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i am convinced that the writers for Parenthood have hidden cameras in my home
and they are recording everything that goes on and they are making our life into a show.

it simply must be!

it is too real NOT to be the only answer.

i can't even show you a clip because it's too obvious what is so similar. 



i promised cinnamon rolls over the weekend….it didn't happen.

i finally decided to make them on sunday night.
craig ran to put gas in my car and i asked him to get the whole milk i needed.
he came home and sat in the kitchen with me while i was making them.
i poured in the first three ingredients.
then realized i had no flour.

9 cups is kind of a lot to ask your neighbor for….at 9 PM.  :)

so i FINALLY made them on wednesday.


they are PW's recipe of course.  

she makes me feel like i can make anything.
she makes me feel like wonder woman in my own kitchen!
i love her.
i wish she was my friend.
the end.


i have vacuumed a total of 25 hours over the past two weeks…give or take.
my vacuum broke in october.
i got another one
(eureka smart boss…i just looked around amazon and clicked buy and that was that…i'm not a researcher….) 
and now i have been vacuuming everything that was neglected for so long.

it's so gratifying to suck up all the dirt!

IMG_7132 IMG_7149

we have a day off of school today because of ice.
my husband said it's totally fine out there on the roads….so that means that it's all for nothing.

but i did get to sleep until 9:00….that rocks.
talby and i are cuddled up in our super soft robes.
and i made a FULL pot of coffee today and i am gearing up for….shall i say….a loooong day.

they are currently watching Meerkat Manor on Netflix.


elisa had this on her blog.
this song is always on our Coldplay/Kings of Leon/Mumford & Sons station we made on Pandora.
(HOW did we LIVE before PANDORA!????)

i love it.
and now i love it even more that i can picture this adorable little girl singing with her daddy. (i assume)

and lastly….
i am going to pretend i am not sad i am not attending ALT Summit.
i just want to be there to see what it's like….and listen…and be invisible….so i could take it all in with CONFIDENCE!


that is the truth.
if i was there i would be so nervous and feel so out of place…..but i want to be there.


and by the way….lots of you asked me if i felt scared about the blue lily workshop….OF COURSE!!
i am always nervous to be somewhere that i feel unqualified.
or to be around people i don't know.
or to be far away from my family.
or or or…..

but if fear is holding you back from blue lily…DON'T LET IT!!
if you come to san diego…i will be there with you.
there is nothing to fear about me.
i promise.
i will fill the room with nervous laughter and hold your hand.

or you will hold mine.

ok….MORE coffee please.

wish me luck today.
five against one. 
not really a fair fight. 

Debbie - Hi Meg, I’m over here peaking around your blog. Hi, I’m Debbie. I’ve been here for years actually. No you don’t know me because I’m shy that way. Anyway, I decided to come back to this post and thank you.
Yes, thank you MEG for posting this back in January. Since I love your photos, blog and respect your recommendations…I ended up signing up for this class the very day you posted this and introduced me to blue lily. I’m so impressed with blue lily blog and find them to be such a burst of sunshine and laughter.
Thanks again, I’m so excited and finding it hard to contain my joy. I look forward meeting you too.
Blessings – Debbie

Heidi Jo the Artist - Just got Meerkat Manor for the kids yesterday, they love it! Thanks for writing what’s on your mind, fun to get new ideas for me/the kiddos. 😉

Brooke - Love your new header! And my hubby and I watched this video together and it is so cute!! In fact, I might go watch it again! I love it!

alyssa - my heart goes pitter patter for parenthood. I LOVE that show. It is pretty much the only thing I watch anymore. so good.

Jennie - oh PW. her shredded pork might be the best thing i ever ate. i haven’t made the cinnamon rolls yet, but they are next on my list.

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Parenthood ROCKS!
And if you’d love a delicious cinnamon roll recipe with a little less work, here’s our favorite (made with the aid of the bread machine):

Jen - I agree with the others, I wish you were my friend. 🙂 Love your blog

stacie - i’m a quiet reader of you blog. you are my favorite though!! i don’t ever think i’ll be a professional photographer but i wanted to sign up for the blue lilly weekend just to meet you, and hang with you and learn with you and laugh with you. i love that you are so real. you write straight from your heart … i’m learning to travel from my head to my heart more often.
it’s four to one at my house today. oh my!

nicole i - ok. i don’t really know you but i sure do like you. wait that sounds stalker crazy like but it’s not. you say things i think but don’t say….and you like parenthood, madmen, kids, Jesus, africa and so on.

karen - I made your ‘lunch’ for dinner tonight. My husband and son loved it! Thanks!! I love your recipies!

Renae - I think you feel about PW the way I feel about you! I’ve not been reading for too long but you’re me, I can tell. I don’t know what that says for you unfortunately! 😉 I love me some Parenthood, Pandora (I have a Jack Johnson station), and my 6 year old son and I just made PW’s cinnamon rolls a couple of weekends ago and I hear you. I seriously have been telling everyone I know that my rolls turned out so great…so proud of myself. Thanks for the daily laughs! Hugs, Renae

Emily - I am new to your blog, I have loved being part of your world. I have to say that this crazy post was really funny! I could tell by the end of the blog post you were more than one cup of coffee in…hehe. I hope you had a great day, and your kidos surprised you! BTW, love the red coffee cup! : )


nOT SURE why i was in caps.
Also, parenthood rocks.

elma riedstra - Lov love LOVE the video!!! The little girl is sooo cute. We have no school tomorrow so it is be withthe seven:) have a wonderful day!!!

Kristin S - You want to be friends with PDub like we want to be friends with you.
Seriously, your random posts are my fave.

Leigh - Now I’m totally curious about your Parenthood similarities! I love that show.

Tonya - We LOVE Parenthood too! I love that the show can make you laugh like crazy and bawl your eyes out all in the same episode.

Tara - LOVE parenthood.
my husband and I laughed so hard last night that we nearly cried.

Maria - PW cinnamon rolls are the best! I never have whole milk, but always have skim and half and half. I just fill up the cup almost all the way with skim, then top it off with half and in a pinch if you’re ever stuck. I cannot tell the difference.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! I LOVE this video… especially when she kinda yawns at the endish (I think)…
Hope your snow day was good. 🙂

Margo - Mr. Duerksen was right – the roads were fine. I left town 45 minutes earlier than normal to make sure I had plenty of time to get to Wichita. I got there so early! Lucky for my department I was feeling kind and I stopped at Lamars for donuts and still got to work 30 minutes early! Hope you enjoyed your day at home with the kids!

Jessica J - I love PW and just made her cinnamon bread the other night! So YUM!
If my vacuum broke down it would be 24 hours before we were walking through animal hair ankle deep (we have 4 cats and 2 dogs!) so thank you Dyson for making an amazing animal hair vacuum.
I love your blog and have been a long time lurker — so, Hi! 🙂

Jennifer - ahah! Wish I could feel more sorry for you but I am a teacher and LOVE snow days more than my students do. Now a snow day without my kids….??? that would be insane wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I was in my house alone for even an hour.
I absolutely adore Parenthood. Such a great snow.

andrea -

meg, please consider putting a link for joannes blog, she needs our prayers.

candace - Parenthood – I watched every episode of Season 2 last week on OnDemand. Then, I ordered the first season from Netflix – DVD 1 came today. I just told my husband I haven’t enjoyed t.v. this much in a very long time. Yay for maternity leave time to watch all of it!
If you need more dirt to suck up, you are free to follow that snow/ice and come vacuum my house to your heart’s content!

heather - Love Parenthood.. love cinnamon rolls…need a new vacuum…love that song. perhaps I should move in?
fav part of that video? “one day i’m gonna whistle?” too cute!

Carol S. - super cute video, can’t say I know the band but I definitely know and like the song. Good luck today…it’s almost over. I’m bummed, everyone is having snow days but Chicago!!

kristine - LOVE that video. for as many times as we’ve played that song at our house i’m surprised my daughter can’t sing it herself! we saw edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes last summer. made me want to be a hippy real bad 🙂
also LOVE those cinnamon rolls. wish i could come over and help you devour them. so craving a sweet now!

Laura Phelps - if you were my neighbor I would TOTALLY give you 9 cups of flour
Nick and I once asked our neighbor for two glasses of WINE
I am laughing remembering this…
we had already had a bottle
but wanted a little more
and we were drunk enough to go and knock on our neighbors door!!!!
they gave us a bottle 🙂
I miss you

Alisa - i wish pioneer woman was my friend too…. see, that is the sad thing about blogs… you get so close to people that you’ve never met. i love your thoughts…always refreshing.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - love mumford and sons! pandora is the best.

melissa - every post. it’s like we were seperated at birth…only you inherited all the style.
my vacuum is currently broken. how does a family of 6 (mine) live without a vacuum??? i guess i need to head over to amazon myslef. i’m not a researcher either…except for on price. i want cheap but, it needs to work!

Amanda - I’m pretty sure I started watching Parenthood because of you – thank you! I love it! But now I’m gonna have a hard time watching it and not SEEING your family in it. HA!
And why on EARTH did they call a snow day today??! Well, I’m glad for my teacher friends, because I remember when I was a teacher and I longed for snow days and we never got them. But seriously, how dumb to call it TODAY and not last week! Go figure.
Hope you survived the day.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i hear you. we are having a snow day here too….sigh….

RLG - I think Parenthood is the BEST show on tv.
Why isn’t it nominated at the Emmys???

angela - you know what i love most about blogland – that it is truly much smaller than it appears – after reading your blog as i ate my lunch today, i called my dad b/c he is a teacher at the high school there, and i just wanted to see if he was really off today (not that i didn’t believe you, but this can all seem a bit surreal) – a lo and behold, he was home! so – because i read your blog – i got to have a wonderful conversation with my dad (i’m in buffalo, ny now and continue to marvel at all the snow days i read about and we just have to keep plodding along because we have things like snow plows here)AND over the course of the conversation i found out that my dad is lauren’s geometry teacher! see – small world!! hope your day was tolerable and know that you brought a smile to another 2 faces today!!

Amanda - Those cinnamon rolls look awesome-maybe I’ll be brave enough to try her recipe now…
I’ve been looking for a new funky robe and I’m all about black w/ white polka dots!! Where did you find that? It’s so cute!!
Try to stay sane today…;)

Kelley - Then there will be two of us nervously laughing as we are surrounded by no one we know next month at this workshop.
I LOVE the closeness between that little girl and her dad while they’re singing and her arm is draped over his or the guitar. Too sweet.

stacie jameson - I’m sitting in ICU with my son Noah and this video put a smile on my face today Thanks its just what I needed.

Kimberly - Fear…yes it does get to us one way or another. I am stepping more boldly out of the shadows and just beginning to comment on your blog and others that I follow. I have been scared to do even that. Scared that nobody will visit my blog. Scared that I don’t have a good enough camera. Scared that it isn’t as full or fancy as other blogs. 2011 is going to be about believing that we all have something authentic to offer…including me! Thanks for always sharing the truth as you see it…it is so comforting and sooo inspiring.

Gemma - Love your little random posts : )

elisa - Did you see them on Ellen yesterday?? She was a-dorable!!

Kirsten P - I couldn’t quite catch all the lyrics on the song by Alexa and Jorge so I googled them. In case some of you didn’t either, here’s the link:
Thanks for posting the video, Meg.

dawn - I pretty much have the same thing to say as Trish (a couple posts ^^^^ up there)… I love your blog, you really do make me smile. And yesterday I was soooo super duper grumpy — so this is a great way to start the day. Thank you. 🙂

amy jupin - parenthood rocks me deeply. and i have to say, i think of you quite often when i see the teenage drama stuff. that is so HARD.
i love that song, home, by the way. everytime i hear it, i STOMP around like a little kid and it feels great! 🙂
we were out of school for the ENTIRE week last week. and monday too for the holiday. i was going crazy. but i made it, i survived. you will too.

Trish - You make me smile. the end.

Heather R. - We are in Leavenworth…living the snowday dream, too. Love the video you shared. So sweet. Coffee mug, clink.

Janelle - Parenthood is just delightful. Didn’t you just love Craig T. Nelson when they were talking about who wears the pants in the family and then he said how that sounds awful or something like that? Just cracked me up.

Alli - Oh my word…I have the same vacuum as a famous person :-).

Amanda - Parenthood is soooo good! On so many levels. totally afraid to be the parent of teenagers one day.

tinycandi - I would definitely go if I could afford it! I hope you have a great time! I’m jealous! 🙂

annie - i manage to get a little teary-eyed during every episode of Parenthood. Love it, and the music? Perfection!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Oh how I heart PARENTHOOD – such a great show!
Wouldn’t it be great if ALL us bloggers could be real life friends even just for a day? 🙂
Hope your day flies by without too much drama, mama!

Kori - O.M.Gosh. That video is just about the cutest thing I’ve seen!! I love when she comments about herself whistling one day….

Stacia - 🙂
I love Parenthood too.
I was just thinking yesterday that I could maybe be okay with the kids growing up a little bit (and sleeping!) and having conversations with them.
Then I watched that episode (a day late) and I am back to “Please stop growing up!” I dread having a situation like Hattie’s w/ my daughter. Just dread it.
I too (like another commenter) wish it was longer every week.
I wish you were friends with PW in real life too. And then I would be friends with you (in a dream world) and you could introduce us. 🙂 🙂 🙂
And MommaH’s comment is awesome!

merlin - Could you do a review of the vacuum? Bag/bagless, effectiveness on dog hair both on the floor and on the furniture, and then the usual stuff, comfort and ease of use blah blah. I NEED something that WORKS, that is not going to bankrupt me with fancy bags, or exhaust me as I drag attachments and heavy equipment around.
OK, that would be much appreciated. Maybe you could persuade the Eureka company to offer up a give away….that is how sad my life is, I would LOVE to win a vacuum 🙂

elisabeth (bovagoods) - LOVE parenthood. i have always wanted to make those cinnamon rolls. they look soooo good. lots of colorful rainbow goodness on my blog the past two days. totally thought of you as i wrote them. 😉 can not wait to hear all about blue lily. so fun!

becky - i was thinking about you & your sweet family while i watched parenthood with my hubby on tuesday… because you’ve said before it’s very REAL. i loved when hattie said “i don’t get why you’re taking my door off – i didn’t do anything wrong” right after she LIED to her parents multiple times.
i looked at the hubbs {MY high school sweetheart} and said, ‘does she NOT realize why they don’t trust her?’
he replied ‘we did the EXACT same thing’.
too bad he’s right. ugh. i hate it when that happens.

Melanie - I love Parenthood. I am so thankful that I have a 16 yr. old BOY and not a girl:)

Candy - Your awesome! I feel like YOU have cameras hidden at my house! We have a snow day today as well, and I have made those cinnamon rolls and done the exact thing, but it was sugar for me, the sugar is pretty important. I too, wish you were my friend!

Heather - You must have a big fan base in Olathe! I came across your blog at The Lettered Cottage a few weeks ago, so I was tickled to see where you live (I grew up in Hutch). Anyway, the video is too cute!

Pamela - Love Mumford and Sons. Love Pandora. Love those cinn. rolls. Enjoy your ice day!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - You have a gift… I feel as though I just sat down and had a chat with a good friend. As does every single person who will comment here today. You have what PW’s got. A je ne said quoi, I’m sure you two would be fast friends. The coolness in the room would be tangible.
I really like MommH too : )

lauren - You rock.
I wish you were my friend.

Kate - Sometimes Parenthood stresses me out. I get so tense about Hattie and Alex and Adam and the thought of my 6 and 2 year old girls! Eeek! Everytime it is over I say, “I wish it was a bit longer.” It is starting to make my husband insane. 🙂

MommaH - Megan, I just have to tell you right here and now: YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT!!! Take it from a woman older than your mother (probably),who always felt out of place and self conscious everywhere, at your age – there is really nothing to be all uptight about. Nobody else has it together either.
I see you young Mothers at church who are 25 – 45 and older, and I think, “I don’t think I was ever that cool when I was that age.”
When I see YOU at church you always look so cute, as do your kids, and even if Annie and Sean are fighting over a chair, and you are exasperated, you are fine. NORMAL.
I see what you create on your blog – with your house, your fabrics and your camera and I am awestruck. You are incredibly talented, and you don’t need to be afraid or back up from anyone!
There. That is my mommy sermon for the day.
You are loved, dear Meg. By people you don’t even know for sure. Be blessed!

Alicia - Hi Meg! Parenthood is also one of my favorites. I am often surprised how many times I get teary-eyed while watching…signs of a great show!
My 12 yr. old is not quite there but I see signs of future sassiness! I hope your day goes smooth and school is back to normal tomorrow…we moms need all the days we can get!

Penny - Love Parenthood. Glad I am not the only one who cries during the show. And I did cry during Alex and Adam’s conversation. It is very real.

shannon - I love pandora too but we hardly listen to it anymore since we have sirius. We are home today because of snow though and probably tomorrow b/c it will probably freeze tonight…not good. I am supposed to go to a concert tomorrow and my momma is flying in from arizona on saturday….not cool. (no pun intended). Anywho…got any craft ideas for our long day at home too for children 4 and under? 😀

Deb Meyers - hey…that is an adorable little girl! On Youtube there is a link to an Alexa T=shirt @, apparently to help a college fund.

Teresa - I am not married, nor do I have children but I cry at some point during every single episode of Parenthood. Every single one. This past week it was during Alex and Adam’s conversation. Love that show!

Heather - I am a regular reader, never really a commenter, but I had to say that your last line about the 5 against 1 not being a fair fight was so cute, clever, and hilarious. I so enjoy your attitude and blog.

Casey - I have never seen parenthood but have heard such good things about it. I guess I need to start watching it!
I promised my kids cinnamon rolls too but STILL haven’t made them. I have to clean the kitchen first. Boo.
How adorable and sweet is that video! I loved it!

Toni - I LOVE parenthood!! That show is so realistic. Seriously, Tuesday night is my favorite night of the week!

Amber - You will be amazing at the photo conference. I’m so happy for you

Jodi - Pandora Rocks… enough said… not sure if this guy is on Pandora yet or not, but you must google Jadon Lavick. simply.amazing.
Enjoy your day!! :o)

Karen - Hey Meg~
We are snowed in in Olathe today too; 6 inches and I need to clear a path from the garage to the street to get the trash out.
I laughed out loud at your Parenthood comment! I am with you there on that one. My 18 year old daughter and I watch it together and for the last episode I just kept looking at her and asking “is that what daddy and I sound like”? What about Modern Family; do you watch it? Last nights eposide was hilarious! Thankfully that “situation” hasn’t happened to us, but just the thought of it gives me hives!!!
Enjoy the coffee and your kiddos today!

Traci - i love parenthood.

Alisa - I’m not liking the news that your kids are off due to ice today. My 17year old is traveling from KC to Wichita today on a big tour bus for a thespian conference….eeek! I hate bad weather, especially when someone else is in charge of the driving.
I♥Parenthood too. It does seem a bit too real sometimes when I’m watching it.
I love that video too, watched it this morning on Miz Booshay’s blog and it just made me smile.
Blessings for a happy day~

Michelle - GOOD luck with all of the kids today!

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one day.

"getting ready to go to school was like getting ready for extended deep sea diving"  
name that movie line.

– 2 degrees.
a very cold school drop off today.

spoiled rotten dog…cuddling by the space heater.

best heart yet.
annie found it in the yard last week…so random.

mmmm….hot coffee.

mail has arrived….happy mail.

time to start a project…

cut and cut and cut.

pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips.
two dozen gone in one day.
my kids love them.

my snack…apples and peanut butter and a little honey.

lasagna for dinner.

be happy.
she's happy because she just ate some chocolate apparently!

she gets him super wound up….they are good buddies.  :)


oh yeah….that is the best picture in the bunch.  

hot bath.
glass of wine.
Mad Men Season 3.

it was a good day. 

Faith - Mmmm. Your pumpkin muffins look divine!

tami - I havent had a hot bath in so long, quick showers usually. I think i will do just that today!

Anne Good - Where did you get the pug shirt? I LOVE it! I have a dog blog and I would love to get my hands on one!

Courtney - It is everyday pictures of life that makes me happy! Your blog makes me HAPPY!! In my time of despair this is a fabulous reminder of what I am surrounded by, thanks for that!!

allison - the pumpkin muffins look and sound amazing!!
can you please maybe post the recipe? 🙂

Paula Montalvo - I have recently found your blog and Love it! Agreed……A Christmas Story! My favorite Christmas Movie EVER!!
Looks like you made the most of a VERY cold day! You are a girl after my own heart…….Bath, candles, wine and Mad Men!! I think we are cut from the same cloth! Blessings <3 Paula

Rach - Spoiled dog for sure, but smart too. I’ll send you guys some warm weather. It’s down right balmy out here right now.
Happy for your good day. I love days like that.

Linda - Love Love Love this kind of post. So bright and colorful yet simple and real. It’s what I love most about your blog. Thanks for brightening my day!

Jen - so glad my kids aren’t the only ones who can down a dozen pumpkin muffins like there’s no tomorrow!

Blanca - That is a perfect day, Meg.

Mary - I am intrigued by your sewing project with that fun fabric and look forward to seeing what you are making.

Jill Tracy - Seriously LOVE this blog Meg! I love seeing your day to day with your family. I love how open and honest you are. And all the color, yep love that too 🙂

Melissa - I love ending the day with a warm bath.

Danett - Love this idea. I think I am going to try it tomorrow.

Dandy - Love it- I might try that tomorrow.
It was 76 at the beach today- I’ll try to send some warmth your way 🙂

Liz Prince - LOVE your blog. I only read three daily and yours is always first 🙂 Can you PUHLEASE email me or post in your comments where you got that multi-colored cream fabric w/ polka dots? I NEED IT! Thank you so much!

karen - i’m glad you had a good day.

Jaimie - I just love how real you are. I love that you don’t “stage” your life for photos. You show a coffee mug on a paper towel, not delicately placed in a totally white background on a nice little plate. It’s so real and comforting and I think that’s a big part of why people love you so much. : )

Lisa - Please share the pumpkin muffin recipe!! Thanks for always brightening my day.

Julie - I never knew pb and apples was weird?? now pb and pickles… not too sure about that!

sarah - Oh you had me with the space heater AND the hot bath! Is it spring yet?

Kristin S - That IS a good day!

kat - Fun, Fun, FUN! Whad’ya get from Piperlime? Also, where do you buy your fabric from? Do you order it online?

Kimberlee J. - Nice movie quote. 🙂
Happiness is Waffle in front of that heater. I have been freezing today. I am about to join him.
Happy Mail rocks.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - That is some great fabric you have there. I can’t wait to see how you are using it.

sarah - Wow that’s some serious cold weather.
I love the pictures of your day 🙂

deedee - loved the post! loved the header! loved the pics! i love your blog… 🙂
those muffins look good.. would you be willing to share the recipe? i’ve got this great recipe book that i want to fill for the little ones. 🙂

amy jupin - love the new header.
all that fresh new fabric…yummy!

amber - cute new header. i can’t wait to see what “project” you are talking about.

Tracy Fisher - Had the rainbow cake at my daughter’s 13th bday… glazed apple bars at a friends house… and just made the Mexican chicken the other night… All were delicious!!! Can you please post the pumpkin muffin recipe? Pretty please???
Tracy Fisher
ps.. loved the Be Happy shirt with chocolate on the face… I love youth!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - If you want to feel warmer, just pop over to see what real cold is. And now, even though I’ve stopped drinking coffee at home, I am about to get up and go make myself a cup. Your happy cup of java did me in.

Sam Miller Gott - A Christmas Story!! Yeah for hot baths and wine. x

Gina - Love that movie! Stay warm, looks like it was a great day for a hot bath too!

gina f. - cute pix! Can’t wait to see what you are making with that beautiful fabric! Have fun!!

Lindsay - apples and peanut butter = greatest snack EVER.
I wish so badly that I had an awesome bathtub. We’re in an apt now with a shower/bath and I don’t do baths in shower/baths. Is that weird? I’m grossed out by the walls. And that it’s an apt. Ew. Can’t wait to have a home with a NEW tub. I will soak forever.

karen - You can put your arms down when you get to school!!!
My family spent Christmas in NYC and our hotel did not have the channel that showed A Christmas Story all day. My family really missed that.
We love Waffle

Maria - mmm…you just reminded me that I was going to try to convert my pumpkin bread recipe to a chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe…this weekend might be perfect for it!

patti - Love your new header!!! Where do you find such beautiful fabric?

Alli - What a fabulous day!


jennifer - -love your new header
– A Christmas Story?
-It was 10 below here yesterday when I dropped the kids off. SO wrong!
-PiperLime always makes for happy mail.
-what are you going to make?
-I really, super duper need your recipe for those muffins! 🙂
-have you tried apples and almond butter? That’s my favorite.

margo sexton - You wrote about this a few posts back but I wanted to comment on it. You wrote that you love movies with Vince Vaughn PLEASE tell me I am not the first person to tell you your husband looks very very much like him. I have thought it for as long as I have read your blog. Just wanted to share and would be curious to hear if you have been told that

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - eeeek! are you making a quilt??

Carrie Kiser - Perfect day indeed.
Especially if there was no “you know what” out in the hallway on your only clean towels while you were in the bathtub! LOL

april - love this post!!! -2 degrees is way to cold!! Waffle may be the samrtest dog ever to lay in front of the heater…I would do that too!!! lol

Jenny Joy - I can’t wait to see what you do with all that adorable fabric! Pillows? Something else? I’m sure it will be great! 🙂

Beth - Love the last picture especially if it is that cold where you are at.
Yeah I agree can’t wait to see what you make!

Shannon - A Christmas Story! I love that movie so much and I love coming here to lurk at your blog 🙂 Your pictures are the best, your family is adorable and I want your house!
Thank you for always sharing your life with all of us.

ashley jensen - I love heart shaped things and a rock like that would be on display in my house if I found one! Our dog likes to lay in front of our space heater (in our computer room) too.

Ryanne - Love the new header. And envious of your bathtub!

Stacy - oh ya hot baths are my new obsession. I have to run in icy snow packed Wichita so you know what i’m dealing with. I can’t seem to warm up so i find myself soaking up some warmth in the bath. & I need your pumpkin muffin recipe!! They look wonderful!

nancy beach - so where do you get all your wonderful fabric? I LOVE all the colors.
Don’t you love the Piperlime boxes? I turned mine inside out and reused it that way.

Cari - Well, I thought 7 degrees was cold this morning. I’ve got nothing on your -2! Ha! 😉 And there’s nothing like a handwritten note in the mail. It truly is a lost art! Stay warm today! 🙂

Janie Fox - AWW I adore Mad Men. I have just started watching How I Met Your Mother….loving it. I might steal that Waffle!! And Talby and Annie- too cute!!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - And I thought my family was the only one with spoiled rotten dogs! LOL. My mom has a chihuahua that will scratch at her house coat until she open it and lets him in to snuggle. If she is sitting down, he is right there tucked under her arm. It doesn’t matter if it is winter or summer. That’s his spot.

Laura - That last picture just made me relax… I realized I was sitting at my laptop all tensed up.
And, as always, I adore your dog.
(and I adore the fabric and Piperlime box)

chasity - a christmas story???
love this one too~
fragile….must be italian
great photos!

happygirl - I think one may have had to live under a rock for 20 years to not ID the movie. I LOVE your day, all but the -2 degrees. I could live without that forever. Please stop by my blog some time. You have inspired me.

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - My favorite is apples and fat free caramel. Yummy! Looks like you had a fantastic day.

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Line from A Christmas Story, ha!
I love peanut butter and apples too.
After your house tour photos, these are my favorite kind of posts! 🙂 Stay warm!

katie - i LOVE apples & peanutbutter!! I think it’s hillarious when people say it sounds weird!! and your dog is soooo stinkin cute!! He’s getting fluffy again!!!

Sarah - Oh those muffins sounds so good, would you be able to share the recipe?

Tammy - Great pictures!! Love the one of the puppy by the heater. That is hilarious. =) Beautiful girl in the pictures too!

kasey - starting season 3 of mad men myself today.
with a glass of wine.
in the afternoon.
as soon as Fin gets on the bus at noon.

Christy - Can’t wait to see what your going to create!

Kimberly - Hi Meg….I have been following your blog for over a year and here is my first public appearance! What made me finally speak you ask???? Peanut butter and apples…I have been eating that since I was a little girl… glad to know I’m not the only one. Other friends thought it was strange but it tastes oh so good!!! I love your home, your family, your blog, your photos…the way you see life and share with all of us. You are a blessing to this world. keep sharing! xoxoxoxo

Elisabeth - This cracks me up because we had 6 inches of snow in Atlanta and are on day four of school being closed! We have cabin fever–wish we were as snow hardy as you all! What are you planning to make with all the gorgeous fabric?

Shana - A Christmas Story!

elisa - Sounds perfect 🙂

Melissa - Love this post!
You really did show a perfect day.
Especially the tub at the end!

Shayne - Love the space heater picture! That’s exactly where I would be. 🙂

Tara - perfect day.
all except the 2 degrees part.

Jen - Can you give us your pumpkin muffin recipie?

danielle - looks like a wonderful day, indeed.
love your header…and that fabric… can’t wait to see what you’re making!
and i could use some of those muffins. for reals.

Jess Mead - Adorable pics, as usual!!! The last one is my favorite too. Glad to see you shop Piperlime. I can barely find anyone that even knows the store exists. Love it!!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Looking forward to seeing what you make!
Gemma x - “A Christmas Story” which I think is the greatest movie of all time. - Apples and peanut butter? Hm… interesting
Loved your red coffee mug, yesterday was looking for red plates, love red dishes!

Kori - Apples and peanut butter are yummy together….
Have you tried a peanut butter and (sliced dill) pickle sandwich??
SO very good. Promise. 🙂

PaisleyJade - Such good photos – going to have to try apples and peanut butter now!

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you asked if i liked TRUE GRIT….i did.
it was a classic western…with matt damon in a ginormous moustache.
but i liked it.
i am glad it wasn't clooney though.
i don't know if i could watch it with that….i am not a fan of the moustache.


i still have a stack of 20+ plus christmas cards to mail.
better late than never…..right?


have i told you how much i love MAD MEN?

i was late to get in on this show.
way late.


everyone said to watch.
everyone said it was great.
i didn't get it.


we tried it once and i was irritated.
then another night we tried it again and i was hooked.


we watched season 4 first and then started back at the beginning with the help of netflix.
we are half way through season 2….it comes in the mail today and i can't wait!
i am LOVING it.
all of it.
thank you chicago jen for telling me to try it again.


this is the last day of winter break. 

i have a craft in the cabinet….and another if that is not enough….i hope they will watch a movie….and not fight…..i am hoping for the thank you cards to get finished….i am needing some peace……i am just so ready for the regular routine again tomorrow…

even if it's laundry…i just want normal.

i had a dream last night that i was watching a newborn baby for a friend.
it was so real.
i didn't have the right sized diapers.
i just kept looking at him and i could feel him in my hands….it was such a vivid dream.
so familiar.
i was sad to wake up.

i ordered this picture from the canvas people and it came on friday!

i don't want to forget.
i want to see this everyday.
i love this moment in my life.
i want to be there again.

i am looking for some things in my HAPPY THINGS list. (on the right sidebar)
instead of going through link by link and copying & pasting i decided to just show them all on the side.
almost all.
i put 500 of the past 800 links i have shared on my happy things list…..for ME.

i thought you might like it too.

it won't stay that way forever.
i know that probably some of the links don't work anymore….and most of the etsy stuff would be sold…
but now if you have an extra three or four hours you can just click through there.




in case you didn't see my sara lee post.
enter to win sara lee dessert products over here….
and see our marshmallow snowmen too. 


Vera - I’m SO glad you expanded your Happy Things list… your Happy Things make ME happy, and there were some from months and months ago that I had wanted to bookmark and never got around to, so today I spent like two hours on your blog clicking through all of them again and bookmarking what I wanted. Thanks for making me HAPPY 🙂

Cathy M~ - I am a Mad Men junkie, too! luv your blog!! hugs, cathy

Julie - Just wanted to tell you that we made RAINBOW CAKE for NYE!! We ate it at midnight after we toasted with our sparkling cider. Such a fun way to bring in the new year!

Judy - LOVE Mad Men. Shut the door.

Tracey Garcia - Never did get the Christmas cards mailed. I think I am going to just go with Valentine cards this year instead. It makes it more special if it is unexpected, I think. 🙂
Started reading Crazy Love last night on your recommendation.
I am passing the “stylish blogger” award on to you. I love your blog and look forward to visiting each day.
PS–you can grab the award button at my blog I got so excited I forgot to mention that!

Breeanna - I think I watched Mad Men for 10 minutes and was so lost that I never looked back. Now that you’ve reminded me of it, I might get it on Netflix. Oh how I love Netflix. We use that instead of having cable.

Jody - Megan,
I had a dream last night that you invited me to come look at something in your house (I think it might have actually been boots, or some art??). I remember thinking you were so generous, and kind. And then, I asked if I could just buy something from you, and you got real serious and said, “No. You’ll have to buy my stuff through Amy.” (your neighbor with the kids- [smile]) I got mad and as I walked through your house with a sour taste in my mouth, you were sweet and kind. And then I left, walked through the snow to get to my house which was behind your’s, and decided to only have a business relationship with you.
I know you are a good person.
Not sure why I had that dream.
Thought it was funny when I woke up.
🙂 JC

Krystina Montemurro - i remember wanting to see madmen when it first started, but don’t have cable. still want to watch it!!!!

Ky - Love, love, love, love, love Mad Men!!! Cannot wait til season 6 starts.

Janie Fox - I am a Mad Men lover since the beginning. Hate to see each season end! Loved True Grit too. I’ll be working on your happy list! THX

Shairee - THANK YOU THANK YOU MEG!! for posting your HAPPY THINGS list! Also, thank you for being here every day – you’re the best!!

Kimberly - HAHA! I am slow to join the Mad Men train, too. I watched it once and didn’t get it – but I WILL rent the series and try again.
I also just ordered a canvas from the Canvas People. I am so excited to get it!!!

Lora - Thanks for the tip about Mad Men. We watched 2 episodes today….and waiting for the kids to go to bed to watch more!! Pretty sure I’m hooked……..

Robin - Meg, your blog is a real blessing to me and I just wanted you to know that! All of the color, the love of family, the honesty, and your desire to glorify God are truly refreshing! Thanks!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I totally relate to being late to the party for Mad Men. Loving it now too. My daughter got me hooked and we’ re still on the first season…but loving it.

Sugar Mama - All I wanted to say is my heart is breaking that the regular schedule is about to kick in. I’m not ready to go back to work, but more than that, I’m not ready for my kids to go back to school. Our days filled with pancakes and board games have been awesome.
Counting down until summer vacation!!!

crystal beutler - Loved your post,
Loved True Grit!!
Love your happy list
Love that photo you ordered.
I just love you!! You are one amazing woman.
I’m so with you, I just want normal.

Mindy Harris - Shawn and I saw True Grit NY Eve and really liked it. Just an all around good story.

kristen - I will have bags under my eyes tomorrow, but after the kids are asleep, I will click through your amazing Happy Things List! Thanks for posting it!

se7en - HAY… Can you comment twice on a post? I was wandering through your awesome list… click sigh, click – wow, click wonderful… click, click, click… and there we were!!! How weird is that!!! How weird is that!!! Thanks for the thumbs up!!!

RLG - My MIL gave us a fill-in-the-blank $100 check for the charity of our choice this year. We gave to charity:water. Great cause, Meg. I’m so happy 100% goes to people in need. xoxo

melissa stover - i love mad men. i also started with season 4 and am just now going back to the beginning. i’m on season 3 which saddens me because it’s over too quickly. i’ll have to wait patiently for season 5. it is the best show on television right now. love it.

Liz M - Excellent choice for a canvas. I don’t want to forget that, either. Thanks for taking us along.

Leah - I hear you on being glad the kids go back. My little one went back today. Needless to say, we were both thrilled. Next year, I’m scheduling my work vacation after she goes back to school so I can have a few days of breathing room and alone time.

Angie - We just started watching Mad Men, too. We are finishing up season 3 tonight! We started in late Nov and have watched 2-3 episodes each free night that we have. That’s a lot of martinis and lucky strikes at once!;) We love love love it, though! My new favorite for sure.

Jessie - Thank You THaNK YoU! for the Happy List. I think it is my favorite part of your site!!

Heather - I am a failure at Mad Men. Started at the beginning and lost interest early in season two. I kept hoping, every episode, that Pete Campbell would die or be fired- I hate him so much!! But hearing from you that the rest is good might help me push through being stuck. 🙂

nicole i - mad men is my new addiction too…i have one more episode left in season 3 and then i am caught up. brilliant writing and a perfect time suck.
happy new year. - Your Happy Things list is my favorite!!!

Tiffany - A Happy Things list…I LOVE IT!! I am going to add that to my “to-do” list for myself for 2011.
And I am totally hearing you on being ready for the kids to go back to school. My crew is going stir crazy, nit-picking at each other to no end…ugh! I love being a mom – but I seriously love the quiet when they all are at school. 😀

Michelle Rotner - SOOOOOO glad you posted all of your “like” things. Just last night, I said to my hubby, “I wish she archived all this this. Her favorite things are my favorite things.” Fun stuff. And today, volia…you posted 500.
Thank you.

Kirsten J - Ha! I noticed your sidebar first thing – girl, I do not need any time wasters today!!!

amber - i need to find somewhere to put my favorite things….good idea Jen. I am sure I will have several hours to look through your links today. reality starts for me tomorrow too

katie - soo…you had a dream you were holding a newborn baby and it felt super real. i had a dream that you and i were super good friends in real life and it felt real. like so real that i had to talk myself out of it when i woke up. 🙂 i felt like such a dork for dreaming about you, much less for dreaming that we were super great friends instead of strangers meeting for the first time or something like that. and now i’m even more of a dork because i just told you all of that. 🙂

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Another Mad Men lover here! If you have AMC you can also watch the episodes On Demand. My sweet hubby bought me the DVDs for Christmas so I can get my Don Draper fix whenever I want. I know I’m in the minority here but I also love Betty Draper, her mothering skills are seriously lacking but she is so darn pretty to watch!

kasey - omg…i’m on mad men as well. just finished season one last night.
now all i need is a ciggie to smoke;-)

Betsy - Mad Men is absolutely wonderful. In a tv funk now as it is over (but may rewatch the seasons via Netflix-thx for idea.) I guess the box set of the seasons was really cheap on Amazon awhile ago–a friend told me after the fact! Watch Boardwalk Empire (it will be available soon on DVD). It is fab as well! THX Meg for a great blog!!!

Staci - I’ve never even heard of Mad Men….guess I am missing out!! Gotta try it!!! In case I haven’t told you today….I love your blog soooo much!!!!! My kids are on their way out the door for school today….I am ready for some normal too! Happiest of New Years Megan!!!!

Bliss - Hello Meg!
Wow. I have been looking for your blog for the longest time >> like all of 2010. Lol. & I found it tonight. I used to subscribe in mac mail but lost all of my rss feeds! I occassionally googled *random* words i could think of (annie, dog, rainbow, mom, photography, home, cushions etc 😉 in an attempt to find you & I have no idea what i added tonight but somehow it worked. Big YAY!
I can’t wait to follow your adventures again & see your beautiful photos. have you blogged about which camera & lenses you use? I’m a mama who is returning to photography roots & diving into the purchase of my first digital SLR. Eeeeek. I’d love to know what you use 🙂

Karen - LOVE your random posts!

regina - totally random question (which i think i may know the answer to???): do you have a kindle or the nook? i think you may be one of those people that loves books and the way that they feel but on one of your posts where yall were traveling you had these gadgets pulled up in your car so I was toatlly and completly curious:)

tami - The wardrobe stylist deserves a round of applause on Mad Men.I love the styling on that show!

traci - Pretty much hate the show mad men to the core.

se7en - I simply love and adore your canvas art… it feels like yesterday you blogged it… but time does indeed pass!!! And I mailed my Christmas cards on Friday… beat ya!!! Well except for the three I haven’t written that I squashed under my laptop in the hopes that they will write themselves and post themselves!!!

Kat - Enjoy your return to school tomorrow Meg. What do you have planned (other than laundry) to celebrate some “me time?”
We have 8 weeks of summer holidays here in Australia.
Thank goodness I am married to a teacher who is also on holidays or I do not know how I would survive/fill in those 8 weeks on my own!
Love your random thoughts.

Mary Beth - I call the first day back to school in January the “Best Day Of the Year” and I have a private little party. Just Me. I STILL do. Because the holidaze are TERRIBLE on the Moms.
So, declare A BEST DAY OF THE YEAR and make it YOUR day.
(I usually sit on the couch and watch movies and eat Campbell’s Soup and Crackers.) 🙂

PaisleyJade - Love the picture – soooo good. Can’t wait to see that movie too!

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some of my favorites from 2010.

Picnik collage

thanks for reading this little blog.
thanks for your kind words of encouragement this year.
thanks for a wonderful year.

i can't wait to see what 2011 brings…..are you ready?

bring it. 

Leslie - Love your colage pics and I so enjoy checking out your blog everyday. Happy New Year!

Laura Phelps - I MADE IT AS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITES!?????????????????????????
that just brought tears to my eyes…
I love you
you are one of my favorites too 🙂

Cari - What a FUN recap of 2010! Does Lauren even realize how gorgeous and photogenic she is?! Good grief!! Happy New Year!! 🙂

Amber Pamper - Happy New Year Meg!! 🙂

Susan @ Living with Punks - Love the colage. Beautiful! Thanks for including in your favorites list. Im honored.

crystal beutler - I think you should blow your photo college up big and frame it. In fact, I think you should make it a yearly tradition. 🙂
How’s that for opinion. 🙂

elliottsurf - Just such gorgeous photos of your life and family. You are such a positive inspiration for me. Can you tell us how you make the photo collage? And how does your blog allow you to post the collage so large?

elisa - Great idea to do your faves of the year!

Thebeadgirl - i love your pictures…thank you for sharing your life with your readers!
happy 2011!

marta - such a beautiful collage of 2010. i love the painted pedicure and other such little details that round up a good year. wishing you a happy new year and thanks for the sidebar shout out. xo. marta

Amy jupin - meg, you sure make me happy. and this big ol’ collage about sent me over the moon! it’s so you, so full of color and so happy! hope you all had a happy new year too!

Kelley - I think this post recaps your year beautifully! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. Your blog has been a ray of sunshine in my life which happened to be a little more on the challenging side. Thanks for encouraging, sharing and convicting through your words and pictures in 2010!

Shelly Primm - i love your blog. just ask my husband and kids? i am always saying, “meg does this and we are doing this craft because i read it on meg’s blog”! you inspire me to be a better mom and wife. happy new year!

tami - I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Its my top blog. Happy New Year!

Lemonade Makin Mama - I’ve been a little lurker over the past month, thanks to my buddy Becky, (Farmgirl Paints) who ranted and raved about how wonderful you were for the past year… I finally decided I needed to see for myself, and she was right. You are wonderful!! 🙂
Decided to quit lurking and comment to tell you that, as well as wish you Happy new Year.

staci amy - Thank YOU!!!! Don’t know what I would do without your “little” blog =) you encourage me and I have never even met you! Crazy, huh! Happy New Year!

Janelle - Thank YOU for your delightful blog. Happy New Year!

Lisa - Happy New Year, thank you for always giving us something to look forward to (:

Dawn - Great collage. I really enjoy reading your blog. Happy New Year.

Kimberlee J. - The format for these pictures is one of my favorites. What app. did you use???

Amy Lynne - Great pictures! I love all the color you capture in your life! I hope you have an amazing 2011!

lovethosecupcakes - Yes, so ready. A happy and healthy New Year to you all.

a brilliant melody - Happy New Year! I’m a new reader and I really love your blog! I’ll be coming back!

Jenni Carlisle - I LOVE this photo montage and it proves once again that you live a happy, joy filled life and I am so thankful you share it with us!

Amy zeller - LOVE your blog Meg! I feel like I know you and your sweet family. Thank you for your positivity, honesty, and awesome ideas. Wish I was your neighbor!

Katy - And by stone, I meant the marbles, etc. that you put in the cement!

Katy - Happy New Year, Meg and family! 🙂
Where did you find the stones for the stepping stone? I can’t find them anywhere!

Judy Johnson - Pictures of all the reasons I LOVE <3 your blog. Happy 2011!!!

Kirsten J - AHHHHH!!! Meg! You just gave me my word. Ready. Thank YOU 🙂

Deb Meyers - happy New Year, Meg! Love your blog, you are a gift.
Waffle CRACKS ME UP!!!!!!
deb meyers

Heather R. - Happy New Year, Meg! Thank you for sharing “Whatever” with us…it has been a great pick me up everyday. 🙂

Mary Ann - Happy New Year to you as well! I found your blog this year and find myself checking it daily to see what you and your family are up to! You’re an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

Michele - Happy New Year, Meg! So glad I found your blog in 2010. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us this new year.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Hi Meg, what fun to see you and your family throughout the year. I found your blog later in the year, so it was fun to see things I missed. Your blog is so fun, keep it going!

Rebecca Kriner - Happy New Year, Meg! Your blog brings me so much happiness! Love to you and your family!!! XOXOXO

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Happy New year to you friend. Love all those fabulous shots!!! Keep ’em coming:)

laurenjean - Thanks for sharing with us. You bless me on a almost daily basis.

kimmy - Oh you are WAY fun! Just found your blog… can’t wait to read more… ~Kimmy

laura @ theshorehouse - I don’t post often enough how much your pictures make me smile but the new year seems like the perfect time to start. That, and your new year card photo just literally made me LOL. 🙂

Ashley - Happy new year my favorite blogger!!
Here’s what we are focusing on this year:
“Keep your eyes towards heaven in 2011”
Focusing on serving this year.

elizabeth highsmith - your colors make me happy! i like to think of people as colors, it’s official you’re the rainbow! may your year be merry and bright with plenty of rainbows and pots of gold on each end!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - luuuuuv it!

Jen - Wonderful pictures on a wonderful blog owned by a wonderful person! If I could only read one blog Meg, it would be your’s. Happy New Year…blessings to you and your family!

Mindy Harris - your year in review using pictures is just awesome. you are a cute family and are a blessing in so many ways.
i said the same thing about ’11: bring. it.

Courtney - Your blog is still my fav and I am so thankful you share with us. I always enjoy reading what you have to say and seeing your beautiful pictures. Thanks so much!

jennibell - Great collage!!! Thanks for sharing.

Shana - Those are good ones.
I’m glad you look like the pretty people on tv.
Instead of the UPS guy – like me. 😉

Karey - This made me happy. Thank YOU for your amazing blog and your honest and true words everyday.

Kat - Ps your pics and eye are awesome. Love all the little pops of colour and the story it tells.
Just beautiful!

karen - Thanks for sharing your year with us!!!
Awkward family photos are the best

Kat - Bring it on indeed!
Thanks for the colour, inspiration and keeping it real.
Happy new year to you and your beautiful family Meg!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - you’ve got such a great eye! 😉 happy new year to you!

Alicia - I always love checking in with your blog Meg…such great pics and fun stories! Many blessing and Happy New Year!

Julie - I LOVE Annie in the last photo ~ so funny! Totally reminds me of something our #5 would do! Happy New Year Meg! I look forward to reading you lovely blog this year and seeing all our Lord brings to you and your wonderful family this year.

Kerri - I’m ready – BRING IT! :))

Simple Daisy - Beautiful!!
Happy New Year:)

Tara M. - You inspire me! I have three daughters and we do a lot of the crafts that you post. Thank you!

Gemma - Love all of your pictures!!! They are so summery and bright : )
Gemma x

Nikki - Beautiful photos Meg.
Happy New Year…. Many blessing for 2011! Nikki xx

Holly - Love all your photos! If you have a chance I would love to learn how to do a collage. I got Photoshop for Christmas (!!!) but do not see how to do it, the only one I saw did overlapping photos. I am really trying to learn more about my camera and you inspire me so much to photograph the everyday things of our life.

purejoy - wow. that’s a nice compilation! beautiful pics from the whole year. wouldn’t miss a day without you either. thanks for sharing your skillz!

Lorie - Wouldn’t miss a day without you!

Jamie - Ooooo, those are some good favorites!

marlowe @ come home to roost - Beautiful photos Meg!

paige - happy new year meg!
thanks for sharing your life with us

Gekakel - Happy Nuw Year to you and your family, Meg! - I love all of the bright, happy colors! that pretty much sums up you blog…bright and happy!
God Bless!

Suzy Adams - Meg, thanks for always bringing a smile to my face! I love your blog. You make life so colorful! Love love love it! Happy New Year.

Holly - those are some great pictures! Happy New Year to you and your family!

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totally random in every way

dreaming about everything in the american girl catalog on the trampoline.

scott is #80


scott played great in his first year of jr. high football.
it is pretty cool seeing him in those black and gold uniforms. 

sean found this BIG bug in the yard and we watched it climb.
he went in and got an insect book but we couldn't find anything like it.

craig and all his girls took the dog on a walk in the woods.

pretty porch pumpkins.


see….i told you it was a random post. 

Jacci in Ohio - Well, I see that your womderful readers have already told you that Sean found a wheelbug. They’re one of the bugs in the “Assasin Bug” category. So fun to look at, but good thing he didn’t try to hold it 🙂

Erlita Fisher - Elisalou had a similar bug on her blog…
Looks perfectly Halloween-ish to me!

patty - what beautiful glimpses into life…
my daughter has already dog-eared the whole catalog and declared this coming xmas an”american girl christmas!”… for about a week, then she took it back.
oh to be young and full of dreams!

Mary - Ahhh . . . the american girl catalog.
I had as much fun as my daughter back in the days when we ordered those delicious accessories.

Christina - You’re so cute!

Sally H. - It’s a Wheel Bug, that huge hook thing can cause a bite that causes bit whelts. But they are not aggressive, and beautiful to look at. Isn’t nature fantastic!

aimee - i love random!! 🙂

elisa - Don’t research assassin bugs!

Jenn - Oh my gosh I totally used to dream over the American Girls catalog when I was little too. I remember saving for 2 years to buy Samantha… Ahhh, good memories. My mom still buys clothes for her at Christmas — 21 years later.

Heather - That is a wheel bug and they are rockin’ cool! Looks like a stegosaurus! We live in KS, too and we’ve been finding them in our front yard.

Mindy Harris - The Sean picture is precious. He still has a eensy bit of “baby” left in that purdy little face.
And Craig…*blushes*

Karen Greenfield - My daughter is 25 and I am 61 and we are right there with the American Girl catalog choosing, daydreaming, wishing I’d had it as a child…….which dolls do they have? I have Kirsten, Dinah has Flick (Felicity), Josefina, Addie and we inherited my Mother’s Molly when my Mom died. They are all looking forward to getting into their best outfits and sitting our for Christmas. xxKaren

Valerie - That’s why I come by to see what random thing you’ve posted today. Have a great weekend.

karen - I just booked my family with a session with Blue Lily is Houston in May.
I knew you would understand how excited I am…my family is not too excited now but are in for quite a surprise!!!!
I can’t wait.

Cari - Sometimes randomness = awesomeness.
Oh, and if you see some weirdo continually clicking onto your site from the Little Rock area, don’t worry. It’s me. I’ve been enjoying going back to the beginnings of your blog whenever I get the chance. I’ve laughed and cried. Our stories are eerily similar.
Happy weekend!

Chelsea - We’ve always called those bugs “stink bugs”… They make a stinky smell like a skunk!

Staci - I love random 🙂

Jill - I’ll have to tell Sean that I’ve seen 2 of those same bugs at my house. Very weird looking!

a pocket full of posies - LOVE the apron!!! too fun!
Have a wonderful/fun weekend!

Rach - Sometimes random makes more sense to me. 🙂

Lisa - My girls have been carrying the American Girl catalog around for a week! My personal favorite…the $300 camper…sheesh.

*LuLu* - Say Hello To The Pancake King For Me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sugar Mama - You have just inspired me to take more every day photos…. the “just because” photos. They are always my favorites to look at!

Krista - Yikes! That is a Wheel Bug or an Assassin Bug!!! HATE THEM!! Luckily I didn’t find any this year, had lots last year.
Love Craig’s apron, did you make it? Cute stitching!
My girls also drool over the American Girl catalog. I am wondering if you have any at your house and how your girls take care of them. They’re a big investment, and though my daughter’s really begging for one, I am worried it will end up at the bottom of a pile of stuff in the play room and be forgotten. They’re still not understanding the concept of money, $100 and $1 are all the same to them!
Happy Weekend to you!

Tammy - I love your blog & love your random photos! Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh, and I love the ‘pretty porch pumpkins’!

Jennifer De Los Santos - In my attepmt to organize every minute, I constantly fail, and “randomness” happens. I am growing to love the random daily things that make me smile.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - A man who cooks AND wears an apron IS hot, hot, hot!;) I love your random posts. Have a great weekend girlie.

sharron - I saw a commercial last night and it looked like your Annie!
Happy Random weekend!!!

jennifer - My daughter would love to be right there in the middle of that American Girl drool-fest. Too cute! And all those pumpkins on the porch are great! Love all the different colors and sizes.

Carly Winborne - i think it’s funny that your husband is wearing an apron that announces him as pancake king yet he’s making bacon. that just made me giggle.

Mary - Ok, so I was just informed by my hubs that “stinkbug” is not what this one is really called. That is just its nickname around here because when you kill one (yes, that sounds just bad when you type it) they smell like sour green apple.
Ok, thats all I got.

Mary - I love your random posts! The pic of you and Talby in the car is my favorite. And isn’t that a Stinkbug??

Kimberlee J. - That pancake king apron cracks me up!

tasha roe - random is good!
isnt that a stink bug?

Juli - I love the picture of you & Talby in the car-so Norman Rockwell. My 9 yr old has been pouring over the AG catalog too.

Keri @ Keri's Korner - I just love your pics. Even though they are random, they are great!!

Suzanne Speight - Can I just say that I love Waffle? I have even shown him to my husband, and sometimes I will see a dog that resembles him and yell, “Look, there goes a Waffle!” What kind of dog is he and does he shed? (I’m sure you answer this a lot, sorry)

Sarah - I used to do just what Talby and Annie are doing – I’d look through the American Girl catalog for hours! My friends and I would pretend we were the girls in the catalog – oh the memories! It’s good to see little girls haven’t changed all that much!

Crystal - Random is my favorite! How cool is it that Craig is “man enough” to sport that apron!! lol Have a great day!!!

Melanie - Sounds like a perfectly normal day:)

Holly - How do you get your husband to wear an apron? Mine just won’t. Great pics.

Tracy - LOL those are GREAT every day photos and Random is always interesting! Have a great day and a great weekend, Meg! :O) xoxoxo

Liza - Aloha – The bug Sean found is called a Wheel Bug. Visit for great info on all sorts of winged, crawly and creepy things.
Happy random time from the land of Aloha ~

Julie - Random is where the good stuff of life is ~ it’s the not planned, just living stuff. Like it!

Jenni Carlisle - I {heart} random. Love your porch pumpkin patch. We use to have the plates your Hubs is holding in the last pic. How’s that for random? Have a fab weekend!

Taking Heart - I love random little notes in between the random photos… very… random.
Have a great weekend!!!

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one year ago…..i wish it was that day today.
i could use a little rock today. 


we painted our toes orange.


um….yeah….i like patterns.


did you know that mean and negative people are such a drag to be around.
don't be mean and negative, ok?


we had two campfires this weekend.
it almost makes me want to go camping…..almost.


annie was talking to me about the days of the week.
she said "what comes after saturday? another saturday?"
i said "no…each day only happens one time each week"
and she said 
"but the song i gotta feelin' says…friday, saturday, saturday and sunday"

the black eyed peas are messing with her mind! 



i love pam's cheesecake more than any other dessert.
it is my absolute favorite.
i could drink the batter from a glass.
like a cheesecake smoothie.




it's not that funny but i think of it every time i have said "cool" since saturday.


Courtney Walsh - I’ve been under a crazy deadline.
I missed your blog. 🙂

Trina McNeilly - I love you’re blog for posts like this…. all that pattern… yummy food, funny bits, etc. etc. hope you hare having a great wed. xoxoxo

Tracy Fisher - Funny you should mention “rock”… IF you have time, go to my website and look at the “reasons for rocks” entry @ I wish you could be at my party this Friday! I would love to paint you a rainbow rock someday. But maybe you’d rather have a good luck rock… or a rock of faith… or something that is just your own. Or maybe you could use this idea for one of your craft days with your own kids. My kids love to paint rocks! Happy Wednesday… may all of your wishes come true!! Tracy

Lisa - I love that your daughter knows that song!! My kids love to dance and listen to it! Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheesecake!

Mary - I’ve been thinking about that cheesecake since the day you posted the recipe. I decided I would indulge myself and make it when I graduated from Graduate school. Well, I graduated in August and didn’t make it until today because I forgot! So, I’m glad you reminded me! And let me say…OH.MY.WORD. that was absolutely delicious! 😀
Thanks for the reminder and tell Pam thanks for the recipe!!!!

Lin - Don’t let the mean and negative people drag you down. I love your blog. Your photos make me feel better when the mean and negative people drag me down. Thanks Meg.

Lisa - Pretty cool post! Want, no…NEED that cheesecake. Yummy!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Your toes are cute…
DON’t go camping…EVER…
I love all the patterns and the cuppa beside you…
Is that whipped cream on top of that cheesecake..for shiz?? I want it…NOW!

Amber Pamper - Such a cute pic of your bible studying!!! <3

jennifer - Well, the way I see it, you cancelled out the meanie with this cute and positive post. That cheesecake looks divine!!! Love the orange polish.

Nicolle W. - I love your blog. You ALWAYS put a smile on my face. Keep doing what you are doing. You inspire me and so do your photos.
Mean people are just useless. Go away!

Rach - The picture on the couch looks so comfy. Makes me just want to curl up with a good book and a nice hot chocolate and do nothing.

Kelly - I *want* that cheesecake! My toenails are orange too and it’s making me really happy. 🙂 Kelly

Lucylu ~ - Hello Meg,
Hey this is so the same on Saturday – Sunday we celebrated Jakes 14th birthday and we had cheesecake made by my mom and since i saw pumpkin in your blog post i would like to tell you we had pumpkin pie too.

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - I want some of that cheesecake!!! OOHHH MMMYYY!!!!!

alyssa - “the black-eyed peas are messing with her mind”
got a good chuckle out of that one.

Sara - Hi Meg, hope you are doing ok!!! Sometimes mean people just need a big hug. 🙂 It always throws them for a loop. ha ha. And it helps them snap out of it…

Lindsey - Cheesecake, yum.
Coffee, yum.
Nail color, awesome (do you know the brand/color name?)
All those colors and patterns, fun.

Brooke - WOw, I guess I didn’t realize that I had been reading your blog faithfully for so long….U2 seems so recent. In fact, whenever I think of a concert I want to go to, I think of U2…we were in Rome and they play at this beautiful place here. WE missed it by days….and I was so bummed!!
Hope all is well with you. I had a mean, not positive person experience today too..>BOO!

Kori - cheesecake smoothie? lemmee think, um….yes, please!! 😀

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, love that you have campfires at home. I totally get what you mean about “almost” makes you want to go camping. I think about camping too and I “almost” want to go until I remember what camping is all about 😉

Courtney - Oh first off your blog makes me HAPPY! I was laughing out loud when I saw that you write in your bible as well. ha My grandmother always shakes her head when I open my bible with scribbles in it. I think it is the generation thing, right!?
Oh and the cheesecake you could send it to me I am not that far away!
*On another note I tried finding information regarding 31 bits and hosting a party, I couldn’t find anything. Will you email me please. Thanks!

Lisa - I’m with Annie…two Saturdays sounds just right to me!

Sarah@Clover Lane - If someone said something mean or negative to you, I will come and beat them up. (Except I probably will not be very good at that since I don’t workout regularly, or even sporadically. But it’s the thought that counts right?)
And you know how I feel about meanies and grouchies and jerkies.
And that pumpkin pie looks so good and that Annie is SO cute. The Black-eyes Peas mess with my mind too, because I swear every week we have two Saturdays around here.

traci in virginia - So glad you posted the SNL skit. I am home alone for a few minutes and it made me laugh out loud! Pretty Cool actually!!!
I made homemade cupcakes last night with homemade chocolate buttercream icing…I did eat the batter out of the bowl!!! So cheers to dessert batter out of a glass! 🙂
(Despite the fact that I am supposed to be counting points for Weight Watchers…oops)
Thanks for adding some happy to my day! No mean and negative here!!!

Kasey - Amen on the mean and negative people. They seem to be everywhere on Facebook lately. What a drag… But nothing that a large piece of cheesecake can’t fix, right? 🙂

Staci - Oh man you are sooo right about negative people!!! STAY AWAY DOWNERS!!!!!!!!! And um, YUM about the cheesecake….you KNOW I have to make that 🙂 My Mom’s birthday is this weekend…I’m thinking it’s perfect timing 🙂 And that Annie, once again….LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Mean & negative people are exhausting! 🙁

Trish - that cheesecake looks divine (i like to say divine it makes me feel sophisticated :)) Love your patterns… I am a pattern girl myself!
Just blast some U2 on your iPod and dance barefoot with your orange toes!

Lora - I, too, am sick of negativity! I will be positive, I will be positive, I will look on the bright side! and be thankful for this life we’re living! 🙂

elma riedstra - Yummmy cheesecake!! Negative people ugghh you for sure don’t need them in your life:) Have a wonderful day!!!

Laura Phelps - I LOVE ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I just got the girls polka dotted bedding and thought of you 🙂
and I finally mailed your birthday card yesterday

Cari - You could use a little rock today, huh? I live in Little Rock. LR would welcome you. Ha! That cheesecake. Oh, that cheesecake. Must. Make. It. Now…. 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i love pattern too…we’re cool like that. now why in the world did you have to show that cheesecake?? unbelievable!

Heather R. - Fudge stripe cookie crust…hurt me! I’m going to have to try that one! I’d be confused about the days of the week, too. Ha!

Kimberly - I love your pattern pic 🙂 AND, I love that you took your kids to U2. Will you adopt me and my gaggle? Pretty please?

Kylie - I just wanted to let you know that Target has polka dot cardigans! One is black with white polka dots, and the other a mauve color with white polka dots. I was there on Sunday, and they were on sale for $15. They are the Merona brand.

Melanie - Gotta love Annie!

Tracy - mmmmm that cheesecake makes me want to blow the diet that I just decided to start like a 1/2 hour ago….I could always start after the cheesecake…right?
Mean people stink…I am on a mission to rid my life of mean people…or at least not let them affect me so much.
Hope you have a happy day…eat some cheesecake ; )

julia - Aw, come on, who’s being mean and negative???
I like your socks.

Amber Ferrier - That cheesecake seriously just did something to me…I have to have it now!

Holly - Wow, that post was “Pretty Cool”. I could sure eat me some cheescake

linda@limein the coconut - Pretty cool…

Kat - Oh my kids just love that black eyed peas song atm, so I had to smile at what Annie said.
Mm, cheesecake!!!!!
Hope you find more positive and happy people to surround you than negative and mean ones for the rest of the week.

Peta - Oh how i heart your cake stand. And I could drink up some that batter too. Might just have to make one this week … Have a good day!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
I love your random posts and seeing what you’ve been up to..they’re my favourite!
Yummy Cheese Cake…lovely nails. Seeing that bonfire makes me want to do one this weekend…with s’mores : )
Gemma x

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I could dive right into that cheesecake right now. Seriously.
{That’s how I know I’ve stayed up too late – I start getting hungry again.} And I’d take that cup of coffee, too.
Love the orange. My toes are Halloween purple. 🙂

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my kids are off of school….

and mama is going a little crazy.
just as i was getting used to the alone time…here they are again.
till monday.
so crazy.

i tried really hard to be calm, nice and not crabby.

i will try harder today.

while i let them watch 3 hours of morning tv….i took a bath.
and dreamt of all the things i would get from the pottery barn catalog if they
called me up and said i could have whatever i wanted for free.
here are my top four:

Img25m Img5m   
Img48m Img95m

of course the furniture is beautiful but i am not ready to dream about that right now.

i spray painted.

annie made herself a pb&j.
she asked for my help but i was taking the picture.
i said "i know you can do it….show me"  

she didn't like hearing that.

sean made mac-n-cheese for himself and talby and annie.

IMG_0251 IMG_0253

take one.                                                                      take two.  (not sure what that big knot at the top is…)


waffle is so stinky.
i thought my pumpkin was rotten….but it was the dog too close to me.
i think he needs a bath today.

i paid my kids to pick up the walnuts in the yard.
that's what those are….they are like big golf balls all over the yard.
"broken ankle any minute" is what i always think.
and they are messy and gross.
they got a whole trash can full. 

i paid them in ice cream.
they were thrilled.

then we ate them at the park.
which meant that dinner was not made.
but fresh air was so good for my mood.
what a difference!

what a bunch of goofballs i have around here.

i WILL be more patient today.
i WILL leave the computer closed.
i WILL look them in the eyes.
i WILL read, play and interact.
i WILL hug and laugh and engage.
i WILL. 

keylogger Mac - Walnuts are crazy!!! I would never have know what was in those weird green blobs. How in the world do you even get them out.

new balance - We cannot always build the future for our youth , but we can build our youth for the future .

natalie k - loved your post. there was lots i loved, but the tippy top of my list is how real you are. thanks for being genuine and admitting the funky stuff. you’re the tops, meg!

karen - i have those walnuts too!! and hundreds of squirrels to go with them! Love the chandelier!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I love this post. Love the things from Pottery Barn, but I am so loving your purse! Love love love! - You’re my hero — but I think you live in a time vortex where the days are longer! 🙂 I wish I had the energy or initiative to take on all your projects (not to mention manage to photograph my days!).
Now I’ll go play with my daughter without the TV — she’d thank you if she could.

amy tibbs - Your final words spoke to me today…home with a sick little one and it is really easy to sit on the computer and let her watch the tube, but I am going to engage and involve. In 20 minutes, I swear.
Also, FINALLY found the ruffle cardigans at my Target. Con: Couldn’t find them the past two weeks because I have been with the kids and unable to look at clothes. Pro: took so long to find it that it was on clearance. Whoo!

Julie - Walnuts are crazy!!! I would never have know what was in those weird green blobs. How in the world do you even get them out.
God’s creativity is amazing and funny sometimes.

valerie @ chateau a la mode - I am amazed at how good you look when you spray paint. I must change my clothes, not because I want to, but because I’m a mess. Last time I got my haircut…my hairstylist asked what I’d been painting because I had paint all down the side of my hair and I didn’t even know it…heehee.
Fun post!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - oh girl i just love ya. you are so real and honest. i mantra those things to myself all the time. love that you paid them in ice cream. love that you took a bath while they watched tv and you dreamed of pottery barn. that chandie was gorgeous. at the end of next week i’ll have my girls all day again too. funny how you get sooo used to all the me time and it takes a bit to switch back.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - 1st of all, I see a Dunder Mifflin coffee cup ~ rock on!
2ndly, your makeup looks awesome!
Thank you for the encouragement… me too.

amy jupin - i hear ya about engaging with the kiddos…john is away all week and i feel like i’m in survival mode. cook, clean up, wash, clean up, etc. i am definitely not engaging much. and we are all suffering! i must change that!
i am drooling over the same things from pb. they slay me with all that gorgeous mercury glass and those new chandys!!
you look beautiful by the way. love the yellow polkadots headband and your new comfy boots!!

Nichole - I’ve been wondering: What kind of spray paint do you use?

Georgia - Mc Flurries are Yummmmmmmy!!!
My grandparents have Walnut tree’s in there garden in France! – i always tell them they should bag them up as Xmas gifts for people, in a nice bag/box with some ribbon tied round, would be really nuice touch i think 🙂
Also, why are you spray painting in your new clothes?! i would be so worried i would ruin them, you look like a very stylish mama i think! 🙂

kristy - This made me laugh. I think we’re leading parallel lives. And thoughts.
THIS POST improved my mood. Thank you.

sharron - makes me smile…

Courtney Walsh - And I will too…

Kacey - I love your “life as Meg” posts. It’s so fun to sit here and take a peek into your colorful life.

Krista - You are so brave to spray paint with such nice clothes and boots on! I am so messy when I do projects! I just got that PB catalog yesterday, drool-worthy for sure! I can’t believe your kids are off school already. Good Luck!

Natalia Simmons - OH man, can I relate! I only have two and I feel it. I love the blog!!

Dana Banana - Our kids are off here tomorrow and I am already thinking to myself…”What am I going to do with them?” Hope your LONG weekend goes by quickly and quietly!

virginia - nice skinny jeans! and i love your headband. too cute

Christa - haha that’s funny! Our parents used to pay us to pick up walnuts, too! Although we only got 50 cents per 5-gallon bucket. I think I would have LOVED ice cream a lot more. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - and take lots of pictures of your days, that always makes it go by happier!!!! love this post!

Juli - Ack! You are spray painting in GOOD clothes!
Waffles feet… I don’t care how smelly…seriously adorable.
Walnuts cleared up, see? There ARE perks to having the kids home!


Laura Phelps - It is all so hard, isn’t it?
if I help you around the house, will you pay me in margaritas?

Melanie - You look adorable and I love the pictures:)

Leslie Blair - do you ever come to kansas city to do family photo shoots or maybe even Lawrence?

Janine - All I could think was – she was spray painting in her good clothes and new boots! I put on the rattiest pajamas and socks to spray paint and paint in. I don’t care what the neighbors think! Great pictures!

shauna - super good picture of you!
don’t you just wonder how you did it all summer?
i mean by next summer you will probably be ready again, but now?
in OCtober?
I LOVE being with my kids. really. but all of them all day?
it’s headspinning.
and i only have three 🙂
i think mine may be too coughy for school today.
i WILL use your list.

Heather R. - Oh…And Donna’s comment is RIGHT…You need a book published!!! Lots of pics. 🙂

Heather R. - I need to pep talk myself. Your makeup is looking fab lately…FYI. Happy Fall!

Rebekah - We have two walnut trees in our yard and I know EXACTLY what you mean about the broken ankle. When my daughter was smaller she couldn’t even walk around the yard in the fall without tripping continually over walnuts. Do you ever use them? I feel dumb buying nuts at the store at $3/lb when my backyard is paved with them, but it’s such a pain to actually get to the nut. I keep thinking that if I were more industrious I would be using them instead of just feeding all the squirrels in a 2-block radius.

Suzanne - Meg, you even look adorable spray painting. Are those your new boots? They are so cute!

tasha roe - I am all about bribing my kids too! A little positive reinforcement. 😉
A bath sounds dreamy right now.
Whatcha’ spray painting? I am addicted to it. If someone stopped by unexpected they would probably think I’m huffing in my basement. lol

Suzette - love this Meg! Especially the list at the end~

Anna Marie - Sometimes the Conservation Department wants those walnuts (not sure what for). One year they paid my younger siblings for them. Not a ton of money but to the kids it was. You might want to check them out.

donna - I am telling you – you need to write a book ~ just about daily stuff! We are ALL so taken with your blog and your everyday ordinary stuff. You have a way with words and you help motivate me! Get on that book! Oh – lots of pictures in the book please.

katie - love that i’m not the only one who spray paints in whatever clothes i have on (instead of changing into paint clothes). i loved this post.

Gemma - You look so cute!
Enjoy your time with them : )
Gemma x

amy nicholl - I need to know where you got your red handbag!!! I love it!

jennifer - My kids are off all next week. And we’re moving in the middle of the week. Good times!
I love your sweater and can’t wait to see the finished pictures of whatever that is that you are painting. You will definitely need to share what color it is. And your Dunder Mifflin mug made me laugh!

`Kelly - My kids have today & tomorrow off too. This time it’s for P/T conferences.(we do year-round school so it’s already time for these!) Last week they had Thursday & Friday off for a state-wide inservice thing. Last week I let them just be. No plans, no real structure. It was fun but made me crazy. Today there’s a plan. Enjoy the time with your kids!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - All I kept thinking while reading the post was… wow she sure wears nice clothes to spray paint. I tried to shake it but it just kept niggling at me. If you’ve got the grumpies because of the monthly’s my sister who gets them bad just called me yesterday and swears by a new concoction she’s on. 1600 mg of calcium in 400 mg increments (thats all your body can absorb at a time) and an extract, which I forget the name of. I’ll add it on later today. If its not because of this, then I guess the McFlurry would be a good place to start. How can you not be in a good mood with one of those in your hands?

Julia - About the kids being off from school-as my husband says -what now?
About your Pottery Barn shopping… It sounds like your doing my kind of shopping – your not looking at the furniture because you’re being “realistic”. Go crazy! Play pretend with the furniture!

carols - oops, meant to say lamp shades from Target and it was a cheap way for a fresh look.

carols - Well since your computer is closed you won’t see this till Friday, but…fun picures, and that is either a really good angle of you or you have lost weight! Maybe both. Funny, if that is a lazy day at your house, you should see it around here. I just got new drum shades in a sort of light textured beige fabric (don’t know what it is) for existing lamps this week and it feels fresher. Enjoy having the kids and the gorgeous fall weather, you’re an amazing mom.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - love your pottery barn pics, i’d pick those too. i especially love that mercury glass lamp paired with the burlap shade. so so pretty. hope you have a great day with your kids today!

Kirsten P - Our local school got new playground equipment after a year long renovation. It looks exactly like the equipment at your park – except ours is royal blue and bright yellow. Do you also have shredded tires on the ground? (In case anyone is interested the equipment is called Evos Playsystem by landscape structures.)

Amy Lynne - Good luck! I hope you all have a good day.

Julie - Fresh air ~ always a good thing!

MichelleLKent - We all have days like that….At the end of the day they know that Mum loves’s hoping to abetter day tomorrow…

Susan - You have boots on while spray painting.I wish Vegas was cold enough for boots but i am still in shorts.I check your blog every night before i go to bed.Night Night !!

Nikki - Why are they off of school?
I love your top 4 from pottery barn… just beautiful.

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