…you are a really bad dogshaver:-))

Annika - I actually referred to you as “a kind of mommy blogger” the other day, when I was talking with a friend who also reads your blog. But I would definitely say your blog is not just about family life, but also is about crafting, photography, your sense of humor and finding joy in the everyday. I also get a very strong sense of you being a Christian, but I do not think that that would be what defines this space. How about “love & happiness blogger”?
Hope you feel better soon!

happygirl - If you tell me the blog categories, I’ll have a better chance of pigeonholing you. I wonder where one finds the category list?

Jen - Ummm, that’s a hard one. You’re definitely a mum who blogs as opposed to a ‘mummy blogger’ if that makes sense? Maybe a family/home/life blogger. Whatever it is, like your style!

Valerie - I would say your blog qualifies as random lifestyle πŸ™‚ Love it!

Leah - I’m thrilled to know my typewriter print is in the midst of that very large stack. I already bought the perfect frame for it at a Goodwill Store (love buying things there). Can’t wait for the rainbow stickers to arrive. And I don’t think you fit into a category, Meg. You have so much going on — family, crafts, photography, cooking, reality. I know I’m absolutely no help. And finally, was Eat, Pray Love good? I can’t decide if I want to watch it.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Hmmm…a lifestyle/family/’find the lovely in every day’ blogger?
That is a tough one, you’re right.
And springtime colds are bad.
Shouldn’t there be a law against
being sick in the spring?
Happy Nyquil-induced stupor to you. πŸ™‚

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it’s friday.

i am so glad.

it's been a yucky week of laying around and not feeling "right" but today…..
we had a calm morning with all good moods!
my kids were all playing outside before school!
good stuff.

and i feel normal.

i slept great.

it is a good day.

my camera was in hiding all week since i was in hiding under my covers….
but yesterday afternoon i brought it back out.


 can you tell which mug is my current fave????


sneak preview of some hoodies in my etsy shop…..literally….i have only 3
and my love for matilda jane is huge.    
annie adores the clothes we got….and everything is SO DARN cute on her spunky little self!


i am so grateful for blogs.
with the help of blogs i have had some excellent dinners this week.

we had this on monday.   
every bite was eaten.
a new favorite.

and this on tuesday. 
raig and i both said several times "soooo good!"
it was.

and THIS tonight.     

OR THIS…..i can't decide.



stuffing pillow forms into cases
cleaning my bedroom 
taking pictures of pillows for etsy
making chocolate chip cookies
going to a park (if the sun stays out)
getting out of pajamas before noon (maaaaybe)


happy weekend to you! 

here's to sleeping in with my man in the morning!!!  woo-hoo.



chasity - i LOVE that annie is watching buster more than the laundry pile…totally cracked me up!!!!!
great photos.
a day in the life…..

jami - You should make the taquitos. That is one of my family’s Top 5. Absolutely love those! And you should definitely make them with the creamy cilantro dressing for dipping.

tam - I hope you had a great weekend! I love seeing snapshots of your life and home. Always so colorful, makes me happy!

Jana - Completely unrelated BUT I spy parenting with love and logic on your nightstand. I love that book. Still working on employing the program 100% of the time…not sure if that will ever happen πŸ˜‰

Lori - LOVE Our Best Bites! I’ve made both and I vote the Chicken Fingers πŸ™‚ SO delicous!

Daniele Valois - I think your photos have gotten better in the past couple of weeks. It seems the focal point is more deliberately placed, and the depth is really nice. I also love this last photo, and the crayons. The hoodie is adorable!

Kristin S - I’ve said it before but your random posts are my favorite and these photos are stunning! Stunning snapshots of every day life.
I must say your bathroom counter might be my favorite. Why? Because it looks like mine. I have a grand illusion that everyone in the world has clean counter tops except me. Thanks for helping me with reality this morning.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Glad to hear you feel better. Love your pictures of real life with the Whatever Family. Happy weekend!

crystal beutler - So glad you are feeling better!!! Love all the pictures — your house just makes me happy to look at. I love the one of Waffle. And that hoodie — stinkin’ cute!!! Can’t wait until your shop opens — it will make me happy just to go there and visit all the colors. πŸ™‚
Glad someone else has a drawer with a red blowdryer hanging out of it, and products all over the counter. I feel right at home looking at that. πŸ™‚
Hey, would you believe I found a service camp for teens. Sounds really cool. However, the aged limit is 15. Missed it by that much. Dang.

Dina - Does your mug say “morning” or “warning”?
I need one that says the latter:-)
LOVE all your pics…pretty sure we’re related…necklaces, ribbons, quilts, crayons….come on! Oh..and Sonic happy hour — the best! I went today and the kid who took my order first introduced himself as Bruce Wayne then asked me if I’d like to make it a route 44 for just $.10 more…God Bless Sonic:-)

Kimberlee J. - Okay, I might be crafting a hoodie because I’ll never beat the other 450 people who said they loved it.
Tal will enjoy it next Fall, right? I better get started. That’s how long it will take me…just to find fabric I will commit to.
I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Two in bed is better than being alone. πŸ™‚

Sharla - LOVE Annie’s outfit – that hoodie is too cute!

beki - Happy, Happy Friday! And now I’m off to check out those recipes πŸ™‚

Lynn - Where can I find that mug? Anyone? I’m nuts over it!

Shauna - I want one of those hoodies!!!! Love your happy pictures.

Kimberly Dial - I love your posts. They never fail to make me smile. Thank you.

Kimberly Dial - I love your posts. They never fail to make me smile. Thank you.

becky - ah. thank you for being SO. REAL. it makes me feel like i can maybe hang in there as a new-er mommy. πŸ™‚ it’s just. so. exhausting some times. to be intentional. and loving….. and patient. πŸ™‚ and not just drop them in my hubby’s arms when he gets home & say ‘see ya!’ love reading your sincere & authentic words. thank you for what you do. i know it takes a big chunk of time, and we appreciate it out here in blog world! πŸ™‚ happy weekend.

Mallory - Oh Mama those Walmart pizzas are YUMMY! πŸ™‚ Can I come over for dinner?!

Leah - I am SO making those taquitos tonight. Thanks for the new recipes.

betsy - Oh, Waffle! SUCH a rough life πŸ™‚
I want to bring him here to play with my Minnie. They’d have fun. I’m sure of it!

Janine - Oh my goodness! Can I come over and cuddle with Waffle? I only live a few thousand miles away! Have a great weekend!

jaz - WooooOOOOoooo! Did someone get a new macro lens??? Gorgeous shots!! Lovely depth of field!!
(Absolutely GORGEOUS Rainbow jumper!)

Deputy's Wife - Update on me stealing your idea to make the chicken taquitos tonight: I totally missed the part in the recipe where it says to warm up the tortillas before you roll, otherwise your taquitos will crack. Yup… mine are a big cracked mess on my stove. I am still baking them though, I think they are edible, just a little ugly. HA!
Ugly Taquitos anyone???

shauna reed - Can you tell I’m typing in my phone? Gotta love predictive text. I like to keep ya guessing.

shauna reed - Dude. You should make the people bid for your sweatshirt. Would that be mean? Or fun?
Ella would live one-shot those babies. Maybe i’ll try my hand at one…xoxo
Enjoy snuggle time this morning. Lucky.

Christine Ishmael - Glad your feeling better…I may make it to the post office this weekend to mail your “thank you”, it’s on my list…my hubby and I bought those twin “Good Morning” mugs…LOVE them! Have a fabulous weekend!

Liz Prince - do you know how much i adore reading you each morning?! u always inspire me and put a smile on my face. sweatshirt is adorable…. i wish you made it in my size πŸ™‚
happy weekend!

erin - i’ve made the chicken taquitos are they are soooo good!! have a great weekend, and thanks for always making the ordinary look so beautiful!

Gretchen - Meg,
Thanks for the links to some good recipes — feeling at a loss today on what to make for dinner (soooo not a cook and don’t enjoy it a lot) and the pulledchicken seemed easy enough and something my husband and daughter would both like! So, literally, it’s in my crockpot right now! Thing is …. there is SO MUCH sauce, it looks NOTHING like the pics. See why I don’t like cooking? It never turns out like the pics! πŸ˜‰ (And yep, I definitely checked my measurements b/4 I assembled — that’s how not confident I am.) Why oh why so soupy? Was yours?
And now for the non-cooking questions … πŸ˜‰
I see I’m not the only one wanting to know how you store/display your necklaces … so can you spill? Perhaps a pic or two? I’ve got mine in two places and one is totally hidden away and seems like a waste (they are so happy to look at) and the other is a fun dish I have, but they’re all in a jumbled pile. Not so happy.) So spill, sistah!
And last question — seriously, how about some more hoodies? What kind of size range do you go up to? My daughter’s an 8. Ahem. Ahem. Would LOVE one for the spring as her go-to hoodie.
How’s THAT for a first-time commenter (I think) and a long-time reader (I know!)

erlfisher - My nightstand looks exactly like yours…carmex…coffee…too many books…except my alarm clock is black instead of white. Love that Waffle. And I vote for the taquitos, too!

Marie - ok that sonic drink just made me jealous. I used to live 2 minutes from one and now the closest one is almost an hour away. πŸ™ My favorite, was their Vanilla Dr. Pepper. Just sayin’. Oh how I miss it. That’s all, glad you got to enjoy yours!

RLG - I’m curious: how many hours per week would you say you spend cleaning the house? I’m desperately trying to get a handle on how much time I spend cleaning, or thinking about cleaning.
I think I’m going insane. xoxo

Laura Phelps - Friday mornings are ROUGH over here
not sure why
we always over sleep
rush, rush, rush
hate it
need to go to bed earlier I think
happy for YOUR morning
woo hoo to that
and we have had a sick in hiding week too…
hope for more sunshine this weekend!
love you

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you.
I am in such a recipe rut.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Well, I just bookmarked the taquitos, so you have MY vote…

april - Wow love your necklace collection!!! And walmart pizza is the best…and uper easy to pick up! Love the pics…whats up with all the cooking lately lady? Can you ship some to cali? hahahah

Tess - i love that mug. i bought it a month ago and i swear coffee is more delicious from it.

Andrea - OMGeeeee those taquitos are so good, one of our favorites. Have.a great weekend.

se7en - A feast of Photographs!!! O frabjous day!!! You just made mine – love it!!!

Timalee - Today I feel exactly the way Waffle looks, can’t wait for the sun to come back out here!

Lisa - What adorable clothes! So cute, and will look quite adorable on my own little spunky almost 4 year old. Enjoy your weekend. πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - Great post! I love your pictures. Thanks for the new recipe ideas. Jealous that you get to sleep in with you hubby as mine is away for 4 1/2 months of training for the Army. πŸ™ But! Happy for you! πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend. Love your blog!

shelley - your pictures make me want to sing !! I just all the beauty you capture !

kate - l.o.v.e. that hoodie! so darn cute! my daughter would love it. and you can’t go wrong with anything from Our Best Bites, but i can say that those taquitos are amazing! we love them around here.

Carolyn - We had the OBB chicken taquitos a few nights ago. They were SO GOOD. Dipped them in guacamole and sour cream–yummy! Definitely put those on your “to make” list if you don’t have them tonight. And thanks for the other recipes!

Jenny B. - So glad you’re feeling better! That rainbow hoodie is ADORABLE. Wish I had a little girl to put one on. πŸ™‚ I’ve been stalking your Etsy shop all week – so afraid you would open it while I was at work, and I would miss it! ha! πŸ™‚ Oh, and your bathroom counter looks all too familiar. And I love that your lamp shade is crooked. Yup. I do. Have a great day!

Kim - Love that Sonic Happy Hour makes a frequent occurrence as one of the best parts of your day – anytime I get to sonic its the best part of my day…just wish they were a bit closer. It’s the little things.
And that might be my favorite picture of waffle EVER. I think he was so happy to have you on his level. πŸ™‚ So sweet.

Britanie - The baked chicken tacquitos are the best, you HAVE to make them, you will definitely not regret it! I love the hoodie, my 6 year old would never take it off! I’m a long time lurker, first time commenter, just want to let you know that I feel my day is incomplete until I check in.

Gemma - Yay for the weekend!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing your cushions : )
Wish I could have some chocolate chip cookies RIGHT NOW !!!

steph - i totally made julie’s baked ziti last weekend!!!
ha ha ha ha!
i love looking for easy and yummy recipes via blogs too.
so wonderful!
i think i’m gonna have to make those pulled chicken sandwiches this weekend.
maybe a good meal to eat after church on sunday?
glad to read you’re feeling better.
feeling sick as a mom just seems unfair, huh?
who the heck is supposed to take care of you?!
hoodie… ADORBS!!!!!!!
i NEED one for one of my daughters at least! ha!

amy d - i nearly had a heart attack when i heard the basketball outside this morning…thinking i had slept til when school gets out!!!!
i woke up thinking, holy moly how could i have possibly slept through the whole day!!! …then i looked at the clock and fell back in bed and was out cold. πŸ™‚
love mr waffle’s picture.

SueWis - Somebody likes silver and gray. Surprising first choices from the new box. πŸ™‚

Heather L. - I want a hoodie. STAT! So cute!

Heather - I know your daughter has been compared to Ramona Cleary before, but it’s worth saying again. Her little outfit is absolutely precious!

ashley jensen - Oh my goodness…I so want the rainbow hoodie for my daughter! Too stinkin cute!

Deputy's Wife - I vote for the chicken taquitos tonight. Actually, after I read the recipe, I am going to the store to pick up tortillas to make them!

Vera - TGIF indeed! So glad you’re feeling better!!

karen - i love this post! colour me happy Meg!
looking forward to your etsy shop!! I hope you are selling those cute rainbow tee’s!

Holly - so glad you are feeling better! I am planning to get out of my pjs before noon as well. Of course I promised Brian I would have lunch with him at school so I think he might get embarressed if I showed up in my polka dot pj pants! Ha! Love the picture of Waffle!

keely - Definitely try the chicken taquitos- they’re soooo good and easy and we love them in our house! Though these are good, too:

happygirl - How can you make a picture of your bathroom vanity looks so pretty. When I look at mine, I would NEVER think of photographing it. You have a wonderful eye, mrs. LOVE the pile of laundry? on the table in front of the tv. That’s where I keep mine. Hooray!!! It’s Friday.

asnipofgoodness - The Lord has been teaching me a lot about imperfection lately, it’s a process, not being perfect, being vulnerable, and letting people see the real me, not putting on airs, being real…….and you are, real I mean, and I really like that. Thank you for being part of the process.:)

Trish - what do you use to hang all your necklaces? i am currently searching for old frames to use for my jewelry, but just don’t have time to go thrifting right now.

Beth - Your little Annie always looks so cute in all the colors! Can’t wait to see those hoodies, too. Glad you’re feeling better!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Your pics make me happy πŸ™‚

Sonia - I. Want. Annies. Hoodie. Love the rainbows!! And glad you’re feeling betta!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - good mornings are no joke. doesn’t everyone have a favorite mug–even though we all have cupboards full of them (the unloved ones). loving your funky-spunky girl in the new hoodie. not to rub it in, but pajamas off at 7am. alright, so i’m wearing yoga pants with no chance of any yoga-y action today. whatev. have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Penny - Oh Waffle, be still my heart. I love him!

Ali - Two things to say: What did we do before the wonderful invention of Day Quil? LOVE that sweatshirt! I’m going to be stalking your etsy page to try to snag one.

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kleenex and dayquil.

i got a stupid cold sunday morning.
and it beat me down.
i slept all day on monday and then whined all day on tuesday.
i am hoping for a better wednesday.

i did get some sewing done.
some photo work done.
some laundry done.
but felt icky doing it.
such is life as a mama…..i know.


i finally figured out something that wendy and tyler were teaching me.

made me so happy.

i think i shouted in my kitchen when i got it.



does anyone think it's lame that i am still using my electric blanket in march? 
i do.

do you know that it's not easy storing 40 pillows for an etsy shop?

but my craft room is better than disneyland right now….happiest place on earth.

i downloaded the new adele cd yesterday.
everyone is talking about it.
i was tired of only hearing the same ones on pandora so i just bought it.

love it.

she has got a voice!

annie said this week:

after her soccer game i said "you did so good!" and she said "YEAH and i didn't even cry!"  

at breakfast scott asked me if i was going to china with a group from our church.
i said no.
annie piped up and said
"I want to go to china!  
i want to use my karate chopping on bad guys!
and eat noodles with chopsticks!
and hear their talk!"  

both scott and i smiled pretty big.

(photo by annie with my heavy camera.)

we have three kids in soccer, one in track and one in softball right now.
and two are also in basketball still and one in volleyball.

has this family has gotten out of control???

AND add on that it's march and ncaa is about go gangbusters on us.

calgon take me away!

BUT i will admit to really starting to like their games.
i used to drag my feet getting there but it's growing on me.

put me in a town with a starbucks and i am even happier!


so excited about all of you that signed up for BLOG SUGAR!
it's going to be so good.
i am debating on a dance routine or just a prepared speech……

just kidding.

although i do remember my tap routine to jailhouse rock from the 1990's pretty well…. 


Jen - Kansas is like Nebraska… you should use your electric blanket MORE in March… 36 degrees feels pretty decent in December, but in March it chills you to the bone.
My kindergartener thinks she can already speak “their talk” in China. If it is random syllables stuck together, they are certain to understand. Ay yay yay! (I’m all paranoid… if she does this in public will people think we’re racists??!!)
Hope you’re feeling better soon!

amber - I still remember some of my twirling routine to I’ve got friends in low places.
Is it wrong that an 8 year old was dancing to a song about friends in low places?
Yes. Yes is the answer. Crazy dance people. Oh well.

Tami - I thought we were busy until I read the end of your blog. We have 4 playing on 3 different baseball teams. One with guitar lessons and playing in the youth band at church. Oh did I mention, all of this happens 45 minutes from our house because we live in the mountains (aka the middle of nowhere). You did make me feel better about our crazy life because now I know we are not the only ones.

flowerpowermomma - as always, cute pics.
sorry you’ve been sick. hopefully by now life is easier.
btw, are you even old enough to know the origin of the phrase “calgon take me away” ? πŸ™‚
I say it often and get funny looks often too.

Tiffany - hope you feel better and thanks for putting me on to the new adele cd. heading to pandora… and what is a blog sugar, gonna find that out too.

Andrea T - Feel better! I had it too 2 weeks ago. I actually asked my hubby to stay home GASP! I cant wait for the etsy shop to open πŸ™‚

Heather - Oh how I would love to come to this BlogSugar event. Sigh. Why is everything so far away.

Kacey - Ok, wow – you guys are busy! How do you ever keep up with all those sports?! Yay for figuring out what Wendy and Tyler taught you – those light bulb moments are the best!
Feel better soon!

becky - hope you’re having a happy wednesday! and feeling better! thanks for sharing. love your happy yellow flowers! i think i may need to get me some in my kitchen too – on these dreary wintry days!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Random responses:
I love that mug…I saw it at world market and begged my husband for it (this is before I saw it on your blog). He turned me down…I have too many mugs.
I love love love the New Adele CD!!!

emily anderson - i want to go to blog sugar. period.
i must make a way for it to happen!

Christy - We must have been hit with the same bug! After a crazy and stressful week last week I finally succombed Sunday night to feeling miserable. Slept most of Monday as well, but a Mom isn’t entitled to that much rest so “family stuff” still had to get accomplished! =) Here’s to feeling better and being able to stuff that electric blanket in the closet until Fall!

Seamingly Sarah - I caught my daughter’s cold on Sunday too! Same timeline and so far this Wednesday has been better. I hope it has been for you too.

Cathy - Love your haircut! Shows up nicely (though a bit blurry) in Annie’s pic

Krystle - I had to laugh… my favorite thing about today’s post is the cute little bum with the wedgie about to jump into the pool. Something about kids’ bums always makes me smile πŸ™‚

Susan - Yay for you! You definitely figured something out. The second I saw the pictures on your post, before reading a word, I thought to myself “That workshop totally paid off, her pictures are looking even better than before.” I can’t wait to see what the next level is going to be for you. I loved, loved, loved your photography before you took the workshop. I can only imagine what is to come!

Holly - We are doing t ball for the first time. Our team is the Grasshoppers. I love it and so does the boy.
I wish I could go to blog sugar but alas it is a long haul from my town.
and…you should totally do a dance. It would be blogland legend!

Anne @ Baking Me - Here in SLC it snowed like crazy Monday and then tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees. It seems spring never gets here fast enough, it’s alway a tease. Oh and I think you should do a dance because dancing is awesome πŸ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Still having to use my elecrtic blanket in March, too… and I’m in SC!
It’s still crazy cold here to me!
Feel better soon!

karen - those kitchen pics are so beauty!
My favorite Adele song is ‘chasing pavements’.. sooo good.

BULLYMAMA - Feel better Meg! Love the new hairdo…your last one and this one are giving me inspiration to get a new stylish do for Spring! Kansas weather seems similar to New England and although March has a Spring feel like wanting to change up our outfits and hairdos the weather doesn’t seem to cooperate until at least mid-May…so electric blankets aren’t lame!!

Emily - Can’t wait to see your pillows on etsy. I love your blog!! You inspire me…I decorated my craft room with colorful frames and artwork that makes me happy. I think of you now when I’m trying to decide what “works” using bright colors. Keep up the creative work! πŸ™‚

Kirsten J - Cool pictures – and my daughter plays softball – both little league and a “select” team. So true about there being a local Starbucks. It makes a good excuse to use something besides a honey bucket if we’re at a lame field πŸ™‚

kristine - 1. feel better
2. congrats on the photog!
3. i would use my electric blanket if i had one.
4. we bought the new adele for our roadtrip a week ago! it’s a goodie!
5. i love yellow and grey.
6. your family is crazy busy! enjoy!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I totally think you should go with the dance routine. For reals.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i am so over winter too. dang, i was over it in november. stay warm, try to get better and whine all you want. whine about not going to china or that your craft room looks like disney but isn’t warm….whatev. i’m still getting over a cold here….the cold that i was sure was going to kill me. i get it.

Jacci - BOKEH!!! Is that what you figured out? How to change your focus and get awesome bokeh in your pics? So fun! And let me just say again how much I love your hair. It could NOT be cuter! πŸ™‚ - bleh….feel better. I still have the down comforter on….flannel jammies….socks…and my LAMO house slippers close by. Spring is taking it’s own sweet time, I tell ya. Ya gotta love the fickle Kansas weather. Or not…which I don’t mostly November thru March.

shauna reed - you have a REALLY good profile.
when you speak at blog sugar, you should have them set you up looking to the side.
then you can pretend you are in your living room and forget about us.
and we can all whisper and twitter about your nice defined jaw line(no double chin for you baby)….just an idea.

crystalbeutler - Hope you are feeling better. So what did you figure out with the camera? Love your shots of the gum machine. πŸ™‚
I’me voting for dance routine and maybe the white roller skates. πŸ™‚ Although . . . I am pretty excited to hear you speak.

Cathy - Oh, do a dance routine! How fun! Way better than a speech.

Jen Brandt - Oh! Do a tap routine! You only live once. πŸ™‚
Hope you feel better. Love your new pics.

Melissa - I would love to hear what you figured out from Wendy and Tyler….please.
I love that Annie! I bet she’s a bunch of fun to be around!

Jodi - There is no other sport in my house. Soccer that is….
I noticed Annie’s shin guard/socks right away. Makes me want to go back to when Christen was that little and playing soccer… now, it’s so… rough! but she loves it!
Don’t know how you do all you do w/ 5 kids…. I can barely keep up w/ my one! :o)

Julie K - Do share your light bulb moment from your time with Wendy and Tyler! And I adore your hair cut!!!

ashley jensen - I live in Oklahoma and there is no shame in still using the electric blanket since it will be 70 degrees one day and 25 the next! I am curious about what you learned at GoPro that you yelled about in your kitchen. I squeal and giggle when I figure things out like that!

EverydayEO - I’m still using my blanket too–in CA!!! Gasp! Shock! I’m a weather wimp, I admit it. Just bought my ticket: ) Your craft room=colors galore=bliss!!

Kathy - My kids shared their germs with me this week too. I spent the weekend denying I was getting sick. I decided to take nyquil the other night (to stop coughing and get a good night sleep) and spent most of yesterday in a fog from it. Winter- be gone! Love the pillows!

Heather R. - Feel betta! πŸ™‚

Sarah @ this farm familys life - So…what did you figure out that wendy and tyler taught you. Please tell…I may learn something.

Katie - It is snowing here today:( I am seriously researching other places to live in the US because this momma can’t take the cold and snow anymore. I can’t believe you guys are playing sports outside right now…that is amazing!

sandy toe - I laughed at your comment about Starbucks. My son travels with soccer and I always think…as long as there is a starbucks:).
sandy toe

Kelley - yay for having another thing from Wendy & Tyler click. their workshop was so awesome. I only need to hear about your crazy sports schedule to realize karate four nights a week, soccer two nights a week and one weekend day taken up by both isn’t so bad.

Michelle - adele rules! happy wednesday!

patricia - Love reading your posts … totally random questions here … where do you buy fabrics at? One special place or just wherever you find it? Have you ever ordered fabric online? I’ve been tempted to but haven’t yet. Hope you feel better soon!

cathy - Annie is so cute I also had that idea about going to China to hear how Chinese people talk so next time I went with my dad to work he took me to a Chinese restaurant at that time there wasn’t that many but I really enjoyed the food but I really enjoyed the shouting from the kitchen
I don’t think an electric blanket is lame if it keeps you warm.

Sally - Not lame about the blanket…I’m in Florida and my heat may or may not have been on the other night. I’ve been making pom pom pillows for our couches, but it seems you’re much speedier than me! These are taking me forever! Maybe I just need to buy yours πŸ™‚
Side note about Pandora. I started getting so frustrated with it at work because I could never listen to the song that I actually want to LISTEN to. My husband found this website called grooveshark and it is now my obsession! You can listen to whatever you want whenever you want!

Jennifer - Feel better soon! I love your photos! We just started my oldest in softball and my middle in soccer, and of course both practices are at different locations on the same day. A mommy’s work never ends!

happygirl - LOVE Jailhouse Rock!!! Feel better soon Meg. Dontcha hate the mom-cold vs the man-cold. Hahaha the commercial about the man-cold CRACKS me up. This one is funny, too. Poor little bunny.

Teresa - Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Hannah - not lame that you use the electric blanket. i still heat up my “rice sock” to warm up my feet in the bed…and i live in ga! πŸ™‚ i would love to see a room full of pillows…which i seem to have a thing for! hope you feel better soon!!!! πŸ™‚
have a great wednesday!

Carla - I woke (was woken!) at 5am this morning and even with three in the bed (one big man, one little) it was COLD. And I’m not in Kansas. Where it is maybe even colder?
Anyway, quick question/request…would you ever consider doing a really basic How to take decent photos of your Kids How To. Angles, Camera, that sort of thing. Would love to know some of your tricks (and I think your job is safe, I don’t see myself getting good enough to steal clients during this lifetime :-))
Just a thought πŸ™‚
Would love to go to Blog Sugar but its a little far away for me. And I don’t know how well a Humanist mama would fit in. But I’m looking forward to hearing all about it πŸ™‚

Four Flights - I think we need to get a flash mob going at Blog Sugar. And I could only imagine how awkward it would be to store 40 pillows?!?

Kori - We’re still using our heated mattress pad and our son is still using his heated blanket.
Not lame.
Warm. πŸ™‚
And also, all this talk of Blog Sugar everywhere….is it only for uber bloggers, or all types of bloggers?
Like ones that blog at random only when the mood strikes? πŸ™‚ And aren’t that super tech-y. (such as moi) It seems like it would be totally fun, but the pics of peeps who are speaking I keep seeing is kinda intimidating….

Leah - So totally random thought. But because of you, I decided to try Le Creme. Only one Vons (Safeway) even close to me carried it. I drove all the way to this store with my asleep kid in the back and I swear to you, there were only three hazelnut flavors left. The rest were gone! I couldn’t help but think it was because of your blog. Anyway, I tried it (even though hazelnut is not my flavor of choice) and it’s so good. And I love that it’s natural. Thanks for the tip.
Oh, and I don’t think it’s weird you’re using your electric blanket. You live in Kansas. It’s cold. And it’s technically not spring yet.

Courtney Walsh - Dude. do the dance. And then make everyone get up and do it with you. People’ll be talking about it, I promise!
P.S. Cute hair!

Erin Leigh - Okay, okay, gotta get the CD, already. so excited for blog sugar. It’ll be fun. sorry you had the worst weather of the year when you were here (san diego). what the heck? it’s like summer here now. beautiful and sunshiney. just wait’ll september! our best weather is september/october. we’ll save it all up for you.

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random thoughts.

i wish i didn't have to do it.
i know i don't HAVE to but yeah….i kinda do.
i wish that all of the women in the world would unite and say NO MORE.
and then in turn all the men would say "i love your hairy legs….it's hot"
and my problem would be solved. 

28 yards of pom pom trim.

remember i bought all that?
remember i went out in a blizzard to buy it?
actually i have bought over 40 yards of it and i had a bunch before i bought that.
well….it's gone.
i have sewn over 40 YARDS of pom pom trim to pillows.
i am a weirdo.

my etsy shop….will open….in march.
let's say probably

monday march 7.


did i mention that parenting is really hard?
i did ?
ok…just wanted to remind you that i don't have it all together and it's HARD.
and i am feeling….
overwhelmed and under qualified. 

i am on the desk top computer here….so i have the OLD iPhoto library.
here was february 2007:


playing simon says in the NEW kitchen…no furniture yet.

and little talby…

 can't quite tell what the top line says but the second sentence is "the boy is eating breakfast"

then february 2008:


Photo 1
jenny and lisa were visiting this weekend in 2008!  i miss you girls!
AND…i am currently wearing that exact same sweatshirt at this very moment!!!!  oh my.

little laurney.
her 13th birthday night.

then here is february 2009:

looks the same now….but more mature/old.


very close up of our cat emily taken by lauren.

and finally february 2010:

wrestling with dad….and waffle.
waffle always starts barking and jumping around when the kids wrestle with craig….so funny.


i finished my list yesterday.
and took more pictures of oranges.
and watched parenthood.
it was GOOOOOD.

now…i am off to california to be filled with so much RAD photo knowledge that i hope my head won't explode.
YAY for blue lily.
YAY for GoPro.
YAY for beach houses.
YAY for no laundry for four days.


Felipe - I think so too. I have watched all of the seosans 4 times, and i really think that they ended it on a cliff hanger. What about jess? i mean i know he is in heros, but i hope they make a new season of gilmore girls. Ok well i totally agree with you… bye.

Pangeran - I have been hearing that there isnt a sesoan 8 just that ABC Family is showing the sesoan 7 and that they are calling it new because its new to ABC Family which is going to make alot of people mad I know it already has made me mad. I was so excited now someone has pulled a lucy on me. “Pulling the football out before I go to kick it”

Carlos - hiii im maggie me and my siestr watch every season about 15 times we can lip the words im sooo pist off because they say that they arnt making another season what if theres a cancer paitent out there who wants there to be an 8th season huhh??? and she could end her life at any minute and her on wish was for them to make a season 8 like seriously they dont care there just some rich celebertys that they dont give a shit what others think soo they better read this and if they do then it will make them think that other people want this and that the world doesnt revolve around them

lazer-cosmetics - Lovely thoughts shared here. I like all. There are few lovely families which are live together and shared happiness in between. I am apart of such family.

Lauri Hersh - You’ve got a wonderful family! I know parenting can be stressful sometimes, but one cute smile from them can make you feel brand new again. And girl, try to cope up with the beauty innovation. Stop shaving! Don’t you ever hate hair ingrown on your skin? Go, try some laser hair removal!

kristen - i’ve been following your blog for quite some time now & i feel bad because i actually thought out loud…”she has a cat?”. Maybe I need to pay closer attention to things…
parenthood makes me laugh & cry & question everything all at once. I’m talking about the show & real life.
i love love love that show.

Kara Janzen - Megan! The one picture of Sean is from Kindergarten and he would have done that drawing and writing with me! My goodness that brought back some memories! Also, I’m pretty sure the first line says something along the lines of “The boy is going out” and then the second line is maybe “with ____ a date.” I LOVED watching that kid draw in Kindergarten! Can’t believe how big your kids have gotten!

sandy toe - I am having a giveaway with Shabby apple…giving away a cute little girls dress…come over:)!
Sandy toe

Kristin S - ENJOY this time learning and learning and playing and playing.
As for shaving. Well, I bought a Groupon for laser hair removal. The “do not bleach or pluck for weeks before” is quite possibly the meanest thing anyone has ever done to/for me. Who knew I’d have a full beard within two weeks? She said “just shave”. SHAVE MY FACE??? Yep. Whole new world of ridiculousness.
I’m a month from 40 and do NOT want a mustache or beard thank you very much.
Hope it is all worth it…
Again, enjoy!

Michelle Price - You said you were having a hard time with parenting. I heard this quote yesterday that totally applies. I feel that way too – on a daily basis.
“Raising children is like trying to eat Oreos and brush your teeth at the same time.”
Have a great day!

Alycia (Crowley Party) - great post! excited to see your etsy shop! - Enjoy your time in California and let us know how it goes.

Suzette - I think it’s, “The boy is going out on a date.” How cute! My son thinks girls and dates are creepy!

Valerie Page - First, I just want to tell you I look forward to reading your blog each day. It’s kind of like a pick me up for me. I enjoy using your craft ideas with my 3 daughters and they enjoy it too. I show them your blog all the time. My 9 year old, Leila loves seeing photos of your girls and what they are wearing. If my Leila could wear Dorothy shoes from Wizard of Oz everywhere, she would… (even to P.E.).:) Parenting is definitely hard work. I have been in my house for 3 days with 2 sick kids. The good thing about it is that we got to watch a lot of movies while they got well:)

Christy - Finally got around to watching Parenthood last night, too. Amazes me how well Amber and Drew “fight.” They are incredible actors. Whoever is writing the scripts over there must be eavesdropping/spying on real families because they nail it every week. BTW, have a great time in CA!

kristine - wait, you have a cat?!!?
have fun in CA! wish i could be with you!!

Kari - Such fun pictures! Our dog loves to get right in the middle of all the wrestling.
Parenthood is one of my very favorite shows! I swear I laugh out loud and cry at every episode. It’s just so good.

marnie scott - lets blame the moon. i had a rough day yesterday too. weird how silly little parenting thoughts can make you cry. AND its a good thing we are the only ones that hear these little thoughts…..(until you burst into tears after yoga class in a little sandwich shop) CRAZY LADY! i will tell you what my friends told me…your children are SO lucky to have you~you’re going to hear this waaaaaay down the road. i am glad you have your blog for an outlet…WE are grateful for you. your words make me feel like i’m not alone~thanks. really really.

mary beth - If I was going to CA I would shave my legs too! I’m on a no shave jag myself..what else is winter good for, right? It keeps your legs warmer…whatever…have fun girlfriend and come back with lots of tales to regale us with!

Diana Gibbs - Hmmm…the hair on my legs is so long I could probably braid it…just sayin’…although when the weather gets warmer and the jeans come off and the shorts go on, I’ll have to get out that danged old razor and shave.
Love your blog!

Terrie - I had the same thoughts on shaving yesterday!! Hate it with a passion!
Sooooo JeaLouS that you are going to San Diego! My old stomping grounds! Miss it very much! Also wishing I was going to learn more about photography! I love it…have lots to learn! If you need an assistant any time…Call ME!! Have a great time while you are away and don’t think about the laundry that is piling up in your absence! LOL!!..sorry…I just had to go there! Pay back for the die cut? You ARE LaUgHinG aren’t you?! Hugs! Terrie

Christina - No shaving? I’m in. I’m already two weeks in. πŸ™‚
Have a great trip!

Jenny Joy - I have to speak on shaving legs. I have a 5 foot rule. If the hair on my legs isn’t noticable within 5 feet, then I don’t need to shave. My husband doesn’t care either way. Besides, if you aren’t married to me, and I didn’t give birth to you, you have no business trying to scope out whether I have hairy legs or not.
*stepping off my shaving cream box*

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Last night I was laying in bed, and I could hear Kevin crying to Parenthood and mumbling “Oh, this is so powerful!”
(he’s kinda girly)
so I watched it as soon as I could today! SOOO good! πŸ™‚

Megan Bellomo - Bring warm clothes! It is freezing over here, it might even snow in LA, WHAT??

Jenny B. - Have a GREAT time! I hope maybe you’ll share a few pointers when you come back. πŸ™‚ Oh, and I think it says, “The boy is going out on a date.” He’s spelling the -ing sound e-a-n-u (gooeanu = going, eat eanu = eating) and he put the rest of “out” on the 2nd line ou…wt. Yup. That’s it. πŸ™‚

elisa - I so wish I was going with you.
I am having issues. Issues with everything.
Parenting is hard. I need a break.
I want to move but I don’t want to move.
I don’t know what I want.
Enjoy your trip, I am gonna live through you!!!

Tracy Fisher - Have a blast! I am jealous…. NO laundry… for 4 days!
Tracy Fisher

Lina - ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! YOU deserve this weekend and I am sure you will have a total blast, can’t wait to hear about it when you come back…..and can’t wait for the shop to open….I am so in love with those pillows with the yellow sunflowers and turquoise background….I am going to send you some pictures of my room and living room, to see what you think might go nicely, I have to introduce some nice color to this house full of boys, they will kill me if I do pink all over, but our new house the granite is kinda of orangy… anyways…will send you some pics to see if you can make me some super beautiful groovy pillows!!!!! HAVE A FANTABULOUS TIME!!!!Lina πŸ˜‰

Karen Gerstenberger - Bon voyage, traveling mercies and God bless you! May this workshop open many doors of joy for all who participate.

Staci - Have an awesome time Megan!!!!! And that bit about hairy legs….well, there HAS to be a SNL about that πŸ™‚ Annnd, our little dog does the same thing…starts barking when we wrestle…but generally, he then tries to attack (for fun) the person who is needing the help the most????!!! Crazy dog πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to hear all about your trip!!!!

Karly Meeks - I love your blog and have been following it for a few months now. You have such a beautiful family and are such an inspiration to me. I like how “real” you are about everything. I don’t have kids yet but aspire to be as good of a mother as you are.

Mindy Harris - you have a cat? have a blast in cali. can’t wait to see pics.

Kate - I only have one word for you: CROSBY!!!???

Kat - You really do capture your world/life beautifully in photo’s, so how great that you get to go and extend your knowledge even further in photography.
Sounds like you need the break away. Hm, parenting is HARD.
Enjoy the time away and the head space.
I too love Parenthood and I love looking back at old pics of how much the kids have grown.
Do you get all teary/sentimental when you see how little they once were?
I am going through that this week and oh I just want to press rewind and do it all again.

Southern Gal - *post
I don’t know what a poat is…sorry.

Southern Gal - You’ve got to see the Should You Shave Your Legs chart on this poat:
Some of the others are hilarious, too. Have fun in California!

Kate - Girl, you don’t have to shave!
I stopped shaving about a year ago, and it’s been the MOST liberating thing ever. And ya know what? I’m still hot. And everyone knows it. The hair thing is such a ridiculous societal issue started by MEN in fashion. Same thing with high heels. I could go on and on but if you want to stop, I swear: it’s not bad. It’s actually so much fun.

sue - Have fun !!!!

hannah - i didn’t get the manual for mothering either. love your honesty. does that say “the boy is going out on a date?” (my teacher instinct had me trying to figure it out!) Question…. do you all have TV? or watch TV? how have you encouraged your children to have a love for art work and participate in your Thurs crafts? love your ideas!

danielle - enjoy! so jealous!

Nicole Q. - Have a blast!

Sugar Mama - I don’t think I’m qualified to parent TEENAGERS. I’m a pretty decent parent to children 12 and under. Anything over that is becoming too much for me to handle.
And I have yet to watch a single episode of Parenthood and not cry. Even the happy episodes make me cry. I relate to so many of the characters. A beautifully written script.

deborah@applesinwonderland - a laundry vacay sounds pretty good. i’m easy-peasy. shaving your legs for the state of california? i might shave mine for hawaii. or cleveland. whatev. have a blast!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im amazed at how quickly my girls(5 & 7) are growing up and love to look back at their old photos. And the pic of your kitty is a great shot.
Im curious to know if you’ve ever done a post about a house tour? I love that your photos are really large on your blog and Ive loved what Ive seen so far but just wondered if you have it documented anywhere in s certain spot? Id love to see it:)

Kate Cupps - I think “The boys is going out on a date.”
So cute.

Tess S. - all your talk about PARENTHOOD made me start watching it. i watched every episode from this season in like 3 days. i have a 3 month old and she still gets up late at night to eat. the only problem with watching an entire season in 3 days and being completely caught up… is being caught up. i now have to wait a full week to watch another episode. addicted. aaaaaaaddicted.

Sara - Have a great time!!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Girl. Are you boozing it up while you’re scraping wallpaper?? What a fantastic idea!
Have fun where it’s warm.

Kim - Enjoy your laundry hiatus (I’m soooo envious!!!)
I am beyond excited for your shop to open. I hope there are more of your adorable t-shirts for little girls- my daughter refuses to stop wearing the t-shirt I bought for her last year even though it is starting to resemble a belly shirt….

Kori - have fun in ca! wish i still lived there right about now…it’s still snowing in my ‘hood. please bring back a pic or two to share of my old homeland!! pretty please?

Amber - “The boy is going out on a date”. ?
Love random posts.
Happy Thursday! Enjoy Cali! That’s where I’m at, it’s wonderful, of course. πŸ™‚
β™₯ Amber
Silver Lining

Sarah - I love that you are drinking a beer while stripping wall paper. That is something I would do too. Have fun is sunny california.

jeana - the boy is going out on a date? I love the pictures and the memories. Parenting is hard. Very. Have a wonderful trip Meg. Enjoy yourself! (random comments to you random thoughts)

Beth - I love looking back at past photos–it’s so good to remember how the kids (and the dogs!) have grown.
Have a GREAT trip!! CAn’t wait to see pics from it and to hear what you learned.

happygirl - Yay!!! for finishing the list. Have a great trip and share the knowledge, if you don’t mind.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Parenthood made me get all teary-eyed.
(Big surprise there- what doesn’t make me cry?)
Have fun in Cali!!!
Now, I can’t get “I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali- I’m going back to Cali- I don’t think so.” out of my mind!

jodi @ back40life - I know – isn’t Parenthood the best? we devour it every week!
have a fab time in Cali – we’ll miss you πŸ™‚

Jennifer P. - Funny how I remember all of those pictures you shared. Your photography is like a good, unforgettable movie πŸ™‚

Nicole - omg – Leah?? So jealous right now…

Lorelei Eurto - Give Kelley Wenzel a big hug for me when you see her there!

Geli - Pack some warm clothes, it’s cold here in San Diego and it’s supposed to rain Saturday/Sunday.

steph - i love seeing how your kids have grown and matured… although thinking about it, you probably don’t like it?! then you can really tell that they are indeed growing up. πŸ™
lovin’ the pic of you pulling down wallpaper with a beer in your hand. ha ha ha ha! i should put up the picture of me laying sod at our house with a beer in my hand. seems like we enjoy the same things? booze while we do manual labor?! ha ha!
enjoy GoPro. man, oh man! i would LOVE to do something like that… not enough of a pro on the camera though. just play around all the time. i hope you have a blast. i’m super jeal. laugh lots with tyler and wendy for me, please?! they seem so hilario!

Jana Moore - Would love to be going with you to GoPro…..have fun!!!
Jana from Kansas too!

Gemma - Have fun in Cali!! I hope to see lots of pictures when your back πŸ™‚
Gemma x

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to-do list.

i have too much to do before tomorrow.
when i am stressed about getting stuff done….my natural instinct is… do something unrelated.
like sew four pillows for my couch.

i just HAD too.

is that circley colorful fabric not THE most amazing?!!  i bought a ton of it because i love it so much!
(it's by alexander henry…it's called Boule.)

i have issues.

i am sure it has a name and a therapist or a doctor could talk to me about it….prescribe me something perhaps?

so many things to get done but instead i take pictures of my coffee cup.

isn't it fun? 

so graphic.


instead of using my time while annie is playing….i stop and take pictures of her playing!
this is definitely a problem.


IMG_8188 IMG_9180

just a quick lamp makeover with spray paint and a vintage tablecloth and hot glue.
you know….cause i don't have a page long to-do list.

oh wait….i DO!


ok….i have to get stuff done today.

things like……pack for my trip.
feed my family.
clothe my family.
clean my home.
make cupcakes.
put clothes away.
make arrangements.
fill in schedules.
make phone calls.
watch parenthood.
sew four more pillows…..just kidding. 

if you have emailed me….i hope to get back to you.
i am super behind on email response.
because i am very busy.

(taking pictures of oranges) 


Lisa Palmese - Love the Pillows But I adore that lamp.
It is Gorgeous
thanks Lisa

Luciane - Hi Karin,I wish I could splurge on cutosm Alluminaire lighting and matching throw pillows (which I love)! I happen to have a “Heartfelt Award” for you at my blog, since you were one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own. You can pick it up .

Shahd - Oh wow, that would be awesome if you were on the hunt for sotnehimg you’ve already got pictured in your mind.But then again, this is why I wouldn’t want a custom house built. What if they build/make it EXACTLY like I asked and then I hate it?! Ack. I am much better at tweaking and remodeling. :)Can’t wait to see what you come up with though!

Naomy - spa owner, did you know that there are so many different and fun gadgtes you can get to compliment your spa experience? did you know that there are many little gadgtes out there on the pool and spa market that make your soak a little more excellent? not

Vanessa - your business opoitaren hours by using productive use of your order-taking answering services. while you and your own employees are still asleep, your answering service staff can still be taking orders-getting more sales and boosting your earnings! your order-taking answering service would give you th

Muhazi - it be the gas heating units. their fuel tanks are alctaluy placed on their bases so despite the strong wind, they remain steady. start looking for the right gas heaters now and feel free to get portable types.these gas patio heaters are really efficient during winter. they help

Ruth Baumgartner - I L.O.V.E. this, because when the pressure is on this is exactly how I roll. I could have authored this post. So glad to know I am in WONDERFUL company.

Stacey - You are too funny! I just have to follow you! Love your style and your humor! Have a blessed day!
Stacey of Embracing Change

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andiejaye - i love love love the idea of arranging books by color!!! i tried it and loved it!!! thanks for sharing the idea with us! i put 4 links of your picture and blog on my blog post about it. (it’s little i have 8 followers) i hope that’s ok. if not, let me know and i’ll remove them. i just think you’re fabulous! blessings, andie


Sarah - I am also a crazy color junkie and I love love love those color-coordinated kids books!

Heather aka moreygirl - I’m the same way about not doing what’s on my list and sewing something fun instead! Love this blog!

Kristin S - Annie’s facial expressions are absolutely classic. You’ll be so glad someday when that sweet baby face morphs to teenager that you have so many great photos.

Lolli - wait, can you paint brass?

amy jupin - the lamps look FAB.
all capitals.
the pillows are so you.
love them.
i suffer from the same problem–procrastination!
hate it.
one more thing, i hope you have a great time on your trip!

Lorie S. - You seriously just made me laugh out loud. Such is my day, everyday. The list of things I need to do and the list of things that I want to do. Feel so much better on the days that I do the things I want to do. So since today is a rainy day, I think I will read, sew, play, and make cupcakes!!! =)

Kat - Meg, you are SOOOO inspiring! Thank you! LOVE the lamp and the pillows. Okay, i am a beginning sew-er, seamstress, whatever…i know this is a DUMB question. But would you mind telling me…do you use pillow inserts for your pillows, or just stuffing?
Would you mind telling me what size you make them (20×20?)…i love the size of yours? I am DYING to sew but FEAR is overwhelming me…fear of messing up. But you have inspired me. Thank you! πŸ™‚

Katie - I would buy a print copy of the orange photo! Just saying!

Corinne - Love the pillows, love your blog, love your spirit.
I was on another site
and saw these
and thought of you…thought you might enjoy.
Have a great day!

Leah - Those are great photos. I don’t think you’re wasting any time. By the way, do you really arrange your books in the order of rainbow colors? I’m impressed!

Katy Frame - Because I am very busy.
(Taking pictures of oranges)
LOL! You are hilarious, Meg! πŸ™‚ I hope you have a fun time on your trip! You so deserve it. And for me complimenting you I deserve a cupcake, right?? It was worth a shot! But seriously, have fun!

Crystal Swoverland - I can’t find Alexander Henry anywhere in my area! I LOVE that fabric! I need some of those pillows, no, not want…NEED!!! I am remodeling and those are my colors!!! HOW can I get this fabric??? THanks for the wonderful post, you always brighten my day!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Hey – is today Annie’s birthday? πŸ˜‰
2. Did I miss the part where you told us where on earth you’re headed?
3. I have the very same affliction.
4. Must know how you did that tablecloth lampshade thing. I’m way impressed.

Tracy Fisher - fabulous fabric… and great use of time… i think many of us relate… i was outside today taking photos of my kids snowboarding (because it snowed today… and my son insisted on wearing his creapy hat he got in Mexico… that scares the neighborhood little kids)… all the while avoiding the same list as you have apparently.. minus the cupcakes..hehe.
Tracy Fisher

Marcella - I so know the feeling!
And there must be a lot of people like me commenting on this post! Which it is a relief that I’m not the only one out there that operates like this.
I bet it does have something to do with being a creative person….

Nicole - I am the SAME exact way! The longer my list is, the more I can find to do that is NOT on the list it seems. Procrastination is my forte!
And I LOVE your new pillows! Color Color COLOR! Happy πŸ™‚
Good Luck with your list!

Lin - Haha. I feel so much better about myself after reading this post and the comments. I am NOT alone. Yay! I will go so far out of my to avoid “chores” it’s crazy. When I run out of time to get things done, and am tired I tell myself I’ll get up early and do it in the morning. I even go so far as to set my alarm early, but then the snooze button always win.

Lisa - I want one of your pillows! I need someone to teach me to sew. I’m so lame when it comes to that stuff. Love that you were avoiding your long to do list. I do that occasionally too! πŸ™‚

Penny - I am glad Parenthood is on your list. I love that show, I always feel a little let down when it ends though. I also love your blog and get excited when you have a new post. Makes my day! Love the photos. One Easter I was having 25 family members for dinner and I sat down with my girls and colored 2 hours before dinner. It relaxed me and everything turned out fine!

Tanya H - that’s what I’m doing reading your blog right now. Ignoring my enormous list. drat.

jenna - I couldn’t help notice the bicycle runner on the table.
I have to have that fabric! Or I would love a pillow!
Where did you find it?

Jen - You DO have to watch Parenthood! Whew… it’s loaded.

Gretchen DeMoss - You make me smile.

shauna reed - lampshade=ahhhhmazing.
email me if you need anything in socal.
i will be like 45 min away if you need anything πŸ˜‰
like a bell or some marshmallow milk….whateves
ps i am gonna be shopping with julie while you are soaking up photography brilliance on sat.
if you get mad at the class and ditch (ha ha) you can come with us…..

FeFe - I hope you moved watching Parenthood to the top. It was good!

Tanya - I just showed my sister this post and said “See, there ARE people like us”. Then I asked her “And who looks at a white lampshade and SEES THAT final outcome?” To which she responded “I do”. And I said “Oh yah”. It’s me who sucks.
I love your pillows.

Georgia - The first photo makes me so happy, them pillows are so bright and cheery, so summertime! woo love them!! πŸ™‚
When i need to be busy i just cant do it. i read somewhere once that if you dont feel like doing something then DONT, only do it when you feel like it…
Happy middle of the week day!

Kelley - Excellent pillows! They absolutely needed to be made. Needed.
Safe travels tomorrow

Vanessa at He Gives Hope - have you done a post on your coffee table? did you make it? b/c i am in LOVE.

Keli Cook - I love your new pillows and the makeover of your new lamp!

Anna - I love that picture of Annie and the pets. Super cute.

becky@oursweetpeas - Ahh, I think we are long lost sisters. I am blog reading instead of: cleaning my house, unloading the dishwasher, etc., etc., I did take all 3 kids to the dr.’s and McD’s AND library today so I think I’ve earned a little Parenthood on Hulu too. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the idea.
yeah, I have a problem too.

Stefanie Arnold - someday I hope to say I was so distracted because I was sewing new pillows for my couch. Someday… for now, my creativity is confined to drawing stick figures and cutting out snow flakes πŸ™‚

Shana - I have diagnosed you with ‘Procrastination’ – not otherwise specified.
I would give you therapeutic advice but I have blogs to stare at, books to read, and coffee to drink.
Cute mug.

Kari - You are hilarious.
My in-laws are scheduled to be here in less than two hours for the weekend and I have a HUGE list of things to do, girls are both napping soundly… but instead I updated my facebook status (is says: “Please keep me in your thoughts … I have lost my TO DO LIST!”) and decided it was imperative I check your blog before getting back to looking for my to do list.

Michelle - haha, this is awesome. i so feel ya! i have a super long to-do list as well, and i’m sooo procrastinating! you’ve inspired me! maybe i will go take pictures of oranges too! ha! by the way, i LOVE those pillows! where do you get the fabric???

Karina - Lovely lamp, lovely kitchen, lovely bathroom, lovely pictures…
At least you are not eating to make up for the stress…you are taking pictures instead and that HAS to be less fattening than what I usually do when I feel paralyzed by my to-do list…I have been known to eat sweetened condensed milk from the can…and finish the can in one sitting!! Maybe I should buy myself a camera…

julie h - this made me laugh, that is so very much myself…can you explain that i am not the only one that does this to my hub?

Jenny B. - OH WOW!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new couch pillows!!! And the little chairs at the coffee table!? AWESOME!!! Those may have been there the whole time, and I just now noticed them, but still… SO cute! Thank you for helping me get over my fear of decorating my home with primary colors. I’m serious. For the past 11 years, I have looked longingly at deocrative items with lots of bright colors, and thought, “oh, I like that, but it just wouldn’t go in my house.” Now, I have a brightly painted alphabet canvas that was destined to be on the wall of a little boy’s room as the centerpiece on my mantel, and it’s my favorite thing to look at every day. I can’t wait to do more! Whee!! πŸ™‚ You inspire me!

Aimee - Oh my, I think I have the same syndrome. Miles-long to do list = do something nowhere near ANYthing on said list.
I like to call it Head-In-the-Sand-itis.

Kori - apparently your condition is a nation-wide epidemic! i have it too and i’m in washington.
love the pillows (more for the pom-poms than the fabric, although it is great!) and the lamp…too cute!

Dawn - Love the pillows and the prints are awesome. Your rooms are so colorful I love it.

Kirsten P - I love how the aqua in the’circley colorful fabric’ makes the aqua mirror just pop!
I love the children’s books arranged by color!
Parenthood was great last night. And the previews for next week – can’t wait.
Will you get a chance to go to the ocean and listen to the music of the waves? Enjoy it for me, too.(if you do)

Esther Dee - don’t know about your to-do-list but I do know that those pillows are to-die-for!!!! so pretty and happy πŸ˜‰

Mrs. Wonder - I do the same thing! Therefore, I’m several days behind on my list. LOVE the lamp, marking this for ideas, we’re house hunting and I’m excited to decorate!

wendy, NJ - OMG! I love you! You are so funny and such an inspiration! Whenever I’m feeling a bit blue I look to your blog as I know it will always be colorful (literally) and in content!
And can I just say I love the fact that you are able to leave markers out in an open bin on your white table…My 3 yo would have a field day if I do that!
Thanks again for such inspiration! Keep it coming!

Kara - love it all but especially your lamp makeover! if you are still wanting to put off your to-do list you should post a tutorial πŸ™‚ lamp shades scare me a little bit, yours looks awesome!

Rach - Yeah. I do the same thing. I’ll find myself mid project and be like “how did I get here? wasn’t I supposed to be doing something else. Must stop…. can’t stop.” But hey, life’s short right!

gina f. - fun photos! Now that you have a happy heart i am sure you will fly thru your to do list! love how your books are arranged in rainbow order and the lamp makeover is super!! have a great trip!

Courtney Walsh - Good lord, I am sooo behind too and yet here I sit doing important things like reading blogs!!! lol
I agree with the person above me. soooo many houses are showing a neutral palette these days, but COLOR is soooo inspiring. Love that you arranged your dang books in rainbow form!! lol awesome.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are doing NOTHING wrong, but everything RIGHT!

Elizabeth Walters - I LOVE how colorful your house is! I always stick with neutral… b/c I am boring like that. πŸ™‚

Anne @ Baking Me - I love that lamp, very cute. I have issues with lamps. I am always on the hunt for a great lamp at a great price, no such luck yet but I keep trying πŸ™‚

Trina McNeilly - Love this… love all the pictures. The lamp and pillows are fab. sometimes distractions are good πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - You rock.

jennifer - Oh good! I thought I was the only one with this issue. So glad to know I’m not alone!

Ana - Meg, I can totally relate. I have like 20 things to do and yet I get into a catatonic state of denial hoping they will all go away. However, that strategy never works out… πŸ™

Leah - How did you make that lamp shade?!? Please share! It looks amazing!

blu - …or if you are me you are in front of the computer while the laundry, children, dishes, and bathrooms are calling for you πŸ™‚ I’ll get to all of them immediately, just let me post a comment first…Meg you are way cool please keep doing ALL that you do!!

Jocelyn Stott - LOVE the lamp! It looks great!

Jessica Johnson - the colors in this post? FAB to the ULOUS. seriously. the books? arranged by color??! genius.

asnipofgoodness - I soooooo get this, I do the very same exact thing, for some reason the need to get something done, causes me to get other things done….I just don’t get it! I mean I get that you do it, cuz I do too, but I don’t get the why, cuz it just never makes much sense!
I LOVE the pillows, and the lamp, OMGoodness, so extraespecially colorful!I just LOVE the glimpses of your style that turn up on your blog!
I have a HUGE lamp shade that I picked up at restore, and that is just the perfect solution to a less than desirable funky stained cover! Now I need an oversized lamp base to hold it up!
Oh, and I read “your story” just the other day, and I really loved your unapologetic honesty! What a wonderful picture of God’s redemption! Thank you for that!
I almost never comment, but I ALWAYS read, thanks!

Joy - You and I, we were seperated at birth. I call it piddling…and I love that the books on the bookshelf are arranged by color. It made my heart smile.

Lindsey - Alexander Henry has some of the most amazing fabrics ever!

Maeva - Where can I find the bicycle fabric in the last photo?!

Mindy Harris - your pillows and buntings are going to sell out on etsy in 5 seconds. i can’t get anyone to even LOOK at my stuff. hehe. i’m not complaining, i promise. etsy’s FUN! i hope you get everything done you need to. it’s okay to take photo or craft breaks. i do all the time.
and, safe travels!

Andrea - Just read comment above mine. Yea, I was intrigued by the color coordinated bookshelf too. Made me smile – was totally you.

Andrea - LOL!! I do that too. My husband says I only operate on crisis mode! Have many, many projects that need finished – need to set my own deadline.

ajdked - Ehh, I have a huge to do list today. Instead I’m still in my pj’s drinking coffee, blog hopping, totally intrigued by your color coordinated book shelf. I have a pile of laundry looming over me. I think I will stay in my pj’s for a half hour longer, then get moving!

Shannon - it’s okay to waste time taking pictures because we all love coming to your blog to see them so really you are just doing it for us which makes you so thoughtful πŸ™‚

deborah@applesinwonderland - i have no idea what you are talking about here. how can you not make pillows with that kind of *look at me* fabric poking at you? and how can you not take adorable pictures of annie in the tub? i say, you have to do those things. xoxo–a partner in crime:)

Trish - ha πŸ™‚ my list is a mile long too, but here I am reading your blog about the stuff you are doing… i believe we have what is called a mix between procrastination and ADD πŸ™‚
can’t wait to meet you tomorrow πŸ™‚

purejoy - dude. if you have issues, i have I.S.S.U.E.S!!
love the fabric. the cup. love bathtime fun. great coffee mug. love your kid’s books are arranged by color.
you complete me.
lists be damned!

Sara @ Happy Brown House - I just love how bright and happy your house is! I love that you embrace color!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love all these fun pictures. LOVE that lamp!!

Kelly - Did you put the tablecloth over the existing shade? Love the lamp and pillow fabric!

Cory - I have a TON to do today as well. Clearly I’m just reading your blog instead. Thanks for the distraction! Love all your pretty pics πŸ™‚

Jenn Shock - I should be studying for my first Survey of Fashion test that is tonight, yet somehow I ended up here. When I stress about getting something done, I always tend to find something else to do, even if it means cleaning! Weird.

Michelle Whitlow - btw, LOVE the pillows!!

Michelle Whitlow - oh my gosh, I’m the EXACT same way!!! hehe We’re moving from GA to WA in just a couple months. There is SO much around the house to do. Oh, and did I mention that I’m 5 mos pregnant?? Yeah, I have a list a mile long. And what am I doing?? Reading blogs…and maybe I’ll go scrapbook something after that πŸ™‚

Courtney Henson - I have the same affliction! It is hard, very hard for me to do something like clean the house for company or a party when I have a chalkboard wall to paint in my kitchen or pillows to sew for my couch! (All this I did last week getting ready for family to come stay for a few days..!) Oh, how I relate! But I love your pillows and really love, love that lamp makeover! And you rainbow hued kid’s books all organized by color! So, so pretty!

Vicki - Loved this! Those pillows are to-die-for! And your happy, colorful pictures are the best. Good luck with that to-do list!

Molly - I have things to do too….but you know what I am doing tonight…re-arranging the books in the bookshelf so they make a rainbow! Love that!

Jessica - I’m new to your blog… so I’m not really sure of your kids ages but I have a 4 yr old and there is NO way I could have a white table, an white-ish sofa, and a JAR OF MARKERS all within arm distance of each other! How do you keep those from getting marker on them?
I’m asking bc I’m jealous :/

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I am in complete denial…absolute denial, that I will be on a plane tomorrow. Nothing packed, nothing ready. It’s how I deal with stress, ignore the situation. Which of course leads to copious amounts of stress over a very short few hours when I have to do whatever I’ve been putting off.
There will be lot’s of excitement at our house this evening. It makes for an roller coaster life : )

Amanda - I love how “watch parenthood” is on your to-do list. It’s on mine too!

AshleyAnn - I love that lamp so much!!!
Have fun on your trip…

Carrie - I am like you, except I start the to do list but on the way to the bedroom to put away laundry I stop in the kitchen to put dishes and then end up in the living dusting. So while it may seem productive, everything ends up only half finished. Ugh!
Have fun this weekend. I am JEALOUS!!! (in a nice healthy way though. lol)

Kathi - LOL! This is why I check in everyday, love your attitude! Have a great day.

Keri - If I were to be a stay at home wife and we had our own house, I’m sure I would be the exact same way… Do everything else that is not on the list…Those are great pics though!

Heather - i have that same disorder! and lamp envy. that lamp and lampshade you worked your magic on are a-mazing!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my gosh you’re not the only one! Whenever I have custom orders to get done, I end up “rebelling” and making a different bag for no one in particular. Its almost like I cant do the things I need to until I do something I dont need to. Maybe its something about being creative. Yes, we’ll blame it on that.
BTW, when will your shop open? (No pressure, Im just curious)

Janie Fox - Love your pics … mine are so bad I should just post stick figures with my text. Blathering is my claim to fame. Picture taking I want to learn, but I am too busy talking! Safe travels!! xoxo

Laura Phelps - you need TISSUES for parenthood. I cried for HOURS.
I LOVE this post
the colors
and sunshine
and brightness
and all of it…
it makes me HAPPY
so if you put “make Laure happy” on your list,
it is like you DID do something you were supposed to do
and now, even better, you can cross it off of your list!
see how much you got done today?

happygirl - I LOVE your pictures. PLEASE don’t change. Then your blog will be boring, like mine. (my blog isn’t really boring, I just don’t have all the beautiful pictures) Your children won’t go to college and your daughters will be single the rest of their lives. PLEASE don’t change. I think the circle fabric is GORGEOUS. Have a GREAT trip.

candace - watch parenthood first. and don’t stop taking pictures – looking at them is MY distraction from the impending “get-to-do” list! ha!

Sugar Mama - When I have a long to do list I get anxious. First, I’ll bite my fingernails. Then I’ll have a panic feeling wash over me. Then I distract myself with something completely unrelated (usually that involves eating)…. and ONLY then do I try to work on the list.
Those pillows I must have.

Stephanie@Geezees - OMG! All of that color is making me giddy πŸ™‚ Love those throw pillows.
Hope you have a good day Meg πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - If I took pictures as lovely as yours, I’d have a hard time stopping too! Your pillows are ‘fantabulous’! You never fail to make me smile — thank you! Now …. get busy girl πŸ˜‰

Kimberly Dial - If I took pictures as lovely as yours, I’d have a hard time stopping too! Your pillows are ‘fantabulous’! You never fail to make me smile — thank you! Now …. get busy girl πŸ˜‰

Heather - There is nothing that paralyzes me like a long to-do list. What is up with that?

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee! Loving your cushions : )
The sight of your kitchen makes me giddy…so jealous!
Gemma x

rachel / - i just laughed out loud with each new funny close up photo & your coordinating comment. AND THE LAMP! πŸ˜€ absolutely hysterical [but it looks awesome, i’m not laughing at IT]. we have the exact same ‘problem’ so if you get help, a diagnosis or some meds, just let me know so i can help myself. randomness & procrastination central, here [going 34 years strong]. hopefully now that you got ‘other things’ out of the way, you can be productive! [that’s always my hope at least] πŸ™‚ GOOD LUCK!

Katy - I love your house! That first picture of your beautiful pillows in your living room with your kitchen in the background, perfection!
PS – Oh, and I am the same way. My eldest is at preschool, my youngest is napping, my bed is unmade, my kitchen is a mess, and I have a ton of laundry. What am I doing? Checking your blog while waiting for the pictures that I just edited to upload for my blog. I am losing it…

Jen W. - Laughing so hard! I love that you are busy taking pictures of oranges. That’s awesome!

Candy - we were just talking at MOPS yesterday about how important it is to take pictures, even of the normal everyday life, because you can’t get those years back when life was hectic and your kids were little, but at least you will have the pictures!

Ana M - love ya….
your posts make me happy…

Kim - I do the exact same thing. I had a giant list of things to do yesterday-but not before I decoupaged book pages to the top of my coffee table. That is a must-do before preparing dinner and getting ready for a gathering at my home last night-don’t you think! I think it’s called “avoidance”.

Beth - GREAT lamp! good luck getting stuff done today!

Nicole Q. - That is exactly how I handle my to do list!!! LOVE those pillows!!! Have a great trip!

tracy dickinson - ha! i just finished watching parenthood this morning! i have a TON of things to do, but couldn’t wait any longer. it was SO good. good luck getting everything done!

alyssa - that’s hilarious. I do the same exact thing when I’m busy. I have a long to-do list and I just keep finding other things to do! I feel your pain.

katie - i am exactly the same way. i drive myself crazy like that: when i’m stressed about things to be done, i always catch myself doing other things that don’t need to be done…creative or fun things alot of the time. as i’m doing the not-necessary, probably fun thing, i’m thinking: “what the heck am i doing right now?!”

Tracy - LOL I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pillows AND the graphics on your coffee cup – TOO CUTE! I love all things circles and polkadot type stuff anyway! πŸ™‚ Good luck with your to do list and have fun on your trip! Thanks for sharing your goodies today. Also, one more thing – could you add to the “bottom” of your to do list perhaps – to do a tutorial for your fabulous lamp makeover (not the spray paint part obviously), but the fabric part with the hot glue – I have a lamp in my daughter’s room that I want to do the same thing to. You’re so awesome and I always love coming to see what you and the family are up to each day. Have a great day, Meg! xoxoxo

Miranda - hahaha funny stuff – I get most of my list done when I am in a time crunch then run around like a mad woman!

ashley jensen - Ha! My daugter does the same thing with her little toys, takes them into the bath tub and lines them up. But there is nothing wrong with getting distracted with the things that make you happy!

Shivaun - If you’re crazy, then I’m crazy! That’s helpful now, isn’t it?
You make me laugh…and I need to because my 2-yr.old has the stomach flu and I have 6 others who I know will start any second. Laughter is good πŸ˜‰
I’m busy, too. Reading blogs.

kimberly - love those pillows! i mean LOVE!

Amy - I think you have mastered smelling the roses…don’t change a thing;)) Happy Wednesday!

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i am very happy it's friday.


it's been a good week.
had a great day yesterday with a friend who taught me lots of computer stuff cause she's a jedi in that field.

i enjoyed listening to her children talk….i miss baby talk.
she said to one  "you're too big for that rocking horse" and he said "no i not…i 'mall"  
melts my heart.

Ashleyshouse -3 Ashleyshouse -2

i had 6 hours alone in the car of quiet time.


that is a good thing.
driving by yourself you can think and pray and think….and sing U2 songs REALLY LOUD!

i did all those.
and i get to stop for the bathroom when i want and how often i want.
and i get to get drinks for just me…no guilt….even a Mcflurry if i want….and i wanted…..
i do like driving alone. 

my phone was near dead so i couldn't talk to anyone….a blessing in disguise.

and my gps was in the other car so i had to pay attention to where i was going while driving.
another gift to me.
i could make the trip again easily…but when i use the gps i go on autopilot….don't notice anything.

then i got home….wrapped in a big bear hug from craig…..he said my love story was really good.
and i teared up.
then read all the comments from yesterday.
THANK YOU for reading my story.
i felt/feel vulnerable.
it's silly.
it was soooo long ago.
it was a different person.
but not.
so thank you for liking me yesterday…and still liking me today even after you know more details of me.

(ps…go read all of them in the series…with kleenex…they are each so beautiful)

and i know that John Rambo was spam but it was such a unique and funny spam that i had to keep it.
i took out his link so there would not be any whatever readers poisoned by his weirdness….you're welcome.
your comments were a riot! 



and today…i am exhausted by parenting.
it is so dang hard.
every day.


some days are amazing and it's the best thing you could imagine and you are so happy it hurts.
but many days….
they beat you down.


if it's not the banging on the door when you are trying to go to the bathroom leaving you with not a second to yourself….it's the terrible choices they make when left to their own devices.
give them 3 hours of free time….often they choose badly….no matter how well we "parent".
and it's very tiring to have to be picking up those pieces….day after day.

and to be yelled at for it by them.


debbie downer returns….waaa-waaaaaaah.

but it is true.
somedays this job




so i will bring it to God again.
and again.
and He will make it good…in His way…and his time.
but i am still tired.


none of these pictures have anything to do with each other.
they are strays.



and i may have even shared this one already.

i need some more coffee.



since i was a went all sad and mopey on you….let's end on something funny.
"i'm the oldest jonas."


see you sunday.
or maybe monday.

Trysha - I went home for the weekend a couple of weeks ago and I was allllll alone. By the time I made it, my voice was hoarse and my throat was sore from singing along to Lisa Loeb.
Loved your Love Story.

Kelly - I get to ride around now and turn up U2 really really loud now too… it’s a good thing… except when my husband uses my car… not a fan… boy, it’s hard to type when it’s past your bedtime and you’ve had two glassses of wine… see, I spelled glasses wrong πŸ™‚
love your blog.

steph - aw meg… i’ve been gone all weekend and haven’t had time to read up.
it’s SO awesome to read your love story. i can totally understand feeling vulnerable. it’s so hard sometimes to really tell the truth but i think we all love you the more for it. and it gives wings to all of our stories too that we sometimes don’t always want to share. so thank you for that! i love to read how God just works and works and works on that tapestry we call our lives. you couldn’t have seen it back then at 18 but now, in hindsight, you can see everything imperfect thing that God has used to make a beautiful picture. how amazing is His love? wow… mind blowing! hearing other’s stories and other’s struggles in marriage and life and how they’ve overcome is always so uplifting. going through some tough stuff right now with my marriage but knowing that God is always good and faithful. He really is.
soooooo…. your girls weekend sounded like a blast too!!! man, oh man! how i love to dance! would have loved to see some pics of that too!!! hee hee! if only i could dance every weekend… oh yeah, i guess i’d have to be 18 to do that. duh! ok, i’m fine being in my 30’s! but a good dance time is always needed for me too! glad you had a blast!!

Emily - Thanks for sharing your love story. I really needed to read that. Will you and your husband mentor me and mine? We live in WA state, but I bet we could make it work. πŸ™‚ Marriage can be SO. HARD. Thanks for the reminder that God brings beauty from ashes.

Beth - Omgoodness I still love ya even after the love story…it was a romance, maybe not the typical that many have but still it was a beautiful love story that has lasted…so many don’t.
Mine didn’t…same happened to me and then to my daughter, but thankgoodness hers is still going after ten years of hard work and GOD in her life…her faith has kept it going…and they have three beautiful children…so in my eyes true romance is all types!
Love seeing all the stray pics…I would love to hear some tip[s you learned about the computer from your friend.
Also loved reading about your girls weekend and the fun you had with your sister and friend out dancing! Sounded like a fun time…no pics of that?
Happy week! You still rock with your blog!

Kelly - I love that you went to Ashley’s! As soon as I saw that little apron hanging on the wall, I thought, “uh uh, she went to Ashley’s!” very fun. I am glad that you had a good girls’ day over the weekend. Sometimes I’m convinced that parenting just needs to be shared with the extended family (and I’ve only got one!) Have a great week. oh and I was secretly disappointed that today’s post wasn’t titled monday. Kelly
p.s. LOVE the mustache picture.

Brooke - You went to hang out with Ashley Ann….so, so fun!!
I want to go too πŸ™‚
When you had your craft weekend, I was thinking that my friends all hung out without me πŸ™‚ hahaha….maybe I am more a mental friend than a real friend!
I love reading your love story. Let’s be honest….even with a beautiful beginning, EVERY story has lots of UNPRETTY parts. I am so thankful that you are willing to share and be transparent.

Amanda Angert - Your love story was great πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing! And thanks for sharing all that you do on your blog. Your craft Thursdays have been a huge inspiration to me and I’ve even attempted some of the crafts with my girls. I love that you keep everything real and honest; it’s a lot easier to relate to.
As for being exhausted by parenting……girl, don’t even get me started! I can only imagine what it’s like having 5 children because I have 2 girls (ages 4 and 7) and some days it’s all I can do get through the next 5 minutes without yelling or crying (or both). Yesterday I had my own pity party. I felt unappreciated and invisible. I hate to admit it but it *might* have been a little bit hormone induced (ahem). Anyway, today is another day. Keep being awesome Meg!!!! xo

Katy - hello! i just wanted you to know that i loved your story. i kept meaning to come back and tell you. i also have the sunshine print! πŸ™‚

Jacqui - Hi Meg, just wanted to say thanks for the great craft ideas! check out my blog to see my two wee ones doing one of your craft ideas!!

Tracie - Your story is a wonderful example of how God can redeem our messes. He can use them to refine and grow us! I’m glad you shared your story!

karen - Greetings from Toronto, Canada.
Hey…that’s Ashley Ann’s home! So cool!
My boy used to say ‘mall’ too. L’s and S’s were difficult…Lipstick would be Riptick.
Cool story Meg…love your blog.

jeana - I just read your story. I cried and cried. I have the same story, only I was 17. We have now been married almost 9 years and have 3 boys. I used to feel sorry for myself at times for not having a prom, or super romantic story, but God is showing me the romance in it as I pray daily for him to reveal it to me. You’re right. It is love when our husbands chose to stay and create a family. True love. Thank you.

Georgia - The good thing about your love story is that its ‘real life’ and its lovely to hear how you got together, and how the people you are now became that way. πŸ™‚

Erin - You are an mother and woman of God. I feel so blessed to “know” you.
As far as the parenting goes. I feel you. My motto sometimes: remember… bedtime does eventually come!

Karen - I love this. This stuff really is HARD. I think we are not supposed to say that?
I also think your love story is beautiful.

Emma - Thank you for sharing your love story. So honest…so beautiful and so real…..

Lori - We are in the process of adopting a young sibling group of 4. We have 2 children already. Your honesty is very helpful to me. It gives me a glimpse into the future. Blessed & joyous, hard and tedious. Thank you.

kathy Eller - Parenting is sooo hard and yet we fel guilty to acknowledge it. WHY? I agree whloleheartedly: we contine to bring it to Him and He continues to do something beautiful in his time and I am still tired:)

Heather R. - Six hours alone…how do I do that? Motherhood is the hardest job I’ve ever had. I hope your weekend picks up. πŸ™‚ Need to go read your love story.

Carol S - Meg, I’ll second that parenting is hard! I’ve been thinking about you with a teen now…if you’re like me, comparing their teens to our teens. My son is a junior in hs and texts a freshman girl he met on vacation A LOT, and it’s driving me crazy. We do the best we know how, make touch decisions that are unpopular, and let some things slide. Finding the right balance of them is the tricky part. I’ll pray for you, please pray for me. Wisdom and patience. Love the SNL skits, keep ’em coming!

Heather - Meg. Love your story. Isn’t life ironic. We all arrive in our futures and look back on our pasts and say what if. I am the polar opposite of you, in some ways, in that I spent my entire 20’s partying and traveling and living it up. And, while I don’t regret a second of it I sometimes sit and think that it would have been nice to find my love early, to have had more children and to have been done having them by 35, instead of just starting.
Thanks you so much for your story. For trusting in sharing it. For being you. For warming my cold winter day.

shannon - Meg…I love you! Oh how I wish you were my friend in person to talk to, to get advice from, to point me to the scriptures when I have troubles and questions. I LOVE your blog….I love how you are so open and honest about every day life. I just read your love story and it did make me teary eyed and I can relate with a lot of it. I can relate with how tired the job of being a mom makes you….i can just relate, it’s why I wish you were my friend in person. πŸ™ You inspire me to be a better child of God, wife, mother, friend, woman! πŸ˜€

Sarah Wolfe - Love your blog. Thanks for telling us your story.

Andrea Boone - Meg!
Your love story was so great because it was very much like mine… it made me look at things kinda different!! I am sad sometimes that I missed all the romance and got babies instead!! I love babies and God new that even then.. So your story rocked in my eyes!
on another note so weird looking at the basketball Pics I see boys from VC that i know!!!
small world.

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - Your random..yet intentional writting is so refreshing! Hey-did you ever get my e-mail?? I sent you an idea…any thoughts?

christine - Oh, I totally loved your love story. And, honestly, it made me admire you all the more. Thank you for being so real and honest. It’s one of the many things that I treasure about reading your blog. I cried reading your story – the love that you have for Craig is so evident, and is just beautiful. I was so encouraged to see how God has worked in your lives. Thank you for sharing it that with us.
I tell ya, Thursday was my day to struggle with this whole motherhood thing. Somedays it’s just really hard. At times I forget that everyone goes through some version of these difficulties, you know? I get filled with doubt and get completely overwhelmed. It’s nice to be reminded that this is part of the journey for everyone.

Jessica Johnson - I loved your story. Redemption. A tangible reminder of God’s love in sending His Son. Through a broken story. Stories we ALL have. Thank you for your transparency and honesty. It is a gift.

Celia - Oh my… I just read your story… and was brought to tears! I loved your honesty and seeing how the Lord blessed your lives and brought you through tough times…. and continues to bless you all. Thank you for sharing with us!!

marci - THANK YOU for saying that it’s hard. this last year being a mom has kicked my trash. it is so nice to hear that i am not alone. i have a 19 yr old and her choices are killing me slowly but i have to let her make them. it is excruciating….seriously. thanks for reminding me that god is there for me. i forget that time and time again. i love that you are so strong in your faith and always remind me to be the same.:D

Lisa - I hear you… on everything! Parenting is so hard. I am always praying that God would stand in the gaps. But Galations 6:9 is a good reminder to me. “Do not become weary in doing good. For at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up”. We will see the harvest one day! πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing the real stuff.

Andrea - You are a beautiful story – all seven of you.
I leave tomorrow for a girls week at the beach. I can do this because my husband is a wonderful man that when I say “I need this” he trusts that I do. So my mom has the kids and off I go.
I wanted to tell you that as I think ahead to sunsets on the beach and grownup drinks and only being responsible for me, I also think of stuff I’ll miss. I add a week without this blog to the list!

Jeannine - Hi Meg!
I’m not sure exactly *how* I stumbled across your blog, but I’m so thankful that I did.
I’ve been a reader for quite some time now, but I rarely comment.
I just wanted to tell you that I love your love story… it’s so honest and real and beautiful.
I’ve been in a funk all day and that definitely put me back into my normally cheery mood.
You constantly inspire me. Thank you for that =)

Jenn - My two very favorite, read them everyday, know and love their kids (even though I don’t really know their kids!), bloggers spent the day together! I saw those pictures and said, “that is so Ashley’s house”! What fun!!!

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Amen sister! Parenting has worn me out lately too!
Loved your love story. Hiccups, warts and all. We’ve all got them, but I do know what you mean about feeling sad over hearing other people’s stories. I’m so glad God can make our stories beautiful, and yours is beautiful!

The Cottage Chick - I love your story. I love your honesty and how you are real about your emotions. I just had coffee with Jenny from Jenny On The Spot this morning and she and I were chatting about blogs we love. I had just started following you about a month ago, and then she was telling me I needed to read your blog, because you are a Christian and a creative gal like me! So happy to get to know you through your blog I hope we meet some day! Thanks for sharing your heart.
God Bless You

Jeri-Anne Giesbrecht - Hi Meg,
I am so glad I looked at your blog today. I have had a full day with the kids – which was one of the hardest in the past while. I realized part way through the day that I was not trusting God or bringing all my concerns to HIM. Thank you for your words… to bring all of this to God.
BLessings from the Canadian Girl,

sam - i was feeling just the same way today. and feeling bad about it. thank you for your blog and for your honesty. it really helped a lot!

elisa - Love you πŸ™‚

Jen - Meg, your love story is wonderful! So sweet and real, there is nothing better than real love!! Thank you for sharing it!

Wendy - Meg,
I loved your “love story”. Your take on the whole, “missing out on the proposal” thing is spot on. I had about the same scenario myself to the start of my married life as you. I like to think that many marriages start with those romantic proposals, some make it and and some don’t. Either way, I got the man of my dreams and the children to go with it. Doesn’t matter how I got them, just that they’re mine. πŸ™‚ Keep on blogging!

Heather - Thanks so much for being so real. It encourages and inspires. It takes a brave woman to be real.

Lisa - I check your blog and Ashley Ann’s everyday – that’s so cool that you both are good friends!

Dawn - Meg,
I thought I would tell you how much I love your blog. Your crafts are creative, your humor is hilarious and I love your realness. i read your blog everyday but some days I don’t have time to comment so tonight I thought I would.

Amber Pamper - Looks like Lauren is gonna be a mini-you. πŸ™‚

sandy toe - I love your honesty.thank you.
sandy toe

Tracey Garcia - Oh I so know what you mean. I love my boys so much but there are so many days when they just beat me down and wear me out. Other days I feel completly used up but then one of them will say something funny or say “mom I love you” and somehow I drag myself back up the hill. I teach school and I am with little ones all day, but without a doubt, parenting is THE hardest job EVER!!!

Lisa - Meg – beautiful story. I remember you as a cheerleader in highschool! I was much younger but thought you were (and still are) the coolest. πŸ™‚

Courtney Walsh - I can’t wait to read your love story. πŸ™‚
You should know that around this time every day I start to get jittery. Not with excitement like I should knowing that my kids will be home in twenty minutes, but really nervous that they’re going to instantly start fighting and my mood will be shot for the rest of the night.
And I’m not proud of it, but that first half hour when they get home sets the tone for the rest of the day. And I DREAD that half hour.
I’m exhausted. Loved this post today. I can’t wait to read more about your love story. πŸ™‚

Stephanie - I’m not sure where I found your blog. Not sure how long I’ve been following it. But I read because you have lots of kids. And I have lots of kids. And your life is crazy. And my life is crazy. And because you’re crafty. And I’m crafty. And because we have those things in common, I read your blog. I hadn’t read your love story until just now. And I don’t cry when I read blog posts. Not usually. Because usually there is chaos in the background of my computer time which doesn’t make for a very cryable atmosphere. Just now when I read your story I got a bit teary, which is fairly amazing. The tears came because I saw that we have more in common then I thought. We don’t know each other and we’ll probably never meet. But I feel a bit more connected to you now. And I’m inspired by the life that you’re living. Thanks for that.

Rach - Something no one tells you about before you become a parent is that you will have some days where you just don’t want to be a parent. Just for the day… no more. They tell you it’s hard, but they don’t say how it’s hard because it’s different for everyone. They say you will be tired, but no one tells you just how tired and for how long. I only have a toddler and a baby on the way… you have 5 children, a dog, a husband and a blog career. You can define tired way better than I will ever be able to. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Your LOVE story made me tear up… and smile. I love your perfect imperfect life. It’s so real. When the rest of the world makes me feel like an inferior wife, mom, daughter, sister, artist, blogger, you name it…. it’s nice to hear real people and real stories. I guess it makes me feel better… so, thanks for sharing.
not-so-cinderella Tracy Fisher

meaghan - oh my gosh. i just read the love story. thank you for writing and sharing. i L_O_V_E your blog so much!!! love your post today. i’ve read your blog for so long now. are you my friend? hahaha that was creepy πŸ˜‰

jennifer - Loved your love story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
And being a mommy wears me out too. How can something so great be so exhausting sometimes?

Gale - Oh, thank YOU for being so transparent and for reminding me once again that there are “friends” and “gal pals” out in blogland that DO get it – that have a heart for God in spite of our past and that HE FORGIVES and FORGETS, which we so often cannot do. You bless me every day and I SO enjoy your blog! πŸ™‚
My youngest is now 17 and although I love the freedom that comes with it, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t also miss them being young and needing me more. Never forget that what you’re doing – no matter how frustrating – is SO very important! πŸ™‚ You’re making great little people into great BIG people!!
I need a Jedi…. sigh. I gotta figure out this blogging thing… LOL!!
Have a great weekend πŸ™‚

Karina - I can never watch the videos you post (I can see the advert but not the video), but I love the photos. And the commentary. And the randomness. And, of course, the “realness” – I am a mother of three and often wish for a margarita right after breakfast. - Meg, I love you! (not in a creepy way, but a friend way). I’m older than you and my kids are older than yours, but I still relate to all of it. Parenting isn’t always easy or fun…alot of the time it’s the opposite. I love your realness (probably not a real word). Keep it up and your love story was the best, because it was real. I’m glad you had 6 hours to yourself. Sometimes we need that recharging time. Thanks for ending with a funny Jonas clip…very cute!

AshleyAnn - You called me a jedi. Pretty sure in this house that is the highest form of a compliment one person can give another.
Thanks for spending the day with me. You reminded me to slow down and pay attention to the little ‘baby talk’. It is so normal here, I forget how quickly it will change. Thank you.

shea - Thank you for this. I only have two kiddos, but they have been beating me up the last week. They’re only 2.5 years and 5.5 months! It’s just been one of those weeks where I’m struggling to come up for air. Thanks for reminding me that I’m not alone.
I so enjoyed reading your love story too. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
And, I’m super jealous you are friends with Ashley Ann and got to spend the day with her and her babies.

Emily Zimmerman - Meg!!!! I love your story!!! And I love how your husband gave you a big hug and told you your story was really good. SO SWEET!!! Thank you for sharing yourself with us!!! Love it and love how God has just blessed and blessed your life and family. Thank you for letting God use you! You are a blessing to me!

cindy - Meg…so touching and honest! Thanks for sharing your love story. Just shows you can never judge people. Your life seems so great, I just assumed you had that “picture perfect” courtship, wedding, ect.and you guys are some of the lucky ones that things just come easily for. Naive of me I know but I did and not in jealous or petty way. Just happy for you guys. This reminded me that we all have our stories. You are even more real to me and I respect you and your husband even more now because of how you have chosen to live your lives dedicated to God when it wasn’t always so easy. My Dad always tells me a ball has to hit bottom before it can bounce up…sometimes those rock bottom places give us what we need to stop and listen and feel God pointing us in the direction he wants us to go. Has been the case for me anyways. I have been experiencing some hard times the past few years…some self inflicted…some out of my control…some very public and out there for others to see…and some deeply personal. I can’t describe why your blog touches me but I think it has helped me feel like my life has color in it again or that it can if I choose to let it come in my life. It just makes me happy. I know the Lord is in all things…even blogs if we choose to see Him there and listen to promptings for our personal lives. I can’t believe I’m commenting…I’m usually just a lurker. Just felt like I had to today. All I can say is thank you, and just know it’s for so many great reasons!

Jenny B. - Oh, wow, Meg. I was choking up through your whole love story. Amazing.
I haven’t taken a road trip by myself in a long time. To get a milkshake without guilt… (Usually, I’m thinking, “Would it be possible to buy it and drink it in stealth mode so that I don’t have to provide one for everyone else in the car who will inevitably spill it and then cry?)… that would be NICE! And to spend the day at Ashley’s house… nice also! πŸ™‚

ashley jensen - The bathroom thing is crazy! On a daily basis my daughter, dog AND cat come in to visit me. Sometimes my husband happens to be in there too (I will blame that on our closets being in the master bathroom). They can all be ignoring me but the second I need to go pee they are all there. Hello can I not have 20 seconds to myself for that? That would be a no. Maybe I should start locking my bedroom door…

Tanya H - I agree with the parenting comment. We’ve had a LOT of discussions lately with our oldest on making better choices and dealing with the consequences that come with any choice and its hard and he’s only eight!!!!
Loved your story. Love your thoughts. THanks for being willing to share. πŸ™‚

lauren - love this post. the good the bad and the ugly. is this how GOd feels about us sometimes? how he can love us so wildy and completely and yet be like– seriously? i give you three hours and THIS is whaat you do with it?? come on now. πŸ™‚ thanks meg. πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - well i agree, parenting is dang hard. and that clip was awesome. and i loved your love story…that’s real stuff right there. i like you!

Lisa - Your story was great. Thank you for sharing that with us! It is amazing what strength we can find when we look beyond ourselves. I just wrote a blog post about that, too – we had a very scary ultrasound and start to this pregnancy (baby #3) and it has taught me so much. Enjoy your weekend and your beautiful family.

Karen H. - Hi Meg
I have days like that with my kids. Some times I think I CAN NOT do THIS for another 15 years!!!! And if one more person living in MY house calls me MEAN!!!! grrrrrr And your love story was so moving and inspirational. You are just lovely, inside and out! Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend. πŸ™‚

Astrid - Love your posts! You always make me smile. πŸ™‚

Heather - Meg, Your honesty is truly a gift. You so often write what many of us feel but are too scared or anxious to say. You have a unique way of making the realities of life a little easier to bare. Life isn’t easy, parenting is certainly not easy but God never said it would be, He did say that he will use all things for good and I regularly see Him make good on that. You are great at putting a smile on my face and reminding me that I am not alone and not to take myself so seriously. Thanks for being so transparent.

Toni :O) - Meg, what a beautiful love story…sorry I missed it yesterday! I will always, always, always love your blog…it truly makes me happy and smile and that dog of yours is awesome! Your dog makes me appreciate the one I rescued last year even more. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing your fun and sometimes crazy life with us…so cool to be along for the ride! :O)

Charlotte - thank you for today’s post…your honestly… and linking your love story post from danielle’s blog….i miss baby talk too..β™₯
hope you have a restful weekend..

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - parenting IS hard – i hear ya!
from one worn out mama to another waaa -waaaa. πŸ˜‰
it’s hard not to be a debbie downer when you’re not exactly surrounded by a bunch of pollyanna’s. emotions are contagious – i’ve been working on immunity building ideas ’round my parts these days…i’ll let you know if i have any big revleations in that department.

Shivaun - Your love story is beautiful! And you are so right… parenting is exhausting and wonderful and it requires prayer. I think that’s all part of His plan! Blessings to you, lovely soul!

amanda - thanks for sharing all of it!!

Deb - meg, I am reading Grace based parenting right now by Dr. TIm Kimmel, and How to have a new kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman.
I have had them on my bookshelf for years, but it was all in God’s timing that I am reading them now. I also have teens, and know what you are going through. Be Blessed! DEB

Aimee - I gotta tell ya, Meg, yours has quickly become one of my favorite blogs. It is real. I don’t leave here feeling badly about my life because yours is all beauty and smiles. I leave feeling like life is hard and we get through it…and then we smile…until it’s hard again. The good and the bad are all okay and you aren’t afraid to put it out there– or maybe you are and you suck it up and do it anyway. Thank you!

flowerpowermomma - God is using you mightily. Keep sharing your story, encouragement and the real-ness of life.
Parenting is tough. My oldest will be 31 in June. My husband has been pastoring for… ( wait, I gotta do the math) 27 yrs. People often say, “I could never be a pastors wife. It’s gotta be hard.”
Well…my response is..” the hardest thing I do is parenting.”
(In reality both those jobs kind of overlap.)
Life is about people. Keep on loving and correcting. Hang on it’s all worth it and you’re doing a great job. Yes, you really are.
So happy you got a break, that’s a necessity in high stress jobs. I was given a poster in high school, (centuries ago). It had a girl walking through a field by herself. Written in the sky was “sometimes you need to be alone with yourself to put yourself back together again.”
true then, true now.

Cory - 1. I LOVED your story. It’s HIS story & that’s what makes it so wonderful.
2. Umm hanging out with you & Ashley Ann..treat! Come on, you both are way to cool to be friends.
3. I love reading your blog & hearing your thoughts on parenting. I only have a little babe & I love reading the unique difference between parenting a baby & older kids.

Cori Barney - you make all my days better. you are so funny! (and real)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I’ve got a mad crush on Alec Baldwin. (Not the one you’re thinking of.)
2. Don’t stop. Don’t stop the titles.

Danielle H. - You went to Ashley Ann’s. Sigh – so jealous!!!! Loved your love story. Love your blog. I love the post you did of your house. Really made me feel like I wasn’t alone in that battle!!!

Staci - Not sure if I commented on your love story or not…I’ve had a sickie at my house allll week….plus, only three days of school in two weeks…this week, sunshiney and beautiful…and he’s sick πŸ™ BIG.OLE.BUMMER πŸ™ BUT, I don’t want to be ungrateful, I am happy that I wasn’t at work and got a call from the school and then have to cancel patients…blah blah blah….I was just saying allll that because my days have ran together and I canNOT remember if I left a comment…I read that beautiful story of yours….made me very happy to know that two high school sweethearts made it work….makes me a little sad….that I was that couple too (minus the baby) and we just didn’t make it happen πŸ™ Ah well….I wouldn’t trade a thing….my hubby is truly my soulmate and perfect for me πŸ™‚ Amazing how God’s love is always there….during the bad and the good πŸ™‚ Happy Weekend!!!

Ana M - I spend part of my days waiting on your posts…
Thank you for one lovely more.
I’m a mom of 4 and many times feel just like you do…
It’s a full time job that never, ever ends…No vacation or even a tiny break..
It is hard but also joyfull and delightful..
Pleeeease, do not skip monday, I’ll be waiting anxiously for your words…
Ana M

jes - i miss baby talk too…..oh no. here comes the baby itch…
haha have a happy happy day :))

happygirl - THANK YOU!!! I’ve been a Debbie Downer on my blog the past few days too. I’m going to have to CHEER UP. Maybe a six hour car ride would help me too. I’m so glad Craig hugged you well. I often wonder about things we’ve left behind and moved on from. Do the still sting? Maybe. I don’t know. LOVE your attitude. LOVE your consistency. LOVE your truth. thanks.

danielle - MEG! your love story makes me cry every time i read it. and let’s be honest i’ve read it a few times cause its on my own blog. by sharing your story you have made HIS story known. you are a beautiful child of the KING and i am so happy you shared! love to you.

Jen Joy - I can relate to every single word of this post. I have four children. It’s crazy hard. I often wonder what I was thinking (usually when I find half a tube of toothpaste squeezed out on the bathroom countertop or an entire can of soda is spilled on the carpet.) And, when it’s good, it’s downright magical. But for today, I’m giving it up to God, too. *sigh*

karen - Thanks so much for your honesty. Your love story is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

angela - I totally agree with you on parenting! I do it Mon – Thurs every week on my own essentially. From breakfast to bed. The minute they are snuggled down, I crash….or read blogs. πŸ™‚
I too loved your love story. My own parents had a similar story (there babe turned out not to be at that time), and almost 36 years later still together and loving each other. On top of it they only knew one another 6 weeks. love. is. incredible.
thank you for being real.

freckled hen - That feeling you get singing in the car really loud is kind of like the same feeling I get reading your blog-inspired and happy. I just read your love post and felt a little weird as it is very similar to mine…including the suprise pregnancy after high school and marriage and five kids really quick. And you’re right on both counts–it is a great life and yeah it wears me out, too!
Thanks for all you share, your pictures are the best!

Lorie S. - Amen to that. Some days you just have to get up…dust yourself off…and start over again(the life of a mom). Good to know that there are others out there that feel the same as I do.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i loved reading your story. life is hardly ever how we had imagined….sometimes, it is even better. i think that is how your story unfolds–even on the hard days. i get that. oh, do i ever. parenting 10 and 16 year old boys will keep a momma humble, that’s for sure. we also have so. much. basketball. πŸ™‚ have a wonderful weekend!!!!

nicole @ deliajude - hearing your love story and all the others reminds us that we are all in this together and that life is messy but God is our Redeemer.

purejoy - mmmm. love it when you keep it real. and use adorable filler. thank you for that.
love your heart. thanks for being open and honest. and road trips are simply the best.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Oh, Meg- how could we not still love you?
If anything, it helped me identify with you even more!
It was like reading a chapter of my own story.
It stinks that it’s so hard for us, as people, to completely let go of our sins from years and years ago, yet God has already wiped those records away!
Hope you have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend!

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no time to blog….very random.

good morning.

i have a mission today.

i have been cleaning every room in this house for a week now.
DEEP clean.
you know….vacuuming baseboards….moving furniture…trash bags of trash….trash bags of donations.

today is another challenge.
the dirtiest room in our house.
and then all three bathrooms.

i know….yuck.

so since that is boring and i am only one cup of coffee into my morning i thought i would pull random
pictures from my old computer's iPhoto.
i am scrolling iPhoto….trying to be random and choose but not go through and choose the best one.
it's fun. 

here goes.

 scott leaving for his first time to camp.                                                                                                   2009


um yeah….i look skinny….and young.                                                                                                              2007

i don't like this game.


for ashley.


when did he stop being so little and toothless??                                                                                2007

this game is mean!                                                                                                                                  2008

who thought this was a good idea?!

yummy.                                                                                                                                                   2009

i love this man.

(you win….you always do)

sweet babies.                                                                                                                                         2007


jenny and i pretending we are on mad men.                                                                                             2008


tiny newborn baby waffle.                                                                                                                         2008
i want to kiss his tiny puppy face.

auwwwww.                                                                                                                                           2008

her writing skills are so different now.                                                                                                       2008
she is very precise now.
i miss wonky letters.

now i miss my babies….AND my flowers….and the SUNSHINE!!!                                                               2007


ok…one last pic.

party like a rockstar.


ok…i have now had three cups of coffee.

and my heart is filled.

i am off to crank up the music LOUD and clean for the next 5 hours straight no stopping.

i will destroy any dust bunny that gets in my way.


happy wednesday. 



racheldenbow - Oh wow. This makes me want a bigger house so I can have at least three more kids and two dogs and lots of laundry! I’ll take the extra laundry!! Thanks for a little perspective there. It makes me want to be more intentional about time with my kids today as we’re snowed in.
I hope your weekend with all that fabulous company was the best!!!

danyele - i have got to mop this house, do the laundry and clean clean clean. i’m seriously in need of motivation. this was a great start, but need 4 more cups of java first.

Lisa - LOvE the pictures, so fun to look at oldies of the kids, sad too though πŸ™

Mama - Love your blog! Great photos.

danielle - my favorite is the madman picture πŸ˜‰
happy day, friend!

Holly - I am on a similar mission tomorrow. I cant wait. Actually I thought of you when I bought a “whatever” shirt yesterday at the Lifeway store. If I can find it online Ill send you a link.

Amy - This is a great trip down memory lane, great pics of a loving family!
Amy @

donna - i am so glad that you decided to start this blog – because you don’t know how it uplifts me when i am having a not so great day! thanks again meg.

julia - Please tell me you were a good blogger and took before and after cleaning pictures. I love make over stories!

princess lasertron - baahahahahha that annie

Courtney Walsh - Toothless looks like my Ethan now. Thank you for pointing out that he won’t stay that way forever…because today I could’ve wrung his little neck!! lol
That last pic…priceless!

Gina - Thanks for the reminder to treasure wonky letters-I only have more little person making those anymore, and they’re getting less wonky by the day. I know I’ll miss that too!

Holly - If I could press REWIND and freeze my babies into one stage of life, it would definately be during the toothless grin stage. Soo Sweet!!!!

Kristen - i love waffle! what breed of dog is he?? (sorry if you’ve answered this already…)

amy jupin - meg,
the pic of you and chicago jenny made me spit out my coffee. literally!
all the others made me feel so happy and smiley.
i know i’ve said it before, but you have a beautiful family!
a sweet, lovable, goofy big ol’ family.
you lucky duck.

Tara pakosta - Your blog is my happy place!!!
Great and fun shots!!!

crystal beutler - Can you just follow me around and snap pictures of the little moments in my life?? You capture it so well. You have such an eye for the details, and that my friend, is what makes you an artist.
Hey, funny you wrote about this. I wrote about the same thing!

Heather R. - Love the flowers, miss the sunshine, love the pic of Annie after “Partying like a rockstar”. Too cute. You go get those bunnies! πŸ™‚


happygirl - I enjoyed this blog so much. Thanks for sharing your family pics and sharing your DEEP cleaning story. And thanks for your commitment to blogging. It encourages me.

Tonya - Fun post, Meg! It’s a good reminder to occassionally go through old pix…your babies are adorable!

Tracy - Awwwwww……. I love these pictures and miss my “babies” too. The sunflowers are beautiful and since I currently live in the Northeast and am under a snowstorm and am really miss the sun and the warm temps! Xoxoxo

Karen Gerstenberger - What a lovely posting. Your family is so precious.
I don’t mean to pry, but between the baby pictures (including Waffle) & the heavy-duty cleaning – you couldn’t be expecting, could you? =)

kat - Love these pictures!!! Great post! I hate cleaning too, not one of my strong points, but you better believe I bust a move when I’m doing it.

Sonia - Ha! I love the Mad Men photo. I just finished Season One and thought to myself they really go overboard with the smoking. And it’s funny to see how they were so at ease over parenting…(smoking while pregnant, plastic bags over kids heads, no seat belts!) Your kids have grown up so much! Love it all!!

Shayne - Hope you had a super-productive day! And loved the pictures, especially the falling asleep on the feet. πŸ™‚

Ky - AWESOME post Meg! I felt your nostalgia and you made me giggle…more than once.
Happy cleaning! I HATE cleaning, but loud music sure helps make it fun.
Ky from Melbourne x

Toni :O) - Okay, you had me at Waffle’s ADORABLE photo and then Annie shows up last and I busted out laughing. Gosh, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog…it’s just one of the best out there EVA!! Now I feel guilty that it’s been too long since my own house was cleaned…sheesh, thanks a lot! LOL!

erlfisher - “KA-POW- Really?” Do you love that QT commercial as much as I do? And those flowers — awesome!

Rachel / cREaTe - awwwww! that is a sad, but sweet little game. happens to me every time i go through my iphotos, too. πŸ™ by the way, that pic of annie sleeping standing up – i think i remember that from your new years a couple years ago after i 1st found your blog! so adorable. have fun cleaning! πŸ™‚ i admire your gusto!

Stacie - Love it! Happy cleaning!

Tanya H - This post was loads of fun for me, and I loved your commentary. That last pic of Annie is fabulous! My brothers and sisters have hilarious sleeping photos and my kids never do that. maybe I don’t work them hard enough… LOL! or party liek a rockstar enough!
Good luck with the cleaning!

Mary - Mad Men
Gotta love it.
I grew up in that world and marvel at it every time I see an episode.
We had that TV
I had that wallpaper
We drove that car
Those were our kitchen cupboards
My mom had a dress like that
That was my favorite doll (Patty Playpal)
etc . . . .

Sheri - I love love love your blog. You totally rock! Just thought I should tell you that πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - Love this post. Thank you! Hope cleaning was a success.

Lisa - That picture of Talby hanging upside down is just perfect. Such beautiful color…and her little flip-flopped feet. All of these are precious. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin S - Love.
And you ARE skinny!

Jessica - That last picture cracks me up! I have a pic of my middle son when he was about 3 in a similar position. He fell asleep on the stairs at my parent’s house. Thinking about that makes me miss the baby stage!

Staci - You go girl!!!!! Loved the pics down memory lane πŸ™‚

Dawn - That is too cute and such a great idea to just pull out those random photos and remember all those time.

Denissa - I’m on the same mission!! 1 bathroom down, 2 to go..needed more coffee and made the mistake of stiing down! Then realized I missed a few days of posts!! πŸ™ now back to scrubbing..ugh..

sarah - i love the deep clean! and purging…it feels so good. you feel clean and wonderful and somehow SIMPLIFIED! you go girl!

Joy - I feel guilty now about my dirt and pictures. Maybe that will inspire me as well.

AshleyAnn - So I saw the frog and thought “Meg! Not another frog. You are killing me.” Then I saw it was for me. I am not sure if I should say “thank you”.
Cleaning baseboards….a week of cleaning…you should stop and go read a magazine or something. Clean houses are overrated.

Tara - LOVE this…
need to pull some old photos and stroll down memory lane….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Spring Cleaning!
Love your old photos : )

traci in virginia - That last picture is priceless! Sometimes you just gotta take a nap!! πŸ™‚

angela - I should be destroying my bunnies too…but……….

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - I will be joining you today! I’ve been saying that all week to myself so maybe it will happen if I tell you. My super cleaning will be a little slower since I have a 4 year old helper wanting to play insead of watching me clean.

becky@oursweetpeas - Love it. Thanks for a smile this morning. I love a women that loves her husband and kids. πŸ™‚ Here’s to you for doing the worst room AND all 3 bathrooms. I am just aiming for the 2 grossest bathrooms. Twin 3 yr old boys = the MOST DISGUSTING BATHROOM FLOORS EVER!!!!!!

Lori - I am deep cleaning today too! I can’t believe that we can all breathe given the amount of dust I am finding! Good luck!

Tara M. - I decided to deep clean my bedroom yesterday. My heavy blackout curtains hadn’t been washed EVER. Read the label, it said dry on low heat. I guess they were serious! They came out all stuck together. Guess I’ll be buying new ones!

shauna reed - i just really love this game.
especially with dramatic Legends of the Fall music on while i look at the pictures of your babies.
don’t try it.
if you want to clean or do anything besides turn into a crying mass on the floor in front of your computer, don’t try it.

RLG - You rock, Meg.

Kelly - KA POW! Have fun! You can do it. I’ll bet you are all kinds of awesome today! This was a fun post! The pic of Talby (right?) hanging upside down in front of that field is just beautiful! Greeting card material. I also like the frog. πŸ™‚ How is it that frogs can look cute? Kelly

Jen H. - Fun post! πŸ™‚ - I LOVE to clean!! I used to beg my mom to let me clean our bathrooms. I even like to clean other’s houses. I think I should have started my own cleaning business!
(I have been reading your blog for a few months now and you have inspired me to create my own blog. I started a couple days ago and so far I really enjoy it!)

Dani - When you are done, my house is only a flight away and I know for sure I have some dust bunnies that need your KA POW!
Love the pictures. Makes me want some spring weather!

sandy toe - Wish you lived could do mine! Maybe the music helps???
sandy toe

amber - Awesome last picture. The frog made me laugh out loud. And I LOVE deep cleaning. It feels so good when it’s all done. Happy cleaning!

Heather - that picture of the girls with the flowers is making me miss the spring sunshine and little feet in flip flops.
happy cleaning day!!

T.O. - Great post! When I saw your Mad Men picture – I thought Hmmm…I never pictured Meg as a smoker….ha ha!!

Becky Bridge - I don’t remember how I came upon your site a couple of weeks ago, but I’m glad I did. You are so funny and adorable and relatable and make me wish I lived near you so I could hang out with you!!
Thanks for posting and for being so real!

Deb Meyers - wow, i started reading you when Annie was a little thing. I’m going back to my cleaning, too, cause I don’t wanna feel older anymore either ; )
deb meyers

Krista - AWWWW they’re not even MY kids and I am loving seeing them so small, I guess I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. Love seeing how everyone has changed over the years – how does Craig manage to look exactly the same?
Good luck to you on your cleaning, you’ll be so happy when it’s done!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Party like a rockstar, that caption sums up a fabulous picture! Isnt it crazy to see how much time changes things? great pictures.

BriBedell - Hilarious! I need to be doing this too, but my third pregnancy is killing me right now. Off to ride the couch I go!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! Oh, I was just checking my reader for some get up and smiles from you and you popped in!
Just what I needed πŸ™‚

Holly Rhodes - You go girl!!!! I love deep cleaning! I do it after Christmas and in the Spring!! My mom always did it when I was growing up and I always helped and we jammed out to Madonna and I still do that!!!

Jen Joy - Party like a rockstar, indeed! I love that photo. Adore it, actually.
And YAY for cleaning! If we do our spring cleaning early, does that mean spring will come sooner?! I sure hope so! πŸ™‚

april - Hahahaha
funny stuff man…

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